Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-talk] Audio mapping experiences

2015-10-21 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
That is a really interesting map! Even though it may not fit within OSM it is 
intriguing to hear sounds from all over the world.

> On Oct 21, 2015, at 8:13 AM, Max  wrote:
> For a second I thought you meant mapping audio events/soundscapes to ad
> them to the database.
> Like this:
> On 2015년 10월 21일 11:39, Martijn van Exel wrote:
>> Hi all, 
>> I wrote up my first experiences with audio mapping. I finally made some time 
>> to try it. It’s on my diary: 
>> . I am curious to hear 
>> your experiences with this kind of mapping, and if you read the post, if you 
>> have any tips for me to improve my strategy.
>> Martijn
>> ___
>> talk mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] info per iniziare

2015-10-21 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2015-10-21 16:57 GMT+02:00 Carlo Nardi :
> Buongiorno
> E' da un'anno che sono entrato nel mondo di open street map ed ho iniziato a
> mappare o modificare quello che si trova intorno al mio paese.
> Fino ad ora mappo tramite il sito andando su "modifica con ID".
> Mi piacerebbe fare un passo in avanti, cioè scaricare un app sul telefono,
> andare in giro e mappare cosa vedo, (secondo me è il modo migliore per
> aggiungere informazioni di dettaglio e punti di interesse).
> Come faccio a passare al "secondo livello"?
Se hai un sistema Android ti consiglio di installare Vespucci. Secondo
me è l'editor più completo su mobile e ti permette di aggiungere con
facilità POI o civici.
Inoltre ti consente di aggiungere tag alle strade (ad esempio il nome,
sensi unici o anche il maxspeed cui fai riferimento dopo) con la
possibilità di modificare con facilità le geometrie (spezzare o unire
tratti di strada, invertire il senso, etc.).

> Ho provato a scaricare OSMTracker, ho fatto una prova di registrazione
> inserendo dei limiti di velocità e li ho caricati su OSM, a questo punto è
> possibile modificarli tramite il sito OSM, cosa posso farci una volta
> caricati?
Anche OSMTracker è un ottimo strumento, io lo uso principalmente per
registrare dei percorsi (tipo strade e sentieri mancanti) o aggiungere
La traccia gpx così creata la carico in JOSM, che mi permette di
visualizzarla e utilizzarla come supporto nella mappatura.
I limiti di velocità ad esempio li puoi aggiungere alle highway=* col
tag maxspeed (es. maxspeed=50) al quale aggiungerei anche
maxspeed:source=sign (se il limite è segnalato da cartello) oppure
maxspeed:source=urban (se si tratta di strada nel centro urbano)



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] 21-22 novembre: incontro OpenStreetMap a Bologna

2015-10-21 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
2015-10-21 15:28 GMT+02:00 Luca Delucchi :
>> Non e' OSMIT.  L'evento di Bologna sara' "Cortesi & Friends".
> che brutto nome ;-)

chiaramente non si chiama così.

lo chiamerà: "titolo provvisorio"


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] 21-22 novembre: incontro OpenStreetMap a Bologna

2015-10-21 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2015-10-21 15:26 GMT+02:00 Fabrizio Tambussa :
> Il giorno 21 ottobre 2015 14:59, Federico Cortese  ha
> scritto:
>> Ma vi riferite ad OSMIT? Da quel che ho letto qui mi pare di capire
>> che l'evento sia stato rimandato.
> Non e' OSMIT.  L'evento di Bologna sara' "Cortesi & Friends".
> Saluti

Si avevo capito, mi riferivo a Siena :)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Audio mapping experiences

2015-10-21 Per discussione Max
For a second I thought you meant mapping audio events/soundscapes to ad
them to the database.

Like this:

On 2015년 10월 21일 11:39, Martijn van Exel wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I wrote up my first experiences with audio mapping. I finally made some time 
> to try it. It’s on my diary: 
> . I am curious to hear 
> your experiences with this kind of mapping, and if you read the post, if you 
> have any tips for me to improve my strategy.
> Martijn
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Highway tagging sort-of-dispute

2015-10-21 Per discussione Greg Troxel

Bradley White  writes:

> In urban areas, I would consider secondary to usually mean 4 lanes, 35
> mph(ish), maybe divided maybe not, with not much in the way of access
> control. Primaries are faster, more controlled and usually wider - more
> important roads in the area than secondary. Under the scheme that this
> contributor recently tagged the city with, there is no distinction between
> these roads.

This is messy.As I have read the norms, primary is for US highwways,
and secondary for state highways.  Then, classifications are adjusted
based on importance, so that a state highway that is as important as a
US highway (e.g MA 2 in massachusetts, which is as big a deal as US 20,
if not more so, is tagged as primary).

Just because a road has 4 lanes doesn't make it like a US highway.

The root of the problem is that the view of what's important in the city
is different than outside, and these have to sort of meet up.   Outside
of cities, important roads take you from one place to another place, not
across town.

> -- Secondly, in other areas, roads which were set to primary were then
> upgraded to trunk in ways I find strange next to my understanding of what a
> trunk road means in the U.S. I am under the impression that 'trunk' implies
> that the road has some sort of high-performance element to it, in that if
> the road is undivided, low-speed, and maintains access to all adjacent
> properties, it cannot possibly be a trunk road, even if it is very
> important in navigation. In Carson City (

I haven't looked, but I agree.  A trunk road is heading towards being a
motorway: it needs to be more or less three out of 4 of: mostly divided,
mostly multilane, mostly not having at-grade intersections, and mostly
limited access.  If it has driveways everywhere and lights more often
than once every mile, it's definitely not trunk.  There's a section of
MA 2 near me that is trunk, even though there are a few driveways and
side roads.  But it's like 4 things in 4 miles, and it's posted 45 with
prevailing speeds of 65-70, jersey barrier, two lanes plus breakdown,
and no light for 4 miles.   So you almost don't notice it's not a

>, the US 50 & US 395
> temporary route is tagged trunk despite that the road is 4 lanes undivided,
> dropping as low as 25 mph and maintaining all adjacent access. It is a very

You have convinced me trunk is totally inappropriate.

> -- Finally, I have a bit of concern with some weirdness and in some cases
> sloppiness of these recent edits. In South Lake Tahoe, CA (
>, the trunk tag
> seems to start and stop arbitrarily at the end of the residential areas. I
> could see the case being made that it is a trunk road up until it reaches
> SLT since it is fast and relatively  unobstructed, but in town the road is
> low speed, 4-5 lanes, undivided, maintains direct access to property, which
> again says to me 'primary'. It is clearly the most important route, but has
> no 'high-performance' elements other than lanes. The same thing happens in
> Minden, NV (, where
> NV 88 is tagged as a trunk for a short length, as well as 395 through the
> town despite being 25 mph with no access control whatsoever. Further south,
> it seems like there was an attempt made to tag the rest of 395 as a trunk,

I think trunk/primary transitions should be more or less where you have
to slow down, where the driveways start, or the first light.  Usually
this is pretty obvious physically as your are driving.  It's also not
appropriate to have a short section be trunk.  More or less by
definition, a trunk has to have an extended period without at-grade
intersections and lights, so a section primary-trunk-primary where it's
only 0.5 miles just doesn't make sense, even if that little section is

> I don't want to get into a miniature 'edit war' flipping these tags back
> and forth (the history on some of the segments of US 395 south of minden
> show that it has gone between primary and trunk a number of times since the
> creation of the way) since that is considered vandalism. I would like to
> hear some more thoughts about this though. I know that 'trunk' is a pretty
> vague term in the US, but under the assumption that it implies in some way
> a 'high-performance motorway', I don't think it's being used correctly
> here. I could be totally wrong though, which is why I'm asking for some
> opinion about what to do here. Thanks for bearing with me, I know this was
> pretty long.

Have you messaged the mapper?  I would encourage you to do that and
start up a local mailinglist.  Then you could get to the situation where
you have the consensus of the active mappers who choose to participate
in the local mapping community.  An edit labeled as such should carry a
lot more weight.

One of the broken things about 

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2015

2015-10-21 Per discussione Luca Delucchi
2015-10-19 9:05 GMT+02:00 Michele Mondelli :
> Buongiorno,


> purtroppo per quanto mi riguarda la risposta è si, siamo troppo pochi e
> l'evento andrebbe rimandato.
> Ovviamente non penso debba essere una mia decisione, speravo altre persone
> più esperte
> e autorevoli di me intervenissero.

mi spiace non aver aiutato molto, però non mi sembra il caso di
annullarlo per un basso numero di interessati, che sicuramente
sarebbero aumentate.

> In ogni caso, qualsiasi sia il punto di vista delle singole persone,
> oggettivamente non c'è più
> tempo utile per l'organizzazione.


> Come ho già scritto, rimango a disposizione a partecipare
> all'organizzazione, sia di questa
> che di successive edizioni.

grazie, secondo me bisognerebbe organizzare un evento congiunto con
altri eventi, si sta incominciando a pensare un cosa simile unendo il
GFOSSDAY e l'ArcheoFOSS, magari potrebbe rientrarci anche OSMit...

> A presto,


Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Changement de nom et de numérotation

2015-10-21 Per discussione Vincent de Château-Thierry
En contribuant sur la commune de Nointel (60), je suis tombé sur cette page du 
site municipal :

Une illustration concrète de problématiques qui animent certaines de nos 

Au passage, la délibération sur la modification de la dénomination de la rue 
date de 18 mois, n'est effective que depuis début septembre, et on n'en trouve 
pas encore de trace dans le Fantoir (de juillet).


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] visualizzazione delle immagini satellitari google su JOSM...

2015-10-21 Per discussione Stefano
Il giorno 21 ottobre 2015 12:41, Marco Bartalini 
ha scritto:

> Ragazzi so benissimo che non si possono usare le immagini di google per
> tracciare strade su OSM... Io vorrei solo visualizzarle su JOSM perchè uso
> alcune volte questo software per creare percorsi in MTB in quanto è molto
> versatile e mi da una grande liberta di utilizzo di mappe e immagini
> satellitari...
> è possibile solo visualizzarle? esiste un link wms come avviene su altri
> programmi???

Fai prima ad usare siti che usano sia OSM che Google come Bikemap (,9/terrain) che ti permette anche di
inserire segmenti facendo routing sui sentieri. Quando hai terminato puoi
scaricarti il risultato.

> *Marco Bartalini, *

> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha

2015-10-21 Per discussione Marián Kyral
Tak se obávám, že asi nedorazím, případně dorazím mnohem později. Zrovna 
dneska se musel objevit problém na produkci, který je potřeba co nejdříve 
vyřešit :-(


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Jan Cibulka 
Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
Datum: 21. 10. 2015 15:39:57
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha


Dobrá volba, je to kousek ;) 


 From: Dalibor Jelínek [] 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 2:36 PM
 To: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
 Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha 



hospoda je zamluvena od sesti v Kofeinu  -

Jestli je to blizko te FB akce nevim, pac ten link se neda otevrit. ;-) 




 From: Jan Cibulka [] 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 2:15 PM
 To: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
 Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha 


Tak co, už to má nějaký místní a časový obrysy? Jinak v 7 začíná wikiakce 
[1], přimlouval bych se, aby to bylo poblíž ;) 




 From: Marián Kyral [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 4:09 PM
 To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
 Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha 


Však dneska taky nic není. Domlouváme se na zítřek.


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Martin Landa 
Komu: Jakub 
Datum: 20. 10. 2015 15:56:18
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha 

Dne 20. října 2015 9:47 Jakub  napsal(a):
> Úterý je špatný den, ve středu bych měl větší šanci se přidat.

aha, mel jsem pocit, ze se mluvi o strede... Dnes bohuzel nedorazim.
Tak snad jindy :-) Ma

>> From: Petr Dlouhý [
>> Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2015 11:00 PM
>> To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
>> Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha
>> Ahoj,
>> rád bych se taky přidal. V úterý ale nebudu moct (resp. až po
>> deváté), a ve středu budu moct až po osmé.
>> --
>> Petr Dlouhý
>> Mob: +420 736 108 424
>> -- Původní zpráva --
>> Od: Marián Kyral 
>> Komu:
>> Datum: 3. 10. 2015 23:07:26
>> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha
>> Dne 3.10.2015 v 10:09 Jachym Cepicky napsal(a):
>> někdy v týdnu od 12.10?
>> Ideálně v úterý 13.10 nebo středu 14.10. To bych měl být na nějakých
>> 90% v Praze.
>> Nějaký tip na místo? Já jich v Praze moc neznám.
>> Marián
>> On Fri, Oct 2, 2015, 12:03 Jiří Sedláček 
>> wrote:
>> Taky bych přišel, lokalitou se asi přizpůsobím.
>> Nicméně, přišel bych asi spíš za Wikimedia ČR a za Wikipedii a rád
>> bych vás osobně pozval na Wikikonferenci (
>> J.
>> 2015-10-02 9:32 GMT+02:00 Marián Kyral :
>> Takže fajn,
>> nějaký zájem by byl ;-)
>> Nevím jak mi to vyjde příští týden, jedu na školení a ještě přesně
>> nevím, jaký bude program. Ale ten další týden by to mohlo vyjít.
>> Máte tip na nějaké vhodné místo? Nezakouřená hospoda nebo třeba

>> Marián
>> -- Původní zpráva --
>> Od: Dalibor Jelínek 
>> Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
>> Datum: 30. 9. 2015 9:07:29
>> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha Was: Hospoda Brno - rijen
>> Ahoj,
>> i ja bych se zucastnil.
>> Dalibor
>> From: Petr Schönmann [
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 6:23 AM
>> To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
>> Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha Was: Hospoda Brno - rijen
>> Když bude čas tak bych přišel
>> Dne út 29. 9. 2015 18:29 uživatel 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Voies récentes dans Fantoir, absentes d'OSM


-Message d'origine-
De : Vincent de Château-Thierry [] 
Envoyé : mercredi 21 octobre 2015 14:59
À : Discussions sur OSM en français
Objet : Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Voies récentes dans Fantoir, absentes d'OSM


> De: "DH" 
> quelle bonne idée pour occuper ses longues soirées d"hiver !


> peut-être rajouter un lien vers
> (avec le code insee 
> pré-rempli pour voir les autres voies non rapprochées).

C'est déjà le cas, via les liens "Fantoir-OSM " en bout de ligne 
(avant-dernier lien tout à droite quand tout tient sur une seule ligne).

Ma visite chez l'ophtalmo est prévue .
Ce message et toutes les pièces jointes sont établis à l'intention exclusive de 
ses destinataires et sont confidentiels. L'intégrité de ce message n'étant pas 
assurée sur Internet, la SNCF ne peut être tenue responsable des altérations 
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This message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressees and are 
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notify the sender immediately and delete it. 
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] visualizzazione delle immagini satellitari google su JOSM...

2015-10-21 Per discussione Massimo Primiceri
attiva e usa l'estensione PICLAYER. Potrai caricare qualsiasi file
immagine, dimensionarla a piacere e tracciare liberamente. Io recentemente
l'ho usato per tracciare una nuova rotatoria partendo addirittura da un
file dwg. Good job.

Il giorno 21 ottobre 2015 16:40, Simone Cortesi  ha

> c'era,
> ma è stato eliminato anni fa.
> 2015-10-21 12:41 GMT+02:00 Marco Bartalini :
> > Ragazzi so benissimo che non si possono usare le immagini di google per
> > tracciare strade su OSM... Io vorrei solo visualizzarle su JOSM perchè
> uso
> > alcune volte questo software per creare percorsi in MTB in quanto è molto
> > versatile e mi da una grande liberta di utilizzo di mappe e immagini
> > satellitari...
> >
> > è possibile solo visualizzarle? esiste un link wms come avviene su altri
> > programmi???
> >
> > Marco Bartalini,
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-it mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> -S
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

*Massimo Primiceri*
Mob. +39 3277960808   |  Tel.ufficio +39 0833514250
*e-mail *
*Facebook * | *Hobby
* | *Blog*

sito web  pagina facebook

*"Tutti sanno che una cosa è impossibile da realizzare, finché arriva uno
sprovveduto che non lo sa e la inventa." (Albert Einstein)*
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2015

2015-10-21 Per discussione Laura Camellini
Se ci coordiniamo con l'ArcheoFOSS vi faccio un monumento


Il giorno 21 ottobre 2015 15:27, Luca Delucchi  ha

> 2015-10-19 9:05 GMT+02:00 Michele Mondelli :
> > Buongiorno,
> ciao,
> > purtroppo per quanto mi riguarda la risposta è si, siamo troppo pochi e
> > l'evento andrebbe rimandato.
> > Ovviamente non penso debba essere una mia decisione, speravo altre
> persone
> > più esperte
> > e autorevoli di me intervenissero.
> mi spiace non aver aiutato molto, però non mi sembra il caso di
> annullarlo per un basso numero di interessati, che sicuramente
> sarebbero aumentate.
> > In ogni caso, qualsiasi sia il punto di vista delle singole persone,
> > oggettivamente non c'è più
> > tempo utile per l'organizzazione.
> peccato
> > Come ho già scritto, rimango a disposizione a partecipare
> > all'organizzazione, sia di questa
> > che di successive edizioni.
> >
> grazie, secondo me bisognerebbe organizzare un evento congiunto con
> altri eventi, si sta incominciando a pensare un cosa simile unendo il
> GFOSSDAY e l'ArcheoFOSS, magari potrebbe rientrarci anche OSMit...
> > A presto,
> >
> --
> ciao
> Luca
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] 21-22 novembre: incontro OpenStreetMap a Bologna

2015-10-21 Per discussione Leonardo Frassetto
Se non ho impegni lavorativi vengo volentieri!
Il 21/ott/2015 15:37, "Simone Cortesi"  ha scritto:

> 2015-10-21 15:28 GMT+02:00 Luca Delucchi :
> >> Non e' OSMIT.  L'evento di Bologna sara' "Cortesi & Friends".
> >
> > che brutto nome ;-)
> chiaramente non si chiama così.
> lo chiamerà: "titolo provvisorio"
> --
> -S
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Vandalisme non détecté pendant 8 mois

2015-10-21 Per discussione Victor

On 20/10/2015 23:16, Emilie Laffray wrote:
> tu peux poster sur Talk-CN mais c'est quasiment une liste mort vivante.

