Re: [Talk-it] Tag struttura pressostatica

2019-08-24 Per discussione Umberto

Il 25/08/19 00:40, Andreas Lattmann ha scritto:

Può andar bene? 樂

Il 24 agosto 2019 23:16:35 CEST, Umberto  ha scritto:

Il 24/08/19 16:29, Umberto ha scritto:

Buongiorno, sono in difficoltà per trovare valore per building adatto
alla costruzione in oggetto.

In particolare è un campo da tennis coperto da struttura che si
sostiene tramite piccola sovrapressione rispetto a quella


esternamente in materiale plastico.

Altri tag assegnati: leisure= pitch e sport=tennis. Poi, per ora  con
un generico building=yes.


Talk-it mailing list

Ho ricontrollato nel pomeriggio, non si tratta di una struttura
pressostatica ma di un grande telone plastificato sorretto da strutture

tubolari metalliche ( tipo tendone ) stabilmente installato sul
Permane difficoltà di assegnare valore al building ( oppure man_made?

Grazie Umberto.


Talk-it mailing list

Non credo, qui sotto una immagine molto simile alla struttura che 
intendo (forse si chiamano strutture geodetiche). Grazie comunque.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Tags für brombeer sträucher

2019-08-24 Per discussione Volker via Talk-de
Mundraub ist auch so eine Sache:-(. Den Tatbestand des Mundraubes gibt
es in Deutschland nicht. Frei geerntet dürfte eigentlich nur, wenn die
entsprechenden Bäume / Sträucher für die freie Ernte gekennzeichnet
sind. Jede(r) Baum, Strauch bzw. Pflanze gehört dem jeweiligen
Grundstückseigentümer. Und das Abernten ohne Erlaubnis ist Diebstahl. Da
kann der Baum auch dreimal nicht bewirtschaftet sein und die Früchte

Am 24.08.2019 um 23:19 schrieb schimmer:
> On 2019-08-24 16:21, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> sent from a phone
>>> On 24. Aug 2019, at 11:01, Volker  wrote:
>>> Gerade
>>> Brombeeren verdorren manchmal auch und an anderer Stelle lassen Vögel
>>> Beeren fallen. Da gehen neue wieder auf. Ich würde also nur die Fläche
>>> taggen und nicht jeden einzelnen Busch.
> Jo, ist auch schwer machbar bei den Sträuchern mit Dornen^^
>> ich tagge normalerweise auch keine unterschiedlichen Arten von
>> Büschen, Sträuchern, Ranken usw. aber wenn man das machen will, warum
>> nicht. Gerade bei fruchttragenden Arten kann ich mir schon vorstellen,
>> dass das jemand nützlich findet.
> Meine Intention war - Fruchtsorten im Felde markieren,
> die frei geerntet werden kann. Apfel, Birne, Kirsche, Pflaumen sind
> easy, Brombeeren war dann die Frage :-)
> Halt netter, wenn die zu findenden Früchte schon auf der Karte sind,
> kann man gezielter suchen.
>> Gruß Martin
> Lars
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tag struttura pressostatica

2019-08-24 Per discussione Andreas Lattmann

Può andar bene? 樂

Il 24 agosto 2019 23:16:35 CEST, Umberto  ha scritto:
>Il 24/08/19 16:29, Umberto ha scritto:
>> Buongiorno, sono in difficoltà per trovare valore per building adatto
>> alla costruzione in oggetto.
>> In particolare è un campo da tennis coperto da struttura che si 
>> sostiene tramite piccola sovrapressione rispetto a quella
>> esternamente in materiale plastico.
>> Altri tag assegnati: leisure= pitch e sport=tennis. Poi, per ora  con
>> un generico building=yes.
>> Suggerimenti?
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
>Ho ricontrollato nel pomeriggio, non si tratta di una struttura 
>pressostatica ma di un grande telone plastificato sorretto da strutture
>tubolari metalliche ( tipo tendone ) stabilmente installato sul
>Permane difficoltà di assegnare valore al building ( oppure man_made?
>Grazie Umberto.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] VS Schönau graz, relation, hilfe gewünscht

2019-08-24 Per discussione Robert Grübler
Hilft das?

LG Robert

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: schimmer [] 
Gesendet: Samstag, 24. August 2019 23:25
An: 'OpenStreetMap AT' 
Betreff: [Talk-at] VS Schönau graz, relation, hilfe gewünscht


Ich werde alt. Ich hab mich mal an die VS Schönau gemacht, diese in eine 
Relation zu verfrachten mitsamt inner/outer polygon, und building parts.
Und bin so halb gescheitert :-(
Bei der VS Wisteichgasse hab ichs vor Jahren hinbekommen, nur werde ich aus den 
nodeinfos gerade ned schlau, wie man das bei der VS Schönau anwendet.

