Re: [talk-ph] When will OSM reach 1 million registered members?

2013-01-07 Per discussione Eugene Alvin Villar
On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 11:54 AM, maning sambale

 An interesting take by Harry Wood on the 1M number:

This is the correct link to Harry's diary entry:
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Addresses in Belgium

2013-01-07 Per discussione Jan-willem De Bleser
On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Jo wrote:
 The associatedStreet relation has the streetname in 'name', not in
 addr:street. I also found some relations where this was done incorrectly.

 It is possible to fix all of them in one go. Advise me if you want me to do

Do you mean fix associatedStreet relations tagged with addr:street, or
fix buildings tagged with addr:street who are also in an
associatedStreet relation? If the latter, I would not do this
automatically, as any tags that disagree probably need a human to
check them.

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Ivo De Broeck wrote:
 I don't agree with that. Its necessary to have addr:street for every
 address. When you use potlatch on the computer or iLOE on your smartphone
 its easy to bring in new data or correct the data. The associated street is
 redundant (and as i saw in Bierbeek often wrong).

 For me it is most important that new users have the possibility of introduce
 new data in a simple way (copy-paste the streetname in addr:street). Its a
 pity that most of the people here give only sophisticated solutions for very
 simple problems.

Unfortunately, simple solutions often only solve some of the problems.
associatedStreet is more complex than addr:street, but it makes clear
precisely to which street a building belongs. Otherwise, if you need
the street that belongs to that building, you have to search for the
geographically closest way with the same name, a much slower, more
time-consuming and not necessarily accurate operation.

I don't object to either being used at this time, however. I add
associatedStreet relations when there is *no* address information but
I don't convert addr:street addresses to new relations. I do fix it,
one way or the other, when I see them used simultaneously on the same
building, because that is indeed redundant.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Addresses in Belgium

2013-01-07 Per discussione Jo
The remark I made was about the associatedStreet relation. The name of the
street is put in the name tag, just like it is done on the ways forming the
street. So all other tags are addr:country, addr:city, addr:postcode, but
the streetname goes into name.

Everyone is free to add addr:street to the house and POI objects as well.
It's creating an unfortunate redundancy, but as you mention we seem to be
needing that for editors like iLoe and Vespucci which don't support
relations (yet).
Why you need it on Potlatch eludes me, as that one does support relations,
but since I don't have experience with it anymore, I should probably shut
up about it.

I do think associatedStreet relations still have a function to avoid
duplicating/multiplicating the country, city and postcode information that
make addresses complete and possibly to be able to perform quality control
on the data. The redundancy can help to check whether the data is

Personally I don't like repeating data over and over, as it makes it easier
to make mistakes and when a streetname changes it becomes necessary to
change it in many places.

@Jan-Willem: I wouldn't take away the addr:street from the houses and POIs
when you add them to an associatedStreet relation. I tried that once, a few
years ago, and had to revert because portable editors didn't support
relations (and they still don't) and, when in the field, people are missing
that information then. So it's probably best to keep that redundancy in the


2013/1/7 Ivo De Broeck

 I don't agree with that. Its necessary to have addr:street for every
 address. When you use potlatch on the computer or iLOE on your smartphone
 its easy to bring in new data or correct the data. The associated street is
 redundant (and as i saw in Bierbeek often wrong).

 For me it is most important that new users have the possibility of
 introduce new data in a simple way (copy-paste the streetname in
 addr:street). Its a pity that most of the people here give only
 sophisticated solutions for very simple problems.

 If you don't make it easy for the contributors, you will never get
 addresses from then.

 2013/1/7 Jo

 The associatedStreet relation has the streetname in 'name', not in
 addr:street. I also found some relations where this was done incorrectly.

 It is possible to fix all of them in one go. Advise me if you want me to
 do so.


 2013/1/7 Joren

 Op 07-01-13 00:35, Kurt Roeckx schreef:

  On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 03:23:15PM +0100, Sander Deryckere wrote:

 The first thing you notice is that there are a lot of features with
 housenumber information, but without street information. While other
 information (such as city) can be determined from closed boundaries.
 often ambiguous and hard to determine the street from other OSM

 Osmose counts alot of errors in Belgium because of that.  See:

 Geofabrik shows that there are many 'bugs' in the city 'Reet' ... but
 when I examine it, some/all houses are tagged with 'associatedStreet
 streetname, etc'...
 Is this the correct tagging, or do we need to delete that tag, and tag
 them with 'addr:street'?

 About 50% of those are because of missing addr:street or
 associatedStreet relation.

 It would in general be a good thing that we try and fix all those

  Thanks in advance,

 Talk-be mailing list

 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Addresses in Belgium

2013-01-07 Per discussione Jan-willem De Bleser
On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Jo wrote:
 @Jan-Willem: I wouldn't take away the addr:street from the houses and POIs
 when you add them to an associatedStreet relation. I tried that once, a few
 years ago, and had to revert because portable editors didn't support
 relations (and they still don't) and, when in the field, people are missing
 that information then. So it's probably best to keep that redundancy in the

I find that very dangerous, and would rather people added only
addr:street tags than both. What if I incorrectly add an
associatedStreet, and then a mobile mapper adds the correct
addr:street tag - who should the end users then believe? Or if I add
the correct relation, and a vandal a wrong addr:street tag?

You know, seeing as the street already has the name, why is the name
repeated in associatedStreet at all?

- Jw

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Addresses in Belgium

2013-01-07 Per discussione Marc Gemis
I've added most of those addresses in Reet.
I use JOSM all the time to create associatedStreet relations.

I vaguely remember seeing a different behavior at a certain point, where
JOSM started adding addr:street tags to the buildings when its building
tool creates an associatedStreet relation. Is this my imagination, or did
anybody else noticed this as well ?

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Addresses in Belgium

2013-01-07 Per discussione Jo
This is what I would propose:

addr:city, addr:postcode, addr:country, and maybe addr:state, although I'd
prefer addr:province there go in the associatedStreet relation. The name of
the street goes into name. This way it becomes usable in the list of

addr:housenumber and addr:street are filled out on the buildings and POIs.

The advantage is that this is workable with a minimal editor on a tablet or
phone, while at the same time reducing tens of thousands of repetitions of
city names and postcodes.

This way the street name is available as name on the ways and the
associatedStreet relations and as addr:street on the buildings and the
POIs. The redundancy that is created this way allows to detect anomalies as
described by Jan-Willem and get them corrected.

A good example is the problem I just fixed, where a street name of a street
in Leuven inadvertently got applied to the houses in Reet. Geofabrik's site
spotted that.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Addresses in Belgium

2013-01-07 Per discussione Jo
2013/1/7 Jan-willem De Bleser

 On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Sander Deryckere
  Who says that the closest street is in the associatedstreet relation.
  relation has nothing to do with the closest street, only with the
  administrative division of houses into streets.
  Look at this relation:

 Hang on, by closest street you mean closest way of a street mapped
 as multiple ways? It's my understanding that, when this is the case,
 a house is associated with the way on which it lies. That relation
 1869108 is an example of incorrect mapping, as far as I can see.

 Addresses are associated with a particular stretch of street, aren't
 they? I've always taken associatedStreet as a relation trying to
 represent this mapping. Or would you maintain that this is true, but
 that the stretch of street belonging to an address bears no relation
 to where the plot of land belonging to that address is?

At first the definition of associatedStreet was like you say, but this has
been changed. It's too hard to keep it correct (when splitting ways for

So all the ways forming a street with addresses in the same city, having
the same postcode, together with all the houses go into the same
associatedStreet relation.

BTW, there is a great mapcss for JOSM called ColouredAddresses which give a
great overview of what belongs together.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Addresses in Belgium

2013-01-07 Per discussione Kurt Roeckx
On Mon, Jan 07, 2013 at 08:17:11AM +0100, Jo wrote:
 The associatedStreet relation has the streetname in 'name', not in
 addr:street. I also found some relations where this was done incorrectly.
 It is possible to fix all of them in one go. Advise me if you want me to do

As far as I understand it, there is no reason to give the relation
a name other than being useful to find it.  The street name itself
should come from the member that is marked as street.  It something
displays the name of the relation as addr:street information, I think
that's just wrong and should get fixed.


Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Initial stuck to the name

2013-01-07 Per discussione Guy Vanvuchelen
Bij een controle via osmose krijg ik 'Initial stuck to the name' als
foutmelding.  Het zou om een spellingfout gaan.

Wat is er fout aan bijvoorbeeld O.L.Vrouw ten Steenkapel of L. Claeslaan
? Moet de naam voluit geschreven worden (moeilijk in het geval van L.
Claeslaan!) of moeten de puntjes weggelaten worden.  


Guy Vanvuchelen


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Addresses in Belgium

2013-01-07 Per discussione Jan-willem De Bleser
On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Sander Deryckere wrote:
 If it's administrative, it's not necessarily the closest. I have given an
 example of it, but there are multiple examples, like for this house:, it's in gemeente Staden,
 but all streets around it are in gemeente Roeselare. So you can't add those
 streets to the associatedstreet relation if it's administrative. Unless all
 driveways should also be part of the relation.

So, this house has the official address Groenestraat 42, Staden, but
the driveway opens on Groenestraat, Roeselare? And the problem is
that if you add it to the associatedStreet, the house will look like
it's in Roeselare, right?

That is tricky, but the problem is not the relation linking the street
and the house, but that the relation is tagged as being in Roeselare.
Or have I misunderstood your explanation?

 Or are you all really only interested in associatedStreet as a
 gathering point for the common information such as postcode and

 I thought so, as it's a general recommendation to not use relations where
 spatial queries can be 100% accurate. Administrative stuff can't be 100%
 accurate queried, closest street can.

'Closest street' is 100% accurate, but the street a house belongs to
is not necessarily the closest one, especially if you were to consider
a street that crosses a town boundary to be two separate streets. To
take a similar problem, if you have a house that is divided in half by
a postcode boundary, how do you determine in which postcode the house
belongs? This is the kind of problem I had in mind when I said, in my
first mail, that such a search was not necessarily accurate.

I do see your point that you shouldn't tag what you can find in a 100%
accurate search. Of course, that leads me to the question of Why do
we add addr:city at all, assuming that every house is fully within a
city's boundaries?

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Addresses in Belgium

2013-01-07 Per discussione Jo
2013/1/7 Kurt Roeckx

 On Mon, Jan 07, 2013 at 06:06:02PM +, Jan-willem De Bleser wrote:
  Of course, that leads me to the question of Why do
  we add addr:city at all, assuming that every house is fully within a
  city's boundaries?

 The only reason I can see that being useful is that border between
 2 cities goes through the building.

The reason why I want to add addr:city and addr:postcode via an
associatedStreet relation is that not all data consumers have geographic
databases at their disposal and Openstreetmap doesn't have an API (yet)
that allows you to query what city an object is in.
It is trivial though to ask what associatedStreet relation does an object
belong to and get the complete address that way.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] House Numbers

2013-01-07 Per discussione Janko Mihelić
2013/1/7 Jo

 But how do you propose to count those? There might be numbers missing in
 the sequence or there might be 4A, 4B, 4C, etc in between. 2 and 6. At
 least such discrepancies are possible in Belgium.

I try to remove those discrepancies as much as possible, but I can't say
they don't exist. It's your service, you make the rules.

I think we need more services like this, and then mappers get achievements
like Lord of housenumbers, Master of powerlines, Governor of
buildings when they come in the top 3%. That's quite a motivator.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] ¿Qué usas para editar en OSM?

2013-01-07 Per discussione Jaime Crespo
Siguiendo el hilo sobre editores, y aunque sé que existen estadísticas. ahí
va una encuesta rápida para ver qué editor es más popular en la comunidad

Jaime Crespo
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] ¿Qué usas para editar en OSM?

2013-01-07 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2013/1/7 Jaime Crespo
 Siguiendo el hilo sobre editores, y aunque sé que existen estadísticas. ahí
 va una encuesta rápida para ver qué editor es más popular en la comunidad

you can see the statistics for a single user with
how-did-you-contribute (at the bottom)

there is also a page in the wiki that gives overall statistics:


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Future Look

2013-01-07 Per discussione Paweł Paprota

Hello Clifford,

Very interesting e-mail. It seems that as the project grows, there is
more and more people feeling like there should be some kind of next
level that OSM as a project and community should reach. I agree with that.

It seems to me that OSM needs a full time staff that can work with
the community to build OSM for the future. I would think that at the
rate we are growing, we need to be planning for a much bigger

Just a few days ago I replied to a mailing list thread about OSM's
market share with my thoughts on precisely this topic you mention in
the quote above:

I am a developer so my area of interest is technical but I am sure that
in other areas like working with the community, communication and
advertising, data (handling vandalisms, imports) there is a similar
need for more involvement.

Sure it would be great to have the project run on volunteers - money
(some people being paid) thrown in the mix always causes problems at
some point - but I think it's becoming clear that OSM cannot reach that
next level without some sort of push... After all, it's normal in other
large projects/organizations that some people are working full time on
it. Perhaps OSM needs to evolve a little bit more to embrace such model?

The other problem is much simpler - where do you get the money from? I
thought about OSM Foundation getting involved and trying to get some
funding for the project. Not sure how that would work legally but at
this point there has to be a way to get money for development - it's
clear that many stakeholders and users of OSM want to see the project
moving forward and I'm sure some of them are willing to donate money.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Future Look

2013-01-07 Per discussione Christian Quest
2013/1/7 Paweł Paprota
 Hello Clifford,

 Very interesting e-mail. It seems that as the project grows, there is
 more and more people feeling like there should be some kind of next
 level that OSM as a project and community should reach. I agree with that.

OSM growth is there: +80% accounts in one year (we had half a million
back in Nov. 2011, and reached the million this week-end).

I've gathered a few statistics for France for 2012... and the growth
of data is also high, around +34% more highways of all kinds with a
rate of more than 1000km added daily.

Hardware needs to follow the growth of data and use of data (tiles) as
well as human resources too...

The failure of a couple of servers this week-end also showed that we
currently have too many single point of failure in our architecture
(one is too many).

Yes funding is an important question. Asking for donation for some
hardware from time to time will not allow to do much.

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] House Numbers

2013-01-07 Per discussione Peter Wendorff

Am 06.01.2013 16:11, schrieb Janko Mihelić:
What about addr:interpolation? Do you count all the housenumbers in 
between, or only the ones on the ends? I think all should be counted. 
And not because I use those a lot :)

address interpolations are exactly that: interpolations.
Often you find missing ones (like 5a 5b in the odd 1-11 interpolation), 
that could not be counted, or the other way around there are houses 
missing which is not stated in the interpolation (interpolating even 
2-222, but the house with number 100 does not (yet) exist).

