[Tinyos-help] help_running_PyTOS_in_TinyOS-2.x

2009-03-15 Thread antonio gonga

Hej all,

I'd like some help about running PytOS in TinyOS-2.x. 
If there is anyone who have done it before,  please your suggestions are 
Thanks in advance

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Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] IPV6 listener problem ./bootstrap does not work

2008-09-04 Thread antonio gonga

Hey all,
I tried to compile the listener in order to generate the libmote.a, but what i 
get is:
./bootstrap: line 2: aclocal: command not found
./bootstrap: line 3: autoheader: command not found
./bootstrap: line 4: autoconf: command not found
./bootstrap: line 5: automake: command not found

bellow is my trace...
Can someone help me please?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/tinyos-2.1.0/support/sdk/c/sf$ ls
autoconf.h Makefile.am README serialsource.h sfsource.c
bootstrap message.c seriallisten.c sf.c sfsource.h
build.xml message.h serialsend.c sflisten.c
configure.ac prettylisten.c serialsource.c sfsend.c

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/tinyos-2.1.0/support/sdk/c/sf$ ./bootstrap
./bootstrap: line 2: aclocal: command not found
./bootstrap: line 3: autoheader: command not found
./bootstrap: line 4: autoconf: command not found
./bootstrap: line 5: automake: command not found

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[Tinyos-help] Running IPV6 on Motes: Libmote.a not found

2008-09-03 Thread antonio gonga

Hey all,

I was trying to run Ipv6 no TelosB, but when compiling the serial_tun it does 
not find the library libmote.a

any help is welcome

thanks in advance

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[Tinyos-help] Mote Compile/installation on Windows does not work

2008-09-01 Thread antonio gonga

Hej All,
finally I managed to set up TinyOS-2.1 on Windows, but the problem still. 
Whenever I program a mote with an application, it does not work. I'm also 
running TinyOS-2.0.2 on a Virtual Machine and this works perfectly.

I also was setting up The Eclipse Plugin for Windows, it works perfectly but 
when I try to program a Mote it does not work as well.
Is TinyOS-2.1 working properly?
 I was using a similar plugin for TinyOS-1.x one year ago, and it was quite 
cool. Does anyone can analyze my trace? Is there someone using this plugin as 

Thanks in advance
 The trace bellow was taken from Eclipse console when trying to install a mote.
run:  make -C 
/cygdrive/e/KTH_COURSES/MASTER_NSS/Thesis/Projects/PacketAnalyzer -f 
 telosb bsl.5 install.10
at 1/Set/2008 10:58:41
working directory = /bin
env TOSROOT = /opt/tinyos-2.x
env TOSDIR = /opt/tinyos-2.x/tos
env PFLAGS =  
env MAKERULES = /opt/tinyos-2.x/support/make/Makerules
env COMPONENT = src/PacketAnalyzerC
env APP_MAKERULES = /opt/tinyos-2.x/support/make/Makerules
$ env TOSROOT=/opt/tinyos-2.x TOSDIR=/opt/tinyos-2.x/tos ECLIPSE_PROJECT=/

cygdrive/e/KTH_COURSES/MASTER_NSS/Thesis/Projects/PacketAnalyzer PFLAGS= -I/

cygdrive/e/KTH_COURSES/MASTER_NSS/Thesis/Projects/PacketAnalyzer/src -I/cygdr

ive/e/KTH_COURSES/MASTER_NSS/Thesis/Projects/PacketAnalyzer/src/src -I/cygdri

ve/e/KTH_COURSES/MASTER_NSS/Thesis/Projects/PacketAnalyzer/src/src/build -I/c


elosb -I/cygdrive/e/KTH_COURSES/MASTER_NSS/Thesis/Projects/PacketAnalyzer/src

/build -I/cygdrive/e/KTH_COURSES/MASTER_NSS/Thesis/Projects/PacketAnalyzer/sr

c/build/telosb -I/cygdrive/e/KTH_COURSES/MASTER_NSS/Thesis/Projects/PacketAna

lyzer/build/telosb MAKERULES=/opt/tinyos-2.x/support/make/Makerules COMPON

ENT=src/PacketAnalyzerC APP_MAKERULES=/opt/tinyos-2.x/support/make/Makerules

make: Entering directory 
mkdir -p build/telosb
compiling src/PacketAnalyzerC to a telosb binary
ncc -o build/telosb/main.exe  -Os -O  
 -mdisable-hwmul -Wall -Wshadow -Wnesc-all -target=telosb 
-fnesc-cfile=build/telosb/app.c -board= -DDEFINED_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x22 
-DIDENT_APPNAME=\src/PacketAnaly\ -DIDENT_USERNAME=\antóniogonga\ 
src/PacketAnalyzerC.nc -lm 
/opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/chips/cc2420/lpl/DummyLplC.nc:39:2: warning: #warning *** 
In file included from SendBufferC.nc:9,
 from src/PacketAnalyzerC.nc:23:
In component `SendBufferP':
SendBufferP.nc: In function `sendBufferTask.runTask':
SendBufferP.nc:79: warning: passing argument 2 of `Packet.getPayload' makes 
integer from pointer without a cast
SendBufferP.nc: In function `SendBufferP$sendBufferTask$runTask':
SendBufferP.nc:79: warning: passing arg 2 of `SendBufferP$Packet$getPayload' 
makes integer from pointer without a cast
compiled src/PacketAnalyzerC to build/telosb/main.exe
   15680 bytes in ROM
8646 bytes in RAM
msp430-objcopy --output-target=ihex build/telosb/main.exe build/telosb/main.ihex
writing TOS image
tos-set-symbols --objcopy msp430-objcopy --objdump msp430-objdump --target ihex 
build/telosb/main.ihex build/telosb/main.ihex.out-10 TOS_NODE_ID=10 
installing telosb binary using bsl
tos-bsl --telosb -c 5 -r -e -I -p build/telosb/main.ihex.out-10
MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Version: 1.39-telos-8

An error occoured:
could not open 

[Tinyos-help] Eclipse Tinyos compilation error

2008-08-31 Thread antonio gonga

Hej All, I was trying installing the YETI 2 plugin and tried to compile and 
install an application into a mote, but I was not succeeded
Bellow  is my trace. Another strange thins is that the Architecture environment 
variables are does not point to what is specified in the guide... 
Thanks in advance

un:  make -C /home/gonga/EcProjects/ReceivePower -f 
/home/gonga/EcProjects/ReceivePower/TinyOS_Plugin_Makefile telosb 
install.10at Aug 31, 2008 5:03:44 PMworking directory = /binenv TOSDIR = 
/opt/tinyos-2.x/tosenv ECLIPSE_PROJECT = /home/gonga/EcProjects/ReceivePowerenv 
MAKERULES = /opt/tinyos-2.x/support/make/Makerulesenv TOSROOT = 
/opt/tinyos-2.xenv APP_MAKERULES = /opt/tinyos-2.x/support/make/Makerulesenv 
COMPONENT = src/SSICenv PFLAGS =  -I/home/gonga/EcProjects/ReceivePower/src 
-I/home/gonga/EcProjects/ReceivePower/src/build/telosbmake: Entering 
directory `/home/gonga/EcProjects/ReceivePower'mkdir -p build/telosb
compiling src/SSIC to a telosb binaryncc -o build/telosb/main.exe -Os -O  
-I/home/gonga/EcProjects/ReceivePower/src/build/telosb -mdisable-hwmul -Wall 
-Wshadow -DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x7d -Wnesc-all -target=telosb 
-fnesc-cfile=build/telosb/app.c -board= -DIDENT_PROGRAM_NAME=\src/SSIC\ 
-DIDENT_USER_HASH=0x56b2c591L -DIDENT_UNIX_TIME=0x48bab2d0L 
-DIDENT_UID_HASH=0x3d7ba215L  src/SSIC.nc -lm Couldn't execute msp430-gccmake: 
*** [exe0] Error 2make: Leaving directory 
`/home/gonga/EcProjects/ReceivePower'finished (exit code: '2', took: 00:00.271) 

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[Tinyos-help] TinyOS2.x installation on Windows..

