Re: action dependencies

2009-03-09 Thread jdunham

I think this is a common problem.

Check out these other threads for two different approaches:

If you're looking for something totally simple, you should make sure
you know how to link tiddlers (use double square brackets [[My
Tiddler]] if there are spaces, otherwise just type it).  For each task
that is dependent, you can just put this task has to wait for [[My
Tiddler]] in the Content area of that dependent Action.

- Jason

On Mar 7, 2:26 pm, GammaStar wrote:
 I have just started using MonkeyGTD and so far it seems to be just the
 ticket for organising my multi-project, short-term-memory-impaired
 work life.

 Within GTD it is possible to have an action be in a wait state, but it
 seems that it must be waiting for a //person//.  Is it possible to
 have an action wait for the completion of another action instead?
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Re: Project/Task

2009-03-09 Thread Damian

I'd be interested to see peoples solutions. I've added a Back Burner
Realm and intended to put lots of projects into there, but I have not
yet found a way to change the realm of LOTS of projects and theirs
actions, so I hacve not been able to implement it.


On Mar 9, 8:19 am, jdunham wrote:
 Hi Ed:

 You're right, it was easier than I thought it would be to add the new
 statuses. Thanks for the push.
 What I chose was a new ProjectStatus I call pending which is really
 pending my availability to work on it.
 I also have a new ActionStatus called queued which basically means
 the same thing.
 The hardest part of all this was to come up with appropriate names,
 and I'm still not totally thrilled, but I think the functionality is

 It wasn't too difficult to update my favorite views, and I also
 created a new dashboard view which works well for me.
 The left column is stuff that needs attention right now: Ticklers
 Requiring Action and Next Actions.
 The right column is stuff that I need to keep an eye on: Active
 Projects, Queued Actions in Active Projects, and Pending Projects

 I am happy to share what I did, but I'm not quite sure the best way to
 do that.

 Also I would appreciate input from the developers on how to keep these
 changes from getting discarded in any mGTD upgrades.

 P.S. Sorry for having started this message topic with a totally
 useless subject.


 On Mar 2, 9:37 am, Ed Griebel wrote:

  I like the idea of a long-term idea because I have a lot of them too.

  I'm just a user of mGTD, but I was able to add a new classification
  for Future, this is how I did it:
  - I added a new tiddler Future/Never, tagged ProjectStatus, content
  order:3 newline button:fut newline buttonLong:future
  - added a new entry to Projects Dashboard tiddler by double-clicking
  on it after the someday/maybe line:
  mgtdList title:'Future/Never Projects' startTag:Project
  tags:'Future/Never  !Complete' view:ProjectArea mode:global
          newButtonTags:'Project Future/Never'

  I haven't thoroughly searched the code to see where else blocks for
  Active and Someday/Maybe projects are displayed to add
  Future/Never to them.


  On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Jason Dunham wrote:
   Hi Ronin and Jacques,
   thanks for the ideas.

   Realms won't really work for me, because I am already making use of them.
   In fact I'm using most of the features of mGTD, and finding them useful.  
   that weren't true, I'd be more interested in finding another task manager
   than fixing mGTD.

   So I'm reluctant to overload one of those features with this function,
   though I will probably start with more disciplined use of the stars.

   I believe this is a real problem so I would love to hear if any of the
   developers have an opinion, or if other people like Ronin are also 
   with this.


   On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 11:52 AM, RoninTDK wrote:

   I have sort of similar problem:

   So what I do in monkeyGTD is create a
   seperate realm IDEAS where I put all that stuff.
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[tw] Re: Comment plugin displays unwanted %message%

2009-03-09 Thread Eric Shulman

 In a tiddler reference by the my tiddler
 comment here reverse =closed =completed \n''Completed and
 closed'' (%subject%)\nat %when%\n

This is *supposed* to work.  But there was a bug (oops!).  I've fixed

Get the update (v2.9.1) here:

 and I also changed the option in the commenttiddlerplugininfo, to be
 config.macros.comment.fmt=__''%subject%''__\n^^posted by %who% on
 %when%^^\n\nNull \n\n;

Note: the Configuration section of the plugin's documentation begins
with this instruction:

place one or more of the following javascript statements in a tiddler
tagged with systemConfig.

