[time-nuts] Affordable PoE 6-digit time displays?

2018-06-15 Thread Mark Sims
You could also run Lady Heather on a PI with NTP and select one of the zoomed 
full screen clock displays (analog watch or digital clock).
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[time-nuts] where can I purchase 794.7 nm VCSEL for building CPT rubidium clock?

2018-06-11 Thread Mark Sims
Well, no.  Green laser pointers convert a rather high power 800 nm laser to 
1600 nm in one crystal then divide it to 533 nm in another one.   The physics 
and manufacturing of them is best described as black magic.  They are cheap 
because China developed the process to grow the crystals in bulk  and crank out 
zillions of them for consumer products. 

I suspect that a 1600-ish nm to 800-ish nm converter is not a stock 
consumer-quantity device and will cost a pretty penny or two... like a red/IR 
laser diode can be had for 50 cents and a telecom VCSEL diode can be $500.

> It cannot be too much, given the fact that these are used in
green laser pointers.
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[time-nuts] Cheap-ish PRS-10 rubidiums on Ebay

2018-06-09 Thread Mark Sims
There is a guy selling some (5) PRS-10's on Ebay for $170.   Says pulled from 
decommissioned systems, but sold for parts.   No telling if they are any 
good...  They are listed as being "used" and not "for parts"... which I think 
means Ebay says you can return them.


There is another guy (in Allen, Texas) that usually keeps one listed for 
$250... if it sells, another one pops up fairly soon.   I've bought a few from 
him and they were all good.  You do have to move 2 or 3 resistors  to enable 
the serial port and one of the more useful signals (PPS IN?).
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[time-nuts] Question about Lady Heather millisecond display

2018-06-06 Thread Mark Sims
That is exactly what it should be doing...  it shows the time of arrival of the 
receiver time message is varying by around a millisecond.

> However, when entering this command the three
millisecond digits do appear but only alternate back and forth every
several seconds between "052"  and "053". 
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-06-05 Thread Mark Sims
The typical receiver default self-surveys of 30 minutes to 2 hours are not 
ideal.  They will not include a lot of satellites or the effects of multi-path 
over time.   A survey of at least 12 hours is needed to include all the sats.   
 24-48 hours is even better.

The effects of things like antenna position changing a couple of cm due to 
expansion and humidity effects are swamped by the receiver accuracy and noise.


>  That said, there are certainly a lot of issues with how the self-survey
position should be calculated *and* maintained, because it really needs
to change over time for optimal performance.
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-06-05 Thread Mark Sims
The tripod is a survey grade tripod on a limestone terrace (in a horrible 
location for an antenna).

Heather's precision survey uses the receiver's reported position data.   It 
does not take advantage of carrier phase/pseduorange/doppler data and 
post-processing.   Unlike the simple averaging self-surveys that most receivers 
do it processes the average of medians over 1 minute/1 hour/24 hour intervals.  
 It typically produces results 1-2m better than the simple self-surveys.   The 
next thing I want to try is a receiver self-survey vs the post processed 
results...  I may be able to kludge up a test that does a self-survey / 
precision survey / post processed survey and compare the results of the methods 
on the same data set.
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-06-05 Thread Mark Sims
I did Lady Heather's 48-hour precision survey on an NVS-08 receiver and 
collected RINEX data at the same time.  The NVS was tracking GPS and SBAS 

The RINEX result had lat/lon/alt error estimates of .175/.153/.396 meters.

The difference between Heather's precision survey results and the RINEX 
position were:
lat/lon/alt:  -.638m/1.190m/1.526m
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-06-03 Thread Mark Sims
As far as I'm concerned anything that you can do to improve the position 
accuracy,  environmental changes,  noise environment, etc is a good thing.   
Minimizing errors and disturbances can't hurt and may even improve things.  How 
much any improvement  provides ... ???   But  time nuts tend to be a bit nutty 
about minimizing our therbligs  ;-)

Most receiver self-surveys seem to get your lat/lon to the 2-3 meter range.   
Heather's median survey is in the 1-2 meter range.  PPP data is in the < 0.25 
meter range... seems like something worthwhile.  (altitude errors are usually 
around twice the lat/lon error).

There is always the possibility that some receiver model's computation of 
lat/lon/alt could have some intrinsic bias in it.   If so,  a position 
calculated by an external source could possibly degrade performance... 

> Is this applicable to a Thunderbolt, and would this improved position
accuracy be expected to improve the time accuracy from a Thunderbolt
compared to using the older Lady Heather 24 hour self survey method?
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-06-03 Thread Mark Sims
I did a test on a 1 second vs a stripped out 10 second rate from the same 24 
hour run.   The differences were down in the noise.  Some people have actually 
reported slightly better results with 30 second vs 1 second data...  but I 
doubt that... I suspect they used different data sets and the differences were 
just due to different data.


If you are doing a longer run into one of the data analysis services - it does 
not seem to matter much what the 
spacing on the readings is
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-06-03 Thread Mark Sims
I haven't done any extensive testing of how accurate the results are, but 
comparing them to the position produced by a L1/L2 (error ellipses < 50mm) they 
seem to be correct.  

One issue to be aware of is that some receivers want altitude in othometric 
height (MSL) and others use geoid (GPS) height.   If you are transferring the 
PPP results to a receiver you need to watch out for what the receiver wants.   
Also MSL based receivers may be using different orthometric models, so knowing 
how to convert GPS height to what the receiver uses can be problematic.


> Does the position agree with other chip sets?
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-06-02 Thread Mark Sims
Well,  with a little prodding and help from Magnus,  I now have the Trimble 
devices outputting RINEX files.  They have pseudorange, doppler, and signal 
strength observations.  A 5 hour 1Hz run was sent to CSRS-PPP and the 
lat/lon/alt error ellipses were in the 250/250/700 mm range... that should 
improve with a longer run.

Firmware issues in the original Resolution-T limit those to a 3 second 
observation rate.
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-06-02 Thread Mark Sims
I repeated the two-receiver test,  this time comparing 10 hours of 1 Hz 
measurements from an LEA-4T with  NVS-08C measurments.  The NVS has higher 
resolution RAW data measurements.  But, again, the differences in the error 
ellipses were in the 2-4 mm range.
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-05-31 Thread Mark Sims
I did another test to see if the M8T offered any positioning advantage over the 
old (and cheap) LEA-4T and LEA-5T devices.   I drove the M8T and LEA-4T with 
the same antenna,  collected data for 12 hours,  beamed the RINEX files to 

The results matched to within 3mm...  so, again, the M8T doesn't offer much 
benefit for getting precise positions.
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-05-30 Thread Mark Sims
Ok, I did the experiment.  I took an 8 hour M8T RINEX file with 
GPS,SBAS,GLONASS,GALILEO data in it.  I then used to TEQC to extract GPS only 
and GLONASS only data (CSRS-PPP ignores SBAS and GALILEO data).   The 95% 
confidence error ellipse estimates ("rapid" orbits) were:

GPS+GLONASS:lat 0.245mlon 0.219malt 0.582m
GPS ONLY: lat 0.269mlon 0.239malt 0.616m
GLONASS ONLY:   lat 0.610mlon 0.755malt 1.835m

Conclusion... if you are just interested in an accurate antenna position,  a 
$25 LEA-5T should do just fine.  GLONASS brings very little benefit (call it an 
inch) to the party.  24 hours of observations can reduce those numbers by 
around 50%   I used one of those $70 Chinese L1/L2/GLONASS/BEIDOU antennas from 
Ebay.   Note that my antenna location/environment is HORRIBLE... 

