2006-04-29 Thread Wes Moore
With reference to heat pump applications, you will find useful info at the
Mcquay website.  They offer complete data specs for each unit model showing
efficiencies for each temperature application.  The COP for individual temp
applications will give you a better concept of performance for your

if anyone chooses to use their system please email me [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I will be happy to show you a shortcut to get around some of the
complications they have designed into their logic board.  They have designed
the Mark 4 logic board with 24VAC input but 24VDC outputs for auxiliary
components which causes unnecessary complication for controls.  Otherwise I
think it is a very nice unit.



Joe Street wrote:

> Hey I just thought of something.  If I used your heatpump and
> connected the output heat exchanger to a sterling motor generator set
> with an overall efficiency of lets say 50%,  I could get 1.5 KW of
> electrical power from the 3 KW heat energy coming out of the
> heatpump.  Since the heatpump has a CP of say 3 in this case then it
> only requires 1 KW electical input energy and I have a net 500 watts
> if I run the heatpump from the sterling generator!  Ahh this sounds
> like a perpetual motion machine eh?  But really it is not because
> there is energy input on the input heat exchanger to the tune of more
> than 3 KW.  Not a very efficient system and using the thermal energy
> directly as a motive force is still much more eficient but a cool idea
> since it is completely self powered once it gets started.  Hmmm did I
> miss something obvious here?
> Joe

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[Biofuel] oil pulling

2006-12-14 Thread Wes Moore

Have you ever noticed that when washing a bucket, the water gets dirty
before it gets clean. If only a portion of the bucket is dirty, when you
clean it you get the rest of the bucket dirty before it gets clean.  For a
more comprehensive understanding you could probably google "healing crisis"
I have recently started trying the oil pulling method and I think it is
beneficial.  I think it was either at a DMSO list or perhaps Whitegold list
it was posted as well.



Luke wrote:

Luke Hansen
Sat, 09 Dec 2006 16:51:15 -0800

I'm always a little skeptical of miracle cures that
tell you that getting sicker is a step towards getting
better ;P


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[Biofuel] TiO2 (Titanium Dioxide) Lights

2006-12-14 Thread Wes Moore
Hi Luke:

Any UV light that operates between (I think 230nm to 165nm) will produce
noticeable O3.  this UV spectrum might be referred to as UV E .  the problem
with producing ozone this way is the life span of the bulbs.  They reach
half life rather quickly, perhaps 6 months, after this they are producing
longer wave lengths of UV.  I think cold plasma is a better way to go. I
have one operating with copper  grounding.  The copper has turned dark gray
to black rather than green.  

You may be interested in this article .  I think it is more or
less accepted that O3 that is not contaminated with Fe based metals is good
(to a point) metal ductwork perhaps increases the incidence of  NO2.  this
author also speculates the same for high temp corona discharge in air


Luke Hansen wrote:
Wed, 13 Dec 2006 17:31:17 -0800

Hello all,
I was just wondering if anyone has heard anything
about the effects of these "Ozone Lights." I guess
that they don't actually create O3, but they do kill
airborne pathogens. Most of the online literature that
I've found goes back to one study that showed this
light effective in killing E. Coli bacteria in
clinical trials. Anyone have experiences with this, or
anything similar?


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[Biofuel] humanure to humus

2006-12-23 Thread Wes Moore
I would be surprised if I am the only one on this list thinking it is a good
thing to discourage this fellow.  In our town I was shocked a few years ago
when our town fathers decided to palletize our sewage and sell it to
farmers.  Fortunately other than spending good tax dollars there was little
harm done.  They could not find a market. 

If I am not mistaken environmentalists have been telling us that medicines
are actually ending up in the rivers and streams in measurable amounts from
waste water sewage plants.  

I had a friend (died of cancer) who once ran a small motel. He often offered
produce from his garden that sat over his weeping tile. I always graciously
declined. Of course I am not suggesting his cancer was related. For all I
know the meds from plants may have helped him.



Luke Hansen
Sat, 23 Dec 2006 09:05:09 -0800

Ya know, I'm actually kinda curious to know how this
guy is going about composting his waste...I've read a
little about it, but never talked to anyone who's done
it him/herself. I'm reading a cool book right now
called "Goodbye to the flush toilet..." some late 70's
idealistic commie-lib propaganda designed to make good
honest folks think that the system that's in place now
might not be very efficient. Pshaw, that's like saying
the current administration isn't very efficient...just
But anyways, this book (a good read, but might be a
little hard to find...edited by Carol Hupping Stoner,
Rodale Press, 1977) says that it takes some ungodly
amount of time for the compost to reach a safe level
to be mixed into garden manure. Something like a
minimum of six months. 
And also...what kind of fascist housing authority is
this guy dealing with...taking his house
away...hmmm...does he have a history of pissing off
the neighborhood, or does he just live in some posh
upperclass development where the Bourgeoisie don't
want to smell his decomposing shit.
Best of luck anyways,
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[Biofuel] Castor oil as a therapy

2007-01-06 Thread Wes Moore
Thanks to D. Mindock  for the Castor oil post. Here is one comment from
someone whom I passed this on to:

Hi Wes,  since  Dr. Hamilton left I`ve been without a doctor, anyway to make
a long story short I found a narouapathis [sp?] practitioner in Glen Tay,
he`s kept me going when I thought I`d had it! castor oil is his fixit for
everything, blueberries are his favourite followed by flax seed oil, I know
it sounds delightful but a little bit of honey makes the medicine go down!
See you S.


Appreciating beneficial posts like this I think some folks may be interested
in this:  

I believe the link was contributed from  A fellow from Serbia
has discovered over unity energy from the application of a pendulum used in
conjunction with a lever.

There seems to have been a resurgence of advances in over unity lately.
Including that unspeakable  magnetic motion. . hope this is not offensive to


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[Biofuel] pendulum/lever

2007-01-07 Thread Wes Moore
Frank, I think the link shows some experiment of him attempting to apply the
use in a go cart, I didn't understand what he was trying to do.
The most interesting concept to me might be to configure it with a magnet
and coil similar to the induction flashlights that work by shaking (sliding
a magnet back and forth through a coil).
Somewhere in the link you will also see the idea to attach magnets at either
end of the pendulum swing. This or electro magnets should keep the unit in
motion indefinitely.
All in all I think the most beautiful part of this invention is a water pump
for developing nation's farmers. 


Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2007 23:31:04 -0500
From: "Frank Navarrete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Castor oil as a therapy
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; format=flowed

Hi Wes,
Interesting link to Milkovic's work.  I wonder if you could apply
added pendulum energy to a bicycle, and have a sort of long-distance
low-effort gear.

