[freenet-support] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of the project

2004-12-01 Thread Newsbyte
Is that good or bad? Interestingly, even that many connections use very
little of my bandwidth.

It's rather good. It's way more then my average Open connections, and it
indicates that it's not really a firewall/NAT problem.

BTW, how big should the cache, or 'store' be? I guess the 300 MB I've given
it are not nearly enough.

300MB is very little, to be honest. But of course it depends on the size of
your HD. Normally, it is (should be) set to 10% of your free HD-space.

Now, may I ask you if you feel I have helped/supported you with my posts? I
ask that, because I just got emailed by Ian saying he kicked me out of the
project (well, at least he disabled my freenetproject account) because of my
first post to you. It seems he did not think it belonged in support, but ah,
we all know it has more to do with him having difficulties to cope with the
critisism I  give on the current performance and developmentprocess of
Freenet. Which is often sarcastic, true, but he should have the maturity to
keep his personal feelings of being annoyed/agitated out of the project.

He asks me why that I should explain the *support* mailing list is
consistent with you having an email address that implies you are a part of
this project but at the same time says I shouldn't bother because all what
I send goes directly into the bin anyhow - again not very mature. For a
libertarian as he claims to be, this is rather spicious reasoning. In any
case, since email isn't going to help, I will say it here:

1)First of all, being part of the project isn't just a matter of making a
post on the correct list, or not. (or, the real reason: being sarcastic and
critical of Freenet or not).

2)Being part of a project is, obviously, also derived from whether you do
something for the project or not. So what did I do for the project? I have
sought and found sponsors, I have created and maintained the freenethelp
wiki, I run and test a freenode, I insert content in the network and only
last week I updated the freenetproject webpage through cvs (which possibly I
can't do anymore, now). Since those things are all part of the project, I
conclude I *AM* indeed part of the project, whether Ian feels bitten in his
ass by my comments or not. (Which can also be seen as helpful, as some other
poster already indicated)

3)The main premise, that the post in question was not helpful or supportive,
is debatable. Clearly Ian doesn't think so, but that doesn't mean the newbie
that I responded to thinks the same. It's rather subjective, but it wasn't
Ian asking support, so he should not presume to know whether it was or not.
(but again, we all know the real reason).

So, that's why I ask you. If you found it helpful or supportive in any way,
then his presumed reason for kicking me out is untenable. And even if he
doesn't, it still leaves my two other points.

If I were to react so childish, I would have to say: well, if I'm not part
of the project anymore, why should I keep freenethelp up, why shouldn't I
revert all my changes to the website back, why should I do anything else?
But such things are childish tit-for-tat reasonings, and I am not going for
such a thing.

If you don't like what I say, then say so, or ignore me; things a
libertarian would do. Fighting for free speech but at the same time kicking
someone out because you can't cope with what he says seems more then a bit
contradictory to me, frankly.

Anyway... I doubt Ian will change his mind; he's much to stuborn for it, and
he's not really interested in being reasonable neither, as is aparent in his
comment that he asks to explain myself, but won't read my explanation.

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Re: [freenet-support] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of the project

2004-12-01 Thread Clueless
On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 11:05:00 +0100, Newsbyte wrote:

300MB is very little, to be honest. But of course it depends on the size of
your HD. Normally, it is (should be) set to 10% of your free HD-space.

The default was 256MB, but the HD I installed Freenet on only had 1 GB free...

Now, may I ask you if you feel I have helped/supported you with my posts? I
ask that, because I just got emailed by Ian saying he kicked me out of the
project (well, at least he disabled my freenetproject account) because of my
first post to you.

I'm sorry to read that. Yes, I thought your posts were helpful, after all when
someone says yes it is slow then I can stop worrying about my configuration.

