Re: [OSM-talk-fr] était Subject=Re: SeFaireConnaitre :(, devient SeFaireConnaitre :)

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Brice MALLET


Merci de vos explications sur cette liste quant à la prise en compte des 
remarques de la communauté des fourmis et ainsi VousFaire(re)Connaitre 
:) au sein de celle-ci.


Le 13/08/2015 17:35, Support Sefaireconnaitre a écrit :


Comme convenu avec Christian, nous avons lancé des développements sur
les différents points que vous avez listés, pour améliorer la qualité
de nos publications, et vous éviter les différents problèmes qu'elles
ont pu causer.

Nous allons désormais traiter les géolocalisation en amont, pour ne
pas avoir à publier un POI et le déplacer ensuite.
Dans la mesure du possible, les POI seront synchronisés avec la base BAN.
Les doublons seront traités, en suppression ou en fusion.

Il y a du passif concernant les publications que nous avons faites
jusqu'ici, nous allons traiter ces différents POI pour les corriger.

Vous trouverez ci dessous le message que nous avons transmis à
Christian suite à son alerte, et evidemment nous serons plus attentifs
à la liste de diffusion pour mieux traiter les anomalies.
Nous sommes à l'écoute de vos retours et suggestions.
bonne journée

L'équipe SFC

Bonjour Christian,

je prends connaissance de votre mail, et de la liste de discussion,
avec de nouveaux messages depuis le mois de mai.
Des messages et des échanges qui ne sont pas satisfaisant, ni pour la
communauté, et évidemment pas pour nous, c'est un euphémisme.
Très clairement notre souhait n'est pas de nous appuyer sur la
communauté pour faire notre travail, nous voulons être autonomes et
corriger nos erreurs lorsque nous en faisons, quand à polluer les
bases, n'en parlons même pas c'est à l'opposé de notre volonté.

Je prends note d'un certain nombre de points, qui sont à traiter de
notre côté car ils correspondent à la réalité de nos process :
- nous utilisons une référence GPS et pas une référence adresse, à ce
stade, nous ne faisons pas le rapprochement strict, mais a minima,
nous vérifions manuellement la cohérence des données soit avec OSM,
soit avec le cadastre, et positionnons le POI sur le batiment.
je note la sortie de la base BAN qui devrait permettre le faire ce
rapprochement automatique sur une partie des POI.
- le fait que nous créions un POI, pour le corriger immédiatement est
vrai, c'est actuellement notre process, nous allons donc le revoir, et
nous créer des outils pour traiter cela en amont
- la vérification des doublons est intégrée dans nos process, si des
doublons sont créés ce sont des erreurs, et donc je vais faire en
sorte que nous soyons plus attentifs sur ce point.

Nous avons fait beaucoup de modifications suite à vos précédents
retours sur nos process (novembre), pour prendre en compte les
éléments que vous aviez remontés.
Nous avons fait des repasses sur les points que nous avions créés pour
améliorer la géolocalisation lorsqu'elle était mauvaise, cette repasse
est toujours en cours étant donné le volume, à date nous avons 3000
POI, nous sommes repassés sur 1500, 500 restent à traiter, et nous
avons 1000 POI qui n'ont pas été publiés.
Le process auparavant automatique est désormais passé en
semi-automatique, pour intégrer les vérifications, permettre une
géolocalisation de meilleure qualité, et ne pas créer de doublons.
Nous allons continuer à travailler dans ce sens et prendre en compte
vos retours dans nos process.

Par rapport aux retours de la mailing list je retiens les points suivants :
- Des personnes remontent que la qualité de la géolocalisation est
meilleure qu'auparavant, sans éluder les autres problèmes ou les
anomalies restantes, je prends cela plutôt positivement car nous avons
travaillé sur ce point.
- Il y a un problème de process, que nous allons revoir, pour ne pas
créer un point mal geolocalisé et le relocaliser ensuite, afin de vous
éviter le bruit que cela génère.
- les points ne sont pas croisés avec les bases d'adresses, nous
allons travailler sur ce point, notamment avec BAN, pour les adresses
qui ne seraient pas accessibles ou vérifiables via ces bases nous
continuerons sur la géolocalisation GPS, et si nous ne pouvons pas
localiser précisément alors nous ne publierons pas.
- nous avons taggué les url de certains POI sur demande d'un de notre
client qui voulait intégrer le tracking dans ses outils, nous ne le
ferons plus

Voila à date ce que je peux vous dire en termes d'action de notre côté.
Effectivement nous n'avons pas été attentifs aux messages de la
mailing list, nous allons faire en sorte de la surveiller plus
attentivement pour être plus réactifs en cas de probleme, et en tout
cas plus constructifs.
Je vais faire en sorte de lancer le dev de ces outils de notre côté,
sur BANO et sur les traitements amont de géolocalisation, en l'attente
de ces outils je vais suspendre les nouvelles publications.
Nous continuerons à traiter les 500 points sur lesquels nous ne sommes
pas encore repassés.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Mateusz Konieczny
On Fri, 14 Aug 2015 02:23:29 -0400
Russ Nelson wrote:

 What if I was to add the aqueduct which goes past Aqueduct Race Track
 on Long Island, NY? It is without question there (the name Aqueduct
 should be a pretty good hint), yet it cannot be seen anywhere. Why not
 map that? Why map the Catskill aqueducts, which also cannot be seen?

That is a good example. Buried railway tracks, that are known to exist
may be mapped (and marked as buried) and should not be deleted just
because this feature is not visible.

In another case where railway tracks that were removed, embankment
demolished and somebody build there houses. In that case railway
track should not be mapped in OSM because this feature is gone.

See for example

There were multiple bridges in this location. First constructed in 1335
(destroyed by fire), there was later a floating bridge, in 1801 next
documented bridge (quickly destroyed by a flood) and next one in 1844,
this time from stone. In 2010 footbridge/cyclebridge was constructed.

There are still well visible traces of bridge from 1844, maybe there
are some traces of older ones (aligned streets, maybe also some buried

But only a single bridge should be mapped at

Traces of bridges should be mapped as traces (tourism=attraction,
archeological site, navigation hazard) not things like [man_made=bridge;
status=burned in XIX century].

Or a railway case:
- completely and utterly removed railway, leaving no traces (road that
  replaced railway follows its course, but it is likely that railway
  itself followed available space).

This railway certainly should not appear in OSM.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Making progress finally ...

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
On 14/08/15 09:41, Lester Caine wrote:
 After working through a  few little nuances on SUSE linux I finally have
 tilemill running. It's giving me level 1 and 2 from the shape files and
 the loading of the style now completes without any errors. I can see it
 remotely although there is still an error getting it to work through
 nginx, but the problem on the todo list is 'could not create converter
 for windows-1252' which I think is being created when it tries to start
 building OSM based tiles. White tiles start appearing as soon as the
 error appears :(
 Where should I bee looking next?

OK ... turns out I'm only getting that problem with zoom levels 3 and 4
... switch to 5 and I have a nice view of the UK!

 The other question, since I can see the top level tiles ... how do I
 access them via port 20008 ... only seeing 'Not Found' which
 reassuringly nginx is also returning for the /tile/ access ...
And actually this part is also working fine now I know what I'm looking
at. Right click on a tile - view image - remove the :20008 - tile

What I am not sure about is just where the tiles are being cached? My
disk layout is a little unconventional as the SSD disk is not big enough
for everything, so /tmp is a separate disk, and /srv/maps has all of the
planet and postgres directories along with the openstreetmap-carto
project, but both views into that seem to be building their own tiles?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Graz+Innsbruck: »Schiene und Straße wurden getrennt«

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Uller
Das Problem ist, dass dann nicht erkennbar ist, ob in einer Strae Schienen liegen (wre frs Routing z.B. entscheidend, da man auf einer Strae mit Schienen im Ortsgebiet nicht links zufahren darf).

