[Talk-ht] Réponse OpenStreetMap Haiti au tremblement de terre du 6 Octobre 2018 : nouveaux projets cartographiques 270, 271 et 272

2018-10-09 Thread nicolas chavent
Salut à toutes et tous,

Merci à celles et ceux qui se sont engagé.e.s dans cette réponse à partir
d'Haïti et d'ailleurs.

Je viens de créer les projets cartographiques 270 [1], 271 [2] et272  [3]
sur les zones de Saint-Louis du Nord, Pilate et Plaisancea près avoir pris
connaissance des rapports de la Direction de la Protection Civile (DPC) et
du Centre d'Opérations d'Urgence National (COUN) [4] disponible sur la page
du portail Relief Web dédié à la réponse au tremblement de terre du
6-octobre 2018 [5]

L'objectif commun à ces trois nouveaux projets est comme pour les trois
premiers (265, 266 et 267) toujours de créer ou mettre à jour la donnée de
base (baseline data) OSM sur ces zones pour qu'elle serve de baseline data
de référence pré-catastrophe pour les efforts de réponse et de
reconstruction à venir.

[1] : http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/270
[2] : http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/271
[3] : http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/272
[4] :
[5] : https://reliefweb.int/disaster/eq-2018-000160-hti

Nicolas Chavent
Les Libres Géographes
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Projet GeOrchestra
Mobile (FR): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (Haiti): +509 40 19 46 02
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Email: nicolas.chav...@leslibresgeographes.org
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

[Talk-ht] Réponse OpenStreetMap Haiti au tremblement de terre du 6 Octobre 2018 (Port-De-

2018-10-07 Thread nicolas chavent
Salut à toutes et tous,

Mes excuses pour les posts simultanées : je suis sur le départ d'Haiti
après les 3 semaines partagées avec Rei Debreus, Kenedy Alcereste et Wedens
Louisius (de l'association Communauté OSM Haiti - Saint Marc - C.OSMHA-STM)
dans le cadre de l'action de renforcement de capacités avec l'Organisation
Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), l'Institu Français d'Haiti (IFH)
et ses partenaires de la FOKAL et l'Alliance Fraçaise. Mot dièse
#ActionOsmHaiti2018 sous Twitter pour un micro-récit.

Je viens de créer les projets cartographiques 265 [1], 266 [2] et 267 [3]
sur les zones de Port-De-Paix, Gros Morne et Chansolme qui à la lecture ce
matin des bulletins humanitaires et presse semblent avoir été les zones où
victimes et dégâts ont été identifiés de manière sûre.

L'objectif commun aux trois projets est comme toujours de créer ou mettre à
jour la donnée de base (baseline data) OSM sur ces zones pour qu'elle serve
de baseline data pour les efforts de réponse et reconstruction à venir.

Il faudra prévoir de suivre l'éovolution de la réponse de crise les
prochaines heures car je serai off d'ici peu voyageant vers la France.

Excellente journée

[1] : http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/265
[2] : http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/266
[3] : http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/267

Nicolas Chavent
Les Libres Géographes
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Projet GeOrchestra
Mobile (FR): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (Haiti): +509 40 19 46 02
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Email: nicolas.chav...@leslibresgeographes.org
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

Re: [Talk-ht] [activation hotosm] Hurricane Matthew response : Imagery/UAV coordination and support to local Haitian UAV capacities

2016-10-09 Thread nicolas chavent
quadecopter. + Satellite imagery.
>> Drone imagery is useful, we are using it in our NGO to promote technology
>> and use it for local community. Not for the business or the storytelling.
>> Only for operational purpose,... far away from the "Humanitarian circus"
>> or something else.
>> All the best FredM
>> On 09/10/2016 01:58, Dale Kunce wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> First thanks to everyone that has contributed to the base mapping thus
>> far. Many humanitarian groups including the Red Cross, Canadian Military,
>> and the UN. I would much rather be mapping than responding to the copious
>> emails but I wanted to try and end the discussion so we can get back to
>> mapping.
>> There has been a lot of chatter about UAV imagery the disaster imagery
>> charter on the list serve with many accusations flying back and forth. I in
>> my role as the activation lead for Hurricane Matthew, Vice-President of
>> HOT, and GIS Lead for the American Red Cross see no value in trying to
>> coordinate UAV use in Haiti. As has been said by Blake and Cristiano both
>> of whom know more about this subject than I HOT should focus on the things
>> we do best and leave coordination of UAV use and operation to UVAviators.
>> Yes HOT in 2010 was different and HOT members took extraordinary measures
>> to update the map for humanitarians. Due largely to those efforts and later
>> ones in the Philippines, West Africa, Nepal, and many others HOT has become
>> a trusted source of map data immediately following a disaster. Groups like
>> the ones mentioned above have deeply integrated into their work and trust
>> HOT and its amazing volunteers to provide the map data. One of the reasons
>> HOT is trusted is because of our consistency. We provide a very reliable
>> service without causing a lot of drama for the large humanitarian
>> organizations. Throughout my time responding to disasters over the last few
>> years consistency is paramount during large scale disasters.
>> Comparing the airspace and subsequent use of UAVs in Tanzania, during
>> normal "blue skies" times to the crowded chaotic airspace in Haiti shows a
>> lack of basic understanding of the complexity of modern humanitarian
>> operations. If I were empowered, which I'm not even close to being able to
>> do, to simply put someone in a car or on a helicopter and send them into
>> the affected areas I wouldn't. Given the reports from the area from UN, Red
>> Cross, and other NGOs I would send food, water, and shelter kits.
>> HOT has declined to support Fred's effort not because we don't think he
>> has the capability but rather because HOT should and must be consistent in
>> our work. In fact, Fred flies drones professionally and is currently under
>> contract to fly a drone mission in Canaan for American Red Cross prior to
>> Hurricane Matthew, hence he was in Haiti during the storm. We must
>> understand our place during large scale international disasters, we must
>> know the limits of our work, and we must not put the organization at risk
>> without ample time to study and think about those risks.
>> Lastly, as things have changed in disasters in the last few years the
>> need to activate the imagery disaster charter has largely gone away. HOT
>> has fantastic relationships with imagery providers and governments. All are
>> often happy to provide imagery when they are capable of doing so.
>> If you would like to contribute to the current mapping in Haiti please
>> grab a task at http://tasks.hotosm.org
>> On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Cristiano Giovando <
>> cristiano.giova...@hotosm.org> wrote:
>>> Nicolas,
>>> As you well know HOT's strength is in pre-event baseline mapping. We
>>> have done some damage assessment and post-disaster mapping in the
>>> past, but it's not easy and with controversial results.
>>> That being said, I'm sure other responding organizations who request
>>> HOT baseline mapping support may still find it useful to have high
>>> resolution imagery of post event areas, although limited to the range
>>> of a small UAV. I'm not in a position to speak for them.
>>> Again - and I'm asking you personally, please - please let's avoid
>>> confrontation, insinuations, and bring up past arguments. It's
>>> absolutely not the time. If you care about Haiti and HOT, please try
>>> to engage with thi

Re: [Talk-ht] Re [activation hotosm] Hurricane Matthew response : Imagery/UAV coordination and support to local Haitian UAV capacities

2016-10-08 Thread nicolas chavent
; > drone n’ont reçu un quelconque écho défavorable en Haïti que ce soit du
> > gouvernement ou des organisations nationales ou internationales qui nous
> > soutiennent.
> >
> >
> > This is a page for the Haitian Creole and French of Haiti, so the
> messages
> > must be translated too into one of these two languages.
> > After, let me not agree with what you write.
> > Although the HOT board of directors is responsible for the strategy and
> > considers it inappropriate to get involved in everything concerning the
> UAV,
> > the situation in emergencies calls for more restraint. Often in emergency
> > time, we are compulsory to do things we don’t like to do.
> >   Moreover, it is not a question here of an organization with which you
> > might be partner, but an active member of your organization, which ask
> you
> > for your support.
> > Moreover, until now, as far as I know, never our drone flights did
> receive
> > any negative echo in Haiti either government or national or international
> > organizations that support us.
> > Sorry for my english
> >
> > Bien à vous
> > Xavier Tardieu
> --
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Nicolas Chavent
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (CIV): +225 78 12 76 99

Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
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traduire les messages.

Re: [Talk-ht] [activation hotosm] Hurricane Matthew response : Imagery/UAV coordination and support to local Haitian UAV capacities

2016-10-08 Thread nicolas chavent
Hi Blake,

Yes Fred and the Haitian dronists on the ground have skills and extensive
experience but little resources to keep up their work; this did not prevent
them from doing what they are good at. This can limit the span of their
action at a time where humanitarian actors need local capacities to
generate post disaster UAV imagery as well as satellite imagery to carry
out post disaster needs assessment. Support to their work can span from
small logistics support (rides in UNHAS, helis, plane and cars). This is
quite common to get such support in any sudden onset disaster responses
when GIS/UAV resources (leading to high impact for IM and decision making)
already undersized are rare, too rare.

When HOT started its first field missions, we were exactly in the same
situation as Fred. Skilled individuals (less experimented though) with
adequate equipment, but with little operational resources. We did good.
Without the above mentioned forms of support, though our impact would have
been limited and the course of action for OMS in Haiti and in other
countries different.

With the above in mind, it's weird to read that the president of HOT US Inc
stating that the only HOT US Inc support for Fred and this collective of
local Haitian dronists is only a well known list of UAV groups and a
pointer to UN OCHA. That's of no help.

UAV are used in Tanzania by HOT US Inc in Development and Disaster Risk
Reduction (DRR) contexts [1]. Thanks to multi years of UAV activities in
Haiti, this country is no longer a terra incognita when it comes to drones
and there is no such thing as "UAV missions in disaster zones with
notoriously complicated airspaces" but an area where it's possible to
operate and make the difference we ought to the Haitians and to the
Haitians mappers/dronists who acquired part of their skills via HOT US Inc
and OSM folks.

Do we have to understand that HOT US Inc will not help with simple
facilitation work with partner relief organizations working in Haiti, some
of those orgs (ARC, MSF etc) having representatives in the membership or
the Board ?

Given where HOT US Inc comes from and ironically in Haiti, this would mean
a lot in terms of the losses of our operational/organizational ethos and
would raise questions about the reality of support/empowerment schemes to
local communities or possible conflict of interest between members/Board
members of HOT US Inc and other organizations.


[1] : https://hotosm.org/projects/tanzania

On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 6:42 PM, Blake Girardot  wrote:

> Hi Nico,
> As you say, you and Fred have extensive experience in Hait and working
> with international partners in Haiti. Fred is actually on the ground
> in Haiti. You and he would be the best to coordinate him flying
> missions.
> This is not something HOT does, we do not coordinate or push for UAV
> missions in disaster zones with notoriously complicated airspaces. We
> rely on, and UAV missions need to be handled, by professionals, which
> you and Fred are, so I expect you should be able to handle making the
> proper arrangements and coordinations.
> I already suggested who to contact, UAviators, they have coordinated
> UAV missions in disaster zones in the past numerous times in
> conjunction with UN-OCHA. That is HOT's contact, I passed it on to you
> already.
> This is all HOT can do, except eagerly anticipate the imagery Fred's
> missions generate.
> Regards,
> Blake
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Activation Working Group" group.
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> email to activation+unsubscr...@hotosm.org.
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> To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/a/
> hotosm.org/d/msgid/activation/CABmB%2B%2BStS%
> 3D8NJWqZH2fhnjMeGmq8cKMip9qkBhBWZucrhhh_Dg%40mail.gmail.com.

Nicolas Chavent
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (CIV): +225 78 12 76 99

Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

Re: [Talk-ht] [activation hotosm] Hurricane Matthew response : Imagery/UAV coordination and support to local Haitian UAV capacities

2016-10-08 Thread nicolas chavent
Ciao Cristiano, grazie x il email !

It's still time for us to help Fred and the Haitian UAV collective to do in
2016 for Cyclone Matthew what had been done for Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and
in Disaster Risk Reduction schemes for large organizations.

But it's a question of hours/days at this particular time of a crisis
response, so waiting for a lessons learned exercice is not the right path
for us if we do care for useful pixels for OSM and solid opendata for the
actors of the humanitarian system. Of course we will do a Lesson Learned
exercise and these emails can help as bits of archive to help us doing this
in a nice way beneficial for HOT US Inc, HOT, OSM and Humanitarian /
Development actors of this domain.

Now it's time to act swiftly the way HOT US Inc and OSM usually do. Let's
really help Fred and local Haitian UAV flyers and dronists first moving
into Haiti, getting one individual (with such impact) in a helico is not a
hard task for HOT US Inc partners or any OSM supporter relief organization.

UNHAS (among others) with the support of requesting entities like big Haiti
players (WFP ARC IOM UNICEF OCHA/UNDAC..) do this on regular basis at the
onset of emergencies.

It shall not be to difficult for Dale Kunce, HOT US Inc Vice president and
Head of American Red Cross (ARC) GIS unit involved in multi years support
program to Haitian Red Cross (HRC) in Haiti to help out directly or

Shall this be hard for ARC to respond, it shall not be hard for HOT US Inc
coordinators or Board of directors to liase with our partners on the ground
and make the case for local Haiti UAV-collection imagery actions given the
quality of the local UAV team on site.

These are easy actions that can be done that can furnish Haitian and global
OSM members with useful pixels at the end of the day.

On the CHARTER piece, pls trust that Fred, Pierre, Sev and I do very well
know the processes and issues at play. Fred did successfully activate the
Charter for Hurricane Sandy in 2012 on the behalf of the Haitian

Fred could have done the same for Cyclone Matthew and notified it to the
Activation group in a timely fashion, this opportunity has not been seized.


