Re: [Talk-GB] Documenting prow_ref formats (Was: MapthePaths & Lancashire)

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Gregory Williams
I think it's Non-Civil Parish.

Sent from Mailspring 
 the best free email app for work
On Jul 19 2018, at 2:14 am, Andrew Black  wrote:
> Surrey seems ot have a format of " Banstead NCP 123A". But existing entries 
> in OSM are "FP 37".
> What does NCP mean. I will enter then as f " Banstead FP 37" unless told 
> otherwise!
> On 14 July 2018 at 17:27, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) 
>  (>
>  wrote:
> > On 13 July 2018 at 19:26, Andrew Black  > (>
> >  wrote:
> > > I am pondering a similar but simpler question. I would like to add a table
> > > listing each authority at 
> > > 
> > > (
> > > describing the conventions used.
> >
> > I've been working on something like this already as part of my PRoW
> > Progress/Comparison tool at
> > 
> > (
> >  . The tool needs to know
> > the format that's used in each area in order to correctly parse the
> > prow_ref values use in OSM, and to generate Right of Way numbers to
> > display. The formats are stored in my database as a regular expression
> > for parsing and a sprinf format string for generating the output. I've
> > been displaying the formats on the county and parish pages for some
> > time, but I've now added a page showing the formats for each county
> > where one is defined:
> >
> > 
> > (
> > These are the formats currently used by my tool. They may not always
> > be the best one, as sometimes there didn't seem to be a consistent
> > format in use (either by the Council or in OSM), and so sometimes I've
> > just opted for my default "[Parish Name] [Type] [Number]" style. I can
> > add other counties on request. I'm also more than happy to amend any
> > of the formats already there if there's a consensus amongst local
> > mappers to use something different.
> >
> > One thing to be aware of though, is that the GIS data provided by the
> > councils is usually not the official Definitive Map, but just a
> > working representation of it. Often the council will assign reference
> > numbers to parishes, and segment numbers to the ways that are just for
> > internal convenience, and don't form part of the official PRoW number
> > as defined in the Definitive Map and Statement. My philosophy in the
> > above is to try to stick to the official numbering as used in the
> > Definitive Map and Statement.
> >
> > I plan to add a download of the data at
> > 
> > (
> >  (probably in JSON
> > format) at some point so anyone else who wants to can make us of this
> > data more easily. I also have CSV files containing parish IDs and
> > names for the counties where it's necessary to do this translation,
> > which I can make available. For those using rowmaps data, sometimes
> > you'll find the parish name in the INFO field, but the presence and
> > format of this varies from county to county.
> >
> > Robert.
> > --
> > Robert Whittaker
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-GB mailing list
> > 
> > (
> > 
> > 

[OSM-talk-fr] Smartphone en poche ? Tous géographes ! - l'article ne mentionne ni OpenStreetMap, ni HotOSM

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Jean-Christophe Becquet

Le site The Conversation qui met en avant le travail de la communauté
universitaire publie un article de Christian Giusti, professeur de
géographie physique à Sorbonne Université.

Smartphone en poche ? Tous géographes !

Il parle de GPS, d’accéléromètre et de gyromètre; de Waze, Strava,
ViaMichelin, du Géoportail et des Géoservices de l’IGN; des applications
dans l’espace urbain et de la géolocalisation indoor; des applications
Balade branchée ou GéoGuide pour les touristes de passage.

Il évoque la directive européenne INSPIRE de mars 2007 élaborée dans le
but « d’établir en Europe une infrastructure de données géographiques
pour assurer l’interopérabilité entre bases de données et faciliter la
diffusion, la disponibilité, l’utilisation et la réutilisation de
l’information géographique ».

Pourtant cette lecture laisse un grand sentiment de manque.

Et un lecteur demande avec raison :

« N'est-ce pas un peu surprenant que cet article ne mentionne ni
OpenStreetMap, ni HotOSM, qui permettent aux individus de contribuer à
la construction de cartes géographiques - géographes au sens littéral du
terme ? »

L'article intitulé *Tous géographes* qui réussit à ne parler ni de
@OSM_FR ni de @hotosm quid, @FR_Conversation ?

[The Conversation] Smartphone en poche ? Tous géographes !

Bonne journée

Debian GNU-Linux

==APITUX : le choix du logiciel libre==

APITUX - Jean-Christophe Becquet
BP 32 - 04001 Digne-les-Bains Cedex
06 25 86 07 92 - -
SIRET : 452 887 441 00031 - APE : 6202A


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Documenting prow_ref formats (Was: MapthePaths & Lancashire)

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Andrew Black
Surrey seems ot have a format of " Banstead NCP 123A".  But existing
entries in OSM are "FP 37".