Grob gesagt:
- das alte gebäude hat einen Innenhof, dessen umriss sollte inner sein, der 
alte gebäudeteil outer.
- es gibt 3 Gebäudeteile, jeder mit building:part=yes
- ein outlin um alle
- eine relation mit allen Teilen

Adresse ist noch an dem Teil des alten gebäudes dran, sollte an die relation, 

Kann da mal wer tips geben?


Talk-at mailing list

Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-at] VS Schönau graz, relation, hilfe gewünscht

2019-08-24 Per discussione schimmer


Ich werde alt. Ich hab mich mal an die VS Schönau gemacht, diese in eine 
Relation zu verfrachten mitsamt inner/outer polygon, und building parts.

Und bin so halb gescheitert :-(
Bei der VS Wisteichgasse hab ichs vor Jahren hinbekommen, nur werde ich 
aus den nodeinfos gerade ned schlau, wie man das bei der VS Schönau 

Grob gesagt:
- das alte gebäude hat einen Innenhof, dessen umriss sollte inner sein, 
der alte gebäudeteil outer.

- es gibt 3 Gebäudeteile, jeder mit building:part=yes
- ein outlin um alle
- eine relation mit allen Teilen

Adresse ist noch an dem Teil des alten gebäudes dran, sollte an die 
relation, oder?

Kann da mal wer tips geben?


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Tags für brombeer sträucher

2019-08-24 Per discussione schimmer

On 2019-08-24 16:21, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

sent from a phone

On 24. Aug 2019, at 11:01, Volker  wrote:

Brombeeren verdorren manchmal auch und an anderer Stelle lassen Vögel
Beeren fallen. Da gehen neue wieder auf. Ich würde also nur die Fläche
taggen und nicht jeden einzelnen Busch.

Jo, ist auch schwer machbar bei den Sträuchern mit Dornen^^

ich tagge normalerweise auch keine unterschiedlichen Arten von
Büschen, Sträuchern, Ranken usw. aber wenn man das machen will, warum
nicht. Gerade bei fruchttragenden Arten kann ich mir schon vorstellen,
dass das jemand nützlich findet.

Meine Intention war - Fruchtsorten im Felde markieren, die 
frei geerntet werden kann. Apfel, Birne, Kirsche, Pflaumen sind easy, 
Brombeeren war dann die Frage :-)
Halt netter, wenn die zu findenden Früchte schon auf der Karte sind, 
kann man gezielter suchen.

Gruß Martin


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tag struttura pressostatica

2019-08-24 Per discussione Umberto

Il 24/08/19 16:29, Umberto ha scritto:

Buongiorno, sono in difficoltà per trovare valore per building adatto 
alla costruzione in oggetto.

In particolare è un campo da tennis coperto da struttura che si 
sostiene tramite piccola sovrapressione rispetto a quella atmosferica, 
esternamente in materiale plastico.

Altri tag assegnati: leisure= pitch e sport=tennis. Poi, per ora  con 
un generico building=yes.


Talk-it mailing list

Ho ricontrollato nel pomeriggio, non si tratta di una struttura 
pressostatica ma di un grande telone plastificato sorretto da strutture 
tubolari metalliche ( tipo tendone ) stabilmente installato sul terreno. 
Permane difficoltà di assegnare valore al building ( oppure man_made? ).

Grazie Umberto.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Rettelser til DAR og OISfixes

2019-08-24 Per discussione osm
> Her må jeg lige bemærke at autoAWS, som det kan ses af 
> har holdt pause fra midt i marts og indtil 
> 12. august. Et par 
> korte kommentarer vedrørende sagen findes på
> changeset/73274922.
> Personligt synes jeg det vil være en god ide at køre en sådan service på en 
> server hvor mere end en erfaren/aktiv har adgang, så vi ikke er afhængige af 
> en enkelt bidragsyder (Jonathan har kun meget sporadisk været aktiv i det 
> forløbne tidsrum).
> Mvh Hjart

'For mange kokke fordærver maden'


Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] import SHP

2019-08-24 Per discussione Miroslav Suchý
Dne 24. 08. 19 v 11:42 Jakub Trojan napsal(a):
> Problém je (jak už to tady zaznělo) v souřadnicovém systému.
> Nejjednodušší postup mi přišel ten, že smažu z balíku dat soubor PRJ
> (kde jsou informace o Křovákovi 102065). V QGISu potom otevřu tu vrstvu
> jeskyně, QGIS se zeptá na souřadnicový systém (protože PRJ soubor
> nenajde) a já mu rovnou navolím EPSG: 5514. Potom se jeskyně vykreslí už
> tam, kde má (dobré je to promítnout nad vrstvou OSM z OpenLayers pluginu).
> Export do WGS84 je už pak taky OK.