However, what you did what to change the value in CommentPluginInfo
itself, rather than creating/editing a separate tiddler (e.g.,
[[CommentPluginConfig]]) tagged with systemConfig.

In any event, now that the bug is fixed in v2.9.1, you won't need to
create a separate tiddler at all, because the comment format is being
specified directly as a macro parameter.


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[tw] Re: need help using variables and custom fields in pagewise FET

2009-03-09 Thread Eric Shulman

 It doesn't do anything now when you click on the buttons :-(

Actually, it does do something... it causes a program error!

Look at the ToolsError Console (you may have to scroll to bottom).
You should see an error that says:
   parseint is not defined

 I'm certain I put exactly what you said.

not *exactly*... I wrote: parseInt(...), you wrote parseint(...).
Javascript functions and variable names are *case-sensitive*.


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[tw] Re: a plugin to convert asterisks to radio-buttons

2009-03-09 Thread RA

 How would you want to specify the field being saved to/loaded from?
First, to have it more generic, I would want not to show the question
and not to add a letter in front of every choice. So, given the syntax
described, maybe a field name could follow the Q:
 What value would you want to save to the field?
An integer or a letter, provided any reasonable number of choices is
allowed, say from 1 (for documenting purposes it is sometimes enough
to show only the relevant radio button) to 10 in a group .
Finally, I would love to have the flexibility of arranging the buttons
in a row as well as a column.



On Mar 5, 12:46 am, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
 *Switch to Admin Mode from the dropdown select to enable editing

 This was written from the point of view of multiple choice questions
 and therefore it:
 * numbers the questions in a tiddler
 * numbers/names the answers from a through d
 * currently has no facilities for setting the current value from a
 field, or saving it to a field.

 This is the syntax for a question and associated answers:
 Q: How long does the handwashing process take?

 * 5 min
 * 1 - 11/2 min
 * 30 sec
 * 10 sec

 How would you want to specify the field being saved to/loaded from?
 What value would you want to save to the field? The text of the
 selection, its associated letter (a-d) ?


 On Mar 3, 1:20 am, RA wrote:

  Hi Saq,

  thanks for noticing this.

  If you have a formatter, that's already almost everything I need.
  I am planning to use it when documenting software settings dialogs.
  Using TW I can fake almost every element of a typical Properties GUI
  - tabs, buttons, checkboxes, groupboxes, textareas. For radiobuttons I
  have to resort to bulky html.

  So I'd be happy if I had
   - simple wiki-style format for radiobuttons (which is how I
  understood the a plugin to convert asterisks toradio-buttons
   - ability to specify a selected radiobutton using syntax or custom
  field (like Eric's CheckboxPlugin)
   - ability to have more than oneradiogroup per tiddler (I suspect
  this can be worked around using tiddler macro)


  On Mar 2, 1:48 am, Saq Imtiaz wrote:


   I'm afraid that was never turned into a general-use plugin, partly
   because whilst it is straightforward to turn a sequence of asterisks
   intoradio-buttons, it was unclear to me as to how to generalize what
   do when a selection was made. For that particular use case we
   associated the selectedradiobuttons with answers and sent that data
   to a server, however I imagine that for a more general use plugin
   you'd probably want to save the selection locally somehow. Say as
   tags, or fields or something along those lines.

   If you know exactly how you plan to use it, I *might* be able to put
   together something usable for you.


   On Mar 1, 10:04 am, RA wrote:

Is there such a plugin? Found this old blog entry that mentions it,
but nothing more. If anyone has it, please let me know, even if it's
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[tw] TagglyTagging - producing tweakable tables intead of lists?!

2009-03-09 Thread Måns

Is there someone who kan tweak/hack Mr. Simon Bairds TagglyTagging
plugin to show numered tables instead of lists?
The sorting possibilities are great - and the ability to make groups
by details and sitemaps are very useable - maybe this should result in
several sortable tables??

