[TMIC] Hi, I sent you an e-card from AOL Greetings.

2007-06-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Re: [TMIC] Rectal problems

2007-06-02 Thread natalie mizenko

Hi Jude,
  I use Miralax and it is like a miracle to my bowels. There is also a 
prescription capsule that also adds water to the bowels and help on bowel 
management.  It is called Amitiza.  I have taken both at times but w/ both of 
them I get small accidents.  I think because both of them has similar 
properties to the bowel.  I have not researched this, but what I've been told 
by medical professionals.  
  Now Miralax as I've seen on tv lately is non-prescription, but I've used it 
for years and it is not addictive in any way; still works the same after all 
these years.  Amitiza is a new pill and I guess for those who don't like 
Miralax it is available in prescription and is just a capsule.  I drink my 
Miralax in orange juice  you can't taste it at all - there are no other drinks 
that work as well, I've tried.
  I'm sorry you have such a rough go of the bm program, but perhaps one of 
these will work for you better.  
  Natalie Mizenko

  When I asked about renal failure Gunny informed me that renal failure is 
actually a kidney problem. So my medical Ignorance showed up again. I was 
refering to having problems with bowel incontinance. I appoligize for the 
mistake and I hope noone was confused as I was. Sorry, Rick I made a correction 
in the subject area of this e-mail. I think that is the rectal area back there.
 Date: 2007/06/01 Fri PM 05:30:49 EDT
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Renal problems
 In response to Rick's topic, Renal Failure, I am not even sure what it is 
 and what it involves. I mean I can tell by the name what organs are affected, 
 what brings renal faiilure about and what can we do to be more health 
 What I would like to know as well, is there anyone out there who has to do 
 digital bowel stimulation and removal while lying on one's side in bed? That 
 is the way that I have to do it and it is gross! Not to mention, tiring.
 Peace and Prayers,
 Our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they 
 produce for us an immeasurably great Glory that will last forever
 2 Corinthians 4:17
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Re: [TMIC] June birthdays

2007-06-02 Thread natalie mizenko

  Thanks Janh for the birthday wishes as well as the others.  This year was my 
big 50 and my daughter and son-in-law was down.  My daughter in one day 
here planned a suprise 50 b-day w/ my family and friends.  Some I had not seen 
since TM hit me and paralyzed me (T12 down).  It was wonderful to see everybody 
again and I didn't expect it in anyway.  I just said to my husband that is alot 
of chips on the bar.  I don't see how the 4 of us can eat them all w/o them 
going stale.  I have a wonderful daughter, son-in-law and husband.  My daughter 
called them all, but my husband did most of the cooking on the grill.  I didn't 
see him put it all on there.  So, I was indeed suprised and it was not a black 
50.  Thank goodness!!!  Regards, Natalie-

Jan Hargrove [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Happy Birthday to all you June 

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Re: [TMIC] Hi, I sent you an e-card from AOL Greetings.

2007-06-02 Thread natalie mizenko
Hi Jude,
  That is really cute the b-day card.  Thanks, Natalie

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Re: [TMIC] Rectal problems

2007-06-02 Thread natalie mizenko
  for some reason my cursor is down at the bottom of the box, it started about 
2 weeks ago and sometimes I forget it bring my cursor up.  Scroll further down 
and see if you don't see my message,  Thanks, Natalie

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Nothing came through on the List site...try 
again please.
  Our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they 
produce for us an immeasurably great Glory that will last forever
  2 Corinthians 4:17

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Re: [TMIC] Getting Humble...

