Re: problem in session closing for explorer

2003-09-12 Thread Bill Barker
My first guess is that you are using MSIE, and have enabled Active
Desktop.  In this case, there is always a MSIE running, so MS (helpfully
;-) always preserves your cookies as long as you are logged on to your

Fabio Bazzani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
After I authenticate I begin a session.
Closing the browser my session does not go down.
When I open a new browser my old session is still on.
What to do to terminate my session when I close my browser?


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RE: Tomcat cluster tuning

2003-09-12 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Sorry can't give a recommendation.

We had different results even for (nearly) the same
software for different sites. For one site the IBM JDK 
worked best, for the other Sun's.

Any given result may be wothless with the next version 
of either jdk. (Even with just changes in the minor 

You have to test that
- in your environment
- with your application
- with the expected behaviour of the users

Even small changes in one of these setting can change 
the result which jdk is better for you. (At least that's 
our experience)

 -Original Message-
 From: Cristopher Daniluk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 7:04 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: Tomcat cluster tuning
 Are there any recommendations for what JVM would work best?
 We're not doing anything fancy, so presumably any VM that works well
 with tomcat would work well for us. Are there any sites that 
 talk about
 the different JVM tuning options that affect Tomcat? I 
 haven't seen that

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Re: problem in session closing for explorer

2003-09-12 Thread Petter Karlström
Bill Barker wrote:
My first guess is that you are using MSIE, and have enabled Active
Desktop.  In this case, there is always a MSIE running, so MS (helpfully
;-) always preserves your cookies as long as you are logged on to your
I have seen this problem too, only with Mozilla. Seems Mozilla stored 
session variables in cache. Haven't looked into this in a while, so the 
problem may be resolved in later versions of Mozilla. The original 
poster might try emptying cache, history etc before closing down Mozilla 
and see if the session varible disappears.

The damage, of course, is already done. The easiest workaround would 
probably be to time-limit your variables.

/Petter Karlström

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IE XSLT caching problem

2003-09-12 Thread Enoch Root
Hi all;

I'm doing client side XSLT and forms in my webapp
usually generate XML responses as below:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-9?
?xml-stylesheet type=text/xsl href=/xsl/foo.xsl?

I've dumped HTTP traffic and it seems that whenever IE
tries to fetch /xsl/foo.xsl it sends Cache-Control:
no-cache header, which prevents stylesheet from being
cached, however, when I type the full URL for foo.xsl
directly into browser, no such header is being sent. 
Could someone explain what's happening here and how
can I force IE to cache stylesheets?

Thanks in advance!

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Session Problems in Tomcat Clustering

2003-09-12 Thread Mandeep Jossan
Iam using the Tomcat 4.1.24 clustering with apache 2.0.43. everything seems to work 
fine, many many thanks to Filip for the fine work. But I have a problem when I try to 
save a session notifier called 'SessionTimeoutNotifier' which extends 
'HttpSessionBindingListener' in the session. First it said it is not serializable so I 
implemented and it accepted it. But now when the session is 
replicated to the other Tomcat server in the cluster then it says cannot unserialize 
because the file SessionTimeoutNotifier is missing. But the file is right there but I 
don't know why the Replication manager cannot load it. I think it has some class 
loading problems.
I am pretty sure that I have the SessionTimeoutNotifier.class file under both the 
Tomcat under the same directory.
Iam getting the following exception
 Failed to deserialize the session!
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.checkfree.login.SessionTimeoutNotifier
at org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader.loadClass(StandardClas
at org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader.loadClass(StandardClas
at org.apache.catalina.session.ReplicationStream.resolveClass(Replicatio
at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.readObject(StandardSessio
at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.readObjectData(StandardSe
at org.apache.catalina.session.ReplicatedSession.readObjectData(Replicat
at org.apache.catalina.session.InMemoryReplicationManager.readSession(In
at org.apache.catalina.session.InMemoryReplicationManager.messageReceive
at org.apache.catalina.session.InMemoryReplicationManager.messageDataRec
at org.apache.catalina.cluster.ObjectReader.append(
at org.apache.catalina.cluster.WorkerThread.drainChannel(WorkerThread.ja
[InMemoryReplicationManager] Unable to receive message through TCP channel
at org.apache.catalina.session.InMemoryReplicationManager.messageReceive
at org.apache.catalina.session.InMemoryReplicationManager.messageDataRec
at org.apache.catalina.cluster.ObjectReader.append(
at org.apache.catalina.cluster.WorkerThread.drainChannel(WorkerThread.ja
Sep 11, 2003 11:42:26 AM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket processConnection
INFO: connection timeout reached
Sep 11, 2003 11:42:45 AM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket processConnection
INFO: connection timeout reached

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Re: DBCP Problems after restart : Server connection failure during transaction

2003-09-12 Thread d . trombetta

After asking help to Nikolas (1,5 h after!) I solved the problem too.
The system manager told me that nothing had happened, but changing
the URL for the DB connection from:




everything worked fine.
Today I gonna talk to the admin again...

As Nikolas said, I did a lot of other things too.
This, however, seems to be the crucial step.

Good luck to everybody!

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Dott. Diego Trombetta
MBM Italia s.r.l.
Via L. Pellizzo 14/A 35128 Padova, Italy
Phone : + 39 049.899.5711 Fax : + 39 049.899.5722

Nikolas List   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL 
.de cc:   
 Subject: Re: DBCP Problems after restart 
: Server connection failure during 

Me again,
I did luckily solve my problem - at least it vanished :-)
Just for the ones who seem to have the same problems I'm trying to describe
what I did:

Am So, 2003-08-31 um 02.28 schrieb Nikolas List:
 After a reboot of the system (patched the kernel) I now get the
 following error message:

 java.sql.SQLException: Server connection failure during transaction.
 Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.

It seems that there is no connection to the DBCP or the Connector/J as I
In some newsgroups I found hints (sorry - didn't save the links) that
the problem could be related to name lookup problems.
My guess is - and it's just a guess - that this has been true in my
case. At least we had problems relaying mail from this host later the
week, which seemed to have a related reason.

What I did is the following:
I changed the url-value to http://[hostname]/[dbname]
It seems to be important to switch of the autoreconnect at least for one
After that it worked again and I could reactivate the autoreconnect to

(Remark: I think this have been the important steps I did - I did
quite a lot things that night and the following, desperatly trying to
reestablish this webapp, so I might have overseen a crucial action!)

If I am right the deeper reason is a denial of connect to the mysqld
which is not able to lookup the correct hostname mentioned in his
mysql/user-table. But why didn't I find any log entry in mysql.log?
This denial of connect seems to be hidden through the connection pool
autoreconnect-feature (as I described switching this of and connecting
showed the denial of connect.)

Good Luck - and enlighten me, if anybody comes to a deeper insight on
that problem.


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How to Install Web Application thru Tomcat Manager (TOMCAT 4.1.27)

2003-09-12 Thread Thana Letchumi

   I have recently installed TOMCAT 4.1.27. I developed a few
applications in a differect directory path from the tomcat installation
path. Initially, I updated the server.xml with my web application path.
But I realize that any update I make to the jar file (located in my
application path/WEB-INF/lib) is not being reflected unless I stop and
start tomcat. 
Then, I tried using manager install command to install the web
application and remove the path from the server.xml. 

   My command :

 It says that the application got installed and I can start/stop it from
the manager. But I still could not get the update in the jar file
reflected after I stop and start the application from the manager.
Furthermore, whenever I stop and start tomcat, the application is gone
from the manager process list and I have to re-install the application
again. I hope someone could advise me on this matter. I need to switch a
few applications in production mode and I can't afford to stop/start
tomcat whenever I make changes to the applications. 
Another question, If install a war file, Do I need to create the
directory for the application or is it auto-expandable ?. This is not in
the tomcat installation path .  
Thanks for your help.


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cannot start tomcat

2003-09-12 Thread Yang Soon Chiao

using Tomcat 4.1.27 with Red Hats 8.0 and J2SDK 
1.4.1 and I got this error messages when starting tomcat. I attached my 

Below is the errormessage i get from 

ERROR reading 
/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27/conf/server.xml at line 24 /Server/Listener/ 


Please advise. 
!-- Example Server Configuration File --
!-- Note that component elements are nested corresponding to their
 parent-child relationships with each other --

!-- A Server is a singleton element that represents the entire JVM,
 which may contain one or more Service instances.  The Server
 listens for a shutdown command on the indicated port.

 Note:  A Server is not itself a Container, so you may not
 define subcomponents such as Valves or Loggers at this level.

Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN debug=0

  !-- Comment these entries out to disable JMX MBeans support --
  !-- You may also configure custom components (e.g. Valves/Realms) by
   including your own mbean-descriptor file(s), and setting the
   descriptors attribute to point to a ';' seperated list of paths
   (in the ClassLoader sense) of files to add to the default list.
   e.g. descriptors=/com/myfirm/mypackage/mbean-descriptor.xml
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener

  !-- Global JNDI resources --

!-- Test entry for demonstration purposes --
Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer value=30/

!-- Editable user database that can also be used by
 UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users --
Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
   description=User database that can be updated and saved
ResourceParams name=UserDatabase


  !-- A Service is a collection of one or more Connectors that share
   a single Container (and therefore the web applications visible
   within that Container).  Normally, that Container is an Engine,
   but this is not required.

   Note:  A Service is not itself a Container, so you may not
   define subcomponents such as Valves or Loggers at this level.

  !-- Define the Tomcat Stand-Alone Service --
  Service name=Tomcat-Standalone

!-- A Connector represents an endpoint by which requests are received
 and responses are returned.  Each Connector passes requests on to the
 associated Container (normally an Engine) for processing.

 By default, a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector is established on port 8080.
 You can also enable an SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 by
 following the instructions below and uncommenting the second Connector
 entry.  SSL support requires the following steps (see the SSL Config
 HOWTO in the Tomcat 4.0 documentation bundle for more detailed
 * Download and install JSSE 1.0.2 or later, and put the JAR files
   into $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext.
 * Execute:
 %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA (Windows)
 $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA  (Unix)
   with a password value of changeit for both the certificate and
   the keystore itself.

 By default, DNS lookups are enabled when a web application calls
 request.getRemoteHost().  This can have an adverse impact on
 performance, so you can disable it by setting the
 enableLookups attribute to false.  When DNS lookups are disabled,
 request.getRemoteHost() will return the String version of the
 IP address of the remote client.

!-- Define a non-SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --
Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
   port=80 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75
   enableLookups=true redirectPort=443
   acceptCount=100 debug=0 connectionTimeout=2
   useURIValidationHack=false disableUploadTimeout=true /
!-- Note : To disable connection timeouts, set connectionTimeout value
 to -1 --

!-- Define 

Re: Setting contentType and also using container-based authentication

2003-09-12 Thread Adam Hardy
Hi Matt,
how does it work if you use a meta tag direct in html?
meta http-equiv=content-type content=application/ /

On 09/11/2003 07:54 PM Sgarlata Matt wrote:
I'm having trouble using the %@ page contentType= % directive and
container-based authentication.  Here is a toy example that works great
without container-based authentication but does not work with c.b.a.
%@ page contentType=application/ %
response.setHeader(Content-disposition, inline;
The desired behavior is that the text hello displays in Excel.  Has anyone
ever run into a problem like this before?  I am using tomcat 4.1.27, and
Tomcat's built-in DataSourceRealm (which has been working for me fine).


