Re: [TMIC] Working With a Disability in California

2007-05-30 Thread Lynn Pouliot
Hi Everyone,

I am on ssdi and I have gone back to work.  The government really worked with 
me to help get back to work.  I got a ticket to work in the mail with my 
information about ssdi.  This is kind of a safe way to go back to work.  When 
you call the number on the ticket they give you names of people who will help 
you get back to work.  I met with my career counselor to discuss what I would 
be able to do.  I can't do what I used to (I was a medical assistant) because 
there is just too much walking around, but I am working in a doctor's office 
doing recpetionist/insurance verification.  He helped me put together a resume 
and help find places that where looking for help.  He also explain exactly how 
it works with the ssdi.  I get my whole disability check while I am still 
working for 1 year regardless of how much money I make.  During that year I can 
stop working at any time if I have to and there is no stop in my checks or new 
application.  After that year I only get a check if my income is below a 
certain amount (I think it is $640) which I will definetly go over.  For five 
years I can go back on disability if I am incapacitated by the same illness or 
anything caused by it without having to reapply.  This is kind of a cushion to 
help people go back to work.  I started working in september and so far I am 
still working.  I am so happy to be doing something productive and getting out 
of the house.  

Lynn (in RI)
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 11:39 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Working With a Disability in California

  Hi Todd,

  If I were to get strong enough to know that I were able to make the 
transition back to work, it would be great.  I certainly would be able to make 
more money than I do on disability and would feel much more productive.

  It's really difficult when you know though that you would be making a huge 
mistake if you are jeopardizing your finances if you fail.  To know that your 
income could seize from your disability and I am not sure of how it would work 
with SSDI.  Not sure about the posibility of having to reapply and get 

  I certainly hope that there aren't any people in our group that are making 
this mistake and getting themselves in this kind of trouble.

  My eight year anniversary with TM is 6/1/07, so I don't think I'm going to be 
getting strong enough to get back to work now.

  Hugs to all, Barbara A in sunny and warm Auburn, CA

  See what's free at 

Re: [TMIC] Working With a Disability in California

2007-05-30 Thread Balmatmic
Hello Lynn and TMIC group,
Thank you so much for clearing up the SSDI return to work  issues.  It is so 
good to hear from somebody who has been there, done  that, so to speak.  
And, it's wonderful to know that it can a really good  personal experience all 
the way around and to be able go back to  work.   To be able to add that income 
back into the household  again, a huge bonus.  Congratulations!
Just to clarify, my original comments were really to let  people know how 
dangerous it can be if you  do not understand your LTD policy coverage and how 
 works.  Believe me, they are more than happy to get you off of their  

Hugs to all, Barbara A in Auburn,  CA

** See what's free at

Re: [TMIC] OT OT: Parking Update

2007-05-30 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Update to my parking situation:

I wrote a letter to my board, very calmly requesting they accomodate me by
giving me an off-street parking space closer to the entrance to the 

(which is non-handicapped acessible, but still the closest way in and out of
this building).  The board member didn't want to take the letter and 
tried to

hand it back to me.  I wouldn't take it back.  That was last Friday.  He
said the board was having a meeting and would discuss the issue.  The 

was supposed to take place last night, I haven't heard anything yet.

I called my town planning and zoning commission today and told them my
situation.  Long story even longer, they told me that for the multi-unit
building I live in there are supposed to be _FOUR OFF-STREET HANDICAPPED
ENTRANCE_.  Anyone care to guess how many such spaces exist here?

I told the woman from the zoning commission this and asked her how to
go about getting these spaces put in.  She referred me to some information
on their website which didn't load properly onto my computer.  I will be
calling them again.

I am waiting to hear what resulted from the board's meeting last night 

I proceed.


Akua wrote:

Dear Akua,

I am sorry you have had to go through all that you have.  A 
cyber-friend of mine who is from the
UK told me that this kind of thing doesn't happen there.  There is 
apparently a much more civil
and moral treatment of those with disabilities there.  Your car is in 
your own driveway and you

are being hassled?


  As long as it isn't a danger to anyone, or blocking anyone's 
access, I don't

understand this.

Neither do I... the driveway is  part of the lot, is offf the street, 
is part of my yard

 Is it a fire issue?  I mean if heaven forbid a fire engine had to 
get to your house?

The driveway is at the back side. There is a front walkway in 
other words more than one way to access the house.

