t-and-f: You just need the right translation

2000-09-28 Thread Wilmar K

(from the Canadian track and field mailing list)

From: Shane Lakins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 09:08:17 -0400
Subject: T&F A little humor injected into the Drug talk (bad pun, sorry)

I have spare two minutes and since my wife is a speech therapist, I have

acquired an ability to read between the lines to tell what people are
actually saying regarding Mr. Hunter.  So, let me translate some of the
comments regarding Drugs for everyone.  Yes I'm poking fun at this very
serious issue that makes me sick, but what else can you do.  Enjoy...

Actual Quote:
Hunter said yesterday:''I know what's going on and I am aware of the
allegations and am going to defend myself vigorously.''

Yeah, I hear yah, I know wassup and I'm screwed, but I'll get OJ's
lawyer!  Man my wife is gonna Kill m!

Actual Quote:
But officials from the governing body IAAF have admitted they did not
his positive result ''to be the story of the Games''.

We are the IAAF (Immature Association Advocating Frauds), we just didn't

want a little drug thing with oh major athletes... over several
Olympics to ruin a good thing, can't we all just get along and pretend
didn't happen.  Yeah, Yeah, that's the ticket!!!

Actual Quote:
IAAF general secretary Istvan Gyulai said: ''I personally regretted that

such news is broken so close to Mrs Hunter taking part in competition''.

My name is Istvan, the rest of this is what he was actually thinking at
press conference when making the above statement  Thought Bubble: I am
sacrificial lamb sent to shoulder all the blame for our association (I
the shortest straw, damn that Samarach for always getting to pick
I'm the one that regrets the most for having to get up here and explain
this S%*T.  Wish the truth had come out a few years after I retired, who

really gives a crap about this Mrs Hunter, oh I mean Mrs. Jones, wasn't
there a song about a Mrs Jones, God I hope know one asks any questions
I'm screwed.

Actual Quote:
Gyulai denied officials were trying to protect Hunter and by

Who me, I didn't do anything.  I didn't even know they were married.  Do

they have a family drug plan, oops did I say that out loud, "looks above

sees it is only in his thought bubble"

Actual Quote:
''It is very clear there is no cover up,'' he said.

If you are blind, you can see we are not covering up anything.

Actual Quote:
''It is the usual practice to respect the confidentiality of the athlete

until it is very clear that it is a doping case - and we do not say he

We usually want to keep this kinda thing hush, hush.  When the price is
right, anyone can be innocent, especially if your from the US.  A
time the normal amount is really close, so we just want to be sure he is

guilty.  Maybe he was an obsessive compulsive and used a certain kind of

toothpaste, oh lets say 200 times per day.

Actual Quote:
''Imagine what he must feel and what his family must feel. We don't want

this to be the major story of the Olympics.''

Translation is actually a little longer:
Must suck to be a drug cheat, his wife is gonna Kill him.  Can't we just

forget about it and screw all the clean athletes and their families;
honest, they can get another job, well maybe not in the IAAF or for
but maybe some other place like the IOC, well  maybe not there either,
could always work in government, right forget about that well they
could always learn to say: "would you like fries with that".  Yeah they
a big sponsor, they could help us out.

Actual Quote:
US Track and Field Association executive director Craig Masback said the

organisation tested out of competition more sports than any other
country.  ''We unfortunately busted more people,'' he said.
He admitted more doping cases pending, but claimed none were in the US
Olympic team.

We test lots of people and surprisingly we actually have a lots of
tests.  We look after these with true American justice... we say... Now
you have been a bad boy, you can't go to the Olympics.  Lets make up an
injury so you can drop out.  Let's see we already have a breathing
a hamstring pull, a foot problem,  oh here you go a knee injury is still

open, would you like that?

My attempt at a little humor, hope nobody is offended...

Re: t-and-f: shocker from last night

2000-09-28 Thread Wilmar K

Philip Weishaar schreef:

> scroll down to read:

> Well, as you may know Gail Devers DNF in the 1st 100HH Semifinal.  She didn't fall, 
>she didn't pull up lame, she just quit.  after 4 hurdles she was even with the group 
>and just quit. she didn't hit anything.  In an interview with CBC, she simply said "I 
>guess it was meant to be tonite".  This is a very strange situation.

Well, the way I have learnt it to be is that she has had an hamstring injury for 
several weeks (I can confirm that, she was complaining about the same thing in the 
Brussels press conference) and she decided during the race it was too bad to continue.
In light of the news that has come out I can somewhat understand that people get 
suspicious over sudden failure or not starting of favorites (which is still a big leap 
to actually accusing people of something), but let's remember that until now there is 
only one confirmed case of 'DNS=positive test'. And 'common' injuries
still occur in top level elite athletics


t-and-f: More on Kenteris/Kede(è)ris

2000-09-28 Thread Wilmar K


"Steven L. Brower" schreef:

>Could anyone on this list shed some light on the background of this
> individual. Pr's, past rankings, ect
>In other words, what's the ticket with this?


I was interested in this myself, especially since I made somewhat of a
fool of myself over this guy: watching the race at offices of my newspaper
(and obviously not paying attention to the earlier rounds), I predicted
the Greek may become last...

Anyway, Kenteris (sometimes spelled as Kedèris) was listed 22nd in the
IAAF World ranking with a 20.29/+1,9 200 meters (Rethymon, GRE, june 10).
Kenteris (11.6.73 180/80) also ran a 20.34/+0,2 in Hanya (?) june 14. He
got third in the Europa Cup 200 meters in Gateshead, july 16, behind Chris
Malcom/GBR (20.45) and Allessandro Calavarro/ITA (20.45, just as Ked`ris).

Mirko Jalava (www.tilastopaja.net) has him in the 1999 lists with pb of
20.50. in Sydney, he ran 20.57, 20.14 NR (2nd behind Campbell!), 20.20 and
20.09 NR.

There is a story on Kenteris (as it is spelled there) at
http://www.athletix.gre (even they seem surprised)

Furthermore, www.olympics.com has several news stories:
- Kenteris dedicates victory to ferry victims, Reuters 29 September 2000
- Kenteris win no surprise to Greek Minister, Reuters 28 September 2000
- Greece's Kenteris wins shock 200m gold

Also from that site:
 Birth place:
  Mytilene (Greece)
  Athens (Greece)

  Personal bests:
  20.250, 10.160
Season best:
 Coach since:

   Major achievements:
  7th - Men's 4x100m Relay - World
Championship - 1998
  Set Greek record of 20.25 in 200m
earlier this year. Third in
  200m, 2000 European Cup. Third in 400m,
1999 European
  Cup. Winner 400m, 1993 European Cup.
Sixth in 200m, 1992
  World Juniors.


t-and-f: Looking for full olympics results

2000-10-08 Thread Wilmar K

Does anyone know a website where I can find full results of the Olympic
Games, including all heats, preferably also other information (like DNS,
DNF, reaction times, etc. etc.)? And I am looking for one webpage or
file, preferably, because I would rather not have to download every heat
seperately if not completely necessary.

t-and-f: World Junior champs: websites, the organisation and the competition

2000-10-14 Thread Wilmar K

Hello all,
About the Word Junior Championships.
- websites
- the organisation (some impressions on troubles and prospects)
- the competition (with weather, (no) lists and the Dutch),
- and more.
Wilmar Kortleever

- Websites
There are, as far as I know, two sites for general information on the World
Juniors (most federations have their own information up). The one of the
IAAF, of course: http://www.iaaf.org, plus the organisation website:
The latter has the schedule of events. I was informed today by IAAF staff
that the IAAF site will carry entrylists and results as soon as they become
available to them. I am sure the other site will too. The IAAF page has
already some interesting athlete profiles (indeed, no Dutch yet. Working on
that, possibly available by tuesday).

- The organisation
As Roger Ruth indicates below, the start of the championship is approaching
rapidly. When one would have asked me just after I got here last tuesday, I
would have said it would be a miracle if the Chilean organisers would get
it all up and running by next tuesday (first day of competition). Some
- accreditation started only today, while most teams were already here for
some or several days (leading to foreseable problems concerning meals,
accommodation etc.),
- transportation is still not available to the teams, so several teams are
still travelling through the city by themselves. Which does give some of
the juniors a nice scenery tour of the city, travelling to and from the
training facilities by underground or taxi...
- the old stadium, Estadio Nacional, needed a complete work-over to host a
championship like the world juniors.
Now for the good news:
- buses will start running starting from tomorrow onwards (I heard
something about some (possible, avoided) strike by bus drivers here in
- most teams I spoke to are satisfied with their accommodation. The
training facilities are impressive: a full-fledged warmup track right next
to the stadium (with a brand new track), seperate training areas for hammer
and discus/javelin plus a very well equiped fittness area. The latter is in
an indoor facility that also has a pole vault accommodation as well as a
250m, two lane, indoor track.
- the progress on the stadium itself is amazing (although I must say that
to those with a good sense of history and politics, the stadium probably
will never loose its negative connotations). They are working with 100s of
people: a large part of the stadium has been repainted since last week,
fences have been torn down (and new set up), new dressing rooms are still
being build, brand new t-and-f facilities have been installed (the concrete
of the discusring was put in yesterday). And all this of course besides the
regular preparations for a major championship site: installing an enormous
amount of extra power and communication lines, building offices and
hospitality rooms, getting the administrative organisation in place etc.
- the enthousiasm of the local Santiago crowd is very promising. They have
been practising for the opening ceremony, but even besides that the amount
of people (mostly young schoolkids) that came to the stadium and stadium
grounds (that includes many, many more sports facilities like tennis,
soccer, etc. etc.) over the last days is impressive. People that have
visited championships like in Riga '99 (Euro U20), Goteborg '99 (Euro U23)
and Annecy '98 (World U20) will not believe the organisation estimate of
40,000 (whether per day or over the whole six day championship), but it may
actually be true. Today, nextdoor to the athletics stadium, there was some
kind of competion/exhibition of group aerobics - with an estimated crowd of
at least 1,000.

