Re: Re: [Biofuel] Noble gesture by Bush

2004-10-15 Thread jerrrobb

Actually, I think Bush must have gotten the idea as to how to explain the 
reason that it was still the right thing to have gone to war in Iraq, even 
though no WMD have been found, from Senator Kerry's speech in Congress of Oct. 
9, 2002, in which Kerry said, I believe the record of Saddam Hussein's 
ruthless, reckless breach of international values and standards of 
behavioris cause enough for the world community to hold him accountable by 
use of force, if necessary... (Complete speech can be found in the 
Congressional Record)
And to bring democracy to Iraq, of course.   Bush simplified the words a lot:
Bad guy, good war, bring good democracy to Iraqis.
Or something like that.
No wonder Bush snickers every time Kerry says he was tricked into voting to 
authorize the use of force.

Hello All ;

Congressman Ron Paul, in Ron Pauls' Freedom Report,
March 2004 :

Since no weapons of mass destruction or link to al
Qaeda have been found in Iraq, the explanation given
now for having gone there was top bring democracy to
the Iraqi people.  Yet now we hear that the Iraqis are
demanding immediate free elections not controlled by
the United States and our administration says the
Iraqi people are not yet ready for free elections. 
DOESN'T WANT. Democratic elections will have to wait.


--- Ken Riznyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I guess Bush has to inflate the numbers, because
 is a small number compared to the other atrocities
 that have occurred.
 Already there are about 12,000 Iraqi civilians
 20,000 died in Bhopal, neither Union Carbide nor Dow
 which bought Union Carbide has paid one penny in
 1 million died in the Rawanda massacre
 who knows how may are dying in Dakar
 40,000 are slaughtered each year on American
 half by drunk drivers
 10 million African babies die each year from
 1 million Armenians were massacared by the Turks
 Hitler exterminated 10 million
 Stalin killed about 20 million
 And the land of liberty and freedom, now committed
 granting democracy to others, completely decimated
 its native population in its formative years, 
 Done with my soap box ranting
 --- Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Following some of the election speeches by Bush,
  is talking by the 
  3,800+ Americans that died at WTC. If I am not
  completely misinformed, 
  about half of them were foreign nationals
  originally, but they must have 
  been adopted by presidential decree or some other
  mechanism. A very nice 
  gesture, but the problem I have, were they asked
  before they became 
  Americans? I heard that if you are born on
  soil, you are 
  automatically American or have the right to be, I
  did not know that it was 
  the same case if you died on American soil.
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[Biofuel] learning and connecting in the eco-fuels ind.

2004-10-15 Thread Yossi Rouch


   My name is Yossi and I live in Vancouver. I am interested in getting
   involved in the bio-deisel industry. My strengths and experience
   include, networking, marketing, organizing and Co-operating.
   Specifically, I am interested in helping to produce and distribute
   bio-diesel in Vancouver, BC and learning as much as I can about the
   process and business of it. Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks.

   Eventually, I hope to get funding for something like this or something
   related. I am currently involved with the Vancouver Re-newable Energy
   Co-op who are presently concentrated on Solar, but I think I would
   like to go more the eco-fuels route.

   I also have a vested interest in biodiesel. I have a big, very useful
   deisel van, Betsy, who is dying get some vegi oil into her. She
   already has two tanks with a switch, but I am not a mechanic so I need
   some help to complete the work and get her running clean and smelling
   like a chip truck. If anyone knows someone who can help me, I'd be
   grateful. Thanksh. I can also donate cargo service (ie picking up
   waste oil)

   Yossi. [EMAIL PROTECTED] 604 254 0009. 604 779 8807.

   Have a great day.

   Enjoy 25MB of inbox storage and 10MB per file attachment with [1]MSN
   Premium. Join now and get the first two months FREE*


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Re: Re: [Biofuel] US to sell 5000 smart bombs to Israel

2004-10-15 Thread jerrrobb

I don't know whether there is actually going to be such a sale. 
It does strike me as strange that Iran should need NUCLEAR power when it has 
all the oil it needs for pennies on the dollar for its power needs.   
The U.N., not the U.S. or Great Britain, gave Israel to the Israelis in 1948. 
 In fact, I'm not sure the U.S. even recognized this transaction.  I don't 
know how much, if any, compensation was given to the Palestinians who got 
relocated.  I am not even sure I agree that the U.N. should have given the 
Israelis this land.  
However, when you think about it, Israel is just a very small place on the map, 
yet all the Arab nations claim to fear them and their power?  Why did, within a 
week of Israel's creation, did Arab armies defy the U.N. and attack Israel?  
You tell me; I don't know.
What did the Arab nations have to fear from this one little colony in 1948?
That is kind of like the rest of the United States fearing a little state like 
Rhode Island!
Of course, Arab/Jew fighting wasn't anything new.  It had gone on for 
centuries.  And the British had been using their Mid-East colonies to defend 
and buffer them from Russia for centuries.
But these Muslims didn't have to choose hate.  They could be flourishing 
countries now if they hadn't succumbed to the lure of hate, using the 
unfairness of Israel to bring war and accumulate an expensive stock of 
weapons.  They could have spent all their oil money on making their countries a 
paradise, instead of war-torn, hostile catastrophes.
I can see why the Israelis would want to acquire the bombs.  After all, doesn't 
Iran want Nuclear weapons?  Didn't Iraq want them, too?  Didn't Iraq lobe scuds 
(not true scuds, but they were made from Russian scuds) at the Israelis in 
Desert Storm?  Yeah, I can see why the Israelis want bombs.
And maybe the US isn't selling the bombs to Israel because it favors the 
Jews.  Maybe it's because these Arab countries refused to take down their 
terrorist networks.  

srael also has ignored many more UN resolutions than
Iraq ever did. This is true despite the fact that the
US usually vetos most resolutions concerning Israel. 
--- Legal Eagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 isreal is the ONLY country in the middle east that
 DOES possess WMD's,
 nuclear as well as chem weapons of mass destruction.
 They have reperetedly
 refused the UN inspection passage and thier Dimona
 nuke plank is leaking
 like a sieve.
 Afghanistan and Iraq were bombed and invaded and
 their infrastucture
 destroyed, their children slaughtered, air anw water
 polulted with depleted
 uranium with a shelf life of BILLIONS of yearsw for
 a lot less than what
 Israel has and is doing, but good thing Congress
 keeps taking money from
 AIPAC, the center of the new spy scandal, to ensure
 that the US continues to
 veto any action that might paint Israel is it's true
 - Original Message - 
 From: fox mulder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 4:36 AM
 Subject: [Biofuel] US to sell 5000 smart bombs to
  Source: Al Jazeera
  US to sell Israel 5000 smart bombs
  Israel has used US-made bombs to kill several
  The United States will reportedly sell Israel
  5000 smart bombs
  in one of the largest weapons deals between the
  in years.
  The deal could face political controversy since
  has used such
  bombs against the Palestinians.
  In one such instance in July 2002, a one-tonne
  meant for a senior
  Palestinian resistance fighter also killed 15
  civilians in an attack in
  the Gaza Strip.
  The deal is worth $319 million and was revealed in
  Pentagon report
  made to the US Congress a few weeks ago, Israeli
  Haaretz said on
  Funding for the sale will come from US military
 aid to
  The bombs include airborne versions, guidance
  training bombs and
  detonators. These bombs are guided by an existing
  Israeli satellite
  used by the military.
  As part of the deal, Israel will receive 500
  bombs that can destroy 2m-thick concrete walls,
  one-tonne bombs, 1000 half-tonne bombs and 500
  quarter-tonne bombs, the
  daily said.
  Bunker bombs
  Known by the military designations GBU-27 or
  bunker busters
  are guided by lasers or satellites and can
  up to 10 metres of
  earth and concrete.
  Israel may already have some of the bombs for its
  fighter jets,
  the paper reported.
  As they are part of the weapon set for the F-15,
  would assume them
  to be in place, said Robert Hewson, editor of
  Acquiring BLU-109s, which are mounted on
  satellite-guided bombs, would
  boost Israel 's capabilities, foreign experts say.
  Israel very likely manufactures 

[Biofuel] Biodiesel coop advice, excise taxes, EPA

2004-10-15 Thread holded


This is my first posting to the list.  I have been watching the list for some 
time and searching the archives.  I need some help with a few questions.

We are preparing to launch a small local Biodiesel co-op.  We have made small 
batches of Biodiesel but a number of us have decided to combine our resources 
and make larger, more efficient batches.  A 600 gallon mixing/washing tank will 
be delivered on Monday.  We plan to use Methanol, KOH and a two tank method 

A few questions:

1. If we produce Biodiesel for personal use do we still owe Federal and State 
excise fuel tax?

2. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of a co-op agreement that works?