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[Biofuel] pendulum/lever

2007-01-07 Thread Wes Moore
Hi Keith

At the referenced website there are videos in operation.  Unfortunately you
have to copy paste to access the video links. I know that you must go
through a ton of info daily so I will attempt to provide a few direct links


Apparently Milkovic has done public demonstrations of the water pump as seen
in the pictures at the main page 

In this concept a person would be able to swing the pendulum every once in a
while to maintain a constant water flow. He claims that one pendulum swing
oscillates for about 130 xs.  Putting a load on the pump end seems to have
little effect on the oscillation although it must have a dampening effect on
the energy transferred to the lever action.


The "dangling magnets" does not quite describe the proposed application. It
was postulated that 2 stationary magnets placed at the proximity of the
extreme ends of the oscillation with like magnets mounted on the pendulum
would force the motion.  In my opinion however I think this would dampen the
swing. I think opposing magnets would draw the swing and if they are
positioned so they can not make contact would release at the end of the
swing. Barring this, I suppose solenoids with a trip switch may be

The beauty of this is that anyone can replicate a toy to experiment with
these concepts due to its simplicity.

Regarding other over unity devices:

Keelynet posted this link: from Budapest.  They claim a
coordinated effort from labs in Toronto and  London.  It achieves 1.4 over
unity according to the claim.  I am hoping this is true and that it does not
get utilized by energy companies without passing the savings on to the
consumer. This might be similar in concept to the 1.2 over unity that
Mitsubishi was speaking of a few years back.

Hope this helps


N.B. over unity and free energy are not the same. While the energy to pump
the lever is not considered free energy it can be considered over unity just
as a person with a car jack can use perhaps 20 lbs of force to lift a 2 ton
car. I agree with being skeptical. However, it would not be surprising to me
if energy interests use a portion of their might to discredit anything
deemed to threaten the profit line.  




The water hand-pump with pendulum of Veljko Milkovic


Keith wrote:

It would be beautiful if there are or ever were any working examples 

that actually pumped water with 9:1 over-unity energy, or any 

over-unity, do you know of any such examples?


Do you know of any other working, real-world, attested, authenticated 

examples of this over-unity device working? Or of any over-unity 

device working?


I think this about sums it up:


>"I did look at several sites describing the "pendulum of Veljko 

>Milkovic". It seems like a neat little device and it does provide 

>for hands-free operation because the human force is stored in the 

>pendulum swing so that the pump continues to pump for awhile after 

>the push.


>The machine is not a free energy device. All the energy for the pump 

>comes from the person pushing the pendulum. If it were really 

>overunity (one claim was 9 times as much energy out as in), it would 

>be easy to set it up to pump forever.


>Its a neat little invention. It is not free energy. It is not 

>perpetual motion. It is not over-unity. It is a cool hand pump. 

>There are many hand pumps of many designs available. Show me one 

>that pumps without input energy from a person or other source and 

>then we will have "free energy".


I doubt dangling magnets off it will help much.


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[Biofuel] pendulum/lever

2007-01-07 Thread Wes Moore
Keith and Doug:
Some of the points you both have expressed I consider corrections to my
thinking. And it is appreciated. Re the car jack and lever/bate example I
had overlooked the distance of moving 2 tons . I am convinced but not
totally satisfied.  I have been through this example before. My mind keeps
reverting back to when I jacked up the 2 storey shed/workshop.  It still
amazes me that I was able to lift that thing with a bait . sure seemed an
efficient use of my breakfast that day! I still wonder how many calories
would have been consumed if I was able to lift it the old fashioned way. I
think I could have lifted this thing perhaps 100 xs with the bait before I
needed to refill at lunch time. 
I also compare the energy it takes to push a child on a swing. If the timing
is right a little energy input from the 'pusher' goes a long way.  This
example has been used by some researchers.. if you could get the timing
right and pulse the electricity in a harmonized way you can use motive force
to your advantage. There are at least 2 examples of motor controllers that
show an increased efficiency and run noticeably cooler to touch when using a
solid state controller with a given load. If it is the mechanism I described
here I suppose the effect would be lost at full load if the motor was sized
and designed properly. Still in reality a saving is shown in the real world.
A local college professor once said 'we sometimes make things work in the
lab that won't work in theory"
So in short, while I share your disappointment in many of the offerings, I
anticipate breakthrough anytime now. There are probably some cons out there
but I should like to think most inventors are trying hard and honest. 
I hope, Keith, if you have time for just one video you will be able to watch
this one where ten wind up flashlights are able to be lit with the energy it
takes to light one. This is obviously not meant for anything more than a
demonstration, but I think it will lead to more. I am sure there are plenty
of folks at this site who would be very capable of furthering this.
Regarding the EBM overunity motor posted at Keelynet. Sorry I did not post
their website
Here it is 
one of the links commenting said they have not in fact achieved enough
energy to be self running, but it did not indicate a date.  The company's
certified engineering data states a 24.9 KW input is delivering 32.29 KW
output produced as heat, obviously this is not what we are looking for. The
second test shows a 101.8 KW unit is putting out 108.6 KW as electrical
energy and heat.  This is impressive but still a little disappointing, I
hope they can improve on this.  This data was published in Aug of this year.
Hello Wes
>Hi Keith
>At the referenced website there are videos in operation. 
>Unfortunately you have to copy paste to access the video links. I 
>know that you must go through a ton of info daily so I will attempt 
>to provide a few direct links here:
Thanks, but the ton of info usually passes me by these days, very 
little time to spare for keyboards, and, sad to say, I have trouble 
accessing video online. But I'll try...
>Apparently Milkovic has done public demonstrations of the water pump 
>as seen in the pictures at the main page
>In this concept a person would be able to swing the pendulum every 
>once in a while to maintain a constant water flow. He claims that 
>one pendulum swing oscillates for about 130 xs.  Putting a load on 
>the pump end seems to have little effect on the oscillation although 
>it must have a dampening effect on the energy transferred to the 
>lever action.
Yes, but as the guy said, a neat little device but not free energy.
>The "dangling magnets" does not quite describe the proposed 
>application. It was postulated that 2 stationary magnets placed at 
>the proximity of the extreme ends of the oscillation with like 
>magnets mounted on the pendulum would force the motion.  In my 
>opinion however I think this would dampen the swing. I think 
>opposing magnets would draw the swing and if they are positioned so 
>they can not make contact would release at the end of the swing. 
>Barring this, I suppose solenoids with a trip switch may be 
>The beauty of this is that anyone can replicate a toy to experiment 
>with these concepts due to its simplicity.
>Regarding other over unity devices:
>Keelynet posted this link:
> from 

