Re: [Biofuel] NZ Coroners Report on Complementary Medicines

2006-10-15 Thread D. Mindock
Hi Marylynn,
   Thanks for this info on NZ!
   Yeah, wow. I too am amazed that this study was done. It seems that common 
sense and
spine abounds in NZ.  God bless Wallace Bain!
   The same problems Down Under will be here in the US fairly soon. Big 
along with the AMA and FDA is, imo, trying to snuff out alt medicine before 
it largely
replaces the drugs, surgery, radiation, and chemo used by the so-called 
care industry. They can do all the "science" they want, but the fact is that 
medicine is a failed model except for emergency care like heart attacks, 
disease, etc. For chronic problems, alt medicine is the way to go, where the 
person (mind, body, emotional state) is examined and treated.
   The same is true here wrt to herbs, supplements, essential oils, 
vitamins. Most of
the deaths attributable to these have been because of gross misuse. When a 
young pro
baseball player died a couple years ago because of his total misuse of 
ephedra the corporate
friendly media was all over that story and really pounded it home. They 
failed to mention
that he was trying to lose a lot of weight (winter fat) in a hurry. He took 
a triple dose of ephedra plus
was wearing extra clothes, practicing baseball in the hot sun of Florida. 
Likely he was
dehydrated too. When a few folks died after taking L-tryptophan, maybe six 
years ago,
the FDA took advantage of that to pull it off the market, even though 
is a common amino acid found in a number of foods and completely harmless. 
manufacturer (a Japanese company) was found later to have released a 
product which caused the deaths. Nontheless, L-tryptophan, an essential 
amino acid, was kept off the market
and is still unavailable.
 Every year about 33 people die from contaminated soft cheese but it has 
been pulled, as far as I know. Several baseball players are suspected of 
using performance
enhancing steroids. So now, DHEA, a very useful supplement that enhances 
lean muscle
mass, has anti-aging properties, and improves vitality, is the subject of 
that will categorize it as an anabolic steroid, making it non-available to 
millions of men
and women who use it routinely. This is being done in secret with no public 
Of course, the real granddaddy of all is the Codex
Alimentarius whose aim is to clear the shelves of health food stores of all 
the stuff we're
used to taking to help us maintain optimal health. Use any search engine to 
find more
info on this. Likely the Codex is what's going on in Oz and now, NZ. Here in 
states there is not a word about it on the media, so most have no clue. Dr 
Rath is leading the movement in Europe to stop the Codex.
Here's his list of cancer studies, many of which are "natural":
Big Pharma hates this guy & are doing all they can to discredit him. Since 
they have been
unsuccessful, you know he is the "real deal". Just like Dr Burzynski in 
Peace and light, D. Mindock

- Original Message - 
From: "Marylynn Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:41 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] NZ Coroners Report on Complementary Medicines

> Interesting .. I'm amazed that this study was done ..
> Mary Lynn Schmidt
>>"Despite extensive research, coroner Dr Wallace Bain found no deaths have
>>occurred in New Zealand due to natural medicines such as vitamins, 
>>and herbal products."
>>Dear Health Freedom Advocate,
>>Dr Wallace Bain, Acting Chair of the Coroners' Council, has just released
>>this report into deaths caused by natural health medicines in New Zealand.
>>He highlights the information in light of the push by the New Zealand
>>government for greater control over natural medicines by way of 
>>to create the Australia New Zealand Therapeutics Products Authority
>>Natural medicines - the safest way to avoid death
>>A report just released by the Acting Chair of the Coroner's Council has
>>shown natural medicines have the lowest fatality rate of all medical
>>treatments in New Zealand.
>>Despite extensive research, coroner Dr Wallace Bain found no deaths have
>>occurred in New Zealand due to natural medicines such as vitamins, 
>>and herbal products.
>>Dr Bain, who is also a trained pharmacist and lawyer, undertook the study
>>in light of growing opposition to new legislation that will see New
>>Zealand's natural health industry come under Australian laws.
>>The safety of natural products is often sited as a reason for the need for
>>such a move.
>>The Labour government plans that the Australia New Zealand Therapeutic
>>Products Authority (ANZTPA) will soon replace the current Medsafe agency 
>>part of a `trans-Tasman harmonisation' push. Opponents fear this move will
>>decimate New Zealand's natural 

[Biofuel] China is going for unions

2006-10-15 Thread D. Mindock

Remember when we were 
told by the Compassionate Conservatives that we didn't need "Fair Trade" if 
we had "Free Trade"? That countries like China would not need for us to 
build in anti-sweatshop measures into trade agreements? Because free trade 
would lead them into following our lead in the fair treatment of 
workers?Um, looks like somebody got it 
===*(10-13) 04:00 PDT Shanghai* -- China is planning to 
adopt a new law that seeks to crack down on sweatshops and protect workers' 
rights by giving labor unions real power for the first time since Beijing 
introduced market forces in the late 1970s.The move, which 
underscores the government's growing concern about the widening income gap 
and threats of social unrest, is setting off a battle with American and 
other foreign corporations that have lobbied against it by hinting that they 
may build fewer factories in China.More at:
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Methane Snowmobile

2006-10-15 Thread Arttu Aula
   Walking around at the snowmobile expo in Jyväskylä, Finland
yesterday, a Lynx Yeti 1300 caught my eye. Great work sled, yes, but
what I really was looking at were the 2 scuba tank type bottles
peeking out from under the seat. This wasn't NOS, I was sure.  Later
on I had the privilidge to talk to Gasum's Arto Riikonen, the man with
answers to my questions.
   What I was looking at, as it happened, was a methane powered sled!
This was apparently one of four prototypes in Finland.  The tanks
capable of storing 5 kg of methane at 200 bar, the equivalent of 7.6
liters of gasoline, the sled had a range of 50-60km on gas.  Being
bi-fuel equipped, the full stock range on gasoline was also available
on demand, the only drawback being the extra 35 kg brought on by the
tanks. It doesn't sound like much, but it is when you're stuck by
yourself in deep powder. Targeted at ski resorts and grooming trails
for the pickiest of cross country skiers, this wasn't a practical
snowmobile for personal use, but one that was clean burning and
wouldn't cause problems in crowds with it's emissions.  Having been
around traditional carburated 2-stroke sleds my whole life, I can
hardly understand anyone complaining about the injected 4-stroke V-2
engine on the Yeti on gasoline, even if it has no catalytic converter,
but a great idea never the less.  Although intended for natural gas, I
can imagine most of y'all thinking, as was I, can anyone say "biogas?"
   The technical stuff : high pressure gas was routed to an engine
coolant heated pressure regulator, pressure dropped to 2.5 bar for the
injectors, controlled by the ECU. I didn't get an answer to wether it
uses the stock ECU or if there's another black box for use with
methane, but I'll follow up on it. The principle is the same as EFI,
the injectors are different to be suitable for gas, but being a
stoichiometric burn engine on methane, the lambda sensor was common
and its use identical, so I see no problems with just routing the
injector signal to whichever fuel is in use, just adjust the injector
or pressure.
   The engine is started and warmed up on gasoline to provide warm
coolant for vaporization, which could otherwise be problematic in
subzero temperatures (when else do you operate snowmobiles?), unless
it's preheated by grid power like cars in wintertime.
   In general about methane use, apparently ignition can be a problem,
since the catalytic converter can only take so much misfire in
operation and methane is harder to light. This requires higher voltage
ignition which takes its toll on spark plugs, which either need to be
changed often or switched to iridium spark plugs. Not the NGK's that
cost 5-10 times as much, but apparently about 50 times as much.  This
isn't a problem with non-catalyzed exhaust, like the snowmobile.
Methane does apparently require a catalytic converter to meet the same
emission requirements as modern gasoline engines, it's still not THAT
clean, so for new cars, it's a must. Cylinder head temperatures also
rise due to lost burning efficiency, which lead to faster warm up time
and a greater chance of overheat in hot weather.  Although generally
not a problem in snowmobiles, natural gas busses take this into
consideration with larger radiators. It is possible to raise
compression to take advantage of methane's higher octane rating, but
this eliminates the possibility for use with gasoline.
   He mentioned that the methane needs to be at least 95% pure for
compression to 200+ bar, which wouldn't be a problem for a biogas home
brewer bottling it at lower pressure, but complicates its commercial
use.  In snowmobile use high pressure is a must because of limited
storage space and way high fuel consumption.  The absence of CNG fuel
stations out in the boonies up north really does turn one back to
liquid fuels in personal use.
   I'm planning on bugging this guy some more via e-mail, and he
offered to send some more material. is the company behind the prototype  the sled
it was made from

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia WasTestimonials as Evidence)

