Re: [Talk-ca] Fort McMurray forest fires

2016-05-05 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Thu, May 5, 2016 9:28 am, Andrew MacKinnon wrote:
> As you are probably aware by now, a large portion of Fort McMurray,
> Alberta has been destroyed by forest fires.
> Is any freely licensed aerial imagery of the affected area available
> yet? Will the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap team be creating a project for
> Fort McMurray?

You might get some help from UrtheCast, as a Canadian company they might
be willing to donate access to footage.

Not sure that they can provide geo-referenced shots, but any info might be
of use. Their cameras are fixed on ISS, so any orbital software/website
will tell you if/when they have near passes.

They also have a live feed:


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Google StreetView From Bikes

2009-07-30 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Thu, 30 Jul 2009 19:22:23 -0500
Ian Dees wrote:

  The Canon 30D (for example) is rated for 100,000 shutter cycles. If you
 take a shot every 1-10 seconds, you'll be able to go for roughly 6 straight
 hours before the shutter will fail.

OK so how nerdy am I, just spent an hour (or so) reading up on this and I don't 
even have a DSLR. ;-)

1). The shutter fail, is apparently more to do with the 'lift mirror' action 
than the 'rolling curtain' shutters. No indication on how many triggers before 
the rolling shutters fail...

2). 'Better' DSLRs have a live preview mode where mirror is lifted and image is 
displayed on screen rather than in optical view finder.

3). 'Silent mode' can use an electronic 1st stage shutter, followed by a 
mechanical 2nd stage. 

You can also get the live preview across a USB cable, although I didn't find 
any commentary on the maximum resolution this can be at, only the fps. 
Suggestion was that it's mjpeg images so I suspect it is low res.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Custom OpenStreetMaps ?

2009-07-20 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 16:57:17 +0200
Etric Celine wrote:

 The only way to create it at the moment is to use OpenLayers on your own 

The Google 'My Map' looks quite impressive, and as Etric notes there is no 
simple (as yet) way to do this. Given that OpenLayers can render out 
GPX/KMLs/OSMs/etc then this is technically possible maybe one could even 
abuse potlatch into being the editor for such a project with resultant OSM 
saved locally.

If you are simply wanting to hi-light a node (which already exists in the OSM 
database) then this can be overlaid on top of the OSM slippy map with something 

You can also place marker at a random point directly on the map:

By far the best way is to implement your own slippy map as you can control 
exactly what is displayed (and how), place things in layers, add pop-ups, etc. 
All it really requires is some web hosting and a few lines of JavaScript to be 
added to a page.

It takes a little pain to get some thing going, but even a java-script 
ignoramus like me can handle it.

For examples, see:

There is also the Static Map API under development which lets you place items 
on a map image via parameters passed in the URL (see


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] keepright! goes global

2009-07-20 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 21:48:24 +0200
Harald Kleiner wrote:

 But anyway: First thing to try is add some more starting points. Just 
 give me a location and the map will look cleaner after the next update!

You could add airports to your seeding locations, some rural communites will 
only be accessible via air.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] 'Distance to feature' maps?

2009-07-15 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Tue, 14 Jul 2009 23:51:22 +0200
Frederik Ramm wrote:

 I happen to have a Perl script that does something like this

With some pretty simple mods (which even I could handle) your code can output a 
CSV list of lat/long/distance; however I struggled produce a decent contour 
from this.

Previously I had used a perl script to call Gnuplot to 'contour' the SRTM data, 
which worked fine. Using the data from your script had the problem that is was 
'sparse' point data rather than an XY full table of data and as such Gnuplot 
didn't do a good job at creating contours.

There are 2 ways around this I can think of:
1) split the ways in the source data into many more nodes, so that there is 
more chance of Gnuplot seeing a line trend.

2) Play some math tricks to interpolate the output data, effectively performing 
the same thing.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] 'Distance to feature' maps?

2009-07-15 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Wed, 15 Jul 2009 09:00:23 +0200
Frederik Ramm wrote:

Finally managed to get something 'believable', see attached contours. You can 
download the corresponding roads with JOSM.

Problems where:
1) GnuPlot output number format didn't have enough digits and was distorting 
2) Gnuplot dgrid3d needed to be tweaked to improve rejection of points further 
3) Source data didn't contain enough nodes, had to interpolate

So I need to merge and render this out with Osmarender, which shouldn't be too 
difficult. And then write it up in some form for others to try.

