Rick and others,
  Have you ever heard of a very small but powerful enema that works for those 
of us with paralysis or weaken anal spinchter muscles.  I always use it, it is 
called "eneemez" and you can find them on the internet (ebay is the best & 
cheapest).  It has like a gaslike substance I think was told that stimulates 
the bowel to have a bm.  It works wonders, but is a little expensive.  I use it 
every night.  It is like $65 to $70. for a 30-day supply.  
  For all of you strugging w/ having a bm I would try this.
  As far as my renal failure, I have excellent output, but I am very 
incontinent and altho I cath every 4 hrs. I have to still wear a depend all the 
time now.  And my injury was only in Dec. 06.  But I've been cathing for 3 
years prior to that.  I am having a surgery soon in which I will have a 
plastice bag on me.  After that no more Depends and no more leakage all the 
time getting me wet.  No cathing after that; but that never has bothered me 
  Natalie Mizenko

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Dear list, Over these past 9 years of incontinence I 
have began to put alot of concern in the fact that I see so many people die of 
Renal Failure. I recently lost a great Aunt with Renal Failure. I do what I 
have to to try and have a semi-normal bowel movement at least 3 times a week. 
It has gotten to the point that when I sit on the pot I use a Fleet Eneima with 
a doucolace additive and they seem to be sometimes effective, sometimes not. 
Its always a guessing game. I in hope to find an answer through this line to a 
serious problem. If the list will permit me I would like to start my day by 
putting this topic up for discussion. Thank You Rick in TN

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