Re: Message on a wrong place in the thread

2005-05-22 Thread Mike Rourke

On 5/21/2005 04:30 PM, Ian A. White wrote:


On Sunday, May 22, 2005, 6:40:17 AM, you (Peter Hampf) wrote:

PH> Good evening tbbeta,

PH>   I just found a message in TBUDL which is wrongly placed inside a thread.

PH>   See attached file, please.

This is strange. I have gone through the only thread with the subject
shown in the JPG and I found all the messages in the correct place.

Odd, in TB! I show the message out of order as in the attached screen 
capture. My list archives reside on an IMAP server, so I fired up 
Thunderbird to see what it would do, Thunderbird organizes the thread 




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Re: Message on a wrong place in the thread

2005-05-22 Thread Mike Rourke

On 5/21/2005 04:30 PM, Ian A. White wrote:


On Sunday, May 22, 2005, 6:40:17 AM, you (Peter Hampf) wrote:

PH> Good evening tbbeta,

PH>   I just found a message in TBUDL which is wrongly placed inside a thread.

PH>   See attached file, please.

This is strange. I have gone through the only thread with the subject
shown in the JPG and I found all the messages in the correct place.


Odd, In TB! I see the message out of place as in the original screen 
capture. My TBUDL archives reside on an IMAP server, so I fired up 
Thunderbird and Thunderbird places the messages in the thread in the 
proper order...



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Re: Reflections on IMAP & POP3

2005-06-02 Thread Mike Rourke

On 6/2/2005 12:42 PM, Tony Boom wrote:

My problem is with TB! TB! does not reliably delete flagged messages...

I agree with this. I moved from TB! to T-Bird just for this reason. I 
usually filter all of my message traffic on my IMAP server. There are 
some cases where I filter at the client. I cannot do that with TB! 
because when the messages are filtered and moved, they remain in the 
inbox for, as you said, a random period. I think reliability is the key 
word here. T-Bird and Mulberry are well grounded e-mail clients. Their 
IMAP/POP server interface is RFC compliant and works as it is supposed 
to, if there is a problem, it is usually found server side. I see your 
point is that the TB! doesn't have that solid e-mail client 
functionality, yet development of extras and add-ons presses ahead 
despite lacking core capability. BTW, your Mulberry messages thread 
flawlessly in T-Bird, we'll see how T-Bird threads in TB!...



I would never hope the would do something like that!!!

As of yet I've not heard a word from any of the moderators, I know by their
silence that they understand my predicament. I've been on this list long
enough for them to know I'm not doing this for fun. I'm pretty sure they
understand my frustration and my desire to get back to using TB! full time
with confidence. Mulberry is great, it works flawlessly, I have no problems
with it whatsoever, it's the epitome of reliability ... But it ain't The
Bat and it's The Bat I really love and want to use.  


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Re: Reflections on IMAP & POP3

2005-06-02 Thread Mike Rourke

On 6/2/2005 02:09 PM, Tony Boom wrote:

Well now, maybe it's not my server at fault after all... I'm pretty sure it
is a major contributor though but it does look as if TB is lacking
somewhere on that front if it's the only IMAP client that has threading
problems with my posts.

This is a bit long, but here goes...

I have studied the source of some of your replies, replies from others 
using TB! and RFC 2822 (Internet Message Format). Here is what I came up 
with...  The RFC states:

 "The "In-Reply-To:" and "References:" fields are used when creating a
   reply to a message.  They hold the message identifier of the original
   message and the message identifiers of other messages (for example,
   in the case of a reply to a message which was itself a reply).  The
   "In-Reply-To:" field may be used to identify the message (or
   messages) to which the new message is a reply, while the
   "References:" field may be used to identify a "thread" of

   When creating a reply to a message, the "In-Reply-To:" and
   "References:" fields of the resultant message are constructed as

   The "In-Reply-To:" field will contain the contents of the "Message-
   ID:" field of the message to which this one is a reply (the "parent
   message").  If there is more than one parent message, then the "In-
   Reply-To:" field will contain the contents of all of the parents'
   "Message-ID:" fields."

Now the "Message-ID:" field, as per the RFC is:

 message-id  =   "Message-ID:" msg-id CRLF

This means the "Message-ID:" field contains the data within msg-id and 
CRLF which is basically a new line separator control character, ie "Return".

Now the msg-id is defined in the RFC as a "The message identifier 
(msg-id) itself MUST be a globally unique identifier for a message.  The 
generator of the message identifier MUST guarantee that the msg-id is 
unique." (This is where I think you are saying your IMAP host could be 
at fault.)  The format for the msg-id in the RFC is:

msg-id  =   [CFWS] "<" id-left "@" id-right ">" [CFWS]

Well if we keep reading the RFC...

"Semantically, the angle bracket characters are not part of the
 msg-id; the msg-id is what is contained between the two angle bracket

Ohh, the good old angle brackets ( < > ) They are not part of 
the msg-id, and therefore not part of the "in-reply-to" and "references" 
fields either because the RFC defines these as:

in-reply-to =   "In-Reply-To:" 1*msg-id CRLF

references  =   "References:" 1*msg-id CRLF

All of your in-reply-to and references the < > characters around 
original msg-id, but not the subsequent messages in that thread. TB! I 
believe is not threading properly because they aren't there. A quick 
e-mail to Mozilla confirmed T-Bird will thread with or without the angle 
brackets. Interestingly, T-Bird places the angle brackets around their 
fields because, though not RFC compliant, it is the most common method 
in use and causes fewer problems. Apparently Mulberry is strictly RFC 
compliant (as advertised) and does not use the angle brackets which 
causes TB! to choke on threading.



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Re: Mod: Untrimmed reply

2005-06-02 Thread Mike Rourke

On 6/2/2005 03:16 PM, Roelof Otten wrote:


Oh boy, my first trout, I'm off to the taxidermists to have it stuffed 
and mounted. It's a little small, but it should look OK on the wall of 
my bathroom.  :-)

Seriously, I had an itchy "Send" finger, sorry all...



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Re: how to kill a bat

2005-07-10 Thread Mike Rourke

On 10/07/2005 09:44, Goncalo Farias wrote...

Why  is  TB!  so  sluggish with big attachments? Anyone has comparable
experiences with other e-mail clients?

I just sent/received a 32M attachment with Thunderbird. I used POP to 
POP, IMAP to POP and POP to IMAP. Thunderbird works fine, processing the 
  large send/receive in the background. The attachment opens without a 
hitch. I did all this via a broadband connection (DSL). Yes, Thunderbird 
is my primary e-mail client now, I no longer trust TB! to safely handle 
my critical communications.



