Re: moving QT's from account to common templates

2013-10-02 Thread monsell
> observe there is no function to copy/paste or move

I'm surprised there is still no function to copy/paste or drag/drop. I 
believe this feature was requested in 2008, not long after the 
location for common QTs was introduced. Prior to that, the tidiest you 
could get was to store them all in one account and mark them all as 

In a thread on this list from Dec 2008/Jan 2009, MAU suggested:-


many thanks mate, much appreciated
will have a go at this..

thanks again


Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

moving QT's from account to common templates

2013-10-01 Thread monsell
hello friends,

is there a possibility to move quick templates from account templates
to common templates and vice versa?

observe there is no function to copy/paste or move

look forward to hear

thank you


Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: moving filters between common filters and account filters

2013-10-01 Thread monsell
M> please assist and advice how to move filters between account filters
M> and common filters.

Select the filter you want to move
Press Ctrl C
Select the new location for the filter
Press Ctrl V
Now you've copied the filter to it's new location, because you can't
move filters between accounts. Therefore you return to the original
filter and delete it.


appreciated mate
thank you


Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

moving filters between common filters and account filters

2013-10-01 Thread monsell
dear friends,

please assist and advice how to move filters between account filters
and common filters.

we got 3 accounts and each account got filters not exceeding 5 but we
do have common folders of about 200 and there are about 150 common
filters set up.

many thanks


Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: numbers in chronological sequence - length of numbers

2013-07-26 Thread monsell
> Home page:

The link in this line goes no where: 404 not found.


the page does not exists any more
but i have the macro up and running at moment


Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

numbers in chronological sequence - length of numbers

2013-07-25 Thread monsell
hello the batters!

some years back, roelof provided me with the following coding. this
creates a unique number generated in chronological sequence for all
new, reply and forwarded msgs.


Bat!\MessageReferenceNumber", "0") + 1')%-
%RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!\MessageReferenceNumber", 
%Subject='%_RefNo * %OSUBJ'%-


my question is, is it possible to set the length of numbers to say 7
or 8 digits?? this means that even if the number starts from 1, there
will be zeros appearing before the number. IE; 0001 and if msg
number is 12345 the number should appear as 0012345.

in order to support the above code, roelof used a plug-in macro.
details as below;

MyMacros 1.11a
Home page:
Developer: Andrew Perevodchik 
You can see descriptions of macros in help file in MyMacros distributive.
Automatically-generated list of provided macros follows: 
°   CHR
°   EVAL
°   FOR
°   RUN
°   TRIM

there is no new version of this macro neither do they have any updates
for it.

appreciate your assistance please

thank you


Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Time format in message list display

2010-09-13 Thread MONSELL
Hi Mr Robin,

> Anyone got any ideas about this?

Would this help?

Options -> Preferences -> Messages -> Date/Time display
-> Default message time format -> dd-mm-yy" "hh:mm
-> press 'check' button to verify


Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: 2 To addresses, print shows merely the first

2010-08-09 Thread MONSELL
>  I needed a print of this email and then in the print only the first
>  address is listed
>  To: address1 
>  How to get a print with both addresses?

Will this work?

PRINT SET UP ---> TEMPLATE ---> To: %ToList


Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Sieve Scripting

2010-06-07 Thread MONSELL

Does anybody knows SIEVE SCRIPT?
Trying to generate an AUTO-REPLY to certain email ID's, but directly
from the Server itself which users sieve scripting.

the code generated for now is as follows:-

if allof(header :contains ["From"] ["@AAA", "@BBB", "@CCC"], header
:contains ["X-Delivered-to"] [""]) {
vacation :addresses [ "" ] :days 1 "Sorry, you
are sending messages to the wrong email id. Please send to";   }

what i need to do is generate an AUTO-REPLY (directly from the server)
to certain domains or full email id's which are sent to
"""" with a message "Sorry, you are sending
messages to the wrong email id. Please send to ""

it's only the chosen full email id's or domain who will get this
AUTO-REPLY and not all the emails who send messages to

by the above code, what happens is only if "" is
addressed to "TO" field the auto reply gets activated and if it is
addressed to the "BCC" or "CC" field it does not.

so "X-Delivered-to" is the same as "To".

This I am trying to do on the server itself, but is there a way that i
can do this on TB using immediate send function of something like

Look forward to your assistance.


Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Message after message after message..........

2010-03-31 Thread MONSELL
From: Monsell International (Pvt) Ltd






M.SAMEEM   MBIE;  + 94 717801680

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

using appropriate account to "REPLY"

2009-08-14 Thread MONSELL
Dear Fiends,

I got 3 email accounts (A, B & C). My filter folders are all set in the
COMMON FOLDER. The default email id is A account. When ever the
REPLY button is pressed for a message resting in the COMMON FOLDER it
opens up under A. But sometimes, the message has to be replied by B or
C account.

There is this function IF, THEN and ELSE used in TB and using these
functions, is there a possibility for TB to recognized the email id's
that has to be replied under A, B and C account???

One could store all the email id's or even better, the domain name
that has to go under A and similarly to B & C or only to store for B &
C account so that once the REPLY button is hit, TB identifies under
which account that this message has to be replied.

At moment, what I have done is made a QT so that if the REPLY has to
be done with B account, but opens with A account, I run the QT and the
FROM id changes from A to B. sometimes, it is overlooked and the REPLY
goes under A which actually it should have been under B.

will be pleased to hear


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Attachment list

2009-07-08 Thread MONSELL
Dear List,

RA>> Create a Quick Template called AttList as follows
RA>> %If:"%_FirstTime"="":#%-
RA>> %%_FirstTime="No"%-
RA>> %%If:"%Attachments"="":"%-
RA>> %_":"%-
RA>> %_%-Attachments:
RA>> %_%_Att_List='%Attachments,'%-
RA>> %_%Qinclude(AttList)"#:#%-
RA>> %%If:"%_Att_List"<>"":"%-
RA>> %_%SetPattRegexp='(?i)^(.*?),\s*(.*)$'%-
RA>> %_%RegexpBlindMatch='%_Att_List'%-
RA>> %_%-   * %SubPatt='1'
RA>> %_%_Att_List=%SubPatt='2'%-
RA>> %_%Qinclude(AttList)":"%-
RA>> %_"%-
RA>> %#%-
> Unfortunately when using the QT, it crashes The Bat!. It simply shuts 
> down instantly and nothing gets written to the exception log.