2006-10-15 Thread Michael Friebel
Health care today is industrialized medicine, driven by profit & focused on 
treating the symptom rather preventing the disease.  It is up to the individual 
to apply skepticism to the claims of this industry to protect both health & 
pocketbook.  We must take full responsibility for our health if we wish to be 
truly healthy; we cannot trust government or industry to do it for us.  The 
best way to do this is to rely on both the most effective & cheapest healthcare 
known to Man---prevention, along with the judicious use of only those 
treatments & medicines whose efficacy & undesired effects is backed by 
sufficient evidence.  Neither conventional nor alternative medicine should be 
given a free ride, and while much of conventional medicine cannot be trusted, 
neither can most of the alternative.  The safety of any treatment is completely 
depended upon & proportional to the evidence we have regarding it.  Until an 
"alternative" treatment is backed by sufficient evidence, and by more than 
testimonial evidence or hearsay, its use is dangerous to some degree.  
Education & skepticism are both critical to good health in today's 
information-glutted & profit-driven world.  We can only act to protect 
ourselves by the quality of the knowledge we possess, and while we gain our 
knowledge through education, we determine its quality through skepticism.  Mike

- Original Message 
From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 7:58:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia 
WasTestimonials as Evidence)

The main edifice of "conventional" allopathic (cure-the-symptom) 
so-called Western medicine, ie industrialised medicine, is all the 

Occupying very many of those hospital beds are patients suffering 
from iatrogenic illnesses, that is sickness caused by medical 
treatment (225,000 deaths per year in the US from iatrogenic causes - 
JAMA. 2000 Jul 26;284(4):483-5). Nonetheless a fairly august medical 
practitioner once got angry with my questions and shouted: "Of COURSE 
we're more healthy now, we've got so many more hospital beds!" LOL!

At another time, at a meeting of the steering committee of a primary 
health care group working on development projects in 3rd World 
countries, I mentioned that there's more to health than just the 
absence of disease. There was a polite pause, one of the doctors 
said, "Of course there is," and the discussion continued as if I 
hadn't said anything.

The "Western" doctor who shouted at me didn't know what I was talking 
about when I told him that.

What's the difference? The glaring difference is that there's no 
market in 3rd World people who earn less than $2 a day, it's just not 
worth all the spin and corruption. There's no money in health anyway, 
maintaining disease is much more profitable, whether you're Big 
Pharma or a GP. Twenty-five years ago after I first started working 
with organic growing, a young doctor who was working with me got the 
idea that eating properly grown food might have something to do with 
it. He was working in a fishing community, quite poor people, and got 
very enthusiastic about the success he was having with this approach 
(nothing new - see, eg, The Medical Testament 
). But later 
he complained that healthy patients didn't visit the doctor very 
often. Eventually he moved back to the city and became a surgeon.

Every health education council I've talked to has stressed that 
health maintenance is primarily the patient's responsibility. But the 
patients are seduced by the quick "cure" that makes the symptom go 
away, and who needs more responsibility anyway? That's what doctors 
are for.

Especially in the industrialised countries, millions of people now 
suffer from systemic candida albicans yeast infections, and not many 
of them can get effective medical treatment for it. They're quite 
likely to be referred to a psychiatrist instead because when they 
report the large variety of symptoms candida produces it's assumed to 
be psychosomatic. Most of the medical profession is in denial about 
candida because it's brought on by overuse of antibiotics and 
steroids. So a lot of people just die, with whatever symptom "did it" 
on the death certificate.

Again to name just one, a study published in the BMJ a while back 
reported that back pain was the fastest-growing and one of the 
biggest medical problems in Britain at the time, and that 
"conventional" medicine had a very poor track record in treating it. 
The authors reported that several alternative therapies achieved much 
better results. They called for the alternative treatments to be made 
available via Britain's National Health scheme. That proposal didn't 
get very far.

Some time before that the US DoA reported finding a potent 
anti-cancer drug in ordinary cabbages. But the report stated that the 
drug was unlikel

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as AnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

2006-10-15 Thread D. Mindock
I don't see how skepticism can determine quality. I do agree that claims 
need to be backed up
with sound studies. There has been a lot of studies done wrt to herbs, 
essential oils, and vitamins.
If you examine the track record between drugs and alt remedies you will see 
that drugs are
largely an empty promise, regardless of the studies done prior to their 
release by the FDA.
The FDA is supported by Big Pharma so it is hard to imagine how they can 
ever be unbiased.
And then there's the well known revolving door between the FDA and drug 
About 200,000 people die each year from drugs that have supposedly been 
found to be safe.
Big Pharma has at anytime thousands of lawsuits to contend with. See:
The main idea is that most drugs are dangerous to human health, regardless 
of the studies saying
otherwise. Follow the money. I equate prescription drugs to soda. Both are 
very heavily
promoted, billions of dollars per year, and both are detrimental to health. 
That said,
there are some good drugs, like nootropics, for example. L-Deprenyl, 
hydergine, piracetum,
etc., are actually helpful.
Peace, D. Mindock

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Friebel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as 
AnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

> Health care today is industrialized medicine, driven by profit & focused 
> on treating the symptom rather preventing the disease.  It is up to the 
> individual to apply skepticism to the claims of this industry to protect 
> both health & pocketbook.  We must take full responsibility for our health 
> if we wish to be truly healthy; we cannot trust government or industry to 
> do it for us.  The best way to do this is to rely on both the most 
> effective & cheapest healthcare known to Man---prevention, along with the 
> judicious use of only those treatments & medicines whose efficacy & 
> undesired effects is backed by sufficient evidence.  Neither conventional 
> nor alternative medicine should be given a free ride, and while much of 
> conventional medicine cannot be trusted, neither can most of the 
> alternative.  The safety of any treatment is completely depended upon & 
> proportional to the evidence we have regarding it.  Until an "alternative" 
> treatment is backed by sufficient evidence, and by more!
>  than testimonial evidence or hearsay, its use is dangerous to some 
> degree.  Education & skepticism are both critical to good health in 
> today's information-glutted & profit-driven world.  We can only act to 
> protect ourselves by the quality of the knowledge we possess, and while we 
> gain our knowledge through education, we determine its quality through 
> skepticism.  Mike
> - Original Message 
> From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 7:58:29 AM
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia 
> WasTestimonials as Evidence)
> The main edifice of "conventional" allopathic (cure-the-symptom)
> so-called Western medicine, ie industrialised medicine, is all the
> hospitals.
> Occupying very many of those hospital beds are patients suffering
> from iatrogenic illnesses, that is sickness caused by medical
> treatment (225,000 deaths per year in the US from iatrogenic causes -
> JAMA. 2000 Jul 26;284(4):483-5). Nonetheless a fairly august medical
> practitioner once got angry with my questions and shouted: "Of COURSE
> we're more healthy now, we've got so many more hospital beds!" LOL!
> At another time, at a meeting of the steering committee of a primary
> health care group working on development projects in 3rd World
> countries, I mentioned that there's more to health than just the
> absence of disease. There was a polite pause, one of the doctors
> said, "Of course there is," and the discussion continued as if I
> hadn't said anything.
> The "Western" doctor who shouted at me didn't know what I was talking
> about when I told him that.
> What's the difference? The glaring difference is that there's no
> market in 3rd World people who earn less than $2 a day, it's just not
> worth all the spin and corruption. There's no money in health anyway,
> maintaining disease is much more profitable, whether you're Big
> Pharma or a GP. Twenty-five years ago after I first started working
> with organic growing, a young doctor who was working with me got the
> idea that eating properly grown food might have something to do with
> it. He was working in a fishing community, quite poor people, and got
> very enthusiastic about the success he was having with this approach
> (nothing new - see, eg, The Medical Testament
> ). But later
> he complained that healthy patients didn't visit the doctor very
> often. Eventually he moved back to the city and became a surgeon.

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia WasTestimonials as Evidence)

2006-10-15 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Mike

>Health care today is industrialized medicine, driven by profit & 
>focused on treating the symptom rather preventing the disease.  It 
>is up to the individual to apply skepticism to the claims of this 
>industry to protect both health & pocketbook.  We must take full 
>responsibility for our health if we wish to be truly healthy; we 
>cannot trust government or industry to do it for us.  The best way 
>to do this is to rely on both the most effective & cheapest 
>healthcare known to Man---prevention, along with the judicious use 
>of only those treatments & medicines whose efficacy & undesired 
>effects is backed by sufficient evidence.  Neither conventional nor 
>alternative medicine should be given a free ride, and while much of 
>conventional medicine cannot be trusted, neither can most of the 

I agree with you up to now, but a lot of people might argue that your 
"much" and "most" are the wrong way round. Actually none of it is to 
be trusted, in all cases you have to make your own judgment based on 
the best information you can gather. (And peer-reviewed journals 
isn't necessarily it, especially not these days.)

