Re: AV Cascade on exiting after changing connection number

2005-05-15 Thread Terry
Hi Allie,

On 16 May 2005 at 01:32, you wrote:

> Access violation at address 7C918FEA in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of
> address 0010.

> I restarted TB!, but with no apparent problems.

I've had this problem as well, twice now, but I haven't changed the
connections. I believe Liz also had the same problem. See the AVs
thread from yesterday (sorry, don't have the link with me). I hadn't
had a chance to confirm her e-mail yet. It seems to occur only when I
try to exit The Bat! but I can't pinpoint what specific actions make
it occur. I had done a number of different things, including changing
the delete settings and making some changes to IMAP folders Not
much help. Sorry about that!


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2005-05-25 Thread Terry
Error report comes up after exiting:

AppName: thebat.exe
ModName: kernel32.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.1560
Offset: 000138b2


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Compress/Expunge/Trash folders weirdness

2005-05-31 Thread Terry
I'm no IMAP expert so I'm not sure exactly what's wrong but something
doesn't seem right.

First scenario:

IMAP account, set to delete on server. Option to compress all folders
on exit checked. Option to compress when switching between folders
unchecked. On exit, folders aren't being compressed/expunged. Using
IMAPSize, I expunge the deleted messages. When I reopen TB, I can
still read the messages in TB using browse deleted messages function
but they go away if I clear the cache, so I'm assuming that the local
cache isn't being cleared. I have the folders set to full messages
synchronisation. I guess the first question is, when is the cache
cleared and/or updated? I've since set clear cached messages on exit.
Are there any other settings I should check? Is it really necessary to
clear all cached messages on exit? Seems like a waste of bandwidth to
me to reload every time. I'd expect the cache to be updated so that
the deleted messages were removed after they were expunged from the
server. That seems to be what happens when the compress folder option
is used.

Other changes I make when not using TB aren't reflected as well. For
instance, I receive an e-mail, read it and then close TB. Using
IMAPSize, I delete and expunge the e-mail. When I start TB! again, the
message is removed from the inbox on the first check but the cached
version of that message is still there, even after a refresh and a
synchronize all folders. I can see it with browse deleted messages.
That doesn't seem right to me.

Second scenario:

IMAP account set to delete to local trash folder. Same thing as above
is happening, which raises another question. I would expect that
deleting to the local folder would move the message from the IMAP
folder to the local trash folder. That's not happening. It looks like
the message is copied to the local trash folder and is marked as
deleted on the server.

Another behaviour I noticed when using local trash folders is that if
there's a disconnection for some reason from the IMAP server and I
attempt to delete an e-mail, it's just copied to the trash folder but
still appears in the list in the folder. Makes sense that it would
appear in the folder since I was disconnected but I wouldn't expect it
to be copied to the trash folder. I'd expect a warning or an attempt
to reconnect and then delete or something else to happen. It's also
marked as unread in the trash folder.

Another issue with using local trash folders with IMAP accounts - If
you read a message that's just come in and you don't move between
folders prior to deletion, when it's deleted it is then marked as
unread in the local trash folder. It's reproducible every time. If you
read the message, move to another folder (in the same account or
another account, IMAP or local) and then come back to the message and
delete it, it stays marked as unread.

Can anyone confirm, give me settings guidance, etc?  Thanks.

BTW, the local trash folder behaviour is something that's been present
at least since 2.13 Beta 4.  See and


Using The Bat! v3.5.24 Pro on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack
1, mail server imap-uw

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Re[2]: Compress/Expunge/Trash folders weirdness

2005-05-31 Thread Terry
On 01 June 2005 at 05:12, Allie wrote:

Thanks for your response, Allie. It's helped me to understand what's
going on.  Sometimes I think my biggest problem is not knowing what
all the options actually do.  :)

> That's a bummer. I compress on exiting folders and this seems to work
> most of the time.

I'm loathe to check that option as I don't want to expunge the
messages until I've exited the program.  I sometimes need to retrieve
the deleted messages.

> No. It would be better to just compress all folders intermittently or
> just after a startup or just before a shutdown of TB!. This is because
> compressing on exit isn't working for you.

Seems like that's the route I'll have to take.

> I don't even know what to say here. AFAIK, the IMAP protocol makes the
> concept of a trash folder unnecessary. For example, Mulberry accounts
> don't carry trash folders. If you delete a message in IMAP, it's simply
> flagged as deleted. This is different from POP3 deletions. I know that
> for TB! POP3 deleted messages remain in the message base until you run a
> compress operation, but this isn't so for most other POP3 clients. As a
> result, trash folders are necessary.

