Re: [OSM-talk-be] Names of Arrondissements

2012-08-31 Thread Sander Deryckere
2012/8/30 Wouter Hamelinck

 But the provinces are in that article also mentioned with Province
 in the name, which contradicts with article 5 of the constitution. And
 the constitution takes priority over a regular law.
 According to me they put it there exactly to avoid confusion since the
 names of provinces, arrondissements and cities are often the same.

 My conclusion: if there can be confusion you explicitly mention what
 you are talking about. If there is no confusion you don't. A search in
 juridat will show you plenty of laws, decrees etc where the names of
 arrondissements are just listed, without each time specifying
 Administrative Arrondissement.
 If you really would like to add it to the name you would have to do
 the same for the regions and provinces.

I have no problem with that. It's a small change and can improve clarity,
certainly for the provinces Antwerpen, Liège and Luxembourg.

 In OSM we have the admin_level tag to avoid confusion.

I don't think that's enough. The meaning of admin_level is strictly
Belgian, so an OSM-specialist from some other country wouldn't even
understand it. And it's strictly bound to OSM. So some random user can't
understand the admin_level either without first searching through the wiki.

Btw, in Germany, it's also done this way. See f.e.:

 For completeness, it belongs now to the jurisdiction of the regions.
 For Flanders you can find a similar table in the Provinciedecreet of 9
 december 2005.


@Georges,  er zijn inderdaad verschillende soorten arrondissementen, maar
ik denk dat boundary=administrative duidelijk maakt dat het om
administratieve arrondissementen gaat. Hoewel ik er niet tegen gekant ben
om de volledige naam te gebruiken.
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Names of Arrondissements

2012-08-31 Thread Kurt Roeckx
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 01:54:32PM +0200, Sander Deryckere wrote:
 I would like to discuss the naming of the arrondissements in Belgium.

My problem with adding them to osm is that we have 3 kinds:
- administrative;
- judicial;
- electoral.

Which of them do you want to map, and how will you tell them apart
if you want to map more than 1 of them?


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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Names of Arrondissements

2012-08-31 Thread Ben Laenen
On Friday 31 August 2012 19:02:17 Kurt Roeckx wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 01:54:32PM +0200, Sander Deryckere wrote:
  I would like to discuss the naming of the arrondissements in Belgium.
 My problem with adding them to osm is that we have 3 kinds:
 - administrative;
 - judicial;
 - electoral.
 Which of them do you want to map, and how will you tell them apart
 if you want to map more than 1 of them?

The discussion here is about boundaries with the boundary=administrative tag, 
so it's about the administrative arrondissements here.

For electoral boundaries there is boundary=political as suggested by

I'm not aware of existing tags for judicial boundaries, but we can easily make 
one with boundary=judicial.


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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Names of Arrondissements

2012-08-30 Thread Jan Keymeulen
Little bit searching on the site of the Staatsblad/Moniteur Belge gave
me following PDF mentioning the names of the arrondissements.

A bit dated though, I suppose since the split of BHV there are some
changes in that region.

2012/8/29 Sander Deryckere
 I've been going through some law texts, and I found the following in the
 Belgian law (grondwet):


   Artikel 1. België is een federale Staat, samengesteld uit de
 gemeenschappen en de gewesten.

   Art. 2. België omvat drie gemeenschappen : de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de
 Franse Gemeenschap en de Duitstalige Gemeenschap.

   Art. 3. België omvat drie gewesten : het Vlaamse Gewest, het Waalse Gewest
 en het Brusselse Gewest.

