[tw] Re: [tw5] Text-Slicer Plugin

2015-08-02 Thread Michael Wiktowy
On Saturday, August 1, 2015 at 8:31:06 AM UTC-4, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 I'd welcome any feedback on the tool. I would also love some help in 
 finding a better sample text, something public domain that we can 

I love it!

I have been chopping up CFRs from the eCFR 
http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/ECFR?page=browse to build up searchable 
regulation tiddlywikis in much the same way to help me with my job. I have 
been doing them manually so far and I can see this speeding things up quite 
a bit.

1) I think slicing down to the paragraph level might be too far. It adds a 
lot of autogenerated cruft in the TOCs. There may be some need to go down 
to this level but I would make the delimiter for levels beyond just 
headings configurable/regexp-able. In the eCFR example above. It would be 
useful to go down to the paragraph denoted with a lowercase letter in 
braces and the subparagraph denoted by a number ... end even 
sub-subparagraph denoted by lower case roman numerals ... but I don't know 
what a good title for the paragraphs would be other than their typical 
legal reference (i.e. §###.## (a)(1)(i)). I have not tackled splitting 
thing up to that level manually mainly due to the work it would entail and 
the difficulty in piecing together a tiddler name that won't be error-prone.

2) In the eCFR example, there are a lot of annoying back to top links 
that I have to manually remove. It would be nice if some 
configurable/regexp text could be excluded from the slicing import.

I'll have to exercise this more (particularly slicing updated regs that 
supersede previous ones and linked graphics)  since it looks like a great 
tool for me.


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[tw] Re: [tw5] Text-Slicer Plugin

2015-08-02 Thread PMario
Hi Jeremy, 

Interesting approach.

Is there a white paper, that allows us to see the concept, that you 
implemented, without the need of reverse engineering?

There is an *issue*. If I import the sliced tiddlers, they don't show up in 
the recent tab. So after closing the import tiddler, it is impossible to 
open the sliced tiddlers. 

There are some questions, for me that come up immediately. 

 1) What happens I change the title of a sliced tiddler. Does the structure 
fall apart?
 2) Are the auto created tiddlers still usable for tools like TiddlyMap, in 
a sane way?
 3) What if I need to translate the content of individual tiddlers. Do I 
need to recreate the structure, or can I use the existing one? Especially 
the heading tiddlers. 
I have a vague idea, how it works, so it would be useful to see the 
tiddlers in the recent tab. 
I think, the document abstraction doesn't go far enough for translation atm 
but I'm not sure about this. 

 4) Is there a way to undo the slicing?
 5) How can I export one eg heading with all its content, without 
forgetting some content tiddlers?


Just a remark. 

I'd label this plugin as highly experimental, since it completely changes 
the structure of a tiddlywiki and there is no undo atm. ... 

I did read the highly enthusiastic comments, which is great.
So testing and feedback is good but I'd not recommend to use it with 
production TWs yet. Because it removes the possibility for Jeremy to make 
breaking changes to the plugin, without causing a lot of pain. 

I personally would like to get the best possible functionality and not a 
plugin the halve backed and can't be changed anymore, because it needs to 
be backwards compatible to a beta version. 

have fun!

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[tw] Iframe Webpage

2015-08-02 Thread Wolf Bite
i'm showing webpages in tiddly classic 2.8.1

but want to be able to set where it starts the display

but it ALWAYS starts top left

iframe src =http://weather.perthnow.com.au; marginheight=0 
marginwidth=0 height=600px width=680px align=left frameborder=1 

I've read and tried various margins, align,  and others (but not sure if 
was a synatx or implementation issue)
I think I've heard it refered to as webpage splicing but what I want is to 
be able to set the start viewing location

is it even possable?


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Re: [tw] Re: [tw5] Text-Slicer Plugin

2015-08-02 Thread Alex Hough
@JayFresh makes a good point

It's an example of allowing free-text to be the basic unit of entry, with
the structure coming later and broadly though automated means. Sadly this
is an insight most, if not all, productivity tools have failed to grasp -
instead they make the unit the task which is a crazy constraint and
assumption about how people think.