On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 9:35 AM, Cristiano Giovando <
cristiano.giova...@hotosm.org> wrote:

> Thanks for the comments, Nicolas. If you don't mind, let's try to stay
> focused and not digress into polemical arguments, at least during an
> active response. Happy to sit down later with you, Fred and others to
> discuss how we can better coordinate in general around imagery.
> Not sure you understood my point about UAVs, but the recommendation to
> coordinate with responding organizations (and gov, and CAA?) was
> purely for safety, regulatory issues, and immediate field needs. I
> fully agree with you that UAV imagery is no different than
> satellite's, they're all useful pixels at the end of the day :)
> Looking forward to Fred's and the Haitian community imagery. Happy to
> help any way we can... processing, hosting, sharing, mapping, let me
> know!
> On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 9:30 PM, nicolas chavent
>  wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi there,
> >
> > Thanks Blake and Cristiano,
> >
> > We do monitor imagery releases and understand imagery management in
> humanitarian response, Fred and I have been in this field for quite some
> time...
> >
> > When Fred wrote its email to the activation group dated 2-October 2016,
> the timing was good for a charter activation possible via Fred excellent
> relations with the Haitian government built over years right after the 2010
> Quake with IOM. HOT US Inc Activation group decided not to seize that
> opportunity to be more proactive and handle as upfront as possible the
> imagery requests and the coverage of AOIs for openstreetmap to be put in
> the best position unleash its mapping power.
> >
> > The same passivity seems to have gone with UAV imagery collection and
> Fred + Potentiel3.0 offer to help has not been considered.
> >
> > Considering that this is the first time in the HOT US Inc history that a
> member of the organization experienced/equipped/ready is positioned in a
> country about to be hit by a disaster
> > Knowing how vital timely provision of hight resolution imagery for post
> disaster needs assessments and mapping in OSM is,
> > it's puzzling to consider that nothing has been done to harness such a
> promising situation.
> > It seems that nothing has been communicated nor no linkages made with
> other groups active on this front.
> >
> > Policy-wise and procedure wise your point about UAV coordination is
> debatable:
> > coordination for imagery provision via relations with imagery providers
> and domain actors is at t

[Talk-ht] Hurricane Matthew response : Imagery/UAV coordination and support to local Haitian UAV capacities

2016-10-07 Thread nicolas chavent
lying UAV missions or offering UAV
>> services should contact them and let them know of their availability or
>> mission plans.
>> My understanding further is that OpenAerialMap will be used to index and
>> display imagery collected as part of that. However OAM is glad to index and
>> provide access to any UAV imagery collected properly in a crisis situation.
>> Regards,
>> Blake
>> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 5:21 PM, nicolas chavent <
>> nicolas.chav...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hey there,
>>> At that stage of HurricaneMatthew response, can we know the status on
>>> Fred's proposal.
>>> Fred has a unique experience and most robust experience within the HOT
>>> community and the HOT US Inc organization when it comes to
>>> Haiti : multi years of work experience as GIS Officer for IOM right
>>> after 2010 quake working closely with OSM data and communities in a variety
>>> of GIS themes.
>>> Imagery : multi years of work with UNOSAT prior 2010 quake.
>>> UAV : Very first IM/GIS/RS Officer to use efficiently, timely UAV
>>> (Sensefly Ebee/pix4d) for damage assessment with a team of local Haitian.
>>> TGISers/mappers/Dronists both IOM staffs and Haitian OSM community members
>>> at the event of the Hurricane Sandy [1,2,3,4]. Fred had been supporting the
>>> development of drone-based capacities within IOM and at community level.
>>> Fred and the Haitian UAV collective have by far the largest experience of
>>> using drones in Haiti. Their expertise and experience spans imagery
>>> handling, imagery hosting (with OSMFrance) for OSM mapping and thorough
>>> modeling/analysis. They're a unique asset for this response.
>>> They're the dream team (with equipments at hands) on standby to get
>>> local UAV OSM and opendata Haitian communities generating post disaster UAV
>>> imagery for Cyclone Matthew in a coordinated way. Fred did activate the
>>> Charter for Hurricane Sandy in 2012. They communicated in a timely fashion
>>> to be able to do for Cyclone Matthew what they have been doing well prior
>>> and after Hurricane Sandy (2012) response.
>>> It would be great to know if we can count on their contributions for
>>> this response when various communities from the Humanitarian/Development
>>> sectors and the OSM community are responding.
>>> Thanks
>>> Nicolas
>>> [1] : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Sandy
>>> [2] : http://drones.fsd.ch/en/2016/06/03/case-study-no-8-high-reso
>>> lution-uav-imagery-for-camp-management-in-haiti/
>>> [3] : https://irevolutions.org/2014/07/09/uavs-for-disaster-risk-r
>>> eduction-haiti/
>>> [4] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oou32o-jR0M
>>> On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 12:50 PM, FredM  wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> Strange I cannot open your link;
>>>> Sending back again http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/2195
>>>> In haiti right now, in stand by as OSM contributor + 1 uav ebee + 2
>>>> phantom 3 (3 batteries).
>>>> Ready to activate international charter as I have done it for sandy.
>>>> All the best FredM
>>>> On 02/10/2016 06:29, Kunce, Dale wrote:
>>>> I just looked at the 8pm update from NHC and Matthew just tacked east
>>>> and is likely to make a direct hit of Haiti.
>>>> http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/025316.shtml?3-daynl
>>>> I've looked over map in the area and the roads are fairly good but
>>>> buildings and other landmarks are not well mapped. I think at this time its
>>>> worth putting out a preemptive mapping tasks for the South (Sud) admin area
>>>> that is most likely to get hit in roughly 48 hours or so. Given the
>>>> potential for life threatening rainfall and floods.
>>>> I went ahead and published tasks http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/2195/
>>>> The American Red Cross is likely to respond to any significant event in
>>>> Haiti or Jamaica. At this point we are only preparing and have not made a
>>>> decision to d

[Talk-ht] Haiti Réponse #CycloneMatthew #map4ht - coordination tâche cartographique Corail : http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/40

2016-10-07 Thread nicolas chavent
Bonjour à tous et toutes,

Cette carteweb uMap [4] donne un aperçu des travaux en cours.

Nous avons décidé après les abris anticycloniques de travailler sur les
villes de Jérémie et Corail (Grande Anse) pour produire une cartographie
exhaustive pré-désastre du bâti, des catégories d'usage du sol et des rues
à partir de l'imagerie Bing de 2011 à disposition avant que d'autres
ressources post crise ne soient mises à disposition sur cette zone.

La seconde tâche sur Corail [7] n'en sera pas moins importante et le
collectif haitiano suisse Potentiel3.0 en lien avec ses partenaires
communautaires travaille à pouvoir voler et capturer des images similaires
à celles de Jérémie sur Haiti. Ils méritent tout notre appui et notre aide
pour qu'Haiti dispose de l'imagerie post désastre de qualité que ce
collectif haïtien est expert à produire et résolument engagé à produire.

Demain de Bouaké en Côte d'Ivoire nous serons 50 ivoiriens, français et
ouest-africains à vous rejoindre sur ces tâches comme nous l'avion fait
l'an passé de Lomé [8]

A très bientôt,

[4] : https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/ fr/map/cyclone-matthew-haiti-
abris_105470#10/18.3552/-74. 0479
[7] : http://taches. francophonelibre.org/project/ 40
[8] :  https://projeteof.org/blog/ action-openstreetmap-2015-
haiti-un-dispositif-dappui- technique-et-organisationnel- a-osm-en-haiti/

Nicolas Chavent
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (CIV): +225 78 12 76 99

Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

[Talk-ht] Haiti Réponse #CycloneMatthew #map4ht - coordination tâche cartographique Jérémie : http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/39

2016-10-07 Thread nicolas chavent
Bonjour à tous et toutes,

Cette carteweb uMap [4] donne un aperçu des travaux en cours.

Nous avons décidé après les abris anticycloniques de travailler sur les
villes de Jérémie et Corail (Grande Anse) pour produire une cartographie
exhaustive pré-désastre du bâti, des catégories d'usage du sol et des rues
à partir de l'imagerie Bing de 2011 à disposition avant que d'autres
ressources post crise ne soient mises à disposition sur cette zone.

Le travail de cartographie carte de base pré-crise sur Jérémie [5] est
important au vu des manques de la carte OSM sur cette ville, de l'étendue
des dégâts et de la mission de captures d'images post crise via UAV/Drone
(exemple Tabarre Hurricane Sandy 2012 [6]) d'une très grande précision que
Frédéric Moine de l'association haitiano suisse Potentiel 3.0 vient d'y
compléter aujourd'hui en coordination avec la DPC et le mouvement scout
haitien. Il sera ainsi possible de disposer d'une carte OSM ouverte
communautaire pré crise et de données libres post crise pour contribuer à
une rigoureuse évaluation des dégâts sur cette ville. Cette tâche est
réservée à des mappers expérimentés de par les difficultés techniques
qu'elle présente.

Demain de Bouaké en Côte d'Ivoire nous serons 50 ivoiriens, français et
ouest-africains à vous rejoindre sur ces tâches comme nous l'avion fait
l'an passé de Lomé [8]

A très bientôt,

[4] : https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/ fr/map/cyclone-matthew-haiti-
abris_105470#10/18.3552/-74. 0479
[5] : http://taches. francophonelibre.org/project/ 39
[6] : http://drones.fsd.ch/en/2016/ 06/03/case-study-no-8-high-
resolution-uav-imagery-for- camp-management-in-haiti/
[8] :  https://projeteof.org/blog/ action-openstreetmap-2015-
haiti-un-dispositif-dappui- technique-et-organisationnel- a-osm-en-haiti/

Nicolas Chavent
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (CIV): +225 78 12 76 99

Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

[Talk-ht] Réponse Cyclone Matthew Haiti - tâches cartographiques : abris anticycloniques, Jérémie, Corail (Grande Anse) et Mapathon ouest-africain #map4ht #cyclonemattew de Bouaké (Côte d'Ivoire)

2016-10-07 Thread nicolas chavent
Bonjour à tous et toutes,

Des mappers ouest africains de Côte d'Ivoire, du Sénégal, du Togo, du
Burkina-Faso, du Bénin, du Mali, de la Guinée, du Niger et de France ont
achevé de Bouaké [1] en Côte d'Ivoire la première tâche cartographique
dédiée aux zones entourant les abris anticycloniques de la Direction de la
Protection Civile (DPC) d’Haïti dans le cadre de la réponse au Cyclone
Matthew [2].
Il s'agissait d'un jeu de données partiel à l'échelle du pays, mais
important sur la zone affectée qui avaient été mappés dans OpenStreetMap en
2011 pour le compte de l’Organisation Internationale des Migrations (IOM)
par des membres de la Communauté OpenStreetMap Haiti (COSMHA).

A travers cette première tâche cartographique il s'agit de renforcer
d'Afrique et d'ailleurs des actions de la communauté OpenStreetMap en Haïti
ou de communautés du logiciel libre, de la donnée ouverte à l’œuvre avant
le Cyclone Matthew, de contribuer à la réponse et de préparer au mieux
l'avenir [3].

Cette carteweb uMap [4] donne un aperçu des travaux en cours.

Nous avons décidé après les abris anticycloniques de travailler sur les
villes de Jérémie et Corail (Grande Anse) pour produire une cartographie
exhaustive pré-désastre du bâti, des catégories d'usage du sol et des rues
à partir de l'imagerie Bing de 2011 à disposition avant que d'autres
ressources post crise ne soient mises à disposition sur cette zone.

Le travail de cartographie carte de base pré-crise sur Jérémie [5] est
important au vu des manques de la carte OSM sur cette ville, de l'étendue
des dégâts et de la mission de captures d'images post crise via UAV/Drone
(exemple Tabarre Hurricane Sandy 2012 [6]) d'une très grande précision que
Frédéric Moine de l'association haitiano suisse Potentiel 3.0 vient d'y
compléter aujourd'hui en coordination avec la DPC et le mouvement scout
haitien. Il sera ainsi possible de disposer d'une carte OSM ouverte
communautaire pré crise et de données libres post crise pour contribuer à
une rigoureuse évaluation des dégâts sur cette ville. Cette tâche est
réservée à des mappers expérimentés de par les difficultés techniques
qu'elle présente.

La seconde tâche sur Corail [7] n'en sera pas moins importante et le
collectif haitiano suisse Potentiel3.0 en lien avec ses partenaires
communautaires travaille à pouvoir voler et capturer des images similaires
à celles de Jérémie sur Haiti. Ils méritent tout notre appui et notre aide
pour qu'Haiti dispose de l'imagerie post désastre de qualité que ce
collectif haïtien est expert à produire et résolument engagé à produire.

Demain de Bouaké en Côte d'Ivoire nous serons 50 ivoiriens, français et
ouest-africains à vous rejoindre sur ces tâches comme nous l'avion fait
l'an passé de Lomé [8]

A très bientôt,

[1] : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bouak%C3%A9
[2] :
[3] :
[4] :
[5] : http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/39
[6] :
[7] : http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/40
[8] :
Nicolas Chavent
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (CIV): +225 78 12 76 99

Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

Re: [Talk-ht] [activation hotosm] Hurricane Matthew Task 2195

2016-10-06 Thread nicolas chavent
to activat...@hotosm.org.
> To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/a/
> hotosm.org/d/msgid/activation/86CD141A-07E3-4BFC-8F89-
> 3EABEF10033B%40redcross.org
> <https://groups.google.com/a/hotosm.org/d/msgid/activation/86CD141A-07E3-4BFC-8F89-3EABEF10033B%40redcross.org?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
> .
> --
> [image: Avast logo] <https://www.avast.com/antivirus>
> L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le
> logiciel antivirus Avast.
> www.avast.com <https://www.avast.com/antivirus>
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Activation Working Group" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to activation+unsubscr...@hotosm.org.
> To post to this group, send email to activat...@hotosm.org.
> To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/a/
> hotosm.org/d/msgid/activation/28d5a407-2fe1-cb85-b436-
> f50542fd8c8a%40gmail.com
> <https://groups.google.com/a/hotosm.org/d/msgid/activation/28d5a407-2fe1-cb85-b436-f50542fd8c8a%40gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
> .

Nicolas Chavent
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (CIV): +225 78 12 76 99

Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

Re: [Talk-ht] Cartographie des zones autour des abris d'urgence connus

2016-10-05 Thread nicolas chavent
> >
> > http://taches.francophonelibre.org/project/35
> >
> > Pierre, que beaucoup d'entre vous connaissent bien après ses passages
> dans
> > le Nord et à Port-au-Prince, et qui a accompagné beaucoup de réponses de
> > crises OSM, apporte également son support depuis le Québec. Frédéric
> quant
> > à lui se trouve à Port-au-Prince et est déjà en appui à la communauté de
> > Cité Soleil.
> >
> > Séverin
> > ___
> > Talk-ht mailing list
> > Talk-ht@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ht
> > Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (
> http://translate.google.com)
> > pour traduire les messages.
> --
> *ALCE Samuel Paul, *
> *Port-au-Prince, Haiti *
> *Field Data Coordinator @ DAI / USAID*
> *Géo-Information Specialist (GIS)*
> *Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team memberOpenStreetMap** contributor in
> Haiti *
> *OSM username: ALCE Samuel Paul *
> *Cell**: (509) 4894-2175 / 4638-4875 / 4289-7651
>  *
> *Skype**: samuelalce*
> *Whatsapp*: *(509) **4289-7651*
> ___
> Talk-ht mailing list
> Talk-ht@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ht
> Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com)
> pour traduire les messages.

Nicolas Chavent
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (CIV): +225 78 12 76 99

Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

[Talk-ht] Crowdfunding OpenStreetMap au Bénin : 275km² d'imagerie satellite haute résolution pour Cotonou ce 1er mai 2016 !

2016-04-22 Thread nicolas chavent
Bonsoir à tous et toutes,

Ci-dessous un courriel initialement envoyé sur la liste hot-francophone sur
le crowdfunding OpenStreetMap au Bénin lancé par l’association OSM Bénin et
le collectif Projet Espace OSM Francophone (ProjetEOF) pour acquérir et
mettre à disposition du projet OSM 275km² d'imagerie satellite haute
résolution sur la ville de Cotonou ce 1er mai 2016

En vous souhaitant bonne lecture et en vous encourageant à y prendre part
car à 10 jours de la fin de ce crowdfunding, il reste moins de 1 000 Euros
à réunir : c’est là un moyen aisé d'aider efficacement à la cartographie de
Cotonou en opendata (sous la license OdbL du projet OSM) car l'accès à
cette imagerie fera vraiment une différence !

