[OSM-talk-ie] OSGeo Ireland - Local Chapter Starting Out

2015-09-25 Thread Dave Corley

Just a quick mail to let you know that there is a local chapter of OSGeo
forming at the moment (very early days yet).

OSGeo was created to support the collaborative development of open source
geospatial software, and promote its widespread use.

In other words, OSGeo is to Esri (ArcGIS etc) what OpenStreetMap is to OSi.

To give you an idea of some of the software it supports. see below

== Web Mapping ==
MapGuide Open Source

== Desktop Applications ==

== Geospatial Libraries ==

If anyone is currently using any software in this field or interested in
learning more, the chapter wiki is here [1].

You can also sign up for the mailing list to keep up to date on
developments and hear about workshops, meetings, etc. here [2]


[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Ireland
[2] http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ireland

Talk-ie mailing list

[Talk-GB] New St station platforms

2015-09-25 Thread Brian Prangle
Does anyone know whether the alignment of the platforms under the concourse
is based on anything other than pure guesswork? The alignment at either end
where they can be seen in Bing doesn't look right either. I'm trying to get
the concourse layout to match the platforms for lifts and escalators and
they're not quite matching currently.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cl] wiki - Números de casa

2015-09-25 Thread Felipe Hernández G .
Gracias Julio por la ayuda. Les cuento que envié un correo al creador
(Emilio Gomez) y esto fue lo que me respondió (más abajo está el mail que
le envié), al parecer si tiene un significado pero a mi ver muy específico.
Lo comentaré en la lista que me indica emilio para ver la posibilidad de
que coexistan los dos nombre en el peor de los casos, ya que para la gente
no relacionada al mundo GIS no es intuitivo e imagino que la idea es que
sea fácil de entender para todos.

Saludos y buen día

Hola cephei1313,

Me alegro que te haya servido la página, ese era el fin cuando la cree hace
ya tiempo cuando se estaba probando con este esquema de etiquetado en OSM.

En su momento cuando traduje la página del inglés la titulé "Números de
portal" que es la forma, al menos en España, más común de llamar a la
numeración de edificios. Posteriormente me día cuenta que la manera
correcta y apropiada, y que así se utiliza en bibliografía y por fuentes
catastrales, es la de "Número de policía" ya que no solo identifican a
portales o casas, que puede ser lo más obvio, sino también a fincas (siendo
este número independiente de la referencia catastral). De hecho a nivel
registral se utiliza el término "número de policía" para señalar esta
numeración de inmuebles y dentro del mundo GIS a nivel técnico también es
la más utilizada (este campo es en el que me muevo yo profesionalmente).

En España el termino "policía" también hace referencia directa a los
cuerpos de seguridad, pero debido a lo que te he comentado opté por cambiar
el nombre de la página a una denominación más "técnica". Esa es la única

No tengo ningún problema en renombrarla, lo que si únicamente te pediría
que lo comentases en la lista de correo Talk-es, ya que sé que hay gente
más versada que yo en este tema que ha venido utilizando este termino en
las discusiones.

Un saludo.


On 2015-09-25 13:42:27 UTC cephei1313 wrote:

Hola Emilio

He visto que eres el creador de la página "ES:Números de policía" en la
wiki de osm (
). Primero que nada, muchas gracias, me ha sido muy útil para comprender
como funciona el tema de las direcciones en la plataforma.

Este mensaje tiene el fin de discutir el titulo de la página. En chile
policía se refiere a la fuerza pública, al igual que en muchas partes (
https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polic%C3%ADa ) y no entiendo el significado
de ésta en el contexto de las direcciones. ¿Podrías explicar el por qué de
ese nombre por favor?

Creo que un titulo más apropiado sería "números de casa" o "Direcciones de
hogares", me parece más genérico para los hispanohablantes. ¿Que te parece?

Saludos y buen día :-)

PD: if you prefer i can explain in english my doubt about the title of wiki


El 23 de septiembre de 2015, 9:54, Julio Costa Zambelli <
julio.co...@openstreetmap.cl> escribió:

> Hola Felipe,
> Probablemente tendrías que entrar a la pestaña de discusión del artículo
> en la Wiki y conversarlo con sus editores (quizás enviarles un mensaje
> directamente). Concuerdo en que, por lo menos para el castellano de Chile,
> el nombre actual no dice nada.
> Por ahora tienen el artículo "Karlsruhe Schema" en ES apuntando al que
> mencionas:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=ES:Karlsruhe_Schema=no
> Saludos,
> Julio Costa Zambelli
> Fundación OpenStreetMap Chile
> julio.co...@openstreetmap.cl
> http://www.openstreetmap.cl/
> Cel: +56(9)89981083
> 2015-09-23 3:09 GMT-03:00 Felipe Hernández G. :
>> Hola a todos
>> Estuve averiguando sobre la forma de poner direcciones en OSM y llegué a
>> la Wiki
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES:N%C3%BAmeros_de_polic%C3%ADa
>> La cosa es que el titulo es "números de policía" en lugar de "números de
>> casa" o parecido, lo cuál me parece erróneo (¿lo es?). Traté de cambiar el
>> nombre de la página pero no encontré donde hacerlo. Alguien sabe??? se
>> puede??? arreglé cosas del contenido pero no pude cambiar el titulo :-(
>> Saludos
>> --
>> *Felipe Hernández G.*
>> *Estudiante Ingeniería Civil en Computación*
>> *Estudiante Magíster en Ciencias de la Computación *
>> *Universidad de Chile*
>> *09-90977379 <09-90977379>*
>> ___
>> Talk-cl mailing list
>> Talk-cl@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cl

*Felipe Hernández G.*
*Estudiante Ingeniería Civil en Computación*
*Estudiante Magíster en Ciencias de la Computación *
*Universidad de Chile*
Talk-cl mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Peilung

2015-09-25 Thread Thorsten Alge
Hallo Tom,

Peilung ist die Richtung von einem Punkt auf den Anderen daher hilft mir
das von dir vorgeschlagene Plug. Vielen Dank.



On 2015-09-25 01:19, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
> Thorsten Alge wrote on 2015-09-24 23:16:
>> Hallo Liste,
>> gibt es einen OSM basierten Dienst auf dem eich die Peilung von einem
>> Punkt zu einem anderen ablesen kann?
> Hallo Thorsten,
> mir ist noch nicht ganz glar was du eigentlich machen willst.
> Willst du auf einen realen Fernsehturm steigen und zur Kirche rüberpeilen,
> und brauchst dazu "irgendwie" OSM?
> Oder willst du von vorhandenen OSM-Nodes A und B wissen, in welcher
> Kompass-Richtung A von B liegt?
> Letzteres macht das Measurement-Plugin in JOSM. Einfach beide Nodes
> anklicken, und Entfernung und Winkel werden im Fenster berechnet,
> entsprechend der Auswahl auch Flächen und Pfadlängen.
> tom
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
> Talk-de@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-de

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Peilung

2015-09-25 Thread Thorsten Alge
Hallo Markus,

vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Der Törnplaner ist noch etwas einfacher als
das JOSM-Plugin.