The reason why I need tables is because my teachercollegues need/want
printable and sortable tables with numbers of students for various

I personally think that the lists produced are sufficient - but I
recognize the need of tables - and I use fET to produce tables with
extra/empty fields for the printouts - I don't reckon that it would be
possible to add that feature + lists of tiddler data ... even if
someone made TaggyTaggingPlugin produce tables

YS Måns Mårtensson
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[tw] Re: I need fET to be able only to fetch data from tiddlers, which has a datavalue=ThisTiddlersTitle

2009-03-09 Thread Måns

I can't make it work though...

I've put the tiddler [[MyTemplate]] into a tiddler with the name =
(context.viewerTiddler.title) - and I know I have several tiddlers
tagged with that title (MM).
Heres my fET-code put into a tiddler called MM:
forEachTiddler where 'tiddler.tags.contains(Elev)
sortBy ''
 '(index  200)? |+(index+1)+| [[+tiddler.title+]] |
[[]] | [[ +]] |
toggleTag HU [[+tiddler.title+]] nolabel \\ | toggleTag Syg
[[+tiddler.title+]] nolabel \\ |\n : '
  begin '|sortable|k\n
+ !+tiddler.title+ |tiddler HUUpdate\\|tiddler
SygeUpdate\\ |h\n
+|!#| [img(55%,auto)[+tiddler.title+]|+tiddler.field(billede)+]]
| Gang | Klasse | ![[HU]] | ![[Syg]] |h\n'
end 'count+ kontaktgruppe elever\n' none 'Ingen elever i denne

YS Måns Mårtensson

On 9 Mar., 04:36, Måns wrote:
 Thanks cmari - that was exactly what I was looking for.

 YS Måns Mårtensson

 On 9 Mar., 00:38, cmari wrote:

  Hi Måns,

   I need fET to be able only to fetch data from tiddlers, which contains
   Data=the title of the tiddler holding the fET-code.

  I do this frequently. It requires three things in the where clause:
  1. look for a tag (or tags);
  2. find tiddlers in which the data field even exists;
  3. look for a match with the current tiddler's title:
  forEachTiddler where 'tiddler.tags.contains(myTag)

  Alternatively, you can use a template.  Put this into a tiddler called
  forEachTiddler where 'tiddler.tags.contains(myTag)

  Then, in any tiddler that has the title of the piece of information
  you want to find in mydatafield, you can put:
  tiddler [[MyTemplate]]
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[tw] Re: Comment plugin displays unwanted %message%

2009-03-09 Thread Anthony Muscio
Thanks Eric,

I had a sneaking suspicion I had missed something with the config statement
after I posted.

I have tested it and it works well thank you.

I am not sure if I asked before but in the plugin you make reference to

marker: /%+comment+%/,

Is there a way I can customize it to pass an alternate to comment because
if I can, I can really make complex structures inside my tiddler.

Eg; Comment plugin to enter status of tiddler in one place, toDoNext in
another etc...
Tiddler contains

!Additional Coments


!ToDo Next

Thanks very much for your quick response.

Sydney, Australia

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 17:08, Eric Shulman wrote:

  In a tiddler reference by the my tiddler
  comment here reverse =closed =completed \n''Completed and
  closed'' (%subject%)\nat %when%\n

 This is *supposed* to work.  But there was a bug (oops!).  I've fixed

 Get the update (v2.9.1) here:

  and I also changed the option in the commenttiddlerplugininfo, to be
  config.macros.comment.fmt=__''%subject%''__\n^^posted by %who% on
  %when%^^\n\nNull \n\n;

 Note: the Configuration section of the plugin's documentation begins
 with this instruction:
 place one or more of the following javascript statements in a tiddler
 tagged with systemConfig.
 However, what you did what to change the value in CommentPluginInfo
 itself, rather than creating/editing a separate tiddler (e.g.,
 [[CommentPluginConfig]]) tagged with systemConfig.

 In any event, now that the bug is fixed in v2.9.1, you won't need to
 create a separate tiddler at all, because the comment format is being
 specified directly as a macro parameter.




If you have not found an easy way to do it with TiddlyWiki, you have missed

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[tw] Re: Using TW

2009-03-09 Thread FND

 Is there a TW theme for blogs or can someone suggest an alternative?

