Re: Message view: To, from, subject font...

2003-03-19 Thread Anthony Xin Chen
Hi All,

On 19 Mar 2003 16:56:05  (my local time 08:56:05), Nick Dutton wrote

 OK, I give up.  Where do I go to change this?

Go to Option / Preference / System; click on the message pane header
Change button at the bottom.

Regards, Anthony

It's your privilege as an artist to inflict the pain of creativity on
yourself. -- [Programming Perl]

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Lost folders and message

2003-01-22 Thread Anthony Xin Chen
Hi Mary,

On 22 Jan 2003 13:03:33  (my local time 11:03:33), Mary Bull wrote

 but presently I don't have my Sony notebook attached to it.

If you are using a notebook instead of a desktop, you probably don't
need a UPS.

Regards, Anthony

Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for
machines to execute. -- Abelson  Sussman

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Moving to original message

2003-01-21 Thread Anthony Xin Chen
Hi All,

On 22 Jan 2003 00:34:38  (my local time 21 ¤@¤ë 2003 16:34:38),
Richard Wakeford wrote

 I've searched high and low through the key strokes list and can't find
 out how to move to the original message that I am reading the answer

Ctrl + Backspace

Regards, Anthony

The problem with doing something right the first time is that nobody
appreciates how difficult it was.

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Ticker shortcoming?

2003-01-02 Thread Anthony Xin Chen
Hi All,

On 2 Jan 2003 19:52:53  (my local time 16:52:53), Victor B. Gonzalez

 If I have it at the top I cant get to a full screens minimize,
 maximize and close buttons and if its docked at the bottom it
 usually interferes with my windows status bars, etc...

You can adjust the length of the ticker with mouse. Move the mouse
towards the left or right edge of the ticker till the mouse turn into
a double arrow, and drag the mouse to adjust the length.

Regards, Anthony

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Moving to New Messages

2002-12-10 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hi All,

On 9 Dec 2002 10:31:04  (my local time 8 ¤Q¤G¤ë 2002 19:31:04), Thomas
Fernandez wrote

 I move to the next unread message using crtl-]. Depending on my
 setting, this can work across folders of the same account (Options /
 Preferences / Message List / When moving... (drop-down box)).

When using Ctrl-] to move to the next new message in a different
folder, it always goes to the second new message instead of the first
message. Is this a bug?

Regards, Anthony

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: About TB ON XP *freezing*

2002-12-08 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hi All,

On 8 Dec 2002 17:19:07  (my local time 14:19:07), Allie C Martin wrote

 Time to get ZA out of the equation I'd say. The only way to do this
 would be through a complete uninstall of it.

ZA is absolutely a pig to un-install. Refer to the following URL for

Regards, Anthony

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:


2002-11-10 Thread Anthony Xin Chen
Hi All,

Thought the following site might be of interest to you

featuring some ready made glyphs for TB.

Regards, Anthony

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: e33 . not caught by AVG

2002-11-08 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hi All,

On 8 Nov 2002 19:09:49  (my local time 10:09:49), Ochrid wrote
(in mid:1991142472.20021108190949;

 So I wonder why I didn't get a pop-up!

Like you, the AVG didn't warn me upon receiving the eicar test file
last night.

It turns out that the AVG plug in is not activiated.

Go to Options / Virus Protection /. Select the AVG plug in, then click
on the Configure button at right. Verify in the popup window whether
the scan messages by this plug-in option is checked.

After set up that option, my AVG works again.

Regards, Anthony

A computer program will always do what you tell it to do, but rarely
what you want to do. -- Murphy's Law on Computing

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Can you move to the original message?

2002-10-15 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hi All,

On 15 Oct 2002 08:51:36  (my local time 00:51:36), Richard Wakeford

 I've looked through all the key strokes and cannot find a way to be
 able to toggle between the reply that has just been sent and the
 original message.

Ctrl + Backspace

Regards, Anthony

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Backup without Maintenance Center

2002-10-14 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hi All,

On 14 Oct 2002 21:30:20  (my local time 07:30:20), Thomas F. wrote

 First thing I do is export the Rit registry key into my
 TB directory.

Do you do this manually or automatically by scripting? If latter, how
do you do that?

Regards, Anthony

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Why Bat! is a better Email Client Than Outlook

2002-10-04 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hi All,

While doing my research, I stumbled on the following survey on email
user behavior. A interesting read, and make me realize why Bat! is
better and Outlook sucks.