Auch mit den subkeys :lanes und :placement kann man die genaue Lage der Schienen beschreiben, ohne den Zusammenhang zwischen Schienen und Strae zu verlieren.

Die obigen subkeys sind der Standard fr lane tagging, und ich finde, da gehrt die Beschreibung, in welcher Fahrspur die Schienen liegen, dazu. Warum sollten die Schienen lagegenau gezeichnet werden, whrend Fahrspuren (sinnollerweise) zu einer abstrahierenden Linie zusammengefasst werden?

Die von dir zitierte Wiki-Seite wurde erst vor ein paar Monaten auf den jetzigen Stand gendert, eine Diskussion darber ist mir nicht bekannt - zumindest ist sie nicht auf der Wiki-Seite dokumentiert.


PS:Deine E-Mail-Adresse lsst darauf schlieen, dass dein Interesse an OSM (auch) berufliche Grnde hat. Eine nderung von Daten nur um einzelnen Firmenvorgaben zu enstprechen, wird meines Wissens nach in OSM nicht gern gesehen.

Gesendet:Freitag, 14. August 2015 um 11:24 Uhr
Von:Jonathan Gallagher
Betreff:[Talk-at] Graz+Innsbruck: Schiene und Strae wurden getrennt


Wie angekndigt, melde ich mich hier nochmal wegen dem Thema Strae von Schiene trennen. Mir erschliet sich nicht ganz, was dagegen spricht die Schienen und die Fahrbahn einzeln und lagerichtig zu mappen, wenn man die Routenrelationen bernimmt. Grundstzlich halte ich das fr die sauberere Methode. Ich spreche noch gar nicht davon zweispurige Gleise einzeln zu mappen (das wre eine kompliziertere Angelegenheit), sondern nur Schiene von Strae zu trennen. Welche stichhaltigen Argumente gibt es denn dagegen?

Das mglicherweise noch bessere Argument fr das Auftrennen ist, dass es internationaler Standard ist. Nachzulesen hier:

Auch das englische Original stellt explizit klar, dass verschiedene Wege mit gleichen Knoten genutzt werden sollen.

Auch hier geht hervor, dass das in den allermeisten Fllen so gehandhabt wird. Nur eine kleine Minderheit (10%) kombiniert den Tag railway=tram mit highway=*.

Frher oder spter wird das auch fr Graz kommen mssen. Ich hab jetzt mal damit begonnen und werde fortfahren, so es keine stichhaltigen Gegenargumente gibt. Ich bin grundstzlich sehr offen fr konstruktive Kritik und ntzliche Hinweisen und Tipps.


Jonathan (Weltstaat)

___ Talk-at mailing list

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Russ Nelson
Maarten Deen writes:
  On 2015-08-14 07:44, Russ Nelson wrote:
   Maarten Deen writes:
 I beg your pardon? I read this as nothing can be deleted, since 
 say that deleting something you don't see (which usually means it's 
 there) is reason for a ban.
   No, nobody is going to get banned for just one action. But if they
   consistently go around deleting things because *they* didn't see the
   thing, and are counselled that that is not how we do things, and
   persists in doing it (and advising others to do it), yeah, deleting
   things that can be seen is reason to ban somebody, just as is any
   other kind of damage to the map data.
  That last statement is something different than I didn't see it,
  so I deleted it So I'm still confused. Please confine the answer
  to the deletion of things that are not present.

You are mixing two ideas: 1) that something is not present, and 2)
that everyone who doesn't see something is competent to judge that it
is not present.

Examples: a blind person doesn't see anything. Why can't they delete
everything? Trivial, I know, but that's the claim. Less trivial:
someone with limited vision. Are we now administering eye tests before
we allow people to map? What about somebody with left neglect? Should
they delete something because it's on their left? They won't see it.

Less trivial examples: A subway (for all of the meanings). A
pipeline. Aqueduct. Buried electrical mains. We map above-ground, why
not map buried? Underground fire hydrants. Rich Welty has mapped all
the fire hydrants in the Albany area, for good reason. What about
places where they are underground? Don't map them??  Why? Delete them
if they're mapped?

A very strong example: we map political boundaries. The only boundary
I've ever seen is the one between the US and Canada. It's a 30' wide
clearcut with concrete pillars every klik or so. We map
placenames. Never seen a big pin sticking in the ground saying
Potsdam, NY where we have it mapped.

What if I was to add the aqueduct which goes past Aqueduct Race Track
on Long Island, NY? It is without question there (the name Aqueduct
should be a pretty good hint), yet it cannot be seen anywhere. Why not
map that? Why map the Catskill aqueducts, which also cannot be seen?

See? The simple Delete things you don't see is just plain wrong.
And I didn't see it so I deleted it is not always a valid
defense. If I started deleting NY political boundaries, I'd get my ass
canned in a New York minute, and deservedly so.

Obviously there could be a project called ISawItMap, where you only
map things that an ordinary man can see. OpenStreetMap, however, is
not that project.

--my blog is at
Crynwr supports open source software
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-600-8815
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog   

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Maarten Deen

On 2015-08-14 08:23, Russ Nelson wrote:

Maarten Deen writes:
  On 2015-08-14 07:44, Russ Nelson wrote:
   Maarten Deen writes:
 I beg your pardon? I read this as nothing can be deleted, 

 say that deleting something you don't see (which usually means 

 there) is reason for a ban.
   No, nobody is going to get banned for just one action. But if they
   consistently go around deleting things because *they* didn't see 

   thing, and are counselled that that is not how we do things, and
   persists in doing it (and advising others to do it), yeah, 

   things that can be seen is reason to ban somebody, just as is any
   other kind of damage to the map data.
  That last statement is something different than I didn't see it,
  so I deleted it So I'm still confused. Please confine the answer
  to the deletion of things that are not present.

You are mixing two ideas: 1) that something is not present, and 2)
that everyone who doesn't see something is competent to judge that it
is not present.

Examples: a blind person doesn't see anything. Why can't they delete
everything? Trivial, I know, but that's the claim. Less trivial:
someone with limited vision. Are we now administering eye tests before
we allow people to map? What about somebody with left neglect? Should
they delete something because it's on their left? They won't see it.

Less trivial examples: A subway (for all of the meanings). A
pipeline. Aqueduct. Buried electrical mains. We map above-ground, why
not map buried? Underground fire hydrants. Rich Welty has mapped all
the fire hydrants in the Albany area, for good reason. What about
places where they are underground? Don't map them??  Why? Delete them
if they're mapped?

A very strong example: we map political boundaries. The only boundary
I've ever seen is the one between the US and Canada. It's a 30' wide
clearcut with concrete pillars every klik or so. We map
placenames. Never seen a big pin sticking in the ground saying
Potsdam, NY where we have it mapped.

What if I was to add the aqueduct which goes past Aqueduct Race Track
on Long Island, NY? It is without question there (the name Aqueduct
should be a pretty good hint), yet it cannot be seen anywhere. Why not
map that? Why map the Catskill aqueducts, which also cannot be seen?

See? The simple Delete things you don't see is just plain wrong.
And I didn't see it so I deleted it is not always a valid
defense. If I started deleting NY political boundaries, I'd get my ass
canned in a New York minute, and deservedly so.

I won't go into your point about political boundaries. That's not 
applicable here, we're talking about physical features.
But still you say that noting can be deleted, except maybe by the person 
who created it.
IMHO a bit of a I reject reality and substitute my own attitude. _I_ 
see that something is there and don't you dare delete it because you 
don't see it.

You're talking about abandoned railroads. Sure, if tracks are there, 
they are present. But what if only the groundworks of the railroad is 
What when we subsitute railroad with road in general? Is it also not 
acceptable to delete a road when only a clearing remains?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 献血ルームについて

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Satoshi IIDA



なお、保健所 (healthcare=centre かな?) のオブジェクトに対して、
blood:stemcells=yes タグをつけるのは、僕はさほど違和感はありません。

また、このタグのもとになったDonationのProposed featureページをみてみると、


「血液標本を採血して、幹細胞(stem cell)のHLA型 (tissue type) を

原文: Whether you can have blood samples taken to determine the tissue type
of your stem cells. An appointment might be required.