A très bientôt,

Nicolas pour l'association OSM Bénin et le collectif ProjetEOF

-- Forwarded message --
From: nicolas chavent 
Date: 2016-04-22 20:35 GMT+02:00
Subject: Crowdfunding OpenStreetMap au Bénin : 275km² d'imagerie satellite
haute résolution pour Cotonou ce 1er mai 2016 !
To: hot-francophone 

Bonsoir à tous et toutes,

L'association OSM Bénin, avec le soutien du collectif Projet Espace
OpenStreetMap Francophone (ProjetEOF) a lancé le premier projet de
financement participatif OpenStreetMap en Afrique de l'Ouest pour acquérir
275 km² d'imagerie satellite haute résolution sur la ville de Cotonou [1,2]
selon une licence permettant de faire progresser la carte de base
OpenStreetMap sur cette ville notamment ses routes, son réseau
hydrographique, son bâti et ses modes d'occupation du sol.

Les mappers béninois sont actifs dans la création de données via des
mapathons [3] ou des collectes de terrain [4], de même que dans la
promotion et la formation aux outils OSM [5]. Mais actuellement, ils ne
disposent pas via les mosaïques Bing et Mapbox d'une imagerie de qualité sur
l'essentiel du territoire métropolitain de Cotonou et doivent donc
cartographier Cotonou, la capitale économique du Bénin, au GPS, au
smartphone ou au FieldPapers comme au début d'OSM avant l'accès aux images
satellites Yahoo, Microsoft Bing ou des images satellite libérées en
opendata !

Ce crowdfunding "Imagerie pour OpenStreetmap Bénin" et en cas de succès
l'accès à cette imagerie satellite de haute résolution revêt donc une
importance capitale pour la communauté OSM de Cotonou, du Bénin et pour le
projet OSM en général :
- En augmentant l'efficacité des mappers béninois dans leur entreprise de
cartographie de Cotonou, elle leur permettrait de consacrer plus de temps à
la sensibilisation, au plaidoyer, à la formation ainsi qu'au renforcement
des partenariats déjà construits (Croix Rouge Béninoise, monde académique,
communautés techniques, collectivités territoriales, etc...) et d'être
encore plus actifs sur le reste du pays. D'un mot amplifier ce que fait
cette communauté OSM au Bénin depuis 2013 [6].
- Enfin cette imagerie permettrait à la communauté OSM de Cotonou de
commencer à collaborer à distance sur la cartographie de Cotonou avec le
reste de la communauté OSM mondiale et surtout avec celles des autres pays
d'Afrique de l'Ouest comme c'est le cas depuis 2013 sur d'autres zones du
pays ou du sous-continent depuis 2013.

Nous sommes à 10 jours de la fin de ce crowdfunding, il reste moins de 1
000 Euros à réunir : il y a là un moyen aisé d'aider efficacement à la
cartographie de Cotonou en opendata (sous la license OdbL du projet OSM)
car l'accès à cette imagerie fera vraiment une différence !

Nicolas pour OSM Bénin et le collectif Projet EOF.

[1] : http://fr.ulule.com/imagerie-cotonou/
[2] :
[3] : https://twitter.com/absaliou/status/566060712049770496
[4] : https://twitter.com/agbadonou/status/719455286285570048
[5] : https://twitter.com/agbadonou/status/677513770214801410
[6] : https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:SOTMTG-COM-OSMBJ-contenu.pdf

Nicolas Chavent
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (CIV): +225 78 12 76 99
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent

Nicolas Chavent
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (CIV): +225 78 12 76 99
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

[Talk-ht] Action de renforcement de capacités techniques et organisationnelles OpenStreetMap au Bénin du 1 au 21 mai 2016

2016-04-08 Thread nicolas chavent
me togolais de renforcement de capacités techniques et
organisationnelles autour d'openstreetmap et de la géomatique libre.

Nous communiquerons sur l’actualité de cette action de renforcement de
capacités sous-régionale sur les listes OSM, la section wiki du projet
OSMBénin les blogs et médias sociaux utilisés par le ProjetEOF, OSMBénin et
les autres collectifs OSM d’Afrique de l’Ouest.

Excellent WE à tous et toutes,

Nicolas Chavent
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (CIV): +225 78 12 76 99

Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

[Talk-ht] Fwd: La "Journée du SIG" au Togo (Lomé) et à Haiti (Port Au Prince) au milieu de deux missions de renforcement de capacités en cartographie OpenStreetMap et en géomatique

2015-11-18 Thread nicolas chavent
Salut à tous et toutes,

En m'excusant d'avance pour le cross-posting d'autres listes (crisis
mappers, hot etc), je partage ce bref wrap up de ce qu'a été la Journée du
SIG ("GIS Day") pour deux collectifs de mappers du projet OSM actifs à Lomé
et à Port Au Prince qui peut intéresser et dynamiser celles et ceux qui
sont encore actifs en cette Journée du SIG.

Bonne lecture à vous

-- Forwarded message --
From: nicolas chavent 
Date: 2015-11-19 0:38 GMT+01:00
Subject: La "Journée du SIG" au Togo (Lomé) et à Haiti (Port Au Prince) au
milieu de deux missions de renforcement de capacités en cartographie
OpenStreetMap et en géomatique
To: hot-francophone 

Salut à tous et toutes,

En m'excusant d'avance pour le cross-posting d'autres listes (crisis
mappers, hot etc), je partage ce bref wrap up de ce qu'a été la Journée du
SIG ("GIS Day") pour deux collectifs de mappers du projet OSM actifs à Lomé
et à Port Au Prince qui peut intéresser et dynamiser celles et ceux qui
sont encore actifs en cette Journée du SIG.

"Journée du SIG 2015 aka "GIS Day" 22h30 (UTC), c'est la fin de
l'après-midi à Port Au Prince (Haiti) et la soiré est avancée à Lomé (Togo)
après de longues et joyeuses heures de travail sur les projets
OpenStreetMap, QGIS et données ouvertes (opendata).

Au Togo, à l'Université de Lomé (UL) :
- 50 personnes ont travaillé toute la journée sur le logiciel de Système
d'Informatioin Géographique (SIG) libre QGIS avec des données OpenStreetMap
créées à travers les 4 premiers jours du maptrek "mivamapper" (Viens mapper
en langue locale) sur la zone inondable d'Anfamé (Lomé) ainsi qu'avec des
données "Core Operational Datasets" (COD) and "Fundamental Operational
Datasets" (FOD) du Bureau d'Action à l'Action Humanitaire (OCHA)
accessibles à travers les plateformes Humanitarian Response et HDX.
- 20 personnes ont travaillé une demi journée à explorer, visualiser et
télécharger des données géographiques de toutes sortes (openstreetmap,
données ouvertes/ opendata et données placées sous d'autres licenses) en
utilisant l'IFL (Infrastructure de Données Spatiales Francophone Libre)
hébergée à Rennes à l'AgroCampus Ouest (France) et maintenue avec le
soutien de la communauté GeOrchestra.
- Ces mêmes 20 individus ont passé l'après-midi à affermir leur maitrise de
l'outil de webmapping uMap en utilisant les mêmes types de données.
- En parallèle de ces deux ateliers, l'ensemble de ces personnes ont
continué de cartographier à distance les villes d'Anfamé et Biu définies
comme les premiers objectifs du maptrek "mivamapper", le mapathon de 8
jours du ProjetEOF et des communautés locales, commencé le 14-Novembre
- Avec la tombée de la nuit sur Lomé, ces activités ont cédé la place au
travail de préparation du SOTMTG 2015, la seconde édition du State Of The
Map Afrique.

En Haiti, à la base logistique de Port Au Prince de l'association Haiti
- deux mappers expérimentés de la communauté OSM haitienne enrichissent
leur bagage technique en cartographie OSM dans le cadre d'une approche de
formation de formateurs.
- Les mêmes avec le collectif d'animation ProjetEOF organisent leur
participation à distance au SOTMTG 2015 et au dernier jour de l'expérience
- Ils sont aussi actifs à préparer ce 21 novembre la tenue sur la base
logistique d'HC d'un mapathon centré sur des Aires d'Intérêt Areas des
communautés locales de Port Au Prince.
- Comme les jours précédents, ils achèveront leur journée en rejoignant les
mappers ouest-africains du maptrek mivamapper.

Un jour OSM et SIG plein comme l'essentiel de nos journées haîtiennes ([1],
[2]) et togolaises ([3], [4], [5]) des deux dernières semaines et
vraisemblablement des 10 prochains jours au cours de ces deux missions de
renforcement de capacités OSM et géomatique libre conçues, financées et
mises en oeuvre avec la Direction Numérique de l'Organisation
Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) et notre partenaire haïtien Haiti

Toute personne intéressée par ces initiatives et désireuse de nous joindre
peut suivre l'actualité de ces actions OSM vai les blogs, wiki, mailing
lists du ProjetEOF et des groupes OSM locaux du Togo, du Niger, du Mali, du
Burkina, du Togo, du Bénin et du Sénégal ainsi que lerus comptes Facebook
et twitter via notamment les hashtags #ProjetEOF #map4tg #mivamapper et

Excellente soirée à tous et toutes


[Talk-ht] Action OSM 2015 Côte d'Ivoire

2015-09-24 Thread nicolas chavent
Bonsoir à tous et à toutes,

Demain une vingtaine de mappers du projet OpenStreetMap (OSM) se mettront
en route du Bénin, du Burkina-Faso, de France, du Mali, du Niger, du
Sénégal et du Togo pour rallier Bouaké au centre de la Côte d’Ivoire.

Intégrés au sein du collectif Espace OSM Francophone (ProjetEOF), ils
agiront dans le cadre d’une action de renforcement de capacités de la
Direction de la Francophonie Numérique (DFN) de l’OIF pour y mettre en
oeuvre un programme de sensibilisation et formation en cartographie
numérique OSM (OpenStreetMap) et en géomatique libre.

Cette équipe travaillera du 25 septembre au 15 octobre 2015 dans la ville
de Bouaké, en organisant et animant une série d'ateliers dans les lieux
supports du projet OSM (université, lieux technologiques et associatifs)
selon un programme conçu de façon étroite entre la DFN, des mappers
expérimentés dans l’animation OSM en Afrique de l’Ouest, le collectif
ProjetEOF, les collectifs locaux d’animateurs OSM à commencer par celles et
ceux de de la communauté OSM ivoirienne.

Le travail en atelier concernera les aspects suivants nécessaires à
l'animation du projet OpenStreetMap associé à des initiatives de géomatique
libre et de données ouvertes en Côte d’Ivoire et en Afrique de l’Ouest :


   Usage des données OSM et données ouvertes (open data) dans des approches
   de type Systèmes d'Information Géographique (SIG) et Cartographie au moyen
   de logiciels et ressources web libres ;

   Usage des techniques de cartographie du projet OSM à destination de
   différents publics portant sur différents cas d'usage, notamment la
   conception et réalisation de programmes de cartographie à distance
   utilisant imagerie satellite, cartes scannées, mobilisation des communautés
   OSM francophone et globale, de cartographie terrain avec ou sans accès à
   imagerie satellite, avec GPS) ;

   Introduction, démonstration et prise en main d'outils SIG utilisant la
   données OSM ainsi que d’autres données ouvertes (open data) comme le
   logiciel QGIS ;

   Introduction, démonstration et prise en main d'outils web utilisant les
   données OSM ainsi que d'autres données libres comme le service de
   cartographie web Umap et l’infrastructure de Données Spatiales (IDS) libre

   Introduction, démonstration et prise en main de techniques de
   cartographie web (mobile et site web) avec la librairie java Leaflet
   utilisant la donnée OSM (API) ainsi que d'autres sources de données
   ouvertes (open data)

Deux ateliers de 5 jours chacun seront conduits au bénéfice d’une
quarantaine d’Ivoiriens et d’Ivoiriennes issus de la communauté OSM, des
communautés de pratique du libre, des milieux professionnels de la
géomatique (gouvernement, organisations internationales, ONG) et notamment
les milieux de l’enseignement et de la recherche. A travers son approche de
formation de formateurs, le programme s’adresse également aux collectifs
d'animateurs OSM de Côte d’Ivoire et d’Afrique de l’Ouest.

En marge de ces ateliers, il sera organisé le WE du ¾ octobre un atelier de
création de données en masse (mapathon) OpenStreetMap ouvert aux
participants des ateliers et aux acteurs des scènes géomatiques, libristes
et openstreetmap de la ville de Bouaké.

Enfin, l’équipe, au terme des deux ateliers, mettra à profit la présence
sur Bouaké d’un aussi grand nombre d’animateurs OSM ouest africains pour
travailler 4 jours de rang sur un programme interne de renforcement de
capacités organisationnelles liées à l’animation du projet OSM en Afrique
de l’Ouest dans une perspective de volontariat ou d’économie sociale et

Nous communiquerons sur l’actualité de cette action de renforcement de
capacités sous-régionale sur les listes OSM, la section wiki du projet
OSMCI, les blogs et médias sociaux utilisés par le ProjetEOF, OSMCI et les
autres collectifs OSM d’Afrique de l’Ouest.

Excellente soirée à tous et toutes

Nicolas Chavent
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20

Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

[Talk-ht] Liste hot-francophone

2014-07-20 Thread nicolas chavent

La liste hot at openstretmap.org est la liste qui permet d'échanger sur le
thème d'OSM dans le cadre de l'humanitaire et du développement. Comme la
liste talk général, la langue utilisée est l'anglais, ce qui limite la
participation des francophones dont la maîtrise de l'anglais est nulle ou
limitée ou et difficile l'expression détaillée, riche et nuancée de leurs
pensées sur les objets en discussion sur la liste de langue anglaise.
Jusqu'à présent, pour informer les francophones sur ces thématiques et les
projets en cours, des emails informatifs étaient parfois envoyés à un
ensemble de listes talk francophones, ce qui n'est pas idéal pour le suivi
des conversations et qui conduit à des duplications de message dans chacun
des historiques.

Pour y remédier, une liste OSM hot-francophone vient d'être créée
permettant aux contributeurs OSM francophones, quelle que soit leur
nationalité, de pouvoir échanger en français sur les usages d'OSM dans les
champs de l'humanitaire et du développement au nord et au sud

Comme pour les listes talk-pays ou dev-quelquechose, elle ne vise pas à
"concurrencer" la liste principale, mais à permettre les échanges au sein
d'une communauté de langue et de culture spécifique, et aura un dialogue
continu avec la liste anglophone existante. Les hispanophones semblent
intéressés pour disposer également d'une telle liste.