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Re: The Bat! 3.51.4 is now available

2005-07-15 Thread Mike Rourke
Hello 9Val,
On 7/15/2005, 02:49 PM, you scribbled:

9> Hi All,

9> The Bat! 3.51.4 is now available from:

Well, it starts fine... See how it goes.




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Common Folders and Get Mail

2005-07-19 Thread Mike Rourke


Question for those using pre-3.51.4 versions of TB!. I have my mail
filtered to Common Folders for TBBETA and TBOT. When I am in a Common
Folder, my "Get Mail" button is grayed out. I don't seem to remember
this being the case. I thought, pre 51.4, I could check my mail from a
Common Folder. A "Get Mail for All Accounts" Hot Key doesn't seem to
work either.




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Re[2]: Common Folders and Get Mail

2005-07-19 Thread Mike Rourke
On 7/19/2005, 02:15 PM, you scribbled:

MB> Hello Mike!

MB> On Tuesday, July 19, 2005, 2:06 PM, you wrote:

>> Question for those using pre-3.51.4 versions of TB!. I have my mail
>> filtered to Common Folders for TBBETA and TBOT. When I am in a Common
>> Folder, my "Get Mail" button is grayed out. I don't seem to remember
>> this being the case. I thought, pre 51.4, I could check my mail from a
>> Common Folder. A "Get Mail for All Accounts" Hot Key doesn't seem to
>> work either.

MB> Working fine here. Not grayed out in v.

MB> I have one Common Folder--I made it accidentally when I created one
MB> for my Bug Tracker notifications and found it so handy that I just
MB> kept it as a Common Folder.

Hmm, now is this a bug or feature? I feel it is a bug. Why should
I have to stop browsing my Common Folder, click on an account, check
my mail and then go back to the Common Folder and restart my browsing?




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Re[2]: Common Folders and Get Mail

2005-07-19 Thread Mike Rourke
On 7/19/2005, 02:36 PM, you scribbled:

MB> Hello Mike!

MB> On Tuesday, July 19, 2005, 2:23 PM, you wrote:

>> Hmm, now is this a bug or feature? I feel it is a bug. Why should
>> I have to stop browsing my Common Folder, click on an account, check
>> my mail and then go back to the Common Folder and restart my browsing?

MB> Confirmed.

MB> If you'll write a bug-track issue report, I'll be glad to put a
MB> supporting note. :)

Thank you Mary, appreciate the extra work. I thought I was losing the
little piece of my mind I have left. I clearly recall browsing TBBETA
messages and being able to manually retrieve new mails at the same
time. The BT report is




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Re[2]: Common Folders and Get Mail

2005-07-19 Thread Mike Rourke
On 7/19/2005, 06:18 PM, you scribbled:

MB> Hello Mike!

MB> On Tuesday, July 19, 2005, 5:46 PM, you wrote:

MB> I am copying your attachment to this Reply, Mike.

Fine, I'll send you details for the royalty check.  :)

MB> Again, I confirm what you see--it's what I see here.

That's bad, TB! is acting up. That's good, I can cancel the
appointment with my shrink. I thought I was losing it.  :)

MB> "Create a New Message" is also greyed-out on my machine, but it
MB> functions when clicked on, as the other two buttons do not.

Cannot confirm this. My "Create a New Message" is not greyed-out and
does function properly. A, the mystery deepens.  :unreal2:




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Re[2]: Common Folders and Get Mail

2005-07-19 Thread Mike Rourke
On 7/19/2005, 07:02 PM, you scribbled:

MB> Well, maybe it's just too pale for my eyes to see it as not
MB> greyed-out. Since it does function.

MB> The current attachment is in the public domain. LOL

It is very pale. The picture you sent shows it is not greyed-out.
Phew, thought we had a real weird one on our hands.  :)




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Re[2]: Common Folders and Get Mail

2005-07-20 Thread Mike Rourke
On 7/20/2005, 10:53 AM, you scribbled:

MR>> Question for those using pre-3.51.4 versions of TB!. I have my mail
MR>> filtered to Common Folders for TBBETA and TBOT. When I am in a Common
MR>> Folder, my "Get Mail" button is grayed out.

TF> Here too. When I'm in an account folder, I have this button available,
TF> and when I click on it, new mail for that account will be checked.
TF> Common folders are outside accounts, so I don't know which account you
TF> expect TB to check.

The way I believe it functioned before and what I would expect, is
that it would check all accounts.

MR>> A "Get Mail for All Accounts" Hot Key doesn't seem to work either.

TF> Not confirmed. Alt-F2 works as usual, even when I'm in a Common
TF> folder.

If you designate a different Hot Key in preferences, it will not




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Re: The Bat! 3.51.8 is now available

2005-07-21 Thread Mike Rourke
On 7/21/2005, 02:51 PM, you scribbled:

9> Hi!

9> The Bat! 3.51.8 is now available from:

9> Here is a short list of changes:
9> [-] (#0004932) Access Violation after saving attachment from embedded
9> [-] (#0004964) Quoting from a PGP-decrypted message omits the message,
9>supplying  only  the  greeting  and  sig from the Reply
9> [-] (#0003968) "Use  By..."  Does Not Show which Folders are Using a
9>View Mode

Two betas in one day...  :notworthy:

Runs fine.




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Re: CANNOT Repair My IMAP Database (Was: Re: How Do I Repair My IMAP database?)

2005-07-26 Thread Mike Rourke
TBBETA & Keith,

:snip:  No way could I get to a menu to disconnect from the server, nor
could I repair the database. :snip:

You have to click on the IMAP account, click on the  -->
 -->,  **before** you run folder
maintenance, otherwise TB! will interact with the server, possibly
trying to read/write to the very file it is trying to fix. If this
happens, it may corrupt the file even further or corrupt a previously
undamaged folder. After the folder maintenance is complete, you can go
back to  -->  --> .

:snip:  As soon as I started up the new version, I started getting the
error popups (this time for 0588F103.TBB). As before, I was asked
whether I wanted to repair the message base :snip:

I use IMAP (Fastmail) without problems. As long as you leave your
e-mails on the IMAP server as intended, you can right click on the
folder, Properties and clear the cache. I actually have the "Clear
cache on exit" checked for my high traffic folders and I make sure I
dump the cache and rebuild it at least every couple of days or so. An
e-mail program that utilizes a local cache for IMAP (POP too for that
matter) folders will always corrupt eventually with a high
population/high traffic folder due to file fragmentation. The only
thing that is corrupt is the local cache on the hard drive, not the
files sitting on the IMAP server (although it is possible). It is
always a good idea to break down your e-mail folders on the IMAP
server into smaller archive folders, grouping by year, month, whatever
works for you.