After your explanation of how it works, I can see that it's
unnecessary for me to use a local trash folder. If I want to keep the
messages since I can be a little "delete happy" at times, I uncheck
the "compress when moving between folders" option and they'll be there
until I manually compress or exit the program (assuming that gets
fixed). If I want to keep them indefinitely, then I would also uncheck
the option to compress folders on exiting at which time the messages
would only be deleted when I manually compressed.

Again, thanks so much for your explanation.


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Re[2]: Compress/Expunge/Trash folders weirdness

2005-06-01 Thread Terry

Hi Manuel,

On 01 June 2005 at 06:35, Manuel wrote:

> For me too, except the trash folder. All sent mailing lists mails get
> deleted by a outgoing filter and my trash folder grows and grows.
> This is a known bug. Some time ago it seemed to be fixed, but now it's
> still/again there.

I haven't experienced this problem.  Is that with a local trash folder
or using one on IMAP?

> Oh yes. Do you, Terry, really need full synchronisation?
> For me, TB! is useless with synchronisation. I get duplicate messages,
> reloading is poor slow, opening messages can take forever, if TB! is
> updating its list in the background.
> Since I turned synchronisation off, TB! works as good as TB! works with
> IMAP and I can work with it quite okay.

> I reported this problem and got some confirmations. Unfortunately I can't
> find it this time.

Well, I don't know if I need full synchronisation now. IIRC, there was
a problem with one of the very early betas of the 2.x, or 3 versions
that I was able to overcome by using full synchronisation. Those
settings have stayed with me. Perhaps it's time that I reviewed all my
different account settings. I think this is another case of not
knowing how all the settings really work. If I did, then I could
determine what would be best.

> I would swear this is related to synchronisation. ;)
> Terry, what connection are you using? Fast or slow one?

A fast one,  I've got a 2MB ADSL connection.

> You're right, Allie. Since Stefan wrote they will focus on IMAP in the next
> beta cycle and said something about showing deleted messages in the 
> "normal" message list, this would be a thing, we can point them to.
> When one is able to see deleted messages with a different colour or strike
> out or something in the message list, copying to trash folder is really
> useless.

That would be incredibly helpful.

Thanks for your response.


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Replying to a message using a filter

2005-06-06 Thread Terry
Don't know if this is beta-related or not as I never tried it with a
release version.  :)

I have a Read filter that will send an auto reply to certain e-mails
triggered by a hot key. Only problem is that the e-mail I'm replying
to isn't being marked as replied to. I'm currently setting the color
group so I can tell but I would expect that the replied to flag would
be set as well. Am I missing something? Is there something that I
should be setting in the filter?  Is this a bug?

 TB! Message Filter 
UID: [6C3FEC74.01C562A1.23C63084.100B8699]
Name: Information\20Response
Filter: {\0D\0A\20`0`0`.\0D\0A}
Reply template (template deleted)
SetColour -1573161481



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Folder Maintenance Error

2005-06-07 Thread Terry
On doing folder maintenance, Purge causes a "TProgressBar property out
of range" error.  See attached.  No other option on folder maintenance
causes the error. It is reproducible.  While the error is annoying, it
doesn't seem to affect functionality.


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Autoreply filter - possible bug?

2005-06-30 Thread Terry
Don't know if this is a bug or not as I've never used an autoreply
filter before.

I created a filter that creates and sends an automatic reply triggered
when there is certain text in the subject.  I tested it and it worked
great however the sent message is not in my sent folder.  Is this
normal behaviour?  I would have expected a copy to be placed in the
sent folder.

Thanks for your help.


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Re: Autoreply filter - possible bug?

2005-07-02 Thread Terry
Roelof penned:

> My first guess would be that you've an outgoing filter that moves
> the message somewhere else.

Brand new account with no other filters.  :(  Guess I'll open a bug
report.  Thanks for the reply.


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Re[2]: Autoreply filter - possible bug?

2005-07-02 Thread Terry
Hi Roelof,

On 02 July 2005 at 09:29, Roelof wrote:

> No common outgoing filters?

None at all, either in common or any other account.

> Are you using the %Account= macro?

I've tested it with and without the %ACCOUNT macro.  It doesn't make a

> I tested it over here and the message got in my 'sent mail' just fine

This is an IMAP account.  Is yours IMAP or POP3?


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Re[2]: Autoreply filter - possible bug?

2005-07-03 Thread Terry

Hi Roelof,

> As it says in my sig: pop3 ;-)

Oops, didn't check the sig but will next time.

> Does it matter whether you use in the filter options:
> Send message: according to account settings/ immediately/ queue in outbox

Haven't tried that one yet.

> Are you using a local or a remote outbox, from the imap discussions
> I've gathered that that causes different behaviour.

Have tried it both ways.  No luck.


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Re[2]: Autoreply filter - possible bug?

2005-07-03 Thread Terry
Hi Roelof,

I need to make a change to my previous answer.

I never thought of looking in the Outbox since the mail had been sent.
No counters ever changed and there was no indication that any mail was
in that folder.