3. Does the EPA monitor high volume users of Methanol?

Thank you,
Dan in Tulsa

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[Biofuel] WVO and Kerosene

2004-10-15 Thread Buck Corrigan

Hi group.

I noticed a posting from someone using  SVO and Kerosene in a Genset.
Anyone out there have info on WVO and Kerosene for vehicles?  I have access
to  waste aviation kereosene unsuitable for use in turbines (has had water
in it at one time) and easy access to WVO.  The water can be easily
separated from the kerosene, which makes it suitable for heating oil and
hopefully, a replacement for diesel if it's lubricity could be inproved with



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Re: [Biofuel] learning and connecting in the eco-fuels ind.

2004-10-15 Thread Legal Eagle

you can play in the big time, Ha! Tells you how to do it and 
also how to get started. Start at the top in order to get the gist of the 
process before moving onto full sized batches. If you don't understand why 
right now, you will.
Do not cut corners on good equipment either. Get a good electronic scale and 
method of meassuring PH ( I prefer an electronic PH meter). You will need 
other thigs also: 99%pure methanol, Naoh or KOH as a catalyst. Isopropyl 
alcohol ( I use 99% from a pharmacy but apparently the rubbing stuff at 70% 
works.) Anyway, you get the idea. There are other things you will need as 
part of the set-up costs. The reactor system you decide on should be 
fumeless (no escaping methoxide fumes during processing). There are examples 
at the link above. Another consideration is the size reactor and wash system 
that will serve your needs. Things to consider.


- Original Message - 
From: Yossi Rouch [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 1:29 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] learning and connecting in the eco-fuels ind.


  My name is Yossi and I live in Vancouver. I am interested in getting
  involved in the bio-deisel industry. My strengths and experience
  include, networking, marketing, organizing and Co-operating.
  Specifically, I am interested in helping to produce and distribute
  bio-diesel in Vancouver, BC and learning as much as I can about the
  process and business of it. Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks.

  Eventually, I hope to get funding for something like this or something
  related. I am currently involved with the Vancouver Re-newable Energy
  Co-op who are presently concentrated on Solar, but I think I would
  like to go more the eco-fuels route.

  I also have a vested interest in biodiesel. I have a big, very useful
  deisel van, Betsy, who is dying get some vegi oil into her. She
  already has two tanks with a switch, but I am not a mechanic so I need
  some help to complete the work and get her running clean and smelling
  like a chip truck. If anyone knows someone who can help me, I'd be
  grateful. Thanksh. I can also donate cargo service (ie picking up
  waste oil)

  Yossi. [EMAIL PROTECTED] 604 254 0009. 604 779 8807.

  Have a great day.

  Enjoy 25MB of inbox storage and 10MB per file attachment with [1]MSN
  Premium. Join now and get the first two months FREE*


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Re: [Biofuel] Biodiesel coop advice, excise taxes, EPA

2004-10-15 Thread Phillip Wolfe


Regarding taxes, as of today the word on the street is
that the US Federal Excise tax incentive package just
passed both houses so the industry is moving quickly
these days for biofuels.  That's the word on the
street. Now seeking references.

P. Wolfe

--- holded [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is my first posting to the list.  I have been
 watching the list for some time and searching the
 archives.  I need some help with a few questions.
 We are preparing to launch a small local Biodiesel
 co-op.  We have made small batches of Biodiesel but
 a number of us have decided to combine our resources
 and make larger, more efficient batches.  A 600
 gallon mixing/washing tank will be delivered on
 Monday.  We plan to use Methanol, KOH and a two tank
 method initially.
 A few questions:
 1. If we produce Biodiesel for personal use do we
 still owe Federal and State excise fuel tax?
 2. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of a co-op
 agreement that works?
 3. Does the EPA monitor high volume users of
 Thank you,
 Dan in Tulsa
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 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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Re: [Biofuel] Bio fuel replacement for heating oil

2004-10-15 Thread Legal Eagle


- Original Message - 
From: Simon Gibbard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 8:58 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Bio fuel replacement for heating oil


OK my self and my wife own a small holding in Somerset, we are
trying to reduce our costs of living and reduce our impact on the
enviornment at the same time, so making use of waste oil to run the
Aga seems like a good idea if it can be done.  We currently run our
central heating on pallet wood that we get from the local plumbers
merchant who gets a large number of one way only pallets that would
otherwise end up in land fill.  We also have a solar water heater
and have made wind generators.  At the moment our biggest non
controlable (if we want hot water and cooking) cost is running the
Aga.  I have made biodiesel using the various recipies from the net
but am trying to find out if anyone has any experience of making a
replacement for heating oil (sec28 ).  The problem I am facing is
getting a fuel that is volatile enough to vapourise of the top of
the concentric wickes used in the aga without geing so volatile that
it burns down the wick.  Any help would be much appreciated.



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Re: [Biofuel] Affordable Sources for bulk isopropyl alcohol

2004-10-15 Thread Legal Eagle

could get was 4.5 liters and I still have PLENTY of that left. I transfer it 
to a smaller (500ml)bottle and keep the bulk  in a cool dark place.

- Original Message - 
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 12:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Affordable Sources for bulk isopropyl alcohol

I'm Living in Virginia in the US and have recently begun homebrewing. 
I've run into some trouble finding affordable sources for bulk isopropyl 
alcohol of 99% purity. Can anyone share some sources with me. I'm also 
researching opening a BD fueling station, or delivery service. I'm 
conducting this research for my Undergrad Thesis and hope to begin to 
supply BD in the DC metro area if it is feasable. Let me know if you have 
any valuable resources for me.


Hello David

Why do you need bulk isopropyl alcohol? A 500cc bottle should last you a 
while, any chemical supply house should be able to provide you with that.



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Was Re: [Biofuel] Changing Government/Now ethanol

2004-10-15 Thread Leif Forer

diesel fuel?.


Tks, F.

Leif Forer
Piedmont Biofuels
(919) 542-2900

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[Biofuel] 2004 Florida Prezadenchul Ballot

2004-10-15 Thread Appal Energy

Florida's Secretary of State is beta-testing the online ballot for this 
year's election. The State of Florida is asking for volunteers to test 
the system to be sure it works right.

To take part in this pre-election experiment (and roll on the floor 
laughing, maybe crying), go to...
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Re: [Biofuel] WVO and Kerosene

2004-10-15 Thread Yves vd hoeven

kerosene (it also works with filtered WVO).

Actually  any diesel engine can run on kerosene since it is almost the same 
substance as diesel. From some workers at the airport here I heard several 
of them drive even on pure kerosene. For every four tanks of kerosene they 
haven driven they just fill up one time with diesel.


At 01:19 15/10/2004, you wrote:

Hi group.

I noticed a posting from someone using  SVO and Kerosene in a Genset.
Anyone out there have info on WVO and Kerosene for vehicles?  I have access
to  waste aviation kereosene unsuitable for use in turbines (has had water
in it at one time) and easy access to WVO.  The water can be easily
separated from the kerosene, which makes it suitable for heating oil and
hopefully, a replacement for diesel if it's lubricity could be inproved with



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[Biofuel] Iodine Value

2004-10-15 Thread Gregg Davidson

Hello Everyone,
Is there any information on the Iodine Value of Corn oil anywhere in the 
archives? I've found the I.V. for other oils, but corn (miaze) wasn't among 
Gregg Davidson

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Re: Re: [Biofuel] US to sell 5000 smart bombs to Israel