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struts 1.1 + tomcat 4.1.27 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9
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deployment problems

2003-09-12 Thread barkingmadt
i have just completed a course on web programming where all the practical work was 
done on a windows box. now i try to redo everything on my linux (suse 8.2) machine and 
i keep hitting problems. i have checkeed the archive for deployment and if the right 
clue is there i didnt identify it hence this:

* installed are jdk1.4.x and tomcat 4.1.x as out of the box.
* i have taken the sample webapp we developed during the course and put it (the whole 
subdir, that is: classfiles, jsp, html, web.xml) in the webapps subdir.
* i have created a context entry through the admin application that all but copies the 
examples entry.
* pointing browser to http://localhost:8080/MyApp/myappstart.jsp does produce the 
desired result, however any furher activity - like clicking a login button - produces 
a 404 resource package.Classname not available response. Yet the class files are 
where they supposedly belong.

* calling class files directly via .../servlet/...: same result
* chown-ing my stuff to the owner of Tomcat/webapps/examples: no difference

i am out of ideas. any help appreciated.

thanks and all, mats

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Dynamic drop down menus

2003-09-12 Thread Anson Zeall

I want to know if there are free guides in teaching you how to do
dynamic drop-down menus?



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RE : Dynamic drop down menus

2003-09-12 Thread Hertenstein Alain
You'll need to know DHTML to achieve this (unless you want to use applets
and AWT...).
Go here for examples and help :


-Message d'origine-
De : Anson Zeall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : vendredi, 12. septembre 2003 11:42
À : Tomcat Users List
Objet : Dynamic drop down menus


I want to know if there are free guides in teaching you how to do
dynamic drop-down menus?



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Dynamic drop down menus - addition

2003-09-12 Thread Anson Zeall
With java script that is...

-Original Message-
From: Anson Zeall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 7:42 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Dynamic drop down menus


I want to know if there are free guides in teaching you how to do
dynamic drop-down menus?



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Windows Menu Startup and JAVA_OPTS

2003-09-12 Thread Chris Scudds

Tomcat 4.0.6 on Windows 2000 - we were running out of memory, so I
added a -Xms256m to the JAVA_OPTS environment variable. However,
it didn't seem to make any difference.

Now, would I be right in saying that if Tomcat is started from the
Windows desktop menu ie.

Programs-Apache4.0-Start Tomcat

then JAVA_OPTS is not used? The menu seems to run something
like java -jar /Program Files/Apache4.0/bin/bootstrap.jar start which as
far as I can see doesn't pass the JAVA_OPTS to the JVM.



Chris Scudds
Development Team Leader
Trader Media Ltd.
Willow House,
Newton-Le-Willows WA12 0HE
+44(0) 1925 296215

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RE: Windows Menu Startup and JAVA_OPTS

2003-09-12 Thread John Corrigan
If the menu runs that, then it is unlikely that the environment variables
are seen.  The current version of Java doesn't have any non-deprecated
methods for accessing OS environment variables.  You could edit the .pif
file used to start Tomcat and add the -Xms switch to the command.

BTW, does Auto Trader use Tomcat for production?

-Original Message-
From: Chris Scudds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 2:59 AM
Subject: Windows Menu Startup and JAVA_OPTS


Tomcat 4.0.6 on Windows 2000 - we were running out of memory, so I
added a -Xms256m to the JAVA_OPTS environment variable. However,
it didn't seem to make any difference.

Now, would I be right in saying that if Tomcat is started from the
Windows desktop menu ie.

Programs-Apache4.0-Start Tomcat

then JAVA_OPTS is not used? The menu seems to run something
like java -jar /Program Files/Apache4.0/bin/bootstrap.jar start which as
far as I can see doesn't pass the JAVA_OPTS to the JVM.



Chris Scudds
Development Team Leader
Trader Media Ltd.
Willow House,
Newton-Le-Willows WA12 0HE
+44(0) 1925 296215

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RE : Tomcat and IIS + Index Server - possible ?

2003-09-12 Thread Hertenstein Alain
Hi Marco,

Thanks for your answer.
I'm using pure JSPs (no Struts or the like), but indeed most of the content
come from other sources (Database, java classes output). So parsing the JSP
files themselves is not a solution for my case (as indicated in the Lucene
documentation anyway).
So I tried to parse the content retrieved from the url of the file (by
creating an HttpUrlConnection to it, therefore the web application must be
running while creating the index) and I can get the HTML output from the JSP
file, then create the index out of it. It seems to work for the moment...

See ya

-Message d'origine-
De : Marco Tedone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : mercredi, 10. septembre 2003 22:26
À : Tomcat Users List
Objet : Re: Tomcat and IIS + Index Server - possible ?

Hi Alain, I'm developing the same functionality for my site. Limiting the
problems to JSPs (as if you are using Struts are more and if you're using
Struts + Tiles are a lot more...Guess...which one am I using??) the only
real activity you need to do is to manipulate the path returned by Lucene,
which refers to your JSPs, in a web-context manner, so that you can give
those pages as links to the user. The content it's not a problem, at least
in my case, because Lucene build an index of all significant words in your
JSPs and the correct JSPs are returned if you run a query for any of the
words contained in your JSP.

You may have additional problems if your JSPs are used as pure views,
letting the hard-work to servlets (which any possible background) which act
as proxies. The reason is that, even if a possible search engine would
return to you the path to a JSP page, this page could not be accessible
directly, because for instance, it displays some JavaBean content which has
been prepared by some background work. Rather, you will want the user to
link to the relevant action which eventually will forward the control to the
JSP, therefore even if the content is contained in JSPs, what you should
show to the user to click on, is a link to the action bound with that JSP.

I solved all those problems so far; unfortunately, I'm running with Tiles,
and the JSPs which actually contains the content of interest, is not the JSP
bound with the action I want to show to the user. The JSP bound with the
action has got the following code (snippet):

%@ page language=java %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %

tiles:insert definition=tiles.administer flush=true /

As you can see, there is not a lot of content here for a search engine to
find :|

Good luck,


- Original Message - 
From: Hertenstein Alain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 12:45 PM
Subject: RE : Tomcat and IIS + Index Server - possible ?


Just asking about this topic again, since nobody answered or seems to have
an idea...
Meanwhile I just had a look on Lucene, but I'm not sure if it can do what I
need without -too much- setup and code work.
I managed to make it work and search local files, but I don't know if it
can search JSP files, i.e. what the JSPs generate in HTML... It seems like
one has to re-code the whole index creation process to achive this !

Anyone has done that before ?
Can anybody recommend me what to do to implement that search engine with IIS
and Tomcat ?

Thanks for your help, I'm really stuck here...

-Message d'origine-
De : Hertenstein Alain
Envoyé : lundi, 1. septembre 2003 18:24
À : 'Tomcat Users List'
Objet : Tomcat and IIS + Index Server - possible ?


Our configuration is as follows : Win2K, JDK 1.4.1, Tomcat 4.1.24 connected
with IIS using mod_jk. Index Server is AFAIK also installed. We are thinking
of adding a Search site button in our web application. The problem is
that we have content coming from numerous places in our JSP pages : inside
the pages (stored either as HTML or in Java String variables) or in MS SQL
Server tables.

We thought of using Index Server to do that, since it should normally handle
most of the work easily... Is this possible in such configuration ? In other
words, can Index Server access text retrieved in any way by JSPs ? Another
issue is that there's no virtual directory configured in IIS other than the
redirector directory (pointing to the isapi_redirector2.dll file). So I'n
not sure IIS/Index Server can access JSPs at all anyway...

Has anyone already tried this before ? Or maybe is there another better way
to achieve this ? Please let me know, thank you very much ! Alain

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Re: xsl and 4.1.27

2003-09-12 Thread Petter Karlström

The problem quoted below is still driving me up the walls!

Now, I've also tried installing the taglibs in  /common/lib/ (instead of 
the app's lib) and fixed some presumably unrelated differences between 
the server.xml files.

Am I the only one to have this problem?

I want to try installing version 4.1.12 on my Windows machine, but I 
fail to find any old versions for download. Anyone know where I can find 

Petter Karlström wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to get a simple x:transform to work after moving to a new 
version of Tomcat. The old version was 4.1.12 and the new one is 4.1.27.

The JSTL .jars are installed in my application's /WEB-INF/lib/ I've 
tried version 1.0.3 of the taglibs as well as older ones with the new 

Here's a code snippet:

%@ taglib prefix=x uri=; %
%@ taglib prefix=c uri=; %
c:import url=test.xml var=xmlfile /
c:import url=test.xsl var=stylesheet /
x:transform xslt=${stylesheet} xml=${xmlfile} /

This works fine on my 4.1.12 on Solaris. However, 4.1.27 on Windows and 
Linux generates
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: The output format must have a 
'{}content-handler' property!

Any clues?

/Petter Karlstrom

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Re: Deployment on a specific port

2003-09-12 Thread Tim Funk
IIRC, getRemoteAddr() is as reliable as your router in prventing spoofed 

So you should be safe if you can trust your network to say the 
is that computer and not a spoof.


Martin Jericho wrote:
Since it looks like there is no easy way to do it, does anyone know of a
secure way to check the source IP address or target port of the request?  Am
I correct in assuming that the getServerPort() and getRemoteAddr() methods
are not reliable for security purposes?
- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: Deployment on a specific port

Actually as to different services it could be the same webapp but tomcat
would treat them as two different webapps.
At this time at night, I'm out of ideas. (Actually, brain ain't working,


The simple kludge is to keep with the original idea and store the shared

in a common classloader in some static fashion. (Emphasis ... kludge)


Martin Jericho wrote:

Thanks Tim, but I forgot to mention that both servlet have to be in the

webapp!  One is my main servlet that handles user web requests, and the
other is the AxisServlet for handling a SOAP interface into the same
application.  I want to stick the SOAP servlet onto a different port

can not be accessed from outside the firewall.

What are the extra tricks you mentioned?

- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: Deployment on a specific port

I think you can create 2 services and each service gets is own connector


This also means that both servlets can't be in the same webapp. (Without
extra tricks)

Martin Jericho wrote:

I would like to set up a single standalone instance of tomcat with
connectors on two ports, and deploy one servlet to work only on one port

a different servlet to work only on the other port.  Is this possible?

If not, the only way I can get around it that I can see is to use the
ServletRequest.getServerPort() method to check which port the request

in on an reject it if it was on the wrong port.  I suspect however that

is not secure as the value returned by getServerPort() comes from the
request header, which can easily be spoofed.  Will the
ServletRequest.getLocalPort() method in the proposed 2.4 spec be more

How are other people doing this?

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Re: How is the server.xml file being pulled.

2003-09-12 Thread Tim Funk
Look at setting the environment variables CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE. 
I've personally never set these different but I think that is what you want.


Joe Harmon wrote:

I have an situation were we are deploying 3 instances of Tomcat off of
the same directory stucture using three different server.xml files. 
This is all being done for load balancing and is working fine and the
instances are being started using the startup.bat file.  I have a
different startup.bat file that will call the catalina.bat file for each
instance of the server.xml file.

For example:

call %EXECUTABLE% run -config c:\Tomcat\conf\server.xml start
call %EXECUTABLE% run -config c:\Tomcat\conf\server2.xml start
call %EXECUTABLE% run -config c:\Tomcat\conf\server3.xml start
This works fine on my box.  I was doing this for a customer and when I
ported it over to their box I found out that they were not using the
startup.bat file.  They are using a custom built file that calls in some
parameters. I have tried to add these parameters so that the startup
file could use them and it has problems.  Needless to say I need to find
out how this file is pointing to the server.xml file so that I can point
it to the others as well.
The file in question is as follows:

D:\j2sdk1.4.1_04\bin\java.exe -jar -Xmx1638m
d:\Tomcat\406\bin\bootstrap.jar start
Any ideas on this?  This file works for the customer, but I need a way
to have two more instances of it calling the server.xml file.  I tried
changing the following in the catalina.bat
set ACTION=start

set ACTION=run -config d:\tomcat\406\conf\server2.xml start

didn't work

Joe Harmon
Web Services Support 
Novell Inc.  -  The leading provider of Information Solutions.
(801) 861-9163

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Exception in Tomcat?