L'interface de la mailing-list est en chinois donc ça ne va pas être facile:


Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk] Activity statistics per city (or region)

2015-10-21 Per discussione César Martínez Izquierdo
Hi, we are interested on getting some OSM statistics per city.

The idea is to get a rough idea of the activity of the community on
each city, by counting the number of active users or the number of
existing nodes on the city (which could be then divided with the total
number of inhabitants in order to get a relative indicator).

As we only need rough estimates, we could also use region statistics
if they are easier to compute or already available. Our area of study
is cities having >= 5 inhabitants in Europe.

Do you know if someone has already produced such (or similar) statistics?
If not, do you have some ideas on how to compute them?

Thanks in advance,

César Martínez

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   César Martínez Izquierdo
   GIS developer
   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
   Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (SPAIN)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha

2015-10-21 Per discussione Marián Kyral
Tak změna. První půlka vyřešena a druhá se bude řešit zítra, takže za chvíli


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Marián Kyral 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 21. 10. 2015 16:31:32
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha

Tak se obávám, že asi nedorazím, případně dorazím mnohem později. Zrovna 
dneska se musel objevit problém na produkci, který je potřeba co nejdříve 
vyřešit :-(


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Jan Cibulka 
Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
Datum: 21. 10. 2015 15:39:57
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha


Dobrá volba, je to kousek ;) 


 From: Dalibor Jelínek [] 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 2:36 PM
 To: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
 Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha 



hospoda je zamluvena od sesti v Kofeinu  -

Jestli je to blizko te FB akce nevim, pac ten link se neda otevrit. ;-) 




 From: Jan Cibulka [] 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 2:15 PM
 To: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
 Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha 


Tak co, už to má nějaký místní a časový obrysy? Jinak v 7 začíná wikiakce 
[1], přimlouval bych se, aby to bylo poblíž ;) 




 From: Marián Kyral [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 4:09 PM
 To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
 Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha 


Však dneska taky nic není. Domlouváme se na zítřek.


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Martin Landa 
Komu: Jakub 
Datum: 20. 10. 2015 15:56:18
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha 

Dne 20. října 2015 9:47 Jakub  napsal(a):
> Úterý je špatný den, ve středu bych měl větší šanci se přidat.

aha, mel jsem pocit, ze se mluvi o strede... Dnes bohuzel nedorazim.
Tak snad jindy :-) Ma

>> From: Petr Dlouhý [
>> Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2015 11:00 PM
>> To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
>> Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha
>> Ahoj,
>> rád bych se taky přidal. V úterý ale nebudu moct (resp. až po
>> deváté), a ve středu budu moct až po osmé.
>> --
>> Petr Dlouhý
>> Mob: +420 736 108 424
>> -- Původní zpráva --
>> Od: Marián Kyral 
>> Komu:
>> Datum: 3. 10. 2015 23:07:26
>> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha
>> Dne 3.10.2015 v 10:09 Jachym Cepicky napsal(a):
>> někdy v týdnu od 12.10?
>> Ideálně v úterý 13.10 nebo středu 14.10. To bych měl být na nějakých
>> 90% v Praze.
>> Nějaký tip na místo? Já jich v Praze moc neznám.
>> Marián
>> On Fri, Oct 2, 2015, 12:03 Jiří Sedláček 
>> wrote:
>> Taky bych přišel, lokalitou se asi přizpůsobím.
>> Nicméně, přišel bych asi spíš za Wikimedia ČR a za Wikipedii a rád
>> bych vás osobně pozval na Wikikonferenci (
>> J.
>> 2015-10-02 9:32 GMT+02:00 Marián Kyral :
>> Takže fajn,
>> nějaký zájem by byl ;-)
>> Nevím jak mi to vyjde příští týden, jedu na školení a ještě přesně
>> nevím, jaký bude program. Ale ten další týden by to mohlo vyjít.
>> Máte tip na nějaké vhodné místo? Nezakouřená hospoda nebo třeba

>> Marián
>> -- Původní zpráva --
>> Od: Dalibor Jelínek 
>> Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
>> Datum: 30. 9. 2015 9:07:29
>> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha Was: Hospoda Brno - rijen
>> Ahoj,
>> i ja bych se zucastnil.
>> Dalibor
>> From: Petr Schönmann [
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 6:23 AM

Re: [OSM-ja] OSC Tokyo 2015 Fall参加・台湾メンバーとのミートアップ

2015-10-21 Per discussione Satoshi IIDA





ではでは (*´ω`*)


2015年10月8日 12:25 Satoshi IIDA :

> いいだです。
> ありがとうございます。
> いろいろ検索してみて、このへんかな?と思っています。
> (台湾は肉が美味いので、肉を避けて魚かなー、と)
> 近日中に、イベント告知サイトなどでページを作って、参加者募集します。
> 予算は、3 ~ 4000円くらいかなぁ?と踏んでいます。
> (学生さんにはなるべく安くはしたいですが、それもまぁ、集まり状況次第ということで)
> 地理空間情報のデータ利用だけではなく、
> OSMのサーバまわりについても詳しい話ができると思いますので、
> インフラ系のかたも参加すると楽しいかな、と思います。
> 2015年9月28日 13:04 Kazuyoshi KOMINE :
> 明星大学のこみねです。
>> いつもみなさんの意見交換を静かに拝見しております。
>> 個人としてなかなか参加できていないのですが、時間が取れたらブースにお邪魔 したいと思っております。
>> 高幡不動でしたら駅前の魚民をよく使います。10人くらいまでなら個室がありま す。10人以上の個室もあるかもしれません。
>> 皆様のご来場お待ちしております。
>> On 2015/09/28 12:46, Satoshi IIDA wrote:
>>> いいだです。
>>> 来月末の10月24日、25日に開催されるOSC Tokyo 2015 Fallですが、
>>> 台湾のOSMコミュニティからも何人かが参加するようです。
>>> 発表の内容は、OSMのタイル配信キャッシュサーバについてです。
>>> (以前に北海道で発表されたものの続きの感じ?)
>>> OSM日本もコミュニティとしてブース出展予定で、
>>> 25日は、いいだも参加できる予定です。
>>> と、いうわけで、その前後でMeet-upをしたいな、と思っています。
>>> いま台湾メンバーに予定を聞いていて、
>>> 10月25日の夜かな、という話をしています。
>>> 場所は、先方のホテルの都合もあって、
>>> 高幡不動か、蒲田のあたりで探す予定です。
>>> 次の週に開催されるSotM Japan 2015の話題や、
>>> 先週くらいに開催されたSotM Taiwanの話題が中心かな?と思っています。
>>> もちろん、いまの状況の情報交換や、
>>> 台湾版のOSCともいえるCOSCUPの話も楽しそうです。
>>> 詳しいことが決まったらまた告知しますので、
>>> 参加できそうなかたは予定あけておいてくださいませ (/・ω・)/
>>> P.S.
>>> オススメのお店などご存知のかた、教えていただけると嬉しいですw
>>> --
>>> Satoshi IIDA
>>> mail: 
>>> twitter: @nyampire
>>> ___
>>> Talk-ja mailing list
>> --
>> Windows2003 Serverのメーカサポートは2015年7月で終了します
>> ===
>> 小峰 一純 Kazuyoshi KOMINE
>>   明星大学 情報システム課
>> 教育の明星大学
>> 2014年、大学創立50周年
>> ===
>> ___
>> Talk-ja mailing list
> --
> Satoshi IIDA
> mail:
> twitter: @nyampire

Satoshi IIDA
twitter: @nyampire
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Mapovani turistickych tras

2015-10-21 Per discussione Petr Vejsada

ad ocásek - ve skutečnosti to není ocásek, ale samostatná relace 
(kct_red=bicycle). Další relace v místě jsou: 
(kct_red=major) a 

Překreslí se na vyžádání znamená, že obrázky nejsou na disku, ale vyrobí se z 
dat v databázi ve chvíli, kdy se na ně někdo chce podívat. Do databáze se 
dostanou až poté, co denní porci dat pro ČR zpracuje Geofabrik. Pak trvá asi 
hodinu, než data z Geofabrik zpracuji a data se ocitnou v databázi. K jakému 
dni data v databázi mám je vidět v levém sloupci na

Věta "zoomy 14-20 se vykresli na vyzadani" ovšem platí pro overlay KČT; pro 
základní mapu platí, že na vyžádání se překreslují zoomy 16-20.

Ještě jednou jinak - na taskmanu je základní vrstva, obsahující turistické 
trasy a přes ní je plácnutá další vrstva s tlustšími turistickými trasami a 
velkými rozcestníky. Když nad tím přemýšlím, tak bych asi měl dát jako 
základní vrstvu tu z, aby se to nepletlo.


Dne Čt 22. října 2015 02:30:08, Petr Vozdecký napsal(a):

> Ahoj,
> prosim info, jak je to presne s tim prekreslovanim, resp. s aktualizaci dat.
> Napr. zde je na mape tasking
> manageru na cervene znacce "ocasek", ktery ale v OSM databazi neni.
> a blby dotaz c. 2, co znamena "zoomy 14-20 se vykresli na vyzadani"? Pro me
> jako BFU to vypada, jako ze jsou prakticky vzdy aktualni - chapu to dobre?
> Praxe takoéva neni...
> diky
> vop
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Petr Vejsada 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 14. 10. 2015 8:03:32
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Mapovani turistickych tras
> "OK, takže technická příprava snad hotova. Overlay se překresluje ihned po
> zpracování denní porce v zoomech 7-13 (cca 3 minuty), zoomy 14-20 se mažou,
> neb se stihnou vykreslit na vyžádání. Kdyby ještě něco (zmenšit rozcestníky?
> udělat je samotné černé bez toho rámečku?to budou méně výrazné).
> "

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] dotaz na relaci č. 5606769

2015-10-21 Per discussione Zdeněk Pražák
Mám dotaz - jak mám otagovat relaci odbočky z červené značky k zámecké kapli
ve Smiřicích č. 5606769. Stávající stav jsem provedl podle fotky 
rozcestníku, podle které není odbočka barevně značena. Podle turistické mapy
na seznamu je odbočka značena červeně. U kaple je informační tabule.
Můj problém se týká validátoru turistických tras Osmhicheck, který u této 
trasy řve červeně u tagu none:white:none_turned_T
Jak to mám opravit aby osmhicheck neřval.
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Mapování tras KČT - uspěchané Done

2015-10-21 Per discussione Tom Ka
Dne 22. října 2015 6:25 Petr Holub  napsal(a):
> Bylo by dobré se ujistit, že máme jednotný postup, jak mapovat rozcestníky.
> Jestli striktně to co je na cedulce na daném rozcestníku (tak jsem to
> zatím dělal já), nebo "odvozovat". Pokud řekneme "odvozovat", tak co
> všechno:
> - jméno ze sousedního rozcestníku?

Za mne je jmeno specialni (zobrazuje se na mape), u toho s odvozovanim
souhlasim. Vse ostatni by podle mne melo byt presne jako na cedulce.
Pak je jeste varianta odvozovat kde co, ale pak je podle  mne klicove
aby bylo poznat co je odvozene a co je z cedule (resilo se jako
source:name chvili zpatky - jsou ale asi  i jine moznosti)

> Pokud chceš/cheme mít konzistetní metodiku, tak se budeme muset shodnout,
> do jaké hloubky půjdeme.

Jinak za mne je v aktualnim ukolu - vlastni trasa + rozcestniky. To ze
nekde jeden prehledneme bych klidne presel - i ve zbytku bude nejake %
chyb, nejsme dokonali, Trasy bych ted resil KCT turisticke jako
zaklad. Kdyz nekdo prida neco navic, je to jen bonus. Dalsi podobne
velky task pak muzou byt cyklo trasy + rozcestniky.

Toz tak nazor za mne. Jdu vydat dalsi weekly :-)

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Mapování tras KČT - uspěchané Done

2015-10-21 Per discussione Petr Holub

> Done mají čtverce, ve kterých jsou absolutně elementární chyby jako 
> guideposty nepřiřazené do
> žádné relace, guideposty bez názvů, #ref, #ele apod. Domnívám se, že je 
> potřeba říct, že nejde
> o soutěž kdo dá víc Done a ani nepostačí "z domu hodit voko", že jsou trasy 
> "tak nějak jak
> mají být". Údajů, které v tomto mapovacím úkolu sledujeme, je daleko více. 
> Jinak je to bohužel
> práce tak trochu na nic...
> Za mě navrhuji, aby Mirek Suchý definoval pravidla, kdy je možné dát Done a 
> bohužel to ale
> znamená, že se budou asi muset všechny Done otevřít a znovu pouzavírat 
> (tentokrát už s
> pravidly). Asi je to nutný krok evoluce, že bez podobných (bolestných) 
> zkušeností se kvalitní
> výsledek neobejde.

souhlas. Protože jak tady už bylo vidět i z listu, tak máme evidentně
různé názory na to, co mapujeme - jestli to zahrnuje jen trasy ve smyslu
lineárních objektů, nebo i mandatorně všechny rozcestníky (byly hlasy
říkající že rozcestníky jsou na samotný task). Proto jsem se ptal i na
dopřesnění tras pro pěší.

Já osobně vidím v těch rozcestnících taky problém. Když jsem mapoval
turistické trasy v okolí Brna a na Vysočině (a myslím, že v tomto směru
mám prsty v dost trasách), tak jsem si poctivě dělal audio poznámky
a snažil jsem se zanášet všechny rozcestníky i s #ref, #ele, etc., co
se dalo vytěžit přímo z cedulek v terénu. Nedělal jsem ale odvozování
ze sousedících rozcestníků. Nicméně i tak se mi občas podařilo nějaký
rozcestník přehlédnout - přímo v terénu. Prostě to bylo přidělané tak nějak
"blbě", že jsem ho přehlédl. U lineární trasy s tím není takový problém,
protože člověk řeší spojitost a kontrola úplnosti v tom, jestli jsem narazil
na konci trasy na značku ukončující trasu.

Bez autoritativní databáze rozcestníků moc nemáme šanci udělat kontrolu,
jestli je máme opravdu všechny, alespoň dle mého názoru. A vytahovat
si je z KČT databáze mi nepřijde košer, vzhledem k tomu, jak si to KČT
chrání - a to ani pro "ověřování". I když by to technicky
z šlo. Takže mapování rozcestníků bych viděl také
na samostatný task.

Navíc teda ještě jeden problém: vzhledem k tomu, že jdeme po těch čtvercích
a ne po trasách, tak by bylo dobré napsat, jak se přesně má provádět
kontrola spojitosti. Jestli teda bude udělátko na, nebo jestli
bude metodika pro JOSM, jak zkontrolovat, že je trasa v daném čtverci
spojitá (např. stáhnout celou trasu, uspořádat, nahrát, stáhnout znova
daný čtverec a zkontrolovat spojitost - což ale znamená, že edituji
víc než jen zamčený čtverec, na druhou stranu ale uspořádání parciálně
stažených tras taky není úplně OK).


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Mapování tras KČT - uspěchané Done

2015-10-21 Per discussione Tom Ka
Jeste poznamka - neni nutne podle mne zrusit vsechna DONE. Zatim se
nikde nepouzila verifikace a presne tohle by stejne mel byt jeji cil.
Takze navrhuhju ted pravidla samozrejme zavest, ale hotove veci
neresit (pokud to nespravi jejich owner v ramci sebereflexe :-) ) a
kontrolu nechat na verifikaci ktera by stejne mela probehnout.

