Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment - again

2006-08-22 Thread Gianni Ferrari

attach the image of a new kind of Nodus made by Roberto Baggio in a Primary 
nodus is the eye of the Peace Dove  3 mm in diameter . (orthostyle = 
eye is on the extension of  the 
polar style

Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-21 Thread Gianni Ferrari
Hello Mac,

a few minutes ago Roberto Baggio has sent to me two photos of the nodus of
his sundial in the square in Varese, taken  today  23 m after the true noon.

I send them attached to a personal Email.

If other are interested to receive them (about 2 Mb), write me.

Gianni Ferrari

- Original Message - 
From: "Mac Oglesby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gianni Ferrari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

Hello Gianni,

Thanks for showing this application, and also for
your contributions to this fascinating thread.

Are there pictures anywhere on the internet which
show the overall installation? It's not
completely clear to me just where the nodus is
located, relative to the analemma.

Best wishes,

Mac Oglesby


Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-15 Thread Gianni Ferrari
Hello Mac,

I have not found in Internet any image of the Baggio's sundial in Varese . I
have written to him asking some photos and  I will send them  to whom is
interested (obviously to you).

The photo that I have attached in my last message can appear strange because
the meridian line (of the solar noon) doesn't cut the analemma (as we see
in the image).

  This because the Longitude of Varese =8.83° and our TZ = 1h

The distance among the two lines changes and its maximum value is = 59 cm.

On the day in which the photo was taken  the distance   is around = 42 cm

The pole (diameter 10 cm  ) that supports the plate (tilted with an angle =
latitude) is put on the prolongation of the meridian line (that of the solar

The web-site of Baggio is

To note in   the photo "
Brinzio" where it is visible  a spherical nodus  star-shaped, suspended
to a cable (the analemma is 7-8 m high)

Gianni Ferrari


The shape of the Baggio's nodus is indeed equal to that of John Carmichael,
but Baggio didn't certainly know  it   (it is not registered to this list)

- Original Message - 
From: "Mac Oglesby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gianni Ferrari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

Hello Gianni,

Thanks for showing this application, and also for
your contributions to this fascinating thread.

Are there pictures anywhere on the internet which
show the overall installation? It's not
completely clear to me just where the nodus is
located, relative to the analemma.

Best wishes,

Mac Oglesby

>After a lots of  theory.. a practical object :- )
>I send attached the image of the nodus used by
>the Italian dialist Roberto Baggio in a meridian
>line built in 2003, in a square of the town of
>Varese (northern Italy)
>The nodus is put at a height of 4 m   and it is
>made with  a square plate of brass (side=25
>cm)   containing a great hole (diameter 14 cm )
>and a central disk with  the diameter = 4.5 cm,
> fixed with metallic threads.
>On the  4 points the letters N,E,S,O are  cut out (O=Ovest = West).
>The analemma is long 10.6 m and is made with 750
>marble tesserae   of 3x3 cm .
>From the summer solstice to the equinoxes the
>central disk gives a distinctly visible shadow:
>the ratio (distance nodus-image / disk-diameter)
>= 410/4 <108
>From the equinoxes to the winter solstice  the
>image of the outer circle disappears (fully in
>penumbra) because the shadow of the disk widens
>and that of the inside ring approaches the
>center. In these seasons as nodus the shadow of
>the whole plate is used . Its center is easily
>located using the symmetry of the structure.
>Gianni Ferrari
>Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:Varese_Nodus.jpg (JPEG/«IC») (00275479)


Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-13 Thread Mac Oglesby

Hello Gianni,

Thanks for showing this application, and also for 
your contributions to this fascinating thread.

Are there pictures anywhere on the internet which 
show the overall installation? It's not 
completely clear to me just where the nodus is 
located, relative to the analemma.

Best wishes,

Mac Oglesby

After a lots of  theory…. a practical object :- )

I send attached the image of the nodus used by 
the Italian dialist Roberto Baggio in a meridian 
line built in 2003, in a square of the town of 
Varese (northern Italy) 

The nodus is put at a height of 4 m   and it is 
made with  a square plate of brass (side=25 
cm)   containing a great hole (diameter 14 cm ) 
and a central disk with  the diameter = 4.5 cm, 
fixed with metallic threads. 

On the  4 points the letters N,E,S,O are  cut out (O=Ovest = West). 

The analemma is long 10.6 m and is made with 750 
marble tesserae   of 3x3 cm . 

From the summer solstice to the equinoxes the 
central disk gives a distinctly visible shadow: 
the ratio (distance nodus-image / disk-diameter) 
= 410/4 <108 

From the equinoxes to the winter solstice  the 
image of the outer circle disappears (fully in 
penumbra) because the shadow of the disk widens 
and that of the inside ring approaches the 
center. In these seasons as nodus the shadow of 
the whole plate is used . Its center is easily 
located using the symmetry of the structure.

Gianni Ferrari

Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:Varese_Nodus.jpg (JPEG/«IC») (00275479)


Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-13 Thread Gianni Ferrari

a lots of  theory…. a practical 
object :- )
send attached the image of the nodus used by the Italian dialist Roberto Baggio 
in a meridian line built in 2003, in a square of the town of Varese (northern Italy)  
nodus is put at a height of 4 
m   and it is made with  a square plate of brass 
cm)   containing a great hole (diameter 
14 cm ) 
and a central disk with  the 
diameter = 4.5 
cm,  fixed 
with metallic threads.  

the  4 points the letters N,E,S,O 
are  cut out (O=Ovest = West).  
analemma is long 10.6 
m and is made with 750 marble tesserae   of 3x3 cm .  
the summer solstice to the equinoxes the central disk gives a distinctly visible 
shadow: the ratio (distance nodus-image / disk-diameter) = 410/4 <108  
the equinoxes to the winter solstice  the image of the outer circle disappears 
(fully in penumbra) because the shadow of the disk widens and that of the inside 
ring approaches the center. In these seasons as nodus the shadow of the whole 
plate is used . Its center is easily located using the symmetry of the 

Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-12 Thread Frank King
Hi Gianni,

Thank you for your splendid response...