On 2015-09-25 11:25, Markus wrote:
> Hallo Thorsten,
> Richtung und Distanz kannst Du in http://map.openseamap.org
> mit dem *Törnplaner* messen:
> Menü: Werkzeuge > Törnplaner
> dann mit der Maus zwei oder mehr Punkte in der Karte markieren
> (letzten Punkt mit Doppelklick).
> Gruss, Markus
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
> Talk-de@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-de

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] running and registering an old osmand version

2015-09-25 Thread Max
using the f-droid repository that should be possible to install an old
(full) version.

On 2015년 09월 26일 00:31, Olaf Hering wrote:
> The current osmand versions causes a system reboot during installation
> on this Motorola Pro+ MB632. This happens with the free and with the
> paid version. Too bad I just bought osmand in Playstore.
> Is there a way to install an older version of osmand on this phone?
> I found previous releases at http://download.osmand.net/releases/, which
> one is known to work on Android 2.3.6?
> If I get it installed, how do I enable the paid version?
> Olaf
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] running and registering an old osmand version

2015-09-25 Thread Olaf Hering
The current osmand versions causes a system reboot during installation
on this Motorola Pro+ MB632. This happens with the free and with the
paid version. Too bad I just bought osmand in Playstore.

Is there a way to install an older version of osmand on this phone?
I found previous releases at http://download.osmand.net/releases/, which
one is known to work on Android 2.3.6?
If I get it installed, how do I enable the paid version?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 静岡市オープンデータの航空写真

2015-09-25 Thread Shu Higashi






2015/09/25 下り専門 :
> 下り専門です。こんにちは。
> 毎年更新は重ねてみたらどう見えるのか楽しみですよね。
> 次回の撮影は3月末だそうです。
> ・オブジェクト、あるいは変更セットにタグを付与する、
>> という運用がよいのではないかと思うのですが、どうでしょう?
> そうですね、更新しました。
> コピー元の室蘭のほうも更新しておきます。
>> あとは、内容がある程度決まったら、Potential Data sourceのページから
>> リンクを貼っておくとよいかも、と思いました。
>> 文面など、お手伝いできると思いますので、個別にでも相談ください。
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Potential_Datasources#Japan
> Potential_Datasources には以前、「Open Data Catalog Shizuoka」という項目を追加しています。
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Potential_Datasources#Open_Data_Catalog_Shizuoka
> 上記からリンクされている Open_Data_Catalog_Shizuoka に項目を追加して、詳細説明にリンクしました。
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Open_Data_Catalog_Shizuoka
> 翻訳が必要でしたらお手伝いお願いしたいです。
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 静岡市オープンデータの航空写真

2015-09-25 Thread 下り専門


> という運用がよいのではないかと思うのですが、どうでしょう?


> あとは、内容がある程度決まったら、Potential Data sourceのページから
> リンクを貼っておくとよいかも、と思いました。
> 文面など、お手伝いできると思いますので、個別にでも相談ください。
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Potential_Datasources#Japan
Potential_Datasources には以前、「Open Data Catalog Shizuoka」という項目を追加しています。

上記からリンクされている Open_Data_Catalog_Shizuoka に項目を追加して、詳細説明にリンクしました。

Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [Talk-gb-westmidlands] New St station platform alignments

2015-09-25 Thread SK53
I've certainly found that in most large shopping centres/malls etc.,
support elements are usually regularly spaced, and at least estimating what
this spacing is & using it to correlate with features observable from
outside can help refine positioning. Obviously platform lifts & escalators
fit this pattern too.


On 25 September 2015 at 21:12, Andy Robinson  wrote:

> I recall tweaking the tracks some years ago to better fit imagery as they
> were definitely rough drawn before that but I expect with different imagery
> now and folks messing about over that couple of years of changing its all
> got a bit messy. Part of the problem is that a lot of the track radius is
> out of view. I expect by using the NR concourse plan as a starting point
> you would get a better alignment using the escalator locations.
> *From:* Brian Prangle [mailto:bpran...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* 25 September 2015 13:57
> *To:* talk-gb-westmidlands; Talk GB
> *Subject:* [Talk-gb-westmidlands] New St station platform alignments
> Does anyone know whether the alignment of the platforms under the
> concourse is based on anything other than pure guesswork? The alignment at
> either end where they can be seen in Bing doesn't look right either. I'm
> trying to get the concourse layout to match the platforms for lifts and
> escalators and they're not quite matching currently.
> regards
> Brian
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Relação Baía de Guanabara X Ilha do Governador

2015-09-25 Thread thundercel
desconheço a politica de arquivamento de tracklogs na base OSM, mas desde que 
ingressei no projeto fiz upload para aquela base do banco de tracklogs que 
tenho em meu PC (mais de 80 MB de arquivos)..

Não tenho tracklogs  só por mim levantados, em função de administrar sites 
dirigidos a usuários de GPS, recebo muitos tracklogs de usuários até porque no 
site http://maparadar.com/ por vezes somos obrigados a alinhar o radar 
cadastrado por informação de tracklog.

De qualquer forma extraí do banco que tenho os tracklogs da Ilha do Governador 
e os disponibilizei em http://cocardl.com.br/pv/ilha.rar

Quanto aos mapas do Cocar continuamos disponibilizando gratuitamente esses 
mapas com frequência mensal, mas nada impede que o utilizador sozinho compile o 
mapa a qualquer tempo empregando os KITs de compilação que disponibilizamos no 
site Cocar em http://cocardl.com.br/viewforum.php?f=70

Decidimos criar o Cocar porque não existia no Brasil provedor de mapa para GPS 
Garmin empregando os dados OSM. Com essa decisão acreditamos que, além de 
divulgar o OSM, angariamos mais colaboradores para o projeto.

O pessoal que emprega o mapa Cocar e tem auxiliado nas edições tem se dedicado 
mais a editar objetos que afetam diretamente roteamentos. Os que não sabem 
ainda editar estão abrindo notas no mapa ou nos comunicando necessidade de 
alterações por meio dos foruns dos sites por nós administrados e onde 
divulgamos o OSM e Cocar.

