Re[6]: OT: Windows Registry (Was: Moving from one PC to another)

1999-11-17 Thread Roel

 / ~ _ \
(- O o -)
Hello tracer,

t I leave this to someone else to comment on as I havent got the time to
t visit your system (g).
well, as I'm behind 3 proxies  2 firewalls you may need some time...

Roel no, only dos finds the drives...
Roel even worse: if there's no dos in my boot-sector, the bios won't even
Roel recognise the disk... (and that goes for nt as well... I'm forced to
Roel running 95/98 systems...)

t As said, describe motherboard/processor/bios and what linux you used as
t this makes absolutely no sense.
Motherboard: not really sure
 it's an Intel  it supports the pentium 75,90,100  120
 not sure about the chipset...
Processor: intel pentium 75
Linux: SuSe 6.2, sco-unix: 5.03, Beos 4.0
   - They all screw up... only msdos survives...

Roel since it's a rather old motherboard, I'm forced to use 'extended
Roel chs'... lba-mode finds about 500 mb of a 3.1GB disk...
t sounds like this is the reason..
well, the problem occurs before there should be the need for an os:
it happens at system-check... (the bios rejects the drive on startup,
the os doesn't have a clue there is even one...)

t Once you fiddle with the bios, almost any os gets a problem unless you
t use special tools to get at the other part of the drive
I can't even get an error from the os... as the os sits on the
hard-disk that has vanished from the system-check...

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Re[7]: OT: Windows Registry (Was: Moving from one PC to another)

1999-11-17 Thread tracer

Wednesday, November 17, 1999

Hello Roel,

Wednesday, Wednesday, November 17, 1999, you wrote:

Roel  \\\|///
Roel  / ~ _ \
Roel (- O o -)
Roel --oOOo-(_)-oOOo---
Roel Hello tracer,

Roel no, only dos finds the drives...
Roel even worse: if there's no dos in my boot-sector, the bios won't even
Roel recognise the disk... (and that goes for nt as well... I'm forced to
Roel running 95/98 systems...)

t As said, describe motherboard/processor/bios and what linux you used as
t this makes absolutely no sense.
Roel Motherboard: not really sure
Roel  it's an Intel  it supports the pentium 75,90,100  120
As far as I know P60/66/75 and 90 were on one kind of chipset. 100 had
a different board and then 120/133 up had another chipset again. Its a
bit history but I think as sockets where different size unlikely they
all could fit on your board
I have had an Intel p60 in the far past  and never had problems but my
drives were small.
Ok, I have asked a few friends as well if they have any ideas.
I mean if you can run dos it should be possible to get Linux on it (!)

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.37 Beta/3 


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Re: OT: Windows Registry (Was: Moving from one PC to another)

1999-11-17 Thread Steve Lamb

Tuesday, November 16, 1999, 10:34:26 PM, tracer wrote:
Steve If that is it, run Linux and Samba.  Better use of the hardware.
 But not everybody knows how to connect linux and windows together over
 a network

Samba.  Just like connecting Windows to Windows over a network.  :P

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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Re[2]: OT: Windows Registry (Was: Moving from one PC to another)

1999-11-17 Thread Soth

 Tuesday, November 16, 1999, 10:34:26 PM, tracer wrote:
Steve If that is it, run Linux and Samba.  Better use of the hardware.
 But not everybody knows how to connect linux and windows together over
 a network

 Samba.  Just like connecting Windows to Windows over a network.  :P

Samba.  Sure, build a firewall to keep your intranet secure, and then
run Samba.  Tomorrow, folks, we build submarines with screen doors.

