Re: I have some new FormAuthenticator code for Tomcat.

2005-06-29 Thread D M


Thanks for the reply. Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you on this. 
Comments inline.

>>OK. I see this as just being a password that is so long that it has
>>to be written down (eg on the USB key) and physically carried around
>>by the user. There is an interesting debate here as to whether this
>>is more or less secure than a 'good' pass-phrase...

That is a valid debate, however, while I was just giving one example
of what might be a possible authentication choice, RSA does recommend
using such a key in combination with a username and password as a 
more secure authentication scheme. And with the current configuration
of FormAuthentication, that's not a possible option. (see below for
my reasons for implementing it as I have)

>>Tomcat (and most other web containers) support BASIC, FORM, DIGEST
>>and CLIENT-CERT. Can you give examples (in addition to the 1. above)
>>of authentication types you'd like to see supported?

Well, the one RSA recommends is one I would like to see supported. It
is done through a form, but is not supported by FORM type. However,
I think perhaps another way to look at it is not, what types can I
think of, but, how can we make it more easily extensible (which I
believe the API I created does) for future types that might be
needed (but we haven't thought of just yet). 

But in addition to different ways to login, there could also be a case
where there's a need for a user to simultaneously log in to multiple
systems. Perhaps there is data or objects on a secure page that is
pulled from another system that requires slightly different login
information. Rather than forcing the user to login multiple times,
we could make it possible to do it all in one form.

And rather than requiring extra code that must be tied to
every secure resource that checks if the user logged in to that 
separate system, we'd like to make it part of the regular 
authentication/security mechanism. 

>>Hashing is the most popular and archives the desired aims of 
>>protecting passwords. Can you give examples of other manipulations?

Sure, Salting is another type of manipulation. Salting basically 
means combining a password with a random value as a counter measure 
to dictionary password attacks. The combined value can also then be 
hashed/encrypted. (There are other examples as well, such as
allowing users to use a domain-neutral username but then to log
them in to multiple domains, appending it to the username)

But again, the main thing here is that we might not be able to think
up all the ways right now, but why not make it extensible so they
can be plugged in at a future time?

>>4. Portability...make your authentication components more web 
>>container neutral. 

I understand the benefits behind this, but there's a reason I've built
it the way I have (and the developer API is still vendor neutral, more
on that later...). To begin with, in Tomcat and other web servers, the 
concept of SingleSignOn allows developers to authenticate users across
web contexts. This code is complex and has already been written for 
Tomcat, Jetty, etc. However, if the authentication implementation were
to have no internal code connecting it to the web server's internal
auth scheme (using j_security_check for example), there's no way to use
SingleSignOn without rewriting it yourself.

Doing so has a few repercussions. First, the Servlet/J2EE spec that 
handles authentication/authorization becomes unavailable to the web
applications. That means, you cannot use the built-in mechanisms that
use security-constraint and auth-constraint or security-role. 
Rewriting code to handle all that not only is unecessary (as it already
exists) and complex, and means you cannot tie in to the specifications.
As well, in JBoss (or any other application server) your login will not
be automatically extended to the EJB realm (or other web contexts). You
would have to write code to handle that as well. 

And that becomes a bit of a mess in part because you'd likely have to handle
it using JNDI (which each app server/web server handles differently, 
especially in clustered situations). Making it vendor neutral in that
manner is, in my mind, not such a clean solution.

With regard to whether my code is vendor neutral, it is vendor neutral
in the same way Java itself is. I have an implementation of an API
for authentication that has an implementation for Tomcat (just as
Java has a Windows, Linux, etc impl). In this API, developers
have no direct knowledge of any Tomcat classes; it's all been 

However, to make this possible in a default installation of Tomcat,
I am suggesting that Tomcat make the FORM implementation pluggable 
(instead of being already set inside the jar), perhaps via a command-line
property. That's really the only part of Tomcat that needs to change 
to make it more flexible/extensible.


- David

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Re: I have some new FormAuthenticator code for Tomcat.

2005-06-27 Thread D M

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your comments. My responses inline.

>1. Your reference to sending an encrypted user certificate file to the 
>server demonstrates a lack of understanding of PKI that undermines my 
>confidence that you know what you are doing when it comes to security.

I think I wasn't being clear here. I didn't mean a certificate file as used in 
PKI. I was simply giving an example of some other type of data (besides a 
simple string) that could be used as an authentication key. The example was 
simply a file of any sort.

>2. JAAS provides plug-in authentication.

Sure it does, but NOT for FORM logins. Tomcat (and all other java web servers 
I've come across) allow only authenticating with a username and password. This 
gives flexibility with FORM logins working with Tomcat.

>3. Password hashing is already supported.

While password hashing may be supported, that is only ONE example of a 
manipulation that might be required on a key for authentication. Everytime a 
new mechanism arises, making a new implementation in Tomcat can create a bit of 
a mess, but with this form auth API, you can just plug it in.

>4. The implementation is Tomcat specific and hence is non-portable.

That's true in the short but as I said there was no change of Tomcat's code and 
the internal implementation of Tomcat is actually hidden from the Plugin 
classes. So it's actually quite easy to make an implementation of this for a 
number of web servers (and I'm actually making one for Jetty right now). So you 
could keep these classes as their own API that plugs in to Tomcat (which is how 
I made it. The only class Tomcat needs to know about is FormAuthenticator).


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I have some new FormAuthenticator code for Tomcat.

2005-06-27 Thread D M
I've been working on some code for Form authentication in Tomcat that I think 
you all might be interested in. In addition to implementing the current 
J2EE/Servlet spec for authentication (i.e. j_security_check with two keys: 
j_username, j_password authenticated with the Realm), it also offers some major 
increases in authentication capabilities with the simple inclusion of an XML 
file in a web-context's WEB-INF folder.
I created this flexible Form authentication with a main concern being that it 
be as non-intrusive on Catalina code and the Servlet spec as possible. To use 
this new code, only one line in a properties file needs to be changed:
 ( )
Obviously, if you are interested in the code, the above class' package would be 
changed to a Catalina package.
While this API implementation does have a number of new classes, there are ZERO 
changes for any existing Catalina code (save for replacing FormAuthenticator 
with this new FormAuthenticator). The classes could even be kept in the current 
jar I've got them in.
There is also no impact on the Servlet spec for Form authentication. There are 
ZERO changes to web.xml or any other deployment or code files of a web context. 
If a web application wants to use the usual username + password authentication, 
the Form authentication will act exactly as it does currently in Tomcat. If the 
web application wants to use the new form authentication, all that's needed is 
to include "WEB-INF/form-authentication.xml." That's it. ALL web.xml 
configurations remain the same (e.g. securing pages is still done via 
security-constraint). However, with that XML file included the application gets 
the following capabilities:
1. Plug in any pre-authentication key manipulators (called KeyPreparer).
For example, if a database stores all passwords in a one-way hash, you can 
register (in the XML) the password key to be "prepared" by your 
password-hashing KeyPreparer just prior to sending to an authenticator. (I have 
created an example of this) This offers a lot of flexibility in terms of 
storing login keys. If it were necessary to stop hashing passwords, the 
deployer could simply remove one line in an XML file and the KeyPreparer is 
2. Plug in any number of custom authenticators (called PluginAuthenticator).
Currently, the only authentication possible in the Catalina implementation is a 
username and password to a Realm. With this implementation a web context could 
require a username, password and a file. Because this form authentication 
accepts multipart/form-data POSTs (it converts an uploaded file to, the web context could require that users carry a USB key 
ring (that has an encrypted file for example) so when they login from a remote 
computer (in a web browser) they can point an input of type=file to that file. 
The developers could then have two authenticators:
 1. The default authentication (All PluginAuthenticators have controlled access 
to the Realm)
 which checks the username and password.
 2. Their custom authenticator that checks an encrypted file matches the data
 stored for the username (they register for the username and file in XML).
(I have created an example of this)
3. Create as many authentication keys (called SecurityRoleKeys) as needed.
In the current authentication model, only a username and password are allowed. 
Here, a web context could (in XML) require a username, a password, a file, a 
random number and any other keys they wish. All keys can be given a class type 
to which they will be converted by the form authentication. For example, the 
username and password would likely be java.lang.String, the random number 
java.lang.Long and the file (I have JavaDocs and an 
example XML file that show all the allowed types) So a KeyPreparer or 
PluginAuthenticator can expect a key to be a certain type.
4. Accept multipart/form-data POSTs.
As mentioned above, this form authentication can handle login forms of 
enctype="multipart/form-data". As a result, it enables the ability to require 
file data for logins. For example, an encrypted certificate file installed on 
an external USB drive or locally on a hard drive.
5. Set a default secure page for logins with no saved request.
Currently, if a user goes directly to the login page and logs in, Tomcat will 
throw an error, "No web resource available at /j_security_check" (or something 
like that). With this new form authentication, in the XML the deployer can set 
a default secure redirect page. For example, if the deployer sets the default 
page as "/secure-default.jsp" and a user goes directly to the login page and 
successfully authenticates, they'll be sent to "/secure-default.jsp" instead of 
getting an error.
With all of the above capabilities, there are also quite a few configuration 
options. For example,