I happened to check it and a copy of the sent mail is visible in the
local Outbox, but it's still not moved to the sent folder.

Using the remote Outbox, a copy of the mail can be found if you
browse the deleted messages.  Still not moved to the sent folder.  So
bottom line is that it's just not being moved to the sent folder.

Ah well Time to add these notes to my bug report.  Thanks for your


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Couple of issues with 3.51 Pro - Shortcut keys, Address groups

2005-07-08 Thread Terry
1. I created a manual filter and used as a shortcut the
ctrl+shift+alt+o key combination. It pulls up the Quick Search toolbar
and puts a Ó character in it. The filter executes as well. I've
checked all the places I know of for shortcuts and can't find one that
assigns this key combination to the Quick Search toolbar. In fact in
Configure, there is no shortcut assigned to Quick Search.

Is there someplace in TB that gives a list of the shortcut keys
currently assigned and tells you if there are conflicts like there
used to be? If so, can someone direct me to it? If not, can it be

Creating a shortcut for a filter when the key combination was
already in use, IIRC, used to result in an error message. It doesn't
now. It actually executes the shortcut which can sometimes be very
interesting. Shouldn't existing shortcuts be disabled if you're trying
to create one? Shouldn't conflicts in shortcut keys bring up an error
message somewhere?

2. When creating a new message, if I use the picklist by clicking on
To, all addresses in the address book are shown, even those that are
in groups set to hide items if not selected explicitly. If I pull up
the address book itself, none of the hidden items displays unless I
select that group.


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Re[2]: Couple of issues with 3.51 Pro - Shortcut keys, Address groups

2005-07-08 Thread Terry
On 08 July 2005 at 14:11, Stuart wrote:

> This  is  part of the new Interface and is not yet finished. I hope it
> is being worked on as we speak.

That will be most helpful.  It is still rather disconcerting however
to try to choose a key combination and have one that's already
assigned execute.  I hope this is looked at as well.

> I'm  not  sure  if  this is how it is meant to be or not. If you right
> click  on  the space beside the word To: you will get a list that does
> not  show  people  who  are not specifically selected. I think this is
> what you want.

Hmmm... If I open a new message and right click by To: I get a menu
for displaying the various headers. When I either click on To: or the
little address card on the right and pull up the address book pick
list, I get a full list of addresses in that address book including
those that should be hidden.


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Re[2]: Couple of issues with 3.51 Pro - Shortcut keys, Address groups

2005-07-08 Thread Terry
On 08 July 2005 at 16:49, Mary wrote:

> On Friday, July 08, 2005, 10:33 AM, I wrote:

> I figured it out! If you right-click anywhere in the box of a header,
> "To:" for instance, you will get what Terry describes seeing, above.
> If you right-click in the box beside the "To:" header box (where the
> actual address appears) you will get the list of alternative addresses
> (favorites) and the editing choices that I describe in my answer to
> him.

Thanks for clearing that up!

> Phew! Working as designed. :)

> And people still need the old behavior of having the choices from the
> Address Book in categories rather than in one long list.

That would be most helpful. :)


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Re[4]: Couple of issues with 3.51 Pro - Shortcut keys, Address groups

2005-07-08 Thread Terry
Hi Stuart,

On 08 July 2005 at 21:27, Stuart wrote:

>   A reminder of what Terry typed on:
>   Friday, July 08, 2005 at 17:03:52 GMT +0100

>>> And people still need the old behavior of having the choices from the
>>> Address Book in categories rather than in one long list.

T>> That would be most helpful.  

> This is already possible by changing the settings in the Address
> book. You have to change the settings for each group and each
> individual.

I think there's a little confusion.  Let me clarify exactly what is

Open an address book.  A list of addresses will be presented.  If you
have a group that has the option set to "hide if not explicitly
selected" then those addresses do not appear in the main list of
addresses.  Expected behaviour.

Start a new message. Click on either the To: or the Address icon on
the right and a window "Pick e-mail addresses" is displayed allowing
you to choose addresses. In this case, all addresses are displayed,
even if they are in groups set to hide those addresses unless the
group is selected. Unexpected behaviour and the problem.


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Re[2]: IMAP: Server side outbox

2005-07-10 Thread Terry
On 10 July 2005 at 15:21, Allie wrote:

>> Each time the message draft is to be auto-saved while composing, I get
>> the following error:

>> - !9/7/2005, 14:06:42: IMAP - 1: Could not compose the message for
>> uploading Please verify the amount of free disk space Integrity checking
>> of the folder Outbox would not be a bad idea

> The error seems to come up while composing the first message after a TB!
> startup. It disappears after that.

> However,  I'm  now  having  a buildup of draft messages in my outbox, so
> here  ends  my  testing  which has failed on two different IMAP servers,
> i.e., MDaemon Pro and FastMail's Cyrus IMAP.