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Re[2]: OT: Windows Registry (Was: Moving from one PC to another)

1999-11-17 Thread Roel

 / ~ _ \
(- O o -)
Hello Steve,

SL Samba.  Just like connecting Windows to Windows over a network.  :P
Seems like hell :-)

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Re: OT: Windows Registry (Was: Moving from one PC to another)

1999-11-17 Thread Steve Lamb

Wednesday, November 17, 1999, 6:39:29 AM, Roel wrote:
SL Samba.  Just like connecting Windows to Windows over a network.  :P
 Seems like hell :-)

Better than trying to find a free NFS for Windows.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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Re[3]: OT: Windows Registry (Was: Moving from one PC to another)

1999-11-16 Thread tracer

Tuesday, November 16, 1999

Hello Roel,

Tuesday, Tuesday, November 16, 1999, you wrote:

Roel  \\\|///
Roel  / ~ _ \
Roel (- O o -)
Roel --oOOo-(_)-oOOo---
Roel Hello tracer,

Steve How am I going to access that message on the new machine?  :)
t use GHOST, you can clone the whole hard disk over  or hang the old
t hard disk on the new machine and copy the bat and whatever else you
t need to the new drive. I mean how are you going to keep any old mail
t if you donot do that
Roel use network-folders (just share your mail-folder over the network...)
ok... understood...  never used it that way, I like mail to sit on my

Roel here, i've got an old p75 with 16mb running w98v2 and all it does is
Roel keep backups of files, keeping my message-folders  providing an
Roel internet gateway...
Roel since no program actually runs on it (except a firewall and the
Roel occasional defrag  scandisk) it runs fine... (although I have to
Roel reboot it every 3 days for some unknown reason)
sounds like my kids could loose their p75 (g)

Roel This way, i can access my mail all across my home-network (well, the
Roel other 2 pc's :-) )  manage it from every place...

ok, will try that but that means having to network that lot and thats
work in the house...

t One of the reasons anyway I have the bat with other internet stuff on
t my E-Drive and if C dies/gets corrupted, who minds...
t C only has the MS and OS stuff.
Roel same setup here :-) I just love to see a whole system get up  running
Roel in 15 minutes :-)
100% agreed. Thats one of the services I offer them here, cloned copy
of their proper running system so if they mess it up (g) they can be
back in 15 minutes as it was when they liked it.
Better for me as its hard work recovering stuff, dificult to charge
for and customer unhappy as system isnt the same.
All they have to do is keep added software and make backups of data.
Their system is on a cd as ghost image (well, a few at present...)

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.37 Beta/3 


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Re[2]: OT: Windows Registry (Was: Moving from one PC to another)

1999-11-16 Thread tracer

Wednesday, November 17, 1999

Hello Steve,

Wednesday, Wednesday, November 17, 1999, you wrote:

Steve Monday, November 15, 1999, 6:19:33 PM, Roel wrote:
 use network-folders (just share your mail-folder over the network...)

Steve Uhm, sure.  I'll just share my mail folders over the internet.  ;)

 here, i've got an old p75 with 16mb running w98v2 and all it does is
 keep backups of files, keeping my message-folders  providing an
 internet gateway...

Steve If that is it, run Linux and Samba.  Better use of the hardware.
But not everybody knows how to connect linux and windows together over
a network

 This way, i can access my mail all across my home-network (well, the
 other 2 pc's :-) )  manage it from every place...

Steve *cough*  No comment.

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.37 Beta/3 


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Re[2]: OT: Windows Registry (Was: Moving from one PC to another)

1999-11-16 Thread Roel

 / ~ _ \
(- O o -)
Hello Steve,

SL Uhm, sure.  I'll just share my mail folders over the internet.  ;)
no, that doesn't happen as I'm working with 2 network-cards here
(cable-modems, you gotta love 'em)
all I have to do to prevent this, is turn off the bindings for 'file 
printer sharing'  'client for microsoft networks' on the network-card
connected to my cable-modem et voila: you can't login anymore :-)

 here, i've got an old p75 with 16mb running w98v2 and all it does is
 keep backups of files, keeping my message-folders  providing an
 internet gateway...

SL If that is it, run Linux and Samba.  Better use of the hardware.
tried it, linux couldn't find my hard-disks :-( - and as we all know
it's rather difficult to run without one ;)

No really, this was my original idea, but some weird problem (not
solely linux, also sco-unix and beos can't find it...)
therefore, I'm condemned to running windows...

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OT: Windows Registry (Was: Moving from one PC to another)

1999-11-15 Thread Steve Lamb

Monday, November 15, 1999, 12:23:46 PM, Jast wrote:
  A reason to keep the message you got it with... in which case you
  only have to select it and the key gets inserted automatically and
  you only have to enter the password

How am I going to access that message on the new machine?  :)

 Exactly.  Install a Unix variant, get rid of that pesky registry.