Em que pese o emprego dos dados OSM para um aplicativo específico, o mapa Cocar 
e seu emprego em muito nos tem auxiliado na identificação de necessidade de 

[]s e mais uma vez parabéns pelo trabalho do grupo de inclusão de bairros.


From: Thiago Vieira 
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2015 2:37 PM
To: OpenStreetMap no Brasil 
Subject: Re: [Talk-br]Relação Baía de Guanabara X Ilha do Governador

Certo Marcio, eu já sabia que você é morador da Ilha, sei que se empenha na 
exportação dos mapas do Cocar para os aparelhos de GPS Garmin, etc, e assim 
como a todos os demais mapeadores OSM, tenho profundo respeito. Acredito que 
você possua dados precisos de tracklogs da região, acontece que eu, por ter 
realizado o trabalho de inclusão das divisas dos bairros na Ilha, tomei a 
responsabilidade de efetuar a correção dos problemas apontados das ruas que 
estavam no mar, que conforme eu mostrei no email anterior nem fui eu que 
causei, sem problema algum, eu me disponho a efetuar qualquer correção que me 
apresentarem, não necessariamente tendo sido causados por mim, isso é o que me 
dá prazer no OSM, ver os mapas cada vez melhores. 

Na verdade os bairros da Cacuia e Ribeira não ficaram "desalinhados" a partir 
do trabalho dos bairros mas ficaram desta forma atual após ter sido reportado o 
problema das ruas no mar. Para realizar esse trabalho eu ativei a camada de 
dados de tracklogs no Josm, no entanto pouquíssima coisa foi carregada, não sei 
se esses seus dados estão nas bases do OSM. Logo tive que adotar um critério 
para realizar o trabalho e o mais adequado que considerei foi usar as próprias 
ruas mapeadas para obter o melhor offset para o mapa base, então percebi que o 
offset -50;-60 da ortofoto 2012 do IPP aparentava ser suficientemente alinhado, 
percebi inclusive que esse offset tem um alinhamento praticamente exato com o 
mapa Bing, veja as imagens a seguir.___
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Environment Agency LIDAR datasets OGL licensed now available

2015-09-25 Thread Chris Hill
I've had a go at extracting the height of buildings from the Environment 
Agency LIDAR, and it seems possible.

I loaded the EA data into a database and found all the height points 
within the polygon of an existing building outline. The highest value is 
the height of the building. From that I could (haven't yet) create a 
file of changes to add the height to each building. One thing that 
causes a problem is a tree near a house as it can create a higher point 
than the house.

Using this would be an import and would need to go through the import 
declaration process IMO. I have also thought about creating an editor 
overlay to show the heights so they can be added manually. It's more 
work and I think it's still really an import, but checking each height 
as it gets added should spot anomalies.

I'm going to tidy up the process and write it up in detail as a blog 
post over the next few days so anyone else can try it out too.

Cheers, Chris
user: chillly

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Telegram ed Openstreetmap

2015-09-25 Thread Luigi Toscano
Cascafico Giovanni ha scritto:
> Scomodare, seppur ta virgolette, la parola "virus" per un open source che deve
> combattere contro un mostro in termini di milioni di utenti? Io non so
> analizzare il codice, ma credo che se ci fosse una backdoor per i soliti
> spioni istutuzionali, sarebbe venuta fuori in un paio di giorni dalla
> pubblicazione del SW.

Nessuno può analizzare il codice del server, perché è chiuso. Non è diverso da
un client come Kopete o Pidgin che si collega(va)no a Yahoo Messenger o MSN
Messenger; l'unica differenza è che sono contenti di client di terze parti e
che le comunicazioni dirette tra utenti possono cifrate direttamente, senza
che il server possa decifrarle.

In ogni caso, per tornare a MuseiBot: bella idea, ottima anche come
riferimento per progetti analoghi (su altri sistemi di messaggistica o per
altre ricerche).


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Mappa osmand italia

2015-09-25 Thread beppebo...@libero.it
Qualcuno sa perché non viene più aggiornata la mappa dell'Italia?___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] What is "The Smart Box" ?

2015-09-25 Thread Gerard Vanderveken



Marc Gemis wrote:


Anyone knows what a "The Smart Box" is ?
pictures [1], [2]

and how do you map one ?



Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [Talk-gb-westmidlands] New St station platform alignments

2015-09-25 Thread lester
I can't remember ... has the track layout been changed yet? I know there were 
some plans to realign, but the core structure hasn't changed since first 

Sent from my android device so quoting is crap ... need to kill these painful 
email clients!

-Original Message-
From: Andy Robinson 
To: 'Brian Prangle' , 'talk-gb-westmidlands' 
, 'Talk GB' 
Sent: Fri, 25 Sep 2015 21:12
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] [Talk-gb-westmidlands] New St station platform alignments

I recall tweaking the tracks some years ago to better fit imagery as they were 
definitely rough drawn before that but I expect with different imagery now and 
folks messing about over that couple of years of changing its all got a bit 
messy. Part of the problem is that a lot of the track radius is out of view. I 
expect by using the NR concourse plan as a starting point you would get a 
better alignment using the escalator locations.


From: Brian Prangle [mailto:bpran...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 25 September 2015 13:57
To: talk-gb-westmidlands; Talk GB
Subject: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] New St station platform alignments


Does anyone know whether the alignment of the platforms under the concourse is 
based on anything other than pure guesswork? The alignment at either end where 
they can be seen in Bing doesn't look right either. I'm trying to get the 
concourse layout to match the platforms for lifts and escalators and they're 
not quite matching currently.



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [Talk-gb-westmidlands] New St station platform alignments

2015-09-25 Thread Graham Jones
On 25 September 2015 at 22:41,  wrote:

> I can't remember ... has the track layout been changed yet? I know there
> were some plans to realign, but the core structure hasn't changed since
> first constructed?
I'm pretty sure there have been no changes to the tracks or major building
structures at station platform level - I didn't see any evidence of heavy
work like that on my travels anyway.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] running and registering an old osmand version

2015-09-25 Thread Olaf Hering
f-droid crashes also. Maybe I will find an older version that works.

I was able to install the 1.9, and 1.8 and 1.7 apk packages, but the 2.0
already causes a reboot.
I think it would be ok to run the 1.x series, but is there a way to get
the paid version without f-droid? Obviously the playstore always wants
to install the latest.


Am 25.09.2015 um 17:48 schrieb Max:
> using the f-droid repository that should be possible to install an old
> (full) version.
> On 2015년 09월 26일 00:31, Olaf Hering wrote:
>> The current osmand versions causes a system reboot during installation
>> on this Motorola Pro+ MB632. This happens with the free and with the
>> paid version. Too bad I just bought osmand in Playstore.
>> Is there a way to install an older version of osmand on this phone?