Things might change if you get into expensive L1+L2(or L5) receivers.
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-05-29 Thread Mark Sims
I finally got in the Ublox M8T and have been testing its RAW data measurements 
(carrier phase / pseudorange / dopper) data by having Lady Heather write a 
RINEX file and sending it to CSRS-PPP.

Collecting GPS, SBAS, GLONAS, and GALILEO data (CSRS-PPP ignores GALILEO and 
BEIDOU data) for 2 hours and having it processed with the "ultra rapid" orbits 
gives a position with around 350 mm lat/lon and 800 mm alt uncertainty ellipse 

Using 24 hours of data and the "rapid" (24 hour delayed) orbits gives around 
125 mm lat/lon and 300 mm alt uncertainty... the 24 hour file was around 100 MB 
long, .ZIPed to 25 MB.   Not enabling GALILEO would have reduced the file sizes 
around 25%.  

 I need to see if I can find a program that will split out the GPS/SBAS and 
GLONAS data into separate RINEX files and see how the two systems compare.
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[time-nuts] Ublox M8T question

2018-05-23 Thread Mark Sims
I have it working now.The problem was the way I was interpreting the 
satellite system gnssid:svid values in the RAWX message.  Basically the data 
for all the sat systems were being mapped to GPS prns.

Heather has a command for configuring which GNSS constellations that you want 
to use.  Ublox devices have some limits on which constellations that you can 
enable at the same time.

Heather's RINEX writer now supports RINEX v2.11 and v3.03 (needs a couple of 
tweaks).But none of the processing services support v3.xx so no way to test 
it.  I'm currently writing a 2.11 file with GPS/SBAS/GLONASS/GALILEO data... 
hopefully that will work.   I've done GPS/GLONASS/SBAS files from a NVS-08C.


I think you need to look at the CFG-GNSS message to enable the
constellations that you want.
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[time-nuts] Ublox M8T question

2018-05-23 Thread Mark Sims
I recently got in a Ublox M8T board in from CSGSHOP.   The M8T supposedly 
outputs raw measurements (carrier phase, pseudorange, doppler) for all the sat 
systems it supports, but I am only getting raw measurements for GPS and SBAS... 
no Glonass or Galaileo.Any ideas why?   Has anybody gotten raw data for 
GLONASS or Galileo out of a M8T:

This is the receiver id info from the M8T:
#   Device: Ublox timing receiver
#   Unit type: Ublox GPS receiver
#   SW:EXT CORE 3.01 (41
#   HW:0008
#   ROM 1: ROM BASE 2.01 (75331)
#   ROM 2: FWVER=TIM 1.10
#   ROM 3: PROTVER=22.00
#   ROM 4: MOD=NEO-M8T-0
#   ROM 5: FIS=0xEF4015 (100111)
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[time-nuts] Antenna cable delay compensation

2018-05-21 Thread Mark Sims
A related question is:  Do you use positive or negative numbers to set the 
antenna cable delay value?  Again, most GPS receiver documentation does not 
say.I think that I've only seen it explicitly mentioned in the Trimble 
documentation and the Oscilloquartz Star-4 documentation.

Also there is the question of does the receiver time message come out before or 
after the 1PPS and what is the message offset time from the 1PPS?   Again, 
rarely documented by the receiver manufacturer.   Lady Heather can measure 
those (if the operating system clock is accurately set)  Heather uses the 
message time offset to adjust the displayed time or get the audible "tick 
clock" aligned to true time.  

Heather has a table of typical message offsets for the supported receivers, but 
measuring and setting the value for your receiver/computer/serial port can 
improve things.
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[time-nuts] NEO-M8N vs. NEO-M8T

2018-05-21 Thread Mark Sims
One thing to look out for when messing with sawtooth messages is the question 
of does the message come out before or after the PPS pulse...  good look 
finding the answer in the receiver documentation...

"After" seems to be the most common answer.  That makes hardware/delay line 
compensation rather tricky.  Sometimes you can use the antenna cable delay / 
pps offset commands to shift the pulse before the true position (assuming that 
they support negative offsets) and use a longer delay line to add the tweak 
back in.
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[time-nuts] NEO-M8N vs. NEO-M8T

2018-05-21 Thread Mark Sims
Yes, the Ublox sends ps... whatever software that is processing the message is 
scaling it wrong.  And labeling it wrong...  qErr:-0.00105210 ps... that 
aint' right... no way... no how..
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[time-nuts] NEO-M8N vs. NEO-M8T

2018-05-21 Thread Mark Sims
It looks like you have slipped a decimal point somewhere (also that "ps" label 
is wrong).   I have an M8N running here and the report sawtooth errors are all 
within a +/- 10 ns span.   (and LEA-5T is +/- 5ns).


> Class: TIM(0xd) ID: TP(0x1), len: 0x10
tow:1519310.0 qErr:-0.00048400 ps, week:2002
  flags:0xa refInfo:0x0
  is GPS, UTC available

Which says the next PPS is going to be -48.4 nano seconds out.  Similar
to the 52 nano seconds quantization error of a RasPi 3B.___
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[time-nuts] ✘NEO-M8N vs. NEO-M8T

2018-05-21 Thread Mark Sims
Lady Heather can configure the various time pulse / PPS outputs on the Ublox 
receivers. (P keyboard menu)  If the receiver supports sawtooth data, the 
current sawtooth value will be shown at the top of the screen (second column).  
It can also be shown in the plot area (GD will toggle the sawtooth graph... it 
is off by default since it tends to be noisy looking mess).  Ublox receivers 
may power up speaking NMEA.  If you start Heather up with the /rxu command, it 
will put it into Ublox binary mode.  

The Thunderbolt has no sawtooth error since the GPS RF chain is locked to the 
OCXO.  If the OCXO is too far off freq the Thunderbolt will not be able to 
track satellites.
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[time-nuts] ✘NEO-M8N vs. NEO-M8T

2018-05-20 Thread Mark Sims
I think what Gary really wants is a GPS receiver with the most stable PPS 
output available.  That is probably the Furuno GT-8736... 1.7 nsec sawtooth 
error.  Typical PPS span is +/- 4 nsec.   Also, the Trimble Thunderbolt has 0 
sawtooth error.
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[time-nuts] ✘NEO-M8N vs. NEO-M8T

2018-05-20 Thread Mark Sims
The sawtooth value is in the 0x0D-0x01 (TIM-TP) message.  Third value, called 
qErr.  32-bit dword.  In picoseconds.
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[time-nuts] ✘NEO-M8N vs. NEO-M8T

2018-05-20 Thread Mark Sims
Most of the post-processing services use reference stations that are surveyed 
and verified to mm level accuracy. The 13 reference stations used by AUSPOS 
were uncertainties  all less than 4/4/8 mm.  Unfortuenatly some of the 
baselines were rather long.

My antenna is swimming in multi-path and other signal killers.  A two story 
house < 25 feet to the west,  tall trees,  antenna on a terrace surrounded by 
low-ish walls with 10 foot columns in the corners,  stainless steel gates, etc. 
  Heather suggests an elevation mask of around 40 degrees.
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[time-nuts] ✘NEO-M8N vs. NEO-M8T

2018-05-20 Thread Mark Sims
The main significant difference between the M8N and M8T is the fact that the 
M8T can output raw data (and sawtooth).   The hardware is the same so there 
should not be much difference PPS wise between the two.

