Thanks for your info!

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 12:28:05 PM UTC+2, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
> > I'd label this plugin as "highly experimental", since it completely 
> changes the structure of a tiddlywiki and there is no undo atm. ... 
> I'll clarify the labelling to indicate that it is experimental and subject 
> to change, but I'm unsure what you mean by changing the structure of a TW. 
> As I said above, the slicing operation is non-destructive.

So slicing basically means, that some content is duplicated and the user is 
responsible for the "destructive delete" action. That's ok. "Your content 
is yours and you are responsible for your own actions :)"

But still, if I as a user, delete the "source" tiddler, I'm bound to the 
new structure and converting it back may be a lot of work, depending on the 
original tiddler size. That's why I think it is important, that the user 
understands the new structure, that is created by the plugin. ... So in the 
case, that I need to "reunite" the pieces, this should be also easy. 

All in all, I'm very pleased, with the: "The Tiddler is the Thing" approach 
and the new possibilities that I can see with this extension. 

have fun!

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