2008-08-31 Thread antonio gonga

Hej All, 
I want to Install TinyOS-2.x on Windows, but when I'm trying to install the 
RPMs, I'm always getting the message:

$ rpm -ivh --ignoreos msp430tools-base-0.1-20050607.cygwin.i386.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:/bin/sh is needed by 
I don't have a clue what dependency is needed.

Thanks in advance

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[Tinyos-help] C function in a nesC Application

2008-04-29 Thread antonio gonga

Dear all, 
I'm having so many problems to embed a C code in a nesC Application.
File: utime.h
unsigned long getTime();
File: utime.c

struct timeval tm;
unsigned long getTime(){
  gettimeofday(tm, NULL);
  return tm.tv_usec;

LDFLAGS = utime.o   //I'm not sure about this flag,

utime.o: utime.c utime.h
gcc -g -c utime.c
#include utime.h
module MyAppP{


Compilation Error:
mkdir -p build/telosb
gcc -g -c utime.c
compiling SSIC to a telosb binary
ncc -o build/telosb/main.exe -Os -O -mdisable-hwmul -Wall -Wshadow 
-DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x7d -Wnesc-all -target=telosb 
-fnesc-cfile=build/telosb/app.c -board= -DIDENT_PROGRAM_NAME=\SSIC\ 
-DIDENT_USER_HASH=0x56b2c591L -DIDENT_UNIX_TIME=0x4816edcaL 
-DIDENT_UID_HASH=0x00076286L  SSIC.nc -lm utime.o
msp430-ld: utime.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 3)
msp430-ld: utime.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 3)
msp430-ld: utime.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 3)
msp430-ld: utime.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 3)
msp430-ld: utime.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 3)
msp430-ld: utime.o: Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 3)
utime.o: could not read symbols: File in wrong format
make: *** [exe0] Error 1

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Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Embedding C code in nesC application

2008-04-28 Thread antonio gonga

Dear All,
Could u send me an example of a nesC app that uses an embedded C code?
I tried alot to embed a C code but it does not compile..
Thanks in Advance.
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[Tinyos-help] Struct_Timeval_Unix_in_Tinyos

2008-04-22 Thread antonio gonga

Hey all,
I would like to use a more precise timer, I was trying to make a C function and 
to embed it in a nesC code, but the problem is that it Tinyos  does not 
reconize the include #includesys/time.h.  I needed it because I'd like to use 
the struct timeval to get time precision in micro seconds.
If someone have already tried it, please attach me your code in the reply.
Thanks in advance.
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[Tinyos-help] malloc in NesC

2008-04-15 Thread antonio gonga

hey all,

Is it possible to use malloc for dynamic memory allocation?

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[Tinyos-help] Strange error while compiling an Application

2008-04-10 Thread antonio gonga

Hey All, I was creating a Module that provides some useful interfaces that I'll 
need in my App.
When I tried to compile the APP I got the following error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Projects/MTHESIS/Paper/SBase$ make tmote
mkdir -p build/telosb
compiling BSNCapC to a telosb binary
ncc -o build/telosb/main.exe -Os -O -mdisable-hwmul -Wall -Wshadow 
-DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x7d -Wnesc-all -target=telosb 
-fnesc-cfile=build/telosb/app.c -board= -DCC2420_NO_ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 
-DIDENT_USER_HASH=0x56b2c591L -DIDENT_UNIX_TIME=0x47fd91cbL 
-DIDENT_UID_HASH=0x710c921aL  BSNCapC.nc -lm 

msp430-ld: address 0x4fee of build/telosb/main.exe section .bss is not within 
region datamsp430-ld: section .text [4000 - 7843] overlaps section 
.bss [114a - 4fed]make: *** [exe0] Error 1

Thanks in advance

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[Tinyos-help] Writig to the serial Port

2008-04-10 Thread antonio gonga

Hey all,
I'm trying to create a Packet analyzer in nesc/tinyos like Whireshark.
I started by modifying the BaseStation. My first approach was to resize
the messages at the BS so that a timestamp and other relevant packet
header fields could be inserted into the payload. This allows the Java
parser to decode any type of fields in the incoming message. I also use
a configuration file(XML) that indicates the position and size of some
fields in the incoming array of bytes.
The process of resizing seems to consume so much time because it
creates an additional packet, so I decide to relay the data traffic as
the BaseStation does, and to send an addicional packet containing the
timestamp and other header fields for each received packet. In both
cases I use a circular buffer as the input buffer. It does not work as I
expect it to work. The problem seems to be in the part sending to the
serial port.
My question is: What´s the maximum number of packets can I send to the
serial Interface? I'm testing the sniffer with a sensor sending data as
fast as it can, but It seems that the Sniffer does not handle all the
incoming packets. I do store them into an input buffer, but the speed of
sending to the serial port seems to be the main issue.
Is it possible to use or write directly to the serial port from a nesc
App without using the serialActiveMessageC component?
I'm thinking to embed a C code into a nesC app, so that I could access
directly to the UART, and send the packet as sequence of bytes as It
Thanks in Advance.
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[Tinyos-help] Including/embedding C code in a nesC application

2008-04-09 Thread antonio gonga

Hey all,
I want to use a precise timer so that I would like to use the Unix struct 
timeval to get the time in microseconds
The small code bellow gets the time in microseconds
#include stdlib.h
#include sys/time.h
struct timeval tv;
unsigned long getTime(){
   gettimeofday(tv, NULL)
   return tv.tv_usec;
int main(){
 printtf(Time in u_seconds: %3d\n, getTime());
 return 0;
I want to embed or call the function getTime() in the nesC App. I created a .h 
file and a .c file which contains the function getTime(). How should I modify 
my Makefile to compile and link the c code with the nesC app?

COMPONENT = MyComponentC
utime.o: utime.c 
 gcc -g -o -Wall -pedantic utime.c
include $(MAKERULES)

#include stdlib.h
#include sys/time.h
struct timeval tv;
#include utime.h

unsigned long getTime(){
  gettimeofday(tv, NULL);
  return tv.tv_usec;

.nc File
#include utime.h
module myModule{

When I try to compile I get several error massages.. one of them is  
sys/time.h file not found

Thanks in advance...

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[Tinyos-help] Writing to the serial port

2008-04-08 Thread antonio gonga

Hey all,
I'm trying to create a Packet analyzer in nesc/tinyos like Whireshark. I 
started by modifying the BaseStation. My first approach was to resize the 
messages at the BS so that a timestamp and other relevant packet header fields 
could be inserted into the payload. This allows the Java parser to decode any 
type of fields in the incoming message. I also use a configuration file(XML) 
that indicates the position and size of some fields in the incoming array of 
The process of resizing seems to consume so much time because it creates an 
additional packet, so I decide to relay the data traffic as the BaseStation 
does, and to send an addicional packet containing the timestamp and other 
header fields for each received packet. In both cases I use a circular buffer 
as the input buffer. It does not work as I expect it to work. The problem seems 
to be in the part sending to the serial port.
My question is: What´s the maximum number of packets can I send to the serial 
Interface? I'm testing the sniffer with a sensor sending data as fast as it 
can, but It seems that the Sniffer does not handle all the incoming packets. I 
do store them into an input buffer, but the speed of sending to the serial port 
seems to be the main issue.
Is it possible to use or write directly to the serial port from a nesc App 
without using the serialActiveMessageC component?
I'm thinking to embed a C code into a nesC app, so that I could access directly 
to the UART, and send the packet as sequence of bytes as It arrives.
Thanks in Advance.
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[Tinyos-help] TOSH_DATA_LENGTH

2008-03-26 Thread antonio gonga

Hey  All,

I've a question. Why TOSH_DATA_LENGTH is set to 28 in Tinyos-2.x? I know that 
in the previous version was 29. Why not 30, 45, etc??
Is there an article explaining why did they choose this value?.

