Re: [TMIC] weird sensations

2009-09-15 Thread LadyOwl1961
Morning All:

Well it is day three of this vibrating feeling. I did not take 
Lyrica yesterday morning or this morning but continue to take it at night or I 
will never sleep.  I wake up during the night feeling like I am going to bounce 
right off the bed. The only good thing is that it does not last as long as it 
was.  I can now add tired all the time to what I am feeling but I am sure that 
is just from the lack of a good nights' sleep. I am beginning to feel worse and 
worse as each day passes. This is really messing with my head. 

Frank the reason I cannot see is a doctor and am not eligible for 
any type of disability, or medical care is because I am a Canadian who married 
an American in 1999 and only have permanent residency in the USA. I am not in 
Canada for 153 days a year so I am unable to have Canadian health care or claim 
disability. My husband is a contract worker in the States (only type of 
employment available right now) and health care through the company is so 
expensive and we do not get much coverage. An example of this is my TM was 
acting up and I tripped and banged my toe into the wall, it became so swollen I 
could not walk, since we had health coverage at the time Hubby took me in to 
Urgent Care, the Doctor took a look, ordered a x ray, and sent me home with a 
boot.  About 2 weeks later we get the bill, this service cost $260.00 and we 
had to pay $190.00. So for paying over $450.00 a month for 6 months we still 
had no real difference in heath care. I am sooo lucky to have a family doctor 
in Canada who lets me pay for a visit so I can keep my medications up. Also I 
am so lucky to live not far from Canada that we can afford to go up there a few 
times a year to get my medications. I am really frustrated with the American 
system of health care. Being born and raised in Canada and living in the USA 
for ten years has really made me realize I had it so lucky in Canada. I get 
very mad at the commercials putting the Canadian Health Care system down. Yes 
we did have to wait a little longer for some tests but whenever I HAD to have a 
test I had it within a week.  An example of this was with my Breast Cancer. I 
found a lump, got in to see my doctor within 3 days, within a week was at 
specialist and had all the tests done within another week and started on Chemo 
within a month. I was not charged anything. I did not have to dip into my 
savings, retirement fund or be billed ANYTHING. Even most of my medications 
were covered.  All this for an extra cost through work of $87.00 a month for 
extended Health Care. I had a semi private coverage meaning I was only in a 
room with one other person while hospitalized as well as so many more benefits 
as eye and dental care. 

I am terrified right now concerning my husbands' and my heath. My 
husband has not seen a doctor in about 8 years because my health has taken up 
all of our benefits. We have eaten up most of our retirement fund due to this 
economy and trying to survive. We just get ahead of the game and then something 
happens (Hubby gets laid off, I get sick, I need meds, dog gets sick or our 11 
year old car needs fixing) to set us back into the hole again. I laugh when 
they tell people with TM to avoid stress as it just seems to live with me. 
Right now my husband is trying to get a job in Canada so that at least he knows 
if I get really sick I will be taken care of. I am hoping he gets one there so 
that he can re-coup his 401K so that he can have some type of life when he 
retires. Maybe he should just divorce me and me move back to Canada and go on 
Social Assistance so as not to be this burden on him any longer. I love him 
more than life itself but it seems like the only solution for me here. Anyway 
maybe all this stress is why I am vibrating, who knows but the only thing I do 
know is I am scared of what is going on with me and really wish I was living 
back in Canada and covered. I would not even mind a month wait to get into a 
doctor just because I know I would not have to live on the street to pay for 
the treatments needed.


Kathy who is frustrated, hurting, depressed and scared.. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jill Z 
  To: LadyOwl 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 6:43 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] weird sensations

How are you now?  
Jill in Chicago

--- On Mon, 9/14/09, LadyOwl wrote:

  From: LadyOwl
  Subject: [TMIC] weird sensations
  Date: Monday, September 14, 2009, 8:53 AM

  Hi all.. 
  Haven't written in much but as of yesterday I have been very scared 
and nervous because of a weird sensation I have been getting.. I was on Face 
Book (my usual haunt) between 2 and 3 pm when my body began to vibrate. I was 
shaking from head to toe. Not a big shake but a very small one that even my 

Re: [TMIC] weird sensations

2009-09-15 Thread Jill Z
Apply for PUBLIC AID  All the illegals get it!!!  And they get our MEDICARE 
TOO!  Take it from me...I work in a hospital.  I don't know how it's done, but 
it can be done somehow.
You cannot be denied healthcare yet and you deserve it.  Just don't give them 
your SS#.
Jill's two cents in Chicago

--- On Tue, 9/15/09, LadyOwl1961 wrote:

From: LadyOwl1961
Subject: Re: [TMIC] weird sensations
Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2009, 10:26 AM