- The competition
The action will start here on tuesday, october 17 at 08.00 local time (10k
walks, also on october 18). The events do start early here anyway, and are
finished pretty early in the evening too (usually around 20.00/8pm).
Weather conditions have been good to great: over 20 degrees in the
afternoon, although it does cool down at night in this Chilean spring. For
the last week, the sun has been shining without even a hint of overcast.
- No participant lists nor startlists have become available, but they are
promised for tomorrow. The main news that was published here in a Chilean
newspaper was the absence of Yuriy Borzakovskiy (European junior champion,
European indoor champion and olympic finalist) in the 800 meters. Olympic
hammer champion Skolimovska (Pol) has arrived though.
For the Dutch: All nine athletes in the team seem to be doing well, with
only one or two minor complaints of sore muscles. I have seen Stefan Beumer
(decided on the 1500 m), Arnoud Okken (first to start in the 800 m) and
Joep Tigchelaar train and they did look good. I heard the same about the
rest, most notably of course Rutger Smith - who looks even stronger than he
is because the largest avalaible size of new outfits of the Dutch team

t-and-f: World Junior Championships, day 1

2000-10-17 Thread Wilmar K

Hello all,
this contribution may be short, since I have only the time left in the
opening ceremony (nice one, BTW, with just enough speed to keep people
A small first lesson of the championship for me personally: do not get
sick the day before (better now, thanks).

To start, I want to suggest two websites for further reading.
First, the IAAF has a very up to date results and story service at
Furthermore, American colleagues Jesse Rosen & Jim Spier have results,
stories and notes on both websites www.nationalscholastic.org or

Hammer (W)
Todays major upset was of course the elimination of Skolimovska, the
Olympic champion in the hammer throw. After throwing well over the 57
automatic qualifier, she had two failed attempts and a 51.84, which is
about twenty meters behind her personal best and about three meters
short of qualification.
It must be said that the conditions were far from good in the first
group of hammer qualification, that was also the opening event of the
championships (8 out of 12 qualifiers came out of the second group). As
some expected, the event started late (the second group even later).
Also, I heard the gate to the warming training field was still locked
when the first athletes arrived... (note: this is second-hand
DUTCH: Debby van der Schilt did an excellent job throwing a personal
best of 55.90 to qualify as 8th.

So while it took some time for the organisation to swicht into the right
gear, it must be said much was going better (or less bad) as the day
continued. Results service is excellent, announcing (Spanish and
English) professional, to the point and informative (the latter can
improve, but maybe it will as we get more finals). Also, the Chilean
politeness and willingness to assist athletes, officials and press is a
very nice contrast from other championships I have attended.

100 (M/W)
Back to the athletics. As it was the first day of the championships,
both 100 meters (men and women) had their first two rounds. Here, the
favorites lived up to expectations. In the mens event, Britons Mark
Lewis-Francis did even more by clocking 10.13 in the quarter final. Into
a 0.6 headwind, that was only 0.07 behind the listed world junior
record. Interesting to see that the first four in the summary after the
second round are 18 years or younger: Lewis-Francis '82, Saudi Al-Yami
'82 (10.32) and Trinidians (w?) Darrel Brown '84 (10.34) and Marc Burns
'83 (10.43). Also: two Qatari athletes in the top-10 (10.48/10.49). In
the womens 100 m, the title is for Jamaicans Veronica Campbell to loose.
The Olympic silver medallist in the relay won her heat (11.54) and
quarter final (11.43) easily. All other athletes seem pretty close
together (Campbell-no.2 = 0.15, no.2 - no.8 = 0.14).

1 (M)
As for the other finals, the 10,000 was a race for the Kenyans and
Ethiopians only. After the first serious increment in pace, only Robert
Kipchumba, Duncan Lebo, Abraha Hadush and Kedebe Tekeste were left. With
Lebo setting the pace, the Ethiopians were gone very soon too. In the 
final kilometers, Kipchumba proved the strongest setting a strong
28:54.37 in the 30 degrees Celsius heat. His performance, I hate to
admit, does cast doudts on the year-of-birth that was listed as '84
(Kipchumba ran a 27:43 earlier this year).
DUTCH: To underline the heat, Dutch athlete Joep Tigchelaar collapsed at
three quarters of the race. He was running very strong and in the
8th-10th place group (Ukraine Matviychuk finishing first European), but
the heat, exhaustion and maybe the disappoinment of not being able to
keep up proved too much.

5000 (W)
The second final contested in distance running was the 5000 meters for
women. Here too, the rostrum was African but the winner somewhat of a
surprise. In a very strong sprintfinish, Darcus Inzkuru outsprinted
Defar/ETH and Charop/KEN. It was the first Ugandian gold medal in the
world championships.

THe only field event final contested today was the shot put for women.
The strong German tradition in throwing was proven again by Kathleen
Kluge, who listed 17.37 to win easily (2nd and 3rd attempt were also
better than no. 2 Meiju Li and no. 3 Kharaneka. With American Laura
Gerraughty only fourth, the USA ended the first day without the medal.
As it turns out, the USA team is surprisingly weak, given their
positions in the rankings - supposedly because many of the no 1/2
finishers of the nationals are in college and did not want to (were not
stimulated, or even worse?) compete the world juniors here in Chile.

Since people start packing up around me:
400 (M/W)
All male heat winners but 1 clocked 46 finishing times, with here also a
Jamaican (Brandon Simpson) making a very good impression. In the womens
event, the times were not all that impressive, with Colomian Norma
Gonzalez leading the summary list 53.79. Jana Pitmann/AUS won easily
too, though.

800 (M/W)
Not much to be said about the male f

t-and-f: World Juniors, day 2 recap

2000-10-19 Thread Wilmar K

Hello all,
A bit delayed, some notes on the second (previous) day of the World
Juniors in Santiago de Chile.
Again, check out http://www.youthsports.com for more coverage. Jesse and
Jim have far more coverage on the championships, including several funny
and/or original sidelines about press and general conditions. Also, the
IAAF have results and several stories (background, profiles and reports)
online: http://www.iaaf.org
Of course, they all get paid to do Internet reporting, so you'll forgive
me for this message to be rather late (and short).
>From Santiago,
Wilmar Kortleever.

So, what's the temperature like, somebody asked. If you could see me, my
sun tan/burn would answer that question. Weather here in the Chilean
spring is great, up to 30 degrees Celsius in the afternoon sessions. It
does cool down quite a bit when the sun goes down, but it was still over
20 degrees at the start of business today (thursday).
Also, the organisation keeps getting better and better. Effort and
willingness to help really start to compensate for starting a lot of
things (sometimes far) too late. There's a popular joke that
championship organisations get everything right by the last day, but
they may in fact get there by today or tomorrow already.

Back to yesterdays action.

There were six finals contended (plus the decathlon) and most of the
attention was of course focused on both the 100 meters.
100 m M/F
Little surprises there though, because both Mark Lewis-Francis/GBR and
Veronica Campbell/JAM delivered. 17 year old L-F was again impressive,
maybe amazing. In two days, he ran 10.25/-0.6, 10.13/-0.6, 10.24/-0.3
and finally a 10.12/2.0. Saudi Al-Yami got third as was expected after
the earlier rounds, with Trinidad Marc Burns and Darrel Brown clocking
the same 10.40 for third and fourth (Burns edging out Brown). Relevant
to the relays: Trinidad was the only country with two men in the final
(injury worries after the 200 meter heats, though, both athletes pulling
up! Perhaps a good thing Lewis-Francis is not running the 200 m?).
In the womens 100 meter, Campbell saved some more energy in the earlier
rounds, but got her championship record (Lewis-Francis equalled) in the
final. Her margin (11.12-11.39) was even bigger than L-F's
(10.12-10.38). Silver medallist Habel supposedly was only the fourth
German earlier this year. The success of Ato Boldon really did have an
effect on Trinidad sprinting, because here too they got a medal by Fana
Ashby. Both Jamaicans and both Germans in the final.

Hammer M/F
The womens hammer competition never recovered from olympic champion
Skolimowska crashing out in qualification. Many athletes were (some way)
below their personals or even seasons best. Croatian Nataliya Kravchenko
was easily best though, with her best throw in the first round (62.22)
and four more that were further than no. 2 Balut/ROM. Cuban Crawford
looked strong, but could not get it perfect and was left with bronze.
DUTCH: Debby van der Schilt did a terrific job to finish in the last
eigth (she was about 20th going into the competition). The final
competition wasn't great, but 55.15 just enough to get three extra
(though failed) attempts.
Maybe to start of some local discussion on the Dutch mailing list (?):
despite throwing a personal best in qualification, 55.90, Van der Schilt
still has not thrown the original qualification mark ('richtprestatie').
The deciding proof the get off the more rigid 'limieten' system and stay
with Bert Paauws introduction of 'richtprestaties'?
I am afraid I saw very little of the mens hammer throw, since all kinds
of dramatics was on with the two Dutch decathletes (see below). Here,
the competition was decided in the second round, with TUR Esref Apak
throwing 69.97 and three more throws further than number two
Amstrong/CAN (67.50) and Fish/AUS.