Thanks in advance.

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[Tinyos-help] CC2420Packet Interface

2008-03-24 Thread antonio gonga

Hey all,

I've a question that I'd like you to answer me. Let's start by a small 

Ar . SB . Cr ..Base
Given the situation, imagine that sensor SB wants to relay some information to 
the Base, but this info should be sent just using Ar or Cr. I.e just those 
sensors Ar and Cr can relay this info to the Base. The SB sensor uses the 
command CC2420Packet.getLqi(*msg) to get some Link quality  Indicator 
measurements of messages from Ar and Cr (let's assume, a type of a special 
beacon message). My question is: Does this command interface Gives the Link 
Quality Indicator in terms of SNR? or some other parameter/measurement?
Let me assume another breaking  parameter that, each control info from Cr and 
Ar contains a value dtb (distance to the Base), in this case Cr is obviously 
closer to the Base. The metric is that each hop it's equal to 1.
Ar(dtb) = 2; Cr(dtb) = 1;

typedef nx_struct{
  nx_uint8_t dtb;  //distance to the Base
  nx_uint8_t type; //info message type
  nx_uint16_t rid; //Router Id (Ar or Cr NodeID's) 

Thanks in Advance.

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[Tinyos-help] Resizing message_t MTU problem

2008-02-20 Thread antonio gonga

Dear all,
I've been trying to increase the performance of my modified BaseStation, but 
I'm now unable to do more.
Sensors send messages to BaseStation, which receives these messages
containing different sizes. At the BaseStation, each message is time
stamped(Arrival Time), and forwarded to the serial port(UART). There's
no possibility to insert time stamps on the incoming message. The
solution I found is to change the MTU at the BaseStation to 42, so
that, I create a new message and the payload of the incoming message is
copied to the new message with higher payload and the time stamp is
also inserted . These new message will then be forwarded to the serial
port.  On a PC the arrival time can be decoded through a packet parser
that I developed.

The application is working fine, but my big
challenge now is that I'm getting so many Bad Packets in the Java
application running in the PC. I know that, the problem is at the
BaseStation. With low traffic the Application works quite fine, but with High 
traffic, it sends so many bad packets. The resizing process cause delay to 
create a new message and to forward the message to the Serial port, but what I 
understand, where these bad packets are from?. And what could cause a
packet to be considered as a Bad Packet?. Because up to 97% of the packets are 
being correctly received without errors in the Java App.

Any help is welcome.

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[Tinyos-help] Reading from 3 adc ports

2008-02-19 Thread antonio gonga

Hey all,
How can I access more than tree ADC ports at the same time. Lets say ADC0, 
I want to read the accelerometer X, Y, Z and the ECG at the same time and sent 
the data to the Sink Node.

Thanks in advance.


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[Tinyos-help] Error while Programming Imperial BSN Node V2.0

2008-02-13 Thread antonio gonga

Hey all,

I'm having an strange error while programming an Imperial BSN Node V2.0( BSN - 
Stands for Body Sensor Network). I know that there are some Applications 
running on these sensors(TinyOS-1.x) , but I'm trying to upload a TinyOS-2.x 
application, once they use TinyOS.

Error output:
mkdir -p build/telosb
mig java -target=null -java-classname=AccelTempMsg AccelTemp.h AccelTemp -o 
javac AccelTempMsg.java
compiling AccelTempC to a telosb binary
ncc -o build/telosb/main.exe -Os -O -mdisable-hwmul -Wall -Wshadow 
-DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x7d -Wnesc-all -target=telosb -fnesc-c$
compiled AccelTempC to build/telosb/main.exe
   13812 bytes in ROM
 336 bytes in RAM
msp430-objcopy --output-target=ihex build/telosb/main.exe build/telosb/main.ihex
writing TOS image
cp build/telosb/main.ihex build/telosb/main.ihex.out
found mote on /dev/ttyUSB0 (using bsl,auto)
installing telosb binary using bsl
tos-bsl --telosb -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -r -e -I -p build/telosb/main.ihex.out
An error occoured:
Bootstrap loader synchronization error
make: *** [program] Error 1

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[Tinyos-help] Error while Programming Imperial BSN Node V2.0

2008-02-13 Thread antonio gonga

Hey all,

When I try to install the application to the BSN node, It seems to install 
everything but suddenly  I get  An error occurred: Timeout
BSN stands for Body Sensor Networks, and the version that I'm using it's from 
Imperial College of London)

I need your help.

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[Tinyos-help] ADC_MSP430_how

2008-02-06 Thread antonio gonga

Dear all,

I'm starting now with ADC in TinyOS-2.x. I was browsing TinyOS folders and I 
still have problems.
How can I read external sensors connected to my Mote in TinyOS-2.x?. 
How can I use msp430adc12_channel_config_t  if I want to read  data from 
example ADC0, ADC1, ADC2? The example that I found in 
/opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/chips/msp430/adc12/README.txt does not help so much...

thanks in advance.


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[Tinyos-help] ADC_MSP430_how

2008-02-06 Thread antonio gonga

Dear all,

I'm starting now with ADC in TinyOS-2.x. I was browsing TinyOS folders and I 
still have problems.
How can I read external sensors connected to my Mote in TinyOS-2.x?. 
How can I use msp430adc12_channel_config_t  if I want to read  data from 
example ADC0, ADC1, ADC2? The example that I found in 
/opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/chips/msp430/adc12/README.txt does not help so much...

thanks in advance.


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RE: [Tinyos-help] Increase of Tmote sky Tos_Msg size

2008-01-29 Thread antonio gonga

You can use your own message size. The trick that I used is to resize the 
message at compilation Time.
There's a TEP describing it, what you just have to do, is to add this parameter 
in the makefile.

CFLAGS += DTOSH_DATA_LENGTH= X, where X is the new size of the payload you 


 Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 12:50:19 -0700
 Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Increase of Tmote sky Tos_Msg size
 CC: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
 Make sure you are changing the right AM.h
 I believe its this one for tmotes:
 Edmund wrote:
  Hi ,
  Does anyone knows how to increase the packet size of TOS_msg? I have 
  tried editing the AM.h TOSH_DATA_LENGTH  to 34. But some how when I use 
  the Listen application to listen to the packets send, the number of 
  bytes in the packet is not increased. Anyone knows how to increase the 
  data inside the packet? Thank you.
  Tinyos-help mailing list
 Platform: WinXP/Cygwin
 TinyOS version: 1.x, Boomerang
 Programmer: MIB510
 Device(s): Mica2, MicaZ, Tmote
 Sensor board: homebrew
 Tinyos-help mailing list

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[Tinyos-help] Xubuntos/VMWare Server 1.04 not resuming

2008-01-28 Thread antonio gonga

Hey all,

I have a very big problem that I'm unable to solve. I was nicely working on 
Virtual Machine, and I decided to have a break, and then I suspended the 
virtual machine. When I tried to resume it, I got 4 exceptions and from then 
I'm unable to access Xubuntos again.

When I press resume/start button it starts(just the progress bar) and suddenly  
it stops restoring the virtual machine.

I have so much work on that.. how can I solve this problem?
How can I retrieve my work from the virtual machine?

