Re[2]: I want to clarify I few things here

2003-01-24 Thread Daniel Rail
Hello Thomas,

Thursday, January 23, 2003, 11:02:38 PM, you wrote:

 V2 is being developed in C++. However, Stefan works on v1.xx, and that
 was written in Delphi 6.

 I don't know whether you can mix these and write new modules for a
 Delphi 6 program in C++ and link the object codes at compile time, so
 I don't know which language he is using.  I would think for
 updates/bugfixes on existing modules, he would have to stick to
 Delphi, as otherwise efforts in rewriting the code in C++ for V2 are
 being duplicated, and we would be getting aplha versions of v2 rather
 than bugfixes of v1.xx.

You are correct in assuming that for bug fixes and updates to existing
sections, he would have to continue using Delphi.  Unless, he is
rewriting the corresponding code in C++ and linking the object library
with the Delphi source code.

If version 2 is being totally developed in C++, then my guess is that
it is a rewrite and that is not a short process. Even though, the
Delphi language resembles C++ up to a point, it's still not easy to
convert Delphi to C++. It takes time and especially lots of testing.
In doing a rewrite, it is possible that they caught a lot of the bugs,
since they have to touch all of the code.  I've coded with C++ and I
prefer Delphi because I find it easier to work with.

So if they are rewriting the code in C++, my hats off to the
developers for their hard work.

Best regards,
 Daniel Rail
 Senior System Engineer
 ACCRA Group Inc. (
 ACCRA Med Software Inc. (

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Re[2]: I want to clarify I few things here

2003-01-23 Thread Ricardo van Eck
Hello Dave,

Thursday, January 23, 2003, 22:55:39, you wrote:

DG I thought I had read that V2 development was being done in C++.
DG Did I misread/misunderstand?

This is correct to my knowledge...

Best regards,

Ricardo van Eck
The Netherlands

Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/5 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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Re[2]: I want to clarify I few things here

2003-01-18 Thread Victor B. Gonzalez

Hash: SHA1

Hello Geoff,

Saturday, January 18, 2003, 6:50:49 AM, you wrote:
GL On 18 January 2003, 10:12, Robert Silver wrote:

 Also it makes a product look hoky when graphics com up as square [X]
GL ~~~

GL Strange enough, those [X]'s give me a warm, fuzzy feeling because I
GL know that another spammer cannot use that potential web bug to verify
GL my e-mail address and I know that some inconsiderate explicative
GL hasn't succeeded in causing me additional costs by getting my router
GL to re-dial to collect their off-page (usually) garbage.

  The Xs give me a fuzzy feeling too but doesn't necessarily
  mean X out everything... I should be able to allow viewing
  HTML in its entirety or be able to choose who can send me
  HTML formatted mail at least...

  To me everyone, their mother and pet gold fish can argue
  all they want but I would love to see more HTML support in
  the near future. A built in RTF editor so I can at least bold
  some headings and make italic others I feel need to be

  Everyone might argue that e-mail is supposed to do this
  and not do that is like saying a car with no heater in the
  dead of winter on a 24hr trip is not really necessary
  because the cars only purpose is to get you from a to z
  (and it is!).

  But you would probably drop dead of the freeze *if* such a
  convenience didn't exist... I don't hear much argument
  about that...

  Another thing is why when someone says wheres the news
  reader the bat isn't or shouldn't be a news reader? I
  suare from the bottom of my heart I hate with a passion
  dictatorship... If the people want it and theres enough
  motion why argue? I would love to see news group support
  with the bat... It can completely remove Mozilla from my
  system if it did it could probably completely remove
  outlook from others...

  I bet my life if an RTF editor was introduced to The Bat!
  you might say I'll never use it (yeah, right) but you
  will. You have too... plain text is robotic and you'll use
  the bold and italic command sooner or later... Its almost

  I can almost bet my life if a news group reader was
  introduced you would use it too. Come'on think about that
  one, argue if you wish too... You're going to turn off the
  heat on purpose because you know its a convenience and
  that its not really necessary?

  I love The Bat! and theres no argument about its current
  status and my point to this whole thread and *every*
  community member is if you see something *you don't* like,
  no matter how much you don't like it leave it be...

  Polls and surveys work with disagreement but you're trying
  to persuade an inevitable argument...

  I can almost bet my life that if HTML, RTF and a news group
  reader was introduced this bat list would be flooded with
  new members and the RitLabs team would have more money to
  develop The Bat! further and faster than before which
  should be a good thing right?

  Most people expect HTML and to compose in RTF and a lot of
  people would really enjoy a news reader...