[Biofuel] Pendulum

2007-01-10 Thread Wes Moore

As with all new applications to old concepts it is necessary to take time
for in-depth understanding of both old and new applications in order to form
a new qualified response. 
I have been experimenting with this concept and made a few observations.  
1, there seems to be a difference in the transfer of energy according to the
material used to suspend the pendulum. String, wire, or rope seems to absorb
some of the motive energy. I am presently using all thread rod.
2, you need more info on the individual pump he is using. Even if the pump
design calls for a 3" stroke, if it works with a 1/2" stroke because of an
inherent principle in the design, then so be it. You may have noticed this
if you have ever used an old homestead water pump.
3, the distance factor in transference of energy seems to bother so many
folks. I live in Canada, space just is not that crowded here!  I have spent
a bit of time speaking with qualified minds about this project.  I have
discovered that every thing this man is doing is easily explained by
physics. This does not preclude that he is using energy in a way that is
more efficient than other methods and therefore is putting in a certain
amount of energy and receiving 9 more units back.
This is not more astounding than the heat pump that heats my home. It is
giving me a COP of 5.  This is documented by ASHRAE tech data that comes
with the unit. I have verified it with my amp meter.   Heat pumps are
recognized to be over unity devices but it seems they have not been
criticized possibly because there is no obvious way to translate this energy
back to electricity.
4, researching this concept has led me to info that idicates by pulsing a DC
electric current at 10,000 to 20,000 hertz you give the energy a kick in the
pants allowing it to take advantage of motive force. This is seen in the
example of pushing a child on a swing.
5, it has helped me to understand how the new furnace fan motors operate
that work on DC current so much more efficiently. The DC motor comes with a
motor controller that is explained as a simple AC/DC convertor. However, at
trade shows they demonstrate the magic by connecting a small 9v battery just
like you would have in your smoke detector.  They show this battery start
and operate the fan (they demonstrate only for a bit less than a minute of


From: R Pentney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Biofuel] Pendulum
Pick up a 10 lb weight with a rope or chain and swing it so you can 
feel the extra weight at the bottom of the swing. Now shorten the 
rope by half and try it again. The impulse is less, of course much 
faster reps and therefore the time during which the impulse is 
applied is much less - therefore less work is done.
Now look again at his pictures. That pendulum has such a ridiculously 
short length it cannot possibly pump water on its own. The impulse 
time is too short to move the pump lever far enough.
Anybody care to try the math?

Biofuel mailing list

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[Biofuel] Pendulum

2007-01-10 Thread Wes Moore

-Original Message-

Being a pump does not preclude a device from being over unity. It does not
violate physics because it extracts energy from one place and utilizes it at
the other end of the cycle. From our perspective, we do not have to pay for
all of the energy that we extract so it is over unity to us. 

If you choose to use the word free energy instead, it may suit you better.
The system if rated as COP 5 means that if you put one unit of energy and
you receive 5 back .. so for units are free.  This bears out in that it
costs 1/5th the cost of resistance heating (most water source or geothermal
This is done through phase change of Freon from liquid to gas. An air
conditioner has the same advantage, but since it has to over come the
inefficiency of the pump/motor as heat this same machine would have a COP of
about 3 in the cooling cycle.

Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum

A heat pump is a *pump*. It moves heat from one place to another, at an 
energy cost. It does not create heat. It is not an "over-unity device."

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

On Wed, 10 Jan 2007, Wes Moore wrote:

> This is not more astounding than the heat pump that heats my home. It is
> giving me a COP of 5.  This is documented by ASHRAE tech data that comes
> with the unit. I have verified it with my amp meter.   Heat pumps are
> recognized to be over unity devices but it seems they have not been
> criticized possibly because there is no obvious way to translate this
> back to electricity.


Message: 7
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 17:05:22 -0700
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Algae
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

You wouldn't have the name of the specific protozoa they use would you?

>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Algae
>Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 12:49:49 +1300
>Past research - commercial production of biofuel from algae by end of
>this year. The kiwi company site states it is 'wild algae' or 'pond
>algae' growing in settling ponds.
> > H,
> > food too?
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > Say can any one give me the trade name or Specific Name of Algae 
> > that are currently being used in research of Biodiesel production?
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Biofuel mailing list
> >
> > 
> >
> > Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> >
> >
> > Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
> >
> >
> >
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 


Message: 8
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 18:39:22 -0700
From: "Zeke Yewdall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] GM unveils Volt plug-in concept
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

The local news report on it here  gave some rather bizzarre information on
the battery  they said it cost $5 to $10k, which is what had to be
improved before it had a chance of becoming commercially viable.   Funny,
because when I priced out a 16kWh lithium ion battery for my electric car,
it came to about $50k+.  If could get one for $10k, I'd be very very


On 1/9/07, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Comment: "3-4 years if the battery technology is available". Why does
> "PNGV" spring to mind I wonder? - K

Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum

2007-01-11 Thread Wes Moore
 Kirk wrote:

A machine that actually worked without input of heat or mechanical; or
electrical work, or produced more work than was input would be an over unity
machine.   "Underline emphasis by me"




The operation of a heat pump utilizes liquid phase change.  The systems on
the market choose a specific Freon gas for instance Freon 22 is a CHFC
compound.  This particular product when compressed to a liquid at say 250
psi would be sprayed through an orifice in an outside evaporator. When the
pressure is released to for instance 60 PSI  it flashes to a gas. The energy
is extracted from latent heat in the atmosphere. The gas is drawn back to
the compressor, re compressed to liquid which requires a release of energy.
This energy is added to the inside atmosphere  and the liquid returns to
repeat the cycle. 

Taking the data for a unit similar to mine for an example:

30,000btu McQuay with a typical condition 50F entering water temp @ 6.1 GPM
with return air temp @ 70, requires 2.383 KW to operate the pump.  This is
8,221 BTU's input. . The output under these conditions is 31,413 BTU's
indicating a COP of 3.86.  

My system draws from a 2,000 gallon pool connected to a thermal solar system
. when the pool is 70 to 80 degrees my COP is around 5.


I work in this industry and most of my colleagues refer to this as over

If anyone wishes to check this data it is available here:



PS: my apologies to Keith for not trimming a post. I have changed from daily
digest to individual emails so I can't make this mistake again

From: Kirk McLoren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum


Actually Wes a heat pump ins a heat transport machine. The amount it
transports is proportional to the difference in temperature of the 2 coils.
Source and sink in other words. The amount they transport is compared to
that amount of heat produced in a resistor. If you think of it as a train
carrying heat and the difference in temperature the hill the train carries
it over you can see that the definition of standard conditions determines
the theoretical COP. I would have to look it up as I dont remember the
conditions any more but I seem to recall that a perfect machine would Have a
COP of 12 or 13. A machine of 6 would be a pretty good compromise in
materials as a machine to be perfect would have huge heat exchangers and a
monstrous compressor to keep mass velocities low. At an arbitrarily small
difference in temperature the ratio would of course approach infinity. But
it is just transporting heat.