Thanks in advance..

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[Tinyos-help] Timer.getNow()

2008-01-13 Thread antonio gonga

Hey all,

Sender BaseStationPC

The sender sends a message,
The BaseStation timestamps the message by setting the arrival time to the 
message. My problem is regarding to the Interface Timer.
I found that there's a command called Timer.getNow() which returns the system 
current time. My problem is: How can I convert this time to a real time?
I thought that this time was like Syste.currentTimeMillis() funcion in Java...
How can I make this command useful to calculate TimeStamps?

I used this interface and the conversion into a double number is 

thanks in advance

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[Tinyos-help] TinyOS-2.x Instalation problem

2008-01-03 Thread antonio gonga

Hey all,
I installed TinyOS-2.x in Windows, whenever I try to Install the package: 
tinyos-tools-1.2.4-2.cygwin.i386.rpm I get the following Warning/error
msp430-gcc.exe- Entry Point Not Found(The procedure entry __getreent culdnot be 
located in the dynamic link library cygwin1.dll).

Gonga, Antonio Oliveira
Cell Phone: +46762320854

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[Tinyos-help] TinyOS-2.x post-Install and Configuration

2008-01-02 Thread antonio gonga

Hey All, 
I was upgrading TinyOS-1.x to  TinyOS-2.x in Windows. But I did not understand 
how to configure the environment, so I changed the file under
/etc/profile.d/tinyos.sh with the new TinyOs-2.x environment variables.
My problem is that when I tried to compile the Blink App i got the following 

mkdir -p build/telosb
compiling BlinkAppC to a telosb binary
ncc -o build/telosb/main.exe -Os -O -mdisable-hwmul -Wall -Wshadow 
-DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x7d -Wnesc-all -target=telosb 
-fnesc-cfile=build/telosb/app.c -board= -DIDENT_PROGRAM_NAME=\BlinkAppC\ 
-DIDENT_USER_ID=\antoniogonga\ -DIDENT_HOSTNAME=\aogobg\ 
-DIDENT_UID_HASH=0x993ab617L  BlinkAppC.nc -lm 
Unknown target telosbKnown targets for TinyOS directory /opt/tinyos-2.x/tos and 
the specific include directories are: nonemake: *** [exe0] Error 2

If someone knows/can help me how to configure TinyOS-2.x I'd be very grateful 
thanks in advance.

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[Tinyos-help] Collection/CTP

2007-12-28 Thread antonio gonga
hey all,

I'm new to TinyOS-2.x and I'm trying to get used to the new syntax and network 
Is there any application that uses CTP(Collection Tree Protocol) like 
Surge(MultiHopRouter) in TinyOS-1.x??
I need an example just to compare how it looks like.

Thanks in advance.

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[Tinyos-help] MicaZ_XubunTOS2.0

2007-12-18 Thread antonio gonga
heyl all,
I'm unable to install an application to a MicaZ mote. Whenever I do that I get 
the following error:
flash error  ... and address error , and so on

Do I have to install the drives for Mib520 on XubuuTOS2.0??

Gonga, Antonio Oliveira
Cell Phone: +46762320854

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[Tinyos-help] How to install an application to a mote/XubunTOS2.0

2007-12-06 Thread antonio gonga
Hey all,
I'm new to TinyOS-2.0. I installed xubunTOS-2.0 and I want to compile and 
install the Blink application.
I changed alitle bit the application(timers) but when I execute the command 
make tmote I don't see any change..

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[Tinyos-help] MultiHopRouter/TinyOS-2.x

2007-12-06 Thread antonio gonga
hey all,
I'm new to TOS-2.0 and I'd like to know which folder contains the 
implementation of MultiHopRouter like in TOS-1.x.
If there's another equivalent to MultiHop how is it called?
I need a routing algorithm that's why I'm asking you.

Is there any routing algorithm that can route packets in Reverse path? (from 
Base Station to any node) without broadcasting packets

Thanks in advance

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[Tinyos-help] How to use TimeStamp in tinyOS-1.x or TinyOS-2.x?

2007-11-30 Thread antonio gonga
Hey all,
I'd like to use timeStamp while sending a message.
The Sender insert the time on which the message was sent, and the Base Station 
also inserts the time when the message is received. On the application layer 
(java Application, the system converts and subtracts these values, so that a 
delay can be calculated.
Using this strategy it's possible to calculate the delay between two sensor. 
It's important because I want to use it to send messages over 1Km(i.e Wide area 
Wireless Sensor Network) using intermediate node. If some data sensitive to 
delay has to be carried in the packets this could be the first step to evaluate 
the possibility  or impossibility to use WSN
I think there should be a function that enables to insert packet timestamps 
like in RTP.
thanks in advance
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[Tinyos-help] TinyOS-1.x and TinyOS-2.x In the same PC

2007-11-17 Thread antonio gonga
Hey all,
I want to migrate to TinyOS-2.x but I'd like to keep my TinyOS-1.x  
installation while I'm not skilled yet with TinyOS-2.x syntax. And  I'm still 
using Eclipse Plugin for TinyOS which is only supported by version 1.
My question is: Is it possible to have two Installations of TinyOS in the Same 
Computer? I have several Drives in my Laptop maybe If I install TinyOS-2.x in 
of the drives I'll not have problems.

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[Tinyos-help] Help-TinyOs-1.x

2007-09-26 Thread antonio gonga
Hey all,
I'm using MultiHopRouter to send messages between the sensors, but I'm facing a 
strange situation.
When I use TOSBase in the sink node, the other 2 motes don't communicate to 
each other(juts the one closed to the sink node send messages, the other don't 
recognize the midle mote), but when I use another Application runing MultiHop 
communication in the sink node I can receive messages from other sensors.

 also MutihopRouter)  OK
b) Mote1(this doesn't recognize Mote2) Mote2(This can send messages to 
Sink) SinkNode(TOSBase) 

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[Tinyos-help] How can I receive Messages sent by TOSBase in a micaZ Mote?

2007-08-03 Thread antonio gonga
hey all,I've had big problems.. I'm sending messages to a Java Application via  
TOSBase, and I don't have problems with it, but when I send messages from the 
Java Application to the Mote, the messages correctly arrive at TOSBase because 
I do the typecast and I'm able to extract all fields.. but when the message is 
sent to the Mote(micaz) .. the mote doesn't receive it.The received packet on 
TOSBase once the typecast is done contains:msgType = 0x3 correct.destID = 
0xb correct.upperth   = 0x7b correct...and the TOS_Msg packet contains:type = 
0xa - correct is the AM_QUERYMSGgroup = 0x7d is the TOS_AM_GROUP I don't now 
what is missing.my code is bellow.queryMsh.henum{AM_QUERYMSG = 10,}typedef 
struct queryMsg{uint16_t msgType;uint16_t destID;uint16_t  upperth; 
 Receiver {}implementation {components Main, 
ReceiverM;components GenericComm as Comm;components 
IntToLeds;Main.StdControl - ReceiverM.StdControl;
Main.StdControl -IntToLeds.StdControl;Main.StdControl - 
Comm; ReceiverM.RadioControl -Comm.Control;
ReceiverM.RadioReceive -Comm.ReceiveMsg[AM_QUERYMSG];//ReceiverM.RadioSend 
AM;includes queryMsg;module ReceiverM {provides {
interface StdControl;}uses{interface StdControl as 
RadioControl;interface IntOutput;//interface Receive as 
Bcast; interface ReceiveMsg as RadioReceive;
//interface BareSendMsg as RadioSend;
}}implementation {command result_t StdControl.init() 
{call RadioControl.init();return SUCCESS;
}command result_t StdControl.start() {call 
RadioControl.start();return SUCCESS;}command 
result_t StdControl.stop() {call RadioControl.stop();
return SUCCESS;}event TOS_MsgPtr RadioReceive.receive(TOS_MsgPtr 
Msg) {TOS_MsgPtr pBuf = Msg;queryMsg *p 
=(queryMsg*)Msg-data;call IntOutput.output(0x7);
return pBuf;}event result_t 
IntOutput.outputComplete(result_t success){return SUCCESS;  
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[Tinyos-help] How to Send Msgs fromTOSBase to a Mote Using GenricComm

