[OSM-talk] RFC: amenity=mortuary (and amenity=emergency_room)

2009-05-11 Thread David Paleino
I was mapping an hospital, and encountered two mortuaries/morgues. So I've
tagged them amenity=mortuary, building=yes, and proposed the new tag:


Any comment is highly appreciated, before I move it to vote :)

Also, inside the same hospital, there is an ER, which is a separate building in
my case. Thus I didn't find the combination amenity=hospital, emergency=yes
(which insteads is applied to the whole hospital area) useful, and I've tagged
it amenity=emergency_room. Before I draft a proposal for this too, is there
anyone experienced with such a situation?


 . ''`.  Debian maintainer | http://wiki.debian.org/DavidPaleino
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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] "scale" a ShapeFile in Y-direction?

2009-05-11 Thread Torsten Mohr
Hello Juan,

thank you very very much !!

I just created the first map with the new ShapeFiles boundaries exactly on the
satellite images data.

At the moment i create a second, higher resolution map.

Thanks a lot,

Am Montag, 11. Mai 2009 23:32:14 schrieb Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio:
> Hi. Your file world_boundaries_m.shp seems to be in the old-fashioned
> EPSG:3395 we discussed a few days ago.
> This should produce the shapefile you are looking for
> (world_boundaries_900913.shp):
> ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -s_srs epsg:3395 -t_srs "+proj=merc +a=6378137
> +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m
> +nadgri...@null +no_defs +over" world_boundaries_900913.shp
> world_boundaries_m.shp
> regards
> Juan Lucas
>   Hello,
>   thanks for taking a look at it.  The output is ~ 19000 lines, 
> so i'll
> just show the top ~70 lines:
>   Had to open data source read-only.
>   INFO: Open of `world_boundaries_m.shp'
> using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
>   Layer name: world_boundaries_m
>   Geometry: Polygon
>   Feature Count: 3807
>   Extent: (-20037400.00, -19929239.11) - (20037400.00,
>   18375854.709643)
>   Layer SRS WKT:
>   PROJCS["Mercator",
>   GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",
>   DATUM["WGS_1984",
>   SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],
>   PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
>   UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]],
>   PROJECTION["Mercator_1SP"],
>   PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],
>   PARAMETER["central_meridian",0],
>   PARAMETER["scale_factor",1],
>   PARAMETER["false_easting",0],
>   PARAMETER["false_northing",0],
>   UNIT["Meter",1]]
>   CAT: Real (16.0)
>   FIPS_CNTRY: String (80.0)
>   CNTRY_NAME: String (80.0)
>   OGRFeature(world_boundaries_m):0
> CAT (Real) =   15
> FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
> CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica
>   OGRFeature(world_boundaries_m):1
> CAT (Real) =   15
> FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
> CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica
>   OGRFeature(world_boundaries_m):2
> CAT (Real) =   15
> FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
> CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica
>   OGRFeature(world_boundaries_m):3
> CAT (Real) =   15
> FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
> CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica
>   OGRFeature(world_boundaries_m):4
> CAT (Real) =   15
> FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
> CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica
>   OGRFeature(world_boundaries_m):5
> CAT (Real) =   15
> FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
> CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica
>   OGRFeature(world_boundaries_m):6
> CAT (Real) =  174
> FIPS_CNTRY (String) = NZ
> CNTRY_NAME (String) = New Zealand
>   OGRFeature(world_boundaries_m):7
> CAT (Real) =  174
> FIPS_CNTRY (String) = NZ
> CNTRY_NAME (String) = New Zealand
>   OGRFeature(world_boundaries_m):8
> CAT (Real) =  174
> FIPS_CNTRY (String) = NZ
> CNTRY_NAME (String) = New Zealand
>   It additionally tells me on stderr:
>   ERROR 4: Unable to open world_boundaries_m.shp or 
> world_boundaries_m.SHP.
>   Thanks for any hints,
>   Torsten.
>   Am Montag, 11. Mai 2009 12:42:44 schrieb Juan Lucas Dominguez 
> Rubio:
>   > Hi:
>   >
>   > I'm curious about that shapefile that needs some stretching. 
> Assuming
>   > its name is filename.shp, try to type this:
>   >
>   > ogrinfo -geom=NO filename.shp filename
>   >
>   > what is the output?
>   >
>   > Regards,
>   > Juan Lucas
>   >
>   >
>   > 
>   >
>   >
>   >
>   >
>   >   Hello Frederik,
>   >
>   >   thanks for your hint. Yes, i know about 
> projections. 
>   > Actually, i reprojected the rester images of "blue marble" 
> from a form