> That's strange. I just copied and pasted the code from my email into a new
> QT and it worked perfectly.

Works perfectly here too...


Current version is 4.2.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Re: Recipients' Addresses Suppression

2009-06-11 Thread MONSELL
Hello Lim,

>> Maybe I do not understand your problem clearly, but when I send to
>> people without showing their email addresses, I just put them in BCC:
>> blind copy instead of in To:

>If  I have to send e-mail to the same group of people, such as members
>of a society of which I am a member, very often, is there a way of NOT
>having  to insert their addresses each time I send them an e-mail, but
>pick  up  all  the addresses from a "distribution list" I only have to
>create once?

>I   have   not  used BCCs in The Bat!, so I don't know if by doing so,
>the  recipients'  addresses  are  suppressed.   But  some other e-mail
>clients, the BCCs still show up in the e-mail in the header line BCC.

I guess Mass Mailing would be ideal. Each address will receive a
personalized individual message as if you had sent it only to that
particular address. If you have 50 addresses, there will be 50
messages generated in the OUT box and each and every message will
contain only one recipient address OR you can also have a GROUP, but
all 50 email addresses will appear in the TO column and may be time
consuming to transmit if too much addresses are inserted.

best regards

Current version is 4.2.4 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Inserting details from thebat's address book

2008-11-19 Thread monsell
Hello Nick,

>Does anyone know of a way that I can insert (or attach) the address
>book details to an e-mail.
>I can attach my own vcard, but I would like to be able to send one
>person's details to another.  It seems that there *should* be a clever
>way to do this.

Try the following:-

Open Address Book > Click on the Contact that you want to send > File
> Export To > Export Selection > Save the contact (preferably to your
desk top??) > open new message > drag and drop the contact
from your desk top to your new message editor.

The 'save type' will appear as "Business Card (*.VCF)"

Hope this helps.

Best Regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

154459 * how to create messages using the email account you so desire by having multiple accounts

2008-10-02 Thread monsell
Hi Luc,

> In your templates, you include the following:

> %ACCOUNT="A" for the account A
> %ACCOUNT="B" for the account B
> %ACCOUNT="C" for the account C
> %ACCOUNT="D" for the account D

>>Don't put all 4 together of course: just one for the corresponding

many thanks but clueless. the Filters are in a Common Folder.
understand once a msg is filtered and rest in a common folder the
account roots are disabled.

how do i set the QT to work when i hit reply for a msg sitting in a
common folder and the same account that the msg originally was
received to be used?


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

154428 * how to create messages using the email account you so desire by having multiple accounts

2008-10-02 Thread monsell
Hi Luc,

> i have set up 4 email accounts. they are A,B,C & D. also there are
> about 20 filter folders set up under 'common filters'. filters work
> perfectly.

> when ever i reply or forward a msg which was filtered or create a new
> msg whilst i am in the common filters, the msg is always created under
> A account.

> if in case that i hit reply button for a msg which was filtered and
> arrived under C account, the new message is created under A account.

> seems like A supercedes all the other email accounts.

> is there anyway that i can create msgs using the same account that the
> email arrived to originally?

> when creating a new msg, is there a short cut or a QT to open the new
> msg window with your desired account? i.e.:- A,B,C or D.

>>Have you tried this:

>>putting %ACCOUNT="A" (B,C,D) in your templates? This should invoke
>>the associated account, defined in the %ACCOUNT="".

Thank you all for your suggestions. Appreciated. Can someone assist me
on the above referred QT by Luc? IE:- %Account="A" or (B,C,D) ???

Will be pleased to hear

Best Regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

154130 * how to create messages using the email account you so desire by having multiple accounts

2008-09-24 Thread monsell
dear members,

i have set up 4 email accounts. they are A,B,C & D. also there are
about 20 filter folders set up under 'common filters'. filters work

when ever i reply or forward a msg which was filtered or create a new
msg whilst i am in the common filters, the msg is always created under
A account.

if in case that i hit reply button for a msg which was filtered and
arrived under C account, the new message is created under A account.

seems like A supercedes all the other email accounts.

is there anyway that i can create msgs using the same account that the
email arrived to originally?

when creating a new msg, is there a short cut or a QT to open the new
msg window with your desired account? i.e.:- A,B,C or D.

sometimes, i browse the Ab to search for a particular email id and
then hit 'create msg' button appearing in the AB itself and the new
msg window opens under account A. is there anyway to choose the
desired account that you wish to use when hitting 'create new msg'

look forward to your help and thank you all in advance for same.


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: question on filters

2008-07-09 Thread monsell
Msg-Ref: 14858109-Jul-2008 (Wed)   16:21 Hours (GMT +0530)

dear mr roelof,

M> i just keep the filters the way i want to.

>> Please do so.
>> BTW You also sent this message to me via private mail. Please don't do
>> that to me. I prefer to keep these discussions public.

thank you for the detailed explanation, appreciated. also regret that i
had in error hit the reply all button thereby your private email id
too being added to the main email msg.

this is very much regretted.

best regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: question on filters

2008-07-08 Thread monsell
Hi Mr Roelof,

M> the command given to the sub-filter is "headers contain Z or text
M> contains Z". the main filter X is commanded under "continue processing
M> other filters".

>> Why did you enable 'continue processing'? That is not necessary
>> to enable subfilters.

what does "continue processing with other filters" really do? as you
said, i have disabled this function from the respective filter.

M> what i want to do is to get messages coming into Y with Z commands
M> sub-filtered to Z although Z is under X

>> In that case you need an additional filter.
>> As I read your message you want messages with both X and Z or message
>> with both Y and Z to be filtered into Z.

>> Create a new subfilter (with Y as parent) to filter Z messages to Z.