I'd also like to look at selecting which ways to route down. At present it 
looks like it is fixed in the perl script but there are some it shouldn't use 
('access=private') and it would be nice to do two maps, one with stairs and one 
without (mother pushing pram...).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposal 'man_made:tower' and 'communications_transpoder'

2009-07-13 Per discussione Simon Wood

 Formally recognized or not, mapnik renders man_made=tower.

That is actually a 'water tower' 
( with tags:
  created_by = Potlatch 0.10f
  man_made = water_tower


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Proposal 'man_made:tower' and 'communications_transpoder'

2009-07-13 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Wed, 1 Jul 2009 23:17:37 -0600
Simon Wood wrote:

 I have had a go at tidying the proposed tags for communication towers and 
 would welcome any comments.

Following suggestions and the fact that 'man_made:tower' does not appear to be 
a formally recognised tag (even if JOSM knows about it) I would like to bring 
the following two tags into the approval process.

If you have comments please add to the discussion page for each tag.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposal 'man_made:tower' and 'communications_transpoder'

2009-07-13 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Mon, 13 Jul 2009 16:30:16 +0100
Ed Loach wrote:

 It does know man_made=mast

Which does not have a page on the wiki, and is not listed on the 'man_made' page

So I guess that it's not valid either. It seems that this little corner of OSM 
is a little muddled, if you can add comments to the discussion page(s) I'll try 
to help sort this out.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Proposal 'man_made:tower' and 'communications_transpoder'

2009-07-13 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Mon, 13 Jul 2009 18:53:11 +0100
Chris Hill wrote:

 During the discussions I and other pointed out that man_made=mast is already 
 used, but the process continued. 

Please don't take this as anything detremental against Chris or his
suggestions 'man_made=mast' and 'man_made=tower' are both in use,
neither is clearly defined on the wiki and therefore open to
mis-interpretation and confusion.

By raising the 'man_made=tower' + 'tower:type=xxx' I am hoping to
clarify the recommended way to tag these objects and hopefully make it
easier for new mappers and rendering engines to place them on maps.

Since neither tag was written up in the wiki, I have 'placed a stick in
the sand' with some suggestions on how to tag towers (communications/
observation, possibly more types in the future).

My main motivation is to sort the 'undocumented mess' out before I add
around 3000nodes from a database.

One great thing about crowd-sourcing _IS_ that the best solution wins
out, if that is 'man_made=mast' then great. But OpenSource and 
crowdsourcing should also not be scared of fixing things can be done

So lets come up with a prososal (which I have), vote and act on that.

PS. What else do you guys expect of me, to write up a contrary wiki
page for the 'man_made=mast' tag and force a vote of that too

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] touristic car routes

2009-07-12 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:14:45 +0200
Ivo van den Maagdenberg wrote:

 Just noticed a marked scenic route for cars. Any suggestions for the route
 tag fort the relation that could mark this kind of routes?
 name=..., type=route, route=car

I have been using:
tag k=route v=road/
tag k=type v=route/

for example which 
are 'official' tourist trails around Alberta, Canada.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Converting polygon to OSM way?

2009-07-10 Per discussione Simon Wood
On 10 Jul 2009 07:27:33 +0200
Russ Nelson wrote:

 It's very straightforward.  Just needs a program to take the one file  
 format and turn it into a different file format.  Just create a bunch  
 of new nodes, connect them together with a way, then add the  
 appropriate metadata for your renderer.  Number the nodes and ways  
 with negative numbers.

Yes, it relatively easy... I'm just lazy and wondered if it had been done 
already (with some code which really did it right - ie. copying with holes 

My simple hack method was:
head -n -2 alberta2pts.txt | awk -f poly2way.awk   test.osm


print ?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?
print osm version='0.5' generator='poly2way'

if (NR  3 ) {
printnode id='- NR+offset ' visible='true' lat=' $2+0 
' lon=' $1+0 '

printway id='- NR + 1 ' visible='true'

for (count=4; count  NR; count++) {
print   nd ref='- count+offset '/
print   nd ref='- 4+offset '/
print   tag k='boundary' v='boundary'/

print /osm

talk mailing list

[Talk-ca] circular roads north west of Medicine Hat

2009-07-07 Per discussione Simon Wood
What are these?

They appear in Google's photos, but not on the mapping layer.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New static-maps API

2009-07-06 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Mon, 6 Jul 2009 20:57:37 +0100
OJ W wrote:

 Various people have been asking for a better version of the MapOf
 service that's been running on dev for a while, serving mediawiki
 plugins, dynamic wallpapers, images in websites, etc.  So I'm pleased
 to announce a static maps website with a few extra features:

Cool! This might also be useful for creating a fallback 'static' page when 
JavaScript is disabled on the browsers.