2015年8月11日 19:48 tomoya muramoto







 2015年8月11日 18:24 SHIBATA Akira


 その縁で DLI というのもやったことがあります。

 osm と関係ない話題で申し訳ありませんが…

 On Tue, 11 Aug 2015 09:39:11 +0900
 ribbon wrote:

  HLA ですか。多分どこの献血センターでも申し込めばHLAの調査は



 なお、骨髄移植ドナーになっても HLA の型は教えてもらえません。

 ML の趣旨とは違うので、もっとお知りになりたい方は直接


 Talk-ja mailing list

 Talk-ja mailing list

Satoshi IIDA
twitter: @nyampire
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] リンクが更新されない

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Satoshi IIDA
ページ上部から日本語へのリンクもありますし、ページも見えています :)

2015年8月14日 14:21 ribbon で Tag:shop=antiques の日本語訳を行いました(一部のみ)。




 Talk-ja mailing list

Satoshi IIDA
twitter: @nyampire
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Mateusz Konieczny
On Fri, 14 Aug 2015 09:33:11 +1000
Warin wrote:

 On 13/08/2015 11:24 PM, Ruben Maes wrote:
  On Thursday 13 August 2015 15:10:14 Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
  On Thu, 13 Aug 2015 21:54:39 +1000
  Warin wrote:
  For example a demolished building .. may have a new building
  built on the same spot .. with the same outline.
  Leave the node data in OSM, change the tag building=yes to
  building=demolished (may not be rendered nor official OSM tagging)
  add a note as to who/why ..
  and then if rebuilt change the tag back to building=yes... with a
  source tag please.
  If the site has a different shaped building then the nodes will
  have to be changed, or the site gets used for something else ..
  then change it. But untill then leave the old data there.
  This is a bad idea. Maybe [note=this building is demolished] to
  protect against mapping from outdated aerial images may be OK.
  But expecting data consumers displaying buildings to filter out
  building=demolished, building=razed, building=proposed etc etc is a
  really bad idea.
  Or you use demolished:building=yes as I said an hour ago.
  This is clearer than a note IMO,
  allows to retain all tags of the demolished building for reference
  and caters for potential data consumers interested in demolished
 I like it Ruben. demolished: it is.
 Not just for use on buildings, but bridges, poles .. any structure
 that could be rebuilt to the same dimensions, especially any with
 foundations that could be reused.

Note that features that are completely gone should not be mapped. This
is OK for features that are no longer a building or a bridge but
something is still left.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Dzyvų dzyvai...

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Tomas Straupis
 Aš pritarčiau tokiam atskyrimui. Nors jis nėra tobulas – kai kur ir prie
 unclassified kelių plotų prijungimas jau nenatūraliai atrodo.

  Na žemiau tertiary kol kas paliekam nesutartą variantą. T.y. kas
kaip nori. Aš tarkim niekada nejungiu kelių prie landus kraštų, nes
realiai landuse niekada nesikeičia kelio viduryje. Kelias arba miške,
arba pievoj. Plius tai skirtingų galaktikų objektai, tai patogiau juos
atskirai ir laikyti.

 informacija padalinama į stipriai didesnį atskirų vektoriukų skaičių,
 dėl to pasidaro stipriai sunkiau redaguoti kelių info.

 Čia jau greičiau įrankių problema. O eksportuojant duomenis į kitas
 specializuotas sistemas galima būtų tuos atskirus vektoriukus sujungti.

  Teoriškai taip, bet praktiškai įrankių, kurie kažkaip automatiškai
tokius padalintus kelius sujungtų nėra (ir negirdėjau, kad kažkas
ruoštųsi kurti). Eksportavimo įrankiai irgi nejungia tokių padalintų
kelių į vieną, taigi išorinėse sistemose bus daug kelio atkarpų,
turinčių identiškas žymas.

Nuo motorway iki tertiary (imtinai) kelius įsivaizduoti kaip
 pažymėtus plotais ir atitinkamai žymėti greta esančius miškus, pievas,
 dirbamas žemes.

 Pritariu, bet kaip tada pažymėti tą plotą, kuriame yra pats kelias?

  Kol kas tik „įsivaizduojam“, kad kelio plotas pažymėtas :-) kaip
suprantu, dar nėra galutinio susitarimo, kaip žymėti kelio plotą.
Artimiausias rastas žymėjimo pasiūlymas - „area:highway=...“:


Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Russ Nelson
Serge Wroclawski writes:
  On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 11:09 PM, Russ Nelson wrote:
   It's really just a small handful of people who think it's okay not
   just to delete things, but to counsel other people to delete
   things. I didn't see it, so I deleted it is a reason for a ban, not
   an excuse against being banned.
  Russ, I doubt that you mean it this way, but if you set the bar too high,
  then you're essentially asking people to disprove a negative.

I think you mean prove a negative. It's easy to disprove a
negative. If somebody wants to delete something that I added because
they don't see it, but instead, they ASK ME what did you see? I can
show them what I saw, just as I showed you pictures of what I saw on
one side and the other side of a building, giving me reason and cause
to conclude that there is an abandoned railroad there. That disproves
their claim that nothing was there.

  We allow original research and expert testimony, but we also don't require

Adding things, fine, no expertise required. Deleting things that
somebody else added (because we allow original research and expert
testimony) because we don't require expertise to delete things means
that in fact we don't allow original research and expertise.

Can you see how your sentence doesn't make any sense when it comes to

  We have generally not required specialized knowledge or equipment for
  observations in the past and I don't think that we should change that going

To add things, no. To destroy things, uh yeah, people should
understand that somebody put something into the map for a good reason
which may have required special knowledge or equipment.

For example, I could go to some place where OSM says there is a
pipeline, look around, not see a pipeline, and say urp, somebody
screwed up and added a pipeline here! I'll fix it by deleting it!

Again ... the problem is deleting. The problem is people who say
Delete things you don't see and people who believe them.

--my blog is at
Crynwr supports open source software
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-600-8815
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog   

talk mailing list

[talk-latam] Semanario Nr. 259-260-261-262

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Laura Barroso
Hola, el semanario Nr. 259-260-261-262, el sumario de todo lo que está
ocurriendo en el mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español ¡Disfruta!

talk-latam mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Greg Troxel

Martin Koppenhoefer writes:

 sent from a phone

 Am 14.08.2015 um 10:48 schrieb Serge Wroclawski
 These discussions are nuanced. Are there going to be things one
 person can identify that another can't- yes. But at the same time, I
 still think that as a project, we've collectively made a decision
 here that we don't require any special external knowledge or
 equipment to modify data.

 We have underlined repeatedly in the past that OSM should be a home
 for special interest groups as well as for occasional generic
 mappers. I believe we as a project do require from our contributors
 some respect towards the previous contributions aka the map data the
 find when they start contributing. For example we do not tolerate to
 delete a way and then redraw it, even if it's done better, but rather
 we ask people to improve what is there by iterating over the existing
 data. This respect towards the others that we expect from all
 contributors leads to a situation where people without special
 knowledge and or equipment go one step back and refrain voluntarily
 from editing/deleting stuff they find and recognize as special
 interest data.

This is an excellent expression of a thought I have had during this
discussion but haven't felt coherent enough to post.

For deleting something that I think isn't there - that some other mapper
added, I make sure that:

  I've actually been there on the ground, on foot.

  I have some idea what the thing is that was mapped, and thus how to
  tell if it's there.

Being careless about this is rude, and deleting things without in-person
looking with due care veers into vandalism.   That's especially true when
the deletion is associated with an X shouldn't be in the db.

