Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-30 Thread Avi Yashar
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 00:41:03 +0700, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

 I am not sure, but I think we bought it on Thursdays. With the
 schedule starting Saturdays. Or thereabouts. Here in Thailand, we have
 monthly schedules for cable, and daily (in the newspapers) for
 terrestrial TV.

So you see my point... don't you? :-)

By the way, I am also here in Thailand... as of today and for the next
10 days. A hectic schedule in Bangkok, then three days of meetings in
Chiangmai, and then again a few hectic days in Bangkok before heading
back to Israel. But, hey, while I don't have my TB here, Gmail at a
nearby Internet Cafe is working fine.

 So the problem s solved?

Let's just say that the problem seems to be getting solved. :-)

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-29 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Avi,

On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 05:05:30 +0200 GMT (29/11/2004, 10:05 +0700 GMT),
Avi Yashar wrote:

 Their intention is to create standards which will lead to easy
 understanding across cultures. For example in the air transport
 industry, everybody knows that day 1 is Monday, and no additional
 cultural explanation is necessary.

AY No argument there. But it gets less clear when you go to other
AY industries or various aspects of those industries.

I'm not aware of that.

AY For example, considering the entertainment industry, what day(s)
AY of the week does a TV schedule come out on in Germany?

I am not sure, but I think we bought it on Thursdays. With the
schedule starting Saturdays. Or thereabouts. Here in Thailand, we have
monthly schedules for cable, and daily (in the newspapers) for
terrestrial TV.

 AY Why should this be thrust on TB users like some sort of religious
 AY dogma?
 Only if you consider international standardisation a religious dogma.

AY Thomas, I don't consider international standards to be a dogma. The
AY dogmatism comes when those standards are imposed in such a way that
AY you cannot customize according to local conventions or your personal
AY preference. Standard or no standard, we should still have the right to
AY set our preferences on matters as fundamental as a calendar (or,
AY otherwise, see a calendar that we are accustomed to).

I have no objection against this.

AY That is what I objected to in the TB interface that launched this
AY debate, and it appears that my concern is being resolved by
AY Ritlabs (which I appreciate).

So the problem s solved?



Every day, the hummingbird eats its own weight in food. You may wonder
how it weighs the food. It doesn't. It just eats another hummingbird.

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-28 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Avi,

On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 21:09:43 +0200 GMT (12/11/2004, 02:09 +0700 GMT),
Avi Yashar wrote:

AY Thomas, if we are going to get down to such detail, then in Hebrew,
AY Sunday is Yom Rishon (First Day).

Sunday being the first day of the week is also what I grew up with. It
turned out that most countries use another way of counting, namely
starting with Monday. I have no religious association with any day of
the week, and since Monday is the first working day of the working
week, I think this makes sense.

AY Furthermore, the vast majority of Western calendars and the
AY standard calendar in the Windows operating system (at least the
AY English version) shows Sunday as the first day of the week.

You may be right about Windows, I don't know. I am certainly uncertain
about your assumption about the vast majority of Western calandars.
Please enlighten me - a URL will do.

AY Even if ISO has set a standard, their decision might not have been the
AY best.

Their intention is to create standards which will lead to easy
understanding across cultures. For example in the air transport
industry, everybody knows that day 1 is Monday, and no additional
cultural explanation is necessary.

AY And, good or bad, it is still too soon for Ritlabs to be
AY imposing that standard in a rigid fashion.

I disagree, but then, this is what this thread is about.

AY Why should this be thrust on TB users like some sort of religious
AY dogma?

Only if you consider international standardisation a religious dogma.

AY Why not retain - or at least allow the retention of - the rich
AY context of an historical and cultural legacy?

Because in international communication, standards are useful. If you
are talking about social sciences, I agree with you.



Would a fly without wings be called a walk?

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-28 Thread Avi Yashar
On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 00:30:34 +0700, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

 Sunday being the first day of the week is also what I grew up with. It
 turned out that most countries use another way of counting, namely
 starting with Monday. I have no religious association with any day of
 the week, and since Monday is the first working day of the working
 week, I think this makes sense.

It is hard for me to believe that most use another way of counting.
Many European countries have *switched*, but that is not so much
common outside of Europe (to the best of my knowledge). I have been a
constant traveler for well over 30 years, thereby acquiring
citizenship or residency in many countries in various parts of the
world. Easily eight out of ten calendars that I have seen start with
Sunday. That is how it is done in the Americas (North and South),
Africa, and the Indian Sub-Continent. That is a large part of the
world. China has its own unique tradition; but for civil purposes, the
Gregorian calendar (presumably the traditional one with Sunday as the
first day of the week) is used.

 You may be right about Windows, I don't know. I am certainly uncertain
 about your assumption about the vast majority of Western calandars.
 Please enlighten me - a URL will do.

Well, maybe I used the word Western in a confusing way. I was just
trying to give the sort of picture that I mentioned above. Western
Imperialism (Greek, Roman, German, French, British, and American) for
the most part imposed a seven-day week that begins on Sunday. It is
doubtful that recent European changes to the calendar have been
adopted in other parts of the world - especially considering the
tremendous influence (for better or worse) of the United States in
world affairs.

An interesting site you might like to look at in respect to software
development and calendars is the following Microsoft page, which also
gives some clues as to how the calendar might be changed in Windows:

Though it is not directly stated but only implied, it seems that
Microsoft still considers Sunday to be the first day of the week for
most countries that use the Gregorian calendar.

 Their intention is to create standards which will lead to easy
 understanding across cultures. For example in the air transport
 industry, everybody knows that day 1 is Monday, and no additional
 cultural explanation is necessary.

No argument there. But it gets less clear when you go to other
industries or various aspects of those industries. For example,
considering the entertainment industry, what day(s) of the week does a
TV schedule come out on in Germany?

 AY And, good or bad, it is still too soon for Ritlabs to be
 AY imposing that standard in a rigid fashion.
 I disagree, but then, this is what this thread is about.