Tohle funguje! Super. Je to teda divny, ale funguje to.



talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] "gestionnaire" de cartes Umap

2019-08-24 Per discussione
Le 24/08/2019 à 12:41, deuzeffe a écrit :
> On 24/08/2019 12:16, PierreV wrote:
>> Pour la suggestion sur github c'est possible de le faire qu'en
>> français? car
>> si c'est en anglais se sera du "google translate"
> Le développeur d'umap étant français, je pense que c'est possible ^^
> D'autre part, pour les fois prochaines où tu aurais à utiliser un
> traducteur automatique fr-en, je te conseille plutôt DeepL.


Et pas seulement pour l'anglais !


Si ma réponse n'a pas résolu ton problème, c'est que tu n'as pas posé la
bonne question

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] import SHP

2019-08-24 Per discussione Jan Macura

On Sat, 24 Aug 2019 at 11:43, Jakub Trojan  wrote:

> Problém je (jak už to tady zaznělo) v souřadnicovém systému. Nejjednodušší
> postup mi přišel ten, že smažu z balíku dat soubor PRJ (kde jsou informace
> o Křovákovi 102065). V QGISu potom otevřu tu vrstvu jeskyně, QGIS se zeptá
> na souřadnicový systém (protože PRJ soubor nenajde) a já mu rovnou navolím
> EPSG: 5514. Potom se jeskyně vykreslí už tam, kde má (dobré je to
> promítnout nad vrstvou OSM z OpenLayers pluginu).

Zajímavý, že mě to fungovalo i bez těhle tanečků...

talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Rettelser til DAR og OISfixes

2019-08-24 Per discussione openstreetmap
> En mellemvej, der også ville fange dette eksempel, kunne være at autoAWS
> kigger på om der eksisterer to instanser af samme adresse og så vælger
> ikke at importere de der evt. har tekniskstandard=UF.
> Jeg er dog i tvivl om det med den nuværende tilgang for autoAWS-logikken
> er ladsiggørligt, da der analyseres på data fra DAWA/overpassturbo i
> segmenter baseret på postnummer. Så hen over postnumre ville dette i
> hvert fald ikke virke.
> Et er sikkert, den nuværende autoAWS-kode kigger overhovedet ikke på
> "tekniskstandard"-nøglen[4] (baseret på v1.1 som er den eneste Jonathan
> har gjort tilgængelig, det skulle ifølge wiki[5] være v1.3 der er aktiv nu).
> I forhold til autoAWS bør det også bemærkes, har ikke set det nævnt
> herinde, at autoAWS for nyligt er begyndt at køre en gang hvert døgn.
> Hilsner,

Her må jeg lige bemærke at autoAWS, som det kan ses af har holdt pause fra midt i marts og indtil 
12. august. Et par 
korte kommentarer vedrørende sagen findes på

Personligt synes jeg det vil være en god ide at køre en sådan service på en 
server hvor mere end en erfaren/aktiv har adgang, så vi ikke er afhængige af 
en enkelt bidragsyder (Jonathan har kun meget sporadisk været aktiv i det 
forløbne tidsrum).

Mvh Hjart

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tag struttura pressostatica

2019-08-24 Per discussione Federico Cortese
On Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 6:09 PM Francesco Ansanelli  wrote:
> Aggiungo che avevo trovato questa pagina, cercando "tendone pressurizzato":

Sì, infatti abbiamo usato quella combinazione per l'import prima della
CTR di Lecce e poi dell'intera Puglia.
Non mi ricordo da dove venne quel suggerimento, quando si discusse qui
in lista erano venuti fuori altri tag


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-at] Mehr Freude beim Mappen um 45 Euro

2019-08-24 Per discussione Johann Haag
Gerade entdeckt € 44,45,
 Eine Konfigurationsanleitung und ein vorgefertigtes Profil, Vorlage für Power 
Mapper gibt es in meinem blog.
Lg Johann___
Talk-at mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] aide pour une mission Pic4Review

2019-08-24 Per discussione David Crochet


Je cherche à ajouter l'information manquante "destination=" sur les 
chemins qui sont à sens unique et dont leur origine est un rond-point.

J'ai fait cette requête sur Overpass

out meta;>; out meta;

Mais pour le moment je ne sais que choisir les chemin en sens unique qui 
sont à 25 mètre autour d'un rond point. Donc il sélectionne ceux qui 
vont vers le rond point. Je ne voudrais que ceux qui en proviennent.

J'imagine qu'il faut utiliser la clé


Si vous pouviez m'aider à ce point


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] power=marker per linea elettrica interrata

2019-08-24 Per discussione Ivo Reano
> Sembra sia così (il wiki non è chiarissimo). Imho però è un tag sbagliato.
Come si fa a sapere qual è la destra e qual è la sinistra rispetto ad un
> nodo?
> Dipende da che parte lo si guarda... Fosse una linea almeno avrebbe un
> verso.