2007-08-02 Thread antonio gonga
Hey all,I'm trying to send messages from the TOSBase to a Mote... I receive the 
packet correctly in TOSBase.. but the Mote is not receiving...I need your 
suggestions...configuration Receiver {}implementation {components Main, 
ReceiverM;components GenericComm as Comm;components IntToLeds;
Main.StdControl - ReceiverM.StdControl;Main.StdControl 
-IntToLeds.StdControl;Main.StdControl - Comm; 
ReceiverM.RadioControl -Comm.Control;ReceiverM.RadioReceive 
-Comm.ReceiveMsg[0xa];//ReceiverM.RadioSend -Comm;IntToLeds.IntOutput 
-ReceiverM.IntOutput;}___includes AM;includes 
queryMsg;module ReceiverM {provides {interface StdControl;  
  }uses{interface StdControl as RadioControl;interface 
IntOutput;//interface Receive as Bcast; interface 
ReceiveMsg as RadioReceive;//interface BareSendMsg as 
RadioSend;}}implementation {command result_t StdControl.init() 
{call RadioControl.init();return SUCCESS;}command 
result_t StdControl.start() {call RadioControl.start();return 
SUCCESS;}command result_t StdControl.stop() {call 
RadioControl.stop();return SUCCESS;}event TOS_MsgPtr 
RadioReceive.receive(TOS_MsgPtr Msg) {TOS_MsgPtr pBuf = Msg;
queryMsg *p =(queryMsg*)Msg-data;call IntOutput.output(0x7);
return pBuf;}event result_t IntOutput.outputComplete(result_t 
success){return SUCCESS;  }}I think that the code is OK..
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[Tinyos-help] Reciving and Sending messages via TOSBase_TinyOS-1.x_micaz

2007-08-01 Thread antonio gonga
Hey MS,I'm using Micaz and I changed TOSBase to work with Micaz-   
//CC1000RadioIntM as RMac,/* mica2 */ CC2420RadioM as RMac,
/* micaz */It's really  a bit strange, I'm correctly receiving messages from 
Motes in the Java Application, but whenever I send messages to the motes I have 
expected behavior is ok. The red led is toggling it means that the
messages are being forwarded by the TOSBase... but the typecast to
querMsg it's not working.my query Structure is:typedef struct queryMsg{
uint16_t msgType;  // uint16_t destID;uint16_t upperth;uint16_t  
lowerth;}I send this values in a Java Application(I used MIG to generates the 
queryMsg.java file.):queryMsg query = new queryMsg(); query.set_destID(11); 
query.set_msgType(03); query.set_upperth(123); 
query.set_lowerth(120);I use  MoteIF.send to send the messagestry{
mote.send(MoteIF.TOS_BCAST_ADDR, query);   }catch(Exception ex){ 
ex.printStackTrace(); }and in the TOSBase I do  this:event TOS_MsgPtr 
UARTTokenReceive.receive(TOS_MsgPtr Msg, uint8_t Token) {TOS_MsgPtr  pBuf;  
  queryMsg *p;p =(queryMsg*)Msg-data;if(p-msgType == 3)
call Leds.yellowToggle();  // as I set msgType= 3I expect the yellow led to 
toggle... but it's not working. //rest of the code suppressed..} // end of 
UARTTokenReceive.receiveI printed the messages inside of the Sender.send method 
and what is being printed is like this:sent: 8 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 10 125 3 0 11 0 
123 0 120 0  and decoding it is:8 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 TOS_BCAST_ADDR10 - AMType125 
- TOS_AM_GROUP3 0 -msgType11 0 -destID123 0 -upperth120 0 -lowerth.I
don't understand what is wrong... maybe what is missing is the length
of the message but I also printed it ans it's equal to 18please help 
me...thanks in advance-antonio gonga
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[Tinyos-help] Receiving messages via TOSBase

2007-07-31 Thread antonio gonga
Hey All,I'm sending query packets from a Java Application to a Mote but I'm 
unable to typecast the message at TOSBase and consequently I don't receive 
nothing.Does anyone know how to send messages to a mote via TOSBase?Thanks in 
advance..-antonio.***Gonga, Antonio Oliveirae-mail: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: +46762320854***
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[Tinyos-help] MoteIF_Java_Tools

2007-07-24 Thread antonio gonga
Hey All,I'm trying to develop a Java application that receives messages from 
serial port, my problem is that When starting the program the messages are 
displayed on the console instead of on the GUI of the Java Application.My code 
is stated bellow...Please help me.package net.tinyos.main;import 
java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.ActionListener;//import 
net.tinyos.message.Message;//import net.tinyos.message.MessageListener;//import 
net.tinyos.message.MoteIF;//import net.tinyos.message.MultiMsg;import 
net.tinyos.message.*;import net.tinyos.packet.*;import net.tinyos.util.*;import 
net.tinyos.util.PrintStreamMessenger;public class Contoller extends 
javax.swing.JFrame{   // Variables declaration - do not modify  
   private javax.swing.JPanel ACSPanel;
private javax.swing.JPanel IRSPanel;private javax.swing.JPanel 
MainPanel;private javax.swing.JLabel QueryLabel;private 
javax.swing.JPanel QueryPanel;private javax.swing.JLabel acsLabel;  
  private javax.swing.JLabel acsSenderID;private 
javax.swing.JLabel acsState;private javax.swing.JButton capAudio;   
 private javax.swing.JTextField inputID;private 
javax.swing.JLabel irsLabel;private javax.swing.JLabel irsSenderID; 
   private javax.swing.JLabel irsState;private 
javax.swing.JLabel jLabel1;private javax.swing.JScrollPane 
jScrollPane1;private javax.swing.JSeparator jSeparator1;
private javax.swing.JTextArea jTextArea1;private javax.swing.JLabel 
queryMoteLabel;private javax.swing.JLabel queryStatus;
private javax.swing.JButton stopCapAudio;// End of variables 
declaration /** TOS_Msg Fields **/private 
static final int TYPE_IR_SENSOR   = 0;private static final int 
TYPE_AC_SENSOR   = 1;private static final int TYPE_KEEP_ALIVE   
   = 2;private static final int TYPE_NOISE_REQUEST   = 3;   
 private static final int TYPE_SYNC= 4;private static 
final int TINYOS_BAUD_RATE = 57600;private static final int 
MULTIHOP_DATA_LENGTH = 22;private static final int GROUP_ID 
= 136;private static final int SYNC_BYTE= 
0x7e;private static final int ESCAPE_BYTE  = 0x7d;
private static final int MTU  = 256;private static 
final String defaultPort   = COM5;private static final int 
TOSH_DATA_LENGTH = 29;private MessageReceive  msgRcv;
private MoteIF mote;protected boolean noiseStatus = false;  
  protected boolean buttonPressed = false;public 
//initComponents();mote = new MoteIF(PrintStreamMessenger.err, 
this.GROUP_ID);mote.registerListener(new MultiMsg(), msgRcv = 
new MessageReceive());//msgRcv = new 
stopCapAudio.addActionListener(msgRcv);}/** * 
@param args */public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO 
Auto-generated method stubjava.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new 
Runnable() {public void run() { new 
Contoller().setVisible(true);}});}public void 
  jTextArea1.append(Sending Noise Capture Query to MoteID: ); 
if(!noiseStatus){jTextArea1.append(Sending Noise Capture Stop 
Query to MoteID: );jTextArea1.append(inputID.getText()+\n);  
  }}buttonPressed = false;
jTextArea1.setCaretPosition(jTextArea1.getText().length());}/** *   
   * @author antonio gonga * */class MessageReceive implements 
MessageListener, ActionListener{/** * @param id * 
@param message */public void messageReceived(int Id, Message 
message){MultiMsg msg= (MultiMsg)message;
//jTextArea1.append(msg.toString());if(message instanceof 
MultiMsg){msg =(MultiMsg)message;
System.out.println(msg.toString());}else{throw new 
RuntimeException(Unknown type:  + message);}}/**  
   * @param ae  */public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent 
ae){ if(ae.getSource() == capAudio