2004-10-15 Thread Legal Eagle

the Zionists could set up their own state. Read the Balfour Declaration, as 
that is what that is all about.
The UN, rather after the fact, ascended to an already-in-effect possesion of 
this land by the Zionists, and so, in May 1948 the political state of Israel 
was officially open for business.
History then has recorded how that these same Zionists have not adhered to, 
or followed the guidelines set out by the Balfour Declaration but have 
encroached upon and outrightly stolen land and have been on a campaign of 
extermination of the Palestinian population that originally welcomed them. 
The Un sort of weak-kneed tried to stop this by formulating and adopting 
nearly 60 resolutions (the kind Saddam was sopposed to have broken) aimed 
against this Zionist barbarism only to see the USA step in as a permanent 
member of the Security Council and VETO EACH AND EVERY ONE of those 
resolutions making them nothing more than a paper record with no teeth. 
Thank you USA ! The US Congress is bought and paid for by AIPAC money (the 
guys involved in the latest spy scandal) in the form of campaign 
contributions, which in fact is nothing more than all those BILLIONS the US 
sends to Israel each year to help prop up this criminal venture coming back 
home to roost ensuring that Israel's future endeavours of continuing their 
quest for more and more land and less and less Palestinians goes unhindered.
The US has also recently fitted Israeli submarines (Dolphin class)with 
nuclear cruise missles making it's public stand against WMD's in the middle 
east a sham and gross hypocricy, AND THAT IS WHY THEY HATE the US, it has 
nothing to do with freedoms (of which there remain precious few after 
Patriot 1-2).
The US is hand on glove with the Zionist venture in the middle east and the 
only people who seem not to get it are the Americans themselves, but the 
rest of the workd isn't kept that mind-numbingly ignorant of what is really 
going on.
The recnet oil grab in Iraq was not a uniquely American venture, especially 
when one looks at the cabal that is surrounding the White House's top 
echelon, all Zionists with duplicious loyalties and how that The Office of 
Special Plans (Douglas Feith at the helm, notable Zionist) was yused in 
conjunction with it's counterpart in Ariel Sharon's office to subvert normal 
intelligence channels and keep a steady stream of disinformation flowing 
back into the WH about WMD's in Iraq ect encouraging and formulating 
strategy for a criminal and murderous invasion of sovereign territory.
The US has become a pirate nation, and no longer enjoys the legal or moral 
high road to anywhere. They are now exposed as puppets of the Zionist cabal 
(not the other way around) who do with them as they will. American blood 
flows so Israel can continue killing the innocent with the blessing of 
so-called christians in America.
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see light, and the state of 
denial that has overcome a great portion of the American populace is slated 
to wake up only when it has ecome innexcusably too late.
This idea that poor Israel is the world's geatest and only legitimate victim 
is also a sham. They are the world's geatest and most proliferate abuser of 
the innocent that has ever come along, and that is not IMO either, it is 
documented for those caring enough to do the slightest modicum of research.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [Biofuel] US to sell 5000 smart bombs to Israel

I don't know whether there is actually going to be such a sale.
It does strike me as strange that Iran should need NUCLEAR power when it 
has all the oil it needs for pennies on the dollar for its power needs.
The U.N., not the U.S. or Great Britain, gave Israel to the Israelis in 
1948.  In fact, I'm not sure the U.S. even recognized this transaction. 
I don't know how much, if any, compensation was given to the Palestinians 
who got relocated.  I am not even sure I agree that the U.N. should have 
given the Israelis this land.
However, when you think about it, Israel is just a very small place on the 
map, yet all the Arab nations claim to fear them and their power?  Why 
did, within a week of Israel's creation, did Arab armies defy the U.N. and 
attack Israel?  You tell me; I don't know.
What did the Arab nations have to fear from this one little colony in 
That is kind of like the rest of the United States fearing a little state 
like Rhode Island!
Of course, Arab/Jew fighting wasn't anything new.  It had gone on for 
centuries.  And the British had been using their Mid-East colonies to 
defend and buffer them from Russia for centuries.
But these Muslims didn't have to choose hate.  They could be flourishing 
countries now if they hadn't succumbed to the lure of hate, using the 
unfairness of Israel to bring war and accumulate an expensive stock of 
weapons.  They could 

Re: [Biofuel] 2004 Florida Prezadenchul Ballot

2004-10-15 Thread Legal Eagle

- Original Message - 
From: Appal Energy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 11:50 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] 2004 Florida Prezadenchul Ballot

Florida's Secretary of State is beta-testing the online ballot for this
year's election. The State of Florida is asking for volunteers to test
the system to be sure it works right.

Whahahaha! Actually they had a monkey (a real live hairy one, not Bush) hack 
into the Diebold machine during a news conference lately, but the Orwellian 
controlled media didn't think it was note worthy enough to make any kind of 
splash about. It apparently is a fairly simple matter (evidently) of tapping 
two stealth spots on the screen and that opens up the program to tampering. 
Nice move Diebold ! And of course this wasn't built in by the makers of 
ultra secire ATM's and other secure systems taht actually DO leave a paper 
trail as backup.
Of course this could be, from a staunch Republican supporter (Diebold), 
intentional for deniability's sake. Bush loses the election and claims the 
machines are faulty and cancels them, but that is only if he can't get away 
with outrightly stealing it again. Third option ? Another fake terror attack 
and the whole thing is off. National emergency and all that.
What are the real world possibility that there will be an legitimate 
election in the US? Very slim.After all, there is that agenda to keep.


To take part in this pre-election experiment (and roll on the floor
laughing, maybe crying), go to...
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[Biofuel] World Food Day: Iraqi farmers aren't celebrating

2004-10-15 Thread Keith Addison

Subject: [New from GRAIN] World Food Day: Iraqi farmers aren't celebrating

World Food Day: Iraqi farmers aren't celebrating

For immediate release

When the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) celebrates 
biodiversity on World Food Day on October 16, Iraqi farmers will be 
mourning its loss.

A new report [1] by GRAIN and Focus on the Global South has found 
that new legislation in Iraq has been carefully put in place by the 
US that prevents farmers from saving their seeds and effectively 
hands over the seed market to transnational corporations. This is a 
disastrous turn of events for Iraqi farmers, biodiversity and the 
country's food security. While political sovereignty remains an 
illusion, food sovereignty for the Iraqi people has been made near 
impossible by these new regulations.

The US has been imposing patents on life around the world through 
trade deals. In this case, they invaded the country first, then 
imposed their patents. This is both immoral and unacceptable, said 
Shalini Bhutani, one of the report's authors.

The new law in question [2] heralds the entry into Iraqi law of 
patents on life forms - this first one affecting plants and seeds. 
This law fits in neatly into the US vision of Iraqi agriculture in 
the future - that of an industrial agricultural system dependent on 
large corporations providing inputs and seeds.

In 2002, FAO estimated that 97 percent of Iraqi farmers used saved 
seed from their own stocks from last year's harvest or purchased from 
local markets. When the new law - on plant variety protection (PVP) - 
is put into effect, seed saving will be illegal and the market will 
only offer proprietary PVP-protected planting material invented 
by transnational agribusiness corporations. The new law totally 
ignores all the contributions Iraqi farmers have made to development 
of important crops like wheat, barley, date and pulses. Its 
consequences are the loss of farmers' freedoms and a grave threat to 
food sovereignty in Iraq. In this way, the US has declared a new war 
against the Iraqi farmer.

If the FAO is celebrating 'Biodiversity for Food Security' this 
year, it needs to demonstrate some real commitment, says Henk 
Hobbelink of GRAIN, pointing out that the FAO has recently been 
cosying up with industry and offering support for genetic engineering 
[3]. Most importantly, the FAO must recognise that biodiversity-rich 
farming and industry-led agriculture are worlds apart, and that 
industrial agriculture is one of the leading causes of the 
catastrophic decline in agricultural biodiversity that we have 
witnessed in recent decades. The FAO cannot hope to embrace 
biodiversity while holding industry's hand, he added.


Shalini Bhutani in India [Tel: +91 11 243 15 168 (work) or +91 98 104 
33 076 (cell)] or

Alexis Vaughan in the United Kingdom [Tel: +44 79 74 39 34 87 (mobile)]

From Focus on the Global South
Herbert Docena in the Philippines [Tel:+63 2 972 382 3804]

[1] Visit GRAIN and Focus' 
report is entitled Iraq's new patent law: a declaration of war 
against farmers. Against the grain is a series of short opinion 
pieces on recent trends and developments in the issues that GRAIN 
works on. This one has been produced collaboratively with Focus on 
the Global South.

[2] Patent, Industrial Design, Undisclosed Information, Integrated 
Circuits and Plant Variety Law of 2004, CPA Order No. 81, 26 April 

[3] GRAIN, FAO declares war on farmers, not hunger, New from Grain, 
16 June 2004,

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Re: Re: [Biofuel] Noble gesture by Bush

2004-10-15 Thread btmd

Let's see, October 9, 2002.  That would be when the phony intelligence
still said that we would find WMD?  Sure, nothing has changed in the two
years since then, so you can still use that to explain anything, right?

Bush--Stands firmly by what he believes, no matter how wrong he is proven
to be.


Actually, I think Bush must have gotten the idea as to how to explain the
 reason that it was still the right thing to have gone to war in Iraq,
 even though no WMD have been found, from Senator Kerry's speech in
 Congress of Oct. 9, 2002, in which Kerry said, I believe the record of
 Saddam Hussein's ruthless, reckless breach of international values and
 standards of behavioris cause enough for the world community to hold
 him accountable by use of force, if necessary... (Complete speech can be
 found in the Congressional Record)
 And to bring democracy to Iraq, of course.   Bush simplified the words a
 Bad guy, good war, bring good democracy to Iraqis.
 Or something like that.
 No wonder Bush snickers every time Kerry says he was tricked into voting
 to authorize the use of force.

