Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [sotm] Enregistrements vidéo ?

2016-05-22 Per discussione Nicolas Dumoulin

Le Mon, 23 May 2016 06:50:45 +0200,
Clement IGONET  a écrit :
>À la vue des sujets traités au SOTM à Clermont, je regrette
> profondemment de ne pas avoir pu y aller!
>Est-il prévu de pouvoir accéder aux enregistrements vidéo de
> l'évènement?

Une partie des interventions (presque la moitié) a été filmée. Mais il
va falloir patienter encore un peu avant de les voir en ligne (montage,
encodage, dodo …).

Nicolas Dumoulin

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Landuse mapping

2016-05-22 Per discussione Marc Gemis
Ruben, bedankt, ik zal wetland gebruiken en de bestaande mapping aanpassen
Thanks Ruben, I'll use wetland and adapt the existing tags.

2016-05-21 14:57 GMT+02:00 Ruben Maes :
> --- English below -
> Thursday 19 May 2016 21:14:58, Marc Gemis:
>> Recentelijk ben ik hier en daar wat landuse beginnen corrigeren of wat
>> extra detail beginnen toevoegen. Ik vind het niet zo eenvoudig om
>> alles mooi te classificeren.
>> Hoe zouden jullie bv
>> en
>> taggen ?
> Ik dacht meteen aan natural=wetland, en gepaste subtags.
>> Jammer dat er hier niet rechtstreeks foto's kunnen worden gezet. Ik
>> wel nog wel wat plekjes waar ik de landuse zou willen van aanpassen en
>> waar ik hulp bij nodig heb. Hebben jullie suggesties om gemakkelijker
>> over foto's te discussieren ? Het forum is jammer genoeg vrij doods.
> -- English ---
> Thursday 19 May 2016 21:14:58, Marc Gemis:
>> Recently, I started mapping landuse. In the beginning some small
>> changes or extra detail, but now I want to make more involving
>> changes. But that is pretty hard. Can you help to map
>> and
> I immediately thought of natural=wetland, and fitting subtags.
>> I know this is not the best media to discuss photo's, but nobody is
>> reading the forum. Other suggestions to handle this ?
>> met vriendelijke groeten/regards
> --
> This message is OpenPGP signed.
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

[Talk-us] Potential data source: New York City watershed recreation lands

2016-05-22 Per discussione Kevin Kenny

One-line summary: I want to import the boundaries of New York City
watershed recreation areas.

Side note: This project ties in closely with Paul Norman's
identification of a need to clean up the NYS DEC Lands import.
Many of the NYC DEP watershed lands share borders with the DEC lands,
and performing this import together with or after the DEC Lands
cleanup would yield a topology that is more nearly consistent. (Some
property lines simply are mapped inconsistently in the real world as
well as the digital world, so there will unavoidably be misalignment
of some parcels after the import.)

I welcome comments about any aspects of this proposal. I'm still new
to this game.

New York City
Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water Supply
Open Recreation Areas and Use Designations


New York City owns, and makes accessible for public recreational use
(activities such as hiking, fishing, hunting and trapping) about four
hundred parcels of land in the Catskill and Croton watersheds. All of
these lands are outside the boundaries of the city itself. The vast
majority of these parcels do not yet appear in OpenStreetMap.  This
proposal is made to solicit community buy-in for the project of
importing multipolygons giving the boundaries of these reserves.

I expect that this import should be relatively non-controversial. The
data arise from an authoritative source - the agency that manages the
lands in question. They are readily obtainable in no other
way. Cadastre of public parks, nature reserves, and the like has been
imported many times before.

The import is of relatively small scale, comprising fewer than 400
multipolygons and associated tags. The total area of the parcels in
question is roughly 145 square miles (375 km**2).


I believe that the data are, by law, in the public domain under New
York City's open data access policy. The OSM community has relied on
ths policy in the past, most notably in the import of the New York
City address and building footprint data. The relevant paragraph is
in the Administrative Code of the City of New York, Chapter 5,
paragraph 23-502, subparagraph d. The text may be found at,
page 27. The data in question do appear on the single web portal
described in subparagraph a.


The data in question consist of the PDF file, and the
PDF maps to which it links. I've successfully made a script to scrape
the tabular data from the PDF, resulting in a set of 367 distinct
unit names, together with the 'paa', 'hike', 'fish', 'hunt', 'trap'
and 'dua' columns, and the URL's of the corresponding maps.