>> Another option would be to create a new primary level filter with two
>> condition blocks: (X and Z) or (Y and Z) and place that filter before
>> the X and Y filters, you don't need any subfilters this way.

what i did was placed another command under Z as follows:-

header contains Z or text contains Z and not header contains 
say for example i want the name 'vernon' filtered to Z from X and Y
but Z rests under X. mail arriving under X will be automatically be
searched for 'vernon' and sub filtered to Z.

mail arriving in Y will also be checked for header contains Z or text
contains Z and not header contains 'vernon'. since 'vernon' also
arrived at Y but will be rejected and transferred to the subfilter Z

i just keep the filters the way i want to.

please comment

Thanks and Best Regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

question on filters

2008-07-08 Thread monsell

i have created filters under 'common' filters as i use different email

there are two main filters called X and Y and messages are filtered in

under the filter X, i have created a sub filter called Z. the
sub-filter too works perfectly.

the command given to the sub-filter is "headers contain Z or text
contains Z". the main filter X is commanded under "continue processing
other filters".

what i want to do is to get messages coming into Y with Z commands
sub-filtered to Z although Z is under X

at the moment what happens is although the Z is in the header/text of
the messages, it goes directly to Y because Z is under X.

pleased to hear

best regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Accessing the alternate addresses

2008-05-22 Thread monsell
Is there some way to access the additional addresses you may have for
someone listed in their contact info? I understand the top address is
the default, but I can't find any method to get to the other
addresses other than going to the contact page and then copy & paste
the darn thing into a new message.

Seems there must be an easier solution.



Have you tried

- open Address Book
- list your secondary addresses one under the other in the "general"
  tab under 'edit address entry'
- under the 'other' tab, check 'automatically add secondary addresses
  to the BCC field'.

for this to work, open the AB and single click on your required name
or handle, then click on 'create new message'.

did it help?


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: filtering on multiple emails addressbook entires

2008-03-11 Thread monsell
Hello H,

Tuesday, March 11, 2008, 4:13:38 PM, among other things, you wrote:

> 2.In the 'Action' section of your filter use the item 'Address
> groups' and in  that,  enter  the  name of the group you set up in
> the address book. The occurrence of any one of the addreses will
> trigger the filter.

Hi, Using TB v- and i dont see this option. is it available in
this version?

Best Regards

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Exporting filters?

2008-02-07 Thread monsell

>> Also, you can use the 'share with..' option, right?
HF> Where is that option hidden?

>He's mistaken with quick templates, those can be shared with other
>accounts. Filters cannot, though you can create common filters, they
>can be used by all accounts.

That's correct. Common filters are set up and used with 4 Accounts as
per my requirement. I believe that the 'share with..' option appears only
for common filters. QT's can be shared among accounts as well as used
for mass mailing too.

best regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Exporting filters?

2008-02-07 Thread monsell
H> is it possible to export and import filters?

Yes, select the filter and copy it to the clipboard with ctrl+C. Go
to the other account and select the destination (eg. Incoming or
Outgoing) and paste the filter with ctrl+V.


Also, you can use the 'share with..' option, right?

best regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Restoring Folders

2008-01-30 Thread monsell
M> Can you please assist me to get this folder to appear in TB client?

> Select the account tree pane and press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-L

Mr. Roelof, you are a genius. It worked! I would have configured,
changed the accounts, deleted/created accounts and switched off/on my
computer over a dozen times (5 hours to be precise) just to get this
folder since it had all the filter folders it.

Thank you so much for your help.

Best Regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Restoring Folders

2008-01-30 Thread monsell

I have this folder X which stores all my previous messages and
filtered messages in it's respective folder. The folder X is sort of a
back up folder.

This folder was resting under an account.

I moved the folder out from this account to use it as a common folder.

Now, I want it back into the account X but surprisingly it does not
move in.

so, I moved the folder manually through EXPLORER in to the account X,
shut down my machine and restarted, but still it does not show under
the account X. But it shows that this folder X is stored in the
account when checked via EXPLORER.

Can you please assist me to get this folder to appear in TB client?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Retrieving a deleted account

2008-01-29 Thread monsell
Hello Thomas,

mmic> I shall be thankful if you would assist me to retrieve this
mmic> account or atleast the QTN file.

>Is the account still on your harddisk?

Actually I got into a very big mess where i lost all the QT's which of
course I forgot to move it to the new IMAP account that I had
configured. I could not find it anywhere. The account itself had
disappeared. I also checked the recycle bin and found the account with
nothing in it. This may be due to deleting including "account files".

But I had a back up on CD, taken about 6 months back and so was
fortunate to reinstall the QT's, but ofcourse I had to guess and
include some NEW QT's going through my previous mail.

So, all in all, the IMAP works just fine and it does also do the
auto-filtering for me. all 25 or so filters were configured to work
with the new IMAP account. Now, I do not have to manually or auto set
downloading as IMAP works automatically for me.

Importantly, my messages are received as soon as it arrives in my
server which is very important for swift communication.

thank you all for the support rendered.

Best Regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Retrieving a deleted account

2008-01-28 Thread monsell
Hello TBUDL,

I have successfully configured to work with IMAP. Works fine now.
However, once the IMAP was configured I had moved all files and
everything was ok, so I deleted the POP account, but i noticed that
all my quick templates were stored in the POP account which was shared
and now it is also deleted.

I shall be thankful if you would assist me to retrieve this account or
atleast the QTN file.

best regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

128518 * IMAP configuration

2008-01-28 Thread monsell
Hello Stuart,

Monday, January 28, 2008, 10:45:26 PM, you wrote:

> Hello Monsell,
>   A reminder of what [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed on:
>   Monday, January 28, 2008 at 20:15:10 GMT +0530

mmic>> as said previously, i triggered one filter to check with IMAP but it
mmic>> is not automatically moved into filtered folder but only after
mmic>> sometime that when manually done, it is moved. what may be the reason
mmic>> for this?

> Under Account Properties/Mail Management/IMAP Fine Tune do you have 
> Auto-Filtering selected?

There is no auto-filtering item under the above. I use an older
version of TB. Pleased to hear

Best Regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

128518 * IMAP configuration

2008-01-28 Thread monsell
Hi Mr Peter,

On 28-01-2008 08:57, you wrote in
> Actually, since this is not my personal email but it is our company
> email, I want all messages to be downloaded, just like the POP
> interface and what i do is store the the IN messages in a different
> folder called X and the SENT messages are stored in another folder
> called Y. I store messages upto 5 months old.

