Invalid HTML Message Given for a Plain Text Message

2003-10-01 Thread Kim
Hi all,

Last night, when receiving a reply for a customer support inquiry I
made to an online software company, I received this information in the
message section of the Bat, instead of the actual reply:

Invalid HTML !
Please forward this message to developers. 
EConvertError '121612161216' is not a valid integer value

The error message was printed in blue and red lettering.

However, when I also received this same message on my little PDA, it
came through fine (the PDA doesn't allow any HTML in an e-mail message
though). I went to the customer support site for the software vendor
and looked up my support request manually in their system, where I was
able to get the text. I then copied the text from the original message
there, and e-mailed it to myself. This time the error didn't appear,
and I saw the text of the message fine.

I did view the source code of the problematic message, which included
the following:

X-Mailer: JMail 4.3.0 by Dimac
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I have received messages previously from customer support from the
same software vendor without problems. Those messages used the same
mailer and content type as the message that gave the HTML error. The
messages all appear to have been sent in plain text, which makes the
HTML error message even more strange. The most recent message I
received from this company prior to the one with the error was about
two weeks ago. I was using the same version of the Bat then, as I am
now. I'm currently using the Bat Personal Edition 2.00.6.

Has anyone else come across a similar error in version 2 of the Bat?
Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.00.6 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Getting rid of license type in X-mailer

2003-09-22 Thread Kim
Hi Roelof,

Monday, September 22, 2003, 6:33:08 PM, you wrote:

RO>>> It's just what my TB creates. I've done nothing to manipulate it.
AH>> Ok, which license type do you have?

> A single-computer license, at least that's what is says at:
>  help -> about

Take a look about four lines above that. Does it say "Personal
Edition" there (or whatever version you have)? That's where mine is

Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Upgrade procedures

2003-09-20 Thread Kim
Hi Mary,

Saturday, September 20, 2003, 9:43:46 AM, you wrote:

> Hello fellow tbudlers!

> What are the safest procedures in doing an upgrade from TB! v. 1.61 to
> v. 2?

> Has anyone here upgraded from 1.61 directly to 2?

When I upgraded to version 2, I did it directly from version 1.62r. I
first made a backup of 1.62r using the backup tool, and then installed
version 2 overtop 1.62r. No problems here, and the upgrade proceeded
well. You will be greeted with a "trial version" message, until you
put in the registration code for version 2.

By the way, the settings you mentioned that you use in the backup
tool, are the same ones I use. I also made sure that all my folders
were compressed before I ran the backup.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: E-mail Settings for Kaspersky Monitor and the Bat

2003-09-14 Thread Kim
Hi DG,

Saturday, September 13, 2003, 8:19:18 PM, you wrote:

> I'm guessing that "plain mail" would be in the realm of an EICAR text
> string but AFAIK, and I've been in the IT/IS admin field for quite some
> time, attachments are the only way a virus can deliver it's payload
> and propagate is through a file attachment that is executed.

I wrote to Kaspersky tech support and they confirmed that leaving
"plain mail" unchecked is fine, since I have the other setting set to
check "all files" on my hard drive, versus "all infectable". So it
looks like all is fine, and things run so much faster this way.  :)

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: E-mail Settings for Kaspersky Monitor and the Bat

2003-09-13 Thread Kim
Hi DG,

Saturday, September 13, 2003, 7:47:17 PM, you wrote:

> Not here, although I run Kapersky Pro The minute I installed
> it and went to The_Bat's Preferences and then Protection - Anti Virus
> the Kapersky plugin was recognized in the drop down box as Kapersky

> Seems to work here as it has quarantined a few Sobig.F attachments.

I'd love to use that plug-in. True, it works with the Pro version, but
not the Personal version. One person on this list told me that she
installed the Pro version and used her Personal edition key which
allowed her to use the plug-in with the Bat. The other Pro features
were disabled. I was going to try that, but the last time I
uninstalled Kaspersky and installed a newer version, it wreaked havoc
on my computer. Followed all the standard precautions, and even used
the special removal tool that Kaspersky tech support sent me, and
things still didn't work right. I ended up running Windows XP restore,
which got stuck in the middle, and never restored the portion that
does restore (so I couldn't re-run it). After several frustrating
hours of repairs, I ended up giving up and formatting my drive and
started over. Therefore, I'm not too eager to uninstall Kaspersky and
reinstall a different version yet (although I know eventually I need
to, and this problem was probably just a fluke, as I've uninstalled it
before without problems).

Probably should have just bought Pro in the first place.  :)

Any ideas on the whether viruses are in "plain mail" (non-html mail
with no attachments)? I'm assuming that's how Kaspersky defines plain
mail. I really should write them and ask. :)

Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: E-mail Settings for Kaspersky Monitor and the Bat

2003-09-13 Thread Kim
Hi Stan,

Saturday, September 13, 2003, 2:41:31 PM, you wrote:

> What version of Kaspersky are you using? I have Personal Edition V.
> 4.0.5. The Monitor doesn't have any email settings that I can see.
> There is a separate "AntiVirus Email Checker" component with different
> settings than those you describe.

> The user can't configure the email checker directly in my version. You
> have to do it through the Outlook Tools menu even though you don't use
> Outlook as your email client. (one of several braindead features of
> Kaspersky's overall design!) But it seems to know how to find the
> active client. I get a Kaspersky logo next to the tray (WinXP) while
> downloading mail.

> I haven't noticed any download speed problems, but I am using TB
> 1.62r.

I'm using Kaspersky version, Personal Edition. When I go to
the Monitor settings, and click on the Objects button, on the far
right I am given choices of what I want to scan. Under "Compound
Files" are the settings I was referring to. I'm sorry I wasn't more
clear about that. My fault. Anyway, one of the choices there is "plain
mail". That's the one I have unmarked, to improve performance. I just
don't want to leave myself open to problems if I leave it unmarked.
The two things I left checked are "Archives with self-extractors" and
"Embedded objects".

I also have Kaspersky Monitor set to scan "All Files" on my hard
drive. That setting is located a few items above the other one. The
other choice was "All infectable", but I've always felt more secure
with the "All Files" setting. That's why I'm wondering if that setting
is sufficient in itself, where I wouldn't need to worry about the
"plain mail" setting. Maybe checking "plain mail" was overkill in the
first place. I don't know.

The e-mail checker part of Kaspersky I don't use, since it's
specifically for Outlook, and I don't use Outlook. I wrote to
Kaspersky once asking about this feature, and they are the ones that
told me that the mail checker was just for Outlook (I'm assuming for
Outlook Express too, but I don't know).

Can viruses come in plain e-mail? I know they can in HTML mail and
also in attachments, but I'm not sure about plain e-mail. There was a
time when the answer would have definitely been "no", but now-a-days
it's hard to tell.  :)

Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

E-mail Settings for Kaspersky Monitor and the Bat

2003-09-13 Thread Kim
Hi all,

Since I was having so many problems with slow downloading of e-mail
messages, I decided to play with adjusting my settings in the
Kaspersky Monitor with regards to e-mail scanning. I had the following
items checked to scan:

Archives with self-extractors
Plain mail
Embedded objects

I removed the check next to "plain mail", but I want to make sure I'm
still well protected. For those that use Kaspersky, what settings are
needed to provide good protection against viruses in e-mail messages?
Does plain mail need to be marked? Am I taking a chance by unmarking

I noticed that everything moves much faster when plain mail is not
scanned. However, in checking the Kaspersky monitor, I noticed that
when I select an e-mail in my mailbox, Kaspersky still appears to scan
it, as the path that appears in the settings changes to a Bat path. I
did have the prior settings that way for quite a long time, and didn't
used to have a problem with slowness until recently. I'm just trying
to figure out how to resolve the problem, but assure that I'm still
well protected.

Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.  :)

Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Slow Downloading of Messages

2003-09-12 Thread Kim
Hi Anne,

Friday, September 12, 2003, 1:50:05 PM, you wrote:

> Kim, try using the Maintenance under the Folder menu... then
> click the select all button and tick the Compress option at the
> bottom. This will go thrugh all your folders and recover any dead
> space left behind as a result of deleted messages etc... it will
> mean the folders are optimised and will open faster and should
> also improve the mail download handling for you.

Thanks for your reply. I ran Maintenance, but received the report that
it had "nothing to do" when compressing these folders (since I already
have them set to compress each time I close the Bat). I also have
trash set to empty each time I close the Bat as well. What else could
be causing the problem?

Thanks again for your help.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Slow Downloading of Messages

2003-09-12 Thread Kim
Hi Allie,

Friday, September 12, 2003, 7:23:03 AM, you wrote:

> This could likely be as a result of one of two things:

> - your inbox folder needs to be compressed

> - your antivirus programs mail checking is creating a slow down.

Thanks for your reply. My inbox folder is already compressed on a
regular basis, as I have it set to compress each time I close the Bat.
I did run compression in "Maintenance" just in case, but received the
report that it had "nothing to do" when running compression (since
those mailbox folders were already compressed). I do have Kaspersky
Antivirus running, and I know it scans my mail, however, if that's the
problem, why is it only causing a problem with these two e-mail
accounts, and not my other ones? I've had Kaspersky running for the
last two or three years, and this problem only started recently. What
else could it be?

Thanks again for the help.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Slow Downloading of Messages

2003-09-12 Thread Kim
Hi all,

For the last couple of weeks, I have noticed that it takes much, much
longer to download my messages with the Bat than usual. It's gotten so
bad that I assumed that it might be a problem with my mail server, and
not the Bat. However, today, after receiving a reply from the tech
support department of my mail server provider, and testing out the
info they sent to me, it seems that their servers are not the problem.
Now I'm not sure what to do.

The situation is this:

I always check my messages on the server before downloading them.
Getting the messages listed in Control Centre is not a problem. Those
list rather quickly, and seem to be nothing out of the ordinary.
However, when downloading those messages (and deleting them from the
server), I am experiencing very slow downloads, and 100% processor
usage. The 100% usage in itself wouldn't be that big a deal, except
that due to the slow downloads, my CPU is at 100% usage for several
minutes at a time, which causes the temperature of my laptop to rise
from about 48C to about 75C, until the download is done. After that,
the temperature returns to normal. I also tried this with another
e-mail program that I have on my computer (Pocomail), and discovered
the same problem occurs, and worse with Poco. I also tried downloading
several messages from a different mail server on a different account
(after letting the messages on that account build up to about 50 on
the server), and the download time was much faster with that one (it
was my ISP's mail server). Naturally then, I assumed that the problem
was with my mail server (This problem occurs on my main two e-mail
accounts, and both of those mail servers come from the same provider,
a service I pay for by the year). So I contacted their tech support. I
received a reply this morning, and was told that they tried connecting
to my mail server with Outlook Express and had no problems at all. I
honestly hadn't tried Outlook Express (because I hate it), but it is
on my computer, so I put this account in it, and downloaded the
messages on the server (36 messages total). The entire download
process for Outlook Express took about 10 seconds. The *same* download
process in the Bat took 2 minutes and 28 seconds. Now I'm wondering
what in the world is causing such a slowdown in the Bat. Could the
problem be with one of the settings in the Bat? Is there some setting
I can change to improve download speeds? This problem is annoying me
to no end (especially when I have like 100 messages on the server,
which take like 6 or 7 minutes to download). Why on earth would
Outlook Express be able to download messages so much faster? It just
doesn't make sense.

I am using version 2.00.6 (Personal Edition) of the Bat. I am running
Windows XP Home, and my laptop has a P4 1.8 ghz processor. I have a
cable Internet connection. I have my computer set up on a wireless
network, and use a router. This problem with slow downloads has only
been present for the last couple of weeks, so I don't think the
network or router is a problem. My husband who is also on the network
also uses the Bat and doesn't seem to have this issue, however, he
does not receive the volume of mail that I do, and the problem is
barely noticeable with less than 10 messages on the server (which is as
many as he gets on his machine at one time).

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Start up: The Bat balks

2003-09-08 Thread Kim
Hi David,

Monday, September 8, 2003, 7:44:16 AM, you wrote:

> Over the past few weeks, I have discovered that the only way to
> reliably start The Bat (1.62i) is to first start and then exit Outlook
> (Outlook is not used for my email.)

> And nearly every time I start The Bat, I see this message:  "A call to
> an OS function failed." I then hit Enter and The Bat runs normally.

> There was a recent message from another user similar to mine, but she
> quit The Bat, I believe. Have any of you found a (much!) better
> work-around or a *real* solution?

> Please don't ask me to upgrade my Bat version if that means I'll run
> into other dramas.  I'll have a very busy week. :-)

You're right -- I did quit The Bat for a couple of weeks, opting for a
new version of one of my previous e-mail clients. It helped in many
ways, but there were an awful lot of things I missed about The Bat.
When I saw that version 2.0 had been released, I decided to give it a
try. So far so good. Good enough that I chose to upgrade.

I haven't seen a repeat of the problem yet, but I plan on trying your
workaround, if it happens. I also have always had the habit of making
regular backups, but considering the previous problem, I make those
backups even more often now.

Have you tried the trial version of The Bat version 2 yet? I can't
blame you for not wanting to upgrade if you have problems with the
current version, as I did. However, an upgrade may solve the problem
as well. I did read that some people who tried out the trial and chose
not to upgrade were able to revert back to the older version. I've not
tried that, so I don't know how well it works.

Also, what is the exact message you're getting when The Bat won't
start? When it happened to me, I didn't get a message at all. I just
got a small flash, as if the splash screen was trying to appear, then
nothing. Uninstalling and reinstalling was the only way I was able to
fix it, however, I did notice one post on The Bat forum which
mentioned that someone else was also experiencing the "no start"
problem, but with version 2. Not sure how many others have experienced

Another thought... Did you try resetting your default e-mail program
settings in Internet Explorer? Go to Tools, Internet Options, then to
the Programs tab. Choose something other than The Bat on the drop-down
box (like Outlook Express), click Apply, then go back up and choose
The Bat and click Apply again. I know this worked with one of my old
e-mail programs having problems a year or so ago, but I don't know if
it'll help to solve this problem. Worth a try anyway.

As for me, I *hope* the problem doesn't come back.  :)

Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Receiving Registration Code for Version 2

2003-09-07 Thread Kim
Hi all,

Talk about timing... Within 15 minutes of posting my question, I
received my new registration code. Wooohooo! :)

Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Receiving Registration Code for Version 2

2003-09-07 Thread Kim
Hi all,

Good to be back on the list.  :)

I upgraded to version 2 of The Bat today. I was wondering, on average,
how long did it take for you to receive your new registration code?
When I first ordered The Bat (version 1.x), the registration code
didn't arrive until about four hours after I registered, however, in
looking at the new Bat forums today, I noticed that someone mentioned
that they received their registration code about three minutes after
registering. I did receive a receipt right after registration, but
this isn't the same as the mail with the registration code. So, how
long did it take you all to get your new upgrade code after
registration? Thanks!

