Re[2]: Feature request? Messages display filtering used.

2013-11-09 Thread Chris Wilson
 Hello Chris,

 I see the same, which is not really telling me how a message was
 routed to that folder. I was expecting something that showed the
 filter, or filters, used to move or copy it there.

 Have you ever taken a look at the Account's log? If not, please do. 
 'Account/View log', or 'Shift+Ctrl+A' or click on bottom status bar.

09 November 2013

That works OK, thanks for the tip. I have looked at the log but failed
to see the additional usage it could be put to. Maybe if something as
elegant as Fortes implementation isn't forthcoming a mention in the
help as to how the log might be used for looking at filters could be
added? thanks MAU 


Chris Wilson

Using The Bat! v5.8.8 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3


Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Feature request? Messages display filtering used.

2013-11-09 Thread Chris Wilson
 Hello MFPA,

 On Saturday, November 09, 2013 you wrote:

M Which boxes did you have ticked when clocking the OK button?

M In my version, with just the incoming mail and re-filter selected
M messages only boxes selected, for a single message in my TBUDL
M folder, clicking OK gets me two dialog boxes.

 Ticking the boxes as you stated:

 Then clicking OK gets me this:

M The first has a title of test results and a body text of Processed
M by: The Bat! User Discussion List. Actions performed: Moved to the
M folder \\[Path to]\The Bat! User Discussion List. That dialog box also
M has an OK button and when I click, the box disappears and shows the
M second one that was hidden behind it. (My filter and my folder for
M TBUDL messages are both called The Bat! User Discussion List)

M That one's title is Test filters and its body text is Messages
M processed: 1. Messages Filtered: 1. Re-filtering complete. There are
M Close and Help buttons.

 As you can see, your Test filters box and mine differ.  The box within the 
 contains a single long line which describes what actions were taken with this
 message as follows:

 Message from MFPA, subject Re: Feature request?  Messages display filtering
 used., size 6,368 bytes filtered (processed by Processed by: Faux inbox.
 Actions performed: Move to the folder \\Jack S.  LaRosa\Faux inbox, 
 by: TBUDL List Server.  Actions performed: Move to the folder \\Jack S.
 LaRosa\TBUDL), URL:

M For what it's worth, ticking the log filtering results box appears 
M to make no difference. The results of the Test Filters function do 
M not appear in the account log. Maybe they are written to another file 
M somewhere, but I have never felt the need to look for one.

 Nowhere do I see an option to log filtering results.

 I can only assume the difference in our versions is causing the disparity.  
 never used the right-click test filters option anyway.  I usually use the
 FOLDER + RE-FILTER and then only if I've created a new filter or modified an 
 one.  Even then I'm only interested in whether the filter worked or not and 
 in how it worked.  I can see however how such information might help in
 determining why a new or modified folder failed to work.  I'll try it next 

09 November 2013

I wasn't aware of the window behind the first one. The second window
is there and does indeed do what I was hoping for, thanks for pointing
out where I was going wrong.


Chris Wilson

Using The Bat! v5.8.8 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3


Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Feature request? Messages display filtering used.

2013-11-08 Thread Chris Wilson
 Hello MFPA,

 On Friday, November 08, 2013 you wrote:

M Right-click any message in The Bat! and select Test Filters. You can
M find out the name of each filter that would process the message, and
M what action would be taken by the filter.

 Hmmm.  If I follow the above instructions and right-click on your message
 (running a later version of TB! than yours), then click Test Filters this is
 what I get:

 And if I click OK, this is what I get:

 I do have a filter that routes all incoming TB! messages to my TB! folder.  Am
 I just not understanding what you said?

08 November 2013

I see the same, which is not really telling me how a message was
routed to that folder. I was expecting something that showed the
filter, or filters, used to move or copy it there. I maintain this
would be a very useful feature, hope I haven't misunderstood the Test
Filters option, but I believe it does what it's supposed to do, but
I would like to see something showing the history of the copy / move
in future releases ;) Thanks.