See  I had this problem
in  I haven't had this problem in a while and I am using
remote outboxes.  I do have the problem with lots of draft messages
being saved, but it usually clears itself out with a compress.  Not
ideal, but workable for me.


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Message time question

2005-07-28 Thread Terry
Hello TBers,

In moving a message from one account to another account, the received
time changes on occasion.

POP to POP - no time change
IMAP to POP - no time change

POP to IMAP - date retained but set an hour ahead
June 25, 2005 14:52  to June 25, 2005 15:52

IMAP to IMAP - date set to current date and time one hour ahead
June 25, 2005 14:52  becomes today, current time + 1 hour

I can sort of understand why the time might change if it was an IMAP
account - that's when it was "received" in the new account. But that's
not really the received time. It seems to me that it shouldn't change.
Or at least I'd like it to not change. Is this unexpected behaviour?
Or expected? If it is expected, is there some way I can change it? I
have no explanation for the + 1 hour thing.


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Re[2]: The Bat! 3.70.03 "Qigong" (Beta) is now available

2006-01-26 Thread Terry

On 26 January 2006 at 18:29, Gleason wrote:

> TB IMAP is working very well here.  Thanks.

I am still getting duplicate messages.  It worked great the first
couple of times but now they're back.


Using The Bat! v3.70.03 "Qigong" (Beta) on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service 
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Re[3]: Test message for duplicates

2006-01-27 Thread Terry

On 27 January 2006 at 14:10, Stuart wrote:

> I don't usually check this way, I only did it to expedite the problem.
> This  morning  I  downloaded my new mail, 9 new messages. While I was
> reading  some  other  mail  an  automatic  refresh  was done and my TB
> account  still  shows  9  messages, but my Inbox shows 0 (18) and I now
> have duplicates of every message.

I can verify this.

> The  odd  thing  is  if  I  look at the messages the duplicates do not
> always  show  up  after  the  original,  which  gets  colored as it is
> filtered  into  the  TB  folder.  The duplicates are all just black on
> white  and  yet when you look at the threading, sometimes the original
> is used and sometimes the duplicate. (see screenshot)

I can verify this as well.


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Re[2]: Test message for duplicates

2006-01-30 Thread Terry

On 30 January 2006 at 17:58, Stuart wrote:

> I think that another bad thing is happening with these duplicates.
> Since these are not true duplicates in the strictest sense, (ie they
> are not on the server, just in the local folder) if you delete
> one of the messages, manually or by using Delete Duplicates, when you
> do a purge it will delete the only message that is on the server and
> when it resyncs with the local folder you will have permanently lost
> the original messages.

> If you can understand my rambling, can anyone confirm?

I can confirm.

The duplicates problem has gotten worse, not better. Before this
release, I received one duplicate per message. I used to be able to
click on the folder and Ctrl+C which would purge and compress and
clear up the duplicates. Now I am getting multiple copies of the same
message and it is taking a purge and compress for each one to get rid
of the extras - i.e. 1 message and 3 copies needs 3 Ctrl+C.


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Re: IMAP - Latest Theory on duplicates

2006-01-31 Thread Terry

On 31 January 2006 at 02:46, Stuart wrote:
>   This is my latest theory.

>   Go to Accoun/IMAP commands/Manage IMAP folders and turn on
>   Sychronization = Lots of duplicates

>   Tun off sync of any kind = No duplicates

>   Confirmations?

I can confirm that there are no duplicates with synchronisation off.


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Re[3]: IMAP - Latest Theory on duplicates

2006-02-01 Thread Terry

Hi Stuart,

On 01 February 2006 at 13:52, Stuart wrote:

> Thanks  for  the  confirmation.  Now I hope it can be fixed as turning
> off sync is not a proper solution.

I unfortunately have to take back my confirmation. I've just got
numerous triplicates for several messages.  It was nice while it
lasted.  :(


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Program conflict

2006-03-05 Thread Terry

I seem to have hit a little snag with TB. I use Agendus for Palm
Desktop edition. Every time I click on the Today tab to bring up this
view in Agendus, it starts TB and the window switches focus to TB.
Now, I do love TB very much but this can get a little irritating. If
someone can point me in the right direction - i.e. is this a TB or an
Agendus issue, I'd be grateful. Thanks.


Using The Bat! v3.71.03 Pro on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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Hyperlinks in e-mail

2006-04-13 Thread Terry
Hi TBBers,

I have lost my ability to click on hyperlinks in an e-mail and
have the web page open if the browser iss closed. Clicking on a link
in an e-mail when my browser is open takes me directly to that link -
as expected. If my browser is not open, nothing happens. (Default
browser is Firefox.)

