[OSM-talk-fr] Suite de la discussion sur le PLU

2015-09-03 Thread dHuy Pierre
La mairie de Paris m'a enfin répondu et s'ils promettent une intégration très 
prochaine en open data, je n'ai toujours pas compris la licence des documents 
actuels! (cf ci dessous)Librement à tous!

  Le Mercredi 2 septembre 2015 11h52, Cabinet de la Maire de Paris 
 a écrit :

 En réponse à votre message#yiv9892421169 
.yiv9892421169answer{font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, 
.yiv9892421169sigOperator{font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, 
.yiv9892421169sigMailBox{font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, 
Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;}#yiv9892421169 
Helvetica, sans-serif;}#yiv9892421169 .yiv9892421169bordure {border:thin solid 
#11abc5;}#yiv9892421169 .yiv9892421169fond 
.yiv9892421169aquo{text-decoration:none;}#yiv9892421169 a.yiv9892421169lien 
{font-family:Arial, Helvetica, 
{font-size:13px;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv9892421169 a 
{color:#11abc5;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9892421169 a:hover 
{text-decoration:underline;}#yiv9892421169 .yiv9892421169basbordure 
|  |
|  Monsieur,

Actuellement, la diffusion du PLU via OpenStreetMap n'est pas possible, car la 
Mairie de Paris ne dispose pas des documents graphiques du PLU sous forme de 
fichiers vectorisés et géoréférencés avec une qualité suffisante pour permettre 
une diffusion libre et ouverte.Mais la réalisation de ces fichiers est en 
cours, avec comme échéance l'approbation de la modification générale du PLU 
actuellement en cours.

Il sera alors possible de diffuser sur l'Opendata de la Ville de Paris les 
documents graphiques du PLU sous forme de fichiers géoréférencés en Lambert 93, 
en mode vecteur ou image selon les plans, et intégrables dans d'autres 
applications comme OpenStreetMap.A noter que la licence des fichiers 
disponibles sur l'Opendata de la Ville de Paris. 


Merci de ne pas répondre à ce mél.
Si vous désirez nous contacter à nouveau ou bien exprimer une opinion, veuillez 
utiliser les formulaires du site internet de la Ville de Paris, à la rubrique 



|  |


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suite de la discussion sur le PLU

2015-09-03 Thread François Lacombe
Ça c'est une super nouvelle !

Merci pour le suivi

Le 3 sept. 2015 15:41, "dHuy Pierre"  a écrit :

> La mairie de Paris m'a enfin répondu et s'ils promettent une intégration
> très prochaine en open data, je n'ai toujours pas compris la licence des
> documents actuels! (cf ci dessous)
> Librement à tous!
> Le Mercredi 2 septembre 2015 11h52, Cabinet de la Maire de Paris <
> cab-ma...@maire.paris.fr> a écrit :
> Monsieur,
> Actuellement, la diffusion du PLU via OpenStreetMap n'est pas possible,
> car la Mairie de Paris ne dispose pas des documents graphiques du PLU sous
> forme de fichiers vectorisés et géoréférencés avec une qualité suffisante
> pour permettre une diffusion libre et ouverte.
> Mais la réalisation de ces fichiers est en cours, avec comme échéance
> l'approbation de la modification générale du PLU actuellement en cours.
> Il sera alors possible de diffuser sur l'Opendata de la Ville de Paris les
> documents graphiques du PLU sous forme de fichiers géoréférencés en Lambert
> 93, en mode vecteur ou image selon les plans, et intégrables dans d'autres
> applications comme OpenStreetMap.
> A noter que la licence des fichiers disponibles sur l'Opendata
>  de la Ville de Paris.
> Cordialement,
> *Merci de ne pas répondre à ce mél.*Si vous désirez nous contacter à
> nouveau ou bien exprimer une opinion, *veuillez utiliser les formulaires
> du site internet de la Ville de Paris, à la rubrique "contacts*".
> [image: Abonnez-vous à Vélib - nouvelle fenêtre] 
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carte du réseau ferré : tagger l’importance des lignes

2015-09-03 Thread Francescu GAROBY
D'accord avec Vincent de Château-Thierry : dans la mesure du possible, je
veux bien que vous continuiez à discuter de ça ici. Que ce soit pour notre
culture personnelle comme pour le fait qu'au final, il y aura peut-être
quelque chose à faire dans OSM (et dans ce cas, on est tous des
contributeurs locaux pouvant apporter notre modeste pierre à l'édifice).


Le 3 septembre 2015 16:37, Vincent de Château-Thierry  a
écrit :

> Bonjour,
> > De: "DH" 
> >
> > Ce que tu cherches correspond à peu près à un mix entre la
> > classification UIC du réseau et ce que l'on appelle "segmentation
> > stratégique" chez SNCF Réseau.
> Tu n'en parles pas, et c'est peut-être la réponse, mais je pose quand même
> la question : la classification UIC est-elle publique ? Voire libre (soyons
> fous) ?
> Est-ce que côté OSM le tag uic_ref est en relation avec le sujet ?
> http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/uic_ref
> > Si tu le souhaites, on peut continuer en privé pour ne pas surcharger
> > la liste.
> ...ou pas. Ca peut même intéresser des non ferrovipathes ;)
> vincent
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carte du réseau ferré : tagger l’importance des lignes

2015-09-03 Thread Tristram Gräbener

La classification UIC est une piste intéressante, mais elle semble très
orienté fret, est-ce que je me trompe ?

Le tag usage tel que je l’ai compris, c’est surtout pour différencier les
rails d’une voie des aiguillages, et autres voies techniques.

2015-09-03 16:02 GMT+02:00 DH :

> Le 02/09/2015 11:57, Tristram Gräbener a écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> Je travaille chez Capitaine Train et on aimerait bien avoir une carte du
>> réseau ferré européen.
>> Il y a bien le style transport de Thunderforest (
>> http://www.thunderforest.com/transport/) mais les transports urbains
>> sont trop présents, et il n’y a pas de hierarchie des lignes.
>> Il faudrait que, tout comme il y a des highway=primary, on ait un
>> équivalent pour le réseau ferré.
>> J’ai un peu joué en faisant des moulinettes très ad-hoc (cf le sql en PJ)
>> pour extraire des informations. Le résultat (très brut – et ne jugez pas
>> mes capacité de design, j’assume pas ;) ) est visible là
>> http://vrac.tristramg.eu/train/tiles.html#12/43.8806/4.7293
>> Pour faire quelque chose de plus sérieux, ça serait bien de pouvoir
>> tagger directement dans OSM l’importance d’une ligne.
>> D’une part je ne vois pas trop quels tags seraient adaptés (
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:railway ne me semble pas être une
>> bonne base).
>> D’autre part, d’où est-ce qu’on pourrait obtenir les données ? Est-ce que
>> des gens de SNCF-Réseau (ex RFF) pourraient contribuer ? Comment on étend
>> ça à l’échelle de l’Europe ?
>> Pour la France,
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_France/Voies_ferr%C3%A9es
>> est une excellente base de travail, mais par exemple cette relation
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/395151 emprunte des LGV, des
>> lignes aménagées et des lignes normales.
>> J’arrête mon mail là, mais c’est avec plaisir que je discuterais plus en
>> détails
> Bonjour Tristram
> Ce que tu cherches correspond à peu près à un mix entre la classification
> UIC du réseau et ce que l'on appelle "segmentation stratégique" chez SNCF
> Réseau.
> L’Union Internationale des Chemins de fer (UIC) a établi une
> classification des lignes en fonction des charges de trafic supportées par
> l’infrastructure ainsi que du type de trafic. Le groupe UIC 1 correspond à
> des lignes très chargées et, à l’opposé, le groupe UIC 9 correspond à des
> lignes très faiblement chargées.
> Les lignes à grande vitesse ainsi que les grandes lignes du réseau ferré
> national appartiennent en principe aux groupes UIC 1 à 4, à l’exception de
> certains axes, notamment transversaux, qui relèvent des groupes UIC 5 à 6.
> Les lignes faiblement chargées des groupes UIC 7 à 9, avec voyageurs (AV)
> ou sans voyageurs (SV), correspondent en général au réseau capillaire,
> généralement régional. (in
> http://www.guichetdusavoir.org/viewtopic.php?t=14887)
> voir : http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/12/rap-info/i1725-a8.pdf
> La segmentation stratégique distingue plutot la vocation du tronçon de
> ligne : international, national, regional, capillaire (et tous les mélanges
> des genres). Cette catégorisation nous permet (avec la classification UIC)
> de choisir la politique de renouvellement/regénération (entre autres
> critères). Tu t'en doutes, ces données seront difficiles à trouver !!!
> Côté tags, je partirai sur un affinement de la clé usage :
> http://taginfo.openstreetmap.fr/keys/usage
> Si tu le souhaites, on peut continuer en privé pour ne pas surcharger la
> liste.
> Hope this helps
> Denis
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Problem mit Bahnhofsmapping von MentzDV

2015-09-03 Thread Christian Pietzsch
> > * Getrenntmapping von Gehsteigen, wo 0 bauliche Trennung existiert
> schwieriges Thema, das wird kontrovers diskutiert, ist aber auch außerhalb
> von Menzdv üblich, teilweise erforderlich fürs Micromapping der Fußwege
> (z.B. Engstellen, Hindernisse, Belag, Form in Detail).

Für Details würde sich sicher das momentan diskutierte area:highway besser
eignen als ein seperater Weg. Ich finde die Reglung, dass ein Weg seperat
gemappt wird, wenn er wirklich baulich getrennt ist, schon sinnvoll. Mappt
man alle Fußwege seperat, wird es wohl beim Routing viele Umwege geben und
der Realität entspricht es auch nicht wirklich. Schwierig finde ich nur den
Übergang zwischen einem Fußweg der an der Straße getaggt ist und einem, der
seperat verläuft.