I got Frost running now, thanks to everyone here. Turns out I had the version
for Java 1.5 but my system has Java 1.4... should I upgrade?
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Re: [Tech] [freenet-support] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of the project

2004-12-01 Thread Ian Clarke
On 1 Dec 2004, at 10:05, Newsbyte wrote:
 Now, may I ask you if you feel I have helped/supported you with my 
posts? I
ask that, because I just got emailed by Ian saying he kicked me out of 
project (well, at least he disabled my freenetproject account)
I wasn't aware that you were ever in the project to be kicked out of 
it (whatever being in the project means).  Very few people have 
@freenetproject.org email addresses, you got one because you asked for 
it and because you said it would help you raise donations for the 

So far as I can see you no longer even use it, so I don't see why you 
are whining about losing something that many people who have made a 
much more significant contribution to the project than you have never 
even asked for.

 because of my
first post to you. It seems he did not think it belonged in support, 
but ah,
we all know it has more to do with him having difficulties to cope 
with the
critisism I  give on the current performance and developmentprocess of
Freenet. Which is often sarcastic, true, but he should have the 
maturity to
keep his personal feelings of being annoyed/agitated out of the 
I have no problem whatsoever with criticism, but I do have a problem 
when it is expressed in a sarcastic and personal manner.  You have a 
right to say whatever you want, but I have a right not to endorse your 
opinions by giving you a project email address that you don't need and 
don't use.

He asks me why that I should explain the *support* mailing list is
consistent with you having an email address that implies you are a 
part of
this project but at the same time says I shouldn't bother because all 
I send goes directly into the bin anyhow - again not very mature.
There is nothing mature or immature about my decision to ignore you, it 
is my personal preference based on the observation that most of what 
you say isn't very useful, and that it is generally expressed with 
extremely poor spelling and without bothering to follow even the most 
rudimentary email conventions.

 For a
libertarian as he claims to be, this is rather spicious reasoning.
When did I claim to be a libertarian, how is my not endorsing your 
emails in any way anti-libertarian, and what does spicious mean?

1)First of all, being part of the project isn't just a matter of 
making a
post on the correct list, or not. (or, the real reason: being 
sarcastic and
critical of Freenet or not).
No, being a part of this or any project is about constructive 
criticism, but not sarcastic and personal criticism directed at those 
who have contributed far more to the project than you have.

2)Being part of a project is, obviously, also derived from whether you 
something for the project or not. So what did I do for the project? I 
sought and found sponsors,
Yes you have, and I am grateful to those sponsors, and to you for 
finding them, but note that the total amount raised was less than 
numerous individual donations the project has received.  This was also 
quite some time ago.

3)The main premise, that the post in question was not helpful or 
is debatable. Clearly Ian doesn't think so, but that doesn't mean the 
that I responded to thinks the same. It's rather subjective, but it 
Ian asking support, so he should not presume to know whether it was or 
(but again, we all know the real reason).
The portion of your comment which the poster found to be helpful was 
not the portion that I objected to.  Please explain what this means and 
its relevance on a mailing list intended to help new users learn how to 
use Freenet.  Also, please explain what you are implying by suggesting 
that he ask Matthew and I.

Frustrating? Can't be! It has much improved, *much* I say. If you don't
believe me, ask toad and Ian!Even the simulations say so! We have NIO 
NGR now, so things definately have improved for noobs like you, 
whatever you
may think about it yourself

If I were to react so childish, I would have to say: well, if I'm not 
of the project anymore, why should I keep freenethelp up, why 
shouldn't I
revert all my changes to the website back, why should I do anything 
But such things are childish tit-for-tat reasonings, and I am not 
going for
such a thing.
Yes, you are never childish...
Frustrating? Can't be! It has much improved, *much* I say. If you don't
believe me, ask toad and Ian!Even the simulations say so! We have NIO 
NGR now, so things definately have improved for noobs like you, 
whatever you
may think about it yourself
...oops, finger must have slipped on the paste button there, careless 
me :-)