Pole vault W
There was no qualification for the pole vault and apparantly they wanted
to start competition  at 3.60 at first. Good thing they didn't, because
in a difficult competition (long, plus 31 degreees Celsius) four girls
(all listed with sb/pb over 3.95, and including both Americans)
N(o)M(ark)'d and five more didn't get any higher than 3.50. Only five
girls got over 4.00 or more, with Russian Yelena Isinbayeva winning with
4.20 (opening height of 3.90 only in her third attempt).

Long W
Again, the wind was all over the place (-1.7 to +2.9), but the better
jumpers got out reasonable distances. An exciting competion, with JAP
Ikeda the early leader with 6.43, but she was overtaken by CHN Zhou in
the fifth (6.45) and finally ESP Montaner in the last roud (6.47). Only
nine athletes over 6 meters.

Decathlon M
German Dennis Leyckes on his way to a very good total score. He was
listed with a 7800+ decathlon going in and set personal bests in four of
the first five events (winning the 400 meters). After the first day, KZK
Karpov is not too far behind (as is the situation after 7 events), but
Leyckes is a 5 m+ pole vaulter.
DUTCH: Once aga

t-and-f: World Juniors, day 3 (morning)

2000-10-19 Thread Wilmar K

Hello all,
Since I am at it anyway:

Only prelims and decathlon this morning.

200 m M
maybe surprising to find CHN Yang and JPN Omae on top of the list, but
many other favorites (Benjamin/GBR, Monzavous/USA, Gorries/RSA) also
qualified (21.97 fastest qualifying looser). TRI Darrell Brown (3rd in
the 100) finished 47th though, 52.84 (injured) and TRI Marc Burns
(4th/100 m) DNF. AHO (Dutch Antilles) was qualifying fourth in his heat,
but was DSQ (163.3).
Shot put M
DUTCH: First attempt a bit nervous (17.76), but world leader Rutger
Smith did qualify easily for the final with 18.52. The competition is
strong though, with both Belarus also qualifying automatically: 18.71
and 18.10. Two more auto qual, but in the end 17.17 was enough for the
last 12. Not: second USA Julian Ames (18+ earlier this year, he will
also compete in the discus). 37 competators.
Decathlon M
Dennis Leyckes still leading 5665 with Karpov/KZK 5610 and Gomez/ESP
5572 not too far behind after 7 events. POle vault next though. The
Chilean public (Hundreds of them, 95+% schoolkids with teachers/parents)
love CHI Cristian Lyon, but he did drop back considerably after a 28.57
discus (did not know that was still worth 436 points).
200 m W
GBR James leads the summary list, but Veronica Campbell/JAM of course
the favorite (she won her heat).
high W
1.86 qualification standard, 14 over 1.83 but RSA Marizca Gertenbach the
most unlucky because she was the only one jumping that height in her
thrid attempt (all other qualify)...
javelin W
(only one group over yet, CHN Yi and LAT Kozarenko Q with 52+.

Off for lunch,

Re: t-and-f: Embarassment

2000-10-26 Thread Wilmar K

Randall Northam schreef:

> > Andrew Owusu wrote
> > US is the only country that has 3 major sports (Basketball, Football and
> Baseball) of equal prestige. For the rest of the world, its probably soccer
> leaving Athletics (Track and Field) as a 2nd or 3rd most favorite sport.
> Not so in the UK. I would argue that football (soccer), cricket and rugby have
> a greater hold on the public than track and field, certainly in terms of
> attendances and participation.
> Football we all know about but cricket's biggest crowds are in far bigger than
> track and field's both for domestic matches and internationals, as are rugby's.
> Randall Northam

Same goes for the Netherlands. From the top of my head,
soccer-cycling-tennis-speedskating are far bigger, several others (team
for one; swimming, of late) probably too.
Wilmar Kortleever

t-and-f: EAA: Answers to frequently asked questions

2000-10-26 Thread Wilmar K

(courtesy EAA - forwards appreciated? Reactions one-on-one,

European Athletic Association (EAA)!
The following message has been written on the EAA News Board:

-- TITEL: Answers to frequently asked questions --
Dear visitor of the EAA Guestbook,

Please find here some answers to frequently asked questions:

1. The European Championships 2002 will be held from 6 – 11 August 2002
in Munich/GER. An official web-site of this event will open soon and the
EAA web-site will provide a link.
2. Currently the results of all European Championships 1934 – 1998 are
not available on an electronic platform. The EAA is working on this and
will open its archive on its web-site next year.
3. The entry standards for the European Junior Championships
Grosseto/ITA 2001 and for the European Championships u’23 Amsterdam/NED
2001 can be found on the respective EAA Competition web pages.

Kind regards,

EAA Office

Date, Time: 24 October 2000 at 11:38:46


To unsubscribe please follow this link:

Automatically generated e-mail
Internet: http://www.eaa-athletics.ch

t-and-f: Newsletter WAVA World championships

2000-11-19 Thread Wilmar K

Off the Oztrack mailing list. 

> Welcome to the November newsletter of the 14th WAVA World Veterans Athletics 
>Championships. This newsletter is sent out regularly to keep you all informed about 
>our progress leading up to the Championships in
July 2001. You are more than welcome to forward this newsletter to other
athletes around the world who would like to keep updated on the latest
from the Brisbane Championships.
> ASPAC - Asia Pacific Masters Games, Gold Coast Australia!
> Over 11,000 participants recently descended on the Gold Coast for the Asia Pacific 
>Masters Games.  The event has athletes from 28 countries represented in 40 different 
>sports competing for Gold, Silver and Bronze.
> Over 500 people competed in the four-day athletics event with some great times and 
>results occuring.   The standard was extremely high with many Australian athletes 
>using ASPAC as the first "hit-out" for the
season.  It was great to see some international competitors and a good
representation of the non-Queensland athletes.
> The multi-million dollar construction of the new Athletics facility is now underway 
>with the original field ripped up and the new layout commencing. The Brisbane Team 
>recently snuck into the complex to gain a peek and
were amazed by the progress to date.  The new facility will contain a
nine lane track with ten lane straight, two D's and double jumps on each
> The World Championships will be the first international event to be conducted on 
>this new facility and the Queensland Government is dedicated to building a 
>world-class facility for this event.  We will post
regular details and updated pho tos on the official Championships
web-site as the new Athletics track goes in. 
> The Road Race Walks course has now being finalised with the Non-Stadia Committee.  
>This event is proposed to be held on the Davies Park, West End course which was used 
>for the 1994 World Masters Games.  The course
will be conducted on the road bordered by trees and the Brisbane River.
More details on the course and the courses for the Cross Country and
Marathon will be posted in the new year.
> The President of the Asia Veterans Athletics Association Mr. Kounoike visited 
>Brisbane recently inspecting the WAVA venues as well as spending a day and a half at 
>the Asia Pacific Masters Games on the Gold Coast, an
hour south of Brisbane.  He was most pleased with the venues for the
Championships and has indicated a team of more than 100 from Japan for
the Championships.
> WARM UP MEET - SUNDAY 1 JULY, Gold Coast Australia
> Discussions are currently taking place with the Gold Coast Masters Athletics 
>Association to hold a pre-Championships Warm-Up Meet at the Gold Coast on Sunday 1 
>July.  This is a great opportunity for our
international visitors to shake off the remainder of their jet-lag and
for our Aussie athletes to get some winter competition.  We will keep
you posted as more details come to light. The QEII Sports Complex will
not be available for pre-training on this weekend however the State
Athletics Facility in this complex will be available from Monday 2 July.
> The Brisbane Team have been meeting on a regular basis with Brisbane Transport to 
>finalise the transport services for the Championships. Please note that travel on the 
>Championships transport service is free
to all registered athletes, registered accompanying persons, officials
and other accreditated personnel from the official accommodation
precincts to all venues during the Championships.  For those
accompanying persons
who have not registered, travel on the Championships service will be
charged at regular Brisbane Transport fares. 
> Entry to the venues will be free to all so that everyone from our overseas 
>accompanying persons to our local residents have the chance to come and watch some 
>great competition over the two weeks.  This will include
the Welcoming Ceremony which will be conducted on Saturday 7 July at ANZ
Stadium and where all our athletes are invited to march. 
> INTRODUCING THE BRISBANE TEAM - David Lloyd, General Manager 
Following a background of 5 years as an English Bobby and 6 years at the
Australian Embassy in Washington DC David Lloyd moved to Brisbane,
Australia, and secured a key role in management of the 1982 Commonwealth
Games. He was charged with the responsibility to set up, manage and
close down the athletes village.
> After the Commonwealth Games in 1983, he moved to Townsville, North Queensland,  
>where during his  twelve years "Up North"  he was the General Manager of the annual 
>community arts and sport festival for three
years, managed the local performing arts complex and was General Manager
of the local commercial radio station.
> In 1994 h

t-and-f: EAA Obituary Zatopek

2000-11-25 Thread Wilmar K

Courtesy EAA,

-- TITEL: Emil Zatopek  1922 - 2000 --
The Czech Athletic Federation informed that on 21 November 2000 the most
famous athletic hero of the Czech Republic, the great athlete and
champion, EMIL ZATOPEK, passed away in the army hospital in Prague after
a short, serious illness. Emil Zatopek died of a brain apoplexy.
The day of his funeral is not known yet, but will be held next week.

“The European and World Athletic Family mourns the death of one of the
greatest athletes in the history of our sport” says Hansjörg Wirz, the
President of the European Athletic Association, “and our sympathy is
with his wife Dana who shared his life from Olympic triumphs to the
misery when he was banned after his support of the democratic movement
in the Prague Spring in 1968”. The EAA will never forget this great
athlete and what he stood for: passion, self-discipline will-power,
freedom and the dignity of the individual.