These maps are all in PDF format. They are fully georeferenced, and
I've been able to work out GDAL scripts to extract the boundaries and
produce well-formed polygons from all but four of them. These four are
the "Day Use Areas" or "Designated Use Areas" (the web site fairly
consistently uses the former phrasing, the posters on the land use the
latter) of Devasego Park, the Ashokan fountains, and the Kensico and
Cross River dams. These are popular areas for walking and picnicking,
but are more of the nature of city parks than of nature reserves.
On the initial import I propose simply to ignore these four, leaving
363 recreation areas to import.

The proposed tagging is as follows:
For the benefit of legacy renderers that do not yet comprehend
the details of boundary=protected_area
Tailor-made for this data set!
operator='New York City, Department of Environmental Protection,
  Bureau of Water Supply'
name=(obtained from the 'unit' column of the list of sites, with
the word, 'Unit' postpended)
access=yes (if the 'PAA' column is 'Y') or access=license (if the
PAA column is 'N')
if (access=license)
access:hiking=(value of the 'hike' column, normalized to 'yes' or 'no')
access:fishing=(value of the 'hike' column, normalized to 'yes' or 
access:hunting=(value of the 'hike' column, normalized to 'yes' or 

access:trapping=(value of the 'trap' column, normalized to 'yes'
or 'no')
UTC time returned as Date-Modified from the web site. See
below for rationale of retaining this information.

I'm more than open to a different tagging scheme for 'access'. What
the relevant restrictions are:

PAA=Y areas are open to all comers, no 

Re: [Talk-us] TopOSM

2016-05-22 Per discussione Kevin Kenny

On 05/22/2016 02:39 PM, Lars Ahlzen wrote:

On 05/21/2016 01:54 PM, Clifford Snow wrote:
TopOSM looks like a good candidate for a hack session at SOTM-US. Let 
me know if you are interested so I can find a room for people to meet 
on July 25th.

That's not a bad idea. Sounds like there's some interest in the OSM 
community, and I'd be happy to take a look at it again. I'd say go ahead!

Alas, I'm not going to SOTM, but put me down as someone who's interested 
in the project, with some 'skin in the game' already.

As I already posted privately to Clifford:

I picked up TopOSM's code for my own purposes and added quite a few 
twists of my own. I use the result as a basemap for several of my own 
projects. You can see what it looks like at

The 'catskills' in the name is something of a misnomer - it started as a 
Catskill Mountain project, but got out of hand and now covers most of 
the Eastern Seaboard. The 'test' in the name reflects that the page in 
question was intended largely as a demonstration viewer. I mostly use 
the tiles in apps on my phone.

At the moment, it's several months out of date. I've generally brought 
it fully up to date only a few times a year, because I've never troubled 
to get a pipeline going for automatic rendering with a tool such as 
tilestache. Given the limited area that it supports, I do all right 
serving static tiles. It generally takes overnight to produce them all, 
and warms my home office quite nicely when it's running. Clearly, I am 
NOT tooled up to serve it up on a large scale.

It depends on a good many publicly-available data layers with 
ODBL-incompatible terms. Life is full of tradeoffs. I think that a 
'sanitized' version with only ODBL and US Government data wouldn't be 
too difficult to put together.

I'm more than willing to share the code, but it would be a bit of a 
nightmare to set up. I think that the best approach would be to share it 
with a willing apprentice (if you will) in pieces, reworking as we go to 
make sure that each shared piece runs for more than just me and the 
setup is better documented than it is now. I'm willing to put in the 
effort to make such a project succeed, but would find it immensely 
difficult without a guinea pig to try stuff out and provide ongoing 

Significant public layers that I include that I believe TopOSM does not 

(1) NLCD, the National Land Cover Database. This provides the base 
colour, atop which is added hillshading. For my personal map, this is 
not something I'm willing to live without. It's important to me, when 
planning an off-trail trip, to know when to expect coniferous forest 
(near me, this is generally dense balsam-and-spruce that slows travel to 
a crawl) and when to expect deciduous forest (which, by contrast, is 
relatively open). It also pretty much obviates the need to use 
NaturalEarth's 1:10million populated areas shading, which is at an 
inappropriately coarse scale for most of our use of it.