:snip:  For all other folders, it said "Messages recovered: x, damaged
parts (part???.bin) saved:0". (Anybody know what this means?) :snip:

From TB's Help file:

"Damaged parts are saved into the folder's home directory with a .BIN
extension. Those files may contain parts of damaged messages, so you
can view them with any binary file viewer (you can find plenty of them
by searching the Internet, even the standard Notepad can be used) and
save any relevant information you can find."




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Re[2]: About 3.51 release

2005-07-26 Thread Mike Rourke
On 7/26/2005, 10:28 AM, you scribbled:

9> Hello Boris,  

BA>> So none bug of BugList can be fixed without serious changes?

9> Surely  there  are  a lot of cosmetic fixes and traslation issues, but
9> I  don't  think  somebody  will be satisfied with them more than three
9> days.

A pearl of wisdom there. Kind of reminds me of getting the kids a new
toy, you can start the 72 hour boredom countdown clock immediately. So
true and well spoken 9Val.




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Re[2]: About 3.51 release

2005-07-26 Thread Mike Rourke
On 7/25/2005, 03:14 PM, you scribbled:

9> Hello Jay,  

JW>> I understand this. But what is not clear to me is why we went from
JW>> 3.5.30 to 3.5.36 and then jumped to 3.51 without ever seeming to
JW>> complete the 3.5.xx series.

9> Actually  3.51 is the same serie, it just uses new numbering system. I
9> don't think it will be changed soon.

JW>> That makes sense to some extent. But, to my thinking, it is not
JW>> entirely user-friendly. Over the extended period of time that RL will
JW>> be making these big changes,

9> We'll avoid situation like with 3.5 which was prepared 6 months.

JW>>  many TB users will probably prefer to
JW>> stick with a safe and stable version - one that has all of the
JW>> components that they need and most of the components that they want.

9> 3.51  is  more  stable than 3.5.30 and has the same components. If you
9> are  refering  to - it is your choice to use it or any other
9> version.  In  some  aspects  3.5  is far superior than older versions,
9> while  in  some  it  really  lacks  maturity  (in  example, customizer
9> interface).  So  the choice which version to use fully depends of your
9> needs.

Hey, forget the numbers, just give me the link to the latest and
greatest, don't care if it is 3.5.1 or 3.51.  :)




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Re[2]: CANNOT Repair My IMAP Database (Was: Re: How Do I Repair My IMAP database?)

2005-07-26 Thread Mike Rourke
On 7/26/2005, 05:02 PM, you scribbled:

C> On Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at 3:46:45 PM [GMT -0500], Mike Rourke wrote:

>> :snip:  No way could I get to a menu to disconnect from the server,
>> nor could I repair the database. :snip:

C> The pacmen are cute, but the noise level is high in the message when
C> they're so numerous. They're distracting and they don't provide the
C> clarity of quote prefixing with colour contrasting. Additionally, those
C> without smileys enabled will see no immediate difference between what's
C> a quotation from what's your responses. Thought I'd let you know since I
C> appreciate your messages and wish not to have to ignore them or have
C> them ignored by others for the wrong reasons. :)

Ohhh, I usually use  or :snip : (space intended), I never
thought it equated to a smiley, guess I'll go back to < >. Sorry about




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

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Re[2]: IMAP - Multiple Connections, and bad behaviour

2005-08-03 Thread Mike Rourke
On 8/3/2005, 05:41 PM, you scribbled:

DAC> On Wednesday, August 3, 2005, 4:28:06 PM, Kevin Amazon wrote:

>> Exactly. I have now 3 tasks that are obviously hung (having been
>> "executing" for over 3 hours). It is pretty obvious to me that IMAP
>> is still not quite ready for prime time. 

DAC> A few weeks ago, when I was doing POP, not IMAP, I used to have
DAC> similar freezes on POP accounts, but they jammed things up. If I'm
DAC> having any of these with IMAP, they aren't.

I have been studying this thread for awhile before I jumped in. I use
Fastmail with TB! and haven't had any problems. I do not use the
Connection Center, I monitor the account log periodically for
problems, but have not had any. I do not use the synchronize function,
I am subscribed to all of my folders, but do not have them set to
synchronize. I have the "refresh all folders" set to 10 minutes with 6
connections. The "wish" I have is that the deleted messages are lined
through until I purge them, like Thunderbird does and the have the
ability to selectively undelete them.




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Re: Ritlabs and the TB community

2005-10-16 Thread Mike Rourke
On 10/16/2005, 07:07 AM, you scribbled:

ASK> I for one would want a reply/forward to/of an HTML message happen "the
ASK> Outlook way" - yes, with all the negative points like top posting and full
ASK> quotes, and not like the current (even though better than nothing) attempt
ASK> to apply a typical plain-text reply-template to HTML messages. But thats
ASK> just me, and others may actually like the current implementation. The point
ASK> is: we don't have a choice.

Agree with all. Speaking of HTML and choices... Back to the subject
of embedded images. When are we going to be allowed the choice to
display/not display these? Default off, user toggle (preferably in the
header bar) to display and an address book connected whitelist
capability. And don't get me started on the lovely blue quote bar...
and I thought Thunderbird went over the top with their colored quotes,
at least I can turn those off and/or modify them when they start to
give me migraines.  :)




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Using TB! 3.61.12 Echo (Beta) Home on Windows XP SP2

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Lost reply/forward function

2005-10-16 Thread Mike Rourke


I have my TBBETA/TBOT list automagically filtered from my account
inbox to a common folder. I edited a folder template for my TBBETA
common folder so I could reply to a post. After finishing the edit, I
went back to the list and could not reply. The reply, reply to all,
redirect, forward, delete, mark as junk buttons were greyed out on the
toolbar and the right-click drop down menu was completely greyed out,
even copy/move to folder, save as etc. I had to restart TB! to get
back to normal. I have tried to duplicate this but cannot. Anyone else
seen this?




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Disappearing log

2005-10-16 Thread Mike Rourke


Had a problem with one of my accounts, so I went to Account>View Log,
it was greyed out. I used Shft-Ctrl-A, nothing. Restarted TB! and
presto, I had access to my logs, which were complete. Anybody else?

I agree with Vili, I too am losing faith. It's a trust issue, I really
don't trust TB! with critical communications. I use Thunderbird
beta with my IMAP account for important things. TB! has turned more
into a novelty for me when I'm bored instead of a serious e-mail
application I can use for it's intended purpose.