Well, this should pose no problem. You can do this with filters,
server-side or local.
I tried the configuration once more of the IMAP interface (actually
this is my 3rd time that i am configuring since i deleted the account
on previous two occasions as i did not understand the settings and
working out of the IMAP). works fine now. just to double check with
you, 1. once the mail is moved from the IN box and this IN box folder
is purged (Folder > purge+compress), the messages are automatically deleted
from the server. 2. tried a filter. once received in the IN box it
does not get filtered. but after some time when manual filtering is
done, it works fine. how can i solve this problem? could it be
configured to automatically go into the filter folder when the message
appears in the In box itself (like the POP interface)?

my situation is that i dont delete any mail, but move them to the back
up X (IN) and Y (SENT) folders respectively whilst others are
automatically moved into the filter folders.

>>The beauty of IMAP is that if you need your mail from another computer
>>or via webmail, all your mail (also old mail) is there, in the folders
>>you have created for it.

> This is very important especially during after office hours or during
> a week end. I check mail leaving them on the server, during this
> period and once in office, down load them all and clear the server due
> to restricted space allocation on the server.

Well, you can have folders on the server in which you can store you
mail. When you have fully synchronized them (so the full message is
local), you can move them to a local folder freeing up space on the
i do not wish to have folders on the server but i have instead set to
view full messages which means, i guess, is that the entire message is
down loaded and ofcourse later on i move them to the X folder at the
end of the day.

in the manage IMAP folders (account-->imap commands-->manage imap
folders) where you set the IN box to synchronize
(this option is selected), i have accidentally deleted the sub-folders
coming under the INBOX which is OUT, SENT and TRASH. will this cause a
problem? since the IN box synchronization is selected under ALL
MESSAGES, it is only this box that works with the server directly,

>  do i have to move the messages from IN box to X
> box and then run the filters from here?

You can have filters moving messages from the inbox to any folder (local
or server-side).

as said previously, i triggered one filter to check with IMAP but it
is not automatically moved into filtered folder but only after
sometime that when manually done, it is moved. what may be the reason
for this?

will be pleased to hear from you and thank you in advance for same.

best regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

128518 * IMAP configuration

2008-01-27 Thread monsell
Hi Mr Peter,

On 28-01-2008 06:20, you wrote in

>Well, the point of the IMAP protocol is that all e-mail is stored on the
>server instead of locally.

yes of course they do, as you had clearly explained to me.

>You can then decide how "much" of the message you want to to synchronize
>locally. Maybe you just want headers or maybe you want the full message.

Actually, since this is not my personal email but it is our company
email, I want all messages to be downloaded, just like the POP
interface and what i do is store the the IN messages in a different
folder called X and the SENT messages are stored in another folder
called Y. I store messages upto 5 months old.

>The beauty of IMAP is that if you need your mail from another computer
>or via webmail, all your mail (also old mail) is there, in the folders
>you have created for it.

This is very important especially during after office hours or during
a week end. I check mail leaving them on the server, during this
period and once in office, down load them all and clear the server due
to restricted space allocation on the server.

Let me get this straight, once the IMAP is configured and your server
comes online, the IN box is filled with messages as appearing on your
server, but the IN box does not have the messages downloaded? Is it a
copy of the messages that appears in your IN box? Then, how do i
activate the filters for this IN box if the messages are itself not
physically downloaded? do i have to move the messages from IN box to X
box and then run the filters from here? I do have filters activated
for IN and SENT boxes and i must admit the filters and sub-filters
just works fine for me. Priority is given to filtered messages.
do you mean that the folders in the server should be created or the
desktop client that i use? in our server it got only IN,OUT,SENT and
TRASH but in my desktop client (TB), i got a lot of folders,
sub-folders, filters and sub-filters since i use POP interface.

Sorry, but the IMAP is still a bit complicated for me, but would
really want to set it up to run smoothly.

i use TB v. May be this is an old version but would like to
stick with it since i dont want any problems trying to install newer
versions and lose all what i got, incase of a problem.

best regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

128518 * IMAP configuration

2008-01-27 Thread monsell
Hi Mr Peter,

On 25-01-2008 17:29, you wrote in
> once the server is cleared, messages disappear since no messages are
> stored in the server. i guess this is what IMAP is supposed to do.

Er, the point with IMAP is that messages are (also) stored on the

> 1. how can i keep all the incoming messages fully downloaded and saved
>to my IN box (like POP where once downloaded it is saved in the IN

Account properties > Manage IMAP folders. Make sure all folders you want
to have available locally are set to synchronize to Full messages

>for your information, messages that has been exchanged for the last
>5 months are always stored in the computer by a separate In and
>SENT folders created under another main folder (X).

Well, the whole point of IMAP is that messages are stored on the server.
However, you can create folders on the IMAP server (like with POP3) so
you can move the messages there.

> 2. in POP mode, ctrl+shift+F2 gives the despatcher to delete, download
>mail etc, from the server. in IMAP how is this done? how can one
>delete the mail from the server? ctrl+shift+F2 does not work for

When you delete (and purge) mail in IMAP it is deleted from the server.
You can set TB to download (synchronize) only headers. This way you
can "preview" headers à la dispatcher.

> 3. i have abt 25 filters activated to ease up and check PRIORITY
>messages. i did some test messages with filtering conditions, but
>when mail appears in the IN box, it is not filtered since i guess
>that the mail is only a copy appearing as it is on the server and
>that the mail itself is not downloaded. how can i get around this

Account properties > Properties > IMAP Fine-tune. Make sure Retrieve
messages structures with message bodies and auto filtering is checked.

It might also make sense to make sure the filters are only triggered on
the inbox and sent folders of your account.

> 4. finally, can i convert my POP account to IMAP or do i have to
>create a new account and go over again on the settings? any sort

I am not sure. I think you may be able to convert it.