I have Lady Heather's RINEX writer working pretty well.  Tested with the 
LEA-4T/5T/6T, the Furuno GT87, the NVS-08, and the Ashtech Z12 (with L1 and L2 
data).   It supports GPS/SBAS/GLONASS/GALILEO (with hooks for future BEIDOU) 
observations).  GLONASS and GALILEO have not yet been tested with the M8T...  
I'm still waiting for the M8T to arrive.  It currently outputs RINEX 2.11 
format with some hooks for future v3.03 support.

L1 only results with 24 hours of observations and "ultra rapid" orbits yield 
error estimates in lat/lon/alt of around 0.15/0.15/0.3 meters pk-pk.  With 2 
hours of data the errors are around twice that.  L1/L2 with the Z12 were 
31/40/88 mm (antenna is in a TERRIBLE  location).
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[time-nuts] WTB: HP/Agilent/Symmetricom 58517A Distribution Amplifier

2018-05-18 Thread Mark Sims
Well,  not strictly L1.   I have a 58517A connected to an Ashtech Z12.   It 
does report good signal levels on the L2 data (same range as the L1 signals)... 
but the Z12 L2 results are rather noisy and I don't get a very accurate 

Also the '517A does seem to work OK with Galileo and Glonass... maybe not 
optimum, but still quite OK.   

> Just a heads up, in case you’re not concious of the fact; at least my HP 
> splitter (can’t recall model# off hand) is strictly L1 - many others are wide 
> band and will allow L2 and whatever else you might later want.
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[time-nuts] Thunderbolt code phase measurement

2018-05-16 Thread Mark Sims
I was losing messages for up to 4 seconds on some of the receivers (ResT?) so I 
commented out that message request.   I need to go back and do some tests to 
see which ones are actually affected.


>  By "hosing" do you mean that you lose messages for the next second? That
was a problem with the Resolution T too.
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[time-nuts] Thunderbolt code phase measurement

2018-05-16 Thread Mark Sims
Many thanks Peter for confirming what I suspected.   The problem with the 
Trimble receivers is that requesting the satellite C/A code data can hose up a 
lot of them.  So, I'm stuck with calculating the integer number of 
milliseconds.   How to do that?  I do know my position to a few feet.

I have Lady Heather generating RINEX files for the Ublox timing receivers, the 
NVS-08, the Furuno GT-87, and the Ashtech Z12 (with both L1/L2 data).  It would 
be nice to be able to support the Trimble receivers.   With L1 only data I am 
getting results in the < 200 mm range.  The Z12 with L1/L2 data gets me to 
around 40 mm.

> If you know your position to within 150 kilometers (0.5 ms), you can
dispense with the pseudorange-assembly arithmetic and just use the code
phase directly, after adding in the appropriate integer number of
milliseconds, only one of which will put you within your known
300-kilometer-diameter (1 ms) sphere.
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[time-nuts] Thunderbolt code phase measurement

2018-05-15 Thread Mark Sims
The Trimble Thunderbolt has a message (0x5A) that outputs raw receiver 
measurement data.  One value is "code phase" (along with PRN, sample length, 
sig level, dopple, and time-of-measurement).   This is a single precision 
floating point number in units of 1/16 of a chip.   Does anybody know how to 
massage this value into either a carrier phase (in cycles) or a pseudorange (in 
meters).The reported code phase values tend to be in the 1000 ... 1 
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[time-nuts] TruePosition GPSDO Holdover Issues

2018-05-15 Thread Mark Sims
Lasy Heather can read a receiver data capture file as a "simulation" file.  Use 
the /rs=filename command line option.   You can also specify the /0 command 
line option (don't use serial port) and /rx= command line option to specify the 
receiver type.   The simulation file reads in at around 20-30 times faster than 
real time (goes faster when the mouse cursor is kept out of the plot area),


>First is to collect the data.  I have a python 
script that grabs everything from a NMEA device and logs each line with a 
time stamp.  The GPS orbit period is 12 hours so you need 12 hours of data to 
see everything.  But there are 30 satellites, so a few hours will show the 

The next step is to extract the data into a useful format.  That's another 
python script.  Then, just feed that to gunplot.
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[time-nuts] Ashtech Z12 question.

2018-05-11 Thread Mark Sims
The "new" Z12 from Ebay came in today.   Works fine (except bad memory backup 
batteries).  So antenna, power supply, cables are OK.   Replacing the memory 
backup batteries is fairly easy, except for the gazillion and three screw to 
open it up.  A pair of memory batteries costs around $15. 

I need to go over the bad one in more detail and see if I can find any bad 
caps... I had done a quick in-circuit test before replacing the batteries and 
did not see anything suspicious.  It could also be something on the RF side or 
oscillator has drifted out of range.
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[time-nuts] Ublox Galileo/Beidou PRNs

2018-05-11 Thread Mark Sims
Does anybody know how Ublox maps their reported PRNs for Galileo and Beidou 
satellites to the true satellite PRNs.   What little there is on the web 
appears on the web is rather incorrect.  

For Galileo I have seen Ublox PRNs from 212 to 240.   That seems to imply it 
might be ACTUAL = UBLOX_PRN - 210.
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[time-nuts] Ashtech Z12 question.

2018-05-11 Thread Mark Sims
Antenna is good... it is feeding an HP amplified splitter which goes to 7 other 

And yes, it died in the middle of a run.

I have another Z12 coming from Ebay...


> Rats.  Is the antenna known to be good?  Is the Z12 providing bias on the
antenna cable?  Did the Z12 stop tracking right in the middle of the
session with no nearby events or configuration changes?  
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[time-nuts] nuts about position (cheap receiver)

2018-05-10 Thread Mark Sims
I have Lady Heather's RINEX writer working fairly well.  Handles GPS and 
GLONASS (should also do Galileo when the M8T comes in from Germany... was "in 
stock" but it took them over a week to ship it).

I just did a run on the Furuno GT-8736.  It only outputs pseudoranges.  A 2.5 
hour run @ 1Hz had error ellipses around 0.4 meters lat/lon  1 meter altitude.. 
 similar to a Ublox-5T with pseudoranges and carrier phase.  The LEA-5T with 17 
hours of 1Hz data were .17 /.15 /.4 meters... not too shabby for a $25 receiver.

The NVS-08 with 3 hours of 1Hz GPS/GLONASS data was 0.63/0.59/1.5m (without 
GLONASS data being processed).   Once CSRS-PPP had GLONASS orbit data 
available, they automatically re-ran it and the error ellipses improved to 

A 19 hour/1Hz run on a NVS-08 receiver was 0.175 meters lat/lon .455 meters 

Results from the Z12 in L1/L2 mode were... iffy...  then the receiver died.
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[time-nuts] Ashtech Z12 question.

2018-05-10 Thread Mark Sims
Well, my Z12 stopped tracking sats yesterday.   It passes all self-tests.   I 
then replaced the memory backup batteries... it fixed the bootup error problem, 
but still won't track sats.
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[time-nuts] Ashtech Z12 question.

2018-05-06 Thread Mark Sims
I just added support for the Z12 to Lady Heather and fired up my Z12 for the 
first time in a few years.   It powers up in some kind of a weird loopback mode 
and you have to reset the receiver memory to get it working.   

Does the Z12 have an internal memory backup battery?   Mine is currently doing 
a long L1/L2 RINEX capture and I can't open it and check right now.
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[time-nuts] WWVB: measuring local 60 KHz noise

2018-05-05 Thread Mark Sims
Although it does not measure propagation delays,  Lady Heather can now estimate 
propagation delays.   You can enter the lat/lon/alt of the station or specify 
the station name.   You can enter the ionosphere height, or Heather will 
estimate it depending upon the month.