Pour vous inscrire :

Excellente journée à tous/toutes,


Nicolas Chavent
Projet OpenStreetMap (OMS)
Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20

Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

Re: [Talk-ht] Fwd: [HOT] Small Grant Opportunity

2014-03-07 Thread nicolas chavent
Merci Jean pour le forward, ce serait bien de continuer à le diffuser sur
les autres listes francophones, pas eu le temps ce matin
Excellente journée à tous/toutes,


On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton wrote:

> Bonjour,
> Pour info, au cas où une ou plusieurs associations haïtiennes voudraient
> soumettre une proposition.
> Bien cordialement,
> Jean-Guilhem
>  Message original 
> Sujet:  [HOT] Small Grant Opportunity
> Date :  Thu, 6 Mar 2014 16:25:56 -0700
> De :Russell Deffner 
> Pour :  hot 
> Hello HOTties,
> This may not be within the cost/benefit realm of HOT as an organization,
> and the deadline is the end of the month; but thought individuals could
> look it over and see if it may work for a local OSM community:
> http://www.gsdi.org/node/888
> =Russ
> ___
> Talk-ht mailing list
> Talk-ht@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ht
> Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com)
> pour traduire les messages.

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Email: nicolas.chav...@hotosm.org
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

[Talk-ht] Highlight of HOT's work in the past 4 days in Lomé (Togo) as part of the project Espace OSM Francophone

2013-06-28 Thread nicolas chavent
Salut à tous et toutes,

Ci dessous un billet de blog (en Français [1] et Anglais [2] ) présentant
brièvement les 4 derniers jours de travail sur le terrain au Togo dans le
cadre du projet Espace OSM Francophone. Ils ouvriront ce WE sur une
cartopartie au WoeLab Lomé.


Hi all,

A blog post (in French [1] and English [2] ) featuring our field work in
Togo from the past 4 days where we were preparing for a first large OSM
Mapping party at the WoeLab Lomé this Week End



Nicolas Chavent
Acting Project Director
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Email: nicolas.chav...@hotosm.org
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate (http://translate.google.com) pour 
traduire les messages.

Re: [Talk-ht] Re : Pas des edits pour 4(?) jours -- Fw: [OSM-talk] It has begun

2012-04-01 Thread nicolas chavent
Merci Pierre et Jaakko pour le message.
Fred as-tu pu faire en sorte que les membres de l'equipe GIS de IOM aient
accepte les changements de licence.
Je contacterai Tinono demain.


2012/4/1 Pierre Béland 

> Voici ma traduction libre du message de Jaakko.
> OpenStreetMap effectue le passage à la licence ODbl à partir d'aujourd'hui
> et change de serveur informatique. Pendant cette période de transition, au
> cours des 4 prochains jours, nous pourrons consulter les cartes, mais nous
> ne pourront pas éditer. Par exemple, Il ne sera pas possible d'éditer avec
> Potlatch2.
> Pour ceux qui édtent avec JOSM, il est toujours possible d'éditer sur son
> poste de travail, mais il n'est pas possible de transférer le résultat au
> cours des 4 prochains jours. Pour éviter des conflits avec la base de
> donnée, on recommande de limiter ses éditions au minimum.
> On peut aussi se concenter à faire du terrain, importer de nouvelles
> données, lire les manuels, suivre des formations ...
> Pierre
>   --
> *De :* Jaakko Helleranta.com 
> *À :* "Talk-HT@OSM" 
> *Envoyé le :* Dimanche 1 avril 2012 11h32
> *Objet :* [Talk-ht] Pas des edits pour 4(?) jours -- Fw: [OSM-talk] It
> has begun
> Dear all,
> Ce n'est pas possible de editer OSM pour environ 4 jour. Quel q'un qui
> parle (& ecrire) francoise meilleur que moi peux expliquer plus, mais I'll
> y'a deux choses qui passe:
> - change de serveur
> - change de license de OSM data
> Si Tinono lire cette ca list: est-ce que tu pourrait contacter quel'qun
> (moi, Fred, Nicolas, Sev, Guens) pour verifier que tu accepte le change de
> license.
> --
> So, the database is read only for a couple of days now.
> Mapping efforts can focus now on data gathering, reading the fine manuals
> / learning, etc.
> Cheers,
> -Jaakko
> http://osm.org/user/jaakkoh
> --Original Message--
> From: Toby Murray
> To: Talk@OSM
> Subject: [OSM-talk] It has begun
> Sent: Apr 1, 2012 03:17
> OSM is in read-only mode as of 8:02 UTC. Looking at the minutely
> replication files, this was the last changeset to upload:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/11173886
> Let's all wish the hard working admins good luck.
> Toby
> ___
> talk mailing list
> t...@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
> Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
> --
> Mobile: +509-37-26 91 54, Skype/GoogleTalk: jhelleranta
> ___________
> Talk-ht mailing list
> Talk-ht@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ht
> ___
> Talk-ht mailing list
> Talk-ht@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ht

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 4617 3334
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Email: nicolas.chav...@hotosm.org
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] Haiti Communitere : Evenement / Sustainability Social Event

2012-03-29 Thread nicolas chavent
Jaakko et tout moun,

Bon bagay!
Good stuff!


On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 6:47 PM, Jaakko Helleranta.com <
jaa...@helleranta.com> wrote:

> **
> -- en ma francoise cassee --
> Brian va ete la et je comprendu que Presler (et quel q'un autre) et je
> vais ete la pour un partie de le evenement.
> -- in more understandable form --
> Brian + I understood Presler (+ someone else?) will be there & I'll be
> able to be there part of the time.
> Showing / demoing mapping, maps. Helping interested get started. What ever
> will be, will be.
> Cheers,
> -Jaakko
> Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
> --
> Mobile: +509-37-26 91 54, Skype/GoogleTalk: jhelleranta
> --
> *From: * nicolas chavent 
> *Sender: * cos...@googlegroups.com
> *Date: *Thu, 29 Mar 2012 15:57:15 -0400
> *To: *OSM-Haiti; 
> *ReplyTo: * cos...@googlegroups.com
> *Subject: *Re: Haiti Communitere : Evenement / Sustainability Social Event
> Salut a tous. Y a-t-il un intérêt à une présence à cet événement à Haiti
> Communitere de la part de ceux qui seront a Pap ce week end? Merci d'avance
> pour l'update
> Hi all. Is there an interest in attending this event to Haiti Communitere
> from those who will be a Pap this weekend? Thank you in advance for the
> update
> Bonjou tout moun. Èske gen yon enterè nan patisipe nan evenman sa a an
> Ayiti Communitere nan men moun ki pral gen yon papa nikola fen semèn sa? Mèsi
> davans pou aktyalizasyon a
> Nico
> 2012/3/27 nicolas chavent 
>> Salut a tous,
>> Haiti Communitere [1] organise un événement [2] ce samedi 31 mars pour
>> assurer sa durabilité. Les réalisations que permet HC seront présentées et
>> les acteurs de ses réalisations pourront tenir un stand et présenter leurs
>> projet .
>> Le projet OSM a été invité, possibilité et intérêt pour ceux de PAP d'y
>> participer et de ternir un stand OSM, d'animer le lab de HC avec des
>> sessions pratiques autour de OSM (mini mapping party sur le modele de ce
>> que nous avions pu faire a Canne a sucre il y a 1 an et 3 mois) de faire
>> des presentations a intervalles reguliers dans la journee, et d'autres
>> elements?
>> Excellente journée a tous
>> Nico
>> ..
>> Tout moun,
>> Ayiti Communitere [1] ap òganize yon evènman [2] sa a Samdi, 31 mas asire
>>  otosifizans li yo. Reyalizasyon pral prezante ki pèmètkreyōl ayisyen ak
>> aktè nan reyalizasyon li yo pral pran pozisyon e prezante pwojè yo.
>> Te pwojè a OSM envite, ak posib enterè tout moun nan PAPpatisipe ak
>> sevanouir yon OSM kanpe, mennen kreyōl ayisyen anlaboratwa ak sesyon
>> pratik alantou OSM (Mini pati kat sou modèl lanan sa nou yo te kapab fè
>> kan yon ane de sa ak 3 mwa) nan fè prezantasyon nan entèval regilye pandan
>> jounen an, ak lòt eleman?
>> Ekselan tout jou
>> niko
>> Haiti Communitere [1] is organizing an event [2] this Saturday, March 31 to
>> ensure its sustainability. Achievements will be presented that allows HC and
>> actors of his achievements will take a stand and present their project.
>> The OSM project was invited, and possible interest to those of PAPto
>> participate and to tarnish a stand OSM, to lead the lab HC withpractical
>> sessions around OSM (Mini mapping party on the modelof what we were able
>> to make sugarcane a year ago and 3 months)to make presentations at
>> regular intervals during the day, and other elements?
>> Excellent all day
>> Nico
>> [1] = www.*haiti.communitere*.org/
>> [2] = http://www.haiti.communitere.org/news/youre-invited.html
>> --
>> Nicolas Chavent
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
>> http://hot.openstreetmap.org/weblog/
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Haiti
>> Mobile (Haiti): +509 4617 3334
>> Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
>> Email: nicolas.chav...@hotosm.org
>> Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
>> Skype: c_nicolas
>> Twitter: nicolas_chavent
> --
> Nicolas Chavent
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
> http://hot.openstreetmap.org/weblog/
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Haiti
> Mobile (Haiti): +509 4617 3334
> Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
> Email: nicolas.chav...@hotosm.org
> Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
> Skype: c_nicolas
> Twitter: nicolas_chavent

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 4617 3334
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Email: nicolas.chav...@hotosm.org
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] Haiti Communitere : Evenement / Sustainability Social Event

2012-03-29 Thread nicolas chavent
Salut a tous. Y a-t-il un intérêt à une présence à cet événement à Haiti
Communitere de la part de ceux qui seront a Pap ce week end? Merci d'avance
pour l'update

Hi all. Is there an interest in attending this event to Haiti Communitere
from those who will be a Pap this weekend? Thank you in advance for the

Bonjou tout moun. Èske gen yon enterè nan patisipe nan evenman sa a an Ayiti
 Communitere nan men moun ki pral gen yon papa nikola fen semèn sa? Mèsi
davans pou aktyalizasyon a


2012/3/27 nicolas chavent 

> Salut a tous,
> Haiti Communitere [1] organise un événement [2] ce samedi 31 mars pour
> assurer sa durabilité. Les réalisations que permet HC seront présentées et
> les acteurs de ses réalisations pourront tenir un stand et présenter leurs
> projet .
> Le projet OSM a été invité, possibilité et intérêt pour ceux de PAP d'y
> participer et de ternir un stand OSM, d'animer le lab de HC avec des
> sessions pratiques autour de OSM (mini mapping party sur le modele de ce
> que nous avions pu faire a Canne a sucre il y a 1 an et 3 mois) de faire
> des presentations a intervalles reguliers dans la journee, et d'autres
> elements?
> Excellente journée a tous
> Nico
> ..
> Tout moun,
> Ayiti Communitere [1] ap òganize yon evènman [2] sa a Samdi, 31 mas asire
> otosifizans li yo. Reyalizasyon pral prezante ki pèmètkreyōl ayisyen ak
> aktè nan reyalizasyon li yo pral pran pozisyon e prezante pwojè yo.
> Te pwojè a OSM envite, ak posib enterè tout moun nan PAPpatisipe ak
> sevanouir yon OSM kanpe, mennen kreyōl ayisyen anlaboratwa ak sesyon
> pratik alantou OSM (Mini pati kat sou modèl lanan sa nou yo te kapab fè
> kan yon ane de sa ak 3 mwa) nan fè prezantasyon nan entèval regilye pandan
> jounen an, ak lòt eleman?
> Ekselan tout jou
> niko
> Haiti Communitere [1] is organizing an event [2] this Saturday, March 31 to
> ensure its sustainability. Achievements will be presented that allows HC and
> actors of his achievements will take a stand and present their project.
> The OSM project was invited, and possible interest to those of PAPto
> participate and to tarnish a stand OSM, to lead the lab HC withpractical
> sessions around OSM (Mini mapping party on the modelof what we were able
> to make sugarcane a year ago and 3 months)to make presentations at
> regular intervals during the day, and other elements?
> Excellent all day
> Nico
> [1] = www.*haiti.communitere*.org/
> [2] = http://www.haiti.communitere.org/news/youre-invited.html
> --
> Nicolas Chavent
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
> http://hot.openstreetmap.org/weblog/
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Haiti
> Mobile (Haiti): +509 4617 3334
> Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
> Email: nicolas.chav...@hotosm.org
> Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
> Skype: c_nicolas
> Twitter: nicolas_chavent

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 4617 3334
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Email: nicolas.chav...@hotosm.org
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

[Talk-ht] Haiti Communitere : Evenement / Sustainability Social Event

2012-03-27 Thread nicolas chavent
Salut a tous,

Haiti Communitere [1] organise un événement [2] ce samedi 31 mars pour
assurer sa durabilité. Les réalisations que permet HC seront présentées et
les acteurs de ses réalisations pourront tenir un stand et présenter leurs
projet .

Le projet OSM a été invité, possibilité et intérêt pour ceux de PAP d'y
participer et de ternir un stand OSM, d'animer le lab de HC avec des
sessions pratiques autour de OSM (mini mapping party sur le modele de ce
que nous avions pu faire a Canne a sucre il y a 1 an et 3 mois) de faire
des presentations a intervalles reguliers dans la journee, et d'autres

Excellente journée a tous


Tout moun,

Ayiti Communitere [1] ap òganize yon evènman [2] sa a Samdi, 31 mas asire
otosifizans li yo. Reyalizasyon pral prezante ki pèmètkreyōl ayisyen ak aktè
 nan reyalizasyon li yo pral pran pozisyon e prezante pwojè yo.

Te pwojè a OSM envite, ak posib enterè tout moun nan PAPpatisipe ak
sevanouir yon OSM kanpe, mennen kreyōl ayisyen anlaboratwa ak sesyon pratik
alantou OSM (Mini pati kat sou modèl lanan sa nou yo te kapab fè kan yon
ane de sa ak 3 mwa) nan fè prezantasyon nan entèval regilye pandan jounen
an, ak lòt eleman?

Ekselan tout jou

Haiti Communitere [1] is organizing an event [2] this Saturday, March 31 to
ensure its sustainability. Achievements will be presented that allows HC and
actors of his achievements will take a stand and present their project.

The OSM project was invited, and possible interest to those of PAPto
participate and to tarnish a stand OSM, to lead the lab HC withpractical
sessions around OSM (Mini mapping party on the modelof what we were able to
make sugarcane a year ago and 3 months)to make presentations at regular
intervals during the day, and other elements?

Excellent all day

[1] = www.*haiti.communitere*.org/
[2] = http://www.haiti.communitere.org/news/youre-invited.html

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 4617 3334
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Email: nicolas.chav...@hotosm.org
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

[Talk-ht] Night of the living map

2012-01-31 Thread nicolas chavent
Salut a tous,

Voici un évènement - Night of the living
potentiellement intéressant pour les mappers présents en Haiti. A Port
Prince, Haiti communitere, ESIH, Ayiti Living Lab pourraient être utilisés.
A Saint Marc, ce peut être lancé à partir du camp de base COSMHA (@ Le

Traduction google du but:

"Le travail sur un projet de cartographie à distance dans un domaine
particulier. Réglez votre objectifet allez-y. Cartographie du crépuscule
jusqu'à l'aube! OSMers expérimentés peuvent mettre leur tête en baset de viser
un objectif important, mais les événements sont très ouverts aux
débutants aussi
de nouveaux, et donc cette fête toute la nuit va impliquant quelque
bavardant les uns aux autres et de montrer les ficelles du métier à de
nouvelles personnes. Nous essayons de donner un grand élan à l'exhaustivité de
cartographiedans les zones campagne, à l'aide d'images de Bing par exemple."