I tried to get it to display a relation, without much luck:

On the topic of relations; does this mean it is OK to place random 'simon's 
favourite hike' relations into the OSM database? (I'm working on getting the 
local ATV'ers hooked - they cover a lot of trail miles...)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Communications tower/transponders

2009-07-06 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Wed, 1 Jul 2009 23:17:37 -0600
Simon Wood wrote:

 I have had a go at tidying the proposed tags for communication towers and 
 would welcome any comments.

If no-one has any objections I'd like to formally move these to the 'RFC' 
stage. Do I do it just by setting the date field?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping Photos

2009-07-05 Per discussione Simon Wood
Hi John,
I shall not be a SOTM but you are welcome to use any of the mapping photos on 
my Flickr stream.

Many of us upload surveying photos as a matter of course and tag them 'OSM' or 
'OpenStreetMap'. All mine are licensed CC-SA (to match OSM), however I am 
beging to think that straight CC or even PD would be more appropriate as it 
might help other map makers (those pesky Google community) to use the 
information without the need to burn more gas/petrol collecting the same 

(aka. mungewell)

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] TheTom: Roads in Alberta, script gone wild?

2009-07-05 Per discussione Simon Wood
Hi all,
I've messaged TheTom seperately, but thought best to post here as well.

It looks like a  script has gone wild. Down in the Crowsnest Pass highway 3 has 
been corrupted with this change:

It looks like an addition way has be superimposed on top of the original nodes, 
which run in both directions. I'm worried that this problem is duplicated in 
multiple places.


talk mailing list

[Talk-ca] TheTom: Roads in Alberta, script gone wild?

2009-07-05 Per discussione Simon Wood
Hi all,
I've messaged TheTom seperately, but thought best to post here as well.

It looks like a  script has gone wild. Down in the Crowsnest Pass highway 3 has 
been corrupted with this change:

It looks like an addition way has be superimposed on top of the original nodes, 
which run in both directions. I'm worried that this problem is duplicated in 
multiple places.


Talk-ca mailing list

[OSM-talk] Communications tower/transponders

2009-07-01 Per discussione Simon Wood
I have had a go at tidying the proposed tags for communication towers and would 
welcome any comments.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Filtering out errors from GPX file

2009-03-10 Per discussione Simon Wood
Hi all,
I was wondering how to filter out 'obviously wrong' points from a GPX track 
log, which was recorded in heavy tree coverage. The track log was mostly good, 
but had a few outlying (individual) points, which would have been hard to find 
by hand given 1s data for 1 1/2 hours.

As it took me a while to work out I thought I would document it here, as it 
might be of use to someone else. I did this by using GPSBabel to compute the 
speed for each point and then used awk to filter out (drop) points which 
exceeded a threshold.

$ gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f track.gpx -x track,speed -o unicsv -F temp.unicsv
$ head -n 1 temp.unicsv  new.unicsv
$ head -n -1 temp.unicsv | awk -F ',' '{if ($520) print $0;}'  new.unicsv 
$ gpsbabel -t -i unicsv -f new.unicsv -x transform,trk=wpt -o gpx -F new.gpx

The awk script could be made more complicated (ie. calculate acceleration over 
several samples) to give an even better result.

The difference is clear:
$ ./ track.gpx --summary

WhereWasI Output

Number of Track Segments= 1
Start Segment / Point   = 0/0
End Segment / Point = 0/5365
Start Time  = 07/03/2009 17:35:20
End Time= 07/03/2009 19:04:51
Number of Track Points  = 5366
Total Time  = 01:29
Total Distance  = 12.03 km
Total Climb =  4761 m
Average Speed   =  8.06 km/hr
Maximum Speed   = 1239.35 km/hr

$ ./ new.gpx --summary

WhereWasI Output

Number of Track Segments= 1
Start Segment / Point   = 0/0
End Segment / Point = 0/5316
Start Time  = 07/03/2009 17:35:20
End Time= 07/03/2009 19:04:50
Number of Track Points  = 5317
Total Time  = 01:29
Total Distance  =  9.86 km
Total Climb =  3469 m
Average Speed   =  6.61 km/hr
Maximum Speed   = 66.82 km/hr


PS. Wherewasi can be found here:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenPisteMap: Cross Country Ski Trails.

2009-03-09 Per discussione Simon Wood
Hi Steve and all,

On Mon, 9 Mar 2009 10:52:26 + (GMT)
Steve Hill wrote:

  A non-subjective incline=30% type tag would 
 be better, and matches up with what is often used on highways:

I'm not sure that putting an absolute value on it would be possible for cross 
country, but reusing the same tag would make sense. So I'll split the way for 
the steep sections and use 'incline=yes' with the way facing downhill to mark 
the sections where you are definately going to have to herringbone up the hill.