> I hope that our Emails, interesting for us, don't bore
> other readers :-)

I promise this one will be short!!

Oh, and your image arrived first time (a little corrupted but
I could read it).

This time I agree with EVERYTHING in your reply.

> For a declining sundial I think that the direction of the axis
> of the hole should coincide with the intersection of the plane
> of the equator with the substyle plane (hour plane normal to
> the dial and on which the polar style lies)

Ah.  Now that IS a good rule and, as you say, it works for walls
that face east and west too.

> In the figure

Yes, I agree with your calculations.


I am most grateful to you for your comments here.  You are, of course,
absolutely right to use  sin(h)  cubed.  I was comparing solid angles.
You compare brightness which is definitely better.

>   sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec+ang)

Yes!!  Agreed.

> I try to explain this in the note at the end, so the readers not
> interested can jump it :-)

Yes, your explanation is very eloquent and easy to follow.

I see from a very old message that I once omitted a sin term before
and you corrected me.  I must do better!

> Then in my opinion the function to use is
>sa(dec,ang) = sin(h) x sin(h) x sin(h) x sin(h+ang)
> or
>sa(dec,ang) = sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec+ang)

Yes but we must change the name...

I chose  sa  for Solid Angle.  My function is correct for comparing solid
angles but solid angles are not (quite) what we want!!

Using your function, the King angle is now 108.829 degrees...

sa(+23.5,108.829) = 0.038 = sa(-23.5,108.829) = 0.038

This is very academic!  The plane of the hole almost aligns with the sun
at the summer solstice.  The difference is only 2.67 degrees.  The hole
would have to be in a very thin part of the wall or the summer solstice
point would get no light at all.

You could make the hole elliptical which would help...

If the height of the hole is 20,000mm then the hole could have a
major axis of 160mm and a minor axis of 20mm.  This would give you
an image all year I think.

At the summer solstice 1/R would be about 3000 and at the winter
solstice 1/R would be about 450 which is acceptable.  Unfortunately,
at the equinoxes, 1/R would be about 400 which is getting rather low.
I don't think Cassini would accept that!

I think we can conclude this most interesting exchange.

I must find an English church which will let me try some experiments!

Thank you again



Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-12 Thread Gianni Ferrari

I am sorry but the image is not 
I try again now 
Gianni Ferrari

Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-12 Thread Gianni Ferrari
Hello Frank,

I hope that our Emails, interesting for us,   don't bore  other readers  :-)

Your answers put always in evidence some details that we have to consider
but that  often slip our   mind (at least mine !) and remain  hidden.

I agree completely with  your LESS GOOD FEATURES : I have to admit that I
had thought only to horizontal sundials, also remembering one made   by a
friend in a square in Varese, a  the town in  northern Italy.

Obviously a hole with the axis pointing at the position of the equinoctial
sun at 12 noon   cannot work for a vertical plane facing East or West!

For a declining sundial I think that the direction of the axis of the hole
should coincide with the intersection of the plane of the equator with the
substyle plane (hour plane normal to the dial and on which the polar style

This direction is given by the extreme point of the polar style and  the
point in which the substyle line crosses the equinoctial one; it belongs to
the plane of the polar style and makes with the dial  plane  an angle =
(90-style height).

If the sundial faces   East or   West the axis of the hole is normal to the
plane, that is the plane of the hole is parallel to the dial .

 In the figure :

  Lat.=45° ,  wall-decl=50° W

GG' = 100  ;  CG  = 220.01  ;  SG'  = 51.03  ;  CS  = 247.0

Style height GCS = 27.03°  ;  SCM = 37.45°  ;  CSG = 62.97°


Note- This is the Latin name but we can call it in different other modes
(pin-hole sundial, dark room sundial, etc. )

In an old article (presented in one of our meetings in 2003 ) I made the
same considerations (even if using different formulas ) on the uniformity of
the brightness, along the meridian line, of the image in a dark room sundial

I had considered different positions of the  hole (also a   vertical hole)
but I had not thought to the King angle and  to the possibility to lengthen
the hole: this is a good idea .

However I have to note that in my formula I have found

  sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec+ang)  that is  sin(h)
is cubed .

I try to explain this in the note at  the end , so  the readers not
interested can jump it :-)

Obviously our considerations are valid only if the "dark room" condition is
satisfied, that is if the ratio(distance from the hole to the image) /
(least dimension of the hole-as seen by the image)  is much greater than 108
(at least 300-500 )

This is not true in the meridian lines that have to work in open air.

The brightness of the image in   room sundials   is too low and cannot be
perceived inopen air  but only in  .. dark rooms  :-)

Gianni Ferrari


D = hole diameter  ;  H = hole height from floor ;  Fi = sun Diameter (rad)

J = illumination constant  ;  h= Sun altitude  ;

ang = angle of hole to the horizontal

If the Sun has altitude = 90°  and ang = 0°  then :

Light through the hole = J x D x D x pi / 4

Image area = (H x Fi) x (H x Fi) x pi / 4

Brightness of the image = (J x D x D) / [ (H x Fi) x(H x Fi) ] = K

When the sun  has altitude h we have :

Light through the hole = J x D x D x sin(h+ang) x pi / 4

Distance hole-image  = H / sin(h)

Image area = [H x Fi /sin(h)] x [H x Fi /sin(h)] x [1/sin(h)] x pi / 4 =

(H x Fi) x (H x Fi) x [1/ sin(h)]^3

Brightness of the image =  K x sin(h+ang) x sin(h) x sin(h) x sin(h)

Then in my opinion the function to use is

sa(dec,ang) = sin(h) x sin(h) x sin(hc) x sin(h+ang)

sa(dec,ang) = sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec+ang)


Description: GIF image

Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-12 Thread Aten Heliochronometers
 That is all well and good, but by rotating the Camera Obscura (I prefer the
term pinhole lens) aperture you can hold angular problems to analemmic
degrees, much less problematic when this is the case.
This also gives a handy way to make very small angular measurements more
visible on a scale attached to the rotating member.
Haze, while inconvient, does not make a noticable, or at least consistent,
difference in any way that I can discern on a system as described above.
There is some discrepancy when the sun becomes oblate near sun rise/set.
The measurement of solar radiation falling outside the visible spectrum has
always interested me as a way of combating haze, but unfortunatly the
results of the few experiments I have tried along these lines were not
readily available to me, as they were, by definition, 'invisible'.

