On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 01:58:28 +0100, Newsbyte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, phillip, see my other post for your remarks, but I would wanna say
> specifically one thing:
> "* I don't like <person> (frequently Ian)"
> Isn't true. I NEVER contend it's the person, as individual, that I dislike,
> I dislike the actions and decisions a person takes, because it leads, and
> has lead, to a virtual standstill in end-user usuability. Now, even that on
> itself isn't that bad, because people make mistakes, but when one continues
> for two years, it does become a question of when it is going to sink in that
> maybe there is need to change things.

Well, I will give you that. We can't all agree all the time. But I
would say pointing to resources supporting your viewpoint would give
posts a better feel. Not that this is always possible.

> Your defence of it being fast, is just the sort of non-reality check I'm
> pointing at. Dude, how many people do you think have the ability of getting
> a connection like that? It's not realistic to extrapolate your situation to
> others, which are in a vast majority WAY less equiped and experience enough
> problems just getting it running (see posts of noobs on slashdot or even on
> the maillists).

Yeah, I wish I had that connection to my home. I have to live with
256/128 cable. When I ran freenet on that it wasn't too bad, but I
have a bandwidth cap.

> Maybe you haven't been hanging around long enough to remember, but I was one
> of the first people that suggested a  new testnetwork which could seriously
> help in the development time in pinpointing problems...and yes, I've said
> that several times, so you can call that whining, if you want, but it IS in
> fact, a suggestion and an alternative - which some selectively remembering
> dudes claim I never do or did - and a good one at that, because there was a
> time we (at least Toad) agreed to it too. Do you here about it any longer?
> Well, no, it's been put back in the freezer because it was prefered to play
> with simulations that, as yet, didn't fullfill their promises neither.

Yeah, I do remember. At one point I considered helping hack the
source, but it's just crazy in there. If only the protocol was
documented somewhere so I could follow it through the source.

> Ah man, all this shite about I don't contribute anything valuable is so
> lame.  That what gets incorporated is forgotten (like augmenting the htl a
> year ago), and that what I propose in vain and hasn't been implemented is
> deemed to be mere talk, because it hasn't proven itself. Well, duh.

I've only been on the list for a year though.

> Certainly, I have become increasingly sarcastic, but it shows a lack of
> understanding if you fail to see what is the cause of it. When you entered
> the scene a year ago, when freenet was plunged into it's worst non-working
> period ever, then you might have a sense that it has progressed a lot -
> well, it hasn't. Not in the end-users viewpoint, anyway. Maybe for a coder,
> like toad, things are different: he codes, sees the code change, implements
> new things, so, in his perspective, things have become better...but IMHO,
> that counts for not much, if the enduser can't benefit from it. That's not
> putting a blame on the hard work of Toad, or saying 'I don't like <toad>',
> as you seem to think, it's just the way it is.

I know the feeling. I'm a web developer, and all the time I spend
speeding up the code in certain conditions is basically moot as far as
the boss is concerned. He's a marketer.

I actually started running a node in the 0.3 days, but I was on
dialup. Now that was horrible. I've been following it on and off since
then, but now I have a fast server it works ;)

Phillip Hutchings
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