Chris Wilson

Using The Bat! v5.8.8 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3


Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Feature Request

2003-12-02 Thread Scott

 Hi Scott,

 It might be easier to look at the log file to se what the error was. I
 am assuming that do do not have to many errors that often.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Original message text=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
I do not find it easy but then again I have multiple accounts (yea, more than
any normal person should have).  Since the bat is doing nice things for us
(like sign our name) I thought it could alert me to which account is having the
problems...  The other option I guess I could do is record 30 different wave
files, go into 30 different setup configs, and set up the error tone to play my
unique wave file... but I got the bat so I could continue to be lazy (hehe)

Windows 2000
The Bat 2.01.3
Popfile Spam Filter

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Feature Request

2003-11-27 Thread Vishal
Hi Thomas

Wednesday, November 26, 2003, 8:24:56 PM, you wrote:

S 1)  I would like to see the folder name in the list change colors when ever there 
S an error getting email. When I have multiple email accounts, and hear the same
S sound for a get email error, its a pain to track down which one(s) are the
S problem  on error, change folder name color would be cool.  Keep the bold
S for new/unread email, just give it a red if the error dings for that account

TF No; I have the same problem as Scott.

I agree with both of you. This would be very helpful.

TF However, I'm not a friend of many colours on one screen, but a pop-up is
TF even more annoying, and I have no other idea how to make it easy to
TF determine which account failed.

Colors are a great way to draw attention to screen objects. Far more effective
than most other factors, and this has been scientifically proven. One little
problem I can see with this scenario is that the user might have to scroll
up/down the account tree if they are all expanded, and the offending account
might not be immediately visible. I just woke up, though, and my woolly brain
fails to suggest a better alternative than below for now :)

Apart from this. The log panel at the bottom of the screen has always seemed
to be lacking one essential detail to me - the account *name*. I am aware of
what it picks out from the log files to display, but it wouldn't be too
difficult to tack on an account name to that. As it stands, I find it
not of much use simply because I have so many accounts. Seeing simply 5
messages received or error, blah blah does not help me. In a single account
scenario it would be great. If the last one checked also happened to have an
error, the log panel could provide a partial solution to Simon's problem.
Partial because it won't work if multiple accounts conked out.

Or we could have a little error panel button in there somewhere...ahhh..I need
to go wake up properly before I do this!



Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Feature Request

2003-11-27 Thread Vishal
Hi Thomas

Wednesday, November 26, 2003, 8:24:56 PM, you wrote:

S 1)  I would like to see the folder name in the list change colors when ever there 
S an error getting email. When I have multiple email accounts, and hear the same
S sound for a get email error, its a pain to track down which one(s) are the
S problem  on error, change folder name color would be cool.  Keep the bold
S for new/unread email, just give it a red if the error dings for that account

TF No; I have the same problem as Scott.

I agree with both of you. This would be very helpful.

TF However, I'm not a friend of many colours on one screen, but a pop-up is
TF even more annoying, and I have no other idea how to make it easy to
TF determine which account failed.

Colors are a great way to draw attention to screen objects. Far more effective
than most other factors, and this has been scientifically proven. One problem
I can see with this scenario is that the user might have to scroll up/down the
account tree if they are all expanded, and the offending account might not be
immediately visible. I just woke up, though, and my woolly brain fails to
suggest a better alternative than below for now :)

Apart from this. The log panel at the bottom of the screen has always seemed
to be lacking one essential detail to me - the account *name*. I am aware of
what it picks out from the log files to display, but it wouldn't be too
difficult to tack on an account name to that error. As it stands, I find it
not of much use simply because I have so many accounts. Seeing simply 5
messages received or error, blah blah does not help me. In a single account
scenario it would be great. If the last one checked also happened to have an
error, the log panel could provide a partial solution to Simon's problem.
Partial because it won't work if multiple accounts conked out.

Or we could have a little error panel button in there somewhere...ahhh..I need
to go wake up properly before I do this!



Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Feature Request

2003-11-27 Thread Peter Ouwehand
Hello Thomas Fernandez,

on Fri, 28 Nov 2003 08:05:45 +0700 (2003-11-28 02:05:45 in .nl) in the
message with reference mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote
(at least in part):
TF [FETCH or SEND failed]
S  on error, change folder name color would be cool.

 Or change the '@'-sign to the left of the account name into red.

TF Yes, that would be a good idea IMHO. But I fear that means another
TF icon has to be added and that causes problems with the glymphs grid.
TF Or does it?

My opinion: what problem?

TB! programming / functionality should not be limited by some glyphs
grid size. Adjust it, give it some version number, whatever to identify
it. Then the TB version using the extended glyphs can test the
glyphs-version and either accept or reject it. An older version should
not accept anything beyond 'what's defined for it' anyways (called 'good
programming', in other words: don't accept anything the program doesn't
don't know of), so there should be no problem there.

Version numbering / identification for _whatever_: the key to prevent
problems. Implementing the available information correctly is the next
key (accept / reject).

