Re: Configure TB with PopFile on IMAP email accounts?

2003-07-16 Thread neurowerx
Hello Greg  Clive,

16-Jul-2003 08:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

GS Can you only use PopFile on POP email accounts?

 Um, yes. That's why it's called POPfile :).

 I wish it would support IMAP, though.

 Would be nice.

I don't want to fire up the same discussion again ...yet the latest beta of
SpamPal has IMAP4 support, thought its worth mentioning in the daily fight
against spam. Forgive me. :-)

Best regards,
 Alexander (

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Re: Logic for the Inbox - Known filtering

2003-07-15 Thread neurowerx
15-Jul-2003 15:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The related problem is some POPFile identified spam

Just a thought about combined measures...

I wonder why many people are using Bayes filtering as the only measure
again spam. 95% of the spam I get is being caught by SpamPal alone (DNS
blacklist feature). I only use the Bayesian plugin to Spampal as an
addition (the few mails that get thru first place make training it very

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!

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Re: Logic for the Inbox - Known filtering

2003-07-15 Thread neurowerx
15-Jul-2003 21:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't know about other Bayesian filters but for POPFile, for example
 IP addresses are just words that it can use to classify messages. And
 it sure does learn and use IP lists.

Good point. However, I believe that DNS blacklists are updated faster than
popfile will learn IP addresses when you teach them manually.

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. --
Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Logic for the Inbox - Known filtering - SpamPal

2003-07-15 Thread neurowerx
15-Jul-2003 22:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 well, I just got rid of spampal, not because it didn't work, but because
 I finally noticed that the slowdown in receiving mail was only on the
 accounts that had spampal setup. Now I am back to getting my mail FAST.

I'd say that depends on how frequently you receive mail from the same
persons, and spampal has a chance to auto-whitelist the corresponding
address. Mail retrieval is only slow for addresses that need to be checked
against the DNSBLs. If you're received mail from new addresses all the
time, it will be slow, and spampal is not the best solution, I agree.

OTOH - I am on not on a dial-up connection and don't care whether my mail
retrieval is fast or slow. In fact, I don't even notice it. Whether spampal
takes 1 or 30 seconds to process a single email, TB just runs and
periodically checks for mails, and when its there, its there. :-)

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

If there is hope for men, it is because we are animals. -- Robert Ardrey

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Re: First email client with built in POPFile

2003-07-10 Thread neurowerx
10-Jul-2003 22:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 wouldn't it be nice if TB! would integrate POPfile, too?

Why? I'm using SpamPal and Bayesian filter, and I wouldn't ask if that, or
SpamAssassin, or K7, or whatever anti-spam solution, be integrated into TB.
Let the users decide what they like best, TB is big enough an application

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas
I'll never know. -- Groucho Marx

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Re: Top posting

2003-07-04 Thread neurowerx
04-Jul-2003 07:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You couldn't separate me from my Palm

...just imagine all the blood spilling around!


Best regards,
 neurowerx (

Freedom is not an essential and basic condition for the growth of science;
the care and diligence of government authorities are the most important
conditions for this development. -- Vasili N. Tatishchev

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Re: ZDNet article

2003-06-30 Thread neurowerx
30-Jun-2003 13:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ZDNet has a short article on alternative email clients that mentions
 TB! as one recommended alternative to M$ Lookout. You might like to
 put in your $0.02 worth at,10738,2914166,00.html

Ouch, rating IncrediMail as his #1 choice, I wonder if that kind of
advocacy for TB is to be appreciated. :-)

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

The only substitute for good manners is fast reflexes.

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Re: Hello, I just joined the mailing list

2003-06-30 Thread neurowerx
30-Jun-2003 14:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Many here will have a lot to say against the practice of doubling or
 tripling the size of a message /merely/ to italicise or to
 *emphasize* text, an effect which _can_ be achieved without that
 kind of overhead ;-).

I remember there was a (ZConnect/UU) Mailer on the Amiga called MicroDot
that allowed interpretation of these text styles, ie. words in /slashes/
were shown on-screen as italics.

I always found that very nice. Seeing that you type that way - can this
text styling be achieved with TB?

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

A judge is a law student who marks his own examination papers. -- H. L.

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Re: treating an attachment as a text file

2003-06-28 Thread neurowerx
27-Jun-2003 21:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For instance, if somebody sends me a batch script as an
 attachement, ``opening'' the file would actually run the file.
 Mutt has the ability to ``open as text for viewing'' the file, as
 well as ``open for running'' the file. This gives the nice
 ability to look at a file without going through the save process

With the increased number of worms and trojans floating around, that does
sound like a bit of a dangerous idea to me...

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

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Re: reply as a new thread

2003-06-27 Thread neurowerx
27-Jun-2003 20:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   What is the best / most conveniant way to reply to a message ..but.. start a
   new thread ?

I usually go CTRL-A (mark all) CTRL-C (copy) then CTRL-N (new message) and
ALT-INS (paste as quotation). Have to manually add the TO: field (and
subject, but that is what I want most of the time anyway) though.

While I think this is already pretty good, I would be glad to know an even
more comfortable way. :-)

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible. -- Lord Kelvin, president,
Royal Society, 1895

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Re: How to change - -- to --

2003-06-25 Thread neurowerx
25-Jun-2003 05:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 as you see, the pgp changed all -- to - --, and i've searched


Has nothing to do with the topic, but what on earth did happen that your
subject line and every header shows in a completely different font in my
message list?