Thank you so much for assisting me by your reply. Appreciated. Still
IMAP is very confusing for me. Under a normal set-up, it is really
good where online messages appear as they arrive into the mail
server, but the other set ups like filtering and all that stuff is
definitely greek to me. However, may be with further study and
information, I could set it up to work as normal as like my POP mail.

any way, what I did to overcome this situation was that since our
company's email is operated under FASTMAIL, I have installed their
FASTCHECK which uses the IMAP interface. So, when ever new mail
arrives at my server, a small window opens showing the arrived message
(from address + subject). Ofcourse then I have to down load same to
view and reply. We are talking about seconds here, just like the IMAP

This tool, FASTCHECK too is great.

Thanks once more for your kind help.

Best Regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

128518 * IMAP configuration

2008-01-25 Thread monsell
Msg-Ref: 128518  25-Jan-08 (Fri) 20:51 Hrs (+0530 GMT)

Dear Bat'es,

I am new to IMAP. today i configured it to work on this email id of
mine by creating a new account and it works perfectly. messages appear
in split seconds once it reaches the server. this will assist our
company to be more faster in attending to important messages which
requires prompt attention and action instead of setting up auto-check
for every 5-10 minutes or so on POP mode.

once the server is cleared, messages disappear since no messages are
stored in the server. i guess this is what IMAP is supposed to do.

can you kindly assist me to do the following?

1. how can i keep all the incoming messages fully downloaded and saved
   to my IN box (like POP where once downloaded it is saved in the IN
   box). at moment, i can view the entire message, so i guess that the
   full view is ticked instead of just downloading headers? i am
   clueless, sorry about it.

   for your information, messages that has been exchanged for the last
   5 months are always stored in the computer by a separate In and
   SENT folders created under another main folder (X). the main IN/SENT
   boxes are always cleared at the end of the day where same is
   transferred to the IN/SENT folders located in X folder.

2. in POP mode, ctrl+shift+F2 gives the despatcher to delete, download
   mail etc, from the server. in IMAP how is this done? how can one
   delete the mail from the server? ctrl+shift+F2 does not work for

3. i have abt 25 filters activated to ease up and check PRIORITY
   messages. i did some test messages with filtering conditions, but
   when mail appears in the IN box, it is not filtered since i guess
   that the mail is only a copy appearing as it is on the server and
   that the mail itself is not downloaded. how can i get around this

4. finally, can i convert my POP account to IMAP or do i have to
   create a new account and go over again on the settings? any sort

thanks every one before hand, for assisting me in this respect.

best regards to all

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

question on AB groups

2007-12-23 Thread monsell

> But first, I must sort them countrywise to do that and when all the
> email ID's are bunched up, how do i sort them?

If you have email addresses in a single column (i.e. one per line), open
the text file with MS Excel, sort and write back (or save as) text


Thank you. all the ID's are stored in a group called TEST in the AB.
could you please guide me as to how i can take out the addresses from
this group, place it in excel sheet, sort out the ID's beginning from
the end as TLD's are at the end of the ID?

once this is done, i could simply place the appropriate ID's into its
respective group-country wise.

thank you for your kind assistance.

best regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

question on AB groups

2007-12-22 Thread monsell

> I have created groups in the AB, country-wise and have stored email
> addresses accordingly.

You  should  be  able  to do this directly by creating an address book
group  for  each  of  your  countries  and one for .com and .net. Then
create   a   filter  for  each  country,  something  like  If  Sender
contains.UK  then  add  sender  to address book UK. I guess this would
mean setting up one query per country, but once set up it should work.

Does this help or am I misinterpreting something?


Hi Stuart,

Your comment is understood but this is not what i require. for
example, UK clients will have multiple email extensions such as .UK,
.COM and .NET

It is obvious that UK clients will use .UK ext email ID's and so,
these particular email ID's go into the UK group.

My question is, say i have about 2-3000 email ID's all having various
country extension email ID's (such as .UK, .DK, .US etc) as well as
.COM and .NET email ID's too. This bunch of email ID's that i received
from another broker friend who sent it to me via notepad.

from this ID list, how can i chose and separate the .UK ID's?

Say I have all these email ID's stored in notepad. When i separate
them, for example i separate .UK email ID's and save them in another
notepad called UK. So all i have to do is use the import command in
the AB to get these email ID's into the UK group.

But first, I must sort them countrywise to do that and when all the
email ID's are bunched up, how do i sort them?

pleased to hear


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

question on AB groups

2007-12-21 Thread monsell
Dear All,

Hope you can assist me on the following, please.
Thank you

Sri Lanka Time: 14:13:45 [GMT +0530] Hours on Wed, 19 Dec 2007
Subject   : question on AB groups
TO List   :
CC List   : 

Hello Friends,

I have created groups in the AB, country-wise and have stored email
addresses accordingly.

It is easy to store them when the country extension is given in the
address like .KR is for korea and .DK is for denmark. But when it
comes as .COM or .NET, these addresses are stored separately in a
group unless the country of origin is known.

sometimes, I get around 2000 email ID's from Brokers which i require
to store them for future business communication.

the 2000 ID's comprises of ID's having country extensions as well as
.COM and .NET extensions.

My question is how do i sort out the ID's with country extensions,
.COM and .NET so that i could store them in a notepad and use the
IMPORT command to add them in to the appropriate country group.

for example, if i require denmark emails i chose .dk extensions and
all the ID's having .dk extension should appear. this i could then
copy/paste to a notepad and use the IMPORT command to add them to the
DENMARK group in the AB.

Will be pleased to hear and thank you for same in advance.

Best Regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

question on AB groups

2007-12-19 Thread monsell
Hello Friends,

I have created groups in the AB, country-wise and have stored email
addresses accordingly.

It is easy to store them when the country extension is given in the
address like .KR is for korea and .DK is for denmark. But when it
comes as .COM or .NET, these addresses are stored separately in a
group unless the country of origin is known.

sometimes, I get around 2000 email ID's from Brokers which i require
to store them for future business communication.

the 2000 ID's comprises of ID's having country extensions as well as
.COM and .NET extensions.

My question is how do i sort out the ID's with country extensions,
.COM and .NET so that i could store them in a notepad and use the
IMPORT command to add them in to the appropriate country group.

for example, if i require denmark emails i chose .dk extensions and
all the ID's having .dk extension should appear. this i could then
copy/paste to a notepad and use the IMPORT command to add them to the
DENMARK group in the AB.