Sembra cosi, ma in effetti se sei davanti alla targhetta hai la possibilità
di indicare le direzioni come destra o sinistra.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] fin à venir du rendu pour shop=yes

2019-08-24 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel

Risque d'effet de bord.

Je vois que dans un coin de nommite aigüe (à bon escient, ce sont les
noms de commerce), les nom sont simplement apposés sur des building=yes
et apparaissent sur la carte.

Ce serait assez crétin de faire disparaître les (insuffiants) shop=yes
et de laisser les encore moins suffisant building=yes. Car il "vaudrait"
mieux ne pas ajouter shop=yes pour que les noms apparaissent (ou plus
probablement ne pas ajouter un POI shop=yes à l'intérieur du polygone

Ne devrait-on pas n'afficher que les housename sur les building=yes ?

Bon, ça nous donnerait sacrément plus de boulot dans des zones
commerciales où les gens ont ajouté seulement les noms de commerces.


Le 22/08/2019 à 15:59, marc marc - a écrit :


osmcarto (le rendu par défaut sur s’apprête à supprimer
le rendu des shop=yes, trouvant cette valeur trop imprécise que
pour être utile (mouhaha). c'est pas encore en prod mais c'est codé.

Il y en a 3100 en France, 850 en Belgique, 400 en suisse, 77 au lux.
afin d'éviter leur disparition du rendu (on tag pas pour le rendu
mais c'est quand même mieux quand c'est visible), c'est sans doute
l'occasion et l'excuse pour les passer en revue et trouver une
valeur plus adaptée (existante ou à inventer à la hâte, hélas)

Pour trouver ceux dans votre coin :
remplacez VotreLieu par le votre à la ligne 2 :)

Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tag struttura pressostatica

2019-08-24 Per discussione Francesco Ansanelli
Aggiungo che avevo trovato questa pagina, cercando "tendone pressurizzato":

Il sab 24 ago 2019, 18:04 Francesco Ansanelli  ha

> Ciao Umberto,
> campi con le stesse caratteristiche esistono anche nella mia città, io ho
> pensato di usare la combinazione:
> building=sport
> covered=yes
> Buon mapping,
> Francesco
> Il sab 24 ago 2019, 16:30 Umberto  ha scritto:
>> Buongiorno, sono in difficoltà per trovare valore per building adatto
>> alla costruzione in oggetto.
>> In particolare è un campo da tennis coperto da struttura che si sostiene
>> tramite piccola sovrapressione rispetto a quella atmosferica, esternamente
>> in materiale plastico.
>> Altri tag assegnati: leisure= pitch e sport=tennis. Poi, per ora  con un
>> generico building=yes.
>> Suggerimenti?
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tag struttura pressostatica

2019-08-24 Per discussione Francesco Ansanelli
Ciao Umberto,

campi con le stesse caratteristiche esistono anche nella mia città, io ho
pensato di usare la combinazione:


Buon mapping,

Il sab 24 ago 2019, 16:30 Umberto  ha scritto:

> Buongiorno, sono in difficoltà per trovare valore per building adatto alla
> costruzione in oggetto.
> In particolare è un campo da tennis coperto da struttura che si sostiene
> tramite piccola sovrapressione rispetto a quella atmosferica, esternamente
> in materiale plastico.
> Altri tag assegnati: leisure= pitch e sport=tennis. Poi, per ora  con un
> generico building=yes.
> Suggerimenti?
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Tag struttura pressostatica

2019-08-24 Per discussione Umberto
Buongiorno, sono in difficoltà per trovare valore per building adatto 
alla costruzione in oggetto.

In particolare è un campo da tennis coperto da struttura che si sostiene 
tramite piccola sovrapressione rispetto a quella atmosferica, 
esternamente in materiale plastico.

Altri tag assegnati: leisure= pitch e sport=tennis. Poi, per ora  con un 
generico building=yes.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Tags für brombeer sträucher

2019-08-24 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 24. Aug 2019, at 11:01, Volker  wrote:
> Gerade
> Brombeeren verdorren manchmal auch und an anderer Stelle lassen Vögel
> Beeren fallen. Da gehen neue wieder auf. Ich würde also nur die Fläche
> taggen und nicht jeden einzelnen Busch.

ich tagge normalerweise auch keine unterschiedlichen Arten von Büschen, 
Sträuchern, Ranken usw. aber wenn man das machen will, warum nicht. Gerade bei 
fruchttragenden Arten kann ich mir schon vorstellen, dass das jemand nützlich 

Gruß Martin 
Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-GB] Mapping new housing developments in midlothian for Spokes cycle map

2019-08-24 Per discussione Donald Noble
Hi all,

The Lothian cycle charity Spokes are planning to update their paper maps
[1] based partially on OSM data. They have asked for new developments in
Midlothian to be updated before the end of October if possible. The main
items requiring mapping are roads and road names, but other details are

I have created a page [2] on the OSM wiki to list areas of new development
that I am aware of, or are partially mapped on OSM. This can be used to
track when they were last surveyed. It can also be used to track other
areas that need mapping.