Additionally the position of individual housenumbers often can only be 
roughly estimated by the interpolation. That's better than nothing, and 
for sure better than only two housenumbers without the interpolation 
information in between, but individual numbers would be much better usually.

Counting that equally I think would benefit lazy mappers (no offense, 
address interpolations are often a great intermediate mapping result).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] House Numbers

2013-01-07 Per discussione Christian Quest
Regarding housenumbers, I'm trying to render them with only the ones
around street corners at some zoom level.

It is not obvious and almost impossible with a standard osm2pgsql
schema. It looks like some db/osmosis schema is necessary for such
complex postgis queries.

Anyone tried something in that area ?

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] House Numbers

2013-01-07 Per discussione Frederik Ramm


On 01/07/2013 02:48 PM, Christian Quest wrote:

Regarding housenumbers, I'm trying to render them with only the ones
around street corners at some zoom level.

You could try to make a layer that returns the house number plus the 
count of highway=residential ways within n metres of the house number 
(e.g. count(*) from planet_osm_line other where 

That would of course not be perfect...

I'd also be interested in trying to align house numbers to the matching 
street so that they have an equal distance and the same angle as the 
street. Also a difficult problem.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Future Look

2013-01-07 Per discussione Hans Schmidt

Am 07.01.2013 08:22, schrieb Jo:
Maybe the home page should not have a map on it (it's only a sample of 
what is in the database anyway, which will always be lacking some 
feature). Instead it could have links to (which is what you seem to want),, and many more fine examples of 
other ways to represent the available data.

The problem is, that the ordinary user is confused with that. He/she 
does not know what to choose, meaning he will leave right away and go 
for Google or Bing Maps. Of course, it is possible to make OSM purely 
for OSM mappers and more tech affectionate people, but I wonder if this 
is the right attitude. Just because someone is not that interested into 
something like that, he still wants to be able to use the map. If you 
think of it, everybody has some weak points in his knowledge: food, 
clothing, technology, languages; and for everything, there are services 
to make it easy for someone.
Therefore, in my opinion, it is necessary to develop the main OSM map: 
This is where the people look, and not somewhere else. If they have too 
much choice, they will not use it at all.
Of course, there can and should be other projects. But I think the main 
OSM map should be developed and incorporate much more features, 
especially being more interactive: Being able to click on items (e.g. 
click on a shop, and its further details with name, telephone number 
etc. will pop up), selecting bus lanes which will then be highlighted on 
the map, looking for all supermarkets in a city etc. The features which 
most of the users want should be there; only more specialized stuff 
needs an own map.

Wikipedia has become so widely used because it is extremely simple: just 
go on, enter your search term and done. This is also 
necessary for OSM, I think: If you only heard the name openstreetmap, 
you look for openstreetmap in google, and then you want all the 
information on one page.

Of course, this may need full-time development, but I think many people 
would be willing to donate money for that purpose. I certainly would.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New History tab for (beta)

2013-01-07 Per discussione THEVENON Julien
Hi Pawel,

Could it be possible to integrate the user classification visible here ( by example by adding the same coloured man 
icon on the right of OSM User link.
IMHO it could be very usefull to know if an edit has been done by a new user of 
a senior user

my 2 cents

 De : Paweł Paprota
À : 
Envoyé le : Vendredi 4 janvier 2013 0h01
Objet : [OSM-talk] New History tab for (beta)
Hi all,

For some time now I've been working on the OpenStreetMap Watch List project[1] 
and on integrating OWL into the main OSM website.

At this point I've got something slowly approaching beta status and I would 
appreciate early feedback from the community.

You can see it in action here:

Couple of things:

* Zoom levels = 14 should be usable. On lower zoom levels it sometimes takes 
a lot of time to show history. Also I don't have clear idea yet what to really 
show on the lower zoom levels - what would be useful - so suggestions are 

* I'm actively working on this instance so don't be surprised when something 
breaks or there is no data at all etc. - it's a beta version :-)

* You can click on nodes/ways in the map to get more details about changes :-)

Any comments are welcome.



talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] House Numbers

2013-01-07 Per discussione John F. Eldredge
Janko Mihelić wrote:

 What about addr:interpolation? Do you count all the housenumbers in
 between, or only the ones on the ends? I think all should be counted.
 not because I use those a lot :)
 Janko (1373) Mihelić
 talk mailing list

In some cases, address interpolation may produce addresses that don't exist on 
the ground.  My parents lived for years on a street that has several sharp 
turns.  In order to keep the addresses more-or-less in sync between the two 
sides of the street, a number of potential house numbers were skipped at the 
inside of the sharp turns.

John F. Eldredge --
Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to 
think at all. -- Hypatia of Alexandria
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New History tab for (beta)

2013-01-07 Per discussione Paweł Paprota

Hi Julien,

Could it be possible to integrate the user classification visible
here ( by example by adding the
same coloured man icon on the right of OSM User link. IMHO it could
be very usefull to know if an edit has been done by a new user of a
senior user

That's an interesting feature. I'm not sure if it belongs in OWL - maybe
it would make sense to implement that in the core website application so
that this seniority information could be used in all places where user
data is shown.

But that's more of a technical problem - the feature itself is a good
idea, I will make a note of it, thanks.

In general I would like to add some social feel to the new history tab
like displaying user avatar (I hit a technical problem with that for 
now) to make it more engaging than just a dump of changeset metadata.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Rendering of Farmland not 'Light' enough?

2013-01-07 Per discussione nicholas ingalls
I second that it should stay brown! There are way to many green objects and
we don't want it confused with the grass tag. My vote would be to play
around with the brown color. I certainly agree that it currently isn't the


On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Lennard wrote:

 On 6-1-2013 15:51, Dave F. wrote:

  On a related topic; if a field has a barrier tag it changes colour
 rendering at zoom 16:

 That's because having a landuse on it as well pushes it into the polygon
 table. It's subsequently rendered as a barrier area, ie. with the
 barrier=hedge fill.


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Rendering of Farmland not 'Light' enough?

2013-01-07 Per discussione Philip Barnes
Green grass would be useful to differentiate between pasture and use a lighter 
brown for arable fields.

Not much farmland is tagged at present, but I it was envisage the map becoming 
largely brown which will not be attractive. Most areas that are currently 
default background are in reality farmland.

 Phil (trigpoint)

Sent from my Nokia N9

On 07/01/2013 16:24 nicholas ingalls wrote:

I second that it should stay brown! There are way to many green objects and we 
don't want it confused with the grass tag. My vote would be to play around with 
the brown color. I certainly agree that it currently isn't the best.


On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Lennard wrote:

On 6-1-2013 15:51, Dave F. wrote:

On a related topic; if a field has a barrier tag it changes colour
rendering at zoom 16:

That's because having a landuse on it as well pushes it into the polygon table. 
It's subsequently rendered as a barrier area, ie. with the barrier=hedge fill.


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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Future Look

2013-01-07 Per discussione Clifford Snow
I agree. We have so much good data, we just need to improve the map
interface so more people come to OSM first.

My friend Jeff Meyer just commented the other day that he wondered why we
don't have an easy way for businesses to add their establishments to OSM. I
know that Yahoo and Bing have it.  Last year I helped my local gym out.
They moved two blocks. Of course, OSM was fix on the day of the move. Bing
and Yahoo had an easy web page to enter the new information. But if he had
to go through the process of making the change in OSM it would have never
happened. We can and shouldn't expect everyone to have the same interest in
learn how to map. But we should make it easy to add and update data for

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 3:04 AM, Paweł Paprota wrote:

 Hello Clifford,

 Very interesting e-mail. It seems that as the project grows, there is
 more and more people feeling like there should be some kind of next
 level that OSM as a project and community should reach. I agree with that.

  It seems to me that OSM needs a full time staff that can work with
 the community to build OSM for the future. I would think that at the
 rate we are growing, we need to be planning for a much bigger

 Just a few days ago I replied to a mailing list thread about OSM's
 market share with my thoughts on precisely this topic you mention in
 the quote above:


 I am a developer so my area of interest is technical but I am sure that
 in other areas like working with the community, communication and
 advertising, data (handling vandalisms, imports) there is a similar
 need for more involvement.

 Sure it would be great to have the project run on volunteers - money
 (some people being paid) thrown in the mix always causes problems at
 some point - but I think it's becoming clear that OSM cannot reach that
 next level without some sort of push... After all, it's normal in other
 large projects/organizations that some people are working full time on
 it. Perhaps OSM needs to evolve a little bit more to embrace such model?

 The other problem is much simpler - where do you get the money from? I
 thought about OSM Foundation getting involved and trying to get some
 funding for the project. Not sure how that would work legally but at
 this point there has to be a way to get money for development - it's
 clear that many stakeholders and users of OSM want to see the project
 moving forward and I'm sure some of them are willing to donate money.


 talk mailing list


OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Future Look

2013-01-07 Per discussione Jeff Meyer
Oh, sure... drag me into the fray.

In general, I agree with Paweł, Hans, and Cliff - there are a variety of
services we could offer on the front page of that would
make visiting it a much more rich experience and more inviting to newer

For example, I'd like to use OSM for my routing, but I'm not sure why I
have to go anywhere other than to do that.

Another example: there's nothing that says simply, You can map your local
area - learn how! or Add your business to this map, or Start mapping.

Perhaps the real question we should ask is, Why should the casual visitor,
who looks at our current home page after knowing about Google Maps, Bing
Maps, Yahoo Maps, etc. ever come back to osm? Do we care? I think many of
us have plenty of good reasons, none of which are obvious from the home
page content.

- Jeff

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Clifford Snow cliff...@snowandsnow.uswrote:

 I agree. We have so much good data, we just need to improve the map
 interface so more people come to OSM first.

 My friend Jeff Meyer just commented the other day that he wondered why we
 don't have an easy way for businesses to add their establishments to OSM. I
 know that Yahoo and Bing have it.  Last year I helped my local gym out.
 They moved two blocks. Of course, OSM was fix on the day of the move. Bing
 and Yahoo had an easy web page to enter the new information. But if he had
 to go through the process of making the change in OSM it would have never
 happened. We can and shouldn't expect everyone to have the same interest in
 learn how to map. But we should make it easy to add and update data for

 On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 3:04 AM, Paweł Paprota wrote:

 Hello Clifford,

 Very interesting e-mail. It seems that as the project grows, there is
 more and more people feeling like there should be some kind of next
 level that OSM as a project and community should reach. I agree with

  It seems to me that OSM needs a full time staff that can work with
 the community to build OSM for the future. I would think that at the
 rate we are growing, we need to be planning for a much bigger

 Just a few days ago I replied to a mailing list thread about OSM's
 market share with my thoughts on precisely this topic you mention in
 the quote above:


 I am a developer so my area of interest is technical but I am sure that
 in other areas like working with the community, communication and
 advertising, data (handling vandalisms, imports) there is a similar
 need for more involvement.

 Sure it would be great to have the project run on volunteers - money
 (some people being paid) thrown in the mix always causes problems at
 some point - but I think it's becoming clear that OSM cannot reach that
 next level without some sort of push... After all, it's normal in other
 large projects/organizations that some people are working full time on
 it. Perhaps OSM needs to evolve a little bit more to embrace such model?

 The other problem is much simpler - where do you get the money from? I
 thought about OSM Foundation getting involved and trying to get some
 funding for the project. Not sure how that would work legally but at
 this point there has to be a way to get money for development - it's
 clear that many stakeholders and users of OSM want to see the project
 moving forward and I'm sure some of them are willing to donate money.


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 OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch

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Jeff Meyer
Global World History Atlas
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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Future Look

2013-01-07 Per discussione Pierre Béland
I agree that we should have tools to facilitate adding or updating POI's, 
including with a smartphone.

But we should not forget that OSM is more then a commercial map. This is a 
community map and we have to show the various activities our contributors are 
engaged in. 

I would also like to easily find a doctor, a community center, etc. And it 
should be easy to select from a list without the complexity of OSM tags.

It would also be interesting to have POI layers grouped  by various sectors 
like restaurants, hosting, stores, medical services, public services, 
attractions, etc.


 De : Clifford Snow
À : 
Cc : Talk Openstreetmap 
Envoyé le : Lundi 7 janvier 2013 12h20
Objet : Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Future Look

I agree. We have so much good data, we just need to improve the map interface 
so more people come to OSM first. 

My friend Jeff Meyer just commented the other day that he wondered why we 
don't have an easy way for businesses to add their establishments to OSM. I 
know that Yahoo and Bing have it.  Last year I helped my local gym out. They 
moved two blocks. Of course, OSM was fix on the day of the move. Bing and 
Yahoo had an easy web page to enter the new information. But if he had to go 
through the process of making the change in OSM it would have never happened. 
We can and shouldn't expect everyone to have the same interest in learn how to 
map. But we should make it easy to add and update data for businesses. 

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 3:04 AM, Paweł Paprota wrote:

Hello Clifford,

Very interesting e-mail. It seems that as the project grows, there is
more and more people feeling like there should be some kind of next
level that OSM as a project and community should reach. I agree with that.

It seems to me that OSM needs a full time staff that can work with
the community to build OSM for the future. I would think that at the
rate we are growing, we need to be planning for a much bigger

Just a few days ago I replied to a mailing list thread about OSM's
market share with my thoughts on precisely this topic you mention in
the quote above:

I am a developer so my area of interest is technical but I am sure that
in other areas like working with the community, communication and
advertising, data (handling vandalisms, imports) there is a similar
need for more involvement.

Sure it would be great to have the project run on volunteers - money
(some people being paid) thrown in the mix always causes problems at
some point - but I think it's becoming clear that OSM cannot reach that
next level without some sort of push... After all, it's normal in other
large projects/organizations that some people are working full time on
it. Perhaps OSM needs to evolve a little bit more to embrace such model?

The other problem is much simpler - where do you get the money from? I
thought about OSM Foundation getting involved and trying to get some
funding for the project. Not sure how that would work legally but at
this point there has to be a way to get money for development - it's
clear that many stakeholders and users of OSM want to see the project
moving forward and I'm sure some of them are willing to donate money.


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OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
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Re: [OSM-talk] Rendering of Farmland not 'Light' enough?