2007-06-02 Thread natalie mizenko
Hi Barbara  all,
  It is so varying what we all go thru w/ TM.  Life can completely change and 
I've actually talked to a man who fully recovered from TM when mine hit.  He 
was kin to my son-in-law  he gave me hope.  Needless to say by the time they 
removed my spinal cord stimulator from me, in order to diagnose my TM by an 
MRI, it was too late for steriods to work, even tho my dr. tried.
  I had 3 surgeries in last 2 years on L5/S1 and I thought well if I'm 
paralyzed there I won't have pain any more (been in constant pain for 15 plus 
years or more.  But, once things settled down  the original onset pain was 
over; I was left w/ 24 hr. burning feet/shock pain or buzzing in my feet.  Day 
before yesterday my leg and feet spasms were all the way up to my hip.  I was 
in severe excruiating pain.  But my husband hates for me to go to ER, so I 
fought it w/ pills.  By Friday, I called him to come home I couldn't take it 
anymore as it has settled in my feet.  This is the first time, he called 911 
for me.  I was out of my head in pain).  In the driveway they gave me 
morphine, but at the hospital they gave me dualdid (sp?) 2 times IV.  I was not 
even sleepy.  But it did help on the pain.  It bothers me I have to have the 
hardest drugs there are, but 15 to 20 years of 24 hour pain from my spine, has 
indeed taken it's toll.  My husband tell's me I could never go
 through what you do Natalie - I would not do it.  I had to take a Fiornal 
today because my headache from all this pain did not go away as I slept last 
night.  Now, live is back to normal today, as normal as it can be.  I just have 
thought all these years of him having to take me to ER and now the ambulance 
coming for me due to my wheelchair inability at the time of such pain; that's 
what makes me stronger I hope to live for a better day for him as well as for 
myself.  Sorry for the novel, Natalie

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Kevin,
  I am sending this to the list and not to your email address as I want the 
entire list to know how proud I am of you for sending in this email.  It is so 
wise of you to listen to your body, and get the aids that will help you to live 
your life in as full a manner as possible.  Like you, I have had to purchase my 
own Hugo, but am so glad that I did as I use it everyday.
  After having TM for eight years, I have learned many things, and still have 
trouble with some.  There are so many things available to us to help us with 
our everyday lives.  If we use them, we can go out of our homes and enjoy our 
lives as much as possible.  This is true for some of us more than others, but 
we owe it to ourselves to make use of these aids.
  I'm one of the walking wounded, and still have many aids.  I have 2 
wheelchairs, one for inside and one for outside.  I have 2 sets of canadian 
crutches, a scooter, 3 canes, a Hugo and a walking stick.  I rotate between the 
manual wheelchair and scooter for shopping malls, traveling, warehouse stores, 
fairs, anything that requires more than 1/2 block of walking or standing for 
more than 10 minutes.  I use the crutches or cane in the house, the Hugo if I 
need to carry anything or tired, and the sometimes the walking stick when my 
brother's around since  he made it for me.  I use the wheelchair in the house 
when I've really overdone it and need to give my body a rest or I'm sick and 
not functioning at all.
  I have one of the canes in each car at all times, since I've gone out without 
one a few times and gotten myself stuck being too tired to walk without one a 
few years ago.  And, it's easier to put a cane in a shopping cart than crutches.
  But, I still haven't been able to agree to have a lift installed on the back 
of my vehicle for my scooter.  I don't want to drive around town with it 
dangling back there saying here I come, disabled on board!  I don't drive 
around town with my disabled placard dangling from the mirror either, although 
many do.  You really aren't supposed to since it obstructs your view, but I've 
forgotten to display it a few times.
  I don't tell all when people ask how I am doing.  Actually, I don't think 
most want to really hear about all the aches and pains that we have.  If I'm 
having a really bad night, my husband knows that it may follow with a bad day.  
He doesn't know all that I go through, but does hear my crying in the middle of 
the night sometimes in pain when the spasms get really bad.  He knows most of 
what is going on with me, but most don't.
  I have very bad pain in my left leg on some days due to 2 DVT's that have 
caused poor circulation.  All I can do for that is take some pain medication.  
I manage my nerve pain during the day pretty well with Neurontin, but during 
the night it's a different story.  I'd say that most nights I am awake at 3am 
with the heebie jeebies in my legs, where the skin is so irritable that I 
cannot allow the other leg to touch or any fabric either. 