I have contacted several agencies already, and it is amazing just how 
little help there is out there,
in my state anyway.  The one exception has been the Fair Housing 
Association.  They have at
least helped me get my car into an off-street space, and are 
continuing to help me.

Delighted to hear that you have had some help but YES there is 
shockingly little help or grace
I just never needed any assistance before and didn't know how 
incredibly lucky and independent i was...

I will take this to court if that's what it takes.

All the best,

Wishing you success and peace,

Re: [TMIC] Getting Humble...

2007-05-30 Thread Balmatmic
I am sending this to the list and not to your email address as  I want the 
entire list to know how proud I am of you for sending in this  email.  It is so 
wise of you to listen to your body, and get the aids that  will help you to 
live your life in as full a manner as possible.  Like you,  I have had to 
purchase my own Hugo, but am so glad that I did as I use it  everyday.
After having TM for eight years, I have learned many things,  and still have 
trouble with some.  There are so many things available to us  to help us with 
our everyday lives.  If we use them, we can go out of our  homes and enjoy our 
lives as much as possible.  This is true for some of us  more than others, 
but we owe it to ourselves to make use of these  aids.
I'm one of the walking wounded, and still have many  aids.  I have 2 
wheelchairs, one for inside and one for outside.  I  have 2 sets of canadian 
a scooter, 3 canes, a Hugo and a walking  stick.  I rotate between the manual 
wheelchair and scooter for shopping  malls, traveling, warehouse stores, 
fairs, anything that requires more than 1/2  block of walking or standing for 
than 10 minutes.  I use the  crutches or cane in the house, the Hugo if I 
need to carry anything or tired,  and the sometimes the walking stick when my 
brother's around since  he  made it for me.  I use the wheelchair in the house 
when I've really  overdone it and need to give my body a rest or I'm sick and 
not functioning at  all.
I have one of the canes in each car at all times, since I've  gone out 
without one a few times and gotten myself stuck being too tired to walk  
without one 
a few years ago.  And, it's easier to put a cane in a shopping  cart than 
But, I still haven't been able to agree to have a lift  installed on the back 
of my vehicle for my scooter.  I don't want to drive  around town with it 
dangling back there saying here I come, disabled on  board!  I don't drive aro
und town with my disabled placard dangling from  the mirror either, although 
many do.  You really aren't supposed to since  it obstructs your view, but I've 
forgotten to display it a few  times.
I don't tell all when people ask how I am doing.   Actually, I don't think 
most want to really hear about all the aches and pains  that we have.  If I'm 
having a really bad night, my husband knows that  it may follow with a bad 
day.  He doesn't know all that I go  through, but does hear my crying in the 
middle of the night sometimes in pain  when the spasms get really bad.  He 
most of what is going on with me,  but most don't.
I have very bad pain in my left leg on some days due to 2  DVT's that have 
caused poor circulation.  All I can do for that is take  some pain medication.  
I manage my nerve pain during the day pretty well  with Neurontin, but during 
the night it's a different story.  I'd say that  most nights I am awake at 3am 
with the heebie jeebies in my legs, where the skin  is so irritable that I 
cannot allow the other leg to touch or any fabric  either.  So, sleep is 
impossible at that time.  There are many nights  that I do not get to sleep, 
but fall 
asleep around 6am out of exhaustion or due  to a Vicodin.
I take 20mg Baclofen for spasms.  I take the Neurontin  and Baclofen at about 
11:30 pm in an attempt to keep the legs quiet during the  night.  This used 
to work, but hasn't recently.  Sometimes I take  another 1/2 tablet (I have 
10mg tablets) after a few hrs if it doesn't seem to  be working.  Sometimes the 
spasms start around 8-9pm, so I'll take it then,  and then I won't take again 
unless it gets bad.
Does anyone have any ideas of a better way to take care of  these problems, 
other than the mj?  I'm really not wanting to use it if I  can find another 

