RE: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

2011-10-08 Thread pjv1234

I have those same thoughts when I read the things Akua goes thru day to 
day.  I remember the first time I went grocery shopping after TM.  My 76 
year old (at the time) Mom took me and a 9 year old boy carried the bags 
from the car to the house.  I would do your grocery shopping if I lived 
near you.  Akua, have you contacted a local church?  Most people don't 
know where to find an individual who needs a helping hand.  See if you 
local paper would start a column of people in need.  Not financial, 
but physical labor needs.  The paper might run it in their want ad 
columns free of charge to the person seeking help as a charitable 

Patti - Michigan

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 8:38 PM, PAMELA S wrote:

 No kidding!  Akua; if I lived close by I would vacuum your floor.  I 
can do that now.  Pam


Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2011 04:39:41 -0700
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

it is a sad thing that this is done in regulated areas as well as 
unregulated areas in our lives. this is the very mindset that has 
brought our country to the  embarrassing  financial situation we are 
in.waste,fraud,,greed greed greed.

and we the people suffer loss of what would be good service because of 
it,and in the economical way we have to go we need service.

service is  costly but if it is a good service and done with dignity it 
doesn't matter what type of service,it adds quality to all our lives.

the Christian bible has a book tagged proverbs and it is full of 
service suggestions that win every single time.

Prosper and live long Akua,,I understand your struggle.

Be it implied,imposed,self imposed,or whatever a struggle is a struggle 
and everyone doesn't look for the good of his fellow citizen.

spread some honey out when ever you can,,it attracts worker bees.

crap just attracts biting flies.

God knows i have had the flies!


From: Akua
Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2011 1:32  AM
Subject: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

I have an aide come once a week  for two hours. I would like more time 
and more help as those two hours are spent grocery shopping, so I get no 
help around the house. But I can't afford more. The Home Health Care 
agency charges $25 an hour for her and I was fortunate to be granted a 
from United Way, so I only have to pay half. But that's still $25 a week 
additional for groceries.

They had a nurse come every six months. This I never understood, as she 
either harassed my aide and made me lose part of the precious two hours 
as she asked inane questions, or she came and asked me to show her my 
care plan.

The last time the nurse was here in the spring, she insulted and 
threatened me. I swore she would not enter my house again and I wrote a 
letter about  what occurred, but decided against sending it.

Two weeks ago the nurse called me, and in her usual rude and cavalier 
way,left a message telling me  told  me she would
be over the next day. I  called and said would not be available. Then i 
called the agency and said that
I did not want anymore dealings with this person and could they please 
find someone else to send.

The head of the agency said they only had one person to do this. I said 
i didn't understand why this had to be done... why was a nurse 
necessary? I reminded her that i had used their services for 3 years 
now, that i was very happy with my aide, but was not going to 
voluntarily submit myself to insult
and distress. The head went on to try to persuade me/dissuade me by 
telling me that their one other nurse covered another territory.

To which i had nothing to say. This was their requirement and it made no 
sense to me.

This week she called me and left a message saying call her. I really 
dislike messages that don't have information and when i returned the 
call-- 90 minutes later, she was to be out of the office  for the next 
two days. I was directed to the second in command who said that  i was 
going to be reclassified.
Reclassified? I said i have one person, once a week, for two hours who 
goes shopping.

Well  i would be reclassified so that a nurse wouldn't have to come.

I said nothing. Since getting TM i find it hard to follow illogic and 
agree with it. But on further reflection
I think they got money that i didn't pay for having a nurse attributed 
to my account and perhaps
United Way picked up the tab, to the tune  of $75/hour and they were 
able to continue with this subtle
fraud until I refused to have the nurse come harass me again.  But 
that's 3 years of unnecessary

nonservice and easy money for that firm.
It's a dirty shame. I'm glad i didn't cave on this.


RE: [TMIC] My son Chris OFF TOPIC

2011-10-08 Thread pjv1234

I'm sorry for the loss of your son, Chris.  God will sustain you thru 
this difficult time.  Stay with us and know many TMers will be lifting 
you up in prayer as you mourn the loss of both your son and daughter. 
My condolences to you.

Patti - Michigan

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 6:10 PM, wrote:





[TMIC] Lyrica - muscle stffness

2011-10-08 Thread pjv1234


You mentioned that you have muscle stffness when rising from a chair n 
the same post you when you said you are now taking Lyrica instead of 
gabapentin.  I think I remember that as being a possible side-effect, 
but shrugged it off, because it would not stop me from taking Lyrica for 
the pain.  Were you blaming the muscle stiffness directly on the Lyrica 
or was I reading something into your comment?

Patti - Michigan

[TMIC] Good Morning All

2011-10-08 Thread pat cooley
I have been on this site since the summer of 2008.  I am so glad to see more
activity here.  I am on the TM facebook sites, but I miss so many of the
people here who don't FB.  I hope we see a lot more postings from all of
you.  At times all the posting on FB is just over whelming.

Patti - Wisconsin

Re: [TMIC] Good Morning All

2011-10-08 Thread Dalton Garis
I'm in;

I have learned so much here.

By the way, I went more than two weeks without a seizure attack, those fits
that stiffened me up across the back so that I slid off the chair onto the
floor like a pine board.  It has been since 9 January 2010 when I got the
first one and I have been gurneyed many times with seizures since.  I got a
bad one the other day, however, from the fantastic joy I felt being back in
New England in the fall, with its pungent scents of wet leaves, and all the
colors, and the sun beams playing in their midst.  The pure joy just
exploded in my head and I seized up.

But since leaving that furnace country the Gulf Middle East, the spells and
fits have become fewer.  Only after a shower or heavy emotional or physical
exertion do I have to worry about seizing up.

Thanks, all,


From:  Patricia Cooley
Date:  Sat, 8 Oct 2011 09:28:29 -0500
To:  Transverse Myelitis
Subject:  [TMIC] Good Morning All
Resent-Date:  Sat, 8 Oct 2011 07:30:39 -0700

 I have been on this site since the summer of 2008.  I am so glad to see more
 activity here.  I am on the TM facebook sites, but I miss so many of the
 people here who don't FB.  I hope we see a lot more postings from all of you.
 At times all the posting on FB is just over whelming.
 Patti - Wisconsin

Re: [TMIC] Good Morning All

2011-10-08 Thread pat cooley
Dalton I am so glad you are getting some relief from those horrible seizures
you experience.  I am sure our emotions play a big part in our physical
problems.  I sure hope it continues.  This time of the year is my favorite.
I live in middle Wisconsin in the country.  Our leaves are just so beautiful
and I just love the smell of the crushed leaves on the ground.  I just wish
this couldl go on longer.  It won't be long and our trees will be bare.
But, then we have spring to look forward to.  The hot weather doesn't bother
me, but I sure do hate the cold.

Patti - Wisconsin

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 9:36 AM, Dalton Garis wrote:

 I'm in;

 I have learned so much here.

 By the way, I went more than two weeks without a seizure attack, those fits
 that stiffened me up across the back so that I slid off the chair onto the
 floor like a pine board.  It has been since 9 January 2010 when I got the
 first one and I have been gurneyed many times with seizures since.  I got a
 bad one the other day, however, from the fantastic joy I felt being back in
 New England in the fall, with its pungent scents of wet leaves, and all the
 colors, and the sun beams playing in their midst.  The pure joy just
 exploded in my head and I seized up.

 But since leaving that furnace country the Gulf Middle East, the spells and
 fits have become fewer.  Only after a shower or heavy emotional or physical
 exertion do I have to worry about seizing up.

 Thanks, all,


 From: Patricia Cooley
 Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 09:28:29 -0500
 To: Transverse Myelitis
 Subject: [TMIC] Good Morning All
 Resent-Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 07:30:39 -0700

 I have been on this site since the summer of 2008.  I am so glad to see
 more activity here.  I am on the TM facebook sites, but I miss so many of
 the people here who don't FB.  I hope we see a lot more postings from all of
 you.  At times all the posting on FB is just over whelming.

 Patti - Wisconsin

Re: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

2011-10-08 Thread Janice Nichols
Excellent idea  -  the churches are always looking for people they can help.

Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2011 8:30 AM
Cc: ; ; TMC Group 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

I have those same thoughts when I read the things Akua goes thru day to day.  I 
remember the first time I went grocery shopping after TM.  My 76 year old (at 
the time) Mom took me and a 9 year old boy carried the bags from the car to the 
house.  I would do your grocery shopping if I lived near you.  Akua, have you 
contacted a local church?  Most people don't know where to find an individual 
who needs a helping hand.  See if you local paper would start a column of 
people in need.  Not financial, but physical labor needs.  The paper might 
run it in their want ad columns free of charge to the person seeking help as a 
charitable endavor.

Patti - Michigan 

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 8:38 PM, PAMELA S wrote:

 No kidding!  Akua; if I lived close by I would vacuum your floor.  I can do 
that now.  Pam 


Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2011 04:39:41 -0700 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory? 

it is a sad thing that this is done in regulated areas as well as unregulated 
areas in our lives. this is the very mindset that has brought our country to 
the  embarrassing financial situation we are in.waste,fraud,,greed greed greed. 

and we the people suffer loss of what would be good service because of it,and 
in the economical way we have to go we need service. 

service is  costly but if it is a good service and done with dignity it doesn't 
matter what type of service,it adds quality to all our lives. 

the Christian bible has a book tagged proverbs and it is full of service 
suggestions that win every single time. 

Prosper and live long Akua,,I understand your struggle. 

Be it implied,imposed,self imposed,or whatever a struggle is a struggle and 
everyone doesn't look for the good of his fellow citizen. 

spread some honey out when ever you can,,it attracts worker bees. 

crap just attracts biting flies.  

God knows i have had the flies! 


From: Akua 
Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2011 1:32  AM 
Subject: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory? 

I have an aide come once a week  for two hours. I would like more time and more 
help as those two hours are spent grocery shopping, so I get no  help around 
the house. But I can't afford more. The Home Health Care agency charges $25 an 
hour for her and I was fortunate to be granted a subsidy 
from United Way, so I only have to pay half. But that's still $25 a week 
additional for groceries. 

They had a nurse come every six months. This I never understood, as she either 
harassed my aide and made me lose part of the precious two hours as she asked 
inane questions, or she came and asked me to show her my care plan. 

The last time the nurse was here in the spring, she insulted and threatened me. 
I swore she would not enter my house again and I wrote a letter about  what 
occurred, but decided against sending it. 

Two weeks ago the nurse called me, and in her usual rude and cavalier way,left 
a message telling me  told  me she would 
be over the next day. I  called and said would not be available. Then i called 
the agency and said that 
I did not want anymore dealings with this person and could they please find 
someone else to send. 

The head of the agency said they only had one person to do this. I said i 
didn't understand why this had to be done... why was a nurse necessary? I 
reminded her that i had used their services for 3 years now, that i was very 
happy with my aide, but was not going to voluntarily submit myself to insult 
and distress. The head went on to try to persuade me/dissuade me by telling me 
that their one other nurse covered another territory. 

To which i had nothing to say. This was their requirement and it made no sense 
to me. 

This week she called me and left a message saying call her. I really dislike 
messages that don't have information and when i returned the call-- 90 minutes 
later, she was to be out of the office  for the next two days. I was directed 
to the second in command who said that  i was going to be reclassified. 
Reclassified? I said i have one person, once a week, for two hours who goes 

Well  i would be reclassified so that a nurse wouldn't have to come. 

I said nothing. Since getting TM i find it hard to follow illogic and agree 
with it. But on further reflection 
I think they got money that i didn't pay for having a nurse attributed to my 
account and perhaps 
United Way picked up the tab, to the tune  of $75/hour and they were able to 
continue with this subtle 
fraud until I refused to have the nurse come harass me again.  But that's 3 
years of 

Re: [TMIC] Good Morning All

2011-10-08 Thread Janice Nichols
Okay, Dalton.Then stop the heavy emotional and physical exertion.I 
really am glad you are doing better and glad you are back in the U.S.

We just got back from a week in Lincoln, New Hampshire.  It is really 
beautiful country! It was my first really away vacation since TM – 4 years 
ago.   Was so nervous about making
the trip, but things went pretty well.We loved New Hampshire  -  
including driving clear to the top of Mount Washington, the highest mountain in 
the Northeast. We “lunched” at
the Mount Washington Hotel – ritzy! We ate on the terrace and had a 
spectacular view of the mountain.  My husband went zip lining with my 
sister and her husband.   They had a ball!
I couldn’t do it, but they had lots of pictures and I made them tell me all 
about it.   What a great vacation!


From: Dalton Garis 
Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2011 9:36 AM
To: pat cooley ; Transverse Myelitis 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Good Morning All

I'm in;

I have learned so much here.  

By the way, I went more than two weeks without a seizure attack, those fits 
that stiffened me up across the back so that I slid off the chair onto the 
floor like a pine board.  It has been since 9 January 2010 when I got the first 
one and I have been gurneyed many times with seizures since.  I got a bad one 
the other day, however, from the fantastic joy I felt being back in New England 
in the fall, with its pungent scents of wet leaves, and all the colors, and the 
sun beams playing in their midst.  The pure joy just exploded in my head and I 
seized up.

But since leaving that furnace country the Gulf Middle East, the spells and 
fits have become fewer.  Only after a shower or heavy emotional or physical 
exertion do I have to worry about seizing up.

Thanks, all,


From: Patricia Cooley
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 09:28:29 -0500
To: Transverse Myelitis
Subject: [TMIC] Good Morning All
Resent-Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 07:30:39 -0700

  I have been on this site since the summer of 2008.  I am so glad to see more 
activity here.  I am on the TM facebook sites, but I miss so many of the people 
here who don't FB.  I hope we see a lot more postings from all of you.  At 
times all the posting on FB is just over whelming.

  Patti - WisconsinwlEmoticon-sarcasticsmile[1].png

Re: [TMIC] : Today is my 7 year anniversary

2011-10-08 Thread Janice Nichols
Kim, I agree we need to give constant thanks to our supporters.What would 
we do without them!This is my 4th year with TM and the adjustment has been
hard, but I just read an article about a woman with ALS. I immediately was 
thankful I only had TM after reading the article, but after a while I go back 
to thinking
what it was like before TM. I guess that is only human.

Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 5:00 AM
Subject: [TMIC] : Today is my 7 year anniversary

Today is my 7 year anniversary that TM, (transverse myelitis) came into my 
life.  I never would have imagined one morning I would wake up, my right foot 
be asleep and in less than 8 hours be paralyzed on the right side of my body 
from the waist down, changing my life forever. I have tried to welcome the 
challenges and have crossed many hurdles this spinal cord disease thrown at me. 
I would like to thank my family, friends and especially Brian for the love and 
support I have been given.  Sometimes I fail to say Thank You as often as I 
should to everyone who has supported me. I would not be where I am today 
without all of you. As I do not see a “cure” for this disease in my life time, 
the journey will continue and life as I know it will “roll on”

Re: [TMIC] : Today is my 7 year anniversary

2011-10-08 Thread pat cooley
Janice I agree with you.  When I start feeling sorry for myself, I think
about all those who have it much worse and then I realize how lucky I am
that I can walk after a fashion and can get around.

Patti - Wisconsin

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 10:19 AM, Janice Nichols jan...@centurytel.netwrote:

   Kim, I agree we need to give constant thanks to our supporters.What
 would we do without them!This is my 4th year with TM and the adjustment
 has been
 hard, but I just read an article about a woman with ALS. I immediately
 was thankful I only had TM after reading the article, but after a while I go
 back to thinking
 what it was like before TM. I guess that is only human.

 *Sent:* Thursday, October 06, 2011 5:00 AM
 *Subject:* [TMIC] : Today is my 7 year anniversary

   Today is my 7 year anniversary that TM, (transverse myelitis) came into
 my life.  I never would have imagined one morning I would wake up, my right
 foot be asleep and in less than 8 hours be paralyzed on the right side of my
 body from the waist down, changing my life forever. I have tried to welcome
 the challenges and have crossed many hurdles this spinal cord disease thrown
 at me. I would like to thank my family, friends and especially Brian for the
 love and support I have been given.  Sometimes I fail to say Thank You as
 often as I should to everyone who has supported me. I would not be where I
 am today without all of you. As I do not see a “cure” for this disease in my
 life time, the journey will continue and life as I know it will “roll on”

Re: [TMIC] Facebook

2011-10-08 Thread Janice Nichols
Patti and Betty -
Didn’t know you were school nurses.I was a secretary/aide to a school nurse 
in a big high school for 19 years.I absolutely loved it!I went through 
4 nurses and I was
lucky enough to have nurses that wanted me to be a part of whatever the injury 
was or situation was.Many times I was left alone to handle things because 
my nurses had
4 schools to be responsible for and were gone a lot. Boy, what an 
interesting job! I have a lot of respect for RN’s.


Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 9:49 PM
To: ; 
Cc: ; ; ; TMC 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Facebook

Hey everybody;  I've done this site on and off since the beginning.  I do like 
the facebook thing.  I like the quick banter when I'm going nuts for social 
stimulation.  I've just taken a temporary job as a school nurse.  They needed 
someone fast and they agreed to try and accomodate me, but it is only 6 weeks.  
I'm about to collapse before the end of the day.  I do need the money because 
my disability insurance has fought tooth and toenail to not pay.  When I walk 
in the halls, my feet spasm, my legs get charlie horses all night, and in the 
am, I have a heck of a time with the stairs.  But, when it's all said and done, 
I really love this job.  It is so exhilirating working with these kids.  Pam

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 20:32:10 -0400

Same for me;

Just had another attack today  like
Epilepsy because my lesion is on the brainstem so extreme joy or stress will 
give me a fit. 

Can someone explain how to get on disability?

Dalton Garis 
New York, New York

On Oct 5, 2011, at 2:29 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:

  I am totally with you Patti… After completing my rehab (one month), I 
returned to work part-time. I lasted two and a half months. At the end of each 
day, I hurt so bad I couldn’t do anything - even cook dinner. And it took the 
entire weekend to recuperate from the exhaustion in order to start the next 
week. That meant turning down almost every offer to do anything fun. I finally 
gave in and went out on permanent disability. 

  I so miss the social interaction afforded by working, but I don’t miss the 
forced exertion. To keep from becoming almost a hermit confined to the house – 
which is so easy to do when you don’t work – I make a point of ‘scheduling’ 
things to go out and do during the week – even if it’s just to grab a bite to 
eat for lunch or check out a new sale. After 34 years of working (31 for the 
same company), it was very hard to let go of the people contacts… it’s so easy 
at work to be ‘involved’ in co-workers lives just thru office conversation. 
It’s not ‘convenient’ for them after you’re gone. I try to stay in occasional 
e-mail contact with several of them, but it’s just not the same. 

  TM definitely adversely affects your personal life as well as your physical 
one. I think that’s why we feel so connected to each other on this site – we 
all sympathize and appreciate each other’s losses as we’ve all walked in each 
other’s shoes where TM is concerned. Loss of health, loss of jobs, loss of 
friends, loss of dignity. It tears away at one’s resolve, but this site affords 
us a non-aggressive format for social contact (albeit thru cyber space), 
appreciation and validation of aches, pains and fears, and a way to gain 
knowledge about our condition thru the experiences of others. 

  I thank everyone on this site for helping me get thru the worst of my times 
and teaching me how to accept and move on with what I do have. You’re all an 


  (in Northern California)


  From: pat cooley [] 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 7:55 AM
  To: Robert Pall
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Facebook

  Robert you are much braver than I could ever be.  Just the thought of heights 
makes me sick to my stomach.

  I did work part-time before TM and after about 7 months I was able to go make 
to my part-time job.  It was exhausting at times but I enjoyed the people 
contact.  Last year we moved about 120 miles away to be near my daughter and 
her family for my health.  I didn't seek work after we moved.  I don't miss 
working but do miss the people contact.

  Patti - Wisconsin

  On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Robert Pall wrote:

Good for youpeople do not realize how much we go thru to accomplish 
even the simplest of things!

All the best!

Rob in New Jersey

RE: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

2011-10-08 Thread PAMELA S

Looking through the human services stuff, it seems a lot of stuff is geared 
towards developmental disability, deafness, blindness, and homelessness.  For 
people who become disabled, most of the resources are geared toward putting 
them back to work.  Or helping them focus on being independent on their own.  
I'm not finding a lot of exceptions for folks who can't become independent with 
their disability.  What makes the difference in a quad or para and a child who 
was born with CP?  I'm not sure I get it.  Does the governor have ombudsmen?  
This seems to be an oversight.  

Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 09:30:25 -0400
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

I have those same thoughts when I read the things Akua goes thru day to day.  I 
remember the first time I went grocery shopping after TM.  My 76 year old (at 
the time) Mom took me and a 9 year old boy carried the bags from the car to the 
house.  I would do your grocery shopping if I lived near you.  Akua, have you 
contacted a local church?  Most people don't know where to find an individual 
who needs a helping hand.  See if you local paper would start a column of 
people in need.  Not financial, but physical labor needs.  The paper might 
run it in their want ad columns free of charge to the person seeking help as a 
charitable endavor.
Patti - Michigan 

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 8:38 PM, PAMELA S wrote:
 No kidding!  Akua; if I lived close by I would vacuum your floor.  I can do 
that now.  Pam 
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2011 04:39:41 -0700 From: Subject: Re: [TMIC] 
Pyrrhic Victory? To:; 
it is a sad thing that this is done in regulated areas as well as unregulated 
areas in our lives. this is the very mindset that has brought our country to 
the  embarrassing  financial situation we are in.waste,fraud,,greed greed 

and we the people suffer loss of what would be good service because of it,and 
in the economical way we have to go we need service. 

service is  costly but if it is a good service and done with dignity it doesn't 
matter what type of service,it adds quality to all our lives. 

the Christian bible has a book tagged proverbs and it is full of service 
suggestions that win every single time. 

Prosper and live long Akua,,I understand your struggle. 

Be it implied,imposed,self imposed,or whatever a struggle is a struggle and 
everyone doesn't look for the good of his fellow citizen. 

spread some honey out when ever you can,,it attracts worker bees. 

crap just attracts biting flies.  

God knows i have had the flies! 

From: Akua To: Sent: Thursday, October 
6, 2011 1:32  AM Subject: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory? 
I have an aide come once a week  for two hours. I would like more time and more 
help as those two hours are spent grocery shopping, so I get no  help around 
the house. But I can't afford more. The Home Health Care agency charges $25 an 
hour for her and I was fortunate to be granted a subsidy from United Way, so I 
only have to pay half. But that's still $25 a week additional for groceries. 
They had a nurse come every six months. This I never understood, as she either 
harassed my aide and made me lose part of the precious two hours as she asked 
inane questions, or she came and asked me to show her my care plan. 
The last time the nurse was here in the spring, she insulted and threatened me. 
I swore she would not enter my house again and I wrote a letter about  what 
occurred, but decided against sending it. 
Two weeks ago the nurse called me, and in her usual rude and cavalier way,left 
a message telling me  told  me she would be over the next day. I  called and 
said would not be available. Then i called the agency and said that I did not 
want anymore dealings with this person and could they please find someone else 
to send. 
The head of the agency said they only had one person to do this. I said i 
didn't understand why this had to be done... why was a nurse necessary? I 
reminded her that i had used their services for 3 years now, that i was very 
happy with my aide, but was not going to voluntarily submit myself to insult 
and distress. The head went on to try to persuade me/dissuade me by telling me 
that their one other nurse covered another territory. 
To which i had nothing to say. This was their requirement and it made no sense 
to me. 
This week she called me and left a message saying call her. I really dislike 
messages that don't have information and when i returned the call-- 90 minutes 
later, she was to be out of the office  for the next two days. I was directed 
to the second in command who said that  i was going to be reclassified. 
Reclassified? I said i have one person, once a week, for two hours who goes 
Well  i would be 

RE: [TMIC] Pyrrhic Victory?

2011-10-08 Thread Akua

Thanks Pam!
But I've figured out how to vaccum in my manual wheelchair. I bought 
an electrolux -- a cordless stick or hand
held with a recharger stand. Between that and my swiffer,  and my 
dustpan on a stick, my floors are cleaner than they've ever been, 
nothing is on the floor, because i may roll over it.-- but dusting 
and high surfaces -- that's where i need help.

No kidding!  Akua; if I lived close by I would vacuum your floor.  I 
can do that now.  Pam


Re: [TMIC] My son Chris OFF TOPIC

2011-10-08 Thread Akua

So very sorry to read this!
My deepest condolences.
May you be  granted strength and comfort in this
difficult time.