I uninstalled and reinstalled both Firefox and TB! with no luck. Has
anyone else experienced this problem? This seems to have started with
the last stable version.

Thanks in advance.


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Re[2]: Hyperlinks in e-mail

2006-04-13 Thread Terry
Leif wrote:

> I agree with you here. I've had it happen a couple times and I also
> found FF was in the task manager but for some reason hung during
> launch. Killing it off there and trying again usually worked.

Unfortunately, this isn't the case.  I had that problem before so I
had already checked it.

I now found another program where the hyperlinks aren't calling the
browser like they used to, so I don't think it's a TB problem.  Thanks
for the responses.


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Obtaining betas

2004-06-28 Thread Terry
Hi all,

New to the beta list. I've been lurking for a little while and noticed
in someone's sig that there is a 2.12 Beta 4. I've checked the web
site and the latest to download is 2.12 Beta 1. Is there some other
place I can get the latest beta?


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Bug 0003142 resolved?

2004-06-28 Thread Terry
Hi all,

I noticed a couple of people had problems with crashing in 2.12 Beta
1. I did as well and tracked it back to Achim Winkler's BayesFilter
plug-in. I removed it and 2.12 Beta 1 working now. :)


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Hyperlink problems

2004-07-01 Thread Terry
I use Mozilla Firefox 0.9 in tabbed mode using TabBrowser Extensions.
I am getting two tabs opening each time I click on a link in an
e-mail. I also had this problem with the stable version. It doesn't
matter if it's a plain text or an html mail. I even thought I might
have been clicking too many times and played with my mouse settings
but that's not it.

No other program I have is causing this to happen. Not sure what else
I need to do to check this out further. If anyone can give me any
pointers, I'd appreciate it.


Using The Bat! v2.12 Beta/1 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.12 Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

IMAP creating folders on its own

2004-07-01 Thread Terry
1. An Inbox-known folder created in accounts but not on server when I
first clicked on the accounts. Happened for each IMAP account I have -
5 of them - as soon as I clicked anywhere inside the account.

2. On one IMAP account, "non-standard" folders I had were recreated as
plain old folders. There's one folder that was recreated twice and
after trying to wipe it four times only to have it reappear, I
checked the folder on the hard drive to make sure there wasn't some
kind of problem there and there was no folder. The only thing that
fixed it was doing folder maintenance. Folder maintenance then hung
about 90% through and I had to cancel it. It cancelled. I tried again
and this time it completed. The folder no longer appeared...for a
while.  Added a filter and when I browsed the folders to pick a folder
to filter the message to, it came back.  Closed it down, went to the
folder tree, checked.  Sure enough.  Folder was there.  Deleted.
Reopened.  Now, another of the folders is duplicating itself.


Before  After

Inbox   Inbox-known
Outbox  Inbox
Trash   Trash
Sent Mail   Sent Mail
lists   lists (regular folder)
action  lists (regular folder)
action (regular folder)

All of the regular folders were empty and there were messages in the
correspondingly named IMAP folders.


Using The Bat! v2.12 Beta/6 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.12 Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: IMAP: Folder counts not updating as I'd expect when folders not set to synchronize

2004-07-06 Thread Terry
Hi Allie,

On 06 July 2004 at 16:32, Allie wrote:
> I'm at work and have been tolerating a problem that I realize likely
> doesn't have to be and could very well amount to buggy behaviour.

> I'm wondering why is it that TB! doesn't periodically do what it does
> at startup, properly updating the server counts at the interval set in
> the account options.

> Can anyone else with a similar setup confirm this behaviour?

I can confirm this behaviour.


Using The Bat! v2.12 Beta/7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is v2.12 Beta/7 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: "unknow CA Certificate" box

2004-07-06 Thread Terry
On 06 July 2004 at 13:36, Martin wrote:
> a friend of mine is experiencing a strange "Unknown CA Certificate" box in
> TB v2.11.01 Final when connecting to a new SMTP server with TLS enabled.
> Nobody posted anything, so I'm opening up a thread. I included a screenshot
> of the window.

> Note: He's using the German interface of TB.

Has he downloaded the server's certificate and installed it into TB!?
I suspect he hasn't and that's why he's getting this screen.  When I
used TLS, I needed to request the certificate, save it to a file and
then install it into TB's Trusted CA address book.  The screen then
went away.  :)  Of course, I can't read German


Using The Bat! v2.12 Beta/7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is v2.12 Beta/7 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re[2]: IMAP and Connection Center

2004-07-10 Thread Terry
Hi Peter,

On 10 July 2004 at 02:01, Peter wrote:

> From my experience, using CC setting "Automatically" (Options |
> Preferences | Display Connectiom Centre):
> - using only POP accounts, the CC shows in the task bar when active, and
> disappears from the task bar when it's finished.
> - after adding that one IMAP account, which is set to just check every 5
> minutes, the CC shows in the taskbar from the moment I start TB,
> constantly showing the task to the IMAP account.