What does NCP mean. I will enter then as  f " Banstead FP 37" unless told

On 14 July 2018 at 17:27, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) <> wrote:

> On 13 July 2018 at 19:26, Andrew Black 
> wrote:
> > I am pondering a similar but simpler question. I would like to add a
> table
> > listing each authority at https://wiki.openstreetmap.
> org/wiki/Key:prow_ref
> > describing the conventions used.
> I've been working on something like this already as part of my PRoW
> Progress/Comparison tool at
> . The tool needs to know
> the format that's used in each area in order to correctly parse the
> prow_ref values use in OSM, and to generate Right of Way numbers to
> display. The formats are stored in my database as a regular expression
> for parsing and a sprinf format string for generating the output. I've
> been displaying the formats on the county and parish pages for some
> time, but I've now added a page showing the formats for each county
> where one is defined:
> These are the formats currently used by my tool. They may not always
> be the best one, as sometimes there didn't seem to be a consistent
> format in use (either by the Council or in OSM), and so sometimes I've
> just opted for my default "[Parish Name] [Type] [Number]" style. I can
> add other counties on request. I'm also more than happy to amend any
> of the formats already there if there's a consensus amongst local
> mappers to use something different.
> One thing to be aware of though, is that the GIS data provided by the
> councils is usually not the official Definitive Map, but just a
> working representation of it. Often the council will assign reference
> numbers to parishes, and segment numbers to the ways that are just for
> internal convenience, and don't form part of the official PRoW number
> as defined in the Definitive Map and Statement. My philosophy in the
> above is to try to stick to the official numbering as used in the
> Definitive Map and Statement.
> I plan to add a download of the data at
> (probably in JSON
> format) at some point so anyone else who wants to can make us of this
> data more easily. I also have CSV files containing parish IDs and
> names for the counties where it's necessary to do this translation,
> which I can make available. For those using rowmaps data, sometimes
> you'll find the parish name in the INFO field, but the presence and
> format of this varies from county to county.
> Robert.
> --
> Robert Whittaker
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Shared Zones

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Ian Sergeant
On Wed, 18 Jul 2018 at 16:13, Andrew Harvey  wrote:

> Oh I thought the Australian Tagging Guidelines were a document an Australian 
> could read and learn about all the tags for local features in the local 
> context and terminology. eg. Here's how to tag a school zone.

There has been a fair bit of the document culled where it effectively
just restated what is globally the case.  I don't think it pays to be
too parochial.

The tagging discussion you pointed to had no local proponents - that's
why I was surprised you wanted to add a special case for Australia
based on that discussion alone.  The discussion was globally generic -
where this exists, do that.



Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] API a lot slower?

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Paul Norman

On 2018-07-18 11:04 AM, Andrew Hain wrote:
Will there be a local team or does whatever can’t be done remotely 
need a visit?

For the install there will be two people traveling with the equipment, 
and I've reached out to some locals that were recommended. We should 
have enough people to get it done in the two days scheduled, but more 
hands are welcome.

If you're a local with the technical background to help install servers 
or experience moving equipment and interested and available on Wed July 
25th or Thurs July 26, please let me know off-list. The data centre is 
Equinix AM6 in De Omval, Oost, Amsterdam:

Long-term, the remote hands are capable of performing most tasks, 
including installing new servers. Local help would still be useful, so 
if you're interested, also let me know off-list.

talk mailing list

[Talk-br] Nota de Informação sobre OSM - INDE - IBGE - CONCAR

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Thierry Jean

Aproveitei uma viagem a Brasilia em Março e uma ao RJ em Maio e tive reuniões 
com a INDE e o IBGE, as quais foram relatadas na ata da 26ª Reunião Plenária da 
CONCAR. Foi publicada uma Nota de Informação sobre o OSM que acaba recomendando 
o uso do OSM pelos governos brasileiros.

Site da CONCAR (

- NI sobre OSM:

- Minuta de Ata da 26ª Reunião Plenária:

+55 11 996071319

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] API a lot slower?

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Andrew Hain
Will there be a local team or does whatever can’t be done remotely need a visit?


From: Grant Slater 
Sent: 17 July 2018 13:55:05
To: Daniel Koć
Cc: Talk Openstreetmap
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] API a lot slower?

On 17 July 2018 at 13:42, Daniel Koć  wrote:
> W dniu 17.07.2018 o 12:22, Grant Slater pisze:
>> Our primary hardware is moving to a new data centre next week, and
>> will take some time to get up and running.
> What data center do you mean? Is it the one which OSMF was looking for
> at the beginning of the year?
> Could you give some more details about it?

Yes. We are moving some core servers to an Equinix data centre in Amsterdam, NL.

OpenStreetMap's Brexit ;-) 

Kind regards,

Part of the OSM Operations team.

talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Projet récepteur/logger GPS

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Stéphane Péneau

Bonjour Severin,

Hello !

Il y avait assez peu de monde pour cette session du Sotm.
Je sais qu'il y a des personnes intéressées qui ne se sont pas 
manifestées, mais le total reste tout de même assez faible.