>The safety of any treatment is completely depended upon & 
>proportional to the evidence we have regarding it.  Until an 
>"alternative" treatment is backed by sufficient evidence, and by 
>more than testimonial evidence or hearsay, its use is dangerous to 
>some degree.

Again, you could have left out the "alternative", it's superfluous, 
it cuts both ways.

Much also depends on what you regard as evidence. From your previous 
posts I think you may have a little too much reverence for the 
Western scientific method for your own good. Would you agree with 
Bob's definition: "efficacy proven via reproducible double blind 
trials, and supported by statistically significant epidemiology"? 
That's something of a keyhole view, IMHO, with all due respect. I've 
done quite a lot of work with Chinese traditional medicine, both as 
an investigator and a few times as a patient, and also to a lesser 
extent with Indian and African traditional medicine, and applying 
such narrow, culturally-biased criteria of "evidence" to these 
disciplines (yes indeed) will definitely mean losing quite a few 
babies along with the bathwater. There are other ways of looking at 
it which are just as valid, and their application to the healing arts 
is established beyond serious doubt.

>Education & skepticism are both critical to good health in today's 
>information-glutted & profit-driven world.

Add: "spin and disinformation-ridden", since the spinmeisters are not 
much fazed by education and scepticism.

>We can only act to protect ourselves by the quality of the knowledge 
>we possess, and while we gain our knowledge through education,

As with health, so with knowledge: to rephrase what you said, we also 
have to take full responsibility for our education if we wish to be 
truly knowledgeable.

But here we are in the thick of the brave new Information Age and 
nary a school to be found that teaches even the basic skills of 
handling and interpreting information, what a surprise (not!). Most 
people don't even realise such skills exist, and many just naturally 
assume they already have all the skills required and are themselves 
immune to disinformation (they're among the opinion industry's 
greatest successes).

>we determine its quality through skepticism.  Mike

Or anyway we try to.



>- Original Message 
>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 7:58:29 AM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia 
>WasTestimonials as Evidence)
>The main edifice of "conventional" allopathic (cure-the-symptom)
>so-called Western medicine, ie industrialised medicine, is all the
>Occupying very many of those hospital beds are patients suffering
>from iatrogenic illnesses, that is sickness caused by medical
>treatment (225,000 deaths per year in the US from iatrogenic causes -
>JAMA. 2000 Jul 26;284(4):483-5). Nonetheless a fairly august medical
>practitioner once got angry with my questions and shouted: "Of COURSE
>we're more healthy now, we've got so many more hospital beds!" LOL!
>At another time, at a meeting of the steering committee of a primary
>health care group working on development projects in 3rd World
>countries, I mentioned that there's more to health than just the
>absence of disease. There was a polite pause, one of the doctors
>said, "Of course there is," and the discussion continued as if I
>hadn't said anything.
>The "Western" doctor who shouted at me didn't know what I was talking
>about when I told him that.
>What's the difference? The glaring difference is that there's no
>market in 3rd World people who earn less than $2 a day, it's just not
>worth all the spin and corruption. There's no money in health anyway,
>maintaining disease is much more

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis asAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

2006-10-15 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
FYI .. drugs that are found to be unsafe and are pulled are then frequently 
re-packaged and used by Veterinarins to treat our animals.

.. Tamiflu has now being used in some Vet Clinics.

Posts from a couple of my animal related lists have indicated that Tamiflu 
isn't successful there either.

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . 
Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner 
. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

>From: "D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis 
>asAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)
>Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2006 08:48:44 -0500
>I don't see how skepticism can determine quality. I do agree that claims
>need to be backed up
>with sound studies. There has been a lot of studies done wrt to herbs,
>essential oils, and vitamins.
>If you examine the track record between drugs and alt remedies you will see
>that drugs are
>largely an empty promise, regardless of the studies done prior to their
>release by the FDA.
>The FDA is supported by Big Pharma so it is hard to imagine how they can
>ever be unbiased.
>And then there's the well known revolving door between the FDA and drug
>About 200,000 people die each year from drugs that have supposedly been
>found to be safe.
>Big Pharma has at anytime thousands of lawsuits to contend with. See:
>The main idea is that most drugs are dangerous to human health, regardless
>of the studies saying
>otherwise. Follow the money. I equate prescription drugs to soda. Both are
>very heavily
>promoted, billions of dollars per year, and both are detrimental to health.
>That said,
>there are some good drugs, like nootropics, for example. L-Deprenyl,
>hydergine, piracetum,
>etc., are actually helpful.
>Peace, D. Mindock
>- Original Message -
>From: "Michael Friebel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 1:42 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as
>AnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)
> > Health care today is industrialized medicine, driven by profit & focused
> > on treating the symptom rather preventing the disease.  It is up to the
> > individual to apply skepticism to the claims of this industry to protect
> > both health & pocketbook.  We must take full responsibility for our 
> > if we wish to be truly healthy; we cannot trust government or industry 
> > do it for us.  The best way to do this is to rely on both the most
> > effective & cheapest healthcare known to Man---prevention, along with 
> > judicious use of only those treatments & medicines whose efficacy &
> > undesired effects is backed by sufficient evidence.  Neither 
> > nor alternative medicine should be given a free ride, and while much of
> > conventional medicine cannot be trusted, neither can most of the
> > alternative.  The safety of any treatment is completely depended upon &
> > proportional to the evidence we have regarding it.  Until an 
> > treatment is backed by sufficient evidence, and by more!
> >  than testimonial evidence or hearsay, its use is dangerous to some
> > degree.  Education & skepticism are both critical to good health in
> > today's information-glutted & profit-driven world.  We can only act to
> > protect ourselves by the quality of the knowledge we possess, and while 
> > gain our knowledge through education, we determine its quality through
> > skepticism.  Mike
> >
> >
> > - Original Message 
> > From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To:
> > Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 7:58:29 AM
> > Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia
> > WasTestimonials as Evidence)
> >
> >
> > The main edifice of "conventional" allopathic (cure-the-symptom)
> > so-called Western medicine, ie industrialised medicine, is all the
> > hospitals.
> >
> > Occupying very many of those hospital beds are patients suffering
> > from iatrogenic illnesses, that is sickness caused by medical
> > treatment (225,000 deaths per year in the US from iatrogenic causes -
> > JAMA. 2000 Jul 26;284(4):483-5). Nonetheless a fairly august medical
> > practitioner once got angry with my questions and shouted: "Of COURSE
> > we're more healthy now, we've got so many more hospital beds!" LOL!
> >
> > At another time, at a meeting of the steering committee of a primary
> > health care group working on development projects in 3rd World
> > countries, I mentioned that there's more to health than just the
> > absence of disease. There was a polite pause, one of the doctors
> > said, "Of course there is," and the d

[Biofuel] Some composting

2006-10-15 Thread DHAJOGLO
So, I have an abundance of leaves (leafs to those in Canada!  haha).  Anyway, I 
would like to do some small scale, indoor composting (aerobic).  I was reading 
some notes on JTF but didn't seem to find the information of nitrogen ratio for 
the "Household Compost Activator."  I would like to use mostly leaves and some 
vegie scraps along with peat moss.  But, how much urine to add?  I'm looking at 
the 20 gallon container size.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia WasTestimonials as Evidence)

2006-10-15 Thread bob allen
Keith Addison wrote:
> The main edifice of "conventional" allopathic (cure-the-symptom) 
> so-called Western medicine, ie industrialised medicine, is all the 
> hospitals.

interesting term allopath, none of which as far as I am aware use the term.  It 
was coined by
   Hahnemann, the founder of the most ridiculous counter-intuitive form of 
"medicine" , homeopathy.
But that is another discussion.

> Occupying very many of those hospital beds are patients suffering 
> from iatrogenic illnesses, that is sickness caused by medical 
> treatment (225,000 deaths per year in the US from iatrogenic causes - 
> JAMA. 2000 Jul 26;284(4):483-5).

nocosomial  infections are not surprising considering sick people are in the 
hospital.  Could more 
be done to control secondary infections, sure. more space, more equipment, more 
personnel, and more 
money. And I doubt don't that there are yeast infections due to over 
prescribing of antibacterials. 
  But whose fault? At least here in the US many, many folks expect some 
medicine even if it is 
called for or not.

  Or hospital visits could be reduced by diet and lifestyle modifications, but 
whose responsibility 
is that?  The patient of course.  Regardless, if my appendix ruptures then I 
will take my chances 
with western medicine and a hospital.

I don't disagree with your general position. But I don't see how replacing 
western medicine with 
homeopathic nonsense or "high colonics" a la naturopathy  would be the way to 
solve the problem.