Hi all,

Here's an event - Night of the living map - potentially interesting for
mappers in Haiti. In Port Au Prince, Haiticommunitere, ESIH, Ayiti Living
Lab could be used. In St. Marc, it can be launched from the base campCOSMHA
(@ The Troquet)


Work on a remote armchair
mapping<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Armchair_mapping> project
in a particular area. Set your goal and go for it. Mapping from dusk till
dawn! Experienced OSMers can put their head down and aim for a big target,
but the events are very much open to new beginners too, and so this
all-night party will involving some chatting to each other and showing the
ropes to new people. We're trying to give a big boost to mapping
completeness in *countryside* areas, just using
for example.


Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 4617 3334
Landline (FRA): +33 2 97 26 23 08
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

[Talk-ht] Fwd: Parution de "Bienvenue sur OpenStreetMap"

2012-01-25 Thread nicolas chavent
Salut a tous,

Un lien vers la version française du manuel OpenStreetMap produit il y a
quelques mois de cela.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 2012/1/25
Subject: Fwd: Parution de "Bienvenue sur OpenStreetMap"
To: nicolas chavent , Nicolas Marchildon <
nico...@marchildon.net>, fsul...@vecam.org, The Anarcat 

Petite annonce à faire passer dans les listes potentiellement concernées
autour de vous

-- Message transféré --
De : Emmanuel Dewaele 
Date : 25 janvier 2012 07:19
Objet : Parution de "Bienvenue sur OpenStreetMap"
À : Discussions sur OSM en français 


Nous sommes fiers de vous présenter le premier livre en français sur
OpenStreetMap, et qui plus est, disponible sous licence libre (Creative
Commons BY-SA). http://fr.flossmanuals.net/openstreetmap/

Le livre est disponible à la lecture sur le site Flossmanuals, vous pouvez
également le télécharger en PDF ou bien récupérer le fichier EPUB pour le
consulter sur une liseuse. "Bienvenue sur OpenStreetMap" a certains
chapitres qui peuvent servir de support de formation, et aidera sans doute
à démocratiser OpenStreetMap grâce à la documentation claire et bien
rédigée qu'il offre. Le livre couvre les sujets essentiels:

   - Qu'est ce que la cartographie collaborative, ce qu'est OpenStreetMap
   et pourquoi y contribuer
   - Comment contribuer, de la collecte sur le terrain avec ou sans GPS à
   l'édition des données, notamment avec Potlatch 2 et JOSM
   - Comment utiliser les données OpenStreetMap: partager des cartes,
   générant ses propres tuiles, emporter les données sur un GPS,...

Cet ouvrage est la traduction du Floss Manual
livre écrit en anglais au mois d'octobre, sur la pateforme Floss Manuals.
La traduction collective s'est terminée dimanche soir. Merci à toutes les
personnes qui ont aidé, d'une manière ou d'une autre, à traduire, relire ou
illustrer le livre: Guillaume Allègre, Elisa de Castro Guerra, Emmanuel
Dewaele, Fabien Giraud, Anne Goldenberg, Brice Mallet, Jean-Bernard Marcon,
Vincent Privat.

Maintenant, à vous de lire, partager ce livre, et nous dire ce que vous en

PS: Ce projet est collaboratif, vous pouvez aussi y contribuer, on parlera
très bientôt des futures évolutions du livre.

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 4617 3334
Landline (FRA): +33 2 97 26 23 08
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

[Talk-ht] Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene hitting Haiti in the next hours-

2011-08-22 Thread nicolas chavent

The Tropical Storm/Hurricane
about to hit Haiti in the next hours, it's unclear how big its impact
will be at this stage. The local OSM group (COSMHA) and  HOT (on site and
remote) made sure to see the OSM capacities considered in the plan for the
response to the storm being involved in coordination meetings and offering
post disaster surveying capacities deployable on affected areas.

Asides of these measures, some assistance in importing datasets would be
helpful to make the OSM data better and more relevant on the following
* administrative boundaries - Données Opérationnelles
Internationale, Departements, Commune, Section Communale)  this
tasks had been pushed back so far.
* populated places - clairification on license ongoing
* last layer of camps of displaced persons
<http://www.cccmhaiti.info/z_dtm_v2_report_may_2011.php>by IOM
Great if anyone interested to help on this can liase with us

More in the next hours

= Google translation - French =


La tempête tropicale / ouragan Irene est sur le point frappé Haïti dans les
prochaines heures, on ne sait pas comment grand son impact sera à ce stade. Le
groupe local OSM (COSMHA) et HOT (sur site et à distance) fait en sorte de
voir les capacités OSM pris en compte dans le plan de la réponse à la
tempête étant impliqués dans des réunions de coordination et d'offrir
post-catastrophe arpentage capacités déployables sur les zones touchées.

Les apartés de ces mesures, une certaine assistance dans les ensembles de
données importateur serait utile de rendre les données OSM mieux et
plus pertinentes
sur les couches suivantes
* Limites administratives - Données Opérationnelles Communes (Frontiere
Internationale, départements, commune, section communale), cette tâche avait
été repoussé jusqu'à présent.
* Les lieux habités - clairification sur le permis permanent
* La dernière couche de camps de personnes déplacées par l'OIM
Génial si tous ceux qui s'intéressent à l'aide sur ce qui peut assurer la
liaison avec nous

Plus dans les prochaines heures

= Google translation kreyole =


Tanpèt Twopikal la / Siklòn Irene se sou frape Ayiti nan èdtan kap vini yo,
li nan klè sou kòman gwo enpak li pral nan etap sa a. Lokal OSM gwoup la (
COSMHA) ak HOT (sou sit ak aleka) te fè asire w ke ou wè kapasite yo
OSM konsidere
kòm nan plan an pou repons nan tanpèt la ke yo te patisipe nan reyinyon
kowòdinasyon ak ofrann dezas Post fè sondaj sou kapasite deplwaye sou zòn ki
afekte yo.

Asides nan mezi sa, gen kèk asistans nan importation ansanbl ta ka itil yo
fè done yo OSM pi bon ak plis enpòtan ki rive sou kouch ki annapre yo
* Limit administratif - données Opérationnelles komun (frontyèr
Internationale, departeman, Komin, Seksyon komunal) sa a travay te pouse dèyè
pou byen lwen.
* Kote peple - clairification sou lisans kontinyèl
* Dènye kouch kan moun ki deplase pa yon
Gran si nenpòt moun ki enterese ede sa a sou ka liase avèk nou

Plis nan èdtan kap vini yo

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 389 583 05
Mobile (France): +33 6 89 45 54 58
Landline (FRA): +33 2 97 26 23 08
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

[Talk-ht] Fwd: Tropical Storm Emily about to hit Haiti in the next hours

2011-08-04 Thread nicolas chavent
salut a tous

pardon d'avoir oublie de copier talk ht.
pensee a tous

a +


-- Forwarded message --
From: nicolas chavent 
Date: Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 7:16 PM
Subject: Tropical Storm Emily about to hit Haiti in the next hours
To: hot 
Cc: Sébastien Pierrel , "Jaakko Helleranta
@OpenDevelopment.cc" , Séverin MENARD <
severin.men...@gmail.com>, Guensmork Alcin 


The Tropical Storm
about to hit Haiti in the next hours, it's unclear how big its impact
will be at this stage. The local OSM group (COSMHA) and  HOT (on site and
remote) made sure to see the OSM capacities considered in the plan for the
response to the storm being involved in coordination meetings and offering
post disaster surveying capacities deployable on affected areas.  Warnings
were sent to HOT partners on imagery (unosat, spot, nga) in case post
imagery is being tasked & released

Asides of these measures, some assistance in importing datasets would be
helpful to make the OSM data better and more relevant on the following
* administrative boundaries - Données Opérationnelles
Internationale, Departements, Commune, Section Communale)  this
tasks had been pushed back so far.
* populated places - clairification on license ongoing
* last layer of camps of displaced persons
<http://www.cccmhaiti.info/z_dtm_v2_report_may_2011.php>by IOM
Great if anyone interested to help on this can liase with us

More in the next hours


== traduction francais ==


La tempête tropicale Emily est sur le point frappé Haïti dans les prochaines
heures, on ne sait pas comment grand son impact sera à ce stade. Le groupe
local OSM (COSMHA) et HOT (sur site et à distance) fait en sorte de voir les
capacités OSM pris en compte dans le plan de la réponse à la tempête
étant impliqués
dans des réunions de coordination et d'offrir post-catastrophe arpentage
capacités déployables sur les zones touchées. Des avertissements ont
été envoyés
aux partenaires HOT sur l'imagerie (UNOSAT, spot, nga) en cas d'imagerie poste
est chargé et publié

Les apartés de ces mesures, une certaine assistance dans les ensembles de
données importateur serait utile de rendre les données OSM mieux et
plus pertinentes
sur les couches suivantes
* Limites administratives - Données Opérationnelles Communes (Frontiere
Internationale, départements, commune, section communale), cette tâche avait
été repoussé jusqu'à présent.
* Les lieux habités - clairification sur le permis permanent
* La dernière couche de camps de personnes déplacées par l'OIM
Génial si tous ceux qui s'intéressent à l'aide sur ce qui peut assurer la
liaison avec nous

Plus dans les prochaines heures


== traduction kreyole ==


Emily nan tanpèt twopikal se sou frape Ayiti nan èdtan kap vini yo, li nan klè
sou kòman gwo enpak li pral nan etap sa a. Lokal OSM gwoup la (COSMHA) ak
HOT (sou sit ak aleka) te fè asire w ke ou wè kapasite yo OSM konsidere kòm nan
plan an pou repons nan tanpèt la ke yo te patisipe nan reyinyon kowòdinasyon ak
ofrann dezas Post fè sondaj sou kapasite deplwaye sou zòn ki afekte
yo. Avètisman
yo yo te voye nan patnè cho sou simagri (unosat, tach, nga) nan ka se
simagri post yo te charger & lage

Asides nan mezi sa, gen kèk asistans nan importation ansanbl ta ka itil yo
fè done yo OSM pi bon ak plis enpòtan ki rive sou kouch ki annapre yo
* Limit administratif - données Opérationnelles komun (frontyèr
Internationale, departeman, Komin, Seksyon komunal) sa a travay te pouse dèyè
pou byen lwen.
* Kote peple - clairification sou lisans kontinyèl
* Dènye kouch kan moun ki deplase pa yon
Gran si nenpòt moun ki enterese ede sa a sou ka liase avèk nou

Plis nan èdtan kap vini yo


Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 389 583 05
Mobile (France): +33 6 89 45 54 58
Landline (FRA): +33 2 97 26 23 08
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 389 583 05
Mobile (France): +33 6 89 45 54 58
Landline (FRA): +33 2 97 26 23 08
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] Using OSM in schools (education) & Haiti ICT in Education Summit: His Excellency Michel Martelly grand opening, Jeffrey Sachs to deliver Keynote | Port-au-Prince, 16-18 June, 2011

2011-06-15 Thread nicolas chavent
 I hope that there's some
> reality-base in my plans/thinking!
> As a background note: The thing started with my "all school kids in Haiti
> should participate in mapping their neighborhood -- and there's no reason
> they couldn't do that" suggestion/claim/statement.
> So, now I've been / am looking for any examples from real life and highly
> appreciate any/every tip.
> Of what I've found the following blog points to most interesting examples
> even though they are OLPC-centric. http://52north.org/GeospatialLearning/
> This project presented at SOTM last year (
> http://rieffel.fuse-board.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/SOTM10-Rieffel.pdf
> )
> There are some OLPCs in Haiti (albeit a great number was lost/destroyed in
> the earth quake, I've been told) so that path is possible.
> I'd like to look at using Walking-Papers and other "normal" OSM
> stuff/methods more, though.
> Anyways: All thoughts regarding using OSM "in the classroom" or as part of
> education in any other way are most welcome!
> 2) In case someone who is in Haiti is interested and has the possibility to
> participate in the Summit please find the invitation below register at the
> event website accessible via http://j.mp/haiti-ictinedusummit
> Or if you know people who could be interested, please pass on the
> invitation below.
> .. and in case you are not well enough connected to register on Wednesday
> or are connected via mobile only let me know if you'd want to attend and
> I'll register you (registration doesn't seem to work with at least some
> mobile browsers).
> Cheers,
> -Jaakko
> --
> jaa...@helleranta.com * Skype: jhelleranta * Mobile: +509-37-269154  *
> http://go.hel.cc/MyProfile
> -- Forwarded message --
> Dear all you change makers,
> For those interested about the future of education in Haiti, please find
> below an invitation to Haiti ICT in Education Summit _this week_ starting
> Thursday evening with an opening by President Martelly, ending Saturday
> afternoon at the Montana Hotel, hosted by the Inter-American Development
> Bank IDB & the Ministry of Education.
> I'm passing on the invitation behalf of Fabiano, the organizer who was
> delighted about the possibility to get more forward thinking people to the
> event.
> The agenda and invitation in English and French are attached as PDF.
> If you are interested to join please note that you _must_ register to the
> event by tomorrow! To do that go to http://j.mp/haiti-ictinedusummit and
> click Registration on the left.
> If you know other change makers that may be interested about the event
> please do pass on the email to them.
> Sorry for the late notice - hope to see you at the summit!
> Cheers,
> -Jaakko
Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 389 583 05
Mobile (France): +33 6 89 45 54 58
Landline (FRA): +33 2 97 26 23 08
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] [HOT] Re : (sans objet)

2011-03-12 Thread nicolas chavent
Salut Nixon-

Pour poursuivre tes apprentissages avec les materiaux concus par HOT,
reporte toi au systeme de fichier 00_OSM_KIT s'il t'a ete communique dans le
temps de la formation, si ce n'est pas le cas, mets toi en contacts avec les
mappers de l'equioe de cartographie de l'unite de communication d'IOM bases
a Leogane (Dario et Souvenise) qui t'y donneront acces.

Sur les volet collecte de donnees et telechargements de tes tracks &
waypoints avvec le logiciel GPS Babel
* utilise le Guide de terrain - Techniques de collecte de
accessible dans le OO_OSM_KIT au chemin d'acces suivant :

Sur le volet edition
Pour des raisons d'acces a internet, HOT travaille sur Haiti avec le
logiciel JOSM
* reporte toi au Guide terrain d'utilisation de l'editeur
aux ressources OSM mentionnes en annexe egalement accessible dans le
OO_OSM_KIT au chemin d'acces suivant :
L'editeur Potlatch mentionne par Jean Guilhem est une ressource interessante
que tu peux decouvrir par ailleurs si ta connexion internet te le permet.
Note que ne sont pas encore disponible les masques d'entree de donnees
thematiques (balises humanitaires/ "humanitarian presets") qui guident
l'edition des attributs (revetement d'une route par exemple) des objets que
tu aurais prealablement releves au moyen des questionnaires .

