Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Tagging Parcel Depots

2012-10-22 Thread Big Fat Frog
Good idea on the amenity=post_depot, have changed those in my area, have 
also added building=warehouse on the building itself, not sure if that 
make sense, it does to me.


On 22/10/2012 14:09, Matt Williams wrote:

On 22 October 2012 13:35, Nick Verdegem wrote:

Hi All,

Just updating my local area and want to add a couple of Parcel Depots,  one
for the Royal Mail, and one for TNT.

The Royal Mail one is *not* amenity=post_office as it does not accept
parcels/letters for onward delivery, only collection of undeliverables.

The TNT one will send/receive parcels/packages, but I'm not sure if
post_office would be acceptable and it would appear that amenity=cargo has
been abandoned.

Anyone got any guidance/suggestions on how to effectively tag these?

According to taginfo, the most commonly used tag (that I can find) is
amenity=post_depot [1] with 36 uses. I'd suggest that we start using
that and that if noone objects, we should add a wiki page [2] for it
and link to it from the post_office page.



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Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] mapping conundrum

2012-10-09 Thread Big Fat Frog
Just had a thought, looking at OS Streetview, is this part of the old 
disused station?  Seems a bit far away but OS seem adamant?

On 09/10/2012 16:52, Andy Robinson wrote:

A little mapping conundrum for you folks.

This building with the ? in the centre of the map [1] appears to be a
house, yet I can't find the access to it.

BING Birdseye [2] doesn't appear to clarify matters.

Google [3] suggests there might be a red car parked outside which would
mean there should be a drive somewhere.

I've cycled round and can't find an access off Rockkingham Gardens,
Anchorage Road or Mulroy Road. Well there is a rough footpath that used
to be a track to the old Sutton Park railway station which starts at the
junction of Mulroy Road/and Midland Road but it's not used be vehicles
anymore and well overgrown. It’s the one route I need to check but I'm
sceptical because of the well manicured gardens this oddball property has.

All ideas and suggestions welcome ;-)






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[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Success story

2012-09-27 Thread Big Fat Frog

Hi all,

Wanted to share this brief success story for OpenStreetMap.  I was 
marshalling at a 40 mile walk/run around Birmingham's canals the other 
weekend and the start/end was at Ackers:

Apart from spending the quiet moments taking GPS readings/traces and 
updaing the map I also overheard a competitor at the end asking how to 
get into central Birmingham to catch her bus home, she had a day bus 
ticket so preferred to go in by bus.  The answer she was given was I 
don't know, I was sitting nearby with my laptop and Mifi so called here 
over, showed her Openstreetmap with the Transport view and we quickly 
determined where the nearest bus stop was on the best route into town!  
To my knowledge not possible with any other website?

So to all who have contributed with NAPTAN uploads, correcting the bus 
routes, moving bus stops and generally updating the Birmingham map a big 
THANK YOU from her.

By the way, I have no idea if she found the bus stop, caught the right 
bus or even made it home!  She may still be roaming the streets of 
Birmingham but hey, I got to show her a pretty map, so lets hope it was 
accurate.  ;-)

One improvement to the Bus details would be a link on the route that 
takes the user to the Operators' timetable or even live data. Thoughts?


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Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] UK Postcodes - Potential data source

2012-09-03 Thread Big Fat Frog
Just my pennysworth, any commercial company company can take this data 
and sell it on, use it for their own commercial purposes etc.  I have 
two limited companies and can personally attest to the fact that 
anything on the CH public register does get used for all sorts of 
nefarious uses.  I don't think us using it to improve our postcode data 
for a free community map is anything we should worry about.


On 31/08/2012 17:59, Andy Robinson wrote:

Not everyone considers a licence of any sort a requirement. It's just us
that expects one or argues otherwise it might be public domain. I recall
when I first came to OSM not understanding why a licence was required at all
(because I'm used to contracts where the terms are explicit and OSM does not
form contract. Little did I know about software!)