Dne 22. října 2015 7:28 Tom Ka  napsal(a):
> Dne 22. října 2015 6:25 Petr Holub  napsal(a):
>> Bylo by dobré se ujistit, že máme jednotný postup, jak mapovat rozcestníky.
>> Jestli striktně to co je na cedulce na daném rozcestníku (tak jsem to
>> zatím dělal já), nebo "odvozovat". Pokud řekneme "odvozovat", tak co
>> všechno:
>> - jméno ze sousedního rozcestníku?
> Za mne je jmeno specialni (zobrazuje se na mape), u toho s odvozovanim
> souhlasim. Vse ostatni by podle mne melo byt presne jako na cedulce.
> Pak je jeste varianta odvozovat kde co, ale pak je podle  mne klicove
> aby bylo poznat co je odvozene a co je z cedule (resilo se jako
> source:name chvili zpatky - jsou ale asi  i jine moznosti)
>> Pokud chceš/cheme mít konzistetní metodiku, tak se budeme muset shodnout,
>> do jaké hloubky půjdeme.
> Jinak za mne je v aktualnim ukolu - vlastni trasa + rozcestniky. To ze
> nekde jeden prehledneme bych klidne presel - i ve zbytku bude nejake %
> chyb, nejsme dokonali, Trasy bych ted resil KCT turisticke jako
> zaklad. Kdyz nekdo prida neco navic, je to jen bonus. Dalsi podobne
> velky task pak muzou byt cyklo trasy + rozcestniky.
> Toz tak nazor za mne. Jdu vydat dalsi weekly :-)

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] dotaz na relaci č. 5606769

2015-10-21 Per discussione Tom Ka
To, ze rve OsmHiCheck bych v tomhle pripade nepiovazoval za uplne
klicove, muze se take mylit ze :-). Myslim, ze je potreba zjistit v
terenu jak je to znaceno na stromech/sloupech apod. Sladeni kct_NECO a
osmc:symbol je pak az druha vec.

Osobne cekam, ze hlavni vlna kontrol pres OsmHiCheck bude az po
skonceni ukolu v tasking manageru.

Dne 22. října 2015 7:32 Zdeněk Pražák  napsal(a):
> Mám dotaz - jak mám otagovat relaci odbočky z červené značky k zámecké kapli
> ve Smiřicích č. 5606769. Stávající stav jsem provedl podle fotky
> rozcestníku, podle které není odbočka barevně značena. Podle turistické mapy
> na seznamu je odbočka značena červeně. U kaple je informační tabule.
> Můj problém se týká validátoru turistických tras Osmhicheck, který u této
> trasy řve červeně u tagu none:white:none_turned_T
> Jak to mám opravit aby osmhicheck neřval.
> Pražák
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 270

2015-10-21 Per discussione Tom Ka
Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 270 týdeníku weeklyOSM:

Téma čísla: Turistické trasy pod lupou

* Jak v JOSM vybrat jednu ze dvou vrstev?
* Hledání nesmyslů s Taginfo (yes=no).
* POI s víc než 100 tagy - majáky.
* Tvorba nových výzev pro MapRoulete
* Kontrola importů s pomocí Taginfo.
* HOT - pomoc v Tanzánii.
* Mapování vysavačem :-)

Pěkné počtení...

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] guidepost REF udaj

2015-10-21 Per discussione Tom Ka
znacim to co je na rozcestniku, nic nepridavam. Je otazka jestli
novejsi by nemohl byt se stejnym cislem a s predponou uplne jiny

Dne 22. října 2015 2:43 Petr Vozdecký  napsal(a):
> Ahoj,
> jak byste doporucili jednotne postupovat u ref cisle na rozcestnicich v
> pripade, ze jde o rozcestnik oznaceny jen 3mistnym cislem 238 kdyz lze ze
> souvislosti dovodit, ze kdyz by byl rozcestnik novejsiho data vyroby, bude
> na nem urcite BO238. Ja jsem do OSM zavedl rovnou to BO238...
> vop
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Mapování tras KČT na taskmanu

2015-10-21 Per discussione Petr Vejsada
jj, podívám se na to, snad dnes večer. Dal bych tam základní vrstvu z 
+ overlay s barevnými rozcestníky, stávající tloušťkou tur. tras a výraznější 
názvy a ref.


Dne Čt 22. října 2015 02:35:12, Petr Vozdecký napsal(a):

> ano, pridavam se s prosbou, at je drive patrne, ze ten udaj u rozcestniku
> mame nebo ne. A dosahnes na udaj, zda je u rozcestniku fotka? Asi tezko, to
> by chtelo jeste krapet povysit obsah sbiranych informaci o fotkach o #REF
> toho uploadovaneho rozcestniku, ze?
> a jeste poznatek - zda se mi, ze udaje pod rozcestnikem, se nachazeji:
> - nazev rozcestniku "pod" vrstvou tras (barevnych linii)
> - ref rozcestniku "nad" vrstvou tras - a navic s outline, takze narozdil od
> nazvu citelnejsi
> slo by dat oboji "nad" a s outline?
> diky
> vop
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Jan Breuer 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 21. 10. 2015 16:12:33
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Mapování tras KČT na taskmanu
> "
> Dne 21. října 2015 15:56 Petr Vejsada  (> napsal(a):
> "Ahoj,
> jmena rozcestniku i REF se na Taskmanu zobrazuji, ale oboje az ve velkych
> zoomech. Ma nasetovat mensi zoomy? Taky by slo udelat rozcestniky ruznou
> barvou,
> podle toho, zda maji/nemaji REF ci maji/nemaji nazev. ?
> "
> Kdyby byl nějaký hint o tom, jestli má všechny náležitosti i na zoomu, kdy
> se začne poprvé zobrazovat, tak by to bylo fajn. Stačil by i jen název a ref
> už na těch menších zoomech a klidně menší ikona/kolečko/křížek.
> Honza 
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Changement de nom et de numérotation

2015-10-21 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Au passage on y apprend qu'un changement d'adresse est sensé être
obligatoire dans un délai d'un mois pour la carte grise. Beaucoup ne gens
ne le savent pas et utilisent une carte grise sans rectifier l'adresse,
sauf peut-être au moment de céder leur véhicule.

Il est même à parier que les anciens numéros de rue resteront encore
visibles. Mais tant que ce n'est pas fait et les gens avisés directement,
le délai indiqué dans l'article n'est pas commencé, et les gens seront peu
encleints à le faire avant la fin des 6 mois de changement d'adresse à la
Poste, qui va de toute façon concerner bien peu de résidents dans cette
zone rurale, et le centre de distribution postal local gardera une liste de
correspondance bien après, et continuera d'acheminer le courier aux mêmes
personnes qui n'ont pas déménagé, surtout si ce sont des courriers pour PV.

La préfecture aussi a du avoir la liste et aura aussi les nouvelles
adresses transmises par la mairie. Elle pourrait anticiper elle-même en
écrivant aux personnes concernées pour qu'elles viennent chercher leur
nouvelle carte grise.

Les mises à jour aussi sur les listes électorales peuvent se faire par la
mairie elle-même sans que les résidents aient besoin de se réinscrire en
mairie ; même chose pour l'administration fiscale avec les impôts nationaux
ou locaux.

Pour les autres fichiers : banques, abonnements, inscriptions annuaire,
etc. il n'y a aucune obligation et au pire les annuaires mentionneront la
nouvelle rue même si le nouveau numéro métrique n'est pas connu pour tous
les inscrits, dès que le FANTOIR ou le cadastre sera mis à jour et
disponible, et cela n'aura pas lieu dans les 30 jours suivant la décision
municipale. Je ne vois donc pas l'utilité pour la mairie d'alarmer sur son
site les gens sur un délai qui n'est franchement pas si court, alors que la
mairie n'a pas fait son propre travail de mise à jour pour rendre tout ça
vraiment public et connu par les autres administrations.

Le 21 octobre 2015 15:39, Vincent de Château-Thierry  a
écrit :

> Bonjour,
> En contribuant sur la commune de Nointel (60), je suis tombé sur cette
> page du site municipal :
> Une illustration concrète de problématiques qui animent certaines de nos
> discussions.
> Au passage, la délibération sur la modification de la dénomination de la
> rue date de 18 mois, n'est effective que depuis début septembre, et on n'en
> trouve pas encore de trace dans le Fantoir (de juillet).
> vincent
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Activity statistics per city (or region)

2015-10-21 Per discussione Florian Lohoff


On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 05:00:49PM +0200, César Martínez Izquierdo wrote:
> Hi, we are interested on getting some OSM statistics per city.
> The idea is to get a rough idea of the activity of the community on
> each city, by counting the number of active users or the number of
> existing nodes on the city (which could be then divided with the total
> number of inhabitants in order to get a relative indicator).

I'd more bet on spatial distribution of objects based on their age. Its
not a matter of how many mappers you have but how often they change and
fix stuff e.g. how capable they are in validating and fixing stuff.

If you have "new" objects e.g. max age of 6 months distributed all over
the place you can assume a well maintained area.

So one could filter nodes from the planet or an extract which have an
age less then e.g. 6 month and visualize their density in relation to
the total number of nodes.

I'd wish there were a JOSM Plugin showing some activity/maintainer score
for a viewed area. When i do armchair mapping that would influence my
willingness to take no hostages. If its a well mapped and maintained
area i'd rather put up a note with inconsistencies - If its an area
somebody mapped back in 2009 and didnt touch since then i am less
reluctant to scrap some of the data and remap.

Florian Lohoff
  We need to self-defend - GnuPG/PGP enable your email today!

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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Activity statistics per city (or region)

2015-10-21 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 5:00 PM, César Martínez Izquierdo
> As we only need rough estimates, we could also use region statistics
> if they are easier to compute or already available. Our area of study
> is cities having >= 5 inhabitants in Europe.
> Do you know if someone has already produced such (or similar) statistics?
> If not, do you have some ideas on how to compute them?

possibly not what you are looking for, but there are several
statistics pages here:


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] info per iniziare

2015-10-21 Per discussione
Se da un anno mappi sicuramente avrai usato josm che ha tutto quello che serve, 
da smartphone van bene entrambi quelli segnalati. Anche osmand permette di 
aggiungere poi e salvare percorsi. X qualsiasi cosa chiedi in lista

>Messaggio originale
>Data: 21/10/2015 17.14
>A: "Carlo", "openstreetmap list - italiano"
>Ogg: Re: [Talk-it] info per iniziare
>2015-10-21 16:57 GMT+02:00 Carlo Nardi :
>> Buongiorno
>> E' da un'anno che sono entrato nel mondo di open street map ed ho iniziato 
>> mappare o modificare quello che si trova intorno al mio paese.
>> Fino ad ora mappo tramite il sito andando su "modifica con ID".
>> Mi piacerebbe fare un passo in avanti, cioè scaricare un app sul telefono,
>> andare in giro e mappare cosa vedo, (secondo me è il modo migliore per
>> aggiungere informazioni di dettaglio e punti di interesse).
>> Come faccio a passare al "secondo livello"?
>Se hai un sistema Android ti consiglio di installare Vespucci. Secondo
>me è l'editor più completo su mobile e ti permette di aggiungere con
>facilità POI o civici.
>Inoltre ti consente di aggiungere tag alle strade (ad esempio il nome,
>sensi unici o anche il maxspeed cui fai riferimento dopo) con la
>possibilità di modificare con facilità le geometrie (spezzare o unire
>tratti di strada, invertire il senso, etc.).
>> Ho provato a scaricare OSMTracker, ho fatto una prova di registrazione
>> inserendo dei limiti di velocità e li ho caricati su OSM, a questo punto è
>> possibile modificarli tramite il sito OSM, cosa posso farci una volta
>> caricati?
>Anche OSMTracker è un ottimo strumento, io lo uso principalmente per
>registrare dei percorsi (tipo strade e sentieri mancanti) o aggiungere
>La traccia gpx così creata la carico in JOSM, che mi permette di
>visualizzarla e utilizzarla come supporto nella mappatura.
>I limiti di velocità ad esempio li puoi aggiungere alle highway=* col
>tag maxspeed (es. maxspeed=50) al quale aggiungerei anche
>maxspeed:source=sign (se il limite è segnalato da cartello) oppure
>maxspeed:source=urban (se si tratta di strada nel centro urbano)
>Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] visualizzazione delle immagini satellitari google su JOSM...

2015-10-21 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
ma è stato eliminato anni fa.

2015-10-21 12:41 GMT+02:00 Marco Bartalini :
> Ragazzi so benissimo che non si possono usare le immagini di google per
> tracciare strade su OSM... Io vorrei solo visualizzarle su JOSM perchè uso
> alcune volte questo software per creare percorsi in MTB in quanto è molto
> versatile e mi da una grande liberta di utilizzo di mappe e immagini
> satellitari...
> è possibile solo visualizzarle? esiste un link wms come avviene su altri
> programmi???
> Marco Bartalini,
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Restauranter

2015-10-21 Per discussione Jens Winbladh

Den 20. oktober 2015 kl. 04.35 skrev Niels Elgaard Larsen :

> Så har jeg lavet en ny version af siden over manglende restauranter
> Og nu opdateres den en gang i døgnet med data både fra FVST og OSM
> Og skrevet på Wiki'en
> Man kan nu tilføje FVST madsteder med JOSM/remote.
> Vi mangler nu kunne ca 9000 :-)
> Hvis man kender et område godt, er det ret overkommeligt at checke om der
> er indlysende mangler. Jeg fandt i alt lige et par steder, jeg har spist,
> men ikke fået på OSM.
> --
> Niels
> ___
> Talk-dk mailing list
Talk-dk mailing list

[talk-latam] Pregunta simple

2015-10-21 Per discussione Javier Carranza
Hola a todos

Estamos trabajando en un paper para el ECGOV en Uruguay y necesitamos el
dato de cuántos sitios de cctld existen .

¿Habrà 30? ¿50? ¿110?

¿Alguna idea - dato o proxy - sugerencia?
[image: geocensos]
*Javier Carranza** Tresoldi** CEO**, GeoCensos*
Tel: (571) 806-5188
Skype: javiercarranza

Peru Mobile: (51) 994836360
El Salvador Mobile: (503) 61150333
Colombia Mobile:(57) 314-3244540
Panama Mobile: (507) 688 - 04892
Guatemala Mobile: (502) 5936 - 0180
*Lets map together a better world*
 [image: Twitter]
 [image: LinkedIn]

"La información aquí contenida es para uso exclusivo de la persona o
entidad de destino. Está estrictamente prohibida su utilización, copia,
descarga, distribución, modificación y/o reproducción total o parcial, sin
el permiso expreso del representante legal de Fundación Geocensos, pues su
contenido puede ser de carácter confidencial y/o contener material
privilegiado. Si usted recibió esta información por error, por favor
contacte en forma inmediata a quien la envió y borre este material de su
computador. La Fundación GeoCensos no es responsable por la información
contenida en esta comunicación, el directo responsable es quien la firma o
el autor de la misma."
talk-latam mailing list

Re: [talk-latam] Pregunta simple

2015-10-21 Per discussione
Hola Javier,

talvez copiar esta tabla en excel y agregar una columna de #?



El 21 de octubre de 2015, 12:21, Javier Carranza <> escribió:

> Hola a todos
> Estamos trabajando en un paper para el ECGOV en Uruguay y necesitamos el
> dato de cuántos sitios de cctld existen .
> ¿Habrà 30? ¿50? ¿110?
> ¿Alguna idea - dato o proxy - sugerencia?
> [image: geocensos]
> *Javier Carranza** Tresoldi** CEO**, GeoCensos*
> Tel: (571) 806-5188
> Skype: javiercarranza
> Peru Mobile: (51) 994836360
> El Salvador Mobile: (503) 61150333
> Colombia Mobile:(57) 314-3244540
> Panama Mobile: (507) 688 - 04892
> Guatemala Mobile: (502) 5936 - 0180
> *Lets map together a better world*
>  [image: Twitter]
>  [image: LinkedIn]
> "La información aquí contenida es para uso exclusivo de la persona o
> entidad de destino. Está estrictamente prohibida su utilización, copia,
> descarga, distribución, modificación y/o reproducción total o parcial, sin
> el permiso expreso del representante legal de Fundación Geocensos, pues
> su contenido puede ser de carácter confidencial y/o contener material
> privilegiado. Si usted recibió esta información por error, por favor
> contacte en forma inmediata a quien la envió y borre este material de su
> computador. La Fundación GeoCensos no es responsable por la información
> contenida en esta comunicación, el directo responsable es quien la firma o
> el autor de la misma."
> ___
> talk-latam mailing list
talk-latam mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Neues GPS, schlechte Performance...

2015-10-21 Per discussione Manuel Reimer

On 10/20/2015 11:53 AM, Peter Barth wrote:

hat bei mir problemlos funktioniert. Wobei mir u-center nach einem
Neustart immer den Port verstellt... ist aber ne Kleinigkeit.

Klappt perfekt. Ports wurden bei mir keine verstellt. Kommt aber drauf 
an was du mit "Port verstellt" meinst ;)

Dank u-center konnte ich rausfinden, dass am WBT 202 wirklich ein Filter 
aktiv ist. Mindestgeschwindigkeit ist 0,28 m/s. Den habe ich 
rausgenommen und schon hat sich der Punkt auch am WBT 202 bewegt. Aber 
innerhalb eines Radius von 2,5 Metern! Für ein nicht mehr topaktuelles 
GPS definitiv nicht schlecht.