  Nonetheless a fairly august medical
> practitioner once got angry with my questions and shouted: "Of COURSE 
> we're more healthy now, we've got so many more hospital beds!" LOL!
> At another time, at a meeting of the steering committee of a primary 
> health care group working on development projects in 3rd World 
> countries, I mentioned that there's more to health than just the 
> absence of disease. There was a polite pause, one of the doctors 
> said, "Of course there is," and the discussion continued as if I 
> hadn't said anything.
> The "Western" doctor who shouted at me didn't know what I was talking 
> about when I told him that.
> What's the difference? The glaring difference is that there's no 
> market in 3rd World people who earn less than $2 a day, it's just not 
> worth all the spin and corruption. There's no money in health anyway, 
> maintaining disease is much more profitable, whether you're Big 
> Pharma or a GP. Twenty-five years ago after I first started working 
> with organic growing, a young doctor who was working with me got the 
> idea that eating properly grown food might have something to do with 
> it. He was working in a fishing community, quite poor people, and got 
> very enthusiastic about the success he was having with this approach 
> (nothing new - see, eg, The Medical Testament 
> ). But later 
> he complained that healthy patients didn't visit the doctor very 
> often. Eventually he moved back to the city and became a surgeon.
> Every health education council I've talked to has stressed that 
> health maintenance is primarily the patient's responsibility. But the 
> patients are seduced by the quick "cure" that makes the symptom go 
> away, and who needs more responsibility anyway? That's what doctors 
> are for.
> Especially in the industrialised countries, millions of people now 
> suffer from systemic candida albicans yeast infections, and not many 
> of them can get effective medical treatment for it. They're quite 
> likely to be referred to a psychiatrist instead because when they 
> report the large variety of symptoms candida produces it's assumed to 
> be psychosomatic. Most of the medical profession is in denial about 
> candida because it's brought on by overuse of antibiotics and 
> steroids. So a lot of people just die, with whatever symptom "did it" 
> on the death certificate.
> Again to name just one, a study published in the BMJ a while back 
> reported that back pain was the fastest-growing and one of the 
> biggest medical problems in Britain at the time, and that 
> "conventional" medicine had a very poor track record in treating it. 
> The authors reported that several alternative therapies achieved much 
> better results. They called for the alternative treatments to be made 
> available via Britain's National Health scheme. That proposal didn't 
> get very far.
> Some time before that the US DoA reported finding a potent 
> anti-cancer drug in ordinary cabbages. But the report stated that the 
> drug was unlikely to become available as it wasn't worth 
> commercialising it because cabbages were too common. These days I 
> suppose we'd suddenly find that cabbages had become the exclusive 
> property of Pfizer or Bayer.
> There's something rollickingly insane about what happens to people 
> who eat the "food" approved by the Food and Drugs Administration, and 
> then they get the appr

Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia WasTestimonials as Evidence)

2006-10-15 Thread bob allen
Terry Dyck wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> This is a tough call; do I believe your website, which I know nothing about 
> or do I consider the website to be similar to some rumors 

you needn't trust any web site.  Federal convictions are a matter of public 
record. as are fines and 
fda cease and desist orders. He is a con(vict) and a con man. plain and simple.
*Criminal history*

1990: Larceny & prison
Trudeau's legal problems are long-standing. In 1990, he posed as a doctor in 
order to deposit 
$80,000 in false checks, and in 1991 he pled guilty to larceny after he had 
provided false 
information to obtain credit cards which he used for his own purposes. He spent 
two years in prison 
because of this conviction.(Choi, 2005) Most people in opposition to Trudeau's 
claims point to this 
felony conviction as a good reason not to trust him.

1996: SEC
Trudeau rebounded, making a small fortune working for Nutrition For Life, a 
multi-level marketing 
program. However, in 1996, his recruitment practices ran afoul of the states of 
Illinois and 
Michigan, as well as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Michigan went 
so far as to forbid 
him from operating in the state.

1998: FTC fine
Then, in 1998, he was forced to pay $500,000 in consumer redress to the Federal 
Trade Commission 
(FTC), relating to six infomercials he had produced and which the FTC 
determined he had made false 
or misleading claims.

2004: FTC ban, fines
More recently, on September 7, 2004, the FTC announced that they were banning 
Trudeau from 
"appearing in, producing, or disseminating any future infomercials that 
advertise any type of 
product" because he repeatedly made "fraudulent" and "unsubstantiated" claims 
in them. [1] In 
addition, Trudeau paid $500,000 in cash and transferred ownership of a luxury 
vehicle and a piece of 
residential property in California to satisfy a $2 million fine against him. 
Lydia Parnes, Acting 
Director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection stated that "This ban is 
meant to shut down an 
infomercial empire that has misled American consumers for years." The charges 
arose from work 
Trudeau did on an infomercial featuring Bob Barefoot and British actress Debbie 
Flett advertising 
coral calcium, a dietary supplement. However, Trudeau's infomercial advertising 
his book still airs 
on a daily basis because he is still allowed to promote publications. Airings 
of these infomercials 
in 2005 have included a guest appearance by Tammy Faye Bakker.

started by people
> who thought that the famous environmentalist, Dr. David Suzuki, was too 
> dangerous for the commercial world.  The rumors about Suzuki,  were not good 
> for the environment but they gave amunition to people who were non 
> environmental types.  Kevin Trudeau, I am sure, has made some enemies with 
> the Pharmaceutical Corporations and therefore could be a target.
> Terry Dyck
>> From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Reply-To:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia 
>> WasTestimonials as Evidence)
>> Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 14:32:09 -0500
>> no, Terry, you need to look "outside the book"  he went to prison for
>> larceny- he stole money from people. The only big company he has headed
>> was is own larcenous enterprises.
>> " he was 28 when he copped an April 1991 plea to two counts of credit
>> card fraud. Trudeau's indictment, a copy of which you'll find below, was
>> filed in Massachusetts and charged him with using "unauthorized access
>> devices" to defraud American Express out of $122,735.68 (he also
>> swindled about five grand from several banks, including Chemical and
>> Citibank). Over five years, Trudeau, now 42, used false names and social
>> security numbers to secure charge cards which he then ferociously milked.
>>   Trudeau was sentenced to two years in prison and ordered to make
>> restitution on his credit card schemes. After serving 21 months in Uncle
>> Sam's custody, Trudeau was released in August 1993 and placed on two
>> years probation.
>> did you happen to look at any of the reports from individuals at
>>   ?
>> Terry Dyck wrote:
>>> Hi Bob,
>>> Kevin Trudeau went to prison because he was caught doing corrupt work 
>> for
>>> Pharmacitical corporations.  That info is in his book.
>>> Terry Dyck
 From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia
 WasTestimonials as Evidence)
 Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 13:40:52 -0500

 Terry, are you aware that the FTC has banned him from infomercials due
 to many many false statements? If you have ever seen any infomercials,
 you should know that the standard of accepta

Re: [Biofuel] $75,000 vaccine offer

2006-10-15 Thread bob allen
as I recall the challenge is to take an injection with all the vaccines 
routinely administered.  but 
I have already (received multiple vaccination, some of which are no longer used 
such as small pox 
vaccinations).  If I can produce records of vaccinations and the fact that I am 
still alive , do I 
get the money?

Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
> To be spread far and wide.
> Perhaps even someone on this list would be willing to step up to this 
> challenge and accept this $75,000 dollars.
> Should be easy .. right!!
> It sounds realitively easy for those individuals who keep saying science has 
> not proven .. etc.
> It's called place your money where your mouth is .. and in this case .. your 
> mouth is in the fore front .. just who will accept this challenge??
> This challenage was at $20,000 .. and there were no takers ..
> Now at $75,000 .. for a few months now .. I'm just a bit courious as to why 
> just everyone isn't beating down those doors to accept ..
> Mary Lynn
> Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
> TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . 
> Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner 
> . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
> The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
>> spread the word
>> Friends,
>> As of August 1, 2006, I have increased the reward from $20,000 to
>> $75,000 for the public drinking of the vaccine additives mixture.
>> Please see the full text of the offer below, or at
>> The original $20,000 Vaccine Offer was made January 29, 2001. Since
>> that time, 14 doctors, or persons claiming to be doctors, have
>> contacted me about publicly drinking the vaccine additives mixture.
>> None have followed through.
>> As of this date, the original $20,000 Vaccine Offer exists on over 300
>> web sites.
>> Regarding the new $75,000 Vaccine Offer, please note that I have added
>> to the list of potential candidates the 14 relevant members of the
>> CDC's 2006 Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), as
>> follows:
>> Jon S. Abramson, M.D.  (Chair)
>> Ban Mishu Allos, M.D.
>> Carol Baker, M.D.
>> Janet R. Gilsdorf, M.D.
>> Harry Hull, M.D.
>> Susan Lett, M.D.
>> Tracy Lieu, M.D.
>> Dale L. Morse, M.D.
>> Julia Morita, M.D.
>> Kathleen Neuzil, M.D.
>> Patricia Stinchfield, N.P.
>> Ciro Valent Sumaya, M.D.
>> John J. Treanor, M.D.
>> Robin J. Womeodu, M.D.
>> In health!
>> Jock Doubleday
>> Director
>> Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.
>> A California 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation
>> * * * PRESS RELEASE * * *
>> August 1, 2006
>> $75,000 VACCINE OFFER
>> THE FOLLOWING OFFER is made to U.S.-licensed medical doctors who
>> routinely administer childhood vaccinations and to pharmaceutical
>> company CEOs worldwide:
>> Jock Doubleday, director of the California 501(c)3 nonprofit
>> corporation Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc., hereby offers $75,000.00
>> to the first medical doctor or pharmaceutical company CEO who publicly
>> drinks a mixture of standard vaccine additives ingredients in the same
>> amount as a six-year-old child is recommended to receive under the
>> year-2005 guidelines of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
>> Prevention.  (In the event that thimerosal has recently been removed
>>from a particular vaccine, the thimerosal-containing version of that
>> vaccine will be used.)
>> The mixture will not contain viruses or bacteria dead or alive, but
>> will contain standard vaccine additive ingredients in their usual
>> forms and proportions. The mixture will include, but will not be
>> limited to, the following ingredients:  thimerosal (a mercury
>> derivative), ethylene glycol (antifreeze), phenol (a disinfectant
>> dye), benzethonium chloride (a disinfectant), formaldehyde (a
>> preservative and disinfectant), and aluminum.
>> The mixture will be prepared by Jock Doubleday, three medical
>> professionals that he names, and three medical professionals that the
>> participant names.
>> The mixture will be body weight calibrated.
>> Because the participant is either a professional caregiver who
>> routinely administers childhood vaccinations, or a pharmaceutical
>> company CEO whose business is, in part, the sale of childhood
>> vaccines, it is understood by all parties that the participant
>> considers all vaccine additive ingredients to be safe and that the
>> participant considers any mixture containing these ingredients to be
>> safe.
>> The participant agrees, and any and all agents and associates of the
>> partic

Re: [Biofuel] NZ Coroners Report on Complementary Medicines

2006-10-15 Thread bob allen
D. Mindock wrote:
> Hi Marylynn,
>Thanks for this info on NZ!
>Yeah, wow. I too am amazed that this study was done. It seems that common 
> sense and
> spine abounds in NZ.  God bless Wallace Bain!
>The same problems Down Under will be here in the US fairly soon. Big 
> Pharma,
> along with the AMA and FDA is, imo, trying to snuff out alt medicine before 
> it largely
> replaces the drugs, surgery, radiation, and chemo used by the so-called 
> health
> care industry. They can do all the "science" they want, but the fact is that 
> allopathic
> medicine is a failed model except for emergency care like heart attacks, 
> acute
> disease, etc. For chronic problems, alt medicine is the way to go, where the 
> whole
> person (mind, body, emotional state) is examined and treated.
>The same is true here wrt to herbs, supplements, essential oils, 
> vitamins. Most of
> the deaths attributable to these have been because of gross misuse. When a 
> young pro
> baseball player died a couple years ago because of his total misuse of 
> ephedra the corporate
> friendly media was all over that story and really pounded it home. They 
> failed to mention
> that he was trying to lose a lot of weight (winter fat) in a hurry. He took 
> a triple dose of ephedra plus
> was wearing extra clothes, practicing baseball in the hot sun of Florida. 
> Likely he was
> dehydrated too. When a few folks died after taking L-tryptophan, maybe six 
> years ago,
> the FDA took advantage of that to pull it off the market, even though 
> L-tryptophan
> is a common amino acid found in a number of foods and completely harmless. 
> The
> manufacturer (a Japanese company) was found later to have released a 
> contaminated
> product which caused the deaths. Nontheless, L-tryptophan, an essential 
> amino acid, was kept off the market
> and is still unavailable.

nonsense, you can get all tryptophan you want in 500 mg pills at Live 
extension, or just eat 
protein, it is full of tryptophan.

>  Every year about 33 people die from contaminated soft cheese but it has 
> never
> been pulled, as far as I know. Several baseball players are suspected of 
> using performance
> enhancing steroids. So now, DHEA, a very useful supplement that enhances 
> lean muscle
> mass, has anti-aging properties, and improves vitality, is the subject of 
> legislation
> that will categorize it as an anabolic steroid, making it non-available to 
> millions of men
> and women who use it routinely. This is being done in secret with no public 
> discourse.
> Of course, the real granddaddy of all is the Codex
> Alimentarius whose aim is to clear the shelves of health food stores of all 
> the stuff we're
> used to taking to help us maintain optimal health. Use any search engine to 
> find more
> info on this. Likely the Codex is what's going on in Oz and now, NZ. Here in 
> the
> states there is not a word about it on the media, so most have no clue. Dr 
> Mathias
> Rath is leading the movement in Europe to stop the Codex.
> Here's his list of cancer studies, many of which are "natural":
> Big Pharma hates this guy & are doing all they can to discredit him. Since 
> they have been
> unsuccessful, you know he is the "real deal". Just like Dr Burzynski in 
> Texas.
> Peace and light, D. Mindock
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Marylynn Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:41 PM
> Subject: [Biofuel] NZ Coroners Report on Complementary Medicines
>> Interesting .. I'm amazed that this study was done ..
>> Mary Lynn Schmidt
>>> "Despite extensive research, coroner Dr Wallace Bain found no deaths have
>>> occurred in New Zealand due to natural medicines such as vitamins, 
>>> minerals
>>> and herbal products."
>>> Dear Health Freedom Advocate,
>>> Dr Wallace Bain, Acting Chair of the Coroners' Council, has just released
>>> this report into deaths caused by natural health medicines in New Zealand.
>>> He highlights the information in light of the push by the New Zealand
>>> government for greater control over natural medicines by way of 
>>> legislation
>>> to create the Australia New Zealand Therapeutics Products Authority
>>> (ANZTPA).
>>> Natural medicines - the safest way to avoid death
>>> A report just released by the Acting Chair of the Coroner's Council has
>>> shown natural medicines have the lowest fatality rate of all medical
>>> treatments in New Zealand.
>>> Despite extensive research, coroner Dr Wallace Bain found no deaths have
>>> occurred in New Zealand due to natural medicines such as vitamins, 
>>> minerals
>>> and herbal products.
>>> Dr Bain, who is also a trained pharmacist and lawyer, undertook the study
>>> in light of growing opposition to new legislation that will see New
>>> Zealand's natural health industry come under 

Re: [Biofuel] NZ Coroners Report on Complementary Medicines

2006-10-15 Thread Hakan Falk

Talking about medicines natural or whatever. My father always said, 
that if they could make recipes on love and sex, it would be possible 
to cut the hospital beds in half. I have yet to find the physician 
that is not very scared to go to hospital and I have many friends who 
are physician. LOL


