Re: [Talk-cz] RUIAN posun - konečné řešení?

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Marián Kyral
Dne 28.12.2016 v 09:27 Petr Morávek [Xificurk] napsal(a):
> Dne 27.12.2016 v 14:32 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
>> Abych pravdu řekl, dle všech dostupných indícií vlastně nemám žádný
>> problém. Pro ČÚZK je to metr a půl sem, metr a půl tam :-D
> Jo, někde ale ten rozdíl asi vidět bude...

Asi jo, já si napasoval zdejší posun RUAN vrstev a Traceru dle svého
okolí a moc to neřeším. Ale když občas chci něco domapovat v Praze, tak
na to musím myslet, aktuální posun je 30cm. Ovšem to se tak moc často
nestává. Prahu nechávám jiným ;-)

>> A abych pravdu řekl, vůbec jsem nezaregistroval, že je dostupný nějaký
>> nový grid, který se zřejmě už normálně používá. Já žil v domnění, že
>> ještě stále potřebujeme ten algoritmus od ČÚZK, abychom jej mohli
>> přepočítat.
> Žádný nový grid nepoužívám... jsem stále na starém Ježek08, viz co psal
> hanoj:
>> *** není žádný starší méně přesný a nový přesnější. Jsou dva gridy starý 
>> Ježek2008 XY a nový Seidl2014 XYZ, nic víc, o změně přesnosti nebyla řeč.
> Taky jsem si doteď myslel, že potřebujem spočítat nový grid. Celé to
> vycházelo z toho, že když já vezmu zdrojové souřadnice v EPSG:5514 z
> RUIAN a pomocí gridu je převedu na latlon (EPSG:4326), tak dostanu jiná
> čísla (občas o víc jak metr) než jaká vrací ČÚZK ve svém WMS/WFS. A
> tenhle problém předpokládám nepřímo trápí i tebe.
> Jenže z mého testování na adresních bodech to spíš vypadá, že chyba při
> transformaci ze zdrojového EPSG:5514 nevzniká na naší straně, ale na
> straně ČÚZK. A tedy starý grid Ježek08 dává stále dobré výsledky.

Tak to je zajímavá informace. S tím já ale moc nenadělám, já se ztratil
už na začátku :-D


> S pozdravem,
> Petr Morávek aka Xificurk
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] WeeklyOSM numero 336

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Luca Delucchi
2016-12-28 21:33 GMT+01:00 Fabrizio Tambussa :
> E' disponibile il notiziario settimanale di OSM in italiano al sito:
> Con questo numero si conclude la traduzione italiana di WeeklyOSM. Il
> team, già piccolo in partenza, ha continuato a ridursi mese dopo mese.
> Purtroppo due sole persone non riescono a rispettare agevolmente le
> scadenze settimanali.
> Da parte mia posso solo dire che "ci abbiamo provato".

grazie mille, peccato siano sempre i soliti a fare qualcosa

> Saluti
> Sbiribizio


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Local Government Areas without Councils

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Andrew Davidson

On 29/12/16 09:08, cleary wrote:

I have a different view about whether the unincorporated areas actually
exist. They have defined boundaries and names, both assigned by the
respective State governments, and included in the LGA datasets. I have
seen the boundaries signposted when travelling in rural areas of both
NSW and SA and the signs are the same as signs identifying shire/city

That's not the issue. I'm not saying that there isn't parts of NSW known 
as unincorporated area. All I'm saying is that this is the part of NSW 
that doesn't have a local government authority and as such should not be 
tagged as admin_level 6. There is no local administration in this area 
it's all done from the state government level.

If you really want to put the unincorporated areas on the map I would 
have thought that the obvious answer was to give them a different 
admin_level to indicate that they are not of the same type. We currently 
have two redundant admin_levels that could be re-assigned to do this. 
Admin_level 9 was supposed to be used for non-ABS suburb boundaries but 
there are only about a dozen of these. Admin-level 8 is set aside for 
post code boundaries and there are 3 of these currently in OSM. Given 
that the post code boundaries are a commercial product I think we can 
safely assume that these will never become available, but in other 
countries this level is used for town boundaries and we may want to do 
this as well at some point in the future.

So I would suggest:

Admin_level 10 => Bounded locality (ABS or otherwise determined)
Admin_level 9 => Unincorporated areas
Admin_level 8 => Reserved for future use as post code or town boundaries
Admin_level 6 => Local Government Area.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Importações

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Rui Oliveira
Boa noite.

O problema aqui não se trata em implicar com alguém só porque sim. Todas as
comunidades têm regras e o OpenStreetMap (OSM) não é excepção.  Como já foi
referido anteriormente na lista,  em comunidades de outros paises OSM,  se
o RB tivesse feito uma importação sem avisar, o que essa comunidade faria
seria por e simplesmente reverter a importação sem qualquer aviso. Todas
 as importações (considere ou não o que fez uma importação,  mas na prática
se há um volume massivo de dados a ser gravados na base de dados do OSM
mesmo que faça parte de commits/changesets diferentes eu considero imports)
 devem ser apresentadas e discutidas  antes de serem aplicadas, com a
comunidade. Mesmo que depois ninguém se oponha,  é um princípio basilar que
é transversal a qualquer comunidade do OSM.

Por exemplo, o Marcos que é, eu diria um dos experts na importação de
fronteira/ delimitações de distritos e manipulação de polígonos complexos e
de grande dimensão , já por várias vezes antes de fazer importações de
fronteiras deu a conhecer à comunidade os planos e mesmo que o feedback da
comunidade tenha sido pouco para ele,  ao menos todos ficamos prevenidos e
ficou registado.  Trata-se um pouco também de comunicação,  eu vejo o OSM
como um esforço colaborativo mundial entre "mapeadores", onde a comunicação
entre todos é essencial. O OSM não foi pensado para apenas desenvolver
"couch mapping" (isto é vamos aqui mapear umas coisas sozinhos sem ajuda de
ninguém no conforto da cadeira em nossa casa  em vez de irmos para o
terreno)  isto é um team effort e alia sempre que possível trabalho de
terreno. Posso até fazer um paralelismo com outros projectos na área de
software open source (Como o caso do Linux ou OpenOffice)  onde a
colaboração entre todos é o que faz a as comunidades fortes e por
consequente  produtos finais coerentes.

Aproveito a deixa do coerente, para precisamente referir o porquê de eu não
gostar e achar que não pode continuar assim a edição de são mamede. Houve
uma sobreposição do polígono que  o RB desenhou sobre o que o Marcos tinha
originalmente criado. Portanto o trabalho continua lá mas o seu está por
cima (veja link em baixo para uma parte da região do que estava
originalmente) . Isto significa que existem duas áreas ou segmentos de
áreas, sobrepostas com boundary=protected_area. Portanto neste caso qual
mantemos o seu trabalho ou o do Marcos?  Percebe agora o porquê de estes
assuntos deverem ser discutidos antes na lista?

A edição do RB:

Parte do poligono original do Marcos (ViriatoLusitano)

Em 29/12/2016 03:01, "Rui Reino Baptista" 


Só hoje vi os comentários ao meu trabalho nesta lista.
Também já tive oportunidade de responder (quase imediatamente) ao contacto
que o Jorge Gustavo Rocha fez nas mensagens do meu perfil do OSM.

Estou disponível, como é óbvio, para esclarecer as dúvidas. Vou fazê-lo já
para as que me parecem mais destacadas.

1- "Importações"
Os dados aqui em discussão resultam do carregamento no OSM dos dados dos
limites daquilo que é designado por "Sítio de Importância Comunitária da
Rede Natura 2000" (SIC) e, sendo linhas arbitrárias e que não correspondem
no seu todo a limites físicos existentes e visíveis, só podem resultar de
um carregamento a partir de uma fonte prévia e externa.

2-"Não vejo o interesse de desenhar a zona que rodeia carregal do sal como
área protegida (e sem qualquer lógica acerca  do porquê de estar com a tag
name=carregal do sal , à semelhança da cidade). "

As áreas são um total de 62. Resolvi só não carregar a área do Banco
Gorringe uma vez que é um território submerso e não aparece representado no
OSM. Não vi nenhuma razão para não carregar a área "SIC Carregal do Sal"
uma vez que ela existe e está legislada como as outras 60. Admito que haja
quem seja da opinião de que algumas áreas não devam ser carregadas. Na
minha opinião são todas de igual importância.