Regards, Anthony

A good programmer is someone who looks both ways before crossing a
one-way street. -- Doug Linder

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Wish list item

2002-09-27 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Dwight,

On 27 Sep 2002 16:40:11  (my local time 14:40:11), Dwight A Corrin

 If there was any reason which would make me consider going back to
 Eudora, it would be the ability to make notes in messages when I
 want to. (And keep as much archival type information as I wish or
 need to keep - such as which day's message it is in tact)

Bat! allows you to make notes in the form of memo.

When a message is highlighted in the message list, select View /
Memo Auto-view.

I find the memo so useful, I made the memo visible in the message
list, and assigned a fast key for memo auto view.

Regards, Anthony

A computer program will always do what you tell it to do, but rarely
what you want to do. -- Murphy's Law on Computing

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Trial period expired - TB! blocked

2002-08-20 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Joyce,

On 20 Aug 2002 13:01:01  (my local time 04:01:01), Joyce Sala wrote
(in 010f01c24838$dfa07ac0$6d0d08d5@joycesala">mid:010f01c24838$dfa07ac0$6d0d08d5@joycesala)

 The distributor was cifnet, the only one showing on the TB! site. I sent
 them an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], no response yet.

I had similar experience with cifnet where my online order was not filled
for couple of weeks. And no response for several enquiring emails.

It is, however, promptly handled once I called cifnet. It turns out that
my order was red-flagged because I am using a foreign (non-US) credit

So forget about email, give them a call;-)

Regards, Anthony

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: The defualt file extension in Attachment Save Dialog

2002-08-09 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Thomas,

On 9 Aug 2002 12:47:06  (my local time 8 ¤K¤ë 2002 22:47:06), Thomas F.

 Does anybody know how I can set the language in the message list other
 than with the Regional setting? After all, my reply RegEx still works
 fine with English months (see above).

You can customize how date is displayed from Options|Preferences| Message
List|Default Message List Format.

See Date/Time format specifier in Help for how to set it up.

I changed it to the following, standard American date format.

mm/dd/yy, hh:nn

Regards, Anthony

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers
write code that humans can understand. -- Martin Fowler

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: The defualt file extension in Attachment Save Dialog

2002-08-08 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Thomas,

I find out what the cause is.

My OS is Win2K Traditional Chinese version with Service Pack 2.

The problem occurs whenever I set the region to English (US) from Control
Panel/Region/General Tab/Region.

The problem goes away whenever I set the region to Chinese Traditional

So it seems that the region must be set to the same as the Windows
language version. Otherwise Bat! is confused by the file association.

Regards, Anthony

A computer program will always do what you tell it to do, but rarely what
you want to do. -- Murphy's Law on Computing

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: multiple SMTP Server for one Account

2002-07-27 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello John,

As one member suggested earlier today, X-Ray discussion belongs to TBOT
list. Hence I cross post to both TBUDL  TBOT. Anybody interested in
X-Ray, please continue it at TBOT.

On 27 Jul 2002 15:36:05  (my local time 26 Jul 2002 22:36:05), John
Phillips wrote

 Can someone help me with this? Is X-Ray an SMTP server, or only sends
 through a nominated SMTP (or 2 or 3, etc.?)

X-Ray is not a SMTP server per se. Instead of talking to remote SMTP/POP3
server directly, your email client now talks to X-Ray which in turn sends
or receives messages from remote server.

Why anybody wants to do that? You ask.

1) It enables you to manipulate email header. Modify X-mailer header is
just one example. There are other situations it proves to be useful. For
example, one client's SMTP server is set up in such a way that any message
sent from it have the the domain name of the from/reply-to field replaced
with that of the client. So emails sent by my colleagues who work on site
bear wrong from/reply-to address. With X-Ray, I am able to fix this
problem by replacing the from/reply-to field by filter.

2) Automatic SMTP switching. It is most useful when your SMTP server
restricts access by IP. Since TB chooses SMTP server based on the account,
if TB talks to remote server directly, you have to either manually change
SMTP setting or use different email account to cope with IP change. Both
are not very desirable. By talking to a local client like X-Ray, you are
relieved from worrying about it.

Regards, Anthony

I am not a great programmer. I am just a good programmer with great
habits. -- Kent Beck

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Bug Reports:

Filter to remove duplicate messages

2002-07-25 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello All,

I would like to remove duplicate messages, cross posting to
multiple mailing lists I am on, in an incoming filter. But I am running
out ideas.

Any suggestion?