I think a red '@' is less intrusive (just informative) than a whole
'line' being marked. Also, marking a whole line may be confusing now the
new folder-color-groups seem to withstand beta tests.

Maybe the programmers find some way to accomplish this.

 In this case the '@'-sign is changed into blue also.

TF The colour should be changed back to normal when a successful attempt
TF has been made.

Sure, as in 'back to normal' being either 'no new/unread mail' (black)
or 'unread mail' (blue), hence the actual state at that moment.

Kind regards,
Peter Ouwehand
- - -
Created the above using
A program which insists to be : The Bat! V2.01.56
An OS which insists to be : Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Feature Request I'd Like To See in The Bat!

2002-12-28 Thread Spyder
I use multiple email accounts (like 15 or so) with TheBat and would like some
better ways to manage them:
   - make changes to the preferences on a global scale
   - make filters (anti spam mainly) that can reach all accounts with out
   having to make them for each account.
   - have the email checking sequential-able so all the accounts don't check at the
   same time

Dallas, TX, USA
The Bat 1.62 Christmas on Win98

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Feature Request I'd Like To See in The Bat!

2002-12-27 Thread Mike Alexander
Hello Allie,

Saturday, December 28, 2002, 12:26:40 AM, you wrote:

AM May I suggest some more then. :)

snip a ton of useful advice

AM Hope that helps.

A lot thanks. Up till now my filtering has always been haphazard i.e.
examine the mail, if it's spam, make a filter, but what you've shown
makes much more sense of course :)

And while I'm at it, on the subject of features:

I bought the Bat. I tried it out for 25 days and then purchased (but
I knew by about day 5 I would do so). The Editor takes a bit of
getting used to, but I was transferring from OE and if I wanted the
features of OE I wouldn't have done so. In fact, I much prefer TB.

The only annoying thing is when receiving mail from people who use
OL/OE and use rich text/html. It doesn't bl**dy wrap! It's OK when I'm
reading the mail, but when I try and reply I get 2 or 3 long lines and
I have to keep scrolling across to read what I'm replying too. As yet,
I haven't found a way of solving this dilemma (and I now hope you're
going to tell me exactly what I need to know g)

Generally, there is nothing wrong with having new features but, what I
don't want is the bloated, inaccurate, non-text mail that you get with
the majority of popular email clients. If I did, I wouldn't have
switched from one one the first place. ;-)

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Feature Request I'd Like To See in The Bat!

2002-12-27 Thread Mike Alexander
Hello Allie,

Saturday, December 28, 2002, 2:29:13 AM, you wrote:

snip more useful advice

MA And while I'm at it, on the subject of features:

AM Just move the cursor into each paragraph and hit Alt-L. This will
AM reflow them. You don't have to select the text block to use Alt-l.
AM You only need to have the cursor in the target paragraph, and yes,
AM Alt-L works beautifully on quoted text. It's one of the reasons why
AM I like TB!'s editor so much.

OK, well I hadn't discovered that. Thanks, that's just what I need.

Who needs help files? LOL!

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Feature Request I'd Like To See in The Bat!

2002-12-25 Thread Victor B. Gonzalez
Hash: SHA1

Hello Dierk,

 Built in calendar with mail scheduling features.
 Anniversaries, Birthdays, Holidays, Business...

DH Scheduling: Concur.
DH Full-blown calendar: No.

You weren't the only one to disagree with a calendar being a
part of The Bat! and every one is entitled to their opinion
without argument but it is just that I see it differently.

I do not want a calendar to simply be a part of the client
for non e-mail task management purposes or because most
major players already incorporate one.

My life revolves around e-mail, scheduling, reminders,
broadcast, etc and I would surely appreciate a client which
can ease the work for me by removing a lot of the redundancy.

 I would also like to see support for newsgroups which should
 be somewhat a standard for mail clients.

DH It was said his will come via plug-in with v2.
DH I'd prefer TB stays an e-mail client. News is much more than mail and
DH there are at least two good news clients on the market (Gravity and
DH Agent, even Free Agent is very good).

I was completely use to participating in newsgroups using
clients like outlook and Mozilla and I have grown to expect
such features without question.

For me personally I respect newsgroups and if they never die
neither then will my participation in them. Combining the
two made it easy to copy, paste and/or forward good and
critical information when necessary.

I still use Mozillas Calendar and e-mail/newsgroup client to
stay on top of scheduling and knowledge trades.

 Extract information from the body and sort to address book
 or to file.

DH Isn't that possible with RegEx?