Zatopek won four Olympic Gold Medals: 1948 in London the 10 000m and
1952 in Helsinki  the 5 000m, 10 000m and the Marathon, a triple never
achieved again by any athlete. He was European Champion 1950 (5 000m /
10 000m) and 1954 (10 000m). In his career he set a 5 000m world record
13:57.2 (30/5/1954) and  bettered the 10 000m  world record five times.
He was the first runner under 29 minutes when he set his last 10 000m
world record on 1 June 1954 in Brussels (28:54.2) and also the first
athlete  to run more than 20 km in an hour (20 052 m on 29/9/1951 Stara

European Athletic Federation
Darmstadt 22.11.2000

t-and-f: EAA: Memorial for Zatopek

2000-11-29 Thread Wilmar K

Courtesy EAA,

European Athletic Association (EAA)!

The following message has been written on the EAA News Board:

-- TITEL: Memorial for Emil Zatopek --
The Memorial for the late Emil Zatopek, the legendary Czech distance
runner, four-times Olympic Champion and World Record Holder, will be
held on Wednesday, 6 December 2000, at 11:00 a.m. in the National
Theatre of Prague, where the public has the possibility to pay tribute
and say farewell to the greatest sports personality in the Czech

IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch and other leading personalities
will attend the ceremony.

The funeral will be held later in a private gathering of Emil's family
in the city of Roznov pod Radhostem near his birthplace Koprivinice.

Date, Time: 29 November 2000 at 11:24:56

t-and-f: 2000 Annual Combined events (plus good wishes)

2000-12-21 Thread Wilmar K


First, I would like to wish everybody a merry christmas and a very happy

Further, hereunder you find the announcement of the next edition of the
2000 ANNUAL COMBINED EVENTS, from the editor Hans van Kuijen
(announcement without editing by me). The book is otherwise known as
'the bible for combined events'. Crucial for people interested in
combined events.

Wilmar Kortleever

(this message is not in violation with any list rule I know of, since I
have commercial ties nor interest in the book - I pay my copies as
everybody does. If you do take offence, please let me know and I will
turn to list supervisors).


The new yearbook of international combined events will appear mid
February 2001 with the following information:
- world rankings 2000 men and women. This year including the top 200 for
men and women and all results up till 7.500 points men and 5.600 points
- results major meetings in 2000, including complete results of Olympic
games,  European cup Super League and First League, Götzis and

This year including all time performer list heptathlon women >5.500
points per  31-12-2000 (more than 800 athletes)

- men performers >8.000 points
- all performances men >8.400 points, women >6.500 points
- national and international records
- indoor rankings 2000 and all time
- 2000 and all time world junior rankings
- world rankings according personal records in individual events
- 10 best rankings all time per event
- who is who in combined events (the whole career of 100 combined events

The book contains more than 200 pages with information of combined
A must for every person interested in combined events.
All necessary information for coaches, athletes, journalists and other
interested persons in combined events of all world top athletes is
available in this annual.

Orders received before February 15th. 2001  will have their copy at home
before the world indoor championships in Lisboa.

Ordering is possible at:
Hans van Kuijen
de Bergen 66,
5706 RZ Helmond

The price for the book is:
 Eurocheque or International Money Order: Europe  NLG  55,-
   Others  NLG  60,-
 Payments on bank account of ABN-AMRO bank, Helmond
 please add NLG 15,- per order for bank charges

 Cash money Europe:
 DEM   50SEK 240
 GBP15FRF 160
 AUT 340 USD  25
 ITL 50.000  ESP 4.500
 BEF 1.000

 Outside Europe  cash money USD 25,-
 cheques USD 35,-

t-and-f: IAAF wishes us well [Fwd: Christmas Greetings]

2000-12-21 Thread Wilmar K

Courtesy IAAF



Fédération Internationale d'Athlétisme Amateur


21 December, 2000

MONTE CARLO - Monaco - At the end of a tiring year that has given a lot of
satisfaction to world athletics - reaching its height with the magnificent
athletics programme at the Sydney Olympics, watched by a record number of
spectators - the International Amateur Athletics Federation wants to tank
everyone who helped contribute to this success: Athletes, coaches, national
and international administrators, judges and volunteers and, of course,
athletics fans around the world.

But all of this would have been impossible were it not for the fundamental
contribution of the media. This is why the IAAF would like to say a special
thank you to all of the broadcast journalists, the written press, press
agencies, those working in the new media and photographers. The coming year,
which has been baptised the Year of Athletics, will call for still greater
commitment, with the staging of the 8th IAAF World Indoor Championships in
Lisbon in March and the 8th IAAF World Championships in Athletics in
Edmonton, in August.

During this holiday season, the IAAF Headquarters Offices will be closed
from Saturday, 23 December  until Monday, 1 January 2001 inclusive.

The IAAF Media Department will, however, remain at the disposal of our
colleagues for any information they may need, with the sole exception of
Christmas Day and New Year's Day.


t-and-f: Van Commenee signing in the UK

2001-01-13 Thread Wilmar K

Hello all,
In Dutch media, the appointment of Charles van Commenee was announced two weeks
ago. So I guess Mr. Jones can be confident of the positive respons of Van
Commenee (also (co-)coach of the highest ranked Dutch athlete at the Sydney
olympics - the young shot putter Lieja Koeman, 9th).
Wilmar Kortleever,
Leiden, The Netherlands

Eamonn Condon schreef:

> Saturday 13 January 2001
> The Electronic Telegraph
> Tom Knight
> CHARLES van Commenee, the coach who guided Denise Lewis to the heptathlon
> gold medal in Sydney, is on the verge of becoming British sport's next big
> foreign signing.
> As Sven-Goran Eriksson settles into his new role as England football
> manager, it emerged last night that Van Commenee, the 42-year-old Dutch
> national athletics coach, has been offered the job of technical director in
> charge of combined events and jumps at UK Athletics.
> Van Commenee applied for the post at the end of last year while he was in
> Britian celebrating Lewis's success.
> Max Jones, the UK Athletics performance director, is waiting for Van
> Commenee's response to their offer. "Charles is a gold medal coach and to
> have him in this country working with our athletes would be a real coup for
> the sport," Jones said.
> Van Commenee, a former decathlete who was forced to retire at 19 because of
> injury, began coaching Lewis in 1997, three years after they met at a
> competition in Spain.
> He guided her to the European and Commonwealth titles in 1998 and a silver
> medal at the following year's World Championships. In a recent interview,
> the man Lewis calls `the Volcano' because of his angry outbursts, said she
> made crucial mistakes in Sydney. "She made a couple of decisions on her own
> and they were not the best decisions," Van Commenee said. "Was I angry? Yes,
> it was the behaviour of a novice."
> Paula Radcliffe has made sure she will not be the only female athlete to
> benefit from her new six-figure contract with Nike.
> As part of a four-year shoe and kit deal worth £600,000, Britain's top
> distance runner requested that £40,000 of the fee should go towards helping
> emerging young athletes.
> Radcliffe, the world half-marathon champion, said she chose Nike because of
> their commitment to promoting running through their Girls In Sport
> programme.
> "This is something I'm really interested in and hopefully I can make a
> difference with this money," Radcliffe said. "After myself and Jo Pavey
> there's quite a gap, and I want to do something to help the youngsters come
> through."
> A spokesman for Nike said: "The size of Paula's contract reflects her
> stature within the sport and it's certainly not common for athletes to make
> this request as part of the deal."
> Radcliffe's gain is Kelly Holmes's loss. Holmes, who won a surprise bronze
> medal over 800 metres in Sydney, has been dropped by Nike after reportedly
> demanding too much money.
> Eamonn Condon
> WWW.RunnersGoal.com

t-and-f: Overweight tennis players

2001-01-13 Thread Wilmar K

This is a somewhat strange article/message. Dutch tennis player Richard Krajicek
said something remarkably similar about 5 to 10 years ago. Last year (or in
1999) we were remembered of his words (that caused quite a stir at the time).
The reason was the fact that Davenport had just become no. 1 in the world, a
fact she herself attributed mostly to the fact she had made an enormous effort
in the field of ... fitness. If I remember correctly, she had just lost about 15
to 20 pounds. That is something you do not accomplish by taking it easy, I can
tell you that from personal experience...
I do not know Pat Cash very well, but maybe he is also referring to the time he
was still a top athlete himself?
Wilmar Kortleever
Leiden, The Netherlands

"Bettwy, Bob" schreef:

> Former Wimbledon champs calls female players overweight
> LONDON (AP) - Former Wimbledon champion Pat Cash believes many female tennis
> players are overweight and out of shape. He likens Lindsay Davenport to a shot
> putter. Cash said the Williams sisters are among the only players on the
> women's tour who are in top condition. "Women's tennis is not what it used to
> be with Chris Evert, Martina Navratilova and Hana Mandlikova," Cash told the
> Mirror. "They were incredibly fit and worked hard. These days, girls can take
> it easy and still make millions. Look at Lindsay Davenport. She's a big girl.
> When you look at her, you think, 'Whoa, there is no way
> she is going to be a tennis player. Put her in the shot put instead.'" Cash,
> an Australian who won Wimbledon in 1987 and now coaches British player Greg
> Rusedski, added: "Aside from the Williams sisters and perhaps Amelie Mauresmo,
> women tennis players are certainly all carrying extra weight and they
> shouldn't be."
> Bob Bettwy
> Director - Program Control
> Washington Group
> SRS Technologies
> (703) 351-7266

t-and-f: [Fwd: EAA: Message from the News Board]

2001-01-15 Thread Wilmar K

Courtesy EAA,
Wilmar Kortleever

European Athletic Association (EAA)!