2013-01-07 Per discussione Aun Yngve Johnsen

Aun Johnsen

On 7. jan. 2013, at 15:48, wrote:

 . Most areas that are currently default background are in reality farmland.
 Phil (trigpoint)
Not true, most untagged areas are either some form of wilderness, farmlands, or 
on some rare occurances tagged with non-rendered tags. There are still areas of 
the world where most industries, residential areas and other still are largely 

Now, having the map taking crop and produce tags into consideration would be 
great, but that is maybe for a specialist map?
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Future Look

2013-01-07 Per discussione Johan C
OSM has two choices: make a strategic plan, or maintaining an organic grow
path. I love the way OSM developed so far, delivering great products such
as Mapnik, JOSM and mkgmap, having sysadmins doing a great job in keeping
the database available etcetera. It's also great to see that OSM now has
more than 1 million registered users. However, the number of users editing
( ) is not
increasing in the same manner. Being involved for over three years now in
the project, I have the assumption that the actual use of OSM in apps or
PND's is not rising very quickly, probably also caused by competition by
better products such as Google maps (yes, I know that OSM is a database and
not an app). And I noticed that trying to get advanced features in OSM,
like lane assist, is really troublesome, So, my question is: how do we want
Openstreetmap to evolve in the next years. The Wikimedia Foundation
launched a strategic planning process in 2009: which, in 2010, resulted in a
collaborative vision for the movement till 2015.

In analogy, I would like to see the OSM Foundation to start such a process
with the OSM community and others outside the community. And once there's a
vision and a strategy for 2020, money might/will be needed to carry out the

Cheers, Johan

2013/1/7 Pierre Béland

 I agree that we should have tools to facilitate adding or updating POI's,
 including with a smartphone.

 But we should not forget that OSM is more then a commercial map. This is a
 community map and we have to show the various activities our contributors
 are engaged in.

 I would also like to easily find a doctor, a community center, etc. And it
 should be easy to select from a list without the complexity of OSM tags.

 It would also be interesting to have POI layers grouped  by various
 sectors like restaurants, hosting, stores, medical services, public
 services, attractions, etc.


 *De :* Clifford Snow
 *À :*
 *Cc :* Talk Openstreetmap
 *Envoyé le :* Lundi 7 janvier 2013 12h20
 *Objet :* Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Future Look

 I agree. We have so much good data, we just need to improve the map
 interface so more people come to OSM first.

 My friend Jeff Meyer just commented the other day that he wondered why we
 don't have an easy way for businesses to add their establishments to OSM. I
 know that Yahoo and Bing have it.  Last year I helped my local gym out.
 They moved two blocks. Of course, OSM was fix on the day of the move. Bing
 and Yahoo had an easy web page to enter the new information. But if he had
 to go through the process of making the change in OSM it would have never
 happened. We can and shouldn't expect everyone to have the same interest in
 learn how to map. But we should make it easy to add and update data for

 On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 3:04 AM, Paweł Paprota wrote:

 Hello Clifford,

 Very interesting e-mail. It seems that as the project grows, there is
 more and more people feeling like there should be some kind of next
 level that OSM as a project and community should reach. I agree with that.

  It seems to me that OSM needs a full time staff that can work with
 the community to build OSM for the future. I would think that at the
 rate we are growing, we need to be planning for a much bigger

 Just a few days ago I replied to a mailing list thread about OSM's
 market share with my thoughts on precisely this topic you mention in
 the quote above:


 I am a developer so my area of interest is technical but I am sure that
 in other areas like working with the community, communication and
 advertising, data (handling vandalisms, imports) there is a similar
 need for more involvement.

 Sure it would be great to have the project run on volunteers - money
 (some people being paid) thrown in the mix always causes problems at
 some point - but I think it's becoming clear that OSM cannot reach that
 next level without some sort of push... After all, it's normal in other
 large projects/organizations that some people are working full time on
 it. Perhaps OSM needs to evolve a little bit more to embrace such model?

 The other problem is much simpler - where do you get the money from? I
 thought about OSM Foundation getting involved and trying to get some
 funding for the project. Not sure how that would work legally but at
 this point there has to be a way to get money for development - it's
 clear that many stakeholders and users of OSM want to see the project
 moving forward and I'm sure some of them are willing to donate money.


 talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Future Look

2013-01-07 Per discussione Richard Weait
On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Clifford Snow cliff...@snowandsnow.uswrote:

 I fully concur that OSM Foundation needs to start a vision and strategy
 for the future. How do we get their attention? In this instance I don't
 believe we should lead from the rear. We need the leadership that the
 Foundation can provide.

Their attention  Them.  Us and Them.

Nope.  It's just us.  All of us.  What do the Foundation (us) need to do to
make you (us) feel like it is okay for you (us) to build this vision and
act on it?  Join the OSMF.  Serve on a Working Group or two.  Lend the
Foundation (us) more of your (us) energy and enthusiasm.

The three great projects that you mentioned earlier, afaict, had no
official participation from the Foundation.  Someone (us) or several
someones (usses) just made them.

Best regards,
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Future Look

2013-01-07 Per discussione Frederik Ramm


On 07.01.2013 23:32, Johan C wrote:

In analogy, I would like to see the OSM Foundation to start such a
process with the OSM community and others outside the community. And
once there's a vision and a strategy for 2020, money might/will be
needed to carry out the strategy.

There's lots of things to be said about, and sometimes against, that and 
I'll probably go off on a number of tangents in this post.

It is quite possible that OSMF will eventually have paid staff but it is 
not necessary either. Take a look around - Mapnik has been mentioned, 
and the the main Mapnik development investment comes from two people 
(Dane and Artem) who are both now paid for their work (just not by OSMF 
but by Mapbox). Mapbox have also acquired some funding from the Knight 
Foundation that might give us a Javascript editor, iD. Other valuable 
contributions to OSM came, and continue to come, from people getting 
their money from MapQuest (notably Nomiatim development by Brian and an 
alternative rendering stack done by Matt, as well as contributions to 
the Potlatch editor by Andy), or from Cloudmade (even though their 
interest in OSM has ebbed now), or Geofabrik (that's me). There's also 
nonprofits like HOT or CycleStreets who often fund some work related to 
OSM which benefits the project in one way or another, and OSMF (proto-) 
local chapters starting to acquire funds of their own and do stuff with it.

All this is not controlled by the OSMF and has largely happened without 
OSMF involvement. This may have disadvantages - these people don't have 
to submit to any strategic planning by OSMF - but it also has the 
advantage that OSMF doesn't have to deal with fundraising and spending 
in the million dollar range, which would require a well-oiled and mature 
organisation to do properly. Such an organisation would have to be built 
before one were to embark on any grand schemes.

The current situation demonstrates that even in the face of a small 
OSMF, the OSM ecosystem does evolve. It may not be steered and centrally 
planned but it isn't static either.

The Wikimedia strategic planning process has been mentioned. Wikimedia 
spent an awful lot of money on professional consultants to help build 
the strategy, and indeed Mikel (member of the OSMF board until September 
2012) had made initial contact with a few consultancies who work with 
nonprofits, with a view to finding out whether they could help OSMF with 
their strategic planning. The results were inconclusive; compared to 
Wikimedia when they started their strategic planning, OSMF is still very 
young, much less mature, and has much less cash, and many of those Mikel 
talked to correctly said that we might not yet be there. Before we 
embark on grand strategic planning, we must be able to answer questings 
like whom we want in the driver's seat at OSMF, what our core values 
are, and such. If you don't know at least roughly what you want, 
strategic planning doesn't help you. Thing is, many of us know what they 
want individually, but we don't have good methods of finding the 
collective will from that.

Someone mentioned that it would be great to have paid programmers on 
hand to make improvements to the web site and tools. But again, the 
question is who would task these programmers? There are lots of people 
who want something from OSM - routing on the start page, cool offline 
apps, a nice mapmaking toolkit for everyone to use, an different kind of 
editor, whatever. Bascially, any feature you see on any online map 
anywhere, someone will be there to tell us that OSM needs this feature 
or else. I've even heard people argue that OSM should buy aerial 
imagery so can compete with Google maps.

Attracting people to is good but only if it leads to 
more contribution; getting market share is worth nothing if it doesn't 
also improve contribution. Net contribution, I should say, because more 
prominence will also attract more vandals whose work has to be repaired 
by others. So if we attract pepole to we should try to attract 
those who are likely to contribute. Someone who comes to us because we 
have the prettiest aerial imagery might not be our target group.

Our current model requires that if you want something, you will either 
have to code it yourself or find someone who codes it for you (or pays 
for it). This creates a hurdle which I, personally, find very welcome; 
it makes sure that only those who persist, only those who are willing to 
spend serious effort, only those for whom it really matters, are heard 
and get their ideas implemented, while those who have just seen OSM for 
the first time and sign up to enlighten us with their wisdom and cool 
ideas, only to go away and enlighten someone else next week, are ignored.

This means that our whole project is very firmly rooted in the 
community; most things we do are by and for the community.

If we had a lot of money and paid staff, It is 

Re: [OSM-talk] New History tab for (beta)

2013-01-07 Per discussione Greg Troxel

Paweł Paprota writes:

 Hi Julien,

 Could it be possible to integrate the user classification visible
 here ( by example by adding the
 same coloured man icon on the right of OSM User link. IMHO it could
 be very usefull to know if an edit has been done by a new user of a
 senior user

 That's an interesting feature. I'm not sure if it belongs in OWL - maybe
 it would make sense to implement that in the core website application so
 that this seniority information could be used in all places where user
 data is shown.

While I found it very useful to see the map of users coded by how active
they had been, I'm a bit concerned that such incentives will change
behavior in ways that are not necessarily useful.  I've heard stories of
programmers at one company writing very bloated code because they were
judged on number of lines of code produced.  While that sounds goofy,
getting a better color for lots of changesets is not so different.

Still, it's very useful to filter out the people with few edits and find
the people that are editing a lot, in terms of reaching out to locals
for meetups, etc.

Description: PGP signature
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[OSM-talk] Fake city in google maps Colombia [semi-OT]

2013-01-07 Per discussione Fredy Rivera

I found that Google's mapmaker layer has a fictional city in Colombia where
it really is a desert area [0]
Leave a screenshot here [1] Google map has also incorporated some sites in
its official map.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can Google use our data?

2013-01-07 Per discussione Fredy Rivera
On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 8:20 AM, Dave F. wrote:

 It's clearly preposterous that both Jose  Fredy's think their edits have
 been copied to Google.

 @Fredy - Is there really a locality called Granates when there is an
 existing 'Granales' right next to it?

Not, Granates not is any locality, Granates is any farm. , I have also
others examples .

 Dave F.

 On 05/01/2013 16:34, Fredy Rivera wrote:

 In Colombia abused google, copy your data and makes them small changes,
 notice the Camino viejo I did it with my own GPS.**mt0=mapnikmt1=googlemaplon=-**

Por favor, no me envíe documentos con extensiones .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx,
.ppt, .pptx, .mdb, mdbx
OpenOffice es libre: se puede copiar, modificar y redistribuir libremente.
Gratis y totalmente legal. es el sistema de información para la salud
Teléfono USA:  (347) 688-4473 (Google voice)
skype: llamarafredyrivera
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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Future Look

2013-01-07 Per discussione Clifford Snow
On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Richard Weait wrote:

 Nope.  It's just us.  All of us.  What do the Foundation (us) need to do
 to make you (us) feel like it is okay for you (us) to build this vision and
 act on it?  Join the OSMF.  Serve on a Working Group or two.  Lend the
 Foundation (us) more of your (us) energy and enthusiasm.

 The three great projects that you mentioned earlier, afaict, had no
 official participation from the Foundation.  Someone (us) or several
 someones (usses) just made them.

I am happy to work with and even join the OSMF. I even like the empowerment
that OSM gives to its contributors. But building a vision for an
organization with a million contributors and numerous stakeholders requires
a lot of thought and planning. Certainly more than we are ever going to
cover in these exchanges. It requires whoever takes on the task to get out
and meet with contributors and stakeholders to craft a vision.   Then to
make it a shared vision means communicating that vision with all of us.
 For an organization made up of volunteers a vision is not a slogan, it is
a view of what OSM will look like in the future.


OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Future Look

2013-01-07 Per discussione Jeff Meyer
Frederik - thanks for the detailed reply. I fear that many of the
observations - as you note - can be arguments to the opposite of those
being made. Also, almost none of the observations are supported by data.
Can you provide any?

I also find that many of the arguments in your mail are contrary to the
Mission Statement of the Foundation ( As you are a member
of the OSMF Board of Directors, this is confusing to me.

Please see other notes below, but I'm not sure they add much to the
comments above.

- Jeff

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 All this is not controlled by the OSMF and has largely happened without
 OSMF involvement.

Or in spite of, or because of, a lack of OSMF involvement.

This may have disadvantages - these people don't have to submit to any
 strategic planning by OSMF - but it also has the advantage that OSMF
 doesn't have to deal with fundraising and spending in the million dollar
 range, which would require a well-oiled and mature organisation to do

Isn't one of the widest reaching and largest volunteer mapping forces in
the world worthy of a mature and well-oiled organization?

 Such an organisation would have to be built before one were to embark on
 any grand schemes.

No time to start like the present.

 The current situation demonstrates that even in the face of a small OSMF,
 the OSM ecosystem does evolve. It may not be steered and centrally planned
 but it isn't static either.

The questions are: how well has it evolved? Could it have evolved better?
We don't know. We only know how it has performed in the absence of a
stronger leadership presence and with minimal fundraising. We could
investigate the alternative and see how that goes.

 ... be there. Before we embark on grand strategic planning, we must be
 able to answer questings like whom we want in the driver's seat at OSMF,
 what our core values are, and such. If you don't know at least roughly what
 you want, strategic planning doesn't help you.

Why not embark on less than grand planning? How about a simple plan? Take a
stab at some core values?

 Thing is, many of us know what they want individually, but we don't have
 good methods of finding the collective will from that.

What methods are considered good? Is voting a bad method of divining the
collective will?

 Someone mentioned that it would be great to have paid programmers on hand
 to make improvements to the web site and tools. But again, the question is
 who would task these programmers?

 There are lots of people who want something from OSM - routing on the
 start page, cool offline apps, a nice mapmaking toolkit for everyone to
 use, an different kind of editor, whatever. Bascially, any feature you see
 on any online map anywhere, someone will be there to tell us that OSM needs
 this feature or else. I've even heard people argue that OSM should buy
 aerial imagery so can compete with Google maps.

Doesn't everybody want something from OSM? I do. You do. We all do. What's
wrong with that?

Again, why not do surveys or voting? These types of topics would seem to be
great discussions to have prior to SotM, so that we could report out on
progress in decision making.

And, just because people want something doesn't mean they think they'll get
it and that doesn't mean the community shouldn't listen.

Attracting people to is good but only if it leads to more
 contribution; getting market share is worth nothing if it doesn't also
 improve contribution. Net contribution, I should say, because more
 prominence will also attract more vandals whose work has to be repaired by
 others. So if we attract pepole to we should try to attract those
 who are likely to contribute. Someone who comes to us because we have the
 prettiest aerial imagery might not be our target group.

This is a circular argument.

As one of the OSMF's missions is to grow the membership, why say, if we
attract more people?

For example, what are we doing to (a) attract those who are likely to
contribute, and (b) improve the user experience for those people who are
contributing, and possibly (c) expanding the methods of contribution. And,
how are we tracking our progress?