A machine that actually worked without input of heat or mechanical; or
electrical work, or produced more work than was input would be an over unity

As an example think of a pipe with an osmotic membrane on one end - a
reverse osmosis membrane. As you inserted it into the ocean at some depth
the pressure would be adequate to cause pure water to flow into the pipe.
Since sea water is 3% denser than fresh water at some depth the weight of
the column of fresh water and the required pressure to operate the membrane
would be supplied by the weight of the external salt water. At that point
fresh water would flow out the top of the pipe sans pump. That would be an
over unity machine.



Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum

2007-01-11 Thread Wes Moore
Yes and this is why what does not work in theory sometimes works in practice



On Behalf Of Zeke Yewdall
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 9:25 PM



On 1/11/07, Wes Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Taking the data for a unit similar to mine for an example:

30,000btu McQuay with a typical condition 50F entering water temp @ 6.1 GPM
with return air temp @ 70, requires 2.383 KW to operate the pump.  This is
8,221 BTU's input. . The output under these conditions is 31,413 BTU's
indicating a COP of 3.86.  

My system draws from a 2,000 gallon pool connected to a thermal solar system
. when the pool is 70 to 80 degrees my COP is around 5.


I work in this industry and most of my colleagues refer to this as over

The actual input to this system is somewhere above 31,413 BTUs  -- not the
8,221BTUs you indicate -- some input being electrical energy, and some being
thermal energy in that 50F entering water.   When defining a thermodynamic
system, it does not matter what form energy crosses the boundry of the
system -- thermal, mecahnical, electrical, it all counts.   Perhaps in the
heat pump industry they refer to this as over-unity, but to a physicist,
just hearing that immediately makes us discount it as nonsense.  I can't
speak for everyone else, but I don't think the arguement here is about
whether heat pumps work, or how they work, but whether the definition
over-unity can be applied to them. 



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum

2007-01-12 Thread Wes Moore
Oh yes I read what you wrote.  You seem to think I should be concerned about
the latent energy from the atmosphere and count it as the input cost. The
input cost is what we need to do to make it work.  Here in the real world
where I live I can buy 8221 Btu (2.383Kw) of electrical energy for about
35.5 cents Canadian and turn it into $1.36 worth of energy. When I use just
a little of the energy from the sun I increase the return on the input cost
to $1.77.  Who do you think I should pay to balance the account. 

I have no argument with you saying the latent energy in the atmosphere is
the difference so you can balance your equation.  Calculating the energy
extracted from the atmosphere simply allows one to calculate what the over
unity factor is.  Seems pretty simple to me.  


I am glad the engineers who first built this system seemed to see things the
way I do.  I am sorry you don't agree.





-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Zeke Yewdall
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum


Huh?  Did you actually read what I wrote?

On 1/11/07, Wes Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes and this is why what does not work in theory sometimes works in practice



On Behalf Of Zeke Yewdall
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 9:25 PM 



On 1/11/07, Wes Moore < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >


Taking the data for a unit similar to mine for an example:

30,000btu McQuay with a typical condition 50F entering water temp @ 6.1 GPM
with return air temp @ 70, requires 2.383 KW to operate the pump.  This is
8,221 BTU's input. . The output under these conditions is 31,413 BTU's
indicating a COP of 3.86.  

My system draws from a 2,000 gallon pool connected to a thermal solar system
. when the pool is 70 to 80 degrees my COP is around 5.


I work in this industry and most of my colleagues refer to this as over

The actual input to this system is somewhere above 31,413 BTUs  -- not the
8,221BTUs you indicate -- some input being electrical energy, and some being
thermal energy in that 50F entering water.   When defining a thermodynamic
system, it does not matter what form energy crosses the boundry of the
system -- thermal, mecahnical, electrical, it all counts.   Perhaps in the
heat pump industry they refer to this as over-unity, but to a physicist,
just hearing that immediately makes us discount it as nonsense.  I can't
speak for everyone else, but I don't think the arguement here is about
whether heat pumps work, or how they work, but whether the definition
over-unity can be applied to them. 



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Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum

2007-01-12 Thread Wes Moore
Hi Keith: I am afraid egos have entered this discussion.
The reality I see from all of the objections is some folks would like to be
physicists.  I think being a good physicist requires extreme depth.  The
objections I have seen are valid to understand where the extra energy is
coming from. Once this is understood, it is helpful to look at what energy
is required as input and what we receive at the other end.
I am grateful for this discussion, it has been useful to me to organize
these procedures in my mind, and to be able to re-iterate them in an
intelligible way. 
Beyond that I am only seeing a distortion of egos.

Farmers seem to have a handle on this, they know the sun is providing a
certain amount of energy to help them grow corn.  But they are smart enough
to focus on what energy input is necessary from them. Perhaps this is why so
many farmers just shake their head in disbelief when a physicist speaks

On Behalf Of Keith Addison
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 4:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum

Wes Moore wrote:

>Oh yes I read what you wrote.  You seem to think I should be 
>concerned about the latent energy from the atmosphere and count it 
>as the input cost. The input cost is what we need to do to make it 
>work.  Here in the real world where I live I can buy 8221 Btu 
>(2.383Kw) of electrical energy for about 35.5 cents Canadian and 
>turn it into $1.36 worth of energy. When I use just a little of the 
>energy from the sun I increase the return on the input cost to 
>$1.77.  Who do you think I should pay to balance the account.
>I have no argument with you saying the latent energy in the 
>atmosphere is the difference so you can balance your equation. 
>Calculating the energy extracted from the atmosphere simply allows 
>one to calculate what the over unity factor is.  Seems pretty simple 
>to me.
>I am glad the engineers who first built this system seemed to see 
>things the way I do.  I am sorry you don't agree.