Note that I'm not arguing that someone on the ground who knows what old
railroads look like and makes a good-faith effort to see if there are
ground features of railway=razed, and doesn't find them, is being rude.
Basically, if USGS would have put old railway grade on their map, we
should definitely have railway=razed.

For deletions, if I'm not local, and I'm not sure, I add a note or send
a message instead.

So I think the basic issue is that there is more-than-occasional
inadequate care towards the work of people who care about railways, to
the point where it's a project-wide issue cluster, rather than the
occasional spot mistake.

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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
On 14/08/15 14:16, Ian Sergeant wrote:
 Wow.  Every time I edit, I'm splitting ways to add relations, speed
 limit changes, lane counts, etc. If the original way happens to still
 existing when I've finished it's more good luck than good management. 
 And it's just as likely to be the stub of the via way in a no U-turn as
 it is the freeway it once was.

This is in essence the whole problem ...
In the past it HAS been a practice to wipe something and replace it with
a new version. Certainly imports tend to be easier when processed that
way, but it looses the very history that in the future will be prime
information. If a railway viaduct has become a foot path, one can see
that from the history of changes. The problem is that large elements of
that history may well be deleted simply to create a combination of new
objects describing the new view of the structure. The underlying change
control should be able to keep track of those changes and provide a
complete history back in time even if some of that is created
incorrectly. In my book, OHM is simply looking 5, 10 or more years back
into that history, and as we go forward that record remains.

As I have said before 'Delete' is something that should never happen on
what has at some time been correct information. 'Archive' is the correct
term and making that data available as required ... Delete is only
appropriate when the material is proven invalid.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

[Talk-de] Wochennotiz Nr. 264 4.8.–10.8.2015

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden wn reader


die Wochennotiz Nr. 264 mit allen wichtigen Neuigkeiten aus der 
OpenStreetMap Welt ist da:

Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Serge Wroclawski

Instead of replying to every individual point, I'm going to address your
email as a whole, which is around the idea that deletion is different from

These discussions are nuanced. Are there going to be things one person can
identify that another can't- yes. But at the same time, I still think that
as a project, we've collectively made a decision here that we don't require
any special external knowledge or equipment to modify data.

Let me give you an example that's not about roads, but about power lines.

We have mappers that map a ton of detail about not only the locations but
the details of the power lines.

But they also explain their process online. They show how to read the
signs, what each symbol means, etc.

If I came across a power line, I should be able to use the knowledge from
the wiki page to build an understanding of the ground truth and compare
that to OSM. Then I can correct OSM as necessary.

If it's possible to document these abandoned railways in the same way, then
we can discuss an on the ground feature and compare what we see on the
ground with what's on the map.

But what we can't (or at least shouldn't) do is have only certain community
members be the source for certain features. I shouldn't have to email Alice
or Bob just because I want to edit a feature that Alice entered, or that
Bob modified.

The minute we do that, we are telling certain people that there's no way to
update or improve upon their updates, and at that point, why have the data
in OSM at all?

Improving the map can and sometimes does include the idea of removing a
feature that's no longer present, and I'm not comfortable with the idea
that we have certain special features or special members where the data
can't be modified.

And Russ, I don't think that's what you want either, ultimately. So why not
just update the wiki page to be more complete and focus on educating people
on what to look for?

- Serge
talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] Making progress finally ...

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
After working through a  few little nuances on SUSE linux I finally have
tilemill running. It's giving me level 1 and 2 from the shape files and
the loading of the style now completes without any errors. I can see it
remotely although there is still an error getting it to work through
nginx, but the problem on the todo list is 'could not create converter
for windows-1252' which I think is being created when it tries to start
building OSM based tiles. White tiles start appearing as soon as the
error appears :(

Where should I bee looking next?

The other question, since I can see the top level tiles ... how do I
access them via port 20008 ... only seeing 'Not Found' which
reassuringly nginx is also returning for the /tile/ access ...

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-uy] Fwd: Definición de localidades

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Gustavo Miraballes
hay otro actor importante a la hora de generar localidades . Cada vez que
se inaugura un Mevir (Movimiento para erradicar la vivienda insalubre
rural) nace un centro poblado. Muchas veces, están en el medio de la nada y
quedan por fuera de las localidades de SGM y Catastro.

El 14 de agosto de 2015, 11:03, escribió:

 A los efectos de las localidades, el modelo define al SGM como fuente y a
 Catastro como responsable. ¿Te parece que eso necesite revision?

 Si no hay opiniones en contra, ¿definimos el mismo criterio general y
 pasamos a resolver algunas situaciones que puedan generarse?

 Creo que precisamos, en particular, colaboradores con conocimiento local
 de la complejidad del conglomerado de Maldonado para chequear la solucion
 que definamos refleje la realidad.


 - Original Message -
 From: Gustavo Miraballes
 To: Guillermo Moncecchi, amlago
 Cc: talk-uy
 Sent: Jueves, 13 de Agosto 2015 22:28:18
 Subject: Re: [Talk-uy] Fwd: Definición de localidades

 a esta altura el modelo de direcciones necesita una revisión. Al
 implementarlo hemos aprendido un motón. Hay muchas cosas que quedaron
 El Jue 13/08/2015, 10:10PM, Guillermo Moncecchi 

 My two cents


 2015-08-13 17:53 GMT-03:00 Ing Angel Lago  :


 Según la época fue el gobierno nacional y mas aca los gobiernos
 departamentales , con aprobación de Junta Dptal de por medio en algunos
 Cuando se aprueban fraccionamientos nuevos, amanzanamientos nuevos, lleva
 aprobación municipal. En algunos casos, estos fraccionamientos son
 totalmente independientes y lleva a la designación por el gobierno
 municipal de nueva localidad.
 A continuación se registra en Catastro el correpondiente plano de
 fraccionamiento y queda pronto para su posterior venta.
 Te copio lo de otro mensaje:Todo lo relacionado con localidades realmente
 oficiales, o sea creadas por decretos o leyes, se asienta mediante planos
 de mensura registrados en Catastro, que es en definitiva el encargado del
 mantenimiento de la información.

 En definitiva, desde muchos años atrás, (1946) las nuevas localidades las
 definen y aprueban las Intendencias Municipales, Catastro no crea las
 localidades, pero tiene la tarea de juntar la información que llegan con
 los planos de mensura y lleva adelante el mantenimiento de la base de
 datos.Es la base de información que comparte con los demas organismos.

 Basado en eso es que a mi parecer es la información oficial la de
 Catastro, que no quiere decir que la de otros organismos no sirva tambien y
 como respuesta legal a la pregunta de que leyes dan respaldo a todo esto
 paso el link . o
 Ley de creación de Centros Poblados. Art 1
 Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial Cap 3 Art 14


 PD: no hay realmente apuro, pero corregir algo que no existe me parece lo

 El 13 de agosto de 2015, 15:21,  escribió:


 Sin duda que el animo es mejorar, si hay que cambiar criterios se cambian,
 lo que no me parece adecuado es apresurarse en cambiar el mapa antes de
 lograr un nuevo criterio general y no solo tratar el tema puntual de
 Treinta y Tres, pero si de todas formas lo queres cambiar, hacelo, porque
 hacia corregir esas falencias es donde hay apuntar con un nuevo criterio.

 Al final, ¿que autoridad determina las localidades?, ¿Catastro o SGM? ¿Que
 ley u otra reglamentacion le da dicha autoridad?


 From: amlago 
 To: talk-uy 
 Sent: Jueves, 13 de Agosto 2015 15:01:15
 Subject: [Talk-uy] Fwd: Definición de localidades

 -- Mensaje reenviado --
 De: Ing Angel Lago 
 Fecha: 13 de agosto de 2015, 13:07
 Asunto: Re: [Talk-uy] Definición de localidades
 Para: Gustavo Miraballes 

 Entendido. Seguimos.en contacto,
 El 13/08/2015 12:58, Gustavo Miraballes 


 Estoy de acuerdo.

