Re[2]: Clock syncing

1999-10-23 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

On 23 October 1999 at 06:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] told the list:

SL> Friday, October 22, 1999, 8:19:07 PM, Thomas wrote:
>> Let me make myself look stupid: Where can I donwload such a
>> clock-syncronizer? Is it freeware? And does it work for LAN's as well
>> (Novell Netware)?

SL> The one I use is Automachron which is free


I  also  use  Automachron  but  in conjunction with another one called
"About  Time"  which is careware (also free)
in  a  combination.  About  Time will both synch and act as a 3rd tier
Server for a network.

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
PGP key: 
Using The Bat! 1.36
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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Re[2]: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

On 23 October 1999 at 04:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] told the list:

>> Think  of  it, all in one is better to switch between many software
>> and Outlook/Communicator integrates both mail and news.

SL> I do think about it and dislike it immensely. Applications which
SL> try to do everything well end up only three things.

SL> huge
SL> slow
SL> useless

I agree with you completely on this Steve.

Think more carefully of how many people say "Well, Forte Agent does it
this way and that way". How long would it take (and how many Mb of new
code)  to get TB's NNTP functionality anywhere near that of Agent? How
many TB/Agent combo users (and that includes *me*) would give up using
Agent to read usenet?

Okay  ..  confession time. I once used Outlook Express. All right, all
right,  so  it was more than once. Okay then - for a prolonged period.
Look,  I was desperate, okay? I was over a barrel - between a rock and
a hard thing.

Despite  having  mail  and  news all together, I soon had to revert to
using Agent for the news job. It just doesn't work to have them all in
one. Not when Agent is so good at the job.

It  is  also amusing to note that all of these Agent aficionados don't
use  it for their e-mail (and that /also/ includes *me*). Doesn't that
say something about the desire to combine the two under one roof?

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
PGP key: 
Using The Bat! 1.36
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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Re: Clock syncing

1999-10-23 Thread Steve Lamb

Saturday, October 23, 1999, 2:09:35 AM, Marck wrote:
> I  also  use  Automachron  but  in conjunction with another one called
> "About  Time"  which is careware (also free)
> in  a  combination.  About  Time will both synch and act as a 3rd tier
> Server for a network.

That's what XNTPD on my server is for.  ;)

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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Re[3]: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread MaXxX

At Saturday, October 23, 1999, 11:20:38 AM, Marck stitched together the lines below:

SL>> huge
SL>> slow
SL>> useless

MDP> I agree with you completely on this Steve.

This doesn't have to look this way. Hey, look, Netscape's slow because
it's an all-in-one crap.
Picture this:
TheBat! the Mailreader, the old good thebat.exe, with an option to
COOPERATE with TheBat the Newsreader. The TWO SEPARATE PROGRAMS would
share their settings, preferences - or not, if the user would like it
so - but together the two programs would work perfectly fine: the
newsreader would have all the cool mail-sorting, macros, multiple
accounts and all the features that make TheBat! the mailreader the
probably best mail program out there.

Or, maybe simply an option during the installation - "do you want to
install the news support too?"...

Better than running two programs separately, IMHO.


  Windows98 the biggest virus ever? Nope. Virii work correctly.

 |\  /|   /\   \~~~/ \~~~/ \~~~/ WWW:
 | \/ |  /  \   > <   > <   > < E-M: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 || /\ /___\ /___\ /___\   ICQ: 3146019

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Re: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread Steve Lamb

Saturday, October 23, 1999, 2:30:22 AM, MaXxX wrote:
> COOPERATE with TheBat the Newsreader. The TWO SEPARATE PROGRAMS would

You mean like PMMail and PMINews?

> Better than running two programs separately, IMHO.

Why!?  While they share some technical specifications they are handled
quite differently.

Look at the unix world.  Pine does both mail and news.  Most pine users (I
was one for the longest time) don't use it for news.

There are plenty of combined applications out there.  If you really feel
the need, please, use them.  Don't screw up this email client.  After having
used 5 email clients extensively (IE, more than one continuos month at a shot)
in my internet career (pine, pmmail/2, pmmail98, mutt, TB!) and evaluating
damn near every other one I'd really like, just once, to have a client I like
not have people push to have news in it.  Pine has it in it, mutt users have
hacked it into it, PMMail/2 spawned PMInews (which flopped despite being a
kick ass news reader)...