Am 3. September 2015 um 12:08 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer <

> sent from a phone
> > Am 02.09.2015 um 22:39 schrieb Tobias Knerr :
> >
> >
> > Zumindest die folgenden Punkte sind wahrscheinlich Systemprobleme:
> > * Verwendung von level außerhalb von Gebäuden
> wenn irgendwas gebaut ist, z.B. Unterführung ggf. mit Läden, finde ich
> level durchaus angemessen, level=0 für Erdgeschoss finde ich grundsätzlich
> auch OK (z.B. Kiosk, Fahrkartenautomat, ...).
> Layer ist kein Ersatz für level
> > * Mappen Bahnsteig-Verkaufsautomaten als "Kiosk"
> natürlich nicht ok
> > * Getrenntmapping von Gehsteigen, wo 0 bauliche Trennung existiert
> schwieriges Thema, das wird kontrovers diskutiert, ist aber auch außerhalb
> von Menzdv üblich, teilweise erforderlich fürs Micromapping der Fußwege
> (z.B. Engstellen, Hindernisse, Belag, Form in Detail).
> > * Mapping von Bahnsteigdächern als Gebäude
> building=roof
> ggf layer=1 (bzw. Bahnsteiglayer+1)
> Gruß
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
> Talk-de@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-de
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carte du réseau ferré : tagger l’importance des lignes

2015-09-03 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret
Le code fait t'il parti des spécifications d'interopérabilité technique
ferroviaire? Ref UIC ou pas j'ai encore les codes afficher sont ceux
utilisés par SNCF Réseau pour identifier les lignes. Le référenciel Réseau
doit toujours exister avec tous les numéros de ligne (ref_uic semble être
le code de la ligne ...) Je bossais dessus et de mémoire c'est le code
interne qu'on utilisé à l'Infra SNCF (Référenciel Réseau)

Pour les opérateurs il faut taper chez SNCF Réseau ou l'ARAF pour avoir les
documents de référence des réseaux (DRR)

Comme c'est une question d'interopérabilité et d'égalité de service, les
données SIG font et doivent faire parti du paquage.

Le 3 septembre 2015 16:44, Francescu GAROBY  a écrit :

> D'accord avec Vincent de Château-Thierry : dans la mesure du possible, je
> veux bien que vous continuiez à discuter de ça ici. Que ce soit pour notre
> culture personnelle comme pour le fait qu'au final, il y aura peut-être
> quelque chose à faire dans OSM (et dans ce cas, on est tous des
> contributeurs locaux pouvant apporter notre modeste pierre à l'édifice).
> Francescu
> Le 3 septembre 2015 16:37, Vincent de Château-Thierry 
> a écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> > De: "DH" 
>> >
>> > Ce que tu cherches correspond à peu près à un mix entre la
>> > classification UIC du réseau et ce que l'on appelle "segmentation
>> > stratégique" chez SNCF Réseau.
>> Tu n'en parles pas, et c'est peut-être la réponse, mais je pose quand
>> même la question : la classification UIC est-elle publique ? Voire libre
>> (soyons fous) ?
>> Est-ce que côté OSM le tag uic_ref est en relation avec le sujet ?
>> http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/uic_ref
>> > Si tu le souhaites, on peut continuer en privé pour ne pas surcharger
>> > la liste.
>> ...ou pas. Ca peut même intéresser des non ferrovipathes ;)
>> vincent
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
>> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
> --
> Francescu
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carte du réseau ferré : tagger l’importance des lignes

2015-09-03 Thread Vincent de Château-Thierry

> De: "DH" 
> Ce que tu cherches correspond à peu près à un mix entre la
> classification UIC du réseau et ce que l'on appelle "segmentation
> stratégique" chez SNCF Réseau.

Tu n'en parles pas, et c'est peut-être la réponse, mais je pose quand même la 
question : la classification UIC est-elle publique ? Voire libre (soyons fous) ?

Est-ce que côté OSM le tag uic_ref est en relation avec le sujet ?

> Si tu le souhaites, on peut continuer en privé pour ne pas surcharger
> la liste.

...ou pas. Ca peut même intéresser des non ferrovipathes ;)


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] M'appare il Lagorai Cima d'Asta - proposta di mapping party a Vignola Falesina

2015-09-03 Thread girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

On 02/09/2015 12:47, Giorgio Zampedri wrote:
> In collaborazione con l'Associazione culturale Filò di Vignola
> Falesina (http://www.filovignola.it/) si voleva organizzare un
> Mapping party dedicato alla mappatura in OSM di alcuni itinerari 
> recentemente pubblicizzati:
> http://www.ladige.it/territori/pergine/2015/08/11/guida-tre-lingue-portare-turisti-vignola-falesina
>  Come data si pensava al 3 o al 10 ottobre e  per il programma
> avrei pensato a:
> 1) Introduzione e  illustrazione: del progetto  OSM, della
> cartografia OSM dedicata agli itinerari e del progetto M'appare il
> Lagorai Cima d'Asta 2 strumenti e tecniche (GPS, Field papers ...)
> per la mappatura di sentieri e itinerari 3) rilievo sul terreno di
> alcuni degli intinerari di "Avventura Vignola Falesina" 4)
> caricamento dei dati in OSM e loro pubblicazione.
> A disposizione abbiamo una sala (10 -15 posti) con copertura wi-fi
> e proiettore
> Che ne dite ? Qualcuno ci da una mano ?
> Un saluto a tutti Giorgio Zampedri

Teoricamente, potrei esserci in tutti e due i sabati, però vorrei
capire gli orari perchè fino al martedì o mercoledi della settimana
rispettiva a quel sabato il quale viene deciso il mapping non saprò se
lavorerò o meno e con quale turno, per motivi legati al mio lavoro.

Eventualmente comunicherò per tempo in quali orari posso essere a
disposizione e in che maniera.

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: R: man_made=bridge

2015-09-03 Thread Marcello
Il 01/09/2015 16:57, girarsi_liste ha scritto:
> On 01/09/2015 08:28, Alessandro Chiostri wrote:
> > Codesto è un tag che indica il materiale del ponte, vero ?
> No è questo, ed accompagna bridge=yes sulla highway=*:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:bridge:structure
> >

Ma volendo specificare il materiale del ponte quale tag si può
utilizzare? Non mi sembra un'informazione secondaria, l'unico tag che ho
trovato è building:material=*, sembra però specifico per il 3D mapping,
per rappresentare le pareti degli edifici.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carte du réseau ferré : tagger l’importance des lignes

2015-09-03 Thread DH

Le 02/09/2015 11:57, Tristram Gräbener a écrit :


Je travaille chez Capitaine Train et on aimerait bien avoir une carte 
du réseau ferré européen.

Il y a bien le style transport de Thunderforest 
(http://www.thunderforest.com/transport/) mais les transports urbains 
sont trop présents, et il n’y a pas de hierarchie des lignes.

Il faudrait que, tout comme il y a des highway=primary, on ait un 
équivalent pour le réseau ferré.

J’ai un peu joué en faisant des moulinettes très ad-hoc (cf le sql en 
PJ) pour extraire des informations. Le résultat (très brut – et ne 
jugez pas mes capacité de design, j’assume pas ;) ) est visible là 

Pour faire quelque chose de plus sérieux, ça serait bien de pouvoir 
tagger directement dans OSM l’importance d’une ligne.

D’une part je ne vois pas trop quels tags seraient adaptés 
(http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:railway ne me semble pas être 
une bonne base).
D’autre part, d’où est-ce qu’on pourrait obtenir les données ? Est-ce 
que des gens de SNCF-Réseau (ex RFF) pourraient contribuer ? Comment 
on étend ça à l’échelle de l’Europe ?

Pour la France, 
est une excellente base de travail, mais par exemple cette relation 
http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/395151 emprunte des LGV, des 
lignes aménagées et des lignes normales.

J’arrête mon mail là, mais c’est avec plaisir que je discuterais plus 
en détails

Bonjour Tristram

Ce que tu cherches correspond à peu près à un mix entre la 
classification UIC du réseau et ce que l'on appelle "segmentation 
stratégique" chez SNCF Réseau.

L’Union Internationale des Chemins de fer (UIC) a établi une 
classification des lignes en fonction des charges de trafic supportées 
par l’infrastructure ainsi que du type de trafic. Le groupe UIC 1 
correspond à des lignes très chargées et, à l’opposé, le groupe UIC 9 
correspond à des lignes très faiblement chargées.
Les lignes à grande vitesse ainsi que les grandes lignes du réseau ferré 
national appartiennent en principe aux groupes UIC 1 à 4, à l’exception 
de certains axes, notamment transversaux, qui relèvent des groupes UIC 5 
à 6. Les lignes faiblement chargées des groupes UIC 7 à 9, avec 
voyageurs (AV) ou sans voyageurs (SV), correspondent en général au 
réseau capillaire, généralement régional. (in 

voir : http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/12/rap-info/i1725-a8.pdf

La segmentation stratégique distingue plutot la vocation du tronçon de 
ligne : international, national, regional, capillaire (et tous les 
mélanges des genres). Cette catégorisation nous permet (avec la 
classification UIC) de choisir la politique de 
renouvellement/regénération (entre autres critères). Tu t'en doutes, ces 
données seront difficiles à trouver !!!

Côté tags, je partirai sur un affinement de la clé usage : 

Si tu le souhaites, on peut continuer en privé pour ne pas surcharger la 

Hope this helps


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Corredor de ônibus em horários de pico

2015-09-03 Thread Peter Krauss
Sobre corredores de ônibus, é uma tendência nacional, e uma realidade
madura em cidades como São Paulo...
Me parece que já existem convenções para esse mapeamento no OSM, alguém já
esteve com a mão-na-massa disso?

Sobre outros detalhes (ex. velocidade média nos corredores), os maiores
experts em *dados abertos* sobre o assunto (realizam na prática medições e
estimativas) estão no http://scipopulis.com/

Em 2 de setembro de 2015 05:08,  escreveu:

> Iniciei uma discussão no fórum sobre como mapear um corredor de ônibus
> temporário, em horários de picos.
> Quem se interessar o post é:
> http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=33911
> Claiton
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
> Talk-br@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carte du réseau ferré : tagger l’importance des lignes

2015-09-03 Thread DH

Le 03/09/2015 16:31, Tristram Gräbener a écrit :


La classification UIC est une piste intéressante, mais elle semble 
très orienté fret, est-ce que je me trompe ?
Plus exactement  le rythme de maintenance (le tonnage supporté par le 
rail est facteur d'usure prépondérant). Le fret est très lourd mais si 
tu as beaucoup de trafic, tu peux atteindre les mêmes tonnages avec du 
voyageur. Le problème ce sont les lignes mixtes, en particulier les 
corridors fret européens qui traversent la France (par exemple l'axe 
Strasbourg-Bâle-Bettembourg emprunte en Alsace la dorsale nord-sud déjà 
très chargée en trafic régionaux (TER200) et internationaux (sur ligne 
Si ta problématique de segmentation du réseau est plutôt orienté 
voyageurs, la piste UIC n'est totalement satisfaisante ; néanmoins elle 
peut fournir de la matière à réflexion.