Re: [OSM-talk] Fw: [ppgis] Invitation for expressions of interest for Ordnance Survey Think Tank Session on "Crowd source data capture, geospatial mashups and its impact on NMAs" - 13th July 2009 (Tue

2009-05-11 Thread SteveC

On 7 May 2009, at 08:42, Mikel Maron wrote:
>  Selection of invited experts will be made by the Ordnance
> Survey.

Guess they won't be having people from OSM then :-)



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] "scale" a ShapeFile in Y-direction?

2009-05-11 Thread Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio
Hi. Your file world_boundaries_m.shp seems to be in the old-fashioned EPSG:3395 
we discussed a few days ago.

This should produce the shapefile you are looking for 

ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -s_srs epsg:3395 -t_srs "+proj=merc +a=6378137 
+b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m 
+nadgri...@null +no_defs +over" world_boundaries_900913.shp 

Juan Lucas


thanks for taking a look at it.  The output is ~ 19000 lines, 
so i'll just
show the top ~70 lines:

Had to open data source read-only.
INFO: Open of `world_boundaries_m.shp'
  using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.

Layer name: world_boundaries_m
Geometry: Polygon
Feature Count: 3807
Extent: (-20037400.00, -19929239.11) - (20037400.00,
Layer SRS WKT:
CAT: Real (16.0)
FIPS_CNTRY: String (80.0)
CNTRY_NAME: String (80.0)
  CAT (Real) =   15
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica

  CAT (Real) =   15
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica

  CAT (Real) =   15
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica

  CAT (Real) =   15
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica

  CAT (Real) =   15
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica

  CAT (Real) =   15
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica

  CAT (Real) =  174
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = NZ
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = New Zealand

  CAT (Real) =  174
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = NZ
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = New Zealand

  CAT (Real) =  174
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = NZ
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = New Zealand

It additionally tells me on stderr:
ERROR 4: Unable to open world_boundaries_m.shp or 

Thanks for any hints,

Am Montag, 11. Mai 2009 12:42:44 schrieb Juan Lucas Dominguez 
> Hi:
> I'm curious about that shapefile that needs some stretching. 
Assuming its
> name is filename.shp, try to type this:
> ogrinfo -geom=NO filename.shp filename
> what is the output?
> Regards,
> Juan Lucas
>   Hello Frederik,
>   thanks for your hint. Yes, i know about 
projections.  Actually, i
> reprojected the rester images of "blue marble" from a form of 
WGS84 to
> Mercaator with an own program.

Re: [OSM-talk] Wiki: Key:description

2009-05-11 Thread Tobias Knerr
Stefan Bethke wrote:
> Key:description says it's applicable to nodes and  
> ways, but not areas.
> Any reason not to add areas to the allowed elements?

I don't see any. The Map Features page lists areas, it's probably just
one of the usual inconsistencies in our wiki.

I'd even suggest adding relations as a possible element, too.
Descriptions for site or route relations, for example, are entirely

Tobias Knerr

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Wiki: Key:description

2009-05-11 Thread Stefan Bethke
I'm in the process of documenting Key:comment and came across  
Key:description.  Key:description says it's applicable to nodes and  
ways, but not areas.

Any reason not to add areas to the allowed elements?  The discussion  
page is mum on this.


Stefan BethkeFon +49 151 14070811

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] shapefile to osm api 0.6

2009-05-11 Thread Ian Dees
On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 1:01 AM, maning sambale

> Is there one already?

I know of two options:

1) I wrote a Java version here:
You specify the conversion with a rules file that is somewhat difficult to

2) Chris Schmidt wrote a Python version here:
You have to modify the Python code to build up the tag conversion rules.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] shapefile to osm api 0.6

2009-05-11 Thread Russ Nelson

On May 10, 2009, at 2:01 AM, maning sambale wrote:

> Is there one already?