3-"Mas talvez a importação que
me deixou mais surpreso foi a segunda que sobrepôs o trabalho que o marcos
tinha feito na serra de são mamede. Além disso, a zona não devia se chamar
apenas são mamede mas serra de são mamede como estava anteriormente"

A área SIC de São Mamede tem mesmo esse nome e não Serra de São Mamede.
Concordo que "Serra de São Mamede" parece melhor. No entanto chama-se "São
Mamede". Já no caso de outras serras o nome do SIC comporta a designação
"Serra" (p.e. Serra de Montemuro). Optei por não alterar os nomes oficiais
em nenhum caso. Ainda ponderei designar as áreas por "SIC Nome da Área" mas
achei que a sigla SIC está ocupada pelo nome do canal de TV e poderia gerar
muita confusão e comentários vários. Colocar no nome "Rede Natura 2000"
também me pareceu demasiado, uma vez que existem muitas áreas em Portugal.
Optei por colocar toda essa informação nos "tags" de acordo com as

Re: [talk-au] Local Government Areas without Councils

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Warin

On 29-Dec-16 09:30 AM, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

Hi all

I would agree with Warin's latest suggested definition: "The boundary 
of an authority that is responsible for local government 
 functions within that 

If there's "something" there, we should be showing it!

Further to Cleary's comment about NSW Legislation, earlier this week I 
was looking at the BoM site for NSW & they had put out a weather 
warning for the Unincorporated Area of NSW, so they also think that it 

On a similar line (& apologies if it's been discussed & resolved 
previously) how do we treat Aboriginal towns? They lie within some 
form of "Shire" (presumably Level 6), but then each town is run by 
it's Local Community Council. Are they also a Level 6 authority?

I don't think they are a level 6 ...
Tibooburra and Silverton also have 'village councils' .. but are inside 
the 'unincorporated thingy' ...
I think these 'village councils' operate under the oversight of their 
respective level 6 bodies.
 These, if entered, should be a lesser number .. 7 (District or Region 
Border ) or 9 (Suburb and Locality Border) {8 is postcodes, 10 is Suburb 
and Locality Border (ABS boundaries) }  .. to show that they are a 
'lesser' entity.



On 29 December 2016 at 08:08, cleary > wrote:

I have a different view about whether the unincorporated areas
exist. They have defined boundaries and names, both assigned by the
respective State governments, and included in the LGA datasets. I have
seen the boundaries signposted when travelling in rural areas of both
NSW and SA and the signs are the same as signs identifying shire/city
boundaries. Governments don't give boundaries, names and signposts to
entities that do not exist. I do agree that unincorporated areas have
different and varied governance/administrative arrangements - I
understand that State governments have considered the different
arrangements more suitable because the unincorporated areas are more
sparsely populated and/or have special circumstances. If it is
to highlight the different administrative arrangements, then Warin's
suggestion of additional tags is a good way forward. As the areas do
actually exist, it seems to me that they warrant being appropriately
mapped with administrative boundaries, as shown in the State
LGA datasets.

After Andrew's earlier comment about references in legislation, I
at NSW legislation. There are a few references to the Unincorporated
Area of NSW and generally they refer to it as if it were a local
government area. The most explicit is the Electricity Supply Act 1995
which states that the legislation "applies to the unincorporated
area as
if (a) references to a local government area were references to the
unincorporated area, and (b)  references to a local council were
references to the Western Lands Commissioner" and it makes similar
provisons in regard to Lord Howe Island and the Lord Howe Island
For practical purposes the Unincorporated Area of NSW and Lord Howe
Island appear to be treated as similar and equivalent to areas
administered by councils.

I don't think I can add anything new and would be repeating myself
if I
said much more. I won't keep posting further comments on this
issue but
I hope that the OSM community might help clarify the matter or suggest
an alternate approach.   I have an interest in administrative
and I have travelled and mapped in rural and remote parts of NSW,
SA and
other states. I remain disappointed that the Unincorporated Area
of New
South Wales was deleted and I don't wish to see other unincorporated
LGAs deleted either.

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] Reino baptista e importações.

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Topo Lusitania Lusitania
Em tempos trocámos mensagens com o Reino Baptista, questionando-o de algumas 
importações que alteraram dados por nós implantados.Em várias zonas do País as 
suas importações (baseadas em dados oficiais (europeus - Corinne e nacionais) 
tem alterado dados que são mais precisos e fruto do trabalho de muitos 
colaboradores. Nota - ao tempo trocámos mensagens também com o Viriato Lusitano 
sobre o tema:
Para que conste, eis as trocas de mensagens:

2 Agosto 2016 às 23:39OláAo actualizar os acessos ao Aeroporto de Faro, notámos 
que substituíste os limites do PNRF por outros, que aparentemente resultam de 
uma importação de um ficheiro pré existente.Numa análise rápida, não nos parece 
que se tenha ganho algo na precisão destes limites. Podes nos explicar que 
objectivos pretendias atingir?CumprimentosA equipa TopoLusitaniaCara equipa,Os 
limites que inseri resultam da versão mais recente (2015) publicada pela 
entidade responsável ICNF. Ao comparar os limites pareceu-me não haver 
coincidência total com as linhas existentes.Também com esta substituição a 
linha que agora constitui a "boundary" legal passa a ser totalmente autónoma e 
a não coincidir, em alguns casos, com linhas existentes no mapa e que 
representam objetos físicos existentes, tal como por exemplo "highways". 
Torna-se mais fácil gerir o limite do PNRF e torna-se mais dificil ser 
alterado, inadvertidamente ou não, por edições que pretendam apenas, por 
exemplo, detalhar melhor uma estrada em que haja coincidência de linhas.Procedi 
também à atualização dos "tags" de acordo com: 
 dispôr, RBOláSitio classificado da Gruta do ZambujalTens a certeza da que a 
implantação que indicas do Sitio classificado da Gruta do Zambujal está 
correcta?A leitura do DL que o cria, leva-nos a pensar que a localização não é 
essa, nem o formato da zona é o desenhado.Quanto a nós, a localização e o 
formato da zona de protecção (aproximado) é o que desenhámos mais a leste, 
perto da torre de comunicações.É óbvio que só uma ida ao local poderá dar as 
coordenadas correctas ;-)CumprimentosA equipa TopoLusitaniaViva,Lamento o 
atraso mas eis a resposta. Não tenho a certeza da implantação. Reproduzi no OSM 
o publicado pelo ICNF no seu portal. Quanto ao DL 622/76, posso também 
analisá-lo e transmitir-vos a minha opinião, caso julguem adequado. Concordo 
que uma ida ao local pode estabelecer sem dúvida a entrada da gruta, mas não a 
extensão nem os limites do "Sitio Classificado", na minha opinião. RBOn 
2016-08-19 22:49:30 UTC topolusitania wrote:
OláTens estado a fazer importações para o OSM dos dados Corinne Lancover 
06.Provavelmente ainda não te apercebeste que estes dados tem uma notória falta 
de definição/detalhe. Esta falta de detalhe coloca no OSM uma série de erros 
que sobrepondo-se a trabalhos mais precisos, torna estes quase 
inúteis.Sugerimos que leias uma troca de mails na Lista Talk-pt que recebes em 
modo digest sobre uma importação de dados dos Açores. São lá expostos alguns 
pontos sobre a importação de dados que nos parecem muito úteis.Melhores 
cumprimentos A equipa 
20 Agosto 2016 às 09:26Cara equipa TopoLusitânia,Obrigado pela chamada de 
atenção. Na verdade conheço troca de emails de que falas, e concordo com os 
princípios lá apresentados no sentido de precaver importações exageradas e 
prejudiciais. Relativamente à minha utilização dos dados Corinne Lancover (CLC) 
devo dizer em minha defesa: 1 - Por estar a usar dados produzidos por outrém e 
não digitalizados por mim, procedo com muito cuidado ao seu carregamento para o 
OSM. Verificando sempre, poligono a poligono, as implicações face aos polígonos 
pré-existentes no mapa. Pelo que não lhe chamaria importação. 2 - Utilizo os 
dados CLC apenas em áreas reduzidas e só quando não há ainda cobertura 
significativa no OSM. 3 - Tenho verificado que os dados pré-existentes, mesmo 
polígonos, por serem na generalidade mais pequenos sobrepôem-se não dando 
origem a perda de detalhe. 4 - Os dados que estou a utilizar são a última 
versão disponível, dezembro de 2013, apesar do dataset se designar por "Corinne 
Lancover 06". 5 - Não é minha intenção proceder a qualquer importação 
significativa mas apenas utilizar nas circunstâncias já expostas. 6 - Como não 
há trabalho isento de erros tenho acautelado a introdução destes dados com tags 
distintivos da sua origem e estou disponivel, e agradeço, que me comunique 
qualquer desacordo de utilização dos dados que encontrem. 7 - Resta-me apenas 
acrescentar que vários países, nomeadamente a Espanha e a França, estão a 
utilizar estes mesmos dados no OSM. Tenho acompanhado e adotado os critérios 
que utilizam na classificação da informação na passagem 

Re: [Talk-pt] Reino baptista e importações.