Le tag usage tel que je l’ai compris, c’est surtout pour différencier 
les rails d’une voie des aiguillages, et autres voies techniques.

Je n'ai pas étudié de manière approfondi quel usage est fait de cette 
clé. Mon usage actuel pour distinguer les voies dites principales des 
voies de service est d'utiliser : service=spur|siding|yard pour les VS 
et rien pour les VP.
Selon http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key%3Ausage, plus précisément 
le distingo main/branch pour les trafic voyageurs/mixtes (clé qui je 
n'utilise pas trop) est une première approche embryonnaire de 
classification de l'importance, non ?

Il y a aussi ceci : 
http://taginfo.openstreetmap.fr/keys/railway%3Atraffic_mode#overview qui 
permet de distinguer le type de trafic.
A l'occasion, il faudra que je repasse en revue mes relations (au sens 
OSM) ferroviaires sur le Grand Est

C'est pas simple 

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carte du réseau ferré : tagger l’importance des lignes

2015-09-03 Thread DH

Tu n'en parles pas, et c'est peut-être la réponse, mais je pose quand même la 
question : la classification UIC est-elle publique ? Voire libre (soyons fous) ?
Libre ? Attendons les décrets d'application de la future loi sur le 
numérique ... communs et opendata par défaut.
Publique ? Tu parles de la base de données sous-jacente à la carte 
publiée sur le site de l'AN ? si oui et que cela intéresse des clients, 
SNCF Réseau tentera de le vendre (no comment ;-) Un groupe de résistance 
s'est constitué en interne ; il peine à avancer.

Est-ce que côté OSM le tag uic_ref est en relation avec le sujet ?
 l'UIC a comme rôle d'identifier et d'harmoniser le ferroviaire à 
l'échelle mondiale (très beaux locaux à 2 pas de la Tour Eiffel).
Même source donc, mais pas de relation entre les valeurs du code UIC et 
le "groupe UIC", AFAIK

Si tu le souhaites, on peut continuer en privé pour ne pas surcharger
la liste.

...ou pas. Ca peut même intéresser des non ferrovipathes ;)


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carte du réseau ferré : tagger l’importance des lignes

2015-09-03 Thread Vincent de Château-Thierry

Le 03/09/2015 18:20, DH a écrit :

Tu n'en parles pas, et c'est peut-être la réponse, mais je pose quand
même la question : la classification UIC est-elle publique ? Voire
libre (soyons fous) ?

Libre ? Attendons les décrets d'application de la future loi sur le
numérique ... communs et opendata par défaut.
Publique ? Tu parles de la base de données sous-jacente à la carte
publiée sur le site de l'AN ? si oui et que cela intéresse des clients,
SNCF Réseau tentera de le vendre (no comment ;-) Un groupe de résistance
s'est constitué en interne ; il peine à avancer.

En fait j'imaginais une classification établie (en théorie) par l'UIC, 
et appliquée (en pratique) _aussi_ par l'UIC. Tu sembles dire que la 
pratique relève chez nous de la SNCF, et donc que c'est côté SNCF qu'il 
faut chercher (voire batailler...) ? Ce qui signifierait par extension 
que chaque pays gère l'implémentation sur son territoire, bref, qu'on 
n'a pas fini d'écluser les sources.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Three-months ban is over

2015-09-03 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Ilya Zverev wrote (re: Xxzme):
> For me, it's clear that the ban did not work, and nothing has changed.

Quoting Xxzme on the wiki:

"What is clear to me is that you make ~0 improments to Main namespace
"And constantly repeating yourself with magical "purpose" of Beginners'
guide which was clearly defined and not by you!
"I doubt you are the person to teach me or anyone else with your pathetic
4.5k houses per 7 years of editing Xxzme (talk) 09:32, 3 September 2015

I would like to see a permanent ban for Xxzme from the project.


View this message in context: 
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] gpx con foto come visualizzarlo?

2015-09-03 Thread girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

On 03/09/2015 21:15, matteo ruffoni wrote:
> ..ho provato umap ma non mi mostra le foto come posso fare? ciao
> matteo Ps è il primo passo per la mappa dei specie vegetali in val
> di ledro


Mi ricordo una discussione vecchia dove si parlava di questo, però nn
l'ho ritrovata.

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Abandoned Rails

2015-09-03 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 09/03/2015 02:25 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> also there are good arguments why it shouldn't be secret who owns which
> pieces of land

"shouldn't be secret" != "should be in OSM"


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

[Talk-at] brothels in wien

2015-09-03 Thread Rainer Fügenstein

nach  pipelines,  radwegen  und  obstbäumen  habe  ich den schwerpunkt
meiner   aktivitäten  in  der  letzten zeit auf amenity=brothel gelegt
und   bin  dabei  über  die liste aller polizeilich genehmigten lokale
in wien gestossen. [1]

nachdem  recherche,  field  survey  und die qualitätssicherung vor ort
ziemlich  ins  geld  gehen ;-), möchte ich hiermit mal die möglichkeit
einer mitarbeit eurerseits anregen.

parallel  dazu  werde ich demnächst mit einem proposal zur erweiterung
von amenity=brothel beginnen; falls dazu jemand ideen beitragen will ...


[1] http://de.sophie.or.at/news/genehmigte-bordelle-in-wien
Best regards,
 Rainer  mailto:r...@oudeis.org

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] gpx con foto come visualizzarlo?

2015-09-03 Thread Francesco Pelullo
Ciao Matteo

Non ho capito la domanda.
Hai un file .gpx e delle foto georeferenziate?
Puoi usare JOSM.

Spero di essere stato utile.
Il 03/set/2015 21:16, "matteo ruffoni"  ha scritto:

> ..ho provato umap ma non mi mostra le foto come posso fare?
> ciao matteo
> Ps è il primo passo per la mappa dei specie vegetali in val di ledro
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk] Three-months ban is over

2015-09-03 Thread Ilya Zverev
(500 edits in 4 days!), you can find some interesting things.

Xxzme moved page User:Ajoessen/Mapnik to DE:Ajoessen/Mapnik: guessing 

(moved a user page to a public namespace?)

Xxzme moved page Beginners Guide 1.5 to See your work and start using 
data: better title I guess

(no more guide 1.5)

(it's plain empty now)

(-949)‎ . . Beginners Guide 1.4.1 ‎ (covered in Beginners Guide 1.3)
(there are a lot of similar edits on these guides)

"next/prev links are useless when you have optional steps"
(that's a comment to a lot of edits)


(some discussion of his edits)

For me, it's clear that the ban did not work, and nothing has changed.


talk mailing list

[Talk-it] gpx con foto come visualizzarlo?

2015-09-03 Thread matteo ruffoni
..ho provato umap ma non mi mostra le foto come posso fare?
ciao matteo
Ps è il primo passo per la mappa dei specie vegetali in val di ledro
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: R: man_made=bridge

2015-09-03 Thread girarsi_liste
Hash: SHA1

On 03/09/2015 17:18, Marcello wrote:
> Ma volendo specificare il materiale del ponte quale tag si può 
> utilizzare? Non mi sembra un'informazione secondaria, l'unico tag 
> che ho trovato è building:material=*, sembra però specifico per il 
> 3D mapping, per rappresentare le pareti degli edifici.
> Ciao Marcello

Difficilmente il ponte è di un'unico materiale, ma se vuoi mappare in
questo senso devi mappare i singoli elementi di un ponte, la
pavimentazione della strada è uno o più materiali, i pilastri se ci
sono di solito sono cemento, il piano di supporto anche, ecc..

Il 3d mapping aiuta, perchè particolareggia i singoli elementi a cui
puoi aggiungere il *:material=*.

Onestamente non mi sono mai posto il problema di mappare in questo
modo, è troppo complesso per i mei gusti ma magari un domani si creerà
un editor di questo tipo che alleggerirà di molto il mapping

- -- 
Simone Girardelli

Version: GnuPG v1


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carte du réseau ferré : tagger l’importance des lignes

2015-09-03 Thread DH

Le 03/09/2015 21:23, Vincent de Château-Thierry a écrit :

En fait j'imaginais une classification établie (en théorie) par l'UIC, 
et appliquée (en pratique) _aussi_ par l'UIC. Tu sembles dire que la 
pratique relève chez nous de la SNCF, et donc que c'est côté SNCF 
qu'il faut chercher (voire batailler...) ? Ce qui signifierait par 
extension que chaque pays gère l'implémentation sur son territoire, 
bref, qu'on n'a pas fini d'écluser les sources.

Oulà, ça devient pointu ... il faut que consulte les experts en la 
matière avant de raconter des conneries.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] gpx con foto come visualizzarlo?

2015-09-03 Thread Maurizio Napolitano
Se ho capito bene vuoi fare la solita mappa che al clic ti apre una foto
Quindo non ti serve openstreemap
Con umap puoi farlo ma è un po' macchinoso perché devi avere l'url della
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carte du réseau ferré : tagger l’importance des lignes

2015-09-03 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret
Ça ne peut pas être de la revente car les données existe chez SNCF et doit
donc, pour l'égalité de service, être proposé et accessible aux autres
Même données même langage. Quand on parle de la ligne 5-1 ça doit être
valable pour l'ensemble des opérateurs ferroviare ou non car il y a aussi
d'autres acteurs qui peuvent entrer sur le réseau (sachant que c'est
l'identifiant des données Réseau). En outre c'est à mon avis pas une ref
UIC car je vois mal l'UIC se servir de ref propre à chaque réseau nationaux
mais une réf nationale valable pour tous les opérateurs empruntant le dit
réseau. Cela date déjà car cette référence sert aux organismes de secours
et de sécurité qui ont le référentiel en diffusion. Pour les autres c'est
sur demande (si c'est toujours comme cela que ça marche)

Le 3 septembre 2015 21:23, Vincent de Château-Thierry  a
écrit :

> Le 03/09/2015 18:20, DH a écrit :
>> Tu n'en parles pas, et c'est peut-être la réponse, mais je pose quand
>>> même la question : la classification UIC est-elle publique ? Voire
>>> libre (soyons fous) ?
>> Libre ? Attendons les décrets d'application de la future loi sur le
>> numérique ... communs et opendata par défaut.
>> Publique ? Tu parles de la base de données sous-jacente à la carte
>> publiée sur le site de l'AN ? si oui et que cela intéresse des clients,
>> SNCF Réseau tentera de le vendre (no comment ;-) Un groupe de résistance
>> s'est constitué en interne ; il peine à avancer.
> En fait j'imaginais une classification établie (en théorie) par l'UIC, et
> appliquée (en pratique) _aussi_ par l'UIC. Tu sembles dire que la pratique
> relève chez nous de la SNCF, et donc que c'est côté SNCF qu'il faut
> chercher (voire batailler...) ? Ce qui signifierait par extension que
> chaque pays gère l'implémentation sur son territoire, bref, qu'on n'a pas
> fini d'écluser les sources.
> vincent
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Three-months ban is over

2015-09-03 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Thursday 03 September 2015, Ilya Zverev wrote:
> For me, it's clear that the ban did not work, and nothing has
> changed.