Yes, that is what this thread is about. And I respect your disagreement.

 AY Why should this be thrust on TB users like some sort of religious
 AY dogma?
 Only if you consider international standardisation a religious dogma.

Thomas, I don't consider international standards to be a dogma. The
dogmatism comes when those standards are imposed in such a way that
you cannot customize according to local conventions or your personal
preference. Standard or no standard, we should still have the right to
set our preferences on matters as fundamental as a calendar (or,
otherwise, see a calendar that we are accustomed to). That is what I
objected to in the TB interface that launched this debate, and it
appears that my concern is being resolved by Ritlabs (which I

 AY Why not retain - or at least allow the retention of - the rich
 AY context of an historical and cultural legacy?
 Because in international communication, standards are useful. If you
 are talking about social sciences, I agree with you.

I am talking about TB. Otherwise this discussion would be OT and
liable to attract a trout. :-)

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Late receipt of message (was: is awesome)

2004-11-11 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Paul,

On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 21:54:38 + GMT (08/11/2004, 04:54 +0700 GMT),
Paul White wrote:

PW On Sunday, 07 November 2004 at 16:14 (UK time), I said:

PW Aha, the message turned up then, over FIVE hours late. :)

Not here. First Received header:

PW Received: from ([])
PW by with esmtp (Exim 4.34)
PW id 1CQv23-000Hpc-Ct
PW for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sun, 07 Nov 2004 21:57:08 +
PW Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2004 21:54:38 +

Under three minutes from your creation timestamp to receipt by the
first MTA. Less than my mail checksend interval.

PW Received: (qmail 20552 invoked by uid 65534); 7 Nov 2004 21:57:13 -

This is when my SMTP server got it. 5 seconds later.

Please post the Received headers here to let us have a look at where
the message sat so long.



SYMPTOM: Beer unusually pale and tasteless. FAULT: Glass empty.
ACTION: Get someone to buy you another beer.

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under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-11 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Maurice,

On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 07:56:45 +0100 GMT (10/11/2004, 13:56 +0700 GMT),
Maurice Snellen wrote:

MS In most germanic languages and even in English (anglo-saxon), the
MS names of the days are derived from nature and scandinavian gods.
MS Other languages may have the same, but I'm not familiar enough
MS with them to comment.

Just to chip in here:

In Chinese, Monday is called Day-one, Tuesday is Day-two.  There
is an exception to the rule on the weekend, I forgot.

In Thai, the days are named after celestial bodies: Monday is
Moon-Day, Tuesday is Venus-Day (if I'm not mixing up the names of
the planets). Sunday is Sun-Day.



Deine Stereoanlage hat aber viele Knoepfe! - Na, ja, mit
Reissverschluss saehe sie ja auch ziemlich bloed aus.

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-11 Thread Avi Yashar
On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 21:18:13 +0700, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

 In Chinese, Monday is called Day-one, Tuesday is Day-two.  There
 is an exception to the rule on the weekend, I forgot.

Thomas, if we are going to get down to such detail, then in Hebrew,
Sunday is Yom Rishon (First Day). The numbering continues until
Saturday, which is called Yom Shabat (Sabbath Day).

Furthermore, the vast majority of Western calendars and the standard
calendar in the Windows operating system (at least the English
version) shows Sunday as the first day of the week.

Even if ISO has set a standard, their decision might not have been the
best. And, good or bad, it is still too soon for Ritlabs to be
imposing that standard in a rigid fashion. Why should this be thrust
on TB users like some sort of religious dogma? Perhaps from some
absolute perspective, the numbers assigned to the days of the week are
largely arbitrary. ISO might just as well have declared Wednesday as
the first day of the week. After all, these are just communication
symbols. But why use symbols that are likely to confuse? Why use
symbols that impose unnecessary definitions?  Why use symbols that are
likely to offend the religious or cultural sensibilities of others?
Why not retain - or at least allow the retention of - the rich context
of an historical and cultural legacy?

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Avi!

On Monday, November 08, 2004, 6:25 PM, you wrote:

AY ... But, despite ISO's standard, any decent scheduler - and let's
AY not forget that all of this discussion about a TB setting under
AY Preferences is in connection with the TB scheduler - makes
AY allowances for those differences.

All night that verse from Psalm 90 (v. 12 in the King James Version)
has been running through my head:

So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto

I'm sure you will agree with Dierk that under Jewish (and later,
Christian) tradition, Sunday was from the beginning the first day of
the week. Sidebar: Interesting that in English all the names reflect
pagan gods, mostly Norse (and nearly all of them also in German, if I
understand that much German).

Still, I am inclined to agree with you that The Bat!'s Scheduler
should be flexible, to reflect the varying needs of its users, whether
corporate or private. In just the same way as the reporting from
various time zones is flexible.

Best regards,
The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Avi Yashar
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 07:01:42 -0600, Mary Bull wrote:

 AY ... But, despite ISO's standard, any decent scheduler - and let's
 AY not forget that all of this discussion about a TB setting under
 AY Preferences is in connection with the TB scheduler - makes
 AY allowances for those differences.

 I'm sure you will agree with Dierk that under Jewish (and later,
 Christian) tradition, Sunday was from the beginning the first day of
 the week. Sidebar: Interesting that in English all the names reflect
 pagan gods, mostly Norse (and nearly all of them also in German, if I
 understand that much German).

Mary, of course, I agree. And that was why in my very first posting on
this subject I wrote: Since when has 'manday' (misspelled and wrong
case) become the first
day of the week and 'sunday' (wrong case) become the seventh day of
the week? That has been my main point - and my main objection - from
the beginning. I do *not* think that Ritlabs should follow the ISO
standard on this point. I personally think that the ISO standard here
is entirely philistine and likely to offend the sensibilities of many
- both religious and non-religious.

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Avi!

On Tuesday, November 09, 2004, 9:24 AM, you wrote:

AY ... But, despite ISO's standard, any decent scheduler - and
AY let's not forget that all of this discussion about a TB setting
AY under Preferences is in connection with the TB scheduler - makes
AY allowances for those differences.