This will allow a certain amount of subjective-ness to be represented on a map.

With the SRTM data I think that the resolution of the data would not be 
detailed enough to detect/show these features as the are likely to be pretty 
short/small (unlike those for alpine/downhill skiing).


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OpenPisteMap: Cross Country Ski Trails.

2009-03-02 Per discussione Simon Wood
Hi all,
Having 'gotten into' cross country skiing this winter I have been mapping the 
trails at our local spot, however OpenPisteMap is not quite working as I would 

I have tagged the trails a 'highway=footway' and 'piste:type=nordic' as these 
trails are multi-use; cycling and walking in the summer and groomed cross 
country trails in the winter.

At present OPM does not render these as ski-trails. Is this the correct way to 
tag this situation, or can someone suggest a better method?

OPM (no contours):


Also there is no mention of the following on the OpenPisteMap wiki page 

1) Direction of Way: I assume that 'forward' is meant as 'generally downhill' 
as the 'piste:type=downhill' implies one-way.

2) Steep Sections: Is there a method of marking a steep section? The maps 
posted on site 
( draw a 
little '|---' line next to the trail at the appropriate places. This could be 
marked with a short way marked 'piste:steep=yes'. Where this is against the 
general direction of the way should we reverse the way or use a 'up/down' or 
'forward/backward' tagging (ie. 'piste:steep=backward')?

If there are no objections, I could/will add the above to the wiki page.

Finally, is there an simple way to extract/note elevations from a GPX file in 
JOSM? Yes I know that GPS elevation is not that accurate. But it's something 
that would be useful and I'm using a professional/survey grade receiver as the 
forest trails are rather hard to get lock with my handheld.

I would like to add a 'ele=xxx' tag to the markers tag at the junction of the 
trails to give some indication of height gain/loss between markers. This would 
enable a person unfamiliar with the trail to gain a sense of the workout they 
are about to get


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenPisteMap: Cross Country Ski Trails.

2009-03-02 Per discussione Simon Wood

  Yes I know that GPS elevation is not that accurate. 
 Says who ? I do have a ~10m vertical precision and sometimes less when 
 with my Garmin 60cx.
 I find it very enough for many many cases, even more than STRM models

Technically the vertical accuracy is always less than the horizontal.

The receiver ( I'm using 
Static   H: 5.0 mm + 1.0 ppm V: 8.0 mm + 2.0 ppm
Kinematic, Stop-and-Go   H: 10.0 mm + 1.0 ppmV: 12.0 mm + 2.0 ppm
Stand-Alone Position 1.8 m CEP Horizontal

I'm using it stand alone, although in theory I could use a UHF link back to a 
base station in the parking lot.

The resultants tracks are a little bit jumpy in the heavily tree-ed enviroment:

It doesn't help the accuracy when I fall over though ;-)


  I would like to add a 'ele=xxx' tag to the markers tag at the junction of
  the trails to give some indication of height gain/loss between markers. 
 I'm doing it as well, puting in somewhere on a way might be problematic has 
 someone might mive the node along the way, but if properly tagged at a 
 mountain_pass, a peak, a crossing, I would find it very usefull.
 Sylvain Letuffe
 qui suis-je :
 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Osmarender - rendering two tracks differently?

2009-02-23 Per discussione Simon Wood
Hi all,
I uploaded some tracks yesterday with the 'piste:type=nordic' tag, strange 
thing is that osmarender seems to be rendering them differently (one solid the 
other dashed) although the tags are the same.


The two tracks in the north/west have tags:
piste:type = nordic
highway = footway
piste:type = nordic
highway = footway

Not that it really matters, I just thought it rather strange

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] data plucked from who-knows-where?

2008-11-03 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Mon, 3 Nov 2008 15:15:26 +
80n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are a lot more people without GPS units than there are with, and if
 they can get pleasure from recording street names like this, then the GPS
 mappers job is made much easier.

Isn't this exactly the sort of thing that the 'FIXME' tag can be used for?