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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(No Subject)

1999-10-23 Thread Alexander Leschinsky

Hello The BAT! Users,


  Using The Bat! version 1.36
  under Windows 95, build 4.0.

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Re: Missing Attachments

1999-10-23 Thread Ali Martin

Hi all,

On Friday, October 22, 1999, 10:13:06 PM (-5 GMT), Leif scribbled:

> Take another look at the massage in question. Do you see any tabs on
> the bottom of the message in preview mode? If so, click on the other
> tab(s) to see if it is there. If someone sends me an HTML message
> with an attachment, TB displays the HTML message, but I must click
> on the "1" tab to actually see the plain message with the
> attachments.

> Hopefully, this is the case, if not then I'm not sure what the problem
> is. Maybe you could post the headers to the list so we can try and see
> if something is wrong there.

Couldn't it be something as simple as the fact that he needs to toggle
the view attachments switch setting it to the correct choice.

 View/Attached Files/View Always
 View Automatically *

   >>> Oxymoron: Shooting blanks. <<<
 Using The Bat! 1.36 on Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)

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Re: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread Ali Martin

Hi all,

On Friday, October 22, 1999, 10:34:09 PM (-5 GMT), Steve scribbled:

> Not to mention that with the common trend of trying to stuff
>everything into single applications people who *like* to use small,
>specialized applications are constantly switching as their current >
>favorites grow to "compete".

That's very true. ICQ is very bloated now, providing you with all
sorts of fandangles that are unnecessary because the functionality is
already provided with other applications that are on most users
systems. So is getright and I ignored zipmagics upgrade which is also
trying to do everything (they'll soon include a little antivirus
program for heavens sake.

>> For instance, here is my software use:
> For comparison here is my list for Linux then Windows.  ;)

>> Mail  TB
> L: Mutt
> W: TB!, PMMail

>> Usenet News   Agent
> W: nothing (would be, uhm, XNews, I think)
 That's a good one though it's an online
 newsreader. Not much offline reading
 functionality built in.

>> Browser   Opera
> L: Netscape, Lynx
> W: Opera

>> FTP   Cute FTP
> L: lftp
> W: LeechFTP

>> D/L Manager   Getright
> N/A (FTP everything possible)

>> Pic ViewerACDSee
> L: gtksee
> W: ACDSee

>> TelnetCRT 3.0
> L: telnet, ssh
> W: TeraTerm Pro w/TTSSH extentions

>> IM/chat   ICQ
> L: licq, micq
> W: ICQ

>> Chat  mIRC
> L: BitchX
> W: Xircon

>> Clipboard Clipmate
> N/A
I use clipcache here.

>> Text  Textpad 4
> L: vim
> W: vim
> (as an aside, vim is also my mail editor on Linux, I'd like it to be on TB! as
> TB!'s editor only has real-time spell checking going for it, and it is also my
> news editor and my programming editor.  IE, Windows forces me to use 4
> different editors with different keybindings and capabilities.  Unix lets me
> pick one editor that does it all and does it damned good.  *That* is a prime
> example of using specialized programs for the task at hand.

NoteTabPro and WinEdt are great.

> I'm sure mine differs as well.  I try to go with free software whenever
> possible.  That is why I use TeraTerm Pro instead of SecureCRT.  TTP with
> TTSSH extenstions has the same feature set that I need as SecureCRT and costs
> $99 less.  Aside from Opera, PMMail (which I no longer really use) & Quicken98
> there isn't much software on the Windows side that I've paid for and I don't
> think there is any in which I am violating the license.

There's a lot of functionality required to make newsreading effective.
It doesn't simply entail making TB support the NNTP protocol. Once
newsreading is included, TB developers would be busy trying to make
the newsreading functionality worthwhile and ignoring the refinement
of the e-mail manager which is what the app was originally designed to
do. Leave me out of that. I used Agent for my e-mail management before
TB! but stopped because it simply didn't manage my mail as effectively
as TB did. The Agent developers refused to create too much software
bloat and I appreciate them for that.