Morning All: 
    Well it is day three of this vibrating feeling. I did not take 
Lyrica yesterday morning or this morning but continue to take it at night or I 
will never sleep.  I wake up during the night feeling like I am going to bounce 
right off the bed. The only good thing is that it does not last as long as it 
was.  I can now add tired all the time to what I am feeling but I am sure that 
is just from the lack of a good nights’ sleep. I am beginning to feel worse and 
worse as each day passes. This is really messing with my head. 
    Frank the reason I cannot see is a doctor and am not eligible for 
any type of disability, or medical care is because I am a Canadian who married 
an American in 1999 and only have permanent residency in the USA. I am not in 
Canada for 153 days a year so I am unable to have Canadian health care or claim 
disability. My husband is a contract worker in the States (only type of 
employment available right now) and health care through the company is so 
expensive and we do not get much coverage. An example of this is my TM was 
acting up and I tripped and banged my toe into the wall, it became so swollen I 
could not walk, since we had health coverage at the time Hubby took me in to 
Urgent Care, the Doctor took a look, ordered a x ray, and sent me home with a 
boot.  About 2 weeks later we get the bill, this service cost $260.00 and we 
had to pay $190.00. So for paying over $450.00 a month for 6 months we still 
had no real difference in heath
 care. I am sooo lucky to have a family doctor in Canada who lets me pay for a 
visit so I can keep my medications up. Also I am so lucky to live not far from 
Canada that we can afford to go up there a few times a year to get my 
medications. I am really frustrated with the American system of health care. 
Being born and raised in Canada and living in the USA for ten years has really 
made me realize I had it so lucky in Canada. I get very mad at the commercials 
putting the Canadian Health Care system down. Yes we did have to wait a little 
longer for some tests but whenever I HAD to have a test I had it within a week. 
 An example of this was with my Breast Cancer. I found a lump, got in to see my 
doctor within 3 days, within a week was at specialist and had all the tests 
done within another week and started on Chemo within a month. I was not charged 
anything. I did not have to dip into my savings, retirement fund or be billed 
ANYTHING. Even most of my
 medications were covered.  All this for an extra cost through work of $87.00 a 
month for extended Health Care. I had a semi private coverage meaning I was 
only in a room with one other person while hospitalized as well as so many more 
benefits as eye and dental care. 
    I am terrified right now concerning my husbands’ and my heath. My 
husband has not seen a doctor in about 8 years because my health has taken up 
all of our benefits. We have eaten up most of our retirement fund due to this 
economy and trying to survive. We just get ahead of the game and then something 
happens (Hubby gets laid off, I get sick, I need meds, dog gets sick or our 11 
year old car needs fixing) to set us back into the hole again. I laugh when 
they tell people with TM to avoid stress as it just seems to live with me. 
Right now my husband is trying to get a job in Canada so that at least he knows 
if I get really sick I will be taken care of. I am hoping he gets one there so 
that he can re-coup his 401K so that he can have some type of life when he 
retires. Maybe he should just divorce me and me move back to Canada and go on 
Social Assistance so as not to be this burden on him any longer. I love him 
more than life itself
 but it seems like the only solution for me here. Anyway maybe all this stress 
is why I am vibrating, who knows but the only thing I do know is I am scared of 
what is going on with me and really wish I was living back in Canada and 
covered. I would not even mind a month wait to get into a doctor just because I 
know I would not have to live on the street to pay for the treatments needed.
Kathy who is frustrated, hurting, depressed and scared.. 

- Original Message - 
From: Jill Z 
To: LadyOwl 
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 6:43 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] weird sensations

How are you now?  
Jill in Chicago

--- On Mon, 9/14/09, LadyOwl wrote:

From: LadyOwl

Re: [TMIC] weird sensations

2009-09-14 Thread LadyOwl
Yes please.. this is really starting to bug me.. can't even trust myself to get 
into the shower even though I have a shower seat..
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 8:58 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] weird sensations

  I had the same reaction when I was on Lyrica. It may be that your body isn't 
used to the increase, or, it may be that your body has become accustomed to the 
dosage, and needs more. Want me to ask Doug?

RE: [TMIC] weird sensations

2009-09-14 Thread Patricia Cooley
Kathy  -  It might take several days or longer for the Lyrica to get out of
your body, since you have been taking it for awhile. I know I was taking a
supplement I found on the internet for people with TM and it did a number on
my liver.  My doctor agreed I should stop and it may take several months for
my body to rid itself of it.  Once I stopped taking it, my liver finally
went back to normal but it took awhile.