I am inclined to concur.  So far Xxzme has mostly kept out of the 
tagging related part of the wiki but this is probably just a momentary 

Apart from that i can essentially only repeat what i said in May:

"My suggestion to those with an admin position on the wiki is that if 
the ban is lifted after 3 months and if Xxzme continues editing then it 
is closely monitored if there is a change in social interaction with 
other wiki editors to avoid the situation getting again as unbearable 
and damaging for the atmosphere on the wiki as it was now."

So far I don't see any indication of attempts for more productive social 

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] gpx con foto come visualizzarlo?

2015-09-03 Thread matteo ruffoni
allora josm funziona, mapillary mi sembrerebbe invece dedicato a importare
solo le foto georeferenziate.

Ho una cartella con un file gpx che contiene riferimenti a note e a foto
josm visualizza correttamente la track con le note e dei marker che se
clikkati mostrano le foto

ora mi piacerebbe pubblicare sul mio sito


(ovviamente scrivendo del codice mi immagino sia possibile) ma non c'è
qualcosa di "automagico"?

cioa matteo

2015-09-03 21:50 GMT+02:00 girarsi_liste :

> Hash: SHA1
> On 03/09/2015 21:15, matteo ruffoni wrote:
> > ..ho provato umap ma non mi mostra le foto come posso fare? ciao
> > matteo Ps è il primo passo per la mappa dei specie vegetali in val
> > di ledro
> >
> >
> >
> Mi ricordavo una discussione invece era un blog, cmunque è vero che
> anche josm col plugin er mapillary dovrebbe andare.
> comunque il blog è questo:
> http://www.cityplanner.it/mappa-alberi-instagram/
> - --
> Simone Girardelli
> _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
> |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
> Version: GnuPG v1
> iJwEAQECAAYFAlXopHcACgkQ2awwsGUrLewC8AQAwrfNph5NYGY5G5CU7mKvg1sE
> k13FUgcICVpD5KmI5Uf811tdUG6/NLRQ95jg43VLkWyDsZGdnJEn7r3AXyEyLCVM
> oukt8c+3wdTge5cmQcz9qR4a1OZBnWJcRYrgpJkmGPKfPxpp7V3PJV+NeZXHUReB
> XfTpd0H4itk9bGQUEYI=
> =AfUO
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Update tileserver

2015-09-03 Thread Stefan de Konink


Na wat opmerkingen dat we wat achterliepen op tile.openstreetmap.nl zag ik 
dat het update proces werd gestopt door het percentage vrije schijfruimte. 
Op dit moment wordt een nieuwe planet benelux gemaakt (3 sept), zo meteen 
ook in de database geladen. Dan zijn we weer up to date.

Om even de verhoudingen aan te geven: de database was inmiddels al 120GB.


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Carte du réseau ferré : tagger l’importance des lignes

2015-09-03 Thread Vincent Pottier

Le 03/09/2015 22:17, DH a écrit :
Oulà, ça devient pointu ... il faut que consulte les experts en la 
matière avant de raconter des conneries.

Pas la peine... Il suffit de les dire avec beaucoup d'assurance ! ;-)

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Request revert on Changeset #33669446

2015-09-03 Thread Paul Johnson
On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Nathan Mills  wrote:

> I can't speak to this specific instance, but based on Paul's usual
> criteria, I'd take what he has to say on the topic with a grain of salt. I
> gave up trying to convince him OK11 between I-244 and US-75 in Tulsa should
> be tagged as a motorway a long time ago, even though it has zero at grade
> intersections.

Actually, you're right about the OK 11 case, not sure what I was on about
with that one.  I think we're on the same page with the Gilcrease
Expressway west of that location.

> I also think the LL Tisdale between downtown and Pine should be classified
> motorway, but that one is at least arguable to my mind since it is very
> short and has only three interchanges, one of which is directional.

Pine seems a bit arbitrary on that one, if I were to make the cut, I'd
probably do that at  Apache, but either way; I'm leaning towards trunk on
that one since it's barely even long enough to get up to speed (and even
then, from experience, so long as you're in a car and not in or stuck
behind a bus or something that would fall under "goods" or "hgv" thanks to
the south side of Gilcrease Hill making it deceptively steep uphill both
ways) in either direction before you're on the brakes for the yield signs
and unusually sharp ramps at the south end and the signalized junctions at
the north end.
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Abgerissene Gebäude

2015-09-03 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 02.09.2015 um 23:08 schrieb Rolf Eike Beer :
> abandoned:building=yes (oder residential oder was auch immer es mal war)

abandoned heißt aufgegeben und sich selbst überlassen, wenn das Gebäude 
abgerissen wurde passt das nicht 

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Locaties van EAD's iets voor OSM?

2015-09-03 Thread Marc Zoutendijk

> Op 2 sep. 2015, om 23:34 heeft Johan C  het volgende 
> geschreven:
> Het zou misschien ook beter zijn als laag op openpoimap.nl 
> , dat op gebruikers is gericht in tegenstelling tot 
> osm.org  dat op mappers is gericht

Daar zit het al in Johan!



Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Request revert on Changeset #33669446

2015-09-03 Thread Paul Johnson
On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 6:01 PM, Tod Fitch  wrote:

> I believe that as long as there is at least a solid barrier between
> opposing traffic and access is limited to slip/link/ramp ways then that
> section is classified as a freeway by CalTrans.

Actually, just the latter.  There's a fair number of mostly mountainous and
rural examples in southern and Sierra parts of California where you'll see
freeway entrances leading to a four-lane undivided.  Or the division is
basically a token move; I recall there's a segment of the 118 around Rocky
Peak that allows you to drive on the lefthand shoulder, left of the
single-orange line (as opposed to the flush median usually painted to
provide the carpool lane some distance from substantially slower general
access traffic found closer to central LA) if you're a carpool during peak
hours with the only thing separating you from oncoming traffic doing the
same thing is a flimsy chain-link fence I wouldn't trust to stop a bicycle
from crossing over.  Checking street view if they finally fixed it suggests
that as of June 2012 it appears to be freshly renovated to use a flush
median to seperate now 24-hour carpool access and replaced the chain link
with a K-rail.

> On the other hand, there is a nearly 40 mile sections of CA152 between
> Casa De Fruita and I-5 which at either end have miles of limited access but
> which I think are offically non-freeway (tagged as trunk in OSM). So it
> could be that the length of the limited access section is taken into
> consideration by CalTrans when deciding to put up a “begin freeway” sign.

 Well, controlled access.  I consider controlled access a little higher
than limited access, the difference being whether or not surface
intersections and property access is banned unless otherwise unfeasible.  I
would consider limited access or a mix of limited and controlled access as
a trunk.  About the only thing I really consider a motorway would be
multilane, controlled access,
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] M'appare il Lagorai Cima d'Asta - proposta di mapping party a Vignola Falesina

2015-09-03 Thread Luca Delucchi
Ciao giorgio

2015-09-02 12:47 GMT+02:00 Giorgio Zampedri :
> In collaborazione con l'Associazione culturale Filò di Vignola Falesina
> (http://www.filovignola.it/) si voleva organizzare un Mapping party dedicato
> alla mappatura in OSM di alcuni itinerari
> recentemente pubblicizzati:
> http://www.ladige.it/territori/pergine/2015/08/11/guida-tre-lingue-portare-turisti-vignola-falesina
> Come data si pensava al 3 o al 10 ottobre e  per il programma avrei pensato
> a:
> 1) Introduzione e  illustrazione: del progetto  OSM, della cartografia OSM
> dedicata agli itinerari e del progetto M'appare il Lagorai Cima d'Asta
> 2 strumenti e tecniche (GPS, Field papers ...) per la mappatura di sentieri
> e itinerari
> 3) rilievo sul terreno di alcuni degli intinerari di "Avventura Vignola
> Falesina"
> 4) caricamento dei dati in OSM e loro pubblicazione.
> A disposizione abbiamo una sala (10 -15 posti) con copertura wi-fi e
> proiettore
> Che ne dite ? Qualcuno ci da una mano ?

io darei una mano volentieri, ma ci sono solo il weekend del 10

come programma mi sembra perfetto.

> Un saluto a tutti
> Giorgio Zampedri



Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Abgerissene Gebäude

2015-09-03 Thread Heinz-Jürgen Oertel
Am Donnerstag, 3. September 2015, 09:48:48 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
> sent from a phone
> > Am 02.09.2015 um 23:08 schrieb Rolf Eike Beer :
> > 
> > abandoned:building=yes (oder residential oder was auch immer es mal war)


wurde schon diskutiert.


Talk-de mailing list

Wochennotiz Nr. 267 25.8.–31.8.2015

2015-09-03 Thread wnreader

die Wochennotiz Nr. 267 mit allen wichtigen Neuigkeiten aus der OpenStreetMap 
Welt ist da: 


Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Ubuntu Touch e OpenStreetMap

2015-09-03 Thread Lorenzo Perone
Ciao Aury,
grazie degli aggiornamenti, personalmente li ho trovati molto interessanti.