Je me demande si je ne vais pas laisser tomber, ou bien attendre 
l'arrivée des nouvelles puces F9 de Ublox, qui seront bifréquence, mais 
le tarif sera surement plus élevé qu'avec la série M8.


Le 16/07/2018 à 19:22, Severin Menard a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

Y avait-il eu des avancées sur ce projet suite aux discussions prévues 
lors du SOTM Bordeaux ?


Date: Thu, 31 May 2018 01:23:56 +0200
From: Stéphane Péneau>>
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Et si on fabriquait notre récepteur/logger
        GPS ?
Message-ID: <
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

Je n'ai pas eu le temps de m'occuper de ce projet ces dernières
(trop occupé avec le V4MBike), mais je vais m'y remettre.

Pour les intéressés qui viennent au Sotm à Bordeaux ce week-end, le
moment pour en parler sera le samedi, entre 16h et 17h30, dans la
Salle 3 :
"Matériel de collecte"
Smartphones, tablettes, caméras, récepteurs GNSS, APN, vélos,
raspberry, arduino, etc.
1. Chacun a ses méthodes pour utiliser son matériel de collecte, ses
petites astuces d'utilisation. Alors échangeons.
2. Utiliser, c'est bien. Modifier, bidouiller, créer, c'est encore
mieux. Discutons-en !
3. Nous pourrons aussi progresser sur le projet de récepteur GNSS
envisagé sur la liste de discussion.
A samedi !


Le 07/04/2018 à 07:29, Stéphane Péneau a écrit :
> Le 06/04/2018 à 20:38, David Marchal a écrit :
>> Euh… Je me représente pas bien le truc : autant une antenne à
>> type patch, je vois bien comment l’arranger sur moi, mais ce type
>> d’antenne, je vois pas trop.
>> Cordialement.
> Regarde cette plaquette, c'est ce type d'antenne qu'on voit sur la
> photo qui est en haut à gauche :

> Stf

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] API a lot slower?

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Tom Hughes

On 18/07/18 18:15, Maarten Deen wrote:

Nothing special really, I was just downloading the data from a lot of 
relations sequentially in JOSM. I downloaded relation 1360154 with its 
members which are bus master_relations that then also load the bus 
relations but without their contents, and then I selected all the bus 
relations and downloaded the members (in JOSM: select all relations and 
do "download members").

 From the Java console:
2018-07-18 19:13:55.553 INFO: GET -> 200

and that for about 320 relations.

Thanks. That's a call handled by cgimap so this is likely related
to the fact that there is currently increased latency between the
application server and the database for those calls.

There is a pending pull request for cgimap that may help.


Tom Hughes (

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] API a lot slower?

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Maarten Deen

On 2018-07-18 15:50, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 17/07/18 10:42, Maarten Deen wrote:

Is it just me or just today or is the API a lot slower after the move 
on sunday? I'm downloading a number of busrelations and it takes a lot 
longer than before the weekend.

I know the cause of this has been explained already but I'd be
interested to know exactly which API call you are referring to
here as it may be that (long term at least) there is something
here which should be fixed but it rather depends if it is a call
being handled by rails or one being handled by cgimap.

Nothing special really, I was just downloading the data from a lot of 
relations sequentially in JOSM. I downloaded relation 1360154 with its 
members which are bus master_relations that then also load the bus 
relations but without their contents, and then I selected all the bus 
relations and downloaded the members (in JOSM: select all relations and 
do "download members").

From the Java console:
2018-07-18 19:13:55.553 INFO: GET -> 200

and that for about 320 relations.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Orthophotographie du département de la Loire-Atlantique

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Eric Brosselin - Osm

Le 18/07/2018 à 16:04, Gwenrannad a écrit :

/Un petit message à l'attention des utilisateurs de JOSM et qui 
"mappent" sur la loire-Atlantique.//
//En effet, l'orthophotographie du 44 présente sur le site //"Vue du 
ciel" //est disponible sur 
JOSM. L'url a été intégrée par un d'entre nous dans le wiki /
Le zoom maximal était réglé sur 19 alors que la résolution à 10 cm 
autorise un zoom 20 sans pixellisation.

Cela vient d'être corrigé.