It seems that figuring out some core values and a plan would help answer
these questions.

Our current model requires that if you want something, you will either have
 to code it yourself or find someone who codes it for you (or pays for it).
 This creates a hurdle which I, personally, find very welcome; it makes sure
 that only those who persist, only those who are willing to spend serious
 effort, only those for whom it really matters, are heard and get their
 ideas implemented, while those who have just seen OSM for the first time
 and sign up to enlighten us with their wisdom and cool ideas, only to go
 away and enlighten someone else next week, are ignored.

But it 

[Talk-de] Fotos von Autobahnen

2013-01-07 Per discussione Martin Vonwald

Ich bin auf der Suche nach georeferenzierten Fotos von
österreichischen (alle Schweizer/Deutsche: bitte weiterlesen)
Autobahnen, derzeit vor allem von der A10 (Karawankenautobahn) und A11
(Tauernautobahn). Ich bin vor allem interessiert an Fotos von
Geschwindigkeitslimits und Wegweisern jeder Form, aber auch von allen
anderen Beschilderungen. Gezielte Aufnahmen der Schilder sind genauso
willkommen wie Serienaufnahmen (z.B. alle zwei Sekunden ein Bild).
Falls jemand schon Fotos hat oder in nächster Zeit dort vorbeikommt
und Fotos machen kann würde ich mich freuen darüber.

Da diese Autobahnen recht international besucht werden, geht meine
Bitte nicht nur an talk-at sondern auch an talk-de.


P.S: Die Bilder von kenne ich übrigens.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Fotos von Autobahnen

2013-01-07 Per discussione Raimond Spekking
Am 07.01.2013 09:13, schrieb Martin Vonwald:
 Ich bin auf der Suche nach georeferenzierten Fotos von
 österreichischen (alle Schweizer/Deutsche: bitte weiterlesen)
 Autobahnen, derzeit vor allem von der A10 (Karawankenautobahn) und A11
 (Tauernautobahn). Ich bin vor allem interessiert an Fotos von
 Geschwindigkeitslimits und Wegweisern jeder Form, aber auch von allen
 anderen Beschilderungen. Gezielte Aufnahmen der Schilder sind genauso
 willkommen wie Serienaufnahmen (z.B. alle zwei Sekunden ein Bild).
 Falls jemand schon Fotos hat oder in nächster Zeit dort vorbeikommt
 und Fotos machen kann würde ich mich freuen darüber.
 Da diese Autobahnen recht international besucht werden, geht meine
 Bitte nicht nur an talk-at sondern auch an talk-de.
 P.S: Die Bilder von kenne ich übrigens.

Hi Martin, schau mal unter

Wieviele davon aber wirklich georeferenziert sind, weiß ich nicht.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Fotos von Autobahnen

2013-01-07 Per discussione Martin Vonwald
Am 7. Januar 2013 11:31 schrieb Raimond Spekking
 Hi Martin, schau mal unter

 Wieviele davon aber wirklich georeferenziert sind, weiß ich nicht.


Danke - ist mir aber bekannt. Sind aber idR nur für die Wegweiser zu
gebrauchen, da ich dafür nicht unbedingt die Position brauche. Für
z.B. Speedlimits brauche ich aber eine durchgängige Fotoserie die auch
auf jeden Fall georeferenziert sein muß.

Trotzdem danke nochmals!

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Übersetzung Featured Images

2013-01-07 Per discussione
ich würde mich gern mit um die Übersetzungen bei den Featured Images
kümmern, aber irgendwie scheint das ganze recht chaotisch zu sein.
Es gibt ja die verschiedensten Links (+/-) um zu den Bildern zu gelangen
und man landet irgendwie immer wo anders.
Damit [1] kommt man ja zum aktuellsten Bild und dort gibt es auch den Link
[2] add more languages (da ist aber scheinbar leider etwas defekt)
Über [3] Add your language kommt man auch zu einem Template, hat aber
keinerlei Erklärung, wie man da eine Beschreibung in deutsch einfügen soll.

Wäre nett wenn mir jemand in diesem Chaos den richtigen Weg zeigen könnte.

mfg Christian


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Römerstraße

2013-01-07 Per discussione Peter Wendorff

Am 06.01.2013 17:43, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

Am 6. Januar 2013 15:01 schrieb Sven Geggus

Joachim Kast wrote:

Manchmal werden Sie sogar so genannt:

Gibts immerhin 2333 mal :)

Das kann nun aber in 3 Fällen auftreten:
1. Rein neuzeitlicher Straßenname
2. Neuzeitlicher Straßenname aufgrund einer Römerstraße am selben Ort
3. Oberschlauer Mapper, der eine ehemalige Römerstraße mit name=Römerstraße
getaggt hat. Ein solcher Fall wäre beispielsweise das hier:

Müsste der Fall 1 nicht Römer Straße sein ;-) ?
Nein. Heißt ja auch Germanenstraße, Frankenweg und Hinterwäldlerallee. 
Die Berlinerstraße könnte es auch geben, bezöge sich dann auf die 
Einwohner Berlins oder einen Herrn/eine Frau Berliner, während sich die 
Berliner Straße auf die Stadt Berlin beziehen müsste.
Die Römer Straße bezieht sich demnach auf die Person namens Römer, die 
Römerstraße auf die römische Zivilisation bzw. das Volk der Römer.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Römerstraße

2013-01-07 Per discussione Fabian Schmidt

Am 07.01.13 schrieb Peter Wendorff:

Am 06.01.2013 17:43, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

Müsste der Fall 1 nicht Römer Straße sein ;-) ?
Nein. Heißt ja auch Germanenstraße, Frankenweg und Hinterwäldlerallee. Die 
Berlinerstraße könnte es auch geben, bezöge sich dann auf die Einwohner 
Berlins oder einen Herrn/eine Frau Berliner, während sich die Berliner Straße 
auf die Stadt Berlin beziehen müsste.

So weit korrekt, da aber alle Straßen nach Rom führen, stimmt im Falle 
Roms auch die Römer (Romer?) Straße ;-)

Gruß, Fabian.___
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Römerstraße

2013-01-07 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 7. Januar 2013 13:58 schrieb Fabian Schmidt
 Am 07.01.13 schrieb Peter Wendorff:
 Am 06.01.2013 17:43, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
 Müsste der Fall 1 nicht Römer Straße sein ;-) ?

 Nein. Heißt ja auch Germanenstraße, Frankenweg und Hinterwäldlerallee. Die
 Berlinerstraße könnte es auch geben, bezöge sich dann auf die Einwohner
 Berlins oder einen Herrn/eine Frau Berliner, während sich die Berliner
 Straße auf die Stadt Berlin beziehen müsste.

 So weit korrekt, da aber alle Straßen nach Rom führen, stimmt im Falle Roms
 auch die Römer (Romer?) Straße ;-)

So war das gemeint, daher auch der Smiley ;-)
Gibt's wohl gelegentlich wirklich, z.B. hier:

Gruß Martin

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Römerstraße

2013-01-07 Per discussione Fabian Schmidt

Am 07.01.13 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

[Römer Straße]

Gibt's wohl gelegentlich wirklich, z.B. hier:

Ich tippe eher auf die Unkenntnis des lokalen Schilderbeauftragten, im 
Nachbarort heißt sie Römerstr. Bei Google ist es genauso, bei Bing ist 
beides eine Römerstr.

Seit ich weiß, dass es in Leipzig sowohl eine
Leibnitzstraße als auch 11 km entfernt eine 
Leibnizstraße gibt, halte ich mich mit Korrekturen zurück.

Gruß, Fabian.___
Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Wochennotiz Nr. 129 31.12.-5.1.2013

2013-01-07 Per discussione Gehling Marc

die Wochennotiz Nr. 128 mit allen wichtigen Neuigkeiten aus der OpenStreetMap 
Welt ist da:

Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Visualizzare amenity specifico

2013-01-07 Per discussione Ruggero
perfetto, è proprio quello che cercavo, grazie

Il 06 gennaio 2013 23:25, Fabrizio Carrai
ha scritto:
 XAPI Viewer . Esempio :


 Il giorno 06 gennaio 2013 20:20, Ruggero ha scritto:

 Salve, vorrei sovrapporre alla solita mappa dei marker relativi a una
 particolare amenity, per esempio voglio vedere dove sono tutte le
 gelaterie in una certa area. Sembra che da www.openstreetbrowser sia
 possibile creare nuove regole, quali sono altre soluzioni?

 Talk-it mailing list

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] importare Poi da file csv in Josm

2013-01-07 Per discussione emmexx
Il 01/04/2013 09:04 PM, Groppo O scrisse:
 Il plugin sembra funzionare creando un file .csv con il seguente testo:
 43.0;12.0;restaurant;Al mappatore

Grazie, cosi' funziona, anche senza le virgolette doppie.

E dire che ho provato una decina di combinazioni tra nomi di campi,
separatori di campo, ecc.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] pubblicare proprie foto con openlayer

2013-01-07 Per discussione matteo ruffoni
per il link ad OpenstreetLedro dovrete avere un po' di pazienza, un
gentile collega mi ha cancella to il lavoro dal sito della scuola e ho
recuperato un po' del lavoro fatto dai ragazzi, ma non sono ancora
riuscito a ripubblicarlo
(non credo di farcela prima dell'estate)
ciao matteo

Il 03 gennaio 2013 18:53, gmail ha scritto:
 Il 03/01/2013 16.08, Dario ha scritto:

 Volevo pubblicare delle foto usando Openlayer come indicato nella pagina
 ma questi link riportati nella pagina non funzionano (OpenStreetLedro e
 Foto Valle del Santerno) e utilizzando il codice presente come esempio
 ottengo una pagina bianca (senza mappa ne foto). Qualcuno può
 correggere/aggionare la pagina wiki?
 Ciao e grazie

 Ho modificato il link nella pagina wiki (Foto Valle del Santerno) ora


 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Edifici demoliti o in demolizione

2013-01-07 Per discussione Simone Saviolo
Il giorno 05 gennaio 2013 11:02, Martin Koppenhoefer
 ha scritto:

 2013/1/4 emmexx
  Alcuni edifici del Policlinico di Milano sono stati demoliti o sono in
  demolizione (gennaio/febbraio).
  Sul wiki nessuna informazione chiara:

 gli edifici demoliti toglierei (cancella) della mappa. Potresti
 indicare nel changeset comment / tag che sono stati demoliti. Il
 landuse diventa brownfield (tutto demolito) o construction (in fase di
 demolizione o ricostruzione).

Così però rischiamo che qualche mappatore li ridisegni credendoli non
ancora mappati. Personalmente sono favorevole alla soluzione
demolition:key=value: un consumatore non li considererà (a meno che non gli
interessino proprio quelli), e i mappatori li vedranno descritti e sapranno
perché non sono renderizzati.


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Richiesta numeri civici

2013-01-07 Per discussione Stefano Fraccaro
Oggi un comune mi ha fatto notare che secondo la nuova normativa 
DigitPA, i comuni rilasciano i propri dati all'ISTAT il quale provvede 
poi a divulgarli nei modi che ritiene opportuno. Tra questi dati ci 
sarebbero anche i numeri civici.
Qualcuno potrebbe accertare la cosa ed eventualmente farne richiesta a 
nome della comunità italiana?

Stefano Fraccaro

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta numeri civici

2013-01-07 Per discussione Maurizio Napolitano
La questione dei civici dell'ISTAT e' una questione aperta.
I civici sono stati raccolti per il censimento 2011 e ISTAT ha gia'
annunciato di questa attivita' e dell'interesse di apririli.
Su slideshare, nello spazio di Edoardo Patruno che assieme a Francesco
Di Pede (entrambi dell'ISTAT)
si occupa del progetto.
Trovi qualche informazione.
Qui l'ultima presentazione

al momento si continua a dire che i dati saranno resi pubblici, ma
sembra che siano ancora
dietro a sistemare delle cose.

2013/1/7 Stefano Fraccaro
 Oggi un comune mi ha fatto notare che secondo la nuova normativa DigitPA, i
 comuni rilasciano i propri dati all'ISTAT il quale provvede poi a divulgarli
 nei modi che ritiene opportuno. Tra questi dati ci sarebbero anche i numeri
 Qualcuno potrebbe accertare la cosa ed eventualmente farne richiesta a nome
 della comunità italiana?

 Stefano Fraccaro

 Talk-it mailing list

Maurizio Napo Napolitano

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta numeri civici

2013-01-07 Per discussione Caterpillar
Il rilascio dei numeri civici da parte dell'Istat permetterebbe di
risparmiare una gigantesca quantità di tempo. Sapete se sono
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta numeri civici

2013-01-07 Per discussione Maurizio Napolitano
2013/1/7 Caterpillar
 Il rilascio dei numeri civici da parte dell'Istat permetterebbe di
 risparmiare una gigantesca quantità di tempo. Sapete se sono

Certo che si, guarda quella presentazione.
Solo che, se non si sbrigano a rilasciare, diventano subito vecchi

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta numeri civici

2013-01-07 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2013/1/7 Maurizio Napolitano
 2013/1/7 Caterpillar
 Il rilascio dei numeri civici da parte dell'Istat permetterebbe di
 risparmiare una gigantesca quantità di tempo. Sapete se sono

 Certo che si, guarda quella presentazione.
 Solo che, se non si sbrigano a rilasciare, diventano subito vecchi

+1, l'anno scorso ho trovato due comuni che avevano cambiato i civici,
una Cervara di Roma, l'altra vicino Frosinone.
Cmq. con i civici ufficiali potremmo anche mettere tutti i nomi
delle strade (con civico), quindi sarebbe un boost enorme!


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta numeri civici

2013-01-07 Per discussione Caterpillar
Il 07/01/2013 14:37, Martin Koppenhoefer ha scritto:
 2013/1/7 Maurizio Napolitano
 2013/1/7 Caterpillar
 Il rilascio dei numeri civici da parte dell'Istat permetterebbe di
 risparmiare una gigantesca quantità di tempo. Sapete se sono
 Certo che si, guarda quella presentazione.
 Solo che, se non si sbrigano a rilasciare, diventano subito vecchi

 +1, l'anno scorso ho trovato due comuni che avevano cambiato i civici,
 una Cervara di Roma, l'altra vicino Frosinone.
 Cmq. con i civici ufficiali potremmo anche mettere tutti i nomi
 delle strade (con civico), quindi sarebbe un boost enorme!


