Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-12 Thread Anne
Sunday, November 10, 2002, 9:20:51 PM, William wrote in message

WM The main reason for this is because the important bits are written in
WM assembler. Shame it's gone out of fashion. Too difficult for today's
WM programmers I suppose. Now, back in the sixties when I (and Marck) was a
WM programmer...  :-)

Thanks for explaining this William - many of the great little fast
proggies we use are written in assembler as well so we're already fans
of this.  In fact both my son and I would love to fathom out how to
write this ourselves (eyeing 2 books on Assembler on the bookshelf
over the PC).


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Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-12 Thread Anne
Tuesday, November 12, 2002, 5:08:34 PM, William wrote in message

WM If you are interested, have a look at in general and
WM in particular.

WM All Gibson's software is written in assembler and it flies. It's a huge
WM site, lots to read, especially concerning security. He is *very*
WM outspoken and I think you either love him or hate him! There's some good
WM freeware stuff there too.

Thanks again William - yes we're fans of Steve Gibson also - have been
since his first Aureate spyware detector came out.  You're right that
his stiuff is neat and again fast.  It was there that I first read
about Assembler but it was before he put the page you gave the link
for up, so I hadn't seen that. I have now and thanks again - it's very
interesting, and I think we'll been trying some of this very soon! :-)


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Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-12 Thread Anne
Wednesday, November 13, 2002, 1:55:37 AM, John wrote in message

JDH The pity is that he is responsible for so many people needlessly 
JDH saddling their systems with Zone Alarm, which causes many more 
JDH troubles than it could possibly solve.

So why is Zone Alarm so bad?  And what troubles does it cause for


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Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-12 Thread Scott Johnson

JDH (1) Most people using it could achieve all the necessary protection
JDH just by configuring their systems properly;

The problem with not running a software firewall of some sort is that
you have no controll over your OUTGOING internet connection.
Zonealarm and Tiny Personal Firewall both do this and if you do become
infected with a virus (bite my tongue) the firewall will notify you
when the virus *tries* to blast all your friends in your address book.
It also helps you to see if spyware is trying to phone home. Spyware
is THICK in shareware programs these days...

If you have a neat nifty way to make Windows do that without help then
I'd love to hear about it...honestly.


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Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-12 Thread Scott Johnson

JDH For outgoing protection: Norton Anti-Virus.

JDH For general protection, a *hardware* firewall built into my LAN 
JDH router, as well as the firewall built into Windows XP.

I don't run Norton antivirus, but I don't believe it protects against
outgoing connections.  It can scan for a virus on your system or to
see if there is one in an outbound Email(?) which is good, but that
doesn't protect against a virus that has snuck through the defenses
(such as a new one could before you get Norton updated).  Tiny will
catch ANY new program that tries to make an outbound connection.
After using it for a period of time, the false alarms are almost
non-existent.  It just needs to be trained that it's ok to let that
newly installed program make a connection is all.  If you haven't
installed anything lately then there is a problem if it goes off.

I run a hardware firewall here as well and unless you have a high
dollar one (which I don't... $100 usd) then it protects the INBOUND
connection only.  It helps you *keep* what is on the outside...out
there.  That's about it.  This is also a help, but not in regards to
the outbound connection.

The firewall in WinXP is also for inbound only.  It's one of those
feel good things that Bill tosses in so people won't mind spending
big bucks to upgrade to the latest and greatest OS.  I like WinXP as
an OS but the built in firewall is trash IMHO.

I try to keep my system here setup correctly, but I make mistakes from
time to time.  I don't think anyone is perfect, are they?  I want a
reliable backup system that I trust for when I do make those mistakes.

That's my reasoning behind what I do.


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Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-12 Thread Scott Johnson

r What a fraud.

WM What did I tell you? :-)

Don't believe everything you read on the Net.  For every web site that
says one thing, I'd wager I can find one that says nearly the

A con man makes what he is saying seem very logical.  Our job here is
to figure out which site to believe. (or are both conveying a partial
truth...with the full truth lying somewhere in between?)


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Re: OT local ISP building computer from generic parts [was, Re[2]:AVG plug in after re-installing?]

2002-11-11 Thread Clive Taylor
11 November 2002, 10:22, you wrote:

MB Any further discussion OT on this thread--carry on privately or on
MB tbot? I'm still open to input on the specifications for my new system.

Interesting, but since I'm in the UK there's probably nothing useful I
can contribute.

Clive Taylor
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Re[2]: OT local ISP building computer from generic parts [was, Re[2]:AVG plug in after re-installing?]

2002-11-11 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Clive,

Monday, November 11, 2002, 6:49:41 AM, you wrote:


MB I'm still open to input on the specifications for my new system.

CT Interesting, but since I'm in the UK there's probably nothing useful I
CT can contribute.