Best regards,

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: TheBat Won't Start - Please Help

2003-08-17 Thread Kim

I should have mentioned that I checked both the running applications tab,
as well as the running processes tab -- I make it a practice to do both
out of habit.

I did get the Bat to run again. After uninstalling it, I saved only my
mail directory. I then reinstalled the latest version, and it now opens.
After spending the better part of my weekend fiddling with e-mail
recovery and backups, I am back to using my old e-mail program in
addition to the Bat, as well as trying out the trial version of another
e-mail program. My biggest concern is reliability, and with at least my
copy of the Bat doing unreliable things twice in the last week, I
decided it can't hurt to see what some other programs have to offer.

If I do end up switching to a different e-mail program, there are
certainly some things about the Bat that I'll really miss. Excellent
filtering and flexible templates are two of them.  :)

Thanks again for your help.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: TheBat Won't Start - Please Help

2003-08-17 Thread kim

Thanks for your reply. That's actually the first thing
I did, just to see if The Bat was running in the
background, although it wasn't showing up on the
screen. It was not on my list of running applications.
Trying to start it again, gave the same result -- it
still didn't appear on the running applications list. I
also tried rebooting, and later, totally shutting down.
No change, once I restarted.

I also tried reinstalling the latest version, 1.62r,
with no change.

My next move is to uninstall and totally delete what's
left in The Bat directory, and start from scratch. I
have almost three years of archived e-mail in The Bat
(imported in when I switched from Becky nearly a year
ago)...and no, all that stuff isn't in my Inbox for
each account...I know better than that.  ;)

I purchased Mailbag Assistant today and have spent the
better part of my day making backups of my e-mail from
The Bat directory. Once I uninstall and delete The Bat,
I can try reimporting all my mail. To be honest, I'm
seriously thinking about going back to Becky though. It
has its share of bugs (none too bad), but it was always
dependable, and I could always access my mail. Nothing
flukey like what's happening now with The Bat. Too bad
too, as I know The Bat is a very powerful and otherwise
dependable e-mail client. I wish I knew why it was
having this problem now. I'm still troubleshooting,
trying to figure it out. More suggestions are
appreciated.  :)


On Sun, 17 Aug 2003 10:40:46 -0700, Mark Wieder wrote:

> Kim-
> Hmmm... Rather than looking at running applications,
> check the running
> processes in Task Manager. If there's still an active
> process then
> relaunching TB won't start things going. If you do see
> thebat running
> as an active process, try killing it and then
> relaunching. This won't
> solve the mystery, but it may be a clue.
> -Mark

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

TheBat Won't Start - Please Help

2003-08-16 Thread kim
Hi all,

I am typing this from the web-based interface of my
e-mail account, because I cannot get TheBat to start.
After months of relatively few problems with TheBat, a
few days ago I had problems with my address book
suddenly disappearing, and going back to the default
address book (with just TheBat Team address listed in
it). I reimported a recent copy, and everything seemed
fine after that. I did post something regarding this
problem to the list, but as of yet, hadn't received a

This evening, I started TheBat, and got the splash
screen, but as soon at it disappeared, TheBat didn't
load. It gave the appearance of minimizing to the
taskbar (not down by the clock as it usually would),
but didn't load at all. I CTRL+ALT+DEL'd once to see
the running applications, and TheBat wasn't one of them.

I tried reinstalling TheBat, to no avail. My next
avenue is uninstalling and reinstalling, but I don't
want to lose my most recent mail, since my last backup
a few days ago. I did back up the Mail directory in
TheBat's main directory, but I'm not sure if putting it
back in to a newly installed directory will restore my
mail. My main concern though is getting the program
started again. I am running XP Home, and the latest
version of TheBat that I have is 1.62r (I just
installed it over my older 1.62q that wouldn't load
either). Any ideas?

A quick reply would be greatly appreciated.


Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Address Book Blank

2003-08-15 Thread Kim
Hi all,

Today when opening TheBat and attempting to write an e-mail, I noticed
that all addresses in my address book had disappeared, except for the
default TheBat! Team address. It's as if the address book reset to
default on its own. Fortunately, I had made a recent backup and
imported it.

Has anyone ever seen this behavior with TheBat? I'm using version
1.62q Personal Edition.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Deleting Messages Using Search Box

2003-06-20 Thread Kim
Hi Allie,

Friday, June 20, 2003, 9:05:51 PM, you wrote:

> Delete from list means to simply delete from the search list. This
> allows you to unclutter the list.

> Delete from base means to delete the message from the folder. It's the
> same as being in the target folder, selecting the message and deleting
> it.

Thanks. That's exactly the information I was looking for. Seems that
"Delete from base" is exactly what I need!

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Deleting Messages Using Search Box

2003-06-20 Thread Kim
Hi all,

I want to delete several messages before archiving the ones I wish to
keep. Since some messages follow the same subject pattern (such as
newsletters and such), I find it easier to do a search for all the
messages in a specific group, rather than go through a ton of messages
looking for the ones I want to delete one-by-one. With my old e-mail
client, it was easy. With the Bat, I am given two choices -- "Delete
from List" and "Delete from Base". I would normally assume that the
latter is the one that I want, but I do want to be sure. I wish to
completely delete the messages out of my inbox, not just delete them
from appearing on the search list. Is "Delete from Base" the best way
to go to achieve this? What is the difference between the two choices?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

The Bat Plug-in Settings With Kaspersky

2003-03-29 Thread Kim
Hi All,

In setting up The Bat's virus protection plug-in with Kaspersky, I
wondered which setting is the most recommended (for how the plug-in
handles a virus when it is detected):

1. Move to the Quarantine folder

2. Remove infected parts

3. Delete the message

For those that use this plug-in, which setting do you find is the most

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Question About The Bat Structure and Temp Files in XP

2003-03-28 Thread Kim
Hi Mary and Anne,

Friday, March 28, 2003, 9:21:47 AM, you wrote:

> Kim, I thought it might help you in making your comparison to know the
> subfolders that are in my Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Pro folder.
> There are 10:

> Control Centre, Mail Checker, Monitor, Rescue Disk, Scanner, Script
> Checker, Updater, Inspector, Office Guard, Virus List Generator.

> You could see if these are the ones in your personal version.

> I do use the plug-in. It works seamlessly--I have it configured for both
> incoming and outgoing mail. I have it configured to ask before taking
> action. The only times I have had any indication of its presence were
> the couple of viruses that it caught--the last one was So Big, which
> came in on a trusted list but was easily deleted.

I appreciate all of your helpful information! I have had a problem
with the AVG MailChecker.dll file in Kaspersky recently, which
concerns me, which I've explained below:

In Kaspersky Personal, there's a Mail Checker feature that's a plug-in
that only works with Outlook. I don't have Outlook, but I still had
originally installed the Mail Checker component (although I was unable
to use it, of course). Recently I uninstalled my older build of
Kaspersky Personal 4.0 and chose to install the newest one. I ran into
a problem, which I contacted Kaspersky about, and the only resolution
we were able to come up with was to uninstall the Mail Checker
component. The problem was this: When uninstalling Kaspersky Personal
(and installing the new version), I received an error message when it
got to AVG MailChecker.dll which was this:

The following files did not self-register or unregister

It then listed the path to the AVG MailChecker.dll file -- then it
gave me the message that "the operating system cannot run", which I
thought was rather odd.