 Talk-it mailing list

Ho appena visto le slide, effettivamente sarebbe di un aiuto colossale!
Anche le persone non del luogo potrebbero immettere i nomi delle vie.
Ciò sarebbe di enorme utilità specie nella mappatura dei piccoli paesini
Penso sia il caso di cominciare a sollecitare con insistenza l'ISTAT
circa il rilascio di questi dati.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta numeri civici

2013-01-07 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2013/1/7 Caterpillar
 Ho appena visto le slide, effettivamente sarebbe di un aiuto colossale!
 Anche le persone non del luogo potrebbero immettere i nomi delle vie.
 Ciò sarebbe di enorme utilità specie nella mappatura dei piccoli paesini
 Penso sia il caso di cominciare a sollecitare con insistenza l'ISTAT
 circa il rilascio di questi dati.

si, ovviamente i civici già esistenti avrebbero precedenza rispetto a
quelli da ISTAT, e ovviamente anche con i dati ISTAT non sarebbe
ancora completo al 100% il lavoro. Sarebbe interessante conoscere i
nomi delle 215 comuni che hanno consegnato solo civici con parziale
copertura e di quelle 132 comuni che non hanno fornito niente (pag.
12), perchè questi sono per forza da rilevare anche nel caso che
l'ISTAT aprisse il suo database ;-)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta numeri civici

2013-01-07 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Ancora un'altra idea che mi viene in mente, visto che abbiamo
precedentemente discusso dove applicare i civici e alcune mappatori
pensano che sia migliore metterli solo al ingresso invece che nel
edificio (o una parte del edificio). Credo che per avere quel livello
di dettaglio dovremmo avere un modello come l'ISTAT, che associa
l'ingresso all'edificio (molto impegnativo con OSM, si dovrebbe creare
una relazione per ogni civico), oppure come astrazione grezza mettrei
il civico all'edificio (o una parte). Perchè altrimenti non è
possibile di capire con certezza su quale indirizzo si trova un POI
(oppure si dovrebbero duplicare i dati del civico su ogni edificio e
POI, cosa credo che non vogliamo).


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta numeri civici

2013-01-07 Per discussione Caterpillar
Il 07/01/2013 15:17, Martin Koppenhoefer ha scritto:
 Ancora un'altra idea che mi viene in mente, visto che abbiamo
 precedentemente discusso dove applicare i civici e alcune mappatori
 pensano che sia migliore metterli solo al ingresso invece che nel
 edificio (o una parte del edificio). Credo che per avere quel livello
 di dettaglio dovremmo avere un modello come l'ISTAT, che associa
 l'ingresso all'edificio (molto impegnativo con OSM, si dovrebbe creare
 una relazione per ogni civico), oppure come astrazione grezza mettrei
 il civico all'edificio (o una parte). Perchè altrimenti non è
 possibile di capire con certezza su quale indirizzo si trova un POI
 (oppure si dovrebbero duplicare i dati del civico su ogni edificio e
 POI, cosa credo che non vogliamo).

Personalmente, prendendo spunto da ciò che ho visto fare ad altri
mappatori su Roma, metto un nodo in più nel perimetro dell'edificio
(dove vi è l'ingresso), e utilizzo le tag
Facendo ciò, l'assegnazione numero civico-strada dovrebbe essere apposto

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Mappa degli utenti (e statistiche)

2013-01-07 Per discussione sabas88
Pascal Neis ha fatto una mappa che risolve il problema di cercare gli
utenti nella propria zona.

Altre segnalazioni:
- Il video A year of edits
- Umap (per creare facilmente mappe con dati esterni)
- Visualizzatore indoor


PS Statistiche social di fine anno (non volevo aprire un altro thread :-) )

Sulla pagina FB (che potete seguire via RSS se non lo avete
Ci sono 190 fan, potenzialmente raggiungiamo circa 67 mila persone (se
venissero condivise le notizie e gli amici di amici visualizzassero :-) ),
mentre in realtà si viaggia fra le 300 e le 2000 visualizzazioni a
settimana (picchi durante OSMit e adesso grazie al video linkato sopra)
Google+ è seguito da 37 persone, e ha portato il blog ad avere 48 +1.

PS2 I dati relativi al blog ( non li
conosco, ma le notizie e le traduzioni che pubblico sul blog di un mio
amico ( sono visti in media 300 volte -range
200-500 -.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta numeri civici

2013-01-07 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2013/1/7 Caterpillar
 Personalmente, prendendo spunto da ciò che ho visto fare ad altri
 mappatori su Roma, metto un nodo in più nel perimetro dell'edificio
 (dove vi è l'ingresso), e utilizzo le tag
 Facendo ciò, l'assegnazione numero civico-strada dovrebbe essere apposto

si, l'assegnazione civico - strada è chiara, il problema è se poi hai
un POI dentro un edificio, dovresti di nuovo assegnare il civico al
poi, invece ce l'hai su un poligono basta che il POI sta dentro.

Ametto che anch'io metto al solito un nodo per ogni civico nel
edificio, lato strada, ma non è la cosa migliore (se lo sai meglio,
cioè sai dove si applica questo civico (casa/edificio) è meglio
metterlo su un area). In città è spesso difficile da dire --- senza
conoscenze profonde --- dove finisce un civico ed inizia un altro (gli
edifici grandi hanno quasi sempre più civici).


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Varie Porta Nuova a Milano

2013-01-07 Per discussione emmexx
Il 01/06/2013 12:33 PM, Any File scrisse:
 Ma il multiplygon rel 2625489 non ha i tag che descrivano. Devo
 spostare (o copiare) i tag highway=pedestrian e area=yes dalla way
 195074660 alla rel 2625489

Ho visto che Simone Saviolo ha fatto un po' di modifiche (mannaggia,
proprio mentre le stavo facendo io ed ho dovuto buttar via tutto).

Non sono convinto che i buchi e le fontane vadano bene cosi'.
Dal wiki sui multipoligoni mi pare che sia suggerito di creare un
multipoligono per ogni fontana. In ognuno si toglie il buco.
I buchi andrebbero ovviamente rimossi dal multipoligono della piazza.

Per Simone:
ho visto che hai anche modificato la way che dalla piazza scende verso
De Castilla. Non sono molto d'accordo che quello sia un path. Un path
c'e' ed e' parallelo alla via, ma secondo me quella strada e' fatta per
far arrivare in auto autorita' varie o persone importanti davanti
all'entrata della spire.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Varie Porta Nuova a Milano

2013-01-07 Per discussione Any File
2013/1/7 emmexx
 Il 01/06/2013 12:33 PM, Any File scrisse:

 Non sono convinto che i buchi e le fontane vadano bene cosi'.
 Dal wiki sui multipoligoni mi pare che sia suggerito di creare un
 multipoligono per ogni fontana. In ognuno si toglie il buco.
 I buchi andrebbero ovviamente rimossi dal multipoligono della piazza.

Ma i buchi centrale (ad esempio way 195074659) sono sempre pedestrian?
Qualcuno sa di preciso cosa ci sia sotto. Sono stato lì oggi, mentre 3
fontane erano asciutte e ci stavano lavorando (le 3 con i fori, mentre
la quarta aveva l'acqua). A me sembra di aver capito che c'è una
superficie in corrispondenza di un piano sotterraneo. L'intera zona è
però richiusa da una parete per cui presumo che non sia raggiungibile
da quel piano (e non so se ci cade dentro l'acqua visto che quando
sono passato io l'acqua non c'era ...)

 Per Simone:
 ho visto che hai anche modificato la way che dalla piazza scende verso
 De Castilla. Non sono molto d'accordo che quello sia un path. Un path
 c'e' ed e' parallelo alla via, ma secondo me quella strada e' fatta per
 far arrivare in auto autorita' varie o persone importanti davanti
 all'entrata della spire.

Da quel che ho visto io ci sono due way parallele. Quella più ad Ovest
dovrebbe essere parizlamente aperta al traffico, nel senso che il
cartello dice zona a traffico limitato. Smpre secondo il cartello
possono passarci taxi, bici ed autorizzati (al momento però ci sono 5
pali metallici che rendono impossibile il passaggio se non alle bici e
pedoni). Oltre a questa c'è un'altra way ad est che è il prolungamento
del marciapiede e sembra quindi essere una pedestrian (o footway)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Varie Porta Nuova a Milano

2013-01-07 Per discussione emmexx
Il 01/07/2013 09:28 PM, Any File scrisse:

 Ma i buchi centrale (ad esempio way 195074659) sono sempre
 pedestrian? Qualcuno sa di preciso cosa ci sia sotto.

Soto ci sono piu' piani. Li si puo' vedere entrando da Corso Como. Tra
l'altro alla fine della salita da corso Como c'e' una installazione di
I tubi che si vedono nella foto comunicano con i piani sotto dove
immagino verranno aperti negozi, uffici e parcheggi,

 Sono stato lì oggi, mentre 3 fontane erano asciutte e ci stavano
 lavorando (le 3 con i fori, mentre la quarta aveva l'acqua). A me
 sembra di aver capito che c'è una superficie in corrispondenza di un
 piano sotterraneo. L'intera zona è però richiusa da una parete per
 cui presumo che non sia raggiungibile da quel piano (e non so se ci
 cade dentro l'acqua visto che quando sono passato io l'acqua non
 c'era ...)

L'acqua sembra caderci ma c'e' un sistema di raccolta prima dei buchi

 Da quel che ho visto io ci sono due way parallele. Quella più ad
 Ovest dovrebbe essere parizlamente aperta al traffico, nel senso che
 il cartello dice zona a traffico limitato. Smpre secondo il
 cartello possono passarci taxi, bici ed autorizzati (al momento però
 ci sono 5 pali metallici che rendono impossibile il passaggio se non
 alle bici e pedoni). Oltre a questa c'è un'altra way ad est che è il
 prolungamento del marciapiede e sembra quindi essere una pedestrian
 (o footway)

Si', e' quel che avevo visto e descritto anch'io. Li' e' tutto un po'
dinamico pero'.
Forse Simone ha inserito la strada come path perche' al momento vi si
accede solo a piedi e in bici.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Varie Porta Nuova a Milano

2013-01-07 Per discussione Simone Saviolo
Sì, ho fatto modifiche, essenzialmente alla geometria della piazza,
utilizzando in maniera intensiva anche le foto satellitari (tranquilli, le
ho riallineate continuamente, mi servivano più che altro per la forma dei
palazzi che era abbastanza grossolana). Scusa emmex :-)

Le modifiche che ho fatto ai tag riguardano principalmente il path. L'ho
taggato path un po' controvoglia: per me sarebbe stato più volentieri
pedestrian, senz'altro però non mi sembrava il caso di tenerlo service
com'era. Non mi è affatto chiaro quel moncone di pedestrian che parte da
via De Castillia lì vicino, invece.

Per quanto riguarda le fontane, a me il multipoligono così com'è definito
ora non piace. Non vedo perché le fontane debbano essere inner: sono
fontane, mica pedestrian! Il fatto che ai piani inferiori si possa o meno
camminare mi pare poco rilevante; tutt'al più quello lo segnerei in un
altro poligono che rappresenta i piani inferiori, ma su questo c'è da
mettersi d'accordo su come modellare (IndoorOSM?).

L'installazione l'ho vista, l'ho anche fotografata, mi sono dimenticato di
segnarla. Più che altro non avevo voglia di ridisegnare anche il pezzo di
via Capelli che passa sotto alla Torre C.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa degli utenti (e statistiche)

2013-01-07 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2013/1/7 sabas88
 Pascal Neis ha fatto una mappa che risolve il problema di cercare gli utenti
 nella propria zona.

bellissima, molto interessante.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa degli utenti (e statistiche)

2013-01-07 Per discussione Leonardo
Questo link meriterebbe di essere pubblicizzato con un post sul blog di 
Openstreetmap Italia!

Tramite quello ho scoperto il lavoro di un utente sul mio paese di cui 
non ne sapevo nulla :D

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappa degli utenti (e statistiche)

2013-01-07 Per discussione Gianmario Mengozzi
Bene, scopro ora, non senza stupore, di essere un utente 'senior' e un
'heavy mapper'.
Dopo l'iniziale moto di orgoglio, mi sorge il dubbio che non sia poi una
gran notizia per la comunità OSM, anzi. Tutto è relativo, e forse (più
probabilmente) il titolo è più per mancanza di contributori realmente tali
che per mio personale merito.

Una veloce occhiata agli utenti registrati nella mia città , piccolo
capoluogo di provincia del centro nord , per trovare conferma di tutto ciò:
c'è un altro utente viola come me (per fortuna!) , un altro verde , un paio
arancioni e poi tutti - la stragrande maggioranza - immancabilmente
rossi..utenti 'hit and run' , un paio di edit, probabilmente anche di
qualità medio-bassa (leggi: da modificare) e poi il nulla. Spariti nella
nebbia del tempo.

Il post di Harry Wood mi da altre conferme in tal senso

Mi chiedo: forse vale la pena di contattarli, per spronarli a continuare?
Ma poi che gli si scrive?

Scusate lo sfogo..

sent by Nexus7
Il giorno 07/gen/2013 16:41, sabas88 ha scritto:

 Pascal Neis ha fatto una mappa che risolve il problema di cercare gli
 utenti nella propria zona.

 Altre segnalazioni:
 - Il video A year of edits
 - Umap (per creare facilmente mappe con dati esterni)
 - Visualizzatore indoor


 PS Statistiche social di fine anno (non volevo aprire un altro thread :-) )

 Sulla pagina FB (che potete seguire via RSS se non lo avete
 Ci sono 190 fan, potenzialmente raggiungiamo circa 67 mila persone (se
 venissero condivise le notizie e gli amici di amici visualizzassero :-) ),
 mentre in realtà si viaggia fra le 300 e le 2000 visualizzazioni a
 settimana (picchi durante OSMit e adesso grazie al video linkato sopra)
 Google+ è seguito da 37 persone, e ha portato il blog ad avere 48 +1.

 PS2 I dati relativi al blog ( non li
 conosco, ma le notizie e le traduzioni che pubblico sul blog di un mio
 amico ( sono visti in media 300 volte
 -range 200-500 -.

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-co] El Mapa de los colaboradores

2013-01-07 Per discussione Ariel Nunez
Que tristeza que lo insulten a uno en la cara, y peor cuando tienen razon.
*Type of Mapper:* A Hit-and-Run Mapper

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 10:34 AM, hyan...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hola maperos!

 Interesante herramienta para visualizar los colaboradores alrededor del

 Mapa en Colombia

 Talk-co mailing list

Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-co] Resumen de Talk-co, Vol 54, Envío 1

2013-01-07 Per discussione Igor TAmara
Hola, en cuanto a las vías y los desfases, a medida que se suban más trazas
gpx, es posible que podamos tener más exactitud, lo que en este momento es
posiblemente más valioso es los detalles que puedas colocar como puestos de
salud, gasolineras, restaurantes, tiendas y todo aquello que pueda ser
relevante como teléfonos, droguerías para que una persona que vaya viajando
pueda acceder a estos sitios en caso de alguna necesidad.  Así superamos
cualquier otro mapa.