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Telegram ed Openstreetmap

2015-09-25 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 25.09.2015 um 15:54 schrieb Carlo Stemberger :
> ad un sistema che si considera sicuro ma che magari non lo è.

tanto non ci sono sistemi sicuri, ci sono solo sistemi più o meno sicuri ;-)

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-dk] restauranter og fødevarekontrollen (smileyordningen)

2015-09-25 Thread Niels Elgaard Larsen
Jeg er begyndt at interessere mig for restauranter.
Først åbningstider.

Men nu ville jeg undersøge, hvor mange vi egentlig har med.
Fødevarestyrelsen har nu positioner på de fleste af deres
kontrolrapporter, så jeg har lavet en webside, der viser restauranter og
lignende på OpenStreetmap:


*Advarsel*, den indlæser alle 14000 restauranter, så det er ret hårdt
ved browseren, hvis man ikke har en kraftig maskine.

Men det er ret nemt at finde restauranter, der mangler på OSM, har
skiftet navn, eller formodentlig er gået nedemom og hjem uden at vi har
fået dem slettet.

Det ville også være ret nemt at lave en liste af smiley-restauranter,
som ikke har en OSM-restaurant indenfor en kort radius. Dvs, der hvor de
mangler i OSM.

Fødevarestyrelsen bruger et løbenummer, "navnelbnr" som unikt ID.
Jeg ville gerne tagge restauranter i OSM med det nummer.
Hvad skal det hedde i OSM?

Det ville nemlig betyde, at vi i fremtiden kunne generere lister over
nye restauranter, som mangler i OSM og lister over restauranter i OSM,
som ikke er fødevarekontrolleret i over et år og derfor formodentlig er
permanent lukkede eller solgt.

Niels Elgaard Larsen

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Telegram ed Openstreetmap

2015-09-25 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Scomodare, seppur ta virgolette, la parola "virus" per un open source che
deve combattere contro un mostro in termini di milioni di utenti? Io non so
analizzare il codice, ma credo che se ci fosse una backdoor per i soliti
spioni istutuzionali, sarebbe venuta fuori in un paio di giorni dalla
pubblicazione del SW.

Il giorno 25 settembre 2015 15:54, Carlo Stemberger <
carlo.stember...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Il giorno 25 settembre 2015 15:35, Francesca Valentina <
> coretodes...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>> perché tenderesti a boicottare Telegram?
> Perché è un sistema centralizzato, che viene proposto come sicuro ma della
> cui sicurezza non si può essere certi. E non c'è nulla di più insicuro
> dell'affidarsi ad un sistema che si considera sicuro ma che magari non lo è.
>> Mi aspetto presto molte integrazioni osm+telegram
> È proprio questo che mi terrorizza: che il "virus" Telegram si diffonda.
> Ciao!
> Carlo
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [Talk-gb-westmidlands] New St station platform alignments

2015-09-25 Thread Andy Robinson
I recall tweaking the tracks some years ago to better fit imagery as they were 
definitely rough drawn before that but I expect with different imagery now and 
folks messing about over that couple of years of changing its all got a bit 
messy. Part of the problem is that a lot of the track radius is out of view. I 
expect by using the NR concourse plan as a starting point you would get a 
better alignment using the escalator locations.


From: Brian Prangle [mailto:bpran...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 25 September 2015 13:57
To: talk-gb-westmidlands; Talk GB
Subject: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] New St station platform alignments


Does anyone know whether the alignment of the platforms under the concourse is 
based on anything other than pure guesswork? The alignment at either end where 
they can be seen in Bing doesn't look right either. I'm trying to get the 
concourse layout to match the platforms for lifts and escalators and they're 
not quite matching currently.



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] running and registering an old osmand version

2015-09-25 Thread Simon Poole

IMHO you are approaching this -slightly- wrong.

In general the play store will not offer you apps that will not run on
your system, so there is on the one hand either something wrong with the
play store configuration if the version intentionally doesn't work with
2.3.6 -> you should be talking to the OsmAnd devs, or, on the other
hand, you are running in to an unfixed issue with OsmAnd and -> you
should be talking to the OsmAnd devs.

I believe the best way to contact the OsmAnd devs continues to be via
their googel group https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/osmand


Am 25.09.2015 um 18:29 schrieb Olaf Hering:
> f-droid crashes also. Maybe I will find an older version that works.
> I was able to install the 1.9, and 1.8 and 1.7 apk packages, but the 2.0
> already causes a reboot.
> I think it would be ok to run the 1.x series, but is there a way to get
> the paid version without f-droid? Obviously the playstore always wants
> to install the latest.
> Olaf
> Am 25.09.2015 um 17:48 schrieb Max:
>> using the f-droid repository that should be possible to install an old
>> (full) version.
>> On 2015년 09월 26일 00:31, Olaf Hering wrote:
>>> The current osmand versions causes a system reboot during installation
>>> on this Motorola Pro+ MB632. This happens with the free and with the
>>> paid version. Too bad I just bought osmand in Playstore.
>>> Is there a way to install an older version of osmand on this phone?
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

[Talk-de] Wochennotiz Nr. 270 15.9.–21.9.2015

2015-09-25 Thread Michael Reichert

die Wochennotiz Nr. 270 mit allen wichtigen Neuigkeiten aus der
OpenStreetMap Welt ist da:


Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] running and registering an old osmand version

2015-09-25 Thread Marc Gemis
While I also believe it is best to contact the OsmAnd devs, I doubt that
the Google group is the best place. I do not see a lot of activity from
them over there. On osmand.net there is a Contact Us link at the bottom . I
hope you have more luck there.



On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 6:52 PM, Simon Poole  wrote:

> IMHO you are approaching this -slightly- wrong.
> In general the play store will not offer you apps that will not run on
> your system, so there is on the one hand either something wrong with the
> play store configuration if the version intentionally doesn't work with
> 2.3.6 -> you should be talking to the OsmAnd devs, or, on the other
> hand, you are running in to an unfixed issue with OsmAnd and -> you
> should be talking to the OsmAnd devs.
> I believe the best way to contact the OsmAnd devs continues to be via
> their googel group https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/osmand
> Simon
> Am 25.09.2015 um 18:29 schrieb Olaf Hering:
> > f-droid crashes also. Maybe I will find an older version that works.
> >
> > I was able to install the 1.9, and 1.8 and 1.7 apk packages, but the 2.0
> > already causes a reboot.
> > I think it would be ok to run the 1.x series, but is there a way to get
> > the paid version without f-droid? Obviously the playstore always wants
> > to install the latest.
> >
> > Olaf
> >
> > Am 25.09.2015 um 17:48 schrieb Max:
> >> using the f-droid repository that should be possible to install an old
> >> (full) version.
> >>
> >> On 2015년 09월 26일 00:31, Olaf Hering wrote:
> >>> The current osmand versions causes a system reboot during installation
> >>> on this Motorola Pro+ MB632. This happens with the free and with the
> >>> paid version. Too bad I just bought osmand in Playstore.
> >>>
> >>> Is there a way to install an older version of osmand on this phone?
> >
> > ___
> > talk mailing list
> > talk@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] What is "The Smart Box" ?