 Hello All ;

Congressman Ron Paul, in Ron Pauls' Freedom Report,
March 2004 :

Since no weapons of mass destruction or link to al
Qaeda have been found in Iraq, the explanation given
now for having gone there was top bring democracy to
the Iraqi people.  Yet now we hear that the Iraqis are
demanding immediate free elections not controlled by
the United States and our administration says the
Iraqi people are not yet ready for free elections.
DOESN'T WANT. Democratic elections will have to wait.


--- Ken Riznyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I guess Bush has to inflate the numbers, because
 is a small number compared to the other atrocities
 that have occurred.

 Already there are about 12,000 Iraqi civilians
 20,000 died in Bhopal, neither Union Carbide nor Dow
 which bought Union Carbide has paid one penny in
 1 million died in the Rawanda massacre
 who knows how may are dying in Dakar
 40,000 are slaughtered each year on American
 half by drunk drivers
 10 million African babies die each year from
 1 million Armenians were massacared by the Turks
 Hitler exterminated 10 million
 Stalin killed about 20 million
 And the land of liberty and freedom, now committed
 granting democracy to others, completely decimated
 its native population in its formative years,

 Done with my soap box ranting

 --- Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Following some of the election speeches by Bush,
  is talking by the
  3,800+ Americans that died at WTC. If I am not
  completely misinformed,
  about half of them were foreign nationals
  originally, but they must have
  been adopted by presidential decree or some other
  mechanism. A very nice
  gesture, but the problem I have, were they asked
  before they became
  Americans? I heard that if you are born on
  soil, you are
  automatically American or have the right to be, I
  did not know that it was
  the same case if you died on American soil.

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Re: [Biofuel] WVO and Kerosene

2004-10-15 Thread sspence

Of course, they don't realize, or don't mention, the damage they are doing to 
their injectors and pump .

Think lubricity!

= = = Original message = = =

On the journeytoforever website you will find info about mixing svo and 
kerosene (it also works with filtered WVO).

Actually  any diesel engine can run on kerosene since it is almost the same 
substance as diesel. From some workers at the airport here I heard several 
of them drive even on pure kerosene. For every four tanks of kerosene they 
haven driven they just fill up one time with diesel.


At 01:19 15/10/2004, you wrote:
Hi group.

I noticed a posting from someone using  SVO and Kerosene in a Genset.
Anyone out there have info on WVO and Kerosene for vehicles?  I have access
to  waste aviation kereosene unsuitable for use in turbines (has had water
in it at one time) and easy access to WVO.  The water can be easily
separated from the kerosene, which makes it suitable for heating oil and
hopefully, a replacement for diesel if it's lubricity could be inproved with



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Re: [Biofuel] WVO and Kerosene

2004-10-15 Thread sspence

We are running almost straight wvo, with a bit of kero added on cold days to 
keep it from gelling. Your waste kero seems like a winner if it can be 
dewatered. Don't use a lot, just enough to thin the wvo somewhat. The injection 
system determines the amount needed. Our Detroit Diesel with it's pump within 
injector is very happy on cold veggie, but it has to be able to move in the 

= = = Original message = = =

Hi group.

I noticed a posting from someone using  SVO and Kerosene in a Genset.
Anyone out there have info on WVO and Kerosene for vehicles?  I have access
to  waste aviation kereosene unsuitable for use in turbines (has had water
in it at one time) and easy access to WVO.  The water can be easily
separated from the kerosene, which makes it suitable for heating oil and
hopefully, a replacement for diesel if it's lubricity could be inproved with



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[Biofuel] Oct 20 Auction in Buffalo. Biodiesel ss tanks/ags.

2004-10-15 Thread Guag Meister

Hello All ;

Please see :

Bakery auction in Buffalo on Oct. 20.  Several VERY
nice stainless tanks 100 gal-850 gals with agitators
and diaphram pums, controls.  

Check out site ref #39 (gorgeous), #97, #161 for
starters.   Wish I was local.

Best Regards,

Peter G.

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[Biofuel] 2004 election voter guide

2004-10-15 Thread Terry Wilhelm

  Election Voter Guide  

  Depending on the way you lean, the following information  
  could have bearing on decisions you make in November 2004.

  Issues of Importance? 

  Gay Marriage  
  President Bush is opposed 
  John Kerry favors 
  Partial-Birth Abortion
  President Bush is opposed 
  John Kerry favors 
  Restoring voluntary prayer in the public schools  
  President Bush Favors 
  John Kerry is Opposed 
  Boy Scouts' Stand on belief in God and not allowing Homosexual Scout  
  President Bush supports Boy Scouts' stand 
  John Kerry opposes Boy Scouts' stand  
  Asking for God's blessing on America  
  President Bush often asks God to bless America in his speeches
  John Kerry attacks Bush for mentioning God so often   
  Federal Judges
  President Bush says We need common-sense judges who believe our 
  are derived from God.
  John Kerry insists on judges who support the radical anti-Christian,  
  anti-God, anti-family agenda. John Kerry is insistent on blocking 
  President Bush's Federal judicial appointments.   
  Assault on Mel Gibson for making film about Christ
  President Bush supports Gibson
  John Kerry participated in Left's assault on Gibson, suggesting   
  possible anti-Semitism, even though Kerry said he had not seen the 

  Overall Record
  President Bush does not vote on issues before Congress but, based on 
  publicly stated positions, would receive an 85% conservative rating 
  the American Conservative Union if he did.
  John Kerry, according to the highly respected, politically-neutral
  National Journal rates Kerry the most liberal U. S. Senator in 2003  
  more liberal than Ted Kennedy and/or Hillary Clinton.

Re: Re: [Biofuel] Noble gesture by Bush

2004-10-15 Thread dwoodard

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Senator Kerry's speech in Congress
 of Oct. 9, 2002, in which Kerry said, I believe the record of Saddam
 Hussein's ruthless, reckless breach of international values and
 standards of behavioris cause enough for the world community to
 hold him accountable by use of force, if necessary...

After he had outlived his usefulness in making war on Iran, murdering the
local Communists, suppressing the Kurds, etc.

Saddam must be feeling the force of the Earl of Strafford's exhortation,
as he was about to have his head chopped off for outliving his usefulness
to Charles I: Put not your trust in princes.

Rumsfeld, Reagan and company were probably as guilty of the crime  under
the Nuremburg principles, of waging aggressive war on Iran in the 80's,
as Bush, Rumsfeld and company are for waging aggressive war on Iraq.

But, then, Nuremburg was for losers.

Anyone who reads the Federalist Papers, the writings of Thomas Jefferson,
etc,; will be aware that one reason that the U.S. Founding Fathers wished
to avoid foreign entanglements and foreign wars, was that they thought
that a constitutional republic could not not long exist in a state
devoted to self-aggrandizement by war (except against the Indians).

They were wise.

As Jefferson put it, I tremble for my country, when I reflect that
God is just.

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
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Re: [Biofuel] WVO and Kerosene

2004-10-15 Thread Greg Harbican

All I can say is that they are going to have parts breakage ( fuel pump,
injectors, and anything else that is mechanical and deals with fuel moving
through it).

At very worst, they should use a mix based on 5 parts Diesel#2  to 1 part
Kerosene. I never use more that 10% kerosene with Diesel #2 and I use about
1 qt SVO with the mix to help the lubrication..

Even my owners manual says that 30% kerosene should be used as a last
resort, and 30 % kerosene should be the maximum amount used because it does
not have the lubrication ability to prevent serious wear to the mechanical

I only use kerosene because I can not get Diesel #1, and I am at higher
altitude with a naturally aspirated engine, so using strait Diesel #2 causes
all sort of soot problems, due to the longer carbon chains, and lower Oxygen
available at altatude.

Greg H.

- Original Message - 
From: Yves vd hoeven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 00:33
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] WVO and Kerosene

 Actually  any diesel engine can run on kerosene since it is almost the
 substance as diesel. From some workers at the airport here I heard several
 of them drive even on pure kerosene. For every four tanks of kerosene they
 haven driven they just fill up one time with diesel.


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Re: [Biofuel] 2004 Florida Prezadenchul Ballot

2004-10-15 Thread btmd

A terrorist attack would be too risky for the Bush campaign, as the ONLY
point that they have is that they have kept us safe.  The real
terrorists are too scared of what would happen if we had someone
intelligent in office to do anything to mess up Bush's reelection, and the
Bush campaign knows it wouldn't help them, so I don't expect anything to
happen until after the election.  I'm flying the week before the election,
but sure won't travel anywhere in November.

My prediction, someone who looks a lot like binLaden will be paraded in
front of TV cameras on 10/30 or 31.  On November 3, we find out that his
identity couldn't be confirmed, Whoops, wrong guy!  Of course, by then
the election is over.  Sorry America, you've been misled again.


