Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-19 Thread Candy
Glad to hear from u guys.   Deb I can offer a few tips.   I keep a calendar 
(carry it with me every where I go - all of my doctor appointments etc). In the 
back there are sheets where I keep notes from all my doctor visits so I can 
remember most of what they said.  I also have sticky pads around the house so 
when I think of something I write it down.  I use sticky so it doesn't hit the 
floor or pushed in trash.  I eventually collect and combine, and stick in my 
calendar.  I even keep 3/5 cards in my wallet in case something comes up when I 
am out and about.   I can no longer go anywhere without help, can't cook (not 
that I did much anyway, ha ha) I just started new Rituxan treatment yesterday.  
Not sure how long before I am suppose to know difference.  I had new lesions 
again on 9 may, this time thoracic.   Do any of u keep having new lesions?  It 
is so depressing.  I also have to try and keep a log for my urologist.  Had 2 
Botox treatments and so far not working.   Might send me to MUSC.   I can't 
wait until I can be seen at Johns Hopkins -God I hope they come up with 
something.  If I could just get around Independently, have enough breath and 
strength to get from my bedroom to the kitchen.I don't know how you are 
still working.  You must be so exhausted.  Please remember keeping your body 
happy is the most important.  Not getting rest is the worse thing you can do.  
I spent a lot to time planning my daughters wedding.  We had the wedding, my 
son,daughter-in-law and NEW grandson was here to include my son's new in-laws.  
After all was done,I slept all day Saturday and Sunday and never felt so 
rested.  Had not done this since being sick.  I was always doing something.  
Now I know this illness has priority over everything I plan to do.  I will find 
a way to make things work.  I will keep all in my prayers. 

Sent from my iPad

On May 18, 2012, at 11:43 PM, Janice Nichols wrote:

 I can’t believe you are still working.What do you do and how old are you? 
I am so sorry about all the pain you are in and really hope the meds, 
 whatever they are, do the job.
 Keep posting to us and let us know how you are doing.
 From: Deb Monteleone
 Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 5:27 PM
 To: 'Janice Nichols' ; ; 'Robert Pall'
 Subject: RE: [TMIC] Is anyone here?
 Janice and all members,
 You hit the nail on the head, for me anyway.  I am guilty of mostly reading 
 and occasionally writing.  I still go to my “in person” MS support group for 
 mainly that reason, to help the newly diagnosed.  I figure they were there 
 for me, I do take a break every now and then.  I have TM that was caused by 
 As most of this group I am in constant pain, both legs and feet.  Whenever 
 possible I take my shoes off because they cause my feet, then legs to hurt 
 more.  I haven’t worn socks in just over 3 years.  Lucky me, from not wearing 
 shoes around the house and still hanging on to a lot of extra weight I got 
 Plantar Fasciitis in my left foot.  It was like a knife going into my heel 
 every step I took.  Went and got a shot in the heel, then 3 months later 
 another one, then 2 weeks later a 3rd one, hopefully 3rd is the charm.  But 
 since this started in December I now have to wear shoes ALL the time and a 
 splint at night.  Needless to say, my feet and legs were/are not happy 
 wearing shoes so my symptoms (numb, needles, spasticity, etc.) have 
 intensified, but the interesting thing is they are not as sharp.
 I am also in the process of eliminating my Avinza (morphine) from my arsenal 
 of meds.  Doctor gave me Oxicontin to help with any possible withdrawal, I am 
 using only one a day instead of the 1 2x a day if necessary as prescribed.  
 Never did drugs so not sure what withdrawal feels like.  Tomorrow will be a 
 full week, 2 days I did take the 2nd pill.  I have felt odd at times, I guess 
 edgy, confused and more pain.  Hope I can continue without Morphine and will 
 try to stop Oxicontin next week.
 Unfortunately I did find out that I need to ease the pain somewhat.  Before I 
 stopped the morphine, I was at work in so much pain, had to leave at 1:00, 
 cried all the way home.  The next morning when taking my morning meds, I 
 noticed the days before was still there, I had gone to work unarmed.  At 
 least it explained it.
 I know this is long but wanted to mention how great this site has been for my 
 husband to really understand TM.  He reads all of the emails which helps him 
 to believe and understand what I say is truly happening to me daily.  As a 
 human we tend to diminish a person’s symptoms over time but this groups 
 emails keep it real.
 I thank you all for sharing on this site, it helps in so many ways and I 
 apologize for not participating more.  Not an excuse but after working all 
 day I just wanted to read and not get involved.  My bad.
 Make it a great day,