  If only I could... I agree the registry concept is thoroughly fucked
  up. Only global settings should be stored in a global database, why
  do all the Windows programmers not seem to follow this simple concept?
  It really only makes reinstalling Windows a heck of a hassle. Excuse
  my venting.

Because Windows is still considered a single-user environment and people
don't move from one machine to the other.  This is quickly becoming not the
case as computers become more pervasive.  To think, Unix got it right 20-30
years ago yet there are still people who don't get it when others say that
Microsoft has seriously stifled innovation.  :)

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: (OT): Windows Registry

1999-11-15 Thread Steve Lamb

Monday, November 15, 1999, 2:03:57 PM, Roel wrote:
 Well, it does have advantages over the ini-concept (no 64k-limit,
 additional data-types,...)
SL Those limits are arbitrary.
 not if you use the microsoft-routines for accessing ini-files... (if
 you use just a write/read then it's limited to 4GB)

Those limits are arbitrary.  The Microsoft routines obviously have bugs in
them, don't they?  :)

SL Those "advantages" aren't exclusive to the registry.
 What has these advantages too?

Flat files in a user's home directory.

 (i mean user-specific settings that also work on an nt-network with
 server-based user-profiles for example)

An NT-Network isn't an advantage.  Any IT professional can tell you that
and as one such professional I can tell you many reasons why NT is the worst
choice to have a central repository for user files (that is all a "profile"
is).  I'd much rather have Unix with NFS.

 Indeed, but there are utils that fix these things (I know, it should
 have been provided by MS...)


 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re[2]: (OT): Windows Registry

1999-11-15 Thread Roel

 / ~ _ \
(- O o -)
Hello Steve,

SL Those limits are arbitrary.  The Microsoft routines obviously have bugs in
SL them, don't they?  :)
well, it's not a real bug, as the ini-file-specification sets size
limits to 64k... (remember that these were developped for win 3.x and
maybe even lower...)
so they just obey the limit that MS has set for ini-files... :-)

SL Those "advantages" aren't exclusive to the registry.
 What has these advantages too?

SL Flat files in a user's home directory.
well yes, but then you can't use simple acsii-files if you want to
store binary data (or even executable strings like you can in the
registry) (about the latter one: don't ask me how or even why, but it
can be done...) (hell, where could somebody use this for? -excluding

SL An NT-Network isn't an advantage.  Any IT professional can tell you that
SL and as one such professional I can tell you many reasons why NT is the worst
SL choice to have a central repository for user files (that is all a "profile"
SL is).  I'd much rather have Unix with NFS.
I'm not so fond of NT either, but sometimes you can't make the call...
since your budget or boss will :-(

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Re: (OT): Windows Registry

1999-11-15 Thread Steve Lamb

Monday, November 15, 1999, 2:28:53 PM, Roel wrote:
 well, it's not a real bug, as the ini-file-specification sets size
 limits to 64k... (remember that these were developped for win 3.x and
 maybe even lower...)
 so they just obey the limit that MS has set for ini-files... :-)

File-specs can be updated.  ;)

SL Flat files in a user's home directory.
 well yes, but then you can't use simple acsii-files if you want to
 store binary data (or even executable strings like you can in the

OK, non-flat-files in the user's home directory.  :)

SL An NT-Network isn't an advantage.  Any IT professional can tell you that
SL and as one such professional I can tell you many reasons why NT is the worst
SL choice to have a central repository for user files (that is all a "profile"
SL is).  I'd much rather have Unix with NFS.
 I'm not so fond of NT either, but sometimes you can't make the call...
 since your budget or boss will :-(

NT costs less, the boss, well, what he don't know won't hurt him.  ;)

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re[2]: (OT): Windows Registry

1999-11-15 Thread Roel

 / ~ _ \
(- O o -)
Hello Steve,

SL File-specs can be updated.  ;)
well, since MS abandond the ini-file idea, i doubt they will...
MS puts everything in the registry... they only support win.ini 
system.ini for compatibility with older progs  drivers... (also a few
network-related ini's)
all other ini-files are like 'abandond' (at least by MS)

SL OK, non-flat-files in the user's home directory.  :)
oops, didn't think of those :-) you're right :-)

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 RUNTIME ERROR 6D at 417A: 32CF: Incompetent user

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Re[2]: (OT): Windows Registry

1999-11-15 Thread Roel

 / ~ _ \
(- O o -)
Hello Steve,

SL Feh, silly me for thinking that MS would actually do anything in a sane
SL manner or even consider the concept of backwards compatibility.  :/
unfortunately, you're right :-)

 Der Immer Jodelende Schweizer In Lederhosen

 A diplomat thinks twice before saying nothing.