2015-09-25 Thread Marc Gemis

Anyone knows what a "The Smart Box" is ?
pictures [1], [2]

and how do you map one ?


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] running and registering an old osmand version

2015-09-25 Thread Olaf Hering
Am 25.09.2015 um 18:29 schrieb Olaf Hering:
> f-droid crashes also. Maybe I will find an older version that works.

Version 0.95.1 finally worked for me, and allowed me to install osmand~
1.9.5, downloaded the basemap and all seems fine.

Thanks for your help!


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [Talk-gb-westmidlands] New St station platform alignments

2015-09-25 Thread Lester Caine
On 25/09/15 22:48, Graham Jones wrote:
> I'm pretty sure there have been no changes to the tracks or major
> building structures at station platform level - I didn't see any
> evidence of heavy work like that on my travels anyway.

The later maps just have black boxes over the station area.
I know the turntable area was cleared to put the electrification gear
in, but the British Rail line books should clarify if there were other
changes. It looks like extra tracks have been added through the platform

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/
Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk
Rainbow Digital Media - http://rainbowdigitalmedia.co.uk

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Telegram ed Openstreetmap

2015-09-25 Thread Marco Ciampa
On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 09:26:40PM +0200, Cascafico Giovanni wrote:
> Scomodare, seppur ta virgolette, la parola "virus" per un open source che
> deve combattere contro un mostro in termini di milioni di utenti? Io non so
> analizzare il codice, ma credo che se ci fosse una backdoor per i soliti
> spioni istutuzionali, sarebbe venuta fuori in un paio di giorni dalla
> pubblicazione del SW.
> Il giorno 25 settembre 2015 15:54, Carlo Stemberger <
> carlo.stember...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
> > Il giorno 25 settembre 2015 15:35, Francesca Valentina <
> > coretodes...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
> >
> >> perché tenderesti a boicottare Telegram?
> >>
> >
> > Perché è un sistema centralizzato, che viene proposto come sicuro ma della
> > cui sicurezza non si può essere certi. E non c'è nulla di più insicuro
> > dell'affidarsi ad un sistema che si considera sicuro ma che magari non lo è.

Non c'è nessuna backdoor. Non serve. I server possono essere direttamente
sotto controllo di NSA e il protocollo è vulnerabile "by design"... È il
"sistema centralizzato" alla Skipe per intenderci. Né più né meno. E il
fatto che il client sia opensource non aiuta né cambia nulla.


Marco Ciampa

I know a joke about UDP, but you might not get it.

| GNU/Linux User  #78271 |
| FSFE fellow   #364 |

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [Talk-gb-westmidlands] New St station platform alignments

2015-09-25 Thread Lester Caine
On 25/09/15 23:22, Lester Caine wrote:
> On 25/09/15 22:48, Graham Jones wrote:
>> I'm pretty sure there have been no changes to the tracks or major
>> building structures at station platform level - I didn't see any
>> evidence of heavy work like that on my travels anyway.
> http://maps.nls.uk/view/101584678
> The later maps just have black boxes over the station area.
> I know the turntable area was cleared to put the electrification gear
> in, but the British Rail line books should clarify if there were other
> changes. It looks like extra tracks have been added through the platform
> area?

Seems the NetworkRail websites are as reliable as the train service ;)
http://www.networkrail.co.uk/searchresult.aspx?q=virtualarchive lists
https://www.networkrail.co.uk/virtualarchive/new-street/?cd=7 which
should have a history of the changes at track level but something is
broken :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/
Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk
Rainbow Digital Media - http://rainbowdigitalmedia.co.uk

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Environment Agency LIDAR datasets OGL licensed now available

2015-09-25 Thread Rob Nickerson
Sounds good Chris.

No problems with imports from me (assuming the data passes reasonable*
quality assurance). I do feel that the concerns over imports are preventing
OSM from properly innovating. This is a good example of dataset and an
innovative approach that has been made available to us. It would be a shame
if nothing came of it.

You mention trees can cause problems to building heights. Hopefully these
errors are obvious in big urban areas (e.g. if all buildings in a
residential area are of similar height except for a few outliers then it
gives a good indication of where the error is!).


* By reasonable we have to put it in to context of our own manual quality
which is not 100% perfect even for the experienced mapper. We also don't
have a large enough community to invest the number of hours a fully manual
(27million homes) process would require.
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Telegram ed Openstreetmap

2015-09-25 Thread Carlo Stemberger
Il giorno 25 settembre 2015 21:26, Cascafico Giovanni 
ha scritto:

> Scomodare, seppur ta virgolette, la parola "virus" per un open source che
> deve combattere contro un mostro in termini di milioni di utenti?

E quale sarebbe questo mostro? WhatsApp? Per me sono uguali. Anzi, peggio
Telegram che si finge aperto quando invece non lo è per niente (lato
server) e che si spaccia come sicuro quando non si può provarlo. Meglio
allora usare Hangouts e compagnia bella, essendo consapevoli che i messaggi
vengono _tutti_ intercettati, e comportandosi di conseguenza.

Per la cronaca, io non uso né WhatsApp né Telegram, mentre ripongo buona
fiducia nei confronti di Tox. La diffusione di Telegram la vedo solo come
un ostacolo, e per questo tendo a boicottarlo.

Fine OT.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ottawa Missing Map Event In November Planning

2015-09-25 Thread Heather Leson
Hi Richard and OSM friends in Canada

I just wanted to say thank you. I'll it widely. Perhaps consider posting on
the HOT list too?