In order to do this, I had to replace styles describing land use/land 
cover/cadastre to use shading on the boundaries rather than area fills. 
(I think the appearance in the end is nicer in any case.) I confess to 
colour-blindness and would welcome a more attractive colour scheme.

(2) A fair number of FCODES from NHD (National Hydrographic Dataset) 
that TopOSM ignores. Ignoring these FCODEs loses, for instance, the 
lower Hudson River on TopOSM.

(3) The USFWS National Wetlands Inventory. Most of the marshlands that 
are shown on my map come from there.

There are also a few state-level data sets describing foot trails and 
public land boundaries in my map that I am NOT comfortable including in 
TopOSM without consulting with the issuing agencies. Some of the 
agencies are not amenable to allowing redistribution of their data, even 
when the law requires them to make the data available to the public. 
Most of those are shown on the map in magenta, and serve me as a "things 
to do" list when I'm thinking up ideas for a short hiking trip.

73 de ke9tv/2, Kevin

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-TW] Planet OSM mirror service in Taiwan

2016-05-22 Per discussione 李昕迪 Lee , Sin-di

在 2016年5月23日 上午10:54,Ceasar Sun  寫道:
> Dear all,
> 國網中心,自由軟體實驗室(即日起提供 Planet OSM 的鏡射服
> 務,URL 如下:
> 若有相關建議,請與我們連繫。
> 目前這個鏡射服務尚未註冊至 ,
> 社群朋友若覺得有必要登錄也可協助註冊相關資訊。
> Mirror information:
> Source: rsync://
> Frequency : Daily
> Ceasar
> --
> ===
> Chen-Kai Sun (Ceasar)
> National Center for High-Performance Computing, Taiwan
> PGP Key: 4096R/6768B31F (; )
> Fingerprint: D20D 8A19 58BE 95B2 20DF  60F2 A658 0CE9 6768 B31F
> ===
> ___
> Talk-TW mailing list

李昕迪 Lee, Sin-di |
Talk-TW mailing list

[Talk-TW] Planet OSM mirror service in Taiwan

2016-05-22 Per discussione Ceasar Sun
Dear all,

國網中心,自由軟體實驗室(即日起提供 Planet OSM 的鏡射服
務,URL 如下:

目前這個鏡射服務尚未註冊至 ,

Mirror information:
Source: rsync://
Frequency : Daily



Chen-Kai Sun (Ceasar)
National Center for High-Performance Computing, Taiwan
PGP Key: 4096R/6768B31F (; )
Fingerprint: D20D 8A19 58BE 95B2 20DF  60F2 A658 0CE9 6768 B31F

Talk-TW mailing list

[Talk-cu] Prueba

2016-05-22 Per discussione Eduardo Plasencia
Es solo una prueba porque desde desde que me inscribí siempre me rechazaba los 
mails a lista y hoy parece q funcionó. Saludos a quien reciba y perdonen. 

Enviado desde mi BLU Android Smartphone___
Talk-cu mailing list

[Talk-cu] Osm

2016-05-22 Per discussione Eduardo Plasencia
Hola, saludos. 
Necesito retirar mi subscripcion en talk-cu pues no tengo conexion internet. 
¿debo hacerlo por la web o es posible tambien via email?
Gracias y saludos.

Enviado desde mi BLU Android Smartphone

Talk-cu mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] OSM Meetup Dublin Saturday 18th June 2-5pm

2016-05-22 Per discussione Daniel Cussen
It was decided at the last in person OSM meetup we should have another
meet up. This was agreed for Saturday 18th of June from 2 to 5pm. It
is also the same day as the TOG open social, meaning from 7pm onwards
there is a general social night, with banter and craic. Earlier that
same day there is also coolest projects in the RDS which is a
coderdojo annual fair. TOG runs a soldering event for the kids. I will
be at the RDS until 1pm and then head and open TOG.

See you then.


Talk-ie mailing list

[Talk-br] Importação PMPA / Prédios : esquema de conversão para o OSM

2016-05-22 Per discussione Sérgio V .
Oi Gerald, obrigado, também contado com o valioso auxílio do @naoliv e diversas 
dicas do @nighto e do pessoal sobre tratamento do material.

Sim, bem lembrado, de fato vou criar uma conta dedicada para os restantes 97%. 
Só foram 3% de upload até agora.