   Art. 4. België omvat vier taalgebieden : het Nederlandse taalgebied, het
 Franse taalgebied, het tweetalige gebied Brussel-Hoofdstad en het Duitse
   Elke gemeente van het Rijk maakt deel uit van een van deze taalgebieden.
   De grenzen van de vier taalgebieden kunnen niet worden gewijzigd of
 gecorrigeerd dan bij een wet, aangenomen met de meerderheid van de stemmen
 in elke taalgroep van elke Kamer, op voorwaarde dat de meerderheid van de
 leden van elke taalgroep aanwezig is en voor zover het totaal van de
 ja-stemmen in beide taalgroepen twee derden van de uitbebrachte stemmen

   Art. 5. Het Vlaamse Gewest omvat de provincies Antwerpen, Limburg,
 Oost-Vlaanderen, Vlaams-Brabant en West-Vlaanderen. Het Waalse Gewest omvat
 de provincies Henegouwen, Luik, Luxemburg, Namen en Waals-Brabant.
   De wet kan, indien daartoe redenen zijn, het grondgebied indelen in een
 groter aantal provincies.
   Een wet kan bepaalde gebieden, waarvan zij de grenzen vaststelt, aan de
 indeling in provincies onttrekken, ze onder het rechtstreekse gezag plaatsen
 van de federale uitvoerende macht en ze een eigen statuut toekennen. Deze
 wet moet worden aangenomen met de meerderheid bepaald in artikel 4, laatste

   Art. 6. De onderverdelingen van de provincies kunnen alleen door de wet
 worden vastgesteld.

   Art. 7. De grenzen van de Staat, van de provincies en van de gemeenten
 kunnen niet worden gewijzigd of gecorrigeerd dan krachtens een wet.

 Are the arrondissements even defined by law?

 2012/8/29 Jan-willem De Bleser

  Anyway, there's only one way to solve this: find out what the official
  that are written in the law are, and use those. But I have no idea where
  find this (if it's in a law of course, I'm even not sure about that, but
  has to be an official document somewhere that defines them).

 I'm with you on this point.

 Note that the wiki mentions almost exactly this issue, but using City
 rather than Arrondissement. I've added a link to the voting page.

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 Talk-be mailing list

- End forwarded message -

I'm probably more famous for sitting on the toilet than for anything
else that I do.
  -- Frank Zappa

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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Names of Arrondissements

2012-08-30 Thread Georges De Gruyter
Voor zover mij bekend kan arrondissement verwijzen naar : administratief
arrondissement met zeer beperkte adminstratieve bevoegdheden, of
gerechtelijk arrondissement waarbij de bevoegdheid van de rechtbanken
wordt vastgelegd.

Een bijkomend probleem is dat de volgende hervorming van justitie
binnenkort (?)  het gebied van de arrondissementen zal gelijkstellen met de
provincies, en het aantal arrondissementen dus aanzienlijk zal verminderen.


2012/8/30 Wouter Hamelinck

 But the provinces are in that article also mentioned with Province
 in the name, which contradicts with article 5 of the constitution. And
 the constitution takes priority over a regular law.
 According to me they put it there exactly to avoid confusion since the
 names of provinces, arrondissements and cities are often the same.

 My conclusion: if there can be confusion you explicitly mention what
 you are talking about. If there is no confusion you don't. A search in
 juridat will show you plenty of laws, decrees etc where the names of
 arrondissements are just listed, without each time specifying
 Administrative Arrondissement.
 If you really would like to add it to the name you would have to do
 the same for the regions and provinces.

 In OSM we have the admin_level tag to avoid confusion.

 For completeness, it belongs now to the jurisdiction of the regions.
 For Flanders you can find a similar table in the Provinciedecreet of 9
 december 2005.