What Companies House does make clear is that although data in the register
may likely be subject to third party copyright (where the information has
been provided to them and not generated by them and thus Crown Copyright)
Companies House imposes no rules or requirements on how the information on
the public register is used. That's a pretty clear statement about data in
the public register.

For everything else that they produce Crown Copyright applies but again
provided the normal restrictions regarding Crown Copyright are adhered to
then regarding reuse it again states It places no restriction on how the
information is used after purchase other than the following which only
raises the question to me about data that is not sold but supplied free of


-Original Message-
From: Matt Williams []
Sent: 31 August 2012 17:00
To: talk-gb-westmidlands
Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] UK Postcodes - Potential data source

On 31 August 2012 16:50, Rob Nickerson

I think that translates to Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL)


Probably, but I wouldn't feel comfortable using the data without an


set of license terms. Unless they have done and I just don't understand




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Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] [Talk-GB] UK Postcodes - Potential data source

2012-08-31 Thread Big Fat Frog

Have I missed something?  What datasource are you referring to here?


On 31/08/2012 09:44, Andy Robinson wrote:

In the meantime I’m just downloading the files and filtering in
spreadsheet for my patch (Sutton Coldfield) and then checking/adding
postcode data for the handful of addresses it contains for each month.
Though this only really works if you have the majority of your building
addressing done for an area.

As I’m now adding some postcode data from this source I’ve added the
required attribution to

Incidentally, what do folks feel about adding any of the other data from
the dataset?:

·the full address of the property (Primary addressable object name
(PAON), Secondary addressable object name (SAON), street, postcode,
locality (if available), town, district, county)

·the price paid for the property

·the date of transfer

·the property type (Detached, Semi, Terraced, Flat/Maisonette)

·whether the property is new build or not

·whether the property is freehold or leasehold.



*From:*Brian Prangle []
*Sent:* 31 August 2012 08:27
*To:* Rob Nickerson; talk-gb-westmidlands
*Subject:* Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] [Talk-GB] UK Postcodes - Potential
data source

I'd agree with Rob's logic and extend it to show one of three results:
postcode missing or postcode incomplete or postcode incorrect. We have
loads of addresses with only the first group in place e.g B27 and I'm
sure when we were using codepoint( before we knew it was dodgy
in licensing terms) we chose the wrong break point in address runs.  We
currently have 61272 addresses in the W Mids and 44164 have postcodes.



On 30 August 2012 18:35, Rob Nickerson wrote:

== Matt wrote ==

This does indeed seem like a very useful data source. Great find!

However, I'm struggling to think of a nice way of visualising it to

make it useful. What I've got so far in my mind is:

  - Take an entry from the list

  - Take its postcode

  - Search for the postcode (I've got a curated list of postcodes as

part of my PostCodeFinder [1])

  - Get the location of the nearest match (hopefully, we'll find at

least a CV4-type segment match)

  - Search for roads within an x mile radius with a matching name

  - Associate that entry with that road

== End Message ==

Hi Matt,
I was actually thinking the other way round. That is:

Pull in a list of building with addresses but no postcode in OSM (with their 
way IDs) and see if any match up with the Land Registry addresses. This way we 
can add postcode to buildings rather than just to the roads.

Not sure if this is any easier/harder to do.


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Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Worcestershire Public Rights of Way - OGL

2012-08-03 Thread Big Fat Frog

Excellent, thanks a lot for that, very useful.


On 03/08/2012 11:09, Rob Nickerson wrote:

Hi All,

I am happy to confirm that I have received confirmation that the PRoW
data held at [1] is available under the OGL licence. This data is the
digitised Definitive Map, and is provided as a WMS map service. This can
be viewed online (through [1] or [2]), alternatively it can be opened in
QGIS, or similar. Direct imports into OSM are not advised as most of the
paths are already mapped. This data should therefore be used as a
cross-reference and for confirming path types.