> I'd also like to measure the propagation delays on WWV so a setup for HF that 
also works down to 60 KHz would be interesting.
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[time-nuts] nuts about position (cheap receiver)

2018-05-04 Thread Mark Sims
You could add doppler to the RINEX file.   All the receivers with raw messages 
seem to output that.

I am playing with the Furuno GT87 output.  It does not output carrier phase 
data (only pseudorange / doppler / SNR).   CSRS-PPP can still process that.   
On the first run  (3 hours of data, after a 20 minute self-survey ) it did 
reject 81% of the epochs.  Sigmas were 3/2/5 meters.   The GT87 outputs 
altitude as MSL, not WGS84.   

I just submitted a new 14 hour run (with the receiver doing a self-survey... 
not in position hold mode).


> I submitted 4 days (118-121) of RINEX files from an IGS station to
CSRS-PPP, but with only the GPS C1, L1, and S1 observations.
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[time-nuts] nuts about position (cheap receiver)

2018-05-03 Thread Mark Sims
To give an idea about the possible improvement in antenna location available by 
post-processing the data,  I first did a 2 hour self-survey and that put the 
receiver into position hold mode.  Then I collected RINEX data for 16 hours.   
The post-processed lat/lon/alt values differed around 1/1/3 meters better than 
the self-survey values (with estimated error ellipses of 0.17/0.15/0.4 meters). 
  Those results were with the "ultra rapid" orbits.  It will be interesting to 
see what they look like when the final precise orbits are available in a couple 
of weeks.

I also need to see how those values compare to Lady Heather's precision survey 
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[time-nuts] nuts about position (cheap receiver)

2018-05-03 Thread Mark Sims
Woohoo! Success!I sent a RINEX 2.10 formatted .obs file generated by 
Heather from a Ublox 5 to Canada for post-processing.   The results matched 
those from RTKLIB processing to within 1mm.  Oh, and on noth cases the 
post-processing used the "emu" orbit info.

 I haven't heard back from Australia, but I think the file that I sent down 
under has some duplicate data block errors.
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[time-nuts] nuts about position (cheap receiver)

2018-05-02 Thread Mark Sims
The goal is to make it as simple as possible and have Heather do all the 
receiver configuring, data capture, and RINEX making... with none of that 
tedious mucking about in RTKLIB   Currently all I have to do is fire up Heather 
and tell it to write a log file with the .obs extension.


> RTKLIB's RTKCONV can convert between RINEX versions.
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[time-nuts] nuts about position (cheap receiver)

2018-05-02 Thread Mark Sims
I tried submitting Version 3 files to several services... none support Version 
3!Heather now creates the uglier/less readable Version 2.10 RINEX,
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[time-nuts] nuts about position (cheap receiver)

2018-05-02 Thread Mark Sims
G...  Canada lives in the dark ages and does not accept RINEX version 3...  
I'm now trying Australia...

Version 3 is cleaner and easier to write than Version 2...
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[time-nuts] nuts about position (cheap receiver)

2018-05-02 Thread Mark Sims
For the orbits is says "Precise",  so maybe not even the hourly ones.  I could 
not find any mention of emu, emr, or igs.

Heather can now spit  out Rinex 3.02 files (at least for GPS/SBAS sats).I 
am currently feeding Heather the .raw capture file I sent to Canada and 
outputting a RINEX .OBS file.  I'll send that off to them and see if there is 
any difference in the results from the one from RTKCONV.   The RTKCONV 
processed values for pseudo ranges and carrier phase values seems to have been 
tweaked from what the receiver sent... they differ by a fractional amount.  


> Was the solution using the NRCan hourly's or the IGS Rapid products ?
(It should say in the email response or the .sum file: the
'Satellite orbits/clocks' lines seem to have 'emu', 'emr' or 'igs' for
the NRCan hourly/UltraRapid, Rapid and Final solutions respectively).
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[time-nuts] nuts about position (cheap receiver)

2018-05-02 Thread Mark Sims
Well,  I processed the Lady Heather .raw capture file from the $24 LEA-5T 
through RTKCONV and submitted it to CSRS-PPP and it worked.   Using the less 
precise instant orbits it says the 95% sigma errors are:  lat: 0.169m 
lon:0.148m  alt: 0.399m

My antenna is that Chinese L1/L2/Glonass/etc antenna from ebay.   I'll 
re-submit the data next week and see how it changes.

Also, I now sort-of have Heather outputting a RINEX 3.02 format .OBS file.  

Oh, and Bob... Heather can run an external program at a given time or after a 
specified interval, so could be set up to automatically submit the file... you 
lazy bastard ;-)
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[time-nuts] nuts about position (cheap receiver)

2018-05-01 Thread Mark Sims
There are some sellers on Ebay LEA-5T receivers on Ebay for cheap.   They are 
pin and layout compatible with the Trimble Resolution-T devices.   I bought a 
couple from this guy ($24 each) and they do output the RAW and SFRB messages.  
He also has LEA-4T and Trimble boards.  There are also other sellers that are 
more expensive... search for LEA-5T


I have not tried to post-process the data yet.  I currently have Heather doing 
a raw data capture...
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-05-01 Thread Mark Sims
I added some debug log info that shows how many bytes the receiver sent between 
time messages.  The LEA-6T sends around 500-600 bytes every second.  That fits 
easily into 9600 baud.   The M8N tracking all sats and with all the raw 
messages enabled spews around 4000 bytes.   That would require 57,600 baud.  

It looks like M8N's with standard firmware are not suitable for precise 
positioning.  They do not output the required RAW data messages:


Various GPS receivers handle transmit buffer overflows in different ways... 
including various combinations of dropping messages,  garbling data, or 
crashing.  Most receivers seem to have transmit/receiver buffers in the 1000 
byte range... some are smaller, some are larger.
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-04-30 Thread Mark Sims
Heather now requests the RAW and RAWX messages... those output carrier phase, 
doppler, and pseudo ranges.The M8N does not support either, but the M8T 
supports RAWX.

Heather now requests the SFRB and SFRBX messages... those output the satellite 
navigation messages. All the M8's output SFRBX.

I cranked up the M8N baud rate to 115200 and the receiver can handle all the 
various raw messages  But the bugaboo is requesting the TRK-MEAS and 
TRK-SFRBX messages.   The messages are not officially supported, Ublox forbids 
talking about them on their forums... they might even dispatch Ninja assassins 
if you talk about them.   If you request those messages on the M8N very bad 
things seem to happen...  you start receiving messages 0x27-0x00 with a length 
of either 68 bytes or around 1300-1400 bytes.  Whatever 0x27-0x00 is, nobody's 
talking...  The 0x27 message group is for security features like chip serial 

I have an M8T on the way from Germany...


> I think heather is parsing the UBX_RAW_RATE messages for the
raw GPS meansurements.  The LEA-6T allows UBX_RAW_RATE, but the
NEO-M8N does not.
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-04-30 Thread Mark Sims
I once spent way too much time trying to get Heather to spit out a RINEX file 
from a Thunderbolt.   I could never get any of the post-processors to accept 
it.   The Thunderbolt's raw data needs to somehow be tweaked to be compatible 
and I didn't really know what I was doing.

A LEA-6T seems to be able to cope with the data stream at it's default 9600 
baud.  I just tried a NEO-8N and it drops packets, etc.   Even weirder, it does 
not output any of the requested packets that might be flooding the port, but 
still drops packets.  


> You mean that LH does not translate the data to the correct format *and* 
> submit it for post processing ? 