Patti - S.E. Wisconsin


From: LadyOwl [] 
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] weird sensations


I did not take my lyrica this morning and body has already started reacting
... I really hate this.. feels like I am going to bounce right out of my


- Original Message - 


To: ; 

Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 10:38 AM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] weird sensations


Kathleen ~

   I had the same reaction when I was taking Topamax.

Felt like I was going to vibrate right off my bed and out the

window.  :-)  I would just stay in bed until it passed.

When I stopped taking the Topamax the vibrating stopped 


   Gunny is probably's probably your Lyrica.

I would decrease my dosage and see what happens.

   ~ Lynn

Re: [TMIC] weird sensations

2009-09-14 Thread LadyOwl
I did not take my lyrica this morning and body has already started reacting ... 
I really hate this.. feels like I am going to bounce right out of my chair..
  - Original Message - 
  To: ; 
  Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 10:38 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] weird sensations

  Kathleen ~
 I had the same reaction when I was taking Topamax.
  Felt like I was going to vibrate right off my bed and out the
  window.  :-)  I would just stay in bed until it passed.
  When I stopped taking the Topamax the vibrating stopped 
 Gunny is probably's probably your Lyrica.
  I would decrease my dosage and see what happens.
 ~ Lynn

Re: [TMIC] weird sensations

2009-09-14 Thread ROSEOFRENO
Kathleen ~
   I had the same reaction when I was taking  Topamax.
Felt like I was going to vibrate right off my bed and out  the
window.  :-)  I would just stay in bed until it  passed.
When I stopped taking the Topamax the vibrating stopped 
   Gunny is probably's probably your  Lyrica.
I would decrease my dosage and see what happens.
   ~ Lynn

Re: [TMIC] weird sensations

2009-09-14 Thread Laurie Zissimos

I've experienced the vibrating as well when I have too much Lyrica.? In fact, I 
can't even talk right as my bottom lip shakes and my tongue doesn't work 
right.? It's almost like drinking too much caffien.? Very weird feeling.? 
Perhaps its the combo of Lyrica and caffien.? Only time and patience clears it 

Laurie from Baltimore

-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, Sep 14, 2009 11:38 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] weird sensations

Kathleen ~

?? I had the same reaction when I was taking Topamax.

Felt like I was going to vibrate right off my bed and out the

window.? :-)? I would just stay in bed until it passed.

When I stopped taking the Topamax the vibrating stopped 


?? Gunny is probably's probably your Lyrica.

I would decrease my dosage and see what happens.

?? ~ Lynn

Re: [TMIC] weird sensations

2009-09-14 Thread ROSEOFRENO you take anything else other than the  Lyrica...?
Such as over-the-counter meds of any kind...?
I'm just wondering if maybe the Lyrica could be  reacting
with something else you are taking.
Apparently, since many of us have experienced this  and
are on different meds, it must have something to do  with
our compromised central nervous system.
We must be on overdrive or something.
   ~ Lynn
In a message dated 9/14/2009 8:55:15 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I did not take my lyrica this morning and body has already started  
reacting ... I really hate this.. feels like I am going to bounce right out of  

- Original Message - 
From:  _roseofr...@aol.com_ (  
To: _k...@frontiernet.net_ (  ; 
_tmic-l...@eskimo.com_ (  
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 10:38  AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] weird  sensations

Kathleen ~
   I had the same reaction when I was taking  Topamax.
Felt like I was going to vibrate right off my bed and out  the
window.  :-)  I would just stay in bed until it  passed.
When I stopped taking the Topamax the vibrating stopped  
   Gunny is probably's probably your  Lyrica.
I would decrease my dosage and see what  happens.
   ~  Lynn


Re: [TMIC] weird sensations

2009-09-14 Thread Catherine

Do you think your pharmacist might be able to answer a few of your questions.  
I know that mine is very helpful.


From: Patricia Cooley
To: LadyOwl;
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 12:37:23 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] weird sensations

Kathy  -  It might take several days or longer for the Lyrica to
get out of your body, since you have been taking it for awhile. I know I was
taking a supplement I found on the internet for people with TM and it did a
number on my liver.  My doctor agreed I should stop and it may take several
months for my body to rid itself of it.  Once I stopped taking it, my liver 
went back to normal but it took awhile.
Patti – S.E. Wisconsin
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] weird sensations
I did not take my lyrica this morning and body has already started
reacting ... I really hate this.. feels like I am going to bounce right out of
my chair..

- Original Message - ; 

Sent:Monday, September 14, 2009 10:38 AM

Subject:Re: [TMIC] weird sensations



I had the same reaction when I was taking Topamax.

like I was going to vibrate right off my bed and out the

:-)  I would just stay in bed until it passed.

I stopped taking the Topamax the vibrating stopped 


Gunny is probably's probably your Lyrica.

would decrease my dosage and see what happens.

~ Lynn