 2012/8/30 Jan Keymeulen
  Little bit searching on the site of the Staatsblad/Moniteur Belge gave
  me following PDF mentioning the names of the arrondissements.
  A bit dated though, I suppose since the split of BHV there are some
  changes in that region.
  2012/8/29 Sander Deryckere
  I've been going through some law texts, and I found the following in the
  Belgian law (grondwet):
Artikel 1. België is een federale Staat, samengesteld uit de
  gemeenschappen en de gewesten.
Art. 2. België omvat drie gemeenschappen : de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de
  Franse Gemeenschap en de Duitstalige Gemeenschap.
Art. 3. België omvat drie gewesten : het Vlaamse Gewest, het Waalse
  en het Brusselse Gewest.
Art. 4. België omvat vier taalgebieden : het Nederlandse taalgebied,
  Franse taalgebied, het tweetalige gebied Brussel-Hoofdstad en het Duitse
Elke gemeente van het Rijk maakt deel uit van een van deze
De grenzen van de vier taalgebieden kunnen niet worden gewijzigd of
  gecorrigeerd dan bij een wet, aangenomen met de meerderheid van de
  in elke taalgroep van elke Kamer, op voorwaarde dat de meerderheid van
  leden van elke taalgroep aanwezig is en voor zover het totaal van de
  ja-stemmen in beide taalgroepen twee derden van de uitbebrachte stemmen
Art. 5. Het Vlaamse Gewest omvat de provincies Antwerpen, Limburg,
  Oost-Vlaanderen, Vlaams-Brabant en West-Vlaanderen. Het Waalse Gewest
  de provincies Henegouwen, Luik, Luxemburg, Namen en Waals-Brabant.
De wet kan, indien daartoe redenen zijn, het grondgebied indelen in
  groter aantal provincies.
Een wet kan bepaalde gebieden, waarvan zij de grenzen vaststelt, aan
  indeling in provincies onttrekken, ze onder het rechtstreekse gezag
  van de federale uitvoerende macht en ze een eigen statuut toekennen.
  wet moet worden aangenomen met de meerderheid bepaald in artikel 4,
Art. 6. De onderverdelingen van de provincies kunnen alleen door de
  worden vastgesteld.
Art. 7. De grenzen van de Staat, van de provincies en van de gemeenten
  kunnen niet worden gewijzigd of gecorrigeerd dan krachtens een wet.
  Are the arrondissements even defined by law?
  2012/8/29 Jan-willem De Bleser
   Anyway, there's only one way to solve this: find out what the
   that are written in the law are, and use those. But I have no idea
   find this (if it's in a law of course, I'm even not sure about that,
   has to be an official document somewhere that defines them).
  I'm with you on this point.
  Note that the wiki mentions almost exactly this issue, but using City
  rather than Arrondissement. I've added a link to the voting page.
  Talk-be mailing list
  Talk-be mailing list
  - End forwarded message -
  I'm probably more famous for sitting on the toilet than for anything
  else that I do.
-- Frank Zappa

[OSM-talk-be] Names of Arrondissements

2012-08-29 Thread Sander Deryckere
I would like to discuss the naming of the arrondissements in Belgium.

Currently, the ones I added (in West-Flanders) are the only ones with a
name like Arrondissement Roeselare, a big part of the others don't exist
yet, but they have a name like Antwerpen. I'm all in favour of uniform
names, but I want to clarify my choice for including Arrondissement in
the name.

   1. When people refer to Antwerpen, they might mean the province or the
   city, but never the arrondissement. If they mean the arrondissement, that's
   always mentioned. And I believe that the name tag should reflect what
   people use to refer to the object.
   2. This is also in the choice of the names of Wikipedia articles: They
   name the articles Antwerpen
   so the appended (stad) or (provincie) is just a clarification. But the
   article of the arrondissement gets the name Arrondissement
means it's part of the name.
   3. We can't expect non-OSM members to learn the mapping of the different
   admin_levels. So if someone searches the Kerkstraat in Brugge, and they
   return with a result of the Kerkstraat in Heist inside Brugge, they could
   wrongly think that they have the right street. While if the result would
   show the Kerkstraat is in Heist, arrondissement Brugge, the user might know
   it's wrong.
   4. Some people want to index the streets per city (to have a quicker
   search). Because other countries use different admin_levels for their city
   boundaries, the only current way is searching the city node and the
   boundary that goes with it by the name tag. By using the city name for the
   arrondissements, these tools could get confused. (this last part is mainly
   the fault of Germany, where different admin_levels are used for different
   importance of cities). This also makes that Nominatim can't automatically
   add Arrondissement to make the search result of #3 more clear.

Off coarse, setting the name to Arrondissement Antwerpen also makes the
life of the mapper a bit easier (it's easier to browse through the
different boundary relations), but this is of lesser importance than having
the right data.

I have also made a little vote on the wiki:

If you don't like discussions, or your opinion is fixed, you can cast your
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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Names of Arrondissements

2012-08-29 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 29 August 2012 13:54:32 Sander Deryckere wrote:
 I would like to discuss the naming of the arrondissements in Belgium.