A documentação já está documentada ali, em:,_Rio_Grande_do_Sul/Importa%C3%A7%C3%A3o_PMPA

O pacote com os próximos 10% dos 500.000 polígonos totais (ways) já está pronto 
para upload (ainda não feito), está 100% validado, sem um único erro ou 
warning, cerca de 50.000 objetos (polígonos) em 50MB.

Estou pensando se vale a pena mandar este upload num changeset só (com 
requisição por pacotes de 100 objetos), ou se ainda precisaria subdividir mais. 
O pessoal falou que o limite do JOSM é 50.000 objetos.

Mas a ver como é de fato esta contabilização de objetos (para o limite de 

-se é por polígonos como no QGIS,

-ou pelo somatório (nodes+ways+relation) como o JOSM mostra.

Pois no caso do pacote de 50MB, a contabilização é:


PMPA-SETOR: 01-12  (de 51 setores)
Arquivo .shp(+dbf+...):51,8MB
Arquivo .osm:  50,4MB



tabela de dados d

o .shp: 53.013

WAYS no .osm:  54.498
NODES no .osm: 402.211
RELATIONS no .osm: 839
TOTAL DE OBJETOS no .osm:  457.548

Neste caso então, na contagem do JOSM, seriam 457.548 objetos.

Se contar como limite 50.000 objs., teria que dividir o "total" para 10 pacotes 
de 50.000 objetos, com cerca de 5MB cada.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Por outro lado, o último upload dos prédios PMPA, que foi para 3 bairros (Rio 
Branco a Floresta), contabilizou:

Arquivo .osm:8,6MB

WAYS no .osm:   8.817

NODES no .osm: 64.866 RELATIONS no .osm: 176 TOTAL DE OBJETOS no .osm:


Então o JOSM ali aceitou automaticamente 73.859 objetos . Que eu lembre demorou 
+/- entre 15 min a 1/2 hora no máximo.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sérgio / user:smaprs
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Defibrillator Mapping

2016-05-22 Per discussione Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
On 21 May 2016 at 20:02, Dave F  wrote:
> Have you been in contact with this organisation?

No, but I had a look at their map before. At least in my local area,
it had fewer public AEDs than the East Midlands Ambulance service list
-- so I figured it wasn't particularly complete.


Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] TopOSM

2016-05-22 Per discussione Lars Ahlzen

On 05/21/2016 01:54 PM, Clifford Snow wrote:
TopOSM looks like a good candidate for a hack session at SOTM-US. Let 
me know if you are interested so I can find a room for people to meet 
on July 25th.

That's not a bad idea. Sounds like there's some interest in the OSM 
community, and I'd be happy to take a look at it again. I'd say go ahead!

- Lars

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-cz] SotM 2016

2016-05-22 Per discussione Tom Ka

zacal jsem predelavat web SotM 2016 do post-konferencni podoby.
Najdete zde odkazy na fotky, videa (az budou zverejnena), prezentace

Nejake prezentace jeste stahnu z VOPova NB, nicmene poprosim autory o
zaslani (PDF). Zaroven pokud nekdo z autoru nesouhlasi s publikaci
slajdu prezentace, dejte mi prosim vedet, zapomel jsem si na akci
vyzadat explicitni souhlas.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT2016

2016-05-22 Per discussione Aury88
Simone Cortesi wrote
> per le foto:

io ho anche il video del taglio del nastro (un minutino)...appena lo carico
su G driver vi do il link...naturalmente in cc 

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Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] SOTM CZ+SK 2016 - fotky

2016-05-22 Per discussione Martin Landa

Dne 22. května 2016 18:27 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):

> Tímto bych chtěl ještě jednou klukům poděkovat za zorganizování, bylo to
> moc fajn, jen se nám to trochu natáhlo :-D

pripojuji se, paradni akce! Martin

Martin Landa

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] SOTM CZ+SK 2016 - fotky

2016-05-22 Per discussione Marián Kyral
pár fotek z akce jsem hodil na Flickr:

Tímto bych chtěl ještě jednou klukům poděkovat za zorganizování, bylo to
moc fajn, jen se nám to trochu natáhlo :-D

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Come creare nuovo tag

2016-05-22 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Il 22/05/2016 17:05, Giuseppe Cillis ha scritto:
> Salve a tutti,
> Vorrei sapere come creare un tag. Dove posso trovare una guida ?
> GraZie
> Giuseppe

Per crearlo intendi cosa?