Gleicher Versuch mit dem neuen Modul nur wenige Zentimeter daneben und 
die Skala wurde wieder gesprengt. Mal 5 Meter in die eine und dann 
wieder 5 Meter in die andere Richtung. So kann ich damit definitiv 
nichts anfangen. Der Verkäufer hat angeboten, dass ich ihm das Modul zum 
Überprüfen zuschicken kann. Das werde ich auch tun sobald ich die 
Adresse habe.

Wie ein M8N-GPS auch arbeiten könnte sieht man hier:
Ausreißer innerhalb von einem Meter Radius. Da die Händler wohl 
irgendwie zusammenhängen werde ich mal anfragen ob ich dieses Modul 
gegen entsprechende Zuzahlung im Austausch bekommen kann.

Komisch ist, dass sich die Punkte am WBT 202 in einem Raster bewegen. 
Ich habe keine Ahnung wo das abgeschaltet werden muss. Beim M8N-Modul 
können die Punkte ohne Raster überall landen.



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] affichage des orthophotoplan TMS JOSM

2015-10-21 Per discussione lenny.libre

L'orthophotoplan de Toulouse est à nouveau disponible.

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-br] Fwd: [talk-latam] Errores detectados por

2015-10-21 Per discussione Arlindo Pereira
-- Forwarded message --
From: Marco Antonio 
Date: 2015-09-20 18:29 GMT-03:00
Subject: [talk-latam] Errores detectados por
To: OSM LatAm , OSM Bolivia <>


Quienes tengan un receptor/navegador GPS conocerán la página de
AlternativasLibres [1], esta página provee el archivo binario por país
para el dispositivo desde datos OpenStreetMap. Nada nuevo.

La página al generar el archivo .img detecta errores en el cálculo de
rutas y otros cosas. Se puede utilizar este reporte por objeto para ir
mejorando el mapa que puede estar erróneo o al final sólo sean falsos

En el archivo para Bolivia [2] es posible encontrar por categorías los
errores pudiendo ser:

* rotondas (junction=roundabout), accesos a las rotondas
* solapamiento de vías, vías de una dirección (oneway=yes) y que van a
ningún lugar
* restricciones de giro y sus elementos que lo conforma
* salidas de autopistas (motorway_junction) y que usan ref=*
* multipolígonos y límites/fronteras (boundary) en solapamiento,
intersección o roles
* números de las direcciones, con varias categorías internas de validación
* barreras y sus límites de acceso.

Un ejemplo:

"2015/09/19 01:09:25 (StyledConverter): 55133001.o5m: Oneway road
80478186 comes from nowhere at;

Los archivos de errores están disponibles para Argentina, Bolivia,
Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, México, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay,
Venezuela. Para el resto se pide una donación de 30€ para


Marco Antonio


talk-latam mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] To-fix plugin for JOSM

2015-10-21 Per discussione Pierre Béland
Hi  Rubén
An interesting tool. I had no problem to install. Such tool can be very usefull 
for various projects to validate.
It would be interesting to add Semantic evaluation to such tool assuring that 
objects represent adequately Features. For example, are they missing tags to 
represent one of the features such as building, highway, waterway, landuse, 
POI, etc. Features cannot be represented adequately if only supplemental tags 
are included such as surface, width, name, etc.

In the list of tasks, I suggest to add a description of the problem when we 
pass the mouse over a task.For example
Impossible one-way - does this suggest to add a specific tag to indicate an end 
of road?
Loopings - what's wrong if I trace a circle at the end of the road where people 
can change direction?Highway intersects highway - Indicate that the nodes are 
not connected.etc.

  De : Rubén López Mendoza 
 À : 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 21 octobre 2015 13h44
 Objet : [OSM-talk] To-fix plugin for JOSM
Hello Everybody : 
A few days ago we released the to-fix plugin for JOSM,You can find more detail 
Some users gave me their feedback about to-fix plugin that was crashed,if you 
have that problem just update your JOSM and your plugins, check out 
talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] problème sur serveur(s) osm-fr ?

2015-10-21 Per discussione Jean-Guilhem Cailton

Grâce à la récupération des données de l'ancien serveur par Christian,
le nouveau serveur TMS et WMS entre en service,
avec presque toutes les images qui étaient disponibles sur l'ancien (aux
mêmes URLs) : Toulouse, Tours, Nancy 2012, Bordeaux, Brest (2004), Parc
du Vercors, CG 93, La Rochelle, et les images drone d'Haïti et de Brocas.

Il faudra encore attendre un peu pour les images des Alpes Maritimes, et
pour la nouvelle image de Belfort.

Bien cordialement,


PS : je vois d'ailleurs que Lenny vient de s'en apercevoir pour Toulouse
dans un autre fil. :)

Le 18/10/2015 09:54, Pierre-Yves Berrard a écrit :
> Super nouvelle.
> Tiens-nous au courant de l'adresse à utiliser pour le flux tms !
> PY
> Le 8 octobre 2015 11:51, Christian Quest  > a écrit :
> JGC est en train de terminer la remise en route du serveur WMS...
> j'ai copié les images de Belfort dessus, on va donc pouvoir les
> intégrer (enfin !).
> On 08/10/2015 00:21, Muselaar wrote:
>> Bonjour,
>> Je ressors ce vieux message, après une absence prolongée d'OSM
>> ces derniers temps. Mais j'avais le mal du pays, et je reviens,
>> même si je n'aurai pas autant de temps à l'avenir que dans le
>> passé. Mais il y a  de toute façon régulièrement des trucs à
>> corriger dans son environnement.
>> Où en est-on, avec Belfort ? Comment peut-on utiliser les photos
>> de la CAB dans JOSM ? Finalement, les photos obliques seront
>> accessibles aussi, ou bien c'est trop lourd ?
>> Elle sont utiles, car permettant de détromper par rapport à la
>> photo verticale, et de mieux se repérer, par rapport à des
>> souvenirs de promenade, par exemple.
>> Muselaar
>> Le 29/04/2015 11:59, Christian Quest a écrit :
>>> Pour Belfort, je pensais mettre en place le serveur ces derniers
>>> mois à La Fonderie, mais ça a été sans arrêt repoussé. Il
>>> devrait être installé début mai et en attendant je vais
>>> installer ça chez moi, si possible ce week-end.
>>> Le 29/04/2015 11:15, Pierre-Yves Berrard a écrit :
 Bonjour Christian,

 Pas de réponse de l'Université de Grenoble pour le serveur
 d'images aériennes ? Si je ne m'abuse, ils doivent être revenus
 de vacances.


 PS : sur le même thème, sais-tu si ça avance pour la
 photographie aérienne de Belfort ? Je n'ai pas de nouvelles
 depuis sacrément longtemps.

 Le 19 avril 2015 09:51, Christian Quest
 > a
 écrit :

 Oui, le serveur d'images aériennes ne répond plus depuis 48h.

 Nous avons demandé à l'Université de Grenoble (où se trouve
 ce serveur) d'aller jeter un oeil... patience donc à cause
 du week-end.

 Le 19/04/2015 09:41, Pierre-Yves Berrard a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Depuis quelques jours, la photo aérienne du Grand Nancy
> ({zoom}/{x}/{y}
> )
> ne se charge plus dans JOSM (connect timed out) :
> Pour les requêtes overpass, la base à
> semble être ne plus être à jour non plus.
> Un problème sur les serveurs d'osm france ?
> PY
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

 Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

 Talk-fr mailing list
>>> -- 
>>> Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
>>> ___
>>> Talk-fr mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> -- 
> Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] JOSM - continuosDownload Plugin

2015-10-21 Per discussione Clemens Schüller

Am 21. Okt. 2015 um 18:59 schrieb Stefan Kopetzky:

> On 2015-10-21 18:15, Clemens Schüller wrote:
>> Was könnte denn da sein?
> Ich hab so etwas ähnliches vor Jahren erlebt als die Funktionalität
> von dem betreffenden Plugin in das Hauptprogramm integriert wurde.
> Kann es das sein?

Glaub ich eher nicht, denn ich hab das Plugin jetzt mal deaktiviert und
beim Verschieben der Karte werden die Daten _nicht_ nachgeladen.

Beste Grüße, Clemens Schüller

Description: PGP signature
Talk-at mailing list

[OSM-talk] To-fix plugin for JOSM

2015-10-21 Per discussione Rubén López Mendoza
Hello Everybody :

A few days ago we released the to-fix plugin for JOSM,You can find more
detail here.,

Some users gave me their feedback about to-fix plugin that was crashed,if
you have that problem just update your JOSM and your plugins, check out
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Legislative districts, Land-use zoning, etc.

2015-10-21 Per discussione Ray Kiddy
On Wed, 21 Oct 2015 08:19:20 +0200
Frederik Ramm  wrote:

> Hi,
> On 10/21/2015 04:46 AM, Ray Kiddy wrote:
> > To me, OSM is a tool which is ideal for relating various information
> > layers across a multi-dimensional substrate. This substrate is a
> > two-dimensional geography, which is defined geographically. To me,
> > it seems perfect for things like borders.
> OSM is first and foremost a community of people curating a data set.
> This process works best with data that is verifiable on the ground,
> because if two community members disagree over something, the dispute
> can be resolved by simply looking at the place. Also, the mapper
> (surveyor) is the ultimate authority in OSM; we map what *is*, not
> what some government says should be.
> We do have a few items that go against these principles, most notably
> borders. They are not easily verifiable, and they are items where the
> authority lies elsewhere - where OSM can only ever be a copy of some
> master data being defined by a government, instead of being the
> authoritative source. OSM is certainly not "perfect" for collecting
> and curating such information; this is a fact and not a matter of
> personal opinion. Having these borders in OSM is already a compromise
> where the usefulness (high) has been weighed against the suitability
> of OSM as a medium (low).

I am seeing the truth in what you are saying now.

First, I am still somewhat new to the OSM game. But also I am
interested in the use of it for borders for, for example, school
districts in the US. And I am seeing that (in line with Richard's
suggestion, different e-mail), I may want to investigate doing that in
a separate database connected to OSM. And I created just such a
database several weeks ago, so yes, that makes sense. I am currently
writing software which keeps track of the relations and which
periodically checks their integrity.

> > It is very true that, as you say, OSM "excels at holding information
> > that users can see, verify and update." I think it is also true that
> > OSM excels at relating abstract themes in a multi-dimensional space.
> I can't process the use of "multi-dimensional" in this context. OSM is
> not multi-dimensional, it is 2.5-dimensional at best, and affixing
> bits and bobs of extra information to some objects doesn't make it
> multi-dimensional. OSM certainly does not excel at relating abstract
> themes - the contrary is true, OSM is about concrete stuff. As soon as
> we veer into the less concrete - for example, public transport
> relations instead of steel tracks on the ground - we hit the limits
> of our editing tools, and of most people working with OSM too. Yes we
> do that (public transport relations) but we certainly don't "excel"
> at it.

I meant "dimension" in terms of themes. So a map (2 d) with a layer for
average family income, a layer for electricity usage and a layer for
foliage coverage is a 5-dimensional map. Like that.

> > And OSM is many, many others things as well. Many others would
> > define it differently and all of those would also be valid and
> > useful.
> > All of our viewpoints are valuable, and it is more clear that this
> > is true when we describe our viewpoints as viewpoints, not as norms.
> I think this lovey-dovey relativism doesn't go anywhere. To me, it
> smacks of "well, the scientific method is one way to look at physics
> but of course there are many others that are equally valid and
> useful". OSM is certainly not whatever anyone sees in it, and
> certainly not all these views are equally valid and useful.
> Bye
> Frederik

"Lovey-dovey" :-) I like that. I usually have been accused of not
being, shall we say, "lovey-dovey". Perhaps I am just trying to be
politic and have sung the pendulum too far.

The points I am seeing from you all make sense, so I stand corrected.

thanx - ray

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Tagy turistických tras na cestách

2015-10-21 Per discussione Petr Vejsada

to bychom snad uměli,

Dne St 21. října 2015 21:23:41, Václav Kubíček napsal(a):

> Ahoj,
> občas prolézám taginfo a snažím se přetransformovat tagy turistických tras
> co jsou na cestách do relací. Co jsem dnes koukal jedná se o něco málo přes
> 1000 cest na kterých je tag kct_barva a ve většině případů nejsou v relaci.
> Chtěl bych se zeptat jestli by se nenašel někdo šikovný, kdo by nezvládl
> udělat výpis případně vrstvu do mapy těchto tagů na cestách takovýmto
> způsobem: 1. cesta (např. s tagem kct_red) už v relaci existuje. Tag
> (kct_red) se může z cesty smazat. 2. cesta v žádné relaci není nebo je, ale
> neshodují se barvy. Musí se vytvořit nová relace a do ní cestu přesunout,
> případně ji přesunout do relace stávající. Kdysi jsem se snažil udělat
> skript do overpass turba abych si stáhnul všechny cesty co jsou v relaci se
> stejným tagem (kct_barva), ale bez úspěchu. Děkuji
> Vašek
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Mapovani turistickych tras

2015-10-21 Per discussione Petr Vejsada

momentálně se nevykresluje, pokud je zájem, tak (časem) může.


Dne St 21. října 2015 20:23:04, Václav Kubíček napsal(a):

> Nějak jsem se v tom ztratil... Funguje vykreslování "rozbitých relací" na
> nějaké mapě nebo jde jen o seznam? 
> Vašek
> __
> > Od: Petr Vejsada 
> > Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> > Datum: 14.10.2015 08:03
> > Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Mapovani turistickych tras
> OK, takže technická příprava snad hotova. Overlay se překresluje ihned po
> zpracování denní porce v zoomech 7-13 (cca 3 minuty), zoomy 14-20 se mažou,
> neb se stihnou vykreslit na vyžádání. Kdyby ještě něco (zmenšit rozcestníky?
> udělat je samotné černé bez toho rámečku?to budou méně výrazné).
> Stále taky běží úloha, kterou tu někdo chtěl, a to jsou "rozbité relace".
> Jsou to relace route=hiking nebo route=foot, které jsou geometricky rozbité
> - není to jedna souvislá čára. Buď tam mohou být ocásky a nebo je čára
> přerušená, například
>  . Seznam je na
>  . Nejedná se tedy pouze o cesty
> KČT, ale o všechny relace uvedeného typu.
> Tak mě napadá, že by se ty rozbité čáry daly také dát do toho overlaye.
> Někdy se v tom těžko hledá, když je 100 km dlouhá cesta přerušená na půl
> metru nebo má půlmetrový ocásek ;-) ?
> --
> Petr
> Dne Út 13. října 2015 22:17:36, Miroslav Suchý napsal(a):
> > On 10/13/2015 07:56 PM, Petr Vejsada wrote:
> > > Jsou 3 režimy, kam se to dá přidat. Standardní, t.j. teď, ale overlay
> > > není
> > > při vytváření projektu a při zadávání prioritních oblastí. Mám to tam
> > > taky přidat?
> > 
> > Pri vytvareni projektu to netreba (k cemu?), jedeme celou CR.
> > 
> > Prioritni oblasti taky nemame, opet to bude cela CR.
> > 
> > Mirek
> > 
> > ___
> > Talk-cz mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Highway tagging sort-of-dispute

2015-10-21 Per discussione Paul Johnson
On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 8:27 AM, Greg Troxel  wrote:

> Bradley White  writes:
> > In urban areas, I would consider secondary to usually mean 4 lanes, 35
> > mph(ish), maybe divided maybe not, with not much in the way of access
> > control. Primaries are faster, more controlled and usually wider - more
> > important roads in the area than secondary. Under the scheme that this
> > contributor recently tagged the city with, there is no distinction
> between
> > these roads.
> This is messy.As I have read the norms, primary is for US highwways,
> and secondary for state highways.  Then, classifications are adjusted
> based on importance, so that a state highway that is as important as a
> US highway (e.g MA 2 in massachusetts, which is as big a deal as US 20,
> if not more so, is tagged as primary).

True, but on the other hand, an eight lane city boulevard's probably going
to be considered a more major route than a two lane county road
intersecting it (or even parallel a few blocks over), even though the
network hierarchy would consider the county road more major.

> Just because a road has 4 lanes doesn't make it like a US highway.

Right, that's what the network tag on the route relation that the way
should already be a part of means.  (Have I mentioned yet, it's time to
kill ref=* on ways and go exclusively to relations for this information?)

> The root of the problem is that the view of what's important in the city
> is different than outside, and these have to sort of meet up.   Outside
> of cities, important roads take you from one place to another place, not
> across town.

In more rural areas, these do more or less line up.  Major cities tend to
be their own beast when it comes to this sort of thing.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] problème sur serveur(s) osm-fr ?

2015-10-21 Per discussione Pierre-Yves Berrard
Merci !

