
r>> Theres an old saying, "you get what you pay for"

PC> AVG does have a PAY - PRO version, so everything they do isn't for free,
PC> and both the free & pay programs probably use the same virus definition
PC> files. Most times, I AGREE you get what you pay for, but with virus
PC> programs, I'm not so sure. I kinda like more than one program, to either
PC> complement or extra protection myself, but I'm not sure running two
PC> programs is a good thing ( system slowdowns, other problems..)

PC> but like I said, if people are too cheap to pay for updates, then an
PC> updated free program is better than nothing. I'll continue to tell my
PC> friends about AVG :)

Just my 2 cents worth...  I'm running AVG free here and have had NO
problems with it so far.  Now that I finally have the plug-in so it
works closely with The Bat I'm happy as a fish in water.

I haven't been infected in over 5 years now (knock on wood).  Part of
the reason is that I refuse to run Outlook Express.  No worry about
the security holes constantly being found.  I also don't use Word.  No
macro viruses to worry about.  As was mentioned earlier in this
thread, I too can spot most infected files at a glance.  There are
times I can also tell exactly what virus is contained in the
attachment as well, such as the E-mail I received from my wife while
she was still at work (with no internet access)...  hehehe  Hello
Klez.  The moral here is not to expect software to take care of
everything.  Stay current with antiviral news and help out a little.

I like the plug-in mainly because my wife is Canadian and they seem to
be having a bad breakout of Klez up there right now.  90% of the
viruses I receive here are from a Canadian address.  The Plug-in just
relieves me of the task of manually deleting them one at a time.  They
go to quarantine and I highlight them all for a mass delete.  Just a
time saver.  I do like to keep tabs on how many are still showing up
so I don't have them automatically deleted.


Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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