And did you actually read what I wrote?
[Biofuel] Pendulum
Wed Jan 10  2007


On Behalf Of Zeke 
>Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:51 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum
>Huh?  Did you actually read what I wrote?
>On 1/11/07, Wes Moore <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Yes and this is why what does not work in theory sometimes works in
>On Behalf Of Zeke Yewdall
>Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 9:25 PM
>On 1/11/07, Wes Moore <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Taking the data for a unit similar to mine for an example:
>30,000btu McQuay with a typical condition 50F entering water temp @ 
>6.1 GPM with return air temp @ 70, requires 2.383 KW to operate the 
>pump.  This is 8,221 BTU's input. . The output under these 
>conditions is 31,413 BTU's indicating a COP of 3.86.
>My system draws from a 2,000 gallon pool connected to a thermal 
>solar system Š when the pool is 70 to 80 degrees my COP is around 5.
>I work in this industry and most of my colleagues refer to this as over
>The actual input to this system is somewhere above 31,413 BTUs  -- 
>not the 8,221BTUs you indicate -- some input being electrical 
>energy, and some being thermal energy in that 50F entering water. 
>When defining a thermodynamic system, it does not matter what form 
>energy crosses the boundry of the system -- thermal, mecahnical, 
>electrical, it all counts.   Perhaps in the heat pump industry they 
>refer to this as over-unity, but to a physicist, just hearing that 
>immediately makes us discount it as nonsense.  I can't speak for 
>everyone else, but I don't think the arguement here is about whether 
>heat pumps work, or how they work, but whether the definition 
>over-unity can be applied to them.

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Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum

2007-01-12 Thread Wes Moore

I think one thing that trumps the laws of physics are results.  Physics, as
the heat pump example explains identifies where the mysterious energy comes
from. From there I think an intelligent engineer would proceed accepting
this gift of energy and create the system to operate accordingly.  Some
people seem to think if physics can not explain something, a machine should
not be built. In my experience inventions seem to operate in reverse to that
model.  Is the physicist who explains how something works, in any way better
than the inventor who produced the results?.

You raised 2 points here :

1 Economics are inconsistent depending on  prices.  . It does not matter
whether you are paying 1 cent / KW or  30 cents, the ratio remains constant.

2 A common heating system where tenants are charged by consumption only
transfers the advantage to the owner of the central system.


I would still count the energy from the atmosphere as a gift. The question
you raise only questions who gets the gift.  In an ideal situation the power
plant owner is honest and charges according to his input cost.



On Behalf Of Zeke Yewdall
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum


Wait...  you make an economic arguement for why not to count the thermal
input, then claim that engineers designed it based on economics, not
physics?  I've got two engineering degrees, and was always taught that the
laws of physics govern how stuff works.  Economics is so inconsistent
depending on particular prices and economic systems, that trying to design
something based on it would rarely work.  What if you were charged for the
thermal input from some central heat distribution system -- would the heat
pump suddenly stop functioning?  According to your definition, it seems like
it would.  Yet, it would be exactly the same machine as before. 

On 1/11/07, Wes Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Oh yes I read what you wrote.  You seem to think I should be concerned about
the latent energy from the atmosphere and count it as the input cost. The
input cost is what we need to do to make it work.  Here in the real world
where I live I can buy 8221 Btu (2.383Kw) of electrical energy for about
35.5 cents Canadian and turn it into $1.36 worth of energy. When I use just
a little of the energy from the sun I increase the return on the input cost
to $1.77.  Who do you think I should pay to balance the account. 

I have no argument with you saying the latent energy in the atmosphere is
the difference so you can balance your equation.  Calculating the energy
extracted from the atmosphere simply allows one to calculate what the over
unity factor is.  Seems pretty simple to me.  


I am glad the engineers who first built this system seemed to see things the
way I do.  I am sorry you don't agree.





-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Zeke Yewdall
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum


Huh?  Did you actually read what I wrote?

On 1/11/07, Wes Moore < <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes and this is why what does not work in theory sometimes works in practice



On Behalf Of Zeke Yewdall
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 9:25 PM 



On 1/11/07, Wes Moore < <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Taking the data for a unit similar to mine for an example:

30,000btu McQuay with a typical condition 50F entering water temp @ 6.1 GPM
with return air temp @ 70, requires 2.383 KW to operate the pump.  This is
8,221 BTU's input. . The output under these conditions is 31,413 BTU's
indicating a COP of 3.86.  

My system draws from a 2,000 gallon pool connected to a thermal solar system
. when the pool is 70 to 80 degrees my COP is around 5.


I work in this industry and most of my colleagues refer to this as over

The actual input to this system is somewhere above 31,413 BTUs  -- not the
8,221BTUs you indicate -- some input being electrical energy, and some being
thermal energy in that 50F entering water.   When defining a thermodynamic
system, it does not matter what form energy crosses the boundry of the
system -- thermal, mecahnical, electrical, it all counts.   Perhaps in the
heat pump industry they refer to this as over-unity, but to a physicist,
just hearing that immediately makes us discount it as nonsense.  I can't
speak for everyone else, but I don't think the arguement here is about
whether heat pumps work, or how they work, but whether the definition
over-unity can be applied to them. 



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Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum

2007-01-12 Thread Wes Moore
Yes in all cases I have referred to KW hours. But you are right this does
not take into account the few minutes of operation that would be wasted at
start up for each cycle.  I have set my t stat to 1 cycle per hour so this
is not as much of a concern as I sometimes see up to 5 or 7cycles per hour
with some electric heat settings.

If a system is sized properly 1 CPH does not compromise occupant comfort. 



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe Street
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum


Holy crap Wes you're paying 15 cents per Kwh?  (yes don't forget the hours
unit, or are you taking almost 3 hours to do this work?)  I pay 6 cents or
near a third of that.  Where do you live man?


Wes Moore wrote:

Oh yes I read what you wrote.  You seem to think I should be concerned about
the latent energy from the atmosphere and count it as the input cost. The
input cost is what we need to do to make it work.  Here in the real world
where I live I can buy 8221 Btu (2.383Kw) of electrical energy for about
35.5 cents Canadian and turn it into $1.36 worth of energy. When I use just
a little of the energy from the sun I increase the return on the input cost
to $1.77.  Who do you think I should pay to balance the account. 

I have no argument with you saying the latent energy in the atmosphere is
the difference so you can balance your equation.  Calculating the energy
extracted from the atmosphere simply allows one to calculate what the over
unity factor is.  Seems pretty simple to me.  


I am glad the engineers who first built this system seemed to see things the
way I do.  I am sorry you don't agree.



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Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum

2007-01-12 Thread Wes Moore

Joe  I live in Ontario as well, my calculations are derived from adding in
PST, GST, Delivery charge,  Debt Retirement, Administration charge and
anything else they seem to add to our bill.  

I simply divide the total bill with the number of kilowatts consumed. It
varies between 18 to 15 cents per KW


PS: I hope they are not giving you folks in western Ontario preferential


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe Street
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Pendulum


Holy crap Wes you're paying 15 cents per Kwh?  (yes don't forget the hours
unit, or are you taking almost 3 hours to do this work?)  I pay 6 cents or
near a third of that.  Where do you live man?