At 00:01 16/10/2006, you wrote:
>D. Mindock wrote:
> > Hi Marylynn,
> >Thanks for this info on NZ!
> >Yeah, wow. I too am amazed that this study was done. It seems 
> that common
> > sense and
> > spine abounds in NZ.  God bless Wallace Bain!
> >The same problems Down Under will be here in the US fairly soon. Big
> > Pharma,
> > along with the AMA and FDA is, imo, trying to snuff out alt 
> medicine before
> > it largely
> > replaces the drugs, surgery, radiation, and chemo used by the so-called
> > health
> > care industry. They can do all the "science" they want, but the 
> fact is that
> > allopathic
> > medicine is a failed model except for emergency care like heart attacks,
> > acute
> > disease, etc. For chronic problems, alt medicine is the way to 
> go, where the
> > whole
> > person (mind, body, emotional state) is examined and treated.
> >The same is true here wrt to herbs, supplements, essential oils,
> > vitamins. Most of
> > the deaths attributable to these have been because of gross misuse. When a
> > young pro
> > baseball player died a couple years ago because of his total misuse of
> > ephedra the corporate
> > friendly media was all over that story and really pounded it home. They
> > failed to mention
> > that he was trying to lose a lot of weight (winter fat) in a 
> hurry. He took
> > a triple dose of ephedra plus
> > was wearing extra clothes, practicing baseball in the hot sun of Florida.
> > Likely he was
> > dehydrated too. When a few folks died after taking L-tryptophan, maybe six
> > years ago,
> > the FDA took advantage of that to pull it off the market, even though
> > L-tryptophan
> > is a common amino acid found in a number of foods and completely harmless.
> > The
> > manufacturer (a Japanese company) was found later to have released a
> > contaminated
> > product which caused the deaths. Nontheless, L-tryptophan, an essential
> > amino acid, was kept off the market
> > and is still unavailable.
>nonsense, you can get all tryptophan you want in 500 mg pills at 
>Live extension, or just eat
>protein, it is full of tryptophan.
> >
> >  Every year about 33 people die from contaminated soft cheese but it has
> > never
> > been pulled, as far as I know. Several baseball players are suspected of
> > using performance
> > enhancing steroids. So now, DHEA, a very useful supplement that enhances
> > lean muscle
> > mass, has anti-aging properties, and improves vitality, is the subject of
> > legislation
> > that will categorize it as an anabolic steroid, making it non-available to
> > millions of men
> > and women who use it routinely. This is being done in secret with 
> no public
> > discourse.
> > Of course, the real granddaddy of all is the Codex
> > Alimentarius whose aim is to clear the shelves of health food 
> stores of all
> > the stuff we're
> > used to taking to help us maintain optimal health. Use any search 
> engine to
> > find more
> > info on this. Likely the Codex is what's going on in Oz and now, 
> NZ. Here in
> > the
> > states there is not a word about it on the media, so most have no clue. Dr
> > Mathias
> > Rath is leading the movement in Europe to stop the Codex.
> > Here's his list of cancer studies, many of which are "natural":
> >
> > Big Pharma hates this guy & are doing all they can to discredit him. Since
> > they have been
> > unsuccessful, you know he is the "real deal". Just like Dr Burzynski in
> > Texas.
> > Peace and light, D. Mindock
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Marylynn Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: 
> > Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:41 PM
> > Subject: [Biofuel] NZ Coroners Report on Complementary Medicines
> >
> >
> >> Interesting .. I'm amazed that this study was done ..
> >>
> >> Mary Lynn Schmidt
> >>
> >>> "Despite extensive research, coroner Dr Wallace Bain found no deaths have
> >>> occurred in New Zealand due to natural medicines such as vitamins,
> >>> minerals
> >>> and herbal products."
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Dear Health Freedom Advocate,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Dr Wallace Bain, Acting Chair of the Coroners' Council, has just released
> >>> this report into deaths caused by natural health medicines in 
> New Zealand.
> >>>
> >>> He highlights the information in light of the push by the New Zealand
> >>> government for greater control over natural medicines by way of
> >>> legislation
> >>> to create the Australia New Zealand Therapeutics Products Authority
> >>> (ANZTPA).
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Natural medicines - the safest way to avoid death
> >>>
> >>> A report j

Re: [Biofuel] $75,000 vaccine offer

2006-10-15 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
The challenge is to drink the vaccine additive mixture with your individual 
weight adjustment.

This is a fairly long standing, straight forward and well published offer 
and has the money to back the challenge.

It's explained in the post.

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister

>From: bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] $75,000 vaccine offer
>Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2006 16:47:59 -0500
>as I recall the challenge is to take an injection with all the vaccines 
>routinely administered.  but
>I have already (received multiple vaccination, some of which are no longer 
>used such as small pox
>vaccinations).  If I can produce records of vaccinations and the fact that 
>I am still alive , do I
>get the money?
>Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
> > To be spread far and wide.
> >
> > Perhaps even someone on this list would be willing to step up to this
> > challenge and accept this $75,000 dollars.
> >
> > Should be easy .. right!!
> >
> > It sounds realitively easy for those individuals who keep saying science 
> > not proven .. etc.
> >
> > It's called place your money where your mouth is .. and in this case .. 
> > mouth is in the fore front .. just who will accept this challenge??
> >
> > This challenage was at $20,000 .. and there were no takers ..
> >
> > Now at $75,000 .. for a few months now .. I'm just a bit courious as to 
> > just everyone isn't beating down those doors to accept ..
> >
> >
> > Mary Lynn
> > Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
> > TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior 
>Modification .
> > Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy 
> > . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
> > The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> spread the word
> >>
> >> Friends,
> >>
> >> As of August 1, 2006, I have increased the reward from $20,000 to
> >> $75,000 for the public drinking of the vaccine additives mixture.
> >>
> >> Please see the full text of the offer below, or at
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> The original $20,000 Vaccine Offer was made January 29, 2001. Since
> >> that time, 14 doctors, or persons claiming to be doctors, have
> >> contacted me about publicly drinking the vaccine additives mixture.
> >>
> >> None have followed through.
> >>
> >> As of this date, the original $20,000 Vaccine Offer exists on over 300
> >> web sites.
> >>
> >> Regarding the new $75,000 Vaccine Offer, please note that I have added
> >> to the list of potential candidates the 14 relevant members of the
> >> CDC's 2006 Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), as
> >> follows:
> >>
> >> Jon S. Abramson, M.D.  (Chair)
> >> Ban Mishu Allos, M.D.
> >> Carol Baker, M.D.
> >> Janet R. Gilsdorf, M.D.
> >> Harry Hull, M.D.
> >> Susan Lett, M.D.
> >> Tracy Lieu, M.D.
> >> Dale L. Morse, M.D.
> >> Julia Morita, M.D.
> >> Kathleen Neuzil, M.D.
> >> Patricia Stinchfield, N.P.
> >> Ciro Valent Sumaya, M.D.
> >> John J. Treanor, M.D.
> >> Robin J. Womeodu, M.D.
> >>
> >> In health!
> >>
> >> Jock Doubleday
> >> Director
> >> Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc.
> >> A California 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> >>
> >>
> >>$75,000VaccineOffer.htm
> >>
> >>
> >> * * * PRESS RELEASE * * *
> >>
> >>
> >> August 1, 2006
> >>
> >> $75,000 VACCINE OFFER
> >>
> >> THE FOLLOWING OFFER is made to U.S.-licensed medical doctors who
> >> routinely administer childhood vaccinations and to pharmaceutical
> >> company CEOs worldwide:
> >>
> >> Jock Doubleday, director of the California 501(c)3 nonprofit
> >> corporation Natural Woman, Natural Man, Inc., hereby offers $75,000.00
> >> to the first medical doctor or pharmaceutical company CEO who publicly
> >> drinks a mixture of standard vaccine additives ingredients in the same
> >> amount as a six-year-old child is recommended to receive under the
> >> year-2005 guidelines of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
> >> Prevention.  (In the event that thimerosal has recently been removed
> >>from a particular vaccine, the thimerosal-containing version of that
> >> vaccine will be used.)
> >>
> >> The mixture will not contain viruses or bacteria dead or alive, but
> >> will contain standard vaccine additive ingredients in their usual
> >> forms and proportions. The mixture will include, but will not be
> >> limited to, the following ingredients:  thimerosal (a mercury
> >> derivative), ethylene glycol (antifreeze), phenol (a disinfectant
> >> dye), benzethonium chloride (a disinfectant), formaldehyde (a
> >> preservative and di

Re: [Biofuel] NZ Coroners Report on Complementary Medicines

2006-10-15 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
Years ago I worked nights part time in admissions in a large hospital .. one 
night a drawer that was absolutely ALWAYS locked was somehow left open .. my 
co-worker and I, being the curious types couldn't resist taking a look.

.. there was a book that contained single spaced, double sided, legal sized 
paper filled with the names of the medical doctors that had hospital 
privileges but could not prescribe drugs and/or operate without supervision.

The desk drawer belonged to the individual who was responsible for 
scheduling operations.

When a request came in, she was the one that reserved the operating room .. 
and the competent medical doctor who was to "oversee" the incompetent 
medical doctor ..

That book was quite thick with hundreds of names .. quite a few well known.

I think it's fairly well known and accepted as fact that the medical 
profession does not police their own so, to my way of thinking, anyone who 
had their name on that list would have to be a rather frequent and serious 
repeat offender .. and so very, very many

.. And then there's that book "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" .. I believe that 2 
separate surveys have been taken that support the fact that medical doctors 
live 20 years less time than the non-medical doctor.

Just my thoughts on the matter .. with just my limited knowledge of what 
goes on inside a hospital I'm scared of going to a hospital .. I don't 
believe all medical doctors can actually believe their own BS.