[Tinyos-help] MoteIF_messageReceived_not_working_TinyOS-1.x

2007-07-24 Thread antonio gonga
Hey all,I'm trying without any result to solve my problem please I need your 
help.I'm developing a Java Application do display the messages from the serial 
port, I'm using the Java Tool MoteIF for reciving.My problem is that the method 
messageReceived(int to, Message msg) is not being invoked..  the messages are 
being displayed on console instead of the JTextArea on the GUI... I'm sure that 
the this method is not being invoked and I don't know how I can put it to 
work..I'm correctly receiving all messages, but all are printed on the console 
instead of on the Graphical Interface because the method messageReceived is not 
working..please help me... it's connected to my Thesis...thanks in advance...my 
code is bellow.(some parts of the core were suppressed )public class Contoller 
extends javax.swing.JFrame /*implements MessageListener*/{   // 
Variables declaration - do not modify private 
javax.swing.JPanel ACSPanel;private javax.swing.JPanel IRSPanel;
private javax.swing.JPanel MainPanel;private 
javax.swing.JLabel QueryLabel;private javax.swing.JPanel 
QueryPanel;private javax.swing.JLabel acsLabel;private 
javax.swing.JLabel acsSenderID;private javax.swing.JLabel acsState; 
   private javax.swing.JButton capAudio;private 
javax.swing.JTextField inputID;private javax.swing.JLabel irsLabel; 
   private javax.swing.JLabel irsSenderID;private 
javax.swing.JLabel irsState;private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel1; 
   private javax.swing.JScrollPane jScrollPane1;private 
javax.swing.JSeparator jSeparator1;private javax.swing.JTextArea 
jTextArea1;private javax.swing.JLabel queryMoteLabel;
private javax.swing.JLabel queryStatus;private javax.swing.JButton 
stopCapAudio;// End of variables declaration
 /** TOS_Msg Fields **/private static final int TYPE_IR_SENSOR  
 = 0;private static final int TYPE_AC_SENSOR   = 1;
private static final int TYPE_KEEP_ALIVE  = 2;private static 
final int TYPE_NOISE_REQUEST   = 3;private static final int 
TYPE_SYNC= 4;private static final int TINYOS_BAUD_RATE  
   = 57600;private static final int MULTIHOP_DATA_LENGTH = 22;  
  private static final int GROUP_ID = 136;  
  private static final int SYNC_BYTE= 0x7e;private static 
final int ESCAPE_BYTE  = 0x7d;private static final int MTU  
= 256;private static final String defaultPort   = COM5;   
 private static final int TOSH_DATA_LENGTH = 29;private 
MessageReceive  msgRcv;private MoteIF mote;protected 
boolean noiseStatus = false;protected boolean buttonPressed = 
false;public Contoller(){   
 super();//initComponents();//mote = new 
MoteIF(PrintStreamMessenger.err, this.GROUP_ID);mote = new 
MoteIF();mote.registerListener(new MultiMsg(), msgRcv = new 
MessageReceive());msgRcv = new MessageReceive();
stopCapAudio.addActionListener(msgRcv);}/** * 
@param args */public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO 
Auto-generated method stubjava.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new 
Runnable() {public void run() { new 
Contoller().setVisible(true);}});}public void 
  jTextArea1.append(Sending Noise Capture Query to MoteID: ); 
if(!noiseStatus){jTextArea1.append(Sending Noise Capture Stop 
Query to MoteID: );jTextArea1.append(inputID.getText()+\n);  
  }}buttonPressed = false;
jTextArea1.setCaretPosition(jTextArea1.getText().length());}/** * 
@param id * @param message */public void messageReceived(int Id, 
Message message){MultiMsg msg= (MultiMsg)message;
jTextArea1.append(message.toString());if(message instanceof MultiMsg){  
  msg =(MultiMsg)message;
System.out.println(msg.toString());}else{throw new 
RuntimeException(Unknown type:  + message);}}/** *  * 
@author antonio gonga * */class MessageReceive implements

[Tinyos-help] TinyOS-1.x_MoteIF_Java Tools

2007-07-23 Thread antonio gonga
Hey All,I need your help regarding to the Java tools contained into TinyOS-1.x 
Directory.I developed a Java App to read messages from serial Port, and I also 
did a GUI in Java to Display the messages on it, but What I'm facing is thatthe 
method messageReceived(int to, Message msg) is not being executed... because 
the received packet is displayed on the Command line instead of the GUI.(I want 
to redirect the received packet to the Graphical Interface)Please if someone is 
can help me I could be very gratefull.my code simplified is:class MyDisplay{ 
protected MoteIF mote;public MyDisplay(){ mote = new 
MoteIF(PrintStreamMessenger.err, group_id); mote.registerListener(new 
MyMsg, new MessageReceive());}   class MessageReceive implements 
MessageListener, ActionListener{ MyMsg msg; // my problem is 
that this method is not executed... I don't know why...public 
messageReceived(int id, Message message){ if(message instanceof 
MyMsg){msg = (MyMsg)message  
jTextArea.append(msg.toString()); // here I expect the message to be displayed 
on JTextarea..}else throw new RuntimeException(unknown packet 
type: +message); } }}thanks in advance..-Antonio Gonga
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[Tinyos-help] TelosB-Eclipse plugin

2007-06-28 Thread antonio gonga
Hey all,I need your help regarding to TelosB motes, I'm using Eclipse plugin, 
but I'm unable to program the motes,Can u help me??.. antonio
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[Tinyos-help] Eclipse Plugin for TinyOS-1.x Help

2007-06-26 Thread antonio gonga
Hey all.I'm having problems to get to run the Eclipse plugin fom TinyOS, I 
follow all instruction, but when I run it, I always get the following 
error:Unable to open TinyOS.perspective2I just tried 5 times... but I don't 
know what's wrong..thanks
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[Tinyos-help] HelpTinyOS-1.x-Eclipse Plugin

2007-06-25 Thread antonio gonga
Hey all,I installed the eclipse plugin for TinyOS, but when I try to compile an 
application, I get the following error:nesc1.exe- Entry Point Not FoundThe 
procedure entry point __getreent could not be located in the dynamic link 
library cygwin1.dll
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[Tinyos-help] ADCControl_Intreface/TinyOS-1.x