   >>> Oxymoron: Standard deviation. <<<
 Using The Bat! 1.36 on Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)

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Re: Date Presentation [was Re[2]: Clock syncing]

1999-10-23 Thread Ali Martin

Hi all,

On Saturday, October 23, 1999, 1:34:03 AM (-5 GMT), Philippe scribbled:

>   I'd  like  to  have  the  possibility in a Reply to have the date
>   in reference to UTC (as we can find it in the Kludges).

>   See the exemple below (one of the last mails of Steve Lamb) :

>   The  real  date of the message of Steve Lamb is : "Date: Fri, 22 Oct
>   1999  22:47:02  -0700" which is transformed in Saturday, October 23,
>   1999, 7:47:02 AM in UTC +0200 (where I live).

>   Now, what is the real date of the message of Thomas 

>   Indeed  it is (from the kludges) :  "Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 11:19:07
>   +0800"

>   But if I do a reply to the message of Tomas, the date I obtain is :
>   "Saturday, October 23, 1999, 5:19:07 AM, Thomas Fernandez wrote:"

>   These  two  dates  are  quite differents from : "Friday, October 22,
>   1999, 8:19:07 PM"

>   How can I do ?

I don't like the way TB does it either. What it actually does is
transform the senders time to your time, correcting using the relative
GMT. That's reasonable for listing by creation time but the problem is
as you say. When you choose to reply to the message, it's your time
and not the senders that's placed in the intro line. This confused a
few of my correspondents when I first started using TB. They quite
rightly indicated that they didn't send the message at the stated time
and I had to be clarifying.

What, I've done is to place in my templates my GMT, and in so doing,
put the stated time in perspective. When the sender sees the GMT and
makes his corrections, then he'll see that the time is in fact
correct. I, however, dislike this since the message is a reply to the
sender and hence it's more appropriate to state the original message
creation time in his/her time zone.


   >>> $$$ not found -- (A)bort (R)efinance (B)ankrupt <<<
 Using The Bat! 1.36 on Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)

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Re: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread Ali Martin

Hi all,

On Saturday, October 23, 1999, 5:00:37 AM (-5 GMT), Steve scribbled:

>> COOPERATE with TheBat the Newsreader. The TWO SEPARATE PROGRAMS
>> would

> You mean like PMMail and PMINews?

Hey, I liked that combo in my OS/2 days. They were quite separate
products however. All they shared was an interface, very similar in
appearance to ease culture shock I guess.

>> Better than running two programs separately, IMHO.

> Why!?  While they share some technical specifications they are handled
> quite differently.

They work differently. They were similar only with respect to basic
customization features.

> There are plenty of combined applications out there.  If you
> really feel the need, please, use them.  Don't screw up this email
> client.  After having used 5 email clients extensively (IE, more
> than one continuos month at a shot) in my internet career (pine,
> pmmail/2, pmmail98, mutt, TB!) and evaluating damn near every other
> one I'd really like, just once, to have a client I like not have
> people push to have news in it.  Pine has it in it, mutt users have
> hacked it into it, PMMail/2 spawned PMInews (which flopped despite
> being a kick ass news reader)...

There's no doubt a tradeoff with the two in one combo and that's
functionality. I'm yet to meet the beast that does both as effectively
as two well developed specialized clients.


   >>> "Instant gratification takes too long." - Carrie Fisher <<<
 Using The Bat! 1.36 on Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)

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Compuserve2000 again...

1999-10-23 Thread Andreas Pfrenger

Has no one any idea how to check Compuserve2000 email with The Bat

 Andreas  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"If you love it enough, anything will talk with you"
 - George Washington Carver

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed
citizens can change the world. Indeed, it´s the only
thing that ever has."
 - Margaret Mead

Andreas Pfrenger
Snail-mail: Alter Hessenweg 12a,
21335 Lueneburg-Haecklingen, Germany

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Re[2]: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

On 23 October 1999 at 13:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] told the list:

AM> So is getright
>>> D/L Manager   Getright

Just  out  of  interest  - I've just discovered a new one, having used
both GoZilla (mostly) and GetRight (sometimes) for some time. This one
is  called  NetVampire    and  works really
well.  It's freeware and, a bonus for me, works perfectly for both FTP
and HTTP D/Ls through WinGate. I haven't been able to persuade GoZilla
to  do FTP nor GetRight to do HTTP via WinGate, but NetVampire handled
both "straight out of the box".