mod_jk error handling question

2004-12-17 Thread Paulsen, Jay M
I apologize for the cross post, but I didn't receive any responses from
the user list so I thought I'd try here.

Apache 2.0.52
mod_jk 1.2.7-beta-2
Tomcat 5.5.4

I've set up Tomcat with and AJP1.3 Connector to handle requests for web
apps from Apache.  I'd like to be able to set up an ErrorDocument
directive for apache to forward the user to a custom error page when
tomcat is unavailable.  This page would inform the user that maintenance
is being performed on the web app and so on.

When I test this, the http status code that gets returned by mod_jk is
500 (internal server error).  This seems too generic to me as it
encompasses all kinds of other errors that mod_jk could experience.  I
was thinking that mod_jk should return 503 (service unavailable) instead
when tomcat cannot be contacted.

I modified apache-2.0/mod_jk.c (line 1858) to return
this change mod_jk now returns 503 when tomcat cannot be contacted, but
I have no idea if this is the right place to make this change.  

Is there a better way to handle this or is this an acceptable change?
I'd like to fix it with an Apache source code change as a last resort if

Any insight is appreciated.


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Michael Buryk/PUBS/STAFF/US/IEEE is out of the office.

2004-10-20 Thread m . buryk
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the IEEE Job Site, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], or call Deb
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2004-09-09 Thread m . buryk
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Michael Buryk/PUBS/STAFF/US/IEEE is out of the office.

2004-09-06 Thread m . buryk
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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native CHANGES.txt

2003-06-10 Thread Jess M. Holle
Didn't 1.2.4 also fix the hook precedence for Apache 2 from 1.2.3 where 
Alias and mod_jk did not get along?

[In my testing it sure fixed this and it seems it should go into the 
change notes.]

Jess Holle

glenn   2003/06/10 06:37:10

 Modified:jk/native CHANGES.txt
 Update changes for mod_jk 1.2.4 release
 Revision  ChangesPath
 1.13  +16 -4 jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native/CHANGES.txt
 Index: CHANGES.txt
 RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/native/CHANGES.txt,v
 retrieving revision 1.12
 retrieving revision 1.13
 diff -u -r1.12 -r1.13
 --- CHANGES.txt	16 Mar 2003 02:59:43 -	1.12
 +++ CHANGES.txt	10 Jun 2003 13:37:09 -	1.13
 @@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
  Last modified at [$Date$]
 +Changes with JK 1.2.4
 +* Fix use of libtool for Apache mod_jk builds with more recent
 +  versions of Apache 2.
 +  [jfclere]
 +* Use reentrant version of strtok() for web server's which use
 +  threads. This fixes a thread safe bug under Apache 2 and the
 +  worker MPM.
 +  [glenn]
  Changes with JK 1.2.3:
  * Add the ability to configure JkLog to pipe its log output to an
executable such as Apache rotatelogs or cronolog.  Apache 2.0 only.
 @@ -11,13 +20,16 @@
let Apache handle processing the error returned by Tomcat.
  * Added the load balancer sticky_session property. If set to 0
requests with servlet SESSION ID's can be routed to any Tomcat
 -  worker. Default is 1, sessions are sticky. [glenn]
 +  worker. Default is 1, sessions are sticky.
 +  [glenn]
  * Cleaned up detection and reporting of aborted client connections.
This cleanup also makes sure that mod_jk does not pass any requests
 -  on to Tomcat if the remote client aborted its connection. [glenn]
 +  on to Tomcat if the remote client aborted its connection.
 +  [glenn]
  * Fixed a bug in Apache 2.0 which caused a POST request forwarded to
Tomcat to fail if it generated SSI directives which were post
 -  processed by mod_include. [glenn]
 +  processed by mod_include.
 +  [glenn]
  * Fixed a bug in JkRequestLogFormat when printing the request URI that
could cause a URI with hex escapes sequences to be formatted wrong.

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Re: mod_jk 1.2.4 release Monday 6/9

2003-06-10 Thread Jess M. Holle
Monday came and went.

Is there a new ETA?

Glenn Nielsen wrote:

So far there have been no problems reported with mod_jk 1.2.4 except for
one minor documentation typo which has been fixed.
If I don't see any problems reported from further testing before Monday
I will make the mod_jk 1.2.4 source release and announcement.
Thanks for all the help testing.

Once the release is announced binaries can be and installed in
the release directory.


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Re: mod_jk 1.2.4 release Monday 6/9

2003-06-06 Thread Jess M. Holle
Without diffing the sources, can you point out whether this is solely in 
the build machinery or also involved a source code change?

Glenn Nielsen wrote:

A bug was reported with the linux build with Apache 2.0.46 with libtool.
This has been fixed and an updated mod_jk 1.2.4 source distribution 
for testing
is available at:

Thanks Henri and JF for taking care of this.


Glenn Nielsen wrote:

So far there have been no problems reported with mod_jk 1.2.4 except for
one minor documentation typo which has been fixed.
If I don't see any problems reported from further testing before Monday
I will make the mod_jk 1.2.4 source release and announcement.
Thanks for all the help testing.

Once the release is announced binaries can be and installed in
the release directory.


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Re: mod_jk 1.2.4 test release distribution available

2003-06-03 Thread Jess M. Holle
I also did quick, basic testing on HPUX 11 with good results.

Jess M. Holle wrote:

It works fine in very basic testing with Apache 1.3.27 EAPI on:

   * Windows
   * Solaris 8
   * AIX 4.3.3

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Re: mod_jk 1.2.4 test release distribution available

2003-06-03 Thread Jess M. Holle
P.S.  When do you think this could be elevated to an official release?  
Also, please make it very clear if anything beyond the docs, changes 
between the test release and the official.  [Thanks.]

Jess Holle
Jess M. Holle wrote:

It works fine in very basic testing with Apache 1.3.27 EAPI on:

   * Windows
   * Solaris 8
   * AIX 4.3.3
[Yes, I built and tested these against my EAPI (with MM as well on 
UNIX) Apache builds, but they're otherwise unaltered sources.]

Jess Holle
Jess M. Holle wrote:

It works fine with Apache 2.0.46 on Windows. This includes the Alias 
use case that did not work with 1.2.3.

I'll build against 1.3.27 on Solaris and AIX shortly.

Jess Holle
Glenn Nielsen wrote:

Has anyone had a chance to build and test the mod_jk 1.2.4 
distribution below?

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Re: mod_jk 1.2.4 test release distribution available

2003-06-03 Thread Jess M. Holle
It works fine in very basic testing with Apache 1.3.27 EAPI on:

   * Windows
   * Solaris 8
   * AIX 4.3.3
[Yes, I built and tested these against my EAPI (with MM as well on UNIX) 
Apache builds, but they're otherwise unaltered sources.]

Jess Holle
Jess M. Holle wrote:

It works fine with Apache 2.0.46 on Windows. This includes the Alias 
use case that did not work with 1.2.3.

I'll build against 1.3.27 on Solaris and AIX shortly.