Somewhat unrelated, but this might be of interest:

-- F.

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Re: Project/Task

2009-03-09 Thread jdunham

Hi Ed:

You're right, it was easier than I thought it would be to add the new
statuses. Thanks for the push.
What I chose was a new ProjectStatus I call pending which is really
pending my availability to work on it.
I also have a new ActionStatus called queued which basically means
the same thing.
The hardest part of all this was to come up with appropriate names,
and I'm still not totally thrilled, but I think the functionality is

It wasn't too difficult to update my favorite views, and I also
created a new dashboard view which works well for me.
The left column is stuff that needs attention right now: Ticklers
Requiring Action and Next Actions.
The right column is stuff that I need to keep an eye on: Active
Projects, Queued Actions in Active Projects, and Pending Projects

I am happy to share what I did, but I'm not quite sure the best way to
do that.

Also I would appreciate input from the developers on how to keep these
changes from getting discarded in any mGTD upgrades.

P.S. Sorry for having started this message topic with a totally
useless subject.


On Mar 2, 9:37 am, Ed Griebel wrote:
 I like the idea of a long-term idea because I have a lot of them too.

 I'm just a user of mGTD, but I was able to add a new classification
 for Future, this is how I did it:
 - I added a new tiddler Future/Never, tagged ProjectStatus, content
 order:3 newline button:fut newline buttonLong:future
 - added a new entry to Projects Dashboard tiddler by double-clicking
 on it after the someday/maybe line:
 mgtdList title:'Future/Never Projects' startTag:Project
 tags:'Future/Never  !Complete' view:ProjectArea mode:global
         newButtonTags:'Project Future/Never'

 I haven't thoroughly searched the code to see where else blocks for
 Active and Someday/Maybe projects are displayed to add
 Future/Never to them.


 On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Jason Dunham wrote:
  Hi Ronin and Jacques,
  thanks for the ideas.

  Realms won't really work for me, because I am already making use of them.
  In fact I'm using most of the features of mGTD, and finding them useful.  If
  that weren't true, I'd be more interested in finding another task manager
  than fixing mGTD.

  So I'm reluctant to overload one of those features with this function,
  though I will probably start with more disciplined use of the stars.

  I believe this is a real problem so I would love to hear if any of the
  developers have an opinion, or if other people like Ronin are also grappling
  with this.


  On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 11:52 AM, RoninTDK wrote:

  I have sort of similar problem:

  So what I do in monkeyGTD is create a
  seperate realm IDEAS where I put all that stuff.
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[tw] Create individual text string in tiddler via click or short cut

2009-03-09 Thread Mammut

Hi @ all,

I red many discussions but couldn´t find an answer ...

I will place the TW on a remote-access computer where all colleagues
of mine can access our shared knowledge stored in TW. From this TW we
will have lots of referenced files, which will move from time to time
(so absolut or relative path to files will not work permanently).

Possible Solution: We have already installed a google appliance
(called GoogleMini). To this appliance TW can handover search-strings
(possible, already checked) but it is necessary to give all user (also
DAU) an easy handling during tiddler creation in writing new search
stings. ... and that´s my problem, user will not accept a hyperlink-
monster ... Here is one example of the search string with the keyword

Main question: Is it possible to create a predefined text (like the
string above) and give additional information to be placed within this
I could imagine a .js popup window on button click or short-cut that
ask for the search string and create the whole string by itself and
write it into the opened tiddler.

Sorry for lenght of question, but i tried to give a bit of background
information for a better understanding.

Hope someone has an idea or a suitable thread?

Thanks a lot!
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[tw] Re: need help using variables and custom fields in pagewise FET

2009-03-09 Thread Dave Parker

Thanks for your patience Eric, It works now...

I swear I looked at the two side-by-side ten times!  But my wife would
attest that I'm not good at finding things right in front of me :-)


On Mar 9, 12:17 am, Eric Shulman wrote:
  It doesn't do anything now when you click on the buttons :-(

 Actually, it does do something... it causes a program error!