MB I'm sure you will agree with Dierk that under Jewish (and later,
MB Christian) tradition, Sunday was from the beginning the first day of
MB the week. ...

AY Mary, of course, I agree. ...

Felt sure you did. That was how I interpreted your first posting,
which went into the background of your philosophy at such length.

AY ... And that was why in my very first posting on this subject I
AY wrote: Since when has 'manday' (misspelled and wrong case) become
AY the first day of the week and 'sunday' (wrong case) become the
AY seventh day of the week? That has been my main point - and my
AY main objection - from the beginning. I do *not* think that Ritlabs
AY should follow the ISO standard on this point. I personally think
AY that the ISO standard here is entirely philistine and likely to
AY offend the sensibilities of many - both religious and
AY non-religious.

As I said in my reply, I agree with your first paragraph quoted above,
that the Scheduler should be flexible and allow users a choice.

And as I wrote--somewhat lightheartedly in my first comment on this
thread--I'm just happy to get any real-world days at all: no way of
knowing how many Ive got left! :)

I do think this matter should have the attention of the programmers.
Should we make a wish, or a BT report?

Best regards,
The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Avi!

On Tuesday, November 9, 2004 at 4:24:56 PM you wrote:

 Mary, of course, I agree. And that was why in my very first posting on
 this subject I wrote: Since when has 'manday' (misspelled and wrong
 case) become the first
 day of the week and 'sunday' (wrong case) become the seventh day of
 the week?

Since Christian Sabbath has - purely to distinguish oneself from Jews
- shifted from Saturday to Sunday. As I wrote (and was obviously
misunderstood) the last day of the week is the resting day!

Dierk Haasis
:Dierk: Copy 'n' Concept

The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Chat info for ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber upon request

Sonar no cuesta nada (Träumen kostet nichts.).

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Dierk!

On Tuesday, November 09, 2004, 9:45 AM, you wrote:

AV Mary, of course, I agree. And that was why in my very first
AV posting on this subject I wrote: Since when has 'manday'
AV (misspelled and wrong case) become the first day of the week and
AV 'sunday' (wrong case) become the seventh day of the week?

DH Since Christian Sabbath has - purely to distinguish oneself from
DH Jews - shifted from Saturday to Sunday. As I wrote (and was
DH obviously misunderstood) the last day of the week is the resting
DH day!

Dierk, I did misunderstand you. Sorry.

In my fundamentalist Christian upbringing I was taught that Sunday is
the first day of the week. A scripture was quoted to justify having
the communion service on Sunday:

And on the first day of the week, when the disciples were gathered
together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, and continued his
speech until midnight.

Of course, the word Sunday wasn't used in the scripture. But those of
that sect which I was brought up in, taught that Sunday was what was
meant. And they called Sunday the first day of the week.

As you know, I am of the agnostic/atheist persuasion now. And it's a
matter of no importance to me how the Scheduler is set up.

I just thought that those to whom it does seem important should have a
choice. As I said to Avi, just now. :)

Best regards,
The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Stuart Hemming
Hash: SHA1

Fascinating as this is, it's wandered a bit OT hasn't it?

- --
Stuart Hemming

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
Aided by BayesIt! 0.7.3, MyGate and rss2mail.

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Children seldom misquote you. (In fact, they usually repeat word for
word what you shouldn't have said.)

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Stuart!

On Tuesday, November 09, 2004, 10:00 AM, you wrote:

SH Fascinating as this is, it's wandered a bit OT hasn't it?

No, I don't think so, myself. It's the philosophical underpinning as
to what should be available in The Bat!'s Scheduler.

Do you not agree?

Best regards,
The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Stuart Hemming
Hash: SHA1

MB Do you not agree?
No not really. The point was covered when someone suggested that the
start of the week should be configurable.

Maybe I'm being short but I've just lived through this same discussion
on my online conferencing system about their calendar.

Let's just post a wish on BT for it to be configurable and move on.

- --
Stuart Hemming

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
Aided by BayesIt! 0.7.3, MyGate and rss2mail.

PGP Key available from ldap://

A short fortune teller escaped from prison, the Headlines read Small
medium at large.

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Comment: Key available from ldap://;






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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Dennis Hays
Quoting Mary Bull [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello Dierk!

 On Tuesday, November 09, 2004, 9:45 AM, you wrote:
 I just thought that those to whom it does seem important
 should have a
 choice. As I said to Avi, just now. :)

What I determine to be said here, under the desires of beta
testers and their dialog, is that TB should be as flexible in
this regard as it is with the use of QTs, templates, regular
expressions, et al. It should allow the users to configure the
program to best fit their tasks.


Dennis Hays
+1 518.331.3232

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Dimitry Andric
On 2004-11-09 at 16:57:38 Mary Bull wrote:

 In my fundamentalist Christian upbringing I was taught that Sunday is
 the first day of the week. A scripture was quoted to justify having
 the communion service on Sunday:

I'm not a Christian (IANAC :), but Genesis 2 seems to say (after the
creation of, well, everything):

2  And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he
   rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3  And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in
   it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

How much more plain would you like it? :)

Anyway, it should be configurable of course, since this tends to
differ by country, AFAICS.

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Dimitry!

On Tuesday, November 09, 2004, 12:44 PM, you wrote:

DA How much more plain would you like it? :)


DA Anyway, it should be configurable of course, since this tends to
DA differ by country, AFAICS.

Well, as Stuart Hemming said, it's time to put it on BT. So, who's
going to do it and is it a Wish?

Best regards,
The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Dwight A Corrin
On Tuesday, November 9, 2004, 10:21:35 AM, Stuart Hemming wrote:

 Let's just post a wish on BT for it to be configurable and move on.

I guess the world could be a better place if everyone could decide
they were ready to move on at the same time.