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Jorge Gustavo Rocha

Olá Rui,

Obrigado por estares atento a estas importações.

Temos que envolver esta malta das importações em massa nestas 
discussões. A minha primeira reação era mesmo reverter os changesets e 
depois de se discutir a importação, voltavam-se a submeter, com as 
devidas alterações. Vamos aguardar uns dias...

1) Mandei uma mensagem ao Rui Baptista (Reino Baptista) através do site 
do OpenStreetMap a convidá-lo a discutir estas importações nesta lista.

Ele está inscrito nesta lista com o email, pelo 
que já deveria ter visto as nossas mensagens.

2) Penso que ele seguiu as nomenclaturas que existem em

3) No wiki do OSM [1] há referências à Rede Natura 2000 e como deve ser 
classificada. No nosso wiki [2] ainda não há nenhuma referência à Natura 
2000. Acho que se deve fazer esta importação atualizando a nossa wiki em 

Vamos aguardar mais uns dias, e se o Rui Baptista não responder, sugiro 
que se revertam os changesets de importações não discutidas na lista.


J. Gustavo



Às 23:33 de 28-12-2016, Rui Oliveira escreveu:


Parece que as épocas festivas não desacelararam as importações do
utilizador "Reino Baptista", (um utilizador que o Jorge já tinha
referido numa discussão anterior).

Vejam alguns exemplos

Não vejo o interesse de desenhar a zona que rodeia carregal do sal como
área protegida (e sem qualquer lógica acerca  do porquê de estar com a
tag name=carregal do sal , à semelhança da cidade). Mas talvez a
importação que me deixou mais surpreso foi a segunda que sobrepôs o
trabalho que o marcos tinha feito na serra de são mamede. Além disso, a
zona não devia se chamar apenas são mamede mas serra de são mamede como
estava anteriormente

Aqui está um exemplo (principalmente o segundo) de como não fazer
importações de modo a sobrepor o trabalho dos outros, e sim trabalhar
com o que já existe...

Jorge, pelo que percebi chegaste a contactar o utilizador Reino
Baptista, ele respondeu? Parece-me que se continuar assim teremos de
recorrer ao DWG.


Talk-pt mailing list

J. Gustavo
Jorge Gustavo Rocha
Departamento de Informática
Universidade do Minho
4710-057 Braga
Tel: +351 253604480
Fax: +351 253604471
Móvel: +351 910333888
skype: nabocudnosor

Talk-pt mailing list

[talk-ph] Fwd: [OSM-talk] weeklyOSM #336 20/12/2016-26/12/2016

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Eugene Alvin Villar
-- Forwarded message --
From: weeklyteam 
Date: Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 5:56 PM
Subject: [OSM-talk] weeklyOSM #336 20/12/2016-26/12/2016

The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 336,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all
things happening in the openstreetmap world:


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Rendu FR, bientôt en version 2017 !

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Christian Quest

Un petit test... jeu des X différences ;)

Un indice... test de ST_Clusterwithin... ;)

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-pt] Reino baptista e importações.

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Rui Oliveira

Parece que as épocas festivas não desacelararam as importações do
utilizador "Reino Baptista", (um utilizador que o Jorge já tinha referido
numa discussão anterior).

Vejam alguns exemplos

Não vejo o interesse de desenhar a zona que rodeia carregal do sal como
área protegida (e sem qualquer lógica acerca  do porquê de estar com a tag
name=carregal do sal , à semelhança da cidade). Mas talvez a importação que
me deixou mais surpreso foi a segunda que sobrepôs o trabalho que o marcos
tinha feito na serra de são mamede. Além disso, a zona não devia se chamar
apenas são mamede mas serra de são mamede como estava anteriormente

Aqui está um exemplo (principalmente o segundo) de como não fazer
importações de modo a sobrepor o trabalho dos outros, e sim trabalhar com o
que já existe...

Jorge, pelo que percebi chegaste a contactar o utilizador Reino Baptista,
ele respondeu? Parece-me que se continuar assim teremos de recorrer ao DWG.

Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Local Government Areas without Councils

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Graeme Fitzpatrick
Hi all

I would agree with Warin's latest suggested definition: "The boundary of an
authority that is responsible for local government
 functions within that

If there's "something" there, we should be showing it!

Further to Cleary's comment about NSW Legislation, earlier this week I was
looking at the BoM site for NSW & they had put out a weather warning for  the
Unincorporated Area of NSW, so they also think that it exists!

On a similar line (& apologies if it's been discussed & resolved
previously) how do we treat Aboriginal towns? They lie within some form of
"Shire" (presumably Level 6), but then each town is run by it's Local
Community Council. Are they also a Level 6 authority?



On 29 December 2016 at 08:08, cleary  wrote:

> I have a different view about whether the unincorporated areas actually
> exist. They have defined boundaries and names, both assigned by the
> respective State governments, and included in the LGA datasets. I have
> seen the boundaries signposted when travelling in rural areas of both
> NSW and SA and the signs are the same as signs identifying shire/city
> boundaries. Governments don't give boundaries, names and signposts to
> entities that do not exist. I do agree that unincorporated areas have
> different and varied governance/administrative arrangements - I
> understand that State governments have considered the different
> arrangements more suitable because the unincorporated areas are more
> sparsely populated and/or have special circumstances. If it is important
> to highlight the different administrative arrangements, then Warin's
> suggestion of additional tags is a good way forward. As the areas do
> actually exist, it seems to me that they warrant being appropriately
> mapped with administrative boundaries, as shown in the State government
> LGA datasets.
> After Andrew's earlier comment about references in legislation, I looked
> at NSW legislation. There are a few references to the Unincorporated
> Area of NSW and generally they refer to it as if it were a local
> government area. The most explicit is the Electricity Supply Act 1995
> which states that the legislation "applies to the unincorporated area as
> if (a) references to a local government area were references to the
> unincorporated area, and (b)  references to a local council were
> references to the Western Lands Commissioner" and it makes similar
> provisons in regard to Lord Howe Island and the Lord Howe Island Board.
> For practical purposes the Unincorporated Area of NSW and Lord Howe
> Island appear to be treated as similar and equivalent to areas
> administered by councils.
> I don't think I can add anything new and would be repeating myself if I
> said much more. I won't keep posting further comments on this issue but
> I hope that the OSM community might help clarify the matter or suggest
> an alternate approach.   I have an interest in administrative boundaries
> and I have travelled and mapped in rural and remote parts of NSW, SA and
> other states. I remain disappointed that the Unincorporated Area of New
> South Wales was deleted and I don't wish to see other unincorporated
> LGAs deleted either.
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Indigestion de pudding anglais ?

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden osm . sanspourriel

Selon le changeset, ça vient des données ouvertes de l'Ordonance Survey 
visible ici :

Donc l'utilisateur a suivi la limite roche dure / fond sableux.

Ça m'étonnerait qu'il s'agisse d'une limite administrative vus les 
courants de la Severn et la nature éminemment mouvante des sables en mer.

Mais je ne suis pas britannique.

Ça vaudrait le coup de poser une question sur le changeset.

Pour la limite de Bristol, je suis allé voir

Le problème c'est que Bristol ne fait plus partie de Gloucestershire County.

Plus au sud on se retrouve dans le Somerset et on retrouve ce genre de 
délire :

Alors là je confirme que ça correspond à

Mais est-ce bon ? J'en doute :

/Don't assume the OS data is either correct or up to date. Use it as a 
guide and additional resource for your mapping, not a replacement./

Premier point de

Et la vue aérienne ne permet nullement de confirmer un tracé aussi 
erratique. Par contre des îlots sont absents.

À se demander si les relevés ne suivent pas les mouvements d'un bateau 
paumé dans le brouillard et qui essaye de retrouver les marques !

Peut-être poser la question au Data Working Group ou sur la liste 


Le 28/12/2016 à 22:15, David Crochet - a écrit :


C'est normal ou les anglais ont mal digéré leurs pudding ?

(Drôle de limite administrative, mais ils datent, donc cela ne semble 
pas être du vandalisme)


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Local Government Areas without Councils

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Ben Kelley

Just my 2c:

To the average map user, it seems that these are pretty much the same 
thing. (Unincorporated areas and local government boundaries.)