Dave G.


Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-12 Thread Frank King
Hi Gianni,

It is always good to hear from you on this list.

Most of what I know about nodus design is a result of reading
your papers so your message is of very great interest.

You made this comment...

> I think that it is advisable that the plane of the hole is a
> polar plane with the hole axis on the intersection among the
> equator and the meridian planes. 

Ah.  You want the axis of the hole to point at the position
of the equinoctial sun at 12 noon.  At that instant, the other
end of the axis meets the dial where the noon line intersects
the equinoctial line.

This idea has good features and less good features...


The design is very symmetrical.  The axis aligns with the sun at
a position halfway between the extremes of declination and halfway
between sunrise and sunset.

Having the hole in a polar plane is particularly good if the dial
is also in a polar plane.  Of course, the hole is then parallel
to the dial.


Unfortunately, having the hole in a polar plane does not work
well in general.  An extreme example is a direct east-facing wall.
The hole would then be in a plane perpendicular to the wall.  You
get no spot of light falling on the dial when the sun is due east.

I think you were considering horizontal dials.  Your suggestion
certainly lets more light fall on the dial at the winter solstice.
Let's look at an example...


To make the calculations easy, consider the situation at 12 noon.
As an example, I shall consider a camera obscura meridiana at:

 Latitude   45 degrees
 Hole diameter  20 mm
 Height of hole above the pavement   20,000 mm

Although millimetres were before their time, Cassini and Bianchini
would have been familiar with these dimensions!

The brightness of the spot of light falling on the pavement at
12 noon is proportional to the solid angle of the hole as seen
from points in the spot.

In a really simple case:

 The hole would be horizontal
 The altitude of the sun would be 90 degrees

In this impossible case, the spot of light would be at the point
perpendicularly below the hole.  The solid angle is:

 RSA = (pi x 10 x 10) / (2 x 2)

I call this RSA for Reference Solid Angle.  This is the area of
the hole divided by the square of the hole-to-pavement distance.

In reality, the altitude of the sun varies from 45-23.5 degrees
(at the winter solstice) to 45+23.5 degrees (at the summer solstice).
In general at latitude 45 degrees and at 12 noon:

 altitude  =  45 + dec(where dec = declination)

When the altitude is changed from 90 degrees, the hole-to-pavement
distance increases by a factor  1/sin(altitude)  AND the hole will
appear elliptical when you look at it from the spot of light.

The semi-minor axis of the hole will be 10 x sin(altitude) if the
hole is still horizontal.

You suggest that the hole should be 45 degrees to the horizontal.
Let's make this angle arbitrary:

 Let  ang  =  angle of hole to the horizontal

The semi-minor axis of the hole is now  10 x sin(altitude+ang)

The solid angle is now:

 SA = RSA x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec+ang)

In the impossible case where the sun is in the zenith, dec = 45
and, if ang=0, we are back to SA = RSA the reference solid angle.

The factor RSA is a constant.  It is much more interesting to
look at the other terms.  Consider the function:

 sa(dec,ang) = sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec) x sin(45+dec+ang)

If the hole is horizontal  ang = 0  and two special cases are:

sa(+23.5,0) = 0.805   andsa(-23.5,0) = 0.049

The spot of light is 16 times brighter at the summer solstice
than it is at the winter solstice.

Now let's try the Ferrari angle.  When  ang = 45  we have:

sa(+23.5,45) = 0.794   andsa(-23.5,45) = 0.123

This give a MUCH better balance.  The spot of light is only 6.5
times as bright at the summer solstice as it is at the winter
solstice and there is only a slight reduction in brightness
at the summer solstice.  Your suggestion looks VERY good...

We can do even better.  Why not align the axis of the hole with
the winter solstice point on the noon line?  Here ang = 68.5

sa(+23.5,68.5) = 0.590   andsa(-23.5,68.5) = 0.134

Now the spot of light is only 4.5 times as bright at the
summer solstice as it is at the winter solstice.  From the
winter solstice point the hole now appears circular.  This
point is, of course, much further from the hole so it still
receives less light.

If you really want to achieve balance you can try the King
angle.  This is over-the-top in at least two senses but it
really works.  You set ang = 104.267 when:

sa(+23.5,104.267) = 0.109 = sa(-23.5,104.267) = 0.109

The hole faces due south and is actually leaning backwards
away from the noon line on the pavement.  Also, the punto
perpendiculare will probably be outside the building but,
with modern surveying technology, this should not be a

We are severely restricti

RE: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-10 Thread R. Hooijenga
Hello all,

I seem to remember that when I first read about the Bernhardt precision
dial, mention was made of the effect of different levels of sunlight and
haziness on the edge of the shadow of the thick curved gnomon. 

Apparently, the gnomon thickness across its height was corrected for the
typical variation over the seasons for mid-west Europe.

I see no mention of this on the web site, however.

Rudolf Hooijenga
52-30N 4-40E

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Namens Mac Oglesby
Verzonden: donderdag 10 augustus 2006 12:27
Aan: Frank King
CC: Sundial List
Onderwerp: Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

(...) Isn't it odd that so little has been written, prior to now, about the
effects of weak sunshine on gnomon design?

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Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-10 Thread Mac Oglesby

Hello Frank,

Were Bill still with us he could expand on his reasoning. He would 
have hugely enjoyed this thread.