On 26 Sep 2015 3:24 am, "Richard Burcher"  wrote:

> Hey folks,
> OSM Ottawa is putting on a Missing Maps event [1] up here in Ottawa. Still
> some details to work out but we're aiming for November 14th from 9am - 3pm.
> So if you're interested, drop us a line and get involved:)
> [1] http://www.meetup.com/openstreetmap-ottawa/events/225620798/
> Cheers,
> Richard
> --
> Please note:
> I only check email a few times during business hours.
> Richard Burcher
> Twitter:   @richardburcher
> Blog:   www.richardburcher.com
> LinkedIn: http://linkd.in/richardburcher
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
> Talk-ca@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ca
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [talk-au] NSW NP tracks closed during total fire ban days

2015-09-25 Thread Andrew Davidson
 I'd prefer going with access rather than opening_hours for a couple of reasons:
1. Opening_hours is more geared towards POIs whereas access applies to ways 
(which is what the wiki entry for opening_hours hints at).2. Putting in 
opening_hours="Closed during Total Fire Ban days" causes the JOSM validator to 
flag an error; meaning that your tag is only going to last until the next keen 
JOSM user comes by and "fixes" it.
So something along the lines of:
access:conditional= no @ total_fire_ban ? 
Whatever we choose is going to be very Australian specific. In the US it might 
be something like:
access:conditional= no @ red_flag_warning

But a red flag warning is not the same thing as a total fire ban so you can't 
use the same conditional.


  On Friday, 25 September 2015, 11:46, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

  On 25/09/2015 10:06 AM, Ian Sergeant wrote:
   On 25 September 2015 at 09:54, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
Some tracks/paths in a NSW National Park now have signs up that say they are 
closed during declared Total Fire Ban days.
 I have tagged these using
 opening_hours="Closed during Total Fire Ban days"
 I think I'll add that to the Australian wiki page. Comments?
  I don't think it fits well with "opening_hours".  It's more a conditional 
access restriction. 
  I'd consider something like 
  or seek inspiration from 
  But if we're capturing the info that's good.  We can refine the tag later.. 
 Hummm ... access:conditional=not_total_fire_ban ?    Rather OZ specific? 
 Yes .. I did think of access .. and raised both as suggestions on the tagging 
mailing list. 
 The sole reply favoured opening_hours. 
 Both would/should 'work'. 
 However opening_hours is far simpler to enter. Maybe that is because I have 
more knowledge of it... ! 
 More thoughts? 
 There is also a seasonal restriction of the use of fire in some parts of SA .. 
October to March IIRC and applied to a general area not just National Parks. 
 I don't see a suitable tag for that .. access open but no fire use allowed. 
One can tag the fire places with opening_hours... but that does not indicate to 
people not the start a camp fire elsewhere. 
Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] NSW NP tracks closed during total fire ban days

2015-09-25 Thread Andrew Davidson
I'm an eejit; JOSM only complains if you don't escape the comment in the 
opening_hours value with quotation marks. So your tag will quite happily 

 On Friday, 25 September 2015, 16:16, Andrew Davidson  

  I'd prefer going with access rather than opening_hours for a couple of 
1. Opening_hours is more geared towards POIs whereas access applies to ways 
(which is what the wiki entry for opening_hours hints at).2. Putting in 
opening_hours="Closed during Total Fire Ban days" causes the JOSM validator to 
flag an error; meaning that your tag is only going to last until the next keen 
JOSM user comes by and "fixes" it.
So something along the lines of:
access:conditional= no @ total_fire_ban ? 
Whatever we choose is going to be very Australian specific. In the US it might 
be something like:
access:conditional= no @ red_flag_warning

But a red flag warning is not the same thing as a total fire ban so you can't 
use the same conditional.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Walking papers y app para móvil android

2015-09-25 Thread Celso González
On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 03:49:12PM +0200, Luis García Castro wrote:
> Es cuestión de conocer las herramientas y usar una u otra según convenga en
> cada caso.

Añado otra más a la lista, si sólo es para meter POIs 
Mapbudo para Android

Se ha convertido en mi app de referencia

Celso González

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-it-trentino] Euregio mappe OSM

2015-09-25 Thread Giorgio Zampedri


Rendering molto belllo ... Mappare il territorio per costruire identità: una 
storia già vista !


Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] cerco aiuto con Overpass turbo wizard

2015-09-25 Thread mbranco
out meta;*

1) cambia 1161619 con l'osm id della tua relazione (puoi selezionare la
relazione anche per un suo attributo, per es. *(relation[name="Meraner
Höhenweg - Alta Via di Merano"];);* )

2) cambia *surface* con l'attributo che vuoi
   (il "!" dopo "surface" cerca tutte le way /che non hanno.../ . Se levi il
"!" cerca tutte le way /che hanno.../



View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Fallo Walking-Papers

2015-09-25 Thread Jorge Hernández Marín
Muchas gracias por tu respuesta Miguel!

Un saludo!

From: miguel.sevi...@uam.es
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2015 22:50:18 +0200
To: talk-es@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [Talk-es] Fallo Walking-Papers

Walking-Papers fue sustituido hace unos años por Field Papers:

"In 2012 they have launched Field Papers (new)
 which is continuation of the walking papers concept, with new 
multi-page atlas feature, and a specially designed printable map style. 
Field papers largely supersedes Walking Papers. In fact...
" [1]

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Walking_Papers


Miguel Sevilla Callejo
Doctor en Geografía | Doctor in Geography
Consultor freelance e investigador | Freelance Consultant & Researcher 

Colaborador del Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, CSIC, Zaragoza |  
 Fellow at   the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology - Spanish National   
Research Council

Colegiado nº698, Colegio Oficial de Geógrafos | Member #698, Spanish 
Professional Association of Geographers

Web: http://bit.ly/sevillacallejo 

2015-09-22 13:31 GMT+02:00 Jorge Hernández Marín 


Estoy intentando descargar desde 
Walking-Papers.org los mapas de mi zona, pero no consigo que se 
descarguen para imprimirlos. Selecciono una zona para mapear, le doy a 
Crear, y se supone que en unos minutos me muestra el mapa para 
imprimirlo, pero se queda pensando y no hace nada. Simplemente se queda 
buscando durante mucho tiempo y no me genera la imágen. ¿A Qué puede ser

He probado también con Field Papers y he obtenido el resultado que quería, pero 
aún así me gustaría saber a qué se debe el error de Walking-Papers.

Un saludo y gracias!



Talk-es mailing list



Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [Gfoss] Mapping party tematici a Ferrara

2015-09-25 Thread Stefano Droghetti

Magari se sabato 26 oppure lunedì 28 riesci a fare un salto ne 
possiamo parlare a voce.
I troppi impegni mi rendono disponibile solo lunedì per la darsena, ma 
mi piacerebbe moltissimo che mi raccontaste come sarà andata sabato. 
Farò un talk generico su Openstreetmap (più diretto alla navigazione in 
auto) al Linux Day ma mi piacerebbe citare queste iniziative. Ci vediamo 
quindi anche per scambiarci idee e materiale. A lunedì.
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] Etiquetar parques infantiles

2015-09-25 Thread Esther Ríos
hola a todos,
he estado mirando la lista de Map Features de OSM Wiki y no he sabido ver
como se etiquetan los parques o juegos infantiles que hay al aire libre, ya
sea en un parque o una plaza ¿alguien se ha encontrado en esta situación?
¿como se podría hacer?