JOSM es super valioso, así que no te preocupes, porque no hay errores que
no sean corregibles ;)

El 4 de enero de 2013 23:04, Información

 Estimados Rodrigoo y Fulton

 Ante todo un feliz año para todos y que este 2013 sea de mucho crecimiento

 Este año lo comencé editando algunas zonas del municipio en el editor potlach,
 pueden ver los cambios en .En
 el momento me encuentro analizando el editor JOSM, indudablemente se ve mas
 completo y profesional y definitivamente estudiaré los tutoriales para
 dominar el software, editar en potlach es como para cambios mínimos y no
 para largos ratos de edición y de mayor complejidad.

 Pude resolver lo del problema del archivo GPX, como estaba aprendiendo a
 manejar el etrex 20 pues me había confundido y el archivo que subía no
 tenia las hora y fecha y por el eso el sistema lo rechazaba.

 Les comento que hoy hice un viaje en bus desde chinácota hasta cúcuta y me
 sucedieron dos cosas curiosas, en la mañana note que el desplazamiento que
 estaba haciendo en ese momento se marcaba un poco más allá en el gps que el
 de la carretera (mapa actual) noté algunos desfases en curvas, en
 otros coincidía perfectamente, ya de regreso note que se corrigieron los
 errores que había visto no obstante vi algunos detalles en curvas por
 corregir pero tengo la duda si es que la señal en ese momento de la mañana
 estaba un poco retardada y por la velocidad del bus estaba graficando mal,
 pienso yo no sé este viaje se debería hacer en un automóvil a mas baja
 velocidad para que se marquen las coordenadas correctas y proceder a
 corregir los errores de mapeo en la carretera actual.

 Buenas Noches.

 El 4 de enero de 2013 14:02, escribió:

 Envíe los mensajes para la lista Talk-co a

 Para subscribirse o anular su subscripción a través de la WEB

 O por correo electrónico, enviando un mensaje con el texto help en
 el asunto (subject) o en el cuerpo a:

 Puede contactar con el responsable de la lista escribiendo a:

 Si responde a algún contenido de este mensaje, por favor, edite la
 linea del asunto (subject) para que el texto sea mas especifico que:
 Re: Contents of Talk-co digest Además, por favor, incluya en la
 respuesta sólo aquellas partes del mensaje a las que está

 Asuntos del día:

1. Re: Presentación nuevo usuario (Rodrigo Castiblanco)
2. Re: Problema con subida gpx (Fulton Mercado)


 Message: 1
 Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 10:17:47 -0500
 From: Rodrigo Castiblanco
 To: OpenStreetMap Colombia
 Subject: Re: [Talk-co] Presentación nuevo usuario
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 Hola Alexander

 Bienvenido a OSM! Tus aportes sin duda seran muy valiosos.

 Personlamente te recomiendo usar JOSM para editar los mapas:

 Puede ser menos intuitivo qu potlach, pero es mucho mas poderoso. En el
 wiki de OSM hay instrucciones para usarlo:



 2012/12/22 Información

  Buenos Días
  Mi nombre es Alexander Camargo, resido en el Municipio de Chinácota
  de Santander, desde el año 2010 vengo siguiendo de cerca el proyecto de lo cual me parece un proyecto estupendo y con mucho
  futuro por lo cual he decidido que quiero colaborar con el proyecto de
  y a su vez colaborar con el municipio de Chinácota con la correcta
  representación actualizado del mapa geográfico en OSM.
  Sobre Chinácota para los que no lo conocen es un municipio de Colombia
  ubicado en Norte de Santander, fundado en 1535, actualmente posee una
  población de más de 15.000 habitantes, tiene una temperatura de 22ºC con
  una altitud de 1230 msnm y dista de Cúcuta a 40km y de Pamplona una
  distancia similar, para más ilustración.
  En el momento les comento que mis recursos para colaborar son: un equipo
  gps Garmin Etrex-20, mi auto, mi bicicleta y muchas ganas de cooperar en

Re: [Talk-co] Resumen de Talk-co, Vol 54, Envío 1

2013-01-07 Per discussione leonel parra
buenas tardes:
hace algun tiempo estoy suscrito pero nunca he podido colaborar en forma
con el mapeo, hice esta pregunta cuando entre a la listay reitero como
ofrecimiento, dispongo de un gran numero de posiciones gps enviadas por
vehiculos en movimiento y puedo ponerlas a disposicion de quien quiera y
pueda utilizarlas para correcciones de vias y carreteras si es necesario
puedo generar reportes por sectores( no todos los sectores estan cubiertos
pero si muchos) con un numero determinado de puntos a determinar.
Esos reportes yo los utilizo para las correcciones de mis propios mapas
pero no dispongo el tiempo para subirlos yo mismo ( y el conocimiento) los
reportes son totalmente anonimos solo latitud y longitud y son generados
internamente de modo que puedo ponerlos de manera totalmente libre a
disposicion del grupo

Leonel Parra

2013/1/7 Igor TAmara

 Hola, en cuanto a las vías y los desfases, a medida que se suban más
 trazas gpx, es posible que podamos tener más exactitud, lo que en este
 momento es posiblemente más valioso es los detalles que puedas colocar como
 puestos de salud, gasolineras, restaurantes, tiendas y todo aquello que
 pueda ser relevante como teléfonos, droguerías para que una persona que
 vaya viajando pueda acceder a estos sitios en caso de alguna necesidad.
  Así superamos cualquier otro mapa.

 JOSM es super valioso, así que no te preocupes, porque no hay errores que
 no sean corregibles ;)

 El 4 de enero de 2013 23:04, Información

 Estimados Rodrigoo y Fulton

 Ante todo un feliz año para todos y que este 2013 sea de mucho
 crecimiento personal.

 Este año lo comencé editando algunas zonas del municipio en el editor 
 pueden ver los cambios en .En
 el momento me encuentro analizando el editor JOSM, indudablemente se ve mas
 completo y profesional y definitivamente estudiaré los tutoriales para
 dominar el software, editar en potlach es como para cambios mínimos y no
 para largos ratos de edición y de mayor complejidad.

 Pude resolver lo del problema del archivo GPX, como estaba aprendiendo a
 manejar el etrex 20 pues me había confundido y el archivo que subía no
 tenia las hora y fecha y por el eso el sistema lo rechazaba.

 Les comento que hoy hice un viaje en bus desde chinácota hasta cúcuta y
 me sucedieron dos cosas curiosas, en la mañana note que el desplazamiento
 que estaba haciendo en ese momento se marcaba un poco más allá en el gps
 que el de la carretera (mapa actual) noté algunos desfases en curvas, en
 otros coincidía perfectamente, ya de regreso note que se corrigieron los
 errores que había visto no obstante vi algunos detalles en curvas por
 corregir pero tengo la duda si es que la señal en ese momento de la mañana
 estaba un poco retardada y por la velocidad del bus estaba graficando mal,
 pienso yo no sé este viaje se debería hacer en un automóvil a mas baja
 velocidad para que se marquen las coordenadas correctas y proceder a
 corregir los errores de mapeo en la carretera actual.

 Buenas Noches.

 El 4 de enero de 2013 14:02, talk-co-requ...@openstreetmap.orgescribió:

 Envíe los mensajes para la lista Talk-co a

 Para subscribirse o anular su subscripción a través de la WEB

 O por correo electrónico, enviando un mensaje con el texto help en
 el asunto (subject) o en el cuerpo a:

 Puede contactar con el responsable de la lista escribiendo a:

 Si responde a algún contenido de este mensaje, por favor, edite la
 linea del asunto (subject) para que el texto sea mas especifico que:
 Re: Contents of Talk-co digest Además, por favor, incluya en la
 respuesta sólo aquellas partes del mensaje a las que está

 Asuntos del día:

1. Re: Presentación nuevo usuario (Rodrigo Castiblanco)
2. Re: Problema con subida gpx (Fulton Mercado)


 Message: 1
 Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 10:17:47 -0500
 From: Rodrigo Castiblanco
 To: OpenStreetMap Colombia
 Subject: Re: [Talk-co] Presentación nuevo usuario
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 Hola Alexander

 Bienvenido a OSM! Tus aportes sin duda seran muy valiosos.

 Personlamente te recomiendo usar JOSM para editar los mapas:

 Puede ser menos intuitivo qu potlach, pero es mucho mas poderoso. En el
 wiki de OSM hay instrucciones para usarlo:



 2012/12/22 Información

  Buenos Días
  Mi nombre es 

[Talk-co] Vía entre Cereté y Ciénaga de Oro

2013-01-07 Per discussione Igor TAmara
Hola, recientemente estuve cerca a Montería y tuve oportunidad de ver una
doble calzada super buena entre Montería y Cereté, sospecho que tal vía
continúa hacia Ciénaga de Oro, un poco más al oriente y el Norte, no se si
tal vía está tan buena como doble calzada hacia Sincelejo, tuve la
oportunidad de ver que hay varios maperos por Montería, lo cual es muy, muy
interesante :)

En especial en Sincelejo hace falta también colocar nombres a vías.

Espero en unos días poner a botika a que haga de nuevo correcciones de vías
de nuevo.

Es súper ver el país con mejor infraestructura de vías y es ideal tenerla
bien mapeadita.  Mucho ánimo en este 2.013 :)
Talk-co mailing list

[Talk-co] Datos automatizados y permisos para subir puntos

2013-01-07 Per discussione Igor TAmara
Hola, es bien interesante poder añadir puntos que puedan conformar vías en
el país, el ofrecimiento de Leonel luce interesante y habría que tener en

1. El permiso explícito para usar tales puntos, creo que en principio lo
que ofrece Leonel no tendría inconveniente, por que serían trazas que
serían ofrecidas por él.  Alguien ve inconveniente para usar los datos de
la forma como lo está indicando Leonel? Yo en principio no veo problema.

2. Asegurarnos que los datos tienen un orden cronológico para poderlos
incluir adecuadamente.  Creo que vale sobre todo en vías nuevas, aquellas
que ya existan requeriría verse la precisión de los dispositivos, así como
la periodicidad de los puntos para asegurar que se conforma una vía.

2.a.  A partir de unos puntos sin marcas de fecha, es muy, muy complicado
deducir cuál sería la vía correcta.  Si los puntos tomados son demasiado
lejanos en tiempo y dependiendo de la velocidad de los vehículos, habría
muy baja precisión.

Habría que identificar zonas en las cuales hay vias por las cuales
transitan vehículos y que todavía no están incluídas en OSM, y eso creo que
requeriría intervención humana.

Para salvar los inconvenientes técnicos, necesitaríamos tal vez proyectar
los puntos sobre algún mapa, y para tal efecto sería necesario que Leonel
si a bien lo tiene nos indicara en qué formato puede poner a disposición
los puntos para poder hacer el análisis sobre los mismos.  Si puedes
compartirnos un archivo sería súper, con eso podemos ver si es posible

Si no tienen marca de fecha y hora con latitud y longitud, creo que no será
viable hacer el importe, si lo tienen, podemos mirar a ver si es posible.

Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-co] posiciones gps Leonel

2013-01-07 Per discussione Fulton Mercado
Buen dia Leonel,

Dicen que el camino al infierno esta tapizado de buenas intenciones, esta sera 
la mia. Si te parece enviame una muestra de la informacion, preferiblemente de 
sectores distintos y ojala que tu conozcas, a ver si podemos generar los gpx y 
subirlos. Asi queda mas facil para entre todos darle un buen empujon a esto.


Fulton Mercado

 De: leonel parra
Para: OpenStreetMap Colombia 
Enviado: Lunes, 7 de enero, 2013 12:33 P.M.
Asunto: Re: [Talk-co] Resumen de Talk-co, Vol 54, Envío 1

buenas tardes:
hace algun tiempo estoy suscrito pero nunca he podido colaborar en forma con el 
mapeo, hice esta pregunta cuando entre a la listay reitero como ofrecimiento, 
dispongo de un gran numero de posiciones gps enviadas por vehiculos en 
movimiento y puedo ponerlas a disposicion de quien quiera y pueda utilizarlas 
para correcciones de vias y carreteras si es necesario puedo generar reportes 
por sectores( no todos los sectores estan cubiertos pero si muchos) con un 
numero determinado de puntos a determinar. 
Esos reportes yo los utilizo para las correcciones de mis propios mapas pero no 
dispongo el tiempo para subirlos yo mismo ( y el conocimiento) los reportes son 
totalmente anonimos solo latitud y longitud y son generados internamente de 
modo que puedo ponerlos de manera totalmente libre a disposicion del grupo

Leonel Parra

2013/1/7 Igor TAmara

Hola, en cuanto a las vías y los desfases, a medida que se suban más trazas 
gpx, es posible que podamos tener más exactitud, lo que en este momento es 
posiblemente más valioso es los detalles que puedas colocar como puestos de 
salud, gasolineras, restaurantes, tiendas y todo aquello que pueda ser 
relevante como teléfonos, droguerías para que una persona que vaya viajando 
pueda acceder a estos sitios en caso de alguna necesidad.  Así superamos 
cualquier otro mapa.

JOSM es super valioso, así que no te preocupes, porque no hay errores que no 
sean corregibles ;)

El 4 de enero de 2013 23:04, Información 

Estimados Rodrigoo y Fulton

Ante todo un feliz año para todos y que este 2013 sea de mucho crecimiento 

Este año lo comencé editando algunas zonas del municipio en el editor 
potlach, pueden ver los cambios en .En el momento me encuentro 
analizando el editor JOSM, indudablemente se ve mas completo y profesional y 
definitivamente estudiaré los tutoriales para dominar el software, editar en 
potlach es como para cambios mínimos y no para largos ratos de edición y de 
mayor complejidad.

Pude resolver lo del problema del archivo GPX, como estaba aprendiendo a 
manejar el etrex 20 pues me había confundido y el archivo que subía no tenia 
las hora y fecha y por el eso el sistema lo rechazaba.

Les comento que hoy hice un viaje en bus desde chinácota hasta cúcuta y me 
sucedieron dos cosas curiosas, en la mañana note que el desplazamiento que 
estaba haciendo en ese momento se marcaba un poco más allá en el gps que el 
de la carretera (mapa actual) noté algunos desfases en curvas, en otros 
coincidía perfectamente, ya de regreso note que se corrigieron los errores 
que había visto no obstante vi algunos detalles en curvas por corregir pero 
tengo la duda si es que la señal en ese momento de la mañana estaba un poco 
retardada y por la velocidad del bus estaba graficando mal, pienso yo no sé 
este viaje se debería hacer en un automóvil a mas baja velocidad para que se 
marquen las coordenadas correctas y proceder a corregir los errores de mapeo 
en la carretera actual.