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
PGP key: 
Using The Bat! 1.36
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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Re: Compuserve2000 again...

1999-10-23 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

On 23 October 1999 at 14:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] told the list:

AP> Hi.
AP> Has no one any idea how to check Compuserve2000 email with The Bat
AP> 1.34a?

Your   best   option  is  to  ask  Compuserve  support  what  standard
configuration  parameters  are required for a POP3 mail client to read
mail from their service. I remember from when I had a CIS account that
they  had  to set up a special POP3 access box for customers (like me)
who wanted to collect their mail from an Internet mail client.

Unless anyone else here has a definitive answer.

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
PGP key: 
Using The Bat! 1.36
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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Re: Compuserve2000 again...

1999-10-23 Thread Sashka

Hello Andreas,

Saturday, October 23, 1999, 9:13:52 AM, you wrote:

AP> Hi.
AP> Has no one any idea how to check Compuserve2000 email with The Bat
AP> 1.34a?

if compuserve has no pop or imap servers like aol.. you can't..

 "Apple I" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton.

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Re: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread Ali Martin

Hi all,

On Saturday, October 23, 1999, 8:32:53 AM (-5 GMT), Marck scribbled:

AM>> So is getright
> ...
 D/L Manager   Getright

> Just  out  of  interest  - I've just discovered a new one, having used
> both GoZilla (mostly) and GetRight (sometimes) for some time. This one
> is  called  NetVampire    and  works really
> well.  It's freeware and, a bonus for me, works perfectly for both FTP
> and HTTP D/Ls through WinGate. I haven't been able to persuade GoZilla
> to  do FTP nor GetRight to do HTTP via WinGate, but NetVampire handled
> both "straight out of the box".

Again. I'm happy with specialised apps for both. Getright handles my
browser invoked downloads and CuteFTP, I use for FTP uploading and
downloading from specific sites such as my Geocities account and
Ritlabs etc.


   >>> Oxymoron: Rising Deficits. <<<
 Using The Bat! 1.36 on Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)

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Re[2]: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread tracer

Saturday, October 23, 1999

Hello Steve,

Saturday, Saturday, October 23, 1999, you wrote:

Steve> On Fri, Oct 22, 1999 at 10:54:47PM +0200, DOLIST Support Information wrote:
>> THE BAT! already does most of the e-mail job, any chance
>> to have newsgroup read/send.

Steve> I hope it is a complete 0.

>> Think of it, all in one is better to switch between many software and
>> Outlook/Communicator integrates both mail and news.

Steve> I do think about it and dislike it immensely.  Applications which try to
Steve> do everything well end up only three things.

Steve> huge
Steve> slow
Steve> useless

100% agreed. I use Agent for news and while it has week points like my
main one that it doesnt multithread, ie more then one download at the
same time, maybe multiple servers.. I prefer a nice lean and mean
email program. If I want to run a big monstrosity I can use outlook...

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.36 


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Re[2]: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

On  23  October  1999 at 15:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] told the list:

MDP>> works  perfectly  for  both FTP and HTTP D/Ls through WinGate. I
MDP>> haven't  been able to persuade GoZilla to do FTP nor GetRight to
MDP>> do  HTTP  via WinGate, but NetVampire handled both "straight out
MDP>> of the box".

AM> Again. I'm happy with specialised apps for both. Getright handles my
AM> browser invoked downloads and CuteFTP, I use for FTP uploading and
AM> downloading from specific sites such as my Geocities account and
AM> Ritlabs etc.

You  misunderstand  - when D/L'ing from a browser, you *can* be hit by
either  HTTP or FTP protocol these days - you never know .. apart from
scrutinising  the  link  before  clicking  it. Then again, so many D/L
links are script driven these days, there's no surety in any clues you
may  find  in the link.

I use WS_FTP for "real" FTP. :-)

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
PGP key: 
Using The Bat! 1.36
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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Re: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread Ali Martin

Hi all,

On Saturday, October 23, 1999, 10:33:34 AM (-5 GMT), Marck scribbled:

AM>> Again. I'm happy with specialised apps for both. Getright handles
AM>> my browser invoked downloads and CuteFTP, I use for FTP uploading
AM>> and downloading from specific sites such as my Geocities account
AM>> and Ritlabs etc.