The following message has been written on the EAA News Board:

-- TITEL: József Csermák/HUN 1932 - 2001 --
The Hungarian Athletic Association has informed the EAA that one of the greatest 
Hungarian athletes, the Hammer Thrower József CSERMÀK passed away last Friday, 
12.01.2001, in his home in Tapolca.

The sportsmen who would have celebrated his 69th birthday in February started 
athletics at an age of 16. The Hammer Thrower became a world famous athlete when, aged 
only twenty, he won the Olympic Games in Helsinki with a throw of 60.34m which was the 
first throw over 60m ever and a new World Record. In 1954, he won bronze at the 
European Championships and two years later he finished fifth in Melbourne. His 
personal best was 64.23m. CSERMÀK competed in the Hungarian National Athletic Team 45 

The European Athletic Family mourns the death of this great and unforgettable athlete 
who was one of the best figures of this traditional “Hungarian discipline”.

European Athletic Federation
Darmstadt 15.01.2001

Date, Time: 15 January 2001 at 12:20:26


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t-and-f: Eaa: Death of József Csermák

2001-01-15 Thread Wilmar K

I was informed I send an empty message. Hereunder a second try.
Wilmar Kortleever

European Athletic Association (EAA)!

The following message has been written on the EAA News Board:

-- TITEL:/HUN 1932 - 2001 --
The Hungarian Athletic Association has informed the EAA that one of the
greatest Hungarian athletes, the Hammer Thrower József CSERMÀK passed
away last Friday, 12.01.2001, in his home in Tapolca.

The sportsmen who would have celebrated his 69th birthday in February
started athletics at an age of 16. The Hammer Thrower became a world
famous athlete when, aged only twenty, he won the Olympic Games in
Helsinki with a throw of 60.34m which was the first throw over 60m ever
and a new World Record. In 1954, he won bronze at the European
Championships and two years later he finished fifth in Melbourne. His
personal best was 64.23m. CSERMÀK competed in the Hungarian National
Athletic Team 45 times.

The European Athletic Family mourns the death of this great and
unforgettable athlete who was one of the best figures of this
traditional “Hungarian discipline”.

European Athletic Federation
Darmstadt 15.01.2001

Date, Time: 15 January 2001 at 12:20:26

t-and-f: EAA: Three applications for the European championships 2006

2001-01-16 Thread Wilmar K

Courtesy European Athletic Association (EAA)!
Wilmar Kortleever

The following message has been written on the EAA News Board:

-- TITEL: Three applications for the European Championships 2006 --
Three EAA member federations have announced their candidacy to stage the
19th European Athletic Championships in 2006: The athletic federation of
the Netherlands with the recently completely refurbished Amsterdam
Olympic Stadium (1928), where this year's U23 Championships will be
held, the Spanish Athletic Federation with Barcelona, the Olympic host
city 1992, and Sweden with Gothenburg, host of the 1995 World
Championships and of the 1999 European U23 Championships. Sweden is the
only country which has already organized once the European Athletic
Championships in 1958.

"We are delighted to have three such good candidates", says EAA
President Hansjörg Wirz. "This shows the great interest in this
prestigious European event held every four year since 1932." The EAA has
invited the three candidates to a bidding seminar and will evaluate the
concepts of the three candidates during this summer. The decision will
be taken by the EAA council at its autumn session in Moscow at the end
of October 2001. The next European Championships will take place from 6
to 11 August 2002 in Munich/GER.

Date, Time: 16 January 2001 at 11:26:38


To unsubscribe please follow this link:

Automatically generated e-mail
Internet: http://www.eaa-athletics.ch

t-and-f: IAAF Statement on Baumann

2001-02-27 Thread Wilmar K

I read some reports about Germans referring to a similar case in which
Butch Reynolds (USA) was allowed to compete natioanally?

   Tue, 27 Feb 2001 08:44:14 +0100

MONTE CARLO - Monaco - At the German Indoor National Championships
last weekend in Dortmund, the athlete Dieter Baumann competed in the
despite having been declared ineligible by the IAAF to participate in
national or international competitions from 16 September 2000 to 21

The decision to render Baumann ineligible had been taken by the
Panel in Sydney in September, a decision that is final and binding on
parties. Notwithstanding this fact, however, on Friday, Mr Baumann
sought an
injunction in the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court authorising him to
at the weekend.

Prior to the meeting in Dortmund, the IAAF informed the German Athletic
Federation (DLV) that, in the event of Mr Baumann's participation there,
expected Rule 53.1(ii) of the IAAF Rules to be applied to any athlete
competed in the same competition as him.  Rule 53.1(ii) states that any
athlete who takes part in an event in which he knows another athlete to
ineligible under IAAF Rules is himself ineligible.

This Rule now applies to Jan Fitschen, Carsten Schütz, Mario Kröckert,
Filmon Ghirmai, Embaye Hedrit, Guido Streit, Dennis Pyka and Michael
all of whom chose to compete against the banned Mr Baumann in Dortmund.
Under IAAF Rule 53.2, the length of ineligibility will be decided by the

IAAF Council.

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Beste Wilmar,

Eerst mijn complimenten over jullie lijsten. Super!!

Even 'n paar kleine aanvullingen hierop. Betreft: ranglijsten indoor =
jongens A  dit jaar.

Mijn zoon Robert heeft bij het onderdeel pols op 21-01 in Zuidbroek over
3.60 m. gesprongen tijdens het NK meerkamp.

De 2e correctie is een klein typefoutje in zijn achternaam bij het =
onderdeel 7-kamp.

Groetjes en bedankt.

Harrie Lathouwers

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Beste Wilmar,
Eerst mijn complimenten over jullie =
Even 'n paar kleine aanvullingen =
hierop. Betreft:=20
ranglijsten indoor jongens A  dit jaar.
Mijn zoon Robert heeft bij het =
onderdeel pols=20
op 21-01 in Zuidbroek over 3.60 m. gesprongen tijdens het NK=20
De 2e correctie is een klein

t-and-f: IAAF World rankings

2001-02-27 Thread Wilmar K

Courtesy IAAF,



Fédération Internationale d'Athlétisme Amateur

27 February 2001

MONACO - Monte Carlo - This week has marked the end of the invitational
indoor season with the last two stages of the Energizer Euroseries on
in Gent and Sunday in Liévin. All the major National indoor
Championships -
with the exception of USA track and field indoor championships scheduled
3-4 March - also took place last weekend. The participating athletes
now be gearing up for the World Indoor championships in Lisbon which
in ten days time (9-11 March).
The most significant improvement in this week's men's overall ranking
can be
attributed to Cuba's Olympic champion Ivan Pedroso who set a new
best of 8.31m in Athens last Wednesday 21 February. Pedroso improves
29th to 21st place.
In the top positions of the women's overall rankings, only Stephanie
(AUT) improves one position - from 20th to 19th - thanks to her
victories in
Gent and Liévin where she defeated Olympic champion Maria Mutola on both

occasions. Russia's Svetlana Feofanova, the European indoor pole vault
record holder continues her progression and is now ranked 48th (57th
week). Her latest European record of 4.65m was established in Athens on

Major changes
Men's Event Ranking:

100mGeorgios THEODORIDISGRE from
40th to 31st,
Leonard SCOTT   USA from
54th to 42nd,
200mCoby MILLER USA from
10th to 8th,
Patrick van BALKOM  NED from
28th to 19th,
Allyn CONDONGBR from
45th to 34th,
400mJamie BAULCHGBR from
12th to 11th,
800mDjabir SAID-GUERNI  ALG from 2nd
to 1st,
André BUCHERSUI from 3rd
to 2nd,
Wilson KIPKETER DEN from 1st
to 3rd,
1500m   John MAYOCK GBR from 15th to
60mHYoel HERNÁNDEZ  CUB from
10th to 9th,
Shaun BOWNESRSA from
19th to 15th,
10th to 6th,
from 10th to 8th.

Women's Event Ranking:

100mDebbie FERGUSON BAH from 10
to 9th,
Mercy NKU   NGR
from 20th to 14th,
200mNora IVANOVA-GÜNER  TUR from
30th to 18th,
400mOlesya ZYKINA   RUS from
24th to 19th,
Shanta GHOSHGER from
33rd to 26th,
16th to 7th,
Natalya GORELOVARUS from
26th to 20th,
Yelena AFANASYEVA   RUS from
34th to 30th,
1500m   Natalya GORELOVARUS from 15th to
56th to 32nd,
60mHVonette DIXON   JAM from
28th to 22nd,
HJ  Inga BABAKOVA   UKR from 2nd
to 1st,
Hestrie STORBECK-CLOETE RSA from 3rd to 2nd,

Kajsa BERGQVIST SWE from 1st
t 3rd,
PV  Yelena BELYAKOVARUS from 6th
to 5th.

Men's Overall Ranking:

29th to 21st,
Wilson KIPKETER DEN from
21st to 43rd,
129th to 108th,
Shaun BOWNESRSA from
222nd to 174th.

Women's Overall Ranking:

Stephanie GRAF  AUT from
20th to 19th,
Svetlana FEOFANOVA  RUS from
57th to 48th,
73rd to 63rd,
90th to 80th,
Ionela TIRLEA   ROM from
100th to 84th,
Olga KUZNETSOVA RUS from 97th to
118th to 109th,


Re: t-and-f: World Cross Country Championships moved again...

2001-03-09 Thread Wilmar K

The world cross championships are moved from Ireland because the organisers and the 
Irish government are afraid the mouth and claw disease (as it is called in the 
Netherlands) will cross the English border to their country.
So instead they move it to the European mainland, but to a country that is also on a 
very short distance from Great Britain anto be reached very easily.
Are many English spectators going to try and make that trip? And are Belgian farmers 
going to like that?