1. When people refer to Antwerpen, they might mean the province or the
city, but never the arrondissement.

That's mainly because we never ever talk about arrondissements at all :-)

If they mean the arrondissement,
 that's always mentioned. And I believe that the name tag should reflect
 what people use to refer to the object.
2. This is also in the choice of the names of Wikipedia articles: They
name the articles Antwerpen
so the appended (stad) or (provincie) is just a clarification. But the
article of the arrondissement gets the name Arrondissement
 means it's part of the name.

I wouldn't take every little thing on wikipedia as absolute fact. I wonder if 
they've thought about it themselves. And should it be Arrondissement or what 
we usually mean with these: Bestuurlijk arrondissement. Also, if you look at or at -- if they thought it 
was part of the name they'd have to capitalize the word, which they don't.

If you look at the website of the province of Antwerp: it says: Verdeeld in drie 
bestuurlijke arrondissementen, Antwerpen, Mechelen en Turnhout
If it were really part of the name, one would have to repeat arrondissement 
each time.

3. We can't expect non-OSM members to learn the mapping of the different
admin_levels. So if someone searches the Kerkstraat in Brugge, and they
return with a result of the Kerkstraat in Heist inside Brugge, they
 could wrongly think that they have the right street. While if the result
 would show the Kerkstraat is in Heist, arrondissement Brugge, the user
 might know it's wrong.

I don't consider this too much of an issue. If you search a place in OSM, 
you'll now get the whole list municipality - arrondissement - province - 
region - country.

4. Some people want to index the streets per city (to have a quicker
search). Because other countries use different admin_levels for their
 city boundaries, the only current way is searching the city node and the
 boundary that goes with it by the name tag. By using the city name for the
 arrondissements, these tools could get confused. (this last part is mainly
 the fault of Germany, where different admin_levels are used for different
 importance of cities). This also makes that Nominatim can't automatically
 add Arrondissement to make the search result of #3 more clear.
 Off coarse, setting the name to Arrondissement Antwerpen also makes the
 life of the mapper a bit easier (it's easier to browse through the
 different boundary relations), but this is of lesser importance than having
 the right data.

For once, I don't think we should consider the mapper too much here: once 
these boundaries are mapped, that's it, they shouldn't really be touched 


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Names of Arrondissements

2012-08-29 Thread Sander Deryckere
2012/8/29 Ben Laenen

 On Wednesday 29 August 2012 13:54:32 Sander Deryckere wrote:
  I would like to discuss the naming of the arrondissements in Belgium.
 1. When people refer to Antwerpen, they might mean the province or
 city, but never the arrondissement.

 That's mainly because we never ever talk about arrondissements at all :-)

It's also why I want to make it clear it's an arrondissement. If people see
the name Brugge without Arrondissement near it, only few people (or
nobody) will think it's the arrondissement you mean.

 If they mean the arrondissement,
  that's always mentioned. And I believe that the name tag should reflect
  what people use to refer to the object.
 2. This is also in the choice of the names of Wikipedia articles: They
 name the articles Antwerpen
 so the appended (stad) or (provincie) is just a clarification. But the
 article of the arrondissement gets the name Arrondissement
  means it's part of the name.

 I wouldn't take every little thing on wikipedia as absolute fact. I wonder
 they've thought about it themselves. And should it be Arrondissement or
 we usually mean with these: Bestuurlijk arrondissement. Also, if you
 look at at -- if they thought
 was part of the name they'd have to capitalize the word, which they don't.

 If you look at the website of the province of Antwerp: it says: Verdeeld in drie
 bestuurlijke arrondissementen, Antwerpen, Mechelen en Turnhout
 If it were really part of the name, one would have to repeat
 each time.

West-Flanders lists them completely:
same for Flemish-Brabant
I didn't find other provinces listing their arrondissements.

 3. We can't expect non-OSM members to learn the mapping of the
 admin_levels. So if someone searches the Kerkstraat in Brugge, and
 return with a result of the Kerkstraat in Heist inside Brugge, they
  could wrongly think that they have the right street. While if the result
  would show the Kerkstraat is in Heist, arrondissement Brugge, the user
  might know it's wrong.