There *is* a lot of data when you turn all this stuff on. If you can get above 
115K baud, it’s well worth it. 
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-04-30 Thread Mark Sims
Coincidentally, yesterday I tweaked up Lady Heather's Ublox code to enable all 
of the necessary raw data messages.  Heather also enables the raw messages from 
Trimble TSIP speaking receivers,  the NVS CSM24 receiver, and the Furuno GT87 
receiver (if baud rate is >=115200).

Heather can write a raw data capture file (/dr=filename on the command line or 
WY from the keyboard).  You should be able to convert those raw capture files 
to RINEX and then post-process those.
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-04-26 Thread Mark Sims
You will probably have a some difficulty finding a surveyor that does 
geodetic/mm accuracy surveys.  Most  surveyors that use GPS seem to work down 
to inches/a few cm.
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-04-25 Thread Mark Sims
I don't know if you can easily see earth tides with a GPS... the 
post-processing services usually filter and correct them out.

But, Lady Heather v6 can model and plot them (as lat/lon/alt displacements in 
mm).  Also the vertical component of the gravity offset (in ugals)
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[time-nuts] Cheap jitter measurements

2018-04-25 Thread Mark Sims
Lady Heather v6 supports the TAPR TICC.  It has most of the functionality of 
Timelab (but not as pretty), runs  on Linux,etc,  and can process both channel 
s(actually 4 channels if you have two TICCs).  You can use it either as the 
main input device or as an auxiliary input device in conjunction with a 
GPS/GPSDO as the main input device.

It also lets you configure the TICC.   It does require the TICC firmware update 
released after the original batch of TICCs was released.   
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[time-nuts] nuts about position

2018-04-25 Thread Mark Sims
When in was developing Lady Heather's precision survey code I was comparing the 
calculated positions to those from an Ashtech Z12 dual freq GPS (with the 
position calculated by OPUS).   Using the same survey grade antenna and a 
Thunderbolt the results were usually within a meter.   I have not tried it 
using a more modern GPS receiver.
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[time-nuts] Better quartz crystals with single isotope ?

2018-04-22 Thread Mark Sims
Single isotope diamond is 50% better  thermal conductivity of normal diamond.   
It has been  used in laser optics and thermal transfer applications 
(semiconductor heatsinks).   I think the highest reported thermal transfer rate 
used isotopically pure diamond etched with micro-fluidic channels fed with 
coolant.   GE makes the diamond material... it was developed as part of 
Reagan's Star Wars project.

Isotopically pure silicon has 60% better thermal conductivity than natural 

Isotopically pure platinum has been used in RTD temperature sensors.
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[time-nuts] Introduction & GPSDO Question

2018-04-19 Thread Mark Sims
I'm not sure if Heather v5 works with all of those those receivers (I think you 
have what us known as a "UCCM" receiver... these are pulls from telecom 
equipment).   If you are on Windows, you might want to try the v6 Beta code.   
Install the v5 from ke5fx.com, then download the v6 .exe from here:


Next, copy the v6 .exe in the .zip file to the directory you installed  v5 in.  
 You might need to start Heather with the /rxc command line option to force the 
"UCCM" receiver type.


> If so may want to try and connect it to your pc and use the Lady Heather 
> GPSDO monitoring program.
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[time-nuts] getting accurate timing on RTL-SDR output

2018-04-13 Thread Mark Sims
Note that on a lot of GPS devices that only one edge of the 1PPS pulse is 
stable and the other edge can jitter a bit.

Also, you might want to try programming the PPS to a 50% duty cycle (but having 
an asymmetrical PPS pulse might have some advantages for post processing).

The receiver with the best 1PPS stability  that I have tested is the Furuno 
GT-8736.  Its typical span is under +/- 4ns from nominal. 
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[time-nuts] RINEX for Android

2018-04-12 Thread Mark Sims
Lady Heather will write raw data capture files from any of the devices that it 
supports.  It can also read them in as a simulation file (except for "polled" 
receivers where you have to explicitly poll the receivers for each piece of 
data you want... the polling queries are not written to the receiver data 
capture files).

Heather might not config the receiver to send some of the "advanced" messages 
you might be interested in, but it is easy to modify the code to request those.


> So now I just need to get some binary files out of my GPS receivers.
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[time-nuts] Holdover: Z3801A vs KS-24361

2018-04-12 Thread Mark Sims
SS is signal strength.  CN is carrier to noise ratio.   They basically indicate 
the same thing, but their scale may be different.   You can't compare the 
absolute magnitude of the values from different types  of receivers,  only do 
relative comparisons.   Other receivers can report dBc, etc.  And Trimble 
devices can report AMU (amplitude measurement units).  Some Trimble devices 
don't support dBc readings.  By switching a Tbolt between AMU and dBc, I worked 
out a table that Lady Heather uses to convert AMU to dBc to that those devices 
can display the more common dBc values.  On the Trimble devices you set the 
signal level mask in AMUs.


> the Satellite Status area has a header of SS on the Z3801A and C/N on  the KS
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[time-nuts] Environmental sensor recommendations

2018-04-06 Thread Mark Sims
By comparing how much the DAC voltage changed with temperature.  Heather can 
calculate the OCXO EFC sensitivity (Hz/volt).  Combine that with the DAC 
setting and you get Hz/degree.


>  How did you measure temperature sensitivity
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[time-nuts] Environmental sensor recommendations

2018-04-06 Thread Mark Sims
I replaced the OCXO on one of my Thunderbolts with an Oscilloquartz 8663 and 
the temperature sensitivity went down by about 2/3, so I always assumed the 
main contributor was the OCXO.  I didn't try mod-ing any other Tbolts.  

I also tried temperature stabilizing the power supply and it seemed to also 
have an influence.


>  I respectfully disagree. The OCXO is not the temperature problem with the 
> Tbolt.
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[time-nuts] Environmental sensor recommendations

2018-04-05 Thread Mark Sims
Digital temperature sensors have some advantages (like nice factory 
calibration),  but also so issues.   The IIC/SPI ones need to be mounted to a 
PCB and also have quite a bit of thermal mass.  They also need 4-6 wire cables. 
 They are hard to attach directly to a point that you want to monitor.

The advantage of thermistors is that they are small,  cheap, readily available 
with leads attached, and only require a two wire cable.   You can easily tape 
them to whatever point you want to monitor.

The ADT7420 is $8 a pop + PCB + assembly + cable.  Decent thermistors can be 
had for less than a buck.


>  Check out ADT7420:
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[time-nuts] Environmental sensor recommendations

2018-04-05 Thread Mark Sims
Long ago I did a board for evaluating high power  LEDs and drivers.  Iit was 
called Luxor and if you look through the Lady Heather code, you will see 
references to it.   It has all the functionality (and them some) needed for an 
environmental sensor and temperature controller.  

It has 4 dual voltage IIC ports (with support for themocouples and Melixs IR 
thermometers (also LM75's and thermistors),  8 x 16 bit ADCs (or were they 12 
bit?) , a couple of isolated hall effect current sensors,  a 50 amp MOSFET 
16-bit PWM'd at up to15 kHz, a four channel color sensor, a light PWM sensor, 
and a few other things.   It collects data continuously at the sensor max data 
rate, averages readings over 1 second intervals, and streams the data at 1 Hz.  
That is the basic design I will probably use for my environmental sensor.

As mentioned, themocouples are not good for this application.  I'm leaning 
towards thermistors since they can be cheap (or expensive) and you can get 
small ones with low thermal mass.   I'd like to do RTDs, but good interface 
chips can be pricey... plus the RTDs can be pricey and delicate.