Jess Holle
Glenn Nielsen wrote:

Has anyone had a chance to build and test the mod_jk 1.2.4 
distribution below?

THe only person I heard from was Henri who reported a typo in the docs.

It would be nice to build and test this on as many OS/web servers as
possible before release.


Glenn Nielsen wrote:

I have created a test mod_jk 1.2.4 distribution and placed it in my
home page at:

Please build and test this release.

If there are no problems with it I will publish it as an official 



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Re: mod_jk 1.2.4 test release distribution available

2003-06-03 Thread Jess M. Holle
It works fine with Apache 2.0.46 on Windows. This includes the Alias use 
case that did not work with 1.2.3.

I'll build against 1.3.27 on Solaris and AIX shortly.

Jess Holle
Glenn Nielsen wrote:

Has anyone had a chance to build and test the mod_jk 1.2.4 
distribution below?

THe only person I heard from was Henri who reported a typo in the docs.

It would be nice to build and test this on as many OS/web servers as
possible before release.


Glenn Nielsen wrote:

I have created a test mod_jk 1.2.4 distribution and placed it in my
home page at:

Please build and test this release.

If there are no problems with it I will publish it as an official 



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Re: [5.0] Xerces 2 impact on startup

2003-04-12 Thread Jess M. Holle
Given that Xerces is a heavier (byte-code-quantity-wise) implementation, 
I would guess that initial classload of this would take substantially 
longer than Crimson for starters.

The more interesting/worrisome bit is if additional operations 
thereafter are much slower...

Remy Maucherat wrote:

Just an observation ...
When I remove Xerces 2.3 and rely on the Crimson parser integrated in 
my new JDK (Sun 1.4.2 beta), startup time goes down 20%. Impressive 
difference (I would have thought the later 2.x releases would improve 
performance :-( ).


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Re: Why does Tomcat use xerces under java 1.4 instead of the internaljvm classes?

2003-04-02 Thread Jess M. Holle

BTW - in the web.xml files that I write I usually remove the declaration on
the top ( to make sure the validation doesn't happen ).

I can't recall which servlet engine I saw this in, but I have seen at 
least one servlet engine that rejected web.xml unless it contained the 
expected DTD declaration.

[Personally I found that extraordinarily obnoxious -- but that's what 
you get for using a commercial servlet engine -- which it was.]

Jess Holle

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Re: Connector issues

2003-04-01 Thread Jess M. Holle
Jeff Tulley wrote:

There are some real problems with the Coyote Connectors right now.
The main problem biting me (and a few others recently) is bugzilla bug
# 10229 - form parameters not being preserved across a login
The answer given on the user list (by me also) is typically, "Use an
non-Coyote connector".  Unfortunately that is not a good answer.
If they move back to the deprecated AJP13Connector, they will
experience MBean exceptions that, among other things, make the Tomcat
shutdown not function correctly.
Beyond that they are stuck with not using a webserver plugin and
instead going directly to an HTTP connector (non-Coyote).
I would propose two things:
1) Fix the MBean exception in the Ajp13Connector.  I can provide a
patch for this, it is very simple.  Even though this is deprecated, the
reality is that people might need to use it due to bugs and/or
unimplemented features in the Coyote connectors.  It may be their only
choice, and if we can make it work easily, why not?
I would be interested in the patch to this.  I have no issues with the 
Coyote connector at the moment -- but I would like to see the fallback 
(i.e. Ajp13Connector) in a more functional state.

2) Fix this form authentication problem in the Coyote connector.  I
will look into this and see if it is something that I can do and submit
a patch for.
I actually have similar issues with the native side connector story but
that is for another day.
I was under the impression that mod_jk2 was "not production ready" by 
most measures -- and that mod_jk was good enough for most purposes (and 
quite production ready)...

Jess Holle

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Re: [4.1.23] Tag soon

2003-03-15 Thread Jess M. Holle
I'm not a commiter or any such, but:

I'd much sooner see a stable release as soon as possible that rolls in 
all the improvements since 4.1.18, than wait to remove some extra baggage.

Remy Maucherat wrote:


I plan to tag 4.1.23 soon. The big question remaining is if we remove, 
or not, the commons-fileupload related functionality.

Personally, I'm willing to ignore the issue.


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Re: [4.1.22] Tag later this week

2003-03-04 Thread Jess M. Holle
Remy Maucherat wrote:

I plan to tag 4.1.22 later this week.
The idea is to allow getting some reports on the stability of 4.1.21, 
and port the last JSPC patch from TC 5 (for mangling).

And then we'll have our next stable release for 4.1.x :)

Thanks for the info and all the effort!

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Re: [ANN] Apache Tomcat 4.1.21 Beta released

2003-03-03 Thread Jess M. Holle
Remy Maucherat wrote:

Jess M. Holle wrote:

I thought the overwhelming vote was for "Stable" -- or did I 
misread/miscount the tallies?

[Desparately awaiting the next officially "Stable" version of 4.1.x...]

Unfortunately, there's a minor security issue in it (bug 17591). If 
you're not using the JDBC store, then you can consider that build 
release quality. 
Hmmm  I'm not, but my customers might.  Any chance of a quick follow 
on which fixes this and is officially "Stable"?  [Customers tend to 
second guess use of anything not marked as "Stable" anyway -- regardless 
of the applicability of any of the bugs to their usage.]

Jess Holle

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Re: [ANN] Apache Tomcat 4.1.21 Beta released

2003-03-03 Thread Jess M. Holle
I thought the overwhelming vote was for "Stable" -- or did I 
misread/miscount the tallies?

[Desparately awaiting the next officially "Stable" version of 4.1.x...]

Jess Holle
Remy Maucherat wrote:

The Tomcat Team announces the immediate availability of Apache Tomcat 
4.1.21 Beta.

Tomcat 4.1.21 includes many bugfixes and performance tweaks over 
Tomcat 4.1.18. Please see the release notes for a complete list of the 

Downloads (source and binaries):
Release notes:
Important note: When upgrading from another Tomcat 4.x release, the 
Tomcat work directory must be cleared.


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Re: [4.1.21] New tag and upcoming vote

2003-02-24 Thread Jess M. Holle
Remy Maucherat wrote:


Since the needed fix to Jasper was integrated in the 4.1.x branch, I 
plan to tag and release a 4.1.21 version of Tomcat (and I hope it will 
then be voted as a beta :) ).

Since the amount of changes between 4.1.20 and 4.1.21 is minimal, I 
plan to post the stability vote on the next day.
Any hope for another "stable" release one of these weeks?

Jess Holle

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JNDIRealm feature enhancements

2003-01-10 Thread Bradley M. Handy

After setting up a JNDIRealm for the Manager
app, I noticed after a while the connection times out and returns NULL
automatically.  I was wondering, if instead of returning NULL, JNDIRealm
to try to reconnect and then authenticate, and then return NULL, if a failure
results from that attempt, otherwise return the JNDIRealm.User


Also I’ve notice there is no method for specifying an alternate
connection URL in the event the URL specified in connectionURL
is not available.  So, I took the liberty
of adding an attribute “alternateURL” to
specify a secondary URL.  When the JNDIRealm opens a connection it will attempt the primary,
and, upon failure, then attempt to connect to the alternate URL.  If this should fail, the JNDIRealm fails as it did before.


In both features the first exception is logged before the second
attempt to connect proceeds.


I have attached the CVS diff between my copy of JNDIRealm
and the current HEAD version of JNDIRealm.


Brad Handy


Spring Arbor University

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Re: hello

2003-01-09 Thread M
Dan Agarlita wrote:
> I want to know how can I modify the 404 Error page.
> I want to put another page. Is a param? Or I have to modify some classes
> ?
> :) 10x, dan

I think you would be better off asking on the tomcat-users list...
And no you don't have to modify a class.


Martin Sillence
PR Newswire

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Re: [VOTE] Tomcat 4.1.18 release

2002-12-19 Thread Jess M. Holle
I'm not a commiter (so no real vote), but I was just on the verge of 
patching in these very fixes into 4.1.17 as it is useless to me without 

I would *REALLY* appreciate a speedy 4.1.18 release.