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

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Re[2]: Disappearing log

2005-10-17 Thread Mike Rourke
On 10/17/2005, 02:02 AM, you scribbled:

MR>> Had a problem with one of my accounts, so I went to Account>View
MR>> Log, it was greyed out. I used Shft-Ctrl-A, nothing. Restarted TB!
MR>> and presto, I had access to my logs, which were complete. Anybody
MR>> else?

PF> Yes. I see this too. I have no idea what causes this. If you write a bug
PF> report, I'll support it.

Here you go...




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

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Re: Offsite Images

2005-10-20 Thread Mike Rourke

Michael Schneider wrote:

because Thunderbird performs the most basic functionality of an e-mail
client which is to display my plaintext e-mail per RFC-822

No, because it displays remote images if I want it.

Yes, and my car can go up on the sidewalk if I want it. Not the cars 
fault, just the loose nut behind the wheel.

Allowing images to be viewed in TheBat! makes TB! no less secure. Again, 
it is the loose nut behind the keyboard. Using your methodology of 
"protecting" the user, every web browser should not display ads, images, 
links etc, etc because they may be harmful to the uneducated. My primary 
e-mail client is now Thunderbird, why?, one reason is because it allows 
me the option to view images (that and &^%$# IMAP). I have banking 
institutions and businesses that send e-mail and statements in HTML with 
images that provide information. This is the way they do business, most 
do not have a plain text option or multi-part capability. I am able to 
white list these using the address book. This does not make the client 
less secure. I make the choice to allow/disallow images, not Thunderbird 
and not Mozilla. Same with TheBat!, if some yo-yo allows the wrong 
images and gets trashed, that is not TB! or RIT's fault, it is the loose 
nut behind the keyboard, once burned twice shy.
Heck, right now I can receive a SPAM e-mail in TB! and click away on all 
the links in it, doing probably more damage than viewing images in 
another more docile e-mail. Maybe we should lock down URL's too, and 
while we're at it let's just strip that potentially nasty HTML crap 
right out of TB! and lean it up a bit.


Mike Rourke

Current beta is 3.61.13 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Offsite Images

2005-10-20 Thread Mike Rourke

Leif Gregory wrote:

Irrelevant. We're talking about one single e-mail client out of
hundreds that we want left alone from all the fluff, glitz and
security holes. Can't you just leave one well enough alone so 

> that the minority of us security focused people can be

happy too?

The capability to view images doe not create a security hole. What the 
user does with that capability is the actual security risk. Again, what 
about embedded links? These are a greater threat than say an embedded 
web bug. Click on the wrong link and you go straight to Java 
Script/ActiveX hell, yet these are not blocked.  I respect anyone who is 
computer security aware, makes my job easier. Computer security is 
making me a lot of .

This is the way they do business, most do not have a plain text
option or multi-part capability.

Because their customers demanded it. They want the glitz, the fluff
and the eye-candy without regard to security.

I highly doubt people have called their financial institutions demanding 
HTML mail. It is simply a part of the business model in corporate 
America. In my work, I have approached businesses about killing the HTML 
and embedded images or at a minimum, using a plain text option. The 
answer is a flat "no", it is not competitive. They consider it 
advertising and a matter of "keeping up with the Joneses". I have a Web 
designer friend who gets paid 6 figures to design HTML mail 
(newsletters, statements etc) for a large financial institution, they 
take this stuff seriously.

I am able to white list these using the address book.

So I send you an e-mail using the e-mail address of your bank
referencing an image on my server. Now what?

Given the number of banks in the US, someone would have to specifically 
know what bank I am using and know the specific e-mail address for the 
e-mail that is being sent. One of my banks uses no less than 8 e-mail 
addresses (one for my savings statement, one for checking etc). Add that 
to complexity of munging the e-mail address and duplicating the e-mail 
itself plus the actual return value of all this work = long shot. That 
and my firewall blocks Port 80 in my mail clients, I have to 
specifically authorize a connection to a Web address. It's a pain, but 
it's necessary.

and while we're at it let's just strip that potentially nasty HTML
crap right out of TB! and lean it up a bit.

That's why RITLabs wrote their own HTML rendering engine. So now they
spend time making sure they can render everyone's HTML markup with
less time spent on fixing IMAP and other bugs. People wanted HTML
e-mail, but at least true to their word, RITLabs did their best to
ensure the integrity and security of TB.

I was being sarcastic, but since you brought it up. Yes, RIT Labs (and 
Poco Systems) did the right thing and reinvented the wheel. This is 
double duty, creating an e-mail client and Web browser/HTML editor at 
the same time. It is a lot of work for the few, but it does keep the 
rest of safe from that flawed IE engine.



Current beta is 3.61.13 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re[2]: The Bat! 3.62 is now available

2005-10-24 Thread Mike Rourke
On 10/24/2005, 11:18 AM, you scribbled:

>> The Bat! 3.62 is now available from:
>> It is the beta version of msi :)

ASK> I'm puzzled. Whats that supposed to mean?

I believe this is the last beta wrapped in an MSI and we are just
testing the .msi install function.




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.61.14 Echo (Beta) Home on Windows XP SP2

 Current beta is 3.61.14 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re[2]: The Bat! 3.62 is now available

2005-10-24 Thread Mike Rourke
On 10/24/2005, 12:14 PM, you scribbled:

ASK> Hello Mike Rourke & everyone else,

ASK> on 24-Okt-2005 at 18:23 you (Mike Rourke) wrote:

>>>> The Bat! 3.62 is now available from:
>>>> It is the beta version of msi :)

ASK>>> I'm puzzled. Whats that supposed to mean?

>> I believe this is the last beta wrapped in an MSI and we are just
>> testing the .msi install function.

ASK> Its just that I smell "release", which would be insane.

Me, too. I already checked the main download page. I remember the last




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.61.14 Echo (Beta) Home on Windows XP SP2

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Chinese take-out

2005-10-25 Thread Mike Rourke


I use the scheduler to do back-ups, compress folders etc. I haven't
changed anything in awhile so I don't know when this started. I go to
the scheduler, right click on a scheduled function, select properties
and then click on the "Actions" tab. In the box where it is supposed to
tell what action is being taken, it has Chinese characters and blanks.
There are two action boxes, it happens in both of them.
See attached screenshot...




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.62.01 Home on Windows XP SP2<>

 Current beta is 3.62.01 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Unread tab not working?