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Re: OT: Windows Registry (Was: Moving from one PC to another)

1999-11-15 Thread tracer

Tuesday, November 16, 1999

Hello Steve,

Tuesday, Tuesday, November 16, 1999, you wrote:

Steve Monday, November 15, 1999, 12:23:46 PM, Jast wrote:
  A reason to keep the message you got it with... in which case you
  only have to select it and the key gets inserted automatically and
  you only have to enter the password

Steve How am I going to access that message on the new machine?  :)
use GHOST, you can clone the whole hard disk over  or hang the old
hard disk on the new machine and copy the bat and whatever else you
need to the new drive. I mean how are you going to keep any old mail
if you donot do that

One of the reasons anyway I have the bat with other internet stuff on
my E-Drive and if C dies/gets corrupted, who minds...
C only has the MS and OS stuff.

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.37 Beta/3 


Re[3]: (OT): Windows Registry

1999-11-15 Thread tracer

Tuesday, November 16, 1999

Hello Roel,

Tuesday, Tuesday, November 16, 1999, you wrote:

Roel  \\\|///
Roel  / ~ _ \
Roel (- O o -)
Roel --oOOo-(_)-oOOo---
Roel Hello Steve,

SL Those limits are arbitrary.  The Microsoft routines obviously have bugs in
SL them, don't they?  :)
Roel well, it's not a real bug, as the ini-file-specification sets size
Roel limits to 64k... (remember that these were developped for win 3.x and
Roel maybe even lower...)
Roel so they just obey the limit that MS has set for ini-files... :-)

SL Those "advantages" aren't exclusive to the registry.
 What has these advantages too?

SL Flat files in a user's home directory.
Roel well yes, but then you can't use simple acsii-files if you want to
Roel store binary data (or even executable strings like you can in the
Roel registry) (about the latter one: don't ask me how or even why, but it
Roel can be done...) (hell, where could somebody use this for? -excluding
Roel hackers!)
virus writers
Or MS wanting your system to do things they donot want you to know

SL An NT-Network isn't an advantage.  Any IT professional can tell you that
SL and as one such professional I can tell you many reasons why NT is the worst
SL choice to have a central repository for user files (that is all a "profile"
SL is).  I'd much rather have Unix with NFS.
Roel I'm not so fond of NT either, but sometimes you can't make the call...
Roel since your budget or boss will :-(

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.37 Beta/3 


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Re[2]: OT: Windows Registry (Was: Moving from one PC to another)

1999-11-15 Thread Roel

 / ~ _ \
(- O o -)
Hello tracer,

Steve How am I going to access that message on the new machine?  :)
t use GHOST, you can clone the whole hard disk over  or hang the old
t hard disk on the new machine and copy the bat and whatever else you
t need to the new drive. I mean how are you going to keep any old mail
t if you donot do that
use network-folders (just share your mail-folder over the network...)

here, i've got an old p75 with 16mb running w98v2 and all it does is
keep backups of files, keeping my message-folders  providing an
internet gateway...
since no program actually runs on it (except a firewall and the
occasional defrag  scandisk) it runs fine... (although I have to
reboot it every 3 days for some unknown reason)

This way, i can access my mail all across my home-network (well, the
other 2 pc's :-) )  manage it from every place...

t One of the reasons anyway I have the bat with other internet stuff on
t my E-Drive and if C dies/gets corrupted, who minds...
t C only has the MS and OS stuff.
same setup here :-) I just love to see a whole system get up  running
in 15 minutes :-)

 Der Immer Jodelende Schweizer In Lederhosen

 Stay Alert. Stay Awake. Stay Alive.

 (   )   Oooo.  
--\ ((   )
   \_)) /

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