Any input on this task is gratefully received, even if it is just an email
to tell me of a development site I have missed.

Cheers, Donald

Donald Noble -
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Raduno osmer in montagna

2019-08-24 Per discussione mbranco2
Hai ragione Paolo, ho appena provveduto!


Il giorno sab 24 ago 2019 alle ore 12:43 Paolo Monegato <> ha scritto:

> Il 23/08/2019 09:16, Luca Delucchi ha scritto:
> On Thu, 22 Aug 2019 at 20:26, mbranco2  wrote:
>> Se per caso qualcuno di voi sarà ancora in ferie e ha voglia di conoscere
>> un bella valle piemontese insieme ad altri osmer, segnalo anche in lista
>> nazionale l'incontro che abbiamo organizzato per sabato 31 agosto in Val di
>> Lanzo:
> bravi!
> Bell'iniziativa. Però una tiratina d'orecchie per non aver inserito
> l'evento sul wiki [1] ci sta tutta!
> ciao
> Paolo M
> [1]
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Raduno osmer in montagna

2019-08-24 Per discussione Paolo Monegato

Il 23/08/2019 09:16, Luca Delucchi ha scritto:
On Thu, 22 Aug 2019 at 20:26, mbranco2 > wrote:

Se per caso qualcuno di voi sarà ancora in ferie e ha voglia di
conoscere un bella valle piemontese insieme ad altri osmer,
segnalo anche in lista nazionale l'incontro che abbiamo
organizzato per sabato 31 agosto in Val di Lanzo:


Bell'iniziativa. Però una tiratina d'orecchie per non aver inserito 
l'evento sul wiki [1] ci sta tutta!

Paolo M

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] "gestionnaire" de cartes Umap

2019-08-24 Per discussione deuzeffe

On 24/08/2019 12:16, PierreV wrote:

Pour la suggestion sur github c'est possible de le faire qu'en français? car
si c'est en anglais se sera du "google translate"

Le développeur d'umap étant français, je pense que c'est possible ^^ 
D'autre part, pour les fois prochaines où tu aurais à utiliser un 
traducteur automatique fr-en, je te conseille plutôt DeepL.

deuzeffe. Promis, je n'ai pas d'actions chez DeepL

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] power=marker per linea elettrica interrata

2019-08-24 Per discussione Paolo Monegato

Il 14/08/2019 18:37, Marcello ha scritto:

Il 13/08/19 22:32, demon_box ha scritto:

tra l'altro rileggendo il wiki di power=marker

dopo il tag position=left/right non ho capito nulla

come faccio ad indicare che la linea si trova ad esempio (vedi prima foto) a
2.80 metri a destra del paletto marcatore?
com'è la sintassi corretta?


Leggendo quella pagina wiki credo che la sintassi per indicare la
posizione nel tuo caso sia:


volendo si può aggiungere anche il valore dell'angolazione rispetto al nord

Sembra sia così (il wiki non è chiarissimo). Imho però è un tag sbagliato.
Come si fa a sapere qual è la destra e qual è la sinistra rispetto ad un 
Dipende da che parte lo si guarda... Fosse una linea almeno avrebbe un 

Paolo M

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Rettelser til DAR og OISfixes

2019-08-24 Per discussione Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen

Den 23. august 2019 12.32.04 CEST, Hans Gregers Petersen
>> Men kunne vi ikke ignorere den slags adresser når vi importerer til

Som jeg lige forstår specifikationen af nøglen "tekniskstandard"[1][2]
for DAR-adresser, så er værdien "UF" et potentielt udgangspunkt i en
adresses livscyklus. Formentlig brugt ved administrativ oprettelse af en
adresse, inden en fysisk bygning er planlagt eller opført. For så vidt
kunne dette godt indikere at det ville være ok at ignorere dem helt ved
OSM-import, dette følger i hvert fald "Map what's on the

Personligt synes jeg nu det er meget anvendeligt at adressenoderne
kommer i OSM inden en fysisk bygning er opført og færdigmeldt. Det giver
mulighed for at tegne den evt. nye vej den ligger på proaktivt (hvilket
jo så egentlig ikke følger "on the ground", men giver stor værdi efter
min mening).

>Der er desværre fortsat en del valide adresser (små 300.000), der er

Det er jo så et rigtig godt argument for ikke at udelukke kun på
teksniskstandard=UF, hvis den reelle datakvalitet i DAR ikke er lever op
til specifikationen og der er gode adresser som er fejlagtigt mærket op
med UF. Det må jo være kommunerne der har et efterslæb mht. at følge op
på byggesager mm. Hvordan kommer du frem til tallet 300k?