Not like I am thinking about it. Did you ever code and along
the left side of your editor theres a number for every line?
I collect information using on-line forms and the information
sent to my e-mail is the same every time.

 line 13: Users IP
 line 14: First Name
 line 15: etc
 line 16: referrers address

I would like to say to the bat if this message matches this
filter then extract, line 13, line 14 and line 15 and reply
with a certain address (not my default) and e-mail line 16.

 I can imagine RegEx has the features but I am no geek
 and I am not stupid but little by little I am sure the
 bat team can add more usability filtering and macros.

 Reply without using default reply address but templates reply

DH I may misunderstand this, but isn't that what AB templates (perhaps in
DH conjunction with QTs) are for?

The Bat is awesome and does have some major player features
but what I am asking for I guess is account or alias
creation on the fly.

My default account is ooo but if a message sent to my inbox
is for xxx then reply with xxx.

I am really happy you concurred with everything else :)

The above are my opinions and my opinions alone. The Bat! is
awesome but I found out early that loyalty can kill you. The
second a newer and better application comes along I ride the
wave out until a better one surfaces.

No one pays me to stick around so if I have to pay I will
keep an open mind with my head up :)

Just another opinion :)

Merry Christmas  Happy Holidays Everyone!

- -- 
Best regards,
 Victor B. Gonzalez  

Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Comment: Request My PGP Public Keys - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Feature Request I'd Like To See in The Bat!

2002-12-24 Thread Mike Alexander
Hello Victor,

Wednesday, December 25, 2002, 1:28:12 AM, you wrote:

VBG Since we're talking about feature request I've got a few.
VBG Built in calendar with mail scheduling features.
VBG Anniversaries, Birthdays, Holidays, Business...

VBG I would also like to see support for newsgroups which should
VBG be somewhat a standard for mail clients.

ISTM, that what you want is Outlook/Outlook Express ;-)

One of the reasons I changed to TB was precisely because it *didn't*
have a calendar, ng support (for which I use Agent) and all the other
bells and whistles. I *don't* want everything integrated in one client
with a kitchen sink load of extras that have nothing to do with mail
collection, reading and transmission.

VBG I would like to see better, more versatile support for
VBG templates  filters. i.e.

Here, I have to agree. I've been using it for 3 months now and I still
can't make a filter that will block a specific domain, a specific
country prefix, anything that isn't addressed to me, etc. And I can't
find any help anywhere that makes any sense to me. And when I asked
people here, no-one replied. So, yes, I'd like a *lot* of help from the
program with filtering so I can stop being drowned every day in spam I
can't block.  Templates don't matter quite so much to me as I only
have c. 100 or so people/businesses that I have regular contact with
and I find the templates fairly easy to set up (Yes, I know, I can do
templates so why can't I do filters - I keep asking myself that
question g).

Anyway, it gave me a chance to rant ;)

Would it be Feliz Navidad?

Anyway, a Merry whatever to everyone!

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Feature Request I'd Like To See in The Bat!

2002-12-24 Thread Mike Alexander
Hello Allie,

Wednesday, December 25, 2002, 1:58:26 AM, you wrote:

AM Mike Alexander [MA] wrote:'

MA Here, I have to agree. I've been using it for 3 months now and I
MA still can't make a filter that will block a specific domain,

AM .*@domain name

AM For example, if I wanted to filter all mail from addresses using the
AM domain name, I'd just use the filter string:

AM ''  in the sender address.

AM You can use the same filter string in the selective downloads
AM filter.

MA a specific country prefix, anything that isn't addressed to me,
MA etc.

AM your e-mail address

AM recipient

AM presence - No

MA And I can't find any help anywhere that makes any sense to me.
MA And when I asked people here, no-one replied.

AM For those two specific questions? Strange.

Thank you so much.  I have been trying things like * and
variations using * as a wild card, but it's never seemed to work. i
don't know why. I did guess that my mail addy/recipient/presence No
would be a way of blocking or deleting on server and I have that at
the top of my sorting office list. But it doesn't seem to be doing
anything. I'm glad I wasn't as terminally dense as I thought g  but
I can't understand why it's not working. Can I just ask if the full
stop before *@domainname was intentional? I'll try that next.

Thanks again,

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Feature Request I'd Like To See in The Bat!