He did write, "The only thing to watch out for
is a case where the thicker post casts its shadow
on top of that of one of the cross bars.  I suppose
it might be good if all three rods were the same
diameter, but that would be harder to make."

But I don't recall any mention of subdued sunshine (sunlight 
diminished by haze or thin clouds) as being a complication. Isn't it 
odd that so little has been written, prior to now, about the effects 
of weak sunshine on gnomon design.

I'm hoping that, once this thread has run its course, you will write 
a summary, which will clearly state the best nodus design options 
available. You have a gift for writing clear statements.

Best wishes,

Mac Oglesby

Dear Mac,

Thank you for sharing Bill's sketch with the list.
I really appreciate his phrase...

 I'm a bug on symmetry...

I think that pretty much describes me too!

Moreover, his design satisfies the symmetry goal well.
In particular, the fat rod extends beyond the crossing
which keeps me happy!

The main snag is that the relatively thin rods might
disappear into fuzz when the main shadow is long,
especially when there is light haze.



Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-10 Thread Frank King
Dear Mac,

Thank you for sharing Bill's sketch with the list.
I really appreciate his phrase...

> I'm a bug on symmetry...

I think that pretty much describes me too!

Moreover, his design satisfies the symmetry goal well.
In particular, the fat rod extends beyond the crossing
which keeps me happy!

The main snag is that the relatively thin rods might
disappear into fuzz when the main shadow is long,
especially when there is light haze.



Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-09 Thread evm
Hi John, Frank and all,

As Frank says, it is largely the angular width of the effective sun that 
causes the major error.  On hazy days the brightness versus angle 
from the center of the sun widens out, sometimes drastically.  Using 
Frank's wall example, as the haziness increases, narrower wire 
gnomons ( or finger shadows ) begin to disappear and the doubling 
he mentions occurs with the finger tips further apart. A truncated 
cone will help somewhat. I've not tried it, but a truncated cone 
capped by a hemisphere of the same diameter of the truncated end 
would seem a good compromise, and somewhat safer as well.

What have the rest of you folks in hazy climes discovered on this?

Let me know what you discover John, and thanks for the neat stuff!

P.S. Has anyone built a sundial using longer wavelength radiation 
from the sun that would penetrate haze and even clouds?

Edley McKnight

On 9 Aug 2006 at 8:10, John Carmichael wrote:

> Hi Edley:
> Well you learn something new every day, especially from the smart people on 
> this List.
> I had no idea that a hazy day would shorten the shadow cast by a cone's 
> point!  In fact, I still don't quite believe it until I get to see it with 
> my own eye's.  It's our rainy season so we might get a hazy day.  I will use 
> my experiment and will test all the gnomons on the next hazy day.  I'm 
> wondering if the shadow shortening is greater with longer shadows when the 
> sun at a low angle (I bet it is).  And by how much?  Is it really 
> significant?
> Also, does the width of the cone or point make a difference?  Wouldn't a fat 
> cone's shadow be less susceptible to this effect?
> Has anybody else observed this effect?
> very interested in this,
> John
> - Original Message - 
> To: "John Carmichael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Sundial List" 
> Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 10:26 PM
> Subject: Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment


Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-09 Thread Mac Oglesby

Hello Frank,

Thanks to you (and John Carmichael, and others) for the very 
fascinating discussion on nodus design.

You wrote...


There is something else your experiments showed up that I hadn't
really appreciated before...

  If you are going to use a ball nodus, then the supporting
  stick should go RIGHT THROUGH THE BALL so that it sticks
  out a little bit, perhaps half a ball diameter.

This thought struck me when I tried estimating the centres of
the shadows in printouts of your photographs.  The point on
the shadow where the stick meets the ball is not matched by a
corresponding point on the far side.  Once again, the lack of
symmetry makes estimation a little harder.

In October, 1999 I received the following private note from William S. Maddux:

*** begin quote ***

Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 14:18:51 -0400
From: "Wm. S. Maddux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Vertical Wall Declination program
Sender: "Wm. S. Maddux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mac Oglesby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Now a question - what treatment of the gnomon's
tip would be likely to give a shadow most easily
and accurately measured?

I'm a bug on symmetry, so I might try something
like the attached GIF.  The Idea is that the center-
lines of all three elements cross at the same point,
which is the "virtual tip."  You construct that point
in the shadow by symmetrical interpolation, which
is quite intuitive.  The only thing to watch out for
is a case where the thicker post casts its shadow
on top of that of one of the cross bars.  I suppose
it might be good if all three rods were the same
diameter, but that would be harder to make. The
cross bars need not be at perfect right angles,
but they might as well be so far as ease of construction
is concerned.


*** end quote ***

He sent a small, rough drawing, which I attach.

Bill passed away in December, 2004, but I don't believe he would mind 
my sharing this with the Sundial Mailing List.

Best wishes,

Mac Oglesby

Description: GIF image

Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-09 Thread John Carmichael

Hi Edley:

Well you learn something new every day, especially from the smart people on 
this List.

I had no idea that a hazy day would shorten the shadow cast by a cone's 
point!  In fact, I still don't quite believe it until I get to see it with 
my own eye's.  It's our rainy season so we might get a hazy day.  I will use 
my experiment and will test all the gnomons on the next hazy day.  I'm 
wondering if the shadow shortening is greater with longer shadows when the 
sun at a low angle (I bet it is).  And by how much?  Is it really 

Also, does the width of the cone or point make a difference?  Wouldn't a fat 
cone's shadow be less susceptible to this effect?

Has anybody else observed this effect?

very interested in this,


- Original Message - 
To: "John Carmichael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Sundial List" 

Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

Hi John,

Since you are in a very dry climate with clear weather you may not
notice that with hazy light the cone image is quite forshortened and
points to an incorrect point.  Yes, the cone points out a line very
clearly and yes, it does look quite like a clock hand, but the very
shadow tip position is quite a way off from what it should be.  The
spherical nodus and other symetrical ones, although not so
attractive, give a much more accurate spot.  The area of untruth may
be mostly in declination rather than hour angle with most dials, such
as your neat painted dial.  You could try letting the light shine through
some thin plastic to simulate haziness, or come visit us on the coast
where hazy is very common.  Of course, too hazy and nothing works.

for an azimuth dial it might work very well, where for a pillar dial, not
so well.