I think polyshp2osm will still work fine for api 0.6.  It just writes  
osm files which create new nodes.
Russ Nelson - http://community.cloudmade.com/blog - 
r...@cloudmade.com - Twitter: Russ_OSM - 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] SOTM legal talks

2009-05-11 Thread Frederik Ramm

SteveC wrote:
> 1) A high level, simple, talk for the business day on rough use cases  
> on the data and best practise. Something like "you can use OSM data  
> but make sure you don't mix it with proprietary data, make sure you  
> attribute OSM". This wouldn't be a perfect talk, but would give  
> businesses and people looking to get involved with OSM a high level  
> introduction without getting too scary

I'd advise against that for two reasons:

1. We (or at least: I) don't yet know how long the ODbL process is going 
to take and what will come of it. So such a task would continuously 
switch between what is now (CC-BY-SA) and what might come (ODbL). It 
would not be ok to talk about CC-BY-SA only even though that will still 
be the status quo at SOTM, but neither would it be ok to talk about ODbL 
as if it were a done deal, so you have to talk about both, and everyone 
will get confused.

2. I'd fear that someone later comes and says "but at the conference you 
said..." because the talk was too non-scary ;-)

I think the time for such a talk at the business day will come next year 
when the license change issue has settled one way or the other.

> 2) A talk at the main OSM conf days about the PROCESS of the legal  
> working group. How often we meet, who we are, how a meeting goes, what  
> we discuss, who we talk to, what the minutes look like, how to get  
> involved... This is just about how we work, not the subject matter to  
> give people a better insight in to what goes on.

I think the planned process for the license 
review/discussion/implementation will be interesting to many people; the 
internal processes of those driving it might not be.

> 3) A debate at the main OSM conf. A panel of key members of the  
> license working group plus jordan and rufus. It lasts an hour. 15  
> minutes are brief introductions and points of view from the panel  
> members and then 45 minutes of open debate on any license issue with a  
> moderator. This might be before lunch or a break so people can  
> continue discussing afterward.

That would be a similar format to what we had in 2007. What I remember 
about 2007:

* liked the fact that the panel had most views represented among 
themselves and the views were presented clamly and clearly;
* liked that the debate managed make many people think about the license 
who didn't care before
* disliked that because of shortness of time some things were said but 
could not be questioned adequately
* disliked the way it ended - somehow it just stopped without a proper 
ending, without a tangible result

> 4) The same as (3) but with a _structured_ debate. Say 4 main topics  
> and 10 minutes debate on each, or 3 topics of 15 minutes each.  
> Something like that so that rather than debate about anything we  
> debate some key issues to make sure they are covered.

In the 2007 debate, Nick (the moderator) made an effort to keep as much 
in the background as possible, letting each panel member say their 
piece. I was thinking maybe if the moderator instead acted as if he were 
genuinely interested and needed an explanation, then that would have the 
potential to structure things quite well (at the expense of leaving that 
structuring to the moderator who would have to ask the right questions).

Any kind of open debate would of course risk being dragged down one way 
or another. People would say that the license is bad because it doesn't 
help the sheep of Scotland and you'd have to point out that our project 
is not about sheep, and they would say ok I'll delete my data then.

Any kind of structured debate would risk being accused as too narrow in 
focus (they would not even consider the help-the-sheep license!).

Personally, I am happy about anything that involves people. The debate 
ideas you suggested do appeal to me (but who is going to stand up for PD 
now that RichardF has converted to the dark side of the force?), but 
even if you'd just do a 15 minute presentation that goes "What is ODbL 
and why does the OSMF think it is good for us", and take 30 minutes of 
questions from the audience afterwards, that would be ok for me too.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSB encoding errors (was: announcing new OSB service)

2009-05-11 Thread Mitja Kleider
Inge Wallin wrote:
> Nice, but there seems to be a problem with UTF-8 encoding.  Check the area
> around
> http://openstreetbugs.schokokeks.org/?zoom=13&lat=58.39771&lon=15.64477&lay
>ers=B00T and see if you can see the errors.

I checked this morning and noticed the encoding errors, but they seem to be 
gone without any effort on my part.
The text was (and should be) UTF-8 encoded in the database, the problem seems 
to be wrong output, maybe a missing encoding header.
Please notify me if it happens again.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Local list contacts

2009-05-11 Thread SteveC
Dear all

The various mailing lists have grown well organically and there are  
great contributions, debate and discussion on them.