2003-09-12 Thread Bjørn T Johansen
I have a Struts app that's running under Tomcat 4.1.27 and now and then
I get this in my log:

11.sep.2003 10:44:13 org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler action
SEVERE: Error in action code Broken pipe
at Method)
at org.apache.coyote.Response.action(
at org.apache.coyote.Response.finish(
11.sep.2003 10:44:13 org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket
INFO: server has been restarted or reset this connection

Is this something I should worry about or? My app is working even if I
get these...



Bjørn T Johansen (BSc,MNIF)
Executive Manager
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Havleik Consulting
Phone : +47 67 54 15 17 Conradisvei 4
Fax : +47 67 54 13 91   N-1338 Sandvika
Cellular : +47 926 93 298
The stickers on the side of the box said Supported Platforms: Windows
98, Windows NT 4.0,
Windows 2000 or better, so clearly Linux was a supported platform.

AW: Exception in Tomcat?

2003-09-12 Thread Nitschke Michael
If the connection is not proper established this error occurs.
The easiest was to fix it is to catch the exception in your application, so your 
application would not die at every occurrence.
Surround the socket write statement with the catch construct. 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Bjørn T Johansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 12. September 2003 13:16
Betreff: Exception in Tomcat?

I have a Struts app that's running under Tomcat 4.1.27 and now and then
I get this in my log:

11.sep.2003 10:44:13 org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler action
SEVERE: Error in action code Broken pipe
at Method)
at org.apache.coyote.Response.action(
at org.apache.coyote.Response.finish(
11.sep.2003 10:44:13 org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket
INFO: server has been restarted or reset this connection

Is this something I should worry about or? My app is working even if I
get these...



Bjørn T Johansen (BSc,MNIF)
Executive Manager
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Havleik Consulting
Phone : +47 67 54 15 17 Conradisvei 4
Fax : +47 67 54 13 91   N-1338 Sandvika
Cellular : +47 926 93 298
The stickers on the side of the box said Supported Platforms: Windows
98, Windows NT 4.0,
Windows 2000 or better, so clearly Linux was a supported platform.

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Re: AW: Exception in Tomcat?

2003-09-12 Thread Bjørn T Johansen
Well, the problem is that I don't use any sockets in my webapp


On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 13:22, Nitschke Michael wrote:

 If the connection is not proper established this error occurs.
 The easiest was to fix it is to catch the exception in your application, so your 
 application would not die at every occurrence.
 Surround the socket write statement with the catch construct. 
 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Bjørn T Johansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Gesendet: Freitag, 12. September 2003 13:16
 Betreff: Exception in Tomcat?
 I have a Struts app that's running under Tomcat 4.1.27 and now and then
 I get this in my log:
 11.sep.2003 10:44:13 org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler action
 SEVERE: Error in action code Broken pipe
 at Method)
 at org.apache.coyote.Response.action(
 at org.apache.coyote.Response.finish(
 11.sep.2003 10:44:13 org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket
 INFO: server has been restarted or reset this connection
 Is this something I should worry about or? My app is working even if I
 get these...

Bjørn T Johansen (BSc,MNIF)
Executive Manager
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Havleik Consulting
Phone : +47 67 54 15 17 Conradisvei 4
Fax : +47 67 54 13 91   N-1338 Sandvika
Cellular : +47 926 93 298
The stickers on the side of the box said Supported Platforms: Windows
98, Windows NT 4.0,
Windows 2000 or better, so clearly Linux was a supported platform.

TLD's case sensitive

2003-09-12 Thread Ben Anderson
I'm moving a Struts webapp from Weblogic to Tomcat.  The problem I'm now 
having is that it seems like Tomcat enforces case sensitivity for the TLD 
For instance
html:text maxLenth=5/
in the api for these tags, it should actually be maxlength and not 
weblogic doesn't care, but tomcat does.  It would be a big chore to have to 
change all of these tags because our app is already done.  Is there anyway 
to shut this off in Tomcat?

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Re: TLD's case sensitive

2003-09-12 Thread Tim Funk
The jsp spec says this:
All attributes of a custom action must be JavaBeans component properties,
although some properties may not be exposed as attributes. The attributes 
that are visible to the JSP translator are exactly those listed in the Tag 
Library Descriptor (TLD).

I would think the use of *exactly* as meaning case-sensitive.

When in doubt perl can save the day ...
perl -pi -e 's/maxLength=/maxlength=/g;' *.jsp

Ben Anderson wrote:

I'm moving a Struts webapp from Weblogic to Tomcat.  The problem I'm now 
having is that it seems like Tomcat enforces case sensitivity for the 
TLD tags.
For instance
html:text maxLenth=5/
in the api for these tags, it should actually be maxlength and not 
weblogic doesn't care, but tomcat does.  It would be a big chore to have 
to change all of these tags because our app is already done.  Is there 
anyway to shut this off in Tomcat?

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AW: AW: Exception in Tomcat?

2003-09-12 Thread Nitschke Michael
Is there another exception thrown below the one you provided?
Mostly it's headed by a line with root cause in it.

It's not necessary that you are using sockets directly, if you use
the response output stream it is handled over a socket for example.

If there is a second exception stack trace it would be very helpful.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Bjørn T Johansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 12. September 2003 13:27
An: Tomcat Users List
Betreff: Re: AW: Exception in Tomcat?

Well, the problem is that I don't use any sockets in my webapp


On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 13:22, Nitschke Michael wrote:

 If the connection is not proper established this error occurs.
 The easiest was to fix it is to catch the exception in your application, so your 
 application would not die at every occurrence.
 Surround the socket write statement with the catch construct. 
 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Bjørn T Johansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Gesendet: Freitag, 12. September 2003 13:16
 Betreff: Exception in Tomcat?
 I have a Struts app that's running under Tomcat 4.1.27 and now and then
 I get this in my log:
 11.sep.2003 10:44:13 org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler action
 SEVERE: Error in action code Broken pipe
 at Method)
 at org.apache.coyote.Response.action(
 at org.apache.coyote.Response.finish(
 11.sep.2003 10:44:13 org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket
 INFO: server has been restarted or reset this connection
 Is this something I should worry about or? My app is working even if I
 get these...

Bjørn T Johansen (BSc,MNIF)
Executive Manager
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Havleik Consulting
Phone : +47 67 54 15 17 Conradisvei 4
Fax : +47 67 54 13 91   N-1338 Sandvika
Cellular : +47 926 93 298
The stickers on the side of the box said Supported Platforms: Windows
98, Windows NT 4.0,
Windows 2000 or better, so clearly Linux was a supported platform.

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Re: AW: Exception in Tomcat?

2003-09-12 Thread Holger Klawitter
Hash: SHA1

 I have a Struts app that's running under Tomcat 4.1.27 and now and then
 I get this in my log:

 11.sep.2003 10:44:13 org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler action
 SEVERE: Error in action code Broken pipe
 at Method)

AFAIK these errors occur when the browser (or Apache) closes the connection 
before the page has completely being served. I haven't found anything to do 
about it have neither found anything to improve with my webapps. Well making 
them faster helps a bit ;-)

Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards
Holger Klawitter
- --
lists at klawitter dot de
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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RE: Admin tool

2003-09-12 Thread Shapira, Yoav

Use a different realm than the default UserDatabase realm.  See
server.xml and its comments as well as the Realm documentation.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Cummings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 5:33 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Admin tool

The admin tool reads users from this file but does not use this for
authentication. This is done in the web.xml file. This is just
displayed in
the admin tool. How do I have it read the users from an SQL database?

Any ideas??


-Original Message-
From: Phillip Qin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 10:48 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Admin tool

Admin tool reads user id and password from this resource.

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Cummings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: September 10, 2003 6:40 PM
To: 'Tomcat User'
Subject: Admin tool

I am using tomcat 4.1.24. For the admin web app, I configured
in the web.xml file in the WEB-INF directory. What is the purpose of
following statements in the sample server.xml.

!-- Editable user database that can also be used by
 UserDatabaseRealm to authenticate users --

Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
   description=User database that can be updated and saved

ResourceParams name=UserDatabase



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Evaluation of the Manifest of a jar file

2003-09-12 Thread Krause Karin
I read this article about the evaluation of the CLASSPATH attribute set in the 
manifest in a jar file.
This CLASSPATH attribute refers to other jar files.

I don't understand if the Tomcat class loaders (e.g. the common class loader) does 
this or not.
In my case it seems not to work (I use Tomcat 4.1.27, jdk 1.4.1). 
Any help appreciated.

Regards Karin

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RE: cannot start tomcat

2003-09-12 Thread Shapira, Yoav

Looks like a badly installed tomcat - how did you install it?

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics
-Original Message-
From: Yang Soon Chiao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 3:49 AM
Subject: cannot start tomcat

using Tomcat 4.1.27 with Red Hats 8.0 and J2SDK 1.4.1 and I got this error messages 
when starting tomcat. I attached my server.xml.
Below is the error message i get from catalina.out:

ERROR reading /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27/conf/server.xml at line 24 
/Server/Listener/ className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener debug=0
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener

Please advise. Thanks

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RE: deployment problems

2003-09-12 Thread Shapira, Yoav

Post your directory structure so we can make sure it's OK.

Don't put a Context entry in server.xml for your webapp: for now, let
tomcat auto-deploy it with the default configuration.

Make sure all your links in your webapp are correct, i.e. they don't go
to /myServlet but rather /myWebapp/myServlet, etc.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 5:05 AM
Subject: deployment problems

i have just completed a course on web programming where all the
work was done on a windows box. now i try to redo everything on my
(suse 8.2) machine and i keep hitting problems. i have checkeed the
for deployment and if the right clue is there i didnt identify it

* installed are jdk1.4.x and tomcat 4.1.x as out of the box.
* i have taken the sample webapp we developed during the course and put
(the whole subdir, that is: classfiles, jsp, html, web.xml) in the
* i have created a context entry through the admin application that all
copies the examples entry.
* pointing browser to http://localhost:8080/MyApp/myappstart.jsp does
produce the desired result, however any furher activity - like clicking
login button - produces a 404 resource package.Classname not
response. Yet the class files are where they supposedly belong.

* calling class files directly via .../servlet/...: same result
* chown-ing my stuff to the owner of Tomcat/webapps/examples: no

i am out of ideas. any help appreciated.

thanks and all, mats

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RE: Dynamic drop down menus

2003-09-12 Thread Shapira, Yoav

Just google.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Anson Zeall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 5:42 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Dynamic drop down menus


I want to know if there are free guides in teaching you how to do
dynamic drop-down menus?



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Re: Setting contentType and also using container-based authentication

2003-09-12 Thread Sgarlata Matt
I must have been losing it yesterday because I tried again just now with %@
page contentType % and it worked fine.  If I have more problems I'll try
that meta trick; I didn't know about that.

Thanks Adam!