En mellemvej, der også ville fange dette eksempel, kunne være at autoAWS
kigger på om der eksisterer to instanser af samme adresse og så vælger
ikke at importere de der evt. har tekniskstandard=UF.
Jeg er dog i tvivl om det med den nuværende tilgang for autoAWS-logikken
er ladsiggørligt, da der analyseres på data fra DAWA/overpassturbo i
segmenter baseret på postnummer. Så hen over postnumre ville dette i
hvert fald ikke virke.

Et er sikkert, den nuværende autoAWS-kode kigger overhovedet ikke på
"tekniskstandard"-nøglen[4] (baseret på v1.1 som er den eneste Jonathan
har gjort tilgængelig, det skulle ifølge wiki[5] være v1.3 der er aktiv nu).

I forhold til autoAWS bør det også bemærkes, har ikke set det nævnt
herinde, at autoAWS for nyligt er begyndt at køre en gang hvert døgn.



Description: application/pgp-keys
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Re: [Talk-GB] Solar Panels Quarterly Project: 39 days to go

2019-08-24 Per discussione Dan S
Hi Brian,

I see where you're coming from. But I'd argue it's not that vital to
push people forward on the larger solar farms. I'm confident they'll
all get done, by the end of the year at least, since there's a finite
set of them and they're highly visible. (We've gone from 138 to 538
solar farms tagged so far.) To my eyes, the quarterly project is
already on track to be a big success - we started with 4k panels and
now we have 69k.

But of course if people would like to map the outlines of the big
farms then please do - indeed I've been doing some of that. I do
actually have a CSV of the type you suggest, but it's a mess with
personal notes. I can share it but not immediately (I was hoping to
merge it back into the wiki list at [1]). In my experience, about 5%
of the REPD entries, I don't see in any aerial imagery (so cannot map)
and I don't know whether that means they're very recent or that they
didn't get built. I've checked all the entries of 10 MW or more, so if
others would like to help then a good starting point is items in the
list [1] of less than 10 MW (e.g. between 5 and 10 MW - there are lots
of those).



Op za 24 aug. 2019 om 10:24 schreef Brian Prangle :
> Stupendous though the progress is - we're unlikely to achieve more than about 
> 20% of the total by the end of the project so perhaps it would be better to 
> concentrate for the remainder of the time on the larger solar farms where we 
> already have approx 50% of the total and have reasonable prospect of getting 
> them all. It would be good to  have a quartlery project where we achieve 
> completion. Perhaps someone with the data skills could compare the REPD ofgem 
> data with OSM data and prepare a map (or even just a csv with lat/lon for use 
> in JOSM) showing the missing ones?
> Regards
> Brian
> On Fri, 23 Aug 2019 at 16:34, Dan S  wrote:
>> Hi Jerry and all,
>> Indeed we've over 500 solar farms - I can check the exact number this 
>> weekend. (From the OfGEM data, I estimate that approx 1100 exist.)
>> Here are some comments from the point of view of a data consumer:
>> As I think Gregory commented - we don'tt really "need" much detail on solar 
>> farms (e.g. the panels contained within them). In general, we have metadata 
>> for solar farms, so we just need their outlines, plus either their output 
>> capacity and/or their ID in the REPD dataset (repd:id=*).
>> Much more important is to spot the small-scale solar - that's a vital piece 
>> of the puzzle that none of the official data sources are very good at.
>> As Jerry suggests, it's good to aim for high coverage on a few chosen 
>> regions (e.g. local authorities). This will help with the machine learning 
>> but the more direct importance is that it will help piloting solar energy 
>> forecasting, using those regions.
>> In particular, it might be helpful for at least someone to focus on 
>> Cornwall. That's an area with a lot of solar installations, and the National 
>> Grid know it as an area that often gives a lot of "reverse flow", i.e. a 
>> large amount of small-scale generation feeding back into the grid. I've had 
>> a bit of a look at Cornwall and various imagery looks really nice and clear 
>> there.
>> Have a sunny weekend!
>> Cheers
>> Dan
>> Op vr 23 aug. 2019 om 13:05 schreef SK53 :
>>> Thought I'd write a really quick summary of progress on the quarterly 
>>> project:
>>> As of last night we had a total of 67,475 installations (solar farms 
>>> enclosing several groups of panels are treated as one installation. At the 
>>> time of writing another 500 have been added this morning.
>>> 8 local authorities have more than 50% of the estimated total number (based 
>>> on FIT data), in descending order : Nottingham, Ashfield, Liverpool, 
>>> Knowsley, Tameside, Wrecsam, Bassetlaw, Peterborough, and Manfield.
>>> During August anywhere from 1500 to nearly 2500 panels have been mapped 
>>> each day. Even if only average 1000 a day for the remainder of the project 
>>> it means we should comfortably exceed 100k mapped installations (between 10 
>>> & 12% of the total).
>>> There's no shortage of places where it is easy to add a lot of panels in a 
>>> short time (I added nearly 500 in Worksop yesterday). Gregory's site has a 
>>> list of candidates at the bottom of the main page.
>>> As expected urban areas are easier to do than rural areas.
>>> General areas with a lot of mapping are: West Midlands, North-East 
>>> (Tyneside, Wearside etc), North-West, East Mids and Kent. I think you can 
>>> guess who the likely suspects are.
>>> I don't have any immediate stats on solar farms, but Dan pointed out that 
>>> we have over 50%. perhaps Dan or Jex can provide an update.
>>> Apart from a general target of 100k installations some other things are 