In order to more efficiently and clearly trickle down announcements  
like server downtime to the local lists, we've created a 'list of  
lists' for people to help take announcements and translate them to the  
local lists.


If you would like to help by being the local contact for a list (which  
doesn't necessarily have to be the same person as the list maintainer,  
but could be) then please sign up. You will help by taking any  
announcement sent there and sending it on, maybe translating it too,  
to your local list. This includes English-speaking lists like talk-au,  
talk-us, talk-gb-midlands

Please sign up here:


and for bonus points help clean up that page.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] "scale" a ShapeFile in Y-direction?

2009-05-11 Thread Torsten Mohr

thanks for taking a look at it.  The output is ~ 19000 lines, so i'll just
show the top ~70 lines:

Had to open data source read-only.
INFO: Open of `world_boundaries_m.shp'
  using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.

Layer name: world_boundaries_m
Geometry: Polygon
Feature Count: 3807
Extent: (-20037400.00, -19929239.11) - (20037400.00, 
Layer SRS WKT:
CAT: Real (16.0)
FIPS_CNTRY: String (80.0)
CNTRY_NAME: String (80.0)
  CAT (Real) =   15
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica

  CAT (Real) =   15
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica

  CAT (Real) =   15
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica

  CAT (Real) =   15
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica

  CAT (Real) =   15
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica

  CAT (Real) =   15
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = AY
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = Antarctica

  CAT (Real) =  174
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = NZ
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = New Zealand

  CAT (Real) =  174
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = NZ
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = New Zealand

  CAT (Real) =  174
  FIPS_CNTRY (String) = NZ
  CNTRY_NAME (String) = New Zealand

It additionally tells me on stderr:
ERROR 4: Unable to open world_boundaries_m.shp or world_boundaries_m.SHP.

Thanks for any hints,

Am Montag, 11. Mai 2009 12:42:44 schrieb Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio:
> Hi:
> I'm curious about that shapefile that needs some stretching. Assuming its
> name is filename.shp, try to type this:
> ogrinfo -geom=NO filename.shp filename
> what is the output?
> Regards,
> Juan Lucas
>   Hello Frederik,
>   thanks for your hint. Yes, i know about projections.  Actually, 
> i
> reprojected the rester images of "blue marble" from a form of WGS84 to
> Mercaator with an own program.
>   But as i've heard it, world_boundaries_m is "defect".  But as 
> an overlay
>   to represent the boundaries it would be ok.  If that 
> information was a
>   misunderstanding and could be fixed with the right projection 
> that would
> be awesome.
>   If i use shoreline_300 instead, the projection is perfectly 
> fine, but if
> you try to render it _not_filled_ with a LineSymbolizer instead of a
> PolygonSymbolizer, you get some disturbing "plates".  But the projection is
> fine.
>   A ShapeFile contains the "source SRS" inside it, right?  When 
> rendering
>   world_boundaries_m and shoreline_300 i used the same "target 
> SRS".
>   But the result leads to different positions on the final map.
>   Does that mean that world_boundaries_m is defect?
>   Is there a way to "fix" it somehow?  Or would scaling be 
> possible?
>   Best regards,
>   Torsten.
>   > Hi,
>   >
>   > Torsten Mohr wrote:
>   > > I have a ShapeFile that seems to be incorrect, scaling it in
>   > > Y-direction could make it fit the background.
>   >
>   > Do you have a basic understanding of coordinate projections? 
> If not,
>   > you'd be well advised to spend a few hours reading on the 
> subject
>   > (start with Wikipedia, take it from there).
>   >
>   > You need to find out which projection your shapefile is in, 
> and then
>   > set the correct one in your map file, and things are likely 
> to work.
>   > Simply stretching the data from the shapefile is very 
> unlikely to yield
>   > the desired results - you will probably find that the stretch 
> factor
>   > that makes Iceland and the Equator fit will still have France 
> out of
>   > place.
>   >
>   > Bye
>   > Frederik
>   ___
>   talk mailing list
>   talk@openstreetmap.org
>   http://lists.openst

Re: [OSM-talk] free-map coverage (was Nokia Mobile Phone - GPS)

2009-05-11 Thread Nick Whitelegg
Nick Whitelegg/FT/Solent
11/05/2009 17:46

Re: [OSM-talk] free-map coverage (was Nokia Mobile Phone - GPS)

>>Sounds useful - but free-map coverage seems to be a bit limited (i.e. 
>>just contours shown most places that I've zoomed in.  Is there any 
>>information on what the coverage actually is?