I think, that in this application, resolution is more important than absolute 

The pressure sensor in the BME280 can detect an altitude change of under 1 foot.
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[time-nuts] Environmental sensor recommendations

2018-04-05 Thread Mark Sims
I looked at the TEMPer devices, but almost all of them seem to be HID devices 
that emulate a digi-monkey typing on a keyboard...  tis' not something Heather 
wants to work with.  Also, none of them seem to do air pressure.  They do have 
a device that does temperature and humidity and can emulate a serial port.  I 
could not find any info on how to talk to it and it costs more than the 
dogtaian USB-PA that also does pressure.

> I use several of the TEMPer series.  
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[time-nuts] Environmental sensor recommendations

2018-04-04 Thread Mark Sims
Lady Heather has a very nice temperature control PID in it (designed by Warren 
Sarkisen).  It was originally designed to stabilize the temperature of a 
Thunderbolt GPSDO.  The standard Thunderbolt OCXO is rather temperature 

The standard/simple implementation involves sticking the Thunderbolt in a 
cardboard box with some thermal mass and baffling.  Heather then PWMs a fan (at 
1 Hz, using the serial port modem control signals and a DC solid state relay) 
to mix room temperature air into the box.   It can control the temperature 
readings to around 0.01C with long term RMS errors in the low microdegree range 
 (absolute accuracy depends upon the temp sensor).


> I would suggest that if you are looking at taking temperature sensor data
and attempting to control some type of heating/cooling device that you
implement a PID loop for stability.
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[time-nuts] Cheap jitter measurements

2018-04-04 Thread Mark Sims
The TICC is a very nice device.  A LOT of bang for the buck.Highly 

Lady Heather supports it (you can actually connect two for 4 channel operation) 
and can run under Linux.   It provides most of the basic functionality of 
Timelab (with less pretty plots).
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[time-nuts] Environmental sensor recommendations

2018-04-04 Thread Mark Sims
I recently (mostly)  finished adding external environmental sensor support to 
Lady Heather.   You can use the sensor as the primary "receiver" device or in 
conjunction with any of the "receivers" that Lady Heather supports (except 
currently the HP-5071A which uses the same plot queue entries as the 
environmental sensors).  Heather supports humidity, pressure, and two 
temperature values.

I am currently using a dogratian.com USB-PA sensor with temperature, humidity, 
and pressure.  I am also designing a Heather specific board (BME280, two 
thernistors, temperature controller interface, maybe a couple of ADC channels, 
etc).   Are there any recommendations for other off-the-shelf sensors worth 
looking at?

The main requirement is that the sensor should send data over a serial port or 
virtual serial port or maybe ethernet.   Ideally it would stream readings at 1 
Hz, but a polled device (like the dogratian.com devices) can be accomodated.
Also, it would be very nice if the temperature sensors are small, responsive, 
and on leads that could be attached to whatever is being monitored.

Attached is a screen dump of the USB-PA running.   Can you spot the furnace 
cycling and sunrise?
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[time-nuts] quartz / liquid nitrogen

2018-04-02 Thread Mark Sims
And you want your semiconductors to be in ceramic/lided packages with the bond 
wires flapping in free air.   Bond wires embedded in epoxy like to break...  
don't ask how I found this out  ;-)   ... it brings back bad memories... and 
makes bad memories...  Quantum chips have very elaborate/specialized bonding to 
survive liquid helium... even with that, thermal cycling still breaks them.
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[time-nuts] TV Signals as a frequency reference

2018-04-02 Thread Mark Sims
Here's a local guy's take on monitoring time and DST errors on the stations in 
the Dallas area:
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[time-nuts] TV Signals as a frequency reference

2018-04-02 Thread Mark Sims
I read that there is a requirement that the time data in the PSIP data stream 
has to be within one second.  

I have an over-the-air DVR that would mess up the time and recordings because 
it was originally not filtering the times the stations broadcast.   They 
finally modified the DVR firmware to do something like a median filter to throw 
out the outliers.   A local TV guru beat up on all the local stations with a 
copy of the FCC rules to get the stations to broadcast the correct time.   And 
don't me started on the ways the stations still mess up the daylight savings 
time transitions.  Many are a month, week, or day off.


> There is no requirement for us to inject time of any prescribed accuracy 
into the digital stream.
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[time-nuts] New GNSS chipsets

2018-04-02 Thread Mark Sims
I was measuring the jitter and adevs of the PPS signal from a GT-8736.   GPS 
only seems to be slightly better (1-3 ns more span) than GPS+GLONASS.  GLONASS 
only seems have around 50% more jitter than GPS only.  Glonaas only adevs are 3 
times as large as GPS only (at tau=1 seconds).  

> It is indeed a benefit to use the different constellations.
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[time-nuts] Lady Heather BST command line question

2018-04-01 Thread Mark Sims
Ooops,  that should have been /b=2 to select the European time zone rule!
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[time-nuts] Lady Heather BST command line question

2018-04-01 Thread Mark Sims
/b=1   (sets European time change rule)
/tz=0GMT/BST (sets time zone offset and names... and thats the number 0, 
not the letter O)

It should then automatically switch between the time and time zone names 
according to the rule.  For non-standard places, you can specify a custom rule. 
  Check the comments at the start of heather.cpp for details (search for 
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[time-nuts] GPS System Message (was: TV Signals as a frequency reference)

2018-03-31 Thread Mark Sims
Or on the GPS/GNSS signals...  I was verifying Lady Heather's support for the 
old SV6/Palisade/Acutime receivers and came across a mention of the "GPS System 
Message" command.   It is requested by TSIP packet 0x28 and returns packet 
0x48.  Newer Trimble receivers (like the Resolution-T don't seem to support the 
0x28/0x48 messages. It is only mentioned in the SV6 docs.  The system message 
is a 22 character ASCII string embedded in the GPS navigation messages.   

If you dig into the GPS ICD docs it says it is used like a "bulletin board" for 
GPS users and can be a plaintext or encrypted message.  They currently seem to 
be encrypted...  perhaps a way to distribute P-code keys?

I wonder if any of the newer GNSS sats have some hidden goodies in the signals?

When sent to the SV6, you get a single response.  When sent to a Thunderbolt, 
you get 31 messages (mostly all the same).   I think the different messages are 
due to delays in the ground control system updating the satellites or the 
receiver not tracking particular satellites between updates.

Here a couple of responses from a Thunderbolt:

# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:Z9Mx69BOC1 Lx+:LR3X2 Q
# GPS system message:Z9Mx69BOC1 Lx+:LR3X2 Q
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:Z9Mx69BOC1 Lx+:LR3X2 Q
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V
# GPS system message:X4W-BZXE3/HPU77G49PU1V

# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:5FT16X78CN53GVWVF1/8BW
# GPS system message:5FT16X78CN53GVWVF1/8BW
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:5FT16X78CN53GVWVF1/8BW
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO
# GPS system message:E:S4.A2'3'A65/C5M8 UQO

> I wonder how many secret services are parasites on the commercial
TV transponders
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[time-nuts] Teardown of Chinese made eBay GPS antenna.

2018-03-28 Thread Mark Sims
I can confirm that they work well on Glonass and Beidou.   I have not tried 
them on my Z12 with L2 signals.

Last night a big lightning strike across the street took out a tree.   Antenna 
survived without damage, but my antenna is on a 3 foot tripod on the ground...  
it was quite a brown-trousers producing, ear-ringing strike.  