RE: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-19 Thread Deb Monteleone


To address questions from a few of you:


I am 55 for 10 more days.  I work in Human Resources at a State University 
doing Excel macros, Word mail merges; oversee a document Imaging system among 
other things.  I like my job; it gets me out of the house, keeps my brain 
challenged and is really my only form of socializing these days.  I use a Roho 
cushion on my chair, sit next to a window to help regulate temperature (they 
just bought me a cooling vest to help), and I have a scooter for the afternoons 
or all day if I’m having a bad day.  It is very tiring some days but I need to 
pay the bills and most important have health insurance.  I can’t afford to pay 
cobra for 2 years (1,600 a month) until I would be eligible for Medicare as a 
disabled person.  I would really like to work an hour or two less a day but 
that screws with my pension, social security and misc other things at the job.  
It might come to that eventually, take it as it comes.


I got TM June 2008.  Had to learn how to walk again, I did, I still concentrate 
on walking and especially steps to help add any improvement.  I use a cane, but 
I bought a really beautiful Cocobolo wood cane so I love using it and I think 
people see the beauty of the wood not a handicapped person.  I sleep really 
long and late on the weekends; my husband does 98% of the cooking, laundry and 
cleaning so that really helps me be able to work.  If I didn’t have him there 
is no way I could work full time or any time.  I know I should take better care 
to get more sleep, stretch, etc but I actually exercise at work by just going 
to the bathroom or lunchroom as they are very far from my desk.  When at home I 
really don’t walk far at all. 


I use my phone for a calendar and notes, although the sticky notes around the 
house is good as my phone is off or in bedroom when home.  I did get a tablet 
for work so I can organize all my notes etc. for each project.  I feel kind of 
silly when I can’t remember things when speaking with others.  Now I will have 
it all in one place that I can look up quickly, of course I still have to 
finish figuring out how to organize it to be useful.  What is a Rituxan 
treatment?  If you have new lesions, do you also have MS like I do, I thought 
for the most part TM was a one hit event.


My husband is great about reading the emails.  As he does most of the house 
stuff I know he would eventually get a little resentful as most humans would.  
The emails seem to keep it in his mind what I am going through.  The important 
part is, it is not always me trying to explain it, which I think naturally 
loses effect after a while.  If you can get your family or friends to read a 
few of these emails (the ones that show others have same problems as you) I 
think it could help a lot.  I have also sent out my own email to friends and 
family on occasion as an update of my life (kind of like what some people put 
in xmas cards) except it’s not xmas.  It helps do exactly what Iris said, it’s 
not for them to feel sorry for us - just understand why we are not up for many 
of the activities we previously took for granted.  It was weird; a few days ago 
I was watching 3 different people walking down the hall at work.  I thought, 
look, they have no idea how great it is to do such a simple thing and not even 
have to think about how to do it.  I wasn’t mad, it just amazes me how much we 
all take for granted until something happens to you.

I have had one real exasperation where I needed steroids, although I had many 
maybe I overdid it and that’s why my symptoms are so bad.  Being an always on 
the go person before TM it is just ridiculous to me what over doing it is.  
Since I got TM/MS I wondered how you would know the difference between over 
doing, an urinary tract infection (have had my share) or a real 
relapse/exasperation.  Now I know, which is kind of good in a sad way.


Hope I covered it all.  Thank you for caring and being out there to talk to.  I 
agree that this site was better before people left for facebook.  I have no 
time for facebook but I’m sure it’s great for those at home, it’s more like 
having a personal real time conversation, but I do miss the larger quantity of 
emails here.  Sometimes I don’t read these emails for five days, but when I’m 
ready they are waiting for me.


Make it a great day,



From: Janice Nichols [] 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 11:44 PM
To: Deb Monteleone;; 'Robert Pall'
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?