I think this is a great feature. A use case arose for me:

I created a missing tiddler, i copied and pasted the title of the tiddler
into the search box. The search returns a tiddler -- a copy of an email: it
is long and linear, structured in paragraphs. One of the paragraphs was
relevant to my missing tiddler. Manually I'll create a new tiddler
containing an edited version of the useful paragraph with links to the
parent and the missing.


On 2 August 2015 at 11:27, Jeremy Ruston jeremy.rus...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for the feedback everyone.

  Hi, even if the idea is good (please think of adding a select all/none
 option in the import process) there are hundreds of opened issues (some
 since 2013!) that needs your attention way more than this don't you think?

 The reason I'm working on this now is because I need it for my day job --
 bear in mind that nobody pays me to work on TiddlyWiki :)

 It might be worth exploring your thoughts about the state of the TW5
 issues list in a new thread. For me, I certainly don't see it as my todo

 It was surprising to see how the tiddler in edit mode also appears in the
 assembled document - I'm not sure this is intentional... but it is
 actually really good! I would prefer editing it at that local place before
 having it appear separately at some other place. But with the option to
 edit it separately (Ctrl+click?) But editing it in-doc would of course
 require some way to access that tiddlers toolbar via the assembled doc, at
 that point. Could there perhaps be a toolbar appearing on-hover, in doc,
 for the relevant tiddler? Maybe with some kind of marking to show which
 exact section of the assembled doc it concerns, such as a differently
 colored background when hovering or a frame? I have some further thoughts
 if this at all sounds interesting.

 The idea is indeed to have in-place editing of content. There are several

 * Support for edit mode, which makes the tiddler toolbars appear
 * Support for inserting new tiddlers under existing ones
 * Drag and drop to reorder items

 The current state of affairs is, as you've discovered, that switching a
 tiddler into edit mode will display the draft within the document.

  Is there a white paper, that allows us to see the concept, that you
 implemented, without the need of reverse engineering?

 It's pretty basic, if you understand the existing table of contents
 mechanism. It's based on child entries being tagged by their parent title.

  There is an issue. If I import the sliced tiddlers, they don't show up
 in the recent tab. So after closing the import tiddler, it is impossible to
 open the sliced tiddlers.

 I'll fix that.

   1) What happens I change the title of a sliced tiddler. Does the
 structure fall apart?

 My next plan is to support renaming tiddlers properly by changing tag and
 list references to the tiddler (as per Danielo's plugin).

   2) Are the auto created tiddlers still usable for tools like TiddlyMap,
 in a sane way?

 Hopefully. The idea is that by reusing the TOC structure it should fit
 well with existing tools.

  3) What if I need to translate the content of individual tiddlers. Do I
 need to recreate the structure, or can I use the existing one? Especially
 the heading tiddlers.

 The plan is for each tiddler to have a language cascade, so that for
 example it will display de-AT content, falling back to de-DE and then en-GB

  4) Is there a way to undo the slicing?

 The slicing is non-destructive, in that the tiddler you slice up is
 unchanged. Currently it will overwrite existing tiddlers if the titles of
 the extracted tiddler clash.

  5) How can I export one eg heading with all its content, without
 forgetting some content tiddlers?

 When we support dragging multiple tiddlers in one go we should be able to
 support a drag handle that says drag this tiddler and all dependents.

 Alternatively, you can export the rendered version of the tiddler, which
 will include the transclusions.

  I'd label this plugin as highly experimental, since it completely
 changes the structure of a tiddlywiki and there is no undo atm. ...

 I'll clarify the labelling to indicate that it is experimental and subject
 to change, but I'm unsure what you mean by changing the structure of a TW.
 As I said above, the slicing operation is non-destructive.

  1) I think slicing down to the paragraph level might be too far. It adds
 a lot of autogenerated cruft in the TOCs. There may be some need to go down
 to this level but I would make the delimiter for levels beyond just
 headings configurable/regexp-able. In the eCFR example above. 

[tw] Plugin installs but doesn't work or install shadow tiddlers

2015-08-02 Thread LunaEqualsLuna
I'm trying to install the Railroad plugin.

However when I install it and try to use it, it says undefined widget 

It says its installed but none of the shadow tiddlers it requires get 
installed so I'm guessing this is why its not working?

What do I need to do?