 El 13 de agosto de 2015, 12:35, Ing Angel Lago 


 Justamente fue donde empeze este tema. Porque Ejido de Treinta y Tres no
 existe.Nadie conoce ese nombre. Ni siquiera es un barrio,.simplemente esa
 zona es.ciudad de t y Tres. Despues me entere que pasaba en otros lados.
 En concreto entonces, les parece bien si fusiono ciudad de.T.y.Tres con
 esa zona designada Ejido de T y Tres, que en realidad es parte de la ciudad?
 El 13/08/2015 11:49, Gustavo Miraballes 


 Sin duda que el intercambio de 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] était Subject=Re: SeFaireConnaitre :(, devient SeFaireConnaitre :|

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden osm . sanspourriel

Je prends acte du mea culpa (merci).
Pour la prise en compte, j'attends encore de voir.
À ce jour encore 101 liens pistants Ubiflow.
Mon critère :

Quand ce compteur sera à zéro, les fourmis pourront à nouveau tracer les 
pistes et le travail des fourmis ne servira plus à ce que d'autres 
soient pistés à leur insu.

Le faire passer à zéro est un gage de bonne foi, gage facile à réaliser.


Le 14/08/2015 13:01, Brice MALLET - a écrit :


Merci de vos explications sur cette liste quant à la prise en compte 
des remarques de la communauté des fourmis et ainsi 
VousFaire(re)Connaitre :) au sein de celle-ci.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Graz+Innsbruck: »Schiene und Straße wurden getrennt«

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Robin Däneke
Hello All,Dann mische ich mich auch mal ein, wo wir schon bei Standards sind... 
Wie schauen eigentlich die Buslinien und Haltestellen in Graz aus? Haben die 
scchon nach dem neuen p_t Schema Haltestellen und Haltepunkte? Oder sind da nur 
Highway Busstop? Kann grad keine Abfragen machen, der Server scheint was zu 
haben  (Error 500). Wenn es noch ein Chaos ist, wie es in Wien war sollte sich 
dann wohl auch wer den Linien annehmen... Ich kenne da die Grazer BusLinien 
leider zu wenig... 
Zum Schienenthema, die Schienen und Straßen einzeln zu mappen ist eine gute 
Idee, (ich wäre ja für MicroMapping oder wie man das genaueste nennen könnte, 
aber dann wären wir in 100 Generationen noch nicht mal halb fertig) nur sollte 
sich halt nicht die Linie der Straße und der Schiene zu 100% überdecken, das 
ist bei einem eigenen Gleiskörper wohl einfach, aber an stellen wo die 
Straßenbahn mit den Autos auf einer Fahrspur fährt ist es dann doch etwas 
schwierig. Wo mappt man dann Straße und wo Schiene? Kenne mich bei solchen 
Fragen aber wohl auch noch etwas zuwenig aus... 
LGRobinD (emergency99 aus Wien)   ___
Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-uy] Fwd: Definición de localidades

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Gustavo Miraballes
La sección judicial es una zonificación propia del Poder Judicial así como
los son las zonas censales son una zonificación del INE y los Códigos
Postales del correo.
Efectivamente el que codifican localidades es el SGM (solo las oficiales).
Si el SGM tiene localidades, es porque fueron oficializadas de alguna
manera (es lo que tengo entendido).

El 14 de agosto de 2015, 15:05, Ing Angel Lago

 Buena la idea del modelo de direcciones. Consulta: pasó de la etapa de
 proyecto y fue aceptado por todas las instituciones y aplicado?
 Hay cosas que me llaman la atención por ejemplo: a la hora de identificar
 un inmueble hace tiempo que no escuchaba de sección judicial , sino que
 escuchaba de sección catastral. la definición de sección judicial sigue
 vigente o concide con la de secc catastral hoy dia? solo por curiosidad.
 Lo otro de que la fuente de codificación es SGM y reponsable Catastro,
 supongo que es pues Catastro no proporciona la codificación interna que
 tiene al público, por lo que estaría correcta la idea. La tomo de quien me
 la de y chau.
 Debemos recordar igual que SGM tiene localidades que no son tales, y
 fueron definidas a los solos efectos de censos.
 De Maldonado se poco, puedo intentar interesar algún conocido por esos

 Resumiendo: me sirve como criterio general y resolveremos las situaciones
 particulares que se den.

 El 13 de agosto de 2015, 22:09, Guillermo Moncecchi

 My two cents


 2015-08-13 17:53 GMT-03:00 Ing Angel Lago

 Según la época fue el gobierno nacional y mas aca los gobiernos
 departamentales , con aprobación de Junta Dptal de por medio en algunos
 Cuando se aprueban fraccionamientos nuevos, amanzanamientos nuevos,
 lleva aprobación municipal. En algunos casos, estos fraccionamientos son
 totalmente independientes y lleva a la designación por el gobierno
 municipal de nueva localidad.
 A continuación se registra en Catastro el correpondiente plano de
 fraccionamiento y queda pronto para   su posterior venta.
 Te copio lo de otro mensaje:Todo lo relacionado con localidades
 realmente oficiales, o sea creadas por decretos o leyes, se asienta
 mediante planos de mensura registrados en Catastro, que es en definitiva el
 encargado del mantenimiento de la información.

 En definitiva, desde muchos años atrás, (1946) las nuevas localidades
 las definen y aprueban las Intendencias Municipales, Catastro no crea las
 localidades, pero tiene la tarea de juntar la información que llegan con
 los planos de mensura y lleva adelante el mantenimiento de la base de
 datos.Es la base de  información que comparte con los demas organismos.

 Basado en eso es que a mi parecer es la información oficial la de
 Catastro, que no quiere decir que la de otros organismos no sirva tambien
 y como respuesta legal a la pregunta de que leyes  dan respaldo a todo esto
 paso el link .
 o Ley de creación de Centros Poblados. Art 1
 Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial  Cap 3 Art 14


 PD: no hay realmente apuro, pero corregir algo que no existe me parece
 lo mejor.

 El 13 de agosto de 2015, 15:21, escribió:

 Sin duda que el animo es mejorar, si hay que cambiar criterios se
 cambian, lo que no me parece adecuado es apresurarse en cambiar el mapa
 antes de lograr un nuevo criterio general y no solo tratar el tema puntual
 de Treinta y Tres, pero si de todas formas lo queres cambiar, hacelo,
 porque hacia corregir esas falencias es donde hay apuntar con un nuevo

 Al final, ¿que autoridad determina las localidades?, ¿Catastro o SGM?
 ¿Que ley u otra reglamentacion le da dicha autoridad?


 *From: *amlago
 *To: *talk-uy
 *Sent: *Jueves, 13 de Agosto 2015 15:01:15
 *Subject: *[Talk-uy] Fwd:  Definición de localidades

 -- Mensaje reenviado --
 De: Ing Angel Lago
 Fecha: 13 de agosto de 2015, 13:07
 Asunto: Re: [Talk-uy] Definición de localidades
 Para: Gustavo Miraballes

 Entendido. Seguimos.en contacto,
 El 13/08/2015 12:58, Gustavo Miraballes

 Estoy de acuerdo.

 El 13 de agosto de 2015, 12:35, Ing Angel Lago

 Justamente fue donde empeze este tema. Porque Ejido de Treinta y Tres
 no existe.Nadie conoce ese nombre. Ni siquiera es un barrio,.simplemente
 esa zona es.ciudad de t y Tres. Despues me entere que pasaba en otros 
 En concreto entonces, les parece bien si fusiono ciudad de.T.y.Tres
 con esa zona designada Ejido de T y Tres, que en realidad es parte de la

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Ian Sergeant
On 15 August 2015 at 00:12, Lester Caine wrote:

 As I have said before 'Delete' is something that should never happen on
 what has at some time been correct information. 'Archive' is the correct
 term and making that data available as required ... Delete is only
 appropriate when the material is proven invalid.