Initially, when this error occurred, the program didn't want to
totally uninstall, so I wrote to Kaspersky and asked them how to
manually uninstall Kaspersky Personal. They sent me a utility that did
so. Although the uninstall process went ok then, When I tried to
reinstall, I received the same error message about AVG
MailChecker.dll. Like I mentioned before, the only way around it was
to totally uninstall Kaspersky, use the clean-up utility they sent me,
and then reinstall, omitting the Mail Checker feature (I also omitted
the Control Center, as I always do because I don't like that feature.
It has always seemed to bog things down, and isn't a totally necessary
element, so I do without it).

What I'm wondering is in the "Pro" version of Kaspersky, where do they
classify The Bat plug-in? Is it grouped under the Mail Checker part
(which in Personal is just for Outlook), or is it in another element
of the program? Would either of you happen to know? I'd like to avoid
that particular DLL file, if possible.

Thanks for your help.  :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Question About The Bat Structure and Temp Files in XP

2003-03-27 Thread Kim
Hi Anne,

Thursday, March 27, 2003, 5:51:27 PM, you wrote:

> Kim I don't know if you're aware but you can download an evaluation
> copy of Kaspersky Personal Pro which includes The Bat! AV plugin and
> use it with your existing KAV key. This will allow you to use KAV's AV
> plugin with TB! (but not give you access to the other Pro features
> such as network drive scanning etc.) Download from

Wow...I didn't realize that. I figured that my Personal license only
worked with the Personal version and below. If I can use the Bat
plug-in part of Kaspersky Personal Pro with my Personal key, even if
the other additional features work, that's good enough for me...and a
whole lot cheaper than spending the extra $50 on the Pro version.

> TB! mails go into the temp directory from the mail server - that's
> where KAV without the plugin holds them if there's a virus involved.

> With the plugin you set KAV realtime scanner not to scan mail folders
> - but you install the KAV AV plugin via TB!'s "virus protection"
> option and this looks after your mail downloads. You can set KAV to
> dump any virus mails into a "Quarantine" folder in the Kaspersky
> program folder, to "Delete" them immediately, or to clean the infected
> parts etc...

> You can also use the plugin to scan mail folders separately on demand.
> It's worth considering as it works extremely well. HTH :-)

Thanks for the info! I appreciate your help.

BTW, do you use the Personal or Personal Pro version of Kaspersky? If
it is Pro, do you find the extras in the Pro version worth the extra

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Question About The Bat Structure and Temp Files in XP

2003-03-27 Thread Kim
Hi Marck,

Thanks for the info! I feel *much* better now, and understand the
functionality of The Bat much better now too.  :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Question About The Bat Structure and Temp Files in XP

2003-03-27 Thread Kim
Hi David,

Thursday, March 27, 2003, 3:44:32 PM, you wrote:

> With TB!  Your best bet is to use the Kaspersky plugin and let TB!
> itself handle the infected mails instead of scanning durring the
> download.

I would, except that the plug-in isn't available with the $49.95
Personal version of Kaspersky, which is the one I have. It's only
available with the $99.95 Personal Pro version. I've thought about
upgrading, but the Personal version usually works well for me. Have
those that have the Pro version found it's worth the extra $50? The
added convenience *does* sound nice, and I'm up for renewal of my
yearly Kaspersky license in a couple of weeks.  :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Question About The Bat Structure and Temp Files in XP

2003-03-27 Thread Kim
Hi All,

Being a relatively new user of The Bat (I previously used Becky Mail),
until today, I had not received a virus or worm in my e-mail. Today,
one of the users on one of my mailing lists sent an e-mail that had
the IFrame Exploit worm. I've seen this worm before, when I used
Becky. I do know it is an older worm, and it takes advantage of a
security hole in Internet Explorer 5.01, 5.5, and Outlook (and I'm
guessing Outlook Express). I also know it does not affect Internet
Explorer 6.0 or Windows XP (both of which I have). I use Kaspersky
Personal as my anti-virus program, and it caught this worm, as I was
pulling in my e-mail off the server.

My experience in the past has been with Becky...and when I received
such an e-mail, Kaspersky wouldn't let me *touch* the thing, even to
delete it. The only way to get rid of it was to go into my Becky
directory, find the offending temp and mailbox files, turn off my
Kaspersky Monitor, and directly delete the thing holding down my SHIFT
key, as to bypass the Recycle Bin. I then scanned everything on my
system thoroughly, to make sure that all was well.

With the Bat, things seemed to work a bit differently. When I went
through the process of pulling the file off of the server, Kaspersky
flagged the infected mail quickly in fact, that I
later found the message was still on the server. The only remnant on
my system was in a temp file located in the Local Settings\Temp
folder, in a file called bat130.tmp (Local Settings being a hidden
folder nestled in the file of origination which was "Documents and
Settings"). I originally thought the infected e-mail was from a friend
of mine as I had just opened her e-mail (on a different e-mail
account) at the same time the new headers were downloading from this
account, and Kaspersky screeched at me. I always check the headers on
the server before bringing anything in, just for this reason, but
since all were from my mailing lists, I figured all were safe. Anyway,
I found out after scanning for the worm that the file indeed came from
an address originating from one of my subscribed mailing lists. I have
gotten verification of this since, from another user on the same list
that received the same infected e-mail on his e-mail server.

To make a long story shorter, I never got to actually *see* if the
infected e-mail was ever downloaded to my Inbox in The Bat, but I
suspect not (and it's definitely not there now). Since I thought it
was being brought in from my other e-mail account, I never looked.
After Kaspersky gave me the name of the sender of the infected e-mail,
and I was later able to identify the same e-mail on the server, it
appears it made it only as far as The Bat temp file listed above.
Where are The Bat temp files usually housed on Windows XP machines?
When using The Bat following the deletion of the temp file I mentioned
above, I noticed that a similar temp file was *not* created in that
directory. Is a Bat temp file only located there when The Bat is
pulling e-mail off the server, and then the temp file gets deleted? I
guess what I'm wondering the locations where The Bat temp files are
kept so that in the future, I can scan those areas if I suspect an
infected e-mail.

Also, by deleting the Bat temp file I'd mentioned above, how much
e-mail can I expect to lose? Just the one e-mail, or all from that
day? With Becky, I lost an entire day's e-mail when this problem
occurred. Not good.  :(

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Newsgroup reader recommendations??

2003-03-16 Thread Kim
Hi Steve,

Sunday, March 16, 2003, 5:02:45 AM, you wrote:

> Well the subject says it all!!

I used to use Gravity (registered version) when the program was still
in production. When the company went out of business, I switched to
another program. I heard that Gravity was taken over by another group
and re-named "Super Gravity", and it is still widely used. I know that
while I was using it, I really liked its functionality. I can't speak
for the program now, as I haven't yet tried out the new version.

I can however recommend two other newsreaders, both of which I also



I use Agent the most often, although Forte has still not added native
support for multiple news servers. There *is* a work-around for this,
and directions on their website on how to use multiple news servers
with Agent. That's the method I use.

There's one other newsreader that is free, and a lot of people seem to
be happy with it. It's called Xnews I have
also tried this one, and it's pretty good, although I felt more
comfortable with the interface of both NewsRover and Agent.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Viewing Messages on Server

2003-03-14 Thread Kim
Hi Miguel,

Friday, March 14, 2003, 4:47:10 PM, you wrote:

> Account/Dispatch Mail On Server

Yep, that was it. Can't believe I missed it! I've gotten in the habit
of using the "Dispatch mail on the server" button on the toolbar, and
haven't used the same function from the toolbar menu since I first
bought the program. Now I see the two choices offered of
which does what I'm looking for.

Thanks a bunch!