I have that book around here somewhere .. maybe I'll go look up a few 

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . 
Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner 
. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

>From: Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] NZ Coroners Report on Complementary Medicines
>Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 00:37:06 +0200
>Talking about medicines natural or whatever. My father always said,
>that if they could make recipes on love and sex, it would be possible
>to cut the hospital beds in half. I have yet to find the physician
>that is not very scared to go to hospital and I have many friends who
>are physician. LOL
>At 00:01 16/10/2006, you wrote:
> >D. Mindock wrote:
> > > Hi Marylynn,
> > >Thanks for this info on NZ!
> > >Yeah, wow. I too am amazed that this study was done. It seems
> > that common
> > > sense and
> > > spine abounds in NZ.  God bless Wallace Bain!
> > >The same problems Down Under will be here in the US fairly soon. 
> > > Pharma,
> > > along with the AMA and FDA is, imo, trying to snuff out alt
> > medicine before
> > > it largely
> > > replaces the drugs, surgery, radiation, and chemo used by the 
> > > health
> > > care industry. They can do all the "science" they want, but the
> > fact is that
> > > allopathic
> > > medicine is a failed model except for emergency care like heart 
> > > acute
> > > disease, etc. For chronic problems, alt medicine is the way to
> > go, where the
> > > whole
> > > person (mind, body, emotional state) is examined and treated.
> > >The same is true here wrt to herbs, supplements, essential oils,
> > > vitamins. Most of
> > > the deaths attributable to these have been because of gross misuse. 
>When a
> > > young pro
> > > baseball player died a couple years ago because of his total misuse of
> > > ephedra the corporate
> > > friendly media was all over that story and really pounded it home. 
> > > failed to mention
> > > that he was trying to lose a lot of weight (winter fat) in a
> > hurry. He took
> > > a triple dose of ephedra plus
> > > was wearing extra clothes, practicing baseball in the hot sun of 
> > > Likely he was
> > > dehydrated too. When a few folks died after taking L-tryptophan, maybe 
> > > years ago,
> > > the FDA took advantage of that to pull it off the market, even though
> > > L-tryptophan
> > > is a common amino acid found in a number of foods and completely 
> > > The
> > > manufacturer (a Japanese company) was found later to have released a
> > > contaminated
> > > product which caused the deaths. Nontheless, L-tryptophan, an 
> > > amino acid, was kept off the market
> > > and is still unavailable.
> >
> >nonsense, you can get all tryptophan you want in 500 mg pills at
> >Live extension, or just eat
> >protein, it is full of tryptophan.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > >  Every year about 33 people die from contaminated soft cheese but it 
> > > never
> > > been pulled, as far as I know. Several baseball players are suspected 
> > > using per

Re: [Biofuel] NZ Coroners Report on Complementary Medicines

2006-10-15 Thread Marylynn Schmidt
Years ago I worked nights part time in admissions in a large hospital .. one 
night a drawer that was absolutely ALWAYS locked was somehow left open .. my 
co-worker and I, being the curious types couldn't resist taking a look.

.. there was a book that contained single spaced, double sided, legal sized 
paper filled with the names of the medical doctors that had hospital 
privileges but could not prescribe drugs and/or operate without supervision.

The desk drawer belonged to the individual who was responsible for 
scheduling operations.

When a request came in, she was the one that reserved the operating room .. 
and the competent medical doctor who was to "oversee" the incompetent 
medical doctor ..

That book was quite thick with hundreds of names .. quite a few well known.

I think it's fairly well known and accepted as fact that the medical 
profession does not police their own so, to my way of thinking, anyone who 
had their name on that list would have to be a rather frequent and serious 
repeat offender .. and so very, very many

.. And then there's that book "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" .. I believe that 2 
separate surveys have been taken that support the fact that medical doctors 
live 20 years less time than the non-medical doctor.

Just my thoughts on the matter .. with just my limited knowledge of what 
goes on inside a hospital I'm scared of going to a hospital .. I don't 
believe all medical doctors can actually believe their own BS.

I have that book around here somewhere .. maybe I'll go look up a few 

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . 
Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner 
. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

>From: Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] NZ Coroners Report on Complementary Medicines
>Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 00:37:06 +0200
>Talking about medicines natural or whatever. My father always said,
>that if they could make recipes on love and sex, it would be possible
>to cut the hospital beds in half. I have yet to find the physician
>that is not very scared to go to hospital and I have many friends who
>are physician. LOL
>At 00:01 16/10/2006, you wrote:
> >D. Mindock wrote:
> > > Hi Marylynn,
> > >Thanks for this info on NZ!
> > >Yeah, wow. I too am amazed that this study was done. It seems
> > that common
> > > sense and
> > > spine abounds in NZ.  God bless Wallace Bain!
> > >The same problems Down Under will be here in the US fairly soon. 
> > > Pharma,
> > > along with the AMA and FDA is, imo, trying to snuff out alt
> > medicine before
> > > it largely
> > > replaces the drugs, surgery, radiation, and chemo used by the 
> > > health
> > > care industry. They can do all the "science" they want, but the
> > fact is that
> > > allopathic
> > > medicine is a failed model except for emergency care like heart 
> > > acute
> > > disease, etc. For chronic problems, alt medicine is the way to
> > go, where the
> > > whole
> > > person (mind, body, emotional state) is examined and treated.
> > >The same is true here wrt to herbs, supplements, essential oils,
> > > vitamins. Most of
> > > the deaths attributable to these have been because of gross misuse. 
>When a
> > > young pro
> > > baseball player died a couple years ago because of his total misuse of
> > > ephedra the corporate
> > > friendly media was all over that story and really pounded it home. 
> > > failed to mention
> > > that he was trying to lose a lot of weight (winter fat) in a
> > hurry. He took
> > > a triple dose of ephedra plus
> > > was wearing extra clothes, practicing baseball in the hot sun of 
> > > Likely he was
> > > dehydrated too. When a few folks died after taking L-tryptophan, maybe 
> > > years ago,
> > > the FDA took advantage of that to pull it off the market, even though
> > > L-tryptophan
> > > is a common amino acid found in a number of foods and completely 
> > > The
> > > manufacturer (a Japanese company) was found later to have released a
> > > contaminated
> > > product which caused the deaths. Nontheless, L-tryptophan, an 
> > > amino acid, was kept off the market
> > > and is still unavailable.
> >
> >nonsense, you can get all tryptophan you want in 500 mg pills at
> >Live extension, or just eat
> >protein, it is full of tryptophan.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > >  Every year about 33 people die from contaminated soft cheese but it 
> > > never
> > > been pulled, as far as I know. Several baseball players are suspected 
> > > using per


2006-10-15 Thread robert and benita rabello
Marylynn Schmidt wrote:

> Quite long but interesting.

Quite long, indeed!

Here's a quote:

   Dr. Johnson says on page 17, "We agree that it would be
desirable to remove mercury from U.S. licensed vaccines, but we did not
agree that this was a universal recommendation that we would make because
of the issue concerning preservatives for delivering vaccines to other
countries, particularly developing countries, in the absence of hard data
that implied that there was in fact a problem."

In other words, there isn't any hard evidence of a problem.  Vaccine 
preservatives have been used since the 1930's, so we should be seeing a 
very large impact across the population.  If the follow-up study in the 
Seychelles indicates poor recall among children exposed to environmental 
mercury from fish, we should be noting a corresponding decline in memory 
function among immunized people elsewhere, if in fact, exposure to 
thimerosal in vaccines can be equated with the dietary intake of 
mercury-contaminated fish.  (Can it be?)
So if the link between thimerosal and developmental defects, ADD and 
other cognitive problems is causal, why do we not see generalized 
evidence of this within the population?  I've been immunized, as have my 
sisters, my wife, her brother and his wife, and all of our children, yet 
none of us exhibits any symptoms of impaired neurodevelopment.

I don't want to dismiss you, nor do I wish to stop the recent 
discussion.  It seems, however, that we have a camp of people who find 
danger in Western medicine and seem very willing to discard the entire 
corpus of knowledge humanity has developed from the occidental 
perspective.  I think the case in the article is overstated.  For example:

   "In other words, both of these studies tell us nothing about the 
development of these children's brain function except that they reached the
most basic of milestones. To put this another way, your child may be able
to stack blocks, recognize shapes and have basic language skills but later
in life they could be significantly impaired when it came to higher math,
more advanced language skills (comprehension) and ability to compete in a
very competitive intellectual environment, like college or advanced
schooling. Their future would be limited to the more mundane and
intellectually limited jobs."

That may be true with or without exposure to thimerosal in 
vaccines.  I work with children who have learning disabilities, and it's 
not possible to uncover a singular cause that explains the breadth and 
depth of learning issues in children.  Often, multiple causes synergize, 
ranging from utterly ineffective teaching all the way down the scale to 
serious, organic brain dysfunction.

I had no trouble and no regret authorizing vaccinations for my 
children.  Neither of them suffer from neurological problems.  They're 
doing well in school, too.  Yet I've talked to clients whose children 
are the same ages as mine, who attribute their children's learning 
difficulties to vaccinations.  When I ask these concerned parents about 
diet, sleep, exercise and water consumption, they're very quick to 
dismiss any link between something as obvious as sleep and their child's 
brain development.

Sigh . . .