Will be pleased to hear and thank you for same in advance.

Best Regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Replying Messages that come to different accounts, from different accounts and a note of thanks to Mr Robin Anson

2007-11-04 Thread monsell
Hi Mr Thomas,

msl> My next issue is that I have 4 accounts (A,B,C,D) and account A has
msl> all the folders (names 1 to 20). The other remaining accounts do not
msl> have folders, but all accounts run under a common filter/folders which
msl> was configured with the assistance of Mr. Roelof.

You have the same set-up as I do in the office. All messages are
sorted into folders in an archive account depending on certain
conditions. It's the countries were they came from, in my case.

msl> so for instance if i receive a message under account A and folder 1,
msl> the message is filtered in perfectly and so on it continues.

msl> Now, if i need to take the message which arrived under account A/folder
msl> 1 and send a reply under account B, the REPLY-TO: header field still
msl> shows account A email id. so in order to circumvent this situation, I
msl> drag/drop the message in account A/folder 1 to account B inbox, click
msl> on this message and hit reply and send.

That's complicated. What I do is add an X-Apparently-To: header
showing the account it originally came in on.

msl> Now under this process, the REPLY-TO: field indicates account B
msl> email id. Once this message is sent, out message is filtered and
msl> transferred to folder 1/account A which is ok, but i have to
msl> manually drag/drop the message which is brought into the inbox of
msl> account B, into account A/folder 1 or run a 're-filter' to get
msl> this job done.

Easier: Ensure with a macro that the message is sent from the correct
account. That's what the %Account= macro is for. I can send my
regex-based macro to you (preferrably via this list, as members on
this list helped me creat it), it is based on the X-Apparently-To:
header. Then BCC to yourself, and your message (coming back) is
filtered into the correct folder in the archive account. No manual
labour like drag-and-drop is involved. TB! just does everything

For example, I receive a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from Germany. It
will be sorted into the Germany folder in the archive account. I hit
"Reply" in the archive account, the reply is sent from the Sales
account. The same holds true for the Management account, the
Accounting account, etc.

I'll be happy to send my Reply Template.

msl> is there a way to overcome this situation and get the REPLY-TO field
msl> automatically configured to indicate the account email id from which
msl> the message is sent out?

I don't even use Reply-To headers, as the replies should go to the
account the message was sent from.


Yours is well noted and thank you for same. Do you mean to say that if
a message comes to account A and when I hit 'reply' that i could even
send out the message from account B with account B settings instead of
account A settings? for example, accounts A,B,C & D have different
account settings such as SMTP/POP.

Pleased to hear from you and thank you for same in advance.

Best Regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Replying Messages that come to different accounts, from different accounts and a note of thanks to Mr Robin Anson

2007-11-01 Thread monsell
On Thu, 01 Nov 2007 at 11:30:30 +0530, Monsell wrote:
>> is there a way to overcome this situation and get the REPLY-TO field
>> automatically configured to indicate the account email id from which
>> the message is sent out?

> I suspect the simplest way is not to configure the REPLY-TO field at
> all. It is only needed if the REPLY-TO is different to the FROM
> address. If they are the same, then leave the REPLY-TO blank in each
> of the account properties configurations.

Thank you very much, Mr. Robin. It works fine, just like you had

Best Regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Replying Messages that come to different accounts, from different accounts and a note of thanks to Mr Robin Anson

2007-10-31 Thread monsell
Dear Members,

First, I would like to Thank Mr. Roelof for assisting to sort out the
filter issue. IE:- transfer filters from account to 'common filter'.
Took a little time to do this since all filters had to be transferred
manually. But the job was done and working fine.

My next issue is that I have 4 accounts (A,B,C,D) and account A has
all the folders (names 1 to 20). The other remaining accounts do not
have folders, but all accounts run under a common filter/folders which
was configured with the assistance of Mr. Roelof.

so for instance if i receive a message under account A and folder 1,
the message is filtered in perfectly and so on it continues.

Now, if i need to take the message which arrived under account A/folder
1 and send a reply under account B, the REPLY-TO: header field still
shows account A email id. so in order to circumvent this situation, I
drag/drop the message in account A/folder 1 to account B inbox, click
on this message and hit reply and send. Now under this process, the
REPLY-TO: field indicates account B email id. Once this message is
sent, out message is filtered and transferred to folder 1/account A
which is ok, but i have to manually drag/drop the message which is
brought into the inbox of account B, into account A/folder 1 or run a
're-filter' to get this job done.

is there a way to overcome this situation and get the REPLY-TO field
automatically configured to indicate the account email id from which
the message is sent out?

Thanks once more for your kind assistance.

Also I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Robin Anson
who helped me out to configure the massmailing/AB issue with a macro
which works wonders for me. Thank you, Mr Robin.

Best Regards

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

how to configure filter/s to work with all/any account/s

2007-10-30 Thread monsell
Hello Members,

I have set up about 20 filter folders for a particular account. I am
presently running about 3 to 4 accounts.

I there a way for the filters to work with all the accounts?

Under 'sorting office - account' there is 'common filter'. what does
this do?

Is there any way to transfer the filters to this 'common filter'? i
guess that this 'common filter' will work for all accounts?

Will be pleased to hear from you.

Best Regards

Current version is 3.99.25 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Msg-Ref: 124187 - Re: Transferring folder from one account to the other

2007-09-07 Thread monsell
>There is nobody here who can or will do that for you. Please click the
>link in the footer of most messages that come through the list for
>links to the TBUDLInfo page. Once there, see the "Unsubscribing or
>Adjusting your Subscription" section for information on how you can do
>this yourself.

Activated. Thank you

M> 2. I have a folder called 'VERNON' under which there are about 20 or so
M>sub-folders. How do I transfer the main folder 'VERNON', with it's
M>sub-folders to a new account? Some of the sub-folders got filters
M>activated. say the main folder is in MONSELL account and I want to
M>transfer it to MONSELL-INTERNATIONAL account. How do I do this?

>Drag /drop does it for you. Use Ctrl+Alt + Left mouse drag to pick up
>the Vernon folder and drop it into the new account. TB will
>automagically adjust all filters that refer to the moved folders.