Dwight A. Corrin
928 S Broadway
Wichita KS 67211
316.303.1411  fax 316.265.7568
Using The Bat! on Windows XP version 5,1

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Avi Yashar
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 16:45:45 +0100, Dierk Haasis wrote:

 Since Christian Sabbath has - purely to distinguish oneself from Jews
 - shifted from Saturday to Sunday. As I wrote (and was obviously
 misunderstood) the last day of the week is the resting day!

Dierk, I think this discussion tends to go OT. Therefore, I am trying
not to fan the flames, so to speak. But, FWIW, I think that your
analysis is a bit simplistic. Logically, there is no reason why the
week must end with a resting day rather than begin with a resting day.
Moreover, AFAIK, most historians do not think that early Christians
moved their sabbath from Saturday to Sunday only to distinguish
themselves from Jews. That was one reason, no doubt. But another
reason, and perhaps a more important reason, was to compete with
popular Roman religions, most notably Mithraism, whose primary day of
worship was the first day of the week (Sunday) rather than the last
day of the week (Saturday). This became important circa 50AD when
James the Less took the ruling decision to accept gentiles into the
early Christian Community at the Council of Jerusalem (as reported in
chapter 15 of Acts).

Rather than pursue this debate here, let me just recommend a book on
this and many related topics. (Mary, you might also find this book
interesting.) You can read it online or download it for printing at

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Avi Yashar
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004 13:18:50 -0600, Mary Bull wrote:

 Well, as Stuart Hemming said, it's time to put it on BT. So, who's
 going to do it and is it a Wish?

The spelling is a mistake. The numbering seems to be a limitation (and
an annoyance). But as spelling and many of the various GUI goofs are
somewhat akin to the whole documentation issue, then I guess you could
say that all of this falls somewhere in the realm of unfullfilled
dreams. :-)

Mary, you understand the problem, and you also know your way around BT
better than most of us. I haven't a clue where to file wishes.
(Usually I just sprinkle a little fairy dust and think happy
thoughts.) So I am content to let you manage the report if you will be
kind enough to do so.

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Avi!

On Tuesday, November 09, 2004, 4:23 PM, you wrote:

MB Well, as Stuart Hemming said, it's time to put it on BT. So,
MB who's going to do it and is it a Wish?

AY The spelling is a mistake. ...

The spelling has been corrected in v. .

So the programmers are reading us.

AY The numbering seems to be a limitation (and an annoyance). ...

To some it is. And others potentially may find it so.

AY ... So I am content to let you manage the report if you will be
AY kind enough to do so.

In that case, I think I shall wait and see what the next beta brings,
as the spelling was corrected in this one.

It is not a big concern to me--will not affect my life at all to have
the numbering begin 1 Monday. But I do think the option to renumber
the days should be there for those who want it.

It may happen even without a formal wish being written up at BT.

Best regards,
The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Numbering Our Days [was Re: is awesome]]

2004-11-09 Thread Maurice Snellen
On Tuesday, November 9, 2004 at 17:24 (which was Tuesday, November 9,
2004 at 16:24 where I am) Avi Yashar wrote:

 I do *not* think that Ritlabs should follow the ISO standard on this
 point. I personally think that the ISO standard here is entirely
 philistine and likely to offend the sensibilities of many - both
 religious and non-religious.

Regardless of which day you list first, there might be at least one
person who will be offended. On my Palm organizer, I use an alternat
calendar application called DateBk5 (found on in case someone is interested) that,
unlike the default built-in calendar, has the ability to specify any
weekday as the first day of the week.

Interface and programmingwise I think we would be adding unnecessary
complexity to the preferences sheet in question if Ritlabs would have
to shift the weekdays depending on the cultural or religious
background of the user, but others may differ.

I think that at least two wishes are in order: 1) to have an option
specifying the first day of the week and 2) that only abbreviations be
used to reference the days of the week and not numbers. I have the
feeling that much more than the order of presentation, the fact that
they are so explicitly numbered now is part of the reason why this
thread is getting so many messages.

On another note, I find it funny that while several people are using
religious arguments why Ritlabs should not enforce the use of ISO
calendar standards upon us, I have so far not seen any requests to
have TB! support other calendar systems such as the Jewish or Muslim
calendars that obviously differ from the generally used Gregorian one.

In case Ritlabs is interested, there is a great book called
'Calendrical calculations' that shows conversion methods between some
30 calendars including the aforementioned Jewish, Muslim and Gregorian
calendars and includes also Bahai, Maya, Koptic, Julian etc. The
related website is

As a matter of history, months and weeks (ordering days in groups of
around 29 and exactly 7 days) pre-date muslim, christian and jewish
beliefs alike. In most germanic languages and even in English
(anglo-saxon), the names of the days are derived from nature and
scandinavian gods. Other languages may have the same, but I'm not
familiar enough with them to comment. One thing though: although in
recent history Russia has been under communist atheist rule for quite
some time, I don't believe the communists ever touched their word for
Sunday: Voskresenie (my Russian-English transcription may be off, I'm
Dutch) which literally means: resurrection day, refering to the day
that Christ resurrected from the grave.


Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
The Bat! v3.0.2.6; ; Bayes Filter Plugin v1.5.6; AJS v0.6; MyMacros

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re[3]: is awesome

2004-11-08 Thread Chris Weaven
Hi Michael,

On Sunday, November 7, 2004 14:24 your local time, which was 22:24 my
local time, Michael Wilson [MLW] wrote;

MLW I love this program and this is a very stable version.  I think it
MLW needs to be released.  I have had no problems.

 I've received a few AV's here, so not stable on my machine.

MLW Perhaps your OS is corrupted?

This only happens in TB! on two separate machines. So along with other
users on this list who are also seeing AV's I don't this this is OS
related, rather TB! related, hence being a beta.



Created using The Bat! v3.0.2.5  IMAP
OS of Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
Cleaning up SPAM with Bayes Filter Plugin v1.5.6

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-08 Thread Tony Boom
Hello Michael,

  A reminder of what Michael L. Wilson typed on:
  07 November 2004 at 23:26:22 GMT +0100

MLW My reply...