Jess Holle

Remy Maucherat wrote:

A bug exists (unfortunately) in Tomcat 4.1.16 and Tomcat 4.1.17 which 
causes the servlet Writer to stay in an invalid state after an 
IOException occurs (99% of the time caused by an abrupt client 
disconnection). After this happens, the processor will never be able 
to output data using the Writer, causing blank pages. This is more 
often seen with JSPs.

The bug affects Coyote HTTP/1.1, and may also affect Coyote JK 2, 
although this is less likely.

It is proposed that Tomcat 4.1.18, based on the Tomcat 4.1.17 code, 
with the addition of the patch committed by Bill fixing JK 2 SSL 
support, as well as the following patch (which I committed one hour ago):

RCS file: 

retrieving revision 1.30
diff -r1.30
> writer.recycle();
RCS file: 

retrieving revision 1.2
diff -r1.2
> //  
Package Methods
> /**
>  * Recycle.
>  */
> void recycle() {
> error = false;
> }

Please review, and vote ASAP:

[ ] Yes
[ ] No


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Re: [4.1.17] Tag soon ?

2002-12-12 Thread M
M wrote:
> Remy Maucherat wrote:
> >
> > I don't see any major issues with 4.1.16, so I plan to tag 4.1.17 (which
> > hopefully would be the next stable build) tomorrow after a few more
> > minor tweaks.
> >
> > There was a report made against JK 2 immediately after 4.1.16 Beta was
> > announced. Can someone confirm there's no major issue with JK ?
> I made the report and I can confirm that it still isn't working.
> I'm using exacly the same configuration as for 4.1.12 and 4.1.14 both of
> which work.

The workaround in Bug 15258 fixes our problem.

We were indeed using the external ip address of the machine to connect
and not the loopback address. (Multiple load balanced servers)
Sorry I should have spotted the bind problem when I did a netstat...

Many thanks.


Martin Sillence
PR Newswire

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Re: [4.1.17] Tag soon ?

2002-12-09 Thread M
Remy Maucherat wrote:
> I don't see any major issues with 4.1.16, so I plan to tag 4.1.17 (which
> hopefully would be the next stable build) tomorrow after a few more
> minor tweaks.
> There was a report made against JK 2 immediately after 4.1.16 Beta was
> announced. Can someone confirm there's no major issue with JK ?

I made the report and I can confirm that it still isn't working.
I'm using exacly the same configuration as for 4.1.12 and 4.1.14 both of
which work.

There's some fixes we're looking for in the new release so I've been
monitoring the list.

Should I raise a bug instead of emailing the list?


Martin Sillence
PR Newswire

DL +44 (0)1865 78 5065
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Re: Apache Tomcat 4.1.16 AJP not working

2002-12-03 Thread M
Henri Gomez wrote:
> M wrote:
> > Looking at the netstat on the machine I can see tomcat is bound to the
> > port 8009 and can connect to it with telnet, apache works if I go back
> > to tomcat 4.1.14.
> >
> >>From the apache logs:
> >
> > [Tue Dec 03 16:04:22 2002]  [jk_connect.c (143)]: jk_open_socket,
> > connect() failed errno = 111
> > [Tue Dec 03 16:04:22 2002]  [jk_ajp13_worker.c (196)]: In
> > jk_endpoint_t::connect_to_tomcat, failed errno = 111
> > [Tue Dec 03 16:04:22 2002]  [jk_ajp13_worker.c (635)]: Error connecting
> > to the Tomcat process.
> > [Tue Dec 03 16:04:22 2002]  [jk_ajp13_worker.c (848)]: In
> > jk_endpoint_t::service, send_request failed in send loop 0
> >
> > As we're using apache 1.3 and can't use warp it's fairly critical to
> > us...
> > should I raise a bug report?
> Which release of mod_jk ?

Not sure, it's the debian default... It says its from tomcat (3.3a-4) in
the changelog.

> You should try the 1.2.1 release

Grabbed the one:

Still the same problem.


Martin Sillence
PR Newswire

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Apache Tomcat 4.1.16 AJP not working

2002-12-03 Thread M

Looking at the netstat on the machine I can see tomcat is bound to the
port 8009 and can connect to it with telnet, apache works if I go back
to tomcat 4.1.14.

>From the apache logs:

[Tue Dec 03 16:04:22 2002]  [jk_connect.c (143)]: jk_open_socket,
connect() failed errno = 111
[Tue Dec 03 16:04:22 2002]  [jk_ajp13_worker.c (196)]: In
jk_endpoint_t::connect_to_tomcat, failed errno = 111
[Tue Dec 03 16:04:22 2002]  [jk_ajp13_worker.c (635)]: Error connecting
to the Tomcat process.
[Tue Dec 03 16:04:22 2002]  [jk_ajp13_worker.c (848)]: In
jk_endpoint_t::service, send_request failed in send loop 0

As we're using apache 1.3 and can't use warp it's fairly critical to
should I raise a bug report?


Martin Sillence
PR Newswire

DL +44 (0)1865 78 5065
F  +44 (0)1865 78 5100
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Re: tomcat & appache request parameters getting lost

2002-12-02 Thread M
M wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using apache 1.3.26 with the mod_jk connector to tomcat 4.1.12
> The below jsp includes a servet which is unable to access the parameters
> on the request url e.g.
> Removing a line from the test comment or changing the flush="true" to
> flush="false" can both make it work, but I don't understand why.
> It does seem to be very buffer related and very dependant on size of
> text before the include.
> This problem only occurs when using tomcat through apache and is not
> reproducible with tomcat alone.

Should I have raised this as a bug?
I'm not sure quite where to file it. I guess the ajp connector?

Any comments gratefully received


Martin Sillence
PR Newswire

DL +44 (0)1865 78 5065
F  +44 (0)1865 78 5100
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tomcat & appache request parameters getting lost

2002-11-29 Thread M

I'm using apache 1.3.26 with the mod_jk connector to tomcat 4.1.12

The below jsp includes a servet which is unable to access the parameters
on the request url e.g.
Removing a line from the test comment or changing the flush="true" to
flush="false" can both make it work, but I don't understand why.
It does seem to be very buffer related and very dependant on size of
text before the include.
This problem only occurs when using tomcat through apache and is not
reproducible with tomcat alone.

The below page id 778 bytes:

<%@ page language="java" session="true" %>

  Access Reports



Martin Sillence
PR Newswire

DL +44 (0)1865 78 5065
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Re: symlinks in test build 4.1.14 not working

2002-11-06 Thread M
Remy Maucherat wrote:
> M wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was testing the 4.1.14 build in the hope it will fix the follow
> > symlinks outside the basedir problem we have.
> > With a normal config I can not browse the directory structure or access
> > files.
> > With the added Resources tag and allowLinking attribute I can browse the
> > directories but not retrieve any files.
> I doubt the case sensitivity check (needed for Windows and OS X, so
> always enabled by default now) is compatible with symlinking. Try
> disabling it to see if it helps (caseSensitive="false").

Spot on. That fixes it, many thanks.


Martin Sillence
PR Newswire

DL +44 (0)1865 78 5065
F  +44 (0)1865 78 5100
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symlinks in test build 4.1.14 not working

2002-11-06 Thread M

I was testing the 4.1.14 build in the hope it will fix the follow
symlinks outside the basedir problem we have.
With a normal config I can not browse the directory structure or access
With the added Resources tag and allowLinking attribute I can browse the
directories but not retrieve any files.

Below is the relevant extract of the config I'm useing as gleaned by
searching the list:



Martin Sillence
PR Newswire

DL +44 (0)1865 78 5065
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Re: New JSR on Java(TM) Compiler API

2002-10-11 Thread Neal M Gafter

Kin-Man Chung wrote:
> If these are not feasible, then at least include in the API a way to
> inform the client of the error locations programmatically.

It's in there: "Diagnostics will be returned from a compiler as
structured data, with both pre- and post-localization
messages available."

The structued data includes the file in which the error occurred,
line number, and column number.