 - Original Message -
 From: Appal Energy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 11:50 PM
 Subject: [Biofuel] 2004 Florida Prezadenchul Ballot

 Florida's Secretary of State is beta-testing the online ballot for this
 year's election. The State of Florida is asking for volunteers to test
 the system to be sure it works right.

 Whahahaha! Actually they had a monkey (a real live hairy one, not Bush)
 into the Diebold machine during a news conference lately, but the
 controlled media didn't think it was note worthy enough to make any kind
 splash about. It apparently is a fairly simple matter (evidently) of
 two stealth spots on the screen and that opens up the program to
 Nice move Diebold ! And of course this wasn't built in by the makers of
 ultra secire ATM's and other secure systems taht actually DO leave a paper
 trail as backup.
 Of course this could be, from a staunch Republican supporter (Diebold),
 intentional for deniability's sake. Bush loses the election and claims the
 machines are faulty and cancels them, but that is only if he can't get
 with outrightly stealing it again. Third option ? Another fake terror
 and the whole thing is off. National emergency and all that.
 What are the real world possibility that there will be an legitimate
 election in the US? Very slim.After all, there is that agenda to keep.

 To take part in this pre-election experiment (and roll on the floor
 laughing, maybe crying), go to...
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Re: [Biofuel] Iodine Value

2004-10-15 Thread Greg Harbican


Oils and esters characteristics

Greg H.

- Original Message - 
From: Gregg Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 03:40
Subject: [Biofuel] Iodine Value

 Hello Everyone,

 Is there any information on the Iodine Value of Corn oil anywhere in the
archives? I've found the I.V. for other oils, but corn (miaze) wasn't among


 Gregg Davidson

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Re: [Biofuel] Oct 20 Auction in Buffalo. Biodiesel ss tanks/ags.

2004-10-15 Thread Legal Eagle

heated space.

- Original Message - 
From: Guag Meister [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 9:38 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Oct 20 Auction in Buffalo. Biodiesel ss tanks/ags.

Hello All ;

Please see :

Bakery auction in Buffalo on Oct. 20.  Several VERY
nice stainless tanks 100 gal-850 gals with agitators
and diaphram pums, controls.

Check out site ref #39 (gorgeous), #97, #161 for
starters.   Wish I was local.

Best Regards,

Peter G.

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[Biofuel] Trade in your bicycle on one of these

2004-10-15 Thread Keith Addison
New Navistar pickup towers over offerings from Hummer, Ford - Sep. 13, 2004
Truck maker will sell giant pickup

Navistar starts marketing cement mixer-based truck that dwarfs the 
Hummer and the F-350.

September 13, 2004: 3:07 PM EDT
By Chris Isidore, CNN/Money senior writer

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - For the driver looking for more in a pickup -- 
one that dwarfs the Hummer and the Ford F-350 -- Navistar has just 
the ride for you.

The new CXT -- short for commercial extreme truck and built from the 
same platform as the heavy-truck maker's typical tow truck or cement 
mixer -- will be sold starting this week by Navistar's International 
Truck  Engine subsidiary.

At 258 inches, or 21-1/2 feet long, the CXT is about 4-1/2 feet 
longer than the new Hummer H2 pickup, and about 2 inches longer than 
the F-350 Crew Cab.

But the way it really towers over what's on the road now is in 
height. At 108 inches, or 9 feet, the CXT stands only a foot below a 
basketball rim and more than two feet above the Hummer or the F-350.

It's not going to fit into the standard garage, said Mark Oberle, a 
spokesman for Navistar, based in Warrenville, Ill., outside Chicago. 
We can see it as a vehicle for business people who want to make a 
distinct impression. For personal use, it's for people who want to 
make a statement.

One statements: The buyer has a great deal of money to spend. The 
price for the CXT ranges from about $93,000 to $115,000 fully loaded, 
with such creature comforts as a DVD player and leather upholstery.

Buyers will also have to have a fair amount of money to fill it up -- 
it's projected to get between 6 and 10 miles per gallon of diesel 

The vehicle weighs about seven tons empty and can carry another six 
tons in its truck bed.

What Navistar doesn't see is the vehicle being mass-produced.

It expects to sell only about 50 this year, and it doesn't expect the 
CXT to challenge the market niche of the H2 sport/utility vehicle, 
which saw sales of 34,529 units last year.

By comparison, the Ford F-series, which includes everything from the 
nation's best-selling vehicle, the F-150, up through the F-350, had 
sales of 845,586 vehicles last year.

Navistar first showed the CXT in March at the Mid-America Trucking 
Show, the industry's premier event. It has sold a few already and 
starts marketing the vehicle to the general public this week. But 
Oberle said he doubts the marketing effort will include television 
ads or other mass-market efforts.

The vehicle will be available through International Truck's 345 
dealerships, which operate 850 locations nationwide.

Oberle said he couldn't say how many dealers will be ordering the vehicles.
Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Trade in your bicycle on one of these

2004-10-15 Thread Jonathan Dunlap

LOL! Good one...

Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:(...joke)
New Navistar pickup towers over offerings from Hummer, Ford - Sep. 13, 2004
Truck maker will sell giant pickup

Navistar starts marketing cement mixer-based truck that dwarfs the 
Hummer and the F-350.
September 13, 2004: 3:07 PM EDT
By Chris Isidore, CNN/Money senior writer

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - For the driver looking for more in a pickup -- 
one that dwarfs the Hummer and the Ford F-350 -- Navistar has just 
the ride for you.

The new CXT -- short for commercial extreme truck and built from the 
same platform as the heavy-truck maker's typical tow truck or cement 
mixer -- will be sold starting this week by Navistar's International 
Truck  Engine subsidiary.

At 258 inches, or 21-1/2 feet long, the CXT is about 4-1/2 feet 
longer than the new Hummer H2 pickup, and about 2 inches longer than 
the F-350 Crew Cab.

But the way it really towers over what's on the road now is in 
height. At 108 inches, or 9 feet, the CXT stands only a foot below a 
basketball rim and more than two feet above the Hummer or the F-350.

It's not going to fit into the standard garage, said Mark Oberle, a 
spokesman for Navistar, based in Warrenville, Ill., outside Chicago. 
We can see it as a vehicle for business people who want to make a 
distinct impression. For personal use, it's for people who want to 
make a statement.

One statements: The buyer has a great deal of money to spend. The 
price for the CXT ranges from about $93,000 to $115,000 fully loaded, 
with such creature comforts as a DVD player and leather upholstery.

Buyers will also have to have a fair amount of money to fill it up -- 
it's projected to get between 6 and 10 miles per gallon of diesel 

The vehicle weighs about seven tons empty and can carry another six 
tons in its truck bed.

What Navistar doesn't see is the vehicle being mass-produced.

It expects to sell only about 50 this year, and it doesn't expect the 
CXT to challenge the market niche of the H2 sport/utility vehicle, 
which saw sales of 34,529 units last year.

By comparison, the Ford F-series, which includes everything from the 
nation's best-selling vehicle, the F-150, up through the F-350, had 
sales of 845,586 vehicles last year.

Navistar first showed the CXT in March at the Mid-America Trucking 
Show, the industry's premier event. It has sold a few already and 
starts marketing the vehicle to the general public this week. But 
Oberle said he doubts the marketing effort will include television 
ads or other mass-market efforts.

The vehicle will be available through International Truck's 345 
dealerships, which operate 850 locations nationwide.

Oberle said he couldn't say how many dealers will be ordering the vehicles.
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Do you Yahoo!? - Register online to vote today!
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Re: [Biofuel] 2004 election voter guide

2004-10-15 Thread Gustl Steiner-Zehender

Hallo ,

Friday, 15 October, 2004, 09:43:10, you wrote:

TW   Election Voter Guide  
TW   Depending on the way you lean, the following information
TW   could have bearing on decisions you make in November 2004.

TW   Issues of Importance? 

Not  as  stated.  One  liners may work for comedians but are generally
useless  and  skewed when it comes to political debate and discussion.
What  this is is dishonest, misleading and inaccurate when it comes to
either side of the fence and it also tends to take ones focus off what
is  really  important and divert it to these piddling little issues of
partisan distraction.  An entirely unworthy effort.