Wilmar Kortleever
(The Netherlands)


> Although it may be too late to get an advance-purchase fare, if anyone has the 
>desire to go to the World Cross in Belgium, you should know that Oostende is just 
>across the English Channel from Britain, on a major ferry route from Ramsgate, I 
>believe. Flights to London are usually very cheap (usually significantly cheaper than 
>Brussels or Paris), and a train to the English coast and a ferry to Oostende 
>shouldn't cost that much.
> sideshow

t-and-f: IAAF considers important rule changes (womens decathlon, one false start, two attempts in vertical jumps). Plus doping news.

2001-03-13 Thread Wilmar K


Please delete the part of the message you are NOT commenting on. Lots of
people will be interested in the drugs discussion, lots of (mostly
other!) people will be interested in the rule changes...

Wilmar Kortleever

Courtesy IAAF

Fédération Internationale d'Athlétisme Amateur
13 March 2001
LISBON - Portugal - IAAF Council following the recommendations of the
Anti-Doping Commission, has decided to refer the case of Mihaela Melinte
(ROM) to Arbitration. In the case of the British athlete Mark
Richardson, Council was notified about the decision of the athlete to
withdraw from the Arbitration process and accept the application of IAAF
rules. Council also considered, but did not accept, a request for early
reinstatement for Richardson presented by UK Athletics. Nevertheless,
Council welcomed a proposal from UK Athletics for Richardson to carry
out a series of educational activities, warning young athletes about the
dangers of contaminated food supplements, and agreed that it would
reconsider the reinstatement request at a later date.

In addition, Council expressed its dissatisfaction with earlier public
announcements made by UK Athletics related to nandrolone analysis which
were proved wrong once the investigation of Richardson's case had been

Council also heard a report from the IAAF Technical Committee, which
included a number of technical rule change proposals. These will be
presented to the IAAF Congress in August for consideration. One rule
change suggestion is that an athlete in events under 400m in length
shall be disqualified for making one false start, rather than two. It is
also proposed that in vertical jumps, athletes shall exit a competition
after two consecutive failures at a height rather than three; that in
the Pole Vault, the pole vault pegs be reduced from 75mm to 55mm; and
that the take-over zone in relays should be, in total, 30 rather than 20
metres long.

It was agreed that some of these rule changes will be tested at IAAF
Grand Prix II events prior to the Edmonton Congress.

Finally, Council agreed that the Decathlon would be introduced as a new
event for women, although the Heptathlon would be retained as the
official Championship event, and also decided to maintain the 200m at
the World Indoor Championships.



2001-03-19 Thread Wilmar K

Hello all,
I am still a bit puzzled that it is safe enough to hold the WC XC on the
Belgian west coast while it is not safe to hold it on the Irish
mainland, especially since the mouth-and-claw disease (as is the literal
translation from Dutch) crossed the canal and has reportedly been found
in France. 
Still, the championship seems to be on. The Belgian championships were
held there this weekend and the IAAF was present. Apparantly, it is a
quite demanding course. h

So courtesy IAAF,
Wilmar Kortleever



Fédération Internationale d'Athlétisme Amateur


19 March, 2001
MONTE CARLO - Monaco - Over a thousand Belgian athletes competed Sunday
on the course of the forthcoming 29TH IAAF World Cross Country

What would have been a dry run before the championships was anything
but, as gusting winds off the sea coupled with rain and temperatures
just above freezing point to make the Belgian national trials a true
test of endurance.

Last Sunday's competition involved everyone from school kids to the
seniors in a veritable cross country-fest that ran virtually non-stop
from 9.30 am to 4 in the afternoon. Heat following heat in a daisy chain
of races
watched by thousands of local enthusiasts and proud parents shouting
their encouragement and who often stepped in to massage their
youngsters' aching limbs after the races.

Cross country is big time sport in Belgium and is preceded only by
football and cycle-cross in the winter popularity stakes.

The attendees at the nationals were rapturous despite the tough weather
conditions and gave some measure of the support that can be expected the
weekend of 24-25 March, when the world's best will battle their way
around this same course, laid out on the Wellington Hippodrome.

According to IAAF Competition Director Sandro Giovannelli, who followed
Sunday's programme, the course will be demanding, with a fair amount of
mud in the bends creating problems for the competitors. "It is more
demanding than Dublin," commented Giovannelli, " the course is
relatively flat, but the surface is not as smooth as in Dublin, there
are some pretty tight bends and these are very muddy in places.

"Couple this with relatively long grass throughout and we have all the
makings of a traditional "mud and guts" course that will have the
Championship contenders giving of their utmost." 

Whilst the course will be tough, the rest of the competition
organisation is proceeding exactly according to plan, despite the three
short weeks that the local organisers have had to step in and take over
from Dublin. "It really is a credit to the Belgium Federation, their
local partners, the Ostend Tourist Board and the organisers of the Ivo
van Damme Memorial. They have all stepped in to fill the breach since
Dublin had to cancel and they have really done a great job, " said

Rendezvous at the Hippodrome Wellington, Ostend, Belgium 13.05 pm on 24
March for the start of competition.


No Subject

2001-09-22 Thread wilmar . k

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To: Nederlandse atletiek discussielijst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
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Hello all,
Most people I talked to these days do not have much sports on their
minds - and what else can you expect. Most mailings lists I know have
been keeping pretty much silent in the knowledge most things are too
trivial to report or discuss compared to what fellow athletes and sports
lovers are going through in the United States. Thoughts and prayers are
with them, as you can see below also those of the IAAF and their
president, Lamine Diack.
Courtesy IAAF Media Department,
Wilmar Kortleever
PS this was send way earlier, I just hadn't gotten around to forwarding

12 September 2001
Transcript of a letter sent to President George Bush by IAAF President
Lamine Diack

Dear President,
On behalf of the International Association of International Athletics
Federations - which has 210 members in every corner of the world - I
would like to send our most sincere condolences at the shocking and evil
attacks on US soil yesterday.
Our sport of track and field athletics is based on the principle of
friendly and peaceful competition and tolerates no discrimination based
on sex, or race or religion. Cold hearted, brutal terrorism is an
affront to all civilised behaviour and cannot be tolerated.
Our prayers are with the victims and their loved ones and we hope that
your great nation will find the strength, and faith, to recover from
this blow.
Yours sincerely,
Lamine Diack
President of the International Association of Athletics Federations


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emailbericht aan [EMAIL PROTECTED] met als enige inhoud
"unsubscribe atletiek".
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t-and-f: the 'white' Macrozonaris

2000-08-20 Thread Wilmar K

"P.F.Talbot" schreef:

> Will he turn 20 by the end of the year or is he officially a junior?  If he
> is, how does this rank him among juniors?
> Secondly, is this guy taking Franno's advice and bypassing the U.S. college
> system or will he be travelling south to take advantage of warm training
> climes and free school/coaching?
> Paul
> PS. what does "white" mean?

Some Canadian media pointed out that Nicolas Macrozonaris (nicknamed
Nicky M -
only because Greek names don't work to well in live reporting?) had slim
of making it to the absolute top, since 'it had been a long time that an
non-African American made it to the Olympic 100 meter final')...

> On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, A.J. Craddock wrote:
> > For those of you who may have missed it, Canada has produced a rival Great
> White Hope to Australia's Matt Shrivington.
> > 19-year old Nicolas Macrozonaris ran a legal 10.19 in the 100M heats to make
> the Canadian Team with a Games qualifier.
> > He ran 10.25w in the Final to place fourth, the same time as the third place
> finisher, Pierre Browne.

Note: Macrozonaris seems to have qualified because he - and not Browne -
the canadian qual. mark (10,23) without +2 m/s wind (Browne ran a 10.18
with 2.2
in the trial semis?).

(back after a while on this list, after I mysteriously got of and didn't
because of all those other t-and-f lists around...)

Re: t-and-f: Injured Devers Pulls Out of Berlin

2000-09-01 Thread Wilmar K

Hello all,
There's injured and injured. In Brussels, Devers already announced she would not
go to Berlin but fly home instead. She had pain in several places indeed, most
recent a muscle strain in her 'derriere' (as I think she called it), but decided
to start in Brussels anyway. As you will recall, she won the 100 hurdles there.
Because of that, she was sure to win (part of) the Golden League Jackpot.
Without Berlin, Devers reckoned she had one more week to recuperate and prepare
for Sydney.

GW Dameron schreef:

> This and other top headlines from today can be found at http:www.belllap.org
> ___
> Say Bye to Slow Internet!
> http://www.home.com/xinbox/signup.html

Re: t-and-f: ottey on the JAM team

2000-08-30 Thread Wilmar K

Kebba Tolbert schreef:

> The word at the JAM trials was that Beveryly Macdonald was only going to run
> the 200m at the games, thus clearing a spot for Ottey.
> Kebba Tolbert ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Word in the international media after the trials was that MacDonald had
intention of giving up her spot in the 100 m? Given that, I was kind of
surprised everybody copied the message about Ottey running the 100 in
without anybody explaining who would (been) withdrawn.
Wilmar Kortleever

Re: t-and-f: Brussels 10K

2000-08-30 Thread Wilmar K


> There has been some discussion as to whether Felix Limo, listed as finishing second 
>in the Brussels 10K, had actually been lapped. Part of the reasoning, obviously, is 
>that Felix apparently did not have the credentials to be running anywhere near the 
>front of such a race. His previous PR's were 13:23.43 (’99) and 28:23.30 (’99).
> However, according to one astute observer, (namely my brother, agent of several 
>athletes in the race), Limo was NOT lapped. This is what he wrote to me in response 
>to my query:
> Dan-He was definitely not lapped.  He was following Kalya the whole way and then 
>when Kalya started to slow down he kept up the same speed (closing the gap to 
>Tergat).  If he would have waited and surprised Tergat later in the last 100m instead 
>of passing him just after the lap he might have won.
> Dan Lilot
> Track & Field News

I can confirm most of this, although most of the people there were watching Tergat and 
his gap to no. 2. Ivuti. Limo indeed came out of the second group. I can tell you it 
took the organisers a very long time to produce the results of this event. And 
nowadays it is fun that you can see why that is: the press stand monitors kept
giving an incomplete result for the 10k (namely, the time of the winner Tergat), 
obviously while they were determining who was number two (read: whether Limo had 
indeed ran all the 25 laps).