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New JSR on Java(TM) Compiler API

2002-10-11 Thread Neal M Gafter

Tomcat developers-

I am starting up a new JSR on an API for invoking a Java Language compiler from within
a Java program.  A draft of the JSR proposal is enclosed.  This API would be very 
anywhere a Java program will want to invoke the Java Compiler, for example ANT 
Java Server Pages, or anywhere an application wants to turn a small snippet of Java 
into a Class efficiently.  In addition, this API calls for the compiler to provide
dependency information after compiling, which would help support incremental rebuilds.

I am in the process of gathering support for this JSR to help it along the initial 
of the Java Community Process.  Your comments are most welcome.

Neal Gafter

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New JSR on Java(TM) Compiler API

2002-10-11 Thread Neal M Gafter

[I am resending this due the Mozilla's munging of the attachment on the previous try]

Tomcat developers-

I am starting up a new JSR on an API for invoking a Java Language compiler from within
a Java program.  A draft of the JSR proposal is enclosed.  This API would be very 
anywhere a Java program will want to invoke the Java Compiler, for example ANT 
Java Server Pages, or anywhere an application wants to turn a small snippet of Java 
into a Class efficiently.  In addition, this API calls for the compiler to provide
dependency information after compiling, which would help support incremental rebuilds.

I am in the process of gathering support for this JSR to help it along the initial 
of the Java Community Process.  Your comments are most welcome.

Neal Gafter

JSR Proposal

Java(TM) Compiler API

A service provider API that allows a Java program to select
and invoke a Java Language Compiler programmatically.

Sun Microsystems

Contact Name:
Neal Gafter

Contact E-Mail:

Contact Phone:

Contact Fax:

Spec Lead Name:
Neal Gafter

Spec Lead E-Mail:

Spec Lead Phone:

Spec Lead Fax:

Initial Group Membership:

Supporting this JSR:
Sun Microsystems

Section 2.1: (Description of the proposed Specification)
The Java Compiler API is a set of interfaces that describes
the functions provided by a Java Language Compiler, and a
service provider framework so vendors can provide
implementations of these interfaces.

The interfaces abstract the way a compiler interacts with its
environment.  While the existing command-line versions of
compiler receive their inputs from the file systems and
deposit their outputs there, reporting errors in a single
output stream, the new compiler API will allow a compiler to
interact with an abstraction of the file system.  This
abstraction will likely be provided by an extension of the NIO
facilities in Tiger (1.5), and allow users to provide source
and class files (and paths) to the compiler in the file
system, in jar files, or in memory, and allowing the compiler
to deposit its output similarly.  Diagnostics will be returned
from a compiler as structured data, with both pre- and
post-localization messages available.

In addition, the new API should provide a facility for a
compiler to report dependency information among compilation
units.  Such information can assist an integrated development
environment in reducing the scope of future recompilations.

Future versions of this API might expose more of the structure
of the program, for example the declaration structure of the
program (ala the javadoc API), program annotations (JSR 175)
or even the code itself (ASTs: Abstract Sytntax Trees).  These
are not goals of the initial version of this specifications.

Section 2.2: (The target Java platform)

Section 2.3: (What need of the Java community will be addressed by the spec)
The main initial audiences are
(1) JSP implementations, which must invoke a Java
Language compiler on generated Java code
(2) IDE (Integrated Development Environments) which
must process user-written source code
(3) Some internal Java facilities are simplified
by the ability to generate class files efficiently
through generation of source files.

Section 2.4: (Why isn't this met by existing specifications?)
There simply isn't anything like this in the platform.

Section 2.5: (Description of the underlying technologies)
The reference implementation will likely be built on Sun's javac.

Section 2.6: (Proposed package name for the API spec)

Section 2.7: (Are there any dependencies on OS/CPU/devices?)

Section 2.8: (Are there any new security issues?)

Section 2.9: (Are there internationalization of localization issues?)
These will be explicitly addressed by the specification.

Section 2.10: (Will any existring specs become obsolete?)

Section 2.11: (What is the anticipated schedule for this spec?)
We hope to have the specification completed in time to be
included in the next major revision of the Java platform

Section 2.12: (What is the working model for the expert group?)
Sun will lead the specification and implementation work, with
experts contributing to the API specification.

Section 3.1: (What existing documents, specs, or implementations
describe the technology?)

Re: Wanted to forward this article on to the Tomcat folks but I can'tsubscribe in order to do it so...

2002-05-29 Thread David M Johnson

Yeah, that is especially fun when you have to telnet into
20 background servers and make the same changes to all 20
config files.  It is also fun hitting the docs everytime you need to
determine the legal values for a given config variable.

That said, I agree with you both: a GUI admin tool should
not preclude editing config files.

- Dave

Jun Inamori wrote:

>>I agree with Andy.  I have servers with no console
>>attached.  I simply ssh or telent in and do the
>>configuration.  If anyone ever writes a GUI admin for
>>tomcat, I hope it does not conflict with the ability to
>>use plain text and edit the conf files.
>Happy Java programming!
>Jun Inamori
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Re: Wanted to forward this article on to the Tomcat folks but I can'tsubscribe in order to do it so...

2002-05-29 Thread David M Johnson

This discussion started as a back-and-forth between Mike Cannon-Brooks
and myself - on our weblogs.  This culminated in two write-ups:

Mike's Is Tomcat Crap

And my Tomcat is not Crap

- Dave

Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

> While the name of this article is just pure inflamatory, some of the 
> points it makes are good and the numbers are interesting if unbacked 
> (by WTF was it the application you benchmarked)
> I think constructive criticism is good.
> -Andy
> -- 
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Re: Wrong BUILDING.txt

2002-03-25 Thread Jose M. Palomar

That's it.


Jeff Turner wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 23, 2002 at 02:03:39PM +0100, Jose M. Palomar wrote:
>>BUILDING.txt documentation file of CVS Tomcat 4 mentions the download of 
>>   package commons-daemon. I've browsed builds directories searching for 
>>it and It was missing. What package replace this?
> It's in the jakarta-commons-sandbox CVS module. Doesn't look like it's
> being built nightly, so I think CVS is your only option. In theory, you
> can get any Gump-built jar from,
> but it seems to be down ATM.
> --Jeff
>>Jose M. Palomar
> --
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Jose M. Palomar

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[PATCH] Tomcat 4 Servlets

2002-03-23 Thread Jose M. Palomar

Tralation to spanish of the LocalStrings of the Tomcat 4 Servlets directory.

Well first something easy! Simply translating!
Hope it works it was the first time using diff -u too :).