Wes Moore wrote:

Oh yes I read what you wrote.  You seem to think I should be concerned about
the latent energy from the atmosphere and count it as the input cost. The
input cost is what we need to do to make it work.  Here in the real world
where I live I can buy 8221 Btu (2.383Kw) of electrical energy for about
35.5 cents Canadian and turn it into $1.36 worth of energy. When I use just
a little of the energy from the sun I increase the return on the input cost
to $1.77.  Who do you think I should pay to balance the account. 

I have no argument with you saying the latent energy in the atmosphere is
the difference so you can balance your equation.  Calculating the energy
extracted from the atmosphere simply allows one to calculate what the over
unity factor is.  Seems pretty simple to me.  


I am glad the engineers who first built this system seemed to see things the
way I do.  I am sorry you don't agree.



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[Biofuel] converting shortening to bio-diesel

2005-04-13 Thread Wes Moore

I have been lurking at this group for a couple of weeks as I discover the
process of  WVO conversion to bio-diesel.


Just today I chose to contact a few local sources,  the first to respond
replied with a message that he uses shortening (I assume vegetable source)
for his potato chip wagon.

Can shortening be used for this purpose?  Is it more complicated than other


Thank you for any help



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RE: [Biofuel] How many trees were killed to build your home ?

2005-07-07 Thread Wes Moore

I think I am seeing a pattern here. I have noticed that some folks seem to
think that whatever is being done is bad... end of story .  not just in this
forum, but it seems to be abundant here.  I would like to suggest to anyone
who witnesses this tendency that they withhold criticism until they feel
they can offer a solution.  I try to exercise this method with myself, and I
suggest it may be helpful to others.   You will notice that Keith, for
instance, seems to offer solutions.  Others can only describe what they feel
is wrong with the system. 
This is not a complete solution to a negative personality, but should go a
long way in making life more pleasant for all.   I enjoy the constructive
criticism and solutions offered here, but am slightly frustrated when folks
endlessly tell us that everything in the world is wrong.  

Hello Chris

> >Trees are renewable and the lumber industry now replants more 
>trees than it takes.<
>The only problem with repanting trees, period, that i'm shocked no 
>one has mentioned (unless i missed it), is that the earth in a 
>particular area can only support 4-5 generations of trees before the 
>soil is completely exhausted. Trees take more nutrients out of the 
>soil to grow than just about anything else, and after several 
>generations they will NOT grow any longer. So yeah, replanting after 
>clear cutting is nice and all, but after a few times at the the soil 
>stops growing... anyhting...

I don't think there's any basis for this assumption, quite the 
opposite. Forests can continue indefinitely. Some forests are 30 
million years old. What sort of forests are you talking about? Can 
you provide some references please?

>And as far as deforestation goes, i'm more worried about places 
>outside developed countries where no one really cares if trees are 
>replanted. A lot of the slash and burn 

Some, not most.

>taking place in the rainforest is regular old people who are trying 
>to grow food or make money, clearing land for cattle and farms.

Mostly they've been marginalised, or they wouldn't need to do it. 
It's worth checking what marginalised them, for a clearer picture. 
They're the most widely blamed, though they're probably the least to 

In tropical forests most of the nutrients are in the trees, with very 
little in the soil. Slash-and-burn provides some mineral-rich ash 
which "fertilises" the soil for a couple of years, and then, as the 
fertility levels sink, pioneer weeds invade, their purpose to begin 
restoring the fertility reserves. These weeds are generally very 
tough, very hard to fight, like lalang grass in Southeast Asia. The 
peasants are forced out, and have to slash-and-burn another site, and 
use it for another couple of years. There are initiatives to 
stabilise this cycle, several through agroforestry principles. If the 
leaves and small branches of the trees that are cut down were 
composted instead of burnt the poor forest soils could be maintained 
at much higher fertility levels, with no pioneer weeds invading and 
no need to move on.

>Those people don't replant trees,

Quite often they do plant trees.

>and they aren't part of a multibnation company with lots of 
>enviromental regulations to uphold.

Or ignore.



>_Chris N
>- Original Message -
>From: Joe Street
>Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 11:55 AM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How many trees were killed to build your home ?
>Hi Hakan;
>100% in agreement with all of that.  Clearcutting IS bad, I thought I
>made that distinction.  It is also true that clearcutting does not hurt


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[Biofuel] RE:Jill and her defenxe of US aggression in foreign countries

2005-07-08 Thread Wes Moore
Well, Jill, as a Canadian, or should I say an individual who is from Canada
and from what I observe, I do not agree.  I believe you are existing in a
country that has capitalized on the short term removal of the USSR as a
perceived world power, and has become pretty much what society had feared
from the USSR.  As a case in point, I understand that recent polls
throughout Europe now view the US as the greatest threat to world peace,
they now term the US as an aggressor.  
Personally I see a country that has departed from democracy, and is now
ruled by a government out of control.
Having said this, don't be surprised if I do not continue to participate in
a discussion of this, ... I have found for my peace of mind in need to limit
the attention I offer to this line of thinking as I attempt to design a
peaceful and pleasant life for myself, family, and friends. I too joined
this list to learn about bio-diesel and continue to recognize my choice to
read or delete according to the subject line. 

Please know that even if you find my opinion offensive, I consider this to
be a detached and mechanical conclusion and will continue to view the
American people as individual friends and allies.  I do not believe informed
citizens of your country would approve of your governments actions if you
had the facts before you. 

Subject: Re: [Biofuel] It's imperialism, stupid


I joined this list to talk about how to create & run engines on biofuel, now
I find I'm bombarded with talk show chatter in my e-mail box?  This debate
runs into our daily lives and affects our thoughts and pocketbooks
tremendously.  However, it would be nice if we were respectful by not
stating that people have "lack of and disjointed reasoning" and stating to
get their head "out of their own stink".  In doing this, you insult all of
us who have the view that the war in Irag is essential to our security.

Baghdad, for the past 30 years, was THE hotbed of terrorist support.  If YOU
look at the information out there, you will find the basis for the war.
Most people I know, and I'm from the New England, next to California, the
most liberal minded area of the country, have found that once they've
reviewed ALL the information out there, not just what they hear on the news
and in the newspapers (God help us with the Boston Globe!) that the reality
is that Hussein PAID, in thousands of US dollars, people to blow themselves
up, encouraged the terrorist training camps, supplied Bin Laden with safe
have, worked with Syria to provide comfort to our enemy and threatened us
with creating nuclear arms.

Does this mean that Iran and N. Korea should be ignored?  No, as Iran is a
complicated mess and N. Korea has a leader who is varifiably insane.  Both
would love to wipe us off the map.  But, Iraq being a healthy country will
help us in influencing other countries to discourage terrorists.