2005-10-25 Thread Mike Rourke


I just started using the tabs in the mail list, thought would be neat
to try, doesn't seem to work properly though. I have a bunch of unread
messages, but the unread tab only shows one unread. See attached...




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.62.01 Home on Windows XP SP2<>

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Re[2]: The Bat! 3.62.01 is now available

2005-10-25 Thread Mike Rourke
On 10/25/2005, 11:41 AM, you scribbled:


MS> Am Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 6:37:10 PM, schriebst du:

>> 3.62 was to test msi installation. Or do you think that the 20 bug fixes
>> announced with 3.62.01 were all fixed in the last 24 hours? ;-)

MS> Why changing the version just for the msi package?
MS> Why not releasing 3.61.15 beta with the changes and then the msi?

MS> Questions... hehe.

MS> Michael
Noo, not the version numbers argument again... As long as the
numbers are going up I'm as happy as clam at high tide.  :)




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.62.01 Home on Windows XP SP2

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Re[2]: Unread tab not working?

2005-10-25 Thread Mike Rourke
On 10/25/2005, 12:05 PM, you scribbled:

M> Hello Mike,

>> I just started using the tabs in the mail list, thought would be neat
>> to try, doesn't seem to work properly though. I have a bunch of unread
>> messages, but the unread tab only shows one unread. See attached...

M> Have you tried scrolling down (or is it up?) the mail list pane? That is
M> the only problem here.

I have noted that bug too, however in this case I had no scroll bar. Tried
arrow up/down, page up/down, mouse wheel, nothing worked. That said, I
switched to the TBOT folder and had the same problem (no scroll bar,
not all unreads displayed). I switched back to TBBETA folder, no
change, then back to TBOT. On the second go with the TBOT folder, the
scroll bar mysteriously reappeared and I could scroll and see all my
messages. Then I went back to TBBETA and the scroll bar reappeared
there also. I shut down TB! and restarted it, the scroll bars were
gone again and I couldn't see my all of my unread messages. After
flipping between folders a few times, the scroll bars come back...
only if you are in the "Unread" tab, doesn't work if you stay in the
"All" tab.




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.62.01 Home on Windows XP SP2

 Current beta is 3.62.01 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re[2]: The Bat! 3.62.01 is now available

2005-10-25 Thread Mike Rourke
On 10/25/2005, 12:24 PM, you scribbled:

M> You should never trust programmers, specially if they are from one of
M> those countries that hardly anybody can locate in a map ;-)

Or if they come from Redmond, Washington USA... ;)




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.62.01 Home on Windows XP SP2

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Re[2]: Chinese take-out

2005-10-25 Thread Mike Rourke
On 10/25/2005, 12:39 PM, you scribbled:

V> Confirmed.

V> Want to write a BT or should I do that?

I'll get it, send the link back to this thread.




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.62.01 Home on Windows XP SP2

 Current beta is 3.62.01 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re[2]: Unread tab not working?

2005-10-25 Thread Mike Rourke
On 10/25/2005, 12:52 PM, you scribbled:

M> Hello Mike,

>> I have noted that bug too, however in this case I had no scroll bar.

M> That's then a different (additional) problem. So far I always get the
M> scroll bar. I'll keep an eye though.

When you get the scroll bar, you have to actually move it to see all
the unreads. I don't think that is right, do you know if that has been




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.62.01 Home on Windows XP SP2

 Current beta is 3.62.01 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re[2]: Chinese take-out

2005-10-25 Thread Mike Rourke
On 10/25/2005, 12:39 PM, you scribbled:

V> Hello Mike,

>> I use the scheduler to do back-ups, compress folders etc. I haven't
>> changed anything in awhile so I don't know when this started. I go to
>> the scheduler, right click on a scheduled function, select properties
>> and then click on the "Actions" tab. In the box where it is supposed to
>> tell what action is being taken, it has Chinese characters and blanks.
>> There are two action boxes, it happens in both of them.
>> See attached screenshot...

V> Confirmed.

V> Want to write a BT or should I do that?

Here you go...




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.62.01 Home on Windows XP SP2

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Re: IMAP status for me 3.61.xx

2005-10-26 Thread Mike Rourke

Clive Taylor wrote:

--On 26/10/2005 08:25 -0500 -=Curtis=- wrote:

Not here it doesn't with a rock-solid 2Mb connection in the south of 
England. TB hangs, sulks and falls asleep on the job constantly.

Agree, I use a 3MB DSL connect, and now, courtesy of my new job, I am 
using a free 8MB cable connection. Both are solid, consistent connects 
with low noise and no lost packets. Thunderbird and Mulberry work 
flawlessly with my Fastmail IMAP, TB! is senile and geriatric.

 > Mulberry runs rings around TB! when the bandwidth is

borderline. TB! becomes usable with high available bandwidth

I have inflicted high line noise and throttled my bandwidth on both my 
broadband connects. Mulberry works great, Thunderbird works, but 
slightly degraded and TB! packs it in and goes home despite fiddling 
with precise counters, number of connects etc. BTW, why are these 
(counters etc.) a feature in TB! anyways? Every other IMAP client ticks 
along fine without these options, or are they a way for the user to 
overcome shortcomings in the client instead of actually fixing the 
blasted thing? Just thinking out loud

I can't think of ANY version of TB! where its performance has been 
faster than Mulberry by a wide margin.

And don't forget accurate, I've never seen Mulberry display the wrong 
message body, forget how to count etc etc



Current beta is 3.62.01 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Build 3.62 released

2005-10-28 Thread Mike Rourke

Dimitry Andric wrote:

I've migrated to Thunderbird for some time now.  Even the so-called
"unstable" nightly builds are far more stable than The Bat has ever
been.  In some cases, The Bat is a bit faster, in other cases
Thunderbird is.

I find the same here. I always am on the latest nightly, just one hiccup 
,and that was fixed in less than 2 days.

I've mainly migrated because of the almost flawless IMAP support in
Thunderbird.  Of course this makes it quite easy to do, since you
don't have to "import" your message base at all!  It's already there
on the server.

True, but if you need to migrate from TB! to TBird it is very, very 
easy, even if you don't have IMAP...

Note that Thunderbird DOES have much less features than The Bat, but I
hardly use most of the strange cruft RIT has been adding since 2.x.
And with the nice plugin system of you can download quite
a number of extensions, which might provide the function(s) you need.
 In my case that's mostly the PGP/GPG support.

That was the intended purpose of TBird, to make a an e-mail client with 
a solid, functioning core, then let the user determine what widgets to 
hang on it.

PS: I do follow this list still, and occasionally download one of the

Not anymore, I'm done...