Worcestershire have got one of the better GIS services and initial
contact with their GIS Programme Coordinator seemed positive.

Note: This follows the earlier approval to use the Definitive Statements
held by Worcestershire CC.



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Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] FW: [Talk-GB] Use of PRoW Definitive Statements from Hertfordshire, Oxfordshire, Worcestershire

2012-06-22 Thread Big Fat Frog
Sorry Andy, I didn't get to the bottom of your email before I followed 
the links and asked the very questions your email was answering.



On 22/06/2012 13:36, Big Fat Frog wrote:

Thanks Andy, this looks a lot of work you've put into this. I'm not sure
what it all means but can we use information on footpaths, boundaries
etc from those county's websites and if so what should we put in the
Source field?



On 22/06/2012 09:00, Andy Robinson wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Robert Whittaker (OSM) []
Sent: 21 June 2012 23:56
To: talk-gb
Subject: [Talk-GB] Use of PRoW Definitive Statements from Hertfordshire,
Oxfordshire, Worcestershire

I'm pleased to be able to report that three councils have agreed to
let us


their Definitive Statements of Public Rights of Way under the UK Open
Government License (OGL). (I'll be posting the emails I sent to the


and some other notes about the correspondence I had with them in a
separate message for anyone who's interested.) The councils who've told
me we can use their Definitive Statements under the OGL are:

* Hertfordshire
* Oxfordshire
* Worcestershire

The first two of these have the statements online in a convenient form


[2]. Worcestershire does not, but the text of each right of way is


from a link in the popup by clicking on the interactive map [3].
them in this way, it will be hard to avoid inadvertently making use
of the
additional information about the route of each way from the map. So I've
obtained a list of all the image files, which I'm planning to use to


access to the statements for each parish. Watch this space for more


though first I have to chase up a few of the files that seem to be


The OGL requires attribution, so I've added details of these three

counties to

the appropriate wiki page [4]. (Unfortunately though, this page isn't
obviously linked from the main OSM map or official copyright/license
[5] so I'm not convinced that attribution statements on [4] completely


our obligations at the moment.
Yes, we've provided attribution, but it's not somewhere that we could
reasonably expect users to find it. I've been in touch with LWG about


and fixing things is on their to do list -- though it seem from their


that this has been the case since September 2011. Does anyone know
who is
able to edit the text on [5]?)

I'm hopeful that we'll be able to make use of the statements to
verify the
designation of already mapped ways, and add the appropriate designation
tag where it's missing. In most cases, the description probably won't be
enough to be able to map a way without a survey.
However in conjunction with aerial imagery and maybe a bit of local
knowledge, it may be possible to do so for some routes. But the
will certainly be helpful in any effort of complete the mapping of


of way by identifying missing routes in need of a survey.

To help with matching routes up and checking off what has been found, it


be useful to tag the ways with the Council's reference number, using our
ref=* key. Doing so has been discussed on this list before [6]. (Though
following some more recent discussion [7] we may be heading towards
prow:ref=* instead to avoid a clash with other uses of ref on the same


In the thread at [6] it's been observed that different councils use


path numbering schemes, so we'll probably be unable to use a common
scheme across the whole country.
Looking at the numbering scheme used by the three councils above, I'd
suggest the following ref formats:

* Hertfordshire: [Parish] [0Num]
* Oxfordshire: [Pn]/[Num]
* Worcestershire: [PC]-[0Num]

where [Parish] is the full parish name (in Title case), [Pn] is a

numerical parish

code, [PC] is a two letter parish code (with upper-case letters),
[Num] is


numerical path number without leading zeros, and [0Num] is the numerical
path number with leading zeros.

(Note that Worcestershire has re-numbered all their paths, giving each
segment between path junctions a distinct number within the parish.
The definitive statements still use the old numbers in the route


and it might not be possible to tell which segment of each route has
new number. It it probably a good idea to store the original reference
numbers in OSM too, eg with old_ref=[Parish] [Num] top make using the
definitive statements easier.)