Lorenzo Perone
twitter: @lorenzo_perone 
photoblog: http://immagini.me
opendata: http://go.shr.lc/1FhXkD1
website: http://blog.spaziogis.it
GEO+ geomatica in Italia *http://bit.ly/GEOplus *

Il giorno 3 settembre 2015 09:25, Aury88  ha

> Qualche aggiornamento sulla situazione di Ubuntu Touch (UT)
> 1] Allora intanto una correzione: lo scope Nearby, che permette di trovare
> attività ed eventi basati sul proprio stato impostato nello smartphone e la
> propria posizione, non è basato su OSM, ma su google places...ci sono
> comunque scope che sfruttano il database osm, ma non sono ufficiali. è in
> atto una discussione sul fatto di staccare UT dai i servizi della
> concorrenza, anche per una questione di coerenza e opportunitàper noi
> questo deve essere solo uno stimolo in più per mappare quante più cose
> possibili.
> 2] dal punto di vista della diffusione dei dispositivi UT, a parte il bq
> E4.5 venduto in europa e il Meizu MX3 venduto in Cina di cui vi ho parlato
> in passato, ora il Meizu è venduto anche in europa mentre al bq N4.5 si è
> aggiunto l' N5 che è venduto in tutto il Mondo (negli USA, non so altre
> zone, funziona solo il 2G, il 3G purtroppo ha frequenze non supportate). La
> bq ha annunciato per fine 2015 la distribuzione del N6, che sarà il primo
> smartphone con capacità di convergenza (uso come un pc desktop con un
> interfaccia per desktop se collegato a schermo e mouse) e il primo
> smartphone non "riciclato" da Android.
> 3]é nato Plasma Mobile: uno sistema operativo per smartphone basato su UT
> (che è circa i  90% del codice) con cambiato solamente l'ambiente grafico
> (che è KDE+Wayland al posto di Unity+Mir di UT). Le app di UT scritte in
> o HTML5 funzionaeranno anche su questo sistema operativo
> 4]Il navigatore uNav, creato dallo sviluppatore indipendente Marcos
> Costales, ha cambiato tile-service ed è passato a MapBox:
> https://uappexplorer.com/app/navigator.costales
> È in progetto il passaggio alle tile vettoriali, fornite sempre da Mapbox,
> con rendering client-side...questo è il passo subito precedente
> all'utilizzo
> di mappe e navigazione offline (utilissimo se si  è in roaming).
> Altra cosa la riscrittura del codice che, passando alle QML, ha determinato
> un miglioramento delle performance
> 5]Nel frattempo è nato OSMScout un navigatore offline basato su OSM e
> sviluppato dallo sviluppatore indipendente Frans Schreuder:
> https://uappexplorer.com/app/osmscout.fransschreuder
> nella descrizione dell'app si fa accenno al fatto che viene considerato
> anche il traffico, ma non ho ben capito da dove prenda i dati.
> -
> Ciao,
> Aury
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.com/Ubuntu-Touch-e-OpenStreetMap-tp5834454p5853876.html
> Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Next Meetup - Sat 12th Sept

2015-09-03 Thread Daniel Cussen
> to be confirmed in the next few days.

Just to let you know, as a member of TOG, it takes 5 days to get
approval. The email went out to TOG members today, so in 5 days it
should be approved.

I am unlikely to make the meeting as I have too many projects on the
go currently.

On 02/09/2015, Dave Corley  wrote:
> Hi all,
> The next OpenStreetMap Ireland meetup is on Sat 12th Sept and is
> provisionally slated to be held in Tóg in Dublin city center, to be
> confirmed in the next few days.
> I hope to see many of you there.
> I'll send out further details closer to the date
> Dave
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
> Talk-ie@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ie

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Ubuntu Touch e OpenStreetMap

2015-09-03 Thread Aury88
Qualche aggiornamento sulla situazione di Ubuntu Touch (UT)

1] Allora intanto una correzione: lo scope Nearby, che permette di trovare
attività ed eventi basati sul proprio stato impostato nello smartphone e la
propria posizione, non è basato su OSM, ma su google places...ci sono
comunque scope che sfruttano il database osm, ma non sono ufficiali. è in
atto una discussione sul fatto di staccare UT dai i servizi della
concorrenza, anche per una questione di coerenza e opportunitàper noi
questo deve essere solo uno stimolo in più per mappare quante più cose

2] dal punto di vista della diffusione dei dispositivi UT, a parte il bq
E4.5 venduto in europa e il Meizu MX3 venduto in Cina di cui vi ho parlato
in passato, ora il Meizu è venduto anche in europa mentre al bq N4.5 si è
aggiunto l' N5 che è venduto in tutto il Mondo (negli USA, non so altre
zone, funziona solo il 2G, il 3G purtroppo ha frequenze non supportate). La
bq ha annunciato per fine 2015 la distribuzione del N6, che sarà il primo
smartphone con capacità di convergenza (uso come un pc desktop con un
interfaccia per desktop se collegato a schermo e mouse) e il primo
smartphone non "riciclato" da Android.

3]é nato Plasma Mobile: uno sistema operativo per smartphone basato su UT
(che è circa i  90% del codice) con cambiato solamente l'ambiente grafico
(che è KDE+Wayland al posto di Unity+Mir di UT). Le app di UT scritte in QML
o HTML5 funzionaeranno anche su questo sistema operativo

4]Il navigatore uNav, creato dallo sviluppatore indipendente Marcos
Costales, ha cambiato tile-service ed è passato a MapBox:
È in progetto il passaggio alle tile vettoriali, fornite sempre da Mapbox,
con rendering client-side...questo è il passo subito precedente all'utilizzo
di mappe e navigazione offline (utilissimo se si  è in roaming).
Altra cosa la riscrittura del codice che, passando alle QML, ha determinato
un miglioramento delle performance

5]Nel frattempo è nato OSMScout un navigatore offline basato su OSM e
sviluppato dallo sviluppatore indipendente Frans Schreuder:
nella descrizione dell'app si fa accenno al fatto che viene considerato
anche il traffico, ma non ho ben capito da dove prenda i dati.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Preserving History ...

2015-09-03 Thread Roland Olbricht

Hi Lester,

> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/52.3790/-1.4692 is a perfect

example, where a small roundabout has evolved into a much larger one,
but the new through route is still being excavated. The problem with
this is while it is a good approximation of how work is progressing,
many of the original roads have been deleted and replaced and all the
history relating to them lost.

Please have a look at

You can view that data as well in JOSM: Click "Export > raw data", save 
the created file and open it via "File > Open" in JOSM.

The same works for any other date. The history starts from the license 
change on 2012-09-12 and proceeds till today.

Best regards,


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Abgerissene Gebäude

2015-09-03 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 31.08.2015 um 07:14 schrieb Michael Reichert :
> OSM Carto mag vielleicht eine Ausnahme für building=no haben, damit das
> nicht gerendert wird. Da building=* aber eine unbeschränkte Vielfalt an
> Values hat [1], kann er nie alle Values unterstützen, ohne einige zu
> vergessen. Deshalb tun viele Datennutzer auch einfach alles rendern, was
> building=* als Key hat.

irgendwas=no ist Standard in osm, ich finde das OK um zu sagen: kein building 
(ob man das überhaupt mappen will kann man natürlich diskutieren, aber die 
ständige Wiederbelebung von Gewesenem nach Luftbildern ist schon ein Argument, 
so was ne Zeitlang zu tolerieren bis die üblichen Bilder aktualisiert sind).

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Abgerissene Gebäude

2015-09-03 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 30.08.2015 um 16:20 schrieb Rainer Knaepper :
> Aktueller
> Zustand (seit etwa 2.5 Jahren): Grob planierte Schuttfläche mit
> Bauzaun drumherum.

zwei Jahre Schuttfläche ist eine Baustelle? Bauzäune stehen ja nicht nur an 

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Problem mit Bahnhofsmapping von MentzDV

2015-09-03 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 02.09.2015 um 22:39 schrieb Tobias Knerr :
> Zumindest die folgenden Punkte sind wahrscheinlich Systemprobleme:
> * Verwendung von level außerhalb von Gebäuden

wenn irgendwas gebaut ist, z.B. Unterführung ggf. mit Läden, finde ich level 
durchaus angemessen, level=0 für Erdgeschoss finde ich grundsätzlich auch OK 
(z.B. Kiosk, Fahrkartenautomat, ...).

Layer ist kein Ersatz für level

> * Mappen Bahnsteig-Verkaufsautomaten als "Kiosk"

natürlich nicht ok 

> * Getrenntmapping von Gehsteigen, wo 0 bauliche Trennung existiert

schwieriges Thema, das wird kontrovers diskutiert, ist aber auch außerhalb von 
Menzdv üblich, teilweise erforderlich fürs Micromapping der Fußwege (z.B. 
Engstellen, Hindernisse, Belag, Form in Detail).

> * Mapping von Bahnsteigdächern als Gebäude

ggf layer=1 (bzw. Bahnsteiglayer+1)

Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Orthophoto littorale V2 achevée

2015-09-03 Thread Jean-Claude Repetto
La version 2 de l'orthophoto littorale est disponible depuis cet été. Je
viens de mettre à jour les services WMS dans JOSM.

Plus d'infos sur :

Pour tracer les côtes, cette orthophoto a l'avantage (par rapport à
Bing) d'être cohérente : toutes les prises de vue ont été effectuées à
marée basse.

Extraits du cahier des charges :

Exigence 4 : contraintes météorologiques et de marée
Sur les façades Mer du Nord, Manche et Atlantique, la prise de vues sera
réalisée au moment de la basse  mer  locale  dont  la  hauteur d'eau  ne
 devra  pas excéder  1m  par  rapport  aux  zéros hydrographiques locaux
(niveaux des plus basses mers). Concernant  les  conditions
météorologiques,  les  prises  de  vues  seront  réalisées  en
conditions anticycloniques (pression atmosphérique > 1013hPa) établies
depuis 48h.

Exigence 7 : trait de côte
Afin d’obtenir une bonne définition du trait de côte et de son
environnement (pieds de falaises, dévers portuaires, frondaisons, ...),
les axes de vol devront être parallèles au linéaire côtier avec un des
axes  de  vol  qui  sera  obligatoirement  décalé  vers  la  mer  par
rapport  au  trait  de  côte, conformément au schéma ci-dessous, d’une
distance dépendant de la focale et de l’altitude.

Cela devrait permettre d'améliorer le tracé des côtes dans OSM, qui est
parfois fantaisiste (Voir par exemple
http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/46.45872/-1.71954 ).


Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-GB] State of the map Scotland International Development Fair

2015-09-03 Thread Bob Kerr
I am just putting out a request for volunteers for the Openstreetmap 
International Development Fair on Wed 30th September in Edinburgh. I could do 
with some help to host the Openstreetmap table and to help people with the 
projectors for talks. The details of the event which is the first day of State 
of the map Scotland are here
please contact me if you  have some free time
All the best 

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Preserving History ...

2015-09-03 Thread Lester Caine
On 03/09/15 09:34, Roland Olbricht wrote:
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/52.3790/-1.4692 is a perfect
>> example, where a small roundabout has evolved into a much larger one,
>> but the new through route is still being excavated. The problem with
>> this is while it is a good approximation of how work is progressing,
>> many of the original roads have been deleted and replaced and all the
>> history relating to them lost.
> Please have a look at
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/bg7
> You can view that data as well in JOSM: Click "Export > raw data", save
> the created file and open it via "File > Open" in JOSM.
> The same works for any other date. The history starts from the license
> change on 2012-09-12 and proceeds till today.

I can see the history from 2012, but I an convinced that there should be
some more history prior to that date since the 2012 data already
contains the planed improvements to the junction.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/
Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk
Rainbow Digital Media - http://rainbowdigitalmedia.co.uk

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Abandoned Rails

2015-09-03 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

Am 02.09.2015 um 15:25 schrieb Paul Johnson :

>> land ownership has massive privacy and data protection issues.
> Depends on the region. 

also there are good arguments why it shouldn't be secret who owns which pieces 
of land

Martin ___
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Doppenhaushälften mappen

2015-09-03 Thread Garry

Am 02.09.2015 um 14:37 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

Kenne aber auch Bauten aus den 80ern in denen Doppel/Reihenhäuser eine 
gemeinsame Trennwand haben, was unter dem
Stichwort "kostengünstiges Bauen" lief.

in der BRD?

Umgekehrt habe ich auch schon Doppelhäuser gesehen die eigentlich 
baulich getrennt waren, aber so umgebaut wurden, dass jeweils eine 
Wohnung pro Stockwerk hausübergreifend entstanden ist.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Locaties van EAD's iets voor OSM?

2015-09-03 Thread Johan C
Nog niet helemaal Marc. Ik vermoed dat openpoimap de data uit OSM haalt, en
nog niet 1:1 gelinkt van de bronhouder (AED4eu cq het Radboud).

Gr., Johan

Op 3 september 2015 10:16 schreef Marc Zoutendijk :

> Op 2 sep. 2015, om 23:34 heeft Johan C  het volgende
> geschreven:
> Het zou misschien ook beter zijn als laag op openpoimap.nl, dat op
> gebruikers is gericht in tegenstelling tot osm.org dat op mappers is
> gericht
> Daar zit het al in Johan!
> http://openpoimap.org/?map=various=14=51.44301=5.47239=B00FFFTFFF
> Marc.
> ___
> Talk-nl mailing list
> Talk-nl@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-nl
Talk-nl mailing list

[Talk-us] understanding administrative boundary relations

2015-09-03 Thread Ray Kiddy

Hello -

I am on a quest to learn more about how administrative boundaries can
be managed as relations. I have a bit of experience with these
things, but I am discovering the limitations of my knowledge also.
Which was the point, actually.

I would like to be able to suggest that governmental entities could
manage their district geo data with OSM. I am interested in seeing why
this does not work now and what can be done. Well, and it would be
interesting to find out why so few cities in California actually seem
to have a relation. Or perhaps I am missing it.

I know that TIGER data was imported into OSM, but I am seeing some
disconnects. To be precise:

Using QGIS, I can load the vector files (SHP) from the following as two
different layers:


Using JOSM, I can see the "Sunnyvale East Channel":


I cannot see how to get the id of this way from JOSM and its tag info
seems to be:

name=Sunnyvale East Channel

And in QGIS, I can see the same feature (removing empty TIGER fields):

-122.02132171 37.364089025
-122.0209720001465 37.364640178
-122.019929475 37.366293634
-122.0196390001217 37.366754025
TFIDL   229597201
TFIDR   230278901
MTFCC   P0001
TNIDF   39083667
TNIDT   409312163

But there seems to be no connection between the feature in OSM and the
TIGER data. So, TIGER data was used to define new features? But perhaps
TIGER id data was not merged onto existing features?

I am certainly not seeing "tiger:tlid"="618169892" associated with this
object in OSM anywhere.

So, if I want to give the Sunnyvale District the relation that defines
its boundaries, I cannot use TIGER data to find those lines? Or rather,
I must use the TIGER data and find the line in OSM and set up the
connection myself?

Ok Any other suggestions?

thanx - ray


My early stumblings are in my diary:


Please excuse any ignorance on my part. I know a bit about the GIS
practices of the state of California. I have a very small bit of
experience with Santa Clara County. I have a smidgen of knowledge about
the city of Sunnyvale. And I have more exposure to the Sunnyvale
Elementary School District, having once been on the Board. And I
develop database software and am interested in mapping applications.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] understanding administrative boundary relations

2015-09-03 Thread Toby Murray
The area you linked to has no boundary data in OSM. You don't state
this in your email but by pulling up the TIGER shapefile, it looks
like you are wanting school district boundaries? I see one runs
through the area you linked to, in the shapefile. School districts
were not imported into OSM. The only things that were imported from
TIGER is roads, state, county and city boundaries.

Administrative boundaries in OSM have always been a tricky subject.
OSM thrives on information that can be verified by someone standing on
the ground, looking around and seeing something that can be put into
the map. Administrative boundaries are (usually) not that way. They
are imaginary lines drawn on the map. Sometimes they follow physical
features but often they don't. So the only source to verify or update
them is to go back to the imaginary line drawer and ask for an update.

Because of this, I think boundaries in OSM tend to deteriorate in
quality quicker than other features. Sometimes people modify a way
that is part of a boundary relation and don't realize that they are
affecting the boundary. I have done a lot of work fixing up boundaries
(mostly county) across the country and there are definitely a million
ways to break them.

If you want an example of an admin boundary in OSM, here is the
Sunnyvale city boundary relation:


On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Ray Kiddy  wrote:
> Hello -
> I am on a quest to learn more about how administrative boundaries can
> be managed as relations. I have a bit of experience with these
> things, but I am discovering the limitations of my knowledge also.
> Which was the point, actually.
> I would like to be able to suggest that governmental entities could
> manage their district geo data with OSM. I am interested in seeing why
> this does not work now and what can be done. Well, and it would be
> interesting to find out why so few cities in California actually seem
> to have a relation. Or perhaps I am missing it.
> I know that TIGER data was imported into OSM, but I am seeing some
> disconnects. To be precise:
> Using QGIS, I can load the vector files (SHP) from the following as two
> different layers:
> ftp://ftp2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2015/ELSD/tl_2015_06_elsd.zip
> ftp://ftp2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2015/EDGES/tl_2015_06085_edges.zip
> Using JOSM, I can see the "Sunnyvale East Channel":
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/37.364537971457935/-122.02110206207291
> I cannot see how to get the id of this way from JOSM and its tag info
> seems to be:
> boat=no
> intermittent=yes
> name=Sunnyvale East Channel
> scvwd:FACILITY=2026
> scvwd:ROUTEID=20260
> waterway=drain
> And in QGIS, I can see the same feature (removing empty TIGER fields):
> wkt_geomLINESTRING
> -122.02132171 37.364089025
> -122.0209720001465 37.364640178
> -122.019929475 37.366293634
> -122.0196390001217 37.366754025
> TLID618169892
> TFIDL   229597201
> TFIDR   230278901
> MTFCC   P0001
> TNIDF   39083667
> TNIDT   409312163
> But there seems to be no connection between the feature in OSM and the
> TIGER data. So, TIGER data was used to define new features? But perhaps
> TIGER id data was not merged onto existing features?
> I am certainly not seeing "tiger:tlid"="618169892" associated with this
> object in OSM anywhere.
> So, if I want to give the Sunnyvale District the relation that defines
> its boundaries, I cannot use TIGER data to find those lines? Or rather,
> I must use the TIGER data and find the line in OSM and set up the
> connection myself?
> Ok Any other suggestions?
> thanx - ray
> ps:
> My early stumblings are in my diary:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/rayKiddy/diary
> Please excuse any ignorance on my part. I know a bit about the GIS
> practices of the state of California. I have a very small bit of
> experience with Santa Clara County. I have a smidgen of knowledge about
> the city of Sunnyvale. And I have more exposure to the Sunnyvale
> Elementary School District, having once been on the Board. And I
> develop database software and am interested in mapping applications.
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
> Talk-us@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-us

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Digest Talk-br, volume 84, assunto 2

2015-09-03 Thread teste
Na realidade, em Santa Maria, o embarque/desembarque do transporte 
seletivo por micro-ônibus pode acontecer em qualquer ponto de sua rota, 
inclusive em pontos de parada das linhas de transporte coletivo por 
ônibus. Só não podem acontecer onde as regras de trânsito proíbem que 
veículos parem.

É interessante essa questão de paradas com embarque e/ou desembarque.
Existem paradas que servem de embarque e desembarque para o transporte 
coletivo por ônibus municipal e só para desembarque do transporte 
coletivo intermunicipal, ou seja, servem aos dois sistemas de 
No transporte coletivo intermunicipal é comum ter modalidades de serviço 
que possuem pontos somente de desembarque ao longo do itinerário da 
Eu acredito que esse dado sobre um ponto de parada ser de embarque e/ou 
desembarque poderia estar na relação que contem o itinerário e os pontos 
de paradas no campo role dos pontos de parada.

Outra informação interessante que poderia estar na relação da linha é o 
momento em que é efetuado o pagamento da tarifa do transporte. Em Santa 
Maria, a tarifa do transporte seletivo pode ser paga no momento do 
desembarque. Já em Porto Alegre o pagamento é no momento do embarque.

Além disso, outra informação interessante é a cor padrão dos veículos 
utilizados no sistema de transporte. Em Santa Maria, os micro-ônibus do 
transporte seletivo são azuis, já os táxis são brancos...

Eu não encontrei uma maneira de fazer isso.

On 2015-09-03 10:17, Imagens SM wrote:

Isso é verdade. Já andei pensando no assunto. Em Santa Maria, RS, o
transporte seletivo (azulzinho) para em praticamente qualquer local de
sua rota. Aproveitando o gancho, existem paradas de ônibus com
embarque e desembarque. Existem paradas de ônibus que são somente para
embarque e outras que são somente para desembarque. Existe algo na
documentação wiki sobre isso?