Happy Happy,


TW   Gay Marriage  
TW   President Bush is opposed 
TW   John Kerry favors 
TW   Partial-Birth Abortion
TW   President Bush is opposed 
TW   John Kerry favors 
TW   Restoring voluntary prayer in the public schools  
TW   President Bush Favors 
TW   John Kerry is Opposed 
TW   Boy Scouts' Stand on belief in God and not allowing Homosexual Scout  
TW   Leaders   
TW   President Bush supports Boy Scouts' stand 
TW   John Kerry opposes Boy Scouts' stand  
TW   Asking for God's blessing on America  
TW   President Bush often asks God to bless America in his speeches
TW   John Kerry attacks Bush for mentioning God so often   
TW   Federal Judges
TW   President Bush says We need common-sense judges who believe our 
TW rights   
TW   are derived from God.
TW   John Kerry insists on judges who support the radical anti-Christian,  
TW   anti-God, anti-family agenda. John Kerry is insistent on blocking 
TW   President Bush's Federal judicial appointments.   
TW   Assault on Mel Gibson for making film about Christ
TW   President Bush supports Gibson
TW   John Kerry participated in Left's assault on Gibson, suggesting   
TW   possible anti-Semitism, even though Kerry said he had not seen the 
TW film.  

TW   Overall Record
TW   President Bush does not vote on issues before Congress but, based on 
TW his  
TW   publicly stated positions, would receive an 

Re: [Biofuel] 2004 election voter guide

2004-10-15 Thread Hakan Falk


This list is refreshingly open for all opinions and beliefs, therefore I am 
reading this with interest and have no issue with that the writer says what 
he believe in. It have some interest and can work the issues in both 
positive and negative way, assuming that the reader form his/her own opinion.

This even if I think that Bush is the worst US president I have seen in my 
life time, 63 years, and have a track record that make more than 5,6 
billion of the worlds population to hope for a refusal to give Bush a 
second term. I long for a more cooperative and reasonable attitude from the 
US government and would have hoped that enough Americans would feel the 
same. The world have quite substantial problems that must be worked on, to 
have a US president that show imperial attitudes to them and energy 
policies that would bring US to the edge of disaster. I think that US is 
going to have very large problems, stemming from their apathy when it comes 
to solve their fossil fuel dependence.

Where your posting goes awfully wrong is when it does a direct vote 
solicitation to the list,  which actually upset me a great deal. It is also 
wrong to solicit active participation from list members to work with 
spreading political propaganda. It is also quite stupid and humorous to do 
it on this list, when the majority of the members are from other countries 
than US, but I will not hold that against you. LOL


At 03:43 PM 10/15/2004, you wrote:

  Election Voter Guide

  Depending on the way you lean, the following information
  could have bearing on decisions you make in November 2004.

  Issues of Importance?

  Gay Marriage
  President Bush is opposed
  John Kerry favors
  Partial-Birth Abortion
  President Bush is opposed
  John Kerry favors
  Restoring voluntary prayer in the public schools
  President Bush Favors
  John Kerry is Opposed
  Boy Scouts' Stand on belief in God and not allowing Homosexual Scout
  President Bush supports Boy Scouts' stand
  John Kerry opposes Boy Scouts' stand
  Asking for God's blessing on America
  President Bush often asks God to bless America in his speeches
  John Kerry attacks Bush for mentioning God so often
  Federal Judges
  President Bush says We need common-sense judges who believe our
  are derived from God.
  John Kerry insists on judges who support the radical anti-Christian,
  anti-God, anti-family agenda. John Kerry is insistent on blocking
  President Bush's Federal judicial appointments.
  Assault on Mel Gibson for making film about Christ
  President Bush supports Gibson
  John Kerry participated in Left's assault on Gibson, suggesting
  possible anti-Semitism, even though Kerry said he had not seen the

  Overall Record
  President Bush does not vote on issues before Congress but, based on
  publicly stated positions, would receive an 85% conservative rating
  the American Conservative Union if he did.
  John Kerry, according to the highly respected, politically-neutral
  National Journal rates Kerry the most liberal U. S. Senator in 2003
  more liberal than Ted Kennedy and/or Hillary Clinton.
  With help from you and many others, the aim is to distribute
  of  these
  Election Voter Guides in e-mailboxes to voters across America.
  If you want to help, please pass this on.
  If you disagree, then do nothing to help - but DO vote your beliefs.

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] 2004 election voter guide

2004-10-15 Thread Hakan Falk


This list is refreshingly open for all opinions and beliefs, therefore I am 
reading this with interest and have no issue with that the writer says what 
he believe in. It have some interest and can work the issues in both 
positive and negative way, assuming that the reader form his/her own opinion.

This even if I think that Bush is the worst US president I have seen in my 
life time, 63 years, and have a track record that make more than 5,6 
billion of the worlds population to hope for a refusal to give Bush a 
second term. I long for a more cooperative and reasonable attitude from the 
US government and would have hoped that enough Americans would feel the 
same. The world have quite substantial problems that must be worked on, to 
have a US president that show imperial attitudes to them and energy 
policies that would bring US to the edge of disaster. I think that US is 
going to have very large problems, stemming from their apathy when it comes 
to solve their fossil fuel dependence.

Where your posting goes awfully wrong is when it does a direct vote 
solicitation to the list,  which actually upset me a great deal. It is also 
wrong to solicit active participation from list members to work with 
spreading political propaganda. It is also quite stupid and humorous to do 
it on this list, when the majority of the members are from other countries 
than US, but I will not hold that against you. LOL


At 03:43 PM 10/15/2004, you wrote:

  Election Voter Guide

  Depending on the way you lean, the following information
  could have bearing on decisions you make in November 2004.

  Issues of Importance?

  Gay Marriage
  President Bush is opposed
  John Kerry favors
  Partial-Birth Abortion
  President Bush is opposed
  John Kerry favors
  Restoring voluntary prayer in the public schools
  President Bush Favors
  John Kerry is Opposed
  Boy Scouts' Stand on belief in God and not allowing Homosexual Scout
  President Bush supports Boy Scouts' stand
  John Kerry opposes Boy Scouts' stand
  Asking for God's blessing on America
  President Bush often asks God to bless America in his speeches
  John Kerry attacks Bush for mentioning God so often
  Federal Judges
  President Bush says We need common-sense judges who believe our
  are derived from God.
  John Kerry insists on judges who support the radical anti-Christian,
  anti-God, anti-family agenda. John Kerry is insistent on blocking
  President Bush's Federal judicial appointments.
  Assault on Mel Gibson for making film about Christ
  President Bush supports Gibson
  John Kerry participated in Left's assault on Gibson, suggesting
  possible anti-Semitism, even though Kerry said he had not seen the

  Overall Record
  President Bush does not vote on issues before Congress but, based on
  publicly stated positions, would receive an 85% conservative rating
  the American Conservative Union if he did.
  John Kerry, according to the highly respected, politically-neutral
  National Journal rates Kerry the most liberal U. S. Senator in 2003
  more liberal than Ted Kennedy and/or Hillary Clinton.
  With help from you and many others, the aim is to distribute
  of  these
  Election Voter Guides in e-mailboxes to voters across America.
  If you want to help, please pass this on.
  If you disagree, then do nothing to help - but DO vote your beliefs.

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[Biofuel] Appeal to Engineers

2004-10-15 Thread Steve Spence

Appeal to Engineers - by V.K.DESAI

We are living in the era of engineers. Progress of science and
technology has created innumerable amenities for happy life. Much of the
comfort and luxuries created by industrial progress is due to the
dedicated efforts of thousand of engineers, technologist and scientist.
Hence, there is no exaggeration in saying that we are living in the era
of engineers of which Africa will come out as the strongest continent.

But the industrial development as seen today is not so innocent. It has
its black side also. Present industrial progress is associated with
exploitation, disparity, unemployment, poverty, centralization,
urbanization, pollution and wars also. Moreover, it makes our life more
and more complex which gives rise to tension in our routine life. In
fact, it encourages materialism and greed for luxurious life at any
cost. So if we assess the industrial progress in totality, we have to
come to the conclusion that its debit side far outweighs its credit
side. This is particularly true for a country like India.

Since centuries, we had the most scientific and well organized economic
structure based on self reliant villages. Crores of people were living
their simple life peacefully in villages. Most of the people had their
own occupation. We have damaged this sound structure heavily in the name
of industrialization. We have disturbed entire village lifestyle by
exploiting masses by breaking their occupations and by concentrating
wealth into handful of industrialists. This has created unemployment,
poverty and disparity. At present our 50 crores of villagers are living
miserable life worse than animals . They are so unfortunate that they
have to sleep with their hungry stomach every day. They are victims of
our so-called industrial development.

I feel that real reason of undesirable consequences of industrial
progress is because engineers are helpless to work for greed of money.
We give more importance to our salaries and to our prospects for our
personal happiness than to consider the impact of our work on society.