While the technical definition is different, I'm not sure that matters 
so much. The 2 don't physically overlap or intersect. I don't see any 
problem with tagging them similarly with regard to admin boundaries.

 - Ben.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Local Government Areas without Councils

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden cleary

I have a different view about whether the unincorporated areas actually
exist. They have defined boundaries and names, both assigned by the
respective State governments, and included in the LGA datasets. I have
seen the boundaries signposted when travelling in rural areas of both
NSW and SA and the signs are the same as signs identifying shire/city
boundaries. Governments don't give boundaries, names and signposts to
entities that do not exist. I do agree that unincorporated areas have
different and varied governance/administrative arrangements - I
understand that State governments have considered the different
arrangements more suitable because the unincorporated areas are more
sparsely populated and/or have special circumstances. If it is important
to highlight the different administrative arrangements, then Warin's
suggestion of additional tags is a good way forward. As the areas do
actually exist, it seems to me that they warrant being appropriately
mapped with administrative boundaries, as shown in the State government
LGA datasets.

After Andrew's earlier comment about references in legislation, I looked
at NSW legislation. There are a few references to the Unincorporated
Area of NSW and generally they refer to it as if it were a local
government area. The most explicit is the Electricity Supply Act 1995
which states that the legislation "applies to the unincorporated area as
if (a) references to a local government area were references to the
unincorporated area, and (b)  references to a local council were
references to the Western Lands Commissioner" and it makes similar
provisons in regard to Lord Howe Island and the Lord Howe Island Board.
For practical purposes the Unincorporated Area of NSW and Lord Howe
Island appear to be treated as similar and equivalent to areas
administered by councils.  

I don't think I can add anything new and would be repeating myself if I
said much more. I won't keep posting further comments on this issue but
I hope that the OSM community might help clarify the matter or suggest
an alternate approach.   I have an interest in administrative boundaries
and I have travelled and mapped in rural and remote parts of NSW, SA and
other states. I remain disappointed that the Unincorporated Area of New
South Wales was deleted and I don't wish to see other unincorporated
LGAs deleted either. 

Talk-au mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Indigestion de pudding anglais ?

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden David Crochet


C'est normal ou les anglais ont mal digéré leurs pudding ?

(Drôle de limite administrative, mais ils datent, donc cela ne semble 
pas être du vandalisme)


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Wolverhampton Railway Station access from 8th January 2017

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Ed Loach
I walked past yesterday and uploaded some Mapillary images and made an estimate 
based on what I could see. There is also a good chance I’ll be in Wolverhampton 
on 8th, so will try and get a GPS trace of the bit that is currently fenced off 
(and if I can get the phone in the car taking Mapillary or whatever 
OpenStreetView is now called images, I’ll try that too).




From: Brian Prangle [] 
Sent: 01 December 2016 13:26
To: Ed Loach
Cc: OSM Group WM
Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Wolverhampton Railway Station access from 
8th January 2017


Hi Ed

I can do this - might not be exactly on 8th Jan




On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 9:02 AM, Ed Loach  wrote:

I've just been reading about the changes that will take place early next year 
at this link


and wondered if anyone here will be in the area to get a GPS trace of the new 
short stay car park once it opens?


Looking at the area as it is now in OpenStreetMap:


from a routing point of view bicycles will need to push their bicycles across 
the foot bridge, but as that ends on a pedestrian area I suspect very little 
currently will be able to route that way. A survey of that area from a cyclists 
point of view after the changes might also be handy.


Looking at the proposed changes the following section of Corn Hill seems to be 
missing, so it is perhaps possible the derelict building mentioned in the note 
has been removed to make the new short stay parking area:


but a survey will be needed to check.


I'll probably be in Wolverhampton at some point between now and new year, but 
don't know when I'll next be visiting after the 8th January.


Thanks and best wishes,





Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list


Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] historische Namen

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Friedrich Volkmann

On 28.12.2016 20:28, Martin Raifer wrote:

Kann ein Gipfel in natura und in OSM nicht auch namenlos sein? ^-^
Dann wäre evtl. ein "noname=yes" Tag [1] angebracht.

Dieses tag sehe ich generell skeptisch, weil es in der Realität nicht das
bedeutet, was es bedeuten soll. Und zwar soll es bedeuten, dass das Feature
wirklich keinen Namen hat. Tatsächlich bedeutet es aber nur, dass der Mapper
keinen Namen in Erfahrung bringen konnte.

Wirklich? Mir wäre bis jetzt noch kein solcher Fall in OSM bekannt.

Mir sind schon solche Fälle begegnet, aber ich hab sie nicht notiert. Ich 
weiß noch, dass ich in einem Fall beim Setzen der Straßennamen überlegt hab, 
ob ich noname=yes stehen lassen soll um zu demonstrieren, wie sinnlos dieses 
Tag ist. Eine andere Möglichkeit wär gewesen, es auf noname=no zu ändern, 
aber da das in AT nicht vorkommt, werde ich es wohl ganz gelöscht haben.

jedem Fall wäre das aber meiner Meinung nach ein simpler Taggingfehler
(siehe [1]), und man sollte dann den jeweiligen Mapper über die
tatsächliche Bedeutung des Tags aufklären. :)

Warum, der war ja überzeugt davon, dass die Straße keinen Namen hat. Aber 
man kann solche Mapper natürlich anschreiben und sie auffordern, statt 
noname=yes ein note=* zu setzen, wo sie eine Begründung angeben sollen. Nur 
mit einer Begründung hat so eine Angabe eine Aussagekraft.

Gerade in OSM haben wir die Verantwortung, altes Namensgut zu recherchieren
und wiederzubeleben, das in herkömmlichen Karten auf Grund kleiner Maßstäbe
weggeneralisiert wurde.

Diese Meinung teile ich nicht. OpenStreetMap sollte die gegenwärtige
Realität so gut und vollständig wie möglich wiedergeben. Altes
Namensgut ist sicherlich erhaltenswert, aber meiner Meinung nach
besser in einem speziellen Tag (wohl old_name [2]), oder externem
Projekt (z.B. Open Historical Map [3]) aufgehoben. Wir mappen ja auch
keine anderen historischen Informationen in OSM (kleines Beispiel:
aufgelassene Bahnstrecken mappen wir genau nur dann, wenn „die
Bahnstrecke […] als solches noch zu erkennen [ist]“ [4]).

Der Berg ist genauso noch zu erkennen. Vielleicht ist der Name nicht 
angeschrieben, aber welcher Berg hat schon ein Namenschild am Gipfel stehen? 
Ich behaupte mal, der einzige Grund, warum du den Namen für nicht mehr 
gültig hältst, ist, dass er in aktuellen anderen Karten, insbesondere vom 
BEV, nicht eingezeichnet ist. Das bringt uns zu dem Thema, ob wir uns darauf 
beschränken sollen, von kommerziellen Karten abzukupfern, oder ob auch 
eigene Recherche erlaubt ist. Zu der gehört neben der Landaufnahme vor Ort 
durchaus auch die Berücksichtigung alter Karten und Literatur.

In der Chronik von St. Aegyd war ein Zigeunerloch erwähnt, aber es war in 
keiner Karte eingezeichnet, im Web war auch nichts zu finden, im 
Höhlenkataster kam es auch nicht vor und am Gemeindeamt kannte es auch 
keiner. Es gelang mir, die Höhle zu finden, und ich trug sie in OSM ein. 
Nach deiner Argumentation hätte ich der Höhle in OSM keinen Namen geben 
dürfen, oder nur old_name. Nachdem ich die Höhle vermessen und in den 
Höhlenkundlichen Mitteilungen als Zigeunerloch publiziert habe, kannte sie 
in der Gemeinde wahrscheinlich noch immer keiner, aber die Publikation 
hätte, weil aktuell, sicher ausgereicht um dich davon zu überzeugen, dass 
der Name in name=* hineingehört und nicht in old_name=*. Wie absurd das 
ganze ist, zeigt sich daran, dass die aktuelle Publikation hinsichtlich des 
Namens nur die alte Chronik zitiert.

Es stellt sich auch die Frage, wie alt eine Publikation sein darf, um als 
aktueller Beleg zu gelten. Wo ist die Grenze zwischen aktuell und 
historisch? Wenn das Alter genau am Limit liegt, dann ist die Publikation 
vielleicht heuer noch aktuell und nächstes Jahr schon historisch! Müssen wir 
dann den Namen aus OSM herauslöschen?