  I say the old saying goes well... Carry a gun and not
  need it, than need it and not have it... I currently
  support 100% the idea of more enabled HTML, RTF, and news
  reading capabilities and word is its coming whether you
  like it or not...

  My question is once its here will you stop upgrading?

- -- 
Best regards,
 Victor B. Gonzalez  

Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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Re[2]: I want to clarify I few things here

2003-01-18 Thread Barry2
Hello Lou,

Saturday, January 18, 2003, 12:29:02 PM, you wrote:

LY It sounds to me like Outlook was designed for those who want a
LY mail/newsgroup/browser program all in one.

I think that hits the nail squarely on the head there !  The whole
drive in the MicroSoft camp seems to be to incorporate everything you
ever would want to do on a PC into one application. We can see the
resultant mess that that has created to date  lol 

The question is, do we want to become MicroSoft clones or do we want
to have the freedom to do what *we* want when *we* want to do it ?? I
know which I'd rather be doing but if folks feel happy as a clone then
why stop them, it's a free decision to become a sheep after all !!

LY I hate to see baggage added to TB to turn it into an Outlook
LY Clone. Outlook is not allowed within 100 yards of any of my
LY systems or the systems on the network that I administer.

Ditto on both points ...

Best regards,
Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  

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Re[2]: I want to clarify I few things here

2003-01-18 Thread Spike
Hello Lou Yovin,

On or about Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 07:29:02GMT -0500
(which was 7:29 AM in the tropics where I live) Lou Yovin

LY It sounds to me like Outlook was designed for those who want
LY a mail/newsgroup/browser program all in one. I hate to see
LY baggage added to TB to turn it into an Outlook Clone. Outlook
LY is not allowed within 100 yards of any of my systems or the
LY systems on the network that I administer.

My policy exactly, and I put it in writing before I will consult
on/administer/service any system!  I've been burned too many
times by security breaches that were directly attributable to
e-mail bourne pathogens.  No amount of education can make MS
Outhouse safe, as there are too many people with too much time on
their hands targeting it for malicious purposes.

When you make an application too large and bloated, there are
bound to be so many more exploitable weaknesses.

Warmest tropical wishes,

Why is it considered necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin?

/\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign - Against HTML Mail
\ /   If it aint a webpage it shouldn't be HTML. 
 XSay NO! to bloatmail - ban HTML mail!
/ \   Ask Spikey, he hates everything (HTML).
Flying in the stratosphere with The Bat! V1.61 on 
Windows 2000 Vers. 5 0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: I want to clarify I few things here

2003-01-18 Thread Victor B. Gonzalez
Hash: SHA1

Hello Greg,

 In a word, if these unnecessary 'features' are not made optional
 - YES!  And I'm not alone in this.

RitLabs will never kill their already good share of the
market by removing options from the user... That would be a
business flaw that could damage productivity and user

Everyone against HTML support have a few things in common
but what I do not see in common is any of the positive HTML
can achieve even in an email... To me text is good for one
thing and I call it information straight... The reader
starts at the top and works his way to the bottom meanwhile
I know that with good HTML design you can actually stimulate
a readers attention and responsiveness...

One thing that kills me is this, is there anyone here whose
against HTML mail and is also against doing business by
email? I mean in other words if an HTML formatted email
reaches your inbox does a filter or any other mean delete it
before you see it?

My point is The Bat may be great against showing web images
inline but it can never stop an email composed elsewhere
from reaching you in HTML... You can probably stop it using
other means but overall in the end you still deal with it
regardless of how much you might cry, wine, pant and pout
about it.

I believe in the freedom of choice. Any user any where in
the world can send me any type of mail they wish as long as
the message itself gets across... I have no qualms with it.

I have respect for the Internet where technology will move
ahead without asking you, prompting you or warning you and
HTML no matter what the pessimist might think about it, has
made its way into the email market without warning you. You
can cry, wine, pant and pout but you're in no way going to
stop the movement...

I am currently preparing to run a business of my own and I
only see the ability to create, manage and edit HTML inline
as a plus. I have no arguments about future support for
anything that does not damage what it is I respect today.

Choice I am sure will come and it is the choice I will
respect more than no choice but to edit in text and text

That's my opinion and 2 cents about HTML... About security,
web bugs, spam  viruses, etc... I fear it in the least...
RTF editing and news group support I definitely encourage.

Give me freedom of choice or give me death and if I die by
the hands of death those hands most likely belong to a text
only activist...

Have a great day everyone and even if HTML is never
supported inline The Bat! is still a very awesome client :)

- -- 
Best regards,
 Victor B. Gonzalez  

Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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