Your 'never delete' argument, is of a very different form to the 'never
delete abandoned railroads' argument.  I suspect the railway=abandoned
people wouldn't care less had the nodes been intelligently replaced by more
accurate ones.  They are interested in the line of the railway, not the OSM
markers that make it up.

Your argument is to preserve some kind of history.  And OSM sort-of does
that because nothing is ever deleted - it is all in the full database.  But
you want everything to be in the active database instead.  But OSM doesn't
support that - because today's lake way is tomorrow's multi-poly, and the
next year (hopefully!) we'll have a better way to represent it at OSM
level.  Today's one-way freeway is 17 ways after yesterday's survey edits
get done.  I'd suggest you first work on an OSM model that actually
supports continuity of objects, and then we'll do the Wikipedia linking,
and then we'll talk about never deleting.

Of course people should show respect to previous mappers.  Not tearing down
other's work is the essence of a community project.   But also is the
knowledge that your work isn't sacrosanct.  And OSM isn't open history map,
and isn't a record of everything that ever was.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
On 14/08/15 22:03, Ian Sergeant wrote:
 On 15 August 2015 at 00:12, Lester Caine wrote:
 As I have said before 'Delete' is something that should never happen on
 what has at some time been correct information. 'Archive' is the correct
 term and making that data available as required ... Delete is only
 appropriate when the material is proven invalid.
 Your 'never delete' argument, is of a very different form to the 'never
 delete abandoned railroads' argument.  I suspect the railway=abandoned
 people wouldn't care less had the nodes been intelligently replaced by
 more accurate ones.  They are interested in the line of the railway, not
 the OSM markers that make it up.
 Your argument is to preserve some kind of history.  And OSM sort-of does
 that because nothing is ever deleted - it is all in the full database. 
 But you want everything to be in the active database instead.  But OSM
 doesn't support that - because today's lake way is tomorrow's
 multi-poly, and the next year (hopefully!) we'll have a better way to
 represent it at OSM level.  Today's one-way freeway is 17 ways
 after yesterday's survey edits get done.  I'd suggest you first work on
 an OSM model that actually supports continuity of objects, and then
 we'll do the Wikipedia linking, and then we'll talk about never deleting.
 Of course people should show respect to previous mappers.  Not tearing
 down other's work is the essence of a community project.   But also is
 the knowledge that your work isn't sacrosanct.  And OSM isn't open
 history map, and isn't a record of everything that ever was.

It is a simple fact that the current model is not suitable for many of
the functions that have already evolved. That a way varies from a single
linear element to a complex of multi-polygons depending on the
resolution is not something that the current model can handle. But the
one thing that the current model has got the capability of handling is
start and stop dates for any facet of an object from the name of a shop
to the evolution of the road and rail system over time. That the 'main'
database only displays elements which have not yet acquired a stop date
is how the model currently works, while the OHM version simply maintains
multiple time stamped versions of the same data. Rather than having to
recover the data from the change log ...

Objects that have evolved but still retain an element of their former
use may have a stop date that indicates when that change occurred, and
some data consumers have the option to ignore them, but the current
'use' may be enhanced by such additional notes as on old track bed or

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Making progress finally ...

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
On 14/08/15 12:06, Lester Caine wrote:
 Where should I bee looking next?

Why is everything so difficult. I've HAD OSRM working on SUSE12.3 and
13.1, but all the lua stuff is broken again on 13.2!

I managed to use lua5.1 on the 13.1 build, but only by killing lua5.2
... If I do that on 13.2 it's going to wipe out the organiser on the
development machine, so now I need to move everything to another machine :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Lester Caine
On 14/08/15 23:14, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Aug 2015 22:51:13 +0100
 Lester Caine wrote:
 But the
 one thing that the current model has got the capability of handling is
 start and stop dates for any facet of an object from the name of a
 shop to the evolution of the road and rail system over time. That the
 'main' database only displays elements which have not yet acquired a
 stop date is how the model currently works, while the OHM version
 simply maintains multiple time stamped versions of the same data.
 This is not true. Current model - from mappers, through programs used
 to edit to data consumers is unsuitable for handling several
 intersecting objects, verifiable only for specialists.

? That is basically what I said ... but the problem of combining macro
and micro mapping has been discussed without much progress.
Adding a stop_date is the only element that works ... and is the correct
action rather than 'delete'.

 Rather than having to recover the data from the change log ...
 Date of deletion is at best loosely correlated with date of
 destruction of represented object. In particular most edits either are
 mapping the same objects in greater detail - despite lack of change on
 the ground, adding new objects present in reality since decades or in
 some cases thousands of years (in case of natural forms it may be even

Start and stop dates are verifiable facts that can be recorded ... WHEN
that information is added is only of academic interest. Potentially the
movement of the techtonic plates could be mapped , and certainly recent
shifts due to earthquakes have a date when the variation occurred, even
if it then takes many months to actually map the movement.

 Many of deleted objects never represented reality.

No argument on that. What I am talking about is exactly where the
historic material has been mapped in detail, but new road works result
in a change the is subsequently also mapped. Or new roads are added with
start_date tags which allows the evolution to be recorded. Reality
changes over time?

 Mapping all buildings that ever existed may seem simple for some cases.
 But many cities were destroyed (partially or fully) and later rebuild.
 I would delete any encountered OSM elements that are marking objects
 that are fully and completely gone (obviously, I would do it only for
 places where I can verify this and after asking original mapper for
 clarification whatever there are some mappable traces - maybe just
 tagging was wrong). One exception would be for elements representing
 recently destroyed objects that were mapped to protect from recreation
 based on outdated aerial images (in that case I would convert it to
 ways marked with note=* asking to avoid recreation without survey).

Tag when the object ceased to exist in that format with a stop_date. The
action date is of little use for the historic record. Visibility of the
object is a different problem.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Mateusz Konieczny
On Fri, 14 Aug 2015 22:51:13 +0100
Lester Caine wrote:

 But the
 one thing that the current model has got the capability of handling is
 start and stop dates for any facet of an object from the name of a
 shop to the evolution of the road and rail system over time. That the
 'main' database only displays elements which have not yet acquired a
 stop date is how the model currently works, while the OHM version
 simply maintains multiple time stamped versions of the same data.

This is not true. Current model - from mappers, through programs used
to edit to data consumers is unsuitable for handling several
intersecting objects, verifiable only for specialists.

 Rather than having to recover the data from the change log ...

Date of deletion is at best loosely correlated with date of
destruction of represented object. In particular most edits either are
mapping the same objects in greater detail - despite lack of change on
the ground, adding new objects present in reality since decades or in
some cases thousands of years (in case of natural forms it may be even

Many of deleted objects never represented reality.

Mapping all buildings that ever existed may seem simple for some cases.
But many cities were destroyed (partially or fully) and later rebuild.

I would delete any encountered OSM elements that are marking objects
that are fully and completely gone (obviously, I would do it only for
places where I can verify this and after asking original mapper for
clarification whatever there are some mappable traces - maybe just
tagging was wrong). One exception would be for elements representing
recently destroyed objects that were mapped to protect from recreation
based on outdated aerial images (in that case I would convert it to
ways marked with note=* asking to avoid recreation without survey).

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Warin

On 14/08/2015 10:10 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

sent from a phone

Am 14.08.2015 um 05:09 schrieb Russ Nelson

We allow original research and expert testimony.

So, is OSM to contain only the obvious that everyone can see? Or
should it contain everything that can be seen?

well spoken, I see this like you and would appreciate if we could change our 
recommendations from: in doubt delete to in doubt keep it.

Where there is doubt, do nothing! Doubt should be removed before acting, asking 
the originator may remove doubt.

And: ask the originator before deleting/changing stuff you don't understand or 
are unsure about, especially if it is concerning a special interest topic.

Where understanding may require specialist knowledge it is even more 
imperative not to delete.