Friedrich K. Volkmann
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-it] WeeklyOSM numero 336

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Fabrizio Tambussa
E' disponibile il notiziario settimanale di OSM in italiano al sito:

Con questo numero si conclude la traduzione italiana di WeeklyOSM. Il
team, già piccolo in partenza, ha continuato a ridursi mese dopo mese.
Purtroppo due sole persone non riescono a rispettare agevolmente le
scadenze settimanali.
Da parte mia posso solo dire che "ci abbiamo provato".


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Routes manquantes... et carreaux INSEE

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Brice MALLET
Le "bout" au Nord de la Loire est achevé, aux occitans de finir les 500 
et quelques ! ;-)

Brice Mallet

Le 18/12/2016 à 16:44, Christian Quest a écrit :

On est passé en dessous de la barre des 1000 soit maintenant moins de
100.000 habitants sans route dans OSM pour aller chez eux...

On tient le bon bout ! :)

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] GeoResQ usa OSM

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Alfredo Gattai
E' gia' un po' che si sono "convertiti" ad OSM rispetto alla vecchia
versione che usava Google mi pare. Probabilmente lo avevano gia' in
programma ma diciamo che dopo aver chiaramente detto in una riunione
dedicata se se volevano farci qualcosa con questa app dovevano cominciare
almeno con l'usare le mappe giuste, magari hanno accelerato i tempi. Ora
piano piano si tratta di fargli usare una vestizione silte Osmand dove si
possano distinguere chiaramente i sentieri.

2016-12-28 20:25 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :

> sent from a phone
> > On 28 Dec 2016, at 20:14, Dario Zontini  wrote:
> >
> > GeoResQ è stato sviluppato ed è gestito dal Corpo Nazionale Soccorso
> Alpino e Speleologico - CNSAS per consentire una risposta più rapida ed
> efficace della macchina dei soccorsi in caso di necessità.
> wow, stiamo diventando mission critical? Usano anche altre mappe o solo
> OSM?
> Ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] GeoResQ usa OSM

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Dario Zontini
Ci sono 3 mappe con dati OSM tra cui OpenCycleMap e ortofoto Bing

Dario Zontini

Inviato da Samsung Mobile

Il 28 Dic 2016 8:26 PM, "Martin Koppenhoefer"  ha

sent from a phone

> On 28 Dec 2016, at 20:14, Dario Zontini  wrote:
> GeoResQ è stato sviluppato ed è gestito dal Corpo Nazionale Soccorso
Alpino e Speleologico - CNSAS per consentire una risposta più rapida ed
efficace della macchina dei soccorsi in caso di necessità.

wow, stiamo diventando mission critical? Usano anche altre mappe o solo OSM?

Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] historische Namen

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Martin Raifer
>> Kann ein Gipfel in natura und in OSM nicht auch namenlos sein? ^-^
>> Dann wäre evtl. ein "noname=yes" Tag [1] angebracht.
> Dieses tag sehe ich generell skeptisch, weil es in der Realität nicht das
> bedeutet, was es bedeuten soll. Und zwar soll es bedeuten, dass das Feature
> wirklich keinen Namen hat. Tatsächlich bedeutet es aber nur, dass der Mapper
> keinen Namen in Erfahrung bringen konnte.

Wirklich? Mir wäre bis jetzt noch kein solcher Fall in OSM bekannt. In
jedem Fall wäre das aber meiner Meinung nach ein simpler Taggingfehler
(siehe [1]), und man sollte dann den jeweiligen Mapper über die
tatsächliche Bedeutung des Tags aufklären. :)

> Gerade in OSM haben wir die Verantwortung, altes Namensgut zu recherchieren
> und wiederzubeleben, das in herkömmlichen Karten auf Grund kleiner Maßstäbe
> weggeneralisiert wurde.

Diese Meinung teile ich nicht. OpenStreetMap sollte die gegenwärtige
Realität so gut und vollständig wie möglich wiedergeben. Altes
Namensgut ist sicherlich erhaltenswert, aber meiner Meinung nach
besser in einem speziellen Tag (wohl old_name [2]), oder externem
Projekt (z.B. Open Historical Map [3]) aufgehoben. Wir mappen ja auch
keine anderen historischen Informationen in OSM (kleines Beispiel:
aufgelassene Bahnstrecken mappen wir genau nur dann, wenn „die
Bahnstrecke […] als solches noch zu erkennen [ist]“ [4]).



Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] GeoResQ usa OSM

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 28 Dec 2016, at 20:14, Dario Zontini  wrote:
> GeoResQ è stato sviluppato ed è gestito dal Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino 
> e Speleologico - CNSAS per consentire una risposta più rapida ed efficace 
> della macchina dei soccorsi in caso di necessità.

wow, stiamo diventando mission critical? Usano anche altre mappe o solo OSM?

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] GeoResQ usa OSM

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Dario Zontini
Giro questa notizia apparsa sul sito del CAI e vi segnalo che la app usa
mappe OSM. In particolare puo essere interessante per la collaborazione con
il Cai (per avere mappatori oppure condividere le tracce registrate)

*Dal 1° gennaio 2017 il sistema #GeoResQ, sarà utilizzabile gratuitamente
da tutti i Soci del Club Alpino Italiano. GeoResQ è stato sviluppato ed è
gestito dal Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico - CNSAS per
consentire una risposta più rapida ed efficace della macchina dei soccorsi
in caso di necessità.*

Dario Zontini

Inviato da Samsung Mobile
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Rendu FR, bientôt en version 2017 !

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Jérôme Amagat
Les amenity=social_facility ne sont pas rendu contrairement au rendu

Le 28 décembre 2016 à 15:20, Christian Quest  a
écrit :

> Pour les contributeurs côtiers (ou pas)... j'ai ajouté le rendu des
> water=tidal avec surface=sand/gravel/mud/rocky
> Exemple:
> 15/49.6783/-1.7095
> ça permettra de donner un coup de pouce au mapping plus détaillé des côtes
> ;)
> Les autres changements:
> - un paquet de nouvelles abréviations pour les libellés
> - des libellés moins gros pour la couche "area-text" qui vient remplir les
> polygones de grande taille
> - une trame variable pour les landuse=forest en fonction du type d'arbres
> Le reste est détaillé dans les commit:
> cquest/osmfr-cartocss/commits/master
> La dernière version de la feuille de style est en ligne, mais le rendu
> n'est pas à jour.
> --
> Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Peter Paul

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Martin Raifer
Kann ein Gipfel in natura und in OSM nicht auch namenlos sein? ^-^
Dann wäre evtl. ein "noname=yes" Tag [1] angebracht.


2016-12-28 0:18 GMT+01:00 Kevin Kofler :
> Martin Raifer wrote:
>> was ich nicht ganz nachvollziehen kann: Nur weil ein Name vor ca 200
>> Jahren möglicherweise gebräuchlich war, sollte man diesen nicht
>> zwingenderweise heute in OSM eintragen, oder?
> Wenn das der einzige Name dieses Gipfels ist, warum nicht? Sicher besser
> als, daß ihn jemand einfach nach sich selbst benennt.
> Kevin Kofler
> ___
> Talk-at mailing list

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Unreviewed rural roads vs Strava heatmap

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Elliott Plack
Excellent QA QC tool! Thanks for making it.

On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 11:23 AM Mike N  wrote:

> On 12/28/2016 8:40 AM, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> >
> > The result is a map of rural roads where people cycle but which are
> > still tagged as highway=residential, tiger:reviewed=no. I built this for
> > my own fixup work but I figured others might find it useful.
> Very nice tool!
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Elliott Plack
Talk-us mailing list

semanárioOSM Nº 336 20/12/2016-26/12/2016

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden weeklyteam
Bom dia,

O semanárioOSM Nº 336, o resumo de tudo o que acontece no mundo OpenStreetMap, 
está publicado em português:


Talk-br mailing list

semanárioOSM Nº 336 20/12/2016-26/12/2016

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden weeklyteam
Bom dia,

O semanárioOSM Nº 336, o resumo de tudo o que acontece no mundo OpenStreetMap, 
está publicado em português:


Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Footway aggiunte/modificate per colpa di PokermonGO

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden mircozorzo
Secondo me questo è uno dei portati della maggiore diffusione di OSM, fino a
quando lo usavano e contribuivano prevalentemente se non esclusivamente
utenti molto motivati e informati la qualità degli edit rimaneva alta, ora
l'allargamento dell'utilizzo dei dati a fasce più ampie della popolazione,
fenomeni di questo tipo c'è da aspettarsene (vandalizzazioni, danneggiamento
da parte di concorrenti).