If you don't like what I say, then say so, or ignore me; things a
libertarian would do.
I do both.
 Fighting for free speech but at the same time kicking
someone out because you can't cope with what he says seems more then a 
contradictory to me, frankly.
Ok, now I am going to say this real slow since you are obviously having 

[Tech] [freenet-support] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of

2004-12-01 Thread Newsbyte
I wasn't aware that you were ever in the project to be kicked out of
it (whatever being in the project means).  Very few people have
@freenetproject.org email addresses, you got one because you asked for
it and because you said it would help you raise donations for the

That was one reason, yes. But while I agree that it's been months since I
actively sought new sponsors, it is also true I use that emailaddress on
several pages on the website and on the wiki for people that want to ask
questions about freenet and freenethelp. If you discontinue that address, it
means that it will not work anymore. And while true it isn't used that much
(a lot of spam, though), it IS something that people can use. Or rather,

So far as I can see you no longer even use it, so I don't see why you
are whining about losing something that many people who have made a
much more significant contribution to the project than you have never
even asked for.

You have the reasons. And ofcourse people that don't ask for the
emailaccount will not whine about losing it, duh. You can't complain about
losing something you didn't have in the first place.

I have no problem whatsoever with criticism, but I do have a problem
when it is expressed in a sarcastic and personal manner.  You have a
right to say whatever you want, but I have a right not to endorse your
opinions by giving you a project email address that you don't need and
don't use.

It's not like all your posts are all that diplomatic neither, but I'll leave
it at that. I agree with the middlepart, but note that endorsing my opinions
is (or at least should) not done by giving or revoking an emailaccount. You
have the right to endorse whatever you want, but your personal feelings of
endorsement should not interfere in matters that are contrary to profesional

Now, you have given some arguments this time why you think it should be
terminated, yet in the email you linked it directly to the post I made.
therefor, it is reasonable to suspect the desision is based more on personal
feelings then on rationale. Because logic does not give a valid reason why
it should be terminated: if I encounter a possible sponsor tomorrow, should
I ask the whole thing back again? And since you are unilateraly throwing the
account away, is it fair that the burden of having to change all the links I
made to the address on the site and the wiki rest on my shoulders? Based on
your opinion that I don't make much use of it...or because you got fed up
with my critisism?

I concur that I'm not seeking actively anymore, but if I encounter another
sponsor, I will still need the address, and if people send to that account,
they still have the right to expect that I answer, and changing all the
emailaddies is an unfair burden, certainly because there is no pressing
reason for it - apart possible personal feelings.

There is nothing mature or immature about my decision to ignore you, it
is my personal preference based on the observation that most of what
you say isn't very useful, and that it is generally expressed with
extremely poor spelling and without bothering to follow even the most
rudimentary email conventions.

I agree. The immaturity does not lay in the fact that you ignore me: you are
fully entitled to that. The immaturity lies in the fact that you put a
burden upon me, possibly inconviencing others as well, because you feel
offended by my posts.

As for the spelling: I'm not even going to go that route again. I'm not
native english and I don't have an english spellchecker and I doubt I would
use it anyway. My english is good enough to be understandable, and it's way
better then what most english-speaking dudes can type in german or french.
I've once posted on an italian-freenetforum; I don't remember them
complaining about my italian, though god knows it was no doubt far worse
then my english. But spelling dosn't have anything to do with the actual
topic in any case. And about emailconventions: whatever conventions I have,
it's not asking, by email, for a response, while at the same time saying I
throw them directly in the bin.

When did I claim to be a libertarian, how is my not endorsing your
emails in any way anti-libertarian, and what does spicious mean?

If you mean to say, where did you say 'I'm a libertarian', you're right, you
didn't. Reading your blog, I would say it's libertarian in anture, though.
But feel free to say it's not.

No, being a part of this or any project is about constructive
criticism, but not sarcastic and personal criticism directed at those
who have contributed far more to the project than you have.