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Viewing Messages on Server

2003-03-14 Thread Kim
Hi All,

I've noticed that if an account is set to leave messages on the
server, and the message has been downloaded, even if that message is
deleted locally, The Bat will no longer let you access that message on
the server again. My old e-mail program, Becky, allowed that, and
would show the message as "read" on the server -- but you still could
access it, if necessary. Is there a setting I'm missing here, or does
The Bat not offer that feature? Granted, I haven't had to use it
often, but on occasion I have (before I switched to The Bat).

Thanks for your help.  :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Vote fot TheBat !

2003-03-13 Thread Kim
Hi William,

Thursday, March 13, 2003, 7:15:24 AM, you wrote:

cad>> see how TheBat! is doing in this poll 
cad>> and cast your vote

> Damn. I can't vote for IncrediMail.

ROTFL!!! Thanks for giving me a good laugh to start the day. :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: NOD verses AVG or AntiVir ?

2003-03-12 Thread Kim
Hi Rick,

Wednesday, March 12, 2003, 1:03:14 AM, you wrote:

> hahahahaha. People get real. NO anti-virus product detects 100% of all
> virii. Go and look at the issues of virus bulletin and you
> will see in the charts how many virii were missed by each product.
> Nod32 consistenly misses fewer virii than any other product.

> AVG is like swiss cheese when it comes to virus protection.

Thanks, but you're telling me something I already know.  :)

I was just curious if this virus was included in the Kaspersky list of
files more, no less. I'm not naive enough to believe that
any one antivirus program detects 100% of all viruses (and I certainly
never said that in my previous post, so I'm not sure where you got
that idea). Although no one product can detect 100% of all viruses,
there are some products on the market that have a better track record
than others.

By the way, not to get into a debate, but the term is technically
"viruses" and not "virii", although admittedly, many people do tend to
use that term.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: NOD verses AVG or AntiVir ?

2003-03-11 Thread Kim
Hi John,

Wednesday, March 12, 2003, 12:24:27 AM, you wrote:

> I was sent a Virus... my favorite Anti-Virus program Grisoft AVG did
> not detect it, and I have the latest update!
> NOD32 did not detect it, yes I downloaded the latest update.
> I download the Free Anti-virus software AntiVir and it caught it right
> away.
> Sorry AVG, I've just switched Anti-Virus software!
> Sorry NOD, your not getting my money today!

Out of curiosity, what was the name of the virus? I just wanted to
check to make sure it's on Kaspersky's list of covered viruses.  :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Antivirus

2003-03-06 Thread Kim
Hi William,

Thursday, March 6, 2003, 6:59:01 AM, you wrote:

MP>> the fuzz

> Que?  Money? You pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

I think Mark means "fuss", rather than fuzz. Of course, I could be
wrong. :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: adding fonts

2003-03-03 Thread Kim
Hi David,

Monday, March 3, 2003, 2:00:20 PM, you wrote:

>   Is there some way to add more fonts to The Bat! mailer?  I've not
>   been able to figure out a way as yet.  Thanks.

Do you mean fixed-width fonts? I found that the editor in The Bat took
a bit of getting used to, especially since I was used to using a
variable-width font in my old e-mail program (for viewing only, as I
send all my e-mails in plain text). I personally find many fixed-width
fonts uncomfortable to read. However, there is one that I'm happy with
-- Andale Mono. It was suggested to me by another TBUDL member, and
fortunately I had a copy that font. I set it 14 pt in the editor, and
my eyes are very happy.

In the viewer, I choose a rich text font (which is variable width).

If you're looking just to add fonts in general, and you're using
Windows, you can add those in the Control Panel, under Fonts (look for
the Fonts icon) -- On the File menu, choose "Install new font".

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Sobig

2003-02-27 Thread Kim
Hi Scott,

Thursday, February 27, 2003, 10:23:48 AM, you wrote:

> I have been using The Bat! now for several months, and I wouldn't want
> to use anything else at this point. I have used both Trend Micro
> PC-cillin and Norton Anti-Virus 2003 with it, but several weeks ago I
> purchased Kaspersky AntiVirus Pro and set up The Bat! to use it
> instead. Since it is a Russian product, it is not well known in the
> U.S. During the weeks I have been using it, Kaspersky has flagged a
> number of e-mail propagated viruses. It has worked VERY well and
> operates very smoothly. Although the Pro version is $99 U.S., there is
> a regular version availble for about half that price. For anyone who
> is committed to using The Bat! I would really suggest you take a good
> hard look at it.

I also use Kaspersky Antivirus. I've used it for nearly two years now,
and in my opinion, it's far superior to any other virus program I've
ever used (I started out with McAfee several years ago, switched to
Norton AV, then to PC-Cillin, and back to Norton for quite a few
years). I know Kaspersky's gotten excellent reviews, and in my
personal experience, I've found the program to be *very* effective.
The price tag is a little higher than with most AV programs, but I
think it's well worth it. I use the Personal version of Kaspersky,
rather than the Pro. Both are good choices.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: How to Avoid the Use of [numbered brackets] in the Subject Lineof Replies?

2003-02-26 Thread Kim
Hi Miguel,

Wednesday, February 26, 2003, 8:05:27 PM, you wrote:

> Nope. It was Thu, 27 Feb 2003 01:47:30 +0100 :) YOUR neck of the woods it isbut it's still Wednesday
February 26 where I live in Florida.  Of course, the way I look
forward to Fridays and the end of the week, I *wish* it was Thursday
here already!

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: How to Avoid the Use of [numbered brackets] in the Subject Lineof Replies?

2003-02-26 Thread Kim
Hi Jonathan,

Wednesday, February 26, 2003, 8:00:42 PM, you wrote:

> If you have a template for just that mailing list, you can use the
> macro %SINGLERE or if it is on an account, select the account, go to
> Account, Properties, Templates, Reply, and remove the tick from the
> "Use reply numbering in subject".

Thanks so much for your help. I'm continually amazed at the
helpfulness and speedy replies of the members of TBUDL. Kudos!

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: How to Avoid the Use of [numbered brackets] in the Subject Lineof Replies?

2003-02-26 Thread Kim
Hi Miguel,

Wednesday, February 26, 2003, 7:47:30 PM, you wrote:

> Account/Properties/Templates/Reply and de-select (un-tick) "Use reply
> numbering in the subject line".

Thanks for the very fast and very accurate reply. That was just what I
was looking for!  :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

How to Avoid the Use of [numbered brackets] in the Subject Line ofReplies?

2003-02-26 Thread Kim
Hi all,

Is there a way to keep the number in brackets from appearing in the
subject line of replies (example: Re[2]:)? I was replying to one of my
mailing lists earlier today, and it was sent back by a list moderator
requesting that I re-submit the post without the [2] because most list
members wouldn't receive it. This is the first time I've come across
this, but I'm still pretty new to using The Bat. I don't remember
having this problem with my old e-mail client. Is this a normal
situation, or is it just a feature of The Bat? Do I have something set
up incorrectly?

Thanks.  :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Scroll Bar Disappears Occasionally

2003-02-23 Thread Kim
Hi Peter,

Sunday, February 23, 2003, 10:00:45 AM, you wrote:

> Are you sure it is long enough? I only have see behavior when the
> message would fit in the window, but for some unknown reason only the
> lower part is visible.

Well, now that I think about it, maybe I'm *not* so sure. This only
seems to happen when I'm replying to a message. I'll keep an eye on it
for awhile to see if your suggestion is what I'm truly seeing. I have
a feeling now that it might be.