Ciao, Mirco 

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Rendu FR, bientôt en version 2017 !

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Christian Quest
Pour les contributeurs côtiers (ou pas)... j'ai ajouté le rendu des
water=tidal avec surface=sand/gravel/mud/rocky


ça permettra de donner un coup de pouce au mapping plus détaillé des côtes

Les autres changements:
- un paquet de nouvelles abréviations pour les libellés
- des libellés moins gros pour la couche "area-text" qui vient remplir les
polygones de grande taille
- une trame variable pour les landuse=forest en fonction du type d'arbres

Le reste est détaillé dans les commit:

La dernière version de la feuille de style est en ligne, mais le rendu
n'est pas à jour.

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Footway aggiunte/modificate per colpa di PokermonGO

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Max1234Ita
Sarebbe interessante disegnare delle belle footway nella Giungla del
Borneo... e vedere di nascosto l'effetto che fa! :>  

Scherzi a parte, IMHO sarebbero da bannare a vita non gli utentiche fanno
quelle modifiche, ma i MAC address dei loro PC (è vero che anche questi si
possono "cambiare", ma non è così immediato ed un minimo di scrematura ci

Altra considerazione: è vero che chi produce un software non è colpevole
dell'uso che ne fanno gli utenti... ma OSM non si potrebbe in qualche modo
rivalere su Niantic? 
Chissà, magari potrebbe uscirne un qualche tipo di "donazione" a supporto
della Comunità...


View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OpenStreetMap aggiunge la possibilità di autenticarsi tramite l'account Wikimedia

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Cristian Consonni

(mi scuso con i moderatori per gli invii multipli, ho cambiato le
impostazioni della posta e stavo facendo casino).

On 23/12/2016 15:11, Alessio Piccioli wrote:
> Questa si che è una bella notizia: ma sono previsti anche
> riconciliazioni di utenti già esistenti?

Per ora si tratta semplicemente di potere usare il proprio account
Wikimedia per fare login (la tecnologia si chiama OAuth), credo sia
possibile tecnicamente (e molti siti infatti danno qeusta possibilità)

Non credo che ci sarà un'unificazione degli account.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Fwd: Re: Beware Pokemon users

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Jo
As long as we eat our own dog food, we should be able to locate these
problems, albeit not in a timely enough fashion.

If those new users get it wrong, help them like you would any other new
user. Keeping in mind they have: decent smartphones with GPS, heaps of time
to spend either on PoGo or possibly on something more worthwhile like OSM.
Tell them about Mapillary and OpenStreetCam. I know the game doesn't like
to "share" the phone, but some people manage to kick their addiction (and
hopefully swap it for a more  useful one :-) )


2016-12-28 9:20 GMT+01:00 David Kewley :

> I've so far simply been using a basic query like
> highway=footway and newer:"2016-12-22:00:00:00"
> This still requires a lot of manual review, of course. Too much to do in
> great detail over large areas. I'm sure I'm missing things, but results of
> this query has identified PoGo mapping problems, scattered among many
> legitimate-looking edits.
> There are other things to look for besides footways; this may give hints:
> If someone comes up with a more sophisticated query, or a query that helps
> hone in more sharply on PoGo mapping problems, let us know.
> David
> On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Rihards  wrote:
>> On 2016.12.27. 10:15, David Kewley wrote:
>> > I thought this might be a big problem at first, but now I think it's
>> > probably a net good thing.
>> >
>> > In Southern California, I saw about 40 users join in the first 24-48
>> > hours after the video was posted (Dec 22), who immediately started
>> > mapping footways and similar. A few were bad, most improved the map
>> > incrementally, if not with great skill, completeness, or accuracy. The
>> > rate of new people joining and adding footways and similar has gone way
>> > down since the first 24 hours.
>> >
>> > I just now used Overpass-Turbo to check for new footways in the past ~2
>> > days in all the western U.S. (to just west of San Antonio, not including
>> > Alaska and Hawaii), zoomed in briefly on each locality in turn, and
>> > found with this quick ad hoc eyeball survey only two users who were
>> > obviously gaming OSM for Pokemon Go in an unhelpful way. I'll address
>> > them or send them to DWG. All the others looked reasonable upon a first
>> > pass, although I might have missed a few. Some I didn't see may already
>> > have been cleaned up, of course.
>> >
>> > So the potential problem is big, but I think the actual problem is not
>> > too big, and can probably be contained with our current level of effort.
>> > Meanwhile there are tons of incremental additions that are probably net
>> > improvements to the map, and a few of these folks will continue to
>> > improve the map over time. I've already seen a few of these new users
>> > branch out into non-Pokemon-related improvements. Plus it gives OSM
>> > wider awareness.
>> >
>> > One other thing to look out for, which most people are doing well, but a
>> > few are doing inappropriately, is changing school grounds from
>> > amenity=school to =college or =university.
>> > See
>> think_i_figured_out_why_pokemon_never_spawned/.
>> > I had to change one secondary school back to =school after an apparent
>> > Pokemon user changed it to =college. I also changed one community
>> > college from =school to =college when I noticed it was mistagged while
>> > looking at new footways drawn there. Hope it helps them have fun with
>> > their game. :)
>> >
>> > I've also seen fake parks, piers, lakes, and similar area objects get
>> > added in an apparent attempt to help Pokemon. Footways may be the most
>> > common manifestation of this wave of activity, but not the only one.
>> could you please share the overpass query you used ? i'd like to review
>> such additions around here as well.
>> i am following the edits of new users, and so far contributions of 2 or
>> 3 have been worthy a revert.
>> it would be also useful to have a list of tags/changes the pokemon go
>> players make. footways are the most obvious, but i've also seen
>> (incorrect_ recreational_grounds added. several users have also changed
>> existing residentials, pedestrian streets and tracks to footways -
>> incorrectly in all the cases.
>> > Fun fact: On 12/22 I actually stumbled across a deletion of the footway
>> > added in the video, before I was aware of the existence of the video and
>> > the Pokemon-related editing. That issue is since resolved. The
>> > videographer is pretty local to me, and in the video he hikes in hills I
>> > know. A brush with a weird kind of notoriety, I guess.
>> >
>> > David
>> ...
>> --
>>  Rihards
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] Food Hygiene ratings

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Colin Spiller

Good morning and Happy Christmas.

I've just seen this link to my local paper via Twitter:

*Telegraph and Argus* ‏@*Bradford_TandA* 

Hundreds of food premises in Bradford have gone years without hygiene 

I guess it just means the decision not to include current ratings was a 
good idea. And there are still lots of premises to be mapped!


Colin Spiller

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Rendu FR, bientôt en version 2017 !

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden osm . sanspourriel

La Saint Nicolas, ce n'est pas le 6 décembre ? ;-)

Merci Vincent et Laurent.
J'ai profité pour mettre à jour les villages de Plumergat.
Sur le cadastre est logiquement indiqué "X" pas "Village de X".
Or certains hameaux étaient déjà dans OSM.
L'algorithme ne fait pas le rapprochement ? Le hameau avait été ajouté 
entre temps dans OSM ?



Le 28/12/2016 à 00:14, Vincent de Château-Thierry - a 
écrit :


Le 22/12/2016 à 12:09, Nicolas Moyroud a écrit :

Le petit papa Vincent sera donc un peu en retard par rapport à son
homologue vêtu de rouge. Alors ce sera un cadeau de nouvelle année ! ;-)

Avec un coup de main de Laurent (merci à lui) la liste est désormais 5 
fois plus longue.

C'est toujours par ici :

Joyeux Noël Nicolas :)


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Rendu FR, bientôt en version 2017 !

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Christian Quest
Le 27 décembre 2016 à 18:39,  a écrit :

> Allez, pour peaufiner :
> 740#16/47.7536/-3.4387
> La trame pour le dessin de la forêt soit ne commence pas en (0,0) de la
> tuile soit ne fait pas un sous-multiple de 256 au moins dans le sens
> vertical car on a des rangées de confères allongés :
Effectivement... je met ça à jour.

J'en ai profité pour laisser en aplat les forêts sans indication du type de
végétation (leaf_type non renseigné) et mettre le type d'arbre dans les
autres cas... ça sera dans la prochaine mise à jour.