Personally I have sketched out little features I have been unable to GPS at the 
time, and labelled them 'FIXME=rough location' or something similar. Since I am 
alone in the area I am mapping it's probably going to be me re-mapping at some 
point, but if others were to pass by and enhance the map in the meantime I 
would be delighted.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Another glitch with new Mapnik - edge of reservoir not shown

2008-10-25 Per discussione Simon Wood
Hi all,
I  spoted that the Oldman River Reservoir is not rendering correctly with 
Mapnick, whilst is correctly showing in Osmarender and the Cyclemap.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Fixing Albertan Places

2008-09-23 Per discussione Simon Wood
Hi all,
I've been looking at 'fixing' the place categories in Alberta to match the 
official definitions, see: 

I have permission to use the source file(s) in this manner and have a script 
that kicks out a change file - which looks to be correct and works on local 
'.osm' files. So, what is the best way to upload this?

Also note that Alberta has the following 'official' place definitions:

'summer_village' and 'specialized_municipality' are present in this change 
file, which I presume the renders will not like. Attached is a short textfile 
which lists which places will change and to what. Comments?

Mungewell.Abee -- hamlet
Acadia Valley -- hamlet
Acme -- village
Ardmore -- hamlet
Ardrossan -- hamlet
Ashmont -- hamlet
Atmore -- hamlet
Balzac -- hamlet
Beaver Crossing -- hamlet
Beaverdam -- hamlet
Beaver Lake -- hamlet
Beiseker -- village
Bellis -- hamlet
Benalto -- hamlet
Benchlands -- hamlet
Berwyn -- village
Big Valley -- village
Bindloss -- hamlet
Blackie -- hamlet
Blue Ridge -- hamlet
Bluesky -- hamlet
Bluffton -- hamlet
Bodo -- hamlet
Bondiss -- summer_village
Bonnyville Beach -- summer_village
Bragg Creek -- hamlet
Brant -- hamlet
Breynat -- hamlet
Brownvale -- hamlet
Busby -- hamlet
Calling Lake -- hamlet
Camrose -- city
Carbondale -- hamlet
Caroline -- village
Carseland -- hamlet
Carway -- hamlet
Caslan -- hamlet
Cayley -- hamlet
Cheadle -- hamlet
Cherhill -- hamlet
Cherry Grove -- hamlet
Chin -- hamlet
Chisholm -- hamlet
Clairmont -- hamlet
Clandonald -- hamlet
Cochrane Lake -- hamlet
Compeer -- hamlet
Conklin -- hamlet
Consort -- village
Coutts -- village
Craigmyle -- hamlet
Czar -- village
Dapp -- hamlet
Deadwood -- hamlet
Delburne -- village
Demmitt -- hamlet
Dixonville -- hamlet
Donalda -- village
Donatville -- hamlet
Donnelly -- village
Dorothy -- hamlet
Duffield -- hamlet
Dunmore -- hamlet
Duvernay -- hamlet
Eaglesham -- hamlet
Edwand -- hamlet
Egremont -- hamlet
Ellscott -- hamlet
Empress -- village
Enchant -- hamlet
Endiang -- hamlet
Enilda -- hamlet
Ensign -- hamlet
Entwistle -- hamlet
Etzikom -- hamlet
Evansburg -- hamlet
Fairview -- town
Faust -- hamlet
Fawcett -- hamlet
Flatbush -- hamlet
Fleet -- hamlet
Fort Assiniboine -- hamlet
Fort Chipewyan -- hamlet
Fort Kent -- hamlet
Fort McMurray -- hamlet
Fort Vermilion -- hamlet
Gem -- hamlet
Girouxville -- village
Gleichen -- hamlet
Grassland -- hamlet
Grassy Lake -- hamlet
Green Court -- hamlet
Gull Lake -- summer_village
Hayter -- hamlet
Heinsburg -- hamlet
Hesketh -- hamlet
Hilda -- hamlet
Hines Creek -- village
Hoadley -- hamlet
Hobbema -- hamlet
Hylo -- hamlet
Hythe -- village
Iddesleigh -- hamlet
Irvine -- hamlet
Jarvie -- hamlet
Jasper -- specialized_municipality
Jenner -- hamlet
Joffre -- hamlet
Josephburg -- hamlet
Joussard -- hamlet
Kavanagh -- hamlet
Keoma -- hamlet
Kingman -- hamlet
Kinuso -- village
Kirriemuir -- hamlet
Lac La Biche -- hamlet
La Corey -- hamlet
Lake Louise -- hamlet
Lakeview -- summer_village
Lavoy -- hamlet
Leslieville -- hamlet
Lethbridge -- city
Lindbergh -- hamlet
Lloydminster -- city
Looma -- hamlet
Lousana -- hamlet
Mackay -- hamlet
Madden -- hamlet
Mallaig -- hamlet
Manola -- hamlet
Manyberries -- hamlet
Marlboro -- hamlet
Meanook -- hamlet
Michichi -- hamlet
Monarch -- hamlet
Monitor -- hamlet
Morningside -- hamlet/
Mossleigh -- hamlet
Mountain View -- hamlet
Namao -- hamlet
Nampa -- village
Newbrook -- hamlet
New Dayton -- hamlet
Nightingale -- hamlet
Nisku -- hamlet
Nobleford -- village
North Cooking Lake -- hamlet
North Star -- hamlet
Notikewin -- hamlet
Parkland -- hamlet
Patricia -- hamlet
Peers -- hamlet
Perryvale -- hamlet
Pibroch -- hamlet
Pincher Station -- hamlet
Plamondon -- hamlet
Purple Springs -- hamlet
Radway -- hamlet
Ranfurly -- hamlet
Red Willow -- hamlet
Riverview -- hamlet
Robb -- hamlet
Rochfort Bridge -- hamlet
Rosebud -- hamlet
Round Hill -- hamlet
Rumsey -- hamlet
Rycroft -- village
Sangudo -- hamlet
Scandia -- hamlet
Schuler -- hamlet
Seba Beach -- summer_village
Sedalia -- hamlet
Shepard -- hamlet
Sherwood Park -- hamlet
Shouldice -- hamlet
Skiff -- hamlet
Spedden -- hamlet
Standard -- village
Strathcona County -- specialized_municipality
Suffield -- hamlet
Sunnybrook -- hamlet
Sunnynook -- hamlet
Sunnyslope -- hamlet
Tangent -- hamlet
Tawatinaw -- hamlet
Therien -- hamlet
Torrington -- hamlet
Venice -- hamlet
Vimy -- hamlet
Wagner -- hamlet
Walsh -- hamlet
Wandering River -- hamlet
Wardlow -- hamlet
Warspite -- hamlet
Waterton Park -- hamlet
Watino -- hamlet
Wetaskiwin -- city
Whitelaw -- hamlet
Wildwood -- hamlet
Wimborne -- hamlet
Winfield -- hamlet
Woking -- hamlet
Worsley -- hamlet
Wrentham -- hamlet