>It covers the majority of England and Wales, but the areas near London, 
Manchester and Birmingham are >excluded, so as not to overload the server; 
also some eastern and far western areas are excluded (though >these could 
easily be added in). The best coverage is central southern England and 
Oxfordshire/Cotswolds, >plus the M6 corridor north of Birmingham to the 
Scottish border (but excluding Birmingham/Manchester) and >north Wales. 
Much of the Peak District (away from Manchester) is included as well as 
much of the Yorkshire >Dales. I was trying to pick a combination of 
popular outdoor areas and well-mapped areas.

Actually slight amendment to that - it doesn't go as far west as I 
thought. In southern England it goes just west of Bath. So the central 
part of England and Wales, with a western emphasis to the north, sums it 

*However* it will be trivial to add Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, SW Wales 
and East Anglia without overloading the server.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] free-map coverage (was Nokia Mobile Phone - GPS)

2009-05-11 Thread Nick Whitelegg
Nick Whitelegg wrote:
>> I have Freemap Mobile in development ...  I also aim
>> to add full POI support (what's the nearest pub to you? etc) and 
>> in-the-field reporting of path problems, which kind-of works at the 
>> but again needs some work.
>> It's available at http://www.free-map.org.uk/downloads/ - use at own 

>Sounds useful - but free-map coverage seems to be a bit limited (i.e. 
>just contours shown most places that I've zoomed in.  Is there any 
>information on what the coverage actually is?

It covers the majority of England and Wales, but the areas near London, 
Manchester and Birmingham are excluded, so as not to overload the server; 
also some eastern and far western areas are excluded (though these could 
easily be added in). The best coverage is central southern England and 
Oxfordshire/Cotswolds, plus the M6 corridor north of Birmingham to the 
Scottish border (but excluding Birmingham/Manchester) and north Wales. 
Much of the Peak District (away from Manchester) is included as well as 
much of the Yorkshire Dales. I was trying to pick a combination of popular 
outdoor areas and well-mapped areas.

However a list member has given me some alternative server space without 
these omissions. For a reason at present unknown I cannot get it to show 
contours (yet) and also it does not yet include the interactive features, 
e.g. ability to annotate the map. This is available at 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] ISA system for London

2009-05-11 Thread Thomas Wood
I read about this a few months ago, its taken the media a while to
catch up! TfL actually did release (some of) the raw datasets, but
iirc, the licence was incompatible with OSM.

The datasets: http://www.tfl.gov.uk/corporate/projectsandschemes/7893.aspx
The terms: http://www.tfl.gov.uk/termsandconditions/8780.aspx

2009/5/11 Emilie Laffray :
> Hi,
> I have just seen an article where we could potentially get data from
> in terms of speed limit in London. It may be worth checking if the
> data can be used publicly. There is a link at the end of the second
> page. This is the most interesting part.
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/05/11/isa_satnav_speed_governor_cab_bus_trials/
> Emilie Laffray
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

Thomas Wood

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] dispensing pharmacy considered confusing

2009-05-11 Thread Arlindo Pereira
Hash: SHA1

Here on Brazil, we have the words "farmácias" (pharmacies) and
"drogarias" (drugstores), but they are used as synonyms, so they're
all dispensing pharmacies.


On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 19:37, Greg Troxel  wrote:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Use GnuPG with Firefox : http://getfiregpg.org (Version: 0.7.5)