I can’t believe you are still working.What do you do and how old are you?   
 I am so sorry about all the pain you are in and really hope the meds, whatever 
they are, do the job.

Keep posting to us and let us know how you are doing.




From: Deb Monteleone 

Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 5:27 PM

To: 'Janice Nichols' ;  

Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-18 Thread Janice Nichols
I can’t believe you are still working.What do you do and how old are you?   
 I am so sorry about all the pain you are in and really hope the meds, whatever 
they are, do the job.
Keep posting to us and let us know how you are doing.

From: Deb Monteleone 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 5:27 PM
To: 'Janice Nichols' ; ; 'Robert Pall' 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

Janice and all members,


You hit the nail on the head, for me anyway.  I am guilty of mostly reading and 
occasionally writing.  I still go to my “in person” MS support group for mainly 
that reason, to help the newly diagnosed.  I figure they were there for me, I 
do take a break every now and then.  I have TM that was caused by MS.  


As most of this group I am in constant pain, both legs and feet.  Whenever 
possible I take my shoes off because they cause my feet, then legs to hurt 
more.  I haven’t worn socks in just over 3 years.  Lucky me, from not wearing 
shoes around the house and still hanging on to a lot of extra weight I got 
Plantar Fasciitis in my left foot.  It was like a knife going into my heel 
every step I took.  Went and got a shot in the heel, then 3 months later 
another one, then 2 weeks later a 3rd one, hopefully 3rd is the charm.  But 
since this started in December I now have to wear shoes ALL the time and a 
splint at night.  Needless to say, my feet and legs were/are not happy wearing 
shoes so my symptoms (numb, needles, spasticity, etc.) have intensified, but 
the interesting thing is they are not as sharp.


I am also in the process of eliminating my Avinza (morphine) from my arsenal of 
meds.  Doctor gave me Oxicontin to help with any possible withdrawal, I am 
using only one a day instead of the 1 2x a day if necessary as prescribed.  
Never did drugs so not sure what withdrawal feels like.  Tomorrow will be a 
full week, 2 days I did take the 2nd pill.  I have felt odd at times, I guess 
edgy, confused and more pain.  Hope I can continue without Morphine and will 
try to stop Oxicontin next week.


Unfortunately I did find out that I need to ease the pain somewhat.  Before I 
stopped the morphine, I was at work in so much pain, had to leave at 1:00, 
cried all the way home.  The next morning when taking my morning meds, I 
noticed the days before was still there, I had gone to work unarmed.  At least 
it explained it.


I know this is long but wanted to mention how great this site has been for my 
husband to really understand TM.  He reads all of the emails which helps him to 
believe and understand what I say is truly happening to me daily.  As a human 
we tend to diminish a person’s symptoms over time but this groups emails keep 
it real.


I thank you all for sharing on this site, it helps in so many ways and I 
apologize for not participating more.  Not an excuse but after working all day 
I just wanted to read and not get involved.  My bad.


Make it a great day,



From: Janice Nichols [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 9:13 AM
To:; Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?


Still here!  It seems to be another “quiet” time. At night after going 
to bed, I seem to think of things I want to ask the group, but then with my 
brilliant memory, I forget by morning.

We have had some new people join the group lately, which is good.  I think 
there are many of us that still read whatever comes across our website, but 
don’t bother to get into it either

because they are subjects that have been discussed long ago and they put their 
2 cents worth in at that time, or feel they have nothing to offer.   We 
really need to respond more for

the new ones just joined and the new ones need to jump in and add to the 
conversation too.This is a great website with terrific people and we 
need to keep it going with comments

and questions and responses.





From: Robert Pall 

Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 7:33 AM


Subject: [TMIC] Is anyone here?


Hi...lately the only mail I receive is fromfriends living with TM I just 
left that facebook room because I was getting far to many chats. Is our network 
still active or has everyone joined another group. This is where I started and 
this is where I belong.
I would love to hear back from all of the active members and see how they are 
Rob in New Jersey 

Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread Barbara H.
Still here! :-) It seems like the list here goes pretty quiet for several
days in a row and then will have a flurry of mail for a few days.