Re: [OSM-talk] mkgmap questions

2008-08-28 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 16:41:33 -0700
Karl Newman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You're right. It's because the source files don't have bounds. If you have
 only a couple files, you could insert a dummy bound element before the first
 node. It should work as long as it includes the area that you're cropping
 with --bb. You could just make it span the entire planet, like bound
 box=-90,-180,90,180 origin=osmxapi/ and then Osmosis will cut it down
 to your bounding box.

Hello again Karl,
Yes, placing a dummy 'planet wide' bound box into one of the files makes 
osmosis insert the more limited one in the output.

One would think that XAPI would include  bound box in it's output hint 
hint ;-)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mkgmap questions

2008-08-26 Per discussione Simon Wood
I made some really good progress last week and got a map together for the 
Crowsnest Pass. Unfortunately for the area I chose with a fair number of 
contours the map redraw was quite slow. I have worked out how to graduate the 
contours so more appear as the user zooms in, I'll have to wait to see if this 
speeds up rendering.

I was thinking that the render might be quicker if I used a series of smaller 
maps. I used osmosis to split the '.osm' file into smaller tiles. However this 
was not putting any 'bound box' line into the file and mkgmap was therefore not 
cropping the tile neatly, instead it was including the ways which overhung the 
edge of the bounding box. Should this be the case, or am I mis-understanding?

General questions about garmin maps.

1). The '--gmapsupp' option makes compress archives. Can multiple of these be 
loaded at the same time, or does the user have to have access to the individual 
map files if they want to load more than just my map?

2). What is the purpose of the tdb-files ('--tdbfile' option)? I have never 
used mapsource


On Thu, 21 Aug 2008 08:14:52 +0100
Steve Ratcliffe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you have an element like the following at the start of the .osm file:
   bound box='-115,49.25,-114,49.75'/
 then it should clip the .img file to exactly those bounds including both
 line and polygon features.  The 'bound' element is included by osmosis, but I
 didn't realise that it wasn't used everywhere, so we probably need to
 add another way of setting the bbox too.  But anyway the code is there to do
 it.  See for an example of how it looks.
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[OSM-talk] Tagging unamed cycle routes following normal roads.

2008-07-09 Per discussione Simon Wood
Hi all,
In my wanderings around Calgary I am noting the location of Cycle route sign 
with geo-located photos, such as:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2654781444

Since I can't reference the offical cycle route map (for copyright reasons), 
how to I enter these into OSM without knowing what relation to put them under. 
Is it valid to create a single 'marked cycle routes' relation and put all the 
ones I find in that so that at least they are stored somewhere?