MLW Perhaps your OS is corrupted?

 As is everyone's who's using Winders :)


Best regards,Tony.   
 Message composed on 08/11/2004 at 09:38 UTC   2004 - AWB
 Using The Bat! v3.0.2.5 on Windows XP 5. 1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-08 Thread Krzysztof Kudlacik
On 2004-11-07 (09:52), you wrote:
 I love this program and this is a very stable version.  I think it
 needs to be released.  I have had no problems.

But  I  have  problems:  CC  after  retrieving 100% of messages hangs up -
connection  is  not  closed and new email are not in inbox. I must kill CC
and TB!, so I downgrade to

Best regards, Krzysztof Kudlacik
pb   _,   )\__/(   ,_ Polska Strona Programu The Bat! |
   /'.;`-.`{..}',-';.`\ |
 /'.'; `-,`--',-' ;`.`\ The Bat! Polish Support |
 \/\/^\---.\;;/.---/^\/\/ | : Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-08 Thread Raymund Thomas Tump
Hi Michael,

 old message...

 My reply...

Can you please use another form of reply? This one always irritates

As you seem to use a reply template try this one:




I'm already gone,

The Bat! on Windows XP Service Pack 2

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-08 Thread Raymund Thomas Tump
Hi Michael,

 I love this program and this is a very stable version.  I think it
 needs to be released.  I have had no problems.

Well, I have. IMAP is still kind of broken.

Every now and then messages I just read get unread.

A folder very I deleted all messages using the webinterface at work,
showed 3 unread messages and said there are 3 messages. Clicking on it
it presented 6 messages with 3 unread. I thought that maybe the
resync wasn't finished but the CC said it was.

Deleting the cache showed 3 messages and all unread (all nigeria

IMAP is slow. I have set to sync every 2 minutes but the initial
resync after program start takes longer than that (for 12 folders)
that is obviously too long.

I'm already gone,

The Bat! on Windows XP Service Pack 2

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Mod: Untrimmed reply (was: is awesome)

2004-11-08 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Michael,

On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 14:24:54 -0800GMT (7-11-2004, 23:24 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

MLW old message...
 Hi Michael,

 On Sunday, November 7, 2004 00:52 your local time, which was 08:52 my
 local time, Michael Wilson [MLW] wrote;

Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out Michael.


Please trim replies to context. A sure fire indicator that
insufficient trimming has been done is that the original signature and
list footer remain in the quoted text.

To find out why these MOD messages are posted to the list instead of
private mail, please read the welcome message you received when you

Thank you.

Groetjes, Roelof

WINDOWS is to computing what Etch-a-Sketch is to art.

The Bat!
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN

Description: PGP signature

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re[2]: is awesome

2004-11-08 Thread Gonalo Farias

AY On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 22:25:09 +0100, Jurgen Haug wrote:

  It always has been where I come from although people of different
  nationalities and religions may have different views.
  Same in Germany, first day of the week is Monday, last day
  (Wochenende = week-end) is Sunday.
 right, and as far as I know there are even countries where they
 call Saturday and Sunday WEEKEND, but still say Sunday is the first
 day of the week. DUH!

AY Historically, Sunday is the first day of the week. Even until today,
AY not all but quite possibly most Western calendars show Sunday as the
AY first day of the week (even though in Western countries it is
AY typically part of the weekend).

AY Personally, I prefer to recognize (though not necessarily maintain)
AY historical legacy - linguistically and culturally - unless there be
AY some compelling reason otherwise. Hence I appreciate the modern ISO
AY standard for dating - -MM-DD - because it is logical and it
AY alphabetizes well. But I have yet to see a compelling reason why day 7
AY should become day 6 and day 1 should become day 7 - especially when
AY these distinctions are associated with religious dogma (which I
AY generally excoriate). What is the harm if religious people start their

Why  not  just  follow what MS-Windows 'date and time properties' window
shows? That way TheBat! will remain consistent with the OS.

For  instance,  mine starts with Monday but I don't know if it changes
with the regional settings.

Best regards,
Goncalo Farias

FORFEIT: What most animals stand on.

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Re[2]: is awesome

2004-11-08 Thread Avi Yashar
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 21:09:38 +, Gonçalo Farias wrote:

 Why  not  just  follow what MS-Windows 'date and time properties' window
 shows? That way TheBat! will remain consistent with the OS.
 For  instance,  mine starts with Monday but I don't know if it changes
 with the regional settings.

Good point, Gonçalo. 

My Control Panel calendar (under Date  Time Properties starts with
Sunday, and it stays Sunday even when I change time zones. There is no
setting under Control Panel Regional Settings that changes the way
that calendar looks. But under Regional Options, my Standards and
formats are specified to be English (United States) and my
Location is United States.

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-08 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
On Monday, November 8, 2004, at 00:29:52 [UTC+0200] (Monday, November 8,
2004 23:29 my local time) Avi Yashar wrote:

 For  instance,  mine starts with Monday but I don't know if it changes
 with the regional settings.

 My Control Panel calendar (under Date  Time Properties starts with
 Sunday, and it stays Sunday even when I change time zones. There is no
 setting under Control Panel Regional Settings that changes the way
 that calendar looks. But under Regional Options, my Standards and
 formats are specified to be English (United States) and my
 Location is United States.

Very interesting discussions on calendars can be found at

ISO defined strict numbering of weeks, days of week, etc. I think it should
be used (and probably is) in The Bat! to avoid misunderstanding of time and
date in scheduler.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v3.0.2.6 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
with )

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-08 Thread Avi Yashar
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 23:47:46 +0100, Zygmunt Wereszczynski wrote:

 Very interesting discussions on calendars can be found at

 ISO defined strict numbering of weeks, days of week, etc. I think it should
 be used (and probably is) in The Bat! to avoid misunderstanding of time and
 date in scheduler.