> You  misunderstand  - when D/L'ing from a browser, you *can* be hit by
> either  HTTP or FTP protocol these days - you never know .. apart from
> scrutinising  the  link  before  clicking  it.

I haven't had problems with Getright handling either ftp or http
downloads when invoked via a browser. What version were you using at
the time? Because you have to go out of your way at times to find out
whether or not it's http or ftp, Getright's fine since it deals with
both nicely.

When I know that I'll be dealing with ftp, I use CuteFTP. See what I

> I use WS_FTP for "real" FTP. :-)



   >>> Do not believe in miracles -- rely on them. <<<
 Using The Bat! 1.36 on Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)

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FETCH error

1999-10-23 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hello TBUDL!

My dial-up connection from home is often instable. So it breaks down
while I'm receiving mail. View Log shows me the following error message:

FETCH -  Server reports error. The response is: -ERR Previous mail
process found. Please press CANCEL and try again later.

I know I have to "kill" the process, but how do I do that from within
the Bat! ? All I know is try later, because it gets killed by itself
after a while. Can I send a kill command from TB!?


Thomas  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Generated with The Bat! 1.36
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  
using an Intel Celeron 366 Mhz, 128MB RAM

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Re[3]: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hallo Marck,

On Saturday, October 23, 1999, 11:33:34 PM, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

MDP> I use WS_FTP for "real" FTP. :-)

I find it very usable but awfully slow. For larger FTP's (and with my
baud rate, each new version of TB qualifies), I telnet into my own
account, "get" the file via unix' ftp command onto the home directory
on my ISP's server (high baud rate), and then use WS_FTP to get it
from my local server onto my PC. Sounds complicated, but in the end is
faster. ;-)


Thomas mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.36
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  
using an Intel Celeron 366 Mhz, 128MB RAM

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Re[2]: Compuserve2000 again...

1999-10-23 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hallo Marck,

On Saturday, October 23, 1999, 9:38:06 PM, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

AP>> Has no one any idea how to check Compuserve2000 email with The Bat
AP>> 1.34a?

MDP> Your   best   option  is  to  ask  Compuserve  support  what  standard
MDP> configuration  parameters  are required for a POP3 mail client to read
MDP> mail from their service. I remember from when I had a CIS account that
MDP> they  had  to set up a special POP3 access box for customers (like me)
MDP> who wanted to collect their mail from an Internet mail client.

MDP> Unless anyone else here has a definitive answer.

No; it was the reason I cancelled Cserve.


Thomas mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.36
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  
using an Intel Celeron 366 Mhz, 128MB RAM

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Re[2]: Date Presentation [was Re[2]: Clock syncing]

1999-10-23 Thread Philippe Gouillou


Saturday, October 23, 1999, 2:40:11 PM (UTC +0200), Ali Martin wrote:

AM> What, I've done is to place in my templates my GMT, and in so doing,
AM> put the stated time in perspective. When the sender sees the GMT and
AM> makes his corrections, then he'll see that the time is in fact
AM> correct. I, however, dislike this since the message is a reply to the
AM> sender and hence it's more appropriate to state the original message
AM> creation time in his/her time zone.

Thank for the idea : I've added (UTC +0200) to my template. I hope
I'll  think  about  changing  it when we will change of hour (this
night ?)

But,  of course, it doesn't resolve the 2nd level quoting, and I'd
like to have the option to stay completely in UTC

  A bientôt,


I never knew how much I love you, I never knew how much I care : I just play vicious 
games, vicious games... with different names, different names...  (Yello)
Philippe  Gouillou  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -  -

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Re: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread Ali Martin

Hi all,

On Saturday, October 23, 1999, 11:49:33 AM (-5 GMT), Thomas scribbled:

> I find it very usable but awfully slow. For larger FTP's (and with
> my baud rate, each new version of TB qualifies), I telnet into my
> own account, "get" the file via unix' ftp command onto the home
> directory on my ISP's server (high baud rate), and then use WS_FTP
> to get it from my local server onto my PC. Sounds complicated, but
> in the end is faster. ;-)

A most interesting undertaking. Don't you require special privileges
to do this, i.e., downloading files to your ISP's home directory?

Otherwise it sounds like a neat way of dealing with the connection
speed when downloading files.