Le 21 octobre 2015 19:35, Jean-Guilhem Cailton  a écrit :

> Bonsoir,
> Grâce à la récupération des données de l'ancien serveur par Christian,
> le nouveau serveur TMS et WMS entre en service,
> avec presque toutes les images qui étaient disponibles sur l'ancien (aux
> mêmes URLs) : Toulouse, Tours, Nancy 2012, Bordeaux, Brest (2004), Parc
> du Vercors, CG 93, La Rochelle, et les images drone d'Haïti et de Brocas.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Neues GPS, schlechte Performance...

2015-10-21 Per discussione Peter Barth

Manuel Reimer schrieb:
> Dank u-center konnte ich rausfinden, dass am WBT 202 wirklich ein Filter 
> aktiv ist. Mindestgeschwindigkeit ist 0,28 m/s. Den habe ich 
> rausgenommen und schon hat sich der Punkt auch am WBT 202 bewegt. Aber 
> innerhalb eines Radius von 2,5 Metern! Für ein nicht mehr topaktuelles 
> GPS definitiv nicht schlecht.

jetzt wär neben deiner Antennenvermutung noch die Frage, ob beide SBAS 
können, aktiviert haben und auch einen der EGNOS-Satelliten sehen. Siehst 
du das irgendwo? xgps zeigt das afair nicht an und die Anzeige in gpsmon 
ist imho falsch oder ich verstehe sie nicht.



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Legislative districts, Land-use zoning, etc.

2015-10-21 Per discussione stevea

Ray Kiddy writes:

 > It is very true that, as you say, OSM "excels at holding information

 that users can see, verify and update." I think it is also true that

 > OSM excels at relating abstract themes in a multi-dimensional space.

I agree.  There are hundreds or thousands of clearly themed maps 
based upon OSM data, all and any of which are useful for that 
particular narrow slice of query that a map consumer wishes to see 
(literally, visualize).  Building hundreds, thousands or millions of 
these visualizations based upon the rich data found in OSM truly is 
what OSM is about:  the ends DO justify the means in this case!  In 
short:  why bother building a rich database or don't bother to ask it 
to provide beautiful answers?  That would be silly!  We can, and we 

And Frederik Ramm replies:

I can't process the use of "multi-dimensional" in this context. OSM is
not multi-dimensional, it is 2.5-dimensional at best, and affixing bits
and bobs of extra information to some objects doesn't make it
multi-dimensional. OSM certainly does not excel at relating abstract
themes - the contrary is true, OSM is about concrete stuff. As soon as
we veer into the less concrete - for example, public transport relations
instead of steel tracks on the ground - we hit the limits of our editing
tools, and of most people working with OSM too. Yes we do that (public
transport relations) but we certainly don't "excel" at it.

On the contrary, OSM is absolutely multi-dimensional:  "bobs of extra 
information" (in the form of our super tool, free-form tagging) DO 
make it multi-dimensional.  That's the beauty of an abstract 
dimension:  it can be defined to be what you want it to be.  Often we 
start with the two dimensions of "earth's surface" then we choose a 
richly-defined theme to be the third (or include a fourth or fifth). 
This is simply abstract thinking applied, and to say that a dimension 
must be "space" (as in 2-space or 3-space or "2.5-space at best") and 
space ONLY is so very limiting.  Space is a good place to BEGIN using 
the 2 dimensions of "earth's surface," but after that, OSM is so 
wonderfully useful PRECISELY because we use it in "creative, 
productive, or unexpected ways" (just like our Main Page says). 
Those other ways might be abstractly defined as "multi-dimensional 
extensions of a geographically-defined database."  After that, as it 
is said, "the sky is the limit."

We COULD excel at public transport relations (real things, "findable 
on the ground"), we just don't quite yet.  OSM only having 
partially-implemented or not-quite-perfect public transport routes is 
not an existence proof that public transport routes don't belong in 
OSM or that they overly challenge the editing skills (or tools) of 
the project or its participants.

I reject the assertion that a public transport route is "less 
concrete" than, say, a drinking fountain.  Public transport routes 
have platforms, signs which display their timepoints, schedules, a 
beginning and end, etc.  They are a real, not abstract things, and 
OSM not only reflects this, we have done so with sane growth from 
public_transport=v1 to v2 in a way we should be proud of.  Sure, we 
have much more growth and data to enter to be an impressive and 
definitive source -- we are still a growing project.  Let us not 
dismiss this real, useful and actively growing subset of our data as 
"less concrete" or even its only faintly-hinted-at next logical 
conclusion of "these are unworthy data, so let's purge them."  This 
smacks of "changing the rules of the game in the middle of the game." 
Yes, we've done this before (e.g. old license to ODBL), but the 
process is painful, only works when we are honest and forthright that 
that's what we're doing, and most of us agree to do so.

 > And OSM is many, many others things as well. Many others would define

 it differently and all of those would also be valid and useful.

 All of our viewpoints are valuable, and it is more clear that this is
 true when we describe our viewpoints as viewpoints, not as norms.

I think this lovey-dovey relativism doesn't go anywhere. To me, it
smacks of "well, the scientific method is one way to look at physics but
of course there are many others that are equally valid and useful". OSM
is certainly not whatever anyone sees in it, and certainly not all these
views are equally valid and useful.

I don't want to put words in Frederik's mouth, but what I think he is 
getting at is that OSM is not a dumping ground for whatever we want 
it to be.  Yes, that is true, and a good point.  Do we need to manage 
what goes into and doesn't go into OSM?  Yes, of course.  Our core 
tenets (e.g. "on the ground verifiable") guide us well here.  But if 
we are going to change the rules mid-stream, let us say so and not 
pretend we are not.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Modifying the graph with ad-hoc time penalties at intersections

2015-10-21 Per discussione Daniel Patterson
Thanks Patrick, yes, that was what I meant to point at :-)

> On Oct 21, 2015, at 12:44 PM, Patrick Niklaus 
>  wrote:
> Hey Guillaume,
> I think Daniel wanted to post a link to this line:
> All you need to do is to adapt the code to not only add penalties for
> traffic signals but also your node.
> Actually this code should be made more general as outlined in
> Best,
> Patrick
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 9:02 PM, Guillaume Barreau  
> wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> Thanks a lot for this very fast reply. The url you sent appears to be
>> broken. Could you please double-check it for me?
>> Thanks again,
>> Guillaume
>> On 21 October 2015 at 14:56, Daniel Patterson  wrote:
>>> Hi Guillaume,
>>>  There is a function called for every node:
>>>  however, it doesn't feed back any specific per-node penalties.  It's
>>> used to flag barriers and traffic lights right now.
>>>  It could be adapted to do per-node penalty values, you would probably
>>> need to modify the existing light penalty functionality and add a lookup for
>>> your values, rather than using the global light penalty we have currently.
>>> daniel
>>> On Oct 21, 2015, at 11:46 AM, Guillaume Barreau 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I would like to OSRM for a research project but I have this unusual
>>> requirement. I would want to be able to add time penalties at some sets of
>>> vertices (defined by their id) that would be used to compute the fastest
>>> routes in a table calculation. My input would therefore be a list of
>>> (node_id,delays) to be added to the underlying graph. Is this feasible? I am
>>> prepared to modify the code if needs be, I don't expect to be able to do
>>> this with a config file. If it is feasible, could someone point me in the
>>> right direction?
>>> Thank you very much for your help,
>>> Guillaume
>>> ___
>>> OSRM-talk mailing list
>>> ___
>>> OSRM-talk mailing list
>> ___
>> OSRM-talk mailing list
> ___
> OSRM-talk mailing list

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] problème sur serveur(s) osm-fr ?

2015-10-21 Per discussione Rémy MEJA


Je cherche de la documentation pour la mise en place d'un serveur TMS et 
WMS pour héberger des photos aériennes, comme ce qui est fait pour Apres m'être cassé les dents sur MapServer et 
MapCache, de l'aide en la matière serait la bienvenue.

Auriez vous des informations sur le sujet à me communiquer ou un autre 
interlocuteur à qui m'adresser ?


Humble contributeur OpenStreetMap et AdminSys du Dimanche

Le 21/10/2015 19:35, Jean-Guilhem Cailton a écrit :


Grâce à la récupération des données de l'ancien serveur par Christian,
le nouveau serveur TMS et WMS entre en service,
avec presque toutes les images qui étaient disponibles sur l'ancien (aux
mêmes URLs) : Toulouse, Tours, Nancy 2012, Bordeaux, Brest (2004), Parc
du Vercors, CG 93, La Rochelle, et les images drone d'Haïti et de Brocas.

Il faudra encore attendre un peu pour les images des Alpes Maritimes, et
pour la nouvelle image de Belfort.

Bien cordialement,


PS : je vois d'ailleurs que Lenny vient de s'en apercevoir pour Toulouse
dans un autre fil. :)

Le 18/10/2015 09:54, Pierre-Yves Berrard a écrit :

Super nouvelle.
Tiens-nous au courant de l'adresse à utiliser pour le flux tms !


Le 8 octobre 2015 11:51, Christian Quest > a écrit :

 JGC est en train de terminer la remise en route du serveur WMS...
 j'ai copié les images de Belfort dessus, on va donc pouvoir les
 intégrer (enfin !).

 On 08/10/2015 00:21, Muselaar wrote:


 Je ressors ce vieux message, après une absence prolongée d'OSM
 ces derniers temps. Mais j'avais le mal du pays, et je reviens,
 même si je n'aurai pas autant de temps à l'avenir que dans le
 passé. Mais il y a  de toute façon régulièrement des trucs à
 corriger dans son environnement.

 Où en est-on, avec Belfort ? Comment peut-on utiliser les photos
 de la CAB dans JOSM ? Finalement, les photos obliques seront
 accessibles aussi, ou bien c'est trop lourd ?
 Elle sont utiles, car permettant de détromper par rapport à la
 photo verticale, et de mieux se repérer, par rapport à des
 souvenirs de promenade, par exemple.


 Le 29/04/2015 11:59, Christian Quest a écrit :

 Pour Belfort, je pensais mettre en place le serveur ces derniers
 mois à La Fonderie, mais ça a été sans arrêt repoussé. Il
 devrait être installé début mai et en attendant je vais
 installer ça chez moi, si possible ce week-end.

 Le 29/04/2015 11:15, Pierre-Yves Berrard a écrit :

 Bonjour Christian,

 Pas de réponse de l'Université de Grenoble pour le serveur
 d'images aériennes ? Si je ne m'abuse, ils doivent être revenus
 de vacances.


 PS : sur le même thème, sais-tu si ça avance pour la
 photographie aérienne de Belfort ? Je n'ai pas de nouvelles
 depuis sacrément longtemps.

 Le 19 avril 2015 09:51, Christian Quest
 > a
 écrit :

 Oui, le serveur d'images aériennes ne répond plus depuis 48h.

 Nous avons demandé à l'Université de Grenoble (où se trouve
 ce serveur) d'aller jeter un oeil... patience donc à cause
 du week-end.

 Le 19/04/2015 09:41, Pierre-Yves Berrard a écrit :


 Depuis quelques jours, la photo aérienne du Grand Nancy
 ne se charge plus dans JOSM (connect timed out) :

 Pour les requêtes overpass, la base à
 semble être ne plus être à jour non plus.

 Un problème sur les serveurs d'osm france ?


 Talk-fr mailing list

 Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

 Talk-fr mailing list

 Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

 Talk-fr mailing list

 Talk-fr mailing list

 Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France


[Talk-cz] Tagy turistických tras na cestách

2015-10-21 Per discussione Václav Kubíček
občas prolézám taginfo a snažím se přetransformovat tagy turistických tras co 
jsou na cestách do relací. Co jsem dnes koukal jedná se o něco málo přes 1000 
cest na kterých je tag kct_barva a ve většině případů nejsou v relaci.
Chtěl bych se zeptat jestli by se nenašel někdo šikovný, kdo by nezvládl udělat 
výpis případně vrstvu do mapy těchto tagů na cestách takovýmto způsobem:
1. cesta (např. s tagem kct_red) už v relaci existuje. Tag (kct_red) se může z 
cesty smazat.
2. cesta v žádné relaci není nebo je, ale neshodují se barvy. Musí se vytvořit 
nová relace a do ní cestu přesunout, případně ji přesunout do relace stávající.
Kdysi jsem se snažil udělat skript do overpass turba abych si stáhnul všechny 
cesty co jsou v relaci se stejným tagem (kct_barva), ale bez úspěchu.

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-us] OpenStreetMap US chapter board elections

2015-10-21 Per discussione Paul Norman
As one of the independent scrutineers for the OSM US Election, I have 
completed counting votes, and Ian Dees, Alex Barth, Alyssa Wright, 
Martijn van Exel, and Drishtie Patel have been elected to the 
OpenStreetMap US board.

The full announcement with a table of numbers is at There were 165 
responses, but 8 uncompleted ballots for a total of 157 people voting.

Vote tallies were obtained from the online service used for votes. Voter 
information was spot-checked against the membership list provided by 
OpenStreetMap US.

An average of 4.28 votes were cast per completed ballot.

Thanks to everyone who ran and was involved in the election, including 
the other scrutineer, Henk Hoff.

Paul Norman

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] (osm: message 8 of 20) problème sur serveur(s) osm-fr ?

2015-10-21 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel
Bonjour de la part d'un humble contributeur OSM et mari d'ancienne 
AdminSys de la semaine ;-).

J'ai de l'expérience dans le couple GeoServer/GeoWebCache (l'équivalent 
Java de MapServer/ MapCache).

On délivre notamment des tuiles WMS de NasaBlueMarble.
Tes images à la base sont en tiff georéférencé ?

Il existe des convertisseurs TMS/WMS en ligne (tu donnes une url WMS en 
argument de l'url TMS de base qui suit le nommage TMS).

Si tu décris un peu plus (zone servie, taille des images...) je peux 
regarder si ça correspond à peu près ou pas.


Le 21/10/2015 21:19, Rémy MEJA - a écrit :


Je cherche de la documentation pour la mise en place d'un serveur TMS 
et WMS pour héberger des photos aériennes, comme ce qui est fait pour Apres m'être cassé les dents sur MapServer et 
MapCache, de l'aide en la matière serait la bienvenue.

Auriez vous des informations sur le sujet à me communiquer ou un autre 
interlocuteur à qui m'adresser ?


Humble contributeur OpenStreetMap et AdminSys du Dimanche

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Lire un changeset osm - le diff-to-text en français

2015-10-21 Per discussione Jean-Baptiste Holcroft


Un jour j'ai eu l'occasion d'aller à Grignan, j'y ai fait quelques 
modifications :

Vous constaterez que vous aurez beaucoup de mal à comprendre ce que j'ai 
changé car l'interface d' est radine en explications, et pour 
cause un diff osm ne contient que les nouveaux objets, difficile dans 
ces conditions de décrire les modifications effectuées.

Heureusement, nos amis d'overpass-api ont inventé les diff augmentés, 
qui permettent d'avoir le avant/après des modifications :

Quelques geeks en ont fait une version graphique :

Mais comme je trouve toujours cela insatisfaisant, j'ai voulu créer 
quelque chose qui me dise en français ce qui a été fait.
J'ai donc créé un script python qui fait ce que je souhaite :
L'archive est à décompresser et le programme à lancer via "python3 25291159" (testé sous python 3.4, mais ça devrait marcher sous 
toute version de python3).

Normalement cela devrait vous sortir une liste de texte qui indique les 
objets qui ont été modifiés :

Le résultat est encore incomplet (et moche), il faudrait ajouter :
* la gestion des relations (si quelqu'un me passe un ou deux numéros de 
changeset je suis preneur)
* la gestion des déplacements d'objets ou d'ajout de points à un way (je 
n'ai pas encore trouvé de bonne solution)
* internationaliser le résultat (normalement facile car j'utilise les 
listes nominatim)

* ... (liste trop longue)

J'apprends python avec ce petit projet, il manque toute la gestion des 
exceptions et certaines choses sont probablement très illogiques.
Je suis intéressés par vos retours, tant sur l'opportunité que sur le 
code réalisé.

Mon souhait est de transformer ça en une sortie JSON, puis d'accéder à 
plus ou moins de détail selon ce qui nous intéresse. Puis de le publier 
en complément de services comme par exemple


Jean-Baptiste Holcroft

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Tagy turistických tras na cestách

2015-10-21 Per discussione Petr Holub
> Kdysi jsem se snažil udělat skript do overpass turba abych si stáhnul všechny 
> cesty co jsou v
> relaci se stejným tagem (kct_barva), ale bez úspěchu.

Po chvíli koukání do Overpass API... jednoduché volání Overpass Turba,
které snad dělá, co chceš v bodě 1, je například:

This has been generated by the overpass-turbo wizard.
The original search was:
“type:relation and kct_red=major in bbox”
// gather results
// query part for: “kct_red=major”
(relation["kct_red"]({{bbox}}); way(r)["kct_red"];);
(relation["kct_blue"]({{bbox}}); way(r)["kct_blue"];);
(relation["kct_green"]({{bbox}}); way(r)["kct_green"];);
(relation["kct_yellow"]({{bbox}}); way(r)["kct_yellow"];);
// print results
out body;
//out skel qt;

Pokud bys to chtěl v rámci Turba i vidět, tak třeba přidat extrakci
(relation["kct_red"]({{bbox}}); way(r)["kct_red"]; >;);

Případně se lze zaměřit na kombinace hodnot
(relation["kct_red"="major"]({{bbox}}); way(r)["kct_red"="yes"]; >;);

Nicméně moc Overpass nepoužívám, takže se někdy teprve budu muset
dobrat k tomu, abych se ho pořádně naučil (proto píši "snad").