Re: [talk-cz] import SHP

2019-08-24 Per discussione Jakub Trojan
Problém je (jak už to tady zaznělo) v souřadnicovém systému. Nejjednodušší
postup mi přišel ten, že smažu z balíku dat soubor PRJ (kde jsou informace
o Křovákovi 102065). V QGISu potom otevřu tu vrstvu jeskyně, QGIS se zeptá
na souřadnicový systém (protože PRJ soubor nenajde) a já mu rovnou navolím
EPSG: 5514. Potom se jeskyně vykreslí už tam, kde má (dobré je to
promítnout nad vrstvou OSM z OpenLayers pluginu).

Export do WGS84 je už pak taky OK.


Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2019 15:16:55 +0200
> From: Miroslav Suchy 
> To:
> Subject: Re: [talk-cz] import SHP
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Dne 22. 08. 19 v 14:22 Jan Macura napsal(a):
> > Není možná. Zkoušel jsem to teď znova a když zůstanu v systému 102065,
> je to o nějakých 100 m uskočený na severovýchod,
> > ale když přepnu do 5514, tak je vše OK.
> Zkusil jsem aktualizovat QGis na 3.8. Nepomohlo. Akorat mi zacalo
> vyskakovat okno na vice moznosti konverze mezi
> Krovakem a WGS84.
> Nahral jsem co delam:
> Mirek
talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Solar Panels Quarterly Project: 39 days to go

2019-08-24 Per discussione Brian Prangle
Stupendous though the progress is - we're unlikely to achieve more than
about 20% of the total by the end of the project so perhaps it would be
better to concentrate for the remainder of the time on the larger solar
farms where we already have approx 50% of the total and have reasonable
prospect of getting them all. It would be good to  have a quartlery project
where we achieve completion. Perhaps someone with the data skills could
compare the REPD ofgem data with OSM data and prepare a map (or even just a
csv with lat/lon for use in JOSM) showing the missing ones?



On Fri, 23 Aug 2019 at 16:34, Dan S  wrote:

> Hi Jerry and all,
> Indeed we've over 500 solar farms - I can check the exact number this
> weekend. (From the OfGEM data, I estimate that approx 1100 exist.)
> Here are some comments from the point of view of a data consumer:
> As I think Gregory commented - we don'tt really "need" much detail on
> solar farms (e.g. the panels contained within them). In general, we have
> metadata for solar farms, so we just need their outlines, plus either their
> output capacity and/or their ID in the REPD dataset (repd:id=*).
> Much more important is to spot the *small-scale* solar - that's a vital
> piece of the puzzle that *none* of the official data sources are very
> good at.
> As Jerry suggests, it's good to aim for high coverage on a few chosen
> regions (e.g. local authorities). This will help with the machine learning
> but the more direct importance is that it will help piloting solar energy
> forecasting, using those regions.
> In particular, it might be helpful for at least someone to focus on
> *Cornwall*. That's an area with a lot of solar installations, and the
> National Grid know it as an area that often gives a lot of "reverse flow",
> i.e. a large amount of small-scale generation feeding back into the grid.
> I've had a bit of a look at Cornwall and various imagery looks really nice
> and clear there.
> Have a sunny weekend!
> Cheers
> Dan
> Op vr 23 aug. 2019 om 13:05 schreef SK53 :
>> Thought I'd write a really quick summary of progress on the quarterly
>> project:
>>- As of last night we had a total of 67,475 installations
>> (solar farms
>>enclosing several groups of panels are treated as one installation. At the
>>time of writing another 500 have been added this morning.
>>- 8 local authorities have more than 50% of the estimated total
>>number (based on FIT data), in descending order : Nottingham, Ashfield,
>>Liverpool, Knowsley, Tameside, Wrecsam, Bassetlaw, Peterborough, and
>>- During August anywhere from 1500 to nearly 2500 panels have been
>>mapped each day. Even if only average 1000 a day for the remainder of the
>>project it means we should comfortably exceed 100k mapped installations
>>(between 10 & 12% of the total).
>>- There's no shortage of places where it is easy to add a lot of
>>panels in a short time (I added nearly 500 in Worksop yesterday). 
>> Gregory's
>>site has a list of candidates at the bottom of the main page.
>>- As expected urban areas are easier to do than rural areas.
>>- General areas with a lot of mapping are: West Midlands, North-East
>>(Tyneside, Wearside etc), North-West, East Mids and Kent. I think you can
>>guess who the likely suspects are.
>>- I don't have any immediate stats on solar farms, but Dan pointed
>>out that we have over 50%. perhaps Dan or Jex can provide an update.
>> Apart from a general target of 100k installations some other things are
>> worth focussing on for the remainder of the project:
>>- Getting a few LAs over 75%. Ashfield
>> is surprising
>>because installations are widely distributed. Liverpool
>> is more
>>typical: two-thirds are mapped but perhaps 80% of the LSOAs have not been
>>touched, and over a 1000 are in 4 LSOAs around Speke. So finding the
>>additional panels may be less rewarding.
>>- Searching a small number of rural LAs intensively: small ones are
>>probably best: Anglesey, Isle of Wight, Rutland etc. My suspicion is that
>>panels are harder to find, but also that imagery is often quite a bit 
>> older.
>>- Get more done in Scotland (and Northern Ireland). Gregory's site
>>doesn't allow the micro-targeting by LSOA which has been so effective for
>>England & Wales.
>> The first two are because there is the possibility of using located
>> rooftop solar panels as training sets for more automated identification
>> using machine learning. Dan may want to say more on this.
>> Lastly, a couple of remarks stemming from jumping around England & Wales
>> about OSM mapping in general:
>>- Buildings have been diligently mapped in all sorts of unexpected