Casomai se devi proporre un nuovo tag, esiste una pagina della wiki
dedicata (in inglese):

Se invece devi "identificare" qualcosa a cui non riesci ad individuare
il tag adatto, puoi parlarne qui (creando una nuova discussione perchè
questa è fuorviante), e vediamo di capire/proporre quello ce secondo noi
può essere vicino alla realtà per il tuo problema.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [WIKI] Traduzione pagina Simple_Indoor_Tagging

2016-05-22 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
2016-05-22 15:17 GMT+02:00 Aury88 :
> volevo sapere se secondo voi possono essere utilizzate per fare l'indoor
> mapping...le foto sono state scattate durante l'osmit quindi teoricamente
> con l'autorizzazione del museo.

l'uso per osm rientra nell'accordo preso con il museo.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT2016

2016-05-22 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
2016-05-22 11:14 GMT+02:00 Aury88 :
> i ragazzi di wikimedia poi sono stati fantastici...nonostante gli
> inevitabili problemi causati dall'aver organizzato tutto per subito dopo il
> trasloco in una struttura ancora in approntamento e condivisa con così tante
> altre associazioni culturali, la manifestazione si è svolta abbastanza
> regolarmente e con tempistiche e modalità che ne hanno fatto un esperienza
> intensa ma non affaticante/stressante. imho siamo fortunati di poter contare
> sulla loro organizzazione ed esperienza.
> e poi è un esperienza unica poter conoscere le persone che di fatto
> gestiscono, seppur a livello nazionale, il più importante progetto di
> raccolta e diffusione della conoscenza nella storia dell'umanità.

ho passato i tuoi complimenti anche allo staff.

credo anche che la scelta di andare a occupare un posto al centro
dell'attuale panorama culturale giovane di milano stia già dando i
suoi frutti.

> tornano ad osm sono state molto interessanti le conferenze tenute da PA e
> onlus...come mappatore spesso non mi rendo conto di quanto diffusa e spesso
> fondamentale sia la mappa da noi realizzata anche la dove non ci sono
> cataclismi o emergenze umanitarie. aver visto come e dove viene usata nei
> problemi anche di tutti i giorni non può che motivarmi ulteriormente.
> sono altresì sempre più convinto che il legame osm-wikimedia debba essere
> ancora più stretto;Gli obbiettivi in comune i vantaggi reciproci e le aree
> di sovrapposizione sono troppe per non poterle considerare  e non ritenere
> l'integrazione dei servizi dei due progetti la "killer-feature" che stiamo
> cercando in osm per attirare gli utenti "casuali" e per poter migliorare la
> mappa.

questo è un punto difficoltoso. per ambo gli "schieramenti"

i punti salienti:
 * circa 70 partecipanti alla giornata OpenStreetMap di venerdì,
soprattutto persone riconducibili alla pubblica amministrazione
 * incontro con i wikipediani in residenza presso i musei
 * aperitivo e inaugurazione della sede presso BASE MILANO

articolo ansa:
articolo repubblica:

per le foto:


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Come creare nuovo tag

2016-05-22 Per discussione Giuseppe Cillis
Salve a tutti,
Vorrei sapere come creare un tag. Dove posso trovare una guida ?

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] Etiqueta para mapear aceras de baldosas

2016-05-22 Per discussione Alejandro S.
Buenas a todos,

Según parece no hay una etiqueta surface=* para reflejar que una acera es
de baldosas, esto es debido probablemente a que en otros países las aceras
son de asfalto o cemento.

Existe la etiqueta surface=pavig_stone [0] para los adoquines de cemento,
incluso una propuesta para mapearlos en más detalle [1], pero creo que ese
tipo de pavimento (que podemos encontrar en calles peatonales) no es lo
mismo que encontramos en muchas ciudades y pueblos de España en aceras y
paseos, ejemplos: [2][3][4][5][6]

Creo que estaría bien proponer una etiqueta para mapear este tipo de
suelos, ¿como lo veis vosotros? ¿surface=* a qué? Si hay interés creo la
propuesta en la wiki y la mando a la lista de tagging.