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Tagy turistických tras na cestách

2015-10-21 Per discussione Petr Holub
> Pokud bys to chtěl v rámci Turba i vidět, tak třeba přidat extrakci
> uzlů:
> (relation["kct_red"]({{bbox}}); way(r)["kct_red"]; >;); 

Ještě případně jak tam nemít ty původní relace... trochu jsem válčil 
s plněním proměnné _, takže oklikou přes proměnné a, b, c ;-) (c je
tam jen kvuli vizualizaci v Turbu

(relation["kct_red"="major"]({{bbox}})->.a; way(r.a)["kct_red"="yes"] -> .b; .b 
> -> .c);
.b out body;
.c out body;

Ale třeba bude mít někdo víc zkušeností a elegantnější řešení...


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] CTR Puglia

2015-10-21 Per discussione Federico Cortese
Ho inserito lo script di conversione, mi mancano solo alcuni tag, che
verificherò meglio continuando a testare singolarmente gli shapefile
della CTR.
La pagina wiki è quasi completa, si accettano pareri :)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] (osm: message 8 of 20) problème sur serveur(s) osm-fr ?

2015-10-21 Per discussione Rémy MEJA

Mes images de photos aériennes proviennent du portail open data du Grand 
Nancy : 
Si je me fie à l'extension .ecw, ca sent le tiff géoréférencé.

Par contre, pour le choix de la techno, j'étais plus parti sur MapServer 
plutôt que sur GéoServer mais cela plus par une (stupide) réticence 
envers Java. Après, cela pourrait être intéressant de savoir sur quelle 
techno tourne le serveur et si l'adminsys qui gère 
ce serveur est enclin à faire partager sa recette de mise en production. :)


Le 21/10/2015 23:00, a écrit :
Bonjour de la part d'un humble contributeur OSM et mari d'ancienne 
AdminSys de la semaine ;-).

J'ai de l'expérience dans le couple GeoServer/GeoWebCache 
(l'équivalent Java de MapServer/ MapCache).

On délivre notamment des tuiles WMS de NasaBlueMarble.
Tes images à la base sont en tiff georéférencé ?

Il existe des convertisseurs TMS/WMS en ligne (tu donnes une url WMS 
en argument de l'url TMS de base qui suit le nommage TMS).

Si tu décris un peu plus (zone servie, taille des images...) je peux 
regarder si ça correspond à peu près ou pas.


Le 21/10/2015 21:19, Rémy MEJA - a écrit :


Je cherche de la documentation pour la mise en place d'un serveur TMS 
et WMS pour héberger des photos aériennes, comme ce qui est fait pour Apres m'être cassé les dents sur MapServer et 
MapCache, de l'aide en la matière serait la bienvenue.

Auriez vous des informations sur le sujet à me communiquer ou un 
autre interlocuteur à qui m'adresser ?


Humble contributeur OpenStreetMap et AdminSys du Dimanche

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Activity statistics per city (or region)

2015-10-21 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny
On Wed, 21 Oct 2015 17:00:49 +0200
César Martínez Izquierdo  wrote:

> Hi, we are interested on getting some OSM statistics per city.
> The idea is to get a rough idea of the activity of the community on
> each city, by counting the number of active users or the number of
> existing nodes on the city (which could be then divided with the total
> number of inhabitants in order to get a relative indicator).
> As we only need rough estimates, we could also use region statistics
> if they are easier to compute or already available. Our area of study
> is cities having >= 5 inhabitants in Europe.
> Do you know if someone has already produced such (or similar)
> statistics? If not, do you have some ideas on how to compute them?

Counting nodes is a poor idea. For start - only recently changed nodes
should be counted (edited during last three month?). There are many
cases of imported data that just sits there and slowly gets outdated
as nobody maintains it.

Counting number of active users may work better. It will suffer less
from problems with imports - also, just because there is one massively
active mapper does not mean that there is "community".

But it may be tricky to exclude remote mapping - for example many
places in Nepal were edited by many people but does not mean that there
is any local community. But in Europe it may be a lesser problem.

I would also consider using number of solved notes (within some
time, like last two months). Notes may be less affected by imports
(though it may be skewed by note spam).

Probably some composite of multiple factors would give the best result.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] CTR Puglia

2015-10-21 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2015-10-22 0:09 GMT+02:00 Leonardo :
> Ok, un paio di commenti. anche per confrontarmi con la lista:
> - #baracca, onestamente credo che il tag più appropriato sia building=shed,
> sulla wiki hut intende un riparo costruito con materiali grezzi. Purtroppo
> in inglese hut e shed possono essere tradotti entrambi in "baracca".

Mi trovi d'accordo. D'altra parte anche sulla lista import, quando
facemmo la tabella per Lecce, segnalarono la stessa perplessità ;)
Correggo subito.

> -#campanile aggiungerei il building=yes perchè comunque è un edificio.

Anche qui volevo aggiungerlo, ma avevo lasciato come facemmo per Lecce.
Sistemo subito.

> -#pajara e #trullo, dovrebbero avere un generico building=yes e spostare le
> rispettive denominazioni in una sottochiave più specifica come
> historic:type=pajara o trullo (p.s. quest'ultimo non è quello ufficiale,
> volevo solo indicare uno schema più adatto).

Si, anche per questo l'altra volta usammo quella sintassi, ma non so
che sottochiave si potrebbe utilizzare.
In fin dei conti la pajara ( e il
trullo ( sono delle tipologie ben
definite di edificio. Il trullo di Alberobello è addirittura
patrimonio Unesco per la tipicità e singolarità della costruzione,
quindi forse building=trullo/pajara non sarebbe così sbagliato.

> Per ora è tutto :)

Grazie per il feedback :)



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] CTR Puglia

2015-10-21 Per discussione Leonardo

Ok, un paio di commenti. anche per confrontarmi con la lista:

- #baracca, onestamente credo che il tag più appropriato sia 
building=shed, sulla wiki hut intende un riparo costruito con materiali 
grezzi. Purtroppo in inglese hut e shed possono essere tradotti entrambi 
in "baracca".

-#campanile aggiungerei il building=yes perchè comunque è un edificio.

-#pajara e #trullo, dovrebbero avere un generico building=yes e spostare 
le rispettive denominazioni in una sottochiave più specifica come 
historic:type=pajara o trullo (p.s. quest'ultimo non è quello ufficiale, 
volevo solo indicare uno schema più adatto).

Per ora è tutto :)


Il 21/10/2015 22:42, Federico Cortese ha scritto:

Ho inserito lo script di conversione, mi mancano solo alcuni tag, che
verificherò meglio continuando a testare singolarmente gli shapefile
della CTR.
La pagina wiki è quasi completa, si accettano pareri :)


Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] OpenStreetMap US chapter board elections

2015-10-21 Per discussione Richard Welty
On 10/21/15 5:28 PM, Paul Norman wrote:
> As one of the independent scrutineers for the OSM US Election, I have
> completed counting votes, and Ian Dees, Alex Barth, Alyssa Wright,
> Martijn van Exel, and Drishtie Patel have been elected to the
> OpenStreetMap US board.
congratulations to the new and returning board members!

i'm looking forward to another excellent year.


 Averill Park Networking - GIS & IT Consulting
 OpenStreetMap - PostgreSQL - Linux
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Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Modifying the graph with ad-hoc time penalties at intersections

2015-10-21 Per discussione Guillaume Barreau
Thanks a lot Daniel,

That gives me fuel for some exploration. I will play with the code to see
if I get anywhere.


On 21 October 2015 at 18:02, Daniel Patterson  wrote:

> Guillaume,
>   Yes, that's basically correct, you've understood the rough structure.
> We typically call the first graph, that looks like OSM, the
> "node-based-graph".  The graph that models all turns is referred to as the
> "edge-based-graph".  Somewhat confusing terminology, I know.
>   The edge-based-graph edge weights are measured in deci-seconds.
> Everything is routed based on travel time.
>   The "speed * length" calculation happens slightly earlier in the process:
>   Unfortunately, the terminology used "distance/weight" is not consistent
> across the codebase, so it can be difficult to navigate.  Suffice to say,
> the traffic penalty is adding "deci-seconds" to the edge-based-edge-weight.
>   To do per-node penalties, you would need to add a lookup table for each
> node, populate it, probably in the "node_function" in the Lua profile, then
> consult the lookup in the same place the traffic light penalty is currently
> added.
> daniel
> On Oct 21, 2015, at 2:26 PM, Guillaume Barreau 
> wrote:
> Thanks Daniel and Patrick for your help,
> I will have to pick your brains a little bit more I am afraid.
> Having read this page:
> I now understand that what OSRM models as a node is actually what I
> initially thought of as an edge (i.e. a piece of road connecting 2
> intersections) and what OSRM calls an edge is a transition from one road
> segment (travelled in a particular direction) to another, so the edge ends
> up being a way of crossing a road intersection. This is kind of confusing
> at first, but I can see the benefits of doing that way in terms of handling
> intersections well. Please correct me if I haven't understood properly.
> So in my case, the penalty would be associated with edges and not nodes.
> And all edges associated with the same physical interesection would get the
> same penalty (although this way of modelling has the advantage of allowing
> each turn to have a different penalty easily).
> The code you pointed me to is called at the graph preparation phase,
> right? That is fine for my purposes, I am just clarifying.
> This distance variable that is incremented it ends up representing the
> total penalties associated with crossing that particular intersection in a
> particular way and I assume it gets stored as the attribute of the
> corresponding edge in the graph. I was curious of when and how this
> distance (a penalty expressed in meters) then gets converted back into a
> time.
> Thanks a lot for your time again,
> Guillaume
> On 21 October 2015 at 15:56, Daniel Patterson  wrote:
>> Thanks Patrick, yes, that was what I meant to point at :-)
>> > On Oct 21, 2015, at 12:44 PM, Patrick Niklaus <
>>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hey Guillaume,
>> >
>> > I think Daniel wanted to post a link to this line:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > All you need to do is to adapt the code to not only add penalties for
>> > traffic signals but also your node.
>> > Actually this code should be made more general as outlined in
>> >
>> >
>> > Best,
>> > Patrick
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 9:02 PM, Guillaume Barreau 
>> wrote:
>> >> Hi Daniel,
>> >>
>> >> Thanks a lot for this very fast reply. The url you sent appears to be
>> >> broken. Could you please double-check it for me?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks again,
>> >>
>> >> Guillaume
>> >>
>> >> On 21 October 2015 at 14:56, Daniel Patterson 
>> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Hi Guillaume,
>> >>>
>> >>>  There is a function called for every node:
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>  however, it doesn't feed back any specific per-node penalties.  It's
>> >>> used to flag barriers and traffic lights right now.
>> >>>
>> >>>  It could be adapted to do per-node penalty values, you would probably
>> >>> need to modify the existing light penalty functionality and add a
>> lookup for
>> >>> your values, rather than using the global light penalty we have
>> currently.
>> >>>
>> >>> daniel
>> >>>
>> >>> On Oct 21, 2015, at 11:46 AM, Guillaume Barreau 
>> >>> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Hello,
>> >>>
>> >>> I would like to OSRM for a research project but I have this unusual
>> >>> requirement. I would want to be able to add time penalties at some
>> sets of
>> >>> vertices (defined by their id) that would 

Re: [Talk-us] OpenStreetMap US chapter board elections

2015-10-21 Per discussione Steven Johnson
Thank you, Paul & Henk and congratulations to the board. It's going to be a 
good year. 


Sent from my electronic tether. 

> On 2015年10月21日, at 17:28, Paul Norman  wrote:
> As one of the independent scrutineers for the OSM US Election, I have 
> completed counting votes, and Ian Dees, Alex Barth, Alyssa Wright, Martijn 
> van Exel, and Drishtie Patel have been elected to the OpenStreetMap US board.
> The full announcement with a table of numbers is at 
> There were 165 responses, 
> but 8 uncompleted ballots for a total of 157 people voting.
> Vote tallies were obtained from the online service used for votes. Voter 
> information was spot-checked against the membership list provided by 
> OpenStreetMap US.
> An average of 4.28 votes were cast per completed ballot.
> Thanks to everyone who ran and was involved in the election, including the 
> other scrutineer, Henk Hoff.
> -- 
> Paul Norman
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] OpenStreetMap US chapter board elections

2015-10-21 Per discussione Elliott Plack
Thanks Paul and Henk for the counting. I appreciated the opportunity to run
and will continue to stay involved! See you all at SOTMUS 2016.


Sent by a device more powerful than the computer systems that put a man on
the moon

On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 7:12 PM Steven Johnson  wrote:

> Thank you, Paul & Henk and congratulations to the board. It's going to be
> a good year.
> --SEJ
> Sent from my electronic tether.
> > On 2015年10月21日, at 17:28, Paul Norman  wrote:
> >
> > As one of the independent scrutineers for the OSM US Election, I have
> completed counting votes, and Ian Dees, Alex Barth, Alyssa Wright, Martijn
> van Exel, and Drishtie Patel have been elected to the OpenStreetMap US
> board.
> >
> > The full announcement with a table of numbers is at
> There were 165
> responses, but 8 uncompleted ballots for a total of 157 people voting.
> >
> > Vote tallies were obtained from the online service used for votes. Voter
> information was spot-checked against the membership list provided by
> OpenStreetMap US.
> >
> > An average of 4.28 votes were cast per completed ballot.
> >
> > Thanks to everyone who ran and was involved in the election, including
> the other scrutineer, Henk Hoff.
> >
> > --
> > Paul Norman
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-us mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Legislative districts, Land-use zoning, etc.

2015-10-21 Per discussione Mike Thompson
Many borders, particularly international borders, are prominently marked
("monumented") (e.g. [1]), and thus are verifiable on the ground (and
sometimes the monumentation is so prominent it is visible from imagery).
It is what is physically monumented on the ground that is the legal border,
from [1]: "If some of the original markers were off by a few dozen -- or a
couple of hundred -- feet here and there, which was inevitable given the
conditions in which the crews worked and the technology of the time, it
doesn’t matter because it is the position of the monuments on the ground,
not the 141st meridian, that is the de facto boundary by treaty."

Legislative districts on the other hand, because they can change (every 10
years in US), are not monumented directly, and therefore would be very
difficult to verify on the ground.  In the US one would have to look up the
official text description of the district, then look up the census blocks
it references (" most redistricting was based on whole census blocks.
Kentucky was the only state where congressional district boundaries split
some 2010 Census tabulation blocks." [2]), and then head out to the field
to observe the features that the census blocks reference. Census blocks are
generally defined by streets, rivers and other physical features [3].


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Mapování tras KČT - uspěchané Done

2015-10-21 Per discussione Petr Holub
A ještě 2 poznámky:

> a snažil jsem se zanášet všechny rozcestníky i s #ref, #ele, etc., co
> se dalo vytěžit přímo z cedulek v terénu. Nedělal jsem ale odvozování
> ze sousedících rozcestníků. Nicméně i tak se mi občas podařilo nějaký

Bylo by dobré se ujistit, že máme jednotný postup, jak mapovat rozcestníky.
Jestli striktně to co je na cedulce na daném rozcestníku (tak jsem to
zatím dělal já), nebo "odvozovat". Pokud řekneme "odvozovat", tak co
- jméno ze sousedního rozcestníku?
- výšku (z barometrického výškoměru, z GPS průměrováním)?
- či dokonce číslo rozcestníku "po staru", pokud máme číslo trasy a víme,
  z jakého konce se počítala vzdálenost (což je to číslo za lomítkem)?

> si je z KČT databáze mi nepřijde košer, vzhledem k tomu, jak si to KČT
> chrání - a to ani pro "ověřování". I když by to technicky
> z šlo. Takže mapování rozcestníků bych viděl také

Navíc ani tato databáze není kompletní - vím o např. o odbočovacích
cedulkách, které v ní prokazatelně zanesené nejsou. Konkrétní příklad
je třeba tohle:
a rozhodně není jediný.

Pokud chceš/cheme mít konzistetní metodiku, tak se budeme muset shodnout,
do jaké hloubky půjdeme.


Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] guidepost REF udaj

2015-10-21 Per discussione Petr Vozdecký

jak byste doporucili jednotne postupovat u ref cisle na rozcestnicich v 
pripade, ze jde o rozcestnik oznaceny jen 3mistnym cislem 238 kdyz lze ze 
souvislosti dovodit, ze kdyz by byl rozcestnik novejsiho data vyroby, bude 
na nem urcite BO238. Ja jsem do OSM zavedl rovnou to BO238...