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Re: [tw] Re: [tw5] Text-Slicer Plugin

2015-08-02 Thread Alex Hough
This idea, @Mario's point, about reverse engineering and Steve's off-the-cuff
description of a potential conference theme (see Missing Tiddler below)
 sparked a thought.

Many of the tasks I use TW for is to convert chunks of text into hypertext.
I am at a curious stage with a text, there are various activities I find
myself performing: 1) I am reverse engineering text a produced as a
hypertext which I then removed all hypertext links to get the text into
Harvard referencing format. 2) I find some text composed in an email and
cut and pasted into my TW. It contains some references which don't exist in
my TW

The world of the Day Job consists of writing email, word docs and reading
pdfs -- this is pretty much a given for many people. TW is an adaptable
hypertext tool and as such brings all the benefits the hypertext pioneers
 write about. Converting texts (with combersome references, footnotes,
endnotes etc) to hypertext is part of a wider ambition to make reading
complex interconnected texts less of a burden on the mind. The conventions
associated with referencing texts produces a cognitive overhead for the

Hypertext removes the need for pointing, establishing context and
referencing, TW is a tool which helps the thinker manage these for him /
her self

--- Missing Tiddler -

Draft conference theme

Tiddlywiki can be envisioned and described within the broad vison of
hypertext imagined by pioneers Vannevar Bush, Ted Nelson and Doug
Englebart.* This conference will bring together users and developers within
the Tiddlywiki ecosystem to consider, demonstrate and document  the
relationship between the Bush/Nelson/Englebart vision, and the Tiddlywiki
(TW5) community's implementation, practices and techniques.

[1] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/e_zXAle8yRw/iV7Q7tlmAwAJ


On 2 August 2015 at 13:02, Alex Hough r.a.ho...@gmail.com wrote:

 @JayFresh makes a good point

 It's an example of allowing free-text to be the basic unit of entry,
 with the structure coming later and broadly though automated means. Sadly
 this is an insight most, if not all, productivity tools have failed to
 grasp - instead they make the unit the task which is a crazy constraint
 and assumption about how people think.

 I think this is a great feature. A use case arose for me:

 I created a missing tiddler, i copied and pasted the title of the tiddler
 into the search box. The search returns a tiddler -- a copy of an email: it
 is long and linear, structured in paragraphs. One of the paragraphs was
 relevant to my missing tiddler. Manually I'll create a new tiddler
 containing an edited version of the useful paragraph with links to the
 parent and the missing.


 On 2 August 2015 at 11:27, Jeremy Ruston jeremy.rus...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for the feedback everyone.

  Hi, even if the idea is good (please think of adding a select
 all/none option in the import process) there are hundreds of opened issues
 (some since 2013!) that needs your attention way more than this don't you

 The reason I'm working on this now is because I need it for my day job --
 bear in mind that nobody pays me to work on TiddlyWiki :)

 It might be worth exploring your thoughts about the state of the TW5
 issues list in a new thread. For me, I certainly don't see it as my todo

 It was surprising to see how the tiddler in edit mode also appears in
 the assembled document - I'm not sure this is intentional... but it is
 actually really good! I would prefer editing it at that local place before
 having it appear separately at some other place. But with the option to
 edit it separately (Ctrl+click?) But editing it in-doc would of course
 require some way to access that tiddlers toolbar via the assembled doc, at
 that point. Could there perhaps be a toolbar appearing on-hover, in doc,
 for the relevant tiddler? Maybe with some kind of marking to show which
 exact section of the assembled doc it concerns, such as a differently
 colored background when hovering or a frame? I have some further thoughts
 if this at all sounds interesting.

 The idea is indeed to have in-place editing of content. There are several

 * Support for edit mode, which makes the tiddler toolbars appear
 * Support for inserting new tiddlers under existing ones
 * Drag and drop to reorder items

 The current state of affairs is, as you've discovered, that switching a
 tiddler into edit mode will display the draft within the document.

  Is there a white paper, that allows us to see the concept, that you
 implemented, without the need of reverse engineering?

 It's pretty basic, if you understand the existing table of contents
 mechanism. It's based on child entries being tagged by their parent title.

  There is an issue. If I import the sliced tiddlers, they don't show up
 in the recent tab. So after closing the import tiddler, it is impossible to
 open the sliced tiddlers.

 I'll fix that.

   1) What happens I change 

Re: [tw] Re: Announcing TiddlyChrome

2015-08-02 Thread Anton Aylward
Bloat doesn't always mean size, sometimes it means unwarranted 
complexity and distraction.
I'm sure you think that embedded adverts in many apps are a distraction; 
some people pay to get rid of them even though the plus version of the 
app offers no great other enhancement.

The situation I’m facing is having the file in the cloud, In one sense size 
= bandwidth = startup response.
But the real kicker is the number of different browsers that might be 
used.  Well, Ok a couple are for testing to make sure things always look 
But having to replicate the likes of this for half a dozen or more browsers 
... things get complicated.
It gets complicated for support as well if some ancillary file needs to be 
on the portable device, or -shock/horror - at a particular location on the 
portable device.  Not all strikesalesmen/strike end users are 
technically sophisticated enough to manage that.

On Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 3:31:53 AM UTC-4, Danielo Rodríguez wrote:

 El miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015, 0:47:01 (UTC+2), Anton Aylward escribió:



 Is this the way we are going now?
 Have to bloat the html files with browser specific code for each and 
 every possible browser that could be used in a multi-platform environment.

 This is actually the way TW works. TW comes with the needed module/code to 
 interact with tiddlyfox, is just that you did not noticed it. I will not 
 say that adding a small file of less than 100 lines is bloating your 
 file. You need plugins in tw for many things, specially in TW classic. Try 
 to find, for example, an android applicaton with the same functionality and 
 you will see that they are over several MB in size.


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[tw] Re: Plugin installs but doesn't work or install shadow tiddlers

2015-08-02 Thread LunaEqualsLuna
Thanks I reloaded and now the shadow tiddlers look installed but I now get 
another error.
Everywhere where railroad is supposed to render a diagram it gives:

TypeError: Parser is not a function

On Sunday, 2 August 2015 18:51:54 UTC+1, Jed Carty wrote:

 It sounds like you didn't save and reload after installing the plugin. The 
 shadow tiddlers won't look like they are installed until you do that. If 
 you have saved and reloaded than check in the control panel under plugins 
 to make sure you have enabled the plugin.

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Re: [tw] Re: Announcing TiddlyChrome

2015-08-02 Thread Eric Shulman
On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 5:57:30 AM UTC-7, Anton Aylward wrote:

 Bloat doesn't always mean size, sometimes it means unwarranted 
 complexity and distraction.

Your use of the word unwarranted is... ummm... unwarranted.  This word 
generally means not justified.  However, in the case of TiddlyWiki file 
I/O, the complexity and distraction is virtually unavoidable because 
TiddlyWiki can only invoke functionality that is provided by the browser in 
which it is running.

Modern browsers go to great lengths to ensure that they do not permit web 
pages to invoke *direct* file I/O operations, which would be a major 
security hole. Of course, all browsers do have the ability to do their own 
file I/O (i.e., download and save a file, read/write local cache, update 
config files, etc.).  However, the only way a web page can access these 
internal file functions is by writing a browser-specific privileged add-on 
along with some custom scripting in the web page to invoke the add-on's 
functionality.  This is what TiddlyFox and TiddlyChrome do.

TiddlyWiki does the best it can within a restrictive browser environment. 
 By default, without any add-on/plugin additions, it uses the browser's 
download and save handling to save a file.  This works across nearly all 

In an ideal world, there would be one universal local file I/O solution 
that works for all browsers... but this is simply not the case.  Note that 
HTML5 *does* have a FileWriter API, but it only writes to a sandbox 
area that the browser manages and the files in the sandbox are NOT really 
local files at all, they are merely data blobs managed by the browser. 
 Further, the sandboxed files are tied to that specific browser.  In this 
sense, they are more like giant cookies than actual files.

But the real kicker is the number of different browsers that might be 
 used.  Well, Ok a couple are for testing to make sure things always look 
 But having to replicate the likes of this for half a dozen or more 
 browsers ... things get complicated.

It gets complicated for support as well if some ancillary file needs to be 
 on the portable device, or -shock/horror - at a particular location on the 
 portable device.  Not all strikesalesmen/strike end users are 
 technically sophisticated enough to manage that.