  Alejandro Suárez
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] talk Digest, Vol 141, Issue 25, about OSM

2016-05-22 Per discussione Daniel Koć

W dniu 22.05.2016 14:57, St Niklaas napisał(a):

Hi Daniel, nice, but would not it be better to make a simple link to
the OSM pages so that you would not have to maintain a lot of data.

For me it was no brainer to add some basic facts there, once somebody 
has created navigating template for OSM-related projects and tools.

I also don't like redundancy too much, but I guess after 10 years OSM 
deserves more general public exposure. I think over time inner Wiki and 
Wikipedia articles will diverge anyway, because the audience is 

And avoid figures as most used, thats IMHO not a good bases for a

You could use a different wording - feel free to rephrase it - but this 
is about illustrating real usage of these editors with hard data (see 
the reference link).

"Low, low, low..." [M. Kempa]

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] foot=permissive in 'paid for' attractions?

2016-05-22 Per discussione David Woolley

On 22/05/16 14:55, Nick Whitelegg wrote:

Just noticed two local 'paid-for' attractions, namely Hillier Gardens
and Mottisfont, both just outside Romsey, have had their paths tagged
for foot=permissive which seems somewhat misleading given that an
admission charge is required.

My thoughts are to remove the foot=permissive tags from the paths in
both these attractions but won't do so if this is going against current
tagging practice.

I would think that the path should be tagged foot=customers not 
untagged, although a general access tag might be OK.  Also, if the whole 
park is mapped as an area with restricted access, that is probably 
implied onto the paths.

On the other hand, access=yes is OK for toll roads.

I definitely think that access=permissive is wrong (although most paths 
in public parks should be so tagged, which is probably the source of the 

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] foot=permissive in 'paid for' attractions?

2016-05-22 Per discussione Nick Whitelegg

Just wondered what current thinking was on this.

Also apologies if this has come up before, I have a vague feeling it did but 
some time ago.

Just noticed two local 'paid-for' attractions, namely Hillier Gardens and 
Mottisfont, both just outside Romsey, have had their paths tagged for 
foot=permissive which seems somewhat misleading given that an admission charge 
is required.

My thoughts are to remove the foot=permissive tags from the paths in both these 
attractions but won't do so if this is going against current tagging practice.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [WIKI] Traduzione pagina Simple_Indoor_Tagging

2016-05-22 Per discussione Aury88
riapro questa discussione anche se per un argomento parzialmente OT.
sono entrato in possesso durante l'ultimo OSMIT dell mappa degli interni del
Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia[1]. sono sia piantine per
l'evacuazione  sia pannelli informativi...
volevo sapere se secondo voi possono essere utilizzate per fare l'indoor
mapping...le foto sono state scattate durante l'osmit quindi teoricamente
con l'autorizzazione del museo.

ciao e buon proseguimento del weekend ;-)

ps: manca il piano sotterraneo dell'edificio A [2], che al momento della
visita era chiusa al pubblico e la piantina di evacuazione del pian terreno
dell'edificio M [3]  che non sono riuscito a trovare


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Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Bug no JOSM 10168

2016-05-22 Per discussione santamariense
@Gerald, Estive tentado resolver o problema e pude perceber que só não
estavam funcionando os atalhos (que é o que eu realmente uso), tentei
excluir alguns plugins que não utilizava e deu certo. Acho que o bug
deve ter ocorrido ao atualizar os plugins e não o JOSM

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] talk Digest, Vol 141, Issue 25, about OSM

2016-05-22 Per discussione St Niklaas
Message: 2
Date: Sat, 21 May 2016 23:00:40 +0200
From: Daniel Koć 
Subject: [OSM-talk] Wikipedia articles about OSM
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

>I've just created some basic Wikipedia articles about popular OSM

Hi Daniel, nice, but would not it be better to make a simple link to the OSM 
pages so that you would not have to maintain a lot of data. And avoid figures 
as most used, thats IMHO not a good bases for a statement.

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End of talk Digest, Vol 141, Issue 25

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Re: [Talk-GB] Defibrillator Mapping

2016-05-22 Per discussione Eric Grosso
Hi all,

I've just made a request to the Scottish Ambulance Service. I'll let you
know about their answer.