 Look at the ToolsError Console (you may have to scroll to bottom).
 You should see an error that says:
    parseint is not defined

  I'm certain I put exactly what you said.
 not *exactly*... I wrote: parseInt(...), you wrote parseint(...).

 Javascript functions and variable names are *case-sensitive*.

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[tw] tiddler title in tool tip when hovering over close - how to?

2009-03-09 Thread Alex Hough

I would like to change that tool tips on close so that when hovering
over the 'close' button in the toolbar

I've got this in a tiddler titled 'configTweaks'  and tagged with

text: close,
tooltip: Close this tiddler});

What is the syntax to change the tooltip to the name of the tiddler?
I've tried the below. '%0' is used in other places in the code to
add the name of  the tiddler into text

text: close,
tooltip: '%0'});

Thanks in advance

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[tw] Re: I need fET to be able only to fetch data from tiddlers, which has a datavalue=ThisTiddlersTitle

2009-03-09 Thread cmari

Hi Måns,
Sorry that I didn't explain clearly enough.  If you're going to look
for text in the data field Gang, you first have to check that the
data field actually exists (so you need as well
as  For the template, maybe it's
easier to see it.  I put a really simple example at:

On Mar 9, 2:28 am, Måns wrote:
 I can't make it work though...

 I've put the tiddler [[MyTemplate]] into a tiddler with the name =
 (context.viewerTiddler.title) - and I know I have several tiddlers
 tagged with that title (MM).
 Heres my fET-code put into a tiddler called MM:
 forEachTiddler where 'tiddler.tags.contains(Elev)
 sortBy ''
  '(index  200)? |+(index+1)+| [[+tiddler.title+]] |
 [[]] | [[ +]] |
 toggleTag HU [[+tiddler.title+]] nolabel \\ | toggleTag Syg
 [[+tiddler.title+]] nolabel \\ |\n : '
               begin '|sortable|k\n
 + !+tiddler.title+ |tiddler HUUpdate\\|tiddler
 SygeUpdate\\ |h\n
 +|!#| [img(55%,auto)[+tiddler.title+]|+tiddler.field(billede)+]]
 | Gang | Klasse | ![[HU]] | ![[Syg]] |h\n'
 end 'count+ kontaktgruppe elever\n' none 'Ingen elever i denne

 YS Måns Mårtensson

 On 9 Mar., 04:36, Måns wrote:

  Thanks cmari - that was exactly what I was looking for.

  YS Måns Mårtensson

  On 9 Mar., 00:38, cmari wrote:

   Hi Måns,

I need fET to be able only to fetch data from tiddlers, which contains
Data=the title of the tiddler holding the fET-code.

   I do this frequently. It requires three things in the where clause:
   1. look for a tag (or tags);
   2. find tiddlers in which the data field even exists;
   3. look for a match with the current tiddler's title:
   forEachTiddler where 'tiddler.tags.contains(myTag)

   Alternatively, you can use a template.  Put this into a tiddler called
   forEachTiddler where 'tiddler.tags.contains(myTag)

   Then, in any tiddler that has the title of the piece of information
   you want to find in mydatafield, you can put:
   tiddler [[MyTemplate]]
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[tw] Re: tiddler title in tool tip when hovering over close - how to?

2009-03-09 Thread Saq Imtiaz

The %0 style place holder substitution only works when the code
resolving the string knows to look for it and what to do with it. So
there's no default syntax for including the tiddler name.
That should do what you want and enable such substitution for all
command tooltips.

Alternatively just for the closeTiddler command tooltip:



On Mar 9, 2:22 pm, Alex Hough wrote:
 I would like to change that tool tips on close so that when hovering
 over the 'close' button in the toolbar

 I've got this in a tiddler titled 'configTweaks'  and tagged with

         text: close,
         tooltip: Close this tiddler});

 What is the syntax to change the tooltip to the name of the tiddler?
 I've tried the below. '%0' is used in other places in the code to
 add the name of  the tiddler into text

         text: close,
         tooltip: '%0'});

 Thanks in advance

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[tw] Re: tiddler title in tool tip when hovering over close - how to?