My critism is related to the performance and way of development of Freenet.
In both instances, I have given constructive suggestions too, but you deny
that. And even this time, I said changing to UDP might help with the
firewall issue, so it is not like I'm only given critisism without ever
suggesting alternatives. But, after all this time, it becomes 

[freenet-support] Re: [Tech] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of

2004-12-01 Thread BlueStar88
Hummm... some guys talked 'bout putting things in the correct ML.. 
does that all really fit into 'support' ?

Just a question.
May you should do that by PM. I don't like that feelings here, even 
i'm not an official member with a freenet.org address. Doing such 
things in public is not professional.

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RE: [freenet-support] Re: [Tech] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of

2004-12-01 Thread Nicholas Sturm
I need a translator for this.  I don't claim to speak, read or write
anything but American English -- corrupted by living in a few too many
different sites in United States of America.

 [Original Message]
 From: BlueStar88 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 12/1/2004 1:21:06 PM
 Subject: [freenet-support] Re: [Tech] Is it always this slow?/kicked out

 Hummm... some guys talked 'bout putting things in the correct ML.. 
 does that all really fit into 'support' ?

 Just a question.

 May you should do that by PM. I don't like that feelings here, even 
 i'm not an official member with a freenet.org address. Doing such 
 things in public is not professional.


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[freenet-support] Re: [Tech] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of

2004-12-01 Thread BlueStar88
Nicholas Sturm wrote:
I need a translator for this.  I don't claim to speak, read or write
anything but American English -- corrupted by living in a few too many
different sites in United States of America.
Do that in error free german and we can discuss about.
Not all people on your computer are natural english speaking. I'm 
trying my best, but sorry, i forgot, you US guys like to tend to 
think there are only US guys around with the highest level of 
language evolution and the rest are non-developed 3rd world people.
Another flamewar is going to begin.. baahh ;-)

I was just going to say, that flamewars on project support 
mailing-lists are not professional and should better be done by 
private mail.

And that is just and only a suggestion.


PS: By the way .. i have some difficulties to understand the last 
part of your sentence above.. but that's my problem i think

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[freenet-support] Re: [Tech] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of

2004-12-01 Thread Newsbyte
I was just going to say, that flamewars on project support
mailing-lists are not professional and should better be done by
private mail.

Maybe. But that's difficult to do if you are asked to respond but told your
email is going directly going to the bin.

Besides, when talking about non-professionalism on the lists, I've seen
worse. ;-)

I concur with the rest of your post.

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Re: [Tech] [freenet-support] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of

2004-12-01 Thread Phillip Hutchings
On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 15:19:59 +0100, Newsbyte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[cut for brevity]

In my time watching this list, which is well over a year now, I don't
actually recall you making a valid contribution to the project. I do
tend to read your emails, though it can be a struggle at times, and
all I normally see is this:
* Freenet's too slow
* I don't like person (frequently Ian)
* Whine whine whine

Now, personally I don't find Freenet slow. That may be because my node
is sitting on a basically unmetered 10Mbps half duplex connection, but
it may not. I take the goals of the project in to consideration, and
waiting 2-3 minutes for a text document to download isn't that bad.

Now, if only Java was less resource intensive... If I could run
Freenet in 128MB of RAM sucessfully the other users of the machine
would be happy. As it is, it takes 160MB, which isn't too bad.

Phillip Hutchings
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[freenet-support] Re: [Tech] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of

2004-12-01 Thread Someone
Hash: SHA1
Phillip Hutchings schrieb:
| On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 15:19:59 +0100, Newsbyte
| [cut for brevity]
| In my time watching this list, which is well over a year now, I don't
| actually recall you making a valid contribution to the project. I do
| tend to read your emails, though it can be a struggle at times, and
| all I normally see is this:
| * Freenet's too slow
| * I don't like person (frequently Ian)
| * Whine whine whine
Yes, that the same impression I got from Newsbyte and it's the reason why I
tend to ignore his posts, just like I do with other troll posts.
| Now, personally I don't find Freenet slow. That may be because my node
| is sitting on a basically unmetered 10Mbps half duplex connection, but
| it may not. I take the goals of the project in to consideration, and
| waiting 2-3 minutes for a text document to download isn't that bad.
Even on ADSL it isn't so slow. Shure it is much slower than browsing a
normal Website. But this I do expect when the data has to pass through
multiple nodes, with maybe even some ISDN or 56K users in the chain.
Newsbyte: Go back to i2p if you like it that much, or try to give some
real critics instead of just posting polemic and sarcasmic whine messages.
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Re: [freenet-support] Re: [Tech] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of