Thanks for the interesting ideas!



RE: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-08 Thread Roger Bailey
The Greenwich Dolphin Sundial has two tips, the tails of two Dolphins,
coming together in the manner suggested by Frank King. See or for pictures.

Roger Bailey

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Frank King
Sent: August 8, 2006 1:17 AM
To: John Carmichael
Cc: Sundial List
Subject: Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

Dear John (and Edley),

One thing that hasn't been suggested is to use TWO cones arranged
so that they meet tip to tip.  Approximations to this arrangement
are not uncommon.  I am thinking of statue sundials where perhaps
two fingers meet almost tip to tip.


Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-08 Thread Gianni Ferrari

I thank John Carmichael for his interesting 
experiment on the different types of nodi since I  am very interested in this subject ; 
 I agree completely with the 
analysis made by Frank King in his  Email (August 6) 
I think however that the experiment with the 
disk with the hole  can give 
distorted results since the plane of the hole has been taken orthogonal to the 
style and parallel to the plane.   

In this way the image of the hole, when it is 
visible, is  perfectly circular , 
but its brightness decreases very quickly when the angle between the hole axis 
  and the rays from the sun  increases.
In the second John’s experiment this angle is 
 around 80.1° and causes, as clearly 
Frank has shown, the disappearance of the image of the hole itself.  
I would like to   point out however that in a horizontal 
sundial, for a place with latitude  = 45°, the rays of the sun have this 
inclination only around 1h before the sunset or after the dawn and therefore 
only in extreme points of the dial.   

As King has already written the ratio  R=( Distance hole-shadow / Diameter of 
the hole) = 558 : the spot of light decreases in brightness when this ratio R 
 gets over the value 107.5 and 
disappears when it becomes greater than  200-300 (  around ).
When the ratio R becomes very great,   in practice higher than  400-500 (pin-hole or stenopeic hole), the 
spot of light has no more the shape of the hole but it is the image of the sun , 
whatever  is the shape  of the hole itself.  
I think that it is advisable that  the plane of the hole is a   polar  plane  with the hole axis on the intersection 
among the   equator   and the meridian planes.  
Obviously the image of the hole now appears 
elliptic  and no more circular.  
In this way, at noon, the angle between the 
rays from the sun and the  hole axis 
is always less than   23.5° and also on the winter solstice 
 the ratio R = 48    and the spot of light is clearly 
Also in the extreme points of the dial the 
things improve.   

A hour before sunset we have:  
- on   summer solstice the angle between Sun’s 
rays and hole axis   = 41.3°; the observer sees the hole (that 
appears elliptic) under the angles 26 x  36 '. The ratio R  =99.4   
- on the equinoxes the angle between rays and 
hole axis   = 35°;  the observer sees the hole with axis 
 of 32x39'. The ratio R=106.  
-on winter solstice the angle = 53.7° and the 
observer  sees the hole with axis of 
18x 30 '. The ratio R =190 

Therefore only under these extreme conditions 
(1h before the sunset in winter) the spot of light if greatly  attenuated.  
Best wishes
Gianni Ferrari


- In Cassini sundial in S. 
Petronio  (Bologna) the ratio 
R = ( Distance hole-spot / Diameter of the 
hole) changes from 1070 to 2670 during the year  

the weather is very hot ,  
and I hope that mine calculations are correct :-)

Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-08 Thread Frank King
Dear John (and Edley),

Your experiment continues to fascinate me and I have some fresh
comments which include an experiment that everyone can carry our
very easily and which amplify Edley's remarks.

First, many thanks for your dimensions:

> the cardboard thickness: 3/32"
> the hole diameter: 1/4"
> the disk diameter: 2")

I got the external diameter wrong but that's not too important.  My
guess at 0.1" for the internal diameter was almost exactly right!
Accordingly, my figures don't really need amending.


I have some comments on your practical points...

> ...if I were to make one for a real sundial, I'd use strong, thin
> metal instead of cardboard!

Interestingly, you don't have to use thin material for a disc nodus.
You could use quite thick material PROVIDED you taper the internal
and external rims to knife edges.  Even a thick disc then works as
though it were paper thin!


> On the practical and artistic level, I love the cone gnomons'
> shadows because they look like clock hands.

Yes, I very much accept this.  The shape of the long shadow of
your cone is very elegant.  It is such a shame that such a shadow
gets foreshortened when the shadows are long.

One thing that hasn't been suggested is to use TWO cones arranged
so that they meet tip to tip.  Approximations to this arrangement
are not uncommon.  I am thinking of statue sundials where perhaps
two fingers meet almost tip to tip.


This isn't what you have in mind when you seek a shape that looks
like a clock hand but it prompts me to suggest a simple experiment
that anyone can do anytime the sun is shining without any equipment
at all.  Here's what you do...

  1. Stand with your back to the sun about 6 to 10 feet from a
 plane surface which is approximately facing the sun and
 look hard at this surface.  [The experiment doesn't work
 well if the sun is shining through glass, especially
 double-glazing, so do this outside or, at least, open the

  2. Point your two forefingers at each other so that there is
 about a 1" gap between them and arrange that the shadows
 of the fingers fall on the plane surface.

  3. Now, very slowly, bring the fingers close together.  You will
 find that, sometime before they actually touch, a mysterious
 blob appears between the shadow fingers.  The result is that
 the shadow fingers appear to touch before the real fingers do.

This effect is, of course, because the sun is not a point source of
light.  The critical moment comes when the angular separation of the
fingers becomes less than the angular diameter of the sun.  The gap
between the shadows stops receiving full sunlight and becomes penumbra

You will get something of the same effect if you bring two of your
cones together tip to tip.