BTW,  the HP/Symmeticom 58517A antenna splitter/amplifier seems to work well 
with Glonass/Beidou.  I don't think it does L2, etc.
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[time-nuts] Setting correct date on Trimble Thunderbolt receiver

2018-03-28 Thread Mark Sims
Thanks,  excellent code to do the fixup on Arduinos, etc.   Heather already has 
Julian <-> Gregorian routines that use double precision numbers and allows 
date/time tweaks to millisecond levels, so I used those.

I am modifying the rollover adjustment code to not latch onto a specific 
rollover compensation value.  That was originally done for a couple of old 
receivers that did things rather bizarrely.   Subsequent improvements  to the 
code made that no longer necessary. So now Heather will be able to recover from 
date/time issues due to bogus dates that occur during receiver startup.

> Ah, more complicated math to solve a problem vs. simpler math to avoid a 
> problem in the first place.
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[time-nuts] Setting correct date on Trimble Thunderbolt receiver

2018-03-28 Thread Mark Sims
Lady Heather's automatic rollover fixer works by looking at the year in any 
time message that it sees.  If it sees 10 consecutive year values less than 
2016,  it assumes the receiver has rollover issues and then adds 1024 weeks 
worth of seconds to the Julian date/time calculated from the receiver time/date 
message until the resulting year is past 2016.

One problem with this is when a receiver is first powered up... most of them 
send dates in the 1980s to 1990s until they start tracking satellites.   Once 
Heather detects a rollover condition, the code does not currently undo it if 
the receiver starts sending good dates.

Heather keeps all times as a double precision Julian date.  Using Heather's 
code can be a problem on Arduinos since their "double" precision numbers are 
actually 32 bit single precision,  so you would need to do some more 
complicated math.

Heather's rollover compensation value is actually in double precision seconds.  
You can manually specify a rollover correction to sub-second resolution and 
tweak the displayed time/date to anything you want...  comes in handy for 
testing calendar/eclipse/sunrise/sunset/etc code.

Speaking of rollovers,  the GPS system has a 1024 week rollover next year 
(April 6th-7th).  A lot of older receivers had code that could handle the first 
system rollover in 1999,  but might have issues this time.
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[time-nuts] Looking for information on True Position GPSDO.

2018-03-20 Thread Mark Sims
When I dumped the flash rom from one of the TruePosition units, we found a 
couple of commands that seem related to OCXO learning.   They are discussed a 
little in the thread on EEVBLOG.

> If you *do* go swapping around OCXO’s (or whatever) on a GPSDO board, 
it’s very nice to be able to change the internal “magic numbers” to get the 
control loop running properly again. 
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[time-nuts] Looking for information on True Position GPSDO.

2018-03-18 Thread Mark Sims
The magic word is $PROCEED.

There is quite a bit of info about these on eevblog.com

Lady Heather v6 Beta supports these.   If you have v5 installed from ke5fx.com, 
you can get the .exe for v6 from here or if you run Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, etc 
I can email you the source code to compile:
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[time-nuts] Furuno GT-87

2018-03-18 Thread Mark Sims
The TICC reference is a HP-5071A cesium beam oscillator with high performance 
tube.  The GT-87 is connected to the TICC channel B input.  The TICC is running 
in timestamp mode.

The orange plot is the Time Interval Error of the 1PPS signal... the difference 
between 1 second and the measured 1PPS.

The grey plot is the accumulated phase error for channel B.

I just finished the measurement of the GT87 running on GLONASS sats only.   The 
PPS span was still in the +/-4 ns range with a couple of points +/- 6 ns.   
However the ADEV measurements on the 1PPS were 3 (at tau-100 secs) to 5 times 
higher. (at tau=1 seconds).   I am typically tracking 5-8 GLONASS sats.

The GT87 sends an "accuracy" value.  In GLONASS only mode the GT87 reports an 
accuracy of 12 ns.  With GPS enabled it tends to say 5-6 ns,  but I have seen 
it as low as 2 ns.
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[time-nuts] Furuno GT-87

2018-03-16 Thread Mark Sims
I re-confgured the GT-87 to just use GPS satellites (the posted data had GPS, 
SBAS, and GLONASS enabled).   The 1PPS span was mostly +/- 2.5 ns,  with a few 
excursions to the +/- 3.5 ns range. 

I'll try GLONASS only next.

I looks like Furuno is not going to add Galileo support to the GT-87 firmware.
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[time-nuts] Power line frequency monitoring using a PICPET

2018-03-13 Thread Mark Sims
I kludged up a very simple power line interface (3VAC transformer -> 10K 
resistor -> diode -> PICPET) and fed the (unfiltered) output into a PICPET.   
The PICPET was clocked using a 10 MHz TTL oscillator.  I used Lady Heather to 
capture and analyze the data.  It was measuring the time interval between 60 
cycles on the input waveform and calculating the frequency error, phase, and 

It worked surprisingly well.   Overnight the freq varied over a 0.0475 Hz 
range.   Average freq was off by -0.005 Hz___
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[time-nuts] Recommendations for Mains Power Monitor / Logger

2018-03-13 Thread Mark Sims
Lady Heather v6 now supports the PICPET.   I don't think it would like a 60 Hz 
input, though.   When testing receivers with a high navigation rate (like over 
20 Hz) it gets overwhelmed processing the data stream and updating the screen.  
It might work with the PICPET since the sole message that it sends is rather 
short.  I have been meaning to try it.   Or, perhaps I can add some code to 
skip some messages and get to a friendlier effective data rate.
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[time-nuts] FURUNO GT-80 for Brandywine GPS-4

2018-03-10 Thread Mark Sims
The GT80 is a family of devices including the 8031 and 8037.   Perhaps posting 
a picture would help.
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[time-nuts] FURUNO GT-80 for Brandywine GPS-4

2018-03-09 Thread Mark Sims
I don't know which receiver is in the GPS-4.   Open yours up and take a peek... 
  I do know the GPS-4 uses $PFEC commands.   I have a 8031 and Lady Heather 
works with it.   I have an 8037, but don't know what command set it uses... yet.


>  Would these other modules be compatible with the controller and firmware
in the GPS-4? I wasn't sure if they all used the same commands and responses.
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[time-nuts] FURUNO GT-80 for Brandywine GPS-4

2018-03-09 Thread Mark Sims
There are Furuno GT-8031's and GT-8037's listed on Ebay for cheap-ish.   Tge 
8031 is a small (around 1x1") module with an antenna pigtail with a H.FL 
connector on it.   The 8037 looks like a Motoroa M12 board with a MMCX 
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[time-nuts] Frequency deviations in Europe affect clocks

2018-03-07 Thread Mark Sims
A more detailed explanation of what is happening:

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[time-nuts] TymServe TS2100 dead power supply

2018-03-07 Thread Mark Sims
I once looked into adding IRIG generation to Lady Heather.   I never came up 
with a reliable / robust way to do it.  It could possibly be done with some of 
the Windows multi-media support, but that would leave the Linux/macOS/FreeBSD 
people in the dark.

I just added TS2100 support to Lady Heather... but it only reads the time code 
output string and drives the clock displays.   I don't have a TS2100 to 
properly test it, but it works when fed with a simulation file.