Em 03/09/15,

Enviar submissões para a lista de discussão Talk-br para

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Quando responder, por favor edite sua linha Assunto assim ela será
mais específica que "Re: Contents of Talk-br digest..."

Tópicos de Hoje:

   1. Linhas de transporte público sem paradas definidas


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2015 13:20:07 -0300
From: te...@openmailbox.org
To: talk-br@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [Talk-br] Linhas de transporte público sem paradas definidas
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Algumas cidades têm linhas de transporte público que utilizam
micro-ônibus, cujo embarque/desembarque pode ocorrer em qualquer ponto
de sua rota. Ou seja, não têm pontos de embarque e desembarque 

ao longo da rota, exceto, obviamente, os pontos inicial e final da

Exemplos: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/3932357,

A questão é: como inserir essa informação na relação de rota (ou na
route_master) de uma linha de transporte público com essa


Subject: Legenda do Digest

Talk-br mailing list


Fim da Digest Talk-br, volume 84, assunto 2

Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Services de proximité à orientation sociale

2015-09-03 Thread Christian Rogel

Il existe un terme anglais particulier, outreach, qui s’emploie pour toute 
politique (sociale et même religieuse) ciblée sur un groupe de population.

Il s’agit d’arriver à l’atteindre par la communication et les services rendus.

Il sert donc à catégoriser les services de proximité, fixes ou mobiles. 
(outreach worker = agent de proximité, outreach group = groupe de service 

Cela correspond aux lieux d’accueil des enfants, des handicapés, des anciens 
combattants, des personnes âgées, des immigrés, des addicts et tout service non 
marchand d’aide à la personne.

Potentiellement, il devrait y en avoir des milliers sur la carte de France 
d’OSM, or, Tag Info France ne trouve que 113 outreach, alors que les maisons 
départementales des personnes handicapées (MDPH)  peuvent presque doubler les 

Il me semble que les Centres communaux (et départementaux) d’action sociale 
relève de la même catégorie, mais il faudrait ne pas alors noter de population 

Il y a aussi le Secours catholique, la Croix-Rouge (pour ses activités non 
médicales), l’Armée du Salut, tout ce qui relève d’activités charitables, etc.

Je propose donc à ceux qui le veulent de faire le tour de ce qu’ils connaissent 
près d’eux et on verra si le score peut être augmenté significativement. 
Objectif du mois ?

Page du wiki : social_facility : 

Christian R.___
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] historic=memorial

2015-09-03 Thread demon.box
Poniamo ad esempio il caso di una piccola croce in metallo posta a ricordo di
una persona deceduta in quel luogo, con tanto di iscrizione con cognome e
nome, data di nascita, data di morte, ecc. come si tagga?



man_made=cross ??

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Locaties van EAD's iets voor OSM?

2015-09-03 Thread Stefan de Konink

Heeft er al iemand contact gezocht met het Radboud?


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposed mechanical edit: surface=soil to surface=dirt

2015-09-03 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
> Am 31.08.2015 um 12:41 schrieb moltonel 3x Combo :
> Between soil, dirt, ground, earth, and mud, dirt is the worst defined
> of the lot, and I would hesitate to use it for anything.

+1. I'm against the proposed mechanical edit.


talk mailing list

[Talk-us] Anybody had any contact with this user?

2015-09-03 Thread James Mast

Has anybody had any contact with that user and have him respond back?  I don't 
think many of his edits are troublesome, but I've sent him two messages in the 
last 2 months without any response back from him, asking him if he could please 
add a 'comment' to his changesets after he was mass adding some data in my 
local area a few times (mostly just buildings from Bing as far as I could 
tell).  Also, he's only been part of the OSM community for 4 months, but has 
almost 6,000 changesets in that time (none, as far as I can tell, have a 
comment).  I'd just wish he'd respond back to me on the 'changeset comment' 
part. :(

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Anybody had any contact with this user?

2015-09-03 Thread Martijn van Exel
Wow, that is more changesets than I racked up in 10 years. Haven't had
contact with this particular mapper but I can say with certainty that
they're not with Telenav.

Martijn van Exel
Secretary, US Chapter
skype: mvexel

On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 9:55 PM, James Mast 

> https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Sarr_Cat
> Has anybody had any contact with that user and have him respond back?  I
> don't think many of his edits are troublesome, but I've sent him two
> messages in the last 2 months without any response back from him, asking
> him if he could please add a 'comment' to his changesets after he was mass
> adding some data in my local area a few times (mostly just buildings from
> Bing as far as I could tell).  Also, he's only been part of the OSM
> community for 4 months, but has almost 6,000 changesets in that time (none,
> as far as I can tell, have a comment).  I'd just wish he'd respond back to
> me on the 'changeset comment' part. :(
> -James
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
> Talk-us@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-us
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Digest Talk-br, volume 84, assunto 2

2015-09-03 Thread teste
Acho que os roles stop_exit_only, stop_entry_only, platform_exit_only ou 
platform_entry_only resolvem a questão sobre pontos de parada que são só 
de embarque ou só de desembarque.


On 2015-09-03 20:58, te...@openmailbox.org wrote:

Na realidade, em Santa Maria, o embarque/desembarque do transporte
seletivo por micro-ônibus pode acontecer em qualquer ponto de sua
rota, inclusive em pontos de parada das linhas de transporte coletivo
por ônibus. Só não podem acontecer onde as regras de trânsito proíbem
que veículos parem.

É interessante essa questão de paradas com embarque e/ou desembarque.
Existem paradas que servem de embarque e desembarque para o transporte
coletivo por ônibus municipal e só para desembarque do transporte
coletivo intermunicipal, ou seja, servem aos dois sistemas de
No transporte coletivo intermunicipal é comum ter modalidades de
serviço que possuem pontos somente de desembarque ao longo do
itinerário da linha.
Eu acredito que esse dado sobre um ponto de parada ser de embarque
e/ou desembarque poderia estar na relação que contem o itinerário e os
pontos de paradas no campo role dos pontos de parada.

Outra informação interessante que poderia estar na relação da linha é
o momento em que é efetuado o pagamento da tarifa do transporte. Em
Santa Maria, a tarifa do transporte seletivo pode ser paga no momento
do desembarque. Já em Porto Alegre o pagamento é no momento do

Além disso, outra informação interessante é a cor padrão dos veículos
utilizados no sistema de transporte. Em Santa Maria, os micro-ônibus
do transporte seletivo são azuis, já os táxis são brancos...

Eu não encontrei uma maneira de fazer isso.

On 2015-09-03 10:17, Imagens SM wrote:

Isso é verdade. Já andei pensando no assunto. Em Santa Maria, RS, o
transporte seletivo (azulzinho) para em praticamente qualquer local de
sua rota. Aproveitando o gancho, existem paradas de ônibus com
embarque e desembarque. Existem paradas de ônibus que são somente para
embarque e outras que são somente para desembarque. Existe algo na
documentação wiki sobre isso?

Em 03/09/15,

Enviar submissões para a lista de discussão Talk-br para

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Quando responder, por favor edite sua linha Assunto assim ela será
mais específica que "Re: Contents of Talk-br digest..."

Tópicos de Hoje:

   1. Linhas de transporte público sem paradas definidas


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2015 13:20:07 -0300
From: te...@openmailbox.org
To: talk-br@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [Talk-br] Linhas de transporte público sem paradas definidas
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Algumas cidades têm linhas de transporte público que utilizam
micro-ônibus, cujo embarque/desembarque pode ocorrer em qualquer 
de sua rota. Ou seja, não têm pontos de embarque e desembarque 

ao longo da rota, exceto, obviamente, os pontos inicial e final da

Exemplos: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/3932357,

A questão é: como inserir essa informação na relação de rota (ou na
route_master) de uma linha de transporte público com essa


Subject: Legenda do Digest

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Fim da Digest Talk-br, volume 84, assunto 2

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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Digest Talk-br, volume 84, assunto 2

2015-09-03 Thread teste

Um exemplo: http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/5482684

On 2015-09-04 01:17, te...@openmailbox.org wrote:

Acho que os roles stop_exit_only, stop_entry_only, platform_exit_only
ou platform_entry_only resolvem a questão sobre pontos de parada que
são só de embarque ou só de desembarque.


On 2015-09-03 20:58, te...@openmailbox.org wrote:

Na realidade, em Santa Maria, o embarque/desembarque do transporte
seletivo por micro-ônibus pode acontecer em qualquer ponto de sua
rota, inclusive em pontos de parada das linhas de transporte coletivo
por ônibus. Só não podem acontecer onde as regras de trânsito proíbem
que veículos parem.

É interessante essa questão de paradas com embarque e/ou desembarque.
Existem paradas que servem de embarque e desembarque para o transporte
coletivo por ônibus municipal e só para desembarque do transporte
coletivo intermunicipal, ou seja, servem aos dois sistemas de
No transporte coletivo intermunicipal é comum ter modalidades de
serviço que possuem pontos somente de desembarque ao longo do
itinerário da linha.
Eu acredito que esse dado sobre um ponto de parada ser de embarque
e/ou desembarque poderia estar na relação que contem o itinerário e os
pontos de paradas no campo role dos pontos de parada.

Outra informação interessante que poderia estar na relação da linha é
o momento em que é efetuado o pagamento da tarifa do transporte. Em
Santa Maria, a tarifa do transporte seletivo pode ser paga no momento
do desembarque. Já em Porto Alegre o pagamento é no momento do

Além disso, outra informação interessante é a cor padrão dos veículos
utilizados no sistema de transporte. Em Santa Maria, os micro-ônibus
do transporte seletivo são azuis, já os táxis são brancos...

Eu não encontrei uma maneira de fazer isso.

On 2015-09-03 10:17, Imagens SM wrote:

Isso é verdade. Já andei pensando no assunto. Em Santa Maria, RS, o
transporte seletivo (azulzinho) para em praticamente qualquer local 

sua rota. Aproveitando o gancho, existem paradas de ônibus com
embarque e desembarque. Existem paradas de ônibus que são somente 

embarque e outras que são somente para desembarque. Existe algo na
documentação wiki sobre isso?

Em 03/09/15,

Enviar submissões para a lista de discussão Talk-br para

Para se cadastrar ou descadastrar via WWW, visite o endereço
ou, via email, envie uma mensagem com a palavra 'help' no assunto ou
corpo da mensagem para

Você poderá entrar em contato com a pessoa que gerencia a lista pelo

Quando responder, por favor edite sua linha Assunto assim ela será
mais específica que "Re: Contents of Talk-br digest..."