VERNON folder is now sitting in MONSELL-INTL account. The filters are still
active in the VERNON folder, but directed to the MONSELL folders.
The filters are not active in the MONSELL folder. Is there a way to
copy/paste the tree itself of the INCOMING/OUTGOING filter folders?
Tried, but the copy is greyed out. But the filter folders can be
copied and pasted. The are about 20-25 such folders under filter
command, both incoming and outgoing. so i request for assistance to
copy the tree at once to get the job done.

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Best regards

Current version is 3.99.24 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Transferring folder from one account to the other

2007-09-06 Thread monsell

Our email ID will be changed to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and
the present ID will be disconnected shortly. I seek your kind
assistance on the following:

1. Please activate our new email ID on this discussion list with
   immediate effect.

2. I have a folder called 'VERNON' under which there are about 20 or so
   sub-folders. How do I transfer the main folder 'VERNON', with it's
   sub-folders to a new account? Some of the sub-folders got filters
   activated. say the main folder is in MONSELL account and I want to
   transfer it to MONSELL-INTERNATIONAL account. How do I do this?

Thanking you all for your reply/s, in advance.

Best Regards

Current version is 3.99.24 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

FLAG Function

2007-07-05 Thread monsell
Hi Members!

For what is the FLAG function for? What does it do? I tried the help
but no help on this except for PARK.

Pleased to hear


Current version is 3.99 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

mass mailing and the AB

2007-05-23 Thread monsell
dear mr roelof,

i had posted the following on TBUDL and have no reply from members.
can you please assist me on this matter?

good day to all,

if more than one email address is entered in a single 'edit address entry'
window (one below the other), how can i make all the addresses to
appear when this particular entry is selected for mass mailing? can
someone help me with a macro?

mass mailing identifies only the first address of the entry even
though the 'automatically add secondary addresses to the BCC field' is

can a macro be developed to insert the email addresses in the TO and
BCC fields automatically when this particular HANDLE is called
upon? this could be for single messages or mass mailing.

thanks in advance for your help

best regards

Current version is 3.99 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

mass mailing and AB

2007-05-22 Thread monsell
good day to all,

if more than one email address is entered in a single 'edit address entry'
window (one below the other), how can i make all the addresses to
appear when this particular entry is selected for mass mailing? can
someone help me with a macro?

mass mailing identifies only the first address of the entry even
though the 'automatically add secondary addresses to the BCC field' is

can a macro be developed to insert the email addresses in the TO and
BCC fields automatically when this particular HANDLE is called
upon? this could be for single messages or mass mailing.

thanks in advance for your help

best regards

Current version is 3.99 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

check the space taken on a server

2007-05-06 Thread monsell

Is there a possibility to check the space taken on a server?
say if the server capacity is 10MB and you stow messages without
deleting, how can one check the total space taken on this particular

thanks for your kind help in advance


Current version is 3.99 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Spell checker

2007-04-12 Thread monsell
Hello List,

How do you activate the spell checker? I recall it should appear in
the 'utilities' tab But, There seems to be no spell checker that I can



Current version is 3.98.04 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

a QT to create individual and identical messages

2007-04-11 Thread monsell
Hi members,

Need your kind assistance to create a QT to do the following:-

when a message is composed to be dispatched to more than one address
to have TB create individual and identical messages and insert each
and every address in the TO field and stow it in the OUT box.

for example if the composed message indicates 2 addresses in the TO
field and 5 addresses in the CC field and one address in the BCC
field, by running a QT (only after completing the message in full)
that TB automatically identifies all the addresses in the TO, CC and
BCC fields and creates individual and identical messages (one message
per address) and stows it in the OUT box. something like the
mass-mailing feature.

but this action should be done only if the QT is run.

thanks all for your kind attention and assistance, in advance

best regards to all

Current version is 3.98.04 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

anti-spam snipper

2007-03-27 Thread monsell
Hi Batters!,

The spam-filter that i use is 'ANTI-SPAM SNIPPER' which works
absolutely fine.

I have set up so many filters by using either the full email id or its
domain only.

I assume that messages coming from this particular email id or domain
is considered ham. for example I set up a filter called VERNON, the
conditions given are the email id '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' or the domain
only ''

so, messages that are sent/received from the above id's are considered
ham, right?

but, why does the spam-filter catches some of the messages, that
contains the filter requirements, as spam?

what i thought was that if a specific filter condition is met, that
the spam-filter ignores messages from this particular email id or

hope you can assist me. thank you in advance


Current version is 3.98.04 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

cannot see text in body of editor

2007-01-17 Thread monsell
hello batters!

i am also using TB on my laptop and had to upgrade the computer due to
technical problems. anyway, TB was re-installed and now i find that
when typed, the text is not visible.

this is, as if the text font is in white and so is the background

the message headers are ok.

please assist to rectify this situation.

thank you in advance


Current version is 3.95.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Cannot send attachments

2007-01-04 Thread monsell
Hi Thomas,

msl> since of late, I have a problem in sending attachments. The
msl> attachments are never transmitted as it is cut off halfway through
msl> with a error report that says 'server reports error: the response is r
msl> mail, end with "." on a line by itself'.

This sounds like an old bug. What version are you using?

the version is and i love it.. thanks to roeloff otto.
i doubt that its a bug, but may be my own fault. i copied TB's EXE
file from my computer to another computer as i wanted the default
email to be TB. when clicked it may have automatically installed and
the screen appeared asking various question to configure as if it was
a newly installed program. this was done as i did not have the
downloaded software with me to install and run TB on a different
computer and yes, i wanted the same version installed on the other
computer too.

from my computer, attachments are transmitted superbly.


Current version is 3.95.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: How to create a User Group inbox

2007-01-03 Thread monsell
Hello Elodie Trouche-Perrin & everyone else,

on 03-Jan-2007 at 16:25 you (Elodie Trouche-Perrin) wrote:

>  the BAT! user group so it doesn't mix with my regular inbox>

You need to create a filter for that.

- right click on any list message.

- from the popup menu select "Specials / Create Filter"

A small window will open.