Jose M. Palomar

--- Fri Mar 22 19:21:56 2002
+++  Fri Mar 22 19:13:46 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+managerServlet.removed=OK - Elminada aplicaci\u00F3n del contexto {0}
+managerServlet.sessions=OK - Informaci\u00F3n de sesion para la aplicacion en el 
+conexto  {0}
+invokerServlet.invalidPath=No se especifico un nombre de servlet o clase en el camino 
+managerServlet.exception=FALLO - Encontrada la excepci\u00F3n {0}
+managerServlet.noPath=FALLO - Ning\u00FAn contexto fue especificado
+managerServlet.startFailed=FALLO - La aplicaci\u00F3n del conexto {0} no pudo sert 
+directory.version=Tomcat Catalina version 4.0
+managerServlet.unknownCommand=FALLO - Comando desconocido {0}
+defaultservlet.upto=Arriba a:
+directory.title=Listado del Directorio para {0}
+directory.lastModified=\u00DAltima modificaci\u00F3n
+invokerServlet.deallocate=No puedo desasignar una instancia de servlet para el camino 
+managerServlet.stopped=OK - Parada aplicaci\u00F3n en el contexto {0}
+managerServlet.sessiondefaultmax=Valor por defecto del m\u00E1ximo intervalo de 
+actividad en la sesion {0} minutes
+managerServlet.cannotInvoke=No puedo invocar el manager servlet a trav\u00E9s de 
+directory.filename=Nombre del fichero
+invokerServlet.notNamed=No puedo llamar al invoker servlet con un dispatcher nombrado
+managerServlet.noContext=FALLO - No existe contexto para {0}
+invokerServlet.allocate=No puedo asignar una instancia de servlet para el camino {0}
+managerServlet.started=OK - Iniciada aplicaci\u00F3n en el conexto {0}
+managerServlet.invalidPath=FALLO - El camino de contexto {0} no es valido
+managerServlet.reloaded=OK - Recargada aplicaci\u00F3n en el conexto {0}
+invokerServlet.cannotCreate=No puedo crear un servlet wrapper para el camino {0}
+managerServlet.invalidWar=FALLO - La URL de aplicaci\u00F3n {0} no es v\u00E1lida
+managerServlet.noCommand=FALLO - Ning\u00FAn comando fue especificado
+managerServlet.alreadyContext=FALLO - Ya existe una aplicaci\u00F3n en el camino {0}
+directory.parent=Arriba a {0}
+managerServlet.installed=OK - Aplicaci\u00F3n instalada en el camino del contexto {0}
+webdavservlet.jaxpfailed=Fallo en la inicializaci\u00F3n de JAXP
+invokerServlet.noWrapper=El contenedor no ha llamado a setWrapper() para este servlet
+managerServlet.noWrapper=El contenedor no ha llamado a setWrapper() para este servlet
+managerServlet.listed=OK - Listado de aplicaciones para el servidor virtual {0}
+defaultservlet.directorylistingfor=Listado del Directorio para:
+managerServlet.noRole=FALLO - El usuario no pertenece al rol {0}
+managerServlet.sessiontimeout={0} minutos:{1} sesiones
+managerServlet.removed=OK - Elminada aplicaci\u00F3n del contexto {0}
+managerServlet.sessions=OK - Informaci\u00F3n de sesion para la aplicacion en el 
+conexto  {0}
+invokerServlet.invalidPath=No se especifico un nombre de servlet o clase en el camino 
+managerServlet.exception=FALLO - Encontrada la excepci\u00F3n {0}
+managerServlet.noPath=FALLO - Ning\u00FAn contexto fue especificado
+managerServlet.startFailed=FALLO - La aplicaci\u00F3n del conexto {0} no pudo sert 
+directory.version=Tomcat Catalina version 4.0
+managerServlet.unknownCommand=FALLO - Comando desconocido {0}
+defaultservlet.upto=Arriba a:
+directory.title=Listado del Directorio para {0}
+directory.lastModified=\u00DAltima modificaci\u00F3n
+invokerServlet.deallocate=No puedo desasignar una instancia de servlet para el camino 
+managerServlet.stopped=OK - Parada aplicaci\u00F3n en el contexto {0}
+managerServlet.sessiondefaultmax=Valor por defecto del m\u00E1ximo intervalo de 
+actividad en la sesion {0} minutes
+managerServlet.cannotInvoke=No puedo invocar el manager servlet a trav\u00E9s de 
+directory.filename=Nombre del fichero
+invokerServlet.notNamed=No puedo llamar al invoker servlet con un dispatcher nombrado
+managerServlet.noContext=FALLO - No existe contexto para {0}
+invokerServlet.allocate=No puedo asignar una instancia de servlet para el camino {0}
+managerServlet.started=OK - Iniciada aplicaci\u00F3n en el conexto {0}
+managerServlet.invalidPath=FALLO - El camino de contexto {0} no es valido
+managerServlet.reloaded=OK - Recargada aplicaci\u00F3n en el conexto {0}
+invokerServlet.cannotCreate=No puedo crear un servlet wrapper para el camino {0}
+managerServlet.invalidWar=FALLO - La URL de aplicaci\u00F3n {0} no es v\u00E1lida
+managerServlet.noCommand=FALLO - Ning\u00FAn comando

Wrong BUILDING.txt

2002-03-23 Thread Jose M. Palomar

BUILDING.txt documentation file of CVS Tomcat 4 mentions the download of 
   package commons-daemon. I've browsed builds directories searching for 
it and It was missing. What package replace this?

Jose M. Palomar

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Re: [VOTE] Final release of Tomcat 3.3.1

2002-03-21 Thread Jose M. Palomar

- Original Message -
From: "Larry Isaacs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 10:20 PM
Subject: [VOTE] Final release of Tomcat 3.3.1

> I believe it is an appropriate time to release the HEAD of jakarta-tomcat
> as Tomcat 3.3.1.  Also, as part of this release, I play to sync up
> the jakarta-tomcat-connectors/utils to ensure that there are no
> regressions in its tomcat-utils.jar with respect to the one in
> Tomcat 3.3.1.
> --
> Vote to release jakarta-tomcat HEAD as Tomcat 3.3.1
> [X] +1  I am in favor of the release, and will help support it
> [ ] +0  I am in favor of the release, but am unable to help support it.
> [ ] -0  I not in favor of the release
> [ ] -1  I am opposed to the release because:
> --
> Cheers,
> Larry Isaacs
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:

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How to send code?

2002-03-19 Thread Jose M. Palomar

Hi again!

I wrote two modificed versions of the ManagerServlet and of the
HTMLManagerServlet that allows you to manage all contexts of all virtual
hosts of an tomcat 4 engine and I'd like to know how to contribute them to
the project.

I didn't submitted as a patch because I think they are not a patch.
Pleasee could anyone sey me how (I readed all documents of website
seeking but found nothing).

If anyone want to test or use it are at my website

Thanx to all.
Jose M. Palomar

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Re: Tomcat source in IDE

2002-03-19 Thread Jose M. Palomar

I'm using Forte CE 3.0 with Tomcat sources without any problem. Did you
tried to download the CVS source?

You could import the sources using the CVS module of Forte and to build it
use the ANT module too ;).

For me works.
Jose M. Palomar
- Original Message -
From: "bhai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 10:06 PM
Subject: Tomcat source in IDE

> Hello,
> I am trying to study tomcat source and i tried to import it in Eclipse and
> Forte but obvioulsy there are some directory heirachies that cause the IDE
> to throw an error.
> My question is that are there any articles out there for importing tomcat
> source into an IDE and then compiling/building the source from there
> (integrating ant with the IDE? )
> Please guide me in the right direction.
> Thanks.
> --
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Where to send code?

2002-03-16 Thread Jose M. Palomar

Hi all!
I'll write a modification of the manager servlets that allows you to manage
an entire Engine throught only one instance of the manager and I transtaled
to spanish the localstrings.

But I don't know where to send this changes for crontibuting them to the
Meanwhile I'll posted them at my website if anyone want to
see it.

Jose M. Palomar

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Re: Status of BASIC authentication in Tomcat4.0-latest?

2001-06-17 Thread David M. Karr

>>>>> "Craig" == Craig R McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Craig> On 16 Jun 2001, David M. Karr wrote:

>> What is the status of BASIC authentication in Tomcat4.0-latest?  I noticed it
>> seems to do nothing.  A login dialog never appeared, but it gave access to the
>> resource, and the return from "request.getAuthType()" in the resource was a
>> null string.

Craig> As far as I know, it works according to the specs.  Same for the other
Craig> container managed security methods.

Craig> Did you create a  to protect the resources that you
Craig> wanted to have protected?  If you don't do this, authentication will never
Craig> be triggered (so request.getAuthType() will return null, of course).

Following this is my web.xml for the BASIC test.  This is almost verbatim from
the Prof. JSP example.  I tried a similar test with FORM-based authentication
(also from the book), with similar but different results.  It never went to the
login page, but instead of just going to the protected resource (like the BASIC
test), it failed with a permission error on the resource.";>

   Entire Application
  ProJSP Authentication Example

David M. Karr  ; Best Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ; Java/Unix/XML/C++/X ; BrainBench CJ12P (#12004)

Status of BASIC authentication in Tomcat4.0-latest?

2001-06-16 Thread David M. Karr

What is the status of BASIC authentication in Tomcat4.0-latest?  I noticed it
seems to do nothing.  A login dialog never appeared, but it gave access to the
resource, and the return from "request.getAuthType()" in the resource was a
null string.

I'm not familiar with the architecture, but I tried setting breakpoints in
"AuthenticatorBase" and "BasicAuthentication" (in NetBeans), but I never saw
anything meaningful.  It did hit some of the breakpoints, however.