2007-06-19 Thread antonio gonga

Hey All,According to my findings in the
tinyos-1.x/tos/interfaces directory, and after reading the ADCControl
interface I have some doubts that I expect you can help me to make me
clear.I need to sample a microphone with a Sampling rate over
64Kbps, because I need to playback the audio samples, and according to
the Nyquist Theorem, if I want to recover the audio transmitted I'll
need to sample it at least twice of the human voice frequency.As I
read from ADCCconrtol interface and ADC.h, if I use this interface and
setting the ADCControl.setSamplingRate(5), which equals to T=120uS I
achieve a sampling rate of Sr = (1/T)*Bits per sample =
8333.33Hz*8bits/s = 66.7Kbits/s. Acutally the ADC is 10 bits length but
I drop the 2 LSB, and I get 8 bits length. I'm the MicC and I'd like to use the 
directly the hardware to access the Microphone, but I'm facing some problems... 
1 - I can still using the MicC, but my problem is, Where to call 
ADCControl.setSamplingRate()?...2- am I correct with my findings?.3-
someone told me that is better to use directly Harddware componet of
the ADC... can I have some help from you about using the hardware?thanks in 
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[Tinyos-help] [tinyOS-1.x]RadioSuspendC

2007-06-18 Thread antonio gonga
Hey all,Can use this configuration with MicaZ motes??I'm using tinyOS-1.x. and 
I'd like to suspend the Radio while I'm sampling data from ADC interface. In 
some applications that I found they use itwith mica2 motes... thanks in 
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[Tinyos-help] PrintBigMsgs.java

2007-06-18 Thread antonio gonga
Hey all,can u e-mail me this file please?-antonio
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[Tinyos-help] tinyOS-1.x_ADCControl_Interface

2007-06-18 Thread antonio gonga
Hey All,According to my findings in the tinyos-1.x/tos/interfaces directory, 
and after reading the ADCControl interface I have some doubts that I expect you 
can help me to make me clear.I need to sample a microphone with a Sampling rate 
over 64Kbps, because I need to playback the audio samples, and according to the 
Nyquist Theorem, if I want to recover the audio transmitted I'll need to sample 
it at least twice of the human voice frequency.As I read from ADCCconrtol 
interface and ADC.h, if I use this interface and setting the 
ADCControl.setSamplingRate(5), which equals to T=120uS I achieve a sampling 
rate of Sr = (1/T)*Bits per sample = 8333.33Hz*8bits/s = 66.7Kbits/s. Acutally 
the ADC is 10 bits length but I drop the 2 LSB, and I get 8 bits length. I'm 
the MicC and I'd like to use the directly the hardware to access the 
Microphone, but I'm facing some problems... 1 - I can still using the MicC, but 
my problem is, Where to call ADCControl.setSamplingRate()?...2- am I correct 
with my findings?.3- someone told me that is better to use directly Harddware 
componet of the ADC... can I have some help from you about using the 
hardware?thanks in advance-antonio
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[Tinyos-help] MIG

2007-06-16 Thread antonio gonga
Hey All ,I need your help regarding to MIG.I'm tried to use mig to generate 
Java Classes automatically, and I got it to work, but my problem is that in the 
generated classes there are no packages... I don't know why..thanks in 
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[Tinyos-help] [tinyOS_1.X]Audio_playback_MTS310_Microphone

2007-06-11 Thread antonio gonga
Hey all,I'm using micaZ motes and sampling the MTS310 sensorboard microphone.. 
I need some aplication that can help me to play back the audio..and I also want 
to know if its possible to change the audio format from microphone.. someone 
told that the audio from microphone is PCM_10bits length, I drop the last two 
bits to get 8 bits length.antonio
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[Tinyos-help] MIG(message interface Generator)

2007-06-11 Thread antonio gonga
Hey all,I'm using tinyos 1-x and micaz motes, I need help regarding to MIG.If 
anyone knows how to use it, feel free to email me.
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Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] MultiHopRouter and ADC.getContinuosData

2007-06-04 Thread antonio gonga

Hey All,I'm using TinyOS 1.x/micaZ , and I'm trying to Sample the 
MTS310/Microphone, I'm unable to send data whenever I use MultiHopRouter and 
ADC.getContinuosData()I already did it before, but it took more than 5 minutes 
just the motes start to transmit to each other.but it works when I use only 
ADC.getData...I'd like to know what is going on?If anyone knows how to use 
better MultiHop, please answer me.thanks***Gonga, 
Antonio Oliveirae-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: 
With Windows Live Hotmail, you can personalize your inbox with your favorite 
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Interfaces

2007-01-02 Thread antonio gonga

Hey all,
I'm having a little problems with my project.. please does anyone know how I 
can overcome this problem? view code please.
Can I use an Interface that I implement in the same program that I'm 
implementing it??

configuration Example{
  provides interface SendB;
 Components Main, ExampleM;

  Main.StdControl- ExampleM.StdControl;
  SendB = ExampleM.SendB;

includes xpto;
   interfaces StdControl;
   interface SendB;
  interface SendB;


STDControl //

//I'm providing an interface to send some data(buffer) then I send 
buf[0], and buf[MAX]

command result_t SendB.send(void *start, void* end){
//code of interface


call SendB.send(abc, cde);

  Is it Possible to Implement an interface and use it in the same code of 


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Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] raw PCM player

2006-10-11 Thread antonio gonga

does anyone have a program that's able to play a raw PCM samples?
I need this program because I'm reading audio from microphone and I need to 
play it.

please feel free to answer back me

antonio gonga

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] MultiHopRouter

2006-09-28 Thread antonio gonga

I need your help. I'm having one situation that I cannot understand.
I'm using MultiHopRouter routing protocol between MicaZ Motes, I'm having 
two situations very strange:

Situation 1: Timer.fired(){
  call ADC.getData() ;//
The synchronization between motes takes at least 1minute

SITUATION 2: Timer.fired(){
call ADC.getContinuousData(); //

The synchronization takes more than 5 minutes( its very bored).
I'd like to know what is happening, I'd like to know exactly the 
relationship between time of synchronization and ADC.getContinuousData().
Why is it taking lots of time to synchronize when I use ADC Interface in 
continuos mode?

please feel free to answer back to me.


Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] PCM to any format

2006-09-27 Thread antonio gonga

I need your help, does anyone knows how can I convert PCM samples to any 
format that I can play?

please feel free to answer back to me

thanks in advance

*Gonga, Antonio Oliveira : STUDENT OF
*Electrical and Computer Engineering(LEEC)
*Mobile:+351 969154437
*HomePage: HTTP://mega.ist.utl.pt/~aogo

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] ADC.getContinuousData()

2006-09-19 Thread antonio gonga
any one knows how to stop adc.getcontinuousdata()? 
please feel free to answer me

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] ADC.getContinuousData()

2006-09-19 Thread antonio gonga


sorry to trouble u again, I still have a doubt about 

I'm sampling a microphone, but i'm not using timer to call it each time the 
Timer fires. I'd like to know If I return FAIL where will  the program 
control Flow returns

command result_t StdControl.start(){
 post startTakeSamples();
return SUCCESS;

task void startTakeSamples(){
  call ADC.getContinuousData() //this will call ADC.dataReady()



async event result_t Adc.dataREady(uint16_t data){   |

 uffer[i++] = data2;  |
   if(i =MAXBUF)  

return FAIL;   //WHERE Will The Program  RETURN?.-

return SUCCESS;


*Gonga, Antonio Oliveira : STUDENT OF
*Electrical and Computer Engineering(LEEC)
*Mobile:+351 969154437
*HomePage: HTTP://mega.ist.utl.pt/~aogo

From: Andres Aberasturi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: RE: [Tinyos-help] ADC.getContinuousData()
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 14:17:37 +0200


You must return FAIL in the adc.dataReady().