Thanks.  :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Scroll Bar Disappears Occasionally

2003-02-23 Thread Kim
Hi Peter,

Sunday, February 23, 2003, 10:00:45 AM, you wrote:

> Are you sure it is long enough? I only have see behavior when the
> message would fit in the window, but for some unknown reason only the
> lower part is visible.

I've seen the behavior you've mentioned too, but yes, I'm sure. Even
after I scroll up so the top part of the message is visible (which
would make the bottom part of the message below the visible part of
the screen), the scroll bar still doesn't appear. However, like I'd
mentioned, it only happens *some* of the time, but not *all* of the

> You can use the arrow-up key as well. :-)

I have. I just didn't mention that one. I use either the mouse (in my
case a cordless trackball) or the arrow-up key. However, for me, it's
usually easier and quicker to use the trackball. :)

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Scroll Bar Disappears Occasionally

2003-02-23 Thread Kim
Hi all,

I've noticed that from time to time, in a message long enough to need
a scroll bar, there isn't one. At other times the scroll bar is there
(the one on the right side of the screen). When it isn't there, I have
to use the mouse and force the cursor to the top of the message so
that I can view it.

Has anyone else noticed this?

I'm using The Bat 1.62i (Personal) with Windows XP Home. Thanks. :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Could I set an Access Password for the Common Folder ?

2003-02-23 Thread Kim
Hi Miguel,

Sunday, February 23, 2003, 6:22:50 AM, you wrote:

> No you can't. But you can always define a pseudo account to be used as
> your archive and set an access password to that account.

That's a very good suggestion. I'm planning on setting up the same
thing on my work computer.

As a side note, I originally set up my archive folders within each
account (in a folder separate from the Inbox), but it really slowed
down opening and closing The Bat, even with compression. I found that
moving these archive folders to a dummy account *really* sped things

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Error Message: Error!!!! The parameter is incorrect

2003-02-18 Thread Kim
Hi Allie,

Tuesday, February 18, 2003, 5:14:54 PM, you wrote:

>Again, you've met another of TB!'s minor glitches that will hopefully
>be fixed soon. I've seen this as well but it doesn't seem to
>interfere with TB! otherwise doing what it's supposed to do, i.e.,
>applying the changes you made.

Whew! Just a glitch. I must say I'm relieved. At least as a glitch, I
have hope that it'll be fixed in a future release. To be honest, I
thought it might be a conflict with XP somewhere, so I tried the same
actions on my school/work computer today with The Bat, but the error
has yet to appear on that machine (it's running Win 98 SE).

You're right...the error doesn't seem to affect functionality,

I did have something weird happen with my address book today. After I
got home from work, I started The Bat and went to my address book to
send a letter. All of the addresses totally disappeared! -- With the
exception of the original Ritlabs e-mail address. I had to re-import
TheBat.ABD to get the addresses to reappear. Gave me a scare for a few
minutes. :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Viewing Messages on Server - Attachment Indicator?

2003-02-18 Thread Kim
Hi all,

When viewing the message list available on the server (which I
routinely do, before downloading any messages to my computer), The Bat
doesn't seem to indicate whether or not each message includes an
attachment or not. My old e-mail program did this, which was very
handy. Can The Bat do this? Am I missing a setting somewhere? If not,
can we add this to the wish list for an upcoming version?

Thanks. :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Address Book Question

2003-02-17 Thread Kim
Hi Marck,

Monday, February 17, 2003, 9:54:35 PM, you wrote:

> The %ToFname relates to the First Name in the "To" header of the
> message in question (the current message or reply). You need to look
> at some of the other macros - specifically the Address book macros.
> The %ABTO macro, followed by one of:

>  Namethe full name
>  FirstName   the first name
>  LastNamethe last name
>  MiddleName  the middle name
>  Handle  the handle

> .. will help a lot.

> These can be defaulted to make a more generic template entry by
> doing something like this:

> %ABToFirstName='%TOFname'

> This says get the first name from the address book but use the first
> name from the "To" field if none is available.

Thanks! That worked great!

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Error Message: Error!!!! The parameter is incorrect

2003-02-17 Thread Kim
Hi all,

I came across an error message in The Bat the other day, which I
*thought* had disappeared for good. However, it came back this evening
when I tried to change a setting.

The error occurs when I go to Options - Preferences - Viewer, and try
to change one of the settings there. It doesn't *always*
seems to happen in spurts. It will happen several times in a row (when
I try to change the settings), and then it will stop for awhile. The
latest occurrence was when I tried to change the appearance of the
color of the signature in the viewer (I changed it from light gray to
dark gray). This has also happened while trying to change fonts and
font sizes. The error appears in a pop-up box and says "Error The
parameter is incorrect". I have the choice of clicking OK or Cancel.
The setting still changes and appears to work ok, but I often get the
error message again when trying to change the setting on that tab. Has
anyone else seen this problem before? BTW, I'm running Windows XP Home
and The Bat 1.62i Personal Edition.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Address Book Question

2003-02-17 Thread Kim
Hi all,

I've been having a lot of fun learning The Bat...and now I have
another question. It's regarding The Bat's address book. It deals with
the entries of first name, nickname, and display name. I have the new
message template set up to start with the greeting of "Hi %TOFName,"
(minus the quotation marks). When writing to a friend of mine, the
name isn't appearing as it should in the template (or as I *think* it
should). I have her real name listed in "first name" and "nickname",
and her online nickname in "display name". When I start a letter to
her, the display name is the only one that appears as the greeting of
the letter. With %TOFName, shouldn't the name I have in as her "first
name" in the address book be the one that appears, and not the display
name? If not, what should I do to get her real name to appear as the
greeting, short of setting the "display name" as her real name?

Also, I have the greeting with %TOFName in the reply as well, but the
first half of her address appears in the greeting (the part before the
@). What am I doing wrong?

Thanks.  :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Setting Up Mailing Lists - Problem

2003-02-17 Thread Kim
Hi Jonathan,

Monday, February 17, 2003, 2:50:36 PM, you wrote:

> Well worth the money in my opinion ;)

I tend to agree with you there.

> It could be that the second list doesn't use a reply-to header. When
> that line is missing in the headers, hitting reply goes back to the
> sender. It could also be possible that Becky is seeing list headers,
> and automatically replying to the list without option. TheBat doesn't
> do that, and follows what it is told to do. There are options to work
> around that, such as templates that will alter the addresses (I'm sure
> others will give better examples than I ever could). Another option is
> to hit the "Reply to all" button instead of just reply, and move the
> addresses around.

That was exactly it. The other list indeed does not use a Reply-To

> TheBat seems to only respond to certain list headers. Certain list
> software puts, in the headers of each mail, details about the list,
> and special options, such as unsubscribe, help and such. I don't think
> TheBat has a handle on all the list software available, or even close
> to it.

The other list is a LISTSERV list. I know they're a pretty common
mailing list outfit, so I was surprised to find out that this
particular one doesn't use the list's address in their Reply-To's.
Maybe I should suggest to them that they do that, and make it easier
on the rest of us.  :)

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Setting Up Mailing Lists - Problem

2003-02-17 Thread Kim
Hi Paul,

Monday, February 17, 2003, 3:00:19 PM, you wrote:

> is there a link at the bottom of that list message that has the REPLY-TO
> info in it?  Other than looking for that, I think someone else mentioned
> reply-to-all..