That's okay. Thanks anyway.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-11 Thread DG Raftery Sr.
Hash: SHA1

Monday, November 11, 2002
8:39:34 AM
RE: AVG plug in after re-installing?

Greetings Clive,

On Monday, November 11, 2002, 2:52:51 AM, you wrote:

CT Curious to know why a ISP should be in the business of building and
CT supporting PCs. How local is this ISP? What computer equipment do they
CT offer and how do prices compare to, say, Dell or other mainstream
CT manufacturers?

Although many in my area are on broadband (DSL or TW/RR) there are 3
local ISP's who furnish dialup access (Berkshirenet, Vgernet and
Berkshire County Network (BCN)) and all build systems, upgrade systems
and provide service, support and warranty besides their main bread 
butter business which is as an ISP.

- From what I've seen they can be competitive with Dell, Gateway,
TigerDirect and the local office superstores as they all purchase
their parts, components and peripherals wholesale. Not sure if these
are mainstream and namebrand (CPU choices limited to Intel and AMD of
course) but 

They seem to do well and from what I have heard local tech support on
these systems is also rated highly as, again, the support is local. So

I ramble on.

- --
 DG Raftery Sr.

You never finish a program, you just stop working on it.

Version: PGP for Business Security 6.0


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-11 Thread Deborah W
On Monday, November 11, 2002, 2:55:24 PM, Clive Taylor wrote:

CT It's an interesting model -- and I suppose it has the advantage of
CT locking in customers to their own ISP services.

Not really - in the UK you can choose to pay-as-you-go with most ISPs,
so you can have accounts with as many ISPs as you wish. I have a
fixed-price account as my main ISP, but I also have two separate
accounts with other ISPs; if I dial into one of those I pay by the
minute, but if I don't connect using them, it costs me nothing. I can
still use their email service whilst connected through my main ISP - or
vice versa.


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Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-10 Thread Scott Johnson

PC Like you said, I pretty much know when a virus is sent, but it
PC scares me when my close friends send me attachments, because most of
PC them are virus-clueless, and they send those chain letters out
PC constantly, and hoax virus warnings, without checking .

I've found it to be a very long and tedious process to train my
friends to check out those hoaxes instead of just flipping out and
sending it off to their entire address book.  It's worth it in the
end.  ;)  Sophos is a good site for that as well as the Snopes you
mention.  I think we're getting a bit off topic...or at least I seem
to be.


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Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-10 Thread Spike
Hello rick,

On or about Saturday, November 9, 2002, 6:26:04 AM, in a galaxy
far, far away, rick wrote:

r I would recommend you to use Nod32.  It has the best results of any
r product tested at virus bulletin. I use Nod32 in conjunction with
r TheBat! and I have never had one virus problem.

I run The Bat! e-mail client so that I don't HAVE to run ANY
anti-virus BS.  Any anti-virus steals 12-20% of system resources
and slows down system performance.  I know ALL avenues of virus
propagation, and simply delete them on sight.  I can't understand
all this anal-retentiveness about stopping a virus from getting
into a mailbox that is IMMUNE to same!  I also have any known
means of contamination via a browser disabled as well.

UNFORTUNATELY my ISP now has STRONG anti-virus e-mail protection,
and I have not received ANYTHING viral in the last 3 months!  I
have had to establish a second external account just so that I
can continue to RECEIVE them to do research on virus matters!

In conclusion and _IMHO_, anyone running e-mail virus scanning on
Bat! mail is severely paranoid.  Either that, or they are
uninformed as to what virus-capable extensions are, in which case
they then may need it as a crutch.  Otherwise, why bother?  TB!
will give you more than adequate warning if you even attempt to
do something dangerous. If you ignore the warnings, you deserve
what you get ;-)  To me, it's like booby-trapping an H-bomb with
another H-bomb!


Warmest tropical wishes,

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Running The Bat! V1.60h on Windows 2000 Vers. 5 0
Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-09 Thread rick
Hello Thomas,

Saturday, November 9, 2002, 7:57:57 AM, you wrote:

Virus bulletin tests in-the-wild viruses. Their methodoloy is clearly
stated in their publication. this url states what
they test for i.e. in-the-wild viruses. This url goes into virus
bulletin's testing methodology in more details.  here is another url
which is a journal  (most issues of their journal are available online
here, ) they publish in which the results of 
their virus
tests are espoused. also they discuss security related issues in each
jouranl issue.  I will also tell you this. I own Nod32 and am not
making money from these statements nor any other benefits. However, we
use Nod32 at work for our IIS 5.x web servers and its wonderful.
Nod32 not only detects all in-the-wild viruses but it does it fast.
Nod32 scanned 260 gigs in 15 minutes!!

hope this helps

Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-09 Thread rick
Hello Paul,

Saturday, November 9, 2002, 9:06:20 AM, you wrote:

PC On Saturday, November 9, 2002, 8:43 AM, you wrote:

MDP This is a major concern. I would accept their findings without
MDP hesitation if it was clearer just how they had been arrived at.