/-> seul le millésime 2016 est en licence libre/
Il y a aussi celle de 2012 >>>

Il serait bon que celle de 2016 soit signalée sur le site

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 416

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Pavel Machek
On Tue 2018-07-17 15:50:27, Zdeněk Pražák wrote:
> no třeba v Dolní Rovni to mají jednoduché - 100% ostatní, ulice se jmenují
> První až Šestnáctá

No tak naopak, 100% zeny, protoze jinak by to bylo prvni az sestnacty


(cesky, pictures)

Description: Digital signature
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-ko] 주간OSM 416을 번역해 보았습니다 / I tried translating weeklyOSM 416

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden 무뇌봉
 메일 답장이 왔습니다. 번역 팀에 참여하는 것은 가능하지만, 1명이 매주 번역/교정 작업을 하기는 힘들 거라면서 지원자가 더 있었으면
좋겠다고 합니다.
메일 보낼 때 급하게 보내느라 격식 맞추는 걸 까먹어서 좀 부끄러워지네요...
[image: hrtd.PNG]

2018년 7월 15일 (일) 오전 10:04, 무뇌봉 님이 작성:

> 이걸 언제 보기는 했는데... 연락해 달라는 내용이 있는 줄은 몰랐네요
> 일단 방금 메일 보내 봤습니다
> 2018년 7월 15일 (일) 오전 1:50, Changwoo Ryu 님이 작성:
>> weeklyosm 원본 사이트에서 여러 언어를 지원하는데 연락해서 한국어 추가해 보시는 건 어떨까요.
>> ___
>> Talk-ko mailing list
Talk-ko mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] rendu OSM-FR identique au rendu OSM ?

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Christian Quest
Oups... je regarde d'où ça vient, car les requêtes SQL n'ont pas changé 
et la feuille de style non plus.

Sûrement un effet de bord inattendu des nombreuses mises à jour récentes !

Le 18/07/2018 à 13:56, Eric Brosselin - Osm a écrit :

Le 18/07/2018 à 00:31, Christian Quest a écrit :
C'est bien normale et on n'a rien à cacher, même nos pétouilles et 
cagades :)

Il me semble qu'il y a un problème avec les terrains de sports ;-)

Voir >>>

Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Orthophotographie du département de la Loire-Atlantique

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Gwenrannad
Bonjour à toutes et tous, 

Un petit message à l'attention des utilisateurs de JOSM et qui "mappent" sur la 
En effet, l'orthophotographie du 44 présente sur le site "Vue du ciel" est 
disponible sur JOSM. L'url a été intégrée par un d'entre nous dans le wiki mais 
toutefois je tenais à vous apporter 2 précisions : 
-> seul le millésime 2016 est en licence libre 
-> el la licence est une licence ouverte V2 Etalab 

Bon vol :) 


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] API a lot slower?

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Daniel Koć
W dniu 18.07.2018 o 14:40, Frederik Ramm pisze:

> Yes, the situation would be more relaxed if work were distributed on
> more shoulders but at this precise point in time I'd like our operations
> group to focus on getting the move done with minimum fuss, and not on
> recruiting new people!

First of all - I appreciate the work behind the hardware and software
support in OSMF. That is a huge bonus for me that in general I can focus
on developing default style without special care for the infrastructure
it will run on. Kudos for you all!

I also absolutely don't mean this precise moment. Being system
administrator myself, I can imagine how stressful and complicated that
could be. I just thought that there could be some message after the
solution has been selected and before the move has started. I try to
warn my users beforehand when doing anything that could directly affect
their work or if there's some risk involved. At least that's a Best
Practice TM. :-)

What I wanted to express was just a friendly moniker that OWG/EWG work
is still not visible from my perspective (even if I'm an active member
of OSM community) and that it could help to gain some people this way.
Especially as this aim was explicitly stated by technical team
(precisely I mean -
BTW the same person that has successfully started and supported OSM
Carto team building!).

It's always hard to set the right priorities how much would one spend on
communicating and finding new people versus doing actual work, but my
experience is that it pays off to risk some evangelizing - now we have a
team of active people in OSM Carto again, but it required putting some
effort into making the style more available without clear outcome what
exactly might work. And we still keep trying - see this fresh announcement:

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] API a lot slower?

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Tom Hughes

On 17/07/18 10:42, Maarten Deen wrote:

Is it just me or just today or is the API a lot slower after the move on 
sunday? I'm downloading a number of busrelations and it takes a lot 
longer than before the weekend.

I know the cause of this has been explained already but I'd be
interested to know exactly which API call you are referring to
here as it may be that (long term at least) there is something
here which should be fixed but it rather depends if it is a call
being handled by rails or one being handled by cgimap.


Tom Hughes (

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Cartopartie à Felletin (en Creuse) le 23/07/2018

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Quentin

Salut à vous,

Petit message pour vous informer qu'une cartopartie aura lieu ce lundi 
23 juillet 2018 de 15h à 18h à la Gare de Felletin en Creuse.

Si des personnes sont présentes dans les environs, ce sera l'occasion de 
se rencontrer !

Ce sera une première à Felletin et cela s'organise dans le cadre d'une 
rencontre plus large nommée Horizons Géographiques 

Bonne journée à vous.


/Ayant vu certaines cartoparties annoncées sur la liste, je me suis 
permis de le faire. Si ce n'est pas le lieu pour ça, n'hésitez pas à me 


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] API a lot slower?

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Frederik Ramm

On 18.07.2018 14:18, Daniel Koć wrote:
> Thanks for the message! However given how big this change is and that it
> directly affects comfort of using OSM services, I would be glad to hear
> much more details what are the plans and why there?