Zygmunt, if you trace the history of this discussion, you will see
that I have already acknowledged that ISO starts the week on Monday. I
also stated quite clearly that on this point I choose to differ with
ISO. And it seems that I am not alone in this respect, because
Microsoft also differs with ISO - or at least provides the flexibility
to differ.

You must keep in mind that when it comes to dates and calendars, the
standards vary widely. This point is clearly explained on the
ISO-related URL that you point us to. But, despite ISO's standard, any
decent scheduler - and let's not forget that all of this discussion
about a TB setting under Preferences is in connection with the TB
scheduler - makes allowances for those differences. Imagine that you
work for a global company that numbers the weeks of the year in a
fashion that is different from the ISO standard. If you want to use
the TB scheduler, would it not be annoying to have all of the weeks of
the year numbered incorrectly (according to your company) even if it
is correct according to ISO?

ISO has some logic for changing the numbering of the days so that the
first day of the week is Monday and not Sunday. But it is not
necessarily the only logic or the best rationale. As I stated earlier,
I prefer to maintain the historical and cultural legacy on which the
numbering of days is based. The Gregorian calendar, which is the
current standard for most of the Western world and has been the
standard for well over 400 years, did not differ from the earlier
Julian calendar (dating back over 2,000 years) in its recognition of
Sunday as the first day of the week. If you examine most Gregorian
calendars, you will find that the first day of the week is Sunday.
Wiki lovers can check this out by following the link for any month
from the following Wikipedia URL:

My personal preference has nothing to do with religion (even though at
least the Western numbering of years is closely linked to a religious
event, the birth of Jesus). Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that
earlier calendars than the Gregorian or even the Julian calendar also
recognized a seven-day week in which Saturday was the seventh day and
not the sixth. Consider the Ten Commandments of Moses (circa 1250 BC).
In those 10 Commandments you are instructed to keep the sabbath day
holy, because God allegedly rested on that day (a rather absurd
concept, if you ask me, but many religious people - Jewsih, Christian,
and Moslem - take this seriously). Even when the Christian Church
associated itself with the Roman Empire and moved its sabbath to
Sunday to compete with the primary day of worship of the Roman God,
Mithras, those early Christians did not change the calendar. They
changed the concept of the sabbath but not the numbering of the days
of the week. So among Christians, the Seventh Day Adventists, to
mention a sizeable Christian community, broke with mainstream
Christianity on just this point. And notice the name of the group -
Seventh Day Adventists, the seventh day being Saturday. (You can
confirm this if you like at the following URL:

Similar is the case with Moslems. Islam moved the sabbath from
Saturday to Friday; but still Moslems, despite their pathbreaking
achievements in the sciences of mathematics and astronomy, never
troubled to change the numbering of the days of the week so that
Friday would become day 7.

In light of all of the above, it seems rather audacious of Ritlabs to
impose such a change. :-)

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first - is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Michael L. Wilson

I love this program and this is a very stable version.  I think it
needs to be released.  I have had no problems.


 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Michael!

On Sunday, November 7, 2004 at 9:52:21 AM you wrote:

 I love this program and this is a very stable version.  I think it
 needs to be released.  I have had no problems.

As the list traffic over the past few days has shown, there are some
(major) problems with this version. Not least of it is the current way
to get from unencrypted to encrypted message base, which could lead to
loss of preferences, filters and perhaps messages.

The main purpose of this beta is the flawless transition for the Pro
users. That doesn't work quite right because the Backup/Restore has
some kinks in it.

Dierk Haasis
:Dierk: Copy 'n' Concept

The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Chat info for ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber upon request

To live at all is miracle enough. (Mervyn Peake)

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Tony Boom
Hello Michael,

  A reminder of what Michael L. Wilson typed on:
  07 November 2004 at 09:54:54 GMT +0100

MLW I love this program and this is a very stable version.

I do too.

MLW I think it needs to be released. I have had no problems.

Not until the backup and encryption issue is sorted surely?


Best regards,Tony.   
 Message composed on 07/11/2004 at 10:51 UTC   2004 - AWB
 Using The Bat! v3.0.2.5 on Windows XP 5. 1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Sean Rima

Sunday, November 7, 2004, 8:52:21 AM, you wrote:


 I love this program and this is a very stable version.  I think it
 needs to be released.  I have had no problems.

Same here excellent job I would say :grin:

ICQ: 679813 YAHOO: thecivvie
O2 +353863868343 Vodafone +353872628431
Im listening to Britney Spears - Everytime ( Hi Bias Radio Remix ).
Using TheBat! and BayesIt! 0.7.4
Windows XP (NT 5.1Build 2600 - Service Pack 2)

Description: PGP signature

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Clive Taylor
 I love this program and this is a very stable version.

Not here it's not! Too many AVs to even consider a release.

Clive Taylor
Using TB Rush

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Paul White
On Sunday, 07 November 2004 at 08:52 (UK time), Michael L. Wilson said:

 I love this program and this is a very stable version.  I think it
 needs to be released.  I have had no problems.

What, no smiley? :)

The lack of common filters for me (and several others) is a serious bug
introduced in the 3.0.2.x builds. Some might say a 'show stopper'? I've
logged this as bug #0003983 for those that might be interested or also
experiencing this problem.

As Ritlabs are still introducing features to the 3.0.2 series it can
hardly be ready for release can it?
Paul White

Using The Bat! (Home Edition) on Windows 98 (4.10.1998)

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Avi Yashar
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 12:34:59 +, Paul White wrote:

 As Ritlabs are still introducing features to the 3.0.2 series it can
 hardly be ready for release can it?

Certainly not, Paul! There are still numerous bugs. On top of that,
how can a release go out with that bizarre Anothe settings under
Preferences. Forget the misspelled and meaningless Anothe and the
lowercase settings, look at the content - something to do with the
sheduler (again misspelled). But what are these numbers all about?
Since when has manday (misspelled and wrong case) become the first
day of the week and sunday (wrong case) become the seventh day of
the week?