I can confirm that, and I believe it is the correct behaviour (maybe
not the desirable one though) since the IMAP account is connected to
the server. The connection's just not doing anything.

I have tried a number of different combinations of settings for IMAP
and some will make the box disappear after a period of time. An
unfortunate side effect of those combinations, however, is that the
connection doesn't always reestablish or is much slower to establish
when you click on a folder in the account again. (At least that's my
perception. I haven't spent time testing it.) I've resorted to setting
the Display Connection Centre under Options/Preferences/General to

> I would like it to show, in the taskbar, only when _really_ active,
> connecting to the IMAP server. As I wrote before, for now that one IMAP
> account is just sitting there, not really being used.

I mainly used the Connection Centre as a way to tell that I had a
problem. If it stayed open (when I was using POP accounts) that was a
sure-fire way to tell that I had a problem. I've got 12 accounts and
with the current system, I have to check the log for each one if I'm
having a problem. My first preference would be an implementation of
some type of error notification. Then I'd only need to call the
Connection Centre via the shortcut keys if I was having a problem and
needed to look into it further.


Using The Bat! v2.12 Beta/7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is v2.12 RC/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Filters quit working

2004-07-20 Thread Terry
I transferred a number of messages (about 30) from a pop3 inbox folder
in TB! to the inbox of an IMAP account.  Now, that account no longer
filters messages.  I've run folder maintenance, but it still won't
work.  I can re-filter using Folder/Re-filter and it works just fine.
 Any suggestions?


Using The Bat! v2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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Re[2]: IMAP deleting not working

2004-07-30 Thread Terry
Hi Allie,

On 30 July 2004 at 02:31, Allie wrote:

> Interesting. I thought this one was history. :( It's a bug that has
> been amiss for a while.

This is the first time I have experienced it.

> Yes. This is TB!'s way of doing IMAP deletes. Though the message is
> still on the server, it's no longer in the message list. When you do
> an expunge on the IMAP folder (that's compressing in TB! jargon), the
> deleted messages will be deleted.

Thanks for clearing that up.  I thought I had missed something.  :)


Using The Bat! v2.12.03 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.12.03 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: NFS: No/erratic automatic filtering with IMAP

2004-08-26 Thread Terry
On 26 August 2004 at 13:55, Peter wrote:

> Hello beta testers.

>  Lately (last couple of betas?) my filtering has stopped working for the
>  NFS. Automatic filters only work some of the time and I cannot
>  understand why. This is with an IMAP account filtering mainly on
>  senders.

>  If I re-filter manually, all mail is correctly filtered.

>  Confirmations?

Confirmed.  No filtering at all on multiple IMAP accounts.  Filtering
works fine on POP accounts.


Using The Bat! v2.13 "Lucky" Beta/7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.13 Beta/7 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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IMAP right click folder options

2004-08-29 Thread Terry
The options available on right click of a remote trash folder in an
IMAP account when there are messages in that folder are not the same
as the options available on the right click of a local trash folder
with messages in it in either a POP or IMAP account.  Right click when
the folder does *not* contain messages is equal for all of them.  It
seems that the menu available for the remote trash folder is the same
whether or not there are messages in it, leading me to believe that
TB! is not seeing the messages in it.

Specifically, it seems that the Empty Folder, Remove Duplicates,
Browse and Refilter Messages options are grayed out.

The Hot Key combination of Cntrl+Del does not work for Empty Folders

Can anyone confirm?


Using The Bat! v2.13 "Lucky" Beta/8 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is 2.13 Beta/8 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Problems sending message

2004-11-17 Thread Terry
I am having a sporadic problem with sending messages from IMAP

I compose a message. Press send. This error pops up: "Could not
compose the message for uploading. Please verify the amount of free
disk space. Integrity checking of the folder Outbox would not be a bad
idea." This pops up multiple times. Eventually, I get an access
violation at 70752072 at a read of address 70752072. Then I'll get the
"Could not compose" error a couple of more times and finally a "List
index out of bounds (0)" error.

In the connection centre, there is a request for the account that
seems incorrect. It is a Delete request with no message ID. If I
delete that request out, the "Could not compose" message pops back up.
I can then click okay and save the message as a draft. When I reopen
it I can send it normally.

There are no problems with disk space. I do an integrity check as
suggested and get this: "Folder is not repaired: Message base file
does not exist."


Using The Bat! v3.0.2.7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first - beta download?

2005-02-13 Thread Terry

I was wondering if someone would please post a link to the latest beta.
According to the changelog page here,

the latest beta is, but I can't find a link for it.  Did
search the archives but no luck.  Last link I could find posted there
was to and the beta page on the Ritlabs site only has a link
up to

Thanks in advance.


Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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Re[2]: beta download?

2005-02-13 Thread Terry
On 13 February 2005 at 19:54, Marek wrote:

> was not released yet, You must wait.

So there's information up on the site about 3.02.11 and the changes,
but it's not been released? I find all of this really confusing. Is
there any one place that is an "official" Ritlabs place for posting
information on what is the latest available beta?


Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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Re: 3.0.1 RC6 is now available

2004-10-13 Thread Terry Frazier
Friday, October 08, 2004 6:18 PM Stefan wrote:
> Hello All,

>   The Bat! v3.0.1 RC6 is now available from
>   as MSI installations (both Home and Professional)

This release definitely seems less stable than RC5. I have begun to
have odd memory errors and the occassional AV. Sorry that I can't
point to anything more specific at this time. I know it's not very
helpful. I'll try to gather more info.


Terry Frazier   Atlanta, GA, USA
Using The Bat! v3.0.1 RC6
on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

 Current beta is RC/10 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re[2]: Using PGP

2004-10-13 Thread Terry Frazier
Hello Kevin,

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:58 PM Kevin wrote:
> In addition to the steps Roelof wrote, did you go to the
> Tools|OpenPGP|OpenPGP Preferences|Files Menu and point to the proper
> files for your secret and public keys?

  In brief, yes.

Terry Frazier   Atlanta, GA, USA
Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33
on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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Re: Offsite Images

2005-10-20 Thread Terry G. Munson
Hello Tony,

Thursday, October 20, 2005, 9:45:00 AM, you wrote:

> Exactly the opposite of what I'd like to happen. My Brother often
> sends me photo's with little comments and descriptions under each
> one.

What am I missing...I get e-mails like this also and they work fine.
I get a message with three tabs "HTML", "Text", and "XXX.jpg". If I
chose the HTML tab I get the message with the pictures imbedded with
the little comments and descriptions.



Using the Bat! 3.51.10
under Windows XP Service Pack 2 2600

Description: PGP signature

 Current beta is 3.61.13 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re[2]: Pictures on headers

2004-08-31 Thread Terry G. Munson
Hello Tim,

Tuesday, August 31, 2004, 7:55:47 PM, you wrote:

> Very nice now I have what looks like a pen or something and a
> question mark. ugggh

I think that means the message has a pgp sig.



Using the Bat! 2.12.00
under Windows XP Service Pack 1 2600

 Current beta is 3.00 Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: TB3.0.0.11 - Address Picker Buttons (English Language) Still Corrupt

2004-09-13 Thread Terry G. Munson
Hello Avi,

The address picker buttons are working (for me) at last in TB



Using the Bat!
under Windows XP Service Pack 2 2600

 Current beta is 3.00.14 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re[2]: The Bat! Post Release is now available

2004-09-13 Thread Terry G. Munson
Hello Nick,

Monday, September 13, 2004, 11:30:24 AM, you wrote:

> FYI, I leave my messages on the Server if that makes any difference.

I also left my messages on the server.  Just for fun I changed the
setting to delete messages.  When I downloaded messages the number
downloaded didn't match the number that the CC reported as downloaded.

The messages were deleted from the server.



Using the Bat!
under Windows XP Service Pack 2 2600

 Current beta is 3.00.14 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

problems turning off headers

2004-09-30 Thread Terry G. Munson
Hi All

Since I downloaded v3.0.0.19 I can not turn off headers in the preview
pane "right mouse/header/choose header".

The headers that were on when I installed 0.19 are showing and will
not turn off.  Headers that were not active when I upgraded can be
turned on and off.

Anyone else seen this or am I missing something?



Using the Bat!
under Windows XP Service Pack 2 2600

 Current beta is 3.01 RC/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Macro quoting madness still present with paranthesis syntax

2004-10-25 Thread Terry G. Munson
Hello Mary,

Monday, October 25, 2004, 6:10:05 AM, you wrote:

> P.S.2 Translated into English, does Xenocryst mean "strange
> crystal"?

In geology a xenocryst is a "crystal foreign to the igneous rock in
which it occurs."



Using the Bat! 3.0.1 RC4
under Windows XP Service Pack 2 2600

 Current beta is Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Macro quoting madness still present with paranthesis syntax

2004-10-25 Thread Terry G. Munson
Hello Mary,

Monday, October 25, 2004, 10:40:35 AM, you wrote:

> Ah. In some instances, then, a very valuable gem.

It would be safe to say only a geologist would find consider a
xenocryst of value but even someone who adored rocks would have
trouble calling it a gem.



Using the Bat! 3.0.1 RC4
under Windows XP Service Pack 2 2600

 Current beta is Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Mod: Top posting AND sig delimiter

2004-11-17 Thread Terry G. Munson
Hello Paul,

Wednesday, November 17, 2004, 10:40:38 AM, you wrote:

> However, if the tone is to repeat, repeat, repeat the same
> information or make cute remarks I may need to unsubscribe and spend
> time someplace more informative.