Finally, when tagging ways with designation=* and/or ref=* based on the
definitive statements, I think it would be useful to indicate the


suggest using source:designation=definitive_statement
and/or source:ref=definitive_statement as appropriate.

Best wishes,



[Talk-gb-westmidlands] HOTOSM

2012-06-11 Thread Big Fat Frog

Hi Guys,

At the risk of telling you something you already know but are you aware 
of this project:

It about making maps for humanitarian efforts, so if you get bored of 
the West Midlands here's an area that could do with your help.

Check out their simple but affective tasking tool:



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[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Houses and other buildings

2012-06-08 Thread Big Fat Frog

Hi all,

When I look at a lot of towns all the houses etc have been traced but 
not in others, I can't beleive someone has sat down and done each house 
one by one?  Where is this coming from and how can I get it for my area?



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Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Houses and other buildings

2012-06-08 Thread Big Fat Frog
If you look in Birmingham then all the houses are there, I can't beleive 
that was done manually.  There must have been an import sometime.

On 08/06/2012 22:38, Matt Williams wrote:

On 8 June 2012 22:12, Big Fat  wrote:

Hi all,

When I look at a lot of towns all the houses etc have been traced but not in
others, I can't beleive someone has sat down and done each house one by one?
  Where is this coming from and how can I get it for my area?

It depends on where you're looking but I think that in most areas, the
building have been traced manually. For example almost all the
buildings at
have been traced by me from Bing aerial imagery. It can be tedious but
sometimes my OCD gets the better of me :)


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Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Houses and other buildings

2012-06-08 Thread Big Fat Frog
Wow Matt, which one are you out of The Big Bang Theory?  Sheldon, 
Leonard, Howard or Raj? ;-)

On 08/06/2012 22:38, Matt Williams wrote:

On 8 June 2012 22:12, Big Fat  wrote:

Hi all,

When I look at a lot of towns all the houses etc have been traced but not in
others, I can't beleive someone has sat down and done each house one by one?
  Where is this coming from and how can I get it for my area?

It depends on where you're looking but I think that in most areas, the
building have been traced manually. For example almost all the
buildings at
have been traced by me from Bing aerial imagery. It can be tedious but
sometimes my OCD gets the better of me :)


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Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Houses and other buildings

2012-06-08 Thread Big Fat Frog

OMG that's amazing.

Why can't we get it from OS Opendata?

On 08/06/2012 23:06, Andy Robinson wrote:

All done manually, there is no magic import. Its several years of hard graft
tracing from Bing imagery and if they also have numbers also from ground


-Original Message-
From: Big Fat Frog []
Sent: 08 June 2012 22:46
Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Houses and other buildings

If you look in Birmingham then all the houses are there, I can't beleive


was done manually.  There must have been an import sometime.

On 08/06/2012 22:38, Matt Williams wrote:

On 8 June 2012 22:12, Big Fat   wrote:

Hi all,

When I look at a lot of towns all the houses etc have been traced but
not in others, I can't beleive someone has sat down and done each house

one by one?

   Where is this coming from and how can I get it for my area?

It depends on where you're looking but I think that in most areas, the
building have been traced manually. For example almost all the
buildings at


=M have been traced by me from Bing aerial imagery. It can be tedious
but sometimes my OCD gets the better of me :)


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[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Personal Survey Points

2012-05-23 Thread Big Fat Frog

Hi all,

Been it this for a few months now, got a Garmin Etrex Hcx, quite pleased 
with it's accuracy but am wondering how best to add my personal survey 
points to OSM.  When I come across a land feature or man-made feature 
that is visible from sat imagery that is very distinct, such as the 
corner of a wall, I like to take an averaged waymark, with as many 
points as I have time for, I can usually get the approx accuract down to 
less than a metre.  How should I tag such waymarks on OSM?



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