- Original Message - 
From: Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 4:36 AM
Subject: Re: Setting contentType and also using container-based

 Hi Matt,
 how does it work if you use a meta tag direct in html?

 meta http-equiv=content-type content=application/ /

 On 09/11/2003 07:54 PM Sgarlata Matt wrote:
  I'm having trouble using the %@ page contentType= % directive and
  container-based authentication.  Here is a toy example that works great
  without container-based authentication but does not work with c.b.a.
  %@ page contentType=application/ %
  response.setHeader(Content-disposition, inline;
  The desired behavior is that the text hello displays in Excel.  Has
  ever run into a problem like this before?  I am using tomcat 4.1.27, and
  Tomcat's built-in DataSourceRealm (which has been working for me fine).
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 struts 1.1 + tomcat 4.1.27 + java 1.4.2
 Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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Tomcat 5.0 install - Please Help

2003-09-12 Thread Giri Gopal
I downloaded Tomcat 5.0. Installed on W2K machine. Tomcat Starts O.K. I am
able to test all the samples and works fine. I create a simple JSP page and
I get the following error.

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

No Java compiler was found to compile the generated source for the JSP.
This can usually be solved by copying manually $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar from
the JDK
to the common/lib directory of the Tomcat server, followed by a Tomcat
If using an alternate Java compiler, please check its installation and
access path.





I have installed Java 2SDK 1.4.2. I am also new to the java stuff. How do I
ensure the class path stuff is correct?. My class path is under user
variables, should it be in system variables?. The  System Variables
Java_Home shows as: c:\program Files\j2sdk_nb\j2sdk1.4.2\bin.  Is this
correct.  Where can I find some sample JSP pages and servlets written to
access oracle db and the setup required for Tomcat?

Can some one please help.


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TC5: Question about TagPlugins and generated JSP-code

2003-09-12 Thread Yann Cébron

I'm pretty new to this TagPlugins-thing in TC5, but after finding the
tagPlugins.xml in CVS I successfully got up.

So here's my question:

I have this simple Testcase JSP-page:

%@ taglib uri=; prefix=c %

  c:when test=${1  2}
Case 1
Case 2

Using JSTL1.1 nightly build and the tagPlugins.xml from TC CVS, Jasper
produces the following code (only relevant parts shown):

  private org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool _jspx_tagPool_c_choose;
  private org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool
  private org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool

  public void _jspInit() {
_jspx_tagPool_c_choose =
_jspx_tagPool_c_when_test =
_jspx_tagPool_c_otherwise =

  public void _jspDestroy() {

Since all c:.. - tags used in this page are being replaced by their
corresponding TagPlugins to JAVA-code (namely if () {..} else {..}), why
is a TagHandlerPool instance for all these tags created? Is this a
limitation of the current version of Jasper?



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new Aspen Group Email

2003-09-12 Thread gatkin
Due to problems with SPAM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] has been discontinued.

Please note my new email address. To prevent automated systems from obtaining my new 
email address, I will spell out the @ symbol. Please send all future email to:


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Re: Dynamic drop down menus

2003-09-12 Thread engp0510

- Original Message - 
From: Anson Zeall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 5:41 PM
Subject: Dynamic drop down menus


 I want to know if there are free guides in teaching you how to do
 dynamic drop-down menus?



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Re: how to use single dbcp resource across multiple webapps

2003-09-12 Thread Paul
i think i may have found an answer.

from the archives, message subject ResourceLink and DefaultContext, Cam
Smith reported following:

If I place the ResourceLink inside explicity declared Context
elements, all works fine and I can access the data source from multiple

Cam also provides example server.xml scripts pertaining to above.
Furthermore, Colin Madere advises same solution:

Many recent posts regarding this with problems using ResourceLinks in the
DefaultContext, but if you're explicitly defining your contexts as it
appears you are, it should work (link global resource in each Context you
want to use it in).

So, i am going to try to configure this.  It is just a matter of wadding
hip-deep in the insect and reptile infested swamps of Tomcat's xml tag

-paul lomack

- Original Message - 
From: Wynkoop, Robert M [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 3:41 PM
Subject: RE: how to use single dbcp resource across multiple webapps


 I just went through this exercise today.
 (See msgs with subject = java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver
 class 'null')
 I do not know why it does not work when set up in the global
 admin puts datasources here).  Let us know if you get an answer.


 Robert Wynkoop

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 2:04 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: how to use single dbcp resource across multiple webapps


 i setup dbcp according to Tomcat docs successfully for one web app, but
 tried to use resource (defined in server.xml) in second web app (with
 appropriate WEB-INF/web.xml), get the following:

 java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'

 meanwhile, dbcp resource works fine with first app.
 i figure it is because the resource is defined within following context,
 where path specifies first web app:

 Context path=/epl docBase=epl debug=5 reloadable=true

 do i need to define a second context and dbcp resource, or is there some
 to use a single dbcp resource across contexts/web-apps?

 -paul lomack

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RE: Dynamic drop down menus

2003-09-12 Thread Anson Zeall
Nevermind, I found the stuff I want from ...thanks

-Original Message-
From: engp0510 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 12:13 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Dynamic drop down menus

- Original Message -
From: Anson Zeall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 5:41 PM
Subject: Dynamic drop down menus


 I want to know if there are free guides in teaching you how to do
 dynamic drop-down menus?



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Embedding JSP code in a JS file

2003-09-12 Thread Anson Zeall

I want to know if anyone knows how to embed JSP code in JS files? 'cause
I want to use encodeURL inside the JS filesomehow.



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Re: Embedding JSP code in a JS file

2003-09-12 Thread Tim Funk
Rename the js file to jsp then update your link to pull in the jsp file 
accordingly. (You may have to do a mime-type set too)


Anson Zeall wrote:


I want to know if anyone knows how to embed JSP code in JS files? 'cause
I want to use encodeURL inside the JS filesomehow.

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RE: Embedding JSP code in a JS file

2003-09-12 Thread Anson Zeall
'cause problem right now is..I tried dumping the js file code...into
my jsp file..and put in the encodeURL.and when I click on the
click via the browserit says my redirect for the URL has exceeded.
Dunno what that means..


-Original Message-
From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 12:37 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Embedding JSP code in a JS file

Rename the js file to jsp then update your link to pull in the jsp file
accordingly. (You may have to do a mime-type set too)


Anson Zeall wrote:


 I want to know if anyone knows how to embed JSP code in JS files?
 'cause I want to use encodeURL inside the JS filesomehow.


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RE: Embedding JSP code in a JS file

2003-09-12 Thread Anson Zeall
Thanks, butwhatand how to set the mime-type?

-Original Message-
From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 12:37 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Embedding JSP code in a JS file

Rename the js file to jsp then update your link to pull in the jsp file
accordingly. (You may have to do a mime-type set too)


Anson Zeall wrote:


 I want to know if anyone knows how to embed JSP code in JS files?
 'cause I want to use encodeURL inside the JS filesomehow.


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Re: Tomcat 5.0 install - Please Help

2003-09-12 Thread Jacob Kjome
First, install your JDK to the root of the C: drive, not under Program 
Files.  Spaces in the path mess things up usually.  Second, it is 
JAVA_HOME, not Java_Home.  And do you have %JAVA_HOME%\bin in your system 
Path variable?


At 08:38 AM 9/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
I downloaded Tomcat 5.0. Installed on W2K machine. Tomcat Starts O.K. I am
able to test all the samples and works fine. I create a simple JSP page and
I get the following error.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

No Java compiler was found to compile the generated source for the JSP.
This can usually be solved by copying manually $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar from
the JDK
to the common/lib directory of the Tomcat server, followed by a Tomcat
If using an alternate Java compiler, please check its installation and
access path.

I have installed Java 2SDK 1.4.2. I am also new to the java stuff. How do I
ensure the class path stuff is correct?. My class path is under user
variables, should it be in system variables?. The  System Variables
Java_Home shows as: c:\program Files\j2sdk_nb\j2sdk1.4.2\bin.  Is this
correct.  Where can I find some sample JSP pages and servlets written to
access oracle db and the setup required for Tomcat?
Can some one please help.

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FOP code runs standalone, but not in a Servlet

2003-09-12 Thread Mike Kellstrand
I have Java FOP (XSLT-FO PDF converter) code that runs great from the 
command line if I put the fop, batik, avalon, and xalan jars 
in the JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\ext dir.

If I put this code in a servlet under Tomcat 4.1.24, I get transform errors.

I have tried putting the FOP jars in various Tomcat lib dirs,
in webapps with the servlet, etc.  Everywhere I move these jars
I get different amusing transform exceptions, but it doesn't run.

1)  Where do the jars need to go?
2)  Are there any parser jars that come with Tomcat that need to get removed.
I tried removing the 2 jars that are in /common/endorsed, but that didn't help.

This is driving me nuts!

Many thanks!


RE: Session Problems in Tomcat Clustering

2003-09-12 Thread Filip Hanik
is this class in all your webapps?
can you send me a test case webapp and I will try it out

 -Original Message-
 From: Mandeep Jossan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 11:01 AM
 Subject: Session Problems in Tomcat Clustering

 Iam using the Tomcat 4.1.24 clustering with apache 2.0.43.
 everything seems to work fine, many many thanks to Filip for the
 fine work. But I have a problem when I try to save a session
 notifier called 'SessionTimeoutNotifier' which extends
 'HttpSessionBindingListener' in the session. First it said it is
 not serializable so I implemented and it
 accepted it. But now when the session is replicated to the other
 Tomcat server in the cluster then it says cannot unserialize
 because the file SessionTimeoutNotifier is missing. But the file
 is right there but I don't know why the Replication manager
 cannot load it. I think it has some class loading problems.
 I am pretty sure that I have the SessionTimeoutNotifier.class
 file under both the Tomcat under the same directory.
 Iam getting the following exception
 [InMemoryReplicationManager] Failed to
 deserialize the session!
 [InMemoryReplicationManager] Unable to receive message through TCP channel
 Sep 11, 2003 11:42:26 AM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket
 INFO: connection timeout reached
 Sep 11, 2003 11:42:45 AM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket
 INFO: connection timeout reached

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Obtaining client connection

2003-09-12 Thread Peter Guyatt
Hi There,

I am not too sure if you are actually able to do this but I have a need to
get the IP address/hostname of the client that has accessed a page in our
web application.

This is mainly for security/auditing purposes, however I really need to get
the client Socket connection and not the ip address given in the attributes
of the HTTP header.

Is there any way of obtaining a handle on the client socket that has
connected to the server.

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Currently we are using Tomcat version 4.1.18

Many Thanks

Pete Guyatt

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RE: FOP code runs standalone, but not in a Servlet

2003-09-12 Thread Shapira, Yoav

You want to put all your jars in WEB-INF/lib.  What are the errors
you're getting?

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Mike Kellstrand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 11:27 AM
Subject: FOP code runs standalone, but not in a Servlet

I have Java FOP (XSLT-FO PDF converter) code that runs great from the
command line if I put the fop, batik, avalon, and xalan jars
in the JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\ext dir.

If I put this code in a servlet under Tomcat 4.1.24, I get transform

I have tried putting the FOP jars in various Tomcat lib dirs,
in webapps with the servlet, etc.  Everywhere I move these jars
I get different amusing transform exceptions, but it doesn't run.

1)  Where do the jars need to go?
2)  Are there any parser jars that come with Tomcat that need to get
I tried removing the 2 jars that are in /common/endorsed, but that

This is driving me nuts!

Many thanks!


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Re: FOP code runs standalone, but not in a Servlet

2003-09-12 Thread Mike Kellstrand
Thanks for the response.
I put my Tomcat back into a stock state and
copied the fop, batik, avalon, and xalan jars from the FOP package
into my WEB-INF/lib dir.