> Paul Johnson  writes:
>> Stefan Bethke wrote:
>>> Am 09.05.2009 um 08:59 schrieb Paul Johnson:
> Yes, but here in the US you wouldn't call anything where you couldn't
> get a prescription filled a pharmacy so the dispensing tag is
> redundant.  I think that's what he's getting at.
 That's not true:  I can think of several Rexall and Rite Aid locations
 that are not dispensing pharmacies in Oregon.
>>> So what would you call it then? A drug store?
>> Pharmacies and drug stores are synonymous here, dispensing or not.  And
>> I noticed another thing that I didn't before:  There are some pharmacies
>> (such as some Walgreens and all WalMart locations) which are 24-hours,
>> but are only dispensing during banker's hours.  Not sure how you would
>> tag a pharmacy that may or may not be dispensing depending on the time
>> of day.
> Well, we are trying to be a map, not a complete database of the world -
> that's the slippery slope.  I wouldn't worry about these nuances.
> So the only real question is whether your example "Rite-Aid" that won't
> fill prescriptions is really a pharmacy, or merely shop=chemist.  I
> would guess you also can't get sudafed there, which is like the UK "P"
> list.
> So I will edit the pharmacy tag page to add:
>  Denotes a location where a pharmacist (typically licensed by the
>  government) sells medications whose sale is typically regulated by the
>  government.  In jurisdictions where there is a class of drugs that can
>  be sold by pharmacists without a doctor's precscription, pharmacies that
>  sell those drugs but do not fill prescriptions should be tagged
>  "dispensing=no".  Pharmacies that fill prescriptions should be tagged
>  "dispensing=yes".  Stores that sell other items typically found in
>  pharmacies such as personal care items, but that do not sell regulated
>  medications, should be not be tagged as amenity=pharmacy, but instead
>  perhaps as shop=chemist.
> The current text is not sufficient to allow someone who understands what
> a store does to make tagging decisions.
> I think the intent is clear, that amenity=pharmacy is only for places
> with registered pharmacists (at least in countries that have such a
> concept).  Therefore amenity=pharmacy dispensing=no has to be about a
> place with a registered pharmacist that can't fill prescriptions.  In UK
> terms, this would be P medications but not POM.  In the US, it would
> mean sudafed but not prescriptions (I have never heard of this).
> Please object if you don't like my proposed wiki edit above.
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
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Arlindo Saraiva Pereira Jr.

Bacharelando em Sistemas de Informação - UNIRIO - uniriotec.br
Consultor de Software Livre da UNIRIOTEC Consultoria - uniriotec.com

Acadêmico: arlindo.pere...@uniriotec.br
Profissional: arlindo.pere...@uniriotec.com
Geral: cont...@arlindopereira.com
Tel.: +5521 92504072
Jabber/Google Talk: nig...@nighto.net
Skype: nighto_sumomo
Chave pública: BD065DEC

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] free-map coverage (was Nokia Mobile Phone - GPS)

2009-05-11 Thread Someoneelse
Nick Whitelegg wrote:
> I have Freemap Mobile in development ...  I also aim
> to add full POI support (what's the nearest pub to you? etc) and 
> in-the-field reporting of path problems, which kind-of works at the moment 
> but again needs some work.
> It's available at http://www.free-map.org.uk/downloads/ - use at own risk!

Sounds useful - but free-map coverage seems to be a bit limited (i.e. 
just contours shown most places that I've zoomed in.  Is there any 
information on what the coverage actually is?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Nokia Mobile Phone - GPS

2009-05-11 Thread Peter Childs
2009/5/11 Nick Whitelegg :
>>I've just got a new Nokia 6220 Classic Mobile Phone. Its got a built
>>in GPS which means I've been able to get out and get a bit more
>>mapping done (Since I did not have a GPS this has been difficult)
> I have Freemap Mobile in development, which aims to provide Freemap
> (countryside orientated OSM maps) to Java ME enabled phones. It already
> displays maps though has a few issues which need ironing out: I also aim
> to add full POI support (what's the nearest pub to you? etc) and
> in-the-field reporting of path problems, which kind-of works at the moment
> but again needs some work.
> It's available at http://www.free-map.org.uk/downloads/ - use at own risk!
> Nick

Right I'm not going to do anything with this before checking whats
already been done. plus it does not seams as simple as I thought it
should be..

I've currently got GPSMid downloaded and I'm trying to get it on my
phone, but Converting just the UK seams to take quite a bit of time,
and rather overloaded by 64bit Dual Core 2Gb  Linux box last night.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] ISA system for London

2009-05-11 Thread Emilie Laffray

I have just seen an article where we could potentially get data from
in terms of speed limit in London. It may be worth checking if the
data can be used publicly. There is a link at the end of the second
page. This is the most interesting part.