Yep...the Reply-To within the mailing list itself was the problem. The
Reply-To still lists the individual, and not address of the list
itself, which is why the Reply-To wasn't correct. I amended my
Reply-To folder template for the mailing list, as Roelof suggested. It
worked like a charm. :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Setting Up Mailing Lists - Problem

2003-02-17 Thread Kim
Hi Roelof,

Monday, February 17, 2003, 2:52:08 PM, you wrote:

> In that case, the mailing list probably does not insert/overwrite the
> Reply-To header. There are several ways to handle this

> Select the To:-header in the grey header section above the message,
> use your right mouse button and select 'Reply to this address'

> Or create a folder reply template for your list folder.
> As you're probably aware, TB uses templates when it starts a message.
> Those templates can be address book based, folder based or account
> based. In this case you can create a folder reply template (select the
> folder, right mouse button, properties, reply template)
> In this template, you can use the macro:
> %To=''%To='"%OFromName on listname" '%-
> Where you need to substitute listname with the name of the list and
> listaddress with the address of the list.

I tried your last suggestion (with the macro) and it worked like a
charm! Thanks so much!!!

Incidently, I took a look at the headers of the other mailing list,
and compared them to this one. You were right...the Reply-To header
listed the individual, not the mailing list on the other list. That's
why the mailing list address didn't come up when I hit "Reply". You
were exactly right.  :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Default E-Mail Client Problem

2003-02-17 Thread Kim
Hi DG,

Monday, February 17, 2003, 7:51:47 AM, you wrote:

> Do you have The_Bat! set as the system default MAPI Request Handler? Using
> a beta version of The_Bat! has the preferences and options set up
> different than 1.62i but I know there is a toggle box to do so.

> If it is not the default MAPI handler make it so. If it is then I believe
> you also have the option to remove it as the handler. Either way, give it
> a look see and set it opposite of how it is currently set.

> IIRC I had this same problem on an XP machine where it was toggled on and
> all kinds of hell broke loose. Of course YMMV.

I did as you suggested. Thanks.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Setting Up Mailing Lists - Problem

2003-02-17 Thread Kim
Hi all,

I am now a registered user of The Bat. My registration just arrived in
my e-mail a few minutes ago. :)

I have a question about setting up mailing lists in The Bat. I
currently belong to two mailing lists (this one and one other one),
and although the settings for this one seem to be fine, the other one
is not. I set up the lists similarly to how I did in Becky, creating a
filter and having the messages for the list go into a designated
folder. I receive messages fine for both mailing lists, however, when
I click "reply" for a message on the other mailing list, the person's
individual e-mail address appears in the "TO" section, rather than the
mailing list's e-mail address. For TBUDL the "TO" section works
correctly. Both accounts look exactly the same, except for one noted
difference. When I go up to "Specials", the menu item "Mailing List"
is available for TBUDL, but it is grayed out for the other mailing
list. I set these two folders up at the same time, and I cannot figure
out what the problem is. I've gone through just about every setting I
can find, but no luck. Any ideas? Thanks.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Default E-Mail Client Problem

2003-02-17 Thread Kim
Hi Paul,

Monday, February 17, 2003, 7:06:28 AM, you wrote:

> is there an export feature in Becky??? under TB Tools-Import feature you
> can see that TB has a variety of ways to import old mail messages.. I
> use TB with Windos XP Home and I have no problems. I got my wife to
> convert from Outlook 2K ! I use the 1.63 beta 5 because the beta 6 added
> too many REAL beta problems, and I want a stable environment for my
> wifes email program. I use Mozilla as my default client, but I also have
> Opera and IE installed, so I can pretty much test anything:) and I have
> not seen YOUR problem yet!

Yes, Becky has an export feature. I had the day off work today, so I
spent part of the morning going through old messages (that I kept in
separate backup folders in Becky), and imported them in UNIX format
into The Bat for each of my e-mail accounts. It was a bit time
consuming...but not because of either The Bat or Becky...only because
I've accumulated a lot of messages over the last few years. Exporting
them from Becky and importing them into The Bat was a snap! I must say
that The Bat is one of the most user-friendly programs I've ever
worked with -- and I've worked with a lot of programs.  :)

Now all is in order. I submitted my registration for The Bat today and
just got the registration info a few minutes ago.

Thanks again for your help!

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[4]: Default E-Mail Client Problem

2003-02-16 Thread Kim
Hi Mike,

Sunday, February 16, 2003, 10:40:20 PM, you wrote:

> The best thing for you to do if you're having problems like that is,
> rather than uninstall Becky, just make TB the default. That's what I
> did (I'd been using Outlook Express).  Then I just used TB instead of
> OE. When I decided that I'd definitely purchase (didn't take long )
> I archived all the mails I wanted to keep, and just don't bother to
> use OE.  When I change to XP (I'm using 2000 at the moment) I will try
> and make sure OE doesn't get installed at all. Shouldn't be a problem
> as I'm installing the Pro version.

That's exactly what I did, and it's working great so far. Once I
register The Bat, I'll get rid of the evaluation box each time I click
on a mailto: link (since Becky is no longer configured as my default
e-mail client). I don't think it's going to take me too long to decide

Thanks for your help.  :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Default E-Mail Client Problem

2003-02-16 Thread Kim
Hi Allie,

Sunday, February 16, 2003, 11:52:04 PM, you wrote:

>   This happened to me as well but in a different setting. It occurred
>   when I *did* want TB! to be my default client.

Ouch. At least I know I'm not alone.

>   The work around was to make another client my default and then make
>   TB! the default again. So I went into the Internet Explorer options,
>   and under the 'Program' tab, select OE as the default, hit OK, then
>   re-select TB! and hit OK again.

That's exactly what I did too -- but in my case it was between The Bat
and Becky. It's the only thing that seemed to reset the functionality
of the mailto: link (and kill the 'glitch'), so long as I removed the
check from the default mail setting in The Bat as well. If I didn't do
that, then the problem occurred the next time I ran The Bat, and then
tried clicking on a mailto: link in IE again.

>   Seems OK to me. I thought you'd have done that from the very start to
>   avoid the query popping up each time you started TB!. :)

You're right. That's exactly what I should have done. I'm still not
sure why the query disappeared on its own.

>   It's a glitch that has been experienced by others, including Win2k
>   users. We're not sure what causes it but it's nothing to worry too
>   much about. :)

I'm glad that it's not just me. However the more I use The Bat, the
more I like it, so I think it will become my permanent e-mail client
soon. For now, I set it as the default.

>   I've been running TB! on XP Pro here for over a year and things are
>   just fine. No problems at all.

Thanks for the info. I did wonder about this a little, since I had
relatively few problems with my e-mail client in XP. I was hoping The
Bat would work well with XP in the long run, and if your situation is
any indication of that, I must say I'm relieved. I've also read a lot
of positive things about The Bat elsewhere, which really helps.  :)

Now it's just a matter of deciding between the educational version and
the personal version of The Bat.  :)

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Default E-Mail Client Problem

2003-02-16 Thread Kim
Hi all,

I've come across a problem that really has me stumped.

Friday night I installed The Bat. I chose NOT to set it as my default
e-mail client, as Becky is my default e-mail client, and I wasn't sure
if I'd like The Bat or not. Although I do like the program, I've come
across a problem, which is *very* reproducible.