> RANDOM QUESTION -- does anybody know of software to *generate* IRIG time 
> code? Something in C that's adaptable to a modern micro would be good. In 
> something like a Raspberry Pi 3, IRIG generation would make a nice addition 
> to Lady Heather...
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[time-nuts] Ultra low power RTC

2018-03-07 Thread Mark Sims
A friend of mine is a product engineer for one of the largest (the largest?) 
makers of RTC chips.  He groans about the (rather pointless) quest for the 
lowest power RTC chips.   Making robust, stable, accurate oscillators that run 
at nanowatts is a losing proposition.   At those levels external factors can 
wreak havoc.  And he blames crystal makers for a lot of problems... batch X 
works great,  batch Y is wonky,  batch Z is utter crap.   Pretty much the same 
for load capacitors.   Eventually users come to their senses and go with a 
robust, slightly higher power device.
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[time-nuts] Ultra low power RTC

2018-03-07 Thread Mark Sims
Probably 20+ years for a lithium coin cell... basically the shelf life of the 
cell.  I have a card of 24 year old CR-2032's that are still above 3V, and no 
sign of leakage.

BTW, never handle a coin cell (particularly in watch applications) with your 
fingers... your grubby fingerprints are rather conductive and can discharge a 
cell surprisingly quickly.   

Also note the clock chip has 512 bytes of RAM in it.

> Assuming you are going to run it off a battery. What’s the self discharge
rate on a reasonable battery? 
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[time-nuts] Ultra low power RTC

2018-03-06 Thread Mark Sims
Sparkfun is selling an interesting RTC clock chip board.  It draws 22 nA.  It 
has a rather novel clock generator... a tuning fork crystal disciplines an RC 
oscillator every few minutes.  They claim 3 minutes per year drift.

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[time-nuts] Z3801A OCXO manual trimming

2018-03-05 Thread Mark Sims
I'm not sure what the Z3801A uses for EFC range.   Heather uses the EFC 
relative command to report the EFC setting.  That command reports values from 
-100% to 100%.   There is a command that reports the DAC input in counts, but 
nothing documented that shows volts/count.

Since the DAC is at -2V with a 99+% DAC setting, it looks like the DAC circuit 
has issues, or power supply problems.   I think the DAC circuit is a 16 bit DAC 
with 4 more bits of resolution created by dithering the DAC inputs.
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[time-nuts] TymServe TS2100 dead power supply

2018-03-05 Thread Mark Sims
First check for power / ground shorts on the power supply outputs with an ohm 
meter.   There is a good chance of a shorted tantalum cap somewhere in the 
system shutting down the supply.  If the power supply is connected to the 
system via a connector,  disconnect it from the system and see if the supply 
puts out anything.
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[time-nuts] Z3801A OCXO manual trimming

2018-03-05 Thread Mark Sims
Or, it you are sure it's the OCXO,   go shopping for a new one.There is a 
reputable seller with them (the double oven version) for $100 on Ebay.

A couple of things to try...  monitor the EFC voltage, power up the unit, and 
see if it is changing as it attempts to lock.   If  it does not, you may have a 
DAC problem... I don't think the Z3801 remembers the last DAC voltage to speed 
up the initial lock, so it should be searching for the lock voltage.

Also monitor the OCXO output and see how it changes as it warms up.   It should 
start out several Hz off and converge to 10 MHz as it warms up.   

> Either tear into the OCXO or go shopping for a new(er) GPSDO.
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[time-nuts] WWV or Net Clock controlled oscillator

2018-03-05 Thread Mark Sims
I've been known to use the egg timer mode in the kitchen... I get distracted 
easily and burned food has been known to occur.  Due to system vagaries, it is 
probably only accurate to say 30 milliseconds (better on Linux, of course), so 
less than perfect eggs are possible.  I've thought about letting the alarm set 
a modem control line so that you can control an automatic egg extractor device.

The egg timer can be configured to sound the alarm file once, or repeatedly 
until you stop it.  It can also be set to automatically re-start a new 

The alarm clock can be set with a time, a date, or a date/time.  When set with 
just a time, it will trigger every day at that time.  If the time you set is 
less than the current time, it triggers on the next day.   

Currently you can only set one egg timer and one alarm time... I'm thinking of 
adding support for multiple timers so you can cook more than one thing at a 

I did add the ability to add an alarm time to the greetings calendar events.  I 
might add the ability of things like the equinox events to automatically fill 
in the proper alarm time.

Heather can also play sounds at sunrise, sun transit, and sunset (or 
moonrise/moon transit/moonset).  The default is a rooster at rise/set and 
church bells at solar noon.

> because doesn't everyone time their soft boiled eggs to the microsecond? 
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[time-nuts] WWV or Net Clock controlled oscillator

2018-03-05 Thread Mark Sims
The university that I hang out at has a clock tower with a full set of bells.  
Several years ago the tower and bells were restored,  at hefty expense.   But, 
alas, some no-goodnik neighbors objected to the sound, so they cut back the use 
of the clock.  I don't know what system they use to get the time and sound the 
bells.   The bells can also be played from a keyboard (used to be done by a 
professor in the electrical engineering department until he passed away).  It's 
rare to hear the bells played anymore.

Lady Heather has support for several audible clocks.

The simplest in the v6 Beta code is a tick clock.  Ticks on the second and 
beeps on the minute.  This ticks/beeps are compensated for the delays/offsets 
in the GPS time message.   This mode is intended for doing things like setting 
mechanical clocks.

There is a Ships Bells mode that sounds the time in ships bells format.

There is a cuckoo clock mode.

There is a singing clock that can be configured to play .wav files at various 
minutes past the hour.  The default config plays passages from the Palestrina, 
Missa Assumpta est Maria.

I've been meaning to add a Big Ben mode that allows both playing a file on the 
hour and then chiming the hour (a cross between the singing clock and the 
cuckoo clock).   The easiest way to do that would be to have 12 separate hour 

Besides those clocks Heather has alarm clock and egg timer alarms.

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[time-nuts] X72 and 1pps

2018-03-04 Thread Mark Sims
>  I can´t find this option - I can toggle the PPS output, but not the input.
OK, I remember now...  the X72/SA22 with firmware disciplining have a bit in 
the control reg that reports if a PPS input has been seen.   I found some 
obscure reference that implied you could disable the PPS input, but that did 
not work, so I removed that option.

>  BTW, what´s the "set TIC" option? I can enter a number here, 
but I can´t find something about this command in the manual...

The SET TIC command issues the X72 "k" command to set the TIC offset register.  
 It is used to null out offsets in the value of the TIC register.  Note that 
this command takes 6 seconds to complete.

> What´s the expected behaviour if I go to d-e: "Enable HW discipline" ? I 
> can´t see any changes here.

First, you need to have the PPS output enabled for disciplining to work.  Then 
you have to pray to the Gods of X72 Crapitude that the hardware disciplining 
works.  You need a good PPS input.  It can take a long time (or forever) for 
the X72 to decide the PPS is good enough to use.  I have had a lot of issues 
getting the firmware discipling to work.   
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[time-nuts] Z3801A OCXO manual trimming

2018-03-04 Thread Mark Sims
Oops... I checked and the Z38xx devices don't have a DAC setting command.  It 
was the UCCM GPSDOs that have a SCPI command for controlling the DAC manually,


> When I press "D" Lady Heather replies:
Manual disciplining not supported by this receiverpress ESC
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[time-nuts] Z3801A OCXO manual trimming

2018-03-04 Thread Mark Sims
Lady Heather has a command that lets you set the DAC voltage.  It's in the "D" 
menu.   Depending upon the firmware, you may need to disable disciplining first 
(also in the "D" menu).  If the DAC  command works to change the OCXO freq,  
the osc EFC and DAC are probably OK.  If it does not, I'd suspect the DAC or 
the  osc EFC input... or perhaps your firmware does no support the DAC setting 
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