I admit that after putting in hard labour for years together to achieve
degree of engineering, we have right to expect something which may
provide us comfortable life. But I have painfully observed that matter
does not end there. Every type of greed has no end. Once engineer gets
comfortable life, he expects more and more comfort and luxuries. We
engineers, never think of the result of our work on society. We
conveniently ignore the consequences of the industrial progress which we
are making even after knowing that our efforts to manufacture certain
machinery or goods or services will result in increasing exploitation,
unemployment and poverty of masses. We are not paying any attention
towards it. We are not accepting any responsibility of increasing evils
of the industrial development. This leads to the conclusion to me that
we are selfish for our own comfortable and luxurious life. To accomplish
it, we are dedicating our entire intelligence and perseverance to foster
the centralized industrial structure, sole purpose of which is to make
profit by exploiting masses without any consideration of morality. In
this way we are cooperating in the advancement or evils in the society.
It is really deplorable that not a few engineers are found who will deny
to work where their work is ultimately going to result into evident
exploitation of masses.

We must ponder over this horrible situation. We must try to find out why
industrial progress results into horrible disparity giving handful of
people too much luxuries and to millions of people only miseries. We
must try to find out why the centralization of wealth and power takes
place due to industrial progress.

But I know that many engineers are not satisfied with their jobs. They
know that their hard labour put for earning their livelihood results
into the exploitation of masses. So they have discontent for their work.
They feel pity for masses. They have sympathy for them. But they feel
themselves helpless in the matter. They do not find any alternative.
They desire to come out of the present situation. But they do not know
how to do it. They feel some vacuum in their life. They feel lack of
morality in their work. Hence, their conscience always rebel against
their job. They are eager to help the poor people either by changing
their job or by starting their own business. But they do not know how to
do it.

I have to specially appeal to such engineers. There are hundreds of
scopes in the present day society for earning your livelihood and
helping the poor people. These vast scopes are in villages. Although our
decentralized rural economic structure has been severely damaged, it is
not completely ruined. It is still living. It is repairable. I am
optimistic that if thousands of Engineers pay enough attention to the
real needs of villages and they vow to work for villages, within two
decades only, entire village based 

Re: [Biofuel] 2004 election voter guide

2004-10-15 Thread John Hayes

  Election Voter Guide  

  Depending on the way you lean, the following information  
  could have bearing on decisions you make in November 2004.

  Issues of Importance? 

  Gay Marriage  
  President Bush is opposed 
  John Kerry favors

Untrue. Kerry opposes gay marriage but favors equal civil rights (like 
health insurance, life insurance and medical decision making) for gay 

  Partial-Birth Abortion
  President Bush is opposed 
  John Kerry favors

Flat out wrong. Kerry opposes a Partial Birth abortion, but believes any 
law banning it needs an exception for the health of the mother.

This was made quite clear in the 3rd debate.

  Restoring voluntary prayer in the public schools  
  President Bush Favors 
  John Kerry is Opposed 

The supreme court has been quite clear on the issue of state sponsored 
prayer. The Establishment Clause forbids state-sponsored prayers in 
public school settings no matter how nondenominational the prayers may 
be. Lee v. Weisman, 505 U.S. Supreme Court 577 (1992). Thus, in 
opposing state sponsored prayer, Kerry is upholding the constitution he 
has sworn to defend, both as a navy officer and as a US Senator.

With regard to *voluntary* prayer, John Kerry voted NO on an amendment 
proposed by Sen. Helms that would have cut off funds to schools that 
deny students the right to pray.

This vote doesn't strike me as anti-pray but pro-education. If a local 
school board chooses to ban prayer in school, isn't that a community 
standards issue? Funny how states rights and local standards apply 
sometimes but not others.

  Boy Scouts' Stand on belief in God and not allowing Homosexual Scout  
  President Bush supports Boy Scouts' stand 
  John Kerry opposes Boy Scouts' stand  

This is much like the prayer issue above. Kerry is NOT opposed to the 
Boy Scouts position on homosexuality.

In 1992, he voted against a Sen. Helms amendment that would have banned 
federal employees from giving to any charity that had withdrawn support 
from the BSA.

I fail to see how voting against restraint of an employees choice of 
charitable giving is an anti-BSA position. Let me put it more simply; 
not voting to restrict the right of federal employees to give money to a 
charity *of* *their* *choice* supports the freedom the employee to do 
with his or her money as they please. It has nothing to do with the BSA.

How would you feel if a democratic senator attempted to pass a law that 
prevented employees from giving his or her *own* money to any charity 
that supported Operation Rescue? It would be inappropriate restraint of 
 free choice, no? Finally, it was a defense appropriations bill. What 
in god's name does charity giving have to do with national defense?

  Asking for God's blessing on America  
  President Bush often asks God to bless America in his speeches
  John Kerry attacks Bush for mentioning God so often  

Mainstream press examples please.

Kerry is a devout catholic; just because catholics tend not 

Re: [Biofuel] Methanol from Trees

2004-10-15 Thread MH

 Greg Harbican wrote: 
 I really hope this is a technology that can be scaled down for home use.
 I have several trees ( and bushes ) in my yard that are causing problems,
 that I would like to turn into Methanol.
 Greg H.

 I happened to see your reply in the archives. 

 There was something mentioned in  

 Alternatives to Fossil Fueled Engine/Generators 
 by Clifford W. Mossberg 
 If your goal is to produce methyl alcohol (methanol)

 somewhere under the heading, 
 Wood Gasification Basics 

 Perhaps this is to controversial particularly regarding
 Direct Methanol Fuel Cells  

 - Original Message - 
 University of Washington invents process to converts small trees to methanol
 Source:The Spokesman-Review
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Re: [Biofuel] Iodine Value

2004-10-15 Thread Gregg Davidson

Thanks for the assist Greg. I just didn't look far enough. Yesterday was one of 
THOSE days.

Greg Harbican [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oils and esters characteristics

Greg H.

- Original Message - 
From: Gregg Davidson 
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 03:40
Subject: [Biofuel] Iodine Value

 Hello Everyone,

 Is there any information on the Iodine Value of Corn oil anywhere in the
archives? I've found the I.V. for other oils, but corn (miaze) wasn't among


 Gregg Davidson

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Re: [Biofuel] Iodine Value

2004-10-15 Thread Greg Harbican

I know, after I replied, I found out that something was clogging the sewer
line between the house and the street, and so every thing going on upstairs
was backing up into the basement.Lucky for me it would still drain even
if it was very slow, and I caught it with in minutes of it starting to back
up into the house.

Greg H.

- Original Message - 
From: Gregg Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 11:33
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iodine Value

 Thanks for the assist Greg. I just didn't look far enough. Yesterday was
one of THOSE days.


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Re: [Biofuel] 2004 election voter guide

2004-10-15 Thread bob allen

  Election Voter Guide

  Depending on the way you lean, the following information
  could have bearing on decisions you make in November 2004.

  Issues of Importance?


sanctioning loving and lasting relationships

  President Bush is opposed
  John Kerry favors

saving the life of women with crisis pregnancies

  President Bush is opposed
  John Kerry favors

barring religious freedom and diversity

  President Bush Favors
  John Kerry is Opposed

 Federal Judges

  President Bush says We need common-sense judges who believe our
  are derived from God.

the problem is they  aren't I.  don't depend on mythology for my rights 
rather the constitution. 

  John Kerry insists on judges who support the radical anti-Christian,
  anti-God, anti-family agenda. John Kerry is insistent on blocking
  President Bush's Federal judicial appointments.

actually, Kerry, like the constitution,  favors religious freedom and 

  John Kerry, according to the highly respected, politically-neutral

  National Journal rates Kerry.

highly respected?  neutral ?  balderdash


Bob Allen, 

The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness  JKG 

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Re: [Biofuel] Appeal to Engineers

2004-10-15 Thread Keith Addison

Thanks for that. Mr Desai sent me one too, different, I was just 
going to reply to him, but this is a good idea, I'll post it here as 
well. The Tinytech Plants are featured at the Biofuels supplies and 
suppliers page at Journey to Forever (see Oilseed presses), but I'll 
beef it up now he's told me more about them, and himself. Below... 
see especially MY BASIC CONVICTIONS about halfway down.



From :
Tagore Road, Rajkot - 360 002, INDIA
Tele # 91-281-2480166, 2431086
Fax # 91-281-2467552
Mobile # 91 92 27 60 65 70
Website :

October 13, 2004

Attn.: Keith Addison / Midori Hiraga,

I must congratulate for maintaining very good website with full of 
information relating to renewable energy.

I am working for decentralized technology and also for renewable energy.

Our tiny oil mills working successfully in 52 countries (list in the 
website) for edible oil purpose is eminently suitable for making bio 
diesel from rapeseed which is grown in almost all European 
countries. So our tiny oil mill is most suited for all rapeseed 
farmers to extract oil from their own rapeseed and to make bio 
diesel from it. We understand that bio diesel made from rapeseed 
becomes 50% cheaper than fossil diesel in Europe. So our tiny oil 
mill can play very important role in making bio diesel in every farm 
and thus promoting green energy in Europe.