2009-03-09 Thread alex

Thanks Saq.

I'm working on a questionaire.
Pointing and referring to things is made a lot easier with this.


On Mar 9, 1:41 pm, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
 The %0 style place holder substitution only works when the code
 resolving the string knows to look for it and what to do with it. So
 there's no default syntax for including the tiddler name.
 That should do what you want and enable such substitution for all
 command tooltips.

 Alternatively just for the closeTiddler command 



 On Mar 9, 2:22 pm, Alex Hough wrote:

  I would like to change that tool tips on close so that when hovering
  over the 'close' button in the toolbar

  I've got this in a tiddler titled 'configTweaks'  and tagged with

          text: close,
          tooltip: Close this tiddler});

  What is the syntax to change the tooltip to the name of the tiddler?
  I've tried the below. '%0' is used in other places in the code to
  add the name of  the tiddler into text

          text: close,
          tooltip: '%0'});

  Thanks in advance


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Re: Project/Task

2009-03-09 Thread Ed Griebel

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 3:19 AM, jdunham wrote:

 Hi Ed:

 You're right, it was easier than I thought it would be to add the new
 statuses. Thanks for the push.
 What I chose was a new ProjectStatus I call pending which is really
 pending my availability to work on it.
 I also have a new ActionStatus called queued which basically means
 the same thing.
 The hardest part of all this was to come up with appropriate names,
 and I'm still not totally thrilled, but I think the functionality is

I'm not too crazy about my names either :-)
Even though it's not pure GTD, I like your idea of having a
pending-type status on projects and actions, sounds like a get around
to it status.

 Also I would appreciate input from the developers on how to keep these
 changes from getting discarded in any mGTD upgrades.

Hah, always the $64 question, I would like to understand if there's
any best practices for this too. There's a tickler where
customizations can go (MgtdUserConf) but that won't work for inline
macro modifications.


 On Mar 2, 9:37 am, Ed Griebel wrote:
 I like the idea of a long-term idea because I have a lot of them too.

 I'm just a user of mGTD, but I was able to add a new classification
 for Future, this is how I did it:
 - I added a new tiddler Future/Never, tagged ProjectStatus, content
 order:3 newline button:fut newline buttonLong:future
 - added a new entry to Projects Dashboard tiddler by double-clicking
 on it after the someday/maybe line:
 mgtdList title:'Future/Never Projects' startTag:Project
 tags:'Future/Never  !Complete' view:ProjectArea mode:global
         newButtonTags:'Project Future/Never'

 I haven't thoroughly searched the code to see where else blocks for
 Active and Someday/Maybe projects are displayed to add
 Future/Never to them.


 On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Jason Dunham wrote:
  Hi Ronin and Jacques,
  thanks for the ideas.

  Realms won't really work for me, because I am already making use of them.
  In fact I'm using most of the features of mGTD, and finding them useful.  
  that weren't true, I'd be more interested in finding another task manager
  than fixing mGTD.

  So I'm reluctant to overload one of those features with this function,
  though I will probably start with more disciplined use of the stars.

  I believe this is a real problem so I would love to hear if any of the
  developers have an opinion, or if other people like Ronin are also 
  with this.


  On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 11:52 AM, RoninTDK wrote:

  I have sort of similar problem:

  So what I do in monkeyGTD is create a
  seperate realm IDEAS where I put all that stuff.

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[tw] TiddlyTweets - a TiddlyWiki web app to archive your tweets

2009-03-09 Thread jnthnlstr


I don't know if people on this list are as mental as I am about
Twitter, but I really enjoy using it and, more recently, playing with
it as a messaging channel... Anyhow, after prompting from Jeremy, I
assembled this Twitter Archiver, which is a TiddlyWiki presented as a
web app:

I'm posting here because I think it's an interesting example of using
a theme to hide the guts of TiddlyWiki, with a little button that
switches you back into TiddlyWiki mode so you can get to the stored
data and plugins, and see how it's put together.

If anyone has any thoughts about how to make this into a better
example of this pattern, or has any similar examples, I'd love to hear
about that here.