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Re: [OSM-talk] Relation/Routes and Hikes in open Country

2008-06-27 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Fri, 27 Jun 2008 11:17:58 -0400
Christopher Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Add a 'projection: map.displayProjection' in the options of your GML
 layer, by your format object.


I didn't really follow what Christoper meant, but I mucked around with 
different projections and managed to get it going. 

Example page:

Thanks everyone for the help,

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Re: [OSM-talk] Relation/Routes and Hikes in open Country

2008-06-25 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 16:01:40 -0400
Christopher Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The OpenLayers parser doesn't do anything with relations themselves --
 it wouldn't group the bits together into a single feature -- but it
 would take the ways and nodes and draw them into the map.

I spent the evening trying to get this to work. I get the underlying map OK, 
but no matter what I try I can't get the OSM data overlaid on it :-(

Best I can make out is that it is failing (siliently) to load the data.

Attached is my attempt...


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Re: [OSM-talk] Converting Polish/.MP to OSM?

2008-06-11 Per discussione Simon Wood
I have finally gotten around to uploading some of the Calgary Trails Project 
data... under the username 'catmp'. I made a slight mod the converter to remove 
attribution/RoadID on nodes within a way as this was making/will make cleaning 
up of traces difficult.

I think there is a bug with the POLYGON stuff. Look in the Calgary area (BOW 
RIVER polygons), they are mostly right but 'jump' to nodes not in the original 
polygon. So it looks like something is up with the 'previously used' node stuff.

For example (frigged the name to make it findable in output)
ends up with nodes
  node id='-1' visible='true' lat='50.93163' lon='-113.' / - yes
  node id='-2' visible='true' lat='50.93227' lon='-114.00067' / - yes
  node id='-3' visible='true' lat='50.91909' lon='-113.99369' / - no
comes from RoadID 1458
  node id='-4' visible='true' lat='50.93262' lon='-114.00212' / - yes
  node id='-5' visible='true' lat='50.93214' lon='-113.8' / - yes
  node id='-6' visible='true' lat='50.93279' lon='-114.00093' / - yes
  node id='-7' visible='true' lat='50.93116' lon='-113.99959' / - yes
  node id='-8' visible='true' lat='50.93288' lon='-114.00122' / - yes
  node id='-9' visible='true' lat='50.9327' lon='-114.00196' / - yes
  node id='-10' visible='true' lat='50.91991' lon='-113.9935' / - no
comes from RoadID=1459
  node id='-11' visible='true' lat='50.92262' lon='-113.99522' / - no
comes from RoadID=1459
  node id='-12' visible='true' lat='50.9315' lon='-113.3' / - yes

I am not 100% convinced of the tags, apparently the route up Turtle
Mountain is 'bicycle=yes'... this is definately NOT the case Don't
know whether this is source data problem, or with the parsing of the
garmin attributes.

Places uploaded:

(these are revertable/removable quite easily as there are isolated on their own)

Way too late to do much more on this tonight (errr.. this morning). Cheers,

Description: Binary data
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[OSM-talk] JOSM cut and paste between layers results in position change

2008-06-10 Per discussione Simon Wood
I'm working on importing the trails from the Calgary Trails Project, at present 
I have one large '.osm' file containing 2220 ways and 72136 nodes. I could 
import this in one hit, but I feel that it would be unwise and some oversight 
is required.

Therefore I was thinking that I could use JOSM to open the local '.osm' file, 
find an interesting place and download the appropriate OSM data to a different 
layer. Once I have confirm that this particular area is OK I could 'copy and 
paste' between layers.

This is not possible because a paste displaces the way/node by some random (?) 

Q). Is there some what to duplicate a way/node on another layer without this 

Is there another way I could achieve the same partial upload?


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[OSM-talk] Using Osmarender to hilight Relation/Routes?

2008-05-15 Per discussione Simon Wood
Hi all,
I am working with a local trail mapping project to see if OSM can provide the 
tools that they require to map out the trails in a mountian resort. Eventually 
they would like to have a map showing all the walking, cycling, cross country 
sking, ATV and snowmobile trails in the area, I believe that this is an 
excellent way to show case OSM and to get them all entering data into the 

I'm looking into the possibility of using Osmarender to output a SVG map 
(which) will then be printed. At present I can envisage how the physical side 
of the map will work (with footways, cycleways, tracks, roads etc), however as 
far as I can see there is no way to get Osmarender to highlight a 
Relation/Route. Prehaps I am missing the magic?