IMHO, if something like this were to go out with untested and
unpolished new features, then it would make a mockery of a brilliant
round of beta testing.

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Avi!

On Sunday, November 7, 2004 at 4:03:20 PM you wrote:

 IMHO, if something like this were to go out with untested and
 unpolished new features, then it would make a mockery of a brilliant
 round of beta testing.

Just to get that straight: It was Michael Wilson blaring out about a
possible release, *not* RITLabs!

I don't have the impression that Stefan, Maxim and the lot are
contemplating a release at the moment, not this week or the next, I

Whatever Mr Wilson's intention was ...

Dierk Haasis
:Dierk: Copy 'n' Concept

The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Chat info for ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber upon request

Solange man bewundern und lieben kann, ist man immer jung. (Pablo

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re[2]: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Marek Mikus
Hello all,
Sunday, November 7, 2004, Dierk Haasis wrote:

 IMHO, if something like this were to go out with untested and
 unpolished new features, then it would make a mockery of a brilliant
 round of beta testing.

 Just to get that straight: It was Michael Wilson blaring out about a
 possible release, *not* RITLabs!

 I don't have the impression that Stefan, Maxim and the lot are
 contemplating a release at the moment, not this week or the next, I

new version will be Christmas edition and I don't think, it will be
released in Autumn, so IMHO we have a month until final release :-)



Marek Mikus
Czech support of The Bat!

Using the best The Bat!
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
Notebook Acer, Pentium4-M 2.2 GHz, 512 MB RAM, ADSL line


 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Chris Weaven
Hi Michael,

On Sunday, November 7, 2004 00:52 your local time, which was 08:52 my
local time, Michael Wilson [MLW] wrote;

MLW I love this program and this is a very stable version.  I think it
MLW needs to be released.  I have had no problems.

I've received a few AV's here, so not stable on my machine.



Created using The Bat! v3.0.2.5  IMAP
OS of Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
Cleaning up SPAM with Bayes Filter Plugin v1.5.6

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Alexander S. Kunz

I'm missing some messages... for example, Avi replies to
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and I don't have that message. Is
it a problem on my end or are other missing messages, too? Not happened
until yesterday... when I installed hmmm... :-?

Best regards,
 Alexander ( - ICQ 238153981)
 using v3.0.2.5 on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2

Deliplayer2 is playing: Time - Cage by Pete Namlook  Tetsu Inoue
 from the 1995 album '62 Eulengasse'

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread MAU
Hello Dierk,

 I don't have the impression that Stefan, Maxim and the lot are
 contemplating a release at the moment, not this week or the next, I

I believe they said this beta cycle was for the Xmas release. At least
that is what I understood in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
from Stephan.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.2.5 on Windows 2000 5.0 Service Pack 4

Winamp Playing: Daryl Hall - What's In Your World (Smoothjazz.Com - The
worlds best Smooth Jazz - Live From Monterey Bay)

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Paul White
On Sunday, 07 November 2004 at 15:03 (UK time), Avi Yashar said:

 Since when has manday (misspelled and wrong case) become the first
 day of the week and sunday (wrong case) become the seventh day of
 the week?

It always has been where I come from although people of different
nationalities and religions may have different views.

With international airline reservations, computers always hold schedule
information by using day numbers 1 to 7, Monday through to Sunday so
Ritlab's use of these day numbers doesn't come as any surprise to me.
Paul White

Using The Bat! (Home Edition) on Windows 98 (4.10.1998)

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Paul White
On Sunday, 07 November 2004 at 17:13 (UK time), Alexander S. Kunz said:

 I'm missing some messages... for example, Avi replies to
 mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and I don't have that message. Is
 it a problem on my end or are other missing messages, too? Not happened
 until yesterday... when I installed hmmm... :-?

Alexander, one of my messages didn't make it to the list and another took
over an hour to come back to me. Is my ISP losing my mail? Or is the
problem with the list server?
Paul White

Using The Bat! (Home Edition) on Windows 98 (4.10.1998)

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Paul!

On Sunday, November 7, 2004 at 9:06:10 PM you wrote:

 Since when has manday (misspelled and wrong case) become the first
 day of the week and sunday (wrong case) become the seventh day of
 the week?

 It always has been where I come from although people of different
 nationalities and religions may have different views.

Same in Germany, first day of the week is Monday, last day
(Wochenende = week-end) is Sunday.

Dierk Haasis
:Dierk: Copy 'n' Concept

The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Chat info for ICQ, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber upon request

Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be
their own governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge
gives. (James Madison)

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

RE: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Jurgen Haug
Hello Dierk,

Sunday, November 7, 2004, 9:31:14 PM, you wrote:

 It always has been where I come from although people of different
 nationalities and religions may have different views.

 Same in Germany, first day of the week is Monday, last day
 (Wochenende = week-end) is Sunday.

right, and as far as I know there are even countries where they call Saturday 
and Sunday WEEKEND, but still say Sunday is the first day of the week. DUH!

:eu-flag3: :de-bw: :safaribears:

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush, Opera v7.54.3865 on WinXP Home v2600 SP2

* PGP key available on request: send mail with subject 'PGP key request'

Description: PGP signature

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Paul White
On Sunday, 07 November 2004 at 15:03 (UK time), Avi Yashar said:

 Since when has manday (misspelled and wrong case) become the first
 day of the week and sunday (wrong case) become the seventh day of
 the week?

It always has been where I come from although people of different
nationalities and religions may have different views.

But in the field of international airline reservations, computers always
hold schedule information by using day numbers 1 to 7, Monday through to
Paul White

Using The Bat! (Home Edition) on Windows 98 (4.10.1998)

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Jürgen!

On Sunday, November 07, 2004, 3:25 PM, you wrote:

PW It always has been where I come from although people of different
PW nationalities and religions may have different views.

DH Same in Germany, first day of the week is Monday, last day
DH (Wochenende = week-end) is Sunday.