PS: I also agree that shut the hell up is not acceptable language in a 
community, while it is somehow suitable to underline the anger ;-)

Denying someone their input is contrary to the Open part of OSM! Rather a 
need to communicate untill the issue is resolved would be better.

Speak up! rather than Shut up.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto v2.33.0 release

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Paul Norman

This email is also in user diary form at
where issue numbers are linked.

OpenStreetMap Carto 2.33.0 has been released. This release focuses on
cartographic style improvements, but the release notes also include 2.32.0.

The biggest changes are

- A randomized symbology for forests for natural=wood and landuse=forest
  #1728 #1242

  A long time in the works, this improvement has finally landed. The two
  tags were merged - they are indistinguishable to the data consumer.[1]
  A randomized symbology was first suggested by SK53[2] at SOTM-EU 2014,
  and this feature would not have happened without his extensive research,
  or imagico's tools for creating an irregular but uniformly distributed
  and periodic dot pattern[3]

- Rendering minor roads and service rail later for mid-zoom clarity
  #1682 #1692 #1676 #1647

  As all residential, unclassified, and service roads in a city became
  mapped the rendered view became over-crowded, bloblike, and difficult
  to read.

- Unification of footway/path and rendering surface of them

  The mess that is highway=path is well-known[4], and it is necessary
  to do some kind of processing as a data consumer. A distinction is
  now made between paved and unpaved footways.

- Rendering of Antartic ice sheets from shapefiles #1540

  Ice sheets in Antartica are a bit of a special case, and pre-generated
  shapefiles are now used

- Mapnik 3 preperations #1579

  The style is not yet fullly tested with Mapnik 3 and we don't claim to
  support it, but several bugs were fixed. Most of the work was done on
  the Mapnik side

- No longer rendering proposed roads #1663 #1654

- Power area colour adjusted #1680

- Better place label order #1689

- meadow/grassland and orchard/vineyard color unification #1655

- Render educational area borders later #1662

- New POI icons

A full list of changes can be found on Github at



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Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Russ Nelson
Mateusz Konieczny writes:
  In another case where railway tracks that were removed, embankment
  demolished and somebody build there houses. In that case railway
  track should not be mapped in OSM because this feature is gone.

Railway=dismantled. Doesn't get rendered except where it should be,

Why is this so hard? I'm not asking you to do it. I'm asking you to
stop preventing me from doing it.

I'm not trying to make extra work for anybody.

I'm asking you to find a different way to make the map better than by
deleting things, valid things, real things, that other people entered.

--my blog is at
Crynwr supports open source software
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-600-8815
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog   

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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto v2.33.0 release

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Paul Norman

On 8/14/2015 7:27 PM, Paul Norman wrote:

This email is also in user diary form at
where issue numbers are linked.

I forgot to mention in the earlier message, please file any bug reports 

talk mailing list

[Talk-in] ‘GNSS User Meet – 2015’

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Naveen Francis

Respected Sir/Madam,

The GNSS (GAGAN-IRNSS) user meet 2015 information has been hosted on *www.* website. The webpage contains general
user meet information, registration process, paper submission process, etc.

Kindly note that the GNSS User Meet (GAGAN-IRNSS) has been rescheduled to
8th Oct, 2015 and the registitation is free for all.

This is for you kind information.

With best wishes and warm regards,
Organising Committee,
GNSS (GAGAN-IRNSS) User Meet 2015


Respected Sir/Madam,

The GNSS User Meet (GAGAN-IRNSS) has been rescheduled to 8th Oct, 2015. The
website will be hosted shortly.

With warm regards,
Organising Committee
GNSS USer Meet 2015


*Respected Sir/Madam,*

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Govt. of India, is executing two
satellite based navigation systems for application in key utility sectors
of the nation. Indian SBAS system, GAGAN, has been jointly implemented by
ISRO and Airports Authority of India (AAI) for civil aviation over Indian
air space and has been certified for civil aviation services (APV 1.0).
Non-aviation users also can benefit from its services.  IRNSS, an
indigenous regional satellite based positioning system developed by ISRO,
is established to provide independent position solution for critical
national applications. IRNSS, with four satellites already in orbit, can be
utilized for stand-alone position solutions. IRNSS, in its full
configuration, is expected to be operational by 2016.

GNSS User meet was organized at ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) Bengaluru
during February 2012, with a view to provide thrust to the development of
user receivers and GNSS based applications.   *It is planned to organise a
GNSS User Meet this year at ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore on 10th
September 2015. The theme of the meet is “Towards self-reliance in
satellite navigation” with emphasis on the vision of “Make In India” and to
broad base reach to wider user community. * A one-day event has been
planned  which will include  plenary sessions, technical sessions, panel
discussion and exhibition of navigation-related equipments with
participation from industry, GNSS application developers, hardware
manufacturers and solution providers, facility users, government
organizations and academia. The event is jointly hosted by ISRO and
Airports Authority of India.

The market for navigation receivers in India, be it handheld, tabletop or
smart phone-based, has huge potential and is bound to grow exponentially
with increasing demand for a wide variety of navigation applications. The
organisers of the meet solicit a wider participation of the industry,
users, professionals, academia, application developers, etc,   in
anticipation of a bigger role in offering/utilizing position and timing
services of IRNSS and GAGAN in India.

ISRO/AAI takes pleasure in extending you the invitation to participate in
the event. Being in the business of navigation it would be in your
professional/business interest to be part of this meet. *The registration
and program details of the event will be made available on ISRO website: in the first week of August 2015.*
The website will also host the details of sponsorship of the events,
technical sessions, exhibition stalls, etc.

Looking forward to your participation and nomination from your organisation
in the GNSS user meet 2015.

For any clarification, kindly send email to ** or contact: *080-2508 4260
080-2508%204260/ 4263/ 4279/ 4336.*

With warm regards,

*Organising Committee GNSS USER MEET - 2015*
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Strada provinciale chiusa per frana

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden solitone

Ok, fatto con path e una nota. Grazie!

On 13/08/15 17:34, Dario Crespi wrote:

E' che la strada lì è
proprio franata, non c'è più, ce solo uno stretto
  passaggio per
pedoni e bici.

Ah, ok. pensavo fosse solo ostruita. Allora anche per me va
  bene la tua proposta.
Il giorno 13 agosto 2015 16:04, Martin
  ha scritto:

sent from a phone

  Am 13.08.2015 um 15:42 schrieb solitone
   On 13/08/15 11:53, Dario Crespi wrote:
   Credo che vada lasciata la way, indicando che
  l'accesso è consentito
   solo a pedoni e biciclette nel tratto in
  questione, mettendo access=no
   agli altri veicoli.
   E' che la strada lì è proprio franata, non c'è più,
  ce solo uno stretto
   passaggio per pedoni e bici.
per me la tua proposta di spezzare la strada dov'è
franata e cambiare il valore highway li in path avrebbe
senso. Aggiungerei anche un tag note per spiegare cos'è


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Re: [Talk-at] Graz+Innsbruck: »Schiene und Straße wurden getrennt«

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Flaimo

Erklär das bitte im Detail. Wieso sollte es programmatisch nicht
feststellbar sein, dass Schienen auf der Straße liegen, wenn sie die
gleiche explizite oder implizite Layer-Angabe besitzen und die gleichen
Nodes haben? Ich denke, dass das sehr wohl möglich ist. Sogar der
JOSM-Validator erkennt bereits jetzt übereinanderliegende Ways und deren
Nodes, wenn sie zum Beispiel keine Tags besitzen. Sogar Wege die den
gleichen Layer haben und sich ohne Node kreuzen erkennt er. Somit denke
ich, dass dein Hauptargument bereits widerlegt ist.