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk] Translation of articles about participatory mapping experiences in the Farma Valley, Southern Tuscany, Italy

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Andrea Giacomelli
[apologies for cross-postings to folks on ppgis and osgeo discussion lists]

Dear all,


...these articles were published on one of the two main newspapers in
Tuscany on Dec. 17

b) We needed a few days to get a translation into English (which may still
be improved, so bear with us for any glitches, but we though it was
important to share the news asap).

c) The articles are a nice independent summary of a series of activities
which we (the subjects involved are detailed in the article) started in
2006, involving various elements of participatory mapping.

...some of these activities have already been advertised on this
list...anyway: if you need some backtracking, the sites (since 1991) and (since
2007) carry all the story

d) for comments, questions and enquiries, we will be glad to hear from you

e) if you are interested, you can subscribe to our newsletter ( to stay posted on upcoming events and
initiatives (Italian and English currently available)..

Many thanks for your attention, and best regards from Italy:

Andrea Giacomelli

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Calificación avenidas y calles en pueblos pequeños

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Alejandro Del Rincón
Pues me he leido el post y la verdad es que es una forma de clasificación
razonable. Le he enviado un mensaje al usuario que lo cambió en su
momento... Si veo que no contesta lo cambiaré como corresponda.

Bon Nadal i gràcies per la resposta ;)
Talk-es mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] weeklyOSM #336 20/12/2016-26/12/2016

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 336,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


Talk-ie mailing list

[Talk-GB] weeklyOSM #336 20/12/2016-26/12/2016

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 336,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-in] weeklyOSM #336 20/12/2016-26/12/2016

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 336,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


Talk-in mailing list

[Talk-ca] weeklyOSM #336 20/12/2016-26/12/2016

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 336,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-us] weeklyOSM #336 20/12/2016-26/12/2016

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 336,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk] weeklyOSM #336 20/12/2016-26/12/2016

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 336,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


talk mailing list

[Talk-ca] weeklyOSM #334 06/12/2016-12/12/2016

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 334,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


Talk-ca mailing list

[OSM-talk] weeklyOSM #334 06/12/2016-12/12/2016

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 334,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


talk mailing list

[Talk-us] weeklyOSM #334 06/12/2016-12/12/2016

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden weeklyteam
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 334,
is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things 
happening in the openstreetmap world:


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Calificación avenidas y calles en pueblos pequeños

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden yo paseopor
Bon Nadal a tutilemondi

Para mí, como bien dices tú el uso de tertiary o secondary para marcar
otros tipos de vía que no sean carreteras reconocidas por la administración
(y por lo tanto con su referencia) depende del nivel de población.
En España según la ley los saltos "de importancia de ciudad" son 2hab ,
5 ,10.
Sin embargo en OSM todo eso queda algo más difuso y hasta que no llegas a
10 no cambias de etiqueta.
Considero que a no ser que esté muy justificado (por las características de
la vía (2 carriles, enlaces a distinto nivel...) por debajo de 10 hab.
se use otra clasificación que no pase de tertiary para marcar vías
principales sin referencia. Si por el contrario tiene referencia y la
administración competente la considera secundaria eso ya sería otro tema.
De hecho tal y como se ve ahora en OSM tiene pinta de ser un caso de
mapeado para el render "es que así aparece amarillo, lo que nosotros
consideramos principal".
Yo lo hablaría con ese usuario y le pediría , que venga a la comunidad, que
debata con nosotros y por supuesto, que revierta ese cambio injustificado a
mi parecer que hizo. Si no respondiera lo cambiaría yo mismo.

Hace unos años me hice esta tabla, por si sirve de ayuda

Salut i Bones Festes!!
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Local Government Areas without Councils

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Warin

On 28-Dec-16 06:57 PM, Andrew Davidson wrote:

On 28/12/16 17:51, cleary wrote:

In suggesting the term "Local Government Area", I was thinking of areas
as shown in the Local Government Areas (LGA) datasets issued by state
and territory governments

The LGA dataset have metadata in them that indicate whether or not an 
area has a form of local administration. This is because the users of 
these datasets may want to know this. In OSM there is no tagging that 
you can use to indicate that the boundary that you've put in doesn't 
have what the admin_level tag indicates. That means that these areas 
are represented in OSM by not putting a boundary around them. This is 
the usual way that you indicate that something doesn't exist in OSM.

This is how the admin_level model works. A admin_level 2 boundary 
should enclose a country. You wouldn't expect to find a admin_level 2 
boundary around the "Tasman Sea International Waters". Admin_level 4 
goes around a state or territory. Admin_level 6 goes around the 
boundaries of a local governing authority. Areas not inside a 
admin_level 6 boundary don't have a form of local administration. In 
the Australian case this means that they are administered from the 
state, territory, or in some cases Commonwealth level.

They still have an 'administration'. And that should be documented in OSM.

The present OSMwiki definition can be changed. And it can be changed to 
include more than places with 'local administration'!

Other than Andrew .. are there any others who have any concerns over 
accepting nonlocal administration of 'local government'?

Possible wording ?
The boundary of an authority that is responsible for local government 
 functions within that 

Gets away from having the 'authority' being 'local', 'elected' etc ... 
just that they perform the functions of what a 'local government 
' does.

Andrew ...if you require more detail ... then adding additional tags is 
possible e.g


and what ever other tags you think are required.

Talk-au mailing list

[Talk-es] Calificación avenidas y calles en pueblos pequeños

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Alejandro Del Rincón
Hola, tengo una duda entre el etiquetado de calles o avenidas como tertiary
o secondary... Tengo dos núcleos de población similares [1] y [2]. Fijando
en 2, me he dado cuenta que no me queda muy claro donde está la linea entre
definir esas avenidas como secondary o tertiary... A mi parecer para el
tamaño del núcleo, en 2 me parece que hay demasiadas etiquetas secondary...
Como por ejemplo las vías [3] y [4], ambas con gran parte de su recorrido
con un solo carril. Además, en su primera concepción fueron creadas como
tertiary. Alguien que tenga experiencia con esto me puede iluminar un poco?
Un saludo,

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Parco Nazionale dell'Appennino Lucano

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 26 Dec 2016, at 11:07, Federico Cortese  wrote:
> Buongiorno,
> segnalo che col changeset:
> è stata eliminata parte del perimetro del "Parco Nazionale
> Dell'Appennino Lucano Val D'agri Lagonegrese", creato il 31/05/2016

aggiungerei in questo caso, come sempre nei casi analoghi, un relativo commento 
al changeset, così l'informazione rimane legato alla mappa e al edit, ed è 
visibile a livello internazionale (non solo in talk-it, anche per analisi 
statistiche del tipo: questo utente riceve tanti commenti). Ovviamente ciò non 
toglie la possibilità di segnalare anche qui.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] RUIAN posun - konečné řešení?

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Petr Morávek [Xificurk]
Dne 27.12.2016 v 14:32 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
> Abych pravdu řekl, dle všech dostupných indícií vlastně nemám žádný
> problém. Pro ČÚZK je to metr a půl sem, metr a půl tam :-D

Jo, někde ale ten rozdíl asi vidět bude...

> A abych pravdu řekl, vůbec jsem nezaregistroval, že je dostupný nějaký
> nový grid, který se zřejmě už normálně používá. Já žil v domnění, že
> ještě stále potřebujeme ten algoritmus od ČÚZK, abychom jej mohli
> přepočítat.

Žádný nový grid nepoužívám... jsem stále na starém Ježek08, viz co psal
> *** není žádný starší méně přesný a nový přesnější. Jsou dva gridy starý 
> Ježek2008 XY a nový Seidl2014 XYZ, nic víc, o změně přesnosti nebyla řeč.

Taky jsem si doteď myslel, že potřebujem spočítat nový grid. Celé to
vycházelo z toho, že když já vezmu zdrojové souřadnice v EPSG:5514 z
RUIAN a pomocí gridu je převedu na latlon (EPSG:4326), tak dostanu jiná
čísla (občas o víc jak metr) než jaká vrací ČÚZK ve svém WMS/WFS. A
tenhle problém předpokládám nepřímo trápí i tebe.

Jenže z mého testování na adresních bodech to spíš vypadá, že chyba při
transformaci ze zdrojového EPSG:5514 nevzniká na naší straně, ale na
straně ČÚZK. A tedy starý grid Ježek08 dává stále dobré výsledky.

S pozdravem,
Petr Morávek aka Xificurk

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-talk] Fwd: Re: Beware Pokemon users

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden David Kewley
I've so far simply been using a basic query like

highway=footway and newer:"2016-12-22:00:00:00"

This still requires a lot of manual review, of course. Too much to do in
great detail over large areas. I'm sure I'm missing things, but results of
this query has identified PoGo mapping problems, scattered among many
legitimate-looking edits.