You do not have to agree with me, that's what is beautiful about this
country.  I have friends fighting and training Iraqi troops, their culture
is one of fear, they don't dare disagree with a leader, it's been ingrained
in them from birth.  It will take some years of US presence to help
alleviate this.  You and I don't have that, we are allowed to speak, but
what is essential is that we do it respectfully.  I enjoy a good debate, but
not one that tears others down.  I ask that if you are posting to a public
site, like this one, that you keep it respectful.

A well-respected talk show host said the following yesterday,
If we were united in this country, if we all understood what the purpose
here was, that it's all about guarding against another terrorist attack for
our kids and grandkids, all about making sure there's not another 9/11 -- or
if there is, we'll know of it in enough time to stop it. That's what we're
trying to achieve. But as long as we're not united here and the voices of
opposition to this continually misrepresent what our objective is, and
continually misrepresent our purpose as just "we want oil, Bush and Cheney
want oil, or Halliburton needs more money," or what have you, as long as it
keeps being obfuscated like that, it's just going to make the task all that
much more difficult, as World War II would have been that much more
difficult had we not been unified in beating Hitler and Japan and all the
others, Mussolini, that we faced. So it's not easy. It's very, very hard.
But the answer ultimately, the short version is, we have to establish
circumstances that we know exist because they work here. Culturally it
doesn't matter; all cultures come to this country and thrive because of
freedom. We need to establish the same circumstances where human beings
around the world have the same grand, God-given freedom we do to determine
their own fate. The vast majority of free people want to pursue life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, not learning how to fly airplanes
into buildings.  - Rush

Best regards,

Jill Mello

- Original Message - 

[Biofuel] RE: NaOH source in Canada

2005-08-06 Thread Wes Moore
Hi Ray
I have not been able to keep up with the list, so I missed your first
I bought my NaOH at a local animal feed store in Smiths Falls On Can .  the
price was either $25 or $35  for 5 Kg.  the price was current a few months
ago .
I am sure it will be available at most 'feed stores'.  If they do not know
what you are asking for simply ask for Lye.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of mark manchester
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] (no subject)

Hi Ray,
No answers?  don't despair.  Our dear Darryl must be busy.  He's up near
you.  The lye is not expensive, a Cdn Tire thing, and he told me last year
where to get methanol.  Erg, I'm looking for it in the old letters.

> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 14:50:48 -0400
> To:
> Subject: [Biofuel] (no subject)
> Hello to my fellow brewers from Ontario, Canada:
> I just tried pricing MeOH and NaOH from Fisher Scientific (via
> Good Health and Safety in Mississauga). MeOH @ $79CAD for 20L
> and NaOH @ $267CAD for 5kg both before tax and shipping. That
> won't do!  There must be cheaper sources.  I'm near Ottawa.
> How do you make it economically viable?  Diesel is running at
> about $0.90CAD per litre right now, but at these prices I can
> only hope to break even.
> Ray
> -- 
> Ray or Shiraz Ings
> 1-613-253-1311
> Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
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[Biofuel] Magnetic boots

2005-08-24 Thread Wes Moore

I received the following a few days ago.  I suspect there may be
folks on this list who would find this interesting.  The source is from
Anthony Craddock who organizes info for Dr Tom Bearden .   the page
that is linked at the bottom also has Tom Bearden’s website linked.




Try finding the original magnetic astronauts boots that were developed
by NASA. The original boots were excellent. For the acceptance tests, an
engineer clad as an astronaut walked across the bottom of a steel beam in a
high bay research area, upside down against the pull of Earth's gravity. He stepped as he walked, putting his foot
"down" and then picking it "up". 

There is no problem in finding magnets strong enough to hold the astronaut
firmly in such an upside position. The problem with simple magnetic boots using
such strong magnets is that, once the foot is planted, unless he is King Kong
himself, the astronaut cannot pick up the foot again. 

However, the Radus boots completely solved that problem. If the permanent
magnet fields are switched off for that foot that the astronaut wishes to lift,
he can lift it easily and take another step. Then if the fields are switched on
again as he places his foot down, this switching of the fields allows him to
walk in a manner resembling normal walking, though a little slower. 

To do that switching by normal "battery and coils" would be
prohibitively bulky and heavy ­ and awkward to say the least. 

With the Radus boots, the astronaut could pick up his foot by simply switching
off the permanent magnetic fields easily. They switched on again when he placed
the foot down. And he did not have to carry a huge battery around with him, to
furnish enormous current to do that. 

Well, it doesn't take a genius to see that, when you can switch a permanent
magnet's fields easily, and the magnet also has a built-in memory as did the Radus
magnets, then with a little ingenuity in switching one could use such switchable
magnets to produce a self-switching, self-powered permanent magnet motor. The
magnet, being a permanent dipole, is already a particular kind of "free
energy generator", since it continuously gates magnetic energy directly
from the vacuum due to its asymmetry in the energetic vacuum flux. 

>From the energy barons' viewpoint, those Radus magnets and Radus boots had to
go, and go quickly. And go they did. 

So NASA then developed the present "shuffler" kind of magnetic boots
where the astronaut can't pull his boot loose from the surface, but must
"scoot" his feet along in a sliding and painfully awkward fashion.
That way, you see, no one can use the boot magnets ­ which now are just
rather ordinary permanent magnets, without memories and without switchable fields
­ to make an overunity device or a self-powering permanent magnet engine. 

Tom Bearden

Radus family members have now very kindly provided photos of the original
boots, which can be seen at

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Re: [Biofuel] Magnetic boots

2005-08-24 Thread Wes Moore
I think you have it wrong, Mr Allen.
Whether or not this is viable, Dr Tom Bearden is an accredited scientist
with a reputation that stands on its own. In addition I think Joe Bedini has
been able to demonstrate enough to show that anyone with the attitude you
have shown is simply out of the flux.
I think some of the info from Coral Castle probably demonstrates that it is
our lack of comprehension that fosters your polarized attitude. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of bob allen
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Magnetic boots

ah yes, magnets once again -hold on to your wallet

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Re: [Biofuel] Magnetic boots

2005-08-24 Thread Wes Moore

Why wouldn’t you just switch your own


Behalf Of Joe Street
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005
9:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Magnetic


Kewl dude!  Ask them
to send us one of them 'switchable permanent magnets' to play with so we can
build a perpetual motion machine!