2004-12-01 Thread Clueless
On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 23:37:52 +0100, Someone wrote:

Even on ADSL it isn't so slow. Shure it is much slower than browsing a
normal Website. But this I do expect when the data has to pass through
multiple nodes, with maybe even some ISDN or 56K users in the chain.

I guess it depends on how long you had Freenet running, and how big the data
store is.  On the first day, it was almost unusable for me.

Now it's better, although as I write this, all I get is The network is busy,
please try again later while trying to download FUQID, a program one seems to
absolutely need to download from Freenet...

The whole experience just isn't very newbie-friendly. A lot of people are
probably giving up after a few hours because they don't feel 'geeky' enough.

For a start, I think it would be good to have a current version of the important
programs on the http://www.freenetproject.org/index.php?page=download page.
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Re: [Tech] [freenet-support] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of

2004-12-01 Thread Phillip Hutchings
On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 01:58:28 +0100, Newsbyte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, phillip, see my other post for your remarks, but I would wanna say
 specifically one thing:
 * I don't like person (frequently Ian)
 Isn't true. I NEVER contend it's the person, as individual, that I dislike,
 I dislike the actions and decisions a person takes, because it leads, and
 has lead, to a virtual standstill in end-user usuability. Now, even that on
 itself isn't that bad, because people make mistakes, but when one continues
 for two years, it does become a question of when it is going to sink in that
 maybe there is need to change things.

Well, I will give you that. We can't all agree all the time. But I
would say pointing to resources supporting your viewpoint would give
posts a better feel. Not that this is always possible.

 Your defence of it being fast, is just the sort of non-reality check I'm
 pointing at. Dude, how many people do you think have the ability of getting
 a connection like that? It's not realistic to extrapolate your situation to
 others, which are in a vast majority WAY less equiped and experience enough
 problems just getting it running (see posts of noobs on slashdot or even on
 the maillists).

Yeah, I wish I had that connection to my home. I have to live with
256/128 cable. When I ran freenet on that it wasn't too bad, but I
have a bandwidth cap.

 Maybe you haven't been hanging around long enough to remember, but I was one
 of the first people that suggested a  new testnetwork which could seriously
 help in the development time in pinpointing problems...and yes, I've said
 that several times, so you can call that whining, if you want, but it IS in
 fact, a suggestion and an alternative - which some selectively remembering
 dudes claim I never do or did - and a good one at that, because there was a
 time we (at least Toad) agreed to it too. Do you here about it any longer?
 Well, no, it's been put back in the freezer because it was prefered to play
 with simulations that, as yet, didn't fullfill their promises neither.

Yeah, I do remember. At one point I considered helping hack the
source, but it's just crazy in there. If only the protocol was
documented somewhere so I could follow it through the source.

 Ah man, all this shite about I don't contribute anything valuable is so
 lame.  That what gets incorporated is forgotten (like augmenting the htl a
 year ago), and that what I propose in vain and hasn't been implemented is
 deemed to be mere talk, because it hasn't proven itself. Well, duh.

I've only been on the list for a year though.

 Certainly, I have become increasingly sarcastic, but it shows a lack of
 understanding if you fail to see what is the cause of it. When you entered
 the scene a year ago, when freenet was plunged into it's worst non-working
 period ever, then you might have a sense that it has progressed a lot -
 well, it hasn't. Not in the end-users viewpoint, anyway. Maybe for a coder,
 like toad, things are different: he codes, sees the code change, implements
 new things, so, in his perspective, things have become better...but IMHO,
 that counts for not much, if the enduser can't benefit from it. That's not
 putting a blame on the hard work of Toad, or saying 'I don't like toad',
 as you seem to think, it's just the way it is.