The server move is currently eating up all the extra resources that OWG
have (and more). We'll certainly be able to document it after the fact,
but there is no free time available to provide any running commentary
for the public while the move is being planned and executed.

The decision for Amsterdam was made after carefully reviewing the
bids/offers that were received in response to the request for proposals
put out in February this year. The request also explained why the move
was necessary.

> As I understand, OSMF technical department (I mean Operations Working
> Group and Engineering Working Group) wants to engage more people
> (
> and giving some general informations in public is a basic tool to
> encourage them.

Yes, the situation would be more relaxed if work were distributed on
more shoulders but at this precise point in time I'd like our operations
group to focus on getting the move done with minimum fuss, and not on
recruiting new people!


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] API a lot slower?

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Daniel Koć
W dniu 17.07.2018 o 14:55, Grant Slater pisze:

> Yes. We are moving some core servers to an Equinix data centre in
> Amsterdam, NL. 

Thanks for the message! However given how big this change is and that it
directly affects comfort of using OSM services, I would be glad to hear
much more details what are the plans and why there?

As I understand, OSMF technical department (I mean Operations Working
Group and Engineering Working Group) wants to engage more people
and giving some general informations in public is a basic tool to
encourage them.

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

talk mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Foss4G-SotM Oceania OSM Workshops

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden John Bryant
Thanks Philip!

Just a wee point of clarification - right now we're seeking submissions for
the Workshop Day, which is Tuesday 20th November. Community Day will be on
the Friday, and we'll also want ideas for that - but the current drive is
for Workshop Day, with a deadline of 31 July (less than 2 weeks away!).

There'll be a keen audience looking to learn more about engaging with OSM,
what would you want to teach them in a 3.5 hour, hands-on session in a
first class training facility at Melbourne Uni? Or even in an outdoor
session, for that matter? All ideas welcome!

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] rendu OSM-FR identique au rendu OSM ?

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Eric Brosselin - Osm

Le 18/07/2018 à 00:31, Christian Quest a écrit :
C'est bien normale et on n'a rien à cacher, même nos pétouilles et 
cagades :)

Il me semble qu'il y a un problème avec les terrains de sports ;-)

Voir >>>

Talk-fr mailing list

[talk-au] Foss4G-SotM Oceania OSM Workshops

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Philip Mallis
Hi all,

We are currently putting out a call for workshops and presentations for the 
upcoming FoSS4G-SotM Oceania Conference this November.

It would be great to have some OSM-themed workshops on the Community Day, which 
will be open and free to all who are interested.

You can find more information on the program and how to submit a proposal on 
our website:

The deadline to submit is 31 July, so get cracking!

Any questions, please feel free to ask.


Philip Mallis
Talk-au mailing list

[Talk-lt] Smulkių kelių (track/service) klasifikacija

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Tomas Straupis

  Prieš gerą pusmetį buvo rašyta apie kelių klasifikaciją:
  Tada buvo kalba tik apie kelius highway=residential ir highway=unclassified.

  Bet toks pat klausimas yra ir su smulkesniais keliais. Konkrečiai
highway=service ir highway=track

  Iš principo norima išspręsti/sugalvoti, kaip gauti teisingą kelių
grafą, bet tuo pačiu ir nenukrypti nuo standartinio (įprasto)
supratimo, kada kelias yra track, o kada service PAGAL IŠVAIZDĄ.

  Taigi „pagal išvaizdą“.
  track - kai yra matomos dvi vėžės. Su išimtimi track + grade1 - čia
labai stipriai pravažinėtos vėžės, kai jau nebėra per vidurį žolės
tarpo, pagal užsienio patirtį, tai gali būti net ir grįsti keliai
(grade2-5 - tik negrįsti).
  service - kelininkų padarytas rimtas kelias, gal grįstas, gal
negrįstas. Dažniausiai pasitaiko tankiai gyvenamose vietovėse (kur
klausimų kaip ir nekyla), bet būna ir užmiestyje (tarkim privažiavimas
prie kokios nors fermos).

  Pagal „kelių grafą“.
  service - teoriškai turėtų būti tik privažiavimas prie ko nors
(akligatvis arba trumpas pravažiavimas).
  track - gali būti bet kas: tiek miškų keliai, kurie gali jungti
atskiras gyvenvietes ar būti trumpesnis kelias, kaip pervažiuoti iš
vieno kelio į kitą. Bet tai gali būti ir privažiavimas prie ko nors
(tarkime privažiavimas prie vasaros sodybos ar maudyklos per laukus).