I'm about the same -- walking, but not always steady, balance issues,
bathroom issues, fatigue and muscle spasms, but overall doing well.

Barbara H.

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 8:33 AM, Robert Pall wrote:

 Hi...lately the only mail I receive is fromfriends living with TM I
 just left that facebook room because I was getting far to many chats. Is
 our network still active or has everyone joined another group. This is
 where I started and this is where I belong.
 I would love to hear back from all of the active members and see how
 they are doing!
 Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread Pat Cooley
Rob we are still here.  At least I know I am.  It seems everyone has
gone to the several Face Book groups like Transverse Myelitis Folks.
I know all the posts can be a bit much at times..  I am doing the best
I can hope you are too.


On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 7:33 AM, Robert Pall wrote:
 Hi...lately the only mail I receive is fromfriends living with TM I
 just left that facebook room because I was getting far to many chats. Is our
 network still active or has everyone joined another group. This is where I
 started and this is where I belong.
 I would love to hear back from all of the active members and see how they
 are doing!
 Rob in New Jersey

RE: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread Butcher, Bernie (SFS)
Getting you loud  clear on Long Island Rob


From: Janice Nichols []
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 9:13 AM
To:; Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

Still here!  It seems to be another quiet time. At night after going 
to bed, I seem to think of things I want to ask the group, but then with my 
brilliant memory, I forget by morning.
We have had some new people join the group lately, which is good.  I think 
there are many of us that still read whatever comes across our website, but 
don't bother to get into it either
because they are subjects that have been discussed long ago and they put their 
2 cents worth in at that time, or feel they have nothing to offer.   We 
really need to respond more for
the new ones just joined and the new ones need to jump in and add to the 
conversation too.This is a great website with terrific people and we 
need to keep it going with comments
and questions and responses.


From: Robert
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 7:33 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

Hi...lately the only mail I receive is fromfriends living with TM I just 
left that facebook room because I was getting far to many chats. Is our network 
still active or has everyone joined another group. This is where I started and 
this is where I belong.
I would love to hear back from all of the active members and see how they are 
Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread frank

Is anyone here?

Actually, some people are outside gardening, some people are working on their 
boats(getting them ready to be launched for the season), some people have been 
traveling to and from a graduation, some have been just sitting outside 
listening to the birds, grass and trees singing songs of spring.. I could go 
on, and on.


Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread
Hi Rob,
 I'm still here,but seldom get posts from the tmic site. Sadly,it seems almost 
everyone has moved to facebook.
I'm not a fan of that site,so I just don't post much anymore. If I post on 
tmic, I get few replies.

I do wish facebook would go away (fat chance of that) so we could have our 
group back. I miss everyone! There was a nice feel to our tmic group.
I hope you are doing okay.

 From: Robert Pall
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 8:33 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

Hi...lately the only mail I receive is fromfriends living with TM I just 
left that facebook room because I was getting far to many chats. Is our network 
still active or has everyone joined another group. This is where I started and 
this is where I belong.
I would love to hear back from all of the active members and see how they are 
Rob in New Jersey 

Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread Bernie Pelow
There is a specific group on Facebook called People Living with 
Transverse Myelitis that you can join. it's like this, but you can chat 
with people live without emails, and also share as we do here. I just 
got the invite on Facebook, or you can join and search People Living 
with Transverse Myelitis and click 'join' and it takes about a minute 
to be accepted. Looks interesting to me, and can't wait to chat with 
folks one on one without waiting hours or days for a reply. Might want 
to check it out.

Bernie in Texas

Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread Gary Thomas
I am still here.  I have been busy going to the nursing home where my mom is, 
with Alzheimers.  I also spend a lot of time pertaining to my dad, who is on 
his own but needs help with different areas of his life.  It is alway great to 
hear from those on this list, asking questions, seeking companionship, etc.  I 
have been here for about 8 years.

Gary in Niles, MI
  - Original Message - 
  From: Barbara H. 
  To: Robert Pall 
  Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 8:54 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

  Still here! :-) It seems like the list here goes pretty quiet for several 
days in a row and then will have a flurry of mail for a few days.

  I'm about the same -- walking, but not always steady, balance issues, 
bathroom issues, fatigue and muscle spasms, but overall doing well.