Current beta is 3.62.03 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: About release

2005-10-29 Thread Mike Rourke

Curtis wrote:

- I've given up on TB! IMAP for now since it let me down again when put
to the test with a low bandwidth situation. It's no longer fun fiddling
around. I just want it to work. It will become fun again, when real
changes are being made and I can test them. So since nothing much is
happening for IMAP, I'll stick with apps that work all the time. 

It's a core issue. At it's core, TB! is supposed to be a fully 
functional e-mail client, ie send/receive mail by POP, POPS, SMTP, IMAP 
and IMAPS; period, dot, end of mission statement. Everything else is 
ancillary to this function and is not a core feature. What we have here 
is a rotten core with a bunch cool features hung on it. That just won't 
do, it is called an e-mail client for a reason, but it doesn't do that 
job. But, by goodness, we can filter and file what we can't receive... 
Makes sense to me... :(

I said it before and I'll say it again... Using an e-mail client 
requires the end-user to completely trust the developer to deliver a 
product that will allow that end-user to reliably communicate without 
the client losing, eating, ignoring etc. e-mails. To me, that trust is 
gone and will not easily be replaced. I no longer recommend TB! to 
others and I have had a few business clients inquire about TB!; the 
answer is no, it is not to be trusted with critical business 
communications, especially in an IMAP environment. It's high time to put 
the horse back in front of the cart



Current beta is 3.62.05 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: About release

2005-10-31 Thread Mike Rourke

Tony Boom wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 31 Oct 2005, at 08:12, Cees wrote:

 right, Inspector Morse, I presume? :)

But do you know my first name?




Current beta is 3.62.07 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Scheduler stupidity

2005-11-01 Thread Mike Rourke


I have determined the scheduler function is stupid. I have it set to
make an incremental back-up every night at 2 AM and send me an e-mail
when it is done. Last night, I intentionally deleted the back-up
file/location. When I woke up, I had an error message (file not found)
and cancelled the back-up, so it was never done. Guess what? Got an
e-mail that said the back-up was complete. Now what happens when I
automatically compress folders, do folder maintenance etc. and there
is an error that I don't see or the process doesn't really complete? I
will still get an e-mail that says it's complete? This is false and
and can lead to problems down the line. Comments? Thoughts?



   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.62.08 Home on Windows XP SP2

 Current beta is 3.62.07 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re[2]: Scheduler stupidity

2005-11-01 Thread Mike Rourke
On 11/1/2005, 10:18 AM, you scribbled:

V> Write  a  BT.  Bug  must  be in a code, the boolean (that triggers the
V> email  sent to you) is set true too early to signal the success of the
V> backup. I think, it is easy to fix.

Here's the BT link...




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.62.08 Home on Windows XP SP2

 Current beta is 3.62.07 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re[4]: Scheduler stupidity

2005-11-01 Thread Mike Rourke
On 11/1/2005, 12:59 PM, you scribbled:

V> Hello Mike,

V>>> Write  a  BT.  Bug  must  be in a code, the boolean (that triggers the
V>>> email  sent to you) is set true too early to signal the success of the
V>>> backup. I think, it is easy to fix.
>> Here's the BT link...

V> I  read  the  BT, and I started to think about it, just before I wrote
V> that "Confirmed."

V> There  is  an event scheduled. At the start, you make a backup, at the
V> finish, you generate the email. But that email will ALWAYS say that it
V> was  successful,  as  you  made  the  template  saying  that  it was a
V> successful backup, right?

V> So,  I  think  the real solution somewhere would be the possibility to
V> evaluate the result of the start action. Because now you set a mail to
V> be  set  when  the  EVENT  FINISHED,  not  when  the  START ACTION WAS

V> Do you see the difference?

V> So, for a 2nd thought, it is not really a bug, as the faulty email is
V> not because of bad evaluation (my mistake), but the lack of
V> evaluation...

V> Maybe, there should be some:

V> 'Run this action if the "Start action was successful"...' between the
V> start and the finish actions...

I agree, there are two different conditions. Unfortunately the
success/failure of the scheduled function is irrelevant.

I agree this may not be an actual bug, but I believe it is bad form.
Imagine thinking all of your e-mails have been backed up for the last
month, then one day you need them. Or the maintenance that wasn't
really done until one day your mail file becomes inaccessible.




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.62.09 Home on Windows XP SP2

 Current beta is 3.62.07 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Edit Event action changes to Chinese

2005-11-01 Thread Mike Rourke
On 11/1/2005, 04:36 PM, you scribbled:

RD> Well, I made an event, which did run correctly. Then I decided to edit
RD> the event. After I clicked to close the edit portion, I noticed the
RD> recently added event was now all Chinese characters. This is a problem
RD> since I have trouble enough with English.

We had a BT in for that and it was (supposedly) fixed in .07. My text
is all in English, however, when I wen in and added a couple of
folders to my daily maintenance, it reverted back to Chinese and
blanks. Guess it wasn't fully fixed... You want to do the BT or shall




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.62.09 Home on Windows XP SP2

 Current beta is 3.62.07 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re[2]: Edit Event action changes to Chinese

2005-11-01 Thread Mike Rourke
On 11/1/2005, 05:15 PM, you scribbled:

RD> Recently, Mike Rourke squawked:

>> Guess it wasn't fully fixed... You want to do the BT or
>> shall I?

RD> well, I sent an email *bug report* from the pull-down options in TB!
RD> Are you saying there is a more direct way to do it? Anyway, as I said
RD> WRT this particular error, I emailed RIT just before I wrote to the
RD> list here.

Never used the pull down option, not how or if it works. Usually go to
the RIT bug tracking site and
file a report there.




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.62.09 Home on Windows XP SP2

 Current beta is 3.62.07 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: [OTAnn] Feedback

2005-11-08 Thread Mike Rourke

Leif Gregory wrote:

Sorry for the letdown. We try our best to keep the lists spam-free but
we're not always successful. :-(

Oh, that's OK, we'll just take a little out of your moderator's 
paycheck...  :)



Current beta is 3.62.12 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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2005-11-25 Thread Mike Rourke
On 24-Nov-05, 21:55, you scribbled:

V> Hello all,

V> Who had problems with IMAP: try it now. It is REALLY fast  now...