If you have any feedback or ideas about the application itself, I set
up a UserVoice to use for that, where you can vote stuff up and track
what's planned, development and finished.


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[tw] Change size of .txtOptionInput to suit length of string - howto?

2009-03-09 Thread Alex Hough

Problem: I have a questionnaire. I've used  option txtUnitName and
option txtDepartmentName to write text into questions. I've made
the text blue using CSS [1] , but now I want to change the size of the
box that holds the text is the requisite length for the length of the
variable so that the text reads smoothly.

Here is the work in progress;

[1] CSS in StyleSheet
/* style inputs */
.txtOptionInput {
border: none;
overflow: visible; }

Thanks in advance for any pointers

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[tw] TextAreaPlugin v2.1.9

2009-03-09 Thread stuckagain

I am a longstanding user of this great plugin. However since I
upgraded from TW 2.3 to 2.4.3, the autosize feature seems to have
stopped working. I have not changed EditTemplate, and still have the
shadow tiddler.

I cannot be certain that the upgrade caused the problem, but at the
moment it seems pretty likely given that my archive of my TW shows
that the last day when it was working was the last day I used v 2.3.

Any suggestions from Eric or others how to resolve this and get the
great autosize feature working again?
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[tw] SearchOptionsPlugin + TiddlerBarPlugin

2009-03-09 Thread Mike

Any way to incorporate an option to include SearchOption Results in
the main story (possibly wrong terminology) so that TiddlerBar will
capture it as a tab?


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[tw] Re: Change size of .txtOptionInput to suit length of string - howto?

2009-03-09 Thread FND

 I want to change the size of the box that holds the text

Making the box's width precisely fit its contents is gonna be tricky. 
However, you can use CSS to define a static width:
 .txtOptionInput {
 width: 15em;


-- F.

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[tw] Re: TiddlyTweets - a TiddlyWiki web app to archive your tweets

2009-03-09 Thread FND

Case matters; here's the correct URL:

-- F.

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[tw] Re: TiddlyThemes Submission

2009-03-09 Thread leeand00

I used the ArchivedTimeline Plugin to achive the folding of time lines
into months.

On Mar 5, 5:20 pm, DollyP wrote:
 Very smart Andrew.

 leeand00- I like the way your website folds up the timeline into
 months. How do you achieve this? Plugin?


 On Mar 5, 2:40 pm, Andrew J. Leer wrote:

  Attached is a new Tiddlywiki theme, I like to call it Lancaster
  Coffeeshop, as I got the color ideas from several coffeeshops in
  Lancaster, PA.

  Thank you and enjoy the new Theme,
      Andrew J. Leer

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[tw] Re: TiddlyThemes Submission

2009-03-09 Thread leeand00

Is the tiddlythemes site still active?  Or is it just kind of there?

On Mar 5, 10:40 am, Andrew J. Leer wrote:
 Attached is a new Tiddlywiki theme, I like to call it Lancaster
 Coffeeshop, as I got the color ideas from several coffeeshops in
 Lancaster, PA.

 Thank you and enjoy the new Theme,
     Andrew J. Leer

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[tw] Re: SearchOptionsPlugin + TiddlerBarPlugin

2009-03-09 Thread Eric Shulman

 Any way to incorporate an option to include SearchOption Results in
 the main story (possibly wrong terminology) so that TiddlerBar will
 capture it as a tab?

Instead of creating a temporary output display, SearchOptionsPlugin
can generate an actual tiddler (called [[SearchResults]]).  In the
Configuration section of the plugin, enable this checkbox:
   [x] Write list to SearchResults tiddler

Note: The generated tiddler is also tagged with 'temporary' so that,
if you have
installed, the SearchResults tiddler will *not* be saved with the rest
of the document.

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios

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[tw] Re: Change size of .txtOptionInput to suit length of string - howto?

2009-03-09 Thread alex


The problem was getting values in option txtValue into tiddlers
for a questionnaire. I tried to write them directly into the
questions, but it didn't look right.

My solution is to use inline scrips to write to each option
txtValue into a tiddler using inline scripts.


Then to transclude into the tiddler, adding highlights thus:
@@tiddler txtValue@@

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[tw] Re: Change size of .txtOptionInput to suit length of string - howto?

2009-03-09 Thread Eric Shulman

 My solution is to use inline scrips to write to each option
 txtValue into a tiddler using inline scripts.


 Then to transclude into the tiddler, adding highlights thus:
 @@tiddler txtValue@@

Try this:

Provides the ability to calculate and render wiki-formatted content
derived from from slices, custom fields, config.options, etc.

   wikify formatstring value value value ...

For your purposes, something like this should do:
   wikify @@%0@@ config.options.txtMyUnit

The %0 is automatically replaced by the value from
config.options.txtMyUnit, and then rendered with the surrounding
@@..@@ highlighting.

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios

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[tw] Re: TiddlyTweets - a TiddlyWiki web app to archive your tweets

2009-03-09 Thread Ken Girard

Fails to download tweets in IE6.
Manages to tell me the number of tweets, then just sits at
Downloading... for the next part.

Ken Girard

On Mar 9, 1:49 pm, FND wrote:

 Case matters; here's the correct URL:

 -- F.
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[tw] Re: Change size of .txtOptionInput to suit length of string - howto?

2009-03-09 Thread Alex Hough


Very Neat. Thanks a lot. Really like it. Will save a lot of work!


2009/3/9 Eric Shulman

 My solution is to use inline scrips to write to each option
 txtValue into a tiddler using inline scripts.


 Then to transclude into the tiddler, adding highlights thus:
 @@tiddler txtValue@@

 Try this:

 Provides the ability to calculate and render wiki-formatted content
 derived from from slices, custom fields, config.options, etc.

   wikify formatstring value value value ...

 For your purposes, something like this should do:
   wikify @@%0@@ config.options.txtMyUnit

 The %0 is automatically replaced by the value from
 config.options.txtMyUnit, and then rendered with the surrounding
 @@..@@ highlighting.

 Eric Shulman
 TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios


t: 0161 442 2202
m: 0781 372 50 17
skype: alexhough
delicious: alexhough

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[tw] Re: Change size of .txtOptionInput to suit length of string - howto?

2009-03-09 Thread Eric Shulman


   wikify @@%0@@ config.options.txtMyUnit

should be:

wikify @@%0@@ {{config.options.txtMyUnit}}

(i.e., use {{...}} for *computed* parameter value)

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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[tw] Re: Change size of .txtOptionInput to suit length of string - howto?

2009-03-09 Thread Alex Hough

Thanks Eric.
It works!!  (alex super happy!!)

Out of interest, how do you arrive at the syntax of things like this.
Is is part of the UI mastercraftman's methodology or is this
TiddlyTools home brewed stuff?

Thanks again.


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[tw] Re: can't log into tiddlyspot - is this just me?

2009-03-09 Thread Nils

Nevermind - seems to just be MY tiddlywiki - I was able to create a
new one. So I hope I can find my old one - it was there earlier today,


On Mar 9, 5:29 pm, Nils wrote:
 Tried to load my tiddlywiki just now, which was working a few hours
 ago. Now not working. If I go to, get a create a new
 wiki option, but no log in to your wiki option.

 Is it just me?
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[tw] Re: Links to individual topics in chm files (howto in firefox)

2009-03-09 Thread eleanor

On Mar 5, 4:09 pm, TonyM wrote:

 I do note, however, that inside a page of the CHM the internal links,
 a hyperlink to an anchor in the page does not work, one needs to look
 for it manually.

I think it's an issue with the CHM Reader and some types of chm files.
It works well (hyperlinks) on the files I was using such as
python25.chm that comes with python for windows but I find I have the
problems you saw (hyperlinks and contents sidebar don't work) with
most of the chm files that come with my default windows XP install.

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[tw] Re: TiddlyThemes Submission

2009-03-09 Thread Mark S.

If I wanted to borrow just the coloration/look of this page, how would
I proceed most efficiently? I wouldn't just want to overwrite my
existing styles, because they do things besides control the look of
the page (using TW notes). And I wouldn't want to have to hand-map
color schemes from one to the other (assuming that a color has to be
specified at several levels).


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