2015-08-14 13:10 GMT+02:00 Andreas Uller

 Das Problem ist, dass dann nicht erkennbar ist, ob in einer Straße
 Schienen liegen (wäre fürs Routing z.B. entscheidend, da man auf einer
 Straße mit Schienen im Ortsgebiet nicht links zufahren darf).
 Auch mit den subkeys :lanes und :placement kann man die genaue Lage der
 Schienen beschreiben, ohne den Zusammenhang zwischen Schienen und Straße zu
 Die obigen subkeys sind der Standard für lane tagging, und ich finde, da
 gehört die Beschreibung, in welcher Fahrspur die Schienen liegen, dazu.
 Warum sollten die Schienen lagegenau gezeichnet werden, während Fahrspuren
 (sinnollerweise) zu einer abstrahierenden Linie zusammengefasst werden?

 Die von dir zitierte Wiki-Seite wurde erst vor ein paar Monaten auf den
 jetzigen Stand geändert, eine Diskussion darüber ist mir nicht bekannt -
 zumindest ist sie nicht auf der Wiki-Seite dokumentiert.


 PS: Deine E-Mail-Adresse lässt darauf schließen, dass dein Interesse an
 OSM (auch) berufliche Gründe hat. Eine Änderung von Daten nur um einzelnen
 Firmenvorgaben zu enstprechen, wird meines Wissens nach in OSM nicht gern

 *Gesendet:* Freitag, 14. August 2015 um 11:24 Uhr
 *Von:* Jonathan Gallagher
 *Betreff:* [Talk-at] Graz+Innsbruck: »Schiene und Straße wurden getrennt«

 Wie angekündigt, melde ich mich hier nochmal wegen dem Thema Straße von
 Schiene trennen. Mir erschließt sich nicht ganz, was dagegen spricht die
 Schienen und die Fahrbahn einzeln und lagerichtig zu mappen, wenn man die
 Routenrelationen übernimmt. Grundsätzlich halte ich das für die sauberere
 Methode. Ich spreche noch gar nicht davon zweispurige Gleise einzeln zu
 mappen (das wäre eine kompliziertere Angelegenheit), sondern nur Schiene
 von Straße zu trennen. Welche stichhaltigen Argumente gibt es denn dagegen?

 Das möglicherweise noch bessere Argument für das Auftrennen ist, dass es
 internationaler Standard ist. Nachzulesen hier:
 Auch das englische Original stellt explizit klar, dass verschiedene Wege
 mit gleichen Knoten genutzt werden sollen.

 Auch hier geht hervor, dass das in den allermeisten Fällen so gehandhabt
 wird. Nur eine kleine Minderheit (10%) kombiniert den Tag railway=tram mit

 Früher oder später wird das auch für Graz kommen müssen. Ich hab jetzt mal
 damit begonnen und werde fortfahren, so es keine stichhaltigen
 Gegenargumente gibt. Ich bin grundsätzlich sehr offen für konstruktive
 Kritik und nützliche Hinweisen und Tipps.

 Jonathan (Weltstaat)

 ___ Talk-at mailing list

 Talk-at mailing list

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Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

 Am 14.08.2015 um 05:09 schrieb Russ Nelson
 We allow original research and expert testimony.
 So, is OSM to contain only the obvious that everyone can see? Or
 should it contain everything that can be seen?

well spoken, I see this like you and would appreciate if we could change our 
recommendations from: in doubt delete to in doubt keep it. And: ask the 
originator before deleting/changing stuff you don't understand or are unsure 
about, especially if it is concerning a special interest topic.


PS: I also agree that shut the hell up is not acceptable language in a 
community, while it is somehow suitable to underline the anger ;-)
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Graz+Innsbruck: »Schiene und Straße wurden getrennt«

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Frederik Ramm

On 08/14/2015 11:24 AM, Jonathan Gallagher wrote:
 Wie angekündigt, melde ich mich hier nochmal wegen dem Thema Straße von
 Schiene trennen. Mir erschließt sich nicht ganz, was dagegen spricht
 die Schienen und die Fahrbahn einzeln und lagerichtig zu mappen, wenn
 man die Routenrelationen übernimmt.

Welches Problem soll denn damit gelöst werden?

Ich finde, so halte ich das für sauberer und so ist es
internationaler Standard sind zwar ausreichend, um zu begründen, wie
man selber mappt, aber nicht ausreichend, um zu begründen, wie man das
Mapping einer Stadt umkrempelt.

 Früher oder später wird das auch für Graz kommen müssen. Ich hab jetzt
 mal damit begonnen und werde fortfahren, so es keine stichhaltigen
 Gegenargumente gibt. 

Na, da kann man nur hoffen, dass jemand anders nicht ebenso verfährt und
Deine Änderungen revertiert, so es keine stichhaltigen Gegenargumente
gibt ;)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-es] Semanario Nr. 259-260-261-262

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Laura Barroso
Hola, el semanario Nr. 259-260-261-262, el sumario de todo lo que está
ocurriendo en el mundo de openstreetmap está en línea en español ¡Disfruta!

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stop deleting abandoned railroads

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

 Am 14.08.2015 um 10:48 schrieb Serge Wroclawski
 These discussions are nuanced. Are there going to be things one person can 
 identify that another can't- yes. But at the same time, I still think that as 
 a project, we've collectively made a decision here that we don't require any 
 special external knowledge or equipment to modify data.

We have underlined repeatedly in the past that OSM should be a home for special 
interest groups as well as for occasional generic mappers. I believe we as a 
project do require from our contributors some respect towards the previous 
contributions aka the map data the find when they start contributing. For 
example we do not tolerate to delete a way and then redraw it, even if it's 
done better, but rather we ask people to improve what is there by iterating 
over the existing data. This respect towards the others that we expect from all 
contributors leads to a situation where people without special knowledge and or 
equipment go one step back and refrain voluntarily from editing/deleting stuff 
they find and recognize as special interest data.

talk mailing list

[Talk-at] Graz+Innsbruck: »Schiene und Straße wurden getrennt«

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Jonathan Gallagher

Wie angekündigt, melde ich mich hier nochmal wegen dem Thema Straße von
Schiene trennen. Mir erschließt sich nicht ganz, was dagegen spricht die
Schienen und die Fahrbahn einzeln und lagerichtig zu mappen, wenn man die
Routenrelationen übernimmt. Grundsätzlich halte ich das für die sauberere
Methode. Ich spreche noch gar nicht davon zweispurige Gleise einzeln zu
mappen (das wäre eine kompliziertere Angelegenheit), sondern nur Schiene
von Straße zu trennen. Welche stichhaltigen Argumente gibt es denn dagegen?

Das möglicherweise noch bessere Argument für das Auftrennen ist, dass es
internationaler Standard ist. Nachzulesen hier:
Auch das englische Original stellt explizit klar, dass verschiedene Wege
mit gleichen Knoten genutzt werden sollen.

Auch hier geht hervor, dass das in den allermeisten Fällen so gehandhabt
wird. Nur eine kleine Minderheit (10%) kombiniert den Tag railway=tram mit

Früher oder später wird das auch für Graz kommen müssen. Ich hab jetzt mal
damit begonnen und werde fortfahren, so es keine stichhaltigen
Gegenargumente gibt. Ich bin grundsätzlich sehr offen für konstruktive
Kritik und nützliche Hinweisen und Tipps.

Jonathan (Weltstaat)
Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Čištění turistických tras v OSM

2015-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Petr Holub
 Co si tak vybavuji, dělal jsem to přes pravé kliknutí na relaci co chci 
 zrušit, dal jsem
 Stáhnout všechny členy, následně Vybrat členy, ty jsem pak přidal do 
 relace co zůstane a
 relaci co chci zrušit jsem smazal.

Tak tak. Jen nezapomente, ze JOSM timto zpusobem prijde o roli uzlu/cest
v relacich a tudiz je potreba tam ty role zpet doplnit. Da se to udelat
pro vice clenu najednou. U turistickych tras je stejne dobre setridit
cesty tak, aby clovek videl spojitost trasy a tim se odsunou body, kterych
se typicky role tykaji (role guidepost), na konec, a pak se daji snadno
vsechny  body vybrat a priradit jim tu roli najednou.


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