Regards, Anthony

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Bug Reports:

Re: Filter to remove duplicate messages

2002-07-25 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Jonathan,

On 25 Jul 2002 16:11:40  (my local time 14:11:40), Jonathan Angliss wrote

AXC I would like to remove duplicate messages, cross posting to
AXC multiple mailing lists I am on, in an incoming filter. But I am
AXC running out ideas.

 If no one comes up w a filter, you can always resort to the main menu:
 Folder - Kill Dupes in all Folders

I know this trick and it works. But I am lazy so I would like to automate

 That shouldn't work (I think) as the two emails will be different

They are the same if the mailing lists are hosted by the same server, for
example yahoo groups, or company internal mailing lists.

Regards, Anthony

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Bug Reports:

just another timeline QT

2002-06-18 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello All,

Thought this might be of interest to some.

Following is adapted from what found from FAQ. The difference is that only
when you are in the different timezone from the message sender, your
locale time will be displayed. I find it is less cluttering this way.


- start of QT, don't include this line --

%REM=match date and time%-
%REM=is it the same timezone as mine%-
 (my local time %-
%REM=''is it the same date''%-
''%ODATE=d mmm  hh:nn:ss''%-
%REM=''end of inner IF''%-
%REM=end of outer IF%-
, %OFROMNAME wrote'

-- end of QT, don't include this line -

Regards, Anthony

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Bug Reports:

Saving attachment

2002-05-27 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello All,

Is there a way to stop TB to assign .z as default file extension when
saving attachement?

Regards, Anthony

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Bug Reports:

Wishlist for filtering

2002-05-22 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello All,

The current filtering works on a per folder base only. While this makes
sense for incoming filter and outgoing filter since those kind of messages
are always in Inbox or Reply box respectively, this is inadequate for read
filter or  replied filter.

For example, I was trying to create a reply filter that act on a replied
message if it is a particular color group per *acount* base.

For read filter or replied filter, the source folder should have option to
include all sub folders or select multiple folders.

Regards, Anthony

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Bug Reports:

Re: TB 160m readme

2002-05-21 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Allie,

You can now turn off the little question mark icon on the top right hand

On 21 May 2002 18:31:50  (my local time 16:31:50), Allie C Martin wrote:

 Matt Thoene [MT] wrote:
MT I'm running 1.60c and it's working flawlessly.  I'm not missing anything
MT cool like holograms or superduper improved filtering capabilities am I?

 No, you're not missing anything really.

Regards, Anthony

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Bug Reports:

Re: filtering on multiple headers

2002-05-20 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Michael,

On 20 May 2002 09:27:39  (my local time 02:27:39), Michael L. Cusac wrote:

 On Monday, May 20, 2002, Julian Beach (Lists) wrote to TBUDL:

 In general, one RegEx can capture more than one line at a time, but
 after having tried several ideas I believe you're right that TB!'s
 RegEx  will only look at one line at a time.

Put (?m) in front of your regexp.

See help Regular Expression (Advanced) - Internal Option Setting for

Regards, Anthony

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Bug Reports:

No short cut to assess memo auto-screen from message list panel

2002-05-19 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello All,

The memo auto-screen seems only accessible from View drop-down menu. The
short cut Ctrl+Shift+I doesn't work from anywhere else.

Is there a way to enable the short cut in the message list panel?

Regards, Anthony

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Bug Reports:

Re: can klez run from the Bat if Outlook/outlook express is installed on the same computer?

2002-05-09 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Spike,

On 9 May 2002 18:32:56  (my local time 16:32:56), Spike wrote:
 The safest course is to REMOVE Outlook AND the Windows Address Book ENTIRELY.
 Those are the targets of 99.99% of the virus code!

How to do that? Or rather how to make sure those are completely removed?

Regards, Anthony

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Bug Reports:

Re: TB! v1.60i

2002-05-06 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Marck,

As a Emacs user, I have no problem with the concept of progressive search.

However is there a way to mark the end of the current progressive search so that
anything typed afterwards is considered to be part of a new search. For instance
if I have two folders named Foo1 and Foo2. On the first time one typed
foo, TB will jump to Foo1. However I have not figured out a way so that I
can make TB start search for Foo2.