JH right, and as far as I know there are even countries where
JH they call Saturday and Sunday WEEKEND, but still say Sunday is the
JH first day of the week. DUH!

LOL Guilty as charged, here! But I'm happy to count the days any way
anyone wants to, just so long as I get them!

It's such a pleasure to wake up to coffee and these TB! mailing lists
every morning. :)

Best regards,
The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Alexander S. Kunz
Hello Paul White  everyone else

07-Nov-2004 21:11, you wrote:

 I'm missing some messages... for example, Avi replies to
 mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and I don't have that message. Is
 it a problem on my end or are other missing messages, too? Not happened
 until yesterday... when I installed hmmm... :-?

 Alexander, one of my messages didn't make it to the list and another took
 over an hour to come back to me. Is my ISP losing my mail? Or is the
 problem with the list server?

I don't know. By now it is a couple of mails I'm missing - I noticed it
because the threading seemed to be not working. As far as I can see it is
only this list, right now I'm still missing your message, one by Tim Casten
in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and one by Martin Webster in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... odd.

Best regards,
 Alexander ( - ICQ 238153981)
 using v3.0.2.5 on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2

If nobody said anything unless he knew what he was talking about, a
ghastly hush would descend upon the Earth. -- Sir Alan Herbert

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Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Alexander S. Kunz
Hello Michael L. Wilson  everyone else

07-Nov-2004 09:52, you wrote:

 I love this program and this is a very stable version.  I think it
 needs to be released.  I have had no problems.

Where's the wishlist entry for the ignore thread option, please?

Best regards,
 Alexander ( - ICQ 238153981)
 using v3.0.2.5 on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2

Something hidden! Go and find it! (Rudyard Kipling)

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Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Greg Strong
Hello Alexander,

Sunday, November 7, 2004, 3:35:10 PM, Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

 Alexander, one of my messages didn't make it to the list and another took
 over an hour to come back to me. Is my ISP losing my mail? Or is the
 problem with the list server?

 I don't know. By now it is a couple of mails I'm missing - I noticed it
 because the threading seemed to be not working. As far as I can see it is
 only this list, right now I'm still missing your message, one by Tim Casten
 in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and one by Martin Webster in
 mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... odd.

I would guess that some messages for what ever reason are getting hung
up in the loop.  IIRC I had 1 message sent yesterday that took over 2
hours to come back.  This morning messages varied on return.

IIRC once you receive message look through kludges and when all time is
converted to GMT you will see where the message was hung up by looking
at Received headers. Just tells where not why.

Best Regards,
Greg Strong 

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.5 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Paul White
On Sunday, 07 November 2004 at 16:14 (UK time), I said:

 It always has been where I come from although people of different
 nationalities and religions may have different views.

Aha, the message turned up then, over FIVE hours late. :)
Paul White

Using The Bat! (Home Edition) on Windows 98 (4.10.1998)

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Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Marcus Ohlström

On Sunday, November 7, 2004, 22:33, Mary Bull wrote:

 It's such a pleasure to wake up to coffee and these TB! mailing
 lists every morning. :)

You do not call 15:33 morning, do you? :-)

Marcus Ohlström

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
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Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Marcus!

On Sunday, November 07, 2004, 4:00 PM, you wrote:

MB It's such a pleasure to wake up to coffee and these TB! mailing
MB lists every morning. :)

MO You do not call 15:33 morning, do you?

No, no! 5:00 a.m. CST, USA, is morning, here. But that delight informs
my entire day, so that I'm still praising my good fortune even in the
late afternoon.

I'd better hush. There are realists among us who don't like to see the
slightest suspicion of a pollyanna attitude! :)

Best regards,
The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re[2]: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Michael L. Wilson
Hello Chris,

old message...
 Hi Michael,

 On Sunday, November 7, 2004 00:52 your local time, which was 08:52 my
 local time, Michael Wilson [MLW] wrote;

MLW I love this program and this is a very stable version.  I think it
MLW needs to be released.  I have had no problems.

 I've received a few AV's here, so not stable on my machine.


My reply...

Perhaps your OS is corrupted?


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Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Avi Yashar
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 22:25:09 +0100, Jurgen Haug wrote:

  It always has been where I come from although people of different
  nationalities and religions may have different views.
  Same in Germany, first day of the week is Monday, last day
  (Wochenende = week-end) is Sunday.
 right, and as far as I know there are even countries where they call Saturday 
 and Sunday WEEKEND, but still say Sunday is the first day of the week. DUH!

Historically, Sunday is the first day of the week. Even until today,
not all but quite possibly most Western calendars show Sunday as the
first day of the week (even though in Western countries it is
typically part of the weekend).

Personally, I prefer to recognize (though not necessarily maintain)
historical legacy - linguistically and culturally - unless there be
some compelling reason otherwise. Hence I appreciate the modern ISO
standard for dating - -MM-DD - because it is logical and it
alphabetizes well. But I have yet to see a compelling reason why day 7
should become day 6 and day 1 should become day 7 - especially when
these distinctions are associated with religious dogma (which I
generally excoriate). What is the harm if religious people start their
week with a day of prayer or rest rather than end their week with a
day or prayer or rest? And what difference does it make to airline
travel if people fly on day 6 rather than day 5? So here I choose to
differ with ISO.

In any event, my suggestion would be to list the days of the week by
name (possibly abbreviated but certainly spelled correctly and with
the usual capitalization) and avoid putting numbers on them. In that
case I would not care which day is listed first, because the whole
point of this exercise is to define the workweek and not the numerical
order of the days.

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro

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Re: is awesome

2004-11-07 Thread Kevin Amazon
Hi Michael L. Wilson

On Sun, 7 Nov 2004, at 14:24:54 [GMT -0800] (which was 2:24 PM where I
live) you wrote:

 Perhaps your OS is corrupted?

Perhaps it isn't and there are still bugs. I get various AV's and our
test bed is a virgin system so the OS is certainly not corrupted.

Best Regards,

PGP Keys: idap://

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.5 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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