The complication is somewhat intentional on the part of the browser makers. 
 If working around their restrictions on file I/O was easy, it would defeat 
the purpose of restricting file I/O in the first place.  Requiring 
installation of browser-specifc add-on code ensures that each user (or IT 
support person) makes a conscious choice to bypass these security measures.


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Re: [tw] Re: Announcing TiddlyChrome

2015-08-02 Thread PMario
On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 2:57:30 PM UTC+2, Anton Aylward wrote:

 Bloat doesn't always mean size, sometimes it means unwarranted 
 complexity and distraction.
 I'm sure you think that embedded adverts in many apps are a distraction; 
 some people pay to get rid of them even though the plus version of the 
 app offers no great other enhancement.

As I see it, the chromeSaver module is less then 70 lines of code. So I'm 
pretty sure, when the extension works in a stable way, that this 
possibility can be included into the core. TiddlyWiki already has some 
similar decisions to make, if TiddlyFox is installed. Having the core deal 
with it, also will reduce the complexity for the user. ...

See, this is the first announcement of a great improvement for the TW 
community. .. So test it and kick the tires but not the author. 

 The situation I’m facing is having the file in the cloud, In one sense 
 size = bandwidth = startup response.
 But the real kicker is the number of different browsers that might be 
 used.  Well, Ok a couple are for testing to make sure things always look 

You are right. That's the stuff developers have to deal with. Browser 
vendors made great steps into unifying the plattform but there are still 
quite some quirks, we have to deal with every day. 

 But having to replicate the likes of this for half a dozen or more 
 browsers ... things get complicated.

It gets complicated for support as well if some ancillary file needs to be 
 on the portable device, or -shock/horror - at a particular location on the 
 portable device.  Not all strikesalesmen/strike end users are 
 technically sophisticated enough to manage that.

The funny thing is, that portable devices are easier to handle, since they 
don't have to deal with IE6/7/8/x compatibility problems. Most mobile 
browsers are based on webkit, which is the engine Chrome, Safari, Opera and 
many more browsers use. 
The problem with mobile devices on the other hand is. Saving TW in a 
unified way, is an unsolved problem. 

have fun!

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[tw] Re: Plugin installs but doesn't work or install shadow tiddlers

2015-08-02 Thread Jed Carty
It sounds like you didn't save and reload after installing the plugin. The 
shadow tiddlers won't look like they are installed until you do that. If 
you have saved and reloaded than check in the control panel under plugins 
to make sure you have enabled the plugin.

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[tw] Re: [tw5] Text-Slicer Plugin

2015-08-02 Thread PMario

Thanks for your info!

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 12:28:05 PM UTC+2, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

  I'd label this plugin as highly experimental, since it completely 
 changes the structure of a tiddlywiki and there is no undo atm. ... 

 I'll clarify the labelling to indicate that it is experimental and subject 
 to change, but I'm unsure what you mean by changing the structure of a TW. 
 As I said above, the slicing operation is non-destructive.

So slicing basically means, that some content is duplicated and the user is 
responsible for the destructive delete action. That's ok. Your content 
is yours and you are responsible for your own actions :)

But still, if I as a user, delete the source tiddler, I'm bound to the 
new structure and converting it back may be a lot of work, depending on the 
original tiddler size. That's why I think it is important, that the user 
understands the new structure, that is created by the plugin. ... So in the 
case, that I need to reunite the pieces, this should be also easy. 

All in all, I'm very pleased, with the: The Tiddler is the Thing approach 
and the new possibilities that I can see with this extension. 

have fun!

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[tw] Re: Iframe Webpage

2015-08-02 Thread Mat

Maybe my article Iframing a section of a webpage 
can be of help?

*TWaddling http://twaddle.tiddlyspot.com since 1915*

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 11:10:02 AM UTC+2, Wolf Bite wrote:

 i'm showing webpages in tiddly classic 2.8.1

 but want to be able to set where it starts the display

 but it ALWAYS starts top left

 iframe src =http://weather.perthnow.com.au; marginheight=0 
 marginwidth=0 height=600px width=680px align=left frameborder=1 

 I've read and tried various margins, align,  and others (but not sure if 
 was a synatx or implementation issue)
 I think I've heard it refered to as webpage splicing but what I want is to 
 be able to set the start viewing location

 is it even possable?


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[tw] Re: TW5 - Suggestions for truly long term use?