I mention all this to demonstrate that curious effects occur in
the vicinity of the shadows of tips.  If you have a PAIR of tips
this doesn't matter too much.  You can look at the symmetry and
estimate fairly accurately where the mid-point is.  If you have
just ONE tip, estimating gets much harder.  Edley's message
alludes to this difficulty.


There is something else your experiments showed up that I hadn't
really appreciated before...

  If you are going to use a ball nodus, then the supporting
  stick should go RIGHT THROUGH THE BALL so that it sticks
  out a little bit, perhaps half a ball diameter.

This thought struck me when I tried estimating the centres of
the shadows in printouts of your photographs.  The point on
the shadow where the stick meets the ball is not matched by a
corresponding point on the far side.  Once again, the lack of
symmetry makes estimation a little harder.

Often a ball nodus is mounted on a regular gnomon, perhaps
half-way along, so you get the symmetry for free.

Amazingly, I have somehow missed out analysing the shadows of
balls at the ends of sticks (rather than in the middle) so I
am most grateful to you for thrusting these images my way.

I have also become very impressed by the quality of PDF format.
I found I could enlarge your images many times without serious
degradation of quality.

All the best



Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-07 Thread evm
Hi John,

Since you are in a very dry climate with clear weather you may not 
notice that with hazy light the cone image is quite forshortened and 
points to an incorrect point.  Yes, the cone points out a line very 
clearly and yes, it does look quite like a clock hand, but the very 
shadow tip position is quite a way off from what it should be.  The 
spherical nodus and other symetrical ones, although not so 
attractive, give a much more accurate spot.  The area of untruth may 
be mostly in declination rather than hour angle with most dials, such 
as your neat painted dial.  You could try letting the light shine through 
some thin plastic to simulate haziness, or come visit us on the coast 
where hazy is very common.  Of course, too hazy and nothing works.

for an azimuth dial it might work very well, where for a pillar dial, not 
so well.

Thanks for the interesting ideas!


Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-07 Thread John Carmichael

Hi Frank (cc. SML)

Glad to be of help.

(For your calculations, here are the dimensions of the hole-in-disk nodus. 
the cardboard thickness: 3/32" , the hole diameter: 1/4", the disk diameter: 
2").  Of course, if I were to make one for a real sundial, I'd use strong, 
thin metal instead of cardboard!

On the practical and artistic level, I love the cone gnomons' shadows 
because they look like clock hands.  Look at a traditional clock hand.  It's 
basically shaped like a long skinny triangle, wide at the center of rotation 
and pointing to the time.  A cone's shadow has the same shape does the same 

In fact, you could even make the cone a pointed teardrop or spindle shape or 
with indentations that would produce more interesting shadow shapes that 
look like differently shaped clock hands.

- Original Message - 
From: "Frank King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "John Carmichael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 2:30 AM
Subject: Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

Dear John

Many thanks for your response.

I'm still pondering all of the information you gleaned from
my experiment.

Well, I am still pondering the experiment!  I have often thought
of setting up almost exactly that experiment but never quite got
round to it!  You have certainly done it very elegantly.  What
is amazing serendipity is that I have recently been doodling with
a dial design which requires a nodus about 4" from the dial plane
so you saved me a whole lot of work!

I need to point out something important about the light
projection (or antishadow) cast by the hole-in-disk nodus:

As you can clearly see in the long shadow photo, the spot of
light (the antishadow) is not there at all.

This is true.  As you will see in a moment, the place where the
spot of light should be is getting no sun at all through the hole
but it IS getting some sun from round the edge of the nodus disc!

This I think was due to the thickness of the cardboard that I
used to make the disk.

Indeed it is.  For completeness, there are three factors which
determine whether a hole-in-a-disc nodus will project a spot
of light:

 1.  The diameter of the hole

 2.  The thickness of the material (you are right here)

 3.  The diameter of the surrounding disc (if this is too
 small it won't block out all the sun which is one
 factor in your long-shadow case)

As a designer, you have to chose both the internal and external
diameters of the disc-with-a-hole carefully.  You can easily
sketch what's going on.  Just draw a right-angled triangle
4" high and 23.3" long and sketch in the cross-section of your
nodus at the top of the 4" side.  You will soon see why no
light is getting through!

The golden rule in the analysis is to consider how the nodus
appears when viewed from the centre of the shadow (or anti-shadow).

You don't give the diameter of your disc or its thickness so I
cannot give a precise analysis.  If you could let me have these
dimensions I could easily explain more!  Here is a first stab...

 Let's guess that the disc diameter is   1.25"

 We CAN assume the hole diameter is  0.25"

 Let's assume that the thickness is zero (just for the moment)

Using my previous analysis, the appearance of the NODUS to an insect
sitting at the centre of the anti-shadow will be an elliptical disc
with an elliptical hole.  In your LONG shadow experiment, when the
shadow is 23.3" from the foot of the nodus support and 23.6" from
the centre of the nodus, we get the following angular dimensions:

 1.  Apparent major axis of disc  1/19radians

 2.  Apparent minor axis of disc  1/112   radians

 3.  Apparent major axis of hole  1/94radians

 4.  Apparent minor axis of hole  1/558   radians

 5.  Diameter of circular solar disc  1/107.5 radians

If you draw a scaled picture so that the solar disc is (say) 1" in
diameter, you will find that the minor axis of the nodus disc isn't
quite big enough to hide the sun (1/112 is smaller than 1/107.5).
Every point in your shadow can actually see a little bit of the sun.
Nowhere is in full shadow.

In short, the disc isn't big enough to hide the sun completely and
the hole isn't big enough to expose the whole sun.  In fact the hole
exposes less than one-fifth of the sun even in the zero-thickness

If the disc is made of thick material the insect sees even less of
the sun through the hole.  Instead of appearing as an ellipse, the
hole appears as a lens shape.  [Try holding a tube up to your eye
and angling it slightly so you don't look straight through it.]

