Monday, November 15, 1999, 2:28:53 PM, Roel wrote:
> well, it's not a real bug, as the ini-file-specification sets size
> limits to 64k... (remember that these were developped for win 3.x and
> maybe even lower...)
> so they just obey the limit that MS has set for ini-files... :-)

    File-specs can be updated.  ;)

SL>>     Flat files in a user's home directory.
> well yes, but then you can't use simple acsii-files if you want to
> store binary data (or even executable strings like you can in the

    OK, non-flat-files in the user's home directory.  :)

SL>>     An NT-Network isn't an advantage.  Any IT professional can tell you that
SL>> and as one such professional I can tell you many reasons why NT is the worst
SL>> choice to have a central repository for user files (that is all a "profile"
SL>> is).  I'd much rather have Unix with NFS.
> I'm not so fond of NT either, but sometimes you can't make the call...
> since your budget or boss will :-(

    NT costs less, the boss, well, what he don't know won't hurt him.  ;)

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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