2015-08-02 Thread iain


My largest TW is 14.5 kb and was started in 2008 based on a theme by Morris 
Gray's who modified No Brainer notes.

I think the greatest problem is not size but  technical obsolescence my 
version is TW classic and I haven't been successfully been able to update 
past 2.7.1 because all the next version wrecked all the formatting and 
macros and I had no idea how to fix them and they didn't seem to be there 
in the post classic version TW 5.


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[tw] Re: [tw5] Text-Slicer Plugin

2015-08-02 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
Minor thing -- hovering over the pair of scissors the tip text says Clone 
this tiddler.

What do you not like in the current sample text? Is it the Latin? 


On Saturday, August 1, 2015 at 5:31:06 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 I've just pushed a new prerelease that includes an early cut of a tool to 
 slice longer texts into individual tiddlers based on headings and lists. 
 It's based on ideas that have come up in previous discussions about dealing 
 with long, structured tiddlers.

 You can try it out at:


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Re: [tw] Re: [tw5] Text-Slicer Plugin

2015-08-02 Thread Alex Hough
This is slightly off topic

I wanted to take a list of references from a paper (in Pdf format)

Then I cut and paste the text into a tiddler, the paragraph formating is

Can anyone suggest a quick way of adding back the spaces between the lines
to that I can then split the tiddler using the new tool.

I think this could be a great tool for the education tiddlywiki project.
With a few adaptions, you could cut and paste a list of references and get
a set of tiddlers pre-populated with date, author and paper title fields.
they could then be displayed on a timeline. It wouild be useful for a
literature review


On 2 August 2015 at 21:08, 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki 
tiddlywiki@googlegroups.com wrote:

 Minor thing -- hovering over the pair of scissors the tip text says Clone
 this tiddler.

 What do you not like in the current sample text? Is it the Latin?


 On Saturday, August 1, 2015 at 5:31:06 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 I've just pushed a new prerelease that includes an early cut of a tool to
 slice longer texts into individual tiddlers based on headings and lists.
 It's based on ideas that have come up in previous discussions about dealing
 with long, structured tiddlers.

 You can try it out at:


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[tw] filter operator days

2015-08-02 Thread Rustem
I wrote a new filter operator days to replace (or maybe in addition to) 
the recent operator that was merged into pre-release some time ago.

Could you test it and let me know if the logic makes sense. Thank you. 
(Sharing it from my Copy account, the link may go dead at any time.)


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Re: [tw] Re: [tw5] Text-Slicer Plugin

2015-08-02 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
Everyone should have a favorite editor for just such emergencies. You need 
an editor that can see and replace a single line return with a double line 
return. I usually use Emacs for this kind of thing. In the past, I've also 
used Notetab for Windows. I believe Word will let you search for special 

Stuff coming off of PDF files often doesn't have quite the same arrangement 
as what you see on screen. It may help to try different PDF readers (older 
versions of Adobe had more copy options). There are also converters to turn 
PDF into text. Calibre is the only one I know of that's free. You will 
probably always be stuck doing a little fix-it by hand.

-- Mark

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 1:36:55 PM UTC-7, AlexHough wrote:

 This is slightly off topic

 I wanted to take a list of references from a paper (in Pdf format)

 Then I cut and paste the text into a tiddler, the paragraph formating is 

 Can anyone suggest a quick way of adding back the spaces between the lines 
 to that I can then split the tiddler using the new tool.

 I think this could be a great tool for the education tiddlywiki project. 
 With a few adaptions, you could cut and paste a list of references and get 
 a set of tiddlers pre-populated with date, author and paper title fields. 
 they could then be displayed on a timeline. It wouild be useful for a 
 literature review


 On 2 August 2015 at 21:08, 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki 
 tiddl...@googlegroups.com javascript: wrote:

 Minor thing -- hovering over the pair of scissors the tip text says 
 Clone this tiddler.

 What do you not like in the current sample text? Is it the Latin? 


 On Saturday, August 1, 2015 at 5:31:06 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

 I've just pushed a new prerelease that includes an early cut of a tool 
 to slice longer texts into individual tiddlers based on headings and lists. 
 It's based on ideas that have come up in previous discussions about dealing 
 with long, structured tiddlers.

 You can try it out at:


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