From: antonio gonga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: [Tinyos-help] ADC.getContinuousData()
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 11:19:39 +


any one knows how to stop adc.getcontinuousdata()?

please feel free to answer me


Tinyos-help mailing list

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Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] PrintBigMsgs.java

2006-09-06 Thread antonio gonga
I need one program Called PrintBigMsgs , if anyone cai help me feel free to answer back 

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] HighFrequencySampling

2006-09-04 Thread antonio gonga
Hello, I'm Having problems to use HFS when I try to program a mote a get an error like this:
MicroTimerM.nc:100: `CTC1' undeclared (first use in this function) unfortunatelly a don't knows what does CTC1 means. I'd like to use HFS to acquire audio from microphone in MTS300.
if anyone knows please feel free to answer me

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] HFS and MicroTimer

2006-09-04 Thread antonio gonga

Hello all, I'm working with Micaz motes and I'd like to use HFS(highFrequencySampling) to acquire audio from Microphone in MTS300 but when i try to program the HFS into mote I get an error like this:
ncc -o build/micaz/main.exe -Os -finline-limit=10 -Wall -Wshadow -DDEF_TOS_AM_GROUP=0x7d -Wnesc-all -target=micaz -fnesc-cfile=build/micaz/app.c -board=micasb -I%T/lib/Deluge -DIDENT_PROGRAM_NAME=\"HFS\" -DIDENT_USER_ID=\"antóniogonga\" -DIDENT_HOSTNAME=\"aogobg\" -DIDENT_USER_HASH=0x701db054L -DIDENT_UNIX_TIME=0x44fc45a6L -DIDENT_UID_HASH=0x79e0610aL -I/opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/lib/CC2420Radio HFS.nc -lm 
MicroTimerM.nc: In function `MicroTimer.start':
MicroTimerM.nc:100: `CTC1' undeclared (first use in this function)
MicroTimerM.nc:100: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
MicroTimerM.nc:100: for each function it appears in.)
C:/tinyos/cygwin/opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/platform/micaz/HPLTimer1M.nc: At top level:
C:/tinyos/cygwin/opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/platform/micaz/HPLTimer1M.nc:170: redefinition of `__vector_12'
MicroTimerM.nc:125: previous declaration of `__vector_12'
please if anyone can help me feel free to answer me

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] MTS300 Microphone

2006-09-01 Thread antonio gonga
Does anyone have just worked with MicC?
I need your help, I'm developing an aplication that I need to capture and reproduce(playback) the acquired audio. I've received a data from microphone but i dont know how I canpaly it.
Someone said to me that the adc range is 10 or 12 bits.
Please if anyone knows the correct way to take samples from Microphone and how to play the acquired data , please feel free to answer me.
thanks in advance

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] TinyOS Eclipse Plugin

2006-08-21 Thread antonio gonga

does any one knows how is the coorect form to setup TinyOS Eclipse Plugin?, I just tried lots of times and i'm getting the same error: "cannot open TinyOS.prespective2", and when I open the Wrapper Env, it Warns: Cannot Open Class: 
please if any one knows feel free to answer back me.

thanks in advance

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] MicroTimer

2006-08-17 Thread antonio gonga
please a need any Idea to use it, to acquire data from Microphone

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Timer Rate

2006-08-14 Thread antonio gonga
I'm using MicC component to acquire audio from Microphone in MicaZ Motes, 
Anyone knows what´s the correct Timer rate may Iuse(sample period)? At this time I'm using 50ms. 
 event result_t Timer.fired(){ 
call ADC.getdata()
|Auido Sensor| ---Via Rfm to -Bas Mote(connected to PC) and I use a java application to read data from Serial port and record it to a File, but the file that I have obtained it's not seemed to PCM.
if anyone can Help me , please feel free to answer back to me

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Timer Rate

2006-08-14 Thread antonio gonga
I'm using MicC component to acquire audio from Microphone in MicaZ Motes, 
Anyone knows what´s the correct Timer rate may Iuse(sample period)? At this time I'm using 50ms. 
 event result_t Timer.fired(){ 
call ADC.getdata()
|Auido Sensor| ---Via Rfm to -Bas Mote(connected to PC) and I use a java application to read data from Serial port and record it to a File, but the file that I have obtained it's not seemed to PCM.
if anyone can Help me , please feel free to answer back to me

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Audio capture

2006-07-17 Thread antonio gonga
How may I capture and store audio from Microphone in MTS300/310?
if anyone knows how mayI do that , please feel free to make know me.

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] micaz

2006-07-15 Thread antonio gonga
I'm devoloping a small project, my objective is to aquire audio from 51 pin audio interface, but untill now I dont know how to do that, please if anyone knows feel free to make know me.

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] micaz

2006-07-15 Thread antonio gonga

I'm using MTS300/310 Multi sensor Board and I need to acquire audio from microphone and send it to the Base station to be Played, please if anyone knows how can I aquire audio from Microphone feel free to make know me. And I'd like to know the type of data from Microphone, if it´s PCM or not..

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Routing

2006-05-18 Thread antonio gonga
I'm having problems with routing, I want to transmit data from one mote to TOSbase, but there is a mote between emiter and receiver(TOSBASE) the middle Motemust intercept the data and dysplays the content of payload into Leds ,please if any one knows how to intercept data and displays the content of data into Leds make know me.
A---transmite data using Send.send interface provided by MultiHopRouter Componet
B---must intercept data using Intercept Interface.inetcept provided by MultiHopRouter Componet
C=TosBase must receive data and displays the content of payload into Leds and forwards it to Serial port

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Routing and Intercept

2006-05-18 Thread antonio gonga

I'm having problems with routing, I want to transmit data from one
mote to TOSbase, but there is a mote between emiter and
receiver(TOSBASE) the middle Mote must  intercept the data and
dysplays the content of payload into Leds ,please if any one knows how
to intercept data and displays the content of data into Leds make know me.


A---transmite data using Send.send interface provided by
MultiHopRouter Componet

B---must intercept data using Intercept Interface.inetcept provided by
MultiHopRouter Componet and displays the content of payload into leds

C=TosBase must receive data and displays the content of payload into
Leds and forwards it to Serial port

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Sounder

2006-05-17 Thread antonio gonga
I've a sound sensor connected in a Mote, i don´t know how to play a sound when I receive data from another mote. I have forward the data packet received to BaseStaion. I'm trying to use surge and SurgeM application but i'm not sure if I will be successfull. 

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] ADC

2006-05-10 Thread antonio gonga
how can i read a single pin for example ADC0 ? i need it to continue may job

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] ADC0

2006-05-10 Thread antonio gonga
, i'm using MICAZ platform
i've connected a buttom on pin ADC0 and I need to read the information from button and forward it into RFM.
my problem is connected with aquiring data from ADC0 pin connected with button.
i don't know how cain read a single pin ADC0 

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] (no subject)

2006-04-22 Thread antonio gonga
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Content preview:  Dear Sirs, I'm a new user of tinyos, i've to develop 
  an application able to read a botton connected in 51-pin interface, 
  but i'm having a serious difficult to that, because a i don't know how 
  to read a pin. I've been reading the source code of many application 
  contained in it, but until now i still not to understand how they read 
  a pin connected in 51 pin interface.. [...] 

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Dear Sirs, 
I'm a new user of tinyos, i've to develop an application able to read a botton connected in 51-pin interface, but i'm having a serious difficult to that, because a i don't know how to read a pin. I've been reading the source code of many application contained in it, but until now i still not to understand how they read a pin connected in 51 pin interface..
Gonga, Antonio Oliveira
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computers(LEEC)
HomePage: HTTP://mega.ist.utl.pt/~aogo

---End Message---
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] 51-pin Reading

2006-04-22 Thread antonio gonga

Dear Sirs, 
I'm a new user of tinyos, i've to develop an application able to read a botton connected in 51-pin interface, but i'm having a serious difficult to that, because a i don't know how to read a pin. I've been reading the source code of many application contained in it, but until now i still not to understand how they read a pin connected in 51 pin interface..
Gonga, Antonio Oliveira
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computers(LEEC)
HomePage: HTTP://mega.ist.utl.pt/~aogo

Tinyos-help mailing list