PN   While it might not provide sufficient technical detail to satisfy
PN   your curiosity, here is the link to the description of their
PN   procedure.


PC from their VB100 website:
PC We would urge any potential customer, when looking at the VB 100% record
PC of any software, not simply to consider passes and fails, but to read
PC the small print in the reviews.


PC they tested version 398 of AVG, which was released the first week of
PC October, yet this says November results. AVG is now version 417.
PC still I can not find anywhere what it failed.
PC and I didn't find any small print to read!

If you read the url I posted to thomas, on page
19 (pdf document) virus bulletin review explains clearly why they used
a older version of grisoft for the tests. There appeared to be
technical difficulties with grisoft. The AVG product caused blue
screens, and failed to update properly.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-09 Thread rick
Hello Thomas,

Saturday, November 9, 2002, 9:15:29 AM, you wrote:

 I find it interesting that the sponsors of VB2002 were ESET, the
 makers of NOD32, among others, such as Computer Associates, Sophos,
 also a AV maker.

TF Well spotted. There goes the independence claim. My philosophy (and
TF this has to do with economics rather than computing) is that no
TF company that needs sponsors or advertising customers can be considered
TF independent.

Eset along with other virus product vendors sponsored the VB2002
conference and not the virus bulletin company itself. Please see the

Again, I informed my fellow TheBat! readers simply to help them out.
Continue to use what ever product you wish. I know I am safe :-)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-09 Thread rick
Hello Paul,

Saturday, November 9, 2002, 9:22:52 PM, you wrote:

PC noted on the Grisoft site:
PC Update 399 was withdrawed because of problems
PC with Resident Shield on Windows NT or higher systems. Repaired update
PC will be available soon. - October 10, 2002 -

PC that might be why they had a problem with AVG, but it was fixed the same
PC day.
virus bulletin has many products to test. Perhaps time was not a
luxury for them.

PC I recommend AVG to all my friends, most of whom had Mcafee or Norton
PC installed on their PC's, but had let the coverage lapse because of the
PC subscription cost. better to have an up-to-date AVG than a year-old
PC Norton:)

virus bulletin tests against current and not so current viruses.

In feb 2002 Grisoft AVG missed 1 in-the-wild virus, 26 macro viruses, 181
polymorphic viruses and 56 standard viruses. This was tested on
windows ME machine.

In June 2002, Grisoft AVG missed 115 in-the-wild viruses, 106 macro
viruses, and 242 polymorphic viruses and 81 standard viruses and this
was on a windows XP test machine. This test was done on a version
which was crippled due to the current version having a problem as
noted in one of my earlier posts.

In feb 2002, there was no technical difficulties yet Grisoft AVG
failed miserably.  You can read the online results and judge for

Theres an old saying, you get what you pay for

Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-09 Thread Scott Johnson

r Theres an old saying, you get what you pay for

PC AVG does have a PAY - PRO version, so everything they do isn't for free,
PC and both the free  pay programs probably use the same virus definition
PC files. Most times, I AGREE you get what you pay for, but with virus
PC programs, I'm not so sure. I kinda like more than one program, to either
PC complement or extra protection myself, but I'm not sure running two
PC programs is a good thing ( system slowdowns, other problems..)

PC but like I said, if people are too cheap to pay for updates, then an
PC updated free program is better than nothing. I'll continue to tell my
PC friends about AVG :)

Just my 2 cents worth...  I'm running AVG free here and have had NO
problems with it so far.  Now that I finally have the plug-in so it
works closely with The Bat I'm happy as a fish in water.

I haven't been infected in over 5 years now (knock on wood).  Part of
the reason is that I refuse to run Outlook Express.  No worry about
the security holes constantly being found.  I also don't use Word.  No
macro viruses to worry about.  As was mentioned earlier in this
thread, I too can spot most infected files at a glance.  There are
times I can also tell exactly what virus is contained in the
attachment as well, such as the E-mail I received from my wife while
she was still at work (with no internet access)...  hehehe  Hello
Klez.  The moral here is not to expect software to take care of
everything.  Stay current with antiviral news and help out a little.

I like the plug-in mainly because my wife is Canadian and they seem to
be having a bad breakout of Klez up there right now.  90% of the
viruses I receive here are from a Canadian address.  The Plug-in just
relieves me of the task of manually deleting them one at a time.  They
go to quarantine and I highlight them all for a mass delete.  Just a
time saver.  I do like to keep tabs on how many are still showing up
so I don't have them automatically deleted.


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