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Etiquetar parques infantiles

2015-09-25 Thread Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso
leisure = playground

Un saludo
El El vie, 25 sept 2015 a las 13:48, Esther Ríos <
esther.riosjime...@gmail.com> escribió:

> hola a todos,
> he estado mirando la lista de Map Features de OSM Wiki y no he sabido ver
> como se etiquetan los parques o juegos infantiles que hay al aire libre, ya
> sea en un parque o una plaza ¿alguien se ha encontrado en esta situación?
> ¿como se podría hacer?
> Gracias
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
> Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es
Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso - Sanchi
Blog http://blog.jorgesanzs.com/
Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-es] etiquetar parques infantiles

2015-09-25 Thread Esther Ríos
Perdón por el mensaje anterior, ya lo he encontrado. Leisure:playground

Muchas gracias
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Etiquetar parques infantiles

2015-09-25 Thread Cruz Enrique Borges Hernandez
Hola Esther,

Existe esto leisure=playground [1], leisure=park [2] y ya si te quieres
entretener, pues puedes etiquetar cada "juego" [3]

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES:Tag:leisure%3Dplayground
[2] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES:Tag:leisure%3Dpark

El 25 de septiembre de 2015, 13:47, Esther Ríos <
esther.riosjime...@gmail.com> escribió:

> hola a todos,
> he estado mirando la lista de Map Features de OSM Wiki y no he sabido ver
> como se etiquetan los parques o juegos infantiles que hay al aire libre, ya
> sea en un parque o una plaza ¿alguien se ha encontrado en esta situación?
> ¿como se podría hacer?
> Gracias
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
> Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es

Cruz Enrique Borges Hernández
Email: cruz.bor...@deusto.es

DeustoTech Energy
Telefono: 944139000 ext.2052
Avda. Universidades, 24
48007 Bilbao, Spain
Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-it] Telegram ed Openstreetmap

2015-09-25 Thread Matteo Tempestini
Ho creato un semplice esperimento per verificare come Telegram con un Robot
può essere usato per georeferenziare luoghi attorno ad una posizione
rilevata con GPS tramite smartphone.

Il bot si chiama MuseiBot. Inviando la propria posizione restituisce nome e
mappa dei musei nelle vicinanze (raggio configurabile).

La base di dati è Openstreetmap. Uso un preciso tag per cercare i musei ma
la cosa può essere replicata per cercare altri luoghi semplicemente
configurando un file settings.php. Codice sorgente rilasciato su Github.


Ogni commento è bene accetto.


*Matteo Tempestini*
mobile: 3397917692
*www.pratosmart.org *
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Resumen de Talk-es, Vol 104, Envío 32

2015-09-25 Thread Esther Ríos
muchas gracias, es cierto lo acabo de ver

El 25 de septiembre de 2015, 14:00, <talk-es-requ...@openstreetmap.org>

> Envíe los mensajes para la lista Talk-es a
> talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> Para subscribirse o anular su subscripción a través de la WEB
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es
> O por correo electrónico, enviando un mensaje con el texto "help" en
> el asunto (subject) o en el cuerpo a:
> talk-es-requ...@openstreetmap.org
> Puede contactar con el responsable de la lista escribiendo a:
> talk-es-ow...@openstreetmap.org
> Si responde a algún contenido de este mensaje, por favor, edite la
> linea del asunto (subject) para que el texto sea mas especifico que:
> "Re: Contents of Talk-es digest...". Además, por favor, incluya en la
> respuesta sólo aquellas partes del mensaje a las que está
> respondiendo.
> Asuntos del día:
>1. Re: Walking papers y app para móvil android (Celso González)
>2. Re: Fallo Walking-Papers (Jorge Hernández Marín)
>3. Etiquetar parques infantiles (Esther Ríos)
>4. Re: Etiquetar parques infantiles (Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso)
>5. Re: Etiquetar parques infantiles (Cruz Enrique Borges Hernandez)
>6. etiquetar parques infantiles (Esther Ríos)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2015 09:24:17 +0200
> From: Celso González <ce...@mitago.net>
> To: Discusión en Español de OpenStreetMap
> <talk-es@openstreetmap.org>
> Subject: Re: [Talk-es] Walking papers y app para móvil android
> Message-ID: <20150925072416.ga18...@mitago.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 03:49:12PM +0200, Luis García Castro wrote:
> > Es cuestión de conocer las herramientas y usar una u otra según convenga
> en
> > cada caso.
> Añado otra más a la lista, si sólo es para meter POIs
> Mapbudo para Android
> Se ha convertido en mi app de referencia
> --
> Celso González
> @PerroVerd
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2015 10:47:06 +0200
> From: Jorge Hernández Marín  <jorgehernandezma...@hotmail.com>
> To: Discusión en Español de OpenStreetMap
> <talk-es@openstreetmap.org>
> Subject: Re: [Talk-es] Fallo Walking-Papers
> Message-ID: <dub131-w434f436df784821381c15a6...@phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Muchas gracias por tu respuesta Miguel!
> Un saludo!
> From: miguel.sevi...@uam.es
> Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2015 22:50:18 +0200
> To: talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [Talk-es] Fallo Walking-Papers
> Walking-Papers fue sustituido hace unos años por Field Papers:
> "In 2012 they have launched Field Papers (new)
>  which is continuation of the walking papers concept, with new
> multi-page atlas feature, and a specially designed printable map style.
> Field papers largely supersedes Walking Papers. In fact...
> " [1]
> [1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Walking_Papers
> ;-)
> Miguel Sevilla Callejo
> Doctor en Geografía | Doctor in Geography
> Consultor freelance e investigador | Freelance Consultant & Researcher
> Colaborador del Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, CSIC, Zaragoza |
>  Fellow at   the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology - Spanish National
> Research Council
> Colegiado nº698, Colegio Oficial de Geógrafos | Member #698, Spanish
> Professional Association of Geographers
> Web: http://bit.ly/sevillacallejo
> 2015-09-22 13:31 GMT+02:00 Jorge Hernández Marín <
> jorgehernandezma...@hotmail.com>:
> Hola!
> Estoy intentando descargar desde
> Walking-Papers.org los mapas de mi zona, pero no consigo que se
> descarguen para imprimirlos. Selecciono una zona para mapear, le doy a
> Crear, y se supone que en unos minutos me muestra el mapa para
> imprimirlo, pero se queda pensando y no hace nada. Simplemente se queda
> buscando durante mucho tiempo y no me genera la imágen. ¿A Qué puede ser
>  debido?
> He probado también con Field Papers y he obtenido el resultado que quería,
> pero aún así me gustaría saber a qué se debe el error de Walking-Papers.
> Un saludo y gracias!
> Jorge
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
> Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es
> __

[Talk-GB] New St station platform alignments

2015-09-25 Thread Brian Prangle
Does anyone know whether the alignment of the platforms under the concourse
is based on anything other than pure guesswork? The alignment at either end
where they can be seen in Bing doesn't look right either. I'm trying to get
the concourse layout to match the platforms for lifts and escalators and
they're not quite matching currently.


Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] New St station platform alignments

2015-09-25 Thread Brian Prangle
Does anyone know whether the alignment of the platforms under the concourse
is based on anything other than pure guesswork? The alignment at either end
where they can be seen in Bing doesn't look right either. I'm trying to get
the concourse layout to match the platforms for lifts and escalators and
they're not quite matching currently.


Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Mapping party tematici a Ferrara

2015-09-25 Thread Matteo Zaffonato
Ho sbagliato a scrivere io il giorno, pur avendo letto che 
l'appuntamento era per sabato. Purtroppo però l'impegno che ho è proprio 
per il 26. :-)

Grazie mille in anticipo per le prossime segnalazioni.


Il 25/09/2015 00:27, pg ha scritto:

Ciao Matteo,
in realtà l'appuntamento sugli edifici è per sabato 26 (ore 10, 
Cortile Castello Estense).

Credo che ne organizzeremo altri, e ti faremo sicuramente sapere.
A presto


Da: Matteo Zaffonato 
Inviato: ‎24/‎09/‎2015 23:58
A: openstreetmap list - italiano ; 

Oggetto: Re: [Talk-it] Mapping party tematici a Ferrara

Ciao a tutti,
sono Matteo Zaffonato e faccio parte di AViLug (Alto Vicentino Linux 
User Group). Stiamo cercando di organizzare anche noi una serie di 
mapping party
a Schio per migliorare i dati OSM della città. Mi interesserebbe 
partecipare all'incontro sul secondo tema ma purtroppo domenica non 
posso esserci per un impegno precedente. Avete in programma altri eventi?

Ciao, grazie
Matteo "Zaffo80" Zaffonato

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Grenzrelation mit gleichem Namen aber unterschiedlichem "admin_level"

2015-09-25 Thread Manuel Reimer

On 09/22/2015 10:47 AM, Walter Nordmann wrote:

Walter Nordmann wrote

Also gib uns einige Links, Daten zu den Objekten und wir sehen nach.

Hallo, lebt da noch wer? ;)

Schon. In letzter Zeit bisschen viel um die Ohren.

Es geht um 4 Grenzen. Einmal die "große Außengrenze" rund um die Gemeinde:


Und dann drei Grenzen für die Ortsteile:


Angemeckert wird beim Hochladen, dass es "Steinfeld" dann zweimal gibt.

Ich finde, dass das aber so korrekt ist. Eben weil die Gemeinde so heißt 
wie einer der Orte.



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Telegram ed Openstreetmap

2015-09-25 Thread Michele Mondelli
Davvero interessante, ben fatto e ben documentato.


Il giorno 25 settembre 2015 14:37, Matteo Tempestini 
ha scritto:

> Ho creato un semplice esperimento per verificare come Telegram con un
> Robot può essere usato per georeferenziare luoghi attorno ad una posizione
> rilevata con GPS tramite smartphone.
> Il bot si chiama MuseiBot. Inviando la propria posizione restituisce nome
> e mappa dei musei nelle vicinanze (raggio configurabile).
> La base di dati è Openstreetmap. Uso un preciso tag per cercare i musei ma
> la cosa può essere replicata per cercare altri luoghi semplicemente
> configurando un file settings.php. Codice sorgente rilasciato su Github.
> http://pratosmart.teo-soft.com/trovare-musei-vicini-a-te-con-telegram-e-openstreetmap/
> Ogni commento è bene accetto.
> Matteo
> --
> *Matteo Tempestini*
> mobile: 3397917692
> *www.pratosmart.org *
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it

*Michele Mondelli*
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Telegram ed Openstreetmap

2015-09-25 Thread Carlo Stemberger
Idea molto carina, complimenti.

Peccato per Telegram, che proprio non reggo e che tenderei a boicottare.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Telegram ed Openstreetmap

2015-09-25 Thread Carlo Stemberger
Il giorno 25 settembre 2015 15:35, Francesca Valentina <
coretodes...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> perché tenderesti a boicottare Telegram?

Perché è un sistema centralizzato, che viene proposto come sicuro ma della
cui sicurezza non si può essere certi. E non c'è nulla di più insicuro
dell'affidarsi ad un sistema che si considera sicuro ma che magari non lo è.

> Mi aspetto presto molte integrazioni osm+telegram

È proprio questo che mi terrorizza: che il "virus" Telegram si diffonda.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] Euregio mappe OSM

2015-09-25 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 25/09/2015 11:10, girarsi_liste ha scritto:
> Il 25/09/2015 10:10, Giorgio Zampedri ha scritto:
>> http://maps.europaregion.info/it/
>> Rendering molto belllo ... Mappare il territorio per costruire identità: una 
>> storia già vista !
>> Giorgio
> Non ho capito molto di questa Contwise Maps, per esempio la licenza non
> la capisco, a parte OSM, ma un loro progetto[0], se non ho capito male,
> è segnalato per violazione della licenza:
> [0] http://maps.viaclaudia.org/nefos_app/frontend/page/viaclaudia/de
> [1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Lacking_proper_attribution
> Comunque, bella, senz'altro.

Anche se guardando meglio OSM è dichiarato, quindi rientro nei
ranghi :)

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Peilung

2015-09-25 Thread Markus
Hallo Thorsten,

Richtung und Distanz kannst Du in http://map.openseamap.org
mit dem *Törnplaner* messen:

Menü: Werkzeuge > Törnplaner
dann mit der Maus zwei oder mehr Punkte in der Karte markieren
(letzten Punkt mit Doppelklick).

Gruss, Markus

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-gb-midanglia] Environment Agency LIDAR data

2015-09-25 Thread Stephen Paulger

Thought some people on here might like to see this.

Talk-gb-midanglia mailing list