There are other things to look for besides footways; this may give hints:

If someone comes up with a more sophisticated query, or a query that helps
hone in more sharply on PoGo mapping problems, let us know.


On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Rihards  wrote:

> On 2016.12.27. 10:15, David Kewley wrote:
> > I thought this might be a big problem at first, but now I think it's
> > probably a net good thing.
> >
> > In Southern California, I saw about 40 users join in the first 24-48
> > hours after the video was posted (Dec 22), who immediately started
> > mapping footways and similar. A few were bad, most improved the map
> > incrementally, if not with great skill, completeness, or accuracy. The
> > rate of new people joining and adding footways and similar has gone way
> > down since the first 24 hours.
> >
> > I just now used Overpass-Turbo to check for new footways in the past ~2
> > days in all the western U.S. (to just west of San Antonio, not including
> > Alaska and Hawaii), zoomed in briefly on each locality in turn, and
> > found with this quick ad hoc eyeball survey only two users who were
> > obviously gaming OSM for Pokemon Go in an unhelpful way. I'll address
> > them or send them to DWG. All the others looked reasonable upon a first
> > pass, although I might have missed a few. Some I didn't see may already
> > have been cleaned up, of course.
> >
> > So the potential problem is big, but I think the actual problem is not
> > too big, and can probably be contained with our current level of effort.
> > Meanwhile there are tons of incremental additions that are probably net
> > improvements to the map, and a few of these folks will continue to
> > improve the map over time. I've already seen a few of these new users
> > branch out into non-Pokemon-related improvements. Plus it gives OSM
> > wider awareness.
> >
> > One other thing to look out for, which most people are doing well, but a
> > few are doing inappropriately, is changing school grounds from
> > amenity=school to =college or =university.
> > See
> i_think_i_figured_out_why_pokemon_never_spawned/.
> > I had to change one secondary school back to =school after an apparent
> > Pokemon user changed it to =college. I also changed one community
> > college from =school to =college when I noticed it was mistagged while
> > looking at new footways drawn there. Hope it helps them have fun with
> > their game. :)
> >
> > I've also seen fake parks, piers, lakes, and similar area objects get
> > added in an apparent attempt to help Pokemon. Footways may be the most
> > common manifestation of this wave of activity, but not the only one.
> could you please share the overpass query you used ? i'd like to review
> such additions around here as well.
> i am following the edits of new users, and so far contributions of 2 or
> 3 have been worthy a revert.
> it would be also useful to have a list of tags/changes the pokemon go
> players make. footways are the most obvious, but i've also seen
> (incorrect_ recreational_grounds added. several users have also changed
> existing residentials, pedestrian streets and tracks to footways -
> incorrectly in all the cases.
> > Fun fact: On 12/22 I actually stumbled across a deletion of the footway
> > added in the video, before I was aware of the existence of the video and
> > the Pokemon-related editing. That issue is since resolved. The
> > videographer is pretty local to me, and in the video he hikes in hills I
> > know. A brush with a weird kind of notoriety, I guess.
> >
> > David
> ...
> --
>  Rihards
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Fwd: Re: Beware Pokemon users

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden David Kewley
I've so far simply been using a basic query like

highway=footway and newer:"2016-12-22:00:00:00"

This still requires a lot of manual review, of course. Too much to do in
great detail over large areas. I'm sure I'm missing things, but results of
this query has identified PoGo mapping problems, scattered among many
legitimate-looking edits.

There are other things to look for besides footways; this may give hints:

If someone comes up with a more sophisticated query, or a query that helps
hone in more sharply on PoGo mapping problems, let us know.


On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Rihards  wrote:

> On 2016.12.27. 10:15, David Kewley wrote:
> > I thought this might be a big problem at first, but now I think it's
> > probably a net good thing.
> >
> > In Southern California, I saw about 40 users join in the first 24-48
> > hours after the video was posted (Dec 22), who immediately started
> > mapping footways and similar. A few were bad, most improved the map
> > incrementally, if not with great skill, completeness, or accuracy. The
> > rate of new people joining and adding footways and similar has gone way
> > down since the first 24 hours.
> >
> > I just now used Overpass-Turbo to check for new footways in the past ~2
> > days in all the western U.S. (to just west of San Antonio, not including
> > Alaska and Hawaii), zoomed in briefly on each locality in turn, and
> > found with this quick ad hoc eyeball survey only two users who were
> > obviously gaming OSM for Pokemon Go in an unhelpful way. I'll address
> > them or send them to DWG. All the others looked reasonable upon a first
> > pass, although I might have missed a few. Some I didn't see may already
> > have been cleaned up, of course.
> >
> > So the potential problem is big, but I think the actual problem is not
> > too big, and can probably be contained with our current level of effort.
> > Meanwhile there are tons of incremental additions that are probably net
> > improvements to the map, and a few of these folks will continue to
> > improve the map over time. I've already seen a few of these new users
> > branch out into non-Pokemon-related improvements. Plus it gives OSM
> > wider awareness.
> >
> > One other thing to look out for, which most people are doing well, but a
> > few are doing inappropriately, is changing school grounds from
> > amenity=school to =college or =university.
> > See
> i_think_i_figured_out_why_pokemon_never_spawned/.
> > I had to change one secondary school back to =school after an apparent
> > Pokemon user changed it to =college. I also changed one community
> > college from =school to =college when I noticed it was mistagged while
> > looking at new footways drawn there. Hope it helps them have fun with
> > their game. :)
> >
> > I've also seen fake parks, piers, lakes, and similar area objects get
> > added in an apparent attempt to help Pokemon. Footways may be the most
> > common manifestation of this wave of activity, but not the only one.
> could you please share the overpass query you used ? i'd like to review
> such additions around here as well.
> i am following the edits of new users, and so far contributions of 2 or
> 3 have been worthy a revert.
> it would be also useful to have a list of tags/changes the pokemon go
> players make. footways are the most obvious, but i've also seen
> (incorrect_ recreational_grounds added. several users have also changed
> existing residentials, pedestrian streets and tracks to footways -
> incorrectly in all the cases.
> > Fun fact: On 12/22 I actually stumbled across a deletion of the footway
> > added in the video, before I was aware of the existence of the video and
> > the Pokemon-related editing. That issue is since resolved. The
> > videographer is pretty local to me, and in the video he hikes in hills I
> > know. A brush with a weird kind of notoriety, I guess.
> >
> > David
> ...
> --
>  Rihards
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Beware Pokemon users

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden David Kewley
Yes, true. And wouldn't it be cool if there were workable ways to turn
accurate mapping into a compelling game? :) I know this is not a new idea,
but PoGo certainly has gotten my interest, since it's been so motivating
for folks to add to OSM.

I'd say that between PoGo motivating folks to add to OSM, and us doing the
hard work of doing QA, welcoming, correcting, etc., we are together turning
this into an effective if not yet scalable game. Now to find a way to scale
both the mapping and the QA etc.


On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 9:47 PM, Nicolás Alvarez 

> > El 28 dic 2016, a las 02:34, Nick Hocking 
> escribió:
> >
> > How about we ask the game maker to code in (and let slip in social
> media) that lots of new pokemon stuff may appear on every OSM residential
> road, outside a residence that has a street number (in OSM) equal to todays
> day number (e.g 28 - for today). Of course all the other OSM address tags
> must also be correct for this stuff to appear.
> >
> How could the game possibly know if newly-added tags are correct?
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Local Government Areas without Councils

2016-12-28 Diskussionsfäden Andrew Davidson

On 28/12/16 17:51, cleary wrote:

In suggesting the term "Local Government Area", I was thinking of areas
as shown in the Local Government Areas (LGA) datasets issued by state
and territory governments

The LGA dataset have metadata in them that indicate whether or not an 
area has a form of local administration. This is because the users of 
these datasets may want to know this. In OSM there is no tagging that 
you can use to indicate that the boundary that you've put in doesn't 
have what the admin_level tag indicates. That means that these areas are 
represented in OSM by not putting a boundary around them. This is the 
usual way that you indicate that something doesn't exist in OSM.

This is how the admin_level model works. A admin_level 2 boundary should 
enclose a country. You wouldn't expect to find a admin_level 2 boundary 
around the "Tasman Sea International Waters". Admin_level 4 goes around 
a state or territory. Admin_level 6 goes around the boundaries of a 
local governing authority. Areas not inside a admin_level 6 boundary 
don't have a form of local administration. In the Australian case this 
means that they are administered from the state, territory, or in some 
cases Commonwealth level.

Talk-au mailing list