   >>> Waiter, there's no fly in my soup! - Kermit <<<
 Using The Bat! 1.36 on Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)

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Re[3]: Date Presentation [was Re[2]: Clock syncing]

1999-10-23 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

On 23 October 1999 at 18:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] told the list:

AM>> What,  I've  done  is  to place in my templates my GMT, and in so
AM>> doing,  put  the stated time in perspective. When the sender sees
AM>> the  GMT  and makes his corrections, then he'll see that the time
AM>> is in fact correct. I, however, dislike this since the message is
AM>> a  reply  to  the sender and hence it's more appropriate to state
AM>> the original message creation time in his/her time zone.

PG> Thank for the idea : I've added (UTC +0200) to my template. I hope
PG> I'll  think  about  changing  it when we will change of hour (this
PG> night ?)

PG> But,  of course, it doesn't resolve the 2nd level quoting, and I'd
PG> like to have the option to stay completely in UTC

Just  a thought ... couldn't %REGEXPTEXT be used in the reply template
to  pick  out  the  Date:  header  and  show the date in its' original

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
PGP key: 
Using The Bat! 1.36
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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OT: GetRight et al (was Re[2]: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?)

1999-10-23 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

On 23 October 1999 at 17:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] told the list:

AM> Getright's fine since it deals with both nicely.

Through  WinGate?  It won't for me - not with the configuration I have
here.  But,  like  I  say, NetVampire seems to work well while neither
GoZilla nor GetRight work properly *for me* through WinGate.

On  a  direct  connection,  I know that GoZilla and GetRight both work
well. I just don't have one available most times.

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
PGP key: 
Using The Bat! 1.36
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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Re: OT: GetRight et al (was Re[2]: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?)

1999-10-23 Thread Ali Martin

Hi all,

On Saturday, October 23, 1999, 12:36:04 PM (-5 GMT), Marck scribbled:

> Through  WinGate?  It won't for me - not with the configuration I
> have here.  But,  like  I  say, NetVampire seems to work well while
> neither GoZilla nor GetRight work properly *for me* through WinGate.

> On  a  direct  connection,  I know that GoZilla and GetRight both
work > well. I just don't have one available most times.

I see. :)


   >>> Data convinces the Pepsi machine that Coke is better! <<<
 Using The Bat! 1.36 on Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)

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Re: Date Presentation [was Re[2]: Clock syncing]

1999-10-23 Thread Ali Martin

Hi all,

On Saturday, October 23, 1999, 12:41:33 PM (-5 GMT), Marck scribbled:

AM>>> What,  I've  done  is  to place in my templates my GMT, and in so
AM>>> doing,  put  the stated time in perspective. When the sender sees
AM>>> the  GMT  and makes his corrections, then he'll see that the time
AM>>> is in fact correct. I, however, dislike this since the message is
AM>>> a  reply  to  the sender and hence it's more appropriate to state
AM>>> the original message creation time in his/her time zone.

PG>> Thank for the idea : I've added (UTC +0200) to my template. I hope
PG>> I'll  think  about  changing  it when we will change of hour (this
PG>> night ?)

PG>> But,  of course, it doesn't resolve the 2nd level quoting, and I'd
PG>> like to have the option to stay completely in UTC

> Just  a thought ... couldn't %REGEXPTEXT be used in the reply template
> to  pick  out  the  Date:  header  and  show the date in its' original
> format?

Don't know but 

I'm all ears of course. :)))


   >>> Never accept a drink from a urologist. <<<
 Using The Bat! 1.36 on Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)

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1999-10-23 Thread Adam Gołębiowski

welcome all,

i was really suprised when once I run the bat and my WHOLE
folder-structure in one account vanished... what`s funnier it`s still
on my disk, filters are also present. so anyone can tell me how can I
get back the directory structure?
PLS answer on this letter it`s really important to me, I had about
15000 letter, some of the were really important to me, really...

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Re: ???

1999-10-23 Thread Philippe Gouillou


Saturday, October 23, 1999, 8:41:41 PM (UTC +0200), Adam Gołębiowski wrote:

  AG> welcome all,

AG> i was really suprised when once I run the bat and my WHOLE
AG> folder-structure in one account vanished... what`s funnier it`s still
AG> on my disk, filters are also present. so anyone can tell me how can I
AG> get back the directory structure?
AG> PLS answer on this letter it`s really important to me, I had about
AG> 15000 letter, some of the were really important to me, really...