Mets toi aussi en contact avec Dario et Souvenise a Leogane pour
d'eventuelles seance d'approfondissement si leurs emplois du temps le

Bonne continuation a toi
N'hesite pas a relancer la liste si tu as d'autres questions


2011/3/11 Jean-Guilhem Cailton 

>  Bonsoir Nelson
> Voici deux documents sur les deux principaux éditeurs d'OpenStreetMap. (Je
> ne sais pas lequel vous a été présenté dans le séminaire)
> Sur Potlatch 1, qui est sans doute le plus facile pour commencer :
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Potlatch/Introduction
> Sur JOSM :
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:JOSM/Fr:JOSM_Guide_du_d%C3%A9butant
> (Les versions décrites peuvent dater un peu, mais cela devrait vous
> permettre de vous familiariser avec l'essentiel).
> Plus généralement, le Wiki est le principal centre de documentation pour
> OSM :
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Main_Page
> N'hésitez pas à poser toute question qui pourrait se présenter.
> Bien cordialement,
> Jean-Guilhem
> (Je mets la liste en copie au cas où d'autres auraient d'autres
> suggestions).
> Le 11/03/2011 22:28, Nixon Seme a écrit :
>  bah,J'aimerais bien avoir plus de training sur la facon de mieux
> editer.En fait dans le seminaire on a pas eu assez de temps pour traiter les
> points GPS qu'on a ete prendre sur le terrain.maintenant j'aimerais
> approfondir mes connaissances dessus.Du coup ,si vous pouvez bien m'envoyer
> des documents je serai super content.Merci
> Respectueusement Nixon SEME
>  --
> *De :* Jean-Guilhem Cailton  
> *À :* Nixon Seme  
> *Cc :* Talk-ht@openstreetmap.org
> *Envoyé le :* Jeu 10 mars 2011, 16h 59min 32s
> *Objet :* Re: [Talk-ht] (sans objet)
> Le 10/03/2011 22:06, Nixon Seme a écrit :
>  Je suis Nixon,G particité a un seminaire de formation à OCHA
> Leogane.J'aimerais echanger des mails avec vous ;
> ___
> Bonjour Nixon, et, de tout coeur, bienvenue !
> Ca fait bien plaisir de voir enfin quelqu'un qui parle français sur cette
> liste de discussion. ;-)
> Sur quoi voudriez-vous échanger ?
> Chaleureuses salutations depuis Toulouse,
> Jean-Guilhem
> --
> pgp 0x5939EAE2
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> h...@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 389 583 05
Mobile (France): +33 6 89 45 54 58
Landline (FRA): +33 2 97 26 23 08
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] So far only 14 gpx tracks for Haiti available?

2010-07-05 Thread nicolas chavent
Hi there-

I'd like to add to Kate's points the fact that so far most of the mapping in
Haiti happened in Port Au Prince, Leogane, and Jacmel, all areas which are
well covered by a high quality imagery (GeoEye, Digital Globe, World Bank)
and mapped remotely in a thorough manner. To respect the quality of this
work, most of the Haitian mappers contributed thematic edits using their
5-10 meters accuracy GPX tracks as a guiding materials without touching a
better quality imagery.
As OSM Haiti will grow from those bases into less mapped and less well
imagery furnished areas, GPX tracks will come more in the picture Jacmel,
Leogane and Gonaives are promising.
We will reach out our trainees to make sure that a systematic upload of
their GPX tracks with the bandwidth limits pointed out by Kate.


On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 10:49 PM, Kate Chapman  wrote:

> Make the Internet in Haiti less terrible?
> So uploading GPX traces has not been part of our training.  We can add
> that, but bandwidth is a problem especially in places outside of
> Port-au-Prince.
> There are groups of people on the ground surveying and editing, so I'm
> not sure if we need to the traces to edit from afar.
> -Kate
> On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 4:39 PM, Frieder Ferlemann
>  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > 2010-02-15 10:10, Frieder Ferlemann wrote:
> >>
> >> seems like only 14 gpx tracks for Haiti are available at:
> >> http://www.openstreetmap.org/traces/tag/Haiti
> >> (and http://www.openstreetmap.org/traces/tag/haiti)
> >>
> >> And 12 of the 14 tracks were uploaded by a single user!
> >
> > An update to this February posting.
> >
> > Almost half a year later only 30 tracks for Haiti
> > (uploaded by six users, a big THANKS to uploaders!)
> > seem to be available.
> >
> > And only two of these tracks are outside of the
> > area of Port-au-Prince.
> >
> >
> > How can this be improved?
> >
> >
> > Greetings,
> > Frieder
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-ht mailing list
> > Talk-ht@openstreetmap.org
> > http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ht
> >
> ___
> Talk-ht mailing list
> Talk-ht@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ht

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 389 583 05
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 84 51 55 65
Landline (FRA): +33 2 97 26 23 08
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] [HOT] Support to Data imports for Haiti

2010-06-19 Thread nicolas chavent

Tx for bringing this up Ivan & great Kate for removing those: the SAR worked
as a reference grid at the onset of the quake until OCHA rolled out its
PCODES and SSID (UUID) late January.

Health Facilities
Thanks Karl for your heads up, I am copying Severin who worked in Haiti for
the Health Cluster the 2 past weeks in DB reconciliation to hear about the
scope of his DB reconciliation work and the relation he had with Shoreland
I think that once reconciled and a joint Health Fac datamodel established
bridging between PAHO / Shoreland and Health Cluster, OSM will be the *de
facto* point of truth for this layer
Neat Severin if you can step in and advice on how to move forward at best
leveraging on your work
Great Karl if you can get the same insight from Bill Lang
Thanks for your help on this and looking fwd to pursue this data import work
with you


2010/6/19 Kate Chapman 

> Thanks Iván I was going to clear those out.  Good to hear someone else
> has the same opinion, I'll go ahead and do that.
> -Kate
> 2010/6/19 Iván Sánchez Ortega :
> >> Those releases will make OSM data outdated and will call for withdrawing
> >> osm data for all objects (but Health Facs which will desserve a specific
> >> treatment)  and run a bulk uploads
> > [...]
> >
> >
> > Speaking of imports and cleaning up...
> >
> > A long while ago I uploaded some Search-and-Rescue zones:
> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/387709
> >
> > I just want to call this for your attention; they should be cleaned up
> >
> >
> > Best,
> > --
> > --
> > Iván Sánchez Ortega 
> >
> > Aviso: Este e-mail es confidencial y no debería ser usado por nadie que
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> >
> > ___________
> > HOT mailing list
> > h...@openstreetmap.org
> > http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
> >
> >
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> h...@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 389 583 05
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 84 51 55 65
Landline (FRA): +33 2 97 26 23 08
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] Support to Data imports for Haiti

2010-06-19 Thread nicolas chavent

Tx for the heads up, great to hear about shoreland un-aware of this but
provided with the last release coming from a 15 days mission by Severin cc
on this email with WHO Haiti

We will look at all pieces and move carrefully to make the best re-use of
the neat work you invested in those imports

Looking fwd to this

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 8:30 AM, Karl Guggisberg

>  Hi
> > Health Facilities might eventually require some reconciliation work with
> preexisting OSM non PAHO HFacs data
> During the first seven import iterations of the PAHO/WHO HFac list a of
> effort went into reconciling it with other OSM data related to health
> facilities
> (hospitals, also field hospitals which in the meantime might not be there
> any more). From iteration to iteration we had less and less know potential
> duplicates or questionable location data. A short list of currently know
> issues is available here:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Haiti/Status/Hospitals#How_to_deal_with_data_problems_.3F
> The PAHO/WHO HFac list is now maintained differently than it was 5 months
> ago. To the best of my knowledge, Shoreland is now maintaining
> the master list , see www.travax.com/m. Unfortunatelly, I didn't manage to
> run another import iteration from the new source, but I still plan to
> do so in the next few weeks.
> Regards
> Karl
> Am 19.06.2010 15:13, schrieb nicolas chavent:
> All-
> Apogies for cross posting on the UNOSAT post.
> List of IMPORTS:
> * UNOSAT/ WB/ JRC building damage
> * CCCM Sites (Camps)
> * PAHO Health Facilities
> * CNIGS Admin layers
> * soon to come (Education Cluster) Education Layer
> Those releases will make OSM data outdated and will call for withdrawing
> osm data for all objects (but Health Facs which will desserve a specific
> treatment)  and run a bulk uploads
> Health Facilities might eventually require some reconciliation work with
> preexisting OSM non PAHO HFacs data
> Import page to be set up on this soon on HOT Mission 3 linked to the Wiki
> Project Haiti
> Tx in advance for any interest in this and for support
> Best
> N
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Einar Bjorgo 
> Date: Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 11:21 AM
> Subject: Haiti joint remote sensing building damage GIS dataset available
> for download
> To: joint-assessment-ha...@unosat.org
>  Dear all,
> Please be informed that the joint building damage assessment GIS dataset
> and corresponding PDF atlas series in support to the Post Disaster Needs
> Assessment and Recovery Framework (PDNA) carried out under the lead of the
> Government of Haiti following the 12 January 2010 Haiti earthquake are
> available for download.
> Atlas series and GIS datasets are freely available for download as the
> result of a joint collaboration between: United Nations Institute for
> Training and Research (UNITAR) Operational Satellite Applications Programme
> (UNOSAT), the European Commission Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC) and The
> World Bank (WB) who worked jointly in support of the PDNA by providing
> remotely sensed (aerial photographs and satellite imagery) based damage
> analysis of buildings within areas most affected by the earthquake.
> To download the data, please go to
> http://www.unitar.org/unosat/haiti-earthquake-2010-remote-sensing-based-building-damage-assessment-data
> Please send questions and comments to joint-assessment-ha...@unosat.org
> With best regards,
> Einar Bjorgo
> Follow UNOSAT on Twitter: www.twitter.com/unosat
> UNOSAT - Operational Satellite Applications Programme
> -
> Einar Bjorgo, Ph.D.
> Head, Rapid Mapping, Applications and User Relations
> United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
> Palais des Nations
> CH-1211 Geneva 10
> Switzerland
> Telephone: +41 22 767 4020
> Mobile:+41 76 487 4998 (UNOSAT hotline)
> E-mail:einar.bjo...@unitar.org
> Web:   www.unitar.org // www.unosat.org
> -----
> This e-mail and the information and attachments contained therein are for
> the sole use of the intended recipient. It may not be disclosed to or used
> by anyone other than the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient or
> have received this e-mail in error please notify the sender by return e-mail
> and delete this e-mail and all attachments from your syste

[Talk-ht] Support to Data imports for Haiti

2010-06-19 Thread nicolas chavent

Apogies for cross posting on the UNOSAT post.

List of IMPORTS:
* UNOSAT/ WB/ JRC building damage
* CCCM Sites (Camps)
* PAHO Health Facilities
* CNIGS Admin layers
* soon to come (Education Cluster) Education Layer

Those releases will make OSM data outdated and will call for withdrawing osm
data for all objects (but Health Facs which will desserve a specific
treatment)  and run a bulk uploads
Health Facilities might eventually require some reconciliation work with
preexisting OSM non PAHO HFacs data

Import page to be set up on this soon on HOT Mission 3 linked to the Wiki
Project Haiti

Tx in advance for any interest in this and for support

-- Forwarded message --
From: Einar Bjorgo 
Date: Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 11:21 AM
Subject: Haiti joint remote sensing building damage GIS dataset available
for download
To: joint-assessment-ha...@unosat.org

 Dear all,

Please be informed that the joint building damage assessment GIS dataset and
corresponding PDF atlas series in support to the Post Disaster Needs
Assessment and Recovery Framework (PDNA) carried out under the lead of the
Government of Haiti following the 12 January 2010 Haiti earthquake are
available for download.

Atlas series and GIS datasets are freely available for download as the
result of a joint collaboration between: United Nations Institute for
Training and Research (UNITAR) Operational Satellite Applications Programme
(UNOSAT), the European Commission Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC) and The
World Bank (WB) who worked jointly in support of the PDNA by providing
remotely sensed (aerial photographs and satellite imagery) based damage
analysis of buildings within areas most affected by the earthquake.

To download the data, please go to


Please send questions and comments to joint-assessment-ha...@unosat.org

With best regards,

Einar Bjorgo

Follow UNOSAT on Twitter: www.twitter.com/unosat

UNOSAT - Operational Satellite Applications Programme


Einar Bjorgo, Ph.D.

Head, Rapid Mapping, Applications and User Relations

United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

Palais des Nations

CH-1211 Geneva 10


Telephone: +41 22 767 4020

Mobile:+41 76 487 4998 (UNOSAT hotline)


Web:   www.unitar.org // www.unosat.org


This e-mail and the information and attachments contained therein are for
the sole use of the intended recipient. It may not be disclosed to or used
by anyone other than the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient or
have received this e-mail in error please notify the sender by return e-mail
and delete this e-mail and all attachments from your system.

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 389 583 05
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 84 51 55 65
Landline (FRA): +33 2 97 26 23 08
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

[Talk-ht] Translation support for OSM Haiti

2010-06-17 Thread nicolas chavent

The Haitian OSM community and the HOT team will need need some support in
translating into French the 2 following wiki:
* Wiki Project Haiti
* Humanitarian OpenStreetMap
French versions were created for both wikis and the English content pasted
in and calling for translation; some support to generate a French version of
the WIki Project Haiti will be needed.

Many thanks in advance for helping us breaking the linguistic wall and
helping Haitian to make a thorough use of the OSM resources.


Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 389 583 05
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 84 51 55 65
Landline (FRA): +33 2 97 26 23 08
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

[Talk-ht] Details on the third deploy of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team to Hati - 14-29 June 2010

2010-06-14 Thread nicolas chavent

You'll find in this post some details on the third deploy of the
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team to
Hati<http://hot.openstreetmap.org/weblog/?p=25>14-29 June

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 389 583 05
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 84 51 55 65
Landline (FRA): +33 2 97 26 23 08
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

[Talk-ht] Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Updated Haiti imagery in Google Earth

2010-04-30 Thread nicolas chavent
Below an exchange with Christiaan (Google) about usability of their new
imagery releases over Haiti within OSM.

-- Forwarded message --
From: nicolas chavent 
Date: Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: [CrisisMappers] Updated Haiti imagery in Google Earth
To: crisismapp...@googlegroups.com, csad...@google.com

Dear Christiaan

Many thanks for this udpate on imagery, does Google makes this imagery
available under the same agreement that ruled for the previous imagery
shared by Google in January which was allowing work (geo features) deriving
from tracing (digitizing) work done over imagery to be imported in the OSM
database under its current data license scheme. Extremely grateful if you
can clarify on this so that we can use it for further works in support of
the current efforts happening in Haiti

Best regards

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Christiaan Adams wrote:

> [Bcc: other colleagues]
> Dear Crisismappers,
> I wanted to let you know that we have published updated imagery for Port au
> Prince and some other parts of Haiti in Google Earth, including images
> acquired on Jan 17, Feb 23, and Mar 9.
> The very high-resolution imagery acquired on Jan 25 is still the default
> imagery in Google Earth and Maps.  So to see the newer images, you will have
> to use the Historical Imagery tool, accessible through the clock button on
> the toolbar in Google Earth 5.0 and newer.
> For an overview of the imagery, and how to use the Historical Imagery tool,
> see this blog post:
> http://google-latlong.blogspot.com/2010/04/imagery-for-response-to-haiti.html
> Thanks,
> -Christiaan
> --
> Christiaan Adams
> Google Crisis Resposne
> Google Earth Outreach  http://earth.google.com/outreach
> --
> CONFIDENTIALITY: If you received this communication by mistake, please
> don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain confidential or privileged
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> crisismappers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> .
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/crisismappers?hl=en.