2002-12-24 Thread Mike Alexander
Hello Allie,

Wednesday, December 25, 2002, 2:31:11 AM, you wrote:

AM Mike Alexander [MA] wrote:'

MA Thank you so much.  I have been trying things like *
MA and variations using * as a wild card,

AM The filter system doesn't use simple wild cards. It does use regular
AM expressions like:

AM .*@domainname

AM .* means one or more of any characters. You'll have to enable the
AM option 'regular expressions' in the filter options for the above
AM string to be used as a regular expression.

AM Of course, you could simply use just domainname.

AM If you use the simple string 'domainname', TB! will just look for
AM domainname in the sender address.

Thanks once again.  I will try the regular expressions because I'd
like to learn how to do things properly ;-) If I don't succeed at
first, I'll try your suggestion until I get it right.  I can see I'm
going to be busy during the holidays :)   But at least I'l be able to
block these $%££^$£%(*)!! people. And that's a nice present.
Much appreciated.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: feature request: folder coding

2001-09-26 Thread ::Andrew::

Hash: SHA1

Hello Dierk,

Tuesday, September 25, 2001, 7:07:10 PM, you wrote:

DH sounds not to easy to implement. But there is another way: How about
DH an action's filter with which replies to your e-mails get sorted into
DH a special folder Replies and maybe colour code them for later manual
DH sorting into appropriate folders?

Thanks for both replies which I think you'll agree provide short-term
fixes to the problem. It appears the original feature request would
be the ideal solution. I'd rather keep the replies 'in context'
because often I might start a thread by not everyone replies to me. We
already have a nice little tick on parent folders to show there are
sub folder or mail within those folders. Something similar like colour
coding should be possible. (but what do i know)

- --
Best regards,
 ::Andrew::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  London UK

Join the Power Tools Discussion:
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Using   The   Bat!  1.53d  on  Windows 98 4.10   Build    A

Version: PGP 6.5i



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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re[2]: feature request: folder coding

2001-09-26 Thread Doug Weller


Wednesday, September 26, 2001, 9:40:52 AM, Thomas wrote:

 2001, 16:25 +0800GMT),
 Roman wrote:

 Check out the log. It will tell you where each message is filtered to.

R Humm... my log only shows FETCH and SEND events. What do I have to do so
R that it shows me filtering operations?

 Oops - sorry. It is a feature in the current beta, so it will be
 available in the next release version (1.54).

At last! Something I have always wanted.


 Doug Weller  Moderator, sci.archaeology.moderated
 Submissions to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Doug's Archaeology Site:
 Co-owner UK-Schools mailing list: email me for details


Archives   :
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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re[2]: [feature request]

2000-06-10 Thread Patrick Erler

hallo Jason!

on Saturday, June 10, 2000, 8:38:01 AM, you wrote:

JT Hello Patrick and Bat Buddies...

Patrick please implement an option to specify the POP-poll intervalls in
Patrick seconds...

JT Account properties : Options
JT "Periodical Checking each 'X' seconds"

JT I believe this is what you're looking for.
i don't think so... (/seconds/ is the magic word here ;) )


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Re[2]: Feature Request

2000-01-01 Thread Jim

Hello Syafril,

Saturday, January 01, 2000, 1:03:12 PM, you wrote:

SH On  Sat,  1  Jan  2000  12:35:58  -0600 GMT your local time, which was
SH Sunday,  January 02, 2000, 01:35:58 [GMT+0700] my local time, Jim told
SH to the list, and this is my reply :

J Where do I send a feature request to. I have a real need to be able
J to edit the subject line that is displayed in the message lists.

J For  example:  I  get a message back from a supplier with a subject
J like  "Quote  13-57555"  I  would like it to change it to something
J like "Quote 13-57555 Client Name NF 5000"

SH You  means  change  the  subject in reply editor mode (it should be no
SH problem) or in message list on folder ?

I need it changed in the message list folder.

Best regards,

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Re[2]: Feature Request

2000-01-01 Thread Jim

Hello tracer,

Saturday, January 01, 2000, 8:53:04 PM, you wrote:

Jim   For example: I get a message back from a supplier with a subject
Jim   like  "Quote 13-57555"   I would like it to change it to something
Jim   like  "Quote 13-57555 Client Name NF 5000"
t would the quote 13-57555 be unique???
t I mean any chance that a patch utility run over the mailbox could
t modify unintended  messages and keeping in mind it will modify ANY
t string like that found in all likely hood?

I don't want it to be some sort of patch/batch routine. I want to put
the cursor on the displayed subject line and change THAT messages
displayed subject to whatever I want.  I don't care if it changes the
actual subject line, I just want to be able to change what is
displayed. It really would be useful to me.

Best regards,

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