I may be way out of line here but...

In the years I have been on these sites and around the moderators they
have been very consistent and magnanimous.

If you are bothered by getting the same information please take a few
minutes and fix the problems.



Using the Bat! 3.0.1 RC4
under Windows XP Service Pack 2 2600

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

1.54 Beta/27 - Message Columns do not retain new settings

2002-01-12 Thread Terry L Fritts

In Beta/27 I can modify the Message column headings either by adding
or removing a column.  The change then displays correctly.

However, when I move to a folder in the account and then back to the
account itself the change has been discarded and no longer displays
correctly.  Likewise if I move to a different account and back the
change has been discarded.

This is true whther I add or remove a column.

  Select Account
  Select View->Message List Columns
 Then add a column
 or remove a colum

  Then select a folder in the same account or move to another account

  Now return to the original account or to any folder in the orginal
  account and the column changes are no longer evident.


Terry Fritts
the Bat! 1.54 Beta/27
Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195

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Re[2]: 1.54 Beta/27 - Message Columns do not retain new settings

2002-01-12 Thread Terry L Fritts


Thanks for replying.  Perhaps I am doing it incorrectly.

I can change a folder's settings and those settings do hold for me.

It is the account default column settings that do not seem to hold.
I thought I would change the account default folder settings by the
same method except that I would have the account selected when I did
it.  But that does not seem to work for me in this beta/27.

What is the correct method of doing this?

Terry Fritts
the Bat! 1.54 Beta/27
Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195

On 12 Jan 2002 you wrote:
D> This is probably not a bug. Each account has its own default folder
D> settings, assuming you have some or all of your folders marked to use
D> default settings. Changing any folder so marked will change the column
D> settings for all folders in that account. When you move folders from
D> account to account or in out of the common folders you are probably
D> picking up new defaults.

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Re[2]: 1.54 Beta/27 - Message Columns do not retain new settings

2002-01-12 Thread Terry L Fritts

On 12 Jan 2002 you wrote:
P> Good evening Terry,
P> There is no such file on Ritlabs ftp server ...


I couldn't really find on the site how to become a beta-tester so
I googled for "the Bat! beta" and got this page:
and downloaded the only beta on the page which turned out to be the
one I am using which is Beta/27.  Specifically the link was to
which as you say no longer exists on the server.  Yet there it is in
my history in addition to the rather obvious fact that I am using it.

Then I googled for "rar file" and found the link: which gave me the means to "un rar"
the file.

I clicked the executeable and began using it with only two rather
insignificant problems.

Terry Fritts
the Bat! 1.54 Beta/27
Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195

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Re: BAV plug-ins

2002-01-25 Thread Terry L Fritts


On Friday, January 25, 2002 1:19 PM you wrote:
L> The only problem I see is in the communication between TB! and the AV
L> program. How to tell TB! that a virus was found? Via a return code?

We use a program for our IMAIL mail server that does this very thing.
It is called Declude by Scott Perry at Computerized Horizons.
Basically we use it with both f-prot and Network Associates or
McaFfee. Normally f-prot catches everything. It is very rare that a
virus makes it to McAffee.

Imail has a hook that allows this to work.  The hook is set so that a
message is presented to the program pointed to by the hook instead of
the Queue.  Then Declude grabs the message, parses it, and presents
the file to whatever command line scanner you've configured.  Declude
waits on the response from the scanner and places the message back in
the queue if no virus is found.  If a virus is found then the message
is quarantined.  Emails can be generated to various sources then
depending upon configuration.

In my declude configuration for f-prot for instance I have a line like
REPORT Infection

The first and 2nd line above tells the declude program which scan
engine to call and what cmd line switches to use. The viruscode lines
tell declude the code response to expect from the scanner on finding a
virus. The REPORT line tells declude what string to look for in
report.txt to identify the virus name.

People are using this product with various cmd line scanners with
great success.

It might not hurt for TB! programmers to contact Scott Perry since
this would be a similar application as I see it.

Terry Fritts
the Bat! 1.54 Beta/31
Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195

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Re: quote color lost when quote name length is less than 4 characters

2002-02-04 Thread Terry L Fritts


Thanks for the clarification.

I misunderstood the meaning of "Quote name limit."  I thought if I set
that to 4 then it would truncate whatever the quote name was to 4

But I see what you mean now.  Changing Quote name limit simply does
away with color if the quote name is longer than the setting.

Terry Fritts
the Bat! 1.54 Beta/36
Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195

On Monday, February 4, 2002 3:21 PM you wrote:
D> This is not a bug but a feature. If you set the quote name limit to 4
D> you want TB! to colourcode only sentences with less or equal then 4
D> characters before the '>'.

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