I restarted Tomcat and got the following when my code ran:
The output format must have a '{}content-handler'

This java code / xslt combination DOES work outside of Tomcat.

What do you think?

Thanks,  Mike

- Original Message -
From: Shapira, Yoav [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 11:33 AM
Subject: RE: FOP code runs standalone, but not in a Servlet

 You want to put all your jars in WEB-INF/lib.  What are the errors
 you're getting?

 Yoav Shapira
 Millennium ChemInformatics

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Kellstrand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 11:27 AM
 Subject: FOP code runs standalone, but not in a Servlet
 I have Java FOP (XSLT-FO PDF converter) code that runs great from the
 command line if I put the fop, batik, avalon, and xalan jars
 in the JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\ext dir.
 If I put this code in a servlet under Tomcat 4.1.24, I get transform
 I have tried putting the FOP jars in various Tomcat lib dirs,
 in webapps with the servlet, etc.  Everywhere I move these jars
 I get different amusing transform exceptions, but it doesn't run.
 1)  Where do the jars need to go?
 2)  Are there any parser jars that come with Tomcat that need to get
 I tried removing the 2 jars that are in /common/endorsed, but that
 This is driving me nuts!
 Many thanks!

 This e-mail, including any attachments, is a confidential business
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Generating huge reports via servlets

2003-09-12 Thread Vijay Kandy
Hello All,

I have a servlet that generates reports in CSV format. When the content size
of the report is small, it works fine. But if the content size is 4MB, I get
a 404 error but no exceptions. I tried setBufferSize(4MB) and contentSize to
the actual size of the report but that didnt help much. I am running Tomcat
4.1.27. Please help.


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RE: FOP code runs standalone, but not in a Servlet

2003-09-12 Thread Jacob Kjome
At 11:33 AM 9/12/2003 -0400, you wrote:

You want to put all your jars in WEB-INF/lib.  What are the errors
you're getting?
hmm Xalan is an endorsed library.  It needs to be in 
CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed or JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed, otherwise the 
old buggy version of Xalan that comes with j2sdk1.4.x will be used.


Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics
-Original Message-
From: Mike Kellstrand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 11:27 AM
Subject: FOP code runs standalone, but not in a Servlet

I have Java FOP (XSLT-FO PDF converter) code that runs great from the
command line if I put the fop, batik, avalon, and xalan jars
in the JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\ext dir.

If I put this code in a servlet under Tomcat 4.1.24, I get transform

I have tried putting the FOP jars in various Tomcat lib dirs,
in webapps with the servlet, etc.  Everywhere I move these jars
I get different amusing transform exceptions, but it doesn't run.

1)  Where do the jars need to go?
2)  Are there any parser jars that come with Tomcat that need to get
I tried removing the 2 jars that are in /common/endorsed, but that

This is driving me nuts!

Many thanks!


This e-mail, including any attachments, is a confidential business 
communication, and may contain information that is confidential, 
proprietary and/or privileged.  This e-mail is intended only for the 
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Problem with chunked encoding and getParameter()

2003-09-12 Thread Timo Kinnunen
I have a problem with servlet's getParameter() method returning null 
when I connect using chunked encoding. The client is an MIDP 2.0 
emulator from Sun's Wireless Toolkit 2.0. Connections from Mozilla and 
IE work fine, and they are not using chunked encoding.

I'm using Tomcat 4.1.27. Here are the packets as seen in Proxy Workbench:

00  POST /mailer HTT 
16  P/1.1..Content-T 
32  ype: application 
48  /x-www-form-urle 
64  ncoded..Host: 13 
96  0..Transfer-Enco 
000112  ding: chunked... 
000144  mddata=dataSub 
000160  mit=Submit.. 

response packet

00  0 30 0d 0a 0d 0a

Any help would be really appreciated.

Thank you

Timo Kinnunen

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Re: Embedding JSP code in a JS file

2003-09-12 Thread Tim Funk
For example:
In the html:
link href=javascript/cowbell.jsp rel=stylesheet type=text/css /
In javascript/cowbell.jsp (possibly)
%@ page contentType=application/x-javascript%

Anson Zeall wrote:

Thanks, butwhatand how to set the mime-type?

-Original Message-
From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 12:37 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Embedding JSP code in a JS file
Rename the js file to jsp then update your link to pull in the jsp file
accordingly. (You may have to do a mime-type set too)

Anson Zeall wrote:


   I want to know if anyone knows how to embed JSP code in JS files?
'cause I want to use encodeURL inside the JS filesomehow.

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4.1.27-hotfix-22096.tar.gz source code ?

2003-09-12 Thread webmaster
Hi all,

Where can I find the source code for the  4.1.27-hotfix-22096.tar.gz  ? It can be just 
the patch file either.

Thanks !

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Re: FOP code runs standalone, but not in a Servlet

2003-09-12 Thread Mike Kellstrand
I tried putting the xalan jar in the endorsed dir and got the following
null:4:80 fo:flow must contain block-level children

I ran into this one before.

There is a section in my xslt file as follows:
fo:flow flow-name=xsl-region-body
  xsl:apply-templates select=coverpage/

If I add a fo:block snippet between the fo:flow tags,
the transform runs with no errors, but it never calls
the xsl:apply-templates tag to call in the real document contents.

This seems like a good clue, that whatever parser it is really calling
doesn't understand xsl: tags.

Help!!   :)


- Original Message -
From: Jacob Kjome [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 11:47 AM
Subject: RE: FOP code runs standalone, but not in a Servlet

 At 11:33 AM 9/12/2003 -0400, you wrote:

 You want to put all your jars in WEB-INF/lib.  What are the errors
 you're getting?

 hmm Xalan is an endorsed library.  It needs to be in
 CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed or JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed, otherwise the
 old buggy version of Xalan that comes with j2sdk1.4.x will be used.


 Yoav Shapira
 Millennium ChemInformatics
  -Original Message-
  From: Mike Kellstrand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 11:27 AM
  Subject: FOP code runs standalone, but not in a Servlet
  I have Java FOP (XSLT-FO PDF converter) code that runs great from the
  command line if I put the fop, batik, avalon, and xalan jars
  in the JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\ext dir.
  If I put this code in a servlet under Tomcat 4.1.24, I get transform
  I have tried putting the FOP jars in various Tomcat lib dirs,
  in webapps with the servlet, etc.  Everywhere I move these jars
  I get different amusing transform exceptions, but it doesn't run.
  1)  Where do the jars need to go?
  2)  Are there any parser jars that come with Tomcat that need to get
  I tried removing the 2 jars that are in /common/endorsed, but that
  This is driving me nuts!
  Many thanks!
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Threads don't go back to pool!

2003-09-12 Thread Victor Popiol
Hi. When I obtain a jkstatus, during time, the epCount value keeps
increasing. So it seams like the threads are never returned to the pool.
I set the connectionTimeout to 2 (Isuppose 20 secs.) but no help.


In the jk2.log I see a lot of messages like this:


[Thu Sep 11 10:47:21 2003] (error ) [jk_worker_ajp13.c (416)]
ajp13.service() ajpGetReply recoverable error 3

[Thu Sep 11 10:47:22 2003] (error ) [jk_service_iis.c (157)]
jk_ws_service_t::head, ServerSupportFunction failed

[Thu Sep 11 10:47:22 2003] (error ) [jk_handler_response.c (178)]
handler.response() Error sending response[Thu Sep 11 10:47:22 2003]
(error ) [jk_worker_ajp13.c (416)]  ajp13.service() ajpGetReply
recoverable error 3


Also, I get messages like this:


[Thu Sep 11 12:43:45 2003] (error ) [jk_channel_socket.c (557)]
channelSocket.receive(): Error receiving message body -1 53

[Thu Sep 11 12:43:45 2003] (error ) [jk_workerEnv.c (482)]
workerEnv.processCallbacks() Error reading reply

[Thu Sep 11 12:43:45 2003] (error ) [jk_worker_ajp13.c (416)]
ajp13.service() ajpGetReply recoverable error 12



Victor Popiol

Chief Technology Officer  Co-Founder
Comerxia, Inc. (formerly
Ph: 954-862-0020


dbcp, initCtx.close()??

2003-09-12 Thread Paul
Tomcat docs advise following code for openning a dbcp connection:

// Obtain our environment naming context
Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
Context envCtx = (Context)initCtx.lookup(java:comp/env);

// Look up our data source
DataSource ds = (DataSource)envCtx.lookup(jdbc/eplResrc);

However, the Tomcat docs do not say anything about closing initCtx.  Does this need to 
be explicitly closed in developer code?  Will not-closing-it create memory leaks?  The 
reason i ask is because i came across example of closing context in that Wrox book, 
Professional Apache Tomcat, as follows:

initCtx.close();  // closed after conn is closed (see Wrox, p.327)

-paul lomack

RE: dbcp, initCtx.close()??

2003-09-12 Thread Phillip Qin
I close Context right after I get DataSource. Then I can still do
dataSource.getConnection(). So this close will not connection.

-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: September 12, 2003 2:19 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: dbcp, initCtx.close()??

Tomcat docs advise following code for openning a dbcp connection:

// Obtain our environment naming context
Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
Context envCtx = (Context)initCtx.lookup(java:comp/env);

// Look up our data source
DataSource ds = (DataSource)envCtx.lookup(jdbc/eplResrc);

However, the Tomcat docs do not say anything about closing initCtx.  Does
this need to be explicitly closed in developer code?  Will not-closing-it
create memory leaks?  The reason i ask is because i came across example of
closing context in that Wrox book, Professional Apache Tomcat, as follows:

initCtx.close();  // closed after conn is closed (see Wrox, p.327)

-paul lomack

RE: dbcp, initCtx.close()??

2003-09-12 Thread Shapira, Yoav

As long as you keep the initial context reference inside a method, and
not a class member variable, you'll be fine, especially if all you're
doing is just getting one resource (the DataSource) out of it.  The
initial context will then go out of scope and be garbage collected,
freeing up its resources, when the method exits.

If you have the context as a member variable or in a long-lived method,
closing it is a good idea.

Regardless, closing it can't do harm.  It doesn't do that much good
either, but at least it can't do harm ;)

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Phillip Qin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 2:20 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: dbcp, initCtx.close()??

I close Context right after I get DataSource. Then I can still do
dataSource.getConnection(). So this close will not connection.

-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: September 12, 2003 2:19 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: dbcp, initCtx.close()??

Tomcat docs advise following code for openning a dbcp connection:

// Obtain our environment naming context
Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
Context envCtx = (Context)initCtx.lookup(java:comp/env);

// Look up our data source
DataSource ds = (DataSource)envCtx.lookup(jdbc/eplResrc);

However, the Tomcat docs do not say anything about closing initCtx.
this need to be explicitly closed in developer code?  Will
create memory leaks?  The reason i ask is because i came across example
closing context in that Wrox book, Professional Apache Tomcat, as

initCtx.close();  // closed after conn is closed (see Wrox, p.327)

-paul lomack

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Odd Network error using DBCP - help please

2003-09-12 Thread Neil M. Johnson

Hi, I have set up a connection pool to mySQL 
and get an error when trying to connect to it. The error is
org.apache.commons.dbcp.DbcpException: java.sql.SQLException: Unable to connect 
to any hosts due to exception: Address 
already in use: connect 

The full message follows this 

This seems a very strange error as it 
appears to be coming from within the driver when it tries to make a 
connection. I can connect to the database by loading the driver and 
connecting directly and this works. It is only when I try it through 
Connection pooling that it fails.

This is a development system set up 
specifically for this project. I have installed MySQL and Tomcat 
4.1.27. I have stopped and restarted the server several 

I have also attached the section of XML from 
server.xml and my web.xml file for this project(ignore the DBCP 
prefix). Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Neil

HTTP Status 500 - 

type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it 
from fulfilling this request.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.sql.SQLException: Unable to connect 
to any hosts due to exception: Address already in use: 
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(

root cause 
org.apache.commons.dbcp.DbcpException: java.sql.SQLException: Unable to 
connect to any hosts due to exception: Address already 
in use: connect
at org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject(Unknown 
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(

web applications.

2003-09-12 Thread Jason Lanpher
Hi everyone.  

 I was just wondering how you might handle working with 
clients/developers in enabling them to restart thier web applications 
when they make changes to:
1) web.xml file.
2) Servlets
3) Java Beans
4) etc.

Now I know about the manager application and developing with ANT.  
But, I was wondering if there was another way to restart web 
applications.  Something that maybe had the same functionality as the 
manager application but didn't give access to everyone elses web 

Thanks in advance.

Jason Lanpher


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RE: web applications.

2003-09-12 Thread Phillip Qin
Do you mean Tomcat? I like tomcat manager application. However it doesn't
work with java security manager. I have to shutdown web server in order to
incorporate my changes.

-Original Message-
From: Jason Lanpher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: September 11, 2003 3:04 PM
Cc: Twin Cities Java Users Group
Subject: web applications.

Hi everyone.  

 I was just wondering how you might handle working with 
clients/developers in enabling them to restart thier web applications 
when they make changes to:
1) web.xml file.
2) Servlets
3) Java Beans
4) etc.

Now I know about the manager application and developing with ANT.  
But, I was wondering if there was another way to restart web 
applications.  Something that maybe had the same functionality as the 
manager application but didn't give access to everyone elses web 

Thanks in advance.

Jason Lanpher


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Isapi_redirect closing HTTP connection

2003-09-12 Thread Eric Jacobson
Has anyone else noticed that IIS closes the HTTP connection on every
request? When using HTTP/1.1, Keep-Alive is supposed to be the default
behavior, but the headers returned from IIS look like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 15:16:03 GMT
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Connection: close
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 15:16:03 GMT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Where IIS is always adding the Connection: close header and is closing
down the connection. Even if I try adding the HTTP/1.0 style Connection:
Keep-Alive to my request, the response still closes the connection.

Note that when I connect directly to Tomcat, the connection remains open as
expected. Also if I use Apache, the connection behaves properly. The problem
is only occurring with IIS.

I am using Tomcat 4.1.24 with the isapi_redirect.dll 1.2.2 on Windows 2000
with IIS 5.0

Eric Jacobson
FileMaker Inc.

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Isapi_redirect closing HTTP connection

2003-09-12 Thread Eric Jacobson
Has anyone else noticed that IIS closes the HTTP connection on every
request? When using HTTP/1.1, Keep-Alive is supposed to be the default
behavior, but the headers returned from IIS look like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 15:16:03 GMT
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Connection: close
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 15:16:03 GMT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Where IIS is always adding the Connection: close header and is closing
down the connection. Even if I try adding the HTTP/1.0 style Connection:
Keep-Alive to my request, the response still closes the connection.

Note that when I connect directly to Tomcat, the connection remains open as
expected. Also if I use Apache, the connection behaves properly. The problem
is only occurring with IIS.

I am using Tomcat 4.1.24 with the isapi_redirect.dll 1.2.2 on Windows 2000
with IIS 5.0

Eric Jacobson
FileMaker Inc.

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BindException :: Shutdown Port 8005 :: Solaris 5.9

2003-09-12 Thread Juanpablo Lajud
Hi all,

I am experiencing difficulties with port 8005. It crashes
with a BindException after trying to start it.

OS:  SunOS 5.9
www2# java -showversion
java version 1.4.0_03
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0_03-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0_03-b04, mixed mode)

I have tried 5 different Tomcat Versions:

3.3.1a  - Works

4.1.18  - Crashes
4.1.27  - Crashes
5.0.11  - Crashes
Sun JWSDP 1.2   - Crashes

In all cases after waiting for $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ quite a while.
I get the following error at  $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out:

StandardServer.await: create[8005]: Cannot assign
requested address Cannot assign requested address
at Method)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.await(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

I have checked if I have a server using that specific port and
it  doesn?t seem to be the case.

www2# netstat -an | grep 8080

I even tried by changing the port on the server.xml file to another and it
to crash.

The user with which I am trying to start the service is root. I don?t see
it wouldn?t have permission to start it.

I have checked who is the owner of the Tomcat Files, and in all cases it is

www2# ls -la
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 788 Dec 19  2002

Do you have a clue on what is going on here, is there any well known problem

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RE: BindException :: Shutdown Port 8005 :: Solaris 5.9

2003-09-12 Thread Mike Curwen
What do you get with:
 netstat -an | grep 8005
If you get: 
tcp0  0*

It might be that Tomcat didn't manage to completely kill itself on a
previous shutdown.
Do you get anything with this?
ps -ax | grep [o]rg.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start | awk
'{printf $1  }'

If you do, kill the first pid in the list, rerun the ps query, and if it
still returns anything, kill the next pid in the list, and so on until
it's dead.
netstat again, and see if there is still a tcp connection  open

 -Original Message-
 From: Juanpablo Lajud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 2:12 PM
 Subject: BindException :: Shutdown Port 8005 :: Solaris 5.9
 Hi all,
 I am experiencing difficulties with port 8005. It crashes
 with a BindException after trying to start it.
   OS:  SunOS 5.9
   www2# java -showversion
   java version 1.4.0_03
   Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 
   Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0_03-b04, mixed mode)
 I have tried 5 different Tomcat Versions:
   3.3.1a  - Works
   4.1.18  - Crashes
   4.1.27  - Crashes
   5.0.11  - Crashes
   Sun JWSDP 1.2   - Crashes
 In all cases after waiting for $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ 
 quite a while. I get the following error at  
 StandardServer.await: create[8005]: 
 Cannot assign requested address Cannot assign requested address
 at Method)
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 I have checked if I have a server using that specific port 
 and it  doesn?t seem to be the case.
 www2# netstat -an | grep 8080
 I even tried by changing the port on the server.xml file to 
 another and it continues to crash.
 The user with which I am trying to start the service is root. 
 I don?t see why it wouldn?t have permission to start it.
 I have checked who is the owner of the Tomcat Files, and in 
 all cases it is root.
 www2# ls -la
 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 788 Dec 19  2002
 Do you have a clue on what is going on here, is there any 
 well known problem or
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RE: BindException :: Shutdown Port 8005 :: Solaris 5.9

2003-09-12 Thread Mike Curwen
Thinking about that a bit more.. if it's 3.3.1a that works, then THAT
maybe be the version that is still running... so grep'ing for  
   [o]rg.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
won't work, if this is indeed the problem. 

more questinos for others:
1) Did 3.3.x use 8005 for the shutdown signal?
2) What's the appropriate thing to grep for ?

 -Original Message-
 From: Juanpablo Lajud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 2:12 PM
 Subject: BindException :: Shutdown Port 8005 :: Solaris 5.9
 Hi all,
 I am experiencing difficulties with port 8005. It crashes
 with a BindException after trying to start it.
   OS:  SunOS 5.9
   www2# java -showversion
   java version 1.4.0_03
   Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 
   Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0_03-b04, mixed mode)
 I have tried 5 different Tomcat Versions:
   3.3.1a  - Works
   4.1.18  - Crashes
   4.1.27  - Crashes
   5.0.11  - Crashes
   Sun JWSDP 1.2   - Crashes
 In all cases after waiting for $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ 
 quite a while. I get the following error at  
 StandardServer.await: create[8005]: 
 Cannot assign requested address Cannot assign requested address
 at Method)
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 I have checked if I have a server using that specific port 
 and it  doesn?t seem to be the case.
 www2# netstat -an | grep 8080
 I even tried by changing the port on the server.xml file to 
 another and it continues to crash.
 The user with which I am trying to start the service is root. 
 I don?t see why it wouldn?t have permission to start it.
 I have checked who is the owner of the Tomcat Files, and in 
 all cases it is root.
 www2# ls -la
 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 788 Dec 19  2002
 Do you have a clue on what is going on here, is there any 
 well known problem or
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Re: AW: Exception in Tomcat?

2003-09-12 Thread Bjørn T Johansen
Oki, thanks...

Does anyone know which settings to change?


On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 16:09, Rob Augustinus wrote:

 there are some timeout settings you can set..(I think)
 either in apache or else.. not sure where..
 Holger Klawitter wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 I have a Struts app that's running under Tomcat 4.1.27 and now and then
 I get this in my log:
 11.sep.2003 10:44:13 org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler action
 SEVERE: Error in action code Broken pipe
 at Method)
 AFAIK these errors occur when the browser (or Apache) closes the connection 
 before the page has completely being served. I haven't found anything to do 
 about it have neither found anything to improve with my webapps. Well making 
 them faster helps a bit ;-)
 Mit freundlichem Gru / With kind regards
  Holger Klawitter
 - --
 lists at klawitter dot de
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RE: BindException :: Shutdown Port 8005 :: Solaris 5.9

2003-09-12 Thread Juanpablo Lajud
There is no process LISTENING at port 8005

www2#netstat -an 8005

And I tried checking on ps -af

and there is nothing left there.

-Mensaje original-
De: Mike Curwen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: Viernes, 12 de Septiembre de 2003 02:27 p.m.
Para: 'Tomcat Users List'
Asunto: RE: BindException :: Shutdown Port 8005 :: Solaris 5.9

Thinking about that a bit more.. if it's 3.3.1a that works, then THAT
maybe be the version that is still running... so grep'ing for  
   [o]rg.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
won't work, if this is indeed the problem. 

more questinos for others:
1) Did 3.3.x use 8005 for the shutdown signal?
2) What's the appropriate thing to grep for ?

 -Original Message-
 From: Juanpablo Lajud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 2:12 PM
 Subject: BindException :: Shutdown Port 8005 :: Solaris 5.9
 Hi all,
 I am experiencing difficulties with port 8005. It crashes
 with a BindException after trying to start it.
   OS:  SunOS 5.9
   www2# java -showversion
   java version 1.4.0_03
   Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 
   Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0_03-b04, mixed mode)
 I have tried 5 different Tomcat Versions:
   3.3.1a  - Works
   4.1.18  - Crashes
   4.1.27  - Crashes
   5.0.11  - Crashes
   Sun JWSDP 1.2   - Crashes
 In all cases after waiting for $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ 
 quite a while. I get the following error at  
 StandardServer.await: create[8005]: 
 Cannot assign requested address Cannot assign requested address
 at Method)
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 I have checked if I have a server using that specific port 
 and it  doesn?t seem to be the case.
 www2# netstat -an | grep 8080
 I even tried by changing the port on the server.xml file to 
 another and it continues to crash.
 The user with which I am trying to start the service is root. 
 I don?t see why it wouldn?t have permission to start it.
 I have checked who is the owner of the Tomcat Files, and in 
 all cases it is root.
 www2# ls -la
 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 788 Dec 19  2002
 Do you have a clue on what is going on here, is there any 
 well known problem or
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RE: Tomcat 5.0 install - Please Help

2003-09-12 Thread Giri Gopal

O.K I uninstalled the JDK stuff and Tomcat 5.0. Reinstalled Java 2SDK 1.4.2.
and trying to install Tomcat 5.0. I get an error message stating Java
Virtual Machine not found?.

Now what do I do? I installed the JVM from Microsoft site, reboot my PC and
still getting the same error. Please Help.

Giri Gopal

-Original Message-
From: Jacob Kjome [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 10:19 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat 5.0 install - Please Help

First, install your JDK to the root of the C: drive, not under Program
Files.  Spaces in the path mess things up usually.  Second, it is
JAVA_HOME, not Java_Home.  And do you have %JAVA_HOME%\bin in your system
Path variable?


At 08:38 AM 9/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
I downloaded Tomcat 5.0. Installed on W2K machine. Tomcat Starts O.K. I am
able to test all the samples and works fine. I create a simple JSP page and
I get the following error.

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

No Java compiler was found to compile the generated source for the JSP.
This can usually be solved by copying manually $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
the JDK
to the common/lib directory of the Tomcat server, followed by a Tomcat
If using an alternate Java compiler, please check its installation and
access path.







I have installed Java 2SDK 1.4.2. I am also new to the java stuff. How do I
ensure the class path stuff is correct?. My class path is under user
variables, should it be in system variables?. The  System Variables
Java_Home shows as: c:\program Files\j2sdk_nb\j2sdk1.4.2\bin.  Is this
correct.  Where can I find some sample JSP pages and servlets written to
access oracle db and the setup required for Tomcat?

Can some one please help.


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RE: Tomcat 5.0 install - Please Help

2003-09-12 Thread prashant . budhale

1. Make sure the following environment variables are set correctly:

 JAVA_HOME points to C:\j2sdk1.4.2 (correct folder if changed)
 CLASSPATH points to %JAVA_HOME%\lib
 PATH points to %JAVA_HOME%\bin

2. copy $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar to the common/lib directory of the Tomcat
3. Update your registry to reflect the new JVM location:

key:  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Services/Apache
Tomcat/Parameters/JVM Library
value:  C:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll

Hope this helps,

| |   Giri Gopal |
| |   .com|
| ||
| |   09/12/03 03:01 PM|
| |   Please respond to|
| |   Tomcat Users|
| |   List|
| ||
  |   To:   Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  RE: Tomcat 5.0 install - Please Help   


O.K I uninstalled the JDK stuff and Tomcat 5.0. Reinstalled Java 2SDK
and trying to install Tomcat 5.0. I get an error message stating Java
Virtual Machine not found?.

Now what do I do? I installed the JVM from Microsoft site, reboot my PC and
still getting the same error. Please Help.

Giri Gopal

-Original Message-
From: Jacob Kjome [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 10:19 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat 5.0 install - Please Help

First, install your JDK to the root of the C: drive, not under Program
Files.  Spaces in the path mess things up usually.  Second, it is
JAVA_HOME, not Java_Home.  And do you have %JAVA_HOME%\bin in your system
Path variable?


At 08:38 AM 9/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
I downloaded Tomcat 5.0. Installed on W2K machine. Tomcat Starts O.K. I am
able to test all the samples and works fine. I create a simple JSP page
I get the following error.

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

No Java compiler was found to compile the generated source for the JSP.
This can usually be solved by copying manually $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
the JDK
to the common/lib directory of the Tomcat server, followed by a Tomcat
If using an alternate Java compiler, please check its installation and
access path.











I have installed Java 2SDK 1.4.2. I am also new to the java stuff. How do
ensure the class path stuff is correct?. My class path is under user
variables, should it be in system variables?. The  System Variables
Java_Home shows as: c:\program Files\j2sdk_nb\j2sdk1.4.2\bin.  Is this
correct.  Where can I find some sample JSP pages and servlets written to
access oracle db and the setup required for Tomcat?

Can some one please help.


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Re: how to use single dbcp resource across multiple webapps

2003-09-12 Thread Paul
in case anyone has any suggestions ...

in server.xml i specified jndi dbcp datasource, ie, Resource
name=jdbc/eplResrc auth=Container type=javax.sql.DataSource/
ResourceParams name=jdbc/eplResrc within GlobalNamingResources

then in each CONTEXT definitions, i added:

ResourceLink name=jdbc/eplResrc global=jdbc/eplResrc

where the CONTEXT tag for ROOT is as follows: Context path=
docBase=ROOT debug=0

The result is that db access occurs successfully for non-root web app, but
NOT for root web app.  Based on the assumption that may be a problem or
added complexity in configuring this resource link with the root web app, i
am going to test connectivity for a second non-root web app.  Any other
suggestions welcome.

-paul lomack

- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: how to use single dbcp resource across multiple webapps

 i think i may have found an answer.

 from the archives, message subject ResourceLink and DefaultContext, Cam
 Smith reported following:

 If I place the ResourceLink inside explicity declared Context
 elements, all works fine and I can access the data source from multiple

 Cam also provides example server.xml scripts pertaining to above.
 Furthermore, Colin Madere advises same solution:

 Many recent posts regarding this with problems using ResourceLinks in the
 DefaultContext, but if you're explicitly defining your contexts as it
 appears you are, it should work (link global resource in each Context you
 want to use it in).

 So, i am going to try to configure this.  It is just a matter of wadding
 hip-deep in the insect and reptile infested swamps of Tomcat's xml tag

 -paul lomack

 - Original Message - 
 From: Wynkoop, Robert M [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 3:41 PM
 Subject: RE: how to use single dbcp resource across multiple webapps

  I just went through this exercise today.
  (See msgs with subject = java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver
  class 'null')
  I do not know why it does not work when set up in the global
  admin puts datasources here).  Let us know if you get an answer.
  Robert Wynkoop
  -Original Message-
  From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 2:04 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: how to use single dbcp resource across multiple webapps
  i setup dbcp according to Tomcat docs successfully for one web app, but
  tried to use resource (defined in server.xml) in second web app (with
  appropriate WEB-INF/web.xml), get the following:
  java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'
  meanwhile, dbcp resource works fine with first app.
  i figure it is because the resource is defined within following context,
  where path specifies first web app:
  Context path=/epl docBase=epl debug=5 reloadable=true
  do i need to define a second context and dbcp resource, or is there some
  to use a single dbcp resource across contexts/web-apps?
  -paul lomack
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Memory Leak with static content

2003-09-12 Thread Seth Newton

OS: Sparc-Solaris 9
JDK: 1.4.0_02
Tomcat: 4.1.27

I start tomcat and it takes up about 45MB of RAM.  I wrote a script to email me every 
ten minutes the amount of memory it's taking up.  The results are showing me that it 
gains about 1MB every 10 minutes or so (on average).  If I let it go, it will grow 
until it runs out of memory.  Right now, I have a script to restart tomcat after the 
memory is too high.  This is a bad solution.  I've looked at a LOT of people's 
suggestions from other threads, and I have tried the following:

-Use jikes
-Set development to false in web.xml
-Increase the heap sizes 
-set fork to true in web.xml

Other Info:
-I'm using Tomcat to feed about 6 sites with static content.  I have one jsp page that 
handles all of our forms, and all that does is capture the input and send it to an 
email address.  It is the only code I have anywhere.  This jsp page is not causing the 
memory leak.
-I had the same problem with 4.1.17, and was hoping that an update would help, but it 
-This is an incremental increase, and doesn't seem to have much to do with traffic 
patterns or how much I use my one jsp page.

Any suggestions would be great.

Re: Tomcat 5.0 install - Please Help

2003-09-12 Thread Dave Butler
Also make sure no spaces in path like Program Files.

- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 1:25 PM
Subject: RE: Tomcat 5.0 install - Please Help

 1. Make sure the following environment variables are set correctly:

  JAVA_HOME points to C:\j2sdk1.4.2 (correct folder if changed)
  CLASSPATH points to %JAVA_HOME%\lib
  PATH points to %JAVA_HOME%\bin

 2. copy $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar to the common/lib directory of the Tomcat
 3. Update your registry to reflect the new JVM location:

 key:  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Services/Apache
 Tomcat/Parameters/JVM Library
 value:  C:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll

 Hope this helps,

 | |   Giri Gopal |
 | |   .com|
 | ||
 | |   09/12/03 03:01 PM|
 | |   Please respond to|
 | |   Tomcat Users|
 | |   List|
 | ||

   |   To:   Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   |   cc:
   |   Subject:  RE: Tomcat 5.0 install - Please Help



 O.K I uninstalled the JDK stuff and Tomcat 5.0. Reinstalled Java 2SDK
 and trying to install Tomcat 5.0. I get an error message stating Java
 Virtual Machine not found?.

 Now what do I do? I installed the JVM from Microsoft site, reboot my PC
 still getting the same error. Please Help.

 Giri Gopal

 -Original Message-
 From: Jacob Kjome [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 10:19 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Tomcat 5.0 install - Please Help

 First, install your JDK to the root of the C: drive, not under Program
 Files.  Spaces in the path mess things up usually.  Second, it is
 JAVA_HOME, not Java_Home.  And do you have %JAVA_HOME%\bin in your system
 Path variable?


 At 08:38 AM 9/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
 I downloaded Tomcat 5.0. Installed on W2K machine. Tomcat Starts O.K. I
 able to test all the samples and works fine. I create a simple JSP page
 I get the following error.
 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
 No Java compiler was found to compile the generated source for the JSP.
 This can usually be solved by copying manually $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
 the JDK
 to the common/lib directory of the Tomcat server, followed by a Tomcat
 If using an alternate Java compiler, please check its installation and
 access path.








 I have installed Java 2SDK 1.4.2. I am also new to the java stuff. How do
 ensure the class path stuff is correct?. My class path is under user
 variables, should it be in system variables?. The  System Variables
 Java_Home shows as: c:\program Files\j2sdk_nb\j2sdk1.4.2\bin.  Is this
 correct.  Where can I find some sample JSP pages and servlets written to
 access oracle db and the setup required for Tomcat?
 Can some one please help.
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Re: Memory Leak with static content

2003-09-12 Thread Paul
   you sure it is not the operating system itself.

- Original Message - 
From: Seth Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 4:57 PM
Subject: Memory Leak with static content


OS: Sparc-Solaris 9
JDK: 1.4.0_02
Tomcat: 4.1.27

I start tomcat and it takes up about 45MB of RAM.  I wrote a script to email
me every ten minutes the amount of memory it's taking up.  The results are
showing me that it gains about 1MB every 10 minutes or so (on average).  If
I let it go, it will grow until it runs out of memory.  Right now, I have a
script to restart tomcat after the memory is too high.  This is a bad
solution.  I've looked at a LOT of people's suggestions from other threads,
and I have tried the following:

-Use jikes
-Set development to false in web.xml
-Increase the heap sizes
-set fork to true in web.xml

Other Info:
-I'm using Tomcat to feed about 6 sites with static content.  I have one jsp
page that handles all of our forms, and all that does is capture the input
and send it to an email address.  It is the only code I have anywhere.  This
jsp page is not causing the memory leak.
-I had the same problem with 4.1.17, and was hoping that an update would
help, but it didn't.
-This is an incremental increase, and doesn't seem to have much to do with
traffic patterns or how much I use my one jsp page.

Any suggestions would be great.

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Java Mail Question

2003-09-12 Thread Peter Vertes
Hello All,

Quick question about Tomcat and Java Mail.  When I create a JNDI
mail resource will it act like a Connection Pool ?  Meaning, will there
always be a session logged into the specified SMTP server or will Tomcat
only log into the SMTP server once I explicitly ask for a session ? 
Thanks in advance...


perl -e 'print pack(H*, 70766572746573406E79632E72722E636F6D0A)'

RE: Memory Leak with static content

2003-09-12 Thread Nikolaos Giannopoulos

Have you tried JDK 1.4.2?  1.4.0 has been known to have a memory leak in the
StringBuffer implementation w.r.t. re-using StringBuffers but you mention
that your only serving static content so this may not be it.

However, I believe that I read that something like 2000 bugs have been fixed
in 1.4.2 (if my memory serves me well).  We have have no visible problems
running tomcat 4.1.12/18 stand alone w/ 1.4.2 on Solaris 8 on 4 boxes (no
JSPs - just servlets and static content).

Please reply back if this works or does not work for you - we are looking at
upgrading our Tomcat instances in the near future.



 -Original Message-
 From: Seth Newton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 4:58 PM
 Subject: Memory Leak with static content


 OS: Sparc-Solaris 9
 JDK: 1.4.0_02
 Tomcat: 4.1.27

 I start tomcat and it takes up about 45MB of RAM.  I wrote a
 script to email me every ten minutes the amount of memory it's
 taking up.  The results are showing me that it gains about 1MB
 every 10 minutes or so (on average).  If I let it go, it will
 grow until it runs out of memory.  Right now, I have a script to
 restart tomcat after the memory is too high.  This is a bad
 solution.  I've looked at a LOT of people's suggestions from
 other threads, and I have tried the following:

 -Use jikes
 -Set development to false in web.xml
 -Increase the heap sizes
 -set fork to true in web.xml

 Other Info:
 -I'm using Tomcat to feed about 6 sites with static content.  I
 have one jsp page that handles all of our forms, and all that
 does is capture the input and send it to an email address.  It
 is the only code I have anywhere.  This jsp page is not causing
 the memory leak.
 -I had the same problem with 4.1.17, and was hoping that an
 update would help, but it didn't.
 -This is an incremental increase, and doesn't seem to have much
 to do with traffic patterns or how much I use my one jsp page.

 Any suggestions would be great.

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RE: Using jdk1.4 logger problem

2003-09-12 Thread Chan, Kam Yuen
Moving the the jar over to endorsed helped. But I am still having some problems.

In short, our application is packaged up in 4 jars, plus some third party library 
One of the jar is the framework jar, which contains the logger classes. 
Another jar contains classes for the Servlet's and JSP's to use.
Two other jars contain the back end application  (application jars).

Ideally, I would like to place all these jars in the WEB-INF/lib directory (or some 
place that is not common). Based on Bill's suggestion, I moved the framework jar 
over to endorsed, and the CL can now find the logger classes.

During one of servlet initialization, we initializes a bunch of back end stuff, 
which uses classes in the application jars. 

Here is the problem. Classes in the servlet jar has no problem. But all the classes in 
the application jar is still causing ClassNotFoundException, during this 
initialization.  This is evern after Tomcat's log said the jar was deployed. 

Any help is much appreciated.

Kam Chan

-Original Message-
From: Bill Barker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: Using jdk1.4 logger problem

Chan, Kam Yuen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I am trying to load our App in Tomcat.
 One of the initialization is being done by a Servlet, which is set to
autoload. During this initialization, we also initializes the logger, which
are subclasses of the JDK1.4 logger classes.

 But, some how the logger manager can't find the handler classes. (Class
loader problem?)

Yup, it's a CL problem.  Unfortunately, it looks like the problem is in
Sun's implementation of 1.4 Logging.  Instead of using the
ContextClassLoader, it's looking for your class in the AppClassLoader
(which, of course, knows nothing about your class :).

At the moment, the only work-around I can see is to place your jar in
$CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed.  Of course, if it will make you feel better,
you can also b*tch at Sun for not designing their Logging implementation in
a way that is friendly to app-servers ;-).

 Please see below the stack trace.  You will see that the
resoft.framework.logging.DBHandler is the class that can't be found. But it
is in the same package and jar as the resoft.framework.logging.ResoftLogger,
which was invoked in the middle of the stack.

 The jar is placed in the WEB-INF/lib directory.

 Thanks in advance for your Help.

 Kam Chan

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Tomcat Web Server Admin Tool Login

2003-09-12 Thread Kirk Hollows
I am trying to log into the Tomcat Web Admin Tool and cannot find any reference to the 
default login amd password.  Please advise what they are or better yet where it is in 
the documentation.

Thanks in Advance,

Kirk Hollows

Re: how to use single dbcp resource across multiple webapps

2003-09-12 Thread Paul
in case anyone has any suggestions ...

in server.xml i specified jndi dbcp datasource, ie, Resource
name=jdbc/eplResrc auth=Container type=javax.sql.DataSource/
ResourceParams name=jdbc/eplResrc within GlobalNamingResources

then in each CONTEXT definitions, i added:

ResourceLink name=jdbc/eplResrc global=jdbc/eplResrc

where the CONTEXT tag for ROOT is as follows: Context path=
docBase=ROOT debug=0

The result is that db access occurs successfully for non-root web app, but
NOT for root web app.  Based on the assumption that may be a problem or
added complexity in configuring this resource link with the root web app, i
am going to test connectivity for a second non-root web app.  Any other
suggestions welcome.

-paul lomack

- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: how to use single dbcp resource across multiple webapps

 i think i may have found an answer.

 from the archives, message subject ResourceLink and DefaultContext, Cam
 Smith reported following:

 If I place the ResourceLink inside explicity declared Context
 elements, all works fine and I can access the data source from multiple

 Cam also provides example server.xml scripts pertaining to above.
 Furthermore, Colin Madere advises same solution:

 Many recent posts regarding this with problems using ResourceLinks in the
 DefaultContext, but if you're explicitly defining your contexts as it
 appears you are, it should work (link global resource in each Context you
 want to use it in).

 So, i am going to try to configure this.  It is just a matter of wadding
 hip-deep in the insect and reptile infested swamps of Tomcat's xml tag

 -paul lomack

 - Original Message - 
 From: Wynkoop, Robert M [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 3:41 PM
 Subject: RE: how to use single dbcp resource across multiple webapps

  I just went through this exercise today.
  (See msgs with subject = java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver
  class 'null')
  I do not know why it does not work when set up in the global
  admin puts datasources here).  Let us know if you get an answer.
  Robert Wynkoop
  -Original Message-
  From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 2:04 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: how to use single dbcp resource across multiple webapps
  i setup dbcp according to Tomcat docs successfully for one web app, but
  tried to use resource (defined in server.xml) in second web app (with
  appropriate WEB-INF/web.xml), get the following:
  java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'
  meanwhile, dbcp resource works fine with first app.
  i figure it is because the resource is defined within following context,
  where path specifies first web app:
  Context path=/epl docBase=epl debug=5 reloadable=true
  do i need to define a second context and dbcp resource, or is there some
  to use a single dbcp resource across contexts/web-apps?
  -paul lomack
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new Aspen Group Email

2003-09-12 Thread gatkin
Due to problems with SPAM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] has been discontinued.

Please note my new email address. To prevent automated systems from obtaining my new 
email address, I will spell out the @ symbol. Please send all future email to:


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Re: Tomcat Web Server Admin Tool Login

2003-09-12 Thread Peter Vertes
On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 16:55, Kirk Hollows wrote:

 I am trying to log into the Tomcat Web Admin Tool and cannot find any reference to 
 the default login amd password.  Please advise what they are or better yet where it 
 is in the documentation.
 Thanks in Advance,
 Kirk Hollows


Check out the file $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml  You can
find out the initial username/passwords that work or you could change
them in that file.


perl -e 'print pack(H*, 70766572746573406E79632E72722E636F6D0A)'

reload and ROOT problem

2003-09-12 Thread Rishikesh Tembe
Hi all,

I am facing two problems with v4.1.27.

1. After I reload the servlet by copying it into its directory in
WEB-INF/classes, I get the foll. error when I try to access the reladed
HTTP Status 503 - This application is not currently available

2. Any apps placed in the ROOT context are not accessible. I am running
all my apps in the examples context right now.

Any tips on what's missing?



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Re: Memory Leak with static content

2003-09-12 Thread James Harman

As you mentioned taht the jsp page is not the problem I hope that you 
have looked to make sure that you are closing off any input/ouput 
streams and other resources involved in sending the email right?


Seth Newton wrote:

-I'm using Tomcat to feed about 6 sites with static content.  I have one jsp page that handles all of our forms, and all that does is capture the input and send it to an email address.  It is the only code I have anywhere.  This jsp page is not causing the memory leak.


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Re: Obtaining client connection

2003-09-12 Thread Bill Barker
It sounds like all you want is
request.getRemoteAddr()/request.getRemoteHost().  These give you the
IP/DNS-name of the client's box.  All of this is taken from the Socket
(since there really isn't any other way to get at it).

If you need to get the IP on your machine that they connected to, then you
can't.  request.getServerName() reports what was sent in the Headers.

Peter Guyatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi There,

 I am not too sure if you are actually able to do this but I have a need to
 get the IP address/hostname of the client that has accessed a page in our
 web application.

 This is mainly for security/auditing purposes, however I really need to
 the client Socket connection and not the ip address given in the
 of the HTTP header.

 Is there any way of obtaining a handle on the client socket that has
 connected to the server.

 Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

 Currently we are using Tomcat version 4.1.18

 Many Thanks

 Pete Guyatt

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Re: 4.1.27-hotfix-22096.tar.gz source code ?

2003-09-12 Thread Bill Barker
The patch appears to be:

webmaster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi all,

 Where can I find the source code for the  4.1.27-hotfix-22096.tar.gz  ? It
can be just the patch file either.

 Thanks !

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Using encodeURL - do we have to pass the jsessionID around?

2003-09-12 Thread Anson Zeall
Hi guys.

I still don't quite get how to really use encodeURL and
encodeRedirectURL. Yes I know the syntax and how to put in the link but we have to pass the ID around to get page?



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Tomcat 4.1 - 5.0 Web-app Porting

2003-09-12 Thread prashant . budhale
I am trying to port a web-application originally written with Tomcat 4.1 to
Tomcat 5.0. The application uses struts and throws the following exception
when launched:

The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from
fulfilling this request.




Relevant Index.jsp and index_jsp code is as follows:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html%
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %

html:html !-- this is where it crashes -- (line 67)
  org.apache.struts.taglib.html.HtmlTag _jspx_th_html_html_0
= (org.apache.struts.taglib.html.HtmlTag)

I am not using any actions at this time. I copied new strut libraries
shipped with Tomcat 5.0 to the application's WEB-IN/lib folder and my
struts-config.xml looks like this:


!-- == Form Bean Definitions
=== --
!-- == Global Forward Definitions
== --
forward name=success path=/HomePage.jsp/
forward name=noLicense path=/ErrorPage.jsp?code=noLicense/
!-- == Action Mapping Definitions
== --


Am I missing anything? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Tomcat 4.1 - 5.0 Web-app Porting

2003-09-12 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 16:01:57 -0500
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Tomcat 4.1 - 5.0 Web-app Porting

 I am trying to port a web-application originally written with Tomcat 4.1 to
 Tomcat 5.0. The application uses struts and throws the following exception
 when launched:

 The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from
 fulfilling this request.




Which specific version of Tomcat 5.0.x are you trying?  I seem to recall
that there were a couple of bugs in the tag pooling code that could bite
you in a page with lots of tags (typical of Struts apps), but that these
bugs were fixed in 5.0.9.

If that doesn't fix the problem, you can also turn off tag pooling with a
servlet init parameter -- read the docs in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml
for which one needs to be set.


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