On 6 May 2002 10:07:35  (my local time 02:07:35), Marck D Pearlstone wrote:

 Hi Mandara,

 @06 May 2002, 04:17:32 +0200 (03:17 UK time) Mandara wrote in

 ... it moves to *all* folders with names starting with the letter

 *This* is the *old* way (and not so good way) it used to work. This
 has been replace by the new progressive search method I described.
 It is a *better* way of doing it. I can get to the fifth folder start
 with 't' in 2 or three keystrokes instead of 5. It's ***better***.

 ... this is just another buggy version again, and again, and

 Not buggy. Improved. Really!!! Start using it without prejudice. It
 won't take you long to figure out that the new way is much better.
 Really, it is!!!

 - --
 Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
 SB! v1.60d/iKey1000-5523848F0B1 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2


Regards, Anthony

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Bug Reports:

Re: Intermittent send problem

2002-05-01 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Christopher,

You can set up BAT! to do POP authentication automatically before
retrieving email.

Go to Account-Property-Transport, you will notice a Authentication
button next to the SMTP server setting. Click on it, and click both Perform
SMTP authentication and Use POP before SMTP Authentication.

That should work.

On 1 May 2002 09:10:39  (my local time 01:10:39), Christopher
Taylor-Davies wrote:

 However, if I try to send mail from Compuserve *before* I check for
 POP3 mail on the non-Compuserve server then I get the message. Simply
 checking for incoming pop3 mail then resending the message clears the

Regards, Anthony

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[OT] Bat! Registration

2002-04-03 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello All,

How long doesn't the registration normally take?

I registered through CIFNet on 03/29. And still have not received
registration key as time of writing. I have emailed both CIFNet 
RITLab two days ago. But no response yet.

Is this normal?

Regards, Anthony

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Re: Pasted Text reflow

2002-04-02 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Dave,

On 2 Apr 2002 01:35:06 [GMT -0700] (which was 02 Apr 2002 16:35:06
where I live) you wrote:

 On Monday, April 1, 2002, 10:37:45 PM, Anthony Xin Chen wrote:

 Ooops I spoke to soon that it works... Worked for just long text in
 template but not from file.  I have:

 %WRAPPED=%INCLUDE='D:\\-SEXWKS\Phoenix Private\A Welcome see 
 %SUBJECT=Phoenix Private Mailing List
 %ATTACHFILE=D:\\-SEXWKS\Phoenix Private\2002 1st Quarter.txt

 Everything works except the the included file is not wrapped.  The text
 of the include file is included so is finding the file..just not

Seems that the wrapping stops upon the first occurrence of a blank

It may be due to the limitation of TB's editor, which doesn't
distinguish between soft and hard return. Even manually formatting of
more than one paragraph together results in loss of blank lines.

PS. The best macro to use for your purpose is %PUT instead of
%INCLUDE. Sadly it doesn't do wrapping correctly either.

Regards, Anthony

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Re: Version 1.60 and Common Folders

2002-04-02 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Steve,

I have just joined the list so that I am not sure if the following has
already been suggested.

When bat is not running, you can try to move everything under your
account directory to somewhere else first, leaving a empty account
directory. * You may prefer to remove duplicates messages and common
folders first.

Say you have an account named Foo which points to directory c:\Foo.
Then you should save everything under this directory to somewhere
else, leaving an empty c:\Foo around.

Then restart your bat, see if it creats any common folder this time
around. If it does, remove any un-desirable folders. Close and restart

If everything is OK now, copy the previously saved messages back into
its original position.

I have used the methods described above several times during change of
machine and reinstallation with no problem.

Hope it helps.

Regards, Anthony

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Re: Pasted Text reflow

2002-04-01 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Dave,

%WRAPPED or %WRAPJUSTIFY is perhaps what you are looking for.

The quick template may resemble the below:


On 1 Apr 2002 21:34:58 [GMT -0700] (which was 02 Apr 2002 12:34:58
where I live) you wrote:

 I may be missing the obvious as a newbie...but is there a way to include
 this reflow in a new message template that pastes text from a file?  No
 micro for it at least in the standard list that I can find.

 I use a lot of templates and am hearing from folks where messages hard
 to read since no reflow...AOL for example, unless they open in a text
 editor so will not have to do long horizontal scroll to read the text.

Regards, Anthony

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Re: Pasted Text reflow

2002-04-01 Thread Anthony Xin Chen

Hello Nick,

On 1 Apr 2002 22:34:32 [GMT -0800] (which was 02 Apr 2002 14:34:32
where I live) you wrote:

 foo text?

It is a bogus file name used for illustration. Replace *c:\foo.txt* with the
file name you wish to be included.

Regards, Anthony

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