- give the filter a reasonable name (ie. "TBUDL")

- in the "detect by" area, check the box next to "Recipient:"
  (it should read

- in the "move to folder" box, type a name for the folder
  (the folder must not exist, it will automatically be created)

- click OK

To move all the existing messages to your newly created folder (and to
test if the filter you just created really works), select the "Folder"
menu when you're in your normal Inbox, and pick the "Re-Filter" entry.
The message that are sent to the list should be moved to the folder you
specified above now.



dear alex,

could you kindly advise how to de-activate a filter?


Current version is 3.95.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Cannot send attachments

2007-01-03 Thread monsell
Hi everybody,

Wishing you all a peaceful and prosperous new year.
since of late, I have a problem in sending attachments. The
attachments are never transmitted as it is cut off halfway through
with a error report that says 'server reports error: the response is r
mail, end with "." on a line by itself'.

desperately need your help, please


Current version is 3.95.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

blocking certain domains/reporting to authority regarding spam

2006-08-05 Thread monsell
dear list,

how can i avoid receiving mail from certain domains?
also is there any authority that i can report about a certain group
who sends me mail despite my several reminders to take me off their
circular list?

thanks and appreciated your kind advise/reply in advance



Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Is TB available for PDA's??

2006-05-27 Thread monsell
Hello to all!

Is TB available for PDA's??


Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Creating a GROUP within a GROUP in the AB

2006-03-14 Thread monsell
M> Is there a possibility to create a GROUP within a GROUP in the AB?

No, not as such. However there's no reason why some contacts couldn't
be in multiple groups, so you can achieve the same results.


Ok, Noted. However, when one contact has multiple email addresses and
that this contact is in a GROUP and would like to send the message to
all of the email ID's, how can we go about doing same?

best wishes

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Creating a GROUP within a GROUP in the AB

2006-03-14 Thread monsell
Dear Friends,

Is there a possibility to create a GROUP within a GROUP in the AB?
something like creating FOLDERS within FOLDERS.

Pleased to have your comments.

Best wishes

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Deleting duplicate addresses and returned addresses

2006-01-20 Thread monsell
Dear List,

Have 2 Questions:-

1. I have a lot of duplicate email addresses running into thousands of
them. No, i do not do network marketing. How do i find these
duplicates and delete only the ones that does not have a HANDLE?

2. Have a lot of addresses bouncing back. How can i select them all
and delete from the AB? for example, if 100 addresses return, is there
a way to select only the addresses and delete them?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Best Regards

Current version is 3.65.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Deleting duplicate addresses and returned addresses

2006-01-20 Thread monsell
Dear List,

Have 2 Questions:-

1. I have a lot of duplicate email addresses running into thousands of
them. No, i do not do network marketing. How do i find these
duplicates and delete only the ones that does not have a HANDLE?

2. Have a lot of addresses bouncing back. How can i select them all
and delete from the AB? for example, if 100 addresses return, is there
a way to select only the addresses and delete them?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Best Regards

Current version is 3.65.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

damaged .lst file

2006-01-03 Thread monsell
dear list,

getting an error message as "one of your .lst files are damaged. pls
see beyesIT log file for details". what does this mean and how can i
repair this?

thanks in advance for your valuable advise and support.

best regards

Current version is 3.64.01 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Msg-Ref: 2489

2006-01-01 Thread monsell
Dear List Members,

At the Outset, wishing you all a happy and fruitful new year 2006.

It was observed that an error message indicating "one of your .lst
files are damaged. see the BayesIT log file for detail" appearing. can
someone guide me as to how i should go about from here onwards and
repair this damaged item?

Thanks in advance


Current version is 3.64.01 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

TB to work in a network

2005-11-12 Thread monsell
hello list,

could TB be also in a network?
say A, B & C computers have TB installed. could the A computer be the
main server? does this mean that all outgoing/incoming mail has to
pass through A computer? do we update only the A computer regularly
with addresses etc.. and could same be viewed in computers B & C?
how does one set up the network?

your assistance is greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance

with best regards

Current version is 3.62.14 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Msg-Ref: A-109

2005-10-20 Thread monsell
From: MONSELL INTERNATIONAL (PVT) LTD. - (Agents and ShipBrokers)
  No. 10B, Ground Floor, YMBA Building, Colombo 01, Sri Lanka.
  Ph +94 112 452 344  - Fx +94 114 716 696
  Fx +44 709 238 7627 - Fx +1 801 340 7101

Msg-Ref: A-109   20-10-05 (Thursday)   21:37 Hours (GMT +0600)

dear mr roelof,

the anti-spam program 'beyesit' works perfectly in my laptop but it
does not catch any spam at all in my desktop.

all settings are the same.

what could have gone wrong?


On Thu, 20 Oct 2005, at 15:07:36 [GMT +0200] (Sri Lanka time 19:07
Hours on 20-10-05) under subject "What Triggers 'Read' Filter" by
address <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hallo BJH,

On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 12:16:41 +0100GMT (20-10-2005, 13:16 +0200, where
I live), you wrote:

>> You could create a filter that checks whether the message has been read
>> and is older than your specific age and then moves the message to
>> another folder.
B> Where do I place the filter, "Incoming", "Outgoing", "Read", "Replied" or
B> "Selective Download"?

I'd place it between the incoming filters. Together with the required
'read' status that will mean that it won't be triggered by accident.

>> And then you create a recurring re-filter action in the scheduler and
>> assign that filter to it.
B> That's the bit I was missing!

For this you need to set the folder (in the schedule) you want to run
the filter on. The last time I tried it, it worked only for the first
selected folder. So when you want to process multiple folders, I'd
suggest that you use multiple schedules.

Groetjes, Roelof

WYSIWYG: see "Optical illusion"

The Bat! 3.61.13 Echo (Beta)
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz


Current version is 3.60.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:


2005-08-28 Thread monsell
Dear Members,

Any idea how to list the names of attached files one below the other
without all names appearing in one single line? the macro that i use
is as follows:-

Files Attached:

looking forward to your assistance.



Current version is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBUDL' information:


2005-08-28 Thread monsell
Dear Members,

Any idea how to list the names of attached files one below the other
without all names appearing in one single line? the macro that i use
is as follows:-

Files Attached:

looking forward to your assistance.



Current version is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBUDL' information: