TC4 : mod_webapp compilation error

2001-12-14 Thread Robbie Elen


 before posthing, I've found this error question in an archive. I can't
howver find a reply to it.
When compiling mod_webapp from the sources, doing a 'make' (build) gives me
this error :

Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 6) line 1, near
(Missing operator before apache?)
Bareword apache not allowed while strict subs in use at (eval 6) line 1.
String found where operator expected at (eval 6) line 1, at end of line
pat-lite -fpic -DSHARED_MODULE -I/usr/include/apache-1.3  -c mod_webapp.c
mod_webapp.c:70: wa.h: No such file or directory

Is there anyone who can help me with it? or had the same problem?

I'm running Tomcat 4.0.1 on a Debian, with apache1.3.9-13.2 stable package

Hoping for an answer


JVM and speed issues

2001-12-14 Thread Dr. Evil

As we all know, java is write once, run anywhere.  Given that, it
makes sense to choose a good place to run it, right?  All my questions
in this post relate to Tomcat 4 standalone; I'm not using any other
app or any other java functionality.  I'll be developing on a separate
box.  The first step is choosing the right jvm and the right OS.

In my particular case (I'm sure this is a pretty common case) I'm
restricted to Intel/AMD hardware, basically because it's the best
performance I can get within my budget.  When it comes time to launch,
I'll probably get a fast dual-CPU box.

So, the first choice to make is OS.  It seems that the only two
reasonable choices are Linux and FreeBSD.  Which is going to give me
the best performance for Tomcat?

Second choice is JVM.  I have heard that the IBM JVM is somewhat
faster than Sun's.  Should I go with IBM, or are there any other good,
solid choices?

Finally, compiler questions.  It looks like we have Sun javac, IBM
javac, IBM jikes, and gcj.  Which of these produce the fastest
bytecode?  I've heard jikes is very good.  Also on compiler questions,
does -O matter?  If I download the Tomcat binary distribution, do I
have to recompile it with -O for best performance?

Thanks for any tips!

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MySQL DataSource using Tomcat 4

2001-12-14 Thread Diego Castillo

Hi all!

I have a JSP that must fetch some information from a MySQL database.
Everything works fine if I create manually a DataSource in my code: pool =

Now I would like Tomcat to create this DataSource object at start-up and
find it using JNDI ENC. My code looks like:

  InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
  DataSource pool =
(DataSource) initialContext.lookup(java:comp/env/jdbc/pim);

This code does find a DataSource object, but it seems that the object found
is not initialised. I have tried many different combinations for my
server.xml file, but it just looks impossible to figure out what the
problem is. The JDBC driver is below common/lib and I am using Tomcat in
standalone mode. My server.xml file looks like:

  Context path= docBase=pim debug=0
Resource name=jdbc/pim auth=Container type=javax.sql.DataSource/
ResourceParams name=jdbc/pim

Does anybody know what is happening? How do I instruct tyrex about the
factory it should use?

Any help would be welcome!

Diego Castillo

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Re: somebody trying hack me, what they really wanted?

2001-12-14 Thread E B

just for statistics, how many of you run tomcat
directly without apache/iis, with your machine
being on the internet.

All the responses for this thread indicate they
do so. Be careful, I know of one machine which
was compromised and which had tomcat on 80.
although I am not sure that hack was through

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Re: Problum with ISAPI settings in IIS

2001-12-14 Thread Andy Soedibjo

This is short step for you to install IIS and Tomcat4 :
1) Downloaded the isapi_redirect.dll and copy to dll_directory you want.
2) Make a virtual directory in IIS ex : jakarta that point to 
dll_directory you want.
3) Make the and (so that IIS 
know which worker to use, and which url-patern should redirect to tomcat)
You can see the example of these properties in
4) Downloaded the isapi_redirect_2000.reg and edit it depends how you 
configure all the files above :
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi 
And then, run this program to make registry entries.

5)And then in IIS Management console right click on machine name  and 
select properties. Click the Edit button next to Master Properties for 
WWW services. Select the ISAPI filters tab and click Add then Name of the
filter anything you want and for the executable, browse to 
c:\Tomcat\bin\isapi_redirect.dll file.

6) If you restart the IIS, you will see it's loaded with green arrow ... 
with high priority.
7) I think you need to restart your computer to make the registry setting 
has been well configured.

Hope this can help you.


At 21:44 13/12/2001 +0530, you wrote:
I am new to Tomcat, I need your help.
I am facing some problem with ISAPI dll file Without this my jsp files 
are working fine, when I install ISAPI tomcat is not working

  I am working under win 2K. Tomcat alone is working fine and all jsp 
 files are working fine withhttp://localhost:8080;.
But ISAPI is not redirecting and Jakarta Virtual directory is not working.
Will you please guide me in this.

  This is what I am following to install ISAPI filter in IIS
  1) Downloaded the isapi_redirect.dll and copy to C:tomcat\bin.
  2) Downloaded the isapi_redirect_2000.reg and run this program to make 
 registry entries.
  3) Restart the System.
  4) On IIS management Console create new Virtual directory under default 
 web site called Jakarta and  the physical path to C:\tomcat\bin and 
 hasExecute permissions.
5)And then in IIS Management console right click on machine name  and 
select properties. Click the Edit button next to Master Properties for 
WWW services. Select the ISAPI filters tab and click Add then Name of the
filter Jakarta and for the executable, browse to 
c:\Tomcat\bin\isapi_redirect.dll file.
6) Now restarted the IIS Admin Services ( in this its restarting  the 
following services
 a) WWW publishing services
 b) SMTP
 c) NNTP
 d) FTP publishing Services
7) And finally after going back to ISAPI filter Screen  the Status of 
Jakarta is showing Not Loaded with Red Color Arrow which indicates 
some thing wrong in the way I did.

  So Please guide me in this regard.

  Following are the registry settings.

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Apache Web  Server\1.3.14
Name   Type  Data
(Default)  REG_SZ  (Value not set)

  HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\1.0
Name  TypeData
(Default)  REG_SZ  (Value not set)
extension_uri   REG_SZ 
log_level  REG_SZ  Error
Worker_file  REG_SZ 

  Please guide me to solve this Problem
  Thanks, your help is very appreciated.


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AW: Keystore and SSL

2001-12-14 Thread Lauer, Oliver

What did you do exactly ? 

Did you export your certificate by using keytool -export -alias tomcat -file
tomcat.cer and imported that in the jws-keystore by using -import ?


 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jim Urban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2001 17:04
An: Tomcat Users List
Betreff: RE: Keystore and SSL

I have gone into JWS and imported the keystore used by tomcat, but the
application still won't accept it.  I was told I need to use a real cert
with tomcat to get my application working.  So can I use the personal cert
from Thwarte I use to sign email with Tomcat?


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:33 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Keystore and SSL

You should tell your jws-application that it can trust TC by importing the
self generated TC certificate into the keystore your jws-application
operates against. See jsse-documentation for how to do it.

 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von:  Jim Urban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2001 16:12
 An:   Tomcat-User
 Betreff:  Keystore and SSL

 I am trying to write a Java Web Start application which will use SSL to
 talk to a servlet running on Tomcat.  If I don't use SSL my application
 can talk just fine to my servlet.  I also can run servlets on Tomcat using
 SSL without any problem.  However, when I use SSL I get the following
 error from my JWS application: untrusted
 server cert chain.  According to the JWS forum this is caused by my
 having created and signed my own cert for Tomcat's SSL.  Since I am only a
 single developer, I can not afford to go out and purchase a real cert at a
 cost of several hundred dollars.  I do however, have a personal cert from
 Thwarte I use to sign email.  Can I export this cert and build a keystore
 Tomcat can use?  I am assuming Thwarte certs are trusted and will get me
 past this problem.

 Jim Urban
 Product Manager
 Netsteps Inc.
 Suite 505E
 1 Pierce Pl.
 Itasca, IL  60143
 Voice:  (630) 250-3045 x2164
 Fax:  (630) 250-3046
   Datei: ATT258760.txt 

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Re: Directory browsing

2001-12-14 Thread Andy Soedibjo

I don't know how to make it in service or context ... but you can try to 
edit the tomcat_home\conf\web.xml, and change
the servlet default configurations to :


At 14:51 13/12/2001 +, you wrote:
Hi all.

How does one disable directory browsing for a Context (or even a

Many thanks

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SSL with IE5.0

2001-12-14 Thread Lauer, Oliver


I've difficulties in running TC/SSL with IE 5.0, the system hangs after I've
sitched from an index.html to any jsp ? With IE5.5 or higher it works
properly. Did anybody solve that problem or has a similar experience ?


 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

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http status 503

2001-12-14 Thread frederik . de . backer


I'm having the following problem when trying to connect to tomcat4.0 in
Windows 2000:

HTTP Status 503 - Servlet jsp is currently unavailable
The requested service (Servlet jsp is currently unavailable) is not
currently available. Normally, all the files are in the right place . The
server is running locally on my laptop.

What could be the reason for this?

ir. Frederik De Backer
Network Management Engineer
Belgacom ANS/NIS - 
GSM: 0479/338000
tel: 022445806

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Tomcat 3.3 ThreadPool throws IllegalStateException

2001-12-14 Thread Drasko . Kokic

Hi there,

I am having a problem with the Tomcat 3.3 running on Solaris 8.  The Tomcat
is breaking up with the following message:

Stop reaper
ThreadPool: Caught exception executing, terminating thread
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool.runIt(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ 

What could be the posible cause for this behaviour ?  How could I monitor
the status of the ThreadPool ?

Thanks for your help

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Query: Reloadable

2001-12-14 Thread webmaster

What shall I do if I have to make my Tomcat 4.1 autoreloadable. i.e. it should reload 
the app whenever there is change in .class files. This is a development server not a 
production server. Around 50 apps r there and I don't want to use manager app.

Thanks in Advance


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How can I see how many visitors we have right now?

2001-12-14 Thread Cato, Christopher

Is it possible to see how many active sessions there are at a given moment?

If so, has anyone implemented a safe shutdown procedure for a TomCat
What I need is a mechanism that allows me to deny future requests for the
but allow the visitors that are active to finish their business and THEN
instead of killing the server while users are still on it.


/Christopher Cato

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RE: Sticky session with Tomcat 4.0 and mod_jk

2001-12-14 Thread Andrew McGhee

Good posting - We are assuming that mod_jk is in essence similar / superset
of mod_jserv, of which
the following information appears to be excelent regarding failover.

Is this still valid for mod_jk as well? (accounting for changes in
configuration to do loadbalancing for mod_jk)

-Original Message-
From: Subbu Kaleyathodi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 14 December 2001 06:56
Subject: Sticky session with Tomcat 4.0 and mod_jk

Hi All,

We are using Tomcat 4.0.1 with Tomcat and would like to use mod_jk as the
connector from Apache to Tomcat. The main reason for going with mod_jk is
because I read some snippets of documentation that mentioned that it
supported sticky sessions. But I haven't found anything comprehensive on
this topic. 

I wanted to find out of people have used mod_jk with Tomcat 4.0.1 for sticky
sessions (one of our requirements is that we not use cookies - we will be
using URL rewriting). Also I am not clear what is th advantage of using
mod_webapp over mod_jk (BTW, does mod_webapp support sticky sessions).

Any help is appreciated

Subbu Kaleyathodi

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RE: TC with SSL, IE5.0 and 128 bit

2001-12-14 Thread Guido Medina

OK, you are saying that it is a known bug so try to do it for example
testing it with Apache web server or IIS and if it doesn't work it means
that your problem is not a problem my friend, if not it makes sense but if
it is a known bug for most web server don't even try to solve it :-)

Best wishes...


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 9:02 AM
To: Tomcat Users List (E-Mail); Tomcat-Dev (E-Mail)
Subject: TC with SSL, IE5.0 and 128 bit

Hi all, 

we've built an insurance calculator and and a online contracting machine
based on Tomcat4.0 with SSL. Doing integration testing I've noticed that TC
with ssl doesn't work with IE5.0 (128 bit). 
It works with with 5.5 and higher. 
I've heard that this is a known bug in IE5.0 and I should upgrade to 5.5 or
higher. Now I'm running into difficulties due to I can't request the
internet users to upgrade or to download IE5.5 or higher for using our
calculator. Does somebody know how to solve my problem ? Can I change for
example the encryption in TC to 40 bit ? 

Any help appreciated ! 

 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

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RE: How can I see how many visitors we have right now?

2001-12-14 Thread Cox, Charlie

the manager app can tell you how many active sessions there are:
You have to enable the manager context and set up a user for it.

I don't think there is a graceful shutdown as you are asking for.


 -Original Message-
 From: Cato, Christopher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 7:31 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: How can I see how many visitors we have right now?
 Is it possible to see how many active sessions there are at a 
 given moment?
 If so, has anyone implemented a safe shutdown procedure for a TomCat
 What I need is a mechanism that allows me to deny future 
 requests for the
 but allow the visitors that are active to finish their 
 business and THEN
 instead of killing the server while users are still on it.
 /Christopher Cato
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AW: Running as service...

2001-12-14 Thread Lauer, Oliver


I had similar problems and had two jre on my maschine. The one I used with
the bats and one the NT service was using. I only added the jsse-libs to the
jre the bats were using. 

You should add nothing to the registry. You should search the registry for
the jre the service is using or have a look for which jre the service uses
by regarding at something like
C:\WIN\Profiles\o66183\Startmenü\Programme\Apache Tomcat 4.0\Start

Looking at the properties of the link you see if the java.exe is the same
you are using within the bats. 


P.S. If that is not the problem it might be the location of the .keystore as
 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001 13:57
An: 'Tomcat Users List'
Betreff: RE: Running as service...

I don't understand, What I should add to the registry ?, Will it be for the
entire system or only for my user ?, I guest I missed something but I don't


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 3:35 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Running as service...

I had the same problem and I had two different jre after installation of
jdk1.3. The one I installed and I was aware of I fixed with the jsse-libs
and this is the one I used within the bats but the service uses another
runtime that was installed automatically anywhere within program files. 

Check for the jre the service uses regedit.exe and put the jsse-libs
there, too. 


 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2001 22:13
Betreff: Running as service...


  I have installed Tomcat 4.0.1 (the executable file that also installs the
service) on Windows 2000 Pro, and it works properly, I added the SSL
connector with the key and son, I also tested it, the problem is that is
only posible to start tomcat from the Command line with startup.bat, but not
with the service itself, what it could be ?, Enviroment variables ?, or what
?, I also tried it with startup and after https://myhost and it worked out
at all, but it doesnt start as a service with Start/Administrative
tools/Services/Apache tomcat/Start after put the SSL support inside

Thanks in advanced,


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Tomcat configuration

2001-12-14 Thread Julien OIX


I'm trying to configure tomcat within apache and I have many questions

My environment:
Linux RedHat 7.1
and these RPMs



how to configure the connector between apache and tomcat ?
may I use better mod_webapp or tomcat mod (in  fact or ?
I haven't found a complete documentation about this; has someone
o good URL ?
tomcat doc mentions a WebAppDeploy directive, but apache
mentions a WebAppMount directive; what about ?


PS: I'm thinking about improving my english speech

Julien OIX
Service Informatique de Gestion
Tél: 02 40 99 83 65

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RE: How can I see how many visitors we have right now?

2001-12-14 Thread Cox, Charlie

make sure you are accessing it through the correct virtual host. If you have
'localhost' and '' as two different hosts, you need the
manager context defined for both and need to access the manager app for the
vh that you want to see the sessions for.


 -Original Message-
 From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 8:18 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: AW: How can I see how many visitors we have right now?
 My manager app isn't doing so. I works but it doen't show the 
  AXA eSolutions GmbH
  AXA Konzern AG Germany
  Oliver Lauer 
  Web Architect
  Wörthstraße 34
  D-50668 Köln
  Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
  Fax: +49 221 148 43963
  Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59
 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Cox, Charlie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001 14:14
 An: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Betreff: RE: How can I see how many visitors we have right now?
 the manager app can tell you how many active sessions there are:
 You have to enable the manager context and set up a user for it.
 I don't think there is a graceful shutdown as you are asking for.
  -Original Message-
  From: Cato, Christopher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 7:31 AM
  To: 'Tomcat Users List'
  Subject: How can I see how many visitors we have right now?
  Is it possible to see how many active sessions there are at a 
  given moment?
  If so, has anyone implemented a safe shutdown procedure 
 for a TomCat
  What I need is a mechanism that allows me to deny future 
  requests for the
  but allow the visitors that are active to finish their 
  business and THEN
  instead of killing the server while users are still on it.
  /Christopher Cato
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please, help me!

2001-12-14 Thread Monica Guerra

I have a web aplication and this aplication read some
system properties and this is funcion corret in
tomcat, but now I want to put a copy of this
application and I want to read same system properties
but with other values that I will define. My question
is: Can I define two different shells (enviroment) in
tomcat (two context with a shell each one) in ordet to
manage two copys of that system properties?
I tried with two JVM's differents but I didn't get.



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RE: Running as service...

2001-12-14 Thread Guido Medina

I found the main reason for this problem: when you download jsse 1.0.2 you
put the jar files into JAVA_HOME/lib/ext directory but you have to do it
also into Program Files/JavaSoft/JRE/lib/ext as well, that's why it works
out with the startup.bat file and not with the service by itself because on
the first case you execute the java_home/bin/java runtime but with the
service is the JRE...

Enjoy and get the experience with my case...


SSL is working properly...



-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 9:16 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Running as service...


I had similar problems and had two jre on my maschine. The one I used with
the bats and one the NT service was using. I only added the jsse-libs to the
jre the bats were using. 

You should add nothing to the registry. You should search the registry for
the jre the service is using or have a look for which jre the service uses
by regarding at something like
C:\WIN\Profiles\o66183\Startmenü\Programme\Apache Tomcat 4.0\Start

Looking at the properties of the link you see if the java.exe is the same
you are using within the bats. 


P.S. If that is not the problem it might be the location of the .keystore as
 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001 13:57
An: 'Tomcat Users List'
Betreff: RE: Running as service...

I don't understand, What I should add to the registry ?, Will it be for the
entire system or only for my user ?, I guest I missed something but I don't


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 3:35 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Running as service...

I had the same problem and I had two different jre after installation of
jdk1.3. The one I installed and I was aware of I fixed with the jsse-libs
and this is the one I used within the bats but the service uses another
runtime that was installed automatically anywhere within program files. 

Check for the jre the service uses regedit.exe and put the jsse-libs
there, too. 


 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2001 22:13
Betreff: Running as service...


  I have installed Tomcat 4.0.1 (the executable file that also installs the
service) on Windows 2000 Pro, and it works properly, I added the SSL
connector with the key and son, I also tested it, the problem is that is
only posible to start tomcat from the Command line with startup.bat, but not
with the service itself, what it could be ?, Enviroment variables ?, or what
?, I also tried it with startup and after https://myhost and it worked out
at all, but it doesnt start as a service with Start/Administrative
tools/Services/Apache tomcat/Start after put the SSL support inside

Thanks in advanced,


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RE: Running as service...

2001-12-14 Thread Gapinski, Gary (GEL, MSX)

Not sure if this is pertinent, but I have used a variant of the service
declaration found in the Microsoft-specific Tomcat 4.0.1 distribution to
declare alternate service definitions for Tomcat.

The program used can be found at The executable
has been renamed to tomcat.exe in the Microsoft-specific Tomcat

The JVM parameters must be declared in the service definition. The JVM to be
used is cited immediately after the -install argument, followed by any
number of JVM-specific arguments, followed by the -start, -stop, -out, -err,
and -current clauses.

Here's an example, which assumes JAVA_HOME, CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE
have been set in the environment:

set CATALINA_BASE=a separate Tomcat instance directory tree

%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\tomcat.exe -install Apache Tomcat Experimental
%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll -Xms128M -Xmx256M
-Dcatalina.home=%CATALINA_HOME% -Dcatalina.base=%CATALINA_BASE% -start
org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params start -stop
org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params stop -out
%CATALINA_BASE%\logs\stdout.log -err %CATALINA_BASE%\logs\stderr.log
-current %CATALINA_BASE%

To uninstall the service, use

%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\tomcat.exe -uninstall Apache Tomcat Experimental

The service name can be chosen at will.

If a service was declared for Tomcat upon its installation, a registry entry
resembling that which will be created by the above can be found in
could possibly be edited, but I have found the JavaService installer to be

I haven't used SSL, but perhaps some tweaking of the service declaration as
seen above might help.

-Original Message-
From: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 7:57 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Running as service...

I don't understand, What I should add to the registry ?, Will it be for the
entire system or only for my user ?, I guest I missed something but I don't


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 3:35 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Running as service...

I had the same problem and I had two different jre after installation of
jdk1.3. The one I installed and I was aware of I fixed with the jsse-libs
and this is the one I used within the bats but the service uses another
runtime that was installed automatically anywhere within program files. 

Check for the jre the service uses regedit.exe and put the jsse-libs
there, too. 


 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2001 22:13
Betreff: Running as service...


  I have installed Tomcat 4.0.1 (the executable file that also installs the
service) on Windows 2000 Pro, and it works properly, I added the SSL
connector with the key and son, I also tested it, the problem is that is
only posible to start tomcat from the Command line with startup.bat, but not
with the service itself, what it could be ?, Enviroment variables ?, or what
?, I also tried it with startup and after https://myhost and it worked out
at all, but it doesnt start as a service with Start/Administrative
tools/Services/Apache tomcat/Start after put the SSL support inside

Thanks in advanced,


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AW: Running as service...

2001-12-14 Thread Lauer, Oliver

That's what I tried to tell but you explained it better than me :-) 

 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001 14:26
An: 'Tomcat Users List'
Betreff: RE: Running as service...

I found the main reason for this problem: when you download jsse 1.0.2 you
put the jar files into JAVA_HOME/lib/ext directory but you have to do it
also into Program Files/JavaSoft/JRE/lib/ext as well, that's why it works
out with the startup.bat file and not with the service by itself because on
the first case you execute the java_home/bin/java runtime but with the
service is the JRE...

Enjoy and get the experience with my case...


SSL is working properly...



-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 9:16 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Running as service...


I had similar problems and had two jre on my maschine. The one I used with
the bats and one the NT service was using. I only added the jsse-libs to the
jre the bats were using. 

You should add nothing to the registry. You should search the registry for
the jre the service is using or have a look for which jre the service uses
by regarding at something like
C:\WIN\Profiles\o66183\Startmenü\Programme\Apache Tomcat 4.0\Start

Looking at the properties of the link you see if the java.exe is the same
you are using within the bats. 


P.S. If that is not the problem it might be the location of the .keystore as
 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001 13:57
An: 'Tomcat Users List'
Betreff: RE: Running as service...

I don't understand, What I should add to the registry ?, Will it be for the
entire system or only for my user ?, I guest I missed something but I don't


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 3:35 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Running as service...

I had the same problem and I had two different jre after installation of
jdk1.3. The one I installed and I was aware of I fixed with the jsse-libs
and this is the one I used within the bats but the service uses another
runtime that was installed automatically anywhere within program files. 

Check for the jre the service uses regedit.exe and put the jsse-libs
there, too. 


 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2001 22:13
Betreff: Running as service...


  I have installed Tomcat 4.0.1 (the executable file that also installs the
service) on Windows 2000 Pro, and it works properly, I added the SSL
connector with the key and son, I also tested it, the problem is that is
only posible to start tomcat from the Command line with startup.bat, but not
with the service itself, what it could be ?, Enviroment variables ?, or what
?, I also tried it with startup and after https://myhost and it worked out
at all, but it doesnt start as a service with Start/Administrative
tools/Services/Apache tomcat/Start after put the SSL support inside

Thanks in advanced,


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RE: Keystore and SSL

2001-12-14 Thread Jim Urban

Did just what you said.  The problem seems to be my cert is not trusted (I
created it myself using keytool).  I got a 14 day cert from Verisign, but
when I try to import it back into my root keystore I get an error from
keytool saying the passwords don't match.

I am getting to the point where I am about to give up on JWS.


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 4:11 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Keystore and SSL

What did you do exactly ?

Did you export your certificate by using keytool -export -alias tomcat -file
tomcat.cer and imported that in the jws-keystore by using -import ?


 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jim Urban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2001 17:04
An: Tomcat Users List
Betreff: RE: Keystore and SSL

I have gone into JWS and imported the keystore used by tomcat, but the
application still won't accept it.  I was told I need to use a real cert
with tomcat to get my application working.  So can I use the personal cert
from Thwarte I use to sign email with Tomcat?


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:33 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Keystore and SSL

You should tell your jws-application that it can trust TC by importing the
self generated TC certificate into the keystore your jws-application
operates against. See jsse-documentation for how to do it.

 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von:  Jim Urban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2001 16:12
 An:   Tomcat-User
 Betreff:  Keystore and SSL

 I am trying to write a Java Web Start application which will use SSL to
 talk to a servlet running on Tomcat.  If I don't use SSL my application
 can talk just fine to my servlet.  I also can run servlets on Tomcat using
 SSL without any problem.  However, when I use SSL I get the following
 error from my JWS application: untrusted
 server cert chain.  According to the JWS forum this is caused by my
 having created and signed my own cert for Tomcat's SSL.  Since I am only a
 single developer, I can not afford to go out and purchase a real cert at a
 cost of several hundred dollars.  I do however, have a personal cert from
 Thwarte I use to sign email.  Can I export this cert and build a keystore
 Tomcat can use?  I am assuming Thwarte certs are trusted and will get me
 past this problem.

 Jim Urban
 Product Manager
 Netsteps Inc.
 Suite 505E
 1 Pierce Pl.
 Itasca, IL  60143
 Voice:  (630) 250-3045 x2164
 Fax:  (630) 250-3046
   Datei: ATT258760.txt 

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Dynamic Servlet Loading

2001-12-14 Thread Krishnamurthy, Ramanathan


I am new to Tomcat/Servlets.

As I understand the servlet registration happens at startup time when the
web.xml file is read. 

Is there some way to make the Tomcat re-read the web.xml file OR does Tomcat
provide APIs to register servlet dynamically ? 

Thank you for your help,


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JNDI DataSource Question

2001-12-14 Thread Bhamidi Krishna


I had posted this question some time back and am posting just in case some 
one may have just missed it.

I am trying to get a JNDI connection to a datasource. For this I defined my 
datasource exactly as it is described in the Tomcat docs - define a resource 

When I try to connect, my context keeps returning me a NULL DataSource. I 
read thru all of the mails in the list, I could not get any definite 

Can someone who has solved the problem, please point me in the right 

Thankyou for the time,

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Re: Dynamic Servlet Loading

2001-12-14 Thread Bhamidi Krishna


there is a parameter that you define when you define a context in server.xml 
called reloadable = true. I guess it reloads your class at every hit.

Is this what you are looking for?

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RE: Try a different approach - What's wrong with catalina.session???

2001-12-14 Thread Cox, Charlie

 Craig said...
 This kind of problem indicates that your Tomcat installation 
 is somehow
 corrupted.  If it were really a bug, it would be happening 
 to everyone,
 not just to you.
 I suggest that you do the following:
 * Make sure you do not have anything in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext
  (most *especially* not things like servlet.jar or j2ee.jar,
  which are *guaranteed* to cause nothing but grief)
 RSH: WHY?  That is where you put these files to allow you to compile
 code.  Why should it cause Tomcat grief (esp. NOT 4.0 but only 4.0.1)
 unless the Tomcat jar loader code is now broken?
Actually you should use the CLASSPATH to compile code and not put things
into $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext. When you put things into this directory, the
bootstrapper loads the classes(not tomcat) and tomcat cannot load newer
versions of those libraries. 
So if you have the tomcat4.0 servlet.jar in that directory tomcat cannot
load the tc401servlet.jar since those classes are already loaded. I'm not
sure if servlet.jar file changed from 4.0 to 4.0.1, but that also goes for
any library that you may want to have different versions of for different
web apps.

You should review the classloader doc.


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RE: Running as service...

2001-12-14 Thread Guido Medina

 The standard exception it uses to throw is ClassNotFoundException, that's
why I copied the jars in the rigth place, the installation in the start/menu
uses the JRE inside program files instead the one in JAVA_HOME but it is not
a big deal, you just copy the jars into jre also and it will be better for a
future use, normally the best recommended when you use general classes for
example: activation.jar and mail.jar is to copy into three places: 1)
because those jars will be reachable for jsp, servlets, applications and so
on, so, the best is to duplicate the jars instead of put a patch on tomcat
installation, don't you thnik ?



P.S: That's my piece of advise...

-Original Message-
From: Gapinski, Gary (GEL, MSX) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 9:28 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Running as service...

Not sure if this is pertinent, but I have used a variant of the service
declaration found in the Microsoft-specific Tomcat 4.0.1 distribution to
declare alternate service definitions for Tomcat.

The program used can be found at The executable
has been renamed to tomcat.exe in the Microsoft-specific Tomcat

The JVM parameters must be declared in the service definition. The JVM to be
used is cited immediately after the -install argument, followed by any
number of JVM-specific arguments, followed by the -start, -stop, -out, -err,
and -current clauses.

Here's an example, which assumes JAVA_HOME, CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE
have been set in the environment:

set CATALINA_BASE=a separate Tomcat instance directory tree

%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\tomcat.exe -install Apache Tomcat Experimental
%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll -Xms128M -Xmx256M
-Dcatalina.home=%CATALINA_HOME% -Dcatalina.base=%CATALINA_BASE% -start
org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params start -stop
org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params stop -out
%CATALINA_BASE%\logs\stdout.log -err %CATALINA_BASE%\logs\stderr.log
-current %CATALINA_BASE%

To uninstall the service, use

%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\tomcat.exe -uninstall Apache Tomcat Experimental

The service name can be chosen at will.

If a service was declared for Tomcat upon its installation, a registry entry
resembling that which will be created by the above can be found in
could possibly be edited, but I have found the JavaService installer to be

I haven't used SSL, but perhaps some tweaking of the service declaration as
seen above might help.

-Original Message-
From: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 7:57 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Running as service...

I don't understand, What I should add to the registry ?, Will it be for the
entire system or only for my user ?, I guest I missed something but I don't


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 3:35 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Running as service...

I had the same problem and I had two different jre after installation of
jdk1.3. The one I installed and I was aware of I fixed with the jsse-libs
and this is the one I used within the bats but the service uses another
runtime that was installed automatically anywhere within program files. 

Check for the jre the service uses regedit.exe and put the jsse-libs
there, too. 


 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Worthstra?e 34
 D-50668 Koln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprungliche Nachricht-
Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2001 22:13
Betreff: Running as service...


  I have installed Tomcat 4.0.1 (the executable file that also installs the
service) on Windows 2000 Pro, and it works properly, I added the SSL
connector with the key and son, I also tested it, the problem is that is
only posible to start tomcat from the Command line with startup.bat, but not
with the service itself, what it could be ?, Enviroment variables ?, or what
?, I also tried it with startup and after https://myhost and it worked out
at all, but it doesnt start as a service with Start/Administrative
tools/Services/Apache tomcat/Start after put the SSL support inside

Thanks in advanced,


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AW: Keystore and SSL

2001-12-14 Thread Lauer, Oliver

Give me a second; I'll try to do on my own. 

 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jim Urban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001 14:30
An: Tomcat Users List
Betreff: RE: Keystore and SSL

Did just what you said.  The problem seems to be my cert is not trusted (I
created it myself using keytool).  I got a 14 day cert from Verisign, but
when I try to import it back into my root keystore I get an error from
keytool saying the passwords don't match.

I am getting to the point where I am about to give up on JWS.


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 4:11 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Keystore and SSL

What did you do exactly ?

Did you export your certificate by using keytool -export -alias tomcat -file
tomcat.cer and imported that in the jws-keystore by using -import ?


 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jim Urban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2001 17:04
An: Tomcat Users List
Betreff: RE: Keystore and SSL

I have gone into JWS and imported the keystore used by tomcat, but the
application still won't accept it.  I was told I need to use a real cert
with tomcat to get my application working.  So can I use the personal cert
from Thwarte I use to sign email with Tomcat?


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:33 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Keystore and SSL

You should tell your jws-application that it can trust TC by importing the
self generated TC certificate into the keystore your jws-application
operates against. See jsse-documentation for how to do it.

 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von:  Jim Urban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2001 16:12
 An:   Tomcat-User
 Betreff:  Keystore and SSL

 I am trying to write a Java Web Start application which will use SSL to
 talk to a servlet running on Tomcat.  If I don't use SSL my application
 can talk just fine to my servlet.  I also can run servlets on Tomcat using
 SSL without any problem.  However, when I use SSL I get the following
 error from my JWS application: untrusted
 server cert chain.  According to the JWS forum this is caused by my
 having created and signed my own cert for Tomcat's SSL.  Since I am only a
 single developer, I can not afford to go out and purchase a real cert at a
 cost of several hundred dollars.  I do however, have a personal cert from
 Thwarte I use to sign email.  Can I export this cert and build a keystore
 Tomcat can use?  I am assuming Thwarte certs are trusted and will get me
 past this problem.

 Jim Urban
 Product Manager
 Netsteps Inc.
 Suite 505E
 1 Pierce Pl.
 Itasca, IL  60143
 Voice:  (630) 250-3045 x2164
 Fax:  (630) 250-3046
   Datei: ATT258760.txt 

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Tomcat 4 Service SSL

2001-12-14 Thread Randy K. Secrist

I spent an evening this week setting up Tomcat with SSL  - generating the certificate 
and configuring Tomcat.  I was able to get it to work - Hooray!

However I noticed a problem that I haven't seen documented anywhere.  After I 
uncomment the SSL connector in server.xml - Tomcat 4.0.1 will no longer start as a 
service (using windows NT 2000 server.)  It does however start using startup.bat  

I am using a self generated ssl key - having followed the instructions in the 
documentation.  Can anyone tell me if it is possible to run ssl with it running as a 
service - and if not, is this a documented issue that will be resolved in future 
versions of Tomcat?

I don't think it is necessary that i post anything connector xml here, but if anyone 
thinks it might be necessary - i'll do it..



AW: Tomcat 4 Service SSL

2001-12-14 Thread Lauer, Oliver

Have a look at the messages below:

That's what I tried to tell but you explained it better than me :-) 

 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001 14:26
An: 'Tomcat Users List'
Betreff: RE: Running as service...

I found the main reason for this problem: when you download jsse 1.0.2 you
put the jar files into JAVA_HOME/lib/ext directory but you have to do it
also into Program Files/JavaSoft/JRE/lib/ext as well, that's why it works
out with the startup.bat file and not with the service by itself because on
the first case you execute the java_home/bin/java runtime but with the
service is the JRE...

Enjoy and get the experience with my case...


SSL is working properly...



-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 9:16 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Running as service...


I had similar problems and had two jre on my maschine. The one I used with
the bats and one the NT service was using. I only added the jsse-libs to the
jre the bats were using. 

You should add nothing to the registry. You should search the registry for
the jre the service is using or have a look for which jre the service uses
by regarding at something like
C:\WIN\Profiles\o66183\Startmenü\Programme\Apache Tomcat 4.0\Start

Looking at the properties of the link you see if the java.exe is the same
you are using within the bats. 


P.S. If that is not the problem it might be the location of the .keystore as
 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001 13:57
An: 'Tomcat Users List'
Betreff: RE: Running as service...

I don't understand, What I should add to the registry ?, Will it be for the
entire system or only for my user ?, I guest I missed something but I don't


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 3:35 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Running as service...

I had the same problem and I had two different jre after installation of
jdk1.3. The one I installed and I was aware of I fixed with the jsse-libs
and this is the one I used within the bats but the service uses another
runtime that was installed automatically anywhere within program files. 

Check for the jre the service uses regedit.exe and put the jsse-libs
there, too. 


 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2001 22:13
Betreff: Running as service...


  I have installed Tomcat 4.0.1 (the executable file that also installs the
service) on Windows 2000 Pro, and it works properly, I added the SSL
connector with the key and son, I also tested it, the problem is that is
only posible to start tomcat from the Command line with startup.bat, but not
with the service itself, what it could be ?, Enviroment variables ?, or what
?, I also tried it with startup and after https://myhost and it worked out
at all, but it doesnt start as a service with Start/Administrative
tools/Services/Apache tomcat/Start after put the SSL support inside

Thanks in advanced,


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Tomcat 3.3 and Apache Virtualhosts

2001-12-14 Thread Frank Thunig


I am running a apache webserver 1.3.20 with mod_jk and tomcat 3.3. I´d like configure 
tomcat in this way that i can match the webservers
virtualhosts entry with maybe contexts in tomcat configure file.
Does anyone has any experince in doing so and can tell me the best way to fit so.

Any help appreciated ! 
Frank Thunig

Re: Tomcat 4 Service SSL

2001-12-14 Thread Randy K. Secrist

Just did - :)  I have been looking for this for about a week now.  I
prepared my post last night - but apparently - it wasn't needed.  It must be
too early... :)


- Original Message -
From: Lauer, Oliver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 6:51 AM
Subject: AW: Tomcat 4 Service  SSL

 Have a look at the messages below:

 That's what I tried to tell but you explained it better than me :-)

  AXA eSolutions GmbH
  AXA Konzern AG Germany
  Oliver Lauer
  Web Architect
  Wörthstraße 34
  D-50668 Köln
  Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
  Fax: +49 221 148 43963
  Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001 14:26
 An: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Betreff: RE: Running as service...

 I found the main reason for this problem: when you download jsse 1.0.2 you
 put the jar files into JAVA_HOME/lib/ext directory but you have to do it
 also into Program Files/JavaSoft/JRE/lib/ext as well, that's why it works
 out with the startup.bat file and not with the service by itself because
 the first case you execute the java_home/bin/java runtime but with the
 service is the JRE...

 Enjoy and get the experience with my case...


 SSL is working properly...



 -Original Message-
 From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 9:16 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: AW: Running as service...


 I had similar problems and had two jre on my maschine. The one I used with
 the bats and one the NT service was using. I only added the jsse-libs to
 jre the bats were using.

 You should add nothing to the registry. You should search the registry for
 the jre the service is using or have a look for which jre the service uses
 by regarding at something like
 C:\WIN\Profiles\o66183\Startmenü\Programme\Apache Tomcat 4.0\Start

 Looking at the properties of the link you see if the java.exe is the same
 you are using within the bats.


 P.S. If that is not the problem it might be the location of the .keystore

  AXA eSolutions GmbH
  AXA Konzern AG Germany
  Oliver Lauer
  Web Architect
  Wörthstraße 34
  D-50668 Köln
  Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
  Fax: +49 221 148 43963
  Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001 13:57
 An: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Betreff: RE: Running as service...

 I don't understand, What I should add to the registry ?, Will it be for
 entire system or only for my user ?, I guest I missed something but I


 -Original Message-
 From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 3:35 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: AW: Running as service...

 I had the same problem and I had two different jre after installation of
 jdk1.3. The one I installed and I was aware of I fixed with the jsse-libs
 and this is the one I used within the bats but the service uses another
 runtime that was installed automatically anywhere within program files.

 Check for the jre the service uses regedit.exe and put the jsse-libs
 there, too.


  AXA eSolutions GmbH
  AXA Konzern AG Germany
  Oliver Lauer
  Web Architect
  Wörthstraße 34
  D-50668 Köln
  Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
  Fax: +49 221 148 43963
  Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Guido Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2001 22:13
 Betreff: Running as service...


   I have installed Tomcat 4.0.1 (the executable file that also installs
 service) on Windows 2000 Pro, and it works properly, I added the SSL
 connector with the key and son, I also tested it, the problem is that is
 only posible to start tomcat from the Command line with startup.bat, but
 with the service itself, what it could be ?, Enviroment variables ?, or
 ?, I also tried it with startup and after https://myhost and it worked out
 at all, but it doesnt start as a service with Start/Administrative
 tools/Services/Apache tomcat/Start after put the SSL support inside

 Thanks in advanced,


 Aus Rechts- und Sicherheitsgruenden ist die in dieser E-Mail gegebene
 Information nicht rechtsverbindlich. Eine rechtsverbindliche Bestaetigung
 reichen wir Ihnen gerne auf Anforderung in schriftlicher Form nach.
 Sie bitte, dass jede Form der unautorisierten Nutzung, Veroeffentlichung,
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 ist.Diese Nachricht  ist 

Does Apache or Tomcat handle this?

2001-12-14 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

If I run a JSP page in Tomcat 4.01 by itself , and after all the content gets 
converted to HTML, then the Tomcat http implementation displays the html content.  Now 
if I access the same JSP page through Apache via mod_webapp, does Apache or Tomcat 
display the html content? 

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Re: How can I see how many visitors we have right now?

2001-12-14 Thread Marcelo Gabriel Demestri Felip

Is it possible to see how many active sessions there are at a given moment?


If so, has anyone implemented a safe shutdown procedure for a TomCat
What I need is a mechanism that allows me to deny future requests for the
but allow the visitors that are active to finish their business and THEN
instead of killing the server while users are still on it.


You can utilize a global variable (session).  You set this variable for each 
user to permit or deny the access to the site. This for avoid the permision 
to new user and to allow the visitors that are active to finish their 


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RE: Dynamic Servlet Loading

2001-12-14 Thread Martin van den Bemt

I don't have a single servlet in the web.xml, so tomcat can handle them
automatically. If there is no use for it : don't use it ;)) Saves a lot of
maintainance.. So only put things in the web.xml that should be there (you
have to check the servlet spec for that to see the options).


-Original Message-
From: Krishnamurthy, Ramanathan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 14:32
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: Dynamic Servlet Loading


I am new to Tomcat/Servlets.

As I understand the servlet registration happens at startup time when the
web.xml file is read.

Is there some way to make the Tomcat re-read the web.xml file OR does Tomcat
provide APIs to register servlet dynamically ?

Thank you for your help,


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Servlet Mapping Q

2001-12-14 Thread Purcell, Scott

Yesterday I have been trying to use an init method to read the web.xml file
for some parameters. I am just trying to learn JSP/Servlets. Anyway, I know
I have the parameters in the web.xml file correct, but it still would not
read them. Then I got the following email from Larry that showed why this
did not work.

Subject: RE: web.inf still need help ... Please

Note that http://localhost:8080/servlet/cwp.ShowMessage
will not see the init parameter since the invoker servlet
(i.e. /servlet) is not part of the Servlet spec.  You
should include a servlet-mapping in the web.xml and
invoke the servlet using the url-pattern specified.  Then
the servlet should see the init parameters.


So I have searched for information about servlet-mapping and url-pattern. I
found some information, but have no clue what they are talking about. All I
can come up with is that fact that the generic /servlet does not see the
invoker servlet (/servlet). I can also see it configure under the server.cfg
file. But anyway, I would like to configure a /servletdir that I could then
use my web.xml file with. I am sure someone out there knows how do to this,
and I could really use the help.


Scott Purcell

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RE: Try a different approach - What's wrong with catalina.session ???

2001-12-14 Thread Jim Cheesman

Actually you should use the CLASSPATH to compile code and not put things
into $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext. When you put things into this directory, the
bootstrapper loads the classes(not tomcat) and tomcat cannot load newer
versions of those libraries.

Unless of course that's the behaviour you want... (For example to ensure 
the use of a stable library.)


   *   Jim Cheesman   *
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - (34)(91) 724 9200 x 2360
I have this nagging fear that 
everyone is out to make me paranoid.

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AW: Keystore and SSL

2001-12-14 Thread Lauer, Oliver

That are the steps I did:

1.) .keystore is the keystore of your Tomcat installation:
C:\Programs\JBUILDER\jdk1.3\binkeytool -export -keystore .keystore -alias
tomcat -file tomcat.cer
Enter keystore password:  changeit
Certificate stored in file tomcat.cer

2.) cacerts is the keystore your jws works against:
C:\Programs\JBUILDER\jdk1.3\binkeytool -import -keystore cacerts -file
Enter keystore password:  changeit
Owner:, OU=IT, O=AXA eSolutions GmbH, L=Cologne, ST=NRW,
Issuer:, OU=IT, O=AXA eSolutions GmbH, L=Cologne, ST=NRW,
Serial number: 3c1a05e3
Valid from: Fri Dec 14 15:00:03 GMT+01:00 2001 until: Thu Mar 14 15:00:03
GMT+01:00 2002
Certificate fingerprints:
 MD5:  26:C3:AA:01:1C:5E:E6:77:1E:C6:72:93:B3:7C:A5:0B
 SHA1: 29:62:C3:0C:18:98:17:39:A0:EB:D7:63:1B:B0:A4:AC:51:A3:3C:9F
Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes
Certificate was added to keystore

3.) The I listed the keystore of my jws again:
C:\Programs\JBUILDER\jdk1.3\binkeytool -list -keystore cacerts -alias
Enter keystore password:  changeit
tomcat, Fri Dec 14 15:12:57 GMT+01:00 2001, trustedCertEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5):

4.) Use that to debug the handshake of jws to TC

System.setProperty  (,all);


 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jim Urban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001 14:30
An: Tomcat Users List
Betreff: RE: Keystore and SSL

Did just what you said.  The problem seems to be my cert is not trusted (I
created it myself using keytool).  I got a 14 day cert from Verisign, but
when I try to import it back into my root keystore I get an error from
keytool saying the passwords don't match.

I am getting to the point where I am about to give up on JWS.


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 4:11 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Keystore and SSL

What did you do exactly ?

Did you export your certificate by using keytool -export -alias tomcat -file
tomcat.cer and imported that in the jws-keystore by using -import ?


 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jim Urban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2001 17:04
An: Tomcat Users List
Betreff: RE: Keystore and SSL

I have gone into JWS and imported the keystore used by tomcat, but the
application still won't accept it.  I was told I need to use a real cert
with tomcat to get my application working.  So can I use the personal cert
from Thwarte I use to sign email with Tomcat?


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:33 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: AW: Keystore and SSL

You should tell your jws-application that it can trust TC by importing the
self generated TC certificate into the keystore your jws-application
operates against. See jsse-documentation for how to do it.

 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von:  Jim Urban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2001 16:12
 An:   Tomcat-User
 Betreff:  Keystore and SSL

 I am trying to write a Java Web Start application which will use SSL to
 talk to a servlet running on Tomcat.  If I don't use SSL my application
 can talk just fine to my servlet.  I also can run servlets on Tomcat using
 SSL without any problem.  However, when I use SSL I get the following
 error from my JWS application: untrusted
 server cert chain.  According to the JWS forum this is caused by my
 having created and signed my own cert for Tomcat's SSL.  Since I am only a
 single developer, I can not afford to go out and purchase a real cert at a
 cost of several hundred dollars.  I do however, have a personal cert 

Re: please, help me!

2001-12-14 Thread Marcelo Gabriel Demestri Felip

I have a web aplication and this aplication read some
system properties and this is funcion corret in
tomcat, but now I want to put a copy of this
application and I want to read same system properties
but with other values that I will define. My question
is: Can I define two different shells (enviroment) in
tomcat (two context with a shell each one) in ordet to
manage two copys of that system properties?
I tried with two JVM's differents but I didn't get.



What kind of system properties?
The name of apps. is strongly the same? I think you can do this if the apps. 
names are different.


P.S.: excuseme, my english is not good! ;-)

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2001-12-14 Thread panditji

i'm facing problem starting tomcat...
when i'm giving tomcat start from command prompt its starting different DOS window 
with following text:
Context log: path=/examples Adding context path=/examples  docBase=webapps/
Context log: path= Adding context path=  docBase=webapps/ROOT
Context log: path=/test Adding context path=/test  docBase=webapps/test
Context log: path=/my Adding context path=/my  docBase=webapps/my
Starting tomcat. Check logs/tomcat.log for error messages
Starting tomcat install=c:\tomcat\binary home=C:\Tomcat\Binary classPath=c:
Context log: path=/admin Automatic context load docBase=C:\Tomcat\Binary\weba
Context log: path=/admin Adding context path=/admin  docBase=C:\Tomcat\Bina
and the window remains open 
while tomcat log file is showing following text:
Starting endpoint port=8080 
Starting endpoint port=8007 
while i try to open http://localhost:8080 its not opening.

Please help me out.



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i'm facing problem starting tomcat...
when i'm giving tomcat start from command prompt its starting different DOS window 
with following text:
Context log: path=/examples Adding context path=/examples  docBase=webapps/
Context log: path= Adding context path=  docBase=webapps/ROOT
Context log: path=/test Adding context path=/test  docBase=webapps/test
Context log: path=/my Adding context path=/my  docBase=webapps/my
Starting tomcat. Check logs/tomcat.log for error messages
Starting tomcat install=c:\tomcat\binary home=C:\Tomcat\Binary classPath=c:
Context log: path=/admin Automatic context load docBase=C:\Tomcat\Binary\weba
Context log: path=/admin Adding context path=/admin  docBase=C:\Tomcat\Bina
and the window remains open 
while tomcat log file is showing following text:
Starting endpoint port=8080 
Starting endpoint port=8007 
while i try to open http://localhost:8080 its not opening.

Please help me out.



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Tomcat and IIS Error 500

2001-12-14 Thread Jim Urban

I have installed Tomcat 4.0 on a client machine running Win 2K Server.  IIS
is also installed and running on this server.  I followed the instructions
for attaching Tomcat to IIS as listed on the Tomcat web site.  I also added
my application to the file.  After following all the
instructions, I rebooted the server and Tomcat and IIS both started.  I can
access my app via port 8080.  If I try to access it through IIS I get an
error 500.  Any ideas what is causing this?


Jim Urban
Product Manager
Netsteps Inc.
Suite 505E
1 Pierce Pl.
Itasca, IL  60143
Voice:  (630) 250-3045 x2164
Fax:  (630) 250-3046

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RE: Dynamic Servlet Loading

2001-12-14 Thread Krishnamurthy, Ramanathan

Thanks for your input Martin and Krishna.

If you don't put servlet descriptors in web.xml, how else do you publish it
? I guess my question is which APIs in Tomcat (catalina) do you use to
deploy a new servlet without bringing down Apache/Tomcat.



 -Original Message-
 From: Martin van den Bemt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 9:04 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: Dynamic Servlet Loading
 I don't have a single servlet in the web.xml, so tomcat can 
 handle them
 automatically. If there is no use for it : don't use it ;)) 
 Saves a lot of
 maintainance.. So only put things in the web.xml that should 
 be there (you
 have to check the servlet spec for that to see the options).
 -Original Message-
 From: Krishnamurthy, Ramanathan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 14:32
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: Dynamic Servlet Loading
 I am new to Tomcat/Servlets.
 As I understand the servlet registration happens at startup 
 time when the
 web.xml file is read.
 Is there some way to make the Tomcat re-read the web.xml file 
 OR does Tomcat
 provide APIs to register servlet dynamically ?
 Thank you for your help,
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Re: Tomcat and IIS Error 500

2001-12-14 Thread Andy Soedibjo

Could you tell me your configuration of your servlet, and the error message?


At 08:47 14/12/2001 -0600, you wrote:
I have installed Tomcat 4.0 on a client machine running Win 2K Server.  IIS
is also installed and running on this server.  I followed the instructions
for attaching Tomcat to IIS as listed on the Tomcat web site.  I also added
my application to the file.  After following all the
instructions, I rebooted the server and Tomcat and IIS both started.  I can
access my app via port 8080.  If I try to access it through IIS I get an
error 500.  Any ideas what is causing this?


Jim Urban
Product Manager
Netsteps Inc.
Suite 505E
1 Pierce Pl.
Itasca, IL  60143
Voice:  (630) 250-3045 x2164
Fax:  (630) 250-3046

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Servlet, Bean Standalone

2001-12-14 Thread renyu teng

Hi guys,

I need your help.

I try to use bean to connect EJB managed by JBOSS. If
I use standalone java program to access the data in
JBOSS, everything is perfect. But if I use the a jsp
page which in turn uses a Bean to access Jboss, then I
got the following msg:

javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name cd is not
bound in this Context

where cd is part of my jndi directory:

could anyone tell me what the difference between the
two approach mentioned above? I means I should be able
to access data in jboss right? I believe I have set
resouce description in web.xml correctly, but I am not
sure whether I need it or not.

I am lost.

thank you.

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RE: classloader oddities

2001-12-14 Thread Cox, Charlie

I also noticed that I had to put the xalan.jar for xalan2 in the common\lib
directory in order to be able to use it. I also had xalan1 at the time ,
which I had in the common\lib with xalan2 in the webapp\web-inf\lib, but I
had problems with it, so I switched the two, moving xalan2 to the
\common\lib and xalan1 to the other webapp's lib dir and everything worked

My servlet's init() compiled the xsl stylesheet, so I it was getting an
error and that was causing tomcat to not start up. I figured it was due to
the different xalan versions, but now that I moved off of xalan1, I haven't
needed to try it in the webapps lib dir.

If you look at the classloader heireachy, it will load webapp\web-inf\lib
before \common\lib, so if the xalan library has the same classes as a
library in \common\lib, then it could cause this problem.


 -Original Message-
 From: Dan 'Dante' Tenenbaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 6:13 PM
 Subject: classloader oddities
 I just upgraded to Tomcat 4.01 from 3.1 on a Windows 2000 machine.
 I have some classes that I want to be visible from all 
 webapps so I put them in 
 $CATALINA_HOME/classes/com/mysite/mypackage and I put the 
 JARs I need in $CATALINA_HOME/lib.
 Now, in the web.xml of a particular webapp, I set 
 servlet-class to a simple Hello, world servlet. When I 
 invoke that servlet from the browser it works fine.
 If I change that servlet-class to the class I really want 
 it to be, a class that requires xalan.jar, and restart 
 tomcat, tomcat never starts (it gets stuck between starting 
 Tomcat-Standalone and Tomcat-Apache). The same thing happens 
 when I move my classes to 
 webapp-home/WEB-INF/classes/com/mysite/mypackage and my 
 jars to webapp-home/WEB-INF/lib.
 Here's the really weird part. I can get my servlet to run if 
 I do the following steps:
 1) In web.xml for my webapp, change servlet-class to point 
 to my innocous Hello, World servlet. 
 2) Start tomcat
 3) Using the tomcat Manager app, stop this webapp
 3) change web.xml so that servlet-class points to where I 
 really want it to point to (the class that uses classes in xalan.jar)
 4) Using the tomcat Manager app, I start the webapp
 If I do all that, I can run my webapp. If I simply try and 
 start tomcat (with servlet-class pointing where it should 
 be pointing) I cannot.
 One other thing I noticed; I think xalan.jar is partially to 
 blame here. If I remove xalan.jar (the version from jdk1.3) 
 from webapp-home/WEB-INF/lib (or $CATALINA_HOME/lib, 
 whichever place I have it in), the server will start. Of 
 course, I can't run my servlet, so this is small comfort.
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Re: strange error

2001-12-14 Thread Peter Georgiou


I don't know how this error appeared.  I'm running Tomcat 4 on win2k, and I
get the following error in my console when I start tomcat:

Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
Apache Tomcat/4.0
ERROR reading
At Line 57 /web-app/servlet/

Starting service Tomcat-Apache
Apache Tomcat/4.0

Toncat runs, but does not work, can someone please help me with this?



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MySQL DataSource using Tomcat 4

2001-12-14 Thread Diego Castillo

Hello again,

I'm sorry for sending a second message on the same problem, but this is the
second day I am stuck with this problem.

I try to configure a DataSource to MySQL using Tomcat 4.0.1. The JNDI
binding is created, but the object found through the ENC is null (not
initialised). I use the following resource definition:

Resource name=jdbc/pim auth=Container type=javax.sql.DataSource/
ResourceParams name=jdbc/pim

My database does not require any login/password. I manage to run my JSP on a
different servlet container: same code, same JNDI binding, same database,
same URL, etc.

Has anybody ever managed to create a pool to MySQL using Tomcat? Where can I
find some further documentation on the possible parameters to be used for
the ResourceParams tag? The standard documentation looks really insufficient
to me on this point...

Thanks for any help you can offer.


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RE: Tomcat 4 Service SSL

2001-12-14 Thread Guido Medina

put the *.jar from jsse 1.0.2 into three locations as standard from now:

2) JAVA_HOME/lib/ext
3) JRE_HOME/lib/ext (Normally for JDK 1.3.1_01 is Program

That's it...

It is not a bug, it is an enviroment problem...


-Original Message-
From: Randy K. Secrist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 9:48 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Tomcat 4 Service  SSL

I spent an evening this week setting up Tomcat with SSL  - generating the
certificate and configuring Tomcat.  I was able to get it to work - Hooray!

However I noticed a problem that I haven't seen documented anywhere.  After
I uncomment the SSL connector in server.xml - Tomcat 4.0.1 will no longer
start as a service (using windows NT 2000 server.)  It does however start
using startup.bat  

I am using a self generated ssl key - having followed the instructions in
the documentation.  Can anyone tell me if it is possible to run ssl with it
running as a service - and if not, is this a documented issue that will be
resolved in future versions of Tomcat?

I don't think it is necessary that i post anything connector xml here, but
if anyone thinks it might be necessary - i'll do it..



How good of a web server is Tomcat 4.0.1?

2001-12-14 Thread JStanczak

How good is Tomcat as a web server? The reason I ask is because I'm think
of using Tomcat instead of Apache as my web server because most of my work
is going to be servlets or jsp. I've tried to use webapp_mob with no luck.
I started to use jk_mod, but the documentation that I read shows it being
used as a virtual host only. Plus I can't seem to find where to download
the If I set up a web connector I would want it to go by
directory not ip. So if I made a request like it would access Apache, but if I
requested it would access tomcat. The
documentation that I have is very poor and only shows virtual hosts. Has
anyone else used just Tomcat and what kind of luck have you had with it?

Thank You,

Justin A. Stanczak
Web Manager
Shake Learning Resource Center
Vincennes University

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Question about the javax.sql.DataSource Tomcat implementation

2001-12-14 Thread Chris Mein

I would just like confirmation of the following please:

From reading the JNDI Resource HOW-TO file it sounds like Tomcat 4.0
provides a J2EE 1.3 like pooled connection service if the given
configuration is followed.

I also read a message from Craig McClanahan which said:

For the JDBC data source resource, the returned object is an instance
of javax.sql.DataSource -- i.e. a connection factory that you then call
to ask for a database connection.  The connection pool itself is
provided by Tomcat.

My query is whether the connections that I request say by doing the

Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup(java:comp/env);
DataSource ds = (DataSource)envCtx.lookup(jdbc/geldev);
Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

Will come from a pre-created pool avoid creation overheads? If this is
in fact what happens where do I configure how many connections I want?
There seems to be no such configuration information in the server.conf


Chris Mein

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RE: Sticky session with Tomcat 4.0 and mod_jk

2001-12-14 Thread Subbu Kaleyathodi

I found some documentation on 4.0.1 which says that the AJP connector in
4.0.1 does not support load balancing. Does this mean that I cannot use
sticky sessions using Tomcat 4.0.1 (because mod_jk relies on AJP connector).
Is that true? OR does it mean that it will provide sticky sessions, but load
balancing is random.

What is the latest version of Tomcat that will support load balancing with
sticky sessions (using URL rewriting) with some kind of random load

Subbu Kaleyathodi

-Original Message-
From: Andrew McGhee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 6:20 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Sticky session with Tomcat 4.0 and mod_jk

Good posting - We are assuming that mod_jk is in essence similar / superset
of mod_jserv, of which
the following information appears to be excelent regarding failover.

Is this still valid for mod_jk as well? (accounting for changes in
configuration to do loadbalancing for mod_jk)

-Original Message-
From: Subbu Kaleyathodi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 14 December 2001 06:56
Subject: Sticky session with Tomcat 4.0 and mod_jk

Hi All,

We are using Tomcat 4.0.1 with Tomcat and would like to use mod_jk as the
connector from Apache to Tomcat. The main reason for going with mod_jk is
because I read some snippets of documentation that mentioned that it
supported sticky sessions. But I haven't found anything comprehensive on
this topic. 

I wanted to find out of people have used mod_jk with Tomcat 4.0.1 for sticky
sessions (one of our requirements is that we not use cookies - we will be
using URL rewriting). Also I am not clear what is th advantage of using
mod_webapp over mod_jk (BTW, does mod_webapp support sticky sessions).

Any help is appreciated

Subbu Kaleyathodi

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Tomcat-as-an-NT-service startup failure

2001-12-14 Thread Kevin HaleBoyes

I just installed j2sdk1.3.1, Tomcat4, and the IIS redirector stuff
posted by Andrew Bruno.  It all seems to work fine except on the
initial startup of the machine.  If I manually start the Tomcat
service then everything works great but when I reboot the machine,
the Tomcat service _fails_ to start.  I get the following message
in the application section of the Event Viewer: The Java Virtual
Machine has exited with a code of 1, the service is being stopped.

But, like I said above, I can then go into the service admin program
and start Tomcat. Does anyone have any idea why the JVM is exiting
or how I can find out what it all means (what is code 1)?

I'm using the latest jdk, tomcat, redirector on Win2K
 (+sp1+hot patches).


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Re: somebody trying hack me, what they really wanted?

2001-12-14 Thread Amine AMAR

I'm on two different servers
- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: somebody trying hack me, what they really wanted?

 just for statistics, how many of you run tomcat
 directly without apache/iis, with your machine
 being on the internet.
 All the responses for this thread indicate they
 do so. Be careful, I know of one machine which
 was compromised and which had tomcat on 80.
 although I am not sure that hack was through
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Tomcat 4.0.1 SessionManager

2001-12-14 Thread Oto Buchta

I'm trying to use SessionManager for swapping sessions.
It seem work, but only for the time when the active session is swapped.
All objects stored in session are serializable and serialization doesn't 
throw any exception (I've added logging messages around them).

After swapping of the nonactive sessions ALL the sessions (also active 
sessions) are reloaded from the files and ALL values stored in the current 
sessions are replaced by the old values. It seems stupid, isn't it?

It may be problem of my server.xml, but ...

My server.xml confiugration is:
 !-- Dialogus Context --
Context path="/dialogus" docBase="dialogus" debug="0"
  Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
 prefix="dialogus" suffix=".log"
  Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager"
Store className="org.apache.catalina.session.FileStore"/

Thanks for all hint,
Oto 'tapik' Buchta

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JSP in Apache document root

2001-12-14 Thread Jason Webber

Is there any way that I can make it so that I can use JSP pages in my
apache document root but keep the tomcat document root seperate that
contains the servlets and other class in web-inf?
 I just want to be able to have my jsp pages with my normal html pages
and image files sort of like I used to do with PHP files before I switch
to java.

Tomcat 3.3
Apache 1.3.22
Win 2k


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Re: JSP in Apache document root

2001-12-14 Thread RSEQUEIRA

Jason Webber [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/14/2001 11:11:36 AM

Please respond to Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:  JSP in Apache document root

Is there any way that I can make it so that I can use JSP pages in my
apache document root but keep the tomcat document root seperate that
contains the servlets and other class in web-inf?

You could create a servlet context that maps to your apache document root.
Modify your server.xml

 I just want to be able to have my jsp pages with my normal html pages
and image files sort of like I used to do with PHP files before I switch
to java.

Tomcat 3.3
Apache 1.3.22
Win 2k


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Re: Query: Reloadable

2001-12-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 14:29:43 +0530
 Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Query: Reloadable

 What shall I do if I have to make my Tomcat 4.1 autoreloadable. i.e.
 it should reload the app whenever there is change in .class files.
 This is a development server not a production server. Around 50 apps r
 there and I don't want to use manager app.

Put a Context element in your server.xml file, with reloadable=true
inside.  Note that this only works on classes loaded from /WEB-INF/classes
or /WEB-INF/lib.

You might also want to shorten the timeout at which Tomcat checks for
updated classes (default is 15 seconds):

  Context path=... docBase=... reloadable=true
Loader checkInterval=5/

For more info on server.xml configuration settings, see the Server
Configuration Reference in the docs shipped with Tomcat, or available
online at:

 Thanks in Advance



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Re: MySQL DataSource using Tomcat 4

2001-12-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

You also need the database username and password (in the user and
password parameters, respectively).  More info in the JNDI How-To, which
is part of the docs shipped with Tomcat and also available online.


On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Diego Castillo wrote:

 Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 10:18:58 +0100
 From: Diego Castillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: MySQL DataSource using Tomcat 4

 Hi all!

 I have a JSP that must fetch some information from a MySQL database.
 Everything works fine if I create manually a DataSource in my code: pool =

 Now I would like Tomcat to create this DataSource object at start-up and
 find it using JNDI ENC. My code looks like:

   InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
   DataSource pool =
 (DataSource) initialContext.lookup(java:comp/env/jdbc/pim);

 This code does find a DataSource object, but it seems that the object found
 is not initialised. I have tried many different combinations for my
 server.xml file, but it just looks impossible to figure out what the
 problem is. The JDBC driver is below common/lib and I am using Tomcat in
 standalone mode. My server.xml file looks like:

   Context path= docBase=pim debug=0
 Resource name=jdbc/pim auth=Container type=javax.sql.DataSource/
 ResourceParams name=jdbc/pim

 Does anybody know what is happening? How do I instruct tyrex about the
 factory it should use?

 Any help would be welcome!

 Diego Castillo

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Re: Does Apache or Tomcat handle this?

2001-12-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Kemp Randy-W18971 wrote:

 Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 07:55:06 -0600
 From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Does Apache or Tomcat handle this?

 If I run a JSP page in Tomcat 4.01 by itself , and after all the
 content gets converted to HTML, then the Tomcat http implementation
 displays the html content.  Now if I access the same JSP page through
 Apache via mod_webapp, does Apache or Tomcat display the html content?

Tomcat creates the HTML and returns it to Apache, which then sends it to
your browser.  In a sense, Apache acts as a proxy server in this

  --- Request ------ Request --
  Browser  Apache Tomcat
  -- Response ----- Response ---


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RE: Dynamic Servlet Loading

2001-12-14 Thread RSEQUEIRA

You do not need to if your application exists under TOMCAT_HOME/webapps.
The classes are automatically picked up.
Set the reloadable property to true in the Context definition. This way
if you happen to make changes to an existing servlet then it is loaded
automatically too.


Krishnamurthy, Ramanathan [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/14/2001
08:55:28 AM

Please respond to Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  RE: Dynamic Servlet Loading

Thanks for your input Martin and Krishna.

If you don't put servlet descriptors in web.xml, how else do you publish it
? I guess my question is which APIs in Tomcat (catalina) do you use to
deploy a new servlet without bringing down Apache/Tomcat.



 -Original Message-
 From: Martin van den Bemt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 9:04 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: Dynamic Servlet Loading

 I don't have a single servlet in the web.xml, so tomcat can
 handle them
 automatically. If there is no use for it : don't use it ;))
 Saves a lot of
 maintainance.. So only put things in the web.xml that should
 be there (you
 have to check the servlet spec for that to see the options).


 -Original Message-
 From: Krishnamurthy, Ramanathan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 14:32
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: Dynamic Servlet Loading


 I am new to Tomcat/Servlets.

 As I understand the servlet registration happens at startup
 time when the
 web.xml file is read.

 Is there some way to make the Tomcat re-read the web.xml file
 OR does Tomcat
 provide APIs to register servlet dynamically ?

 Thank you for your help,


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RE: MySQL DataSource using Tomcat 4

2001-12-14 Thread Diego Castillo

Hello Craig,

Thanks for your answer. I have tried your suggestion, but I still have the
same problem: the object I found using JNDI ENC is not initialised, it's
null. This is normal because I have set up my MySQL database so that it
requires no login/password for the moment.

I am using the following resource definition:
Resource name=jdbc/pim auth=Container type=javax.sql.DataSource/
ResourceParams name=jdbc/pim

I have read the JNDI How-To hundreds of times, but I am still missing


-Message d'origine-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]De la part de Craig R.
Envoye : vendredi 14 decembre 2001 18:40
A : Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Objet : Re: MySQL DataSource using Tomcat 4

You also need the database username and password (in the user and
password parameters, respectively).  More info in the JNDI How-To, which
is part of the docs shipped with Tomcat and also available online.


On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Diego Castillo wrote:

 Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 10:18:58 +0100
 From: Diego Castillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: MySQL DataSource using Tomcat 4

 Hi all!

 I have a JSP that must fetch some information from a MySQL database.
 Everything works fine if I create manually a DataSource in my code: pool =

 Now I would like Tomcat to create this DataSource object at start-up and
 find it using JNDI ENC. My code looks like:

   InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
   DataSource pool =
 (DataSource) initialContext.lookup(java:comp/env/jdbc/pim);

 This code does find a DataSource object, but it seems that the object
 is not initialised. I have tried many different combinations for my
 server.xml file, but it just looks impossible to figure out what the
 problem is. The JDBC driver is below common/lib and I am using Tomcat in
 standalone mode. My server.xml file looks like:

   Context path= docBase=pim debug=0
 Resource name=jdbc/pim auth=Container
 ResourceParams name=jdbc/pim

 Does anybody know what is happening? How do I instruct tyrex about the
 factory it should use?

 Any help would be welcome!

 Diego Castillo

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RE: Dynamic Servlet Loading

2001-12-14 Thread Krishnamurthy, Ramanathan


Thanks for your reply.

Sorry for not defining my problem clearly.

I want to load completely new servlets in runtime. A concrete example would
be as follows:

- An application is fooApp exists under webapps. 
- in webapps/fooApp/WEB-INF/web.xml I have one entry for say Servlet_A
with a class Server_A_Impl
- At a later point in time (while Tomcat is still running) I want to add a
completely new servlet say Servlet_B with a class Servelet_B_Impl to
- At a later point in time (while Tomcat is still running) I want to add a
another new servlet say Servlet_C with a class Servelet_C_Impl to

Would Tomcat re-read webapps/fooApp/WEB-INF/web.xml and deploy this new
servlets by some means (say by setting reloadable to true) ?

Probably I am missing some basic concept here. 



 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 12:52 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: Dynamic Servlet Loading
 You do not need to if your application exists under 
 The classes are automatically picked up.
 Set the reloadable property to true in the Context 
 definition. This way
 if you happen to make changes to an existing servlet then it is loaded
 automatically too.

Ramanathan Krishnamurthy
AP Engines, Inc.
Five Clock Tower Place, Suite 250
Maynard, MA  01754

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RE: Dynamic Servlet Loading

2001-12-14 Thread RSEQUEIRA

Krishnamurthy, Ramanathan [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/14/2001
12:32:17 PM

Please respond to Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  RE: Dynamic Servlet Loading


Thanks for your reply.

Sorry for not defining my problem clearly.

I want to load completely new servlets in runtime. A concrete example would
be as follows:

- An application is fooApp exists under webapps.
- in webapps/fooApp/WEB-INF/web.xml I have one entry for say Servlet_A
with a class Server_A_Impl
- At a later point in time (while Tomcat is still running) I want to add a
completely new servlet say Servlet_B with a class Servelet_B_Impl to
- At a later point in time (while Tomcat is still running) I want to add a
another new servlet say Servlet_C with a class Servelet_C_Impl to

Would Tomcat re-read webapps/fooApp/WEB-INF/web.xml and deploy this new
servlets by some means (say by setting reloadable to true) ?

Tomcat reads each web.xml for every web app only when it is started. TC
doesn't read it everytime you make changes it. But as I said instead of
using the name, you could use the class name (and if in a package then
packagename.classname) to access your servlet w/o restarting TC. But trying
to access with the servlet-name won't work w/o a restart.

Probably I am missing some basic concept here.




 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 12:52 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: Dynamic Servlet Loading

 You do not need to if your application exists under
 The classes are automatically picked up.
 Set the reloadable property to true in the Context
 definition. This way
 if you happen to make changes to an existing servlet then it is loaded
 automatically too.


Ramanathan Krishnamurthy
AP Engines, Inc.
Five Clock Tower Place, Suite 250
Maynard, MA  01754

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Re: JNDI DataSource Question

2001-12-14 Thread Micael Padraig Og mac Grene

At 01:34 PM 12/14/01 +, you wrote:

I had posted this question some time back and am posting just in case some 
one may have just missed it.

I am trying to get a JNDI connection to a datasource. For this I defined 
my datasource exactly as it is described in the Tomcat docs - define a 
resource in WEB.XML and in SERVER.XML

When I try to connect, my context keeps returning me a NULL DataSource. I 
read thru all of the mails in the list, I could not get any definite pointers.

Can someone who has solved the problem, please point me in the right 

Thankyou for the time,

Your problem inevitably has to be that your code is referencing something 
that is not being found.  That leaves two potential problems: (1) you don't 
have your data source from your service provider in the right place; (2) 
you don't have a reference as required to where you have the 
datasource.  If you have the data source in the right place, there should 
be a default reference, so (1) is probably it.  Where do you have the data 
source sitting?

-- micael

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Anybody using Tomcat 4 under Jboss?

2001-12-14 Thread Scott Hodson

Is anybody using Tomcat 4x under Jboss?  We are scoping out a new project
and want to use Tomcat 4 and Jboss but the Jboss that seems to support
Tomcat 4 is still in beta.  Anybody know when Tomcat 4x will be fully
supported/released on Jboss?

Scott Hodson

Re: JNDI DataSource Question

2001-12-14 Thread Bhamidi Krishna


Thankyou for the mail.

my datasource is sitting on the local computer and I can connect with a 
normal JDBC Connection. The same driver properties I use to create a 
datasource in server.xml and it fails.

I thought it can be a problem like Tomcat failing if we have the servlet.jar 
in java/lib/ext, so I cleaned it out.

Any pointers?


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Re: somebody trying hack me, what they really wanted?

2001-12-14 Thread Denis Balazuc

I do

- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 04:28 AM
Subject: Re: somebody trying hack me, what they really wanted?

 just for statistics, how many of you run tomcat
 directly without apache/iis, with your machine
 being on the internet.
 All the responses for this thread indicate they
 do so. Be careful, I know of one machine which
 was compromised and which had tomcat on 80.
 although I am not sure that hack was through
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Re: JNDI DataSource Question

2001-12-14 Thread Micael Padraig Og mac Grene

At 07:07 PM 12/14/01 +, you wrote:

Thankyou for the mail.

my datasource is sitting on the local computer and I can connect with a 
normal JDBC Connection. The same driver properties I use to create a 
datasource in server.xml and it fails.

I thought it can be a problem like Tomcat failing if we have the 
servlet.jar in java/lib/ext, so I cleaned it out.

Any pointers?


I hate to ask silly questions, but because you provide no details, I have 
to guess.  You are using javax, right?

-- micael

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tomcat 3.2.1 to 3.3 custom realm Context Interceptor

2001-12-14 Thread Adam Paeth

As stated in previous postings, I'm trying to get our application ported to
tomcat 3.3.  I'm looking through our server.xml file and there are a few
customizations that I'm trying to figure out the 3.3 equivalent (from

I have a custom realm based on the JDBCrealm, but does quite a bit more.
The entry in the Server.xml was

requestInterceptor className=our custom class /

I'm guessing that the new entry should go in a app-x.xml file, but I'm
reading the documentation and getting nowhere fast.

Second, we have an Interceptor that was written to do some initialization.
Should this go into the app-.xml file as well?  What tag should I use?

Thanks for any help in advance,
Adam Paeth

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Can Error 500 (Internal Server Error) be caught with an error-page

2001-12-14 Thread Casey Bragg

I've asked this question about previous versions...  but now I'm using

Can Error 500 be redirected to a pretty error-page yet?

The following in context/WEB-INF/web.xml does not work :



Casey Bragg - Software Engineer
Allegiance Telecom, Inc.  Dallas, TX
469-259-2702 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: MySQL DataSource using Tomcat 4

2001-12-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

The thing to remembert is that the ENC does *not* use MySQL's own
connection pool implementation -- it uses its own (Tyrex).  And Tyrex's
mechanism for connectiong to the database requires logging on with a
username and password.


On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Diego Castillo wrote:

 Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 19:16:39 +0100
 From: Diego Castillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: MySQL DataSource using Tomcat 4

 Hello Craig,

 Thanks for your answer. I have tried your suggestion, but I still have the
 same problem: the object I found using JNDI ENC is not initialised, it's
 null. This is normal because I have set up my MySQL database so that it
 requires no login/password for the moment.

 I am using the following resource definition:
 Resource name=jdbc/pim auth=Container type=javax.sql.DataSource/
 ResourceParams name=jdbc/pim

 I have read the JNDI How-To hundreds of times, but I am still missing


 -Message d'origine-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]De la part de Craig R.
 Envoye : vendredi 14 decembre 2001 18:40
 A : Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Objet : Re: MySQL DataSource using Tomcat 4

 You also need the database username and password (in the user and
 password parameters, respectively).  More info in the JNDI How-To, which
 is part of the docs shipped with Tomcat and also available online.


 On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Diego Castillo wrote:

  Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 10:18:58 +0100
  From: Diego Castillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: MySQL DataSource using Tomcat 4
  Hi all!
  I have a JSP that must fetch some information from a MySQL database.
  Everything works fine if I create manually a DataSource in my code: pool =
  Now I would like Tomcat to create this DataSource object at start-up and
  find it using JNDI ENC. My code looks like:
InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
DataSource pool =
  (DataSource) initialContext.lookup(java:comp/env/jdbc/pim);
  This code does find a DataSource object, but it seems that the object
  is not initialised. I have tried many different combinations for my
  server.xml file, but it just looks impossible to figure out what the
  problem is. The JDBC driver is below common/lib and I am using Tomcat in
  standalone mode. My server.xml file looks like:
Context path= docBase=pim debug=0
  Resource name=jdbc/pim auth=Container
  ResourceParams name=jdbc/pim
  Does anybody know what is happening? How do I instruct tyrex about the
  factory it should use?
  Any help would be welcome!
  Diego Castillo
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Tomcat and client certificate

2001-12-14 Thread Philippe Chataigner


I try to retrieve the client certificate in a servlet
With tomcat 3, i use this instrcuction
And it's work good but not with Tomcat 4.

I've test with the script printenv and the SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFCATE return
the certificate.

Is there something more to do with tomcat 4 ?

I use  Apache 1.3.22, Openssl 0.9.6.b, modssl 2.8.5 .3.22, Tomcat 4.0.1

Any help would be welcome!

Philippe Chataigner

Ps : sorry for my english.


Philippe Chataigner
Spécialiste Internet/Intranet

Développement d'applications, Formation, Audit , Conseil
74 rue Marcellin Duval
29200 Brest
Tél : 02 98 47 81 97 Portable 06 64 12 81 97Fax : 02 98 47 81 97

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RE: tomcat 3.2.1 to 3.3 custom realm Context Interceptor

2001-12-14 Thread Ignacio J. Ortega

 De: Adam Paeth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Enviado el: viernes 14 de diciembre de 2001 20:55

 requestInterceptor className=our custom class /

Yes this must work without problems..

 I'm guessing that the new entry should go in a app-x.xml 

Well , you can put it at several places:

.- in the server.xml file, with the syntax you name, and will serve as
global realm, 

.- inside a context element( and thus possibly in apps-*.xml ) as
context particular realm , it's used in addition to the global one, if
the user it's not authenticated in the global realm, 

hope that helps..

Saludos ,
Ignacio J. Ortega

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RE: tomcat 3.2.1 to 3.3 custom realm Context Interceptor

2001-12-14 Thread Larry Isaacs

The RequestInterceptor className=... / is still supported
in server.xml for Tomcat 3.3.  The perferred way, to keep the
syntax simple, is to define a mapping like:

module name=MyModule javaClass=pkg.MyClass/

that would allow you to use MyModule .../ in server.xml.
Such a mapping could be added to conf/modules.xml or in
a separate file with a name that fits the pattern modules-*.xml
with contents like:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
module name=MyModule javaClass=pkg.MyClass/


 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Paeth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 2:55 PM
 To: Tomcat User List
 Subject: tomcat 3.2.1 to 3.3 custom realm  Context Interceptor
 As stated in previous postings, I'm trying to get our 
 application ported to
 tomcat 3.3.  I'm looking through our server.xml file and 
 there are a few
 customizations that I'm trying to figure out the 3.3 equivalent (from
 I have a custom realm based on the JDBCrealm, but does quite 
 a bit more.
 The entry in the Server.xml was
 requestInterceptor className=our custom class /
 I'm guessing that the new entry should go in a app-x.xml 
 file, but I'm
 reading the documentation and getting nowhere fast.
 Second, we have an Interceptor that was written to do some 
 Should this go into the app-.xml file as well?  What tag 
 should I use?
 Thanks for any help in advance,
 Adam Paeth
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Re: Errors building mod_webapp for Apache 1.3

2001-12-14 Thread Craig McDaniel

I took this adventure home to my Mandrake 8.1 box and was able to
compile mod_webapp just fine. All the other machines I tried it on
were running Debian Woody, and the apxs script did not work on any of
these. Are there any Debian gurus on this list who have compiled
mod_webapp and/or experienced these difficulties?

On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 09:44:01AM -0600, Brian Adams wrote:
 It looks like there may by a problem with your apxs script.
 if you don't know wa.h is in the webapps include and I see it here being -I
 I had problems with apxs and had to change some lines in it.  1.3.22 sounds
 kinda new, I am surprised that it did not work there.
 maybe you can INCLUDE the includes in the Makfile in apache1.3 directory.
 just a thought.
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 9:18 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Errors building mod_webapp for Apache 1.3
 I have checked out the latest cvs version of jakarta-tomcat-connectors
 and followed the build instructions for webapp. On two different
 systems (apache 1.3.9/22), I consitenly get the following error:
 make[2]: Entering directory
 { APXS_LDFLAGS_SHLIB=`/usr/bin/apxs -q LDFLAGS_SHLIB` \
 -lm -lcrypt -lnsl -ldl ; \
 APXS_CFLAGS=`/usr/bin/apxs -q CFLAGS` \
 -g -O2 \
 -g -O2 \
 -I/home/craigm/src/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/webapp/apr/include \
 -I/home/craigm/src/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/webapp/include \
  ; \
 APXS_CFLAGS=`/bin/echo ${APXS_CFLAGS}` ; \
 /usr/bin/apxs \
 -o \
 -c mod_webapp.c \
 /home/craigm/src/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/webapp/lib/libapr.a ; \
 Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 6) line 1, near -DLINUX=22
 (Missing operator before apache?)
 String found where operator expected at (eval 6) line 1, at end of line
 gcc -DLINUX=22 -DEAPI -DTARGET=apache -I/usr/include/db1 -DUSE_HSREGEX
 -I/usr/include/apache-1.3  -c mod_webapp.c
 mod_webapp.c:70: wa.h: No such file or directory
 apxs:Break: Command failed with rc=1
 So what's the deal? Please tell me I am not a moron.
 \ Craig Cowboy McDaniel
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RequestDispatcher.include loses request.attribute

2001-12-14 Thread Bill Pfeiffer

I have written a tag that will include another jsp's contents based on a user's login 
status.  I am attempting to pass data to the included jsp(s) by setting an attribute 
on the request.  I then call RequestDispatcher.include(req, resp).  The problem I am 
enountering is that the included jsp does not see the attribute I set in the request 
within the tag code.  

It looks like the attributes are cleared before the included jsp is run.  

I encountered this in SilverStream and it turned out to be a bug (which they fixed).

Any ideas here? 


Bill Pfeiffer

Re: RequestDispatcher.include loses request.attribute (tomcat 4.01)

2001-12-14 Thread Bill Pfeiffer

BTW, using Tomcat 4.01 on jdk 1.3.1 01 on Win2000 sp2
- Original Message -
From: Bill Pfeiffer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 3:55 PM
Subject: RequestDispatcher.include loses request.attribute

I have written a tag that will include another jsp's contents based on a
user's login status.  I am attempting to pass data to the included jsp(s) by
setting an attribute on the request.  I then call
RequestDispatcher.include(req, resp).  The problem I am enountering is that
the included jsp does not see the attribute I set in the request within the
tag code.

It looks like the attributes are cleared before the included jsp is run.

I encountered this in SilverStream and it turned out to be a bug (which they

Any ideas here?


Bill Pfeiffer

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2001-12-14 Thread Sobeck, James (ISS Atlanta)

I am trying to setup a datasource using the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 JDBC
driver, and as far as i can tell, there are no classes that i can
instantiate - only abstact interfaces. has anyone successfully setup a
datasource on 4.x with these drivers? i don't know much about any of this,
and any example code would be great. thanks in advance, 


-Original Message-
From: Micael Padraig Og mac Grene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 2:26 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: JNDI DataSource Question

At 07:07 PM 12/14/01 +, you wrote:

Thankyou for the mail.

my datasource is sitting on the local computer and I can connect with a 
normal JDBC Connection. The same driver properties I use to create a 
datasource in server.xml and it fails.

I thought it can be a problem like Tomcat failing if we have the 
servlet.jar in java/lib/ext, so I cleaned it out.

Any pointers?


You did not really provide any information that I do not have to guess 
at.  Where are the files?  What does server.xml say?  What do you have in 
web.xml?  I use, in relevant part, for example:






And, I have:
public class PostgresqlConnection {
 private Connection conn;
 private String user;
 private String password;

 public Connection getConnection(String user, String password) throws 
ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
 PostgresqlDataSource dataSource = new PostgresqlDataSource();
 conn = dataSource.getConnection(user, password);
 return conn;

I have the javax.sql.* stuff in blah blah/lib/ext.  Mine works fine.

-- micael

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RE: Application configuration

2001-12-14 Thread Camara, Jose


I forgot to include Tomcat version number which is 3.2.2 Even when I created
the directory, I guess I need to indicate tomcat how to resolve the classes

Here is the scenario:
1) Directory where all the classes are located is {server}imr/servlets
2) From here I can see the list of servlets
3) If I click on one or two of them I receive a download file screen with
options to open or save the class.
4) If I select to open the file from it's current location, I receive a
message saying Could not find the main class. Program will exit!

About log files  mmm, I just have jasper.log and servlet.log files
under logs directory. Any of them indicates anything related to the problem.


Jose L. Camara

Informatica Headquarters
3350 West Bayshore Road
Palo Alto, CA, 94303

Technical Support 
Tel. 650-687-6200
Direct. 650-687-4722
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-Original Message-
From: Larry Isaacs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 10:10 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Application configuration

You still haven't indicated which version of Tomcat, so it
is hard to make specific recommendations.

For all 3.x and 4.x Tomcats, creating a subdirectory under
the webapps directory is the simplest way to bring a new
web application online.  Tomcat will automatically serve
these subdirectories without requiring config file changes.
You seem to have done this.

However, I can't tell much from I don't even reach the point
where Tomcat itself is running my application.  What
error is reported when you try to run a servlet?  What do
you see in the log files?


P.S. If you are not familar with the Servlet specs, you 
can download it from here:

Tomcat 3.x implements Servlet 2.2, Tomcat 4.x implements
Servlet 2.3.

 -Original Message-
 From: Camara, Jose [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 12:27 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: Application configuration
 Thanks Larry,
 I don't even reach the point where Tomcat itself is running 
 my application.
 I guess I need to indicate Tomcat where and how to recognize 
 the classes for
 my application. Setting up my application in tomcat is the problem.
 Jose L. Camara
 -Original Message-
 From: Larry Isaacs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 4:58 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: Application configuration
 The configuration you show only lets Tomcat execute
 servlets.  All other content, Apache will try to serve
 directly.  Is this your intent?   It would also help
 to know which version of Tomcat 3.x you are using.
 (Note that Tomcat 3.3 does the best job of automating
 the connection to Apache.)
 In general, I would also recommend testing your web
 application first by accessing Tomcat directly.  If
 everything works okay, then try accessing through
 Apache.  A web.xml isn't required as long as you are
 happy with what Tomcat provides by default.
  -Original Message-
  From: Camara, Jose [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 10:01 PM
  Subject: Application configuration
  I think I reach that point where I need some help ... could 
  you subscribe me
  and help me with the following issue.
  Totally new in configuring applications to be deployed on tomcat:
  1) Apache and tomcat are running perfectly
  2) I created a directory to install my application (webapps/imr)
  3) Under that, I created META-INF, WEB-INF and servlets directories.
  4) I also modified tomcat-apache.conf as follows
  Alias /imr /home/jcamara/tomcat/webapps/imr
  Directory /home/jcamara/tomcat/webapps/imr
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  ApJServMount /imr/servlet /imr
  Location /imr/WEB-INF/
  AllowOverride None
  deny from all
  Location /imr/META-INF/
  AllowOverride None
  deny from all
  5) I'm starting to believe that I need to create a web.xml 
  file and I'm not
  sure how, probably I'll follow one of the examples.
  6) I can see the list of classes for my application under 
  that directory.
  7) Every time I'm trying to run the application it asked me 
  for download the
  application on IE and finally come with an error saying 
  Could not find the
  main class. Program will exit! on a Java Virtual Machine pop 
  up screen.
  I'm 100% sure that I'm missing something, so here are my questions:
  Q1: Do I need to create a web.xml file?
  Q2: Where should I put the jar files that my application need?
  Q3: How should I configure Tomcat in under to display correctly my
  Jose L. Camara
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Re: Dynamic Servlet Loading

2001-12-14 Thread dan ''dante'' tenenbaum

You can use the manager app to stop and restart a particular webapp without
stopping the whole tomcat server. That *should* make it aware of new classes
but don't quote me on that.

- Original Message -
From: Krishnamurthy, Ramanathan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 10:32 AM
Subject: RE: Dynamic Servlet Loading


 Thanks for your reply.

 Sorry for not defining my problem clearly.

 I want to load completely new servlets in runtime. A concrete example
 be as follows:

 - An application is fooApp exists under webapps.
 - in webapps/fooApp/WEB-INF/web.xml I have one entry for say Servlet_A
 with a class Server_A_Impl
 - At a later point in time (while Tomcat is still running) I want to add a
 completely new servlet say Servlet_B with a class Servelet_B_Impl to
 - At a later point in time (while Tomcat is still running) I want to add a
 another new servlet say Servlet_C with a class Servelet_C_Impl to

 Would Tomcat re-read webapps/fooApp/WEB-INF/web.xml and deploy this new
 servlets by some means (say by setting reloadable to true) ?

 Probably I am missing some basic concept here.



  -Original Message-
  Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 12:52 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: RE: Dynamic Servlet Loading
  You do not need to if your application exists under
  The classes are automatically picked up.
  Set the reloadable property to true in the Context
  definition. This way
  if you happen to make changes to an existing servlet then it is loaded
  automatically too.

 Ramanathan Krishnamurthy
 AP Engines, Inc.
 Five Clock Tower Place, Suite 250
 Maynard, MA  01754

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[FAQ] jGuru FAQ Update

2001-12-14 Thread Alex Chaffee

jGuru maintains FAQs and Forums on Servlets, JSP, and Tomcat (as well as
many other Java topics).  Here is an automated update on recent postings to
Tomcat-related FAQs.  Please direct flames and feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

 - Alex

++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ:

Why is it strongly recommended that any JavaBean used within a JSP page belong to a 
named package?

You can shut email notification off at the FAQ home
page(s) or:

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Building mod_jk 13 on redhat 7.2

2001-12-14 Thread James Chuang


I'm upgrading from Tomcat 3.2.3 to Tomcat 3.3.  I have tomcat running
standalone right now, serving up samples.  So that is easy.  Now, I'm trying
to hookup to apache.

I decided to try and build mod_jk from scratch, even though I found some
binaries already.  But, I'm running into build problems.

Has anyone done this on RH 7.2?  Are there docs on the wbe with tips?

Here is the error I ran into
$ ./
Compiling mod_jk
gcc -DLINUX=22 -DEAPI -DEAPI_MM -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite -O2 -march=i
386 -mcpu=i686 -fPIC -DE
API_MM_CORE_PATH=/var/run/ -fpic -DSHARED_MODULE -I/usr/include/apac
he -I../common -I/usr/jd
k130/include  -c mod_jk.c
/tmp/ccu6YEAY.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccu6YEAY.s:10: Warning: Unrecognized .section attribute: want a,w,x
/tmp/ccu6YEAY.s:10: Warning: Unrecognized .section attribute: want a,w,x
/tmp/ccu6YEAY.s:10: Error: Rest of line ignored. First ignored character is
/tmp/ccu6YEAY.s:504: Warning: Unrecognized .section attribute: want a,w,x



James Chuang
408 981 9213

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starting as root but then running as TOMCAT_USER

2001-12-14 Thread Josh Knowles

I downloaded and installed tomcat 4.0.1 from the rpms and have it all
running but it looks like I have to set TOMCAT_USER to root if I want to run
it on port 80.  Is there a way to bind to port 80 using root but then run as
TOMCAT_USER?  I believe Apache does something like this.



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Configureing multiple JVMs on Tomcat 3.3

2001-12-14 Thread James Chuang

Under Tomcat 3.2.3, I had 2 serverXXX.xml  files, and I started 2 instances
of Tomcat, each with it's own serverXXX.XML file.  This allowed each app to
have it's own JVM.

Looking at 3.3's documentation, it seems the right way to define contexts is
to use app_XXX.XML file in the conf directory, and let tomcat find them

Question, does each context have it's own JVM?  If not, then how should I
create multiple JVMs?  It looks like I have to go back to putting the
context definition in 2 separate server.XML files, then call them
separately, and not use the APP-XXX.XML route, which seems to be the
preferred route.

Thanks in advance.


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problem with client authentication with standalone tomcat server

2001-12-14 Thread Stefaan


A project I'm doing right now involves having a SSL enabled standalone
tomcat server (running on win2000) connecting to a SSL enabled client
(running on an embedded platform, and using a ported version of openSSL).
Both client as server use a certificate signed by a self-created CA. These
two certificates, as well as the one of the CA is added to the server
keystore, and both client as CA cert are loaded in the client.

During the set-up of this connection both server and client authentication
through RSA certs is needed, and this is where I have a problem: although
server authentication by the client works fine, I can't seem to get the
client authentication by the server to work.

Basically when I turn the clientAuth option in the ssl connector in
server.xml to true, the ssl handshake is aborted and I don't know why. I
also used the basic s_client option of the openSSL command line utility
(compiled on a windows environment) to connect, and the same problem occurs,
so the problem does lie with my tomcat configuration, and not with my

Is there something I'm overlooking, and is it überhaubt possible to use
standalone tomcat to do client authentication (I know how to do it using
apache, but for all sorts of reasons we would prefer the more lightweight
standalone tomcat). If it is possible, what do I need to do more than adding
all the certs to the server keystore, and turning clientAuth to true. I mean
just to do general client auth, I'm not even talking about security realms
or things like that.

I have been looking the past few days on the web for any references to
client auth on standalone tomcat, but basically I found only doubts and

So you can imagine that any help or reference to documents is more than



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Re: starting as root but then running as TOMCAT_USER

2001-12-14 Thread Jan Labanowski

There is another way (there always is...).

People do not seem to appreciate that this is not a problem if you
want to spend $30 or something on some old 100MHz Pentium PC in a surplus
store in an el chipo computer store  (or go to surplus of some University).

You can install Linux on this, build a firewall, and use DNAT to
make the world believe that it is talking to port 80, while the
Tomcat behind the firewall runs on port 8080. It also protects your
connectors and other things against hackers. You can only win with the
firewall. I will shamelessly advertise my write up on netfilter/iptables at:

check the DSL/DMZ one, but read the first one, if you do not know iptables.
But I also admit that people did better write-ups and I give pointers.

Jan K. Labanowski|phone: 614-292-9279,  FAX: 614-292-7168
Ohio Supercomputer Center|Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
1224 Kinnear Rd, |
Columbus, OH 43212-1163  |

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Josh Knowles wrote:

 I downloaded and installed tomcat 4.0.1 from the rpms and have it all
 running but it looks like I have to set TOMCAT_USER to root if I want to run
 it on port 80.  Is there a way to bind to port 80 using root but then run as
 TOMCAT_USER?  I believe Apache does something like this.
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Re: Tomcat 3.3 deployment - last minute problem

2001-12-14 Thread Renato


This is what I'm using:

%@ page contentType=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 %

I saw the servlet generated in the work directory and it actually write the 

( default type in server.xml is set to ISO-8859-1 too )

How can I know the charset of Linux ? ( I'll STW of course.. :)) )

Thanks for the promptness !

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001 08:48:31 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu :

 On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Renato wrote:
  *** HTML pages with latin characters don't display correctly on Linux 
  ( JSP file with: )
  Ex:   páéíóú/p
  It's maybe a problem with the locale variables on my Linux, which I 
  quite understand ( tried LC_ALL, LANG, LC_CTYPE and it didn't work ) or
  Tomcat itself.
 Do you set the charset in the page
 setContentType(text/html;charset=8859-??) or the jsp equivalent ?
 What charset do you use to write the page ? ( i.e. UTF or 8859-?? ) ?
 There are few variables:
 - Java default charset ( which is typically the same as the OS charset).
 This is what jasper uses to read the page from disk. The page is converted
 to UTF by the reader. ( you can override the charset used on each page,
 don't remember the directive  )
 - output charset. This is specified in setContentType() or setCharEncoding
 on the response, and is used to convert from UTF to the target charset.
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Tomcat 3.3 deployment - last minute problem

2001-12-14 Thread Renato

Hi all,

I have one last problem that prevents me from upgrading a big user base 
from Tomcat 3.2.4 to Tomcat 3.3 ( which will be the last nightly build ).

*** HTML pages with latin characters don't display correctly on Linux ***

( JSP file with: )
Ex:   páéíóú/p

I'm not quite sure if it's a bug or no. Here are some different scenarios 
and what happens:

- in Tomcat 3.2.4 it works ( someone told me 3.2.x charset is broken 
anyway )
- in Tomcat 3.3 installed on Window it works.
- in Tomcat 3.3 installed on Linux ( Red Hat 7.2, tested with IBM, Sun, 
JRockit JVM ) it doesn't work.

It's maybe a problem with the locale variables on my Linux, which I don't 
quite understand ( tried LC_ALL, LANG, LC_CTYPE and it didn't work ) or 
Tomcat itself. 

Any hints ? 

Renato - Brazil

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AW: Configuring Multiple Tomcat JVMs with Apache - LoadBalancing

2001-12-14 Thread Lauer, Oliver


there hasn't been done anything on that topic yet ?  What's the status of
loadbalacing, either mod_jk or mod_webapp ? 
Is that political due to if loadbalacing is working properly there won't be
any reason to take (buy) anything else than TC ?  


 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jeff Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001 04:56
An: Tomcat Developers List
Betreff: Re: Configuring Multiple Tomcat JVMs with Apache - Load

On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 06:14:06PM -0800, Vijai Misra wrote:
 I'm trying to Configure Multiple Tomcat JVMs with Apache to distribute
 between various AppServers. Apparently, load balancing with Tomcat is not
 widely published on the internet.

.. which is sad, because it's so cool :) You can have as much redundancy
in your apps as needed. If one JVM dies, the others transparently take
over. I'm looking forward to when mod_webapp gets this functionality.

 I figured someone might be able to point me to the right direction so I
 make this architecture work.

Try asking on the tomcat-user list, where I and others can help without
perpetuating the off-topicness.


 Sr. Consultant
 TechSpan, Inc.

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TC with SSL, IE5.0 and 128 bit

2001-12-14 Thread Lauer, Oliver

Hi all, 

we've built an insurance calculator and and a online contracting machine
based on Tomcat4.0 with SSL. Doing integration testing I've noticed that TC
with ssl doesn't work with IE5.0 (128 bit). 
It works with with 5.5 and higher. 
I've heard that this is a known bug in IE5.0 and I should upgrade to 5.5 or
higher. Now I'm running into difficulties due to I can't request the
internet users to upgrade or to download IE5.5 or higher for using our
calculator. Does somebody know how to solve my problem ? Can I change for
example the encryption in TC to 40 bit ? 

Any help appreciated ! 

 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

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Re: Tomcat 3.3 deployment - last minute problem

2001-12-14 Thread costinm

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Renato wrote:

 *** HTML pages with latin characters don't display correctly on Linux ***

 ( JSP file with: )
 Ex:   páéíóú/p

 It's maybe a problem with the locale variables on my Linux, which I don't
 quite understand ( tried LC_ALL, LANG, LC_CTYPE and it didn't work ) or
 Tomcat itself.

Do you set the charset in the page
setContentType(text/html;charset=8859-??) or the jsp equivalent ?

What charset do you use to write the page ? ( i.e. UTF or 8859-?? ) ?

There are few variables:
- Java default charset ( which is typically the same as the OS charset).
This is what jasper uses to read the page from disk. The page is converted
to UTF by the reader. ( you can override the charset used on each page,
don't remember the directive  )

- output charset. This is specified in setContentType() or setCharEncoding
on the response, and is used to convert from UTF to the target charset.


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RE: Configuring Multiple Tomcat JVMs with Apache - Load Balancing

2001-12-14 Thread Vijai Misra

Someone needs to do something fast!!!


-Original Message-
From: Lauer, Oliver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 12:57 AM
To: 'Tomcat Developers List'
Cc: Tomcat Users List (E-Mail)
Subject: AW: Configuring Multiple Tomcat JVMs with Apache - Load


there hasn't been done anything on that topic yet ?  What's the status of
loadbalacing, either mod_jk or mod_webapp ? 
Is that political due to if loadbalacing is working properly there won't be
any reason to take (buy) anything else than TC ?  


 AXA eSolutions GmbH
 AXA Konzern AG Germany
 Oliver Lauer 
 Web Architect
 Wörthstraße 34
 D-50668 Köln
 Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
 Fax: +49 221 148 43963
 Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Jeff Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Dezember 2001 04:56
An: Tomcat Developers List
Betreff: Re: Configuring Multiple Tomcat JVMs with Apache - Load

On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 06:14:06PM -0800, Vijai Misra wrote:
 I'm trying to Configure Multiple Tomcat JVMs with Apache to distribute
 between various AppServers. Apparently, load balancing with Tomcat is not
 widely published on the internet.

.. which is sad, because it's so cool :) You can have as much redundancy
in your apps as needed. If one JVM dies, the others transparently take
over. I'm looking forward to when mod_webapp gets this functionality.

 I figured someone might be able to point me to the right direction so I
 make this architecture work.

Try asking on the tomcat-user list, where I and others can help without
perpetuating the off-topicness.


 Sr. Consultant
 TechSpan, Inc.

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RE: Configuring Multiple Tomcat JVMs with Apache - Load Balancing

2001-12-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Vijai Misra wrote:

 Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 10:18:20 -0800
 From: Vijai Misra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Tomcat Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Tomcat Users List (E-Mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Configuring Multiple Tomcat JVMs with Apache - Load Balancing

 Someone needs to do something fast!!!


Thank you for volunteering to help!



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Re: TC with SSL, IE5.0 and 128 bit

2001-12-14 Thread Barry L. White

Lauer, Oliver wrote:

Hi all, 

we've built an insurance calculator and and a online contracting machine
based on Tomcat4.0 with SSL. Doing integration testing I've noticed that TC
with ssl doesn't work with IE5.0 (128 bit). 
It works with with 5.5 and higher. 
I've heard that this is a known bug in IE5.0 and I should upgrade to 5.5 or
higher. Now I'm running into difficulties due to I can't request the
internet users to upgrade or to download IE5.5 or higher for using our
calculator. Does somebody know how to solve my problem ? Can I change for
example the encryption in TC to 40 bit ? 

Any help appreciated ! 

AXA eSolutions GmbH
AXA Konzern AG Germany
Oliver Lauer 
Web Architect
Wörthstraße 34
D-50668 Köln
Tel.: +49 221 148 31277
Fax: +49 221 148 43963
Mobil: +49 179 59 064 59

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Have you tested your app with Netscape, Opera, or Mozilla?  It may just 
be IE5.0's problem.  Microsoft even recommends upgrading to IE5.5 or 
6.0, especially due to the new security holes that were just recently 
uncovered in IE.

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Re: Query: Reloadable

2001-12-14 Thread Shekhar

Thanks Craig
I tried with ur solution but it didn't work.
I copied examples dir as test in webapps folder. and added following to
Context path=/test docBase=test reloadable=true debug=0
Loader checkInterval=2/
Let me give u more details of this. I have tomcat4. My installation is
default. Only I copied webapps/examples directory by other names in webapps
folder so now all the folders r visible thr browser. I also tried adding
this to server.xml
DefaultContext reloadable=true debug=0
but still servlets are not autoreloadable.

Any help is greatly appriciated.

- Original Message -
From: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: Query: Reloadable

 On Fri, 14 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 14:29:43 +0530
  Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Query: Reloadable
  What shall I do if I have to make my Tomcat 4.1 autoreloadable. i.e.
  it should reload the app whenever there is change in .class files.
  This is a development server not a production server. Around 50 apps r
  there and I don't want to use manager app.

 Put a Context element in your server.xml file, with reloadable=true
 inside.  Note that this only works on classes loaded from /WEB-INF/classes
 or /WEB-INF/lib.

 You might also want to shorten the timeout at which Tomcat checks for
 updated classes (default is 15 seconds):

   Context path=... docBase=... reloadable=true
 Loader checkInterval=5/

 For more info on server.xml configuration settings, see the Server
 Configuration Reference in the docs shipped with Tomcat, or available
 online at:

  Thanks in Advance


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