Tópicos de Hoje:

   1. Linhas de transporte público sem paradas definidas


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2015 13:20:07 -0300
From: te...@openmailbox.org
To: talk-br@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [Talk-br] Linhas de transporte público sem paradas 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Algumas cidades têm linhas de transporte público que utilizam
micro-ônibus, cujo embarque/desembarque pode ocorrer em qualquer 
de sua rota. Ou seja, não têm pontos de embarque e desembarque 

ao longo da rota, exceto, obviamente, os pontos inicial e final da

Exemplos: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/3932357,

A questão é: como inserir essa informação na relação de rota (ou na
route_master) de uma linha de transporte público com essa


Subject: Legenda do Digest

Talk-br mailing list


Fim da Digest Talk-br, volume 84, assunto 2

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Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] understanding administrative boundary relations

2015-09-03 Thread Marc Gemis
On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 3:56 AM, Ray Kiddy  wrote:

> It has occurred to me that there will probably need to be a "boundary
> watcher" tool, which can let an interested group know about it when a
> boundary gets broken in some way. And I have started playing with the
> python libraries for accessing OSM data with this in mind.

There is a German team that does this. They maintain the website
https://osm.wno-edv-service.de/boundaries/ from which you can download all
administrative boundaries in a number of formats.
They also have a website with all missing (or broken) administrative
 (in German)

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Digest Talk-br, volume 84, assunto 2

2015-09-03 Thread Imagens SM
Isso é verdade. Já andei pensando no assunto. Em Santa Maria, RS, o
transporte seletivo (azulzinho) para em praticamente qualquer local de
sua rota. Aproveitando o gancho, existem paradas de ônibus com
embarque e desembarque. Existem paradas de ônibus que são somente para
embarque e outras que são somente para desembarque. Existe algo na
documentação wiki sobre isso?

Em 03/09/15, 
> Enviar submissões para a lista de discussão Talk-br para
>   talk-br@openstreetmap.org
> Para se cadastrar ou descadastrar via WWW, visite o endereço
>   https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
> ou, via email, envie uma mensagem com a palavra 'help' no assunto ou
> corpo da mensagem para
>   talk-br-requ...@openstreetmap.org
> Você poderá entrar em contato com a pessoa que gerencia a lista pelo
> endereço
>   talk-br-ow...@openstreetmap.org
> Quando responder, por favor edite sua linha Assunto assim ela será
> mais específica que "Re: Contents of Talk-br digest..."
> Tópicos de Hoje:
>1. Linhas de transporte público sem paradas definidas
>   (te...@openmailbox.org)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2015 13:20:07 -0300
> From: te...@openmailbox.org
> To: talk-br@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: [Talk-br] Linhas de transporte público sem paradas definidas
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Algumas cidades têm linhas de transporte público que utilizam
> micro-ônibus, cujo embarque/desembarque pode ocorrer em qualquer ponto
> de sua rota. Ou seja, não têm pontos de embarque e desembarque definidos
> ao longo da rota, exceto, obviamente, os pontos inicial e final da
> linha.
> Exemplos: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/3932357,
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/5470583
> A questão é: como inserir essa informação na relação de rota (ou na
> route_master) de uma linha de transporte público com essa
> característica?
> --
> Subject: Legenda do Digest
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
> Talk-br@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-br
> --
> Fim da Digest Talk-br, volume 84, assunto 2
> ***

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Abgerissene Gebäude

2015-09-03 Thread Georg Feddern


Am 03.09.2015 um 11:54 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

Am 31.08.2015 um 07:14 schrieb Michael Reichert :

Da building=* aber eine unbeschränkte Vielfalt an
Values hat [1], kann er nie alle Values unterstützen, ohne einige zu
vergessen. Deshalb tun viele Datennutzer auch einfach alles rendern, was
building=* als Key hat.

Technisch gesehen können sie das ja auch - sie müssen ja nur =no als 
(einmalige) Ausnahme berücksichtigen, aber ...

irgendwas=no ist Standard in osm, ich finde das OK um zu sagen: kein building

Als Eigenschaft eines Objektes - also als Subtag - ja, da ist es Standard.
Aber als Objekt selbst, also als Haupttag?

Zumal es doch wohl ganz einfach ist, das building=no durch ein 
note= zu ersetzen.
Jeder Mapper sollte doch sehen, wenn da bereits ein way vorhanden ist - 
und nicht mehr blindlings umtaggen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] understanding administrative boundary relations

2015-09-03 Thread Ray Kiddy
On Thu, 3 Sep 2015 18:51:50 -0500
Toby Murray  wrote:

> The area you linked to has no boundary data in OSM. You don't state
> this in your email but by pulling up the TIGER shapefile, it looks
> like you are wanting school district boundaries? I see one runs
> through the area you linked to, in the shapefile. School districts
> were not imported into OSM. The only things that were imported from
> TIGER is roads, state, county and city boundaries.

Interesting. There are lots of linear features that are not roads or
the boundaries mentioned. The water feature I described is one.

And, yes, I am looking at school district boundaries right now. But
really, the question is about any other set of relations that are
supposed to tile the map. For example, I knew about Sunnyvale's
relation, which you mention below, but there are over 350 cities in
California and there do not seem to be that many relations, or I cannot
find them (despite some banging of my head against OverPass), or both.

I was hoping that city boundaries would follow conventions like
"admin_level"="8", "place"="city" and so on. More fool I. Most of these
"rules" definitely seem to be honored in the breach.

> Administrative boundaries in OSM have always been a tricky subject.
> OSM thrives on information that can be verified by someone standing on
> the ground, looking around and seeing something that can be put into
> the map. Administrative boundaries are (usually) not that way. They
> are imaginary lines drawn on the map. Sometimes they follow physical
> features but often they don't. So the only source to verify or update
> them is to go back to the imaginary line drawer and ask for an update.

I had not heard this perspective. I am not sure what to say, other than
that though it is a "tricky" subject, it is not really something that
can be ignored. Too many things in real life depend on these

> Because of this, I think boundaries in OSM tend to deteriorate in
> quality quicker than other features. Sometimes people modify a way
> that is part of a boundary relation and don't realize that they are
> affecting the boundary. I have done a lot of work fixing up boundaries
> (mostly county) across the country and there are definitely a million
> ways to break them.

It has occurred to me that there will probably need to be a "boundary
watcher" tool, which can let an interested group know about it when a
boundary gets broken in some way. And I have started playing with the
python libraries for accessing OSM data with this in mind.

> If you want an example of an admin boundary in OSM, here is the
> Sunnyvale city boundary relation:
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/112145

Yep. Knew about that one. Here is the table I am keeping my "meta-data"
list of relations that I am interested in:

mysql> select * from osm_relations;
| pk | url  | name  
   | place   |
|  1 | http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/112145 | Sunnyvale, CA, USA
   | city|
|  2 | http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/148838 | United States of America  
   | country |
|  3 | NULL | Sunnyvale Elementary 
School District | school district |

As you can see, the relation for the SESD still needs to be defined.
And there are some others TBD.

- ray

> Toby
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Ray Kiddy  wrote:
> >
> > Hello -
> >
> > I am on a quest to learn more about how administrative boundaries
> > can be managed as relations. I have a bit of experience with these
> > things, but I am discovering the limitations of my knowledge also.
> > Which was the point, actually.
> >
> > I would like to be able to suggest that governmental entities could
> > manage their district geo data with OSM. I am interested in seeing
> > why this does not work now and what can be done. Well, and it would
> > be interesting to find out why so few cities in California actually
> > seem to have a relation. Or perhaps I am missing it.
> >
> > I know that TIGER data was imported into OSM, but I am seeing some
> > disconnects. To be precise:
> >
> > Using QGIS, I can load the vector files (SHP) from the following as
> > two different layers:
> >
> > ftp://ftp2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2015/ELSD/tl_2015_06_elsd.zip
> > ftp://ftp2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2015/EDGES/tl_2015_06085_edges.zip
> >
> > Using JOSM, I can see the "Sunnyvale East Channel":
> >
> > https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/37.364537971457935/-122.02110206207291
> >
> > I cannot 

[Talk-us] Strategy for 'updated' TIGER regions

2015-09-03 Thread Mike N
There have been analysis and strategy about fixing TIGER 'Deserts'[1], 
but what is the best way to manage regions that have been thoroughly 
updated to match TIGER, and possibly enhanced beyond that with local 

Background - An essential task in keeping OSM updated and relevant in 
the US has been to compare existing OSM data to the latest TIGER data 
and add new roads.   This generally means adding the endless new streets 
for subdivisions or possibly a single new cul-de-sac development street.

  The problem is that once an area has been completely synchronized to 
TIGER, what is the best way to update it in the future?  The problem 
comes when revisiting a completed area looking for new roads.  What if 
someone had deleted or modified those streets based on local research or 
knowledge?   The old TIGER street shows up as a 'new' street, and 
there's no way an armchair mapper would know what to do.[2]  The street 
or segment gets added back to the map and OSM becomes a museum relic 
holding old TIGER data unless someone knowledgeable happens to notice.

  I'm starting to keep an empty way with a note on the old TIGER trace, 
but I suspect that almost no one has historically done this in the US.

  I propose 2 changes to TIGER challenge tasks -

1.  Future TIGER challenges in completed areas should highlight only 
changes relative to the previous year, or 2010 and not treat all TIGER 
data as authoritative.   Roads are sometimes accidentally deleted in OSM 
but those could be flagged by telemetry from Scout.

 2. Focus on areas that desperately need alignment, but may not have 
even updated TIGER.   Just aligning streets to aerial imagery will make 
the area usable by navigation systems.   Admittedly since those areas 
are also likely to be low population, there may not be a payback for 
paid mappers to help.

  This is not meant to be anti-armchair mapping but a way to continue 
to make better use of armchair mapping resources.


[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/TIGER_fixup#TIGER_desert
[2] In the past, I demonstrated OSM's local mapping advantage to a 
friend by comparing Skobbler's turn by turn to Garmin soon after this 
frontage road access was closed for safety reasons.  Google and Garmin 
finally corrected their routing after some years, but OSM went back to 
the old days -


More armchair mapping challenges -
http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/33549289 !

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