I know the feeling. I'm a web developer, and all the time I spend
speeding up the code in certain conditions is basically moot as far as
the boss is concerned. He's a marketer.

I actually started running a node in the 0.3 days, but I was on
dialup. Now that was horrible. I've been following it on and off since
then, but now I have a fast server it works ;)

Phillip Hutchings
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Re: [freenet-support] Re: [Tech] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of

2004-12-01 Thread evolution
Why is it only the clueless new user who's talking about Freenet on this
Freenet mailing list right now?


Quoting Clueless [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 23:37:52 +0100, Someone wrote:

 Even on ADSL it isn't so slow. Shure it is much slower than browsing a
 normal Website. But this I do expect when the data has to pass through
 multiple nodes, with maybe even some ISDN or 56K users in the chain.

 I guess it depends on how long you had Freenet running, and how big the data
 store is.  On the first day, it was almost unusable for me.

 Now it's better, although as I write this, all I get is The network is busy,
 please try again later while trying to download FUQID, a program one seems
 absolutely need to download from Freenet...

 The whole experience just isn't very newbie-friendly. A lot of people are
 probably giving up after a few hours because they don't feel 'geeky' enough.

 For a start, I think it would be good to have a current version of the
 programs on the http://www.freenetproject.org/index.php?page=download page.

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Re: [freenet-support] Freenet under a chroot

2004-12-01 Thread evolution
 On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 05:05:23PM -0600, Eric Gillingham wrote:
 No that wasnt it, I fooled with it some more and copied a few more libs
 and /etc/ files and got it working using chrootuid yesterday. However
 since then I ended up writing my own C wrapper to accomplish this, when
 I get some time I plan on doing a writeup somewhere and releasing
 documentation on what I did so others that might be interesting in doing
 it may do so.

Did anything come of this?  It'd be kind of cool to try it out.


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RE: [freenet-support] Re: [Tech] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of

2004-12-01 Thread Nicholas Sturm
Thanks for your help.  I assume that to mean you
did not have something important to say to anyone
except the person you were answering.  I still need
a translator.  I did not understand some of the
abbreviation, or that was my presumption.  I do
read all message that look like they are using
English words, but in this case the choice or
sequencing of the tokens left me guessing in
two many segments.

But, nothing tried, nothing gained.

Have a good day in German.  I neglect
to attempt writing in languages that I did
not learn before the age of seventy.

 [Original Message]
 From: BlueStar88 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 12/1/2004 2:23:56 PM
 Subject: [freenet-support] Re: [Tech] Is it always this slow?/kicked out

 Nicholas Sturm wrote:
  I need a translator for this.  I don't claim to speak, read or write
  anything but American English -- corrupted by living in a few too many
  different sites in United States of America.

 Do that in error free german and we can discuss about.

 Not all people on your computer are natural english speaking. I'm 
 trying my best, but sorry, i forgot, you US guys like to tend to 
 think there are only US guys around with the highest level of 
 language evolution and the rest are non-developed 3rd world people.
 Another flamewar is going to begin.. baahh ;-)

 I was just going to say, that flamewars on project support 
 mailing-lists are not professional and should better be done by 
 private mail.

 And that is just and only a suggestion.


 PS: By the way .. i have some difficulties to understand the last 
 part of your sentence above.. but that's my problem i think

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Re: [freenet-support] Re: [Tech] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of

2004-12-01 Thread Juiceman
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On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 00:27:05 -0500, Nicholas Sturm
 No flames here, but I did not understand the message and I don't
 have the advantage of analyzing on the basis of other language
 forms.  I suspect it was the symbols that left me in no-get-it land.