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] Mapování tras KČT - uspěchané Done

2015-10-21 Per discussione Petr Vozdecký

věnoval jsem čas namátkovému koukání na to, jak nám "jde práce od ruky" a 
myslím, že je nejvyšší čas definovat, kdy je možné dát na čtverci Done.

Done mají čtverce, ve kterých jsou absolutně elementární chyby jako 
guideposty nepřiřazené do žádné relace, guideposty bez názvů, #ref, #ele 
apod. Domnívám se, že je potřeba říct, že nejde o soutěž kdo dá víc Done a 
ani nepostačí "z domu hodit voko", že jsou trasy "tak nějak jak mají být". 
Údajů, které v tomto mapovacím úkolu sledujeme, je daleko více. Jinak je to 
bohužel práce tak trochu na nic...

Za mě navrhuji, aby Mirek Suchý definoval pravidla, kdy je možné dát Done a 
bohužel to ale znamená, že se budou asi muset všechny Done otevřít a znovu 
pouzavírat (tentokrát už s pravidly). Asi je to nutný krok evoluce, že bez 
podobných (bolestných) zkušeností se kvalitní výsledek neobejde.

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] 21-22 novembre: incontro OpenStreetMap a Bologna

2015-10-21 Per discussione Luca Delucchi
2015-10-21 15:26 GMT+02:00 Fabrizio Tambussa :

> Non e' OSMIT.  L'evento di Bologna sara' "Cortesi & Friends".

che brutto nome ;-)

> Saluti
> Sbiribizio


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Audio mapping experiences

2015-10-21 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
That is a really interesting map! Even though it may not fit within OSM it is 
intriguing to hear sounds from all over the world.

> On Oct 21, 2015, at 8:13 AM, Max  wrote:
> For a second I thought you meant mapping audio events/soundscapes to ad
> them to the database.
> Like this:
> On 2015년 10월 21일 11:39, Martijn van Exel wrote:
>> Hi all, 
>> I wrote up my first experiences with audio mapping. I finally made some time 
>> to try it. It’s on my diary: 
>> . I am curious to hear 
>> your experiences with this kind of mapping, and if you read the post, if you 
>> have any tips for me to improve my strategy.
>> Martijn
>> ___
>> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[Talk-it] info per iniziare

2015-10-21 Per discussione Carlo Nardi


E' da un'anno che sono entrato nel mondo di open street map ed ho iniziato a mappare o modificare quello che si trova intorno al mio paese.
Fino ad ora mappo tramite il sito andando su "modifica con ID".
Mi piacerebbe fare un passo in avanti, cioè scaricare un app sul telefono, andare in giro e mappare cosa vedo, (secondo me è il modo migliore per aggiungere informazioni di dettaglio e punti di interesse).
Come faccio a passare al "secondo livello"?
Ho provato a scaricare OSMTracker, ho fatto una prova di registrazione inserendo dei limiti di velocità e li ho caricati su OSM, a questo punto è possibile modificarli tramite il sito OSM, cosa posso farci una volta caricati?
Avrei altre mille domande, ma andiamo avanti a piccoli passi

Grazie a tutti
Buona giornata 

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-br] Avenidas Pacaembu Doutor Arnaldo são vias expressas ?

2015-10-21 Per discussione belnuovo

Via expressa pode ter semaforos e cruzamentos ?
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Mapovani turistickych tras

2015-10-21 Per discussione Petr Vozdecký

prosim info, jak je to presne s tim prekreslovanim, resp. s aktualizaci dat.
Napr. zde je na mape tasking 
manageru na cervene znacce "ocasek", ktery ale v OSM databazi neni.

a blby dotaz c. 2, co znamena "zoomy 14-20 se vykresli na vyzadani"? Pro me 
jako BFU to vypada, jako ze jsou prakticky vzdy aktualni - chapu to dobre? 
Praxe takoéva neni...



-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Petr Vejsada 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 14. 10. 2015 8:03:32
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Mapovani turistickych tras

"OK, takže technická příprava snad hotova. Overlay se překresluje ihned po 
zpracování denní porce v zoomech 7-13 (cca 3 minuty), zoomy 14-20 se mažou, 
neb se stihnou vykreslit na vyžádání. Kdyby ještě něco (zmenšit rozcestníky?

udělat je samotné černé bez toho rámečku?to budou méně výrazné).

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] 21-22 novembre: incontro OpenStreetMap a Bologna

2015-10-21 Per discussione Luca Delucchi
2015-10-21 14:41 GMT+02:00 Laura Camellini :
> Piccolo dubbio, ma non c'è anche l'incontro nazionale a Siena i primi di
> novembre? Non c'è la facciamo ad organizzarci per quello?

concordo, sarebbe meglio fare il più possibile in un solo evento

> Ciao,
> LauraC


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] 21-22 novembre: incontro OpenStreetMap a Bologna

2015-10-21 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
2015-10-21 14:41 GMT+02:00 Laura Camellini :
> Piccolo dubbio, ma non c'è anche l'incontro nazionale a Siena i primi di
> novembre? Non c'è la facciamo ad organizzarci per quello?

mi è parso di capire che l'evento di Siena non si farà.

Sabas, Sbiri ed io comunque a Siena non riuscivamo a venire.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Voies récentes dans Fantoir, absentes d'OSM

2015-10-21 Per discussione Vincent de Château-Thierry

> De: "DH" 
> quelle bonne idée pour occuper ses longues soirées d"hiver !


> peut-être rajouter un lien vers
> (avec le code insee
> pré-rempli pour voir les autres voies non rapprochées).

C'est déjà le cas, via les liens "Fantoir-OSM " en bout de ligne
(avant-dernier lien tout à droite quand tout tient sur une seule ligne).

> Ou, mieux, faire une maj automatique pour pouvoir rejouer plus vite sur le 
> même
> departement.

Dans un tout premier temps, je vais proposer plus de lignes par département, le 
de mettre en place les pages par département. Je pense proposer "les 50 voies 
plus récentes du département". Ça permettra de piocher sans la contrainte du 
de mise à jour.

> On tous cas, je m'amuse beaucoup.

Tant mieux, c'est (aussi) le but ;)

> Il faudrait peut-être aller encore un cran plus loin (vers Kort et sa 
> gamification ?)

Possible. À phosphorer collectivement ?


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] 21-22 novembre: incontro OpenStreetMap a Bologna

2015-10-21 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2015-10-21 14:30 GMT+02:00 Simone Cortesi :
> Ciao,
> nel fine settimana parlavo con Sabas e Sbiribizio e ci è venuta l'idea di
> incontrarci per fare un po' di attività pratiche su OSM.
> Che ne dite? interessa a qualcuno partecipare? Fatemi sapere presto!

Ottima iniziativa!
Mi piacerebbe partecipare, ma non so se riuscirò ad organizzarmi vista
la lontananza, eventualmente darò conferma nei prossimi giorni.

2015-10-21 14:52 GMT+02:00 Luca Delucchi :
> 2015-10-21 14:41 GMT+02:00 Laura Camellini :
>> Piccolo dubbio, ma non c'è anche l'incontro nazionale a Siena i primi di
>> novembre? Non c'è la facciamo ad organizzarci per quello?
> concordo, sarebbe meglio fare il più possibile in un solo evento

Ma vi riferite ad OSMIT? Da quel che ho letto qui mi pare di capire
che l'evento sia stato rimandato.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] 21-22 novembre: incontro OpenStreetMap a Bologna

2015-10-21 Per discussione Maurizio Napolitano
> [...]
> Avremmo scelto di trovarci il 21 e il 22 novembre a Bologna e portare avanti
> attività OSM. Un po' di armchair mapping, un po' di lavoro sui nostri siti
> web (blog, statistiche, estratti, traduzioni), un po' di mapillary. Il tutto
> senza un programma particolare.

Purtroppo ho il week-end sportivo :(

> [..]
> Che ne dite? interessa a qualcuno partecipare? Fatemi sapere presto!

Lo segni come Stammtisch su ?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] 21-22 novembre: incontro OpenStreetMap a Bologna

2015-10-21 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Partecipo volentieri.


2015-10-21 15:00 GMT+02:00 Maurizio Napolitano :

> > [...]
> > Avremmo scelto di trovarci il 21 e il 22 novembre a Bologna e portare
> avanti
> > attività OSM. Un po' di armchair mapping, un po' di lavoro sui nostri
> siti
> > web (blog, statistiche, estratti, traduzioni), un po' di mapillary. Il
> tutto
> > senza un programma particolare.
> Purtroppo ho il week-end sportivo :(
> > [..]
> > Che ne dite? interessa a qualcuno partecipare? Fatemi sapere presto!
> Lo segni come Stammtisch su ?
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] 21-22 novembre: incontro OpenStreetMap a Bologna

2015-10-21 Per discussione Fabrizio Tambussa
Il giorno 21 ottobre 2015 14:59, Federico Cortese  ha

> Ma vi riferite ad OSMIT? Da quel che ho letto qui mi pare di capire
> che l'evento sia stato rimandato.
Non e' OSMIT.  L'evento di Bologna sara' "Cortesi & Friends".
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-au] DataSet: Victoria: Parks and Conservation Reserves

2015-10-21 Per discussione David Bannon

Does not look good Adam !

"shall not copy or reproduce the Licensed Material without the
Licensor’s prior written consent"

"shall keep the Licensed Material confidential and shall not 
Commercialise or otherwise disclose"

"shall not . or otherwise disclose the Licensed Material so Enhanced"

Wish I had not downloaded a lump of it, they can now come and inspect 
any of my property or computers to make sure I haven’t got too many 
copies or what ever. Must say, not a very open release of data IMHO.


On 21/10/15 11:20, Adam Horan wrote:

Hi All,

I'm trying to understand if this datasource is covered by the existing 
permissions that are referenced on

I see on that page that data has been incorporated from  but i don't see any 
supporting discussion similar to what exists for the 

I'm not currently looking to do an automated import or anything, but 
to use the dataset for validation and tagging of existing reserve and 
park boundaries etc. The dataset also includes protected status 
indicators and IUCN codes.
Most of the current reserves and national parks that i've looked at in 
VIC, have no source or other indications about where the boundary 
information has come from, and they include boundaries that are not 
visible on the ground or via bing imagery etc.



Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-latam] Pregunta simple

2015-10-21 Per discussione Javier Carranza
Rpta hasta ahora : 41 sitios con referencias a open street map con
diferentes ccTLD. Solo Argentina, Chile, Colombia y Venezuela para América

¿Alguien sabe de otro(s) más en latam?


[image: geocensos]
*Javier Carranza** Tresoldi** CEO**, GeoCensos*
Tel: (571) 806-5188
Skype: javiercarranza

Peru Mobile: (51) 994836360
El Salvador Mobile: (503) 61150333
Colombia Mobile:(57) 314-3244540
Panama Mobile: (507) 688 - 04892
Guatemala Mobile: (502) 5936 - 0180
*Lets map together a better world*
 [image: Twitter]
 [image: LinkedIn]

"La información aquí contenida es para uso exclusivo de la persona o
entidad de destino. Está estrictamente prohibida su utilización, copia,
descarga, distribución, modificación y/o reproducción total o parcial, sin
el permiso expreso del representante legal de Fundación Geocensos, pues su
contenido puede ser de carácter confidencial y/o contener material
privilegiado. Si usted recibió esta información por error, por favor
contacte en forma inmediata a quien la envió y borre este material de su
computador. La Fundación GeoCensos no es responsable por la información
contenida en esta comunicación, el directo responsable es quien la firma o
el autor de la misma."

2015-10-21 12:37 GMT-05:00 Javier Carranza :

> Grazie!, probare alguna variante con un script. Por cierto, aun tengo el
> poncho que te prometiera para condatos.
> Saludes
> [image: geocensos]
> *Javier Carranza** Tresoldi** CEO**, GeoCensos*
> Tel: (571) 806-5188
> Skype: javiercarranza
> Peru Mobile: (51) 994836360
> El Salvador Mobile: (503) 61150333
> Colombia Mobile:(57) 314-3244540
> Panama Mobile: (507) 688 - 04892
> Guatemala Mobile: (502) 5936 - 0180
> *Lets map together a better world*
>  [image: Twitter]
>  [image: LinkedIn]
> "La información aquí contenida es para uso exclusivo de la persona o
> entidad de destino. Está estrictamente prohibida su utilización, copia,
> descarga, distribución, modificación y/o reproducción total o parcial, sin
> el permiso expreso del representante legal de Fundación Geocensos, pues
> su contenido puede ser de carácter confidencial y/o contener material
> privilegiado. Si usted recibió esta información por error, por favor
> contacte en forma inmediata a quien la envió y borre este material de su
> computador. La Fundación GeoCensos no es responsable por la información
> contenida en esta comunicación, el directo responsable es quien la firma o
> el autor de la misma."
> 2015-10-21 12:28 GMT-05:00 :
>> Hola Javier,
>> talvez copiar esta tabla en excel y agregar una columna de #?
>> Saludos,
>> Humberto
>> El 21 de octubre de 2015, 12:21, Javier Carranza <
>>> escribió:
>>> Hola a todos
>>> Estamos trabajando en un paper para el ECGOV en Uruguay y necesitamos el
>>> dato de cuántos sitios de cctld existen .
>>> ¿Habrà 30? ¿50? ¿110?
>>> ¿Alguna idea - dato o proxy - sugerencia?
>>> [image: geocensos]
>>> *Javier Carranza** Tresoldi** CEO**, GeoCensos*
>>> Tel: (571) 806-5188
>>> Skype: javiercarranza
>>> Peru Mobile: (51) 994836360
>>> El Salvador Mobile: (503) 61150333
>>> Colombia Mobile:(57) 314-3244540
>>> Panama Mobile: (507) 688 - 04892
>>> Guatemala Mobile: (502) 5936 - 0180
>>> *Lets map together a better world*
>>>  [image: Twitter]
>>>  [image: LinkedIn]
>>> "La información aquí contenida es para uso exclusivo de la persona o
>>> entidad de destino. Está estrictamente prohibida su utilización, copia,
>>> descarga, distribución, modificación y/o reproducción total o parcial, sin
>>> el permiso expreso del representante legal de Fundación Geocensos, pues
>>> su contenido puede ser de carácter confidencial y/o contener material
>>> privilegiado. Si usted recibió esta información por error, por favor
>>> contacte en forma inmediata a quien la envió y borre este material de su
>>> computador. La Fundación GeoCensos no es responsable por la información
>>> contenida en esta comunicación, el directo responsable es quien la firma o
>>> el autor de la misma."
>>> ___
>>> talk-latam mailing list
>> ___
>> talk-latam mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Mapování tras KČT na taskmanu

2015-10-21 Per discussione Zdeněk Pražák
přesně tak to píši - buď že nejsou zmapovány a nebo že chybí fotky

Dne 21. října 2015 9:56 Tom Ka  napsal(a):

> To je podle mne dost skoda - pak budeme delat dalsi projekt na
> kontrolu vsech rozcestniku? Jsou soucasti znaceni tur. tras a je to
> jedna z moznosti jak pak delat kontroly (diky fotkam apod.), takze za
> mne by tam rozcestniky byt mely - konkretne ty "turisticke" - vsechny.
> Pripadne alespon do komentare napsat ktere konretni chybeji, s tim se
> pak da aspon nejak pracovat.
> Dne 21. října 2015 6:12 Zdeněk Pražák  napsal(a):
> > No já to tak beru, pouze do poznámky napíši, nejsou fotky rozcestníků
> nebo
> > nejsou všechny
> > Pražák
> >
> > Dne 20. října 2015 20:13 Pavel Machek  napsal(a):
> >
> >> Ahoj!
> >>
> >> > >> Pridal jsem to tam a upravil jsem odkaz na taskmanovi.
> >> > >
> >> > > Ještě jedna připomínka: možná by bylo dobré přesně specifikovat, co
> >> > > vlastně v taskmanovi kontrolujeme. Jsou to jen pěší turistické trasy
> >> > > KČT, nebo jsou to i jiné trasy KČT (lyžařské, cyklistické,
> koňařské)?
> >> > > A k čemu všemu se váží ty rozcestníky? A jak s naučnými stezkami?
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > V Instructions se pise (a psalo)
> >> >
> >> > Co není cílem tohoto projektu:
> >> >
> >> > Není cílem zmapovat všechny cesty v dané oblasti. Soustředíme se
> >> > jenom na turistické trasy.
> >> > ->>Cílem nejsou cyklostezky a lyžařské stezky (na to budou jiné
> >> > projekty)
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Naucne stezky ano. Je jich jenom par a prijde mi skoda to nedat
> >> > dohromady.
> >> >
> >> > Jine trasy nez KCT snad ani nemam ne? Krome tech naucnych stezek.
> >> >
> >> > Jak to myslis s temi rozcestniky?
> >>
> >> Primlouval bych se za to povazovat ctverec za hotovy kdyz jsou tam
> >> spravne vsechny trasy (ale ne nutne vsechny rozcestniky). IMO jsou
> >> rozcestniky dobre pro mapovani tras, ale nikoho zas az tak moc
> >> nezajima jestli mame v mape vsechny rozcestniky (a vsechny informacni
> >> tabule a tak).
> >>
> >>
> >> Pavel
> >> --
> >> (english)
> >> (cesky, pictures)
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Talk-cz mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-cz mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-it] visualizzazione delle immagini satellitari google su JOSM...