I'd suspect the charset or something, did I accidentally misconfigure

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

The belief that disembodied spirits may be permitted to revisit this world
has it's foundation upon the sublime hope of immortality, which is at once
the chief solace and greatest triumph of all our reason. -- Charles MacKay

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Re: Creating filters without having to create a new folder everytime

2003-06-23 Thread neurowerx
23-Jun-2003 14:28, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Even for quick filter creation, though, it would make more sense for TB *not* to
 create a folder by default unless the user clicks Ok.

H, thats odd. I created a lot of filters with the context menu lately
and never had any folders auto-created. Maybe it only happens when you
change the tab without adjusting the target folder first?

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

Technology...the knack of so arranging the world that we don't have to
experience it. -- Max Frisch

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Re: Mailto: association

2003-06-18 Thread neurowerx
18-Jun-2003 20:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any ideas?

We've had that only a few days ago in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
and following replies.

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

Naturally, if I were absolutely alone on this super-highway, if I saw no
other cars speeding in either direction, then everything would be much
clearer. -- Italo Calvino

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Re: threading by ref _and_ subject

2003-06-17 Thread neurowerx
17-Jun-2003 07:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The References can't contain ANY references - WL wrote that there was
 no References included.

Correct. I was just explaining the difference.

 As long as the message, with the MID equal to the MID in the I-R-T,
 exists in the same folder, it will thread.

Correct. And if you have a message created with an email client that strips
the References (and only leaves the In-Reply-To Header) in your Inbox,
then reply to that message (reply is stored in Sent Mail folder), and get a
(header-crippled) reply on your reply, that new reply will not be threaded
with the first message you got, since the message that I-R-T points to is
not in the same folder.

I believe that can be explained much easier. I sometimes wish english was
my native language. :-)

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

History is a thin garment, easily punctured by a knifeblade called now. --
Graham Swift

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Re: threading by ref _and_ subject

2003-06-16 Thread neurowerx
16-Jun-2003 23:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a similar vein, some sofware doesn't use references;
 instead, they use In-reply-to. Can that be used for

 I believe that's already handled.

That depends. The References header may contain multiple references, the
In-Reply-To header contains only the last reference.

If you use threading by references in your inbox (while the mails you wrote
are in your outbox), none of the replies you get will be threaded (since
the mail that is replied to is not in the same folder) if the mailer of
the other doesn't set References header (which is quite logic to me and
I don't see what TB! could do about it).

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

How many of our daydreams would darken into nightmares if there seemed any
danger of their coming true? -- Logan Pearsall Smith

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Re: Setting up a Kill Filter

2003-06-15 Thread neurowerx
15-Jun-2003 09:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Unfortunately I found that the kill filter failed to work in the real
 world (as opposed to testing on old messages already downloaded)
 because I was basing it on the person I wanted to block being listed
 in the Sender string.  It appears that all TBUDL list mail comes
 with the Sender being [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather than
 from the individual member so of course the filter doesn't work.

You should check the kludges for FROM: offender then, shouldn't you?

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

It is one of the superstitions of the human mind to have imagined that
virginity could be a virtue. -- Voltaire

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: A Useful spam filter

2003-06-13 Thread neurowerx
Whilst I'm not a moderator of this list, may I remind the majority of you
who are chatting in this thread that this list is about an email program
called The Bat!, and not Spam filtering, the internet and privacy, and

Thank you.

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

In the society of men the truth resides now less in what things are than in
what they are not. -- R. D. Laing

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Re: mailto: execute malfunction

2003-06-10 Thread neurowerx
10-Jun-2003 19:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I assume there is a crucial setting gone awry somewhere but I can't
 find it

Make sure that you have enabled one account as being the default one for
mailto: URLs (Account, Properties, General, on the bottom is a checkbox,
enable it).

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

I'm just glad it'll be Clark Gable who's falling on his face and not Gary
Cooper. -- Gary Cooper on his decision not to take the leading role in
Gone With The Wind.

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Re: How to load SpamPal with Bat

2003-06-08 Thread neurowerx
08-Jun-2003 00:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Until now I loaded Spampal at startup, (Windows 98), however I don't
 think it is necessary.

It may not be the answer you wanted... but...

Here, SpamPal requires 6.5MB of memory while running... are you really that
low on memory?

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

Have you comprehended the expanse of the Earth? Where is the way to the
dwelling of light, and where is the place of darkness? -- Job

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Re: Removing angle-bracket from quote prefix

2003-06-03 Thread neurowerx
03-Jun-2003 00:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (don't you think that using :: as quote prefixes in mailing lists
 is, erm, not the optimum *g*)

The word I'd have used was childish. I suppose DZ-Jay requires something
like Outlook Express that allows not only to replace almost-standardized
quote-introducers, but colorish blinking fluffy email with pictures and
sounds in it, and whatnot.

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the present,
but an equation is something for eternity. -- Albert Einstein

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Re: 100% server CPU usage

2003-05-31 Thread neurowerx
30-Mai-2003 20:56, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So... reality check time... does this make sense? Has anyone else run
 into this? Is anyone else running a combination of win2k, TB, and
 Norton corporate edition?

Same setup here. I even have SpamPal sitting in-between. I've never run
into this problem. (that is - so far;-) My SAVCE is version 8.00.

If it is an option to store attachments as external files at your client's,
this might be helpful, together with excluding .tbb and .tbi files from
SAVs realtime protection. This way TBs message base wouldn't be scanned,
while harmful attachments will be.

Best regards,
 neurowerx (

I do not think that the whole of creation has been staked on the one planet
where we live. -- Sir Arthur Eddington

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