I might not like what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it!
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[freenet-support] Re: [Tech] Is it always this slow?/kicked out of

2004-12-01 Thread Someone
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Newsbyte schrieb:
| I've made the comparison between I2P and freenet, and they both have value,
| as I said in the past. I agree that the level of whining has increased, but
| that's mostly due to the fact that being diplomatic  and giving alternatives
| doesn't actually do one iota neither, while after 4 years (yes, I've been
| follow the lists for so long) Freenet today isn't much better (in the
| endusers sense) then it was in the 0.4 days.
Now that's not true, I'm using freenet since 0.3 and there have been great
improvements to usability, speed and resource usage.
| The truth is, I *do* annoy people, and I'm well aware of that, but mostly
| it's because they know it *is* true and I do have a point. Hah, freenet
| working fast? Well, indeed, if you have  T1 line or something like the other
| poster said.  But normal users often have a different impression, and even
| when noobs come tell it on the maillist themselves, it is still being
| refuted by some coders. I've been inserting my flog not long ago, it took me
| one hour...do you think I invent this?
I don't have a T1. My node has a hard bandwith limit of 30 kByte/sec down and
8 kByte/sec up, this limit is enforced by the switch the machine is connected
to, so freenet can't break them. That's far away from a T1.
~From your posts I guess you haven't been running a stable node for some time,
then installed a new one and tried to insert your flog the same day. Then it
doesn't suprise me that it took quite some time. Let your node run a week with
frost (to train it) and you will see a great improvement, shure a week is a long
time, but if you take in mind that it has to learn a whole network and find some
good routes/nodes it's not that much. Since build 5099 I see specialization on
my node and insert speed is very good. I currently run 4 freesites, the smallest
about 100kB, the biggest nearly 30MB. The smallest is usually inserted within
10 Minutes. The biggest takes between 4 to 6 hours, this isn't too long for the
amount of bandwith my node is allowed to use.
| And as for never bringing any alternatives...yeah, right. I remember clearly
| I made a whole list of suggestions and alternatives for improving the
| end-user experience. Seems that memory is very selective. Why, only a few
| days ago, I pointed to an error in the uninstaller. But hey, feel free to
| ignore all that, and say I whine (not without reason in any case) about the
| fact that freenet still sucks for the most part, mostly because of bad
| directions that have been taken. Didn't I suggest to go for UDP and small
| chunks, and leave the NGR (that, after all this time, still hasn't actually
| proved it worked) if the simulations don't clearly show a benefit? Yes, I
| did. But that, I suppose, is rapidly forgotten, even it's exactly the
| alternatives that you claim I never gave. It's easier to say I 'just whine',
| so you can regard me as a troll, instead of contemplating if I don't have
| valid points.
Pointing out errors and making valid suggestions is a different thing. As for
going for UDP, this actually would have made it worse. I know you suggested
it to push holes through NAT routers, but this doesn't work on most routers
here. And this for a very simple reason, almost all (yes even the low end
cheap trash ones) routers you can get here have full SPI. So it isn't possible
to push a hole into their NAT, what's even worse is that the cheaper ones
have SPI, but only allow to open or redirect TCP ports, not UPD ports. So going
to UDP would have ruled out users with one of these routers, even if they knew
how to open/forward the listen port. The only thing that might help with this
is to support UPNP. But it wouldn't change much, because ppl always get told
that UPNP is a security risk, and they tend to believe it and disable it.
As for small chunks, IIRC it was suggested by Toad not by you. You only agreed
that it might be usefull, just like I did.
And I also did run a node pre NGR, and I saw a great improvement when switching
it over to NGR last year.
| In neither case it validates deleting my account, so that I now would have
| to change all references and links to it into new ones, if people want to
| contact me via the site or the wiki I run. Oh, yes, but that's all not a
| 'valid contribution', that's right.
Oh, how bad. You have to edit some lines of HTML or change some entrys in a DB,
this will be the end of the world. :-P
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