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 348 50 336
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 75 14 29 70
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (Haiti): +509 348 50 336
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 75 14 29 70
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
Talk-ht mailing list

[Talk-ht] Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Haiti terrain analysis for potential IDP camp flooding

2010-03-02 Thread nicolas chavent
For info, to be assessed together with other effrots on this realm

-- Forwarded message --
From: Talbot Brooks 
Date: Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 7:57 AM
Subject: [CrisisMappers] Haiti terrain analysis for potential IDP camp
To: "crisismapp...@googlegroups.com" 


Apologies in advance if this duplicates some efforts or prior posts - too
much to keep track of right now (Haiti, Chile, classes, and paying projects
- argh!!!).  We played with a new product today that may be of interest to
the groups working in Haiti and are concerned about the coming rains and IDP
camp locations.  We grabbed the 1-m RIT/World Bank DEM and derived 1-m, 5-m,
and 10-m contours.  We also used the DEM to generate a hillshade.  The
hillshade was layed in as the base layer and the GeoEye imagery layed on top
with partial transparency - this gives a 3-D effect to the imagery.  We
stacked on top of that the contour, OSM, and MINUSTAH data to round things
out.  Have a look at let us know what you think.

See the IDP_18QYF84865184.pdf file (please save locally before opening -
18MB) at:


These are also fairly easy to use some common-sense analysis with - count
the number of grid squares up slope, pay attention to slope/contour line
density, look at the vegetation in the photo, and one can get a decent feel
for runoff potential into camps.

Apologies for it not being a TerraGo GeoPDF and just a standard GeoPDF - we
lose compression and some of the detail when we go this route - TerraGo
choked on this thing and we're puzzling through it now.

Additional comments are welcomed, and if there's interest, I can put my
advanced class on making some more if someone from UN OCHA or similar wants
to help with prioritizing requests.


  Talbot Brooks, Director
Delta State University GIT
Box 3325
Cleveland, MS 38733
USNG (NAD 83): 
O: 662-846-4520
C: 662-588-8649
F: 662-846-4099

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Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 75 14 29 70
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Talk-ht mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] waterway=stream + vehicle=yes?

2010-02-14 Thread nicolas chavent
Hi all-

Jumping on this thread.

I think it's worth to first distinguish between tagging (attribution -
attributes and values) and rendering.

Concerning the tagging aspect of the discussion how to describe a waterway
used for motorized traffic.
I think we have to consider a two ways approach: (i) waterway and (ii)
highway to avoid mixing attributes relating to different thematic objects.

Waterways allowing for motorized traffic clearly refer to non perenial
rivers/ streams and wadi can be a generic term on which to forge a tag, but
among other ones. Ideal if a quick inventory of key values used in this
realm in established data model could be useful to complete the set of osm
tags showing in the MapFeatures which is not taking care of this aspect of
I would not tend to include in waterways descriptors relating to ground/
surface motorized traffic.

Ground/ surface motorized traffic in river beds of non perenial water bodies
should be handled to my mind at the highway level
Highway=ford (in map feature) is well suited for this.
This tag can be completed easily with the highway practicability tag values
(highway_practicability=*) as described in the Humanitarian Data Model
(HDM)- Highways/
I also think that a tag about seasonality could complement this
Both practicability and Seasonality are attributes relating to ground/
surrface - road transportation traffic in the UN Spatial Data Infrastructure
strong established humanitarian data model used in humanitarian
Note that the ford value can also be used as a crossing point see  HDM -

I hope this helps
Happy to further discuss with you all

On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 8:38 PM, Hans van Wijk  wrote:

> John wrote:
> > I am not proposing having two ways in the same space anymore
> > as I see the logic presented but a new type of (single) way
> > that would have attributes for both.
> >
> >  Perhaps for the stretch where they join, could there be a
> > combined  'road/stream' type of way that could provide
> > continuity for both?
> Yes it should be something like that.
> >  The designation would actually switch seasonally.
> The renderers should take the seasonal habbits of the location into
> account,
> but having a set of country specific properties for renderers is a whole
> other discussion, which, I believe, is held on many occasions before.
> > > From: "Hans van Wijk" Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 12:24 PM
> > > We could benefit from some tag that identifies a river that
> > dries out
> > > during dry season and I believe 'wadi' is a good candidate. I saw a
> > > 'wadibank'
> > > already somewhere, which also makes for a good waterway
> > value when it
> > > concerns a closed way. See also wiki:
> > > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wadi
> > >
> > >
> > > John wrote:
> > >> I do not see why we cannot have two traces in the same
> > place (or with
> > >> a small offset). Hopefully we will be able to identify the
> > entrance
> > >> and exit of the 'roadway'. I am sure that these 'roadways' would be
> > > seasonal.
> > >>
> > >> Sometimes hiking trails (my expertise) will follow a
> > streambed for a
> > >> while and for the sake of continuity, this is how it is handled.
> > >
> > >
> > > Sure this makes for a solution, but I can't shake the feeling that
> > > it's wrong as long as they aren't two separate ways.
> ___
> Talk-ht mailing list
> Talk-ht@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ht

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 75 14 29 70
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Talk-ht mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] URGENT Haiti field requirement: FOCUS mapping efforts on ROADS the areas in south west of Port au Prince - districts of Leogane, Gressier, Grand Goave and Petit Goave.

2010-02-07 Thread nicolas chavent

Apologies for double emailing

CET = Central European Time.

No more details on this request from the field than this set of areas to
focus effort on mapping roads features i imagine looking at
comprehensiveness of coverage and any obstacle to traffic. I'll revert to
the list if further specification are provided


On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 2:29 AM, Jeffrey Ollie  wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 6:57 PM, Margie Roswell  wrote:
> > What's CET? And can you give a little more detail on what to do in those
> areas?
> Given the context, I'm assuming that it is Central European Time.
> --
> Jeff Ollie

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 75 14 29 70
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Talk-ht mailing list

[Talk-ht] URGENT Haiti field requirement: FOCUS mapping efforts on ROADS the areas in south west of Port au Prince - districts of Leogane, Gressier, Grand Goave and Petit Goave.

2010-02-07 Thread nicolas chavent
Hi all-

I got this field requirement coming from the iMMAP GIS coordinator in Haiti:
focus mapping efforts in areas south west of Port au Prince - districts of
Leogane, Gressier, Grand Goave and Petit Goave.
Great if some living in US east time can take this up this and provide a
status for those on CET to carry out from where things were left.


Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 75 14 29 70
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Talk-ht mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] [CrisisMappers] Important request from Gov of Haiti - IDP database

2010-02-07 Thread nicolas chavent
> >
> > You can reach the person managing the list at
> >   talk-ht-ow...@openstreetmap.org
> >
> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> > than "Re: Contents of Talk-ht digest..."
> >
> >
> > Today's Topics:
> >
> >    1. Re: [CrisisMappers] Important request from Gov of Haiti -IDP
> >   database (nicolas chavent)
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Message: 1
> > Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2010 23:42:52 +0100
> > From: nicolas chavent 
> > Subject: Re: [Talk-ht] [CrisisMappers] Important request from Gov of
> >   Haiti - IDP database
> > To: crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
> > Cc: thomas.kem...@jrc.ec.europa.eu, david.ha...@sagehagan.com,
> >   alberto.li...@undp.org, daniele.ehrl...@jrc.it,
> >   daniele.ehrl...@jrc.ec.europa.eu, rashid.kas...@wfp.org,
>  OSM-Haiti
> >   
> > Message-ID:
> >   <8f58b2ab1002061442q2da31516kec58e09be80ba...@mail.gmail.com>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

> --
Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 75 14 29 70
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Talk-ht mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] [CrisisMappers] Important request from Gov of Haiti - IDP database

2010-02-06 Thread nicolas chavent
> >.
> > >> I've attached the latest version which I will begin to map next week
> if
> I
> > >> don't see additional updates by Monday.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> v/r,
> > >>
> > >> John
> > >>
> > >> Pacific Disaster Center
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> *From:* crisismapp...@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> > >> crisismapp...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Patrick Meier
> > >> (CrisisMappers)
> > >> *Sent:* Friday, February 05, 2010 5:34 AM
> > >> *To:* crisismappers
> > >> *Subject:* [CrisisMappers] Important request from Gov of Haiti - IDP
> > >> database
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Dear All,
> > >>
> > >> Our colleagues at Google have kindly informed the GoH about the work
> of
> > >> the
> > >> CrisisMappers Group in Haiti, which is why I just received this
> request
> > >> from
> > >> the GoH:
> > >>
> > >> The latest OCHA sitrep (#17) states about camp coordination and
> management
> > >> that "*a major gap is the lack of a common registration system for
> > >> displaced people*".
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> I am sure you have powerful resources on the ground here in Haiti. I
> have
> > >> people from various groups (IDP sites, neighborhood associations,
> local
> > >> government and municipalities as well as the Bureau of Civil
> Protection)
> > >> all
> > >> attempting to record data involving the IDP populations. There are two
> > >> different Haitian databases springing up with this data and I am sure
> that
> > >> you are collecting pieces of the same information. How can we
> collaborate
> > >> in
> > >> order to put some order in the chaos?
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Could you please reply to this email thread with any links/attachments
> to
> > >> IDP data that you may have. I will compile/merge them and send the
> data
> to
> > >> the GoH and cc all contributors.
> > >>
> > >> Best wishes,
> > >>
> > >> Patrick
> > >>
> > >> 
> > >> Director of Crisis Mapping
> > >> and Strategic Partnerships
> > >> http://www.Ushahidi.com
> > >>
> > >> Professional Blogger
> > >> http://www.iRevolution.net < --- blog
> > >>
> > >> --
> > >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups
> > >> "CrisisMappers" group.
> > >> To post to this group, send email to crisismapp...@googlegroups.com.
> > >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > >> crisismappers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> <mailto:crisismappers%2bunsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> >
> <mailto:crisismappers%252bunsubscr...@googlegroups.com>
> >
> > >> .
> > >> For more options, visit this group at
> > >> http://groups.google.com/group/crisismappers?hl=en.
> > >>
> > >> --
> > >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups
> > >> "CrisisMappers" group.
> > >> To post to this group, send email to crisismapp...@googlegroups.com.
> > >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > >> crisismappers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> <mailto:crisismappers%2bunsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> >
> <mailto:crisismappers%252bunsubscr...@googlegroups.com>
> >
> > >> .
> > >> For more options, visit this group at
> > >> http://groups.google.com/group/crisismappers?hl=en.
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Jerri Ann Husch, PhD
> > > 2Collaborate Consulting
> > > New York, Geneva
> > >
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups
> > > "CrisisMappers" group.
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> <mailto:crisismappers%2bunsubscr...@googlegroups.com&g

Re: [Talk-ht] new version of the Master Health Facility List (v2) (was [Fwd: Re: [CrisisMappers] Location of IDP, Hospital and Police facilities])

2010-02-05 Thread nicolas chavent
Hi there-

Just checked the consistency of the PAHO DB in between the 2 versions,
fortunately stable-
PAHO schema is covered in the Hum Data Model - editing on-going.

We then have to worry about the issues relating to db conflation.
Great to hear a status on this once this master has been scanned through.


On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton wrote:

>  Message original   Sujet : Re: [CrisisMappers] Location
> of IDP, Hospital and Police facilities  Date : Fri, 5 Feb 2010 08:48:16
> -0500  De : Nate HeardRépondre
> à : crisismapp...@googlegroups.com  Pour : crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
> Hi Enrique,
> The PAHO site has a new version of the Master Health Facility List (v2):
> http://sites.google.com/a/netspective.org/haiti-health-facilities/home
> With regard to quality, the list is the best I know of. Nevertheless, it
> includes many rough coordinates and duplicate records resulting from the
> aggregation of data from multiple sources. As community members identify
> duplicates, improved coordinates or missing information, please send them
> to 
> PAHO<http://sites.google.com/a/netspective.org/haiti-health-facilities/home/master-spreadsheet-discussion/submit-correction-or-issue>
>  as
> this is the data set that is being maintained in direct support of Haiti's
> Ministry of Health. It contains the MOH codes that anchor Haiti's routine
> health information system and which will be used for long term
> reconstruction planning and implementation.
> Regards,
> Nate
> Nathan J. Heard, D.Sc.
> Public Health Analyst
> Humanitarian Information Unit
> U.S. Department of State, hear...@state.gov
> ActioNet, *nhe...@actionet.com*
> 202.203.7788, http://hiu.state.gov/
> _______
> Talk-ht mailing list
> Talk-ht@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ht

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 75 14 29 70
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Talk-ht mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] Mapping Request: Mapping Radio and TV Stations _ Help needed!

2010-02-04 Thread nicolas chavent

just got back online, on the

1. Agree that tagging and rendering must be addressed separetly

2. I do not think that the tagging discussion should be hosted on the
Mapping Coordination page and neither on a dedicated Hospital Page.
There is already a page put up for this process of digging out from the
MapFeatures any relevant key and values to ensure a maximal reuse of OSM
knowledge in meeting the Haiti field mapping requirements on the Hum OSM
Tag\ Hum Data 
the OSM Project Haiti wiki.
see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Tags

Background on the generation of this Hum Data Model

Existing humanitarian data models (when available Transportation = UN
Spatial Data Infrastructure for Transport -
pre-modeling field materials used in Haiti, dialogue with GIS Coordinators
of NGOs with GIS capacities deployed to the ground (MapAction, iMMAP, IFRC)
with GIS experts from WHO and in hum mapping (Cj Hendrix and Jason
Pickering) were used to put up this framework together with constant
interactions with Mikel Maron, Andrew Turner, David Smith and Kate Chapman.
Attributes and Values from the Hum Data Model are being inserted in the Hum
Data Model wiki table with crosswalks from the data model values to osm
existing key and tags when existing and proposed new key and tags when the
field requirement is unmet.

Status: right now highway and Health facility are covered and finetuned.

Next: the span of Haiti mapping field requirements formalized in the Hum
Data Model covers 4 areas:
area 1= transportation:
- highway
- aerodromes
- ports
- bridges
- obstacles
- warehouses
- fuel depot
- fuel suppy point
area 2 = Health Facility
area 3 = Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
area 4 = Humanitarian points of interest

The hum data model version 2.0 detailing those objects is downloadable at
the http://brainoff.com/nchavent/HumanitarianDM_JOSM_HT10_HOT_2.0.mm.html

A version 2.1 will be issued to address HFacs wording at the moment a mix
between PAHO and the version 1.9  of the data model.