Buenas Noches.

El 4 de enero de 2013 14:02, escribió:

Envíe los mensajes para la lista Talk-co a

Para subscribirse o anular su subscripción a través de la WEB

O por correo electrónico, enviando un mensaje con el texto help en
el asunto (subject) o en el cuerpo a:

Puede contactar con el responsable de la lista escribiendo a:

Si responde a algún contenido de este mensaje, por favor, edite la
linea del asunto (subject) para que el texto sea mas especifico que:
Re: Contents of Talk-co digest Además, por favor, incluya en la
respuesta sólo aquellas partes del mensaje a las que está

Asuntos del día:

   1. Re: Presentación nuevo usuario (Rodrigo Castiblanco)
   2. Re: Problema con subida gpx (Fulton Mercado)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 10:17:47 -0500
From: Rodrigo Castiblanco
To: OpenStreetMap Colombia
Subject: Re: [Talk-co] Presentación nuevo usuario

Re: [Talk-co] posiciones gps Leonel

2013-01-07 Per discussione leonel parra
Hola Fulton hace un rato le envie a igor una muestra del serctor entre
Cerete y Cienaga de oro aqui te lo envio en formato csv tiene la posicion,
eid del movil que genero la posicion y la fecha de la gps, espero sirva de
algo de ser asime cuentas que sectores son necesarios y lso envio

2013/1/7 Fulton Mercado

 Buen dia Leonel,

 Dicen que el camino al infierno esta tapizado de buenas intenciones, esta
 sera la mia. Si te parece enviame una muestra de la informacion,
 preferiblemente de sectores distintos y ojala que tu conozcas, a ver si
 podemos generar los gpx y subirlos. Asi queda mas facil para entre todos
 darle un buen empujon a esto.


 Fulton Mercado

 *De:* leonel parra
 *Para:* OpenStreetMap Colombia
 *Enviado:* Lunes, 7 de enero, 2013 12:33 P.M.
 *Asunto:* Re: [Talk-co] Resumen de Talk-co, Vol 54, Envío 1

 buenas tardes:
 hace algun tiempo estoy suscrito pero nunca he podido colaborar en forma
 con el mapeo, hice esta pregunta cuando entre a la listay reitero como
 ofrecimiento, dispongo de un gran numero de posiciones gps enviadas por
 vehiculos en movimiento y puedo ponerlas a disposicion de quien quiera y
 pueda utilizarlas para correcciones de vias y carreteras si es necesario
 puedo generar reportes por sectores( no todos los sectores estan cubiertos
 pero si muchos) con un numero determinado de puntos a determinar.
 Esos reportes yo los utilizo para las correcciones de mis propios mapas
 pero no dispongo el tiempo para subirlos yo mismo ( y el conocimiento) los
 reportes son totalmente anonimos solo latitud y longitud y son generados
 internamente de modo que puedo ponerlos de manera totalmente libre a
 disposicion del grupo

 Leonel Parra

 2013/1/7 Igor TAmara

 Hola, en cuanto a las vías y los desfases, a medida que se suban más
 trazas gpx, es posible que podamos tener más exactitud, lo que en este
 momento es posiblemente más valioso es los detalles que puedas colocar como
 puestos de salud, gasolineras, restaurantes, tiendas y todo aquello que
 pueda ser relevante como teléfonos, droguerías para que una persona que
 vaya viajando pueda acceder a estos sitios en caso de alguna necesidad.
  Así superamos cualquier otro mapa.

 JOSM es super valioso, así que no te preocupes, porque no hay errores que
 no sean corregibles ;)

 El 4 de enero de 2013 23:04, Información

 Estimados Rodrigoo y Fulton

 Ante todo un feliz año para todos y que este 2013 sea de mucho crecimiento

 Este año lo comencé editando algunas zonas del municipio en el editor potlach,
 pueden ver los cambios en .En
 el momento me encuentro analizando el editor JOSM, indudablemente se ve mas
 completo y profesional y definitivamente estudiaré los tutoriales para
 dominar el software, editar en potlach es como para cambios mínimos y no
 para largos ratos de edición y de mayor complejidad.

 Pude resolver lo del problema del archivo GPX, como estaba aprendiendo a
 manejar el etrex 20 pues me había confundido y el archivo que subía no
 tenia las hora y fecha y por el eso el sistema lo rechazaba.

 Les comento que hoy hice un viaje en bus desde chinácota hasta cúcuta y me
 sucedieron dos cosas curiosas, en la mañana note que el desplazamiento que
 estaba haciendo en ese momento se marcaba un poco más allá en el gps que el
 de la carretera (mapa actual) noté algunos desfases en curvas, en
 otros coincidía perfectamente, ya de regreso note que se corrigieron los
 errores que había visto no obstante vi algunos detalles en curvas por
 corregir pero tengo la duda si es que la señal en ese momento de la mañana
 estaba un poco retardada y por la velocidad del bus estaba graficando mal,
 pienso yo no sé este viaje se debería hacer en un automóvil a mas baja
 velocidad para que se marquen las coordenadas correctas y proceder a
 corregir los errores de mapeo en la carretera actual.

 Buenas Noches.

 El 4 de enero de 2013 14:02, escribió:

 Envíe los mensajes para la lista Talk-co a

 Para subscribirse o anular su subscripción a través de la WEB

 O por correo electrónico, enviando un mensaje con el texto help en
 el asunto (subject) o en el cuerpo a:

 Puede contactar con el responsable de la lista escribiendo a:

 Si responde a algún contenido de este mensaje, por favor, edite la
 linea del asunto (subject) para que el texto sea mas especifico que:
 Re: Contents of Talk-co digest Además, por favor, incluya en la
 respuesta sólo aquellas partes del mensaje a las que está

 Asuntos del día:

1. Re: Presentación nuevo usuario (Rodrigo 

[Talk-co] Ciudad ficticia en google Colombia (Curiosidad)

2013-01-07 Per discussione Fredy Rivera

He encontrado que Google en su capa de mapmaker tiene una ciudad ficticia
en Colombia donde realmente es una zona desertica [0]
Dejo una captura de pantalla por aquí [1] el mapa de google también ha
incorporado algunos sitios en su mapa oficial.


Por favor, no me envíe documentos con extensiones .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx,
.ppt, .pptx, .mdb, mdbx
OpenOffice es libre: se puede copiar, modificar y redistribuir libremente.
Gratis y totalmente legal. es el sistema de información para la salud
Teléfono USA:  (347) 688-4473 (Google voice)
skype: llamarafredyrivera
Talk-co mailing list

[Talk-dk] revert

2013-01-07 Per discussione Anders Lund
hvodan kan jeg fjerne mine bidrag til OSM, da de åbenbart ikke duer, ifgl en 
mail jeg har fået fra kurt toft?

Talk-dk mailing list

[Talk-dk] tak for denne gang

2013-01-07 Per discussione Anders Lund
Forlader osmmiljøet, da jeg ikke duer

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] tak for denne gang

2013-01-07 Per discussione Nick Østergaard
Hej Anders

Det vil da være synd. Nu ved jeg ikke lige hvad Toft har skrevet til
dig, eller hvad han mener du helt precist har gjort forkert, eftersom
han ikke har postet det på listen her. Bliv endelig ikke slået ned af
det, alle kan lave fejl. Som jeg lige læser det, lyder det ikke til,
at du vil lave hærværk eller andet skidt -- så lad være me at trække
dig tilbage af den grund. Vi er her da også for at hjælpe.

Att. Toft, det vill være rart at få en kommentar for dig og denne situation.

2013/1/7 Anders Lund
 Forlader osmmiljøet, da jeg ikke duer

 Talk-dk mailing list

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Fugro luftfotos på sydfyn, vest for Svendborg

2013-01-07 Per discussione Hans Gregers Petersen
7. jan. 2013 11.46 skrev Kristian Krægpøth
 Sådan som jeg har opfattet omtalen af Geodatastyrelsens frigivelse af data
 vil det være muligt at masseimportere bl.a. bygninger til OSM.
 Hvis det er rigtigt opfattet må det være at foretrække frem for at tegne
 efter diverse luftfoto uanset om det er Fugro eller Geodatastyrelsens foto.

Det er helt sikkert at foretrække, som jeg har nævnt tidligere på
listen her, så er der milevid forskel på nøjagtigheden af de
fotogrammetrisk registrerede data (fra såkaldte stereobilleder) og
registreringer foretaget på ortofotos. Selv med meget dygtige
professionelle operatører vil nøjagtigheden være bedre.

Estimeret nøjagtighed x,y på f.eks. Fugros ortofoto vil være omkring
en billængde (på grund af orienteringen af billedernes beskaffenhed er
der områder hvor det er meget værre) - på FOT-dataene vil
registreringsnøjagtigheden i X,Y-planet være omkring 10-20 centimeter
og i Z omkring 20-30 centimeter...



Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] tak for denne gang

2013-01-07 Per discussione Uffe Kousgaard

Det må så være gået direkte til Anders, da der ikke er noget i arkivet:

Uffe Kousgaard

Toft, Kurt Forbech wrote:

Hej Nick

I dag kl 11,10 skrev jeg et indlæg til Anders her på denne liste.


Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] tak for denne gang

2013-01-07 Per discussione Anders Lund
Nej, jeg har ikke lavet hærværk eller noget der ligner. Jeg er bare en 
uvidende idiot.

Mandag den 7. januar 2013 11:59:11 skrev Anders Lund:
 Forlader osmmiljøet, da jeg ikke duer
 Talk-dk mailing list

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] tak for denne gang

2013-01-07 Per discussione Ole Nielsen

On 07/01/2013 14:56, Soren Johannessen wrote:

Det er vel ikke et af disse her steder i Danmark, hvor Microsoft Bing
Maps har nyere indhold ( fra år 2008-2012 forskellige steder i
Danmark) og Anders evt har indtegnet der fra? Jeg har selv set masser
af steder hvor der blevet bygget nyt siden Fugro (2005) og hvor
Microsoft Bing har de nye bygninger med i luftfoto Se fx denne her
bygning Ej med på
Fugro men med på Bing Maps

Jeg har set lidt på dine bygninger det angivne sted.

Hvorfra stammer disse bygninger, da de slet ikke passer med FUGRO ???

For en oversigt over den aktuelle Bing dækning se

Bing luftfoto er de fleste steder af meget bedre kvalitet end Fugro 
(også bedre præcision sammenlignet med gps data). Der hvor jeg har 
tjekket er Bing data fra juni 2010 eller senere. Der er sket meget i DK 
i de fem år siden fugro (bygninger, veje etc).

Efter sigende har Microsoft været over hele Danmark med fotofly sidste 
år, så mon ikke der snart kommer mere Bing luftfoto?

Ole Nielsen

Talk-dk mailing list

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] SOTM 2013 list of tasks

2013-01-07 Per discussione stuart lester
I'd like to help on what was deemed the hardest task:

*Sponsor package programme and promotion (maybe split into

and Sponsor Exhibits*

I think that combined with Andy R we know a fair whack of the geo type
companies in the UK and we can come up with other related areas to try and
tap up.


Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Crear una calle partiendo de otra

2013-01-07 Per discussione Jaime Crespo
El 7 de enero de 2013 08:50, Iván Sánchez Ortega

 On Viernes, 4 de enero de 2013 13:26:45 Javier Fernández Arroyo escribió:
  estoy usando el editor web, todavía no he probado JOSM, aunque me lo he

Un +1 para animarte a usar JOSM. La curva de aprendizaje es un poco más
inclinada al principio, pero merece la pena invertir un par de horas en la
aplicación, porque luego todo es mucho más fácil,

Jaime Crespo
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Crear una calle partiendo de otra

2013-01-07 Per discussione Javier Fernández Arroyo
me la bajaré, y a ver qué pasa...
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 11:41:40 +0100
Subject: Re: [Talk-es] Crear una calle partiendo de otra

El 7 de enero de 2013 08:50, Iván Sánchez Ortega 

On Viernes, 4 de enero de 2013 13:26:45 Javier Fernández Arroyo escribió:

 estoy usando el editor web, todavía no he probado JOSM, aunque me lo he


Un +1 para animarte a usar JOSM. La curva de aprendizaje es un poco más 
inclinada al principio, pero merece la pena invertir un par de horas en la 
aplicación, porque luego todo es mucho más fácil, 

Jaime Crespo

Talk-es mailing list 
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Crear una calle partiendo de otra

2013-01-07 Per discussione Javier Fernández Arroyo
la primera (segunda, en realidad) impresión no es buena, pero bueno démosle 
un tiempo a ver
eso de que se superponga el mapa de OSM sobre un mapa real y puedas ver lo que 
marcas me encanta del cliente web ¿se puede hacer lo mismo con JOSM?

Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 11:03:28 +
Subject: Re: [Talk-es] Crear una calle partiendo de otra

me la bajaré, y a ver qué pasa...
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 11:41:40 +0100
Subject: Re: [Talk-es] Crear una calle partiendo de otra

El 7 de enero de 2013 08:50, Iván Sánchez Ortega 

On Viernes, 4 de enero de 2013 13:26:45 Javier Fernández Arroyo escribió:

 estoy usando el editor web, todavía no he probado JOSM, aunque me lo he


Un +1 para animarte a usar JOSM. La curva de aprendizaje es un poco más 
inclinada al principio, pero merece la pena invertir un par de horas en la 
aplicación, porque luego todo es mucho más fácil, 

Jaime Crespo

Talk-es mailing list 

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Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Crear una calle partiendo de otra

2013-01-07 Per discussione Jan Esquerra
por supuesto, hasta puedes escoger y configurar el servicio de imagen WMS
que prefieras

dale tiempo

2013/1/7 Javier Fernández Arroyo

 la primera (segunda, en realidad) impresión no es buena, pero bueno
 démosle un tiempo a ver

 eso de que se superponga el mapa de OSM sobre un mapa real y puedas ver lo
 que marcas me encanta del cliente web ¿se puede hacer lo mismo con JOSM?

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Crear una calle partiendo de otra

2013-01-07 Per discussione Javier Fernández Arroyo
ajá, con esta vista es otra historia!

Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 12:22:01 +0100
Subject: Re: [Talk-es] Crear una calle partiendo de otra

por supuesto, hasta puedes escoger y configurar el servicio de imagen WMS que 

dale tiempo

2013/1/7 Javier Fernández Arroyo

la primera (segunda, en realidad) impresión no es buena, pero bueno démosle 
un tiempo a ver
eso de que se superponga el mapa de OSM sobre un mapa real y puedas ver lo que 
marcas me encanta del cliente web ¿se puede hacer lo mismo con JOSM?

