I've experienced the vibrating as well when I have too much Lyrica.? In fact, I 
can't even talk right as my bottom lip shakes and my tongue doesn't work 
right.? It's almost like drinking too much caffien.? Very weird feeling.? 
Perhaps its the combo of Lyrica and caffien.? Only time and patience clears it 

Laurie from Baltimore

-----Original Message-----
From: roseofr...@aol.com
To: k...@frontiernet.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Mon, Sep 14, 2009 11:38 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] weird sensations

Kathleen ~

?? I had the same reaction when I was taking Topamax.

Felt like I was going to vibrate right off my bed and out the

window.? :-)? I would just stay in bed until it passed.

When I stopped taking the Topamax the vibrating stopped 


?? Gunny is probably right...it's probably your Lyrica.

I would decrease my dosage and see what happens.

?? ~ Lynn

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