Do  not  worry  your  letter aren't lost : the .msb files are .txt

To recuperate the lost folders in an account : [SHIFT CTRL ALT L]

  A bientôt,


Elle voulait pas risquer sa vie entiere, sur mon histoire qui tenait pas debout  
(William Scheller)
Philippe  Gouillou  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -  -

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The Bat! - bug report

1999-10-23 Thread Giamma

Hello The Bat! developers,

  I'm using The Bat! Version 1.36
  under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998   
  and would like to report a bug (better, an `issue`)

  The bug description:

  when viewing and html message, TB uses for the text of message the
  colour used in windows for the text of tridimensional objects (in
  screen->properties->`aspetto`(`look` in english version?!)

  When I select a dark colour for 3d object (dark gray,
  ie.),I set the text to a lighter colour (pink, i.e.);

  Now, in TB I read html text light pink on light gray (I use blue
  text on light gray for standard in TB);

  itsn`t better if TB use the standard colour (editor preferences) to
  display html text too?



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Re[2]: Date Presentation [was Re[2]: Clock syncing]

1999-10-23 Thread Philippe Gouillou


Saturday, October 23, 1999, 7:54:03 PM (UTC +0200), Ali Martin wrote:

>> Just  a thought ... couldn't %REGEXPTEXT be used in the reply template
>> to  pick  out  the  Date:  header  and  show the date in its' original
>> format?

AM> Don't know but 

AM> I'm all ears of course. :)))

I  do  agree  :  it's  probably possible, I imagine it is, but I'm
unable  to  do that. A macro already developed would be better for
people like me.

  A bientôt,


Philippe  Gouillou  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -  -

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Re[2]: ???

1999-10-23 Thread Adam Gołębiowski


PG> Do  not  worry  your  letter aren't lost : the .msb files are .txt
PG> format.
PG> To recuperate the lost folders in an account : [SHIFT CTRL ALT L]

yes! tah really helped me, but there`s a problem - the message
templates are lost... any suggestions?


/Adam + [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ#: n/a   \
| "Chiquita"  | IRC: G_ADam   @#zielonka   #radiostacja   @#klub|
\ Gołębiowski + PGP key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=SEND%20PGP  /

 Gdyby szafa miałaby sznurek, byłaby windą.

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Re: Compuserve2000 again...

1999-10-23 Thread Kevin Boylan

Hi Andreas,

> Hi.
> Has no one any idea how to check Compuserve2000 email with The Bat
> 1.34a?

I use Compuserve, not Compuserve 2000 which is supposed to be a whole
separate network.  But for regular compuserve the settings are:


I'm not sure if they'd be the same or not for CIS2000.


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Re[8]: Suggestion: Warn if no subject entered

1999-10-23 Thread Jack LaRosa

Hi Oleg

Thursday, October 21, 1999, you wrote to the list:

OZ> Hello, the Bat! list recipients,

OZ> Thursday, October 21, 1999, Alex Sanyukovitch wrote about
OZ> Suggestion: Warn if no subject entered:

AS>> Don't you think, that this line should look like:

AS>> %SUBJECT="blah-blah-bla", but not %SUBJ="..."

OZ> Yes, my mistake. I mistook it with %SUBJ macro, which is informational
OZ> only.

Many thanks Alex & Oleg. That works perfectly.

Jack LaRosamail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alabama, USA

Message created 1:22:28 PM  (GMT-6) on Saturday, October 23, 1999

Using The Bat! ver. 1.36 (reg)
under Windows 95  ver.4.0  build 1212  Service Pack  B

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Re: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread Christian Gassmann


Ali Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> about "THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?":

> A most interesting undertaking. Don't you require special privileges
> to do this, i.e., downloading files to your ISP's home directory?

> Otherwise it sounds like a neat way of dealing with the connection
> speed when downloading files.