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Re: [Biofuel] Magnetic boots

2005-08-25 Thread Wes Moore
Hi Bob
I really hope you are wrong about this.  He seems to be such a kind old
gentleman. I agree that some of his assertions seem to be way out there, but
when I look at all of the other things that we all don't seem to understand,
I try to live with an open mind.  
Wish I could remember the name of the British Knight who first said "I am
too much of a skeptic to disbelieve anything"

I had thought/assumed that all of his degrees where awarded through his
career in the US Army.  Please don't tell me that was bogus as well.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of bob allen
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Magnetic boots

Howdy Wes,

Wes Moore wrote:
> I think you have it wrong, Mr Allen.

you can call me bob, but if you want to use titles, try Professor Allen.

> Whether or not this is viable,

there is a world of difference.

  Dr Tom Bearden is an accredited scientist
> with a reputation that stands on its own.

  oh really?

He claims he has a Science PhD,  but then he also claims that his PhD
" was awarded the Ph.D. for life experience and for life accomplishment 
(from Trinity College - Ed.)..."

when I goggle Trinity College  it turns up at least ten different 
Trinity Colleges, so it would be difficult to trace his credentials. Do 
you know which one?

no wait, I found it (trinity college now defunct was a diploma mill

he also is an adherent to cold fusion:

he also does weather weapons:

also see how tom bearden also does chemistry,

and anti gravity:

and on and on, so no, I don't really think his credentials are all that 
good. The main thing I  see from his web site are outlandish claims and 
calls for money (vide supra)



Could be now-if development funding were made available."

Look if this or any other "free energy device" worked why is money 
needed.  Just hook up your working model to the grid, sell power, make 
money, , build bigger devices, make more money, etc. etc, etc.  In a 
very short time one could rule the world. From coal miners to nuclear 
engineers and everything in between would be your slaves.

  In addition I think Joe Bedini has
> been able to demonstrate enough to show that anyone with the attitude you
> have shown is simply out of the flux.

out of the flux? I've been out of the loop, out of my head, out of 
pocket, out to lunch, but never out the flux.

> I think some of the info from Coral Castle probably demonstrates that it
> our lack of comprehension that fosters your polarized attitude. 

I don't think it is my problem of comprehension, but rather his problem 
of reality.  Sorry to be so blunt, but free energy, magnetic energy, 
over unity, etc, leave me cold. See quote below from a real scientist.

Bob Allen

"Science is what we have learned about how to keep
from fooling ourselves" - Richard Feynman

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Re: [Biofuel] Magnetic boots

2005-08-25 Thread Wes Moore

Hi Joe

I am from near Ottawa, 6 hours from you.  

The magic, I think is not in the magnet,
but in the universe.  I hope that you can take all that you know about magnets,
and program your mind to understand there is possible that much times 400 more
to be known.  Wasn’t it Einstein who said “a genius would be
someone who knows ¼ of 1 percent about any one thing.”  

Have you read or tried to read Ed Leedskalnin ‘s
book on magnetism ?  

I am not going to tell you that Mr Radus lab was
destroyed, and as far as I know, Westinghouse is still in business.  But I hope
you would not try to tell me that this sort of thing is not within the scope of 
corporate and government affairs. 






Behalf Of Joe Street
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005
2:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Magnetic


Hey Wes, last time I
checked the difference between randomized and synchronized electron spin
involved energy.  Try as I might I haven't found a way to violate the law
of conservation of energy otherwise I would.  But my offer still
stands.  I see you are posting from Canada as well so why don't you get
your hands on one of these magical magnets and bring it down to the university and
we'll see what's what. I've got Gauss meters here and lots of other
instrumentation that will put an end to the discussion in short order. All
anyone has to do is produce it.  Man I sure hope you are right 'cuz I'll
be the first to rip that nasty old diesel out of my golf and jam in a free
energy motor.  Just think too when I get home all I have to do is back
that baby up to the wall and give 'er hell and since the wheels aren't turning
the rotor windings will now become a generator and I can power my house and get
off the grid.  Hell I can sell some of that free energy to the city and
turn a tidy profit.
Is this the point where you are going to tell me that some evil government
agents destroyed his labs and now nobody can figure out what the beleaguered
genius had discovered?



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Re: [Biofuel] Removing water from WVO

2005-08-25 Thread Wes Moore

Hi Emil

Not me, but I do have 3  500ml samples of
waste canola oil from a chip wagon.  They have been sitting for about a week at
room temperature with about 1 to 3 teaspoons of alum dropped in and stirred
(not shaken or pumped) .  The results look good but I have nothing to report.  If
anyone has tried this I would be interested in feedback.  

I have also been toying with the idea of
using DE (diatomaceous earth)  it is used for swimming pools and apparently as
a vacuum filter it can filter down to .5 microns that is ½ micron.  



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Manzo, Emil
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005
11:45 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Removing water
from WVO


Greetings. Has anyone tried using an absorptive
polymer to remove water from WVO? It is a cheap product that is used in sandy
soils to increase water retention for plants. It is also used in products that
remove water from the bottom of fuel tanks at gas stations. I think one brand
is called “water sock”. The WVO could be pumped through a vessel
containing the crystals as it was being filtered. The crystals expand with
water and turn to “jello” then they can be dried out in the sun and
reused. There is a similar product used in diapers but that is starch based and
wouldn’t work as well. If it works, we might save time and energy
removing water. Am I making sense to anyone? 






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[Biofuel] Alum as coagulant

2005-11-14 Thread Wes Moore

After a few months of experimenting with Alum  (1 liter test batches) I have
concluded that Alum is effective to congeal water and most of the black
sludge in used cooking oil.  
By adding about 1 teaspoon of alum to a liter of dirty oil, stirring and
leaving to settle for a day or two, there is an obvious clarity to the oil
and a layer of sediment at the bottom of the container.  
To make this process even more attractive, by adding more oil after pouring
the clarified oil off the top, the alum seems to be able to clarify the next
couple of batches without adding more alum.
Adding powdered bentonite seems to help, although I have not tried to
separate the effects of each.  I would be interested to hear the experiences
of others.

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RE: [Biofuel] uses for charcoal -- (was) simple cook stoves

2005-05-07 Thread Wes Moore

Activated Carbon used for water treatment I think is usually aluminum
silicate activated.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] uses for charcoal -- (was) simple cook stoves

I'm afraid not.  The charcoal used in filtration is "activated charcoal",
which is made by burning bone or similar material in an oxygen-deprived
environment.  If you try to filter water through charcoal briquettes or
wood, I believe the output is LYE.  You could make soap with the lye I
suppose, but if you drink the output you'll be a very unhappy camper.


> A while back, we had a discussion on simple cook stoves.
> I was wondering if some of the charcoal collected from the stove could be
> used as a water purifier. I quickly checked the archives to see if it was
> already discussed and didn't find anything.
> Mike
> ___
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