  1. Neaišku, kaip žymėti privažiavimus prie sodybų užmiestyje.
Kadangi tai privažiavimas, tai kaip ir tiktų service, bet kadangi tai
per pievas einančios vėžės - tai kaip ir norisi track.
  2. Kartais į fermos teritoriją įeina aiškus service kelias, bet
toliau nuo tokio service atsišakoja vos matomas per pievas ar mišką
einantis track keliukas. Kadangi track gali būti jungiamieji keliai,
tai jie pradedami rodyti smulkesniame mastelyje nei service, todėl
tokiuose masteliuose, kur service nerodomi, o track rodomi, gali
atsirasti kelių grafo trūkiai.

  Sprendimo variantai:
  service keliai turi papildomą klasifikaciją service=* Ten iš
principo galima būtų dėti tarkim service=long_way ar pan., kuris
rodytų, kad tai jungiamasis service - tada jį galima būtų rodyti nuo
to paties masteliuo, kaip ir track - tada neliktų kelių grafo trūkių.
  highway=track neturi žymos track=*, o labai norėtųsi atskirti
privažiavimus prie namų (akligatvius), t.y. trumpus kelius, kad jie
neužterštų žemėlapio smulkesniuose masteliuose.

  Beje, visus/bet kokius privažiavimus žymėti highway=service
tikriausiai nėra labai gerai, nes gali būti ilgas track kelias mišku,
o tada trumpas privažiavimas nuo track kelio iki sodybos. Praktiškai
visuose pagal OSM duomenis daromuose žemėlapiuose service keliai
matomi labiau nei track, taigi tokio privažiavimo atveju būtų keistas
vaizdas - „ore“ kabantis service kelias.

  Ką manote/siūlote?


Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 416

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Jiří Sedláček
Je to tak, tuším, že právě Kuřim Bena Skálu inspirovala k tomuhle sestavení
(pak jsme dohledávali další a další ulice dle fiktivních postav).

Už jen asi sto tisíc ulic a bude "pojmenováno po" nastaveno všude a budeme
schopni to pak třídit přímo dotazem (blbý je, že jsou to téměř všechny
ulice v republice a že zdroje toho jsou extrémně komplikovaný - věnoval
jsem se Třebíči, tam to bylo snadný, tam vím kde hledat, pak jsem zpracoval
Pelhřimov a to byla práce na jedno odpoledne).

Pokud byste věděli o nějakým komplexním seznamu, budu rád. A není zač, dík
patří Benovi Skálovi - Brňáci ho dneska (18. 7.) mohou potkat na brněnském
Wikisrazu, který se koná od 18.00 v zahradě u medláneckého rybníka (pod
reálnou lípou) -,_18._%C4%8Dervence_2018.
Ale to je totálně off topic.


On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 12:19 PM Mikoláš Štrajt  wrote:

> Teda!
> Jsem si myslel jak je Dobříš (co se týká pojmenování ulic) pokrokovej a
> pak koukám do Kuřimy:
> A tam mají celou foglarovskou čtvrť...
> - Rozdělovací
> - Vontská  + Losnova + Tleskačova
> - Dušínova + Hojerova + Metelkova + Červenáčkova + Rychlonožkova
> - Bohoušova (nikde ale nevidím Štětináčovu ani Dlouhého bidla :-( )
> - Jestřábova + Foglarova (tohle je na tom největší anomálie IMHO)
> Díky za tento poučný odkaz a zároveň dobrou praktickou ukázku dotazu na
> Wikidata.
> --
> Severák
> -- Původní e-mail --
> Od: Jiří Sedláček 
> Komu: Czech Republic OpenStreetMap 
> Datum: 18. 7. 2018 12:06:10
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 416
> Pak tady máme i ulice pojmenované podle fiktivních postav (Dušínova,
> Cimrmanova, ...)
> S pomocí Wikidat a property "pojmenováno po". Např. Velkého Vonta (
>, dvakrát Krakonošova a třikrát
> Jana Tleskače / Tleskačova.
> On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 3:51 PM Zdeněk Pražák  wrote:
> no třeba v Dolní Rovni to mají jednoduché - 100% ostatní, ulice se jmenují
> První až Šestnáctá
> -- Původní e-mail --
> Od: majka 
> Komu:
> Datum: 17. 7. 2018 15:14:05
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 416
> On Tue, 17 Jul 2018 at 14:19, Marián Kyral  wrote:
> A tak nějak nechápu tu informaci, že pouze 11% ulic v Rosariu je
> pojmenováno po ženách. Jednak tam chybí údaj, kolik jich je pojmenováno po
> mužích a kolik po něčem jiném (jiné město, stát, stav, terén), ale hlavně
> netuším, jak to může přitáhnout více žen do OSM.
> Schválně jsem si přes Overpass-Turbo vytáhl jména ulic ve FM, roztřídil a
> zjistil, že v Rosariu na tom nejsou až tak špatně. Ve FM je to horší...
> Muži: 38.96 %
> Ženy:  3.25 %
> Ostatní: 57.79 %
> (seznam přiložen)
> Marián
> Inspirována Mariánem jsem přepočetla České Budějovice. Situace tam je na
> pováženou a osobně mě uráží ;)
> muži 40,89%
> ženy 2,43%
> ostatní 56,68%
> Pravda, u žen jsem připočítala i Mariánské náměstí (podle sochy sv. Marie)
> a u mužů zase i Janskou (podle sv. Jana Nepomuckého). Ale odpustila jsem
> jim gendrově nevyváženou "Volejbalistů" a podobné...
> Majka
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> --
> S pozdravem,
> Jirka Sedláček
> ---
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

S pozdravem,
Jirka Sedláček
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] neue Namen (war: Peter-Paul-Berg)

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden grubernd

On 2018-07-17 22:43, Norbert Wenzel wrote:

Die Frage ist wie lang sich die Namen halten. Aber wenn es für das Event
reicht, dann soll es mal so sein. Und einige der Namen sind imo eher auf
mangelnde Kreativität als auf sonstwas zurückzuführen und nur in der
beschreibenden Kategorie (name=Drop).

das wird sich weisen wie sehr die lokale Community die Namen übernimmt. 
ich bin ja nicht der einzige, der an den Trails herummappt.

manches wird bleiben, manches verschwinden.
die ÖPNV-Mapper haben es da auch nicht anders.

und die name=Drop, puuu, .. :rolleyes:


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 416

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Mikoláš Štrajt


Jsem si myslel jak je Dobříš (co se týká pojmenování ulic) pokrokovej a pak
koukám do Kuřimy:

A tam mají celou foglarovskou čtvrť...

- Rozdělovací

- Vontská  + Losnova + Tleskačova

- Dušínova + Hojerova + Metelkova + Červenáčkova + Rychlonožkova

- Bohoušova (nikde ale nevidím Štětináčovu ani Dlouhého bidla :-( )

- Jestřábova + Foglarova (tohle je na tom největší anomálie IMHO)

Díky za tento poučný odkaz a zároveň dobrou praktickou ukázku dotazu na



-- Původní e-mail --
Od: Jiří Sedláček 
Komu: Czech Republic OpenStreetMap 
Datum: 18. 7. 2018 12:06:10
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 416
Pak tady máme i ulice pojmenované podle fiktivních postav (Dušínova,
Cimrmanova, ...) 

S pomocí Wikidat a property "pojmenováno po". Např. Velkého Vonta (https://,
dvakrát Krakonošova a třikrát Jana Tleskače / Tleskačova.

On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 3:51 PM Zdeněk Pražák> wrote:

no třeba v Dolní Rovni to mají jednoduché - 100% ostatní, ulice se jmenují
První až Šestnáctá
-- Původní e-mail --
Od: majka>
Datum: 17. 7. 2018 15:14:05
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 416

On Tue, 17 Jul 2018 at 14:19, Marián Kyral> wrote:


A tak nějak nechápu tu informaci, že pouze 11% ulic v Rosariu je pojmenováno
po ženách. Jednak tam chybí údaj, kolik jich je pojmenováno po mužích a
kolik po něčem jiném (jiné město, stát, stav, terén), ale hlavně netuším,
jak to může přitáhnout více žen do OSM.

Schválně jsem si přes Overpass-Turbo vytáhl jména ulic ve FM, roztřídil a
zjistil, že v Rosariu na tom nejsou až tak špatně. Ve FM je to horší...

Muži: 38.96 %    

Ženy:  3.25 %    

Ostatní: 57.79 %

(seznam přiložen)



Inspirována Mariánem jsem přepočetla České Budějovice. Situace tam je na
pováženou a osobně mě uráží ;)

muži 40,89%

ženy 2,43%

ostatní 56,68%

Pravda, u žen jsem připočítala i Mariánské náměstí (podle sochy sv. Marie) a
u mužů zase i Janskou (podle sv. Jana Nepomuckého). Ale odpustila jsem jim
gendrově nevyváženou "Volejbalistů" a podobné...


Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list


S pozdravem,
Jirka Sedláček
Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] neue Namen (war: Peter-Paul-Berg)

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden grubernd

On 2018-07-17 13:13, Lars Schimmer wrote:

Das ist 3words - wird häufiger genutzt, ist aber (c) und somit ned für
OSM geeignet (und darf ned eingetragen werden).

ganz abgesehen davon, dass man für 3words entweder eine Spezialkarte 
braucht oder ein GPS-Gerät mit geheimer Übersetzungstabelle.

insgesamt eine nette Idee für Grosskonzerne, die in weitflächigen und 
anderweitig unbenannten Gebieten mit wackeligen Sprechfunkverbindungen 
ihre Mitarbeiter ohne Lokalkenntnis möglichst fehlerfrei an einen Ort 
bringen müssen. das ist der einzige halbwegs plausible Usecase der mir 
zu dem System einfällt.

für alles andere gibt's klassische Ortsnamen oder GPS. =)


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 416

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Jiří Sedláček
Pak tady máme i ulice pojmenované podle fiktivních postav (Dušínova,
Cimrmanova, ...)

S pomocí Wikidat a property "pojmenováno po". Např. Velkého Vonta (, dvakrát Krakonošova a třikrát
Jana Tleskače / Tleskačova.

On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 3:51 PM Zdeněk Pražák  wrote:

> no třeba v Dolní Rovni to mají jednoduché - 100% ostatní, ulice se jmenují
> První až Šestnáctá
> -- Původní e-mail --
> Od: majka 
> Komu:
> Datum: 17. 7. 2018 15:14:05
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 416
> On Tue, 17 Jul 2018 at 14:19, Marián Kyral  wrote:
> A tak nějak nechápu tu informaci, že pouze 11% ulic v Rosariu je
> pojmenováno po ženách. Jednak tam chybí údaj, kolik jich je pojmenováno po
> mužích a kolik po něčem jiném (jiné město, stát, stav, terén), ale hlavně
> netuším, jak to může přitáhnout více žen do OSM.
> Schválně jsem si přes Overpass-Turbo vytáhl jména ulic ve FM, roztřídil a
> zjistil, že v Rosariu na tom nejsou až tak špatně. Ve FM je to horší...
> Muži: 38.96 %
> Ženy:  3.25 %
> Ostatní: 57.79 %
> (seznam přiložen)
> Marián
> Inspirována Mariánem jsem přepočetla České Budějovice. Situace tam je na
> pováženou a osobně mě uráží ;)
> muži 40,89%
> ženy 2,43%
> ostatní 56,68%
> Pravda, u žen jsem připočítala i Mariánské náměstí (podle sochy sv. Marie)
> a u mužů zase i Janskou (podle sv. Jana Nepomuckého). Ale odpustila jsem
> jim gendrově nevyváženou "Volejbalistů" a podobné...
> Majka
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

S pozdravem,
Jirka Sedláček
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Shared Zones

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Andrew Harvey
Okay, I've added it to
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Operator pour les aires de repos ?

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Rpnpif
Le 17 juillet 2018, Romain MEHUT a écrit :

> Bonsoir,
> Un contributeur a ajouté un tag operator pour des aires de repos dans ce
> changeset
> J'ai laissé un commentaire pour lui demander si c'est vraiment la station
> service (quand l'aire en est équipée) qui gère l'aire en question.
> Je n'ai pas eu de réponse alors je fais appel à vos connaissances sur ce
> sujet...
> Merci.
> Romain

J'ai aussi un doute. La société d'autoroute peut aussi être mouillé
sauf contrat de concession qui veut le contraire.
La solution serait de demander au responsable de la station.

Alain Rpnpif

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] [tagging] Fanghi

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Cascafico Giovanni
Ciao lista!

come si tagga una zona linbera dove tradizionalemnte la gente fa a
spalmarsi i fanghi, in questo caso salini?
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Shared Zones

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Warin

On 18/07/18 16:40, Andrew Davidson wrote:

On 18/07/18 16:12, Andrew Harvey wrote:

Okay so I guess we still need to use some local judgement?

I thought we were discussing shared zones here? They are clearly sign 
posted so I wouldn't have thought that there would be a problem 
identifying them.

I'm happy to have them tagged as living_street(s) as they do have most 
of the characteristics of European types.

The problem is that the mapper sees 'shared street' and does not know 
how to map that in OSM speak .. that is where the Australian guide lines 

to translate OZie into OSM ...
or to give hints for international phone numbers to use in OSM .. we 
don't get much practice at that unlike the Europeans.

For detailing what a 'shared street' is for OSM then the living street 
page has a table where the Australian peculiarities can be stated.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Shared Zones

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Andrew Davidson

On 18/07/18 16:12, Andrew Harvey wrote:

Okay so I guess we still need to use some local judgement?

I thought we were discussing shared zones here? They are clearly sign 
posted so I wouldn't have thought that there would be a problem 
identifying them.

I'm happy to have them tagged as living_street(s) as they do have most 
of the characteristics of European types.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Shared Zones

2018-07-18 Diskussionsfäden Andrew Harvey
> I don't see any reason to update the Australian tagging guidelines.
There are no Australia specific arguments being made, or even
Australian contributors to the discussion (apart from you).
> If that's the way that OSM moves, then let the general wiki get
updated accordingly.  Don't see any need to single out Australia.

Oh I thought the Australian Tagging Guidelines were a document an
Australian could read and learn about all the tags for local features in
the local context and terminology. eg. Here's how to tag a school zone.

> Personally, we see shared-zones used in Australia for lots of purposes
other than shared spaces.  For example, de-facto pedestrian crossings
out the front of stations.   I think we should leave people surveying
to tag them as they see them, and the maxspeed and access tags may
sometimes be more appropriate if it's a crossing space.

Okay so I guess we still need to use some local judgement?
Talk-au mailing list