The angular dimension of the minor axis is now given by the formula:

   d cos(i) - t sin(i)
 nodus-to-shadow distance

  d is the d

Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-06 Thread John Carmichael

Hi Mac:

Yes, on a perpendicular cone or pointed rod gnomon, the slope of the point 
or cone could cause a self-shading problem if the cone or point is too wide 
at the bottom (a fat cone).  But you can easily determine the maximum 
allowable width of the cone or point and avoid that design problem if you 
look at the nearest solstice line to the nodus.  The base of the cone must 
be smaller than that distance to avoid self-shading.  For my wall dial, the 
largest cone possible that would not cause shading would have been just 
under 5 inches wide, so the cone had to be skinnier so that it would cast a 
shadow on the face at noon on the winter solstice.  I made it just two 
inches wide at its base, much smaller than the allowable width.

I think fatter cones and points produce easier to read shadows than than the 
skinny ones, especially when the shadows are long.  So the idea would be to 
have the fattest cone or point possible that does not shade itself. (You may 
even want to make the cone even skinnier to accomodate artwork around it. 
That's why I made my cone much thinner than the allowable so that I could 
put the points of a star around its base).

Does this make sense?

- Original Message - 
From: "Mac Oglesby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Sundial Mailing List" 
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

One problem I've personally encountered with a pointed post gnomon is that 
if the post's shadow falls too close to the foot of the post, the shadow 
of the tip may be lost in the shadow of the post's shoulder. This was on a 
vertical decliner.

Mac Oglesby



Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-06 Thread Mac Oglesby

One problem I've personally encountered with a pointed post gnomon is 
that if the post's shadow falls too close to the foot of the post, 
the shadow of the tip may be lost in the shadow of the post's 
shoulder. This was on a vertical decliner.

Mac Oglesby


Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-06 Thread John Carmichael

Hi Frank:

I'm still pondering all of the information you gleaned from my experiment. 
You have given your comments a lot of thought and I don't want to quickly 
dismiss anything you said as being inaccurate without being sure first.

But I need to point out something important about the light projection (or 
antishadow) cast by the hole-in-disk nodus:

As you can clearly see in the long shadow photo, the spot of light (the 
antishadow) is not there at all.  When tilting the board, the antishadow 
became smaller and smaller as the shadow lengthened.  In fact, when I was 
tiltling the board, it disappeared when the shadow was 3 times longer than 
the gnomon.  This I think was due to the thickness of the cardboard that I 
used to make the disk.  The cardboard of the disk, in fact, was what shaded 
the hole.  If I had used a paper thin metal to make the disk, then I think 
the antishadow would not have disappeared so quickly.

My conclusion about this is that the hole-in-disk works fine and is 
extremely precise at high solar angles when you can see the anti-shadow, but 
is completely useless at low solar angles when the antishadow disappears.

Do you agree?


p.s. I love your term "antishadow"  to describe the projected sunlight 
through an aperture nodus.  Do you invent this term?
pps.  I will try to bring the experiment to Vancouver if it will fit in my 

- Original Message - 
From: "Frank King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

Dear John,

That is a splendid experiment...

It illustrates all kinds of interesting aspects of nodus design
The Purpose, Setup and Execution all earn top marks.  The Conclusion,
though, is subject to a little caveat...

Let's concentrate on just three of your designs: the disc with the
0.25" hole at the top (or leftmost), the cone at the bottom (or
rightmost) and the 1" ball next to the cone.  Now look at the two
sets of shadows:

1.  When the shadows are short...

(a) the centre of the anti-shadow of the disc with a hole is
about 6.1" along your board.

(b) the centre of the shadow of the ball is just a little
shorter.  It seems to be almost spot on the 6" mark.  [This
is possibly because the supporting stick is not quite vertical.
This is not important.]

(c) the shadow of the tip of the cone is almost exactly in line
with the anti-shadow of the disc with a hole, about 6.1" along
your board.

2.  When the shadows are long...

(a) the anti-shadow of the disc with a hole is no longer clear
(as you say) but because there is an equal amount of fuzz at
the extremities of the shadow of the disc as a whole you can
fairly easily estimate the centre.  It seems to be about 23.3".

(b) the centre of the shadow of the 1" ball is just a little
less easy to estimate because the supporting stick disturbs
the fuzz at one of the extremities but one can see that the
centre is about the 23" mark.  This, as expected, is shorter
than the shadow to the centre of the disc and is consistent
with 1(b).  So far everything ties up.

(c) the shadow of the tip of the cone though has now fallen
behind the shadow of the centre of the disc.  The shadow may
be easier to read but IT IS GIVING A FALSE RESULT.

The big big trouble with any asymmetric nodus is that you cannot
cancel out the fuzz.  You have to decide just where in the fuzz
is the point of interest.  This is difficult.  Different people
will estimate different points.

As noted at 2(b), each of your ball nodi is slightly asymmetric
because of the supporting sticks.  If you had mounted the balls
sideways (as you have the disc with the hole) it would be easier
to estimate the centre of the shadow.

To my mind, the disc with the hole gives the most accurate
result even if its shadow isn't the prettiest!

Incidentally, it is worth analysing the hole in your disc in
the long shadow case...

 Diameter of hole   0.25"

 Height of hole above the board  4"

 Approximate length of shadow   23.3"

 Distance of centre of anti-shadow from centre of hole 23.6"

 Angle of incidence   arctan(23.3/4)  =  80.3 degrees

 Now consider the hole viewed from the centre of the anti-shadow.
 Given that the disc is parallel to the board, the hole will appear
 as an ellipse whose angular dimensions in radians are:

 Major axis0.25/23.6   approx  1/94.4 radians

 Minor axis  0.25 x cos(80.3) / 23.6   approx 1/558 radians

This last figure should be compared with the angular diameter of the
sun which (by a diallist's rule of thumb) is about 1/107.5 radians.