I did a search in the tomcat-dev mailing list, and I found lots of messages
which talked about particular issues with BASIC and FORM authentication, but
nothing specifically saying that BASIC authentication didn't work.  I would
have searched the bug database, but it was down at the time (Internal Server

This is mostly just a curiousity, as I doubt I'd ever use BASIC authentication
for a real project, but as I'm just getting started absorbing the Tomcat
architecture, I find it helpful to try to track problems, no matter how

David M. Karr  ; Best Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ; Java/Unix/XML/C++/X ; BrainBench CJ12P (#12004)

Forcing generated JSP code to match package structure

2001-06-16 Thread David M. Karr

A long time ago, I submitted a bug report pointing out that when JSP pages are
generated to servlets, the directory structure in the "work" directory doesn't
match the package structure of the generated class.  When I checked the bug
report later, I believe it was marked as "Cosmetic".  I believe this issue is
more than cosmetic, although certainly not critical.

The difficulty this creates (I think) is if you want to load Tomcat in a
debugger as an application in order to debug generated JSP code, not using the
fancy integrated web server and JSP debugger.  The debugger doesn't seem to
like it if the directory structure that a class lies in doesn't match the
package structure, unless I'm misunderstanding what I'm seeing.

When I try to do this in NetBeans (and Tomcat4.0latest), I'm able to set a
breakpoint in the generated code, and the output window says that it hit the
breakpoint, but it says "Unavailable source file", even though I can display
the source file in the integrated source editor.

So am I understanding this situation correctly, or is there something basic
that I'm overlooking?

David M. Karr  ; Best Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ; Java/Unix/XML/C++/X ; BrainBench CJ12P (#12004)

Poor Tomcat 3.2.2 performance on Win32 with class reloading enabled

2001-06-15 Thread Brett M. Bergquist

I just upgraded or application from Tomcat 3.1 to 
Tomcat 3.2.2 and noticed a dramatic slowdown and increased CPU 
utilization.  This is on WinNT 4.0 SP5.  To figure out what was 
happening, I fired up OptimizeIT and took a look.  I found that 68% time 
was being spent in "org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.handleReload" and of 
the time within this method, 51% of the time was being spent in 
"" and of the time spend within this method, all of 
it was spent within "". 
My question is is this normal and what in the hell 
is taking so long in ""?  Once I 
disabled class reloading, by performance and CPU utilization went back to what 
was present with 3.1.
Thanks for any input.
Brett M. Bergquist
Canoga Perkins Corp.

Tomcat Admin Web Interface

2001-06-14 Thread M B

Hello All,

In response to the recent postings regarding Tomcat
documentation and administration (Re: ~rant~ Docs,
user list, etc.), I am willing to contribute much
effort in this area.  In addition to documentation, I
am particularly interested in helping to build an
administrative web interface for Tomcat 4.0, something
similar to JRun Management Console, for example.

Naturally, I want to coordinate my efforts with the
Tomcat community.  Can anyone please point out where I
should begin, or who I should contact?  Is there a
project for this?  The Catalina TODO identifies John
Shin as volunteer for producing an admin interface,
but I thought I should email this list before
contacting him directly.  


--- "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Better docs would help.  Better external resources
> (magazine articles and
> books) would help.  Software that is easier to
> configure would help.  But
> users will always be with us, and need their
> questions answered :-).
> Volunteers to do any or all of the above are welcome
> -- the committers
> will be eternally grateful!
> Craig McClanahan

Do You Yahoo!?
Spot the hottest trends in music, movies, and more.

RE: tomcat and macromedia ultra dev 4.0

2001-05-24 Thread David M Johnson
Title: tomcat and macromedia ultra dev 4.0

mailing list is really for developers working on the Tomcat servlet 
will have a better chance of getting a useful response on the Tomcat user 
mailing list.
looks like your problem involves some sort of database connection 
might want to try creating a very simple 'Hello World' type JSP page with 

MacroMedia and then see if that works on Tomcat before 
you try to run a more
complex page like your 'login.jsp' 

  -Original Message-From: Mehmet Ugur Kuzu (LinkPlus) 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 10:38 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: tomcat and 
  macromedia ultra dev 4.0
  Hi everbody, 
  I want to run macromedia ultra dev 4.0 
  generated jsp code under tomcat , but i got  a lot of error messages( i 
  paste an example above ) when i tried to run my pages 
  ,  is there any body can say me what 
  version of tomcat , jdk and apache  i must use together for running 
  macromedia generated jsp pages,
  and in addition i can't find a document how 
  can i configure tomcat 4.0 on windows 2000 with apache. 
  sincerely, Mehmet Ugur Kuzu 
  This  login.jsp page generates error after 
  submit  the   form,  
  <%@page contentType="text/html; 
  charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*"%> <%@ include file="Connections/DENEME.jsp" 
  %> <% Driver DriverRecordset1 = 
  (Driver)Class.forName(MM_DENEME_DRIVER).newInstance(); Connection ConnRecordset1 = 
  PreparedStatement StatementRecordset1 
  = ConnRecordset1.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM USERS"); ResultSet Recordset1 = 
  StatementRecordset1.executeQuery(); boolean Recordset1_isEmpty = !; boolean Recordset1_hasData = 
  !Recordset1_isEmpty; Object 
  Recordset1_data; int 
  Recordset1_numRows = 0; %> <% 
  // *** Validate request to log in to 
  this site. String 
  MM_LoginAction = request.getRequestURI(); if (request.getQueryString() != null && 
  request.getQueryString().length() > 0) MM_LoginAction += "?" + 
  MM_valUsername=request.getParameter("textfield2"); if (MM_valUsername != null) {   String MM_fldUserAuthorization=""; 
  MM_redirectLoginSuccess="Next.gif";   String MM_redirectLoginFailed="Last.gif";   String 
  MM_redirectLogin=MM_redirectLoginFailed;   Driver MM_driverUser = 
  (Driver)Class.forName(MM_DENEME_DRIVER).newInstance();   Connection MM_connUser = 
    String MM_pSQL = "SELECT 
  if (!MM_fldUserAuthorization.equals("")) MM_pSQL += "," + 
  MM_pSQL += " FROM USERS WHERE USERNAME='" + MM_valUsername + "' AND 
  USERPASSWORD='" + request.getParameter("textfield") + "'";
  MM_statementUser = MM_connUser.prepareStatement(MM_pSQL);   ResultSet MM_rsUser = 
  MM_statementUser.executeQuery();   boolean MM_rsUser_isNotEmpty =; 
    if (MM_rsUser_isNotEmpty) 
  {     // 
  username and password match - this is a valid user     
  session.putValue("MM_Username", MM_valUsername);     if 
  (!MM_fldUserAuthorization.equals("")) {   
  MM_rsUser.getString(MM_fldUserAuthorization).trim());     } else {   
  session.putValue("MM_UserAuthorization", "");     }     if 
  ((request.getParameter("accessdenied") != null) && false) { 
  MM_redirectLoginSuccess = request.getParameter("accessdenied"); 
  MM_redirectLogin=MM_redirectLoginSuccess;   }   MM_rsUser.close();   MM_connUser.close();   
  } %>   Untitled Document 
  after submit, this error generated, 
  Internal Servlet Error: 
  javax.servlet.ServletException: General 
  error     at 
      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( 
      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( 
      at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service( 


2001-04-25 Thread Curry, Timothy M.

  Is anyone working on the jakarta-nt-service.exe or its companion file for Tomcat4 as a Windows NT Service?

< I am new to the tomcat-dev list >

Tomcat log limitations?

2001-03-12 Thread Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso

Ok, the scenario:

Who m I?

I've no idea about Tomcat, my first contact with it has been an hour ago. 
I've been LiNUX user for several years and I know how Java servlets serves 
works, so I think I'm an average system administrator. I've been application 
programmer for several years also, so I'm an average developer also. I've 
some contact with Enhydra that perhaps you know, but I've never installed or 
use it in a production environment.

Hope this information helps.

What's the matter?

In a project, we need some collaborators each one with his own http server 
and operating system, give us they http logs in NCSA Combined format for 
generate stats for third parties.