Re: [Talk-it] climbing_adventure

2019-08-24 Per discussione Andreas Lattmann
Grazie a tutti! 
Ho inserito amenity=ticket_booth. 

Il 23 agosto 2019 19:58:14 CEST, Nogaro  ha scritto:
>Si, concordo. Per questo per il gabbiotto che vende i biglietti del
>parco avventura mi sembrava più  adatto amenity=ticket_booth. Solo che
>leggendo il wiki dice che è deprecato per scarso uso.
>-Original Message-
>From: Martin Koppenhoefer  
>Sent: 23 August 2019 17:21
>To: openstreetmap list - italiano 
>Subject: Re: [Talk-it] climbing_adventure
>sent from a phone
>> On 23. Aug 2019, at 10:26, Nogaro  wrote:
>> Però è stato deprecato in favore di shop=ticket. Avendo chiave
>diversa, si potrebbero anche mettere entrambi.
>io penso a due cose diverse con questi tag (senza aver letto il wiki):
>shop=ticket potrebbe essere un negozio dove puoi comprare biglietti per
>concerti, musei ecc., mentre amenity=ticket_booth potrebbe essere la
>biglietteria, che vende solitamente/soprattutto i biglietti per un
>determinato sito/museo/concerto/teatro ... oppure per treni, pullman,
>ecc. (normalmente per la cosa dove si trova). Volendo si potrebbe
>specificare cosa vende (con un tag, oppure con il ruolo in una
>relazione. La relazione site potrebbe essere adatta).
>Ciao Martin 
>Talk-it mailing list
>Talk-it mailing list


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Tags für brombeer sträucher

2019-08-24 Per discussione Volker
Ich würde es bei natural= scrub belassen. Nach meiner Erfahrung ändern
sich Standorte solcher Büsche immer mal wieder, weil sie zwischendurch
mal abgeschnitten werde, weil sie irgendwo im Weg sind. Gerade
Brombeeren verdorren manchmal auch und an anderer Stelle lassen Vögel
Beeren fallen. Da gehen neue wieder auf. Ich würde also nur die Fläche
taggen und nicht jeden einzelnen Busch.

Am 24.08.2019 um 01:55 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
> sent from a phone
>> On 23. Aug 2019, at 19:28, Christoph Hormann  wrote:
>> Für nicht als Nutzplanzen angeplanzte Brombeeren ist natural=scrub exakt 
>> richtig.
> sehe ich auch so, als Bäume sollte man sie besser nicht taggen.
> Gruß Martin 
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] climbing_adventure

2019-08-24 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 23. Aug 2019, at 19:58, Nogaro  wrote:
> Solo che leggendo il wiki dice che è deprecato per scarso uso.

ogni tanto il wiki sbaglia ;-)

Ciao Martin 
Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk] Academic Track FOSS4G 2019

2019-08-24 Per discussione Suchith Anand via talk
 Following the established tradition of FOSS4G conferences, at the 2019 edition 
[1], an Academic Track ran in parallel with the General Track. 

Thank you to the chairs Andreea Florentina Marin (University of Bucharest, 
Romania) and Maria Antonia Brovelli ( Politecnico di Milano, Italy), all 
members of the Academic Committee, reviewers and authors for making this 
possible. This is great contributions for expanding Open Geospatial Science.

Details of all accepted academic track papers 

Best wishes,



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