 I don't consider this too much of an issue. If you search a place in OSM,
 you'll now get the whole list municipality - arrondissement - province -
 region - country.

Isn't it a bit strange if municipality, arrondissement and province all
have the same name? I think having something like Arrondissement in the
name would make it clear at which point in the hierarchy you've arrived.

 4. Some people want to index the streets per city (to have a quicker
 search). Because other countries use different admin_levels for their
  city boundaries, the only current way is searching the city node and the
  boundary that goes with it by the name tag. By using the city name for
  arrondissements, these tools could get confused. (this last part is
  the fault of Germany, where different admin_levels are used for different
  importance of cities). This also makes that Nominatim can't automatically
  add Arrondissement to make the search result of #3 more clear.
  Off coarse, setting the name to Arrondissement Antwerpen also makes the
  life of the mapper a bit easier (it's easier to browse through the
  different boundary relations), but this is of lesser importance than
  the right data.

 For once, I don't think we should consider the mapper too much here: once
 these boundaries are mapped, that's it, they shouldn't really be touched

That's also why I said it was of lesser importance.


 Talk-be mailing list

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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Names of Arrondissements

2012-08-29 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 29 August 2012 14:45:14 Sander Deryckere wrote:
 West-Flanders lists them completely:
 ult.aspxthe same for Flemish-Brabant
 tmateriaal/gemeenten-vlaams-brabant/index.jsp. I didn't find other
 provinces listing their arrondissements.

Their maps on the other hand don't:

 Isn't it a bit strange if municipality, arrondissement and province all
 have the same name? I think having something like Arrondissement in the
 name would make it clear at which point in the hierarchy you've arrived.

But why should it be at arrondissement and not at the municipality/city or at 
province level? Why not all of them?

Anyway, there's only one way to solve this: find out what the official names 
that are written in the law are, and use those. But I have no idea where to 
find this (if it's in a law of course, I'm even not sure about that, but there 
has to be an official document somewhere that defines them).


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Names of Arrondissements

2012-08-29 Thread Jan-willem De Bleser
 Anyway, there's only one way to solve this: find out what the official names
 that are written in the law are, and use those. But I have no idea where to
 find this (if it's in a law of course, I'm even not sure about that, but there
 has to be an official document somewhere that defines them).

I'm with you on this point.

Note that the wiki mentions almost exactly this issue, but using City
rather than Arrondissement. I've added a link to the voting page.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Names of Arrondissements

2012-08-29 Thread Sander Deryckere
I've been going through some law texts, and I found the following in the
Belgian law (grondwet):


België is een federale Staat, samengesteld uit de gemeenschappen en de

België omvat drie gemeenschappen : de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de Franse
Gemeenschap en de Duitstalige Gemeenschap.

België omvat drie gewesten : het Vlaamse Gewest, het Waalse Gewest en het
Brusselse Gewest.

België omvat vier taalgebieden : het Nederlandse taalgebied, het Franse
taalgebied, het tweetalige gebied Brussel-Hoofdstad en het Duitse
  Elke gemeente van het Rijk maakt deel uit van een van deze taalgebieden.
  De grenzen van de vier taalgebieden kunnen niet worden gewijzigd of
gecorrigeerd dan bij een wet, aangenomen met de meerderheid van de stemmen
in elke taalgroep van elke Kamer, op voorwaarde dat de meerderheid van de
leden van elke taalgroep aanwezig is en voor zover het totaal van de
ja-stemmen in beide taalgroepen twee derden van de uitbebrachte stemmen

Het Vlaamse Gewest omvat de provincies Antwerpen, Limburg, Oost-Vlaanderen,
Vlaams-Brabant en West-Vlaanderen. Het Waalse Gewest omvat de provincies
Henegouwen, Luik, Luxemburg, Namen en Waals-Brabant.
  De wet kan, indien daartoe redenen zijn, het grondgebied indelen in een
groter aantal provincies.
  Een wet kan bepaalde gebieden, waarvan zij de grenzen vaststelt, aan de
indeling in provincies