2015-10-21 Per discussione Marco Bartalini
Ragazzi so benissimo che non si possono usare le immagini di google per
tracciare strade su OSM... Io vorrei solo visualizzarle su JOSM perchè uso
alcune volte questo software per creare percorsi in MTB in quanto è molto
versatile e mi da una grande liberta di utilizzo di mappe e immagini

è possibile solo visualizzarle? esiste un link wms come avviene su altri

*Marco Bartalini, *
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] CTR Puglia

2015-10-21 Per discussione Leonardo

Ottimo! Non vedo però lo script in python, deve essere ancora aggiunto?

Inoltre piccolo suggerimento, importate solo gli edifici e lasciate 
perdere per ora la parte legata all'uso del suolo e delle coltivazioni.



Il 21/10/2015 08:21, Federico Cortese ha scritto:

Ho predisposto una primissima bozza di pagina per l'import
Devo ancora inserire le considerazioni sulle licenze e dettagliare il
workflow sul processo di import.
Devo anche inserire lo script python, che è quasi completo.
La tabella di conversione dei tags è ripresa da quella utilizzata per
l'import Lecce, visto che il formato dei dati è identico, ci sono solo
alcuni elemneti in più, per i quali resta da decidere se includerli o
meno nell'import.
Intanto ho scaricato tutti gli shapefile della provincia di Lecce ed
ho già predisposto i file OSM per alcuni riquadri della CTR.
Spero di avere un po' di feedback qui in lista per poter sistemare un
po' di cose prima di passare alla lista internazionale, visto che mi
pare che loro vogliano almeno 14 gg. per eventuali considerazioni sul


Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2015

2015-10-21 Per discussione Leonardo

Mi associo all'idea di Paolo, se fate qualcosa a Padova ci sono :)


Il 20/10/2015 19:26, Paolo Monegato ha scritto:

Il 16/10/2015 20:02, Leonardo ha scritto:
Io sono ancora disponibile a scendere ma se il numero di persone 
interessate risultasse troppo basso, meglio rimandare a nuova data a 



Visto che a quanto pare si rimanda, non sarebbe il caso di 
approfittarne per fare qualche mapping in giro?

In fin dei conti qualcuno s'era programmato per avere quel weekend a 
disposizione per dedicarlo ad OSM, e prima che la gente cominci a 
prendersi altri impegni non sarebbe una cattiva idea usare quelle date 
per dei piccoli eventi conviviali distribuiti sul territorio... Non 
parlo di roba in grande stile, ma cose molto semplici tipo un pranzo 
in compagnia unito ad un sano mapping di qualche ora.

Per esempio, per quanto riguarda noi veneti ci sarebbe sempre quella 
proposta di Mapping a Padova fattaci da Volker ad inizio estate quando 
abbiamo tentato (invano) di organizzare una sorta di calendario di 
eventi [1]...
In teoria sia te che io che Volker avevamo in mente di andare ad 
OSMit, dunque saremmo liberi e mal che vada ci si troverebbe in tre... 
ma dato che l'evento ruberebbe solo qualche ora di una singola 
giornata e sarebbe più a portata di mano, geograficamente parlando, 
credo che potrebbe aggiungersi anche gente che magari fino a Siena non 
ci sarebbe andata.

Paolo M

[1] l'idea, forse troppo ambiziosa, era di fissare per tempo le date e 
provare a fare un mapping per provincia entro fine anno, con una certa 
cadenza in modo di spartirli durante la bella stagione... alla fine 
non siamo riusciti a programmare un tubo (e si che di idee ne erano 
venute fuori), però se guardiamo agli eventi fatti o in programma 
qualcosa s'è fatto (ovviamente per merito delle rispettive comunità 
locali, non certo per l'idea circolata in ML regionale, anche se 
magari ha smosso le acque): 2 a VR e 1 il prossimo sabato a Schio 
(VI)... se poi riusciamo a farne uno nel weekend che doveva essere di 
OSMit direi che non sarebbe un risultato da buttare.

Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Mapování tras KČT na taskmanu

2015-10-21 Per discussione Pavel Machek
On Wed 2015-10-21 12:43:53, Pavel Machek wrote:
> On Wed 2015-10-21 09:56:38, Tom Ka wrote:
> > To je podle mne dost skoda - pak budeme delat dalsi projekt na
> > kontrolu vsech rozcestniku? Jsou soucasti znaceni tur. tras a je to
> > jedna z moznosti jak pak delat kontroly (diky fotkam apod.), takze
> za
> No, vzhledem k tomu ze kontrola rozcestniku je vyrane vic prace nez
> kontrola tras, tak jo, dalsi projekt...

A nebo se dohodnout ze rozcestniky "uzivatele" v zasade nezajimaji
(vykresluji se az ve velkych zoomech, jsou spis pro nas jako pomucka
mapovani) a nechat to na pozdeji...

(cesky, pictures)

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-es] [TALK-es] Carreteras de Salamanca

2015-10-21 Per discussione Guillermo Marqués Rodríguez
Buenos días a todos
Estoy revisando las carreteras de Salamanca y me he encontrado que la
denominación que aparece en la actualidad en OSM se corresponde al catálogo
de carreteras de la Diputación, pero este catálogo no está aprobado, en la
propia página web de consulta pone que está en trámite y parece que lleva
así varios años.

Creo que estaría bien que mediante el campo ref se reflejara la
denominación oficial, que además es la que se corresponde con la
señalización vertical de las carrtearas (puntos kilométricos y cartelería),
y esta denominación oficiosa, y que en un futuro será oficial, se reflejara
en otro campo para que no se pierda,pero claro, mi duda es si existe algún
campo para esta denominación??

Un saludo
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] CTR Puglia

2015-10-21 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2015-10-21 12:31 GMT+02:00 Leonardo :
> Ottimo! Non vedo però lo script in python, deve essere ancora aggiunto?

Si lo script l'ho già preparato e testato, ma mancano ancora alcuni tag.
Procederò quanto prima ad aggiungerlo.

> Inoltre piccolo suggerimento, importate solo gli edifici e lasciate perdere
> per ora la parte legata all'uso del suolo e delle coltivazioni.

Condivido pienamente, infatti nella tabella ho elencato tutti i layer
relativi al suolo, con l'indicazione di eliminare le geometrie.
Ora sto testando alcuni riquadri della CTR per capire bene a cosa si
riferiscano alcune feature sulle quali sono in dubbio (tipo
tabernacolo o monumento).

> Ciao!
Ciao e grazie


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] 21-22 novembre: incontro OpenStreetMap a Bologna

2015-10-21 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
nel fine settimana parlavo con Sabas e Sbiribizio e ci è venuta l'idea di
incontrarci per fare un po' di attività pratiche su OSM.

Ci siamo subito resi conto che, magari, la cosa poteva interessare anche ad
altri. Quindi ecco questo messaggio in cui vi chiedo se c'e' qualcuno
interessato ad unirsi a noi.

Avremmo scelto di trovarci il 21 e il 22 novembre a Bologna e portare
avanti attività OSM. Un po' di armchair mapping, un po' di lavoro sui
nostri siti web (blog, statistiche, estratti, traduzioni), un po' di
mapillary. Il tutto senza un programma particolare.

L'idea è di trovarsi attorno alle 10 a Bologna, fare OSM tutto il giorno
(abbiamo la sala) e poi andare a cena. Il giorno dopo invece saremo
sicuramente in giro a mappare dal vivo (fino a pranzo).

Che ne dite? interessa a qualcuno partecipare? Fatemi sapere presto!

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2015

2015-10-21 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
2015-10-21 12:33 GMT+02:00 Leonardo :
> Mi associo all'idea di Paolo, se fate qualcosa a Padova ci sono :)

in altro thread ho mandato una proposta per il 21-22 novembre a Bologna.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] 21-22 novembre: incontro OpenStreetMap a Bologna

2015-10-21 Per discussione Laura Camellini
Interessa si, ho anche un mini progetto da finire, devo valutare quanto
tempo posso stare con voi... Arrivano news in serata, forse ho anche
qualcun'altro da portare...

Il 21/ott/2015 14:32, "Simone Cortesi"  ha scritto:

> Ciao,
> nel fine settimana parlavo con Sabas e Sbiribizio e ci è venuta l'idea di
> incontrarci per fare un po' di attività pratiche su OSM.
> Ci siamo subito resi conto che, magari, la cosa poteva interessare anche
> ad altri. Quindi ecco questo messaggio in cui vi chiedo se c'e' qualcuno
> interessato ad unirsi a noi.
> Avremmo scelto di trovarci il 21 e il 22 novembre a Bologna e portare
> avanti attività OSM. Un po' di armchair mapping, un po' di lavoro sui
> nostri siti web (blog, statistiche, estratti, traduzioni), un po' di
> mapillary. Il tutto senza un programma particolare.
> L'idea è di trovarsi attorno alle 10 a Bologna, fare OSM tutto il giorno
> (abbiamo la sala) e poi andare a cena. Il giorno dopo invece saremo
> sicuramente in giro a mappare dal vivo (fino a pranzo).
> Che ne dite? interessa a qualcuno partecipare? Fatemi sapere presto!
> --
> -S
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] 21-22 novembre: incontro OpenStreetMap a Bologna

2015-10-21 Per discussione Laura Camellini
Piccolo dubbio, ma non c'è anche l'incontro nazionale a Siena i primi di
novembre? Non c'è la facciamo ad organizzarci per quello?

Il 21/ott/2015 14:38, "Laura Camellini"  ha scritto:

> Interessa si, ho anche un mini progetto da finire, devo valutare quanto
> tempo posso stare con voi... Arrivano news in serata, forse ho anche
> qualcun'altro da portare...
> Ciao,
> LauraC
> Il 21/ott/2015 14:32, "Simone Cortesi"  ha scritto:
>> Ciao,
>> nel fine settimana parlavo con Sabas e Sbiribizio e ci è venuta l'idea di
>> incontrarci per fare un po' di attività pratiche su OSM.
>> Ci siamo subito resi conto che, magari, la cosa poteva interessare anche
>> ad altri. Quindi ecco questo messaggio in cui vi chiedo se c'e' qualcuno
>> interessato ad unirsi a noi.
>> Avremmo scelto di trovarci il 21 e il 22 novembre a Bologna e portare
>> avanti attività OSM. Un po' di armchair mapping, un po' di lavoro sui
>> nostri siti web (blog, statistiche, estratti, traduzioni), un po' di
>> mapillary. Il tutto senza un programma particolare.
>> L'idea è di trovarsi attorno alle 10 a Bologna, fare OSM tutto il giorno
>> (abbiamo la sala) e poi andare a cena. Il giorno dopo invece saremo
>> sicuramente in giro a mappare dal vivo (fino a pranzo).
>> Che ne dite? interessa a qualcuno partecipare? Fatemi sapere presto!
>> --
>> -S
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Legislative districts, Land-use zoning, etc.

2015-10-21 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

On 10/21/2015 04:46 AM, Ray Kiddy wrote:
> To me, OSM is a tool which is ideal for relating various information
> layers across a multi-dimensional substrate. This substrate is a
> two-dimensional geography, which is defined geographically. To me, it
> seems perfect for things like borders.

OSM is first and foremost a community of people curating a data set.
This process works best with data that is verifiable on the ground,
because if two community members disagree over something, the dispute
can be resolved by simply looking at the place. Also, the mapper
(surveyor) is the ultimate authority in OSM; we map what *is*, not what
some government says should be.

We do have a few items that go against these principles, most notably
borders. They are not easily verifiable, and they are items where the
authority lies elsewhere - where OSM can only ever be a copy of some
master data being defined by a government, instead of being the
authoritative source. OSM is certainly not "perfect" for collecting and
curating such information; this is a fact and not a matter of personal
opinion. Having these borders in OSM is already a compromise where the
usefulness (high) has been weighed against the suitability of OSM as a
medium (low).

> It is very true that, as you say, OSM "excels at holding information
> that users can see, verify and update." I think it is also true that
> OSM excels at relating abstract themes in a multi-dimensional space.

I can't process the use of "multi-dimensional" in this context. OSM is
not multi-dimensional, it is 2.5-dimensional at best, and affixing bits
and bobs of extra information to some objects doesn't make it
multi-dimensional. OSM certainly does not excel at relating abstract
themes - the contrary is true, OSM is about concrete stuff. As soon as
we veer into the less concrete - for example, public transport relations
instead of steel tracks on the ground - we hit the limits of our editing
tools, and of most people working with OSM too. Yes we do that (public
transport relations) but we certainly don't "excel" at it.

> And OSM is many, many others things as well. Many others would define
> it differently and all of those would also be valid and useful.

> All of our viewpoints are valuable, and it is more clear that this is
> true when we describe our viewpoints as viewpoints, not as norms.

I think this lovey-dovey relativism doesn't go anywhere. To me, it
smacks of "well, the scientific method is one way to look at physics but
of course there are many others that are equally valid and useful". OSM
is certainly not whatever anyone sees in it, and certainly not all these
views are equally valid and useful.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] CTR Puglia

2015-10-21 Per discussione Federico Cortese
Ho predisposto una primissima bozza di pagina per l'import
Devo ancora inserire le considerazioni sulle licenze e dettagliare il
workflow sul processo di import.
Devo anche inserire lo script python, che è quasi completo.
La tabella di conversione dei tags è ripresa da quella utilizzata per
l'import Lecce, visto che il formato dei dati è identico, ci sono solo
alcuni elemneti in più, per i quali resta da decidere se includerli o
meno nell'import.
Intanto ho scaricato tutti gli shapefile della provincia di Lecce ed
ho già predisposto i file OSM per alcuni riquadri della CTR.
Spero di avere un po' di feedback qui in lista per poter sistemare un
po' di cose prima di passare alla lista internazionale, visto che mi
pare che loro vogliano almeno 14 gg. per eventuali considerazioni sul


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] dotaz k odbočce z turistické značky

2015-10-21 Per discussione Václav Kubíček

Urcite jo,
ve sve podstate jsou odbocky soucasti hlavni trasy. Jen se domluvit, ze se to 
bude pouzivat a donutit rendery to spravne vykreslovat.
Kdysy jsem se pokusil to udelat zde

Od: "Marián Kyral" 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 20.10.2015 19:10
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] dotaz k odbočce z turistické značky

V hromadné dopravě se na to používají "super" relace. Nedalo by se to použít i 


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Petr Vejsada 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 20. 10. 2015 18:38:19
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] dotaz k odbočce z turistické značky

jak jsem zmiňoval, je zde něčí aktivita (už je to dlouho a zapomněl jsem čí), 
kdo narovnává trasy, aby byly lineární. Za tím účelem zde běží i apka, 
pracovně nazvaná rozbité relace. Pokud se bude zařazovat odbočka do relace 
hlavní cesty, bude hlavní cesta nelineární, "rozbitá" a práce dotyčného 
dobrodince bude mařena.


Dne Út 20. října 2015 16:58:52, Tom Ka napsal(a):

Vznikne nelinerani trasa. Nicmene nejsem si jist, jestli tyto udaje
pro navigaci nekdo stejne realne vyuziva.

Dne 20. října 2015 16:48 Karel Volný  napsal(a):
> zdravím,
> Dne Út 20. října 2015 15:33:51, Tom Ka napsal(a):

>> Vzhledem k moznosti vyuziti relace pro navigaci je asi lepsi
>> samostatna relace tj. brat to jako samostatnou nezavislou trasu.
> nerozumím, v čem brání zařazení odbočky navigaci?
> K.
> ___

> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list


Talk-cz mailing list 

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] astalegale

2015-10-21 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
2015-10-21 7:55 GMT+02:00 Federico Cortese :
> 2015-10-21 0:28 GMT+02:00 Simone Cortesi :
>> Ciao,
>> volevo segnalare
> Visto. Grande! Grazie per la segnalazione.
> Speriamo che passino anche alla visualizzazione su mappa OSM :)

dicono di voler continuare ad usare google per via di streetview.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] dotaz k odbočce z turistické značky

2015-10-21 Per discussione Tomas Janousek

On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 08:31:04AM +0200, Václav Kubíček wrote:
> Urcite jo,
> ve sve podstate jsou odbocky soucasti hlavni trasy. Jen se domluvit, ze se
> to bude pouzivat a donutit rendery to spravne vykreslovat.
> Kdysy jsem se pokusil to udelat zde 

Já to tak u cyklotrasy 5 dělal taky:
Nicméně to teda mělo za následek, že na jsou i ty odbočky
označené jako 5 namísto 5A. Možná kdybych pro to vyrobil superrelaci, která by
sama neměla nastavené ref=5, tak by se to neprocpalo dolů, ale to už jsem si
připadal, že mapuju pro renderer. :-(

Tomáš Janoušek, a.k.a. Pivník, a.k.a. Liskni_si,

Talk-cz mailing list

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