What happens when you delete an IMAP folder? I created two new folders
and copied 200 messages into them for testing purposes. When I was
done (there are message counter problems, but that's for later), I
emptied the folders, compressed them, then tried to delete folder 1, TB!
gave multiple errors and I had to restart TB!. I then tried to delete
folder 2, again TB! became very ill and I had to restart it... :(




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.63.05 (Beta) Home on Windows XP SP2

 Current beta is 3.63.05 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re[2]: IMAP

2005-11-25 Thread Mike Rourke
On 25-Nov-05, 09:32, you scribbled:

CT> Hello Dwight,

CT> Friday, November 25, 2005, 3:02:42 PM, you wrote:

>> This continues to be such a weird puzzle.

CT> I can't fault my connection (2Mb broadband) or my mail server
CT> (FastMail). Mulberry, Outlook Express, Outlook and Thunderbird all
CT> perform so much faster than TB! here on the same IMAP account.

Ditto. I have a 16Mb broadband connection. I copied 2000 e-mails to my
Fastmail server as a test. TBird can get it all there in less than a
minute. TB! hangs, sometimes copying only 400 e-mails before quitting.

I also noted with TBird that the message counters for the folder I am
copying to (on the IMAP server) is updated in real time. With TB!,
messages are copied over, I see the message list, but no message
counters appear until I starting marking mail read.

I do not have the duplicate problem.

It also appears IDLE may not work properly. When I have new mail in my
IMAP inbox, TB! always showed unread mail in the box (bold folder
name, message counter shows unread), now that only functions intermittently.

I am beginning to have serious doubts about the future of IMAP on TB!, I
really don't think it will happen... ever. Every IMAP client I can
think of (that works) had IMAP built-in from the beginning. The IMAP
clients that don't work too hot (TB!, Poco, Courier, Pegasus, Eudora), all
started life as a POP client, IMAP was added later and it's broke in
some way or another.




   :flag-us-tx:   :flag-thailand:

Using TB! 3.63.05 (Beta) Home on Windows XP SP2

 Current beta is 3.63.05 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re[2]: 3.96.08 (BETA)

2007-02-16 Thread Mike Rourke

Hello Matt,

Friday, February 16, 2007, 12:12:16 PM, you wrote:

> Creating a new account has not been possible (for me at least) with > the 
> last 3 or 4 betas. The last beta would just shut down completely > after 
> hitting the "Finish" button on the last screen and this beta > > gives me an 
> AV. Maxim do you need any data/logs?

Same here, TB! just shuts down, I get no AV or error message, no logging of an 
error (as of .07, haven't tried .08, maybe I don't want to). I extracted the 
.exe from the public release, set up my accounts, then went back to the beta...


Best Regards
 Mike Rourke

3.96.07 (BETA) Windows XP

 Current beta is 3.96.07 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: 3.96.09 BETA

2007-02-18 Thread Mike Rourke

Hello Maxim,

Sunday, February 18, 2007, 7:48:04 AM, you wrote:

> Hello Tbbeta,


> [-] (#0006228) Messages were saved into .TXT files in UNICODE
> [*] Added better on-exit-exception loggers

More of the same...  :)


Best Regards
 Mike Rourke

3.96.9 (BETA) Windows XP

 Current beta is 3.96.09 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: The Bat! 3.96.14 BETA

2007-02-24 Thread Mike Rourke

Hello Maxim,

Saturday, February 24, 2007, 4:17:35 AM, you wrote:

> [-] It was not possible to disable automatic backup

Still cannot access properties for auto backup and cannot delete


Best Regards
     Mike Rourke

Windows XP Pro SP2

 Current beta is 3.96.14 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: The Bat! 3.96.14 BETA

2007-02-24 Thread Mike Rourke

Hello Roelof,

Saturday, February 24, 2007, 5:14:09 AM, you wrote:

> Up and running, still doesn't remember which message (or folder) was
> shown last.

Confirmed. Appears to jump to a random message/folder on start...


Best Regards
 Mike Rourke

Windows XP Pro SP2

 Current beta is 3.96.14 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: IMAP - Freezing Processes

2007-03-04 Thread Mike Rourke

Hello Stuart,

Sunday, March 4, 2007, 9:44:49 AM, you wrote:

> I have been noticing recently that IMAP processes have been freezing
> in  the  queue  and  do not ever start up again.

I rarely use the connection center, so I can't speak to what you are seeing, 
but I can say that there is a problem with IMAP (BIG surprise there :( ). I had 
TB! open for 5 hours, it showed no new messages in any IMAP folders. I have TB! 
set to synchronize certain folders every minute or two. I opened Thunderbird 
and I had many new messages. I manually checked mail with TB! and synchronized, 
no new messages. I restarted TB!, and it showed new messages. Oh yeah, and the 
counters are still completely messed up, TB! just can't count or add

As an IMAP client, I would be very hesitant to use TB! for critical e-mail 
communications. I always keep Thunderbird available and check it periodically 
to see if TB! is missing something. Really sucks I have to keep two e-mail 
apps, because I can't trust one...


Best Regards
 Mike Rourke

Windows XP Pro SP2

 Current beta is 3.98.03 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: IMAP - Freezing Processes

2007-03-04 Thread Mike Rourke

Hello Stuart,

Sunday, March 4, 2007, 2:06:43 PM, you wrote:

> In recent versions IMAP is getting worse. As
> you mention message counts and not downloading new messages seems to
> be  getting  worse. I think some of it relates to this freezing of the
> queue.

Yes, it has gotten worse recently. I subscribe to tbbeta on IMAP for the same 
reason you do. I think you are right, the freezing is connected to the failure 
to synchronize properly. I am wondering if TB!'s implementation of the IDLE 
command is good. I understand the complexity of IMAP implementation vs POP, but 
the counters issue has been going on for how long We won't even get into 
flags and searches...


Best Regards
 Mike Rourke

Windows XP Pro SP2

 Current beta is 3.98.03 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: IMAP - Freezing Processes

2007-03-04 Thread Mike Rourke

Hello Stuart,

Sunday, March 4, 2007, 2:06:43 PM, you wrote:

> In recent versions IMAP is getting worse.

Oh boy Just sent the previous message (I think). My sent box on my IMAP 
server is Sent Items. Just realized it has dissapeared. It shows in the 
subscribed folders, but it is not in the folder tree. Also, the Outbox goes 
bold during the send process, but does not go back to normal after the send. 
Also... just checked the webmail interface... Of the 9 e-mails I have sent 
today from TB!, only 4 are in the Sent Items box on my IMAP server... Not 

Best Regards
     Mike Rourke

Windows XP Pro SP2

 Current beta is 3.98.03 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: IMAP - queue freezing

2007-03-09 Thread Mike Rourke

Hello Stuart,

Monday, March 5, 2007, 11:54:59 AM, you wrote:

> Hello tbbeta,

>   As I reported before I have been having queue freezing problems with
> IMAP. I have now reported it to bugtraq. Please add confirmations at:

It is really bad, IMAP is completely unusable. Switching back to Thunderbird to 
keep my sanity... :boohoo:  Will add comments to bugtraq.