Talk-es mailing list 
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Duda sobre etiquetado (excesivo en mi opinión) para vías

2013-01-07 Per discussione sergio sevillano
access = yes
bicycle = yes
cycleway = no
foot = yes
horse = yes
motor_vehicle = yes
oneway = no

estoy con Manuel, cuanta mas detallada sea la info que metemos mejor,
lo de por defecto es un convenio para las prisas
a la larga es mucho mas difícil acordarse de todos los por defectos 
que tagear todo lo que uno ve.
(y que pasa si se cambia el criterio del por defecto,
pues que se pierde información válida).

- lo que es redundante es access=yes + bycicle, foot, horse, motor_vehicle... 
access=yes ya significa que no hay restricciones

la combinación sería valida si quisiéramos decir que no hay acceso excepto 
para  bycicle, foot, horse y motor_vehicle
en ese caso sería access=no + bycicle, foot, horse, motor_vehicle... =yes

- lo que yo no veo redundante es
la combinación en la misma vía de:

significa que por la vía en cuestión pueden circular bicicletas 
pero que no tienen un carril o señalización específica

un carril bici (cycleway=*) sí es un tag 
y puede ser independiente de la vía si tiene una separación física.
ésta se mapearía como otra vía independiente.

o puede estar integrado en la vía que también vale para otros vehículos.
en este caso se mapearía con una sola vía, tal y como sea el caso, que hay 

- oneway=no
nunca lo quitaría
significa que está comprobado que esa vía es de dos sentidos
aunque si no lo lleva se sobreentienda. 
es un por defecto.
Sí hay que usarlo cuando una rampa de acceso a autovía, por ejemplo,
es de doble dirección ya que por defecto éstas son de un solo sentido.

en definitiva los  por defecto son un petardo, yo los eliminaría todos.

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Crear una calle partiendo de otra

2013-01-07 Per discussione Jaime Crespo

 2013/1/7 Javier Fernández Arroyo

 la primera (segunda, en realidad) impresión no es buena, pero bueno
 démosle un tiempo a ver

 eso de que se superponga el mapa de OSM sobre un mapa real y puedas ver lo
 que marcas me encanta del cliente web ¿se puede hacer lo mismo con JOSM?

Usando Bing con JOSM y filtros:
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Crear una calle partiendo de otra

2013-01-07 Per discussione Picholeiro
ajá, con esta vista es otra historia!

 Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 12:22:01 +0100

Parece que a descubierto la mejor vista , un pequeño tip Pulsa F3 ecribe el
tap que buscas


  Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-es] Edificios base distinto a planta

2013-01-07 Per discussione Picholeiro
Buenas lista

Como dibujar un edificio con el cual la base es mas pequeña y distinta a lo
que es la mayor parte del edificio siendo mas grande y distinta
pequeña recreación grafica
|== /

Me refiero a estes edificios

Se puedes apreciar que es un caso raro con el cual se puede generar un
pequeño debate

*~  Un saludo cordial  de Manuel   ~*
*Mi sitio si te interesa mas información visita*
El blog relacionado con linux # .
Mi servidor # .
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Edificios base distinto a planta

2013-01-07 Per discussione Jaime Crespo
El día 7 de enero de 2013 18:26, Picholeiro escribió:
 Como dibujar un edificio con el cual la base es mas pequeña y distinta a lo
 que es la mayor parte del edificio siendo mas grande y distinta
 pequeña recreación grafica

Si no te quieres liar mucho la cabeza, y sólo quieres el 2D,
representa la parte más grande y como mucho pon el camino como un
tunnel o como covered=yes.

Si quieres 3d, probablementee esto te funcionaría:

Jaime Crespo

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] [catastro] Previo de CAT2OSM2: Madrid en 5 minutos (!)

2013-01-07 Per discussione Cruz Enrique Borges Hernandez
 Llevo bastante tiempo sin participar en la lista pero este tema me resulta
 bastante interesante. Como he podido ver en la wiki y los comentarios, sé
 que es una cuestión ya muy trabajada, pero ¿me podría decir alguien en
 pocas palabras, qué es lo que se puede y lo que no se puede hacer con
 Catastro? ¿Hay alguien que se encargue de Córdoba? ¿Alguna presentación?**


Ahora mismo con catastro solo se pueden importar ejes. Estamos puliendo los
puntos más negros que nos puesto el Data Working Group (reducir el número
de relaciones y geometrías) y vamos a volver a intentar que nos den


 He editado poco en OSM, más por falta de tiempo que por falta de interés.
 De todas formas, estaría dispuesto a incorporar  los datos catastrales a mi
 zona (Córdoba y Provincia) o incluso plantear una sesión de trabajo en el
 grupo de Geoinquietos de Córdoba.


Por el momento nadie se he mostrado interesado en trabajar sobre la
provincia de Córdoba cuando esté lista la plataforma:

Si no me acuerdo mal, las claves de los usuarios para realizar los imports
las tiene Jynus (jynus at

Por lo que yo se hasta el momento lo que se está haciendo es importando los
nombres de ejes de algunas zonas y arreglando cosas que estarán
superpuestas cuando subamos los edificios (poniendo la capa de catastro por

Si más animaros a probar la herramienta y de hacer comentarios sobre las
incidencias que detecteis por la zona por si se puede mejorar algo.

Cruz Enrique Borges Hernández

DeustoTech Energy
Telefono: 944139000 ext.2052
Avda. Universidades, 24
48007 Bilbao, Spain
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] [catastro] Previo de CAT2OSM2: Madrid en 5 minutos (!)

2013-01-07 Per discussione Miguel Blanco
Muchísimas gracias por este regalo de Reyes !!

... y para que os entretengáis ...

Repite nodos. Ejemplo de Madrid.osm:

node id=-2 timestamp=2013-01-04 14:10:25.213 version=6
lat=40.3557261 lon=-3.6953097
node id=-2 timestamp=2013-01-04 14:10:25.218 version=6
lat=40.3557261 lon=-3.6953097
node id=-2 timestamp=2013-01-04 14:10:25.25 version=6
lat=40.3557261 lon=-3.6953097
node id=-2 timestamp=2013-01-04 14:10:25.251 version=6
lat=40.3557261 lon=-3.6953097
node id=-2 timestamp=2013-01-04 14:10:25.256 version=6
lat=40.3557261 lon=-3.6953097

Cambiando como se ve la fecha.


El 7 de enero de 2013 19:52, Cruz Enrique Borges Hernandez escribió:

 Llevo bastante tiempo sin participar en la lista pero este tema me
 resulta bastante interesante. Como he podido ver en la wiki y los
 comentarios, sé que es una cuestión ya muy trabajada, pero ¿me podría decir
 alguien en pocas palabras, qué es lo que se puede y lo que no se puede
 hacer con Catastro? ¿Hay alguien que se encargue de Córdoba? ¿Alguna


 Ahora mismo con catastro solo se pueden importar ejes. Estamos puliendo
 los puntos más negros que nos puesto el Data Working Group (reducir el
 número de relaciones y geometrías) y vamos a volver a intentar que nos den


 He editado poco en OSM, más por falta de tiempo que por falta de interés.
 De todas formas, estaría dispuesto a incorporar  los datos catastrales a mi
 zona (Córdoba y Provincia) o incluso plantear una sesión de trabajo en el
 grupo de Geoinquietos de Córdoba.


 Por el momento nadie se he mostrado interesado en trabajar sobre la
 provincia de Córdoba cuando esté lista la plataforma:

 Si no me acuerdo mal, las claves de los usuarios para realizar los imports
 las tiene Jynus (jynus at

 Por lo que yo se hasta el momento lo que se está haciendo es importando
 los nombres de ejes de algunas zonas y arreglando cosas que estarán
 superpuestas cuando subamos los edificios (poniendo la capa de catastro por

 Si más animaros a probar la herramienta y de hacer comentarios sobre las
 incidencias que detecteis por la zona por si se puede mejorar algo.

 Cruz Enrique Borges Hernández

 DeustoTech Energy
 Telefono: 944139000 ext.2052
 Avda. Universidades, 24
 48007 Bilbao, Spain

 Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] [catastro] Previo de CAT2OSM2: Madrid en 5 minutos (!)

2013-01-07 Per discussione David
El fichero completo sí que se abre con un poco de paciencia ([1], [2],
[3]), pero en los niveles de zoom superiores se hace imposible de trabajar.
Cuando haces un poco de zoom ([3]) entonces ya va bien.
Tarda un poco en abrirse eso sí (¿un par de minutillos? no lo he
Me pesa unos 5GB en RAM una vez abierto, sin contar la RAM ocupada por el
Esto con un AMD
núcleos @4Ghz + RAM
Lástima que JOSM solo usa un núcleo.


Gracias por el continuado trabajo.

El 7 de enero de 2013 21:20, Miguel Blanco escribió:

 Muchísimas gracias por este regalo de Reyes !!

 ... y para que os entretengáis ...

 Repite nodos. Ejemplo de Madrid.osm:

 node id=-2 timestamp=2013-01-04 14:10:25.213 version=6
 lat=40.3557261 lon=-3.6953097
 node id=-2 timestamp=2013-01-04 14:10:25.218 version=6
 lat=40.3557261 lon=-3.6953097
 node id=-2 timestamp=2013-01-04 14:10:25.25 version=6
 lat=40.3557261 lon=-3.6953097
 node id=-2 timestamp=2013-01-04 14:10:25.251 version=6
 lat=40.3557261 lon=-3.6953097
 node id=-2 timestamp=2013-01-04 14:10:25.256 version=6
 lat=40.3557261 lon=-3.6953097

 Cambiando como se ve la fecha.


 El 7 de enero de 2013 19:52, Cruz Enrique Borges Hernandez escribió:

  Llevo bastante tiempo sin participar en la lista pero este tema me
 resulta bastante interesante. Como he podido ver en la wiki y los
 comentarios, sé que es una cuestión ya muy trabajada, pero ¿me podría decir
 alguien en pocas palabras, qué es lo que se puede y lo que no se puede
 hacer con Catastro? ¿Hay alguien que se encargue de Córdoba? ¿Alguna


 Ahora mismo con catastro solo se pueden importar ejes. Estamos puliendo
 los puntos más negros que nos puesto el Data Working Group (reducir el
 número de relaciones y geometrías) y vamos a volver a intentar que nos den


 He editado poco en OSM, más por falta de tiempo que por falta de
 interés. De todas formas, estaría dispuesto a incorporar  los datos
 catastrales a mi zona (Córdoba y Provincia) o incluso plantear una sesión
 de trabajo en el grupo de Geoinquietos de Córdoba.


 Por el momento nadie se he mostrado interesado en trabajar sobre la
 provincia de Córdoba cuando esté lista la plataforma:

 Si no me acuerdo mal, las claves de los usuarios para realizar los
 imports las tiene Jynus (jynus at

 Por lo que yo se hasta el momento lo que se está haciendo es importando
 los nombres de ejes de algunas zonas y arreglando cosas que estarán
 superpuestas cuando subamos los edificios (poniendo la capa de catastro por

 Si más animaros a probar la herramienta y de hacer comentarios sobre las
 incidencias que detecteis por la zona por si se puede mejorar algo.

 Cruz Enrique Borges Hernández

 DeustoTech Energy
 Telefono: 944139000 ext.2052
 Avda. Universidades, 24
 48007 Bilbao, Spain

 Talk-es mailing list

 Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] [catastro] Previo de CAT2OSM2: Madrid en 5 minutos (!)

2013-01-07 Per discussione Cruz Enrique Borges Hernandez
Pensábamos comprar un equipo como ese para el laboratorio, ¿qué tal va?

 Esto con un AMD
 núcleos @4Ghz + RAM
 Lástima que JOSM solo usa un núcleo.

La verdad es que las imágenes acojonan :S Supongo que para la próxima bajaremos 
Barcelona :P

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Fredericton WMS Offset

2013-01-07 Per discussione Connors, Bernie (SNB)

I have noticed your work adding numerous building footprints in 
the Fredericton area. It's great to see somebody taking on this large task.  It 
has been my experience that the older Bing imagery was better aligned than the 
current Bing imagery in the Fredericton area.  I have been mapping in the 
Fredericton area since 2007 and the older Bing imagery aligned nicely with my 
GPS traces.  It is best to align the new Bing Imagery with OSM streets and GPS 
traces.  The misalignment of the Bing imagery varies across the Fredericton 
area so I would readjust the alignment of the Bing Imagery as you move to new 
neighborhoods.  It is my practice to always adjust the Bing Imagery each time I 
start a new Potlatch 2 session and readjust when I move to new areas of the 
Fredericton region.

This map I built at may help shed some light on the 
alignment issue.

Bernie Connors, P.Eng
New Maryland, NB

From: nicholas ingalls []
Sent: Tuesday, 2013-01-01 19:23
Subject: [Talk-ca] Fredericton WMS Offset

Hello all,

I've been recently drawing all of the buildings in Fredericton in preparation 
for going around and collecting the addresses. I'd noticed that all the 
buildings in Fredericton were offset. Naturally I assumed that the original 
mappers in Fredericton had done this offset on purpose. I recently tested this 
against GPS traces and found that the offset was incorrect based on the traces 
I collected. I'm now assuming that this data was traced from the old Yahoo 
imagery and current users continue to offset the Bing WMS to match the data 
traced from the Yahoo imagery.

I am proposing that we shift the data back to match the Bing WMS and the gps 
traces. Does anyone else from the Fredericton area have any comments, or can 
explain the offset?

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Fredericton WMS Offset

2013-01-07 Per discussione Connors, Bernie (SNB)
If you want to check the accuracy of your GPX files in New Brunswick you can 
drag and drop them on this map I created at

As you zoom in the property lines and civic addresses will be added to the air 
photo map.  All of this data is published the government of New Brunswick (aka 
me and my co-workers).  The accuracy of this data should exceed the accuracy of 
the consumer grade GPS receiver.  You can read more about adding GPX files to 
this map in the help pages:

In the Fredericton we are displaying the 2008 air photos captured by the City 
of Fredericton.  They are not as current as the Bing Imagery in Potlatch but 
the alignment is excellent.  The City of Fredericton acquired new imagery in 
2012 and we will be updating this map as soon as we have the time and resources 
(some time in 2013).

Bernie Connors, P.Eng
Land Information Infrastructure Unit, SNB

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Buck [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 2013-01-02 15:59
To: nicholas ingalls
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Fredericton WMS Offset


I am not from the area, but I did want to post my 2 cents about this issue.  
Your idea of how the offset got started sounds correct.  I would caution you 
though that GPS traces can be offset, too, due to atmospheric effects.  To 
really get a good trace with no offset you need to do a few traces on different 
days of the same road (or path is better since it is narrow) and through an 
area with few buildings around as these can cause offsets, too.

Other than those issues, if you trust your traces then I see no reason not to 
fix the offset, but as I said make sure your traces are good first.


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