I checked the website that Dave mentioned (h
) and it appears that only few
AEDs are mapped, e.g. by comparison with this 2014 map in Edinburgh:


On 21 May 2016 at 20:02, Dave F  wrote:

> Have you been in contact with this organisation?
> Dave F.
> On 21/05/2016 19:48, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:
>> On 22 April 2016 at 14:43, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
>>  wrote:
>>> A rough and ready tool can be
>>> found at for any other
>>> locals who want to use it.
>>> [snip]
>>> In terms of getting more data, I've put in FOI requests to the East
>>> and West Midlands Ambulance Services for starters, so we'll see what
>>> line they take...
>> I've had replies from both now. East Midlands supplied a list without
>> postcodes or coordinates [2], so I've asked if they really don't have
>> any better location info. West Midlands supplied a list with postcodes
>> [2] -- and I've now loaded them into my tool [3].
>> Happy mapping,
>> Robert.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Importação PMPA / Prédios : esquema de conversão para o OSM

2016-05-22 Per discussione Gerald Weber
Oi Sérgio

impressionante seu trabalho e a quantidade de dados, parabéns por conseguir
isto :D

Não sei se isto já foi sugerido, mas penso que seria desejável criar uma
conta específica para esta importação, e eventualmente documentar esta
importação também na wiki



2016-05-21 20:11 GMT-03:00 Sérgio V. :

> Boa noite pessoal.
> Deu certo fazer no QGIS a conversão das tags do SHP-PMPA total de 500MB /
> 500.000 objetos, dividir em SHP menores (50MB), e importar estes direto
> para o JOSM.
> 100% validando no JOSM (ainda não feito o upload).
> Obrigado pelos auxílios e dicas.
> Compartilhando o procedimento adotado:
> No QGIS:
> 1. Aberto SHP-PMPA original de 500MB / 500.000 objetos (equivalente a
> 500.000 ways em .osm);
> 2. Convertidos CAMPOS e VALORES de uma só vez nos 500.000 (com o Table
> Manager e Field Calculator); adicionados CAMPOS 'note' e 'layer; apagados
> CAMPOS sem uso para o OSM (e porque causam problema de validação por 'tag
> inválida');
> 3. Dividido SHP original de 500MB / 500.000 objetos (ways) em 10 arquivos
> menores .SHP de +/- 50MB, conforme os SETORES no original.
> No JOSM:
> 4. Aberto SHP (com plugin OpenData) de 50MB e salvo como .osm:
> Por enquanto, testado só com o 1º SHP de 52MB.
> (funcionou melhor que ogr2osm, pois veio sem tags 'vazias' ('null'): o
> ogr2osm dá problema de não apagar as tags com valor null, que depois no
> JOSM acusaram 50.000 problemas no validador, e teria que apagar de novo
> tudo no JOSM.)
> 5. Apagado campo original "SETOR" (só usado para subdividir o SHP);
> 6. Passado validador no JOSM (com as tags convertidas antes no QGIS):
> -Dos 54.498 ways, acusou apenas:
> a)ERRORS:   Duplicate ways(36=menos de 1 por 1.000)  - casos em que ways
> inner foram duplicados, fazendo parte de 2 multipol: da base e do corpo.
> Resolução: removido multipolígono da base e ways inner, mantidos só way
> (ex-outer) da "base" adicionando building=yes e relação multipolígono do
> "corpo" com respectivos inner.
> Building inside building (1)
> Ways with same position (2)
> Mixed type duplicated nodes - Duplicated nodes (1)
> Key 'description' invalid. - Property values contain multiple white spaces
> (9) - casos de campo 'description' com string variável
> PMPA-SETOR: 01-12  (de 51 setores)
> Arquivo .shp(+dbf+...):51,8MB
> Arquivo .osm:  50,4MB
> TOTAL DE OBJETOS no .shp:  53.013
> WAYS no .osm:  54.498
> NODES no .osm: 402.211
> RELATIONS no .osm: 839
> TOTAL DE OBJETOS no .osm:  457.548
> Desempenho NO JOSM:
> MEMÓRIA MÁX. atingida: 2,4GB  (de 3,3GB livres)
> CPU MÁX. atingida: 70%
> TEMPO ESTIMADO P/UPLOAD:   3 horas (Não feito upload ainda; só comparado
> com o de 9MB que levou 30min)
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Sérgio / user:smaprs
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Jak pomoci -> Poznámky uživatelů

2016-05-22 Per discussione Petr Schönmann
S RSS feedem objevuješ kolo :)

Spíše by bylo vhodné uživatele motivovat k notes když vidí chybu. Řešilo se
to v nějakém issue na githubu. Nicméně dle mě co jsem přidával příspěvek
nestačí pouze textarea k zadání potíže. Člověk ti pak napíše třeba jen
chybí XY. Ty by jsi pak potřeboval ale vědět více věcí. Atributy objektu,
případně odkud kam co vede. Určitě bych tam dal pak více poli, které
člověka aspoň nutí vyplnit co nejvíce info.