Now imagine an insect (wearing eye protection) at the point where
the centre of the anti-sha

Re: Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-06 Thread Frank King
Dear John,

That is a splendid experiment...


It illustrates all kinds of interesting aspects of nodus design
The Purpose, Setup and Execution all earn top marks.  The Conclusion,
though, is subject to a little caveat...

Let's concentrate on just three of your designs: the disc with the
0.25" hole at the top (or leftmost), the cone at the bottom (or
rightmost) and the 1" ball next to the cone.  Now look at the two
sets of shadows:

 1.  When the shadows are short...

 (a) the centre of the anti-shadow of the disc with a hole is
 about 6.1" along your board.

 (b) the centre of the shadow of the ball is just a little
 shorter.  It seems to be almost spot on the 6" mark.  [This
 is possibly because the supporting stick is not quite vertical.
 This is not important.]

 (c) the shadow of the tip of the cone is almost exactly in line
 with the anti-shadow of the disc with a hole, about 6.1" along
 your board.

 2.  When the shadows are long...

 (a) the anti-shadow of the disc with a hole is no longer clear
 (as you say) but because there is an equal amount of fuzz at
 the extremities of the shadow of the disc as a whole you can
 fairly easily estimate the centre.  It seems to be about 23.3".

 (b) the centre of the shadow of the 1" ball is just a little
 less easy to estimate because the supporting stick disturbs
 the fuzz at one of the extremities but one can see that the
 centre is about the 23" mark.  This, as expected, is shorter
 than the shadow to the centre of the disc and is consistent
 with 1(b).  So far everything ties up.

 (c) the shadow of the tip of the cone though has now fallen
 behind the shadow of the centre of the disc.  The shadow may
 be easier to read but IT IS GIVING A FALSE RESULT.

The big big trouble with any asymmetric nodus is that you cannot
cancel out the fuzz.  You have to decide just where in the fuzz
is the point of interest.  This is difficult.  Different people
will estimate different points.

As noted at 2(b), each of your ball nodi is slightly asymmetric
because of the supporting sticks.  If you had mounted the balls
sideways (as you have the disc with the hole) it would be easier
to estimate the centre of the shadow.

To my mind, the disc with the hole gives the most accurate
result even if its shadow isn't the prettiest!

Incidentally, it is worth analysing the hole in your disc in
the long shadow case...

  Diameter of hole   0.25"

  Height of hole above the board  4"

  Approximate length of shadow   23.3"

  Distance of centre of anti-shadow from centre of hole 23.6"

  Angle of incidence   arctan(23.3/4)  =  80.3 degrees

  Now consider the hole viewed from the centre of the anti-shadow.
  Given that the disc is parallel to the board, the hole will appear
  as an ellipse whose angular dimensions in radians are:

  Major axis0.25/23.6   approx  1/94.4 radians

  Minor axis  0.25 x cos(80.3) / 23.6   approx 1/558 radians

This last figure should be compared with the angular diameter of the
sun which (by a diallist's rule of thumb) is about 1/107.5 radians.

Now imagine an insect (wearing eye protection) at the point where
the centre of the anti-shadow should be.  As seen by the insect,
the minor-axis of the hole appears to be less than one-fifth the
diameter of the sun.  The anti-shadow is entirely penumbra and
impossible to detect.

In my opinion this is NOT a design error.  My eccentric view is
that a disc with a hole IS the best form of nodus, especially for
big sundials (well ALMOST the best) because...

  when the angle of incidence is small (short shadows) you
  observe the centre of the anti-shadow and...

  when the angle of incidence is high (long shadows) you
  observe the centre of the shadow of the disc as a whole.

I say ALMOST the best because there is a special case of a disc
with a hole, and that is the great camera obscura sundials which
one comes across in Europe.  There the angular diameters of the
holes are even smaller than yours.  [According to Gianni Ferrari,
Cassini took the view that the hole should be 1/1000th of its
distance to the floor, half the size of your hole at 23.6".].

The disc though is effectively of infinite diameter because
the entire building surrounds the hole and you DO see a
splodge of light.  This is not anti-shadow though; it is
actually an image of the sun and you can estimate its centre
VERY precisely.

Try making your disc of infinite size and you will see how
this works :-)

MORAL: Sticks and cones are seductive but should be resisted!

I hope this hasn't been too tiresome a message for this list!

Frank H. King
Cambridge, U.K.


Expanded Nodi Shadow Experiment

2006-08-06 Thread jlcarmichael

Hello All:
Here is a PDF file (about 600KBs) that shows a new nodi shadow experiment.  This is an expanded version of my original experiment and includes 12 different nodi designs.  All the nodi are the same height but are different designs. To see photos of the experiment click on this link:

Purpose:  To determine which types of sundial nodi cast the easiest to read shadows and produce the most precise readings.  
Setup: I made twelve common but different sundial nodi.  I compared ball nodi of different diameters on posts, truncated rods and pointed rods, thick rods and thin rods, a cone, and a hole-in-disk nodus.  All of them were 4” tall and spaced evenly apart in a row attached to one end of a flat board that I marked with parallel measuring lines in inches and as multiples of the height vs. the length of the shadows.
Execution: By tilting the board in the sun, I could lengthen or shorten the shadows and observe the effect that the sun’s angle had on the shadows cast by the different nodi.  High sun angles made short shadows and low sun angles made long shadows.  I photographed the results (see below)
Conclusions:  High sun angles created short shadows and low sun angles produced long shadows.  In all cases, the shorter shadows are easier to read than longer shadows because they are darker and there is less fuzziness around the edges.  Truncated rods and balls produce the least accurate shadows and the pointed rods and the cone produce the most accurate shadows.  Thick rods are easier to see from a distance than thin rods.  The hole-in-disk nodus also produces an accurate reading, but only if the shadow is short because the projected image disappears at low sun angles.  I my opinion the cone and the thick pointed rod produce the easiest to read and the most precise shadows.