If you run tiny oil mill with diesel engine instead of electric 
motor, you can run it with diesel engine in which rapeseed oil can 
be used instead of diesel. Only 5% oil produced from the tiny oil 
mill can be consumed in diesel engine to run the tiny oil mill i.e. 
if you run tiny oil mill for 8 hours time, you will crush one tonne 
of rapeseed which will give you atleast 300 liters of pure 
transparent oil out of which you can hardly consume 15 liters of oil 
for running the tiny oil mill itself. The rest of the 95% oil i.e. 
285 liters can be used for cooking  or for running the automobiles. 
Or you can run diesel generating sets which produces electricity by 
diesel engines and you can use rapeseed oil in diesel generating 
sets as fuel. So it can be a independent electricity plant. This 
means that if you have one tiny oil mill, you can produce sufficient 
rapeseed oil by which you can run the power station of 150 KW 
capacity by rapeseed oil as a fuel.  


Tiny oil mill consists of oil expeller (oil press), electrical 
cooking kettle with digital temperature controller, filter press, 
electric motor 10 HP, accessories and spare parts kit etc. It has 
crushing capacity of 3 tonnes in 24 hours. Only one person can run 
the entire rapeseed oil mill. Only 20 space is required to 
accomodate the mill. Rapeseed can be crushed with cold process 
without heating it. But European winter is very severe and hence it 
is desirable to have electrical cooking kettle to heat the oil seeds 
initially if required. Capacity of oil mill can be increased by 
multiplying expellers.

Oil is instantly filtered to give you pure and fresh  transparent 
oil which anybody will praise as a best quality oil just at a 
glance. Our tiny oil mill is highly scientific, highly efficient and 
highly cheap also. So every farmer can afford to install tiny oil 
mill to crush his own rapeseed to get rapeseed oil which can be 
directly used in his tractors and automobiles. If the farmer has 
surplus oil, he can sell out in the market for automobiles i.e. for 
cars and trucks.

Complete mill machinery is sent as a package and you have nothing to 
buy locally. We provide foundation frame readymade and you  have not 
to make any foundation in the ground. So you can start the oil mill 
on the same day you receive the machinery (incase of electric motor).


The FOB cost of the tiny oil mill is Euro 5000/- which includes oil 
expeller, electrical cooking kettle with digital temperature 
controller, filter press, electric motor 10 HP, spare parts kit etc. 
If you desire diesel generating set it costs Euro 1200/- extra. We 
dispatch machinery within 3 days on receipt of payment. 


We also manufacture solar cookers for families and communities. Our 
community cooker is a Scheffler Reflector of 11 sq. mtr. reflector 
size and it can cook for 100 people in 90 minutes.

We are starting manufacturing of small wind turbines upto 5 kw 
capacity for electricity generation and for water pumping by 
compressed air.   

On our website, full information and photographs of machinery have been given.

If you can suggest organizations of farmers who may be interested in 
making bio diesel by using tiny oil mill, I will be obliged.


Managing Director.


4 mills to Senegal

Re: [Biofuel] Appeal to Engineers

2004-10-15 Thread sspence

Yes, I posted MY BASIC CONVICTIONS to our blog at 
yesterday. He's got some good ideals, and he's working them, instead of just 
talking them. Very admirable. I do like the products, but more so the 

= = = Original message = = =

Hi Steve

Thanks for that. Mr Desai sent me one too, different, I was just 
going to reply to him, but this is a good idea, I'll post it here as 
well. The Tinytech Plants are featured at the Biofuels supplies and 
suppliers page at Journey to Forever (see Oilseed presses), but I'll 
beef it up now he's told me more about them, and himself. Below... 
see especially MY BASIC CONVICTIONS about halfway down.



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RE: [Biofuel] Petrol/Paraffin Motor ?

2004-10-15 Thread Christopher

Thanks Greg.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Greg Harbican
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 7:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Petrol/Paraffin Motor ?

Kerosene while very similar to Diesel #1, but, it is not diesel.  It does
not provide anywhere near the lubrication that diesel does.

You can end up killing a diesel engine if you run it on nothing but

- Original Message - 
From: Christopher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 20:31
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Petrol/Paraffin Motor ?

 Hi Max:

 I have a few questions for clarification. Are you saying that you are
 running two of your petron engine cars on kerosine? Kerosene is actually
 diesel fuel no.1, right?

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RE: [Biofuel] Petrol/Paraffin Motor ? Part:1

2004-10-15 Thread Christopher

Thanks Max, that is really enlightening. I'm looking forward to your next


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Gasman
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2004 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Petrol/Paraffin Motor ? Part:1

- Original Message -
From: Christopher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2004 5:31 AM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Petrol/Paraffin Motor ?

 Hi Max:

 I have a few questions for clarification. Are you saying that you are
 running two of your petron engine cars on kerosine? Kerosene is actually
 diesel fuel no.1, right? And the dino-diesel we usually use is diesel
 no.2 which is less refined than no.1. So what you are saying is that you
 are running your gasoline cars on diesel fuel? If it is posible to run a
 gasoline engine with diesel fuel then it is also posible to run it on

 Please elaborate some more. I want to learn how you do it.

 Best regards,

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Gasman
 Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 11:31 AM
 Subject: [Biofuel] Petrol/Paraffin Motor ?

 On the 23th of September you wrote:

 Hello all!

 Is there anyone out there who has tried running a petrol motor on
 I know the timing needs retarding and that performance is terrible, but
 in Africa, the fuel is very, very cheap.

 What are the environmental implications of burning the stuff and
 implications for engine life?

 Phil Rendel
 English Department
 Kingswood College,
 Burton Street,

 on the 3d of October,  I among others, responded:

 Hello Phil!

 If you wish, and Keith allows us to talk in depth about how to arrange
 a petrol (gasoline) motor to work smoothly on motor paraffin (kerosene),
 I can offer you my experience of 13 years and over 100.000 km with two
 of my cars. Both driven by motorpetroleum and waterinjection (actually
 suctioned by the motor itself, the same way as the fuel).

 Max Gasman

 4.10.2004 :

 Now, are you still interested in some observation I made, or do you want
 to describe your starting point?
 Otherwise I will start to respond to others, who perhaps have a different
 starting point.

 What am I  schoolmastering ? ;  first come, first served...

 Max Gasman

Alright, Chris, as Phil seems to not come forward, you will get it!


As Petroleum was found about  ~150 years ago, one of the first uses was
distil lamp kerosene for lighting.

~100 years ago they started to distil motor kerosene, a distil fraction
about 110 - 130¡ Celsius. This was before the Diesel motor had spread into
larger acceptance around the world. (And the patents of Rudolf Diesel and
had run out).

Lamp kerosene is a few fractions higher, and does not include but very
aromatic components, to be able to use it indoors.

Motor kerosene, on the other hand includes far more aromatics and light
which can be recognised by its sweet-sour smell, when burned in an Otto
Until the '50ies, motor kerosene had its natural low octane value, and did
not allow
higher compression ratios than ~5:1. Compare Fordson tractors' 4,5:1 as well
as boat motors.

Modern motor kerosene was beefed up with lead (MBTE?), and allowed a
compression ratio of ~7,5 : 1.

One cannot start an Otto motor on motor kerosene, unless the motor is at
60¡ Celsius. A cold motor has to be run warm on gasoline (petrol), before
turning to kerosene.

Motor kerosene has NOTHING to do with ANY grade of DIESEL FUELS !

(The nearest comparison would be aeronautic kerosene !)

Despite this, some taxi drivers used to mix ~15-25% motor kerosene in their
diesel fuel in the winter back in the '50ies and '60ies, before the WINTER
where developed. But this was just an attempt to handle the PARAFFIN
which stopped the fuel flow by clogging the lines and filters!
The winter grades are deprived of sublimating paraffin, so the clogging is
not a problem
any more, to about -35¡Celsius, (POLAR GRADE goes still further).

Now, about car use: In Finland it was allowed, for a brief period, between

~February and 30.6.1982, for a private person to re-register gasoline driven

to be driven on motor kerosene (paraffin). At that time, two car factories

market motor kerosene driven cars in Finland. (Saab and Talbot). The

law protecting these factories, was turned over in the beginning of the
year 1982,

but the parliament re-wrote the law again in May, coming in force from

Both these commercial car models for kerosene, had their intake air
by a motor coolant heating element (heating battery, like the heating
element for the passenger cabin). The kerosene was also pre-heated by a
small heat exchanger
from the hot motor coolant. These cars had a compression ratio of ~7,5:1.

This had the consequence,