Dne ne 22. 5. 2016 9:14 uživatel Miroslav Suchý  napsal:

> Přidal jsem na stránku
> Kdyby se někomu chtělo přeložit
> na které odkazuji, tak by to bylo super.
> Mirek
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
S pozdravem
Petr Schönmann
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT2016

2016-05-22 Per discussione Aury88
Alessandro Palmas wrote
> Il 20/05/2016 21:25, Paolo Monegato ha scritto:
>> Com'è andata oggi?
> Direi molto bene per gli standard italiani. Nel senso che eravamo in 65 o
> 66; in Germania ad esempio fanno ben altri numeri, ma siamo contenti.

pochi ma buoni ;-) se poi consideriamo che in tutti italia mappano
regolarmente un 200 mappatori al giorno (giusto?) in proporzione credo
abbiate fatto anche meglio dei tedeschi :-)
per coloro che non sono potuti venire:
io ho trovato tutto estremamente interessante, mi sono divertito molto e mi
ha fatto anche molto piacere incontrare gente nuova e gente fino ad allora
vista solo in mailing list  o incontrata in qualche sporadica occasione...da
al progetto una prospettiva tutta nuova e molto più "social" di quanto già
non fosse...un'esperienza che spero di poter rifare e che consiglio a tutti
di provare...non penso ci sia modo migliore per creare affiatamento e
comunque per apprendere dai più esperti.

i ragazzi di wikimedia poi sono stati fantastici...nonostante gli
inevitabili problemi causati dall'aver organizzato tutto per subito dopo il
trasloco in una struttura ancora in approntamento e condivisa con così tante
altre associazioni culturali, la manifestazione si è svolta abbastanza
regolarmente e con tempistiche e modalità che ne hanno fatto un esperienza
intensa ma non affaticante/stressante. imho siamo fortunati di poter contare
sulla loro organizzazione ed esperienza.
e poi è un esperienza unica poter conoscere le persone che di fatto
gestiscono, seppur a livello nazionale, il più importante progetto di
raccolta e diffusione della conoscenza nella storia dell'umanità.

tornano ad osm sono state molto interessanti le conferenze tenute da PA e
onlus...come mappatore spesso non mi rendo conto di quanto diffusa e spesso
fondamentale sia la mappa da noi realizzata anche la dove non ci sono
cataclismi o emergenze umanitarie. aver visto come e dove viene usata nei
problemi anche di tutti i giorni non può che motivarmi ulteriormente.
sono altresì sempre più convinto che il legame osm-wikimedia debba essere
ancora più stretto;Gli obbiettivi in comune i vantaggi reciproci e le aree
di sovrapposizione sono troppe per non poterle considerare  e non ritenere
l'integrazione dei servizi dei due progetti la "killer-feature" che stiamo
cercando in osm per attirare gli utenti "casuali" e per poter migliorare la

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Re: [OSM-ja] ロゴの使用について

2016-05-22 Per discussione 多田 真遵

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail 
Get the new AOL app:

On 土曜日, 5月 21, 2016 Satoshi IIDA  wrote:


OSM Japanのロゴですが、ライセンスのページに記載があり、
CC-BY-SA 3.0で利用可能です。

また、本家のロゴですが、こちらも、CC-BY-SA 3.0となっています。


2016年5月21日 8:21 多田 真遵 :






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Satoshi IIDA
twitter: @nyampire

___ Talk-ja mailing list
Talk-ja mailing list

[Talk-cz] Jak pomoci -> Poznámky uživatelů

2016-05-22 Per discussione Miroslav Suchý
Přidal jsem na stránku

Kdyby se někomu chtělo přeložit
na které odkazuji, tak by to bylo super.


Talk-cz mailing list