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Some composting

2006-10-15 Thread Keith Addison
>So, I have an abundance of leaves (leafs to those in Canada!  haha). 
>Anyway, I would like to do some small scale, indoor composting 
>(aerobic).  I was reading some notes on JTF but didn't seem to find 
>the information of nitrogen ratio for the "Household Compost 
>Activator."  I would like to use mostly leaves and some vegie scraps 
>along with peat moss.  But, how much urine to add?  I'm looking at 
>the 20 gallon container size.

Hello Dave

Do Canadians really say "leafs"? I thought everybody said "leaves". 
Anyway, these are autumn leaves, dropped by the trees for the winter? 
In which case they don't contain very much by way of nutrients, the 
tree extracts most of it before dropping them. Lots of carbon, not 
much N. Tree leaves aren't too easy to compost anyway, they have a 
waxy coating that doesn't encourage breakdown and they tend to pack, 
cutting off the air supply. Peat moss also has lots of carbon and not 
much N. Veggie scraps will have more N and less C, but it looks like 
you need to add a lot of N. The problem with adding it in the form of 
HCA is that you're also adding a lot of water that way, and if 
there's too much water it will clog up and go anaerobic. So I'm not 
very hopeful about that mixture.

The volume isn't such a problem, bigger is easier, but I did some 
test compost in a 3-gallon pot the other day, it hit 60 deg C (140 
deg F) and composted well. 20 gallons should be fine.

For the mix, try adding something dry and crumbly with lots of N - 
too much N won't hurt, the excess will be driven off (ammonia) until 
it hits the right ratio; too little N and it won't heat up properly 
(which is also the result of too much water or poor air supply). Dry 
coffee grounds would be a suitable source of N, but there are many 
others. Then add urine until it's wet enough: if you ball some up in 
your fist it should stay in a ball when you let go but should crumble 
up easily again, not pack together. It works best with a good air 
supply from underneath.

Probably you'll have to tinker with it a bit before you get a feel 
for it, but please persevere, don't be discouraged, it's a real 
thrill the first time your compost gets hot, and it's about the 
earth-friendliest thing you can do. IMHO.

Good luck, keep posting, lots of composters here to offer their help.



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Some composting

2006-10-15 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Jim

>I just started my winter pile, and I added about a gallon, I add 
>more when I get it but it seems that gets things moving pretty fast. 
>It usually takes about a week before my pile really takes off. 

How hot does it get? Also, how big is it?

>If it doesn’t go after a week I just add more HCA turn it maybe 
>sprinkle a little soil on top and wash it in. If it still does 
>not take off then I may change the ratio of greens a bit. Be patient 
>is the best advice. I add HCA each time I turn the pile each week.

Turning each week, wow, too much work! Try for no turning at all, 
better result too.



>I just spread what I composted over the summer on my front lawn. I 
>bet I hauled in 20 wheel barrows of stuff into it this summer 
>including about 20 gallons of Biodiesel bi product and hauled out 2 
>when it was done.  I use some wood chips that I get free at work as 
>my browns.  I have found that if you can chop and disperse your 
>greens they eliminate faster and there is less chance of rot smell. 
>So far my compost has never given off a bad smell it is always a 
>fresh earthy smell.
>Well best of luck, composting is really worth the effort you just 
>cannot believe the difference in everything from the vibrancy of 
>your flowers to the health of your plants.  I even think plants get 
>so healthy that they attract good insects as well as have something 
>in them that discourages pests.  This year my Organic composted plot 
>was almost weed free, I had zero bug loss and it doubled the yield 
>when compared to the other plot that had all the 
>best commercial fertilizers money could be wasted on. Next year I 
>plan on being 100% organic and that includes my lawn.
>- Original Message -
>Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 2:02 PM
>Subject: [Biofuel] Some composting
>So, I have an abundance of leaves (leafs to those in Canada!  haha). 
>Anyway, I would like to do some small scale, indoor composting 
>(aerobic).  I was reading some notes on JTF but didn't seem to find 
>the information of nitrogen ratio for the "Household Compost 
>Activator."  I would like to use mostly leaves and some vegie scraps 
>along with peat moss.  But, how much urine to add?  I'm looking at 
>the 20 gallon container size.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Isuzu Pickup

2006-10-15 Thread Keith Addison
>Can any one on the list tell me what I need to do to convert my newest
>vehicle to B-100. Its an 88 Isuzu pickup and has less than 100k miles.

Put the fuel in the tank.




Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Some composting

2006-10-15 Thread JAMES PHELPS

I just started my winter pile, and I added about a gallon, I add more when 
I get it but it seems that gets things moving pretty fast.  It usually 
takes about a week before my pile really takes off. If it doesn’t go after 
a week I just add more HCA turn it maybe sprinkle a little soil on top and wash 
it in. If it still does not take off then I may change the ratio of 
greens a bit. Be patient is the best advice. I add HCA each time I turn the 
pile each week.  I just spread what I composted over the summer on my front 
lawn. I bet I hauled in 20 wheel barrows of stuff into it this summer including 
about 20 gallons of Biodiesel bi product and hauled out 2 when it was 
done.  I use some wood chips that I get free at work as my browns.  I 
have found that if you can chop and disperse your greens they eliminate faster 
and there is less chance of rot smell.  So far my compost has never 
given off a bad smell it is always a fresh earthy smell.
Well best of luck, composting is really worth the effort you just cannot 
believe the difference in everything from the vibrancy of your flowers to the 
health of your plants.  I even think plants get so healthy that they 
attract good insects as well as have something in them that discourages 
pests.  This year my Organic composted plot was almost weed free, I had 
zero bug loss and it doubled the yield when compared to the other plot that 
had all the best commercial fertilizers money could be wasted 
on. Next year I plan on being 100% organic and that includes my lawn.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 2:02 
  Subject: [Biofuel] Some composting
  So, I have an abundance of leaves (leafs to those in 
  Canada!  haha).  Anyway, I would like to do some small scale, indoor 
  composting (aerobic).  I was reading some notes on JTF but didn't seem to 
  find the information of nitrogen ratio for the "Household Compost 
  Activator."  I would like to use mostly leaves and some vegie scraps 
  along with peat moss.  But, how much urine to add?  I'm looking at 
  the 20 gallon container 
  mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.org 
  at Journey to Forever:http://journeytoforeverorg/biofuel.htmlSearch 
  the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Isuzu Pickup

2006-10-15 Thread JAMES PHELPS
Can any one on the list tell me what I need to do to convert my newest 
vehicle to B-100. Its an 88 Isuzu pickup and has less than 100k miles.



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):


2006-10-15 Thread Jason& Katie
>I had no trouble and no regret authorizing vaccinations for my
> children.  Neither of them suffer from neurological problems.  They're
> doing well in school, too.  Yet I've talked to clients whose children
> are the same ages as mine, who attribute their children's learning
> difficulties to vaccinations.  When I ask these concerned parents about
> diet, sleep, exercise and water consumption, they're very quick to
> dismiss any link between something as obvious as sleep and their child's
> brain development.
>Sigh . . .
> robert luis rabello
> "The Edge of Justice"
> Adventure for Your Mind

they made my wife sign the papers for the boys' vaccinations when she was in 
labor.  just exactly how in the hell is someone supposed to read all that 
legal garbage when they are in recurring intense pain? they wouldnt let me 
read any of it, and said since i was not the patient, i could not sign 
anything. out of paranoia i demanded to see all the labels before the 
vaccines were used, but they were single doses only good for about an hour 
outside of refrigeration, and had no preservatives, but it still makes me 
ANYWAYS, back to my original thought, i had a lot of sleeping problems and 
supposed ADD when i was in school, but i also had a really rotten habit of 
only eating one huge meal a day(dinner), and surviving on caffeine drinks 
during classtime. hmm, i wonder why i had so many problems growing up...
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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):


2006-10-15 Thread robert and benita rabello
Jason& Katie wrote:

>they made my wife sign the papers for the boys' vaccinations when she was in 
>labor.  just exactly how in the hell is someone supposed to read all that 
>legal garbage when they are in recurring intense pain?

That's ridiculous!

Where did this happen?

> they wouldnt let me 
>read any of it, and said since i was not the patient, i could not sign 
>anything. out of paranoia i demanded to see all the labels before the 
>vaccines were used, but they were single doses only good for about an hour 
>outside of refrigeration, and had no preservatives, but it still makes me 

When were the vaccinations administered?

>ANYWAYS, back to my original thought, i had a lot of sleeping problems and 
>supposed ADD when i was in school, but i also had a really rotten habit of 
>only eating one huge meal a day(dinner), and surviving on caffeine drinks 
>during classtime. hmm, i wonder why i had so many problems growing up...

As I had written:  Learning problems are often the result of complex 
interactions . . . 

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):