I suggest that this page remains the host resources for addressing tagging/
data modeling in support of OSM meeting the hum field mapping requirements.


Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 75 14 29 70
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 4:03 PM, Karl Guggisberg

>  > I'm here. JGC already emailed. I told him to document the tagging on the
> > wiki page
> > (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Haiti/Mapping_Coordination
> )
> > and then I could see about adding it to the Haiti map.
> Any objection if we document it here 
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Haiti/Status/Hospitals?
> We can link there from the Mapping coordination page. The reason is to have 
> everything Haiti/OSM/Hospitalimport-related
> on this wiki page.
> > For example, someone asked me to add IDP camps, but I still don't see it
> > documented, nor could I locate any actual IDP objects in the database,
> > last time I looked.
> For health facilities this is different. This XAPI query 
> http://xapi.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/*[health_facility:paho_id=*] 
> <http://xapi.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/*%5Bhealth_facility:paho_id=*%5D>
> replies the current set of health facilities imported from the PAHO/WHO list. 
> It will grow to ~ 1000 objects.
> Documentation is here 
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Haiti/Status/Hospitals.
> Regards
> Karl
> Am 04.02.2010 15:50, schrieb Lennard:
> Karl Guggisberg wrote:
>  http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/582919072. It's not rendered
> yet on the "main map", but I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be
>  Because the "main map" can't render every object in the database, and
> because nobody asked before.
>  - doesn't look too scary, does it? Don't know whom to get in touch with,
> though, perhaps we should ask on the dev-list.
>  You can tweak/commit the Osmarender stylesheet yourself, and for the
> 'Mapnik' map, you can open a ticket on OSM trac. Of course, you could
> open a ticket for Osmarender too.
>  This is a Haiti specific ontology and I think we should get them
> rendered on the Haiti specific map: http://haiti.openstreetmap.nl/. As
> framm suggested, lets get in touch with User:Ldp.
>  I'm here. JGC already emailed. I told him to document the tagging on the
> wiki page
> (http://w

[Talk-ht] Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Minimum Common Operational (GIS) Datasets posted on Haiti.OneReponse.info

2010-02-02 Thread nicolas chavent
Hi there-

The common core operational dataset from the United Nations
(Inter-Agency-Standing-Committee) for consideration in ensuring that the osm
project is still closely tied to the field operational needs and the
reference data sets used by GISers on the ground from main NGOs and UN


-- Forwarded message --
From: Cherring 
Date: Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 2:31 PM
Subject: [CrisisMappers] Minimum Common Operational (GIS) Datasets posted on
To: CrisisMappers 

A quick note to let you all know that OCHA has posted the Minimum
Common Operational Datasets on the Haiti.OneResponse.info website
inline with the IASC Guidelines.

Main reference datasets include:
Admin 1 w/P-Codes (Departement), source:Centre National d'Information
Geographique (CNIGS)
Admin 2 w/P-Codes (Communes), source: Centre National d'Information
Geographique (CNIGS)
Admin 3 w/P-Codes (Section Communale), source: Centre National
d'Information Geographique (CNIGS)
Gazetteer w/P-Codes, source: MINUSTAH_GIS

The database also includes:
Roads, source: Open Street Map (31 Jan 2010)
Rivers, source: MINUSTAH GIS
Airports, source: UN SDI-T

Direct links:
ESRI Personal Geodatabase: http://tinyurl.com/yfpkdy6
Shapefiles: http://tinyurl.com/ydqylg3
Excel / PDF list of Admin units and PCodes: http://tinyurl.com/yldng43
Excel / PDF list of Localities and PCodes: http://tinyurl.com/ydm45nd
List of Minimum Common Operational Datasets: http://tinyurl.com/yc7hbkd



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"CrisisMappers" group.
To post to this group, send email to crisismapp...@googlegroups.com.
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For more options, visit this group at

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 75 14 29 70
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Talk-ht mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Haiti Health Facilities Master List]]

2010-02-02 Thread nicolas chavent


is the more stable
I'll get it updated with the recent attributes and values from the Shana -
PAHO release and what I did not finish entering in the wiki yeserday. In
interactions with WHO experts on how to best reconcile the 2 models

Full agreement with refraining from any bulk upload at this stage and again
wait on Kate Chapman status while preparing any HFacs elements we can be
knowledgeable of to be able to move collectively efficienlty


On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 12:03 PM, Karl Guggisberg

>  Hi,
> here's another OSM file generated from the Health Facilities Master list
> It includes more attributes than the list posted earlier. **Do not import
> this file automatically, though**. We should first agree on the set of OSM
> tags to be used and how the attributes in the master list are mapped onto
> them.
> What is the status of
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Tags#Humanitarian_Data_Model_1.6_.28these_will_be_mapped_to_OSM_tagging.29
> in particular in comparision with
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Tags#Draft_Ontology_for_healthcare_facilities
> Which of the two tagging schemes is more stable?
> Regards
> Karl
> Am 02.02.2010 11:05, schrieb nicolas chavent:
> Jean Guilhem and all.
> Just got back on-line: all the people who worked on the Health Facility
> themes want this thematic layer in osm as compehrensive in the most timely
> manner both:
> - (i) in terms of coverage of geo features: this is addressed by the data
> conflation work Kate Chapman and others including Sahan, US Health Govt, WHO
> and WHO-PAHO were involved in and which lead to this release by David.
> Kate was working on a conflation of this superset with OSM and I think we
> have to wait on her updating us on the status of the work to act
> collectively in an efficient manner. She'll be up soon (living in US Est
> Time).
> - (ii) in terms of semantic interoperability: this is being addressed
> through the data modeling and coordination work I an running on  this Health
> object with Kate Chapman, David Smith, Andrew Turner, WHO experts and
> Emergency coordinators, GIS Coordinators from GIS-NGOs deployed on the
> ground. I'll be integrating this last set of attributes elements from PAHO
> to the data model and issue a new version available on the wiki at
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Tags#Humanitarian_Data_Model_1.6_.28these_will_be_mapped_to_OSM_tagging.29
> This has to be seen as the formulation of field requirements for health
> facility geodata management in the perspective of OSM being closely tied to
> this new phase of the humanitarian response with more contents generated and
> shared from on the ground experts.
> Sahana through the portal shared by David allows for online data entry by
> Field Health practitioners.
> Kate ensured a way to refresh OSM attributes with this field contributed
> contents.
> On top of that WHO and PAHO are considering using directly OSM Editors to
> manage this data and relay on OSM DB for this operation at the condition of
> relying on interoperable HFacs tags.
> This is not small stuff and to allow this to happen again shortly, let's
> wait for Kate to give us a status of her work and once the attributes
> contents are on the wiki let's look at our tagging for this Health Fac layer
> which should not be too difficult since the OSM MapFeatures coverage of
> Health Care-related objects is limited.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dhospital
> Hope this helps
> Best
> N
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton wrote:
>> Nicolas,
>> Can't we rely on healthC_ID for later incorporation of other tags (which
>> are mostly empty for now) ?
>> Isn't it a kind of emergency in itself to have the points, with precise
>> location, name, and unambiguous ID in the OSM data base ? For use on the
>> ground ?
>> "Any groups tracking health facilities should make sure to incorporate
>> this identifier to enable unambiguous sharing/merging of data between
>> groups."
>>  Regards,
>> Jean-Guilhem
>>  Message original   Sujet : Re: [Talk-ht] [Fwd:
>> [CrisisMappers] Haiti Health Facilities Master List]  Date : Tue, 2 Feb
>> 2010 09:33:09 +0100  De : nicolas chavent 
>>   Pour :
>> Talk-ht@openstreetmap.org  Copi

Re: [Talk-ht] [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Haiti Health Facilities Master List]]

2010-02-02 Thread nicolas chavent
Jean Guilhem and all.

Just got back on-line: all the people who worked on the Health Facility
themes want this thematic layer in osm as compehrensive in the most timely
manner both:
- (i) in terms of coverage of geo features: this is addressed by the data
conflation work Kate Chapman and others including Sahan, US Health Govt, WHO
and WHO-PAHO were involved in and which lead to this release by David.
Kate was working on a conflation of this superset with OSM and I think we
have to wait on her updating us on the status of the work to act
collectively in an efficient manner. She'll be up soon (living in US Est
- (ii) in terms of semantic interoperability: this is being addressed
through the data modeling and coordination work I an running on  this Health
object with Kate Chapman, David Smith, Andrew Turner, WHO experts and
Emergency coordinators, GIS Coordinators from GIS-NGOs deployed on the
ground. I'll be integrating this last set of attributes elements from PAHO
to the data model and issue a new version available on the wiki at

This has to be seen as the formulation of field requirements for health
facility geodata management in the perspective of OSM being closely tied to
this new phase of the humanitarian response with more contents generated and
shared from on the ground experts.
Sahana through the portal shared by David allows for online data entry by
Field Health practitioners.
Kate ensured a way to refresh OSM attributes with this field contributed
On top of that WHO and PAHO are considering using directly OSM Editors to
manage this data and relay on OSM DB for this operation at the condition of
relying on interoperable HFacs tags.
This is not small stuff and to allow this to happen again shortly, let's
wait for Kate to give us a status of her work and once the attributes
contents are on the wiki let's look at our tagging for this Health Fac layer
which should not be too difficult since the OSM MapFeatures coverage of
Health Care-related objects is limited.

Hope this helps

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton wrote:

>  Nicolas,
> Can't we rely on healthC_ID for later incorporation of other tags (which
> are mostly empty for now) ?

> Isn't it a kind of emergency in itself to have the points, with precise
> location, name, and unambiguous ID in the OSM data base ? For use on the
> ground ?
> "Any groups tracking health facilities should make sure to incorporate this
> identifier to enable unambiguous sharing/merging of data between groups."
> Regards,
> Jean-Guilhem
>  Message original   Sujet : Re: [Talk-ht] [Fwd:
> [CrisisMappers] Haiti Health Facilities Master List]  Date : Tue, 2 Feb
> 2010 09:33:09 +0100  De : nicolas chavent 
>   Pour :
> Talk-ht@openstreetmap.org  Copie à :
> Jean-Guilhem CailtonRéférences :
> <4b67df87.1000...@arkemie.com> <4b67df87.1000...@arkemie.com>
> Hi there
> Thanks Jean Guilhem for forwarding this post on this fundamental asset,
> before embarking into any bulk upload and exposing ourselves to double risk
> of duplication and data losses , we shall hear back from Kate Chapman who
> had been involved in the work of the group making this resource available
> and on conflating it with the OSM data base.
> We shall also look at the semantic aspect of this conflation work and make
> sure the tags we will be setting for the HFacs description besides the
> Unifying Unique ID set by the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la
> Population (MSPP) are interoperable with the ones used in the World Health
> Organization (Geneva) and PAHO (Pan American World Health Organization).
> Since both organizations are envisaging to use the osm platform to manage
> this Health Facility layer at the condition of relying on interoperable
> tags.
> I'll be reverting to the group soon with the "final" list of proposed
> values, a first unfortunately incomplete set is readable on the HT wiki
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Tags#Humanitarian_Data_Model_1.6_.28these_will_be_mapped_to_OSM_tagging.29
> Later then
> Best to all
> N.
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Could someone help automatically importing this list into OSM ?
>> (At least X, Y, name, healthC_ID, for 1267 points)
>> I could help to do some cleaning up with the points that might already be
>> present in OSM.
>> Thanks,
>> Jean-Guilhem
>> (knowing JOSM, 

Re: [Talk-ht] [Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Haiti Health Facilities Master List]

2010-02-02 Thread nicolas chavent
Hi there

Thanks Jean Guilhem for forwarding this post on this fundamental asset,
before embarking into any bulk upload and exposing ourselves to double risk
of duplication and data losses , we shall hear back from Kate Chapman who
had been involved in the work of the group making this resource available
and on conflating it with the OSM data base.

We shall also look at the semantic aspect of this conflation work and make
sure the tags we will be setting for the HFacs description besides the
Unifying Unique ID set by the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la
Population (MSPP) are interoperable with the ones used in the World Health
Organization (Geneva) and PAHO (Pan American World Health Organization).
Since both organizations are envisaging to use the osm platform to manage
this Health Facility layer at the condition of relying on interoperable

I'll be reverting to the group soon with the "final" list of proposed
values, a first unfortunately incomplete set is readable on the HT wiki

Later then
Best to all

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton wrote:

>  Hi,
> Could someone help automatically importing this list into OSM ?
> (At least X, Y, name, healthC_ID, for 1267 points)
> I could help to do some cleaning up with the points that might already be
> present in OSM.
> Thanks,
> Jean-Guilhem
> (knowing JOSM, but no automatic import tool (yet ?))
> (jgc on irc #osm, #flossk)
>  Message original   Sujet : [CrisisMappers] Haiti Health
> Facilities Master List  Date : Mon, 1 Feb 2010 22:02:43 -0600  De : David
> William BitnerRépondre à :
> crisismapp...@googlegroups.com  Pour : crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
> The Haiti Health Facilities master list has now been made publicly
> available at
> http://sites.google.com/a/netspective.org/haiti-health-facilities/.  This
> represents a combination of many efforts over the past two weeks.
>  Of particular note is the unique identifier HealthC_ID which is based on
> the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population (MSPP) of Haiti
> identifiers expanded to allow for temporary and transient health facilities.
>  Any groups tracking health facilities should make sure to incorporate this
> identifier to enable unambiguous sharing/merging of data between groups.
> This dataset is owned by the MSPP and is being maintained by WHO/PAHO and
> the website allows for submitting corrections and additions to keep the
> dataset up to date.
>  David
> Sahana Software Foundation
> --
> David William Bitner
>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "CrisisMappers" group.
> To post to this group, send email to crisismapp...@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> crisismappers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/crisismappers?hl=en.
> ___
> Talk-ht mailing list
> Talk-ht@openstreetmap.org
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ht

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 75 14 29 70
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton wrote:

>  Hi,
> Could someone help automatically importing this list into OSM ?
> (At least X, Y, name, healthC_ID, for 1267 points)
> I could help to do some cleaning up with the points that might already be
> present in OSM.
> Thanks,
> Jean-Guilhem
> (knowing JOSM, but no automatic import tool (yet ?))
> (jgc on irc #osm, #flossk)
>  Message original   Sujet : [CrisisMappers] Haiti Health
> Facilities Master List  Date : Mon, 1 Feb 2010 22:02:43 -0600  De : David
> William BitnerRépondre à :
> crisismapp...@googlegroups.com  Pour : crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
> The Haiti Health Facilities master list has now been made publicly
> available at
> http://sites.google.com/a/netspective.org/haiti-health-facilities/.  This
> represents a combination of many efforts over the past two weeks.
>  Of particular note is the unique identifier HealthC_ID which is based on
> the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population (MSPP) of Haiti
> identifiers expanded to allow for temporary and transient health facilities.
>  Any groups tracking health facilities should make sure to incorporate this
> identifier to enable unambiguous sharing/merging of data between group