  Barbara H.

  On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 8:33 AM, Robert Pall wrote:

Hi...lately the only mail I receive is fromfriends living with TM I 
just left that facebook room because I was getting far to many chats. Is our 
network still active or has everyone joined another group. This is where I 
started and this is where I belong.
I would love to hear back from all of the active members and see how they 
are doing!
Rob in New Jersey 

Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread I Whiddett
Hi, yes I'm still here although I'm never quite sure whether I should be.
I seem to be the only UK contributor and would like to say thanks everyone
for including me.  I miss the regular emails and have joined Facebook with
a view to making contact there.
Iris UK

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 3:10 PM, Gary Thomas gbthomas8...@sbcglobal.netwrote:

 I am still here.  I have been busy going to the nursing home where my mom
 is, with Alzheimers.  I also spend a lot of time pertaining to my dad, who
 is on his own but needs help with different areas of his life.  It is alway
 great to hear from those on this list, asking questions, seeking
 companionship, etc.  I have been here for about 8 years.

 Gary in Niles, MI

  - Original Message -
 *From:* Barbara H.
 *To:* Robert Pall
 *Sent:* Thursday, May 17, 2012 8:54 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

  Still here! :-) It seems like the list here goes pretty quiet for
 several days in a row and then will have a flurry of mail for a few days.

 I'm about the same -- walking, but not always steady, balance issues,
 bathroom issues, fatigue and muscle spasms, but overall doing well.

 Barbara H.

 On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 8:33 AM, Robert Pall wrote:

 Hi...lately the only mail I receive is fromfriends living with TM I
 just left that facebook room because I was getting far to many chats. Is
 our network still active or has everyone joined another group. This is
 where I started and this is where I belong.
 I would love to hear back from all of the active members and see how
 they are doing!
 Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread
Hi Frank,
  Wish I could do any of those. Can't even sit outside for more than 10 minutes 
since any changes in type of chair causes increased spasms and even tighter 
 I'm happy for those that can go out and enjoy themselves.

To: Butcher, Bernie (SFS); Janice Nichols;; Robert Pall 
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 9:25 AM
Subject: Re:  [TMIC] Is anyone here?

Is anyone here?

Actually, some people are outside gardening, some people are working on their 
boats(getting them ready to be launched for the season), some people have been 
traveling to and from a graduation, some have been just sitting outside 
listening to the birds, grass and trees singing songs of spring.. I could go 
on, and on.


Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread Janice Nichols
I hope you are able to do all you mentioned.I find myself outside as much 
as possible too  -  until it gets hot that is!

Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 8:25 AM
To: Butcher, Bernie (SFS) ; Janice Nichols ; ; Robert 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

Is anyone here?

Actually, some people are outside gardening, some people are working on their 
boats(getting them ready to be launched for the season), some people have been 
traveling to and from a graduation, some have been just sitting outside 
listening to the birds, grass and trees singing songs of spring.. I could go 
on, and on.


Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread Janice Nichols
What kind of treatment is rutaxin? What will it do for you and how has TM 
left you?

From: Candy 
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 11:33 AM
Cc: Robert Pall ; tmic 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

Hi. I am a new member and finding it very hard to find anyone using the actual 
website.  I do not like Facebook.  Was hoping the forum used on the site would 
stay current with folks given their experiences and treatment.  I use to blond 
to a site  for sarcoidosis called team inspire. they have a great set up 
for communicating and being able to talk with an individual off line.   
Having new health issues are scary and hope to find others who have similar 
problems.   I am sitting at my infusion center getting my first rutaxin 
treatment.   God bless all

Sent from my iPad

On May 17, 2012, at 9:32 AM, wrote:

  Hi Rob,
  I'm still here,but seldom get posts from the tmic site. Sadly,it seems almost 
everyone has moved to facebook.
  I'm not a fan of that site,so I just don't post much anymore. If I post on 
tmic, I get few replies.

  I do wish facebook would go away (fat chance of that) so we could have our 
group back. I miss everyone! There was a nice feel to our tmic group.
  I hope you are doing okay.