Hugs to all, Barbara A in Auburn,  CA

** See what's free at

Re: [TMIC] Getting Humble

2007-05-30 Thread Balmatmic
Hello Tracey,
How is your daughter doing lately?  I haven't heard you  give a progress 
report recently, but maybe I missed it.
Anyway, isn't it hard to understand how we can be so invisable  when we 
actually take up more room in a wheelchair than we do standing?   Incredible!  
approaching a door you would think that most  people would offer to hold it 
open for you, but NOT!  It would  generally only take an extra minute and would 
be so much easier for  us.  I politely decline the offer many times and some 
are not hard for  me.  I have gotten very good at opening doors for myself, 
but some of them  are so very heavy and large.  I am always using something, 
generally my  crutches as I feel more stable with them.  Falling is just not an 
option  for me when I'm out.  It's bad enough to do it at home, but I don't 
have  anything to pull myself up on when I'm out.  I can't get the wheelchair 
 of the car by myself, so I don't generally shop much alone, except for  
groceries.  I sure love those automatic doors in the grocery stores.  
How many of us have been told by very healthy adults that they  wish they had 
a scooter to ride on while shopping?  That peeves me, but I  politely tell 
them that they really don't want to be me and that I'd much rather  be able to 
walk all day long than to need to use it to be able to  function.  When kids 
say it - no problem.  They see it as fun.   My grandsons have loved to ride 

Hugs to all, Barbara A in Auburn,  CA

** See what's free at

Re: [TMIC] OT OT: Parking Update

2007-05-30 Thread Heather Pieter
Keep after them Kevin.  You will win one way or the other by the sound of 

Heather in Calgary 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kevin Wolfthal 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 4:17 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT OT: Parking Update

  Update to my parking situation:

  I wrote a letter to my board, very calmly requesting they accomodate me by
  giving me an off-street parking space closer to the entrance to the building,
  (which is non-handicapped acessible, but still the closest way in and out of
  this building).  The board member didn't want to take the letter and tried to
  hand it back to me.  I wouldn't take it back.  That was last Friday.  He
  said the board was having a meeting and would discuss the issue.  The meeting
  was supposed to take place last night, I haven't heard anything yet.

  I called my town planning and zoning commission today and told them my
  situation.  Long story even longer, they told me that for the multi-unit
  building I live in there are supposed to be FOUR OFF-STREET HANDICAPPED
  ENTRANCE.  Anyone care to guess how many such spaces exist here?

  I told the woman from the zoning commission this and asked her how to
  go about getting these spaces put in.  She referred me to some information
  on their website which didn't load properly onto my computer.  I will be 
  calling them again.

  I am waiting to hear what resulted from the board's meeting last night before
  I proceed.


  Akua wrote: 
  Dear Akua, 

  I am sorry you have had to go through all that you have.  A cyber-friend 
of mine who is from the 
  UK told me that this kind of thing doesn't happen there.  There is 
apparently a much more civil 
  and moral treatment of those with disabilities there.  Your car is in 
your own driveway and you 
  are being hassled? 


As long as it isn't a danger to anyone, or blocking anyone's access, I 
  understand this. 

Neither do I... the driveway is  part of the lot, is offf the street, is 
part of my yard 

   Is it a fire issue?  I mean if heaven forbid a fire engine had to get to 
your house? 

The driveway is at the back side. There is a front walkway in other 
words more than one way to access the house. 

  I have contacted several agencies already, and it is amazing just how 
little help there is out there, 
  in my state anyway.  The one exception has been the Fair Housing 
Association.  They have at 
  least helped me get my car into an off-street space, and are continuing 
to help me. 

Delighted to hear that you have had some help but YES there is shockingly 
little help or grace 
I just never needed any assistance before and didn't know how incredibly 
lucky and independent i was... 

  I will take this to court if that's what it takes. 

  All the best, 

Wishing you success and peace, 


  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
  Version: 7.5.472 / Virus Database: 269.8.4/825 - Release Date: 5/30/2007 3:03 

Re: [TMIC] Getting Humble...

2007-05-30 Thread Heather Pieter

What is mj? 
Also what are 'canadian crutches'?  I didn't know we had them and I live in 
What are DVT's? 
Do you or have you ever  used Zanaflex (I think that is the one) for your legs 
in addition to the Baclofen.  When I came home from hospital Oct 2006 I was on 
Baclofen and the Zanaflex.  Both were for the spasms.  I have since been very 
fortunate to be able to not have to take the Zanaflex and only take 10 mg of 
Baclofen at night although my prescription says I can take it 4 times a day 
which I used to do as well.  

Sorry for so many questions.

Heather in Calgary 
I'm still planting flowers into the pots as it is so sunny and beautiful here 
this week.  I have another couple of days to work at it though. 
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 4:33 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Getting Humble...


  I am sending this to the list and not to your email address as I want the 
entire list to know how proud I am of you for sending in this email.  It is so 
wise of you to listen to your body, and get the aids that will help you to live 
your life in as full a manner as possible.  Like you, I have had to purchase my 
own Hugo, but am so glad that I did as I use it everyday.