Wilmar Kortleever
Race Results Weekly reporter

t-and-f: Humor, the 'olympics of drugs' and Chinese cheating

2000-09-08 Thread Wilmar K

John Molvar schreef:

> "There are multiple reasons for Ma and his runners' disqualification,"
> said He Huixian, spokeswoman for the Chinese Olympic
>   Committee (COC), in a comment candid by the standards of Chinese
> officials. "Some of them are dropped due to suspicious blood test
> results."
> Two or 3 years ago several list members pointed out that the Chinese
> women were obviously cheating.  Remember how viciously those people
> were attacked on this list?   I can't remember all the things said and
> names they were called, but I remember "where's the proof", "you are
> just jealous", "you're a bunch of racists", "your nationalistic pride
> makes you jealous" and many other laughable phrases.  Where are all
> the name callers now?  I'll tell you where you are.  You are all
> wiping the egg, I mean turtle juice and caterpillar fungus off your
> faces (laugh).  I hope we all still have a sense of humor?

Hello all,
I am getting (becoming?) afraid we are going to need that sense of humor
to keep our spirits up, because I have already seen and heard of reports
calling this the 'olympics of drugs' - referring to the nandrolone
issue, the Ottey and Sotomayor reinstatements, imported doping (how dumb
can one get?) and positive tests.
With regard to the Chinese cheating, I also recall the arguments we had
a few years ago. Indeed, a lot op people accused the Chinese of
cheating. A few others objected to judging people without evidence
(virtually all evidence was the level of performance itself).
I do not recall many (even any) references to racism. With regard to
nationality (not nationalism), I do remember some Europeans asking what
was true about American athletes not being tested because of 'lack of
money' (true or not, it is a popular story overhere) - which would make
accusations of the Chinese a bit akward.
But since now the Chinese were actually withdrawn because of doping
tests (apparantly), I think even the then critics-of-the-critics will
agree with you that there is doping in China.
The question that remains is: do you think all other Chinese
performances are suspect? And if so, does that work for any country: so
do we suspect every Canadian because of the two recent cases? Of any
Briton, because of the nandrolone? Any shot putter, because of
Edwards/Bagach (he was the one testing positive the other day, wasn't


t-and-f: A European preview on the Olympic Games

2000-09-14 Thread Wilmar K

A message from the European Athletic Association. It's not great, but interesting
anyway. Especially for people who are looking for specific team selections.


> European Athletic Association (EAA)!
> The following message has been written on the EAA News Board:
> *
> -- TITEL: European Preview on Athletics in Sydney --
> *
> Now available on the EAA website:
> Preview on the athletics at the Olympic Games in Sydney
> Hava a look at the Europeans and their chances, get the teams and the timetable
> The Olympic pages will be currently updated
> Date, Time: 14 September 2000 at 14:18:55
> *
> To unsubscribe please follow this link:
>  http://www.eaa-athletics.ch/newsboard/getemail.html
> Automatically generated e-mail
> Internet: http://www.eaa-athletics.ch

t-and-f: Olympic teams (US and others)

2000-09-17 Thread Wilmar K

Apologies for asking a fairly silly question through the whole list, but
I am looking for olympic selections. The US team for one and most
urgent, but does anybody know where to find all (or as many as possible)
teams? I've got most European selections, but am missing quite a few
African and South-American selections.

t-and-f: You do not want to miss this Olympic prediction contest!

2000-09-20 Thread Wilmar K

Hello all,

A good friend of mine send me a message similar to the one below.
I strongly recommend participating in this (and other) contest(s), since
it has proven to add even more fun to watching it all! Do hurry, since
you've got just over a day left to fill in the entry form.

Have fun watching >and< playing

Wilmar Kortleever
(The Netherlands)

NB  !!!  NB  !!!  NB  !!!  NB
Working with Netscape 4.7 and not too much computer memory, I
experienced some problems accessing the site (more specifically the
entry form) while using other software at the same time. So it is
probably best no to do the latter...
NB  !!!  NB   !!!  NB !!!  NB

For all my tipping friends, take a look on:


Predict all medalwinners in athletics in Sydney!

This special olympic year no participation fee is needed. For the 3
winners of the game there are moneyprices of 150, 100 and 50 EURO
Each day an intermediate ranking will be available on the website. Of
course it is also possible to download the program with all the
participants - that way you can enter the results as they happen and see
what the consequences are for your own ranking.

This is the 11th time this famous game is held.

I wish you a lot of fun with your predictions and with watching the

Ronald van Weele
(Send this to all your athleticfriends and to appropriate mailing lists
in your country)

t-and-f: Gunnell, Lewis

2000-09-25 Thread Wilmar K

> David
> Back to live coverage :-)
> PS: You've got Carol Lewis we've got Sally Gunnell

I've heard Lewis only once (she was indeed horrible), but Gunnell isn't bad at all
(certainly if compared to). And Roger Black, also commentating for the BBC is great
- as he was as a runner. Enormous crew there, BTW, that BBC. And they went nuts when
Lewis won the heptathlon.
(from The Netherlands, but watching the olympics mostly through the BBC).

t-and-f: The ATFS Golden Jubilee Book

2000-09-25 Thread Wilmar K

Courtesy EAA.
Wilmar Kortleever


> European Athletic Association (EAA)!
> The following message has been written on the EAA News Board:
> *
> -- TITEL: The ATFS Golden Jubilee Book --
> *
> To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Association of Track and 
>Field Statisticians one of the founding members, Roberto Quercetani, has edited 
>together with Bob Phillips the ATFS Golden Jubilee Book.
> If you wish to purchase this book please contact the publishers directly:
> Julie Fletcher
> Umbra Software Limited
> Unit 1 Bredbury Business Park
> Bredbury Park Way
> Bredbury, Stockport SK6 2SN
> Great Britain
> The cost is £10,-- or $15,-- (cash or Eurocheque) plus £3,-- or $5,-- postage and 
> Date, Time: 25 September 2000 at 11:22:48
> *
> To unsubscribe please follow this link:
>  http://www.eaa-athletics.ch/newsboard/getemail.html
> Automatically generated e-mail
> Internet: http://www.eaa-athletics.ch

t-and-f: Olympic qualifiation - why the Dutch pole vaulter was left out

2000-09-25 Thread Wilmar K

Roger Ruth schreef:

> Monique de Wilt (NED), perhaps the most puzzling omission, has improved the
> Dutch national record 11 times since the Atlanta Games. Her seasonal best
> of 4.30m would have made the finals. Netherlands didn't enter a vaulter.

The Dutch athletics federation is forced by the Dutch national olympic
committee to set standards 'that give a realistic chance of reaching the final'
(defined as top-8) of their event - all federations are. The mark was set at
4.35. Furthermore, athletes had only four attempts to realise their respective
qualification marks. It had to be done in certain meets (IAAF Grand Prix, EAA
Permit and some national meetings), attempts to be announced at least 24 hours
before the meeting. De Wilt jumped 4.35 once, but that was a non-accepted,
non-announced market place meet in Germany.
The Dutch team now consists of ten athletes (Korving out with injury). I would
have to count to figure out how many could have been sent by international
standards, but I guess about 25 or 30.

Re: t-and-f: Nesterenko

2004-08-22 Thread wilmar . k
- Original Message -
From: Winfried Kramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, August 22, 2004 3:51 am
Subject: t-and-f: Nesterenko

> Yuliya Nesterenko reminds me of Kelly White: White improved from 
> 11.16 to 
> 10.79 when she was 27 years old, Nesterenko from 11.45 to 10.92 at 
> the age 
> of 25 ...

Hello Winfried,
Maybe it is my insufficient command of the Englisch language, but I do not completely 
see the point you're trying to make. They're two different athletes from different 
countries training under different coachingregimes, improving at different ages by a 
similarly large, but still different margin. 

Is there a common factor you are trying to identify? Because if so, it might be 
informative and instructive to spell it out - otherwise the discussion ends in 
speculation, innuendo and the like. Surely, that's not what anybody wants to happen to 
the sports of athletics?

regards, Wilmar Kortleever

t-and-f: Questionable statistics?

2004-10-02 Thread wilmar . k
Numerous newspapers and other media spend hundreds and hundreds of words this week on 
the very surprising study that predicts women to run faster then men in some very 
distant future. It's funny what kind of bulls..t (pardon my Dutch) one can come up 
with using statistics - isn't there a famous saying something like you have lies, 
bigger lies and then there are statistics? 

Anyway, my personal opinion on this is of course biased, since I am a member of the 
'beleaguered' half of the species... (;-) Therefore, for people interested, I'd like 
to refer to a small piece my countrywomen Weia Reinboud on the matter. For one, it 
turns out one can use the same numbers to prove 
1. men and women will run equally fast in 2068, or (more likely?) 
2. men and women already ran as fast in ... 1791!