Emilie Laffray

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Nokia Mobile Phone - GPS

2009-05-11 Thread Nick Whitelegg
>I've just got a new Nokia 6220 Classic Mobile Phone. Its got a built
>in GPS which means I've been able to get out and get a bit more
>mapping done (Since I did not have a GPS this has been difficult)

I have Freemap Mobile in development, which aims to provide Freemap 
(countryside orientated OSM maps) to Java ME enabled phones. It already 
displays maps though has a few issues which need ironing out: I also aim 
to add full POI support (what's the nearest pub to you? etc) and 
in-the-field reporting of path problems, which kind-of works at the moment 
but again needs some work.

It's available at http://www.free-map.org.uk/downloads/ - use at own risk!


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] "scale" a ShapeFile in Y-direction?

2009-05-11 Thread Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio

I'm curious about that shapefile that needs some stretching. Assuming its name 
is filename.shp, try to type this:

ogrinfo -geom=NO filename.shp filename

what is the output?

Juan Lucas

Hello Frederik,

thanks for your hint. Yes, i know about projections.  Actually, 
i reprojected
the rester images of "blue marble" from a form of WGS84 to 
with an own program.

But as i've heard it, world_boundaries_m is "defect".  But as 
an overlay
to represent the boundaries it would be ok.  If that 
information was a
misunderstanding and could be fixed with the right projection 
that would be

If i use shoreline_300 instead, the projection is perfectly 
fine, but if you
try to render it _not_filled_ with a LineSymbolizer instead of a
PolygonSymbolizer, you get some disturbing "plates".  But the 
is fine.

A ShapeFile contains the "source SRS" inside it, right?  When 
world_boundaries_m and shoreline_300 i used the same "target 
But the result leads to different positions on the final map.

Does that mean that world_boundaries_m is defect?

Is there a way to "fix" it somehow?  Or would scaling be 

Best regards,

> Hi,
> Torsten Mohr wrote:
> > I have a ShapeFile that seems to be incorrect, scaling it 
in Y-direction
> > could make it fit the background.
> Do you have a basic understanding of coordinate projections? 
If not,
> you'd be well advised to spend a few hours reading on the 
subject (start
> with Wikipedia, take it from there).
> You need to find out which projection your shapefile is in, 
and then set
> the correct one in your map file, and things are likely to 
work. Simply
> stretching the data from the shapefile is very unlikely to 
yield the
> desired results - you will probably find that the stretch 
factor that
> makes Iceland and the Equator fit will still have France out 
of place.
> Bye
> Frederik

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Putting as little load as possible on the main OSM server

2009-05-11 Thread Tom Hughes
Niklas Cholmkvist wrote:

> Does anyone know if the first method I mentioned(export method) really
> puts less load on the main openstreetmap server?

No. Exporting OSM data just redirects to the same API call that JOSM 
uses to download data.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Putting as little load as possible on the main OSM server

2009-05-11 Thread Frederik Ramm

Niklas Cholmkvist wrote:
> Does anyone know if the first method I mentioned(export method) really
> puts less load on the main openstreetmap server?

It doesn't; it is the same API function called by JOSM and by you 
hitting the export tab. (It might be different API daemons handling your 
request, depending on the devious priority scheme of the day ;-) but 
that's all.)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] announcing new OSB service

2009-05-11 Thread Christoph Böhme
Mitja Kleider  schrieb:
> I hope that this patch will be applied soon. Xavier was afraid of
> Javascript slowness now where each request returns 100 bugs. Can
> anyone confirm that this is a problem? This number could still be
> changed.

I just had a look at the application I am developing at the moment. 
It holds 400+ features in an array and displays about 100+ of them on
the map at a time. It uses a vector layer to display features but an
earlier version used a marker layer to display almost the same data
and I had no performance issues with this. So, I think the numbers
should be comparable. 


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Putting as little load as possible on the main OSM server

2009-05-11 Thread Niklas Cholmkvist
Hash: SHA1


in an attempt to put less load on the www.openstreetmap.org server, I
select the link of the bounding box in the mapping application I
use(JOSM) and copy and paste it in my web browser. Then I click on the
export tab and download the data as a file, then I put it into JOSM and
merge it with my existing data.

The other method I used before was to downloaded the data in JOSM by
clicking the downarrow button. Although sometimes it said there's too
much load on the server, and I noticed that using export and then
putting the data in JOSM works more frequently than by downloading the
data inside the application.

Does anyone know if the first method I mentioned(export method) really
puts less load on the main openstreetmap server?

I'm looking forward to your comments
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