  After having TM for eight years, I have learned many things, and still have 
trouble with some.  There are so many things available to us to help us with 
our everyday lives.  If we use them, we can go out of our homes and enjoy our 
lives as much as possible.  This is true for some of us more than others, but 
we owe it to ourselves to make use of these aids.

  I'm one of the walking wounded, and still have many aids.  I have 2 
wheelchairs, one for inside and one for outside.  I have 2 sets of canadian 
crutches, a scooter, 3 canes, a Hugo and a walking stick.  I rotate between the 
manual wheelchair and scooter for shopping malls, traveling, warehouse stores, 
fairs, anything that requires more than 1/2 block of walking or standing for 
more than 10 minutes.  I use the crutches or cane in the house, the Hugo if I 
need to carry anything or tired, and the sometimes the walking stick when my 
brother's around since  he made it for me.  I use the wheelchair in the house 
when I've really overdone it and need to give my body a rest or I'm sick and 
not functioning at all.

  I have one of the canes in each car at all times, since I've gone out without 
one a few times and gotten myself stuck being too tired to walk without one a 
few years ago.  And, it's easier to put a cane in a shopping cart than crutches.

  But, I still haven't been able to agree to have a lift installed on the back 
of my vehicle for my scooter.  I don't want to drive around town with it 
dangling back there saying here I come, disabled on board!  I don't drive 
around town with my disabled placard dangling from the mirror either, although 
many do.  You really aren't supposed to since it obstructs your view, but I've 
forgotten to display it a few times.

  I don't tell all when people ask how I am doing.  Actually, I don't think 
most want to really hear about all the aches and pains that we have.  If I'm 
having a really bad night, my husband knows that it may follow with a bad day.  
He doesn't know all that I go through, but does hear my crying in the middle of 
the night sometimes in pain when the spasms get really bad.  He knows most of 
what is going on with me, but most don't.

  I have very bad pain in my left leg on some days due to 2 DVT's that have 
caused poor circulation.  All I can do for that is take some pain medication.  
I manage my nerve pain during the day pretty well with Neurontin, but during 
the night it's a different story.  I'd say that most nights I am awake at 3am 
with the heebie jeebies in my legs, where the skin is so irritable that I 
cannot allow the other leg to touch or any fabric either.  So, sleep is 
impossible at that time.  There are many nights that I do not get to sleep, but 
fall asleep around 6am out of exhaustion or due to a Vicodin.

  I take 20mg Baclofen for spasms.  I take the Neurontin and Baclofen at about 
11:30 pm in an attempt to keep the legs quiet during the night.  This used to 
work, but hasn't recently.  Sometimes I take another 1/2 tablet (I have 10mg 
tablets) after a few hrs if it doesn't seem to be working.  Sometimes the 
spasms start around 8-9pm, so I'll take it then, and then I won't take again 
unless it gets bad.

  Does anyone have any ideas of a better way to take care of these problems, 
other than the mj?  I'm really not wanting to use it if I can find another way. 

  Hugs to all, Barbara A in Auburn, CA

  See what's free at 


  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG Free Edition. 

Re: [TMIC] OT OT: Parking Update

2007-05-30 Thread JHarper33
I know it is wearying, but keep after it. You'll be winning a  victory not 
only for yourself but for others in your town who may be going  through the 
Keep us posted! 
Hoping victory is sooner rather than later,
Barbara H.
_ ( 
In a message dated 5/30/2007 7:19:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

Update to my parking situation:

I wrote a letter to my  board, very calmly requesting they accomodate me by
giving me an off-street  parking space closer to the entrance to the building,
(which is  non-handicapped acessible, but still the closest way in and out of
this  building).  The board member didn't want to take the letter and tried  
hand it back to me.  I wouldn't take it back.  That was last  Friday.  He
said the board was having a meeting and would discuss the  issue.  The meeting
was supposed to take place last night, I haven't  heard anything yet.

I called my town planning and zoning commission  today and told them my
situation.  Long story even longer, they told  me that for the multi-unit
building I live in there are supposed to be  FOUR OFF-STREET HANDICAPPED
ENTRANCE.  Anyone care to guess how many such spaces  exist here?

I  told the woman from the zoning commission this and asked her how to
go  about getting these spaces put in.  She referred me to some  information
on their website which didn't load properly onto my  computer.  I will be 
calling them again.

I am waiting to hear  what resulted from the board's meeting last night before
I  proceed.


** See what's free at