The first few times I started The Bat, it asked me if I wanted to make
it my default e-mail client. Each time I chose "No". Sometime
yesterday, The Bat stopped requesting that at start up. I hadn't
changed any settings. In fact, the check box for that setting was
still marked in preferences. The problem occurred today when I clicked
a "mailto:"; link in Opera (I use Opera, although IE6 is set as my
default browser). Once clicking the mailto link, there was a delay,
and then IE6 started. No kidding -- 64 IE windows appeared. IE has
been known to do some flaky things, but I have NEVER seen this
behavior in IE, ever (and I began using IE back when IE 2 was out).
Fortunately, a feature of Windows XP is to group all IE windows in one
section on the toolbar, once enough of them have opened. Because of
this, I was able to right click on the one and choose "close group".
This closed all the IE windows that were open (I watched the number of
IE windows count down on the toolbar).

I then went back into Opera to see what the heck was listed as my
default e-mail client. Before I had installed The Bat, it had said
Becky. Now, it showed as *blank*. Nothing was written in the box at
all. I chose to go to the setting below which specifically allows me
to chose the location of the e-mail client I wish to chose. For now, I
chose Becky (since I am still evaluating The Bat).

I then went into IE6 and checked my settings there. Although IE listed
my default e-mail client as Becky, when I clicked on a mailto: link, I
got a message that there was a problem finding my default e-mail
client, and that it needed reinstalled. I'm sorry I don't have the
exact wording of the error message, because as soon as I closed the
error box, I was again faced with a multitude of IE windows (this time
it was 65). I right-clicked on the IE group on the toolbar as before,
and chose "close group". I then restarted IE and went to the programs
tab and changed the default e-mail client to The Bat, clicked 'Apply',
then went back and changed it to Becky, clicking 'Apply' again. The
next time I tried clicking a mailto: link it brought up Becky.

Happy ending? Not quite. The next time I started The Bat, although it
still didn't ask me if I wanted to make it my default e-mail client,
it apparently did something...because the next time I tried to click a
mailto: link in IE, I again received the "problem locating default
e-mail client" message, and was faced with 64 more IE windows.

The only work-around that I've been able to find is to remove the
check from "Check that The Bat is the default mail client at startup"
from The Bat preferences. When I do this, all behaves normally. Also,
"Becky 2" again appears in the "Use default e-mail client on computer"
box in Opera, when I remove the default check from The Bat
preferences. This is a very reproducible problem, as I tested it out
multiple times, each time with the same result.

Is this a known problem? I love The Bat thusfar, but this glitch
really bothers me. Any info on this one? Is there a work-around or
fix? Thanks.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: "Educational" Version Headers

2003-02-16 Thread Kim
Hi Peter,

Sunday, February 16, 2003, 1:02:16 PM, you wrote:

> Hi Kim,

> Welcome to TBUDL then. :-)

Thanks!  :)

> There are three version lines: educational, personal, professional. If
> you believe it is "too much information" that you're in the educational
> sector, there are tools to cut this off. But there is nothing more
> "hidden" in the headers.

Great to know. My worry was that it would show the name of the school
where I teach, or something along those lines, and for safety
purposes, I don't wish that to be in the headers. Thank goodness that
isn't the case anyway. To be honest, although I qualify for the
educational version, I'm thinking about spending the extra $10 and
getting the standard version of The Bat instead. I think it's the
"educational" label in the header that's persuading me in that

> No. Your version is fully functionable. Press ++K on any
> message and all headers will be displayed.

I did a check on the headers of a couple of random messages. Thanks.

> I don't know about Becky's headers, but there is no difference in
> behavior between your evaluation copy and a registered one.

It's nice to know that this version is fully functionable, and "What
you see is what you get", so to speak. It makes evaluating The Bat so
much easier and straightforward!

Thanks for your help, Peter. :)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Editor - Viewing Font

2003-02-16 Thread Kim
Hi All,

Does anyone know if the next version of The Bat will allow for the
viewing of variable-width fonts in the Editor of The Bat? I am
currently trying out the evaluation version, and I was happy to see
that I was able to choose my favorite font (Verdana) for reading mail,
but I noticed that the font choice in the editor is limited to just
fixed-width fonts. I have a bit of difficulty with my eyes (I see
things ok, but because of a medical condition I have, things that are
uncomfortable to read soon lead to a migraine). I'd like to be able to
choose a font that is easy on the eyes. I have yet to find a
fixed-width font that fits the bill for me, so to speak. I'm using
Lucida Console in the editor at the moment, which is the closest I can
get to fit my needs. Does anyone know if the use of variable width
fonts will be available in the editor for viewing in the next version
of The Bat? Thanks.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

"Educational" Version Headers

2003-02-16 Thread Kim
Hi all, :)

This is my first posting to the TBUDL list. I just started trying out
The Bat! a couple of days ago. So far I'm impressed.

If I choose to purchase The Bat, I qualify for the educational
discount (I am an elementary school teacher and have already written
to The Bat support to make sure that I qualify). I did a little
reading through the TBUDL archives yesterday, and saw that the
"educational" version is notated in the header of each e-mail sent.
One person mentioned that the header for that version gave out "too
much information". Exactly what info is in the educational header that
isn't in the standard version of The Bat? I'm currently using the
evaluation version of The Bat, so I won't be able to check that out
until after I purchase one version or the other.

One other observance that I made is in the amount of information in
the headers of the evaluation version of The Bat vs. that of my
current e-mail client, Becky. There appears to be a *lot* more info
revealed in The Bat headers (evaluation) version that in that of
Becky. Does this change in the regular version of The Bat, or is this
the norm?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Need help with a Klez filter!

2002-07-27 Thread Kim G. Henkel

Hi Spike,

On Friday, July 26, 2002, Spike wrote:

KGH> I'm getting spammed to death by this $#!%@*#! Klez virus,
KGH> and could really use some help setting up a filter!

S>I'm not sure what you want TB! to do!  The NAV is catching it BEFORE TB!
S>even sees it!  Only after the message is stored in a folder {INBOX} will
S>a filter be used.  NAV catches it and quarantines it as it is supposed to.

Yes, I know that...I'm not concerned that it is/was a virus.
What I _would_ like is that they be moved to another folder/trash instead
of processed by other filters, and thereby scattered within the account

KGH> The one common factor is that Norton AV is catching the
KGH> virus itself,

S>This is exactly what is supposed to happen! :-)

S>If you don't want any virus to reach you, the only option is to pull the
S>little phone plug out of the wall!  Not what you want :( I only get about
S>20 of them a day, which I IGNORE as I don't even use any anti-virus.  TB!
S>doesn't need it if set up properly, and with an educated user :)

Again, I'm not concerned that I'm receiving these due to a virus - the
virus doesn't effect me.  What is a PITA is that I get 50+ of these a day,
and I am wasting a growing amount of time weeding them out.  The purpose
of filters is to automate this kind of mundane work, but as Jonathan Angliss
points out (thanks Jonathan), the Bat! filters won't search into multi-part
headers, so I'm going to have to post this as a feature request I suppose.

Thanks anyway ;-)

Kim Henkel
Using The Bat! v1.62/Beta1 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

Current Ver: 1.61
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Bug Reports:

Re: Curious - how did you find TB! ?

2000-09-22 Thread Kim Courson

Hello Gary,

My computer tells me that on Thursday, September 21, 2000, around 11:40:42 PM, you 

G> Hi Batty people,

G> There have been so many new "faces" in the group, i.e. Karin, Havivah,
G> and others, and such cultural diversity, I was curious how did you
G> find out about The Bat!

I kept seeing Bill Blinn's cool messages on another list.  I wrote him
directly to ask how his program did the quoting with the initial and
arrow.  He directed me to The Bat! homepage.  Downloading the program
was a snap compared to the 5 hours it took to download Netscape this
summer.  And The Bat only crashed on me once in the past 2 weeks -
compared to every other day with Netscape.


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