Ideally I would like to do the equivilant of the UK Cycle Map, which 
over-renders the Relation/Route(s) onto the base map:

It would appear that all their (UK cycle guys') data is stored within the OSM 
database, see:

I am not 100% how the project want to format their maps, but the idea of 
numbered sign posts was mentioned. So is there a way of labelling a 
Relation/Route/Stop, so that a renderer can put a number (or text) label over a 

Sort of like the previously feature image:

I spent a while poking around the Wiki and trying to understand the XSL source 
(not my forte), but am still none the wiser. Anyone got any hints/clues for me?


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Re: [OSM-talk] Converting Polish/.MP to OSM?

2008-05-13 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Fri, 9 May 2008 00:24:11 -0600
Simon Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well I've had a stab at this, probably the worlds worst python script but it 
 does work

Cleaned up version added to SVN, browsable here:

Supports POI, POLYLINE and POLYGON. Can parse the CATMP stuff without error, 
but have not uploaded resultant data to OSM yet. Doesn't do anything with the 
'Nod[1..]' bits as I couldn't see how to re-open an element in ElementTree to 
modify it/add the appropriate tag.


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[OSM-talk] Converting Polish/.MP to OSM?

2008-05-05 Per discussione Simon Wood
Hi all,
Is anyone working on any tools to facilitate the conversion of '.mp' to '.osm'?

I have permission to import some footpaths/trails from this site:

I found this, but it seems limited to places and POI's.

The file I have to work with contains POLYLINES and PIO's, for example.
Label=Yamnuska West Ascent


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Re: [OSM-talk] Converting Polish/.MP to OSM?

2008-05-05 Per discussione Simon Wood
On Mon, 5 May 2008 22:20:04 -0600
Simon Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 Is anyone working on any tools to facilitate the conversion of '.mp' to 
 I have permission to import some footpaths/trails from this site:

By the way, I created a user account 'catmp' for the purpose of uploading this 
data (and as a way of keeping track of it). I also thought it would be polite 
to add a URL field with a link to his website.

He says that he updates about every 3 months, so whatever we do to import it 
should be able to handle/track changes.

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[OSM-talk] GeoGratis - Low accuracy Waterways.

2008-03-24 Per discussione Simon Wood
Hi all,
What's the deal with GeoGratis rivers, a whole load have appeared in Southen 
Alberta. They apear to have a low accuracy, so how should 'we' handle it when 
there already is a more accurate way representing a particular river.

Example location:

(have to 'edit' as these haven't been rendered yet).


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[OSM-talk] Recruitment/Community Poster.

2008-03-24 Per discussione Simon Wood
Hi all,
It would appear that the amount of OSM'ers here in Canada is a little limited. 
especially in the rural areas. The bigger cities have be more or less mapped 
out from the high resolution aerial photography, however many of the street 
names are missing and there is very little detail on the ammenity front.

The only way this is going to be resolved is if we can get more locals involved 
in the project.

I was contemplating putting up a small OSM poster on the local community notice 
boards. Is OSM ready for a flood (ever optimistic ;-) of newbies?

Text could read something like:
Put your community on The Map!

The work has started, volunteers at have been logging the 
roads and rivers in your community, but now they need your help to add details 
of street names and local ammenities (resturants, gas stations, etc.).

So why not just use Google Maps (or the like)?

Although Google makes it's maps available on the internet, it is a company that 
is more interested in charging people and companies to license it's data. This 
look, but don't touch means that you can't reuse the maps they provide 
(without paying), and should anything be wrong good luck with trying to get it 
corrected. is different in that the data is available to everyone, for 
whatever purpose they want. It is based on the 'Wiki' concept where anyone can 
edit the maps marking the location/names of roads, ammenities, resturants, etc. 
In fact you can add the location of anything you want.

The resultant maps are available to browse on the internet (just like Google's 
maps), but they are also available to download and use how you want to. If you 
don't like the way they look, you are able to download the source data and 
render your map however you like.

It has been said that even the most recent map is always out of date. With 
OpenStreetMap as soon as a change is made on the ground, local volunteers can 
correct the maps and the results will be (almost) instantly available to the 

So what is needed to partipate in OpenStreetMap?

For advanced mapping tools such as GPS recievers and digital cameras are 
useful, but simply having access to the internet will allow you to contribute 
by checking/editing the maps and to add that all important local information. 
The only real requirement is that the information is 'first hand' and is not 
copied from copyrighted sources (such as Google maps).

Any comments/suggestions on the concept or the wording?

PS. I'm not an artist, so don't expect anything too fancy.

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