I don't fully agree with all the assumptions Weia makes in her analysis either, but 
it's as least as believable as the 'official' analysis. (;-)

Regards, Wilmar

Re: t-and-f: Jimmy Muindi wins Rotterdam marathon

2005-04-10 Thread wilmar . k

Some obvious inconsistencies between the espn and the iaaf reports. My information is that Lornah Kiplagat indeed won the Rotterdam Marathon on sunday. 
Somehow, ESPN (Associated Press) based their 'report' on last years results with Zhor El Kamch indeed winning (although - the men's results seem to be correct).
Oops, I guess we all make mistakes every once in a while...
Wilmar Kortleever
- Original Message -
From: "R. Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, April 10, 2005 2:36 pm
Subject: t-and-f: Jimmy Muindi wins Rotterdam marathon

> http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/wire?section=trackandfield&id=2033939 > > Associated Press > > ROTTERDAM, Netherlands -- Jimmy Muindi won the Rotterdam Marathon on > Sunday, breaking away after 23 miles to finish in 2 hours, 7 minutes, > 49 seconds and lead a Kenyan sweep. > > Jackson Koech was second in 2:08:01 and defending champion Felix Limo > was third in 2:09:01. > > In the women's race, Zhor El Kamch of Morocco won in 2:26:38. Madai > Perez of Mexico was second in 2.27.08, and Russia's Jelena Burykina > took third in 2.30.15. > > The top three men's finishers were in a pack until Muindi abruptly > increased the pace late in the 26.2-mile race. > > After a moment's hesitation, Koech -- running his first official > marathon -- attempted to follow him, while Limo, the pre-race > favorite, continued without trying to match the acceleration. > > A leading group of 10 reached the 12.4-mile mark in under an hour, but > the pace slowed slightly after that because of rain. > > > http://www.iaaf.org/news/Kind=2/newsId=29088.html > > Muindi ends Limo's plans for defence in Rotterdam Marathon > Sunday 10 April 2005 > > Rotterdam, The Netherlands – Felix Limo, the winner of last year's > Fortis Marathon Rotterdam was the hot favourite to defend his title > but the victory in the 25th edtion of the race was taken by his far > more experienced compatriot Jimmy Muindi. The 31-year-old East African > crossed the finishline on the Coolsingel in the heart of Rotterdam in > 2:07:49. Kenyan born but now Dutch citizen Lornah Kiplagat took the > women's honours in 2:27:36. > > The silver anniversary edition of the Rotterdam event was plagued by > rain, wind and very low temperatures (11 degrees C). In the beginning > it looked as if the weather would be not be too much of a hinderance > with the 12,500 field starting under an overcast sky but as the race > progressed the weather got increasingly worse. > > MEN – Limo hindered by hamstring problems > > Jim Svenoy, the Norwegian steeplechaser who lives in Rotterdam, > was a > perfect pacemaker. He led a big leading group of fifteen which > included all the favourites through the first 5km in 14:55, and > clocked 10km in 29:44 at 10 kms and went through 15km in 44:36. The > race was very fast with all these split times inside those of Paul > Tergat when he ran the World record of 2:04:55 in Berlin two years > ago. > > However, after 15km the weather gods were no longer with the runners. > It started to rain and the north western wind became far stronger. > Later a lot of athletes complained about the cold and cramps in the > legs. > > At 20kms ( 59:56) the leaders had lost eleven seconds on Tergat's > split and halfway (1:03:20) the difference with the World record split > (1:03:04) was already sixteen seconds. By 25kms (1:15:19) there were > nine runners in the leading group: the Kenyan pacemakers Samson > Barmao, Simon Kiprop and James Kwambai, followed by Felix Limo, Titus > Munji, Tadeyuki Ojima (Jap), Jimmy Muindi, Yusuf Songoka and Jackson > Koech. > > By 30kms (1:30:22) the final pacemakers finished their job and at this > point Munji dropped back just as did Ojima and Songoka. > > So three runners, Muindi, Koech and Limo passed 35kms (1.45.40) in the > lead and it was clear that the winner would come from this trio. > > The decisive moment came between 37 and 38 kilometres in the Kralingse > Bos (Kralingen Wood), where the course is a little bit on an upward > slope as the race leaves the part of Rotterdam which is 6.5 metres > below sea level, Muindi accelerated. Suddenly, the four times winner > of the Honolulu marathon, was away an clear. > > Koech was aware of the break but suspecting something might still come > from his training partner Limo, who was clearly in trouble at that > point, waited too long to answer Muindi's move, and the race was > effectively over. > > So the 31-year-old crossed the finish line in 2:07:49, to improve on > his previous best of 2:08:25 (2002, 5th Berlin). Jackson Koech who > finished second (2:08:01) in what was his debut at the Marathon > distance later confirmed, "I saw that Felix (Limo) had problems > and I > decided to go but Muindi was too far away." > > Muindi said he was very happy with the victory - "I felt very strong > after 30 kms and as I saw that Felix Limo was in trouble at 35kms I > decided to go." > > Limo for his part was not surprisingly upset. "It was a dis

Re: t-and-f: SP Marking at Payton Jordan Meet

2005-06-10 Thread wilmar . k
- Original Message -
Date: Thursday, June 9, 2005 9:58 pm
Subject: Re: t-and-f: SP Marking at Payton Jordan Meet

> I didn't notice that precisely, but I did have the odd feeling 
> that the guy doing the measuring thought that anywhere fairly near 
> where the shot landed was close enough for government work.
> Mitch

Maybe I'm just missing the 'funny' part in this comment (English is 
not my first language). 
But as I read it, this is an unneccesary, unwarranted, CHEAP shot at 
both the jury member and government workers? If so, I sure hope you 
apologize to any and all jury members who (in 99.9% of the cases) 
VOLUNTEER their time at athletics meets you attend, where they often 
have to deal with similar s..tty comments (maybe you should even 
apologize to all those government workers out there each time they go 
out of their way providing either you, your loved ones and/or friends 
with services or funds) 

(and no, I do not work in government)

Re: t-and-f: World Track and Field Championship Coverage over the Internet

2005-07-19 Thread wilmar . k
Does anybody know whether this webcast will be available worldwide (I 
would think so, but stranger things have - not - happened)? 

Regards, Wilmar

- Original Message -
Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 6:42 pm
Subject: Re: t-and-f: World Track and Field Championship Coverage over 
the Internet

> Details for subscribing to the webcast (a nominal fee)  should be 
> available in the next couple of days.
> Walt Murphy

t-and-f: Sibling relays???

2005-09-13 Thread wilmar . k
Hello all,
This is a message for people with knowledge of (interest in) 
sprinting/relays. I was wondering whether anybody has ever heard 
of 'sibling relays'? 

In The Netherlands, the AAC Amsterdam club team for the Dutch national 
relays championships will consist of four brothers: Randy, Jermain, 
Gregory and Valery Sedoc will try and break the (definately 
unofficial, maybe non-existent?) family relay record in the 4x100 

There is a very realistic chance for these four to at least break the 
41second barrier. Certainly the first three athletes are very 
accomplished athletes in their own right: 
Randy ('75): LJ 7.72; TJ 15.00 (100/200 m: 10,63-10.55w/21.40-21.38w); 
Jermaine ('77): TJ 15.51; LJ 7.50; 
Gregory ('79): 110hurdles 13,51; LJ 7.82; 100m 10.75 (rarely ran); 
Valery ('82?) is probably just as talented - he plays soccer 
professionally in The Netherlands. 
Also interesting: in the 70s, father Roy Sedoc was the Dutch record 
holder in triple jump (with 16.01m, he is still fourth all time in The 

All replies greatly appreciated,
Regards, Wilmar Kortleever

Re: t-and-f: Re: Women's Decathlon

2005-10-07 Thread wilmar . k
Hello Roger, others,
I think this is not really something to be surprised about. When the 
formal introduction of the female decathlon was first introduced, 
there was an overwhelming opinion among top trainers and athletes 
AGAINST the whole thing. 
One argument for this was injuries: if you count the amount of 
meetings missed by top heptathletes over the years, it is really 
disturbing (even more, it seems, than top decathletes). 
But another argument is more 'philosophical'. Or, as Carolina Klüft 
very poignantly (sp?) said it during one press conference in Helsinki 
this summer: 'I am against replacing the heptathlon by the decathlon. 
And if people are so adamant about the men and the women doing the 
same event: why not the other way around? (so replacing the male 
decathlon by the heptathlon)'

On top of that: as long as the heptathlon is the event where the 
championships, medals, and money (as modest as it is - but I am also 
talking federation/olympic/government support systems)) is 
distributed, many heptathletes will not do many decathlons. As I have 
learnt from themselves: doing 3-5 heptathlons a season (May-September) 
is difficult enough. And recuperating from a decathlon is a lot 
harder - taking an even bigger bite out of ones season. 

Regards, Wilmar

- Original Message -
From: Roger Ruth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2005 7:07 pm
Subject: t-and-f: Re: Women's Decathlon

> Does anyone share my surprise at the lack of interest in 
> organizing 
> women's decathlon competitions? Both Jalava, in his world deep 
> list, 
> and Castellini, in his IAAF top list, show only one meet having 
> been 
> held this season. That was when Austra Skujyte of Lithuania set a 
> new 
> world record at Columbia, MO, on April 15. On the other hand, just 
> scanning Jalava's heptathlon list, I quickly counted more than 
> fifty 
> hept meets.
> I 'd have thought lots of heptathlon athletes would be eager to 
> set 
> initial national records for the decathlon. Is there just not that 
> interest by the athletes, or are meet organizers reluctant to add 
> to 
> the weight of their already busy schedules? Any thoughts on the 
> matter?