Best Regards
 Mike Rourke

Windows XP Pro SP2

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Re: SMTP connection Slow

2007-03-09 Thread Mike Rourke

Hello Tim,

Wednesday, March 7, 2007, 11:57:07 PM, you wrote:

> Anyone experiencing a large delay in sending messages?
> I have noticed this with the last 3 or 4 beta builds.

Did some comparisons between Thunderbird and TB!. I see TB! is slow on SMTP, it 
more pronounced on my IMAP (presumably due to copying the mail to the Sent 
folder and the frozrn queue issue). .


Best Regards
     Mike Rourke

Windows XP Pro SP2

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Re: 3.98.06

2007-03-13 Thread Mike Rourke

Hello Randy,

Tuesday, March 13, 2007, 8:55:31 AM, you wrote:

> Seems to be running as usual but it still doesn't address bug
> #0006274:

> "On a regular basis I have processes freezing in the queue. Sometimes
> if I delete the top frozen process the rest will proceed, but other
> times I have to Disconnect and then reconnect. Sometimes I have to
> restart TB! completely.

> "Note: This also happens in 3.98.04 and has been happening for some
> time."

Same here

But on the bright side we have animated smileys :/  Got to have priorities 
ya know...


Best Regards
 Mike Rourke

Windows XP Pro SP2

 Current beta is 3.98.06 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: IMAP - queue freezing

2007-03-22 Thread Mike Rourke

Stuart Cuddy wrote:

Hello tbbeta,

  As I reported before I have been having queue freezing problems with
IMAP. I have now reported it to bugtraq. Please add confirmations at:

Interesting. I too was having major problems with this. As 
advertised, I switched back to Thunderbird. I have been using 
Thunderbird exclusively for 3 days (Thunderbird is on and connected 
24/7). It's IMAP is now doing what TB has been doing. I have thoroughly 
checked my computer, firewall logs etc. I am getting with Fastmail to 
see what info they have on their side. I noted you too are a Fastmail 
user, are there others having IMAP issues that are not Fastmail users, 
or more to the point, have IMAP providers using something other than 
Cyrus for their IMAP server.



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Re: Why do macros exist?

2004-10-17 Thread Mike Rourke

Hi Michael,


MLW> Why do so many macros exist, when no one wants to see them used.
MLW> BayesIT! has macros, Bayes Filter has macros, MyMAcros has macros,
MLW> Zombie has MAcros, yet no one seems to use them and no one wants them
MLW> included in messages.  Why?

Saying "no one" means you are speaking for everyone, a pretty large group to speak for... Anyways, macros are very powerful tools. The BayesIt macros for instance. I have a quick template set up with BayesIt macros. These macros retrieve the number of ham and spam, the number of misclassified mails and calculates the error rate. This QT is set to send itself to me daily at a predetermined time. I also have a weekly and monthly template. All the data is handled and calculated via macro. This is just one example of macro use, I use them in all my new mail templates, replies, forwards etc. It helps to cut the time and keeps you from making mistakes (wrong name in the greeting is a good example), couldn't live without them myself. I guess this means "no one" is incorrect... :) 

Also the macros are not included in the e-mail... just the data that the macros place in the e-mail goes in the stream. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what you are driving at here is some sort of malicious logic being transferred via macro... can't happen... Look at this e-mail with "View Source", press F9. At the bottom I use a macro to place my OS and TB version to help the Ritlabs guys if I have a problem. With view source, you will see only the text that the macro has placed in the e-mail, not the actual macro itself, that stays resident on my computer.

  Mike Rourke

:flag-us-tx: :flag-thailand:   

Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2
The Bat!

 Current beta is Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re[2]: Why do macros exist?

2004-10-17 Thread Mike Rourke

Hi Cristina,

CR> Even I, a TB! newbie (almost), use macros in my templates. Why do you
CR> say nobody wants them? Leave them be, please. :)

He hasn't responded yet, but I believe he thinks the macros used in TB are the same as 
those found in MS Office and the like. Those macros can be embedded in Word docs etc 
and used for malicious purposes.   

  Mike Rourke

:flag-us-tx: :flag-thailand:   

Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2
The Bat!

 Current beta is Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: new anti-virus (NOD32) error

2004-11-06 Thread Mike Rourke

Hi Jan,
JR> Battyfolk,

JR> It seems that after I installed the NOD32 plug-in I began to get
JR> the following error which I had never seen before. Anyone else?

JR> |---| Start |---|

JR> !10/30/2004, 07:36:23: ANTIVIRUS - The anti-virus has reported an
JR> error, the object cannot be checked for viruses

JR> || End ||

JR> Thanks.

I had the same error, odd thing is in the anti-virus plug-in screen, it showed 
version "Unknown". After updating to TB, it now shows version 
"1.916"... however... it doesn't work. I e-mailed myself the eicar string to 
both POP and IMAP accounts with IMON in NOD32 off (so it wouldn't intercept the 
e-mail before the plug-in had a chance). The plug-in didn't catch it... 

  Mike Rourke

:flag-us-tx: :flag-thailand:   

Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2
The Bat!

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TB & K9

2005-01-26 Thread Mike Rourke

K9 Users or anyone who can explain this...

Decided to try K9 with TB see wow it worked. I have K9 set up to add
X-text-classification SPAM to the header. I then set up a filter to
move mail with this header to the junk folder, no problem, so I
thought. TB is toggling parking to on for random messages, probably
about 30% of the total junk mail traffic. I rechecked my filter, it's
OK. I looked for a common thread in the e-mail that were parked and
those that were not parked, I can't find anything.

Two other odd things have happened since using K9. I have a specific
view mode for my junk folder. It does not include the parking column.
I went back and checked the view mode, parking is not selected. I
changed the view mode for the junk folder to my default (which doesn't
include parking either) then back to junk. The parking column
dutifully disappeared when set to default then reappeared when going
back to junk.

The other thing is threading. I have never had threading
turned on for the junk folder. Well, it's threaded by subject now,
even though the view mode specifically says threaded by none. Has
anybody else seen any of these behaviors before?



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Bayes Plug-in and IMAP

2005-02-18 Thread Mike Rourke

I have tried using Bayes Filter, but it does not filter my IMAP
accounts. I switched to BayesIt and it would filter my IMAPs, but not
reliably. Any suggestions?


 Mike Rourke   

Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2
The Bat!

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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