Yes, I often do it the same way. Wget for example works perfectly in
such cases. I just put all the huge downloads (e.g. "Futurama"
episodes) in a queue file and they are downloaded overnight. The next
day, I can get them with the full bandwidth instead of 1 bps... ;)

Christian GassmannPGP key (DH/DSS): 0x017EF0CA
Internet Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ UIN: 12893571

Using The Bat! 1.36
under Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 5

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Hello again! [ Problem with importing messages & address book from Outlook Express

1999-10-23 Thread Dejan Milenkovic

Because of some financial-technical problems [we still pay Internet
connection by the hour here!] I was away from the list, but now I'm

First of all, I wish to thank Stefan and Max for putting my name in
the "credits"!!! I was shocked when I sow that, but also _greatly_
honored!!! Thanks, again!

Well, when I downloaded the 1.36 TB version, all I could say is
*_p_e_r_f_e_c_t_*!!! S&M did a great job, and it was worthwhile
for this version!

OK, now back to some serious stuff!:-)
I still have big problems importing messages from OE. The importing
wizard simply doesn't work! In fact I'm not so sure that this is TB's
problem, because as some of you know, messages in OE folders are one
file - the messages are not separated. So the only way I could import
OE messages is to save them first in a separate folder and then import
them from there.

The problem with OE Address Book is that it's a exe file. I solve the
problem by doing practically the same thing I did with the messages: I
had to save first all vCards in a separate folder and the import them
_one-by-one_ into TB! I'm sure that there must be a easier way to do
this! Is there?:-)

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- /"\
  Concerto (n): a fight between a piano  \ / ASCII RIBBON CAMPAIGN
  and a pianist.  X  AGAINST HTML EMAIL
#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- / \

Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at
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Re: problems with messages PGP signed by me

1999-10-23 Thread Claudius Regn

Hello Pat,

PE> When I send a message to myself and sign the WHOLE message with PGP
PE> and check the received message i get a "not valid".
PE> If I do the same with just a BLOCK - everything is fine.
PE> I suspect that the bat is changing the message when it sends it

Nope - sorry, can't confirm this. Everything shows up fine, here.

With best regards,
 Claudius Regn mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using The Bat! 1.36 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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Re: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread Steve Lamb

Saturday, October 23, 1999, 5:28:45 AM, Ali wrote:
> That's very true. ICQ is very bloated now, providing you with all
> sorts of fandangles that are unnecessary because the functionality is

Geez, I had completely forgotten about it.  The only reason I upgraded to
ICQ99a was so I could have message lengths over 450 characters.  I'd love to
see some of the 'nix people port their versions to Windows.  I'd be perfectly
happy with licq or micq (if micq would fix a major bug, that is).
>> W: nothing (would be, uhm, XNews, I think)
>  ^
>  That's a good one though it's an online
>  newsreader. Not much offline reading
>  functionality built in.

The one I was looking at used SLRN style score files (a requirement) and
did have nice offline capability.  So most likely, if you're right, it wasn't
XNews.  It also was free.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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The Bat! - suggestions

1999-10-23 Thread Anne Kaeser

Hello The Bat! developers,

  There are some features I would like to see in your program:

It would be nice if the Bat! wouldn't open an extra window for
every mail delivery/receipt process going on, as this clogs up the
taskbar temporarly. A simple flapping wing tray icon would be
enough to indicate activity and provide information only when
clicked on and appear more background.

  Anne Kaeser

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Re: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-23 Thread Ali Martin

Hi all,

On Saturday, October 23, 1999, 7:31:39 PM (-5 GMT), Steve scribbled:

>>> W: nothing (would be, uhm, XNews, I think)
>>  ^
>>  That's a good one though it's an online
>>  newsreader. Not much offline reading
>>  functionality built in.

> The one I was looking at used SLRN style score files (a requirement) and
> did have nice offline capability.  So most likely, if you're right, it wasn't
> XNews.  It also was free.

I have a newsreader called X-News installed on machine my machine *at
present*. It is a free newsreader as you say. The author explicitly
states in the 'readme' file that X-News is not designed for offline
reading and for those who intended to do a lot of offline reading, he
recommended Agent of Gravity. You are able to save message bodies
between online sessions (though this is not a default setting) and can
first manually retrieve messages and then read them offline. You are
switch from on line to off line as you wish as well. This is unlike
Gravity and Agent where the functionality for allowing offline reading
are better.


   >>> Daddy, what does FORMATTING DRIVE C: mean? <<<
 Using The Bat! 1.36 on Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)

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