Re: [TMIC] Renal problems

2007-06-02 Thread natalie mizenko
Rick and others,
  Have you ever heard of a very small but powerful enema that works for those 
of us with paralysis or weaken anal spinchter muscles.  I always use it, it is 
called eneemez and you can find them on the internet (ebay is the best  
cheapest).  It has like a gaslike substance I think was told that stimulates 
the bowel to have a bm.  It works wonders, but is a little expensive.  I use it 
every night.  It is like $65 to $70. for a 30-day supply.  
  For all of you strugging w/ having a bm I would try this.
  As far as my renal failure, I have excellent output, but I am very 
incontinent and altho I cath every 4 hrs. I have to still wear a depend all the 
time now.  And my injury was only in Dec. 06.  But I've been cathing for 3 
years prior to that.  I am having a surgery soon in which I will have a 
plastice bag on me.  After that no more Depends and no more leakage all the 
time getting me wet.  No cathing after that; but that never has bothered me 
  Natalie Mizenko

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Dear list, Over these past 9 years of incontinence I 
have began to put alot of concern in the fact that I see so many people die of 
Renal Failure. I recently lost a great Aunt with Renal Failure. I do what I 
have to to try and have a semi-normal bowel movement at least 3 times a week. 
It has gotten to the point that when I sit on the pot I use a Fleet Eneima with 
a doucolace additive and they seem to be sometimes effective, sometimes not. 
Its always a guessing game. I in hope to find an answer through this line to a 
serious problem. If the list will permit me I would like to start my day by 
putting this topic up for discussion. Thank You Rick in TN

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[TMIC] File

2007-06-02 Thread natalie mizenko
  Does anyone know why the little File icon keeps appearing to the side of 
my name everytime I email a message?  It has been there every since I joined 
and I don't know how to get rid of it.  It bothers me.  Thanks, Natalie Mizenko 

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[TMIC] constipation/diarrhea

2007-06-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 When I first got tm,I took 2 laxatives and 3 stool softeners daily.I did 
that for a couple of years,then everything worked O.K. on its' own.
 Then I had some bloody stools,had a colonoscopy that showed no problems 
and was fine for a few years.
 Now,I've got diarrhea 2-4 times a day  that I can't hold back long enough 
to get to a bathroom.
 If I have to go somewhere I eat 5-6 bananas just to be able to leave the 
house for a short time.
 I would rather have constipation,cuz I wouldn't have to worry about going 
unexpectedly,and could take a laxative if I needed to.
 I think I'll try the metamucil,and hope it works.
 Cheryl in hot/nuggy Easthampton,Mass.

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Re: [TMIC] OT: an anniversary of the good kind

2007-06-02 Thread JHarper33
Happy anniversary! What a sweet sentiment. :)
Barbara H.
_http://barbarah.wordpress.com/_ (http://barbarah.wordpress.com/) 
In a message dated 6/2/2007 2:02:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

I'll  have my TM tenth anniversary next July, but yesterday Betty  I had  
our 50th wedding anniversary.  This afternoon we will be at the  house of our 
elder son for what, I believe, will be a party.

When  that woman walks in the room, I feel good.  When she walks by me, I 
want  to seize her in a hug.



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[TMIC] OT: an anniversary of the good kind

2007-06-02 Thread Alton Ryder
I'll have my TM tenth anniversary next July, but yesterday Betty  I  
had our 50th wedding anniversary.  This afternoon we will be at the  
house of our elder son for what, I believe, will be a party.

When that woman walks in the room, I feel good.  When she walks by  
me, I want to seize her in a hug.


Re: [TMIC] OT: an anniversary of the good kind

2007-06-02 Thread Heather Pieter
Congratulations Alton and your wife of 50 years.  You sound like very special 
people.  How lovely that your eldest son is holding a special celebration for 
you.  Wishing you many many more Happy Wedding Anniversary's. 

Heather in Calgary 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Alton Ryder 
  To: tmic-list list 
  Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 11:01 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] OT: an anniversary of the good kind

  I'll have my TM tenth anniversary next July, but yesterday Betty  I had our 
50th wedding anniversary.  This afternoon we will be at the house of our elder 
son for what, I believe, will be a party.

  When that woman walks in the room, I feel good.  When she walks by me, I want 
to seize her in a hug.



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