Well, one of those collaborators told us that they cannot generate NCSA 
Combined logs because they're using TomCat... As I CANNOT reproduce each 
collaborator system environment conditions, you will understand that's not 
reasonable that I must install a TomCat server just to see if this is true.

I've seen that TomCat could be installed standalone or dependant of another 
web server like Apache or IIS. I think the situation of this collaborator is 
'standalone' because another manner should provide they the logs of its 
apache or IIS web server without troubles.

The trouble in a brief?

Just two questions:

Can TomCat as standalone server produce NCSA Combined logs? if yes... in a 
brief: How?

Please note that by evident reasons I'm not suscribed to TomCat Users list, 
so if there's an answer, please, send it to my own mail box: fmmarzoa at

THANKS A LOT everyone in advance, excuse my poor english and have a good one,

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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat/src/share/org/apache/jasper/compiler

2001-01-05 Thread M.

On 05 Jan 2001 16:35:09 -0800, Hans Bergsten wrote:
> "Scott M. Stirling" wrote:
> > 1. Doesn't it seem a bit sloppy to leave a bunch of classes loaded that
> > will never get dumped unless the server is shutdown?  Just a matter of
> > elegance, I suppose.

[Hans Bergsten]

> Yes, it does. But AFAIK there's no way you can just unload a class
> from the JVM; you would have to drop the class loader for the
> context and reload all classes that are still valid. That doesn't
> seem like the right thing to do in this situation IMHO.

It depends how class loading in Tomcat works.  I'm familiar with JRun
3.0, which works like this (I'm not giving away any family secrets, this
stuff is documented in various places in Allaire docs):

- servlets & JavaBeans (even those called by JSPs) - loaded by a
classloader with web-app scope.  If a single servlet changes, the whole
web-app's classloader is dumped so the servlet can be dynamically
reloaded.  No need to actively reload the other classes that got dumped
with the classloader.  They'll be reloaded as needed when requests come
in for them.

- JSPs are each loaded in their own classloader.  So if a JSP is changed
and reloaded, the old classloader is dumped and a new one created.
JavaBeans are delegated to the web-app classloader, for whatever reason.

All this may change in future versions, when JRun reloads tag handlers
dynamically.  I have no idea how Tomcat handles these classloader
issues, but it would be interesting to hear about if anyone can distill
it briefly.

Scott Stirling
West Newton, MA

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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat/src/share/org/apache/jasper/compiler

2001-01-05 Thread M.

OK, I am thinking this is a pretty good idea now too, since seeing your and Marc's 
emails.  My last two thoughts on the matter (just playing Devil's advocate):

1. Doesn't it seem a bit sloppy to leave a bunch of classes loaded that
will never get dumped unless the server is shutdown?  Just a matter of
elegance, I suppose.

2. What unforseen problems might arise in a large application with
interdependencies, such as included files that are overlooked -- if an
included file is deleted but the includer is not, what happens?

Scott Stirling
West Newton, MA

On 05 Jan 2001 15:58:07 -0800, Hans Bergsten wrote:
> Scott Stirling wrote:
> > 
> > I agree with Craig.
> > 
> > The ability to run JSP apps without any source JSPs must be maintained
> > for app vendors who want to ship without source code.  Not sure if this
> > patch would interfere with that or not.
> It shouldn't; if you want to distribute JSP pages without source,
> you compile them to servlet classes and add mappings for the
> paths to the servlets in web.xml. The spec may be vague on this,
> but that's still what I believe is the recommendation stated in
> the section about precompilation.
> > A separate issue: if a user removes the source JSP, it may be OK to
> > remove the JSP class file, but what about the class loaded in memory
> > (assuming the server was running when the JSP was deleted)?  To be
> > consistent you would have to unload that JSP class, 
> Not necessarily unload, but remove all internal (automatic) mappings
> so that a request for the JSP always results in a 404.
> > and possibly any
> > associated objects (depending how JavaBeans and JSP are loaded in
> > classloaders in Tomcat).  For example, if an application scope bean were
> > loaded by that JSP, would that bean be dumped with the classloader for
> > that JSP or not?
> Hmmm... I think that's overkill.
> Hans

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Re: Mud (Was: [OT] Holiday Reading - Refactoring)

2000-12-22 Thread Stein M. Eliassen


about mud, here is a pattern called "Big ball of mud" by Brian Foote and Joseph

Read it!

Stein M. Eliassen
System Developer - KPNQwest Norway AS
Business communications @ the speed of light.

Re: Servlet - Jini - Tomcat3.1

2000-11-15 Thread Flávio Rodrigo M. de Carvalho

- Original Message -
>It is not clear from your description what you are trying to do.
>  . does your server issue a query to obtain a Jini service reference from
> a lookup server ?

Exactly, my servlet just make an unicast to receive from the lookup server
the Registrar (LookupLocator.GETREGISTRAR) . The exception appears after
that call.
If it helps, I am trying to connect a servlet to a JavaSpace and
TransactionManager (mahalo) services.

>   . are you expecting that the Jini service will upload the WAR over
> the net to be incorporated ?
This I didn't understand... (???)

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Servlet - Jini - Tomcat3.1

2000-11-13 Thread Flávio Rodrigo M. de Carvalho

Hi all,

My servlet is getting the following exception when running on Tomcat3.1.
This happens when I try to get the reference of a jini service (by a unicast
call) :

java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.tomcat.protocol.WARConnection

A friend told me that it is a bug from Tomcat and that there would be a fix
for that. I have no idea what this could be. Is there any special
configuration to use in Tomcat3.1 to use with jini services ? What is this
excepion about ?

Thanks all,


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Linking mod_jk for apache 1.3, on HP-UX 11.00

2000-10-27 Thread Brian M. Kelley

  Hey all. I've been struggling to get mod_jk for Apache 1.3
  to link, using the 32-bit linker on HPUX 11.00. Problem is with
  the linker complaining about not being able to resolving external
  unknown symbols (that mod_jk uses, which are provided by apache
  during runtime). Here's the link command I'm using, and the
  associated error message(s); (more dialog at bottom):

ld -B deferred -o jk_ajp12_worker.o \
jk_connect.o jk_msg_buff.o jk_util.o jk_ajp13.o jk_jni_worker.o \
jk_pool.o jk_worker.o jk_ajp13_worker.o jk_lb_worker.o \
jk_sockbuf.o jk_map.o jk_uri_worker_map.o mod_jk.o -lm -lc -ldld
ld: Unsatisfied symbols:
   ap_update_mtime (code)
   ap_setup_client_block (code)
   ap_get_client_block (code)
   ap_get_server_version (code)
   ap_palloc (code)
   ap_overlay_tables (code)
   ap_bflush (code)
   ap_parseHTTPdate (code)
   ap_should_client_block (code)
   ap_table_get (code)
   ap_pstrdup (code)
   ap_get_remote_host (code)
   ap_table_add (code)
   ap_bsetflag (code)
   ap_reset_timeout (code)
   ap_bwrite (code)
   ap_table_set (code)
   ap_psprintf (code)
   ap_table_setn (code)
   ap_add_common_vars (code)
   ap_make_table (code)
   ap_pvsprintf (code)
   ap_set_last_modified (code)
   ap_content_type_tolower (code)
   ap_pcalloc (code)
   ap_log_error (code)
   ap_send_http_header (code)
ld: Unsatisfied symbols:
   $global$ (data)

  I just need a way to tell the linker (either through gcc, or using
  native linker options) that these symbols will be provided by httpd
  during runtime. The native linker doc does not seem to have any
  useful information on this specific topic.

  I've tried several (unsuccessful) combinations of linker options.
  I'm currently using the natice C compiler and linker.
  Previously, I used gcc as both the C compiler and linker, with
  the same problem.

  Has anyone successfully compiled/linked mod_jk for apache, on HP-UX
  11.00, using the 32-bit linker? What linker flags did you use?
  Any other issues running on this platform?

  Fwiw, I had to add some 32-bit shared library loader calls to
  common/jk_jni_worker.c (to replace the dl*() calls that my 32-bit
  libraries don't provide); If anyone is interested I can provide


Brian M. Kelley
Vizdom Software, Inc.

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