  From: Robert Pall
  Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 8:33 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

  Hi...lately the only mail I receive is fromfriends living with TM I 
just left that facebook room because I was getting far to many chats. Is our 
network still active or has everyone joined another group. This is where I 
started and this is where I belong.
  I would love to hear back from all of the active members and see how they 
are doing!
  Rob in New Jersey 


Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread Robert Pall

 I have been on the Facebook TM rooms and found much too much chatting and not 
enough TM info. My mailbox was constantly filled with just chit chat. I hated 
when this happened in our group and I still do. I like to hear how people are 
doing but I do not want qan hour by hour dialogue. Sorry but the facebook group 
does not work for me!
Rob in New Jersey



-Original Message-
From: kevin weilacher
To: Bernie Pelow; rn11974; TMIC
Sent: Thu, May 17, 2012 5:31 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

The best Facebook group is the Transverse Myelitis Folks group...
That is where you'll find the most activity and the majority of the old timers 
that were on this group
It is a closed group meaning that only people that are members of that group 
can see what it being posted, that way we can chat about some of the more 
personal things regarding TM and not worry about the rest of your Facebook 
friends reading about it...
and also, the group welcomes family members and caregivers with open arms...
If they are interested in being active in someones dealings with TM, then they 
are welcome to join in and see for themselves what we are going through.
I hope to see some of you there..

  From: Bernie Pelow
 To:; TMIC 
 Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 9:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

There is a specificgroup on Facebook called People Living with 
TransverseMyelitis that you can join. it's like this, but you can chat 
   with people live without emails, and also share as we do here. I
just got the invite on Facebook, or you can join and search People Living with 
   Transverse Myelitis and click 'join' and it takes about aminute 
to be accepted. Looks interesting to me, and can't waitto chat with 
folks one on one without waiting hours or days fora reply. Might want 
to check it out.
Bernie in Texas


Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

2012-05-17 Thread kevin weilacher
Granted...the Facebook groups aren't for everyone...but a large majority of 
people are actively seeking out the groups now
In the  TM Folks group, the majority of the info posted, is TM related...and of 
course, there is the occasional post that takes a different turn off subject.
Personally, I like off subject posts on's kind of nice to hear 
about something non TM related once in awhile. It takes my mind off of the TM 
and gives me something new to think about...
I don't like dwelling on TM 24/7 so when there is something new that's posted, 
it's kind of refreshing.

As far as a person's mailbox getting filled upthat doesn't happen anymore. 
Facebook changed that. You now have to sign up to get daily posts in your 
Prior to that, you could set the parameters to not receive the posts to your 

The way the groups are set up nowFacebook is a great way to network with 
others in your own area and also to go into the chat room and chat real time.

It's all personal preferenceand Facebook works for me...

 From: Robert Pall
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

I have been on the Facebook TM rooms and found much too much chatting and not 
enough TM info. My mailbox was constantly filled with just chit chat. I hated 
when this happened in our group and I still do. I like to hear how people are 
doing but I do not want qan hour by hour dialogue. Sorry but the facebook group 
does not work for me!
Rob in New Jersey

-Original Message-
From: kevin weilacher
To: Bernie Pelow; rn11974; TMIC
Sent: Thu, May 17, 2012 5:31 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

The best Facebook group is the Transverse Myelitis Folks group...
That is where you'll find the most activity and the majority of the old timers 
that were on this group
It is a closed group meaning that only people that are members of that group 
can see what it being posted, that way we can chat about some of the more 
personal things regarding TM and not worry about the rest of your Facebook 
friends reading about it...
and also, the group welcomes family members and caregivers with open arms...
If they are interested in being active in someones dealings with TM, then they 
are welcome to join in and see for themselves what we are going through.
I hope to see some of you

 From: Bernie Pelow
To:; TMIC 
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Is anyone here?

There is a specific group on Facebook called People Living with Transverse 
Myelitis that you can join. it's like this, but you can chat with people live 
without emails, and also share as we do here. I just got the invite on 
Facebook, or you can join and search People Living with Transverse Myelitis 
and click 'join' and it takes about a minute to be accepted. Looks interesting 
to me, and